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Version changes
Game System
Game Configuration
Status Screen
Private Actions & Kanjodo (Emotional Points)
Ending System
Crawd C. Kenny
Rena Lanford
Celine Jules
Bowman Jean
Dias Flac
Precis F Neuman
Ashton Anchors
Leon D.S. Gesde
Opera Vectra
Noel Chandler
Chisato Madison
Spells and Hissatsuwaza
Skill System
Chishiki Kanren (Knowledge-Related)
Kankaku Kanren (Sensation-Related)
Gijutsu Kanren (Skill-Related)
Sento Kanren (Combat-Related)
Tokugi and Super Tokugi
Super Tokugi
Item Creation Data
Master Chef
Reverse Side
Useful Items
Machines/Miscellaneous items
The Arena
The Bunny Races
The Cooking Master Contest
Hints, Tips, and Easter Eggs
Galaxy and Universe Mode
Insta-kill Technique
The Save Game Swap Technique
Changing Party Makeup with the Save Game Swap
Kanjodo/Ending Manipulation
Powering up your characters with little effort
Miscellaneous Tips
This is my preliminary release of a FAQ for Star Ocean: The Second Story. It
doesn't provide any walkthrough for the game, but covers the basic system, item
creations, and other basic aspects of the game. The instruction manual is not
exactly thorough. :) As of this newest release, I've played through the game six
times, so I've seen all the data on each of the characters first hand. There are
a few skills, spells, etc I haven't seen in their final form yet, but most basic
information should be here.
This FAQ does not contain any hints or detail on how to finish or proceed in
the game. Check out the Star Ocean: The Second Story walkthroughs I've written
for that.
You can find the most recent update to this FAQ at the following URLs:
-------------------------VERSION CHANGES----------------------------
v. 1.0
Added a bunch of new sections, like the Game Shark codes, (thanks to Jason
Murata) the starting Kanjodo chart, (Thanks to MAKISHI) the accessory/item
descriptions, and updating sections/fixing a few mistakes here and there.
v. 0.9
Initial release
Here are a couple of difficult-to-translate Japanese terms used often in this
FAQ (ie all translations are very rough):
Aijodo/AJD: "Love feeling Level" The variable that measures a character's
romantic feelings toward another character. Determines pairings of opposite-sex
characters in endings.
Kanjodo/KJD: "Emotional Level" The variables that store each character's
attitude toward the others in his/her party. Encompasses Aijodo and Yujodo.
Kobutsu: "Liked thing referring to food/drink" Favorite Food/Drink
Jukurendo: "Practice Level" The individual level of each spell/Hissatsuwaza.
SP: Skill Points.
Zokusei: The type of attack/defense an item/equipment/spell has, ie Fire, Water,
Earth, Electricity, etc.
Hissatsuwaza: "Certain Kill Technique, lit." Refers to a special technique in a
specific fighting style. "Moves" in fighting games are examples of
Hissatsuwaza. These are the fighter-character's equivalent of "spells" in this
game. "Waza" (technique) for short.
Monshojutsu: "Crest/Rune Skill." This is the equivalent of magic in the Star
Ocean world. "Monshotsukai" means "Crest User."
Yujodo/YJD: "Camaraderie Level" The variable that determines how good a friend
one character is with another. Determines pairings of same-sex characters in
In all of the following:
O=O button
X=X button
S=Square Button
T=Triangle Button
On the overworld/In towns
X=Run (The analog controller alone also can be used to run)
S=Start Private action in overworld, Pickpocket when in towns.
T=Open Camp screen
L1/R1=Rotate screen Counterclockwise or Clockwise (overworld only)
Start=Open/Close/Zoom Map Window
On the status Screen:
S=Open special panels, such as Item statistic panels, turn spells/battle skills
T=Open special menus, such as Item Manipulation menus
L1/R1=Scroll up/down in item/skill/technique lists
L2/R2=Scroll through character list
In battle
X=Cancel Targeting/Change characters
S=Move character when combined with control pad, or change views (depends on
movement settings)
T=Open Ring Command menu
L1/R1=Target/Use Hissatsuwaza 1/2
L2=Change characters to next character on roster
R2=Switch character from auto/manual control
Select=Taunt enemy (with the Chohatsu skill)
When you first start the game, you're given several options as to what type of
game system you are using:
Surround/Stereo/Monaural: Set sound to the respective setting
Vibration Settings
On/Off: Choose whether or not to enable Analog controller vibration
Character Choice:
Choose whether you want to play the game as Crawd or Rena. Once you start the
game, you can't change this option (obviously)
Battle Mode:
Targeting Mode is set to Manual, Camera Work is set to Normal, Movement mode is
set to S+control key.
Targeting Mode is set to Semi-Auto, Camera Work is set to Leader Focus, and
Movement Mode is set to S+control Key
Targeting Mode is set to Full-Auto, Camera Work is set to Leader Focus, and
Movement Mode is set to Control Key Only.
For descriptions of Targeting Mode, Camera Work, and Movement Mode, please see
the "settings" section of this FAQ.
Battle Rank:
This is the "normal" setting of the game. Battles are at their "standard" level
for the game. This the setting that is automatically used for your first game.
On "Galaxy," the enemies you fight get a big boost to their HP and attack power
levels, making the game significantly harder than Earth Level.
In "Universe" mode, the enemies not only get more of a HP and attack power boost
than they do in Galaxy Mode, but their defense level also increases and the AI
becomes a lot smarter. Needless to say, Universe mode is incredibly difficult so
be prepared!
Note: "Battle Rank" is a secret option in the game. You need to meet the right
requirements before you're allowed to change this mode. Check out the "Secrets"
section of the FAQ for detailed information about this. Also, once you decide
your Battle Rank at the beginning of the game, you can't change it.
Also, by selecting the "Rejisuto" option on the Camp screen, you can change
various other variables:
Message Speed:
Changes the speed of the messages in dialogue boxes. 1 is fastest, and 8 is
Sound Output:
Set to Surround, Stereo, or Monoaural.
Window Color:
Alter the color of the window in each of the four corners.
Targeting Mode:
Auto: Pressing the O, L1, or R1 buttons targets and attacks the closest enemy to
you automatically.
Semi-Auto: Pressing the O, L1, or R1 buttons opens a targeting cursor. The
cursor automatically opens on the enemy closest to the character you're
controlling. Pressing the O, L1, or R1 buttons again selects the enemy to
Manual: Essentially the same as Semi-Auto, except that rather than the cursor
automatically opening on the enemy closest to you, the cursor automatically
opens on the last enemy you targeted.
Camera Work:
Normal: The camera in battle zooms out to a level where all the characters and
enemies can be included onscreen.
Leader Focus: The camera in battle focuses on the character currently being
controlled by the player.
Combat Movement Mode:
S+Control Pad: When holding down the S button in battle, the controller will
move your character around the battlefield.
Control Pad Alone: The control pad by itself will move your character on the
Button Config:
Customize the buttons on your controller
Turn on/off controller vibrations.
Name: Self-explanatory.
Race: Your character's race.
HP: Your current and maximum Hit Points.
MP: Your current and maximum Mental Points.
LV: Your character's current level.
EXP: Your current experience.
NEXT: The amount of experience you need to make your next level up.
STR: Strength. Affects your Kogeki rating.
CON: Constitution. Affects your Bogyo rating.
DEX: Dexterity. Affects your Meichuritsu rating.
AGL: Agility. Affects your Kaihi rating.
INT: Intelligence. Affects your Maryoku value.
LUC: Luck. High luck raises both your Hit Accuracy and Agility rating, and has
other related effects on the game such as Item Creation success rate, etc.
STM: Stamina. This is a measure of your character's lasting power in a fight.
At the start of a fight you start with this base level. As you attack, cast
spells, or use Hissatsuwaza, your Stamina will drop, and as you just sit still
and do nothing it will heal. After the fight is over, your character will
"catch his breath" and if any Stamina is left over your HP and MP will heal a
little, depending on how much is left. If no Stamina is left, you won't
regenerate any HP or MP.
GUTS: Guts is a measure of your character's spirit and determination. It
affects your character in several different ways. In the middle of battle it can
give your character an adrenaline rush and increase his/her attack + defense
levels. Also, it sometimes will allow you to survive what would be fatal
attacks, leaving you with 1 HP instead of killing you outright.
Kogeki: Attack. This is your current attack power, and is a combination of your
weapon power and STR value.
Bogyo: Defense. This is your current defense power, and is a combination of your
armor's power and your CON value.
Meichuritsu: Accuracy. This measures your ability to break the enemy's defenses
and inflict damage on the enemy when you attack. Its base ability is the same as
your DEX value.
Kaihi: Evasion. This is your ability to block attacks outright. Its value is
determined by what shield you are using and your AGL value.
Weapon: Your weapon.
Armor: Your body Armor
Shield: Your Shield
Helmet: Your head armor
Greaves: Your Leg Armor
Accessory 1: One of your current Accessories
Accessory 2: Your other current Accessory.
Kobutsu: Liked Thing, lit. Your character's favorite food/drink. When a
character eats or drinks his or her Kobutsu, their HP and MP are filled up very
high, and with the right skills learned, can heal a character to max. Until you
have a character taste their Kobutsu, this value isn't shown.
Pressing S on the Status screen pulls up the list of your character's current
Zokusei. (type of damage) The first line is the type of Zokusei your attack is
charged with, and the second line is the type of defense you have against each
type of Zokusei. For attacks, Zokusei are either off or on; if they are on, the
respective icon is highlighted; if they are off, they are greyed out. For
Defense values, they are either assigned a plus or a minus. A plus value means
that you are strong to a specific Zokusei, and a minus means you are weak to it.
If you are strong to a specific Zokusei, attacks of that type will either be
absorbed, be ineffective, or have their damage reduced, depending on the
strength of the attack and the number of pieces of equipment you are wearing
with that attribute.
The 10 Zokusei are, from left to right:
Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Star, Fu (Negative Energy), Light, Dark, Mu
Pressing T on the Status screen will pull up your character's Talents. To learn
more about Talents, look at the Tokugi section of this FAQ.
Star Ocean 2nd's battle system is in true real-time; all the characters and all
the monsters attack at the same time. Also, in order to attack the enemies, you
have to run up to them first; selecting an enemy alone won't execute an
immediate attack. You control one character at a time, and the other characters
in your party in battle are controlled by the computer AI. You can change the
way they fight or switch characters any time though. The battle system is
basicially the same as that of the first Star Ocean, with several important
differences. First and foremost, the battlefield in Star Ocean was on a plane;
there was no "sky," only an up, down, left, and right. Star Ocean 2nd's
battlefield differs in that it is fought in 3 dimensions. You have to jump
first to attack flying enemies, and some enemies can fly high enough that not
even a jump attack will reach them. Another effect this has is the ability to
stand on top of things like rocks, stumps, or even other characters/enemies. A
second difference is that the battlefield in SO2nd is much larger than SO1's
was, and has various obstacles you need to look out for. These can be things
like huge boulders that can roll over you, falling pillars, etc.
There are two types of characters in Star Ocean 2nd; fighter characters and
Monshotsukai characters. Crawd, Bowman, Dias, Precis, Ashton, Opera, Ernest, and
Chisato are fighter characters, and Rena, Celine, Leon, and Noel are
Monshotsukai characters. Fighter characters use hissatsuwaza, (or waza for
short, same general meaning) special techniques which generally utilize that
character's weapon. You can assign hissatsuwaza to the L1 and R1 buttons on the
options screen, and by pressing one of these buttons instead of the O button
will use the respective waza. Note that waza will use up your MP. Monshotsukai
characters can't use hissatsuwaza; instead, they cast spells. Spells can't be
used by the L1/R1 buttons; you can access them through the Ring Command menu.
For those who have played the first Star Ocean, there are a couple of major
differences in hissatsuwaza system, and a few minor additions to the magic
system. To start with, there are no "long range" or "short range" hissatsuwaza
any more; instead, waza will differ depending on the range of the character
using it to his/her target. For example, Crawd's "Ryuseisho" is a bolt of energy
shot through the air at Long range, and a flurry of punches at Short range. The
range to your target is shown at the bottom-left portion of the screen. Also,
the skill "Link Combo" is gone, and is changed to an item. When you are
equipping a Link Combo, you can "steal" another party member's Hissatsuwaza
ability by pressing T on the waza setting screen. Once a character steals
another's waza ability, they can do two waza in succession. (no more 3-or 4-waza
long chain combos) Note that you can "steal" a magic user's waza ability with no
detrimental side effects, since they can't use hissatsuwaza in the first place.
And finally, there are no Ougi waza in SO2nd. :( Instead, waza have a
"Jukurendo," or mastery level; every time you use a waza its jukurendo increases
by one; with a high enough jukurendo level waza will become more and more
powerful, and their graphics may change as well.
The changes to the magic system are less major. The first change is that there
is a lag time after casting a spell. Once you cast a spell, you won't be able to
cast another spell for a few seconds; a bar appears on top of a character who
just cast a spell and starts draining, and when the bar is empty that character
can cast another spell. The other main difference is with spell absorption and
cancelling. If two characters (enemy or ally) cast a spell with the same (or
opposing) zokusei at the same time, the two spells will influence each other. If
the spells are the same zokusei, they will absorb each other and inflict double
damage on their target. (Note that this can cut both ways; if, for example, your
character and an enemy cast a spell at the same time, it could end up doing
double damage on everybody, both you and the enemy) If the spells are of
opposing zokusei (e.g fire and water, light and dark) then they will cancel each
other out and have no effect.
There are four different types of status ailments, the same as the first Star
Doku (Poison): Your HP reduces a bit every few steps, and every few seconds in
Mahi (Paralysis): You are frozen in place and cannot move or attack. Paralyzed
characters can't be injured, but they also do not receive EXP after battles.
Sekika (Petrified): You are turned to stone, and cannot move or do anything
else. Petrified characters do not receive EXP after battles.
Sentou Funou (Incapacitated): Your HP have been reduced to 0, and you are
unconscious, incapable of doing anything. Obviously, Incapacitated characters
don't get EXP after battles.
There are 13 different battle formations in Star Ocean 2nd:
Due to the much larger battle field, battle formation is much more important in
SO2nd than it was in SO; running to another character on the opposite side of
the field will take a lot more time. Here are a couple of general strategies for
each of the formations:
This is a really all-purpose formation. My only reccomendation is to put your
spellcasters in position 2 or 3, since they are easiest to protect that way.
This is another good all-purpose formation; put two spellcasters in positions
3&4, and two fighters in 1&2.
This is a good formation for 3 fighters in positions 1-3 and 1 spellcaster in
position 4. If your fighters are especially strong (or your spellcaster
especially weak) use Tri-Shift 2.
This is essentially the same as Square Shift, except it should be used by
stronger parties, as you will be closer to the enemies and there's more space
between characters so it's easy to get separated from characters that may need
These are good formations to use when you especially want to protect character
4. Which you'll want to use will depend on the locations of the monsters that
appear in random fights in whatever area you're in.
I don't like this shift much because it puts way too much distance between your
characters, so if you're fighting tough enemies it's easy for them to split your
party up and slaughter them. On the other hand, if you want to lure enemies
between you and then hit them from all sides, this shift can be effective.
This is a good formation for 3 spellcasters and 1 fighter, or when you really
want to protect a single, much weaker character. (character 3)
Like the name says, this shift is especially good in areas with much stronger
enemies where you'll be running from battle a lot, like the bonus dungeon.
This is the best formation for a really powerful party; it puts you really up
close to the enemy, bunched together for optimum offense. Any spellcasters in
this formation could be a bit too close to the enemy for their own good though.
These are good defensive plans; character 1 is in a good position to
scout/skirmish with the enemy, and all other characters are in optimum position
to flee if necessary. Character 4 is also extremely well-protected.
You can control one character at a time during battle normally. While the other
characters in the party will be controlled by AI, you can control the general
strategy that the computer will take when controlling each of your other
characters by assigning specific tactics to each character, either on the Camp
screen or in battle through the ring menu. There are three different sets of
battle tactics:
1) Fighter Tactics
These are used by the following characters: Crawd, Bowman, Dias, Precis, Ashton,
Opera, Ernest, and Chisato.
a) Zenryoku de Teki o Kogeki se yo! (Attack the enemies at full power!)
Pay no attention to saving MP, using Hissatsuwaza and running out to fight
the enemies.
b) Mikata o Mamore! (Protect your allies!)
Don't run out to fight the enemies; instead, fight nearby the other
characters and wait for the enemies to come to you.
c) Hissatsuwaza o Onzon se yo! (Save your hissatsuwaza!)
Try to keep from using Hissatsuwaza as much as possible and save MP.
d) Bunsan Shite Kogeki se yo! (Disperse and attack!)
Focus attacks on monsters that other characters are not currently attacking.
e)Teki kara Hanare yo! (Stay away from the enemies!)
Just like it says; run away from the enemies as much as possible
f) Nani mo Suru na! (Don't do anything!)
Don't do anything, just sit there.
2) Rena's Tactics
As the only healing-centered character, Rena has her own set of battle tactics.
a) Nakama no Kaifuku o Sennen se yo! (Focus entirely on healing your allies!)
Cast healing spells before anything else; cast healing spells whenever an
ally is hurt.
b) Mikata o Hojo se yo! (Support your allies!)
Cast assistance and attack spells to backup your allies; heal only when
c) Kaifuko o Hozon shi, Hojo wa suru na! (Hold back on the healing and don't
Cast healing spells only when necessary; don't cast support or attack spells
at all to save MP.
d) Jumon wa Tonaeru na! (Don't cast any spells!)
Don't cast any spells and fight with your fists; much like "Mikata o Mamore"
e) Mizukara no Nikutai de Kogeki se yo! (Fight with your own body!)
Run out to fight the enemies with your weapon directly; don't cast spells.
f) Nani mo suru na! (Don't do anything)
Stand still, not doing anything, attacking, moving, or casting spells.
3) Monshotsukai Tactics
These are the battle tactics of the other spellcasters in your party: IOW
Celine, Leon, and Noel.
a) Seishinryoku no Tsuzuku Kagiri Kogeki se yo! (Attack as long as your mental
power holds out!)
Continuously cast spells, paying no attention to MP loss.
b) Seishinryoku o Onzon Shite Tatakae! (Fight while saving your mental power!)
Cast spells occasionally, but be careful not to use up all your MP.
c) Hanareta Teki o Kogeki se yo! (Attack enemies far away!)
Target enemies far away from yourself (IOW the caster) first when casting
spells. Usually used to attack enemy spellcasters in the back row.
d) Monshojutsu o Tsukau na! (Don't use Monshojutsu!)
Don't cast any spells at all.
e) Mizukara no Nikutai de Kogeki se yo! (Fight with your own body!)
Same as Rena's battle tactic of the same name; fight with your weapon instead
of spells.
f) Nani mo suru na! (Don't do anything)
Stand still, not doing anything.
In Star Ocean, there was a special value that each character had that indicated
that character's attitude toward the other party members. Now this value has an
official name, Kanjodo, or "emotional points." (KJD from here on) It's a hidden
variable; there's no option screen or anything within the game where you can
actually view these levels. While the instruction manual mentions this, what it
doesn't mention is that in SO2nd, there are actually *two* Kanjodo variables;
"Aijodo" (love points--AJD) and "Yujodo." (friendship points--YJD) Each variable
has an impact for each character, but the general rule is:
For two characters of the same gender, Yujodo is the KJD of "primary"
importance, and AJD is of secondary importance. For two characters of opposite
genders, it's the other way around; AJD is of primary importance, and YJD are
The primary way to manipulate KJD levels is through "Private Actions." If you've
played the first Star Ocean, you already know what Private Actions are so you
may want to skip this part, but here is how Private Actions work:
When you're standing outside of a town on the map, often you'll see a little
arrow in the upper-right hand corner of the screen that says "Private Action."
If you press the S button at this time, your party will split up and each person
will go off his or her own way and explore the town; at this point your hero
(either Crawd or Rena, depending on whose scenario you chose) gets to wander
around the town by his/herself. While in the town you can find your other party
members, and watch events between those party members and the hero and/or with
another character. There are also some Private Actions that will occur between
the hero and a third party as well. These Private Actions are totally optional,
but their content can affect the game very heavily. Usually this is by altering
the KJD levels between characters, but their effects can range from finding new
characters to join the party to getting a new hissatsuwaza to making the last
boss more powerful. There are also some secret Private Actions that are very
difficult to see or require specific conditions to occur.
Aside from Private Actions, there are other ways to affect KJD levels. The first
is to have characters fight in battle together. This is extremely slow; you'll
have to fight hundreds of battles together before you see any marked improvement
in KJD levels, but there are several "special" boss fights that will
automatically increase KJD levels for all characters participating. A third and
final way to influence KJD levels is through use of items. There are some items
that are specifically designed to "increase" KJD levels like the books you make
through Shuppan and the Twins Tonic. These items will set a character's KJD
level to 8. (whether AJD or YJD depends on the item) So if that character's KJD
level was above 8, using these items will actually DECREASE their levels, so be
Unfortunately, there is no way to look at individual KJD levels in any concrete
way. The best way to observe KJD levels is through battle. The computer AI
will tend to favor characters that they have high KJD levels for. Spellcasters
that can heal or cast support spells will generally cast those spells on
characters they like first. Fighter characters will stick close to the
characters they like, and will step in front of these characters and take hits
for them occasionally. Also, when a character dies in battle, characters with
high KJD levels toward them will turn red and get angry, and start doing double
damage in their attacks. Similarly, you can judge KJD levels by listening to
what other characters say when other characters get killed. For example, if
Crawd gets killed in battle, Rena will say one thing if her KJD toward him is
below a certain level, and if it is above that level, will say something
Also, much later in the game, you will come across a fortune teller who will
judge how compatible you (the hero) are with the other characters in your party
of the opposite gender. IOW if you are playing Crawd, the fortune teller will
evaluate your chances with all the female characters, and if you're playing Rena
she'll do the same with all the male characters. What the fortune teller says
though is kind of cryptic so you can't tell for sure what the KJD levels are,
just whether or not they're good or bad in general. In addition, what the
fortune teller says is based on both the hero's KJD levels toward the target
character and the target character's KJD levels toward the hero, so it makes it
even tougher to evaluate. But it's better than nothing. :)
The following is a chart of the starting Kanjodo levels in the game. The first
number in each box represents the YJD, and the second box indicates the AJD. So,
as an example,
Precis has a starting YJD value of 7 and AJD value of 6 for Crawd.
CRAWD |---|5-6|5-5|5-4|6-5|5-5|5-5|5-5|6-4|5-4|5-5|5-5|
RENA |6-5|---|5-5|5-5|6-5|5-4|5-5|5-5|7-6|5-5|5-5|5-5|
CELINE |5-5|5-5|---|5-4|5-5|4-3|5-5|5-7|4-3|5-4|5-5|5-5|
ASHTON |4-4|5-4|4-4|---|---|5-7|5-5|---|5-4|5-5|5-5|5-5|
OPERA |6-5|4-4|5-4|---|---|5-4|5-4|7-8|5-4|5-5|5-4|5-5|
PRECIS |7-6|7-6|6-5|5-5|5-5|---|---|5-5|5-5|6-5|6-5|5-5|
BOWMAN |5-5|7-5|6-5|5-5|6-5|---|---|5-5|5-5|5-5|6-5|6-5|
ERNEST |6-5|5-5|5-6|---|5-7|5-5|5-5|---|5-5|5-5|6-5|5-5|
DIAS |5-5|7-5|4-4|4-4|4-4|4-4|4-4|4-4|---|---|4-4|4-4|
LEON |6-5|5-5|5-5|5-4|5-4|6-5|5-5|4-4|---|---|6-5|5-5|
NOEL |5-5|5-5|5-5|5-5|5-5|5-5|5-5|6-5|5-5|6-6|---|6-5|
There are 86 different endings in Star Ocean 2nd, the content of which are
totally dependant upon KJD levels. Basically, any characters with high KJD
levels toward each other will "pair up" and you'll se an ending with the two
together. Basically how the game decides endings is:
For same-gender characters: Who pairs up with whom is determined by Yujodo (YJD)
and the content of the ending is determined by Aijodo. (AJD)
For opposite-gender characters: Who pairs up with whom is determined by Aijodo
(AJD) and the content of the ending is determined by Yujodo. (YJD)
Here's basically how it works:
Aijodo and Yujodo both have values ranging from 1 to some number (don't know the
exact value, but I think it stays in the double digits) Characters with the
highest values get paired.
So let's take the following example, that:
Crawd's YJD/AJD are:
For Ashton: 12/15 and For Rena 9/14
In this case, (assuming that Ashton/Rena's KJD toward Crawd are similar levels)
Crawd would be paired with Rena, because his AJD for her is 14, and his YJD for
Ashton are only 12.
In the case of a tie, the game has lists within it preprogrammed to make some
characters ranked higher than others; in this case, the ranking will take
precedence to decide which character gets paired with whom. I'm working on
compiling a list of these lists, but it's tough to figure out unless you get
everyone's KJD for everyone else at the same level, then sabotage their levels
by using Shuppan books. :)
Crawd J. Kenny
Age: 19
Race: Human
Birthday: January 23rd
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Likes: All types of food, Computer Games
Dislikes: Job as a Federation Officer, All kinds of studying.
Good At: Being late, Slacking, Martial Arts
His "type.": Someone Active, Cheerful, Energetic
Kobutsu: Steak (Nikurui)
Best Instrument: Trumpet
Starting stats:
Level 1
HP: 130, MP: 20
STR: 10, CON: 5, DEX: 10, AGL: 10, INT: 0, LUC: 132, STM: 15, GUTS: 20
Starting Skills: Kagaku Gijutsu LV 1, Kinobi LV 1
Limitations in becoming a party member: Crawd must be in the party in every
Story: Crawd is the son of Ronixis J. Kenny, (one of the heroes of the first
Star Ocean) and a new recruit to the Interplanetary Space Federation, serving on
his father's ship, Kalnas. On a mission exploring a barren planet, he was sucked
into a strange machine and teleported to Expel. While trying to hide the fact
that he is an alien, Crawd investigates the mysterious "Sorcery Globe" in hopes
of finding a way to return home. In general,
Personality: Crawd is a "nice guy" and gets along with most other characters
pretty well. However, he is quick to rush into misunderstanding and if he thinks
someone has wronged him can get very nasty. He respects his father but also
hates having to live in the shadow of a great hero. (and having people treat him
differently because of his father) Crawd has somewhat of a lack of confidence in
his own ability, which in part leads to his both admiring and being jealous of
Dias' skills at the same time; in this way he becomes his rival and is
constantly trying to compete with him.
Fighting Style: In battle, Crawd's primary weapon is a longsword, though the
style that he uses is a mixture of barehanded martial arts and sword techniques.
Good points about Crawd:
Is overall the most powerful fighter in the game; has the best hissatsuwaza, a
fast normal attack, and can usethe most useful weapon in the game, the Eternal
Has the overall most well-rounded stats in the game.
Bad points about Crawd:
Needs more Jukurendo to power up his Hissatsuwaza than any other character in
the game.
Rena Lanford
Age: 17
Race: Expel
Birthday: May 13
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Good at: Cooking, Healing, Gymnastics, Bare-handed Martial arts
Likes: The "Shingo no Mori" (Forest of Holy Protection), cute things
Her "type": Someone fun to be with, someone that can keep his cool
Kobutsu: Shortcake (Tamago/Nyuseihin)
Best instrument: Lyre
Starting Stats:
Level 1
HP : 130, MP 40
STR: 5, CON: 2, DEX: 10, AGL: 8, INT: 0, LUC: 130, STM: 10, GUTS 30
Starting Skills: Hocho LV 1, Recipe LV 4, Mekiki LV 1
Limitations in becoming a party member: Rena must be in the party in every game.
Story: Rena is from the farming village of Arlia on the Cross Continent of
Expel. Through a series of events following a misunderstanding of Crawd's
identity, Rena ends up joining Crawd on his journey to investigate the Sorcery
Globe. In addition to trying to discover why monsters have appeared on Expel, as
an adopted orphan, Rena wants to find her true mother. Also she wants to find
out why she has the power to use healing magic, a skill as of yet unseen on
Personality: Rena is overall kind and thoughtful, always looking out for and
worrying about her friends, though she has a short temper, and irritates easily.
If somebody annoys her or otherwise makes her angry, she is not one to hold it
inside and not say anything. These two traits give her strong leadership
qualities, and in many situations she can be the balancing force of the group.
Fighting Style: As she is skilled at martial arts, in battleRena uses her own
fists as weapons. However, since she is primarily a magic-using character, Rena
is not that good a fighter, though she is significantly better than the other
three magic users. Rena primarily learns healing and assist magics, and is the
only character that can cast Raise Dead. She also learns some attack spells as
well; which are primarily Light-based attacks.
Good points about Rena:
The best healer in the game; you'll want her in just about every major fight,
and most of the others as well.
Bad points about Rena:
The fact that she's really the ONLY healer; if she gets disabled in a tough
fight or runs out of MP, you're in trouble.
Reasonably weak in physical fights.
Celine Jules
Age: 23
Race: Expel
Birthday: September 18
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Good at: Treasure Hunting, Monshojutsu
Likes: Beautiful gems, stylish cloths, expensive makeup and perfume
Dislikes: Selfish women, effeminate men
Her "Type": Someone physically strong, reliable
Kobutsu: Kousagi Rizotto (Nikurui)
Best Instrument: Violin
Story: Celine is a Monshotsukai that was raised in the small village of Mars.
She left her hometown to travel the world, improve her magic skills, and most
importantly, hunt for treasure. She talks Crawd and Rena into coming with her
to help her find treasure on a treasure map she obtains, suggesting that it
might come in handy on their quest. Later on she decides to accompany the party
to investigate the Sorcery Globe, as her trip doesn't have an exact destination.
Personality: Celine is proud, haughty, materialistic, and....well, shallow. On
the other hand, she is very gregarious and has a well-hidden nice streak which
pops up every once in a while.
Fighting Style: In terms of physical fighting capacity, Celine is the weakest
out of all the characters. On the other hand, she is a very powerful magic-user
and casts powerful attack spells. Specifically, Celine specializes in fire,
lightning, and star attack spells, with a few light, wind, and negative energy
spells as well. She also can cast several support spells.
Good points about Celine:
Arguably the best attack magician in the game.
Excellent at Item Creations and Music.
Bad points about Celine:
Dies very easily in close-in combat; can only equip weak armor and weak weapons.
Two of her more powerful spells suffer from the Final Fantasy syndrome of taking
way too long to finish animating.
Ashton Anchors
Age: 20
Race: Expel
Birthday: September 28
Height: 180cm
Weight: 80 kg
Good at: Sewing, Monshoken (A technique mixing swordsmanship and Monshojutsu)
Likes: Good luck charms (Since getting "grafted")
Dislikes: Oracles, Fortune Telling, anything more cursed than he already is
His "type": Someone working as a shrine tender or priestess, or anyone else pure
and neat.
Kobutsu: Hamburger (Nikurui)
Best Instrument: Piano
Starting Stats:
Level 17
HP: 1000, MP: 120
STR: 83, CON: 32, DEX: 50, AGL: 5, INT: 0, LUC: 18, STM: 26, GUTS: 32
Starting Skills: None
Limitations in becoming a party member: Ashton cannot be in the same party as
Story: Ashton is a travelling swordsman who wanders around looking for "heroic
missions" to help the common folk. However, wherever he goes he is plagued by
awful luck. At one point, he had an unfortunate run-in where two dragon-heads
got grafted onto his back. These two dragons, named Gyoro and Ururun, are
constantly making fun of Ashton, fighting, and generally make things difficult
for him. They are intelligent and can talk, though only Ashton can tell what
they are saying. Ashton joins the party and travels with them to try and find a
way to detach Gyoro and Ururun.
Personality: Ashton is a nice-guy through-and-through, and always has good
intentions, though his awful luck usually ends up fouling things up for him. He
is somewhat shy but friendly and always looking out for others. While he
constantly complains about Gyoro and Ururun, he secretly cares about them a lot,
and is only willing to take them off if they won't be hurt or killed in the
Fighting Style: Ashton wields a pair of swords in battle and has a lot of
"ninja-like" magical sword techniques, disappearing into thin air, splitting
himself into multiple images, or throwing his swords like darts. Later on he
will gain the ability to utilize Gyoro and Ururun in battle as well.
Good points about Ashton:
A very well-balanced fighter, with a lot of useful (and very deadly) techniques.
Probably tied with Dias as the second-most powerful fighter character in the
Flies into battle rages when comrades are killed more than any other character
in the game.
Bad points about Ashton:
Horrible luck; his luck will never raise any higher than the 18 points he starts
with unless equpping special items
Some of his hissatsuwaza take too long to pull off.
Opera Vectra
Age: 23
Race: Tetragenes
Birthday: August 24
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Good at: Utilizing flying weapons/items, fixing vehicles, driving
Likes: Wine, Adventure, Shopping, Gems
Dislikes: Compromising, Macho guys
Her "Type": Smart, Cool guys (but not unless they're really passionate)
Kobutsu: Dulfol (Kudamono)
Best Instrument: Piano
Starting Stats:
Level 21
STR: 60, CON: 31, DEX: 52, AGL: 30, INT: 0, LUC: 142, STM: 21, GUTS: 60
Starting Skills: Craft LV 1, Cast LV 1, Kinobi LV 1, Kikai Sosa LV 3
Limitations in becoming a party member: Opera cannot be in the same party as
Story: Opera is a member of nobility on a very technologically advanced planet.
She is travelling the universe searching for the man she loves. It is this
search that brings her to Expel, where she meets up with the party. After
giving her a lead as to where the man she is looking for might be, the party
ends up chasing her, and eventually joining her.
Personality: Opera is a very forceful and direct woman. She's a bit on the
obsessive side, but in that respect is also very dedicated, and will always
finish a job that she starts. In some ways she takes on a "big sister" type of
role within the party.
Fighting Style: Opera utilizes a really big magic-firing rifle called
"Kaleidoscope" in battle. Kaleidoscope's power differs depending on the program
entered into it on the Energy Pack she equips it with. Opera does not actually
fire Kaleidoscope in battle unless attacking an airborne enemy or using a
hissatsuwaza; for normal attacks she whacks the enemy with it. Most of her
hissatsuwaza are various types of projectile attacks from the Kaleidoscope.
Good Points about Opera:
Has lots of really useful hissatsuwaza, including many multi-hit waza.
Gets powerful weapons earlier in the game than any other character.
Bad points about Opera:
Has to be a specific distance away from the enemy before firing even short-range
Her hissatsuwaza take lots of MP to use and almost as much Jukurendo to raise as
Precis F. Neuman
Age: 16
Race: Expel
Birthday: February 29
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Good at: Building machinery, Inventing, Upgrading, making mistakes
Likes: Handagote, Turbo Zakku, Mujin-kun (#1 & #2), Chocolate Bars
Dislikes: Reptiles, Slimy things
Her "Type": "I guess he'd have to be pretty cool. Oh, but not an idiot!"
Kobutsu: Choco-Crepe (Tamago/Nyuseihin)
Best Instrument: Harmonica
Starting Stats
Level 15
HP: 950, MP: 100
STR: 42, CON: 31, DEX: 40, AGL: 5, INT: 0, LUC: 153, STM: 26, GUTS: 32
Starting Skills: Kinobi LV 3, Kikai Chishiki LV 1, Kikai Sosa LV 1
Limitations in becoming a party member: Precis cannot be in the same party as
Story: Precis is the daughter of an eccentric inventor in the town of Ringa. She
is somewhat of an inventor herself, and is constantly tinkering with machinery,
something essentially foreign to the people of Expel. For this reason, most
people around her tend to see her as "weird" and avoid her. Because of this,
Precis' father asks Rena to make friends with her. This, combined with Precis'
developing crush on Crawd, is what brings her to follow the party along in their
Personality: Constantly full of energy and optimistic, Precis is the "mood
maker" of the group, as she puts it. In many ways she acts like your
stereotypical teenager. She gets into trouble a lot and poses a large annoyance
to many party members, but at the same time appeals to them and takes on a sort
of "mascot" role in the group. Precis always travels with her little robot pet,
Fighting Style: Precis attacks with a huge robotic fist attached to her
backpack, and controls it with a controller resembling a Playstation controller.
Most of her hissatsuwaza are also some sorts of machines she put together, or
using Mujin-kun as some type of weapon.
Good points about Precis:
Has tons of really effective Hissatsuwaza; the most effective projectile waza of
all characters except Opera, and a few that make her invincible while doing
Bad points about Precis:
Can't wear much good armor so loses HP quickly
MP drains really quickly.
Bowman Jean
Age: 27
Race: Expel
Birthday: August 24
Good at: Mixing medicine, Sports
Likes: Anything that is interesting, Medicine
Dislikes: Incurable diseases, Deadly diseases
His "Type": "If I don't say my wife here things will get messy, you know?"
Kobutsu: Daikon no Misoshiru (Kokumotsu)
Best Instrument: Harmonica
Starting Stats:
Level 25
HP: 1500, MP: 170
STR: 90, CON: 50, DEX: 62, AGL: 5, INT: 0, LUC: 118, STM: 35, GUTS: 36
Starting Skills: Yakusogaku LV 5, Seibutsugaku LV 4, Seishingaku LV 2
Limitations in becoming a party member: Bowman cannot be in the same party as
Story: Bowman is a pharmacist who runs his own medicine shop with his wife NinÄ
in the town of Ringa. He is a friend of Keith, a famous translator in the town.
In an attempt to get access to Keith, the party asks Bowman to set up a meeting
for them. To make sure that the party are who they claim to be, Bowman sends
them on a quest for him, and after completing talks with them more and decide to
come with them.
Personality: Bowman's role in the party is much of that of an "older brother."
He's sarcastic and good-natured, and doesn't anger easily. His inquisitiveness
is probably his defining characteristic; if there is something he is interested
in he will investigate it fully. On the other hand, if something doesn't
interest or displeases him, he will have nothing to do with it.
Fighting Style: Bowman is a skilled martial artist and uses his own hands and
feet as his primary weapons. Many of his hissatsuwaza are martial arts or
ninja-like techniques like special punches, kicks, or ki attacks. He also uses
his medicinal skills on the battlefield, mixing poison gas bombs and firebombs
out of herbs and throwing them at the enemy.
Good points about Bowman:
Low MP consumption in his hissatsuwaza
Can throw Hissatsuwaza in succession faster than any other fighter character
Bad points about Bowman:
Range of normal attacks is worse than any other character in the game, magicians
Can't equip that much powerful armor
Ernest Rvit
Age: 35
Race: Tetragenes
Birthday: August 31
Height: 190cm
Weight: 90kg
Good at: Searching ruins
Likes: Sake, Adventure, Quests
Dislikes: Things that go against what the theory says they should be, tomb
His "Type": Smart Women
Kobutsu: Senchuyasaku (Kokumotsu)
Best Instrument: Cembalo
Starting Stats:
Level 25
STR: 100, CON: 37, DEX: 60, AGL: 50, INT: 0, LUC: 121, STM: 23, GUTS: 45
Starting Skills: Yakusogaku LV 5, Nintai LV 5, Kuchibue LV 4
Limitations in becoming a party member: Ernest can only join if Opera is already
in the party.
Story: Ernest is a galactic archaeologist, travelling the universe in an attempt
to dig up undiscovered ruins wherever he can find them. He travelled to Expel in
an attempt to investigate the various ruins there. He is also the man that Opera
is chasing after, and it is Opera who talks him into joining the party.
Personality: Ernest is really intelligent and naturally inquisitive. He is a
"man of action" and likes to put things in action instead of just working them
out on paper. He is always trying to figure things out that he doesn't
know/understand, which is part of the reason why he likes exploration so much.
Fighting Style: Ernest's primary weapon in battle is a whip. He can charge it
with various types of magical energy to launch different kinds of attacks.
Good points about Ernest:
The range of his normal attack is longer than anyone else in the game.
Uses less MP in his hissatsuwaza than anyone else in the game.
Bad points about Ernest:
Doesn't have that many hissatsuwaza, and a lot of those he does aren't that
His normal attack is somewhat slow.
Dias Flac
Race: Expel
Age: 25
Birthday: August 5
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 82 kg
Good at: Self-styled martial arts
Likes: Food, Sleep
Dislikes: Bandits
His "Type": "........." (He doesn't talk much so we couldn't find out)
Kobutsu: Chiniwatori Kushiyaki (Nikurui)
Best Intstrument: Cembalo
Starting Stats:
Level 35
STR: 175, CON: 70, DEX: 120, AGL: 20, INT: 0, LUC: 96, STM: 45, GUTS: 50
Starting Skills: None
Limitations in becoming a party member: Dias can only join the party if Rena is
the hero.
Story: Dias is a childhood friend of Rena and is from the same village of Arlia.
However, at some point he had a traumatic experience which caused him to leave
Arlia and start traveling the world as a wandering swordsman, living only to
improve his skill. He is a fantastic fighter and is famed as the best fighter on
Expel. He normally travels alone, accepting help from nobody, but eventually
with Rena's persuasion joins the party.
Personality: Dias is a man who has all but totally killed his emotions. He is
almost devoid of expression and rarely speaks at all. When it comes to fighting
skill he has a huge ego and considers himself better than anyone. If someone
angers or annoys him, he is the type to completely ignore them. Dias is far and
away the biggest "loner" of the group.
Fighting Style: Dias' fighting style resembles Crawd's in many ways in that he
uses longswords, but he prefers Japanese-style one-bladed swords and attacks in
an iai-jutsu style, striking and resheathing his sword very quickly. Most of his
hissatsuwaza capitalize off this speed as well, be they slices or projectile
Good points about Dias:
Probably the second best fighter in the game after Crawd; (about the same level
as Ashton, perhaps slightly better) powerful, has the fastest normal attack of
all characters, and high HP.
Bad points about Dias:
Rarely has many Talents and likewise is not very good at Item Creation
No rengeki hissatsuwaza; hits two or three times max with his techniques.
Leon G.S. Geeste
Age: 12
Race: Felpool
Birthday: November 25
Height: 135 cm
Weight: 36 kg
Kobutsu: Carrot Juice (Yasai)
Best Instrument: Violin
Likes: Hot milk after getting the job done, Othello, Chess
Dislikes: Work, his parents
His "Type": "....Uh, well..." (He's still a kid so it doesn't look like he
Starting Stats:
Level 30
STR: 40, CON: 30, DEX: 35, AGL: 5, INT: 0, LUC: 120, STM: 23, GUTS: 10
Starting Skills: Kobutsugaku LV 3, Kagaku Gijutsu LV 4, Yoseiron LV 1
Limitations in becoming a party member: Leon can only join the party if Crawd is
the hero.
Story: Leon is the head researcher and scientist in the country of Racool. He
works with his parents directly for the king, working in the laboratories under
the castle. He mainly is a magic researcher, researching how magical power can
be harnessed and incorporated into the developing technology on Expel. After
going on a quest with the party, a series of events leads Leon to join the party
on their way to the continent where the Sorcery Globe fell.
Personality: Leon is sort of halfway between being an adult and still being a
child. Even though he is 12 he is a genius and so studies all sorts of advanced
topics so has mentally matured, but emotionally he is still a child. Because
he's so smart and knows it, Leon has a really big ego and doesn't believe he can
do anything wrong. He sort of acts as the "little brother" of the party.
Fighting Style: As he's still a child, and more importantly, a magic researcher,
Leon is more of a Monshojutsu user, and therefore does little physical fighting.
He specializes in Water, Darkness, and Mu type spells. He also has some support
spells, mostly offensive rather than defensive. When he does physically attack,
Leon uses his magical books; he opens the books and a phantom knight comes out
from inside and attacks the enemy with a sword.
Good points about Leon:
Has more MP than any other character in the game, and even his most powerful
spells don't take that many MP in comparison to cast.
Fantastic at item creations.
Bad points about Leon:
Has fewer spells than the other spellcasters.
Has less of a range of different types of spells than the other spellcasters.
Noel Chandler
Age: 24
Race: NedÄian
Birthday: February 2
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 74kg
Good at: Making friends with animals and fairies
Likes: Animals and Fairies
Dislikes: "....I don't think there's anything in particular...."
His "Type": Someone that likes animals and fairies
Kobutsu: O-toro (Nikurui)
Best Instrument: Shamisen
Story: Noel is the protector of the animals on NedÄ. He lives in an isolated
cabin where he observes and talks to the animals. He is also a distinguished
scholar and veterinarian, has published many books and articles on nature and
animal behavior. When the party comes to him to find a wild Sainard, he joins
the party to escort them the cave where it lives.
Personality: While Noel is always smiling, it's hard to tell what he's really
thinking. He puts forth all his effort to helping others, but he's kind of
insensitive and not very socially adept. He hates fighting and killing and
tries to avoid violence of any sort.
Fighting Style: Noel is physically weak, so he relies mostly on his magic in
battle. Noel is a combination healer/combat magician. His attack spells are
primarily Wind and Earth spells, though he has a few Fu spells as well. He can
cast healing spells as well, but not as many as Rena can. When forced to fight
physically, Noel uses his fists.
Good points about Noel:
Is the only character besides Rena that can heal wounds or status ailments.
Can equip better armor than the other spellcasting characters.
Bad points about Noel:
He can heal, cast attack magic, or fight physically, but he's not good at any of
them; overall he's not all that useful in battle.
Chisato Madison
Age: 22
Race: Nedian
Birthday: October 22
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Good at: Searching out and gathering information, Collecting data
Likes: The truth
Dislikes: People that write like they know what they're talking about without
checking it out first
Her "type": Someone that doesn't lie, someone that doesn't try to deceive others
Kobutsu: Fruit Sandwich
Best Instrument: Organ
Story: Chisato is a hotshot reporter who picks up on the story of the party's
heroics and follows them all over the place to get the story on them. After
having her chase the party all over the place, the party asks her to join them,
as it will slow them down less and will give her a better angle to get the story
as well.
Personality: The first and foremost thought on Chisato's mind is her job and
"getting the story." However, she not only wants to record the facts, but wants
to help "the good guys" succeed as well. Sometimes her obsession with her work
distances her from the rest of the party, but her energy provides the party with
"emotional backup."
Fighting Style: While Chisato's "official" weapon is stun guns or handguns, she
never actually uses them except in hissatsuwaza or aerial attacks; mostly she
just kicks the enemy. Many of her hissatsuwaza are also martial-arts type
attacks. She also uses her cellular phone to call various machines and weapons
via remote control.
Good points about Chisato:
Has more rengeki waza that hit the enemy a large number of times than any other
character in the game.
Bad points about Chisato:
Has fewer hissatsuwaza than the other fighter characters.
Is less powerful in terms of strength than the other fighter characters.
------------------------SPELLS AND HISSATSUWAZA---------------------
Here is a list of all the Hissatsuwaza and spells for each of the characters.
Note the "final change" level: once the waza reaches this level there will be no
more further visible changes. However, note that all waza get more powerful in
terms of damage dealt/effect increased regardless of "max" levels.
--Crawd's Hissatsuwaza--
Phase Gun
Level 1
MP: 0
Final Change: N/A
Crawd uses the Phase Gun Ronixis gave him to shoot his target. It's mistaken by
the people of Expel as the "sword of Light."
Level 3
MP: 4
Final Change: 200
At close range, the Kuuhazan is like the Shoretsuha of Star Ocean 1 and creates
a shockwave around Crawd to damage his enemies. At a long range, Crawd fires an
energy blast along the ground toward his enemy. At a higher level the shockwave
of this technique turns gold and goes higher.
Level 7
MP: 7
Final Change: 300
At close range, the Ryuseisho is a flurry of punches. At long range, Crawd fires
an energy bolt from the palm of his hand at his opponent. At a higher level the
number and speed of punches increases, and the energy bolt and punches turn
Level 12
MP: 9
Final Change: 260
Crawd leaps through the air and lands sword-down on his opponent's head. At a
higher level Crawd will spin and land blade-down on his opponent rather than
Level 20
MP: 11
Final Change: 200
Crawd gathers his ki and uses it to heal himself. At a more powerful level the
energy field he creates around himself expands out.
Burst Knuckle
Level 28
MP: 12
Final Change: 100
Crawd creates a burning aura around his fist and punches the enemy. At a long
range Crawd will throw the flame at his enemy.
Level 38
MP 17
Final Change: 270
Crawd slams his sword into the ground and causes blades of stone to slice up
around him and impale the enemy. At higher levels, the range of the spikes
spreads out.
Level 45
MP 15
Final Change: 160
Crawd jumps toward his enemy and does a double slice with his sword. Once
powered up, Crawd will execute four slices with his sword instead of two.
Level 53
MP 28
Final Change: 500
Lifting his hand above his head, Crawd creates a phantom dragon which breathes a
blast of energy down at the enemy. At higher levels the number of energy bolts
that the dragon breathes increases.
Sword Bomber
Level 62
MP 32
Final Change: 420
Crawd jumps up high into the air and fires several fireballs from his sword down
at the enemy. The higher this hissatsuwaza is built, the more fireballs Crawd
will fire.
Level 70
MP 38
Final Change: 460
Crawd's most powerful technique, the Kyomensetsu is a flurry of powerful sword
slices, which will hit the target many times. Once this hissatsuwaza is powered
up, Crawd will slice several more times than usual.
--Ashton's Hissatsuwaza--
Twin Stab
Level N/A
MP 4
Final Change: 100
Ashton does a stab with each of his two swords to impale his enemy.
Cross Slash
Level N/A
MP 8
Final Change: 100
Using his swords, Ashton jumps toward the enemy and does a vertical slash, and
follows up with a charge forward to slash with his two swords horizontally.
Leaf Slash
Level N/A
MP 19
Final Change: 200
Ashton disappears ninja-style, creating a whirlwind, and slashes his target in
an explosion of leaves flying everywhere. At a powered-up level Ashton will
slash three times instead of twice.
Northern Cross
Level 18
MP 9
Final Change: 200
Ashton does a quick vertical then horizontal slash, then creates a huge cross of
ice hovering in the air in front of him. Then he stabs his swords forward and
fires a bolt of ice toward his target.
Piercing Swords
Level 22
MP 12
Final Change: 130
Ashton jabs two swords into the ground and throws two more at the enemy. (How
many is he carrying?) As the waza gets more powerful, Ashton will throw more
swords at the enemy.
Hurricane Slash
Level 45
MP 16
Final Change: 200
At a close range, Ashton slashes while spinning around, creating a whirlwind
which catches the enemy and does damage. At a further range, Ashton jumps
forward slashing downward, and when he hits the ground, creates a whirlwind
projectile which shoots toward his enemy.
Dead Triangle
Level 53
MP 19
Final Change: N/A
Ashton splits himself into three images, which surround his enemy. The three
images stab their swords into the ground, creating a triangular forcefield. Then
the entire area encompassed inside the forcefield explodes, doing damage to the
enemy, and freezing it in place.
Dragon Breath
Level 64
MP 28
Final Change: 140
Gyoro or Ururun breath fire or ice respectively at Ashton's target to hit
multiple times for lots of damage. Once this technique is powered up, both Gyoro
and Ururun will breathe dragon breath at the enemy.
Sword Dance
Level 70
MP 32
Final Change: 400
Ashton's answer to Crawd's Kyomensetsu, Ashton throughs a flurry of sword
strikes with his two swords, hitting the enemy multiple times for lots of
damage. The higher this waza is built, the more times Ashton slashes.
[Treasure hissatsuwaza]
MP 45
Final Change: 140
Ashton puts both of his swords together melding them into a single sword; then
Gyoro and Ururun fuse into this new sword, and Ashton swings it, creating a huge
blast of energy that hits all enemies on the screen.
--Precis' Hissatsuwaza--
Rocket Punch
Level N/A
MP 4
Final Change: 120
Precis fires a huge mecha punch at her enemy from her backpack, lanching it like
a missile.
Hop Step
Level N/A
MP 5
Final Change: 140
Precis jumps high in the air and lands down on the enemy's head, hitting them
with a large hammer.
Level 17
MP 7
Final Change: 100
Precis converts Mujin-kun into a drill machine, gets in, and burrows under the
ground toward her target. Then she surfaces, doing damage to her enemy with the
Ei! Yaa!
Level 25
MP 8
Final Change: 220
With this hissatsuwaza, Precis throws Mujin-kun at her enemy. When this waza is
powered up, Precis will kick a second Mujin-kun at her enemy as well.
Barabara Beam
Level 38
MP 12
Final Change: 240
Precis pulls an antenna out of her backpack and fires several beams from it at
her enemy. The more this waza is powered, the more the number of beams that are
Pokapoka Attack
Level 49
MP 15
Final Change: 510
Precis smashes her enemy twice with a double hammer-strike. The higher this waza
is built, the more times Precis swings her hammers.
Bloody Mary
Level 57
MP 32
Final Change: 360
With this hissatsuwaza, Precis expands Mujin-kun to a huge size, gets in the
cockpit, and charges her enemy with Mujin-kun's drill, hitting multiple times
for lots of damage.
Mujin-kun Super Beam
[Machinery Hissatsuwaza--Use High Mecha Launcher]
MP 24
Final Change: 120
Mujin-kun grows to a very large size and fires a huge beam at Precis' target. To
get this hissatsuwaza, Precis must create it through the Machinery skill.
[Machinery Hissatsuwaza--Use Plasma Biribiribo]
MP 28
Final Change: 200
With this attack, Precis throws Mujin-kun at her enemy in an arc, and when he
hits the ground creates a large explosion. Once this hissatsuwaza is powered up
Precis will throw a second Mujin-kun at the enemy. This hissatsuwaza must be
created through the Machinery skill.
[Private action Hissatsuwaza]
Final Change: 130
Mimicing Ashton's Sword Dance, Precis creates a holograph of a Mujin-kun that
looks like Ashton, who slices the enemy several times. This hissatsuwaza can
only be received through a special Private Action.
--Bowman's Hissatsuwaza--
Level N/A
MP 4
Final Change: 200
Bowman fires a ki blast at his enemy from his fist. At higher waza levels, he
will fire a second and third blast as well.
Level N/A
MP 5
Final Change: 250
Bowman throws makeshift poison-bombs he mixed at the enemy to do damage and
sometimes poison them.
Level N/A
MP 6
Final Change: 380
At a short range, Bowman will jump into the air, flip over and land on top of
the enemy spinning to do damage. At a long range, Bowman will disappear into his
shadow and reappear on top of the enemy, landing on it to do damage.
Level N/A
MP 10
Final Change: 400
Bowman creates several fireballs and throws them at his enemy. At a higher waza
level, Bowman will throw a second set of fireballs.
Level 28
MP 8
Final Change: N/A
Bowman throws a specially mixed medicine pill in the air and catches it in his
mouth to heal himself.
Level 35
MP 13
Final Change: 100
Bowman spits into two images on opposite sides of the enemy, and the two charge
at the enemy, hitting it to do damage. Once this waza is powered up, Bowman will
split into four images and charge at the enemy in an X formation.
Level 43
MP 15
Final Change: 400
With this technique, Bowman spins around his arms and creates a whirlwind,
catching the enemy and shooting it high up into the air.
Level 51
MP 28
Final Change: 200
At a close range, Bowman creates an energy field around himself and body bashes
the enemy. At a further range, Bowman wil fire the energy field directly at the
Level 66
MP 20
Final Change: 200
Bowman mixes up a quick firebomb and throws it at the enemy; it explodes and
does damage. Once this waza powered up, Bowman will throw more firebombs which
explode in a greater radius.
Level 74
MP 36
Final Change: 250
With this, technique, Bowman flies through the air with a flurry of punches and
kicks to hit his enemy multiple times.
--Opera's Hissatsuwaza--
Photon Prison
Level N/A
MP 10
Final Change: 270
Opera launches a beam at her target and freezes its movement. The higher you
build this waza, the longer the enemy's movements are frozen.
Flame Launcher
Level N/A
MP 7
Final Change: 200
With this technique, at short range Opera fires a blast of flame at her target
to hit it several times for damage. At long range, she lobs a ball of fire of
her opponent, and when it strikes the ground it explodes in flame.
Alpha on one
Level 24
MP 23
Final Change: 440
With this technique, Opera fires a series of guided energy bolts from the
Kaleidoscope at her enemy which explode on contact. The higher you build this
hissatsuwaza, the more bolts she shoots.
Spread Ray
Level 34
MP 16
Final Change: 540
Opera jumps high into the air and fires energy bolts down at her target. The
higher this waza's level is, the more bolts she fires.
Cold Wind
Level 41
MP 25
Final Change: 300
With this technique, Opera fires a blast of cold air from the Kaliedoscope to
hit her target many times for cold damage. Once you build this technique up the
number of hits the enemy takes increases.
Gravity Shell
Level 54
MP 20
Final Change: N/A
Opera fires a special shell into the air from the Kaleidoscope; it opens a huge
sphere of high levels of gravity to crush any enemies in its area of effect.
Lightning Bullet
Level 69
MP 20
Final Change: 200
At a long range, Opera fires a long beam of electricity at her opponent. At
short range, she fires her Kaleidoscope into the ground, producing a wall of
electricity that spreads out around her.
Heal Star
[Machinery Hissatsuwaza---use the Black System]
MP 9
Final Change: N/A
Opera fires a healing beam into the air, healing all characters in the battle.
Laser Bit
[Machinery Hissatsuwaza--use the White System]
MP 8
Final Change: 300
Opera throws a prism out in front of her, then fires the Kaleiodoscope into it,
splitting the beam to hit any surrounding enemies. The higher you build this
technique, the more beams the laser is split into.
Hyper Launcher
[Machinery Hissatsuwaza--use the Green System]
MP 34
Final Change: 500
Opera fires a massive laser beam out of the Kaleidoscope, frying anything in its
path for multiple hits. The higher this skill is built, the greater the number
of hits it produces.
--Ernest's Hissatsuwaza--
Dimension Whip
Level N/A
MP 5
Final Change: 240
Ernest creates a "dimensional hole" near an enemy whips his whip into it,
striking the enemy even from far distances. At high levels, the whip is split
into multiple whips when coming out of the dimensional hole, to hit the enemy as
many as four times.
Spiral Whip
Level N/A
MP 7
Final Change: N/A
Ernest spins his whip around to create a whirlwind to attack his target. At Long
range the whirlwind will fire away from Ernest toward the enemy at a distance.
Arc Attack
Level 32
MP 7
Final Change: 200
Ernest snags his whip onto something in the ceiling and swings Indiana Jones-
style with the whip to kick his target. At higher levels Ernest kicks as many as
four times.
Thousand Whip
Level 41
MP 10
Final Change: 120
With this technique, Ernest lashes his whip over and over again, hitting any
enemies that fall within its range multiple times. The higher this waza is
built, the longer Ernest whips and the more times he hits.
Cloud Dust
Level 49
MP 18
Final Change: 100
Ernest lashes his whip around himself to create a sandstorm to attack his
target, and increases his dodge level.
Broken Heart
Level 58
MP 17
Final Change: 200
Ernest lashes his whip into the ground, and it comes up covered with thorns
right under his target.
Thunder Whip
Level 65
MP 22
Final Change: 200
With this technique, Ernest charges his whip with a bolt of lightning and whips
his target. When this waza is built up, the lightning will diffuse and will hit
multiple times.
Sonic Whip
Level 73
MP 25
Final Change: 100
Ernest lashes his whip through the air, slicing it and creating a huge vacuum
wave which assaults the enemy for lots of damage.
--Dias' Hissatsuwaza--
Cross Wave
Level N/A
MP 8
Final Change: 120
This technique is similar to the Souhazan; Dias jumps in the air and does a
cross slash to hit his enemy twice.
Level N/A
MP 4
Final Change: N/A
This technique is identical to Crawd's technique of the same name, except that
the energy wave created is blue and is much faster.
Level N/A
MP 10
Final Change: 130
Dias executes a powerful slash in an arc toward the sky, hitting any enemy in
front of or above him with a large shockwave it creates.
Chaos Sword
Level N/A
MP 5
Final Change: 120
At a close range, this is a slash which creates an energy field to strike the
enemy and do damage. At a long range, this technique is similar to the Kuhazan;
Dias stabs his sword into the ground and fires a shockwave toward his enemy
along the ground.
Level 40
MP 10
Final Change: 130
Dias runs up to his enemy and charges forward with a powerful stab.
Level 48
MP 13
Final Change: 100
With this hissatsuwaza, Dias cuts a slash in the air and fires an arcing
shockwave toward his opponent from a distance.
Level 56
MP 16
Final Change: 100
Dias creates a flaming phoenix image from his sword and launches it at his
enemy, burning them for fire damage.
Level 63
MP 25
Final Change: 100
Dias holds his sword above his head and turns it around in a circle, creating a
field of negative energy which launches an invisible projectile at his target.
Once this waza is powered up, Dias will spin his sword faster, launching the
projectile sooner.
Level 70
MP 21
Final Change: 420
This is a double-strike slash; once this waza is powered up Dias will slash more
times faster.
Level 78
MP 30
Final Change: 200
Dias jumps high into the air, transforms his body into a Suzaku (a flaming bird
of legend) and swoops down on his target, burning it to do lots of damage.
--Chisato's Hissatsuwaza--
Level N/A
MP 5
Final Change: 240
Chisato tucks her body into a ball and charges at her enemy spinning to hit
multiple times. The higher this waza is built, the more times that Chisato will
strike her opponent.
Burning Cards
Level N/A
MP 10
Final Change: 200
Chisato throws several business cards at her opponent, hitting them from a
distance. Once this waza's level is built up Chisato will throw six cards
instead of the usual 3.
Level 40
MP 14
Final Change: 200
This technique is a spinning roundhouse kick followed up by a trip kick. After
this waza is built up Chisato will finish off with an axe kick.
100,000 Volts
Level 44
MP 22
Final Change: 200
Chisato uses her stun gun to launch a large electrical field at her enemy. At a
higher level this waza fires more electrical fields in a larger radius.
Flame Thrower
Level 53
MP 20
Final Change: 200
Chisato pulls out a huge flamethrower and burns her opponent, hitting multiple
times doing fire-type damage. At a high level Chisato will fire the flamethrower
into the air, causing the flame to fall down upon her target.
Level 62
MP 17
Final Change: 200
This is a low-medium-high series of punches and kicks. With a higher jukurendo
level the number of attacks Chisato throws is increased.
Tear Gas
Level 68
MP 32
Final Change: 0
Using her cellular phone, Chisato calls a huge machine out of the ground to blow
a blast of tear gas at her opponent, hitting multiple times to do lots of
Level 72
MP 25
Final Change: 240
Chisato calls up "3-A" on the phone and has a flurry of bombs dropped out of the
sky on her opponent. It takes a while before the bombs come though.
"Zokusei" indicates the type of attribute associated with the spell, like fire
or ice. All attack spells have Zokusei, and a few support spells do too. If you
see "No Jukurendo" by a spell, it means that the spell's power will not increase
or change the more you cast it.
This spell heals a single character a small bit:
MP: 3
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV N/A, Noel LV N/A
Cure Light
This spell heals a single character's HP more than Heal does.
MP: 11
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 10, Noel LV N/A
Fairy Heal
This spell summons several fairies to heal the target character. It is the most
powerful healing spell that can be used on a single character.
MP: 30
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 52, Noel LV 55
Cure All
This spell heals all characters in the current party a little less than Cure
Light would.
MP: 18
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV20, Noel LV 41
Fairy Light
This spell summons many large fairies to heal the entire party a very large
amount. It heals all characters slightly less than Fairy Heal would to a single
MP: 40
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 65, Noel LV 77
This spell cures poison from a single character.
MP: 5
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV3,
No Jukurendo
This spell will cure a single character of any type of status ailment other than
unconsciousness; poison, paralysis, and petrification.
MP: 24
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 25, Noel LV 60
No Jukurendo
This spell cancels out any special-effect spells that were cast on the target,
like reduced strength or speed, to return the character to his or her original
MP: 17
Zokusei: None
Characters: Celine LV 27, Noel LV 45
No Jukurendo
This spell is sort of a variation off of Neutral; it will neutralize the effects
of any spells a single enemy has cast, so if one enemy reduced several
characters' stats with a spell, casting Curse on it will restore all characters
MP: 20
Zokusei: None
Characters: Celine LV 39, Noel LV 66
Raise Dead
This spell will revive a single unconscious ally in battle, and restore him or
her to 50% HP capacity.
MP: 45
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 60
No Jukurendo
This spell will stop the flow of air around the enemies, causing any sound
coming from them to cease. Any enemies affected cannot use any type of spells.
MP 14
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 12, Noel LV 41
This spell is similar to Silence; it sends out black beams of lightning which
shock the target's brain and cause it to forget all its spells.
MP: 10
Zokusei: Lightning
Characters: Celine LV 15
Deep Mist
This spell encases all enemies in a deep mist, making it difficult for them to
see, and likewise reduces their hit accuracy.
MP: 11
Zokusei: Darkness
Characters: Rena LV 8, Leon LV N/A
Acid Rain
This spell causes corrosive acid rain to fall on all enemies, melting any armor
they have on and reducing their defense rating.
MP: 7
Zokusei: Water
Characters: Leon LV N/A
This spell will increase the running speed of a single ally during battle.
MP: 20
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 42, Leon LV 42
No Jukurendo
This spell will slow the flow of time for a single enemy and reduce its
running/flying speed.
MP: 18
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 22, Leon LV 36
Fixed Cloud
This spell drops a huge cloud down onto the battlefield at great speed, sending
out a shockwave which stuns all enemies.
MP: 12
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 18
This spell increases a single character's strength, increasing their attack
power during battle.
MP: 22
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 47, Leon LV 50
No Jukurendo
This spell creates a barrier around a single character, increasing their defense
MP: 18
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 33, Leon LV N/A
No Jukurendo
This spell encases a single character in light, blessing him or her and
increasing their hit accuracy.
MP: 18
Zokusei: None
Characters: Celine LV 28, Noel LV 72
No Jukurendo
This spell is very similar to Reflection; it summons a lighting shield to
surround a single character and increase their defense power.
MP: 8
Zokusei: Lightning
Characters: Celine LV 19
This spell creates a magic barrier around all characters in the party,
increasing their magic resistance and reducing damage done by enemy spells.
MP: 40
Zokusei: Mu
Characters: Rena LV 54, Celine LV 59
No Jukurendo
Angel Feather
This spell summons the power of an angel to assist a single character,
increasing all of his or her parameters.
MP: 30
Zokusei: None
Characters: Rena LV 72, Celine LV 76
No Jukurendo
This spell causes a blade of earth to shoot up out of the ground and stab any
enemies near the target.
MP: 4
Zokusei: Earth
Characters: Noel LV N/A
Earth Grave
This spell causes numerous waves of sharp chunks of earth to shoot out of the
ground and slice all enemies facing the caster.
MP: 16
Zokusei: Earth
Characters: Noel LV N/A
This spell summons a huge earth golem, who slams the ground with his fists to
create a gigantic earthquake. Any flying enemies or enemies knocked up into the
air will be unaffected though.
MP: 65
Zokusei: Earth
Characters: Noel LV 82
Ice Needle
This spell conjures up a spear of ice, which is fired at a single enemy.
MP: 2
Zokusei: Water
Characters: Leon LV N/A
Deep Freeze
This spell causes many ice spikes to fly at and pierce any enemies within range
of the target.
MP: 15
Zokusei: Water
Characters: Leon LV N/A
The most powerful water spell, Noa summons a huge tidal wave that hits all
enemies, drowning any weaker enemies and doing lots of damage to more powerful
MP: 35
Zokusei: Water
Characters: Leon LV 54
Fire Bolt
This spell summons a small bolt of fire and launches it at a single enemy to do
burning damage. Not very powerful, but quick to cast and quick to fire.
MP: 2
Zokusei: Fire
Character: Celine LV N/A
Any enemies caught within the range of this spell will be blasted by a gusher of
lava, doing fairly heavy fire damage.
MP: 30
Zokusei: Fire
Characters: Celine LV 34
The most powerful fire-based spell, Explode summons a series of huge explosions,
damaging all enemies facing the caster.
MP: 54
Zokusei: Fire
Characters: Celine LV 66
Wind Blade
This spell summons a small tornado, which shoots across the ground from the
caster to his or her target. This spell is quick to cast and quick to recover
from, but doesn't do much damage.
MP: 2
Zokusei: Wind
Characters: Celine LV N/A, Noel LV N/A
Tetnus Wind
This spell summons poisonous vacuum blades to slice a single enemy to damage a
single enemy.
MP: 10
Zokusei: Wind
Characters: Noel LV N/A
Sonic Saber
The caster of this spell launches a vacuum blade, slicing anything in its path
to do wind damage.
MP: 11
Zokusei: Wind
Characters: Noel LV N/A
Magnum Tornado
This spell summons a single tornado, damaging any enemy within its range.
MP: 18
Zokusei: Wind
Characters: Noel LV N/A
The most powerful wind spell, Phane is a powerful blast of searing hot wind that
burns and slices all enemies facing the caster
MP: 25
Zokusei: Wind
Characters: Noel LV 52
This spell causes a single bolt of lighting to come down on one enemy, damaging
it (and any other enemies that happen to be right next to it) for a small amount
of electrical damage.
MP: 4
Zokusei: Lightning
Characters: Celine LV N/A
Thunder Storm
This spell calls down several bolts of lightning to strike the field and shock
all enemies facing the caster. It's significantly stronger than a single
MP: 28
Zokusei: Lightning
Characters: Celine LV 31
Thunder Cloud
Thunder Cloud is the most powerful lightning spell; it creates a very large
stormcloud which sends down several bolts of lightning to strike each enemy
facing the caster.
MP: 40
Zokusei: Lightning
Characters: Celine LV 55
Star Light
This spell fires a star up into the air, which shoots a beam of light to strike
each enemy on the battlefield.
MP: 10
Zokusei: Star
Characters: Celine LV 17, Leon LV 34
Tractor Beam
This spell pulls up any enemy standing on the ground in the area affected using
a large tractor beam; once enemies are higher in the air, the beam turns them
upside-down and drops them on their heads. This spell does not work on airborne
MP: 22
Zokusei: Star
Characters: Rena LV 36
Southern Cross
The caster of this spell calls down the power of the 5 stars in the Southern
Cross constellation onto the battlefield, having them collide into the ground
and doing lots of damage to every enemy facing her.
MP: 42
Zokusei: Star
Characters: Celine LV 49
Meteo Swarm
This is the second most powerful attack spell in the game; it calls many
meteorites from space and causes them to slam into all enemies facing the
caster, doing heavy damage.
MP: 82
Zokusei: Star
Characters: Celine LV N/A (Treasure)
Energy Arrow
This spell summons an arrow of negatively-charged light to strike a single
MP: 17
Zokusei: Fu
Characters: Celine LV 12, Noel LV N/A
Blood Scylla
Blood Scylla sucks the life energy out of a single enemy and gives it to the
caster, restoring his HP.
MP: 12
Zokusei: Fu
Characters: Noel LV 49
Lost Mental
This spell absorbs a single enemy's MP, draining them and giving them to the
caster of the spell.
MP: 1
Zokusei: Fu
Characters: Celine LV 22, Noel Level N/A
Word of Death
The caster of this spell speaks a single magical word of great power to a single
target; any enemy that hears this word and does not resist it dies immediately.
MP: 18
Zokusei: Fu
Characters: Leon LV N/A
This spell fires many beams of light onto the battlefield, causing explosions
and doing damage to all enemies facing the caster.
MP: 10
Zokusei: Light
Characters: Rena LV 14, Celine LV 9
Light Cross
This spell creates a cross of light which disperses and explodes on to the
battlefield, damaging every enemy facing the caster.
MP: 18
Zokusei: Light
Characters: Rena LV 30
Star Flare
The caster of this spell summons a huge star and has it fire many bolts of light
which explode on the ground to do damage to all enemies in the battle.
MP: 26
Zokusei: Light
Characters: Rena LV 63
Lunar Light
This spell calls down many bolts of light from the moon which strike the
battlefield and create a huge explosion, damaging all enemies on the screen.
MP: 38
Zokusei: Light
Characters: Celine LV 43
This spell summons a demon from the target's own shadow to attack it.
MP: 4
Zokusei: Dark
Characters: Leon LV N/A
Shadow Bolt
This spell calls a flurry of black energy bolts from a shadow to do damage to a
single enemy.
MP: 7
Zokusei: Dark
Characters: Leon LV N/A
Black Saber
This spell is very similar to Sonic Saber; it is a bolt of dark energy that is
fired from the caster in a straight line, damaging everything in its path.
MP: 14
Zokusei: Dark
Characters: Leon LV N/A
Shadow Flare
The most powerful Shadow magic, this spell calls up a ball of flame from the
Demon World to explode upon the battlefield and burn every enemy facing the
MP: 32
Zokusei: Dark
Characters: Leon LV 39
This spell calls a large weight out of the sky to fall on a single enemy,
squashing it.
MP: 7
Zokusei: Mu
Gravity Press
This spell calls many weights out of the sky to fall on every enemy that is
within its area of effect.
MP: 24
Zokusei: Mu
Characters: Rena LV 28
Gremlin Lair
This spell summons a demon from the Demon World, who throws a spinning
projectile to damage all enemies facing the caster. It then proceeds to bite
each enemy several times in succession before returning to where it came from.
MP: 26
Zokusei: Mu
Characters: Leon LV 60
Demon's Gate
This spell opens a gate to the Demon World; a demon comes out and launches a
force wave with its staff to damage all enemies facing the caster.
MP: 37
Zokusei: Mu
Characters: Leon LV 66
Dark Circle
The caster of this spell opens a dimensional portal like a black hole, which
sucks in any enemy with less than 1/4 of its full HP.
MP: 65
Zokusei: Mu
Characters: Leon LV 78
The most powerful attack spell in the game, this spell launches a massive energy
wave which engulfs all enemies to do heavy damage, if not killing them outright.
MP: 90
Zokusei: Mu
Characters: Leon LV N/A (Treasure)
Throughout the course of the game, you will find Skill Guilds in various towns.
Here you can buy sets of skills. Each skill set contains from 3-5 skills in it.
Once you buy a skill set, the skills within that set will appear on the Skills
screen accessible from the Camp menu. On the Skills screen, you can use a
character's Skill Points to learn any skills there.
--Chishiki Kanren Level 1--
Koubutsugaku (ìzò¿èw-Mineralogy)
Knowledge of minerals and gems. Increases the learner's Intelligence by Skill
Level x 3
Yakusougaku (û=æÉèw-Study of Herbal Medicinal)
Knowledge of herbs and their medicinal uses. Increases healing potential of
Blueberries and Blackberries by Skill Level x 3% for the learner.
Recipe (âîâVâs)
Knowledge of various food recipes.
--Chishiki Level 2--
Otamajakushi (âIâgâ}âWâââNâV-Tadpole--Do not ask me, I have no clue)
General knowlege of music. Increases the learner's Dodge rate by Skill Level + 2
Seibutsugaku (ÉÂò¿èw-Biology)
Knowledge of living beings. Increases the learner's maximum HP by Skill Level
squared x 10 (ie +10 HP level 1, +40 HP Level 2, +90 HP level 3....+1000 HP
Level 10)
Dougu Chishiki (ô¦ï´ÆmÄ»-Item Knowledge)
Knowledge of weapons, armor, and items. Increases selling price of items by
skill Level x 3%
Dokyo (ôxï¦-Guts)
The ability to do outrageous (even foolhardy?) things in front of others without
becoming stressed or nervous.
Nintai (öEæ¤-Endurance)
The ability to endure painful experiences without faltering; strong willpower.
Increases the learner's defense power by Skill Level + 4
Biteki Kankaku (ö³ôIè¦èo-Aesthetic Sense)
A keen sense of and appreciation of beauty in many things. Also the ability to
think up and design things.
Mekiki (û+ùÿé½-Good Eyes)
The ability to select good and ripe ingredients when cooking food. Also
increases the healing ability of foods.
--Kankaku Level 2--
Asobikokoro (ùVéÐÉS-Desire to enjoy oneself)
A playful spirit and a tolerant, open mind. Every time you increase this level
you will gain some Vol (the higher the level, the more you get)
Kiken Kanchi (èÙî»è¦Æm-Sense of Danger)
An intuition of how and when to avoid dangerous situations. Increases the
learner's Stamina by 3 x Skill level
Konjo (ì¬É½-Willpower)
The ability to stand up to powerful forces. Decreases the number of skill points
needed to learn all skills by Skill Level. (IOW if you have a Konjo level of 5
and it would normally take 20 Skill Points to raise Mekiki 1 level, the number
of points needed to raise Mekiki will actually come to 15)
Poker Face (â|ü[âJü[âtâFâCâX)
The ability to stay calm and cool in any situation, keeping one's composure in
even the toughest of situations. Increases the learner's Guts level by 3 x Skill
--Kankaku Level 3--
Kinobi (ï@ö\ö³-Functional Beauty)
The ability to strike a balance between beauty and functionality. Increases
Strength, Intelligence, Evasion, and Accuracy by Skill Level + 6.
Denpa (ôdög-Electromagnetic wave)
A 6th sense and ability to hear the calling of higher powers and voices that the
normal human cannot. Every time you increase Denpa you are given a random item.
Doryoku (ôwù--Effort)
A concentrated effort to reach one's goals. The higher this skill's level is
built, the less EXP needed to reach the next level.
--Gijutsu Level 1--
Kuchibue (î¹ôJ-Whistle)
The ability to put your fingers in your mouth and blow a loud whistle.
Copy (âRâsü[)
The ability to capture minute details within an object and duplicate them
Dessin (âfâbâTâô-Draw)
The ability to express oneself by painting on a canvas or modeling a lump of
Hocho (ò´ÆÜ-Kitchen Knife)
The ability to use a kitchen cleaver well. Increases the learner's Strength by
20 x Skill level.
--Gijutsu Level 2--
Kikai Chishiki (ï@èBÆmÄ»-Machinery Knowledge)
Knowledge of the concept of machines, their construction, and the way they move.
Craft (âNâëâtâg)
The ability to move one's hands to perform minute tasks. Increases the learner's
Dodge ability by Skill Level + 3.
Chokyo (Ʀï¦-Animal Training)
The ability to train birds and animals to do things that you tell them to do.
Bunpitsu (òÂòM-Writing)
Knowledge of how to write documents. Increases the learner's Accuracy ability by
Skill Level +3.
--Gijutsu Level 3--
Enso (ëëæt-Perform)
The ability to play musical instruments. Increases the learner's Evasion rate by
Skill Level + 2.
Kagaku Gijutsu (ë+èwïZÅp-Scientific Skill)
The ability to use various tools to perform scientific experiments. Increases
the learner's Strength by 10 x Skill level
Kikai Sosa (ï@èBæÇìý-Machine Operation)
Knowledge of how to operate machinery; a general "knack" with machines.
Cast (âLâââXâg)
The ability to termper, smelt, and cast metal. Increasese the learner's Accuracy
by Skill Level x 2.
--Sento Level 1--
Note: All Combat skills have random chances of being used each time the
character attacks/is struck/etc. Raising Skill level increases the percentage
chance that the character will use these skills.
Kiko (ïCî¸-not easily translatable martial arts concept--also known as Qigong)
When struck in battle, the master of Kiko concentrates his or her inner ki,
reducing the damage taken and increasing defense power.
Kyusho Nerai (ï}Åèæ_éó-Target critical point)
If this skill succeeds, the user strikes a nerve center or critical point of his
target, ignoring several percent of his/her/its Defense power.
Kyoda (ï¡æ+-Strong Strike, lit.)
The user of this technique can strike his or her target with a powerful blow,
knocking it back.
Cancel (âLâââôâZâï)
If the character you're controlling has this skill learned, after executing an
attack, with good timing and luck you can press the L1 or R1 buttons and
immediately execute a hissatsuwaza, without having to wait for the recovery from
the first attack; in other words you can execute a quick combo of normal attack
+ hissatsuwaza.
--Sento Level 2--
Mekuri (é¯é¡éÞ-Turn Over)
If this skill succeeds, the character attacking will dart behind his target and
strike it from behind.
Hayate (é-éÔé--Storm/Speed)
The higher you build this skill, the faster your character runs across the
Feint (âtâFâCâôâg)
If this skill succeeds, your character will perform a feint, increasing the
accuracy of the strike.
Renki (ù¹ïC-Another hard to translate martial arts technique, "Ki polishing,"
If this skill succeeds, your character will draw extra ki into his/her strike
and increase the blow's attack power.
--Sento Level 3--
Counter (âJâEâôâ^ü[)
If you hit the O button the instant you get hit by an enemy and the skill
succeeds, you will immediately counterattack without being knocked back. (though
you still take the damage)
Ukenagashi (ľé»ù¼éÁ-Evade/Redirect)
If this skill succeeds, when an enemy attacks your character, your evasion rate
will increase, increasing the chance of you dodging the attack.
Shintai Kankaku (Égæ¦è¦èo-Sense of Body)
This user of this skill has a heightened constitution and sense of balance. When
hit with a powerful attack, if this skill succeeds, the character struck will
not become dizzy.
Hayakuchi (æüî¹-Fast-talking)
The user of this skill can chant the incantation necessary to cast a spell
faster; if it succeeds, casting time is reduced, often to a mere instant.
Chohatsu (ƺö¡-Provoke)
If you press the Select button during a battle while controlling a character
with this skill, that character will taunt the enemy, drawing all enemies to
attack him or her. Useful to use when your other characters are being beaten up
and you want enemies away from them. Note that you can only use this skill once
a battle.
--Sento Skill Level ?--
Float (âtâìü[âg)
If this skill succeeds, the character using it hits the enemy with a really
powerful blow, knocking them into the air and doing lots of damage. Note that
you can't buy this skill--you have to find it.
-----------------------TOKUGI AND SUPER TOKUGI----------------------
Skills in and of themselves have some minor effects on characters with them in
that they can raise statistics or increase effects of healing items, but their
primary usage is with Tokugi (Special Abilities). Tokugi are abilities a
character can learn that you can use to perform special tasks. These tasks range
from foraging to mixing medicines to picking the pockets of townspeople. To
learn a Tokugi, you first need to learn the prerequisite Skills. For example, to
Originality: The ability to uniquely "put a bit of one's self" into your
Mikaku (Gourmet Sense): The ability to distinguish all sorts of tastes and
determine what is pleasing and what is not.
Kiyo na Yubisaki (Skillful fingertips): The ability to move one's hands the way
one wants to in minute detail.
Design Sense: An artistic sense of balance and form.
Bunsai (Literary Ability): The ability to put one's thoughts and feelings in
Rythm Kan (Rythmic Sense): A firm grasp of musical rythm.
Onkan (Musical Sense): "Perfect Pitch;" the ability to know what's in key and
what isn't.
Dobutsuzuki (Love of animals): A love of animals and all other living things in
Yasei no Kan (Wild Sense): A sort of animal instinct; a "sixth sense."
Mana no Shukufuku (Blessing of Mana): "Magic" in one's veins; an innate magical
If you don't start out with a Talent, it's still possible to learn it. By
practicing skills that require certain Talents, you can bring out Secret Talents
within a character. Once that Secret Talent is brought out, any skills that
required that Talent before will succeed. In addition, you will gain 50 bonus
skill points. The one exception to this rule is with Mana no Shukufuku.
Apparently Mana no Shukufuku is not a "learnable" Talent. Spellcasters (IOW
Rena, Celine, Leon, and Noel) start with this talent naturally; other characters
cannot gain it.
The Tokugi:
Art is an Item Creation ability. The character with this ability can infuse
magical power into the paintings and sculptures that he or she makes. You need
either a Magical Canvas or a lump of Magical Clay in order to make anything
though. The items that you can create with this ability are generally (but not
universally) expendable items that you can use in battle. Items drawn on Magic
Canvas are mostly cards that affect combat variables or portraits of the
characters in your party. Items sculpted with Magical Clay are generally items
that you can use in battle to attack or otherwise affect the enemy.
Skills needed to learn Art: Dessin, Biteki Kankaku
Talents needed to use Art effectively: Design Sense
Items needed to use Art: Magical Canvas, Magical Clay
Support Items for Art: Graphics Tool
This is an Item Creation ability. For those of you who have played Star Ocean 1,
this ability is basically the same as the Katanakaji (Temper) Item Creation.
Using a gem or mineral, a character with this ability can temper any weapon that
he or she can use and try to power it up. If you fail you'll lose both the
weapon and the gem/mineral, so be sure to save before trying to use this ability
with that special unique weapon you just found. Using this skill, you can make
the most powerful weapons in the game.
Skills needed to learn Customize: Craft, Cast, Kinobi
Talents needed to Customize effectively: Originality
Support Items for Customize: Magical Rasp
KANTEI (Appraise)
This is an Item Creation ability. During your journey you will come across a lot
of items that you aren't quite sure what they do. You'll often know if it's a
mineral, weapon, or armor, but until you know for sure what it is you can't use
it. At this point, you will need to identify these items, and Kantei is the
ability you'll need to do it. Every time you try to identify an item, you will
need to use a Spectacle. Whether you succeed or fail, you will lose the
Spectacle, but if you succeed you will identify the item and will be able to
use/sell it. If you fail, the item will remain unidentified.
Skills needed to learn Kantei: Dogu Chishiki, Yakusogaku, Kobutsugaku
Talents needed to Kantei effectively: None
Support Items for Kantei: Genso Bunsekiki (Element Analyzer)
SAIKU (Craftsmanship)
This is an Item Creation skill. During the game you will come across a large
number of gems and minerals. You can use them to power up your weapons, but
another use for them is to try to craft them into some sort of accessory you can
use. Using this skill you can try to make an accessory out of one of your gems
or minerals. If you succeed, you will make an accessory you can equip; if you
fail you will make some sort of useless junk. For each type of gem/mineral there
are usually eight or nine different things you can make, but each character can
only make four of those items. So in order to make all the items possible from
each gem, you are going to need to have more than one person learn this ability.
Skills needed to learn Saiku: Kobutsugaku, Craft, Biteki Kankaku
Talents needed to Saiku effectively: Originality, Kiyo na Yubisaki
Support Items for Saiku: Handagote (Pewter Container)
SHIPPITSU (Authoring)
This is an Item Cration skill. Any character with this skill can try to write a
handbook on any skill he or she has a level of 5 or greater in. When you use one
of these handbooks on a character, they will gain one skill level in that skill
without having to use the necessary Skill Points to do so. However, you can
only raise a character's skill level to 5 through books; the other 5 levels he
or she will have to earn on his/her own. Also, there are many skills that
simply can't have handbooks written on them. Another thing to note is that Leon
can create weapons for himself using Shippitsu, since his primary weapon is
magical books. In order to write a book, you first need a Mannenpitsu. (û£öNòM,
fountain pen) Whether you succeed or fail, the pen will be used up.
Skills needed to learn Shippitsu: Bunpitsu
Talents needed to use Shippitsu effectively: Bunpitsu
Support Items for Shippitsu: Wapuro Soft (Word Processor Software)
SHUGYO (Train)
Characters who have Training ability can increase the amount of experience
points they gain after battle, as many as 30% more exp as usual depending on the
level. However, when characters are training, as soon as they enter battle their
attack power, defense power, Dodge ability, and Accuracy decrease. This is only
temporary though; as soon as you stop training stat levels will not change when
you enter battle. Turning this ability on/off is accessed through the Tokugi
menu on the Camp screen.
Skills needed to learn Shugyo: Konjo, Nintai, Doryoku
Talents needed to use Shugyo effectively: None
Support Items for Shugyo: None
With this ability, you can control to an extent the enemy encounter rate. You
can choose to do nothing, search for enemies, or avoid enemies. The higher your
level in this Tokugi, the more you will find/avoid enemies. If you want a
character to Scout, you must put him or her in the first position in the party
lineup. If more than one character in a party has Scout, the first character in
the lineup will do the scouting, regardless of level or Talent. So if you want
to scout make sure to put your Scouter in the front position.
Skills needed to learn Scout: Kiken Kanchi
Talents needed to use Scout effectively: Yasei no Kan
Support Items for Scout: None
CHOGO (Mixing)
This is an Item creation ability. Characters who have this ability can mix
together herbs and create medicine or an item out of them. Each time you try to
mix an item, you choose two herbs from your total inventory (you can pick two of
the same herb) and the item you will get if you succeed the Item Creation will
differ depending on what these two herbs are. If you fail, you lose both herbs.
Skills needed to learn Chogo: Yakusogaku, Seibutsugaku, Seishingaku
Talents needed to use Chogo effectively: Kiyo na Yubisaki
Support Items for Chogo: Mekki Tebukuro (Sterilized Gloves)
The fine art of making delicious food! This Item Creation ability lets you take
a bunch of ingredients and turn them into something edible. (or drinkable) Items
you create with this skill can heal your HP and/or MP. In addition, you can use
this skill to make characters' Koubutsu, favorite food/drinks that heal
individual characters to their max levels. (usually) There are two types of
ingredients, normal and special. Normal ones you can buy. Special ones you'll
have to find. If you fail a Chori with a normal ingredient, you'll create a
piece of bad-tasting (and sometimes poisonous) food. If you fail with a special
ingredient, you won't create anything at all.
Skills needed to learn Chori: Recipe, Mekiki, Hocho
Talents needed to use Chori effectively: Mikaku
Support Items for Chori: Bannohocho (Kitchen Knife of 10,000 Uses)
This skill allows the character using it to train birds to run errands for him
or her. If you have a Pet no Esa (âyâbâgé¦ëa, Pet food) then you can call a bird
to go back to town and buy things for you. If your skill level is low or you
don't have the necessary talent, the bird will eat the food and fly away without
doing anything for you. Also, with a higher skill level, different birds that
can carry more items will come.
Birds and the items they buy:
Skill level 1: Hato (pigeon): Blueberry, Aquaberry, Spectacles, Blackberry
Skill level 3: Karasu (Crow): Rosehip, Torikabuto, Lavender, Flare Bomb
Skill level 5: Konotori (Crane): Cure Paralyze, Mind Bomb, Mandrake, Resurrect
bottle, Cure Stone
Skill level 7: Taka (Hawk): Gyokarui, Kudamono, Kokumotsu, Nikurui, Yasai,
Skill level 9: Washi (Eagle): Aquaberry, Blackberry, Blueberry, Spectacles,
Liquor Bottle, Aseras, Resurrect Bottle, Magic Canvas
Skills needed to learn Familiar: Kuchibue, Chokyo
Talents needed to use Familiar effectively: Dobutsuzuki
Support Items for Familiar: None
RENKIN (Alchemy)
This Item creation skill can be used to create metal ores and valuable gems out
of regular iron utilizing the user's innate magical ability. The higher you
build this ability, the more different types of metal you can try to make. If
you fail this skill though, the iron you try to change will turn into a useless
Skills needed to learn Renkin: Kagaku Gijutsu, Kobutsugaku, Yoseiron
Talents needed to use Renkin effectively: Mana no Shukufuku
Support Items for Renkin: Sankaku Furasuk, (Triangle Flask) Lezard's Flask (I
may be spelling the name wrong ^^; He's supposed to be some famous alchemist
according to the item description)
Survival is an Item "Creation" skill. Actually, it's more of an item finding
skills. The character with Survival skill searches around the area and looks for
any items that might come in handy. The things you can find can range from the
totally useless to the extremely valuable. It's just a matter of luck. Every
time you use Survival though, it will cost you 4 MP. If you don't have enough
MP you can't use it. Also note that the types of items you will find will often
depend on where you are searching; if you're on the beach, you're likely to find
fish, if you're in the forest, you're likely to find Blueberries, etc. And of
course if you fail, you won't find anything.
Skills needed to learn Survival: Yakusogaku, Nintai
Talents needed to use Survival effectively: None
Support Items for Survival: Survival Kit
With this skill you can "walk the path of evil" as the game puts it, and steal
items from townspeople, or even other members of your party if you're doing it
during a Private Action. To steal from townspeople, you first need to be
equipping the Accessory "Tozoku Tebukuro." (ôÉæ»é-éÈé¡éÙ, Thief Glove) Then,
when in town, you can use the S button within "talking" range to attempt to
steal from a townsperson. If you succeed, you'll steal whatever that person was
carrying. If you fail, you either couldn't steal, or got caught. Regardless of
whether or not you succeeded, once you try to steal from someone, you can never
try to steal from that same person again. Another thing to note is that if you
steal with other characters in your party (IOW not during a Private Action) all
the characters in the party will have their KJD level reduced for the stealing
Skills needed to learn Pickpocket: Dokyo, Poker Face
Talents needed to Pickpocket effectively: Kiyo na Yubisaki
Support Items for Pickpocket: Magician Hand (Have to equip it)
FUKUSEI (Duplicate)
This Item creation skill allows you to duplicate a single item in your inventory
exactly. To do so, you need to use the item "Magic Camera" to take a picture of
the item using "Magic Film." For each time that you try to use the skill, one
exposure of Magic Film will be used. If you succeed, the Magic Film will become
a copy of the item you chose. If you fail, you'll just end up with an
overexposed negative. Note that not all items can be reproduced. Most rare
and/or valuable items are not copyable via this skill.
Skills needed to learn Fukusei: Copy
Talents needed to use Fukusei effectively: None
Support Items for Fukusei: RIRICA (have to select it when duplicating)
This item creation ability allows you to build various types of machines that
can help you along in your journey. You can build bombs, items to increase
success rate of other abilities/Item creations, and even weapons for Opera or
Precis. To build anything though, you first need a Material Kit. If you succeed,
the parts in the metal kit will become a machine for you to use. If you fail,
you'll just lose the kit.
Skills needed to learn Machinery: Kikai Chishiki, Kikai Sosa
Talents needed to use Machinery effectively: Design Sense, Kiyo na Yubisaki
Support Items for Machinery: None
-----SUPER TOKUGI-----
Super Tokugi are a step up from normal Tokugi. They are more powerful abilities
and Item creations that not just a single person does, but the entire party
works together to do. Instead of learning Super Tokugi by learning a combination
of skills, you learn them through combinations of other Tokugi. For example, to
learn Master Chef, you need to learn both Chori and Chogo. In order to learn a
Super Tokugi, you have to raise both of the component Tokugi to level 5
somewhere in your party. Once you learn a Super Tokugi, its level is formed by
averaging levels among the characters in your party. Despite numerous attempts
to figure out how the math works for how Super Tokugi levels raise, I still
haven't figured it out; I can't tell whether it's averaged among individual
skill levels or among Tokugi levels, and how the game decides whose levels to
average in. But basically, the higher you build Tokugi levels, the higher your
Super Tokugi levels will raise. Also, Talents are not necessary to use Super
The Super Tokugi:
Master Chef is an Item Creation ability where all the members of your party work
together to cook up splendid meals and drinks using different types of
ingredients. To use Master Chef, you need normal ingredients used with the Chori
skill. (Special ingredients you can't use) Then you can choose a combination of
ingredients, or two of the same ingredients if you like. Then your party will
attempt to make food using the two ingredients you chose. If you succeed, the
food you create will be much more powerful in healing ability than if you had
made food using the Chori tokugi.
Tokugi needed to user Master Chef: Chori, Chogo
Support Items for Master Chef: Bannohocho
Orchestra is a skill where your entire party plays instruments in unison. The
song played lasts only a short time, but while it is playing Tokugi, Item
Creation, and Super Tokugi almost never fail, regardless of what Talents the
character performing them has. Also, while the song is playing, the chance of
your characters learning Hidden Talents raises substantially. Before you can
perform Orchestra however, you must both have enough instruments to supply your
entire party, and enough songs written for those instruments for them to play.
Also, every time you use Orchestra, you use up a Shikibo as if you were playing
music through Ongaku.
Tokugi needed to learn Orchestra: Ongaku, Art
Support Items for Orchestra: None
KAIGAN (Enlightenment)
Kaigan is a form of spiritual training where all the characters "put their minds
together" and challenge themselves as much as possible to "be the best they can
be." While seeking enlightenment, characters will gain extra Skill Points when
leveling up. However, if Kaigan fails during level up, there is a chance that
your character will actually gain fewer Skill points than they normally would.
Tokugi needed to learn Kaigan: Shugyo, Survival
Support Items for Kaigan: None
With this Super Tokugi, the party all calls together and tries to call a bunny
to come and help them. If the Super Tokugi succeeds, then the bunny will come
and take the party where they need to go. While you are riding the Bunny, you
will travel faster, no enemies will attack you, and you can climb over any
mountains, castles, or other obstacles except water.
Tokugi needed to learn Come On, Bunny: Familiar, Scout
Support Items for Come on, Bunny: None
SHUPPAN (Publish)
With this skill, everybody works together to produce novels. One character
writes the novel, while the others produce it. When you try to use Shuppan, you
first have to choose who will write the book. If you succeed, the character you
chose will write a book. Books created through Shuppan can be sold at a
publisher, and they will be published for the world to read. You can stop by at
the publisher's every once in a while and pick up royalties from book sales as
well. Party members who use books created through Shuppan will have their YJD or
AJD (depending on the book) increase toward its author. Be careful though! If
the character you have read the book already has high KJD toward the author, you
could end up *reducing* those levels! To create a book through Shuppan, you need
to have a Mannenpitsu, just like you would when using Shippitsu.
Tokugi needed to learn Shuppan: Shippitsu, Machinery
Support Items for Shuppan: Word Processor Software
NANDEMO KANTEI DA! (Appraise anything!)
With this skill, all your characters use their knowledge of items to judge the
"true value" of items. Through this judgement, you can raise or lower the prices
on items you are buying or selling in stores. On the "Nandemo Kantei da! screen"
you can choose to Waribiki (èäê°, Discount) or Warimashi (èäæØ, Premium) using
one of your Spectacles. The game will then switch you to Discount or Premium
status, and the next time you visit a store you can lower or raise their prices.
With lower prices, you can buy items for less Vol, but any items you sell will
sell for less too. With higher prices, you can sell items for more, but any
items you buy will cost more too. Once you leave the store, or select "Torihiki"
(ĵéÞê°é½, take back) on the Nandemo Kantei Da! screen, store prices will return
to normal. Note that if you decide to Take back, you won't regain the Spectacle
you used to shift prices in the first place. The higher your Super Tokugi level,
the more prices will change in the stores.
Tokugi needed to learn Nandemo Kantei da!: Kantei, Saiku
Support Items for Nndemo Kantei da!: None
With this Super Tokugi, your entire party works together to create powerful
pieces of armor from any metal ores within your party. The armor you create will
generally be very powerful, and also often will have magical effects as well. If
you fail though, you will create a piece of junk, and still lose the ore.
Tokugi needed to learn Blacksmith: Customize, Renkin
Support Items for Blacksmith: Magical Rasp
With this Super Tokugi, your party works together to create "Dangerous Items" as
the game puts it. With this skill, using a piece of Joshitsugami (ÅÒÄ+Äå, Fine
paper) you can make items like counterfeit money, fake checks, and other sorts
of illegal items. The items you create using can be extremely profitable and
have many uses, ranging from items that can be sold for large amounts of money,
to items that reduce the number of EXP needed to gain a level to 1, to items
that let you seize items for free in stores. If you fail this Super Tokugi, you
will make a Fuwatari Tegata (éËéÝé¢éÞé-é¬é¢, bounced check/bill) which will
make your money decrease every second and that COSTS money to sell. Another down
side to Reverse Side is that when you use it, KJD levels among all characters in
your party decreases.
Tokugi needed to learn Reverse Side: Pickpocket, Fukusei
Support Items for Reverse Side: None
Magical Canvas Items:
Discovery Card, Extend Card, Kaiga "Saigo no Shimpan", Kaiga "Saigo no Bansan,"
Kaiga "Sakebi," Vol Up Card, Victorial Card, Mortarial Card, Revival Card,
Fairies' Card, Fountain Card, Shozoga A (Crawd), Shozoga B (Rena), Shozoga C
(Celine), Shozoga D (Bowman), Shozoga E (Dias), Shozoga F (Precis), Shozoga G
(Ashton), Shozoga H (Leon), Shozoga I (Opera) Shozoga J (Ernest), Shozoga K
(Noel), Shozoga L (Chisato)
Failure: Rakugaki
Magical Clay Items:
Idaten, Goshintai, Dummy Doll, Chie no Kagami, Triball, Silence Card,
Bikkuribako, Tamatebako, Hyper Ball, Magic Rock, Super Ball, Tenshi no Zou,
Yousei no Zou, Megami no Zou, Hexagram Card
Failure: Hen na Katamari
Seishingaku: Kokoro no Shoheki
Kobutsugaku: Daichi no Himitsu
Dogu Chishiki: Pocket Mini Zukan
Craft: Kinsaiku-Ginsaiku
Recipe: Kyo no Ippin
Otomajakushi: Gakuten
Seibutsugaku: Daishizen no Seimei
Chokyo: Mori no Nakamatachi
Yakusogaku: Yaso no Subete
Dessin: Pose Zenshu
Kikai Sosa: Sosa Manual
Hocho: Ryori ha Kokoro
Enso: Bayer
Counter: Gyakuso no Hon
Copy: Ochakumi no Aima
Kikai Chishiki: Kogakuron
Mekiki: Shokuzai Erabi
Yoseiron: Shinpi no Ikimono
Cast: Aun no Kokyu
Kagaku Gijutsu: Hermes no Riron
Renki: Renki no Sho
Failure: Kamikuzu
Sankosho*, Monshojutsu Riron*, Senmonsho*, Monshojutsu Daijiten*
*These can only be written by Leon
Note: Any alcoholic drinks (marked with a *) cannot be made by characters under
20, (Legal drinking age in Japan) in other words, Crawd, Rena, Precis, and Leon
cannot make them.
GYOKARUI (Marine Products): Ootoro, Fukahire Soup, Ebi Pilaf, Salmon Omlette,
Osuimono, Shita Hirame no Kajitsu Sauce, Toro, Ebi Gratin, Wakame no
Misoshiru, Shumai
Failed Gyokarui: Itanda Sashimi
KUDAMONO (Fruits): Orangeade, Banana no Crepe, Ringo no Crepe, Umeboshi, Orange
Sherbet, Orange Gratin, Hakuto no Ice, Ichigo no Babaroa, Dulfol*, Wine*,
Failed Gyokarui: Nigai Juice
KOKUMOTSU (Grain/Rice): Ebi Doria, Hotcake, Daikon no Misoshiru, Daifuku,
Omrice, Chahan, Tonyu, Rice Corokke, Kayu, Kokuryu "Ishidaya"*, Beer*, Yaegaki
"Mu" Shizuku Shibori*, Senchuyasaku*, Tama no Hikari "Yukiyocho"*, Bijobu
Failed Kokumotsu: Niou Ohagi, Sanbaijozo Sake*
NIKURUI (Meats): Minchi Steak, Beef Corokke, Chicken Doria, Nikuman, Jiaozi,
Jambaraya, Kousagi no Rizott, Steak, Chiniwatori Kushiyaki
Failed Nikurui: Mazui Stew
YASAI (Vegetables): Roll Cabbage, Combo Tarju, Nanka no Korokke, Green Pottage,
Senkiyoke, Vegetable Juice, Corn Pottage, Ninjin no Ice, Harumaki, Nanka no
Harumai, Carrot Juice
Failed Yasai: Shinabita Salad
TAMAGO/NYUSEIHIN (Eggs/Milk Products): Bacon Egg, Medamayaki, Choco Crepe,
Shortcake, Yogurt, Vanilla Ice (cream), Fruit Gyunyu, Tamago Sand(wich), Plin
(pudding), Macaroni Gratin
Failed Tamago/Nyuseihin: Karai Cake, Motogyunyu
PURE LEAF: Ogon no Stew, Special Itame, Milky Pottage, Magical Salad,
JUICY BEEF: Kokoro Odoru Tender, Kyukyoku no Surloin, Fine Sautee, Yuwaku no
KOKYU MAGURO (Top Quality Tuna): Ootoro no Kushiyaki, Koukyuu Maguro Steak,
Maboroshi no Ootoro, Shiawase no Kamayaku
GANZE: Shiko no Ichigoni, Tamashi Kometa Uni Donburi, Tonosama Zassha, Ichigoni
MAGICAL RICE: Gokuraku Doria, Miracle Chahan, Ochinamida no Rizotto, Goka na
CREAMY CHEESE: Senritsu no Gratin, Choemi no Plateau, Maroyaka Cheese Pizza,
Hizo no Gorgon(zola)
SWEET FRUIT: Chateau Lateul*, 1up Pudding, Gateau Margorenne, Byuriho Ice
GEREGERE SLIME: Amoeba Soup, Ooze Cocktail, Slime Jelly, Gelatin Steak
BURUBURU SLIME: Amoeba Soup, Slime Jelly, Ooze Cocktail, Gelatin Steak
YARMA NO SHOKUZAI SET (Yarma's Ingredient Set): Majin-ryu Martini, Majin-ryu
Yasai Soup, Romanekonchi, Majin-ryu Hire Steak
Genso Bunsekiki, RIRICA, Survival Kit, Handakote, Flare Bomb, Sankaku Flask,
Mekki Tebukuro, Protect Bomb, Magician Hand, Mind Bomb, Music School, Word
Processor Software, Graphics Tool, Tetrabomb, Pikopiyo Bomb, Nuclear Bomb,
Assault Bomb, Orgol, Half-Dead Bomb, Killer Poison, Soul Trap, High Mecha
Launcher*, Plasma Biribiribou*, Ultra Punch*, Iron Punch*, One-two Punch*,
Straight Punch*, Black System**, White System**, Green System**, X Box**,
Booster Box**, Black Box**, Magic Box**
* These items can only be made by Precis
** These items can only be made by Opera
Notes on Customize:
Since you can Customize any weapon you find in the game, and many combinations
can give you multiple types of weapons, to put all the combinations here would
be endless. (and probably impossible to compile) Basically, these are the rules
I made for deciding what goes in here:
1) The weapon made becomes more powerful, either in attack power or through any
special effects it has (like halving MP use, special Zokusei, etc.)
2) The weapon is not something you can buy
3) The weapon is not something really weak
So if you're going to email me with additions here, make sure it's a unique
combination and/or it's something really powerful. There are some unique
combinations that make really weak weapons so that kind of defeats the purpose.
If you see (Weapon) or (Ore) it means that you can put any weapon or any ore
into that slot to get the result. Note however that for a lot of these
combinations, you need the item "Magical Rasp," which allows you to make more
powerful weapons, so if you wonder how you can make weapons as powerful as the
Aura Blade by mixing anything together, that's why. :)
Empresia: Kaiser Knuckle + Moonite
Sorceress Knuckle: Magical Glove + Rune Metal, Rune Full Moon + Kenja no Ishi
Kaiser Knuckle: (Weapon) + Ore
Rod of Snakes: (Weapon) + (Ore)
Silver Moon: Silver Rod + Moonite
Holy Rod: (Weapon) + Orihalcon
Dragon Tusk: Holy Rod + Star Ruby, Ruby Rod + Orihalcon
Ashura: Titan Fist + Rainbow Diamond
Kaiser Knuckle: (Weapon) + (Ore)
Titan Fist: Hecaton Kale + Iron, Giant Fist + Rainbow Diamond
Moon Fist: Rune Full Moon + Diamond
Flare Whip: (Weapon) + Star Ruby
Freeze Whip: (Weapon) + Kenja no Ishi
Invisible: Light Whip + Mithril
Dark Whip: Tanbunshi Wire + Damascus
Shisento "Koro": (Weapon) + (Ore)
Whirlwind: (Weapon) + Meteorite
Hard Cleaver: Breeze Hope + Rainbow Diamond
Crimson D: (Weapon) + Star Ruby
Soul Slayer: Crimson D + Kenja no Ishi/Hard Cleaver + Damascus
Ruins Fate: Minos Sword + Damascus
No no Kozo: (Weapon) + (Ore)
Monshojutsu Riron: (Weapon) + Rune Metal
Monshojutsu Daijiten: Monshojutsu Riron + Moonite
Ankoku no Sho: (Weapon) + Damascus
Seinaru Shomotsu: Ankoku no Sho + Mithril
Konton no Sho: Ankoku no Sho + Damascus
Kodai no Shomotsu: Konton no Sho + Damascus
Note: While there are generally 7-8 different items that can be made from each
ore/gem, each character in the party can only make three or four of those 7 or
8. So I've put a letter for each of the characters:
Cr-Crawd, Re-Rena, Ce-Celine, As-Ashton, Op-Opera, Pr-Precis, Bo-Bowman, Er-
Ernest, Di-Dias, Le-Leon, No-Noel, Ch-Chisato
Shikkoku no Pierce: Re, Ce, Op, Pr, Le, No
Heavy Ring: Cr, Ce, As, Pr, No, Ch, Er
Hard Ring: Cr, Ce, As, Op, Pr, Ch, Er
Hen na Ningyo: Re, Ce, As, Pr, No, Er
Poison Check: Cr, Op, Di, Bo, Le, Ch
Hard Pierce: Cr, As, Di, Pr, Ch, Er
Paralyze Check: Re, Op, Di, Bo, Le
Stone Check: Re, Di, Bo, No, Le
Silver Ring: Cr, Ce, As, Pr, Le, Er
Silver Baretta: Cr, Ce, Op, Di, Bo, Le, Ch
Silver Pendant: Re, Op, Di, Bo, No, Ch
Silver Charm: Re, Cel, No, Le
Silver Idol: Re, As, Pr, No, Er
Silver Cross: Cr, As, Di, Pr, Ch, Er
Silver Pierce: Re, Ce, Op, Pr, No, Le
Angel Hair: Cr, As, Od, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
Necklace: Cr, Ce, Op, No
Gold Crown: Re, Ce, As, Op
Gold Ring: Re, Ce, Op, No
Shutrum Ring: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, No, Le
Gold Idol: Re, As, No, Er
Gold Bracelet: Cr, Di, Bo, Pr, No, Le, Ch
Gold Pierce: Cr, As, Di, Bo, Pr, Le, Ch, Er
Gold Cross: Cr, Di, Pr, Ch, Er
Blue Talisman: Re, Ce, Op, Pr, No, Re, Er
Aquaring: Re, Ce, Di, Pr, No, Le
Feat Symbol: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, Pr, Le
Water Ring: No, Le
Purple Mist: Cr, Di, No, Ch, Er
Anklet: Re, Ce, Di, Pr, No, Le
Gale Pierce: Cr, As, Di, Bo, Ch
Recoil Bracelet: Cr, Ce, Op, Pr, Ch
Fire Ring: Ce, Le
Blood Pierce: Re, Ce, As, Op, Di, Bo, No, Le, Er
Flare Ring: Re, Ce, Di, Pr, No, Le, Er
Shield Pierce: Re, As, Di, Bo, No, Le, Er
Berserk Ring: Cr, Pr, Ch
Ruby Pierce: Cr, As, Op, Bo, Ch
Holy Ring: Re, Ce, As, Di, Bo, No, Le, Er
Princess Ring: Re, Ce, Pr, Ch
Glass no Kutsu: Re, Ce, Op, Ch
Kofuku no Pendant: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, Le, Er
Resist Ring: Cr, As, Di, Bo, Pr, No, Le, Er
Reflection Ring: Cr, As, Op, Di, Bo, No, Le, Er
Prism Ring: Cr, Op, Pr, Ch
Kaeru: Cr, Di, Pr, No, Ch
Emerald Ring: Re, Ce, As, Di, Bo, No, Le
Talisman: Re, Ce As, Bo, No, Le, Er
Emerald Pierce: Re, Ce, No
Crown: Cr, Ce, As, Op, Er
Fairy Ring: Cr, As, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Re, Ch, Er
Green Bracelet: Re, Di, Bo, Pr, No, Le, Ch
Might Chain: Cr, Op, Di, Pr, Ch
Rot Bracelet: Cr, Op, Pr, Ch, Er
Pretty Idol: Re, As, No, Er
Attack Pierce: Cr, Ce, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Le, Ch
Thunder Ring: Ce, No
First Pierce: Cr, Ce, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
Promised Ring: Re, Ce, As, Op, Pr, No, Le
Flash Pierce: Cr, Re, As, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Le, Ch, Er
Kagayaki no Pierce: Re, As, Op, No, Le
Reverse Doll: Cr, Di, Bo, Ch, Er
Stardust Ring: Re, Ce, Di, Pr, Le
Star Pierce: Re, Ce, No, Le
Star Necklace: Re, Ce, No, Le
Protect Ring: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, No, Le
Eclipse Ring: Cr, As, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
Ruby Pendant: Cr, As, Op, Bo, No, Ch
Shield Ring: Cr, As, Op, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
Left Cross: Re, Ce, Pr, No, Le
Dream Bracelet: Cr, Ce, As, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch
Regenerate Ring: Cr, Ce, As, Op, Di, Bo, Ch
Heal Ring: Re, Pr, No, Le, Er
Magic Mist: Re, No, Le, Er
Magic Cross: Re, Pr, No, Le
Soyokaze no Pierce: Cr, Ce, As, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
Atlas Ring: Cr, As, Op, Di, Bo, Ch, Er
Lunar Tablet: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
Moon Pierce: Re, Ce, As, Bo, Pr, Le
Battlelayer Ring: Re, Ce, As, Pr, No, Le, Er
Lunar Talisman: Cr, Di, No, Le
Moon Light: Cr, Ce, As, Op, Di, Bo, No, Le, Ch
Insane Ring: Cr, Op, Di, Bo, Ch
Lunatic Ring: Re,-Ce, Pr Er
Lunatic Pierce: Cr, Op, Di, No, Ch, Er
Infinity Ring: Re, Ce, Pr, No, Er
Mental Ring: Cr, Ce, Di, Bo, Pr, Le, Ch, Er
Wise Ring: Cr, Ce, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch
Hama no Yubiwa: Re, As, No, Le, Er
Piyohan: Cr, As, Op, Di, Bo, Ch
Misty Symbol: Re, Ce, Pr, No, Le, Er
Piyonon: Cr, As, Op, Di, Bo, Le, Ch
Mind Ring: Re, As, Op, No
Failures: Heppokonakazari, Omotai Yubiwa, Dasadasa na Pierce,
Level 1: Silver, Gold
Level 2: Ruby, Sapphire
Level 3: Green Beryl, Crystal
Level 4: Diamond
Level 5: Star Ruby
Level 6: Damascus, Rune Metal*
Level 7: Orihalcon, Rainbow Diamond*
Level 8: Moonite*, Kenja no Ishi*, Meteorite*, Mithril*
* In order to make these, you must have the item "Rezard Flask"
Crawd: Kaze no Wakusei (The Planet of Wind), Hoshiboshi no Taikai (Star Ocean)
Rena: Anata Shika Mienai (I See Only You), Koi wa Romance (Love is Romance)
Celine: Sekai wa Watashi no Tame ni (The World Was Made For Me), Moero, Ii Onna
(Burn, Sexy Lady!)
Ashton: NO to Ieru Otoko (The Man That can Say No), Furikaeranai (Never Look
Opera: Michi no Bunmei (Technology Not Yet Discovered), Idai na Senjin-tachi
(Our Great Ancestors)
Precis: Katte ne (Buy Me!), "O"tome no Himitsu (Secret of a Virgin)
Bowman: Kuronekokan Satsujin Jiken (The Case of the Murder in Black Cat Manor),
Ro-Ningyo Satsujin Jiken (The Case of the Wax Dummy Murder)
Ernest: Countdown, Ushinawareta Saigo no Sei-(The Lost Last Holy Coffer)
Dias: Chinureta Michi (WThe Bloody Path), Ikiru (Live)
Leon: Monsho Goseigaku Jokyu-hen (Advanced Monshojutsu Synthesis), Tokushu
Monshogaku Riron (Special Monshojutsu Theory)
Noel: Dobutsu to Tsukiau (Befriending Animals), Daishizen no Setsuri (Providence
of Nature)
Chisato: Shinjitsu wa Hitotsu! (There Is Only One Truth!), Kanzen Tasatsu Manual
(The Perfect Murder Manual)
Note: The items you will make with Blacksmith depend on whether or not you have
the Magical Rasp. The items here are divided into with or without Magical Rasp
With the Magical Rasp:
IRON: Bannou Houchou, Plate Mail
ORIHALCON: Odin Helm, Reflex,
DAMASCUS: Duel Suit, Algol, Duel Helm
MOONITE: Ishtar Robe, Isis Tiara, Kali Hand
MITHRIL: Paras Atene
METEORITE: Sylvan Helm, Sylvan Boots, Sylvan Mail
RUNE METAL: Mirage Robe, Taka no Hagoromo
-----------------------------USEFUL ITEMS---------------------------
I'd be insane to try and cover all 800+ items in Star Ocean: The Second Story
here, but here are a some whose uses may not be straightforward. (especially if
you can't read Japanese) All these items are in Japanese alphabetical order
because that's the way the game arranges them. Also if the item's only value is
visible by pressing S, or blatantly obvious like "Cure Poison," then I omitted
Attack Bottle: Increases attack power in battle temporarily
Assault Bomb: Attacks enemies close by
Idaten: Lets your party escape from battle
Idaten Ship: Increases one character's running speed to the maximum level
Idaten Nanko: Increases all characters' running speed to the maximum level
Extend Card:
Energy Tomic: Switches a character's HP and MP levels
Kaiga "Saigo no Shinpan": Casts Shadow Flare
Kaiga "Saigo no Bansan": Kills the character using it, but heals all others
Kaiga "Sakebi": Summons a demon to attack a single enemy
Kaiga "Haru": Heals all character's HP and MP levels to max
Kamikaze Tonic: Increases attack power in battle temporarily
Kimyo na Kusuri: Either produces a very positive or very negative effect for the
Killer Poison: Poisons enemies
Crash Pill: The user transforms his or her/life energy into an energy blast,
killing him/herself to attack the enemies.
Care Tablet: Protects the user from various status ailments in battle
Goshintai: Randomly kills all enemies facing you
Silence Card: Mutes a single enemy
Succubus Cologne: Causes monsters to approach the character using it in battle
Shock Oil: Spreads an oil on the ground that drains the MP of enemies on it
Cinderella Glass: Decreases prices in shops
Super Ball: Fires a bouncing ball to damage a single ememy
Stink Gel: Randomly poisons enemies attacked by user's weapon
Smoke Oil: Reduces one enemy's speed
Smoke Mist: Reduces all enemies' speed
Soul Trap: Randomly kills enemies when you land on top of them
Dummy Doll: Reduces enemies' Accuracy ratings
Tamatebako: Get three random items
Chie no Kagami: Increases your entire party's intelligence temporarily
Twins Tonic: Changes YJD of all characters-->imbibing charater to 8
Discovery Card: Increases chance of getting items after the battle
Tetrabomb: Fires lasers in four different directions
Danger Pot: Heals characters, but randomly inflicts character with status
ailments too
Tri-Ball: Fires three balls at the enemy to do damage
Nightmare Pot: Heals a wounded character that uses it, but damages healthy ones
Natural High: Characters using this in battle get high and become uncontrollable
Nuclear Bomb: Damages everything on the battlefield heavily, characters and
Violent Pill: Either kills or heals the character using it
Hyper Ball: Fires balls in eight directions to damage enemies
Half Dead Bomb: Cuts a single enemy's HP in half
Bubble Lotion: Randomly kills enemies attacked by user's weapon
Paralyze Oil: Paralyzes one enemy
Paralyze Mist: Paralyzes all enemies
Pikopiyo Bomb: Dizzies a single enemy
Victorial Card: Increases all characters' Guts rating
Pixie Cologne: Increases a character's magic power, but makes them
Bikkuribako: Open it and either get an item or a fight with enemies
Bitter Lotion: Randomly kills enemies attacked by user's weapon
Biyaku: Sets all characters AJD--->using character to 8.
Fountain Card: Gives you a random item when used in camp
Fairy Glass: For a short period of time in battle, the character using uses up
no MP
Fairy's Card: Heals all characters' HP in battle
Fairy Toilette: Causes enemies to avoid the character using in battle
Fairy Mist: For a short period of time in battle, all characters use up no MP
Vol Up Card: Doubles the amount of Vol you get after a battle
Flash Pot: Allows Item Creations/skills to succeed without required talents for
a short time.
Blank Mist: Ignores enemies' Zokusei strengths and weaknesses in battle
Flare Bomb: Damages a single enemy with fire damage
Protect Bomb: Attacks enemies near the character using it
Hexagram Card:
Mind Bomb: Reduces a single enemy's MP to 0
Magical Drop: Stops time for a short period of time in battle
Mad Mist: Confuses all enemies for a short period of time.
Marionette Pill: Revive a dead character and increase their power in battle, but
they cannot be controlled
Mint Pot: Increases success rate of item creations for a short period of time
Medical Rinse: Causes characters to slowly regenerate their HP in battle
Melty Lotion: Randomly kills enemies attacked by user's weapon
Mental Pot: Increases a single character's magic power in battle
Mortarial Card: Guarantees a critical hit your next attack
Yosei no Zo: Kills a single enemy in battle
Revival Card: Even if the character using gets killed, s/he will come back to
life in battle
Risky Liquid: Revives characters but brings them back with status ailments
Lilith Tonic: Increases attack power, but renders characters uncontrollable
Aqua Ring: Negates 50% of all ice spells cast at the wearer
Atlas Ring: Gives a huge boost to attack power
Eclipse Ring: Gives the wearer a Kyoda skill of 3 while wearing it
Infinity Ring: Increases the wearer's EXP gained during battle:
Water Ring: Raises the power of the wearer's water spells
Emerald Pierce: Boosts the wearer's Hayaguchi skill to 5 while wearing it
Emerald Ring: Reduces MP usage by 1/3
Kanashimi no Yubiwa: Reduces attack power, but raises defense power
Gale Pierce: Increases the wearer's number of attacks by 1
Gold Pierce: Increases Evade Rate
Kofuku no Pendant: Wards off monsters
Thunder Ring: Increases power of Lightning-Based spells of the wearer
Shield Pierce: Reduces magical damage to wearer by 80%
Shield Ring: Reduces physical attacks to the wearer by 90%
Shikkoku no Pierce: Absorbs 1/20 of magic damage to the wearer's MP
Silver Charm: Increases the wearer's magic power
Silver Pendant: Increases the running speed of the wearer
Stardust Ring: Negates 50% of all star-based spells cast on the wearer
Star Pierce: Gives the wearer a Hayaguchi skill of 3 while wearing it
Star Necklace: Gives the wearer a Hayaguchi skill of 3 while wearing it
Stone Check: Immunizes the wearer from petrification
Slayer Ring: Increases the wearer's number of attacks by 2
Soyokaze no Pierce: Increases the wearer's running speed
Talisman: Increases defense power
Tozoku Tebukuro: Allows usage of the "Pickpocket" skill
Dream Bracelet: Increases the wearer's level by 1 while wearing it
Trickster: Randomly gives you items while walking
Hard Ring: Increases attack power
Hard Pierce: Increases attack power but decreases defense power
Purple Mist: Allows the party to run away from battle more easily
Bile Tear: Absorbs 1/10 of magic damage to the wearer's MP
Hama no Yubiwa: Repels all enemies
Paraly(ze) Check: Immunizes the wearer from Petrification
Heal Ring: Regenerates the wearer's HP during battle
Piyonon: Prevents the wearer from getting dizzy
Piyohan: Cuts dizzy time for the wearer in half
Berserk Ring: Increases the chance of the wearer getting angry in battle
First Pierce: Prevents Back attacks (but not Raid attacks)
Fire Ring: Increases the power of the wearer's fire spells
Fairy Tear: Absorbs 1/10 of magic damage to the wearers HP
Fairy Ring: Reduces MP usage by 1/2
Feat Symbol: Increases the wearer's attack power and Avoidance rate
Fortune: Randomly gives you items while walking
Flash Pierce: Absorbs all lightning damage as MP
Blood Pierce: Absorbs 10% of all physical attacks as HP
Prism Ring: The wearer has a 5% chance of receiving no damage for each attack
Princess Ring: Increases the wearer's max MP
Blue Talisman: Increases the wearer's defense power
Flare Ring: Negates fire attacks with a 50% chance.
Protection Ring: Causes some attacks to heal the wearer instead of damage
Holy Ring: Protects the wearer from 10% of all spells
Poison Check: Immunizes the wearer from Poison
Might Chain: Increases attack power
Mind Ring: Regenerates MP for the wearer during battle
Magic Cross: Redirects 20% of all attacks to nearby monsters
Magic Mist: Helps the party run away in battle
Magician Hand: Allows usage of the "Pickpocket" skill with greater success rate
than "Tozoku Tebukuro"
Mischief: Randomly gives you items while walking
Moon Pierce: Redirects 10% of all attacks to nearby allies
Moonlight: Raises the wearer's max HP and MP
Meteo Ring: Increases the wearer's number of attacks by 1
Mental Ring: Regenerates MP for the wearer during battle
Right Cross: Increases a character's max MP
Lunar Talisman: Increases a character's max HP
Lunar Tablet: Increases a character's max MP
Recoil Bracelet: Redirects 10% of all attacks to nearby enemies
Resist Ring: Reduces damage of magic attacks by 90%
Regenerate Ring: Heals character's wounds in battle
Reverse Doll: Revives a character immediately after dying, but gets destroyed in
the process
Reflection Ring: Absorbs magic damage as HP
Link Combo: Allows the character equipping it to create Link Combos with their
Lunatic Pierce: Increases power, but reduces accuracy
Lunatic Ring: Makes the wearer all but immune to damage, but makes him/her
constantly dizzy
Left Cross: Increases a character's max HP
Rot Bracelet: Changes damage the character wearing it receives to anywhere from
double damage to 1/4 damage.
Wise Ring: Immunizes the wearer to all status ailments
Machines/Miscellaneous Items:
Ura Chobo (Full account ledger): Use in a shop to find out the owner's tax fraud
and blackmail them into giving you items for free
Olgol (Music Box): Increases encounter rate
Gizo Kunsho (Fake Medallion): Reduces EXP required to raise next level to 1
(only up to level 100)
Keiyakusho (Contract): Use in a town to use its inn for free for the rest of the
Graphics Tool: Increases success rate of Art
Genso Bunsekiki (Element Analyzer): Increases success rate of Kantei
Survival Kit: Increases success rate of Survival
Sankaku Flask: Increases success rate of Renkin
Seimei Hoken (Life Insurance): Get level x 1000V for characters that die in the
Sashiosae (Property Seizure form): Get a random item
Handagote (Pewter Container): Increases success rate of Saiku
Fill Up: Get 3 random items
Magical Rasp: Allows creation of more powerful Customize and Blacksmith armor
and weapons
Music Tool: Increases success rate of creating songs
Mekki Tebukuro (Sterilized gloves): Increases success rate of Chogo
Lezard's Flask (may have that name spelled wrong): Allows creation of more rare
minerals through Renkin
Wapuro Soft (Word Processor Software): Increases success rate of Shippitsu and
RIRICA: Like the Magical Camera, used in Fukusei duplications, only has a higher
success rate.
Once you get to Fun City, which is the SO2 equivalent of Otanimu from SO1, you
will have the opportunity to play several mini-games. While the "Virtual RPG" of
SO1 was removed, the Arena has been improved upon, and the Cooking Master
Contest and Bunny Races were added.
The Arena is on the west side of Fun City, through the lower door. The rules of
the Arena are the same as the first Star Ocean; you control one character
against your enemy and have to defeat it. Run out of HP, get paralyzed,
petrified, or swallowed, and it counts as a loss. Once you finish the series of
matches without losing, you will win whatever item(s) or money the battle
awarded. However, in SO2nd, you can choose what rank to play instead of being
automatically advanced in rank, so you don't need to beat B, C, and D Rank first
to play A Rank if you don't want to. Another difference is that instead of
there being just one type of Arena battle, there are four: Duel Battle, Bring
Battle, Team Battle, and Survival Battle. Also, if you want to fight in the
Arena, it will cost you 2000V to enter.
Duel Battle
This is essentially the same as the Arena from SO1; it is a series of four one-
one-one battles between the challenger and his or her opponent. Upon winning all
four battles, you will be given an item or several items. With the exception of
Rank A, all the items you win are the same regardless of character.
The prizes for Duel Battle:
Rank E: Piyohan for Fighters, 5 x Kaeru for Magicusers
Rank D: Bomberman Set (Assault Bomb, Flare Bomb, Protect Bomb, Nuclear Bomb) for
Fighters, Hoseki Set (Orihalcon, Damascus, Star Ruby, Meteorite, Mithril,
Moonite, Rune Metal) for Magic Users.
Rank C: Gokabishiko Set (Fukahire Jiaozi, Umi Tsubame no Ha Soup, Beijing Duck,
Kokuryuu "Sekidaya) for Fighters, 5 x Romaconenchi for Magic Users
Rank B: Moon Tiara for Fighters, Magical Drop for Magic Users
The prize for Rank A is different for each character. They are:
Crawd: Meiken Veinslay, Rena: Felpar Nail, Celine: Prime Prayer, Ashton: Somato,
Opera: Psycho Box, Precis: Hyper Punch, Bowman: Flare Burst, Ernest: Nine Tail,
Dias: Yoto Cromlayer, Leon: Satori no Sho, Noel: Death Fang, Chisato: Aerogun
You can only get this once though. After winning it again, you get money
Bring Battle
This is like the Duel Battle, except that one character is pitted against
several opponents. Instead of winning items for completing a Bring Battle, you
win Vol and Skill points.
Rank F: 1000V, 2SP
Rank E: 5000V, 5SP
Rank D: 10,000V, 15SP
Rank C: 20,000V, 30SP
Rank B: 40,000V, 50SP
Rank A: 80,000V, 100SP
Team Battle
In this type of fight, you send 5 characters into the fight (I dunno what
happens if you try to enter with fewer than 5 party members) who fight a series
of one-on-one battles with a team of enemies. Whoever wins more fights wins the
match. In other words, the first team to reach 3 wins wins. So if you beat the
first three battles the match ends automatically without the fights progressing
to the captain of the team. And since the enemies you meet in Team Battles get
harder and harder as you progress, this is usually the best way to go as well.
Winning Team Battles nets you items:
Rank F: Purple Mist
Rank E: Soyokaze no Pierce
Rank D: Magic Cross
Rank C: Dream Crown
Rank B: Right Cross
Rank A: Star Guard
Survival Battle
There are no Ranks in the Survival battle; it is the same every time you play.
It is essentially exactly the same as a Duel Battle, except that you have to win
50 matches in a row against progressively stronger opponents. Once you get into
the last 20 matches or so, the monsters start to become boss-class monsters, so
it is not easy. If you manage to win the Survival Battle you will win the
Fortune item; when you equip it it will give you items randomly as you walk. If
you manage to win the Survival battle twice, you will only get a kiss from the
Arena Princess.
I usually use Crawd for this since he's the strongest character. Equip the best
equipment you can, equipping those with the best Stamina bonuses. There are a
few essentials though: for the weapon, you are going to want the Eternal Sphere,
and for the Greaves you are going to want the Bunny Shoes. (Without the Bunny
shoes you basically cannot win) I usually equip a Fairy Ring and Regenerate ring
for the accessories. For Hissatsuwaza, I assign Kuhazan and Bakuretsuha.
With the Bunny Shoes, you can outrun anything, so if the battle goes badly you
can keep away from any enemy and regenerate with the Regenerate Ring. The sole
exception to this is battle #41, where you're fighting the Chinke Thief Lv. 99,
who will be as fast as you. Although it takes a very long time, you can stay as
far away as possible and fire Kuhazan at enemies that would kill you at close
range, especially the wormlike enemies that can swallow you whole. If you dizzy
an opponent, run in and slash them with the Eternal Sphere and you should be
able to keep them dizzy until they die; if not, you can run away and repeat the
process. I find it easier to connect with the tougher enemies using Bakuretsuha,
but you need to be close to use it so it's riskier. You won't be able to ground
slashes agains the Weird Aevior (battle #31) unless it's dizzy, so keep using
the Bakuretsuha, and it shouldn't be able to get close to you, even when using a
Master Attack.
Fight #50: The Hell Servant
The Hell Servant has 450,000 HP and no weaknesses. At the start of the fight it
will charge at you using a Master Attack which will kill you outright no matter
how many HP you have, unless Guts succeed and leave you with 1 HP. So to start
with you need to dodge the Master Attack. Without the Bunny Shoes this is not
possible, so be sure you've got them on. Dodge his Master Attack, run behind
him, and use Bakuretsuha to try to make him dizzy. If it doesn't make him dizzy
keep trying to run behind him and using it until he does get dizzy. If you get
hurt, don't try to run away and wait to heal yourslef with the Regenerate Ring;
before you can, the Hell Servant will cast Meteo Swarm and kill you. Once it is
dizzy start slashing with the Eternal Sphere since you can connect while he's
dizzy since it's closer to the ground. Before you start slashing though, use a
Bubble Lotion, Melty Lotion, or Bitter Lotion, if you have one left over, on
your sword. When applied to your sword these items give your weapon a chance to
kill your opponent outright. Given the power and amount of HP that the Hell
Servant has, it would be in your best interests to use it, as it is unlikely you
will survive a prolonged battle with it.
The Bunny Races are located at the North end of Fun City. To bet on the Bunny
Races, you first have to buy a ticket. Each ticket costs 1000V. You can buy
anywhere from 1 to 8 tickets at a time.
Once you start a race, you get to look at the four bunnies that are running. The
announcer will go through each one, evaluate their speed, Stamina, personality
and intelligence. Speed and Stamina are straightforward, but intelligence and
personality determine how the bunnies will act on the track. You can bypass
this if you wish. Then you get a list of the prizes offered, and are asked to
bet on which bunny you think will finish first, and which will finish second. If
you are right on both you will win the item.
Rules of the race:
Speed determines how fast the bunny runs around the track normally.
At any time, bunnies can dash ahead with a burst of speed. After the burst
though they have to rest for a bit to regain their breath. The duration of this
waiting is determined by the bunny's stamina. If a bunny hits another bunny
during a dash, that bunny will be knocked out the way and stunned for a bit.
Sometimes, the bunnies will stop in the middle of the track and fall asleep. The
duration of how long this lasts is random.
How personality/intelligence affects the race:
Smart bunnies know their limits and tend not to dash unless they know their
recovery period is short enough to not hinder them in the race. Indecisive
bunnies tend to act really unpredictably, falling asleep and dashing at random
times. Short tempered bunnies are likely to knock into other bunnies with
dashes. This attribute is as important as speed or stamina; a slow and weak but
smart bunny will often beat a faster and hardier but stupider bunny.
The items that you can win in each race are different. You can see what items
you get for which combinations before you bet, so you can gamble on bunnies you
think are less likely to win, but will give you an item you want more as well.
The Cooking Master contest costs 1000V to enter. It is an Item creation
competition, and winning it is the only way to obtain some Chori ingredients
that are not sold in stores. After listening to a speech by the Cooking King,
you will be pitted against one of his students in a food-making competition. You
then have 5 minutes to make as much food as you can.
Match types:
There are several different matches, determined at random. (Full Course match,
Seafood match, etc.) Depending on what match you have, you are given a different
set of ingredients at the start of the match. Similarly, the ingredients you
will be rewarded with if you win also depend on what type of match you are
playing. These are the different matches and the prizes you get with them:
Yasai Taiketsu (Vegetable Match): Kokumotsu x 10, Pure Leaf x 2, Yasai x 10,
Magical Rice x 1
Umi no Sachi Taiketsu (Fortune of the Sea Match): Gyokarui x 20, Kokyu Maguro x
2, Ganze x 1
Dessert Taiketsu (Dessert Match):Kokumotsu x 10, Sweet fruit. x 4
Niku Taiketsu (Meat Match): Prize: Nikurui x 10, Tamago/Nyuseihin x 10, Juicy
Beef x 3, Creamy Cheese x 3
Full Course Taiketsu: Gyokarui x 6, Kudamono x 6, Kokumotsu x 6, Nikurui x 6,
Yasai x 6, Tamago/Nyuseihin x 8, Pure Leaf x 2, Juicy Beef x 1, Kokyu maguro x
3, Ganze x 1, Magical Rice x 3, Creamy Cheese x 3, Sweet Fruit x 4,
Slime Taiketsu: Geregere Slime x 10, Buruburu Slime x 3
Pressing T sends you automatically to the Chori item creation screen. However,
you can only open this screen when standing by the kitchen on the right side of
the screen. From there you can choose whatever ingredients you have. Just like
normal item creation, the higher your Chori level, the better the chance that
you will succeed in making anything. If you want to get more ingredients, you
can run to the pile of food in the middle of the room and pick some up.
Under the Time Remaining Bar is the Pressure bar. This bar is a measure of your
character's stress level. The higher this bar becomes, the tougher it is for the
character to concentrate and likewise the harder it is for them to succeed. Each
character has a base pressure range, and this will determine how much Pressure
you start the match with. This range differs from character to character; less
self-confident characters like Ashton and Noel will have higher Pressure levels
whereas confident characters like Dias will start with lower levels. If you
increase your Dokyo skill though, you can lower this starting value. The amount
of Pressure each Dokyo level takes away again depends on the character's
confidence level. During the match, you can lower your Pressure level by
successfully making items. The better the food you make, the more Pressure
increases. Similarly, if you fail your food creation, your Pressure will
increase; the better the ingredient you tried to cook, the more your Pressure
will increase. Also, if you take a Super Ingredient from the food pile in the
middle of the room, your Pressure will decrease.
After the 5 minutes are up, the Cooking King and his pet penguin Tenchu will
taste both your food and your opponent's food, and whichever tasted better will
win. Each food you successfully cook has a numeric taste value, which is the
same as the number of percentage points that item would heal. and your final
taste rating is the cumulative total of the valuse of all the items you
successfully made.
A lot of people complain that the Cooking Master contest is too hard, so here
are some hints and notes:
Dokyo level is as important as Ryori level in this game so build it up.
In general, don't waste your time cooking normal ingredients; even if you
succeed the items you make will not increase your total very high. Sticking only
to super ingredients increases your chances of winning significantly. If you run
out of super ingredients go back to the food pile and search it until you find
If your Pressure starts out too high or raises too much during the match, run to
the food pile and pick up super ingedients until you lower it to a better level.
On that note, during the Slime Taiketsu even though the Geregere Slime and
Buruburu Slime are exactly alike, only the Buruburu Slime counts as a Super
Equip the character you are going to have enter with a Berebo, (âxâîü[ûX) which
increases Item Creation success rate. Also equip the Bannohocho (û£ö\ò´ÆÜ) which
increases Ryori success rate. (Actually, I think simply carrying the Bannohocho
is enough, but it doesn't hurt to be safe)
There's a small percentage that when you start a contest your opponent will be
Puffy rather than one of the King's students. In case you don't understand what
she is saying when she says that she "wants to get you back for two years ago
(?)" this is a Star Ocean 1 reference; Puffy was in charge of the "virtual RPG"
game in Star Ocean 1, where you could feed her a Melt Potion (which normally
kills the imbiber) and make her very sick--this is what she is referring to.
----------------------HINTS, TIPS, AND EASTER EGGS------------------
Galaxy and Universe mode, explained earlier in this FAQ, are unplayable your
first time through the game. In fact, you may need to play through the game
twice to gain access to it. In order to get the option to play either of these
modes, you need to build up the Voice Collection List. The Voice collection List
is a list of the 1,278 voice samples in the game. (Actually there are more, but
the last boss' voice samples aren't on this list) Every time you hear one of
these samples in the game, it is stored in this list and one of the blocks on
the screen is filled, and you can select it to listen to it again. In order to
gain access to the Galaxy and Universe modes, you need to get a certain
percentage of the voice samples. The number is 30% for Galaxy and 50% for
Universe, which would come to 384 and 639 samples respectively. Once you have
enough sounds, before you start a new game, go to the Voice Collection screen.
As soon as you do, the game will scan all attached memory cards for Star Ocean
2nd saves and tally the number of samples heard between all the saves it finds.
If the number exceeds the minimum amount needed for Galaxy/Universe, you will
hear a chime and the message "Please go back to the title screen and select New
Game" will appear at the bottom of the screen. Once you see this message, you
will be able to select the more difficult mode(s) when starting a new game. In
addition, once you hear 70% (895) of the voice samples, you will get access to a
music test where you can select and listen to any of the music tracks in the
game (with the exception of the end credits music)
This is not really an easter egg, but is enough of a way to "cheat" that it is
worth mentioning. There are three items in the game that can sway the balance
for you in battle very easily. These three items are the Bubble Lotion, the
Melty Lotion, and the Bitter Lotion. When you use these items in battle, you
will apply it to your weapon, and when attacking the enemy, there will be a
random chance that you will kill it instantly. The trick about it is that it
works on anything, even bosses, including the last boss! There are some
"unbeatable" boss fights in the game as well, where even if you hit the boss it
doesn't do any damage; even these enemies are killable when using these items.
If you cheat and do this in an "unwinnable battle", once the battle is over the
story will proceed as if you had lost, however. Note that if you apply the
lotions, it will still be random whether or not the enemy will die instantly,
and if an affected character dies and is revived, the effects of the Lotion will
be lost.
NOTE: Before you try this trick, you might want to back up your save data. So
far I have never lost any save data or had it corrupted using this trick, but it
never hurts to be careful.
This bug/cheat is probably the most useful one in Star Ocean: The Second Story,
and can be used in all sorts of ways to manipulate the game. What the trick
essentially does is "transplant" one party into another save. Here is how it
First, start a game, (SAVE 1) and in an area where you can get attacked by
monsters, play the Violin song Hero Tojo, or the Trumpet Song Akuma no Senritsu.
These two songs summon monsters to fight you.
Now, before the song ends, and without leaving the Camp screen, quickly go to
the File screen and load a second game. (SAVE 2)
The minute that your second game loads, the effect of the Violin/Trumpet song
will still be in effect, and your party in Save 2 will enter a battle. Finish
the battle (either run or win) and your party in Save 2 will be transported to
the place that your party on Save 1 was when you first played the song! Now save
the game, (SAVE 3) either in a new slot or over an old one.
The reason this is useful is that you can transplant the party from Save 2 into
the "world" for Save 1. This is the data from each of the first two Saves that
will now be in Save 3:
Save 1: Hero (ie either Crawd or Rena), Completed Events, Completed Private
Actions, Event Items, People pickpocketed from, Songs learned, Treasure boxes
Save 2: Party & their stats/levels, Items, Equipment, Money, Skills, Battle
Rank, Battle Formation, Voice Collection, Play Time, Emotional Point Ratings,
Basically, your party and all their items, money, etc, will be transported to
the point of time in the game where the party in Save 1 is.
Sometimes, when the fight after loading Save 2 ends, the screen will black out
and the game will reset. If this happens, reset the game, reload Save 1, fight a
few more battles on Save 1, and repeat the trick.
Note that since you can't get the Violin or the Trumpet until Disc 2, you cannot
use this trick on Disc 1. If you try to play the Violin on a Disc 2 save, and
then load a Disc 1 save as your Save 2, the game will *always* freeze after the
fight. Basically, it is impossible to transplant a Disc 1 party into a Disc 2
1) Get items you've already gotten again. Say that in Save 2 your party found a
Marvel Sword in a treasure chest. You have the sword, but now the chest is
empty. Also say that your party in Save 1 has yet to open this treasure chest.
If you transplant the party data from Save 2 into Save 1, you will still have
the Marvel Sword, but you can open the chest and get ANOTHER Marvel Sword, since
that treasure box has yet to be opened in Save 1.
2) Do the same Private Actions more than once.
Say you're trying to hook up Crawd and Celine. In Save 2, you went through a
one-time Private Action that raised their Emotion Points toward each other. Then
you use the Save Swap Technique to transplant the Save 2 party into Save 1,
where that Private Action has not yet been done. Since Party 1 has not yet had
that event, you could do the Private Action again to raise their Emotion Points
even higher.
This is really complicated, and you can't do it until you're well into the bonus
dungeon. But here is how it works. If you have not finished the game you might
not want to read this, because it probably won't make any sense.
Adding Members to your party:
Enter the part of the bonus dungeon where you can enter with 2 people and leave
the rest of the party behind. Once you have a party of 2 characters and the rest
waiting outside, play the Violin/Trumpet and load Save 2.
Finish the battle and go outside. You can add the characters waiting outside in
Save 1 to your Save 2 party! Save your Save 3 games with your new party members!
If the number of characters in your party is now more than 8:
Any characters that were on Save 2 to start with will stay in your party. If
there are any extra characters in Save 1, the characters with the least order of
importance will be kicked out automatically. The order of importance, from most
to least, is:
Crawd, Dias, Opera, Ernest, Precis, Noel
Crawd, Rena, Chisato, Ashton, Bowman
Crawd, Rena, Chisato, Ashton, Bowman, Dias, Precis, Opera
Because Crawd, Rena, Chisato, Ashton, and Bowman were in the Save 2 party to
start with they automatically will be in the Save 3 party. 6 characters in Save
1 + 5 characters in Save 2= 11 characters in total, so 3 will have to be kicked
out. Out of the 5 characters in Save 1, the two with the lowest importance value
on the above scale are Noel and Ernest, so they get kicked out and the other
three join party 2. Crawd from Save 1 automatically gets kicked out because
Crawd was already in the Save 2 party.
Removing a member of your party:
If you thought adding members to your party was complicated you ain't seen
nothing yet. Removing them is even worse.
Play the Violin in a save that is right before entering the Monshojutsu Research
Facility in Armlock, and load Save 2. (In this case, Save 2 will be the party
you want to remove a member from)
Finish the fight, then enter the Monshojutsu Research Facility with your
transplanted party and get to the point where your hero separates from the rest
of the party. At this point, go to the Save Point and save your game as Save 3
with only the hero in your party.
STEP 3: Reload Save 2, and enter the bonus dungeon with the hero and the
character you want to drop. Once inside the dungeon with only you and said
character, play the Violin/Trumpet, and load Save 3.
You should now be in a battle with only your hero fighting. Finish the battle
and you should be inside the bonus dungeon alone. Go outside and rejoin your
party. Save your new save, Save 4.
The reason you have to do the step with the Monshojutsu Research facility is
that it is the only point on Disc 2 where you will only be alone with the hero
in a place you can save. If you had a save like Save 3 arranged from the start
it would work, but then you would lose your items and levels for the hero you
had in Save 2. This is really tough to explain so it will probably be even
tougher to understand...sorry. :(
There are certain boss fights that automatically increase YJD and AJD by one
point for all characters in the battle toward each other. By playing these
fights over again and again by traveling to earlier saves using the save swap
technique, you can constantly increase your AR for characters many times. The
only boss I know for sure this works on is Metatron, but I hear the bosses of
the Chikara no Ba (Power Field) and Yuki no Ba (Courage Field) do the same
thing. This is probably the easiest way to get it to work, and the fastest way
to raise KJD for everyone. Once you have KJD high for everyone then you can
sabotage it in several ways:
First, you can have a character you want to decrease KJD for pickpocket while
the rest of the party is with him or her. This is probably the fastest way to
decrease KJD for everyone toward a single character.
By using Shuppan books on a character, you can set YJD or AJD (depending on the
book) for that character to 8, regardless of whether or not their current KJD
levels are higher. This is probably the fastest way to sabotage a single
character's KJD levels, since you need a 10 or above rating to pair characters
in the ending. Also, the item Biyaku (øZû=, aphrodesiac) will set every
character's AJD to 8 for the character that used it, and the item Twins Tonic
will set every character's YJD to 8 for the character that used it.
Although you can only do this for the hero of the game, it's kind of a neat
trick anyway:
During a Private action, find a character in your party walking or standing
around. Stand right in his/her face or path, and they'll stop and turn around,
or walk another direction. Run around and block them again, and they'll turn
again. If you continuously get in their face like this you will eventually piss
them off; you can tell when when the little smoke trail raises over their head
and they make a (usually nasty) remark.
In the first Star Ocean, you could use Item Creation to make your characters
incredibly powerful without much effort by duplicating items and selling them
for large amounts of money. However, since Duplicate is so hard to successfully
use until Disc 2 when you get enough instruments to play Orchestra, you can't
use anything resembling this method until much later in the game. However, here
are a few tips on getting a head start on making your characters powerful early
in the game.
1) Make sure your hero starts the game with the Talent "Kiyo na Yubisaki." This
is essential! Without it you won't be able to steal the items you need to power
2) The most important item you need to make yourself powerful is the Tozoku
Tebukuro, (ôÉæ»é-éÈé¡éÙ, Thief Glove) which you can buy in Harley for 40,000V.
So as soon as Crawd and Rena set off for Cross, you can go buy the glove. Making
that kind of money takes time, so one way to speed that up is to cook lots of
food using Rena's Chori skill (which she starts with) and selling it; some
successfull creations from medium-level ingredients can net you several hundred
Vol. Also, if you learn the skill "Asobikokoro" you will gain Vol for every
level you raise. In order to get the full 40,000 necessary, one character will
have to learn up to level 8, or two characters to level 6. This takes a lot of
SP, so it's unlikely that you'll be able to raise it that high for said
characters, but it should be enough to get a bit toward your purchase.
3) Steal Mischief
Once you have the Tozoku Tebukuro and the Pickpocket Skill, go to Clik and
execute a Private action. Then steal from Philia. If you fail, load a game and
try again. Once you successfully steal, you will steal the "Mischief" item from
her. The Mischief item, when equipped, gives you items randomly, and
occasionally gives you Gizo Kunsho. (Fake badge)
4) Use Gizo Kunsho
The Gizo Kunsho, when used, gives you enough experience so that you only need to
get 1 more to advance to your next level. Basically, use a Gizo Kunsho and it
gives you a free level. It only works up to level 100 though. Outside of getting
them through Mischief, you can create them through Reverse Side. (Though since
Reverse side reduces KJD, you might want to duplicate them through Fukusei
5) Steal the Tamatebako
An old man in Mars is carrying a Tamatebako. Steal it from him, and when you use
it, it randomly gives you several items. They can be pointless items, or also
very powerful weapons. So keep using it and loading your saved game until you
get something good. The best weapon I've gotten out of it is a Marvel Sword,
(which doesn't normally show up until the middle of Disc 2) but you might be
able to get even stronger weapons. (I don't know for sure)
Full voice collection:
B0500002 0000
8009AB60 FFFF
Important note: This code requires a Pro Action Replay or Game Xploder to work.
It allows you to get access to the music test and Galaxy/Universe difficulty
levels. However, do NOT play any games while this code is active, because it has
been known to make the game crash when you hear sounds that formerly were not
heard before use of the code.
Skill Point Code:
8009B8C2 0XXX
Enter the value of number of skill points you want into XXX. (in hexadecimal, of
course) Also note this code only grants the skill points to the first character
in the party lineup.
EXP Code--65535 EXP given to first character after end of battle.
8009BF48 FFFF
Item Modifier Code:
The XX indicate which slot in your inventory your item goes in.
70=slot 1
72=slot 2
74=slot 3
7A=slot 6
80=slot 9, etc.
the Y is the quantity of items you want.
1=4 items
2=8 items
5=20 items
the ZZZ indicate what item goes in the slot:
000: Nothing
001: Magic canvas
002-012: Portraits, including rakugaki (the failed item)
013-01C: Cards
01D-02B: Balls, Magic Clay, Dummy Doll, and other Magical Clay items
02C-035: Music items
036-0A3: Saiku items, accessories
0A4-0DB: Skill Books
0DC-0E1: Herbs
0E2-116: Tonics, syrups, pots, lotions, etc--Chogo items
117-1A2: Food items, along with several ?Machines (weapons)
1A3-1B4: Minerals
1B5-1D5: Machinery items, along with the Magical Rasp and Hissatsuwaza items
1D6-1E4: Smith Hammer, Reverse Side items
1E5-219: Swords
21A-235: Gloves
236-243: Rods
244-251: Energy Packs
252-261: Punches
262-26F: Whips
270-27F: Books (as in Leon's weapons)
280-28E: Stun guns/Guns
28F-2A7: Helmets
2A8-2C9: Armor
2CA-2D7: Shields
2D8-2F1: Boots
2F2-31F: Miscellaneous items, ?Herbs, jams, and some food items
Note that when you plug these values in you won't initially be able to see the
items; you'll have to reorder your inventory for them to shop up. If you want to
know the value for each individual item, you'll have to experiment; there are
over 800 items so I can't write down each individual one.
If you know any more game shark codes, please let me know and I'll add them.
* If you strike an enemy in battle from behind, you automatically hit it.
Similarly, the soldiers with body-length shields can only be hit from behind.
*The sandy desert area on Cross Continent over the mountain early in the game
contains monsters that more often than not give you good items for Item Creation
after defeating them in battle.
*Three of Opera's and two of Precis' Hissatsuwaza can only be created by
Machinery. Precis also has a Hissatsuwaza that can only be learned during a
private action, and only if Ashton is also in the party.
*You can turn off spells and Battle Skills you don't want characters to use
during battle by pressing the S button while the pointer is by a spell/battle
Skill on the Skills/Spells menus.
*Through Machinery you can create lots of items that will up other skill/item
creation success rates.
*There's a hidden shop on a small snowy island on Disc 2 with really powerful
weapons and armor.
*If you sell books made with Shuppan to the publisher in Racool, he will start
selling them too, so you can buy them instead of having to make them. This is
especially useful with Aijodo books since they are so hard to make.
*The items "Idaten Shippu," (ÞÞæ-ôVâVâbâv, Idaten Ship) "Idaten Nanko"
(ÞÞæ-ôVô¯ìp, Idaten Salve) and the shoes "Bunny Shoes" all make your characters
run as fast as possible, which is a great advantage on the battlefield.
*Equip the Bloody Armor and your character will be immune to damage, but his/her
HP will decrease at a rapid rate. Use Katsujinken for Crawd or Hisenkan for
Bowman to keep themselves alive to make them virtually invincible. Equipping a
Lunatic Ring and a Piyonon has a similar effect.
*The Talents "Yasei no Kan" and "Mana no Shukufuku" are the most difficult to
learn. (Mana no Shukufuku may be impossible to learn)
*If a character joins you and has few talents, reload the game, and get that
character again. S/he will have different talents.
Do not remove the following from this FAQ!
Stupid standard disclaimer:
This FAQ is ®1999 Ian Kelley. Please do not use this walkthrough on your
website without asking me for permission first. (I guarantee I'll grant it, but
please do so anyway) I do not want this walkthrough altered in ANY way, and it
must remain in its original form on any websites. This walkthrough MAY NOT BE
USED FOR ANY COMMERCIAL PURPOSE. This includes importers selling/giving this
walkthrough away to people that buy the game, printing it in a magazine, (though
I can't imagine anyone would want to) putting it on a commercial web site,
publishing it or incorporating it in a publication, or anything else. YOU KNOW
I apologize if this sounds strict, but recently there have been unfortunate
occurances of certain unscrupulous individuals using FAQs written by other
people to sell games for their own profit, and even publishing such FAQs as
"unofficial" guides, making money off of somebody else's work. This walkthrough
is meant to be free and I want it to stay that way.
Thanks to:
Takahiko Naito, for tons of little details, easter eggs, and info here and
there, basically all the details on Opera and Ernest, and for giving me the URLs
of lots of SO2nd BBS sites.
Jason Murata, for all the Gameshark codes.
TAKESHI (http://www.infoeddy.ne.jp/~takeshi/), for all the data on the save swap
technique and its applications.
MAKISHI (http://www4.osk.3web.ne.jp/~makishi/), for some of the information on
the KJD system
Tri-Ace (http://www.tri-ace.com/) and Enix (http://www.enix.co.jp/) for
releasing what could very well be the best PSX RPG ever!
Other useful Star Ocean: The Second Story pages, BBSes, and resources for
additional game info (a lot of the info in this walkthrough came from individual
posts on these BBSes):
Star Ocean: The Second Story Database: http://tariki.nu/sc2/index.html
Master Star Ocean Second Story!: http://www.fsinet.or.jp/~renzoku/Stocean.html
Star Ocean: The Distant Sea: http://www.jade.dti.ne.jp/~higo/SO2/
Star Ocean Info Warehouse: http://www4.osk.3web.ne.jp/~makishi/so2/so2.html
Gespeichert vor der Iselia Königin mit Claude, Rena, Celine, Ashton, Precis, Leon, Chisato und Noel auf Level 255, sehr gutem Equipment und jeder Menge Waffen und Items.