

10.10.2008 18:36:07
Apart from the world we live in, there is another realm that has a different time
and progression. A realm called ' Dark Moon'. Suddenly, at ancient ruins scattered
upon our world, gateways to this realm appeared. And from these, the 'beasts' came
forth to ravage our people. The time of reckoning is upon us.


4/9/99 Gungage FAQ v.1.3
By 'Benandanti' < >

Disclaimer: The information within this guide is for PRIVATE and PERSONAL use only.
This FAQ is to be distributed for FREE with this disclaimer attatched. If you are
going to put this FAQ on your site (I'd be grateful ^_^ ) or use any data within
for some kind of non-commercial publication, please inform me before doing so.
This guide is Copyright 1999 Benandanti

Gungage is copyrighted (C) KCET (C) Konami Japan
All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged

This FAQ can be found at and
This FAQ is best viewed full-screen in Notepad.



Revision History
Chararcter Profiles
Boss Strategies
Flower Locations
Misc Info
Cheats & Codes
What's Missing
In closing / Thanks


I picked up Gungage from an importer a couple of months ago. It was in Japanese, but I thought
'What the Hey', I'd would get by taking reference from some sites on the Internet. But after a
long search, I couldn't dig up anything about the game but a handful of GameShark codes, and a
couple of reviews.

This FAQ is my attempt to redress the balance, providing info on a forgotten title.

Gungage is a third person shooter made by Konami at the beginning of the year. Some reviews I've
seen compare it to Tomb Raider, but it's more like Lone Soldier / Duke Nukem: A Time to Kill,
with a lot more emphasis on guns than jumps. Graphicly it's perhaps kind of poor, but there's
great variety in the enemies and bosses; but sonicly is where the game really shines, with
probably the best music in any game I've played. ( And I've played Dracula X ! ) A few people
might be dissapointed with it's got poorer graphics than perhaps a post-Metal Gear Solid/Silent
Hill game should have, but I still think it's a great blaster. :P

This is also my first FAQ, so try to bare with me, O.K ?

Revision History:

2/9/99 V.1.0: The first release. Hopefully more to come..............
3/9/99 V.1.2: How's that for effort ! Proper character codes, added character opinions, a
little intro about the game. Also clarified Flower location #5 for the
Laboratory, and a specials addition for Wakle.
4/9/99 V.1.3: Added GameShark codes (Thanks to the guys at the Game Shark code creators


Basic controls are found in the manual and customizable in the game , but I'll point out a couple
of details:

L1 or R1 twice executes a roll/dodge. This move is essential for bosses and later levels
to move you out of harms way, just be careful where you use it. (e.g NOT on the train )

Use L1/R1 in conjunction with the left/right d-pad to constantly face the enemy whilst
turning, a great strategy to help with dispatching bosses and other stubborn enemies.

L2's handy if the auto-lock disappears off screen, allowing you to see where you're

L1 + R1 + select + start will reset the game, but it will keep your flower count, so if
you find a difficult one, you can reset and it will still be saved !

Another strange thing is that Steyr can also duck by pressing L1+R1+X, which is handy for
avoiding the explosive orbs on the train.

Steyr can also dash forward by pressing up twice, making avoiding enemies a lot easier.

No other characters seem to have these moves though.

Character Profiles:
Wakle Skade
Equipment Arms : Out of Place Artifacts No.1605
Radar: Enemy Proximity ( Red = close, Green = far )

Profile: Wakle is the first character you'll control, and is your basic all rounder. His gun
packs quite a whallop and has great rapid fire, making his shots the most lethal of the four
characters. His dodge gets him a good distance away, but makes him slightly harder to control
whilst doing it. Overall a sound player.

Specials: Wakle lacks a bit in this area, his specials are designed more for defensive, rather
than offensive play.

Electro Shield : 24 energy units
Places a shield in front of Wakle that starts at 100% then slowly counts
down to 0 . Everytime the shield takes a hit, the count speeds up. The
shield can be cancelled midway, but you lose the energy units. -_-
A good move which comes into its own when the boss fight starts,
sometimes meaning the difference between life and death.

Stop Shot : 28 energy units (*)
Fires a ball that will immobilize a single enemy for a few seconds. Handy
for escaping sticky situations, but the shot itself does no damage, and
the bad guy seems to get loose really quickly, making it unreliable,
though it can give you some breathing space.

Also, you can use the shield, then switch and use the Stop Shots whilst the shield is in use.

Level PlayThrough : Town, Tower, Plain, Desert, Meiah Lake, Power Plant, Subway, Lab, Dark Moon.

Kard Berdysh
Equipment Arms : Titonia Commando Custom Model Gei-Ga ( Laser and Grenade Selective )
Radar: Nope.

Profile: Kard's an ex-militry man packing some serious heat ! Slowest of the group, and a hard to
control dodge, Kard would've been shortcomings would've been fatal, if not for his tremendous
arsenal of weapons.

Kard's weapons:

Buster Laser: Kard's default, and the one you'll probably use most often. Handy for
dispatching foes at any distance, and great in a clutch. Great power, but
no rapid fire might put you off its long term use.

Assassin Grenade : A reasonable mid-range weapon, but it seems pointless as you can't
really lock-on with it, as you'll miss far away enemies with it because
of the bounce. Pretty good in a crowded room, but not as good as......

Fire Breath : Essentially a flame-thrower, but it adds some sorely needed
continuous-firing that Kard otherwise lacks. Suffice to say it's a close
range weapon, but it's power makes up for the lack of distance.

Stinger Missile : And what stockpile of weapons would be complete without a handy-dandy
homing rocket launcher ! Except the damage is kind of poor, and the
rockets do get confused pretty easily. But the range is great, and you
do have a pretty big splash radius per missile. A nice change from the

Kard seems to be the powerhouse of the team, ploughing through levels at depth, not speed. A
character for those who find Wakle too weedy.

Specials: Kard's no pushover in the specials department either. Lets see what he has......
Big Shot : 1 Special Bullet
It's Barret's first limit from FF7 ! ^_^ Select the Buster Laser or the
Assassin Grenades and push Special for this powerfully charged shot. It
can't be locked-on, but it does enough damage anyway so it's not a
problem. The lack of homing can prove a problem with bosses, so this is
best used to clear a crowded corridor or room.

Phoenix Bolt : 3 Special Bullets (*)
Ouch ! Lock-on to an enemy with the Fire Breath or Stinger Missiles and
use special to fire this bolt at an enemy. As it's locked-on, it'll only
attack a single enemy, but the damage done is worth it. Save it for the
bosses if you can, if you can spare the bullets.

Level PlayThrough : Tower, Plain, Power Plant, Lab, Subway, Town, Desert, Meiah Lake, Dark Moon

Steyr Harquebus
Equipment Arms : EA: Titonia XM9 Assault Buster
Length : 1110.0 mm
Height : 231.2 mm
Width : 181.5 mm
Weight : 85.5g(8100g)
Bullets : Unlimited
Radar: Small Display / Large Range; detects enemies and power-ups

Profile: Well it's clear to see who was Konami's favourite character in Gungage ! ^_^.She has more moves and gadgets than anyone else in the game, and doesn't even need half of them ! Her roll is the quickest, furthest and most controllable of them aea sses and the cost really does outweigh the benefits. Just see it as the
equivalent of 2 laser shots. Use if surrounded, but really Steyr could
easily avoid that ever happening.

Level PlayThrough: Subway(Train), Lab, Plain, Power Plant, Tower, Meiah Lake, Town, Desert, Dark

Dee Van Feng
Equipment Arms : EA. T5 M1474 ( Dr. Ruzerno Bradford Custom )
Radar: Large Display / Short Range; detects enemies and power-ups

Profile: Basically your average 'Half boy / Half homicidal machine of destruction'. Smallest of
the bunch, with a roll with poor range but good speed, Dee could be thought of as a poor physical
character. However, his jumping skills seem second to none, and he does have some serious
firepower, and is probably the only character that seriously gives Steyr a run for her money.

Specials: Dee's forte. Just check these out !

R: Red Ball : 1/5th of the Special bar
A single red energy ball that does a surprising amount of damage for its cost.
Not really any downside to this at all.

F: Force Wave: 1/4th of the Special bar
A 360 degree electrical field that does the same purpose as Steyr's Specials
but with a larger range and a better cost. The field lasts longer too.

B: Focus Beam : 1 segment for 1 second: approx. 20 seconds for the full bar.
A continuous beam of light, much like Kard's Buster Laser, with the same look
and power, but with the added bonus of constant fire. Great for bosses, or to
cut down hordes of enemies, positively lethal on Infinite Energy mode.

G: Grenade O' Death : 1/2 of the Special bar
If Gungage had a BFG 9000, it still wouldn't compare to this. Insane
damage against everything in it's path. Basically a suped up version of
the Red Ball. Use whenever you want, just watch out for the cost.

Level PlayThrough : Lab(boss), Plain, Meiah Lake, Tower, Town, Power Plant, Desert, Subway, Dark

(*) Something strange about these weapons. Apparently, if your Special Energy bar is high enough,
you can get a extra shot with this weapon, no matter the cost. (e.g. Kard's Phoenix Bolt uses 3
bullets, but with a maximum payload of 5 bullets, Kard can fire the weapon twice. No, I don't
understand it either. )

Boss Strategies :

Note: These boss strategies are in the same order as Wakle fights them, but they can be applied
to anyone. Just remember that the bosses will have more energy the further into the game you are,
and may be more inclined to use their attacks. In which case, use you're specials to end the
fight quicker.

Town: Spider : He'll drop his head just before he attacks, so move quickly. The ground shockwaves
can be avoided with a simple dodge/roll/jump, but the pincers he fires are harder, so keep far
away so you have more time to react. You shouldn't need to use specials to beat him, but if
you're feeling particularly gung-ho, get in close and use them or any close range attacks to
finish the job faster. Just keep aiming for the head and KEEP MOVING.

Tower: Moth : Trickier, as you can't just get in close to dispatch him. You should be able avoid
the powder attack if you keep moving about and it doesn't do much damage anyway, so it isn't a
concern. The dive attack is however, so keep away as much as you can so you dodge/roll in time.
Wait until he stops just above the ground, then keep blasting for all your worth. Try to get to
one side of him at this point to avoid the tornadoes he fires.

Plain: Mini-Boss: Bee: Similar pattern to the moth, except the dive is a lot easier to avoid,
though the shots he fires can be a concern. Just keep blasting and you'll be fine.

Plain: Boss : Robot : Very slow and predictable, there shouldn't be any troubles. The rocks don't
offer much cover and really just get in the way, but since his beams and lunges are so slow, it
ain't too much of a hardship.

Desert: Tanks: KEEP MOVING. These aren't particularly fast or accurate, but as there are so many,
it's very easy for one to appear out of nowhere to run you down. Suffice to say, you don't attack
them head on. Go after tanks one at a time and it will be over before you know it.

Meiah Lake: Dogs: These can be a major pain if you can't keep your cool. Just pick a dog and work
on him, both are identical, so it doesn't matter which one. If you keep your distance, the flame
breath shouldn't be a problem, and their dash attacks only really nail you if you stand still for
too long. Once ones down, the other quickly follows, just watch out for the edge of the platform!

Power Plant: Orb: Just shoot at the orb at every chance you get. Don't let the troops distract
you, just keep firing. The lasers can be avoided easily by sidestepping in time with them, or
just by jumping them. One of the easiest bosses.

Subway: Hammerhead: Pretty tricky in the opening stages, a nightmare in the later ones. It's
weak spot is the jewel in it's forehead, so blast away. Bare in mind that he is gaining ground,
so you will need to move up the carriages for safety. The main problem seems to be his arms as
these swipe at you and shield his forehead. If you face him early on in the game it might be best
to just go straight in for the kill, if not, get rid of the arms as soon as possible. Probably
the first boss I've mentioned where you should really use your specials as much as you can. It's
difficult to avoid it's attacks, especially the laser blast, since you can't dodge/roll too well
on the train and the only alternative is to try to jump them. Just focus on putting him down as
fast as possible.

Laboratory: Walker Bot: Another tricky boss battle, though thankfully not as tough as the one
before. Its slow at turning so just try to get behind it and blast for all your worth. Just keep
an eye out for those helicopter bombs that home in. Its fireballs are also very accurate, so just
keep out of it's way.

Dark Moon: Final Boss: As tough as they come. Keep avoiding his attacks until he opens his chest
up to fire some green lasers and then just blast away at the heart. Keep doing this until he's
dead. You could also aim for the arms, but really all that does is stop him firing his eye beams
forcing him to then drop leeches around the area. The leeches are trickier, as they move pretty
fast and are difficult to keep track of, but for each one you kill, you get an Energy upgrade, so
it could be worth the trouble .

Flower Locations:
Probably the main reason for the guide, this shows where every flower is located in the game.
I've tried to make the instructions as clear as possible, but it is my first FAQ, and there may
be some confusion. I'll also list who can get the flower. ( Other characters may be able to get
the same flower, but these are the ones I am sure of. )


#1 : Wakle: Right at the start of the level. Just destroy the crate in front of you and hop over
the railings

#2 : Wakle: Just before the two crates that block your path, a bad guy is in the corner where the
large steel door is that you can't open. The flower is beside it.

#3 : Wakle: Keep going till you find two crates on a high ledge. Shoot the one the left to drop
the other other crate that you can climb to find the flower.

#4 : Wakle: After getting #3, head back the way you came. You'll see the flower to the side of
the ramp.

#5 : Wakle: Check behind one of the crates in the area just before the boss.

#6/7/8/9 Wakle : Check all four corners of the boss's area to get the 4 flowers

#10 : Kard: As you start, you'll see 4 wooden boxes stacked in a way that stops you from
proceeding. Destroy 1 box, and climb up the rest to get to the flower on top.


#1 : Wakle: Wait for the 'sand slug' behind you to move, then take the flower that was under it.
Hurry, as another one will cover it up again in a few moments.

#2 : Wakle: Face away from the tower's entrance, and head down the passage on your left hand
side. The flower is in a gap in the wall on your left.

#3 : Wakle: On top of the large rock to the right of the tower's entrance.

#4 : Wakle: Inside the tower, move on until you find 3 crates in a corner. Climb them and then
jump on the ledge behind you. Follow the walkway to the flower.

#5 : Wakle: After going up the first lift, drop to the floor below to find the flower behind one
of the pillars in the corner

#6 : Wakle: After climbing the crate to get you out of this area, turn to your right to find the
flower in the corner.

#7 : Wakle: In the area where you fight the boss, check all the sides.

#8 : Steyr: Right under the entrance to the tower, get it quickly

#9 : Steyr: Turn 180 degrees from #8 and run down the right hand passageway before the 'sand
slug' destroys it. Just keep running until you see it.

#10 : Steyr: After the slug at #9 has passed, head back to the passage and head all the waydown.
The flower is in a marbled area on your right.

#11 : Steyr: Destroy the crate on your right as you enter the tower.

#12 : Steyr: Destroy the crates in the corner that you climbed to get #4

#13 : Steyr: After the first lift, use the metal box on the walkway to jump up to the platform
where the flower is.

#14 : Kard: At the start of the level, head forward and left as far as you can go to find the
flower where a slug had covered it for the other characters.

#15 : Dee: Right in front of you as you start the level.


#1 : Wakle: Keep following the path until you head up a gentle hill. Turn 180 degrees at the top
of the hill to find the flower.

#2 : Wakle: Turn 180 degrees after you cross the bridge, then head left to find the flower.

#3 : Wakle: Past the bridge but before the mini-boss, head to the group of pillars at the far
side of this area. There is a door in the wall behind them. Blast the door open, and
head inside.

#4 : Wakle: In the flower patch, at the tunnels entrance, just before the entrance to the
mini-boss' area.

#5 : Wakle: In the flower patch, in the mini-boss' area.

#6 : Wakle: Immediately after you get out of the mini-boss' area, turn left to find the flower.

#7 : Wakle: Head for the right-hand side of the stonehenge-like rocks, the flower is behind the
regular pillar just past them.

#8 : Wakle: Continue on from #7 (keep following the wall) to get the flower in the corner of the
playing area.

#9 : Wakle: In one of the pillars when you fight the boss, just make him break it open.

#10 : Kard: From where you start, move on until you get to the pond. The flower is straight to
your left.

#11 : Kard: Cross the bridge over the pond, but keep going forwards, make the jump to get the


#1 : Steyr? : O.K. I'll level with you, I'm not sure of the EXACT location of the flower here.
The whole level seem to scroll infinitely in all directions, and I only found the
flower here after a lot of aimless wandering with Steyr. I'll update this as soon
as I find out.


#1 : Wakle: Jump across to the platform on your left, just before the first set of destroyable

#2 : Wakle: On a pedestal on your left just past the destroyable doors at #1

#3 : Wakle: After #2, destroy the breakable doors and keep moving straight on. When you can't
move any further, look to your left to find the flower

#4 : Wakle: Right next to the door you destroyed to get to #3, there is a rock wall you can
destroy. Break it down and head to your right to find the flower behind the arch.

#5 : Wakle: Just on from #4, there is a platform that acts like a see-saw. The flower is on a
platform behind it.

#6 : Wakle: Stay on the see-saw, til the other end rises high enough for you to jump from in to
reach the platform overhead. The flower is just along the top of this platform.

#7 : Wakle: Turn left past the first set of collapsing platforms. Go up the ramp to find the
flower in the corner of the wall.

#8 : Wakle: Head to the opposite side now, (to the right of the collapsing platforms.) and hop on
the wall to get this flower

#9 : Wakle: Right next to #8, but you'll need to make a VERY tricky jump to get it.

#10 : Wakle: From #8, head left down the ramp till you find a destroyable ornament that should
give you weapon energy. Turn around to find a flower on a platform to the left-hand
side of the ramp you just came down.

#11 : Wakle: Just head on from #10 up the other ramp, and find the flower in one of the corners

#12 : Wakle: At #11, find the set of collapsable platforms to the right of the ramp you went up.
Jump across these, but halfway along the line drop down to find a hidden platform
below with a flower.

#13 : Wakle: Continue along the collapsing platforms from #12

#14 : Wakle: Move to the opposite side of the level from #11. Climb the wall here and drop down
behind it to the platform below with the flower.

#15 : Wakle: Just before you enter the indoor section, double back to find the flower behind the
ramp edge on your left.

#16 : Wakle: From you're first encounter with one of the dogs, head up the ramps to the side.
Follow the passage until you come to a small square room. The flower is on top of
the ornament.


#1 : Wakle: As soon as you start, keep following the left-hand wall and you'll see the flower

#2 : Wakle: Just past the first set of wooden crates that block your path, look to the right.

#3 : Wakle: Keep heading down the right-hand side wall after heading through the second set of
wooden crates.(Where the robots drop down from the train)

#4 : Wakle: Keep following the right-hand wall from #3, the flower's in the corner.

#5 : Wakle: Head through the level til you need to hit 4 switches to proceed. The flower is next
to the switch furthest to the right.

#6 : Wakle: At the switch furthest on the left, there is a set of destroyable wooden blocks,
destroy them and pass on through. Hit the 4 switches in this section to continue. The
flower is on the far right from where you enter.

#7 : Wakle: This time, head all the way to the left, next to the door marked 'X'

#8 : Wakle: Head through the 'X' door to appear on a platform above the boss. The flower is here
on your right.

#9 : Steyr: Just follow the left-hand wall as you start to find it.

#10 : Steyr: After going as far as you can on the left-hand side, do the same for the right. The
flower is just before the door.

#11 : Kard: Just before the door with the '1' symbol, follow the left-hand wall to get to the

#12 : Kard: Hit all the switches to open the '1' door and get the flower inside.


#1 : Wakle: Behind the rightmost pillar as you start the level.

#2 : Wakle: When the alarm sounds, head left to the mini-office. The flower is behind the desk.

#3 : Wakle: Keep moving on until you see a vending machine in a corner. Jump on top of it and
blast the air vent to find a passage to the flower.

#4 : Wakle: When you get to the area with the large blue doors, get the flower next to the one
right at the end.

#5 : Kard: After the cutscene before you enter the train area, double back to find the flower in
a gap in the passage on the right.

#6 : Kard: As you enter the section with the train and rails, follow the wall on the left to a
vending machine with a flower above it.

#7 : Kard: Drop down at the 2nd set of rails, where the tracks end to find the flower.

#8 : Kard: Follow the train tracks until you find a gap to your left with a flower inside.

#9 : Kard: Follow the tracks as far as they go and check behind the pillar there for the flower.

#10 : Kard: Go down the passageway to the side of #8, keep going til you find the flower. (Note.
Dee starts the level here.)

#11: Kard: Head back to the train. Now jump on the RAISED part of the final carriage. The train
shouldn't move. Now run along the tops of the carriage until you get to the wall at
the end. From here, just jump up to get to the hidden room with the flower.


#1 : Wakle: Go through the level until you get a choice of directions, keep heading forwards to
the room with the computers. Jump on the ledge on the side of the wall and follow it
round until you find the flower. (Note. Kard starts the level here)

#2 : Wakle: Continue down the corridors until you find a bench to one side. The flower's behind

#3 : Wakle: As you enter the blue carpeted room, follow the wall on the Left-hand side to find a
passage to the flower.

#4 : Wakle: In one of the explosive drums in the large room past #3

#5 : Wakle: In the same room as #4, behind the explosive drums, you'll find a crate all on its own. DON'T destroy it. Jump on it, then jump on the platform that sticks out from the wall. Keep jumping along these platforms un c where you started the level, jump on the truck to make it move. Grab the flower
it was once covering.

#12 : Dee: At the same point as #8, Dee is the only character short enough to get the flower at
this part.

These instructions may be a bit hard to follow. So if they aren't helpful, follow these pieces of
1. Get to the end of the level, then head back to the start, some flowers are hidden in
areas you can't see if you're just moving quickly through the level in one direction.

2. Check the boss areas thoroughly.

3. If you know where one is, but can't reach it, head back with a different character.

Overall Checklist:

Level No. of Flowers
Town 10
Tower 15
Plains 11
Desert 1
Meiah Lake 16
Power Plant 12
Subway 11
Laboratory 12
Dark Moon 12
Total: 100

Miscellaneous Information:

Sticking points: Tower:
Q: How do I get in ?
A: Jump on the backs of the slugs to get in. If there aren't any, move
about the level until they come.

Q: I went through this cave and came out at a closed in area with a
flowerbed on a raised platform. I can't go backwards, what now ?
A: Blast the flowers, keep doing it until the mini-boss shows up

Q: That boss was pretty easy, but how do I climb out of this hole ?
A: Shoot each face on all the walls until a platform rises up.

Q: I've searched the whole level, and a steel door blocks my path.
There's no where else in the level to go to.
A: Head to the rooms with the computers are and press the fire button in
front of each of them.

Dark Moon:
Q: I've just opened this door near the end of the level , and this big
red energy barrier is in the way.
A: Don't worry, these are just one-way barriers so you can pass through,
but you can't go back so get as many items as you can before

Cheats and Codes

Flowers: These are what the flowers get you.

30 Flowers: Picture Viewer.
Nice scans here, but nothing too different to the loading screens.

70 Flowers: Music Player.
Hear the great music from the game, what could be better ? ^_^

80 Flowers: Stage Select.
Finally, a more practical option. Use the L1 and R1 buttons to select the
level to start on. This applies for all characters.

100 Flowers: Infinite Energy.
Not health, but special weapon energy. Now you can crank the game to
specialist level without worry.

Unlock Codes: O.K, I'm sorry. Are bad ^_^. Seems that those weren't the unlock codes at all !
Found them now though !

Kard : Complete the game with any character.

Steyr: Just look at Steyr's wanted poster. These are found in :

Town: On the side of one of the big crates midway through the level, the
one on the right.

Subway: Check on the walls when you start the level.

There could be others, so keep an eye out.

Dee : In the same room as flower #12 in the laboratory, check the capsules. One
of them is open, and by going next to it, it should make Dee selectable.
Note: You can only seem to get in here with Kard.

Note: It seems strange, but you can only go for one hidden character at a time. I tried going for
Kard and Steyr at the same time, but I only got Steyr. I had to complete the game again for
Kard. The good thing is though is that once you do what you need to do to unlock the character,
just reset using the command. You'll head back to the main menu with the character unlocked. You
don't have to complete the game unless you want Kard.

GameShark Codes: Here they are at last !

Enable Code 1 : D00E0206 1040 These allow you to play the game on a US (or PAL ^_^ )
800E0206 1000 spec machine.

Enable Code 2 : D00E01FE 9222
800E01FE A222

Infinite Health : 8004A3F6 00F0 Infinite health codes. Nuff said. They also expand the
8004ACFA 00F0 bar to the full length of the screen, but your health
8004A3EC 00F0 will head back to it's normal value if it's switched

Infinite Lives : 3004A3E8 000A Infinite Lives code. Does exactly what it says on the tin

Infinite Energy : 8004ACFA 0080 For those who don't have all the flowers, you can
experience the joys of infinite ammo with this.

All Characters : 3004A318 0001 Every character selectable from the start.
3004A344 0001
3004A370 0001

Infinite Shield : 8004B5AC 270F Wakle's Electro Shield stays at 100% all the time, even
when it takes hits.

Can float in air : 8004AD50 00DC This code needs a little explanation. Firstly, the walk
8004AD54 000A animations have been removed, so you just slide everywhere.
Also, when you jump you jump higher than you usually do and
just stay up there. From this point, you can move around
like normal and blast enemies ( Can anyone say 'Space
Harrier' ^_^ ) A better use however is to use the code to
move on top of a high platform, deactivate the code so you
drop down on top of it, then activate the code again and
jump. Keep doing this to reach very high spots, making
getting certain flowers real easy. Just watch out for
enemies though, as one hit will knock you out of it.

What's missing:

Quite a bit: Desert flower location.
Any translation of the in-game text
And I could always clarify on the flower locations at a later date.
A great ASCII title !
That icon in the flowers menu, I'm convinced he is none other than fan-favourite,
the one and only Konamiman ! Anybody else confirm this ?
The save game icon on the memory card keeps changing. Anyone know what causes it to
change ?

In Closing:

I'll admit, the guide doesn't look up to much now, but it'll be better when I can get my hands on
a US version. Overall, it's not bad for the fact that ANY info about Gungage is hard to come by.
And as it's my first FAQ, maybe it doesn't suck too badly. :P

Thanks to :

Konami: For making great games, and releasing them to us guys in PAL territories, unlike certain
other companies. (*cough* Squaresoft *cough*) But please release Snatchers and Policenauts in the States !

Kao Megura / Dingo Jellybean : These guys make GREAT guides that nursed me through my early days
as an arcade fighting game scrub. Thanks guys ! A major influence in me even deciding to do an

Michael Tham ( ) : He added my reviews to his Arcade Fighting Guide on
GameFAQs. Thanks for the encouragement in this.

Vito (VNEO) : For the Dee unlock location. Which made me think about Steyrs location too.

CJayC : He posted this, so he's due a thank you as well. Who'd have thought he'd be a Gungage
player ?

Al Amaloo : Who's put this on his site at vgstrategies. Thanks for taking an interest ! & Brett : Creaters of the GameShark codes used in this guide.

The Game Shark Code Creators Club ( for permission to use the codes in
this guide

The guys at Game_tech course at Abertay Uni : For being as nuts about games as I am. Thanks !

Gungage is copyrighted (C) KCET (C) Konami Japan. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged

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Charackter Unlocking

15.Oktober 2013
Patch for the Japanese NTSC Version (XPS) .

07.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector, Trainer and Bootfix

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020