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Medal Of Honor
Master code:
Enter URLINGAMBE as a password to unlock all codes, multi-player characters,
levels (including two extra multi-player levels), and FMV sequences.
Enter MOSTMEDALS as a password to unlock Audie Murphy mode
Unlimited ammunition:
Enter BADCOPSHOW as a password.
Rapid fire:
Enter ICOSIDODEC as a password.
Reflecting shots:
Enter GOBLUE as a password.
Wire frame graphics:
Enter TRACERON as a password.
American movie mode:
Enter SPRECHEN as a password.
Captain Dye mode:
Enter CAPTAINDYE as a password. This keeps your health persistent from level to
level within a mission instead of restarting at 100% each time. Playing the game
in this mode results in a different path to acquiring the various secret
commendations and unlocking the multi-player characters (such as the Raptor).
Winston Churchill:
Enter FINESTHOUR as a password to unlock Winston Churchill in multi-player mode.
William Shakespeare:
Enter PAYBACK as a password to unlock William Shakespeare in multi-player mode.
Werner von Braun:
Enter ROCKETMAN as a password to unlock Werner von Braun in multi-player mode.
Enter HOODUP as a password to unlock Wolfgang in multi-player mode.
Enter BEACHBALL as a password to unlock Noah in multi-player mode.
Enter HERRZOMBIE as a password to unlock Noah in multi-player mode.
Evil Colonel Muller:
Enter BIGFATMAN as a password to unlock Colonel Muller in multi-player mode.
Enter SSPIELBERG as a password to unlock the velociraptor dinosaur in
multi-player mode.
Bismark The Dog:
Enter WOOFWOOF as a password to unlock Bismark The Dog in multi-player mode.
Special multi-player power-ups:
Enter DENNISMODE as a password to unlock special power-ups in multi-player mode.
Making of level 1 history:
Enter INVASION as a password.
Making of level 2 history:
Enter BIGGRETA as a password.
Making of level 3 history:
Enter DASBOOT as a password.
Making of level 4 history:
Enter STUKA as a password.
Making of level 5 history:
Enter KOMET as a password.
Making of level 6 history:
Enter TWOSIXTWO as a password.
Making of level 7 history:
Enter MISSLEAGUE as a password.
Making of level 8 history:
Enter VICTORYDAY as a password.
Lynn Henson picture:
Enter COOLCHICK as a password to view a picture of the game's lead designer as a
Adrian Jones picture:
Enter AJRULES as a password to view a picture of the game's technical designer
as a child.
Development team pictures:
Enter DWIMOHTEAM as a password to unlock the Secret Team Gallery
Press R1, R2, L2, R1(3), R2, L2, L1(2), then quickly press Square. Your player
should explode and say "What did you do that for?" to confirm correct code
Multi-player bonuses:
Successfully complete the first three levels with a 3-star rating. This will
result in the first medal and a cheat option.
Unknown character effect:
Although they are acknowledged by the game, they seem to have no effect on those
characters, which are already unlocked in multi-player mode.