Overblood 2

Overblood 2

10.10.2008 18:36:27
(-------------------- OverBlood 2 Walkthrough ------------------------)
ª ª
ª OverBlood 2 Walkthrough ª
ª Version 0.3 ª
ª Author : Sammy ª
ª E-mail : samy171@hotmail.com ª
ª ª
ª OverBlood 2 ª
ª ª
ª System : PlayStation ª
ª Developer / Publisher : RiverHillSoft ª
ª Players : One ª
ª Number of CDs : 2 ª
ª Style : Graphic Advanture ª
ª ª
ª ò This Walkthrough is made upon the European Version of the Game ò ª
ª ª
ª ª
ª This walkthrough can be found at the following locations : ª
ª ª
ª ò http://www.gamefaqs.com ª
ª ò http://www.vgstrategies.com ª
ª ª
ª Well, that's all for now but if you want it on your site, ª
ª please seek the permission of the author first. ª
ª NOTE : www.cheatcc.com and www.gamesdomain.com CANNOT POST IT. ª
ª This walkthrough is intended for private and personal use. This ª
ª walkthrough CAN be only re-produced or distributed with the approvalª
ª of the author. This walktrough CANNOT be use for profitable ª
ª purposes. Anyone who has violated this agreement will be severely ª
ª dealt with. Samy ® 2000 ª
ª ª
( ò OverLook )

ò OverLook
ò Introduction
ò About the Author
ò The Game
ò The Controls
ò The Items
ò The Cast
ò The Walkthrough
ò Disc One
ò Prologue
ò Game Start
ò Episode I
ò Episode I complete
ò Episode II
ò Disc Two
ò End of walkthrough
ò Gameshark Codes
ò Version Info
ò Thanks to
ò Disclaimer

( ò Introduction )

OverBlood 2. This game falls, sadly, in the large category of games you
buy, either because you're novice in PlayStation gaming, or, you buy Your
games without trying them... I falled in the second, the title was very
appealing and the cover of the box too...
I must say, that the camera sucks (even in active mode) and the game speed
is really SLOW (the targeting could have been better too)... The good, very
good point of the game, is that you can see some really great cinematics every
few seconds (I'll quote them in the walkthrough), but that's not enough for
us, playstation gamers, that can buy a Gran Turismo 2 or a Final Fantasy VIII
Why write a walkthrough for such a poor game? You ask... Well I really like
those cinematics and I really want to see them all... I also read at GameFAQs,
that this game requested a walkthrough... Here goes this walkthrough with, as
it only purpose, to help you... If you want to know more about the author,
then read the section below, if you think the author's history is not
important, go directly to the walkthrough...

( ò About the Author )

Well, I'm kinda novice on GameFAQs compared to some other writers
considered as veterans, but I'm working hard on getting a place in the
contributor recognition...
So here is my third personal walktrhough, with the first being Toy Story 2
for the PlayStation and the second, The Amerzone for the PC... I also made a
walkthrough with a friend, Dim, on Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage. Regardless of the
number of walkthroughs, I've been in this adventure for about three months and
surely will continue this way... I'm always opened to any comment, suggestion,
criticism or help. So if you have any, just drop an e-mail...

( ò The Game )
( ò The Controls )

When I first played the game, I realized that it had one of the weirdest
control system I've ever encountered... The camera was the most surprising as
it didn't followed the character all around and positioned itself so you can
get the best view like Tomb Raider, but instead, sticked to one point and
stayed there... Even in Active mode, the camera still stucked on walls and,
maked my life a nightmare... The controls are also kinda weird too though...
Here's how they go :

-Press the D-pad around to make your character move (NOTE : This moves ONLY
your character...). If you have a Dual Shock or an analog pad, the left stick
will make your character run around...
-Press X to run while holding the D-pad in a direction... This button acts as
the Ok button in the menu and in the dialogue texts...
-Press O to react with people and objects in the field. In the menu or on the
texts, this acts like a cancel button...
-Press Ø to jump.
-Press Triangle to bring up the menu. NOTE : Weirdly, while the menu is on,
the game continues to play and don't go into some pause mode... I realized
that, when I ran out of bullets at the start of the game and tried to change /
reload my weapon...In fact, here was were I first saw the Game Over message...
-Press Select, to switch the camera mode between Active and Passive (I would
personally recommend active as you won't have to turn the camera manually too
-Press R1 or L1 to turn the camera right or left.
-Press R2 or L2 to make the camera go up or down.
-The start button brings the pause menu up. You can get the description of
the items here. Useful if you don't know what item do what.

( ò The Items )

I'm not far in the game, so here are the ones I got in my inventory 'till
now :

-A gun ;
-Some bullets ;
-A fuse (the main object of the game?) ;
-A grapling hook ;
-A knife ;
-Boots and vests ;
-Hamburgers and bananas ;
-Some kind of Drink (Coca ?) ;
-Emergency Spray ;
-Extinguishing Spray ;
-Portable Air ;
-Freeze Pack ;
-Heat Pack ;
-Grenade ;
-Time Bomb ;
-Switch Bomb ;
-Burst Bomb ;
-20 yr. old suit (for Navarro) ;
-Black Leather (for Acarno) ;
-Grenades ;
-Army Jacket ;
-Spiked boots ;
-Instant Plate ;

I'm really at the start of the game so expect some updates here often.

( ò The Cast )

Acarno : This is the main character in the game, and represents
»»»»»»»» the "anti-hero" as he enters in this adventure without
actually wanting. He is a Junk-Blade rider, and came at
East-Edge for its Junk-Blade courses. He also seems to have
some psychic, unknown powers, that he can't control. You'll
soon find out his troubled history...

Razz : This character is non-selectable, unlike the others. He
»»»»»» strangely looks like the hero in OverBlood 1 and is a key
person in the game as he is the link between you and the
other persons. He has made some sort of strange pact with a
young boy with Navarro. His past is also kinda trouble.

Navarro : A cow-boy like character that sure has a strange
»»»»»»»»»personality. He walk strangely, talks strangely and reacts
strangely. He has some connection in the past with Razz and
wants to honor the pact he also made with the boy...

Chris : The woman person of the game, and a sexy one too. She is
»»»»»»» a policewoman that enters the trio just after the first
episode. Strangely, the law is not her main obsession, and
will soon break it without regrets...

( ò The Walkthrough )
( ò Disc One )
( - Prologue )

[FMV 1]
The game starts with a large intro, that is not really explicit on what's
going on. Only a (sexy) girl tracking a man in some kind of futuristic plane.
You're now coming out of this same plane and have the opportunity to visit
the area. Here, talk to all the people walking around and they'll give you
some useful advice's. You can also jump on a vending machine to get some
bullets and buy a drink. Also, by talking to the man left of the entrance, you
can get a gem not far from him... Of course, keep it for you.
When you're done, go try to find a man sitting on a bench next to the left
window. You'll be given two choices, either you tell him to move on or, you
say how much you're tired. Choose the second one(first option in the game),
and sympathise with the man. At one moment, you'll see a flash with this same
man being shot to death from another, unknown, man. A little disturbed, you
let the man go. But your flash becomes true and the unknown man will shot the
old man. You have to react and save him. Good, but now this unknown man
transforms into some kind of beast and grabs the man again. He throws
something (a fuse) at you and tell you to go. No good, because the beast is
now after you...
You gain control of your hero and now have a gun. I would recommend not to
use it but run around and get down two floors with the escalators (you may
need to go in circle. Oh and don't mind if you get shot, as you have plenty of
energy and at the end of the level you get it all back to normal.).
Once down, the beast traps you. But you're smart (or crazy...) and knowing
that shooting him, won't do anything, so you shoot the window and jump in the
water to escape.
This was some kind of prologue and you can now enjoy the real intro of the
[FMV 2]

( - Game Start )

After you saved your game, you can control your hero again. You have to go
up some stairs but if you want, there's a cinema/ museum to your right with
some useful info on what's going on in this city.
Up the stairs, go in the first shop to the left.

[FMV 3]

You'll see a long scene with the barman there and he asks you to find two
items in order to continue your journey. Don't try and get the anti-gravity
from the statue on the upper right corner as you'll see the game over screen
without realizing anything.
Go out of the shop and check the back of the car there to find the first
item, the grappling hook.
Now, you have to go left to an intersection, where you can go north, east,
south and west. In this screen, talk to everybody, and you'll eventually, come
across a man with a quiz for you (Siver Ottaki). The answer, is the third, and
you'll win an item worth 5000 Cr. But DON'T USE IT like me, because it's a one
use item. Go up to reach the market street.
Here, go in the right shop and talk to the strange looking animal saying
Beep! Beep!, this is the Bomb shop : Below, is what I bought there and how

Bomb Shop :
-Grenade 80 Cr. x3
-Time Bomb 300 Cr. x2
-Switch Bomb 500 Cr. x1
-Burst Bomb 300 Cr. x1
-Decoy 2000 Cr. NA

If you talk to the black man in this section, you could buy some weapons.
Although, you don't have enough money for that...

Agibat Junk :
-Grenade Launcher 6000 Cr. NA
-Fire Extinguisher 4000 Cr. NA
-Machine Gun 7000 Cr. NA
-Laser Gun 6000 Cr. NA
-Super Light Saber (Star Wars Style)
9500 Cr. NA
-Flame Thrower 3000 Cr. NA

At the other side of this street, is the item shop. Talk to the man in
flashy-Clothes to buy some...

Gotti Tools :
-Emergency Spray 100 Cr. x1
-Extinguishing Spray 80 Cr. x1
-Portable Air 80 Cr. x1
-Gravity Controller 500 Cr. NA
-Small Aqualung 500 Cr. NA
-Freeze Pack 100 Cr. x1
-Heat Pack 100 Cr. x1

You can now go back to the bar BUT there is also a building west of the
town (you'll have to climb some stairs), where you can buy some rare items :

Rare Items Shop :
-Katana 30000 Cr. NA
-Big Magnum 8200 Cr. NA
-Dance Outfit 3000 Cr. NA
-Instant Plate 5000 Cr. NA
-Rubber Boots 500 Cr. NA
-Leather Boots 1000 Cr. NA
-Black Leather 20000 Cr. NA

You surely don't have enough money for anyone of these but you can see
them. Go see the other man there for some ammunitions :

Ammunition Shop :
-Magazine Cartridge 300 Cr. x1 (if you don't have any)
-Energy Pack 800 Cr. NA
-Air Pack 200 Cr. NA
-Oil Cartridge 500 Cr. NA
-Fire Extinguisher Cartridge
700 Cr. NA

You now have only one shop left, and it's somewhere south of the town. The
clothes shop :

Clothes Shop :
-Western Jacket 10000 Cr. NA
-Army Jacket 4000 Cr. NA
-Wolf Jacket 5300 Cr. NA
-Rira Jacket 6000 Cr. NA
-Shield Jacket 7800 Cr. NA
-Wet Suit 2000 Cr. NA

And also, you can buy some boots there too :

Boots Shop :
-Blade Boots 2000 Cr. NA
-Cool Sole 3000 Cr. NA
-Shock Absorber 3000 Cr. NA
-Insulator 3000 Cr. NA
-Heavy Boots 5000 Cr. NA
-Spiked Boots 2000 Cr. NA
-Moonlight Boots 70000!Cr NA!

Go now, back to the bar and talk to the man (witch looks like the hero of
OverBlood 1 !!!), to go for your first Episode...

( - Episode I : Encounter )

[FMV 4]
[FMV 5]
Two FMV opens this new episode, where you have to infiltrate the island. To
infiltrate it, you have two choices : Either you use your Hook Shot, or use
the sub-entrance. My strategy, use them both at the same time. Here goes :

====[ Sub-Entrance ]===================================================

Jump in the water and go right. Do a circle, and, at the second turn,
you'll find a switch with a door nearby. Push the Switch and go pass the door.
In there, you'll see some sharks, so move quickly to the surface, and jump on
the submarine. You have two items to take there, one in front of you, the
other will be reached by jumping on the right side wing. You can now enter the
submarine, and kill the robot in there QUICKLY with the antique gun.
Three items there to take. Now go up, and use a heat pack on the water. Go
down (don't jump or you'll die), and take the 15 Cr. there.
Now go back where you started the episode and...

====[ Hook-Shot Entrance ]=============================================

Jump on the red thing in front of you. Now select the hookshot in your
inventory and use it.
Next to the door in front of you, collect the credits and the magazine
cartridge. Use the stairs to your left to go down. Aim for the south-est.
corner of the room and jump on the crate there. From there, jump and keep the
Ø pressed to grab the ledge. In the room, upstairs, you should find a magazine
cartridge and a gold keycard. Use the computer there, to reveal a new door. Go
down, DON'T jump or you'll get hurt, instead, use the crate to go down
In the new room, you'll find a lot of items for you. The most useful being
the red keycard.
Go out of this room, and take the stairs leading down. Here, will be a lot
of robot-guards, so try to dodge their scanning red area. Run in the first
door in front of you, where you can get some items. Get out from the other
door where no Robots should perturb you. In front of you, are the girls
toilets with an item and, at the same side, but a little further, should be
the men one with an item. Anyway, search for a door on the left hand side,
that opens with the gold key card (you'll have to try them all... It's the
third or fourth one...).
In there, should be some Spiked Boots (worth 2000 Cr. !!), 5x Grenades and
an Army Jacket worth 4000 Cr.!!!(Cool looking too).
Go out. Be careful 'cause a robot should be there, patrolling just in front
of this room. Go left and try the RED keycard on the... RED door (duh). In
there, you should find a 20 yr old suit (don't know its purpose yet...), 20
credits, and a silver keycard. To the left of the entrance, you should find a
path leading to a room. Here, you should find some credits, and bullets. You
can now go out, and proceed down the stairs.
In front of you, in the corner, should be an item. Proceed down another set
of stairs, and climb some crates on your right.
Here comes a tricky part. You'll have to jump on the turning "wheel". From
there, jump on your right on this thing going up and down. Try aiming your
jump as it goes down and not as it elevates. If you fall here, jump on another
moving wheel on your left and make your way back to where you first jumped.
Lets imagine you make it (lucky !), now you have to jump on the other one,
moving to your left. This jump will be easy if you time it right. Now, all you
have to do, is to jump on the last wheel and make your way to the ledge on the
Trying to open the door, the game will give you two options :
1-. You use the silver keycard (you have !) to open the door normally !
2-. You break a window, and pass through it in the room !
Choose either, and get in the room. You have some items to pick up in this
room (break the right glass door to pick one), but your main goal, is to push
the red switches on the control panel.
You now have to make your way back down in the main room. Don't jump down
or you'll get hurt! Instead try using the same path as before but the opposite
Back on the ground, take the stairs leading down, and you'll find yourself
in the submarine base from before. But now, you're on the ground. Of course,
it's pointless for me to say you NOT to jump in the water! You'll have some
items to get here and then make your way back up two floors, where the robots
On this floor, go in the room that had electric green lasers before. Go in
and take all of the items there. The most important being the pagoda map. When
you'll go out, you'll encounter your first boss :

====[ 1st Boss ]=======================================================

Your first boss is VERY EASY. Here is a strategy that'll help you beat him
WITHOUT being too wounded. Here goes :
When you gain control of your character, press triangle to go in your
inventory. The game won't pause, so select the KNIFE quickly. If you're lucky
(like me ^_^), you'll get it at the same time as he runs on you. What you have
to do now, is to continuously attack him, leaving him helpless as he cannot
perform a single attack. Enjoy the sequence that follows...

[FMV 6]
[FMV 7]

At a moment, you'll have to fire some helicopters down. This section is
easy, aim with the D-pad, fire with the O and reload with the X. Try getting
around 10 and you can see the others astonishing FMVs.

[FMV 8]
[FMV 9]
[FMV 10]

You have now completed the first (easy) episode. Congratulations.
Personally, I've got C rank and 59 min spent on it. I must claim that this is
my first time playing the game, so be indulgent. IMO this rank is made upon
the time, the tasks accomplished (like breaking the window not being that
good), and health/lives used. Try having a better rank by completing this
level more quickly. Mail me your rank and times and I'll post them in a new
section. Personally, I'll try to replay this one when I have some time.

( - Episode I Completed. )

You'll have a long sequence explaining a lot on what's happening on in this
world, and you'll then leave.
If you look in your inventory, you'll find : 50 K Credit. I don't know what
this is as I can't use it anywhere. Mail me if you have some info on that.
Anyway, go left, and left again. Search for Siver Ottaki again for a new
quiz. This quiz is easy again and the answer is, once again, the number three
"Sudden death of the earth" that you should have found at the museum !
Normally, he'll give you a Black leather worth 20000 Cr. !
Oh boy this one is cool... Put it on right now and look at your back.
Go now up one screen to go in the market street. Some shops changed items
here, so here goes :

Gotti tools : Got out the portable air.
Agibat Junk : Got out : -Grenade Launcher
-Super Light Saber
And putted :
+Hand Bazooka 7000 Cr.
+Laser knife 1500 Cr.
+Light Saber 4000 Cr.

Go now up one screen and watch the sequence. It seems that you're the
little boy, Acarno, and your sister being kidnapped by a goon. You then see
her and tells you to help the others go in the pagoda.
You're kind of course, so aim back for the bar and see yet another small
At the end of the sequence, if you talk to another character, he'll ask
you, either to change person, or to act. Choose to take Navaro first, and give
him his clothe. Isn't he pointless with this stupid suit ? Well, change again
and take Chris (the girl), and do what you want with her. I aimed for the
cloth shop and entered the lady's area and found that :

-Label Suit 3000 Cr.
-Exotic Panther (humm) 8000 Cr.
-Y.O Miyabi Suit 54000!Cr.
-Flight wear 9000 Cr.
-Y.O Angel Suit 30000!Cr.
-Label Plus 9000 Cr.
-Pumpkin Suit 5000 Cr.

Of course, you can't buy these but, hey, look at them and fantasme... Or
Going back to the bar, and choosing the action, you'll have to make a
Three persons will enter the pagoda. Acaron, Chris and Navarro. You must
say witch person will enter where.
Here was my choice, but of course, you can do what you like.

-First enter point : Navarro
-Second enter point : Chris
-Third enter point : Acarno.

[FMV 11]

( - Episode II : Awakening )

Not yet...

( ò Disc Two )

Not Yet...

( ò End of Walkthrough )

Not much in here, but I'll try to update it as often as possible in order
to help you.

( ò Gameshark Codes )

In process...

( ò Revision History )

Version 0.1 01/03/2000 :
-Initial Release with all the sections and the start of the game.

Version 0.2 02/03/2000 :
-Continued the walkthrough and finished the first episode.
-Grammars errors fixed.
-Added a cast section as I found more about the character's history in the

Version 0.3 17/03/2000 :
-All Grammar errors fixed.

( ò Thanks To )

Thanks to GameFAQs < www.gamefaqs.com > for a wonderful site and for
posting all my walkthroughs...
Thanks Dim < asomac2000@hotmail.com > for the support and just for being my
best friend...
Thanks to my sister gralia for being there where I need her...

And of course, thanks to all of you, reading this walkthrough... Without
you, I would be nothing...Thanks again...

Homepage : http://www.multimania.com/sam99/index.html

( ò Disclaimer )

This walkthrough is intended for private and personal use. This walkthrough
CAN be only re-produced or distributed with the approval of the author. This
walktrough CANNOT be use for profitable purposes. Anyone who has violated this
agreement will be severely dealt with.

All copyrights and trademarks that are not specifically mentioned in this
walkthrough are acknowledged.

"OverBlood 2" ® 1999 RiverHillSoft
"PlayStationÖ" is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
"OverBlood 2 Walkthrough" ® Samy 2000

Copyright ® Samy 2000
All Rights Reserved «

# The End #

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