Vagrant Story

Vagrant Story

10.10.2008 18:36:39
,sss,,,, ,srStctrcs,
ARAAAAStc, cA, ,crs
cR,,, ,crtccc ,ss
,srrAs,s, stt ss
sSSStccASStcts, ss ,,
c ,SAs,,cSRAS,tAAAS,
,,,,,crc, ,crtr ,ss,
,sttttrcttsssccSs A tStscSSSSttrts
,rrc srrc,sssrccr,srcsrs,rttRttscssccccrcccctssrssct,srs
A, SAcSs ,tsSS,SS,AS,st,R ,Rc AcsR ,s AtA RrcAt,
,A ttcRAr sRtSRsAsrStssSt,R , sSA Ac Ac,s tcAtR, Sr,,
rASs,ssssssss,Ar, sss ,c,R Sc,sr,ss,,,ccs,,s ,rsss ,
S,,s,,sccs,,, s, crscs,,A ss,,,scrSSS, ,srtcss
,SccrAAAAASs ,scSSStttrttsss ,SSSSS,
,sctSSts ,strccccssss,sscrtttts ,

by Squaresoft for the Sony Playstation
Vagrant Story FAQ/Walkthrough V0.30
Last Updated: (6/06/00)


The Vagrant Story Logo and Vagrant Story Game (c) Squaresoft

Unpublished Work Copyright 2000 CNICK

Newest Versions of this FAQ can be found at:



- C O N T E N T S -

I. Introduction and Revision History
II. Game Basics
III. Characters
IV. Walkthrough
V. Break Arts
VI. Battle Abilties
VII. Magic
VIII. Important Notes



Vagrant Story is a adventure/RPG game that is a mix of Metal Gear Solid and
Parasite Eve¦s battle system. Both parts are much more advanced, and the
result is a fabulous game called Vagrant Story. Released in Japan in late
1999, Famitsu Weekly gave it a 40/40, becoming the 3rd game ever to reach that
mark. The other two were Soul Calibur and Zelda 64, so you can only guess
where this game stands. The game is quite different from any others, and its
great to see something so new and innovative from Square. Below is the story:

* * * * *

The gargantuan city of evil, Lea Monde. Said to have been built in ancient
times by the legendary wizard Mullenkamp, it was once a splendor to behold, but
has become a forgotten wasteland since the earthquake that struck 25 years ago.

Now a battle was about to break out for supremacy over the legacy that lay
there. The main character, Ashley Riot, is a Riskbreaker, a top-notch agent of
the Valendia Knights of the Peace (VKP). In search of Sydney Losstarot, the
main instigator behind the occupation of Duke Bardorbas manor, he penetrated
into the ancient city of Lea Monde.

What he saw, though, was monsters and zombies, which should only have existed
in tales, and the power of magic.

Ashley started to realize that in pursuing Sydney he was getting intertwined in
a power struggle. The Mullenkamp cult, the Council, and even the VKP all had
their own designs for the evil city.

What then was the legacy that lay sleeping in Lea Monde?

And who was going to conquer the city of evil?

* * * * *

Anyway, thats the story. Sound any good? It should. Ive received numerous
questions on Vagrant Story, how its like, and if its a RPG, etc. I decided
to add this to answer those questions, before you email me.

Vagrant Story is in reality, a hybrid of a number of genres. It sure has some
RPG characteristics to it (HP, MP, reasonably long length; 30+ hours), but
it also has your basic adventure characteristics (not as long as a RPG,
innovative, free battle system, real-time), and last but not least, Vagrant
Story has your basic platform characteristics (movingh blocks, jumping around,
etc). Vagrant Story is far too hard to classify as a genre, much like Shenmue
was (and the reason why F.R.E.E. was made up).

Graphically, Ive never seen such a beautiful game on the PSX. It even
outmatches those awesome FMVs found in Final Fantasy 8, which was beautiful
in its own right. The free-mode which Vagrant Story has takes advantage of
this. Sometimes you just want to look around your enviroment, and see some
of the most intriguing enviroments ever seen in a game. You really feel like
you are in a medieval town. Prehaps this is why Im taking forever to finish
this game ;)

Soundwise, Vagrant Story has your classic tunes. I know Ive heard variations
of some Final Fantasy Tactics music (FFT team created VS) and you get the
warm, fuzy feeling inside when you hear them again. Ive only heard one real
good background music that I actually stopped playing to hear it for a couple
of minutes. Sound effects are fairly good, nothing special, but it doesnt
take away the beauty of this game.

OK, lets get to the best part of the game (if you can believe it), the gameplay.
Roughly a year and a half ago, Parasite Eve was released to the US, and its
innovative battle system gave us a new feeling of fighting. Instead of standing
in one place, we were able to move around, and dodge enemy attacks. In
Vagrant Story, Square took that wonderful system, and created something
unimagineable. You still got the battle sphere, which tells you your range
of your weapon. Thats the only real similarity of the two systems. Now,
Ashley is able to move around the whole room, not limited to a battle screen
that most RPGs have (which is another point on why Vagrant Story isnt a RPG).
When attacking, you now have a choice of hitting different parts of your
enemies body. For example, attacking the head of a knight may take off little
damage, and theres less chance of you hitting him because he has a helment,
but if he doesnt use a shield, attacking his arm might be the better choice.
Also, you are basically given the opportunity to create ultimate weapons during
your first real try at the game. Creating new weapons during the game will
make the game easier for you on the difficulty bosses.

Overall, this game is a masterpiece. Its amazing its only June and Im playing
a game that could be classified as game of the year, especially when a final
fantasy is in the future. If your reading this, pick this game up. Theres
almost no reason for you not to have it. Its not a RPG, its not really an
adventure, and its not really a platformer. Its an experience.

Revision History
v0.01 (3/29/00): Just small things added from the Vagrant Story webpage, that
will be part of the US version. Released only on my
webpage. This is far form GameFAQS material.
V0.02 (4/03/00): Worked on the lay out for the FAQ. Still awaiting May 17th
V0.10 (5/17/00): About frickin time its here. Game Basics section worked on,
but lots of stuff I fill in, and walkthrough started, about
30 minutes into the game. Just wanted to get this out for
anyone who is stuck in the beginning of the game.
V0.15 (5/21/00): More work on the walkthrough. I think 5% done. Whole Magic
section done, Ill just need to add spells as I get them.
V0.20 (5/26/00): 16% done on walkthrough. Chain Abilties section worked on.
V0.25 (5/30/00): Yahoo! 25% done. Gee, Im slow, prehaps this will be the last
time I work on a game like this... =P I still got a load of
work left, read in the future revisions to find out.
V0.30 (6/06/00): Roughly 34% of the map is entered in the game. This is
taking longer then I thought, but it should speed up as I
get down with my first game.

In Future Revisions
More Walkthrough
Indepth Info on Chain Abilities, as well as Break Arts
Workshop notes - Lots of it.
Maps for Snowfly Forest (and any other kind of maze type area)
Review of the game - done



Throughout Vagrant Story, you use a number of different control sets, depending
on the situation (i.e. battle, menu). Below is the default set up. You can
configure your Playstation (and soon to be Dreamcast) controller.

NORMAL MODE (unarmed)

| D-Pad or Left Stick | Move, grip, climb, change perspective in free-look mode|
| Right Stick | Free-Look |
| START Button | Free-look, skip demo |
| SELECT Button | Zoom In / Zoom Out |
| Circle Button | Execute Command, draw weapon (to switch to Battle Mode)|
| X Button | Cancel, open doors and boxes, move cubes, end free-look|
| | Mode |
| Square Button | Jump |
| Triangle Button | Display Menu Screen |
| L1 Button | Rotate map counterclockwise |
| L2 Button | Display abbreviated commands |
| R1 Button | Rotate Map Clockwise |
| R2 Button | Walk, when used with D-Pad or left stick |

BATTLE MODE (weapon drawn)

| D-Pad or Left Stick | Move, select target, change perspective in free-look |
| Right Stick | Free-Look |
| START Button | Free-look, skip demo |
| SELECT Button | Zoom In / Zoom Out |
| Circle Button | Execute Command, open and close target sphere, use |
| | Battle ability (when attacking or defending) |
| X Button | Cancel, close target sphere, end free-look, switch to |
| | Normal Mode |
| Square Button | Jump, use battle ability (when attacking or defending) |
| Triangle Button | Display Menu Screen, battle ability (when attacking or |
| | defending) |
| L1 Button | Rotate map counterclockwise |
| L2 Button | Display abbreviated commands, switch targets |
| R1 Button | Rotate Map Clockwise |
| R2 Button | Walk, when used with D-Pad or left stick |


| D-Pad or Left Stick | Move Cursor, switch meanus while the window is |
| | open. |
| Right Stick | Not used |
| START Button | Not used |
| SELECT Button | Not used |
| Circle Button | Execute Command |
| X Button | Cancel |
| Square Button | Not used |
| Triangle Button | Close Menu |
| L1 Button | Switch menus, switch between Ashley and opponents in |
| | window |
| L2 Button | Not used |
| R1 Button | Switch menus, switch between Ashley and opponents in |
| | window |
| R2 Button | Not used |

=Game Screen=
The game screen has a couple of new things never before seen in any game., You
do have your usual HP and MP meters, which are obvious on their purpose. Incase
you get lost, theres a map on the lower right corner of the screen.

The two new things are the limb gauge, and the risk meter. The risk meter
raises the more you attack, and drops over time. The higher it is, the more
of a chance you might miss, but your chance of landing a critical is higher.
Also, Chain Abilities require a certain risk before you can pull them off. Some
require the risk at 2, some at 4. The limb gauge displays the condition of
Ashleys body parts. Different colors means different things, and you should
get familiar with what color means.

=Limb Gauge=
This little feature gets a section of its own. Theres are 5 different colors
that represent the condition of your body part. Note: For an explanation of
what the limb gauge does, read 6 lines up :)

Excellent (blue) Perfect Status. Where you want to be at most times.
Good (Green) Fairly good. Nothing to worry about.
Average (Yellow) Normal. Should be careful on when you fight.
Bad (Orange) Bad. Very bad. Seriously wounded.
Dying (Red) Your body part is dead, or almost dead.

When a body part is dying, theres a couple of penalities that apply. Below
is what happens when a body part is dying.

R. Arm Attack 50% (Normal and Break Art attack is halved)
L. Arm Parry 50% (Chance to parry is halved)
Head Silence (Cant use magic)
Body Risk 200% (RISK increases gradually when the target sphere is open)
Legs Move 50% (Movement speed is halved)

=Whats Risk?=
Gotta love this little feature. RISK is basically the feature that adds tons
of strategy to your fight, along with the equilizer to stop you from doing
multiple 5 hit chains non-stop till the person dies. For the most part, you
want you RISK low. VERY LOW. None at most times. You shouldnt even have it
in high levels for more then a couple of seconds.

As your RISK goes up (each chain/defense ability moves it up) your chance of
hitting the enemy is lessen. What does that mean? Lots of misses, and using
break arts is nearly impossible, since you cant risk the loss of HP with a
miss. Vera Roots and Bulbs are available to drop your RISK when it gets high,
but only use them when you are fighting a boss. Normal enemies can be dealt
with easily, simply because the ass kicking you receive from a high RISK can
easily be reparied by multiple heals, and letting your MP regenerate.

When facing a boss, always have your RISK at none. Believe me when I say
this, you are dead if its at 35+ and you dont lower it down. It only takes
a couple of seconds in non-battle mode for it to drop down.



=Ashley Riot=
Age: Late 20s
Height: 181 cm
Affiliation: VKP(*) Dangerous Criminal
Task Force (*)

After graduating as valedictorian from VKP Academy, Ashley worked as an elite
soldier. Following the tragic death of his wife and child at the hands of a
ruffian, he transferred to the Dangerous Criminal Task Force, a.k.a.
"Riskbreaker," the most danger-ridden post at VKP, where he remains today.

Riskbreakers conduct their investigations alone, infiltrating into and
investigating foreign crime syndicates over long periods of time, which always
puts the individual at high risk. Many lose their lives during their
assignments; the survival rate stands at less than 30 percent. Ashley, always
maintaining his calm in all situations, has succeeded in mission after mission.

Having let Sydney slip away during the take-over of Duke Bardorbas manor,
Ashley was forced to infiltrate Lea Monde, Mullenkamps stronghold, to continue
his pursuit. While in the labyrinthine city, Ashley felt something right at
the moment he was confronted by Sydney, appearing out of nowhere--Ashleys odious
memories of the past and his infamous killing instincts were revived. Were
these phenomena due to the powers of Lea Monde? Or were they "tricks" Sydney
was playing on him?

The only way to the truth was to track

Sydney down.

=Callo Merlose=
Age: 23
Height: 173 cm
Affiliation: VKP Information Analysis Unit

Callo is a member of the VKPs information Analysis Unit, a team specializing in
the collection of information, espionage, and analysis, sifting through
tangible and intangible evidence for information that can help in criminal

With a Ph.D. in both criminal psychology and religious psychology, Callo entered
Info. Analysis as a specialist in the analysisof cults and religious
terrorism; her proficiency in information analysis has drawn the attention of
the veteran analysis officers in spite of her young age.

As an Information Analyst, she cooperated when Ashley sneaked into the Duke's
manor and infiltrated Lea Monde. According to our records, she hasn't been
heard from since she parted with Ashley at the wine cellar, the doorway to
Lea Monde...

=Sydney Losstarot=
Age Unknown (late 20s?)
Height: 178 cm
Affiliation: The Mullenkamp Cult

This charismatic youth leads the religious cult Mullenkamp. Forced into a tight
spot by Ashley during the occupation of Duke Bardorba's manor, he goes into
hiding in the city of evil, Lea Monde.

Many self-proclaimed prophets foretell the end of the world, but Sydney is
exceptional. He can accurately read people's pasts and their minds, and can in
fact manipulate them.

How he obtained such power, no one knows.

When he encounters Ashley again in Lea Monde, Sydney seems to take pleasure in
the "game" between them, likening Ashley to a hunter and himself a hare.

What were Sydney's real intentions in provoking and taunting Ashley as though
he knew everything about the Riskbreaker...?

=Romeo Guildenstern=
Age: 34
Height: 179 cm
Affiliation: Knights of the Cross

Chieftain of the "Crimson Blades"--Knights of the Cross, a militia under the
direct control of the Cardinal.

Although every bit a knight ofelegance and breeding, he can be utterly
cold-blooded, hesitating at nothing in the name of justice for the kingdom.

He led the Knights of the Cross during the occupation of Duke Bardorbas manor
and led sorties to suppress the following riots. Why the Cardinals Knights of
the Cross became involved despite having received no orders to do so remains
a mystery.

The Crimson Blades, led by Romeo Guildenstern, have also infiltrated the city
of evil, Lea Monde. Their aim is to extinguish the Mullenkamp cultists, headed
by Sydney, and to obtain the legacy of the evil city--an artifact they call the

=Jan Rosenerantz=
Age: late 20s?
Affiliation: VKP, Dangerous Criminal Task

Another Riskbreaker dispatched by the VKP to support Ashley, Rosencrantz went
directly from Duke Bardorba's manor to Lea Monde.

Having secretly researched Lea Monde, he would of course have more information
on Sydney and Mullenkamp, as well as on Sydney's "powers," than Ashley.

Yet Riskbreakers always act alone, and it is inconceivable that they would
change their strategies in the middle of a mission. Can his words be trusted?

And what of his rumored ties with Duke Bardorba...?

=John Hardin=
Age : 29
Affiliation: Mullenkamp Cult

A prominent member of the Mullenkamp Cult, Hardin organized the occupation of
the duke's manor with Sydney. Although Sydney is recognized as the leader of the
cult, these two men are more like comrades-in-arms than master and servant.

Hardin is the one who took Joshua to Lea Monde during the occupation. His
noble stature hints at his skill in the sword and his pleasant, open-minded

Like his comrade Sydney, who has the power to read the minds of others,
Hardin possesses the power to see events unfold from afar.

=Duke Bardorba=
Age: 64
Height: 175 cm

One of the heroes who brought an end to the civil war in Valendia.

Once the most vocal member of the former House of Lords, he has withdrawn from
center stage for health reasons. He continues to exercise formidable influence
in the national assembly, though. Rumored to be the financial benefactor for
the Mullenkamp cult, he is a fixer pulling the strings behind the scenes of

Sydney's legions attacked the Duke's manor--apparently to acquire omething in
the duke's possession. The night of the occupation, however, the duke was at
his secondary residence, and thus escaped harm.



[ Beginning Cinema ] - (Press start to skip)

Graylkands 2:32 AM
Duke Bardorba¦s Manor

[ More Cinema ]

You will have control of Ashley for a short battle. Take out the two guards.
They are fairly simple, and its a good little tutorial to practice the battle
mode on.

[ More Cinema ]

After some mroe scenes, you are engaged with a dragon-type monster. Hes easy,
and you dont need to worry about life, so just pound away. Another tutorial
battle, really, so work on Chain Attack, to see if you can get some off.

[ More Cinema ]

Duke Bardorbas Secondary Residence
5:38 AM

You have Duke Bardorba discuss matters onw hat happened at the manor, and what
to do with Sydney. I wont go into much detail, considering you should have
the game.



Ashley enters the only possible way to Lea Monde, through the Wine Cellar of
all places. Hes with a second agent, Merlose, but she has no experience, and
you leave her behind. Too bad, why is it that man characters are so arrogant
that they cant take a second person with them? Hmmm... more story is
revealed here, liek who Sydney is and what hes capable of.

Anyway, Ashley leaves,leaving Merlose behind, and just before she heads upstairs
Sydney comes down. Shes screwed.

[ VKP Report Reading ]


You are now control of Ashley. Head straight across into the new room. Theres
a save point to your right, along with a treasure chest to your left.

The chest contains:
Tovarisch (Bronze Axe)
Buckler (Shield) <-- Equip This
Leather Glove (Glove.. duh)
5 Vera Bulbs
5 Cure Bulbs

Anyway, move towards the doorway to move on. Theres a bat in here, make short
work of him (a hit will take him out). Use the boxes to climb on top of the
smal cliff. Make sure you are out of battle mode, or you wont be able to
grab on. Continue down into the next doorway.

The next room has 2 knights talking to each other, about many things. Since
you have obviously been to this part, I wont go into detail on what they
exactly say. Follow them up the stairs, and prepare for some nice combat.
Some more talk goes on between the two knights in the new area. Blah, Blah,
Blah. Eventually, Ashley will look to his left (or is it his right) and see
a ghost?. He makes a bunch of noise, and the knights are now aware of your
pressence. Take them out. They arent too tough, just make sure you are
only fighting one at a time. If you dont to this, you are going to get a
beating. On the right side of the room, theres another save spot, as well
as an inventory chest. Put anything you dont need (I cant imagine you need
to drop anything yet...) After you are done, hop a ride on the moving block
thing, and through the door.

Theres a bat, and a wolf in here. Again, they are not any trouble, and you
should make quick work of them easily. Nothing else in here, so take the left

Once through, another short cinema will be shown, and you will get a glimpse
of your future enemies. You shouldmt have too much trouble, hes basically
the same guy has the previous two. The second knight is a bitch, however.
Hes got a crossbow, and a deadly one at that. Each shot takes 25+ HP off,
and he can take up to 50 or more off! I havent been able to pull off a
chain ability yet... seeing the game hasnt allowed me to do it. This was the
toughest guy so far in the game.

You got two different paths right now. If you climb up the small hill type
thing, you can turn left (theres a wolf right in front of the door way) to
get into another room. Inside this room, you need to take out a bat, and 2
wolves, which is slightly a pain in the ass, but theres a chest inside.

The Chest Contains:
Seventh Heaven (hmmm?.. FF related name)
Reconstructed Bow
3 Cure Roots
3 Vera Roots

Return back into the hall where you came from. Take on of the 3 boxes stacked
up, and carry it over to the doorway on the other side of the room. Drop it
so that you can climb up to it.

Once you reach the next room, take out the wolf and bat fairly quickly. If you
dont, the wolf will destroy the boxes, which can make your life a living hell
a little later on. Walking up to the door reveals that you need to hit a switch
for it to open. Hmm... remember those boxes? I hope they are still there.
Grab one of them, and drop it near the switch. Hop onto it, pull the switch,
and hurry down through the door. You only have 3 seconds. In case you didnt
kill the wolf fast enough, you can leap across from the steps near the wall.
It requires some patience, but you can leap across, and grab onto the level.

Walk through the doorway, and you will be brought to a little movie. The kid
in it looks like the ghost. Careful analysis results in confirming this.
Grab a box, and drop it next the doorway, so that you can climb and reach it.

The next room contains a chest:
1 Cure Potion
5 Cure Bulbs

Save if you wish, and smell the air. Its boss time!

The Minotaur

Ok, hes one easy boss, but he is considered one. Anyway, just hack away at his
head, doing your best in avoiding his long distance shots. He takes off 40-60
each hit, but you should be able to take him out before you are forced to use
a health item. He has around roughly 250 HP, so hack away.

Items Received:
Chamonile Sigil
Grimoire Guerir
Grimoire Debile

You also get the random bonus slot machine type thing.
3% done

Still in the Minotaurs Room, you can collect some items. A chest opposite the
way you came in includes:

Pelta Shield
3 Vera bulb
15 Yggdrasils Tears

Attempt to leave, and Sydney pops up. More interesting talk to keep you
involved with the storyline, and you get a special bonus. Battle Commands!
You can use your Chain Abilities now, which rock. Back in the save room, you
can practice pulling them off with the knight armor. Save, also. Head back
to where you first saw the two talking knights (to be more specific, the door
that they couldnt open). Use the Chamonile Sigil to open it.


Anyway, once inside the door, you are greeted by your normal enemies. Some bats,
some hounds/wolves. You got a couple of easy rooms ahead, with little to no strategy. How kind of Square to make this so easy for us.

The first room contains a dead (well almost dead) Knight. He looks pretty bad,
and soon dies. As Ashley walks away, the knight comes back to life and you will
have to fight him. Nothing too hard hand-to-hand, but I suggest healing him
a couple times. Automatic (well almost automatic) 60 or so life off. Easy.

The second new room you will enter has 3 enemies. 2 of them dont have any arms
(at least I didnt see them) and they are no threat to you on that higher ground
you are on. The third guy has a long spear, which I can reach you. Which
one thing. Stay on the high ground, and kill the undead zombie with the spear quickly. As long as you back away between your attacks, he has no chance of
hitting you.

Anyway, head straight across into the new room. More of them same, but oh well,
this game is so damn great we can go on with some repetitiveness (that a

You will have a small surprise coming up, however, and he isnt nice. Take out
the wolves, and head for the double doors. I suggest a RISK at 0, because
that mean guy is coming up.


This guy is probably your first real challenge. Not a tough one however. Im
going to go ahead and assume you know how to chain and defend reasonably well.
Reasonably well meaning chains off 75% of at least 1 and defending at least
50%. Anyway, keep your health above 150, this guy has some punch, even with
DECEMBLE on. Again, if you find yourself dying, its more then likely because
you cant chain or defend very well. Sad thing about the game, but mind as well
as learn it now.

Items Received:
Elixer of Queens
Elixer of Mages
Grimoire Lux

4% done

Should be easy. After hes dead, theres a chest in the room:

Rusty Nail
3 Cure Bulbs

Move on save if you like, throw anything unnecessary in the chest and head
through the new door. Theres 2 heal traps on the other side (across from the
save point). One works and the other one doesnt. Interesting side note. Why
are they called heal traps, when in fact they help you, something a trap
wouldnt do? hmmm?)

Anyway, the next room introduces you to a new enemy. The hell hound is slightly
tougher then the hounds you were fighting before. Chain a couple of moves and
hes dead. Move on the wall, then to the door. Theses a trap right in front
of the doorway. Heres a small map to show exact where:

---| |---
| |
| [Trap] |
| |

See where it is? Just remember this anytime you come back here. Theres those
heal traps then again, so maybe you dont have to worry about them.

The next room has another new surprise. Two brand new monsters, the skeleton,
and the Acrid Slime. Use the Grimoire Lux on the slime (dead in one hit),
use the normal Chain abilites on the skeleton. Turn the camera around a full
360 degrees. Notice anything? Theres a secret doorway up on the wall. Grab
the grate, and drop it so that you can climb up. Kill the skeleton inside,
as well as the treasure box, which includes:

Pink Squirrel
Cross Guard
Long Boots
Mana Root

Go back into the room you came from, and head to the only door you havent
gone through. Walk in, and a short cinema will begin, with a ghost appearing.
You got a minute to kill him. Hes fairly easy to take out, as long as you
can chain reasonably well. Dont move around to much, let him appear right
near you. When he does, attack. You should take off 20-30 HP off per hit,
and this should take him out. If he gets off a degenerate, using the Rending
Gale break art, or the Spirit Surge attack. The ghost gives you:

3 Cure Bulbs
Elixer of Kings

The chest inside the room contains:
Shand Gaff
Elixer of Queens

A short earthquake will take place. Gee, wonder if that door can be opened now?
Go back to that room. As you enter it, another earthquake will occur, creating
a chasm in the middle of the room with the ghost. What does that mean?
Absolutely nothing.

Anyway, open the previously locked door. You got two different choices. I
recommend taking the left door first. Push the crate to the left wall, right
in front of the left doorway. Stack the box on top, and climb up. Easy.
The next room is sort of a pain in the ass. Theres a ghost in there, which
requires your full attention. Theres is an annoying bat, hellhound, and a
skeleton, so you have your hands full in here. Still, nothing too troubling.

Fall down, and destroy the crate on the top of the white rock. Roll the rock
to the cliff where a chest resides. Climb up, and move the crate right in
front of the chest, so that you can walk level to it. Open it, and you will be
given some nice items:

Soul Kiss
Bear Mask
3 Spirit Orisons
3 Eyes of Argon

Head back to the large room where you first came into and go inside the doorway
opposite from where you come from. This next room has this pain in the ass way
to use the box and a rock to climb up to the doorway. First, stack the 3 boxes
like this:

b1 b2

Climb on B1, and pick up B3 so that you can put it on top of the middle level.
Pick it up again and drop it near the white rock on the very bottom level.
Next, put the box on top of the bottom rock. It should look like this:


Push the higher rock on top of the box, and then push it off. Now, pull the box
off, and rush the rock that was under it to the left or right. Then, push the
rock (theres only one you can push now to the doorway cliff) towards the
doorway cliff. Finally put the box on top and climb up. Geez, this was a pain.
Heres a last overhead view of what the final thing should look like:

| ---
| R(B) D
| ---
|R |

R(B) means that the box is on top of the rock. Duh! Just kidding. The next
room has a Knight with a bow, which equals a pain in everyones ass. Kill him
like you do with any other knight, but kill him quick. That bow gun hurts.
Continue on, and you will get into a large room with several different doorways.
Kill the Knight, and Skeleton and save.

Ok, the door in front of you is locked, need the Lily Sigil, so you
have the two doorways on the left and right. Head left first. Heres
your first workshop, and I suggest you mess around with some stuff.
Try combining the Targe and the Pelta Shield. What do you get? You
get a Quad Shield, which is overall better then what you had. 2
worthless shields gone to make one better one. Nice.

Anyway, leave when your done. You dont have much to work with yet.
Go across the room to continue on with the game. Take out the zombie
dude and the bat. You are left with two choices. Two different
doorways. I took the way where you had to open the wooden door first.

Inside theres knight, who gives you a cure bulb. Yay. The door
behind you also locks. Theres nothing in here, So I would really both
going in. Leave and head right to the doorwy. Kill the skeleton,
fall down, and kill the secnd one. He gives out a Cure Root. You have
2 different ways to go now. Through a door, and through a doorway.
I went through the door first. It tkes you back to where you fought the
1 minute ghost, on the other side of the chasm. Nothing here, so go back,
and through the doorway. Take out the knight in the hallway, and continue.

In the next room, you will get ambushed by 2 lizard guys. they are tough,
but no match for some quick chain abilties. The first guy gives you a
couple of things:

Grimoire Antidote
Elixer of Queens

The second gives you:

Lily Sigil

Head back to the main room where you last saved. You know have the key to
open the double door up. NOTE: To get back on top of the high cliff,
destroy one box, and put it on top of the tomb right against the wall.
You will be able to climb up then.

Before you use the Lily Sigil, I suggest you save. You also have gained
some items to use to combine (Ill get a section up with notes on how to get

[Cinema with Sydney, Hardin, and Merlose]

This next room is a slight pain. To get across, you need to do a couple of

c1c2 c3c4B1

Destroy c4, and push c3 against c2 (using the X button). Put B2 on the
newly placed c3, and put B2 on c2. Climb on c1, and pick up B1 on top
of B2. Make sense? Heres the final outlook and the entrance of the Sanctum:



Climb up, then fall down to open the door. You have three different ways
to go, after you take out the two skeletons. I chose, to go straight ahead,
through the door. Kill the bats (theres lots of them), and then move to the
right. Notice the passageway on top? Use the cabinet type thing just below
it and too the right. You need to jump off that, and grab onto the passageway.
I think if you press square to grab, you have a better chance of making this.
This can be done, and needs to be done, so its not impossible.

In the next room, Spirit Surge the slime. One hit, gone Use your crossbow
here. You dont want to get level with these knights. They are a pain in the
ass. If you cant seem t hurt them with the crossbow, fall down and chain like
heck. They hurt. Heal the undead knight. The chest at the end of the room

Bosom Cleaver
Grimoire Halte

Head back to the large hallway with 4 different passageways (including the
Lily Sigil door). Theres a door you can unlock, which takes you to a new room
(if you went back to that main hallway and took a left from the many bat door,
this is where you would end up). The right passageway brings you to an area
you cant reach it.

Through the unhatched door, head straight across. Inside this room, theres a
ghost and a skeleton. This room has absolutely no purpose. Leave and head
right. This large room has one doorway. yup, thats it. Weird, how a small
little room can have 4, but a room tripled the size has one. hmmm.... Take out
the slime guy with Spirit Surge, and kill the bat. Go through the double
doors. oh by the way get ready to fight a boss :)

The Golem

This guy is fun. USe the Reflect Damage everytime he hits you. this is the
only sure way yu will kill him. Keep close, or he will use this special
attacks on you, and take off 80+. I equipped the Bosom Cleaver, so that I
could attack his R. Leg, and take off a little damage to speed things up. If
you attack his body, you will be able to take off reasonable damage, but you
have a 30% chance of hitting him.
Has roughly 300 HP.

Items received
2 Cure Bulbs
Elixer of Dragoons
Grimoire Amerliorer

You will see one of those moving blocks start moving.
12% complete

Return back to the Lily Sigil save point. You have done a lot and deserve
the save. I suggest some Workshop work before moving on. Once your done,
go through the Lily Sigil double door, and turn left. Take out the bat and
the lizard guy. Move right through the passageway, into a new room. Destroy
the middle crate, so that you can pick up the box. Lift the box and drop it
against the wall you need to climb and make sure its on the level of the door.
That extra height is just enough for you to climb. Climb up, and go on the
moving platform. Kill another lizard guy (they are bad ass), through the
door, and save. Boss time coming up. Go through the door when ready.


Ok, this guy is a pain. First, stay right near his head. You only have two
weak attacks to worry about, instead of his special move, which can only be
done at a distance. Cast Prostasia on yourself. Then, attack the dragons
head like hell. You better chain reasonably well, because Im not sure theres
a better way to kill him. As your risk gets high, use a Vera Root or Bulb to
reduce the misses. Also, keep your health above 100 HP at all time. He has
more then 500 HP, I got really frustrated with him and lost count of the HP I
took off him. Opps, hardest boss so far.

Items received:
3 Cure Bulb
Elixer of Sages
Grimoire Analyse

Go through the door to continue.
13% done

Run up the stairs and open the door. Welcome to Lea Monde.


[ Cinema with Duane and 2 knights ]

After the short cinema, save if you want. Head through the pass where you need
to go over the slanted hill (I would tell you eas, south, north, or west, but
camera angles are always different and it wouldnt make any sense). You will
enter the same area where Duane was with the 2 knights. Open the door to the
workshop, which allows you to combine bronze with iron.

Leave when you are done, take a right and down the passageway. You will
overhear conversations of knights (Im not sure who they are at the moment).
You realize you cant go on, so turn around, and head back to the first save
point you saw. Go through the second passagway (just about straight ahead of
where you should come from).

You will overhear the Cardinal (?) and his plans for immortailty. More enemies
for you? Of yeah. As they leave, you are ambushed by Duane, and his two
Crimson Knights (Ive heard of names for them, but exactly how were those found).

Duane and 2 Crimson Knights

Duane Hp 250 / Mp 70
Sarjik Hp 180 / Mp 70 <-- Swordsman
Bejart Hp 190 / Mp 55 <-- Axeman

Toughie. Considering I have no clue what your human stats are, this is hard
to explain. First, make sure you have the Poison and Paralysis Chain abilities.
If you dont.. well then you in for the time of your life :) Duane will stay
back until both knights are killed, but if you come up the small hill, he will
attack. Suggestion: Dont go up there. Let the sword knight and axe knight
come to you. Cast Prostasia on yourself, and use the Paralysis and Poison
abilities on them. Hopefully they will land. If they do, they are pretty
much screwed, and will be gone in a couple of minutes. Rending Gale (of course
Im assuming your using a sword) on the axe knight takes off 20 HP, which is
fairly nice every once in awhile. You can chain combo the sword guy for 30+
HP and reflect damage onto him. Its the only way to go.

The Poison will weaken both off quickly, and all that is left is Duane.
Reflect Magic his Lvl 1 Explosion. At least try do, it hurts. Use the Vending
Poison attack on him, it takes off some reasonable damage, which should get him
down faster then you would expect. Keep your health up over 100 HP at all
times when fighting with Duane.

Items received from Sarjik:
Rapier (iron)
3 Mana Roots

Items received from Bejart:
Guisarne (bronze)
3 Cure Roots

Items received from Duane:
Magnolia Frau
Wizard Robe
Crimson key
Grimoire Demolir
Grimoire Clef

Head back to the save point in Rue Vermillion, and open the door with the
Crimson key.
14% complete

Open the locked door.

A B A N D O N M I N E S B 1

[ bells ringing ]

Behold, a new area. Take a left and go through the door. Ignore the
wolf noises... for now. You got two undead knights to take out in this
room. They are nothing new, and should be exterminated within 2 chains.
Open the door, and continue on. Go down the stairs, and watch the short

3 striges (red bats) will attack you. They are tougher then the normal
ones, but one chain will kill them. they seem to like dropping vera
roots too... Run down the stairs and continue through the door. Can I
add that this is a tight background music?

Take out the hellhound, an save. We are just entering the most feared
area ever created in a game: 3 different ways to go. Head left. Take out
the two goblins, as well as the chest crab guy. Use the Grimoire Clef to
learn unlock, as well as to get rid of the posion trap right in front of the
chest. Inside, there is:

Grimoire Eureka
White Queen

Leave and go straight across, through the last passageway you havent visited.
Kill the hellhound and the goblin in the new room, and continue on.

Kill the two goblins and one strige, and continue on. Take out the three
striges, and walk across the wooden bridge. Dont fall down yet, go
through the passageway straight ahead of you. Watch out for the eruption
trap on the space to the left from the passageway door, against the edge.
Walk in, and get ready for a bitch ass fight. Take out the normal goblin
first, and then concentrate on the leader. My suggestion? Rending Gale
on his L. Arm and Spirit Surge takes off 35+. Use Yggdrasils Tears to get
rid of paralysis if you encounter this. Use the unlock spell to get rid of
the poison trap. Chest includes:

Chain Coil
Ring Sleeve
Fern Sigil
Undine Jasper

Go back to the Crossing Room (save area, and get ready to fight a boss. From
where you entered, go through the right door. SAVE FIRST. Head straight.
Take out the bat, and two goblins. Before you go ahead, make sure you are at
full health, and your RISK is at zero. When you have met those requirements,
enter the door.


I cant say theres an easier boss in the game. Cast Prostasia, and head for
his tail. Chain like hell, use a vera root once our RISK is high, and you
win. Very easy. He has a couple of moves that hurt a little, but you should
be attacking so fast that he wont have a chance to get them off. When I fought
him, he hit me twice, taking off around 80 HP.

Items received:
Hyacinth Sigil
Cure Tonic
Grimoire Ignifuge

18% complete

Move straight, through a door, then through a huge area. Kill the two
hellhounds, and continue on. Go down the stairs and take out the goblin, and
and the goblin leader (these guys are one pain in the ass. Hope this is the
last time we need to fight them). Theres a heal panel on the right of the major
staircase, about half way down in the room.

Jump onto the cloudstone, and go across the room. Destroy one of the boxes, and
either push or pick up the 2nd one. You can either pick it up, and use it to
jump onto the upper cliff to reach the door, or you can roll the rock. Your
choice. Go through the door. Does this place look familiar? Well it should,
its the bottom of the cliff, below that wooden bridge you used, and the eruption
trap. Anyway, use the rock to climb up, and jump across to the door. Use
the Hyacinth Sigil, and go in. You now have 15 seconds to get through 2
rooms. Use the map on the lower right corner of yoru screen to tell you where
you need to go. In the 2nd room, theres a hellhound, kill him. Do it fast,
however. If you dont kill him, he will end up attacking you a couple of times
as you are running to the door you need to get through.

The next room has a bow goblin, a sword one, and a goblin leader. Wow, this is
tough. Cast prostasia, you will need it. I went for the goblin leader first,
so I just did a mass rending gale at him. I must did it 7 or 8 times before he
died. After he died, I just picked off the other two. No real problems, but
a quick glimpse thought trouble. Save. This room well be called the Dark
Tunnel. :)

This room will also be looked at from the room you FIRST entered in. Dont enter
the west room. You need a silver key, which we dont have. There is a goblin
and a chest crab if you want the kills. Which leaves east or north. Lets
go north, shall we? Theres a mimic (chest crab), a goblin, and a goblin leader.
Hmmmm... take out the goblin leader first, followed by the goblin. Forget about
the mimic. First they arent worth the trouble, and you should be able to get
the chest without even facing him. Inside the chest is:

Chain Sleeve
Salamanders Ring
Grimoire Undine --(Think I missed an item here)

OK h ead back to the Dark Tunnel. One more way to go, east. Before you go on,
make sure you have the Fireproof defense ability set. If you dont have it,
start chaining. This is vital for the room ahead (yes theres a boss). Next,
equip the gem UNDINE JASPER onto whatever weapon you are using. Gee, sort of
obvious on what the next boss is. Lastly, make sure you have the best equipment
possible on. Sometimes you just forget about equpping something new you get.
Also, equip the Salamanders Ring, which gives you more protection against fire.
SAVE and go through the east door (last one you havent gone through).

Fire Elemental

If properly equipped (read above if not) this guy is extremely easy. No, you
cant have more then one spell on you, so dont cast pyro guard, prostasia, and
frost fusion. Cast frost fusion, and chain away. Defend using fireproof, and
he shouldnt take more then 20 HP off you. If you wonder why there was a lot of
hype about this guy, face him without frost fusion :).

Items received:
Grimoire Flamme (Spell: Flame Sphere)
Mana Tonic

20% complete

Defeat him, and go through the door. You should probably take off the Undine
gem, as well as the Salamander Ring off, since you dont need the fire protection
anymore. Jump onto the cloudstone to hop across the pit. If you dont like the
moving feel to it, cast fixate, and it will stop. To get on top of the higher
ledge with the door, destroy three of the 4 crates. Push the final one below
the ledge, and climb through. Go through the passage.

Wow, two goblin leaders. Am I the only person having trouble with these guys?
My suggestion is to Rending Gale one, then the other, and take out the normal
goblin last. They do have degenerate, which is a pain in the ass to have. If
you get it, I suggest leaving the room. Its not worth all the ass kicking while
you wait for it to fade away. Matter of factly, just freakin run right past
them. ITs far not worth the ass kicking for two kills. Go through the door,
and you will enter another earthquake in the new room. Hmm... prehaps its
foreshadowing the next room? The door requires the fern sigil, so open it
up and head in. Wow, another boss. Where was the save point?


Prehaps this is pay-back for a not-so-hard Fire elemental? Anyway, on with the
show. Forget about chaining, you will miss every single time, only raising
your RISK to extreme levels. Use reflect damage every time he attacks. This
is basically the only way to kill him. Along the way, attack his head with
one swipe with your weapon, remember, no chains. As you fight him, he will
begin to take off 80, then up to 99 HP off. Not really cool, considering
Cure Bulbs give you a 100, and Heal magic gives you at most 95 HP back. You
will take off 35 off each time however, so the fight will go quicker.

Items received:
3 Cure Bulb
Elixer of Kings
Grimoire Rempart (earth defense)

How about the tight scene when he dies? HAHAHA, bastard deserved to be killed
like that.

21% complete

Go through the door across the room. As you open the door, a cinema begins
with Sydney, Melrose, and Hardin. I wont explain it, considering you will be
watching it yourself. Before entering the door, I suggest you let your RISK
go down. It should be high, even though you were using reflect damage.

Go up the stairs, through the door, and outside the mine.


I highly recommend that you save. Notice the pasageway right next to the
save spot? Head through there. Continue to head straight, until you hit
a small hit. Turn to Ashleys left, and climb up on the steps, then continue
along. Walk forward, and Ashley will notice Sydney infront of him.

[Cinema with Samantha, Romeo, and Sydney ]

The Gran Grimoire? Great, something else to worry about. Anyway, head back,
theres nothing you can do now. Heads up, you got two Crimson Knights ambushing
you. Luckily, the first one can be dealt with before the second one can reach
you. If you find yourself getting your assed kicked, dont fret. These guys
hurt, and we havent reached a new workshop to upgrade our armor and weapons.
Prostasia can make short work of them. Theres nothing we can do in this area,
so head back. Fall off the steps, and head for Ashleys left (opposite way of
returning to the point).

Run past the locked door, onto a new area. Theres another knight here, with
a spear. Same strategy as before, you may not need to cast prostasia, you take
off 20 HP from his arms, not bad without it. Continue on, and you see a
cloudstone, along with a knight on the other side of the river. If you have
a strong crossbow, wait until hes on it, then fixate the cloudstone. You
are now able to attack him, while he cant attack you. If you continue on the
side you are on, you will be taken back to the save point... so kill the knight
to get across the river.

Once across the river, head through the passageway closest to you.
will be greeted by two Crimson Knights. Cast prostasia, and break art away.
50 some damage on the crossbow knight, so I suggest take him out, and chain the
other to hell. These guys are tough. Anyway, go around the corner, and
continue on. Are things starting to look any familiar? Hmm... havent we
been here before? Yup. Take out the hammer knight, and watch out for the
2nd, right by the workshop door. He should cast HERAKLES, which makes you
life a living hell. Do some work here if you need it.

Where or not you need to do the workshop, you must continue on. Yes, its
sad, but lets go on. You know the area after you see Sydney, Romeo, and
Samantha? Good. Now remember the area where you first fought those two
guards? Good. Head back there. Notice the doorway on top of the building?
It may seem impossible for you to reach, but you can. Part of the ground
raises just a bit so that you are able to grab onto the building. And its
possible, you just need to fight the right place. Go in, and you should be
familiar with where you are. This is where Sydney, Harin, and Melrose were
when they had their big chit-chat. Jump over the gaps, and go down the
passageway. Familiar with this area? You should. This is where Samantha
and Romeo was when you last saw them. Take out that cleverly positioned
knight, and open the gate door, down to Undercity West.


The blue tint to the room, gives this area, a spooky feeling. So spooking to
expect the undead. Yeah, some Spirit Surge action. Well, thats what you
want to be doing, spirit surge the undead knights, killing them in one hit.

Go through the door once you exterminated them. Take out the skeletons and
the undead knights in here. Once again, spirit surge is the way to go, if
you dont feel like chaining them to death. Take the door closest to you.
The second one requires the silver key (or is the room after that door?).
Anyway, its worthless to go that way, so proceed to the closest door. Hmm..
I smell a boss.

Giant Crab

Equip the Undine Jasper on your shield, if you have it (and you SHOULD have it).
Remove any fire bonus items you have, like the Salamanders Ring, since his
Agua Bubble will tear you apart. Blunt weapons do nicely on him, but a regular
good old sword (which I used) did nicely.

Break Art his mouth, using Rending Gale, if you are using a sword. If you dont
have one.. I cant help you, since I ONLY USED a sword. Keep your health
above 150 HP, that Agua Bubble does hurt (or did I have a fire-bonus equipped?).
Once you are dead tired of breat arts, chain is arms. 20 or so damage for your
first impact, then chain along. You shouldnt have too much trouble with this
guy. He isnt that hard!

Items received:
3 Cure Bulbs
Grimoire Sylphe (Lust Fusion)
Elixer of Queens

24% complete

Go through the door, and save. 25-30% done with your first game through
Vagrant Story.

You got a couple of choices on where you want to go. The north door is locked,
with the IRON KEY, so you got the east and west doors. The west door is used later in the game. Heres what inside it:
Lets go west, through the passage. Theres a number of enemies in here,
including your normal zombie mage and then theres an undead knight. Spirit
Surge, or chain and move on. The door across from you is locked from the other
side, so take a right. Inside the next room, theres another zombie mage, as
well as a zombie knight. The door around the corner requires the SILVER KEY.

I put this here so that you wouldnt be very hard to mention when WE do come
back here, which could be in short time. Go through the east door. Take
out whatever enemies hold this room. The door across from you requires the
iron key, so turn left around the corner. Go up the staircase, into the
Snowfly forest. Yay.


[ Scene with Commander Neesa, Samantha, and Romeo ]
[ Scene with Ashley and Rosencrantz ]

Save. And welcome to hell. Go into the forest when you are ready.

[ Scene with Grissom and Rosencrantz ]

Continue through this straight pathway (The Hunt Begins) into a new area.
Basically to get out as fast as possible, take a couple of souths. First
through Which Way Home, which contains a basilisk or two. The basilisk
shouldnt be anything to worry about. They arent anything real new, but make
sure you have something against air, so you can take care of them soon.
Proceed south to the Birds and the Bees area. Note, Ichthious are found
in here, and they arent really (but then again, I DID have a AIR powered
sword, so these guys were a bitch to kill). Use any kind of earth attack you
have against them. Once again, go south into Traces of the Beast. If you
east (followed by a south), you will get to the Snowflys blocking the passage.
Thats where you want to go, but you need to take care of a dragon friend.

In Traces of the Beast, GO WEST. Use my words, and the map for help.


|| or = You move directly into this area (meaning you dont jump around)
to ??? Go through this way will take you to ??? (not right next to the area)

Note: Map is not finished it. It only shows the areas you will have to go
through to get through the forest quickest. I got way to sick of this place
to get to every area (although Ill get it done my second time through).

| |
| Forest River |
| |
|| to FC ||
|----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
| | | | to:GT| | | | | |
|LTHM| | | | ST | |WSRF| |ROTL|
|----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
|| || Snowflies ||
|----| |----| |----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
| |==| | | | | | | | | | | |
|YATP| |RWTW| | | | ST | | YW |=|TOTB|=|FH |
|----| |----| |----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
|| || ||
|----| |----| |----| |----|
| | | | | | | |
|TSP | | | |TAF | | BB |
|----| |----| |----| |----|
|| || to:YW
|----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
| | | | | | | | | |
|Boss| | | | | |WWH |=| TGT|to:ST
|----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
|| ||
|----| |----|
| | |THB |
| SP | | |
|----| |----|
Exit ||
| |
| SP |
Enter ===============================================================================
Earth Dragon

Alright, after one pain in the ass ride through the forest, its time for some
ass kicking. This guy may seem tough (dragon breath mainly) but he really
isnt. Cast terraward on yourself, and make sure you have terraward set on
one of the defense moves. The Earth Dragon will get off at least one dragon
breath off, which means 250+ damage if no earth protection. If you have
terraward off, its only arould 130, and if you get the terraward defense
ability, then he only takes around 70, which is nice. Run up to his neck,
and cast Luft Fusion. No matter what weapon you are using (make sure it
isnt weak against earth, or dragon), and chain away. Pull off 2 10 hit combos,
and hes toast.

Items received:
Bronze Key
Grimoire Parebrise (Aero Guard)
Vera Potion


Alright, head back to the Yellow Woods (if you havent already visited it,
its through the east passage of Traces of the Beast. Before heading south
in the Yellow Woods, I suggest you cast frost fusion on yourself. Go through
the passageway, and you will be greeted by a less-powerful fire elemental.
The frost fusion effect should make short work of him. Good thing you had it
on when I told you to :)

Continue south and you will find yourself in a huge area, the Forest River.
A basilisk or two will be guarding the save point. Save. Notice the passage
near you? Dont go through it. It takes you all the way back to the Fairy
Circle. And thats not good. We have already had enough of the Snowfly forest.
Theres also a Item Chest near the save point. Drop any unnecssary items, to
make sure you dont get full.

Anyway, jump on the two pillars in the river to get across the other side of
the river. Dont mind the undead knights. They seem to jump at you just when
you jump on the other side. Interesting, but helpful. I suggest using the
digital pad (if you use the analog stick on the dual shock), since its not fun
falling into the water a bunch of times :) Take out the knights, and open
the chest in the corner. Inside, there is:

Knuckle Guard
Circle Shield (should be top of the line)
Chain Mail (best yet)
Sylphid Ring
Night Killer
3 Acolytes Nostrum
Grimoire Agilite

Head south through the pasasgeway when your done. Oh yeah, make sure you saved.
Yup, you guessed it, another boss fight. Continue to move south in Lamenting
to the Moon, eliminating any basilisk you encounter. Another south will bring
you to Running with the Wolves, and a second fire elemental will be in there.
Frost fusion like last time, and he wont be a problem. OK, make sure you head
east in here, to You are the Prey. Its not fun to go another way by accident
and end up at the Fairy Circle. Eliminate any enemies, and head south into
the Secret Path. There should be some Ichthious in here. Nothing at all
real tough. Before heading on, make sure you have full HP and MP, and a zero

[Scene with Ashley, Sydney, and Grissom ]

Dark Crusader
Partner: Sydney

Alright, this can be tough and easy at the same time. My suggestion, nail
the Dark Crusader first, and fast. Chains to his abdoman will make short work
of him, and will allow you to concentrate on the not-so-easy-to-kill Grissom.
Anything will do, but blunt is best against the Dark Crusader. He shouldnt
be able to get a real attack off you if you attack fast (like you are supposed
to be doing).

Once he is eliminated, concentrate on Grissom. With Protasia, along with a
human bonus gem, a first head shot should get around 10-15 HP off. Thats
reasonable, if you are willing to chain forever. You can use the swords
2nd break art, which took off 40-45 HP off, which sped the process of kicking
Grissoms ass. Of course, this requires you to have a one-handed sword...
Watch out for his Lightning Attacks. For some reason, it had random damage.
One time it took over 250 HP, and one time it took no more then 100 HP off.
Make sure you have your health up, especially if you are using break arts.
It hurts. Prehaps its prostasia.

One final note, I believe you can kill Sydney. I didnt bother, but I have a
couple of friends who have killed him. Of course Ive also heard others say
they took off 500 HP and didnt kill him. Either way, it wont effect the story
line in anyway, so why bother?

Dark Crusader Items:
Angel Wing
Grimoire Deteriorer
Elixer of Queens

Grissom Items:
Swan Song
Grimoire Annyier
Grimoire Gnome

31% Complete (Didnt reach all of the Snowfly Forest area however)

[ Scene with Ashley and Sydney ]

Grab the chest laying to the right of the passageway out. It includes:

Corpse Reviver
Circle Shield
3 Vera Tonics
3 Cure Bulbs

Continue on into the last area of the Snowfly Forest. You will most likely
save, unless you are one risky fellow ;) Open the door when you are ready.


Nothing here but a nice looking corridor. Head east around the corner and
through the door. You will be greeted by a couple of Lizard guys. They hurt,
but I was taking off 50-80 off at 100% with my sword, so they were easily
dispatched. Continue on through the next door, and you will find yourself
in a small fork in the road. The door closes to you will lead you back to
City Walls West (To be more specific, the area where Sydney and Romeo have
their encounter). There isnt much to do here, unless you feel you need to
beef up your human stats. Once you are done here (you should at least unlatch
the door, just in case you go back there) go through the 2nd door. Yay,
more lizard dudes. Take them out, go through the door, and you will be greeted
by more lizardman. Yawn. Go through the door across the room. You got two
doors in here. One requires the other side of the door to be opened, the other
one is free of any locks. Go through it.


The north door in here is locked and requires the gold key. Shucks, got to wait
until your second play to get in here). The South goes down to Iron Maiden B1,
which is similiar to what the Dungeon in Final Fantasy Tactics (lots of good
items, but you dont need to go in it). You can work your way down there if
you wish, but its rather hard, so I wont be making a full guide of it until
Im able to go through it :) The last door, on the east side is your last
option, which continues on to the story. The next 4 rooms all have locked
doors, which you cant open yet. Run past all four.

NOTE: Only 2 of the 8 doors can be unlocked in your first try, and each door
leads to a different time trial (secret in game). It has no purpose other then
for the fun, since this doesnt add % to your map.

Anyway, open that last door in the Warriors Rest.

[ Scene with Romeo, Samantha, and Rosencrantz ]

Save. The chest requires a chest key, which you get in the Iron Maiden B1.



>Coming Soon<



Battle Abilties are your main attack in Vagrant Story. When you attack, they
become Chain Abilties, which allow you to chain combos of moves. When you are
on defense, they reduce the damage or counter attack. Below is the list of all
the Battle Abilties I have seen. Theres more, and they will be added

>Chain Abilities<

Heavy Shot - Inflicts an amount of additional damage equal to 70% of damage
Gain Life - Regenerates an amount of Ashleys HP equal to 30% of the damage dealt
Gain Magic - Regenerates an amount of Ashleys MP equal to 30% of the damage dealt
Temper - Inflicts an additional 40% of damage on foe and repairs a small amount
of weapon DP
Instill - Inflicts additional damage equal to 10% of damage dealot and adds that
amount to PP
Dulling Impact -
Snake Venom - adds poision to attack
Mind Assault - Reduces foes Mp to an amount equal to 30% of damage dealt
Gain Magiic - Regenberates an mount of Ashleys Mp equal to 30% of damage dealt
Numbing Claw - Adds numbness to attack
Adds poisionb to attack
Raging Arche - Inflicts an amount of additional damage equal to 10% of the
damage Ashley has sustained.
Mind Ache - Reduces foes MP by an amount equal to 20% of the MP Ashley has used
Paralysis Pulse - Adds paralysis to attack
Crimson Pain - Inflicts an additional 100% od damage on foe and deals 30% of
base damage to Ashley

>Defend Abilties<

Ward - Successful ise of this ability prevents paralysis and numbness
Reflect Damage - reflects 40% of damage. Does not reduce damage received.
effective vs non-magical attacks
Impact Guard - Reduces physical damage by 50%
Fireproof - Reduces fire-affinity damage by 50%
Terra Ward - Reduces earth-affinity damage by 50%
Windbreak - Reduces air-affinity damage by 50%
Agua Ward - Reduces water-affinity damae by 50%
Siphon Soul - adds 50% of the mp used in foes magical attack to ashleys mp.
effective vs magical ttack
Reflect magic - reflects 40% of damage. Does not reduce damage received.
effective vs magical attacks
Shadow guard - Reduces light-affinity damage by 50%
Demonscale - Reduces dark-affinity damage by 50%

>Pulling off the Ability<

This is the toughest thing in the game to do, but once you get it, fighting is
much easier. Make sure you have the exclamation mark pop up on top of Ashleys
head. If you dont have that show up, look through the menu to turn it on. When
you see that mark, thats you signal to press the button to pull off another
chain or use a defense move.

What button do I press? Its up to you. You have a choice to use 3 abilties
for chain, and defend, and you get to configure them using square, triangle,
and circle. For defense, only one move will be done and thats it. But for
chains, you can continue to repeat the process. Remember, press whatever
button you want to, a second after you first see it. Pressing it right when
you see it will be too fast. My best suggestion is that you concentrate always
on top of Ashleys head. That way, you wont get distracted by the attack, and
you can pull off monster 10 hit chains (or unthinkable 20 hit combos).



Magic is extremely important in this game. Without it, I highly doubt you
could win (Im sure there are those out there who could though..). Still,
it saves time from looking for the right item, as well as te fact that you
can use it as many times as you can. You do need the MP required however,
but considering you regenerate MP, you wont have to wait too long. When
learning magic, you must learn from Grimoires, which is a fancy word for a
book. To learn a spell, use the Grimoire, and cast it (sometimes you need
enemies around you for the attack spells). After you have done it, a blast
of light surrounds you and you learn it. Very easy. Below is the list of
all the Magic I have found:

NOTE: I strongly suggest using the L2 button to select your spells. Its
quicker then pressing triangle, then going through the menu.

Name Type What it Does
| Solid Shock Physical Intense shockwave pounds opponent |
| Lightning Bolt Air-Based Lightning Arrows shock enemies |
| Fireball Fire-Based Searing balls of flame assault target |
| Vulcan Lance Earth-Based Razor-sharp debris rains down on the opponent |
| Auga Blast Water Based Intense cold assaults enemies |
| Spirit Surge Light Spirits of light attack enemies |
| Dark Chant Dark Torments enemies with a burst of pain |

Name What it Does
| Heal Restores HP to target. hurts the undead |
| Restoration Removes paralysis to target |
| Antidote Removes posion to target |
| Blessing Removes Curse |

Name What it Does
| Heraldes Increases STR \ |
| Enlighten Increases INT > These work for a period of time. |
| Invigorate Increases AGL / |
| Prostasia Temporarily increases the effectiveness of weapons and armor |
| Silence Temporarily disables targets ability to use magic |
| Fixate Tempoarily freezes all cloudstones in their current location |
| Unlock Unlocks chest and doors |
| Eureka Reveals traps, making the visible for a limited time |
| Analsysis Analyzes targets various stats (HP, MP) |
| Degenerate Weakens opponents STR for a period of time | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Name What it Does
| Pyro Guard Strengthens armors fire affinity|
| Luft Fusion Raises weapons air-affinity |
| Spark Fusion Raises weapons fire-affinity |
| Soil Fusion Raises weapons earth-affinity |
| Frost Fusion Raises weapons water-affinity |


Teleport Will instantaneously move ou between Save points. Oh yeah
(No table here :))



Credits (In no particular order):
Square (Website and Manual)
For Character Information.
For creating the coolest site on the internet (and hosting this guide) and
Im also using his FAQ lay-out (sort of).

This GUIDE is (c) 2000 CNICK. In no possible way can this FAQ be reproduced
and put on a website, even if its a non-commerical website. Feel free to
distribute between others, but this FAQ is not to be used for
profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of
magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in
ANY way. This GUIDE CANNOT BE ALTERED IN ANYWAY! Ive seen his happen and its
not cool. This is my guide, DONT CHANGE ANYTHING. Websites you should find
this guide on are: GameFAQs, MY OWN WEBPAGE, VGSTRATEIGIES. Until this FAQ
reaches an ending point, no other site may post this GUIDE. Further details on
that will be added when the time comes.

For some self-appreciation [and boasting =)] heres a list of my FAQs:

PC and Macintosh:
Diablo Multiplayer Guide
Brood War Multiplayer Guide

Sega Dreamcast:
Power Stone Movelist

Sony Playstation:
Gran Turismo 2 License Guide
Mark Henry Move List
Acolytes Move List
Chyna Move List
Steve Blackman Move list
Vagrant Story

Nintendo 64:
Hydro Thunder FAQ

Super Nintendo:
Soul Blazer walkthrough
Top Gear FAQ
Top Gear 2 FAQ

I¦ve gotten some weird I decided to add this:

Emails I will read:
- Anything to do with the Vagrant Story
- Contributions (please state what your contributing in the subject)
- Compliments

Emails that I will throw away:
- Threats
- Idiotic Messages
- Mail asking for this Guide to be put on their site

Vagrant Story FAQ (c) 2000 CNICK
-End of FAQ-

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17.Oktober 2013
Secret's and Hints

17.Oktober 2013
Portuguese FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels

17.Oktober 2013
Plot FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Jazeraint Armor

14.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
First Play Speed FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

18.Oktober 2013
List FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Snowfly Forest FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Introduction FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Playing Guide FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Patch und PAL/NTSC Selektor und +3 Trainer für die Europäische PAL GER/ENG Version.

15.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Patch und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die Europäische PAL GER/ENG Version.

15.Oktober 2013
Patch für die Europäische PAL Französiche Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Patch for the European PAL UK Version.

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +5 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020