Blood Refill
While playing, press Up, Right, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Right, Left to
refill your blood.
Violator (
Easy Artifacts
To get 99 of any artifacts at the spirit forges trade in your blood for the
artifacts and use the blood refill code countinue this untill you have 99 of
what ever artifact you are recieving fromm the spirit forge.
Violator (
Full Magic
To fill your magic meter, press Right, Right, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Right,
Left while playing.
Violator (
View all Videos
To view all the video clips, press Left, Right, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Right,
Left while playing, then press Select and view the Dark Diary.
Violator (
Fill Up:
Below the bat beacon on your way to Vorador's swamp, there is a lake to your
left. Go to mist form and walk across the lake off the screen. You will come
to a stonehenge with a teleporter. It will take you to a set of snake temples
overrun with werewolves. There are about 15 secret points here, as well as more
than 50 of each artifact item. Stock up. The teleporter back is in the upper
right hand temple.
2025-01-25 05:42:52... - JamesZorie
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De finns tusentals gallerier att upptacka pa MILFNAKNAFOTON, alla fyllda med nakna foton pa kata milfar. Kvinnorna innehar ar sjalvsakra, sexiga och vet i vilken grad man gor dej hard. Oavsett va du ar sugen pa, hittar du det har – allt fran analbilder till narbilder pa stora brost. & allt detta ar helt gratis, beredd att avnjutas nar du vill.