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D R U G W A R S: H O W T O R E A P H U G E R E W A R D S
1 - Introduction
2 - How to Make Money
3 - How to Win
4 - Legal Information
5 - Farewell
1 - Introduction
I am Steve Novicki, and I will be narrating this guide on the wonderful
computer/Texas Instruments graphing calculators game Drug Wars! Drug
Wars is a game where you buy and sell a variety of drugs to make a lot
of money and, if you're lucky, live. This FAQ tells how to be
successful at accomplishing this.
2 - How to Make Money
The point of the game Drug Wars is to buy and sell a variety drugs in
order to make a lot of money and to live. The main rule to follow when
doing this is: buy drugs at an extremely low price. Then try and sell
at an extremely high price. What I like to do is to start off the game
by getting some spending money. Do this by buying a lot of weed when
the prices have "bottomed out". Then sell it at an average but high
price elsewhere. You get a ton of money doing this. You can repeat this
process over and over until you get a lot of money, like forty or fifty
thousand. Now jet around until you find a place where "Pigs are selling
cheap heroin from last week's raid". Buy as much heroin here as you
possibly can. Then go somewhere where "addicts are buying heroin at
outrageous prices" and sell the whole load. This will make you a TON of
cash. An even easier way to do this is the same thing with cocaine. Buy
cocaine at an average price; try to get it really low. Then jet around
until "cops have made a huge coke bust and prices are outrageous". Sell
the whole load here and you will almost guaranteed have more than a
million dollars. Then you can just keep repeating that until you are
satisfied. The only problem with doing this is that sometimes the loan
shark's goons come and bust you up for your late payments. They also
take all of your drugs you are currently carrying. This can be
devastating to your account if you're carrying an expensive drug like
cocaine because you lose a ton of money. To avoid this, just be sure to
repay the loan shark often. Lastly, if you're a hex maniac like myself,
edit the program files to give you a ton of money.
3 - How to Win
The point of Drug Wars is to make as much money as possible. I have not
won the game yet, but it is the kind of game where you set the
standards for winning. For example, you might say that you win when you
possess more than five million dollars. Or maybe when you have sold two
hundred units of every kind of drug there is. Just follow the
guidelines I above have set for making money and you can do almost
anything in this game that you want to do.
4 - Legal Information
Juts so people aware of this fact, this mini-FAQ for the PC and TI-85
version of Drug Wars is Copyright ® March 26, 2000 by Steve Novicki
himself. If you rip off of (plagiarize) this mini-FAQ, I can and will
sue you and easily win. I will also send a deadly virus to your e-mail
address that will erase anything and everything on your C drive. All
rights reserved. The owner/author of this FAQ reserves the right to, at
any time, change the document without notification to anyone. Just do
not rip off of this FAQ and everything will be A-OK. Or else send me an
e-mail at Aristotle47@aol.com asking me permission to publish this document
in any way and I will almost always say yes. Just so that I know about
it and you have personal written consent from me can you publish this
5 - Farewell
It has been fun playing the game Drug Wars, as well as writing this
FAQ. If you have any questions, comments, complaints, requests to
update this FAQ, or anything of that nature, PLEASE send me an e-mail
at Aristotle47@aol.com and I will be glad to respond to it. I normally heck
my e-mail twice or three times a day. Farewell, my friends, I have had
a lot of fun with this FAQ.