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Play as Sarah:
Successfully complete "Street Tour" mode twice as T.J.
Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com)
At the main menu, press Right(2), R1, R2, Left(2), L1, L2. If you entered
the code correctly, the word "Yeah" will be spoken.
Open Gates:
Each time "Street Tour" mode is completed with a regular
character, two blue gates that could not be entered before will be
unlocked. Beat "Street Tour" mode with all four regular
characters to unlock all gates.
Extra Boards:
Each time "Street Tour" mode is completed with a bonus
character, five new skateboards will be unlocked. Beat "Street
Tour" mode with all four bonus characters to unlock all skateboards.
Mirrored Courses:
Beat "Street Tour" mode twice with all four bonus characters to
skate any of the courses reversed and to have day and night course
as Mick:
Successfully complete "Street Tour" mode twice as Jerry.
Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com)
Play as Bonobo:
Successfully complete "Street Tour" mode twice as Ginger.
Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com)
Play as Saho:
Successfully complete "Street Tour" mode twice as Frankie. Note:
In the Japanese
version of the game, successfully complete "Park" mode with all
Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com)
Reverse courses:
Successfully complete "Street Tour" mode twice with all four
bonus characters.
This will also allow courses to be raced during the day and night.
Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com)
Play as Trecy (Japanese version):
Complete "Park" mode with Saho.
Play as Janet (Japanese version):
Complete "Park" mode with Trecy.