Legend of Legaia

Legend of Legaia

13.10.2013 03:30:47
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Legend of Legaia Walkthrough - v1.3
American version for Playstation
by R. Angotti Jr. r_angotti@yahoo.com

This document copyright 1999 by R. Angotti. This document is for
private and personal use only. This document may be placed on a
web site as long as it is completely unaltered and in full. This
document is NOT to be used for proftable or promotional purposes,
including, but not limited to; magazines, books, guides, etc.
in any way whatsoever.

This document was created and owned by R. Angotti Jr.

All copyrights are acknowledged.
Thanks to Kao Megura for guidelines for the notice above.
The latest version of this walkthrough can always be found at:

GameFAQ's - http://www.gamefaqs.com

___________________________________ [T
a b l e o f C o n t e n t s]
I. [U p d a t e s & I n t r o d u c t i o n]
II. [A r t M o v e s]
III. [T h e C h a r a c t e r s & T h e S t o r y]
IV. [T h e S e r u a n d t h e R a - S e r u]
V. [T h e W a l k t h r o u g h]
VI. [S e c r e t s]
VII. [S t o l e n / D r o p p e d I t e m L i s t]
VIII. [C o n c l u s i o n / T h a n k s]


I. - [U p d a t e s]

April 17, 1999 (v1.0) - First (and most likely last) edition of this
walkthrough. Instead of releasing this walkthrough and then updating
it, I waited until I completed the game. Anyways... the walkthrough
is complete, all of the Art Moves and Seru & Ra-Seru spells are here,
as well as some secrets and story & character descriptions. Enjoy

April 19, 1999 (v1.1) - It seemed that the last version of this
document looked really screwed for a lot of people. Most
importantly, all of the underscores in this document were not there
when it was viewed on a webpage. So this made it look like my e-mail
address was rangotti@yahoo.com when it is actually r_angotti@yahoo.com.
It also made my macro looked worse then it already does. I made the
account rangotti@yahoo.com a long time ago but I forgot the password
and although there is a way I can get it back, it's not worth it.
If you did happen to e-mail me at rangotti@yahoo.com, please resend
that mail to r_angotti@yahoo.com. Finally, if anybody has any ideas
of things I can add to this guide, let me know. Thanks!

April 21, 1999 (v1.2) - Well, again, I reformed this guide. For some
unknown reason, it kept looking screwed up for me. However, I've checked
it out on other computers and asked other people to look it over and they
said it looked fine. Anyways, it annoys me that it won't look correct for
me. Every other FAQ on GameFAQs looks fine for me and there are probably a few
other people out there that are viewing a screwed up version.
Also, I added a new secret (note that I haven't confirmed it yet) to
the Secrets section -- how to get the Juggernaut spell [thanks to
the_weird_guy@webtv.net]. Anyways, I'm not even going to bother trying to
get the guide to look right for me anymore.

April 22, 1999 (v1.3) - I know I said I wouldn't bother trying to get it to look
right anymore, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to add something and I
decided to try and fix it up somemore. I checked it out on a webpage and it
looks screwed up. Also, I added a list of enemies and what items they drop or
that you can steal from them (thanks to PSM).

[I n t r o d u c t i o n]

(Note to self: On next walkthrough make a better introduction)

I rewrote this introduction about six times. I can't get my point
accross without being too wordy. Anyways... basically, welcome to
my Legend of Legaia guide. It has all of the things a Legend of Legaia
guide should have... Art Moves, Ra-Seru spells, Character & Story Descriptions,
secrets, and of course, the walkthrough. I hope you
enjoy this -- I worked hard on it. Listed below are a few things
about my guide:

1) The Walkthrough isn't spectacularly detailed or anything
(but it will help)
2) I usually only list the important items at the beginning of each
dungeon walkthrough section. Explore cupboards, cabinets, etc. to
find items.
3) At the beginning of each dungeon I also list the enemies.
If the enemy is listed as something like *Barra (Wind)* that
means that you can learn a Wind Ra-Seru spell from this enemy
(the type of spell being in parenthesees [See Section IV).

If you have anything questions, comments, complaints, problems,
dilemas, ideas, suggestions (you get the point), etc. e-mail me
at r_angotti@yahoo.com. However, be advised that just about all
of my Legend of Legaia knowledge is here.

So Long,
Rob A. (r_angotti@yahoo.com)


II. - [A r t M o v e s]

*Vahn's Moves*:
Hyper Elbow: (18 AP) left, right, left
Charging Scorch: (18 AP) down, right, up
Somersault: (18 AP) up, down, up
Slash Kick: (18 AP) up, down, left
Power Punch: (18 AP) left, left, down
Cross-Kick: (24 AP) down, down, down, up
Pyro Pummel: (24 AP) left, right, up, left
Spin Combo: (24 AP) up, down, right, left
PK Combo: (24 AP) down, up, up, left
Hurricane: (24 AP) up, up, down, down
Cyclone: (24 AP) down, up, up, up

-Hyper Arts-:
Tornado Flame: (30 AP) right, right, left
Fire Blow: (32 AP) right, right, down, left
Burning Flare: (40 AP) right, down, left, down, left
Power Slash: (54 AP) down, right, up, down, up, down, left

-Super Arts-:
Fire Tackle: (54 AP) left, right, left, left, down, right, up
Maximum Blow: (54 AP) down, right, up, down, left, left, down
Tri-Somersault: (60 AP) up, down, up, up, up, down, up
Rolling Combo: (66 AP) up, down, right, left, left, down, up, up, left

-Miracle Art-:
Vahn's Craze: (99 AP) right, down, left, up, left, up, right, down, left

*Noa's Moves*:
Lizard Tail: (9 AP) up, down, up
Acrobatic Blitz: (9 AP) up, down, down
Sonic Javelin: (9 AP) right, down, right
Blizzard Bash: (9 AP) right, left, down
Mirage Lancer: (12 AP) right, right, up, up
Dolphin Attack: (12 AP) right, right, left, right
Bird Step: (12 AP) down, down, down, up
Swan Diver: (12 AP) down, up, up, up
Tough Love: (15 AP) down, up, down, left, right
Rushing Gale: (15 AP) up, up, left,down, right
Tempest Break: (18 AP) right, right, left, up, up, up

-Hyper Arts-:
Frost Breath: (20 AP) left, left, right, right
Vulture Blade: (25 AP) left, left, right, left, right
Hurricane Kick: (35 AP) left, up, up, up up, down, right
Super Javelin: (48 AP) up, up, left, down, right, down, right

-Super Arts-:
Dragon Fangs: (54 AP) up, down, up, up, up, down, down
Triple Lizard: (66 AP) down, down, down, up, up, up, down, up
Super Tempest: (60 AP) right, right, left, right, right, left, up, up, up
Love You: (72 AP) right, right, up, up, down, up, down, left, right

-Miracle Art-:
Noa's Ark: (99 AP) left, up, right, down, up, left, up, down, right

*Gala's Moves*:
Flying Knee Attack: (18 AP) down, up, left
Battering Ram: (18 AP) left, right, down
Ironhead: (18 AP) up, down, down
Back Punch: (18 AP) left, right, left
Guillotine: (18 AP) left, up, left
Head-Splitter: (18 AP) left, up, up
Side Kick: (24 AP) down, down, up, up
Black Rain: (24 AP) up, left, down, down
Neo Raising: (30 AP) left, left, right, up, left
Electro Thrash: (30 AP) up, left, down, right, left
Bull Horns: (30 AP) left, up, right, down, left

-Hyper Arts-:
Thunder Punch: (30 AP) right, right, left
Lightning Storm: (32 AP) right, right, up, left
Explosive Fist: (40 AP) right, right, left, left, left
Rushing Crush: (54 AP) left, right, down, up, left, up, up

-Super Arts-:
Super Ironhead: (54 AP) down, up, left, up, up, down, down
Back Punch x2: (54 AP) up, down, down, up, left, right, left
Heaven's Drop: (60 AP) down, up, left, up, up, left, down, down
Neo Static Raising: (66 AP) left, right, left, up, left, left, right, up, left

-Miracle Art-:
Gala Final: (99 AP) right, right, down, up, down, up, down, left, left


III. - [T h e C h a r c t e r s & G a m e D e s c r i p t i o n]
*Thanks to T&T - Issue 50*


Vahn - The central character, Vahn is a classic well-balanced fighter.
He earns his Ra-Seru, Meta, at the start of the game and thus gets a
jump on the other two characters in terms of power. His attribute is
fire and his Fighting Arts moves cause fire-based damage. He is
fighting to rid the world of the Mist and save his home in the village
of Rim Elm.

Noa - Raised by a Ra-Seru named Terra, Noa is searching for the truth
behind her abandonment by her parents when she was just a baby. She
joins Vahn on his quest to destroy the Mist. Noa is the weakest
character in terms of attacking, but she is also the fastest, which
means she usually gets the first turn in battle. She also starts
with the longest initial AP bar and has a Fighting Arts move called
Tough Love which confuses enemies and turns them against each other.
Her attribute is Wind.

Gala - Gala is a Biron Warrior-Monk who joins the team after bonding
with the Ra-Seru Ozma. He is very weak initially, but becomes the
strongest character in the course of the adventure. His attribute
is Thunder and his Fighting Arts do electric-type damage. He prefers
clubs and axes as weapons of choice.

-[Game Description]-

>From the producer of the popular RPG Wild Arms comes Sony's newest
role playing game, Legend of Legaia. A mysterious mist is covering
the world of Legaia, transforming any living creature it touches
into mindless monsters bent on destruction. These beasts are known
as Seru. Only the power of the mystical beings called Ra-Seru--and
the Genesis Trees in which they live--can banish the mist and reverse
its effects. Vahn, a young hunter from the village of Rim Elm, sets
out to restore the power of the Genesis Trees and put an end to the
evil mist and its creator.


IV. - [T h e S e r u a n d t h e R a - S e r u]

*Following Description also thanks to T&T*.

In the course of the game, the main characters will join forces with
Ra-Seru they find in the Genesis Trees. The Ra-Seru attach themselves
to the characters and give them the ability to cast magic. Magic comes
in the form of the summoned Seru the character has defeated. Certain
Seru have elemental symbols in their names. When defeated with normal attacks,
the character's Ra-Seru will absorb the power of these enemies
and gain the ability to summon them into battle. Often a Seru of the
same type will have to be defeated several times before the Ra-Seru can
learn the magic ability. The summoned creatures will gain levels as
they are used in battle and do more damamge, or restore more HP, and
can also gain abilities such as decreasing an enemies attack power.
Whenever you face an elemental Seru, be sure to have one of your
Ra-Seru-equipped characters defeat it with hand to hand attack.
The powerful attack spells are indispensible against some of the later
bosses, and if you miss the opportunity to aquire them you'll regret it.

Listed below are the Seru spells. The word under "Seru Name" is the creature
you must defeat in order to aquire the spell.

Name Type Effect MP Used Seru Name
Sonicsizer Wind Attack Enemy 32 Swordie
Hell Dive Wind Attack Enemy 85 Barra
Violent Wind Wind Attack Enemy 48 Nova
Deadly Rain Water Attack All Enemies 110 Slippery
Freezing Point Water Attack All Enemies 40 Freed
Bubble Crush Water Poison All Enemies 28 Gizam
Crazy Driver Earth Attack Enemies 60 Mushura
Canine Fangs Earth Attack Enemy 72 Kemaro
Odd Dimension Earth Attack All Enemies 90 Iota
Final Blaster Light Kill or Attack Enemy 90 Aluru
Mystic Care Light Recover HP Ally 6 Vera
Holy Orb Light Recover HP All Allies 18 Orb
Holy Eyes Light Recover HP All Allies 45 Spoon
Plasma Storm Thunder Attack All Enemies 64 Viguro
Turning Laser Thunder Attack Enemy + Range 24 Theeder
Burning Attack Fire Attack Enemy 10 Gimard
Spinning Flare Fire Attack All Enemies 40 Gola Gola
Vertical Hammer Fire Attack Enemy + Range 36 Zenoir
Hell's Music Dark Kill or Confuse Enemy 13 Nighto
Dream Illusion Dark Attack All Enemies 120 Puera


V. - [W a l k t h r o u g h]

-*Rim Elm*-
Items in this area: [Magic Leaf, Healing Leaf (4), Hunting Clothes, Mei's
Pendant, Point Card]

Check the sign behind the Genesis Tree for an overlook of the town. Explore the
village and check the cupboards in some houses to find items. Note the Save
Point in the cave. Talk to Tetsu on the beach to learn a little about Art Moves
and combat. Rest at Vahn's house to start a chain of events. Once you gain
control of Vahn, talk to the owner in the Weapons Shop to get three Healing
Leaves. Head to Mei's house and tell her that the mist is here and for her to
come with you (this will give you Mei's Pendant when you exit Rim Elm). Go to
the Genesis Tree to get Vahn's Ra-Seru, Meta. Return to Vahn's house and tell
his father to gather the people at the Genesis Tree. Exit Rim Elm, then return
and visit the top floor of the weapons shop to find a Point Card in a drawer.
Also, by equiptment for Vahn at the shop. Don't forget to save.
[Enemies on World Map (in this area): Evil Fly, Green Slime, Gel Frog, Gobu
Gobu, Gomboo, Hornet, Lippian, Ostrich, Twin Tomb.]

-*Traveler's/Hunter's Spring*-
Items in this area: [Healing Leaf]

Traveler's Spring is located to the west of Rim Elm. Not much to do here. Talk
to people and heal yourself. Pick up a Healing Leaf from a "treasure box". You
may want to level up nearby since healing here is free.

-*Drake Castle*-
Items in this area: [Fire Book I, Fury Boost, Healing Leaf (2), Lightning Key,
Mountain Key, Star Key, Sunrise Key, Survival Knife]

Enemies in this area: [Drake Ghost, *Gimard (Fire)*, Skeleton]

The main thing to do in this dungeon is to collect keys and open doors. Get the
Sunrise Key from a room on the left on the first floor. Collect the Healing Leaf
from the treasure box. On the second floor, take the southernmost room to get a
Fury Boost and the Lightning Key. On the third floor, get the Survival Knife in
the left room and the Star Key in another room. On the fourth floor, snag the
Healing Leaf and then take a southern door. In the left room you can find the
Mountain Key. Sleep, save, and collect the Fire Book I in the right room. Exit
the castle.

-*Snowdrift Cave*-
Items in this area: [Healing Shroom (4), Nail Glove]

You are now in control of Noa. Save at the nearby Save Point. You must follow
Terra throughout the cave. You will have to practice a bit of fighting in one
"room". While here you can talk to Terra to regain your HP. Eventually, you
will be lead back to the start. Terra will join you. Exit.

-*Mt. Rikuroa*-
Items in this area: [Healing Bloom (2), Healing Leaf (2), Guardian Water,
Phoenix, Power Water, Scarlet Jewel, Speed Elixir, Vahn Fist]

Enemies in this area: [Moldy Worm, Pump Bat, *Vera (Light)*]

As Noa, head through the cave. Eventually you will fight Golem. Use your best
Arts (wow, great advice!) to defeat this thing. When you reach a certain point,
you will have to control Vahn again. Make sure to explore each and every path
and area thoroughly to find the items listed. Make sure to get the Vahn Fist!
Don't forget to save. When Vahn and Noa meet, they will be faced with...

Hit this beast with Vahn's "Burning Attack". When you can't do this anymore,
give him all you've got with your best Art Moves. Let Noa concentrate on
healing, while sneaking an attack in once and awhile.

-*Drake Castle (Second Visiting)*-
Items in this area: [Fighting Robe, Healing Leaf (11) or Healing Leaf (6) or
Magic Leaf, Swift Water, Water Key]

Explore the castle to find the items. Talk to people and visit the shops. When
Noa questions you in front of the Item Shop, answer 1: Healing Berry, 2: Escape
from dungeon, 3: Wats to get 10 Healing Leaves. If you answer wrong you will
get 5 Healing Leaves or a Magic Leaf. Tell Noa you don't know what money is in
front of the Weapons Shop to get a free Fighting Robe. Buy whatever weapons and
and accessories you can. When finished, exit.

-*The Water Gate*-
Items in this area: [Wind Book I, Phoenix, Life Water]

Using the Water Key opens the eastward path to Biron Monastery. You'll pick up
the Wind Book I, containing Noa's first Hyper Arts. Take the path to Biron

-*Biron Monastery*-
Items in this area: [Power Elixir, Phoenix, Healing Bloom]

Check the big statue to find a Power Elixir. You can save and rest upstairs as
well as shop. Check the pot for a Phoenix. Talk to Zopu to start a
celebration. Talk to everyone and when you talk to Gala and Songi, Zopu will
ask you to revive the Genesis Tree. You MUST go to the West Voz Forest... even
if you choose to go to the East Voz Forest, you will have to go to the West Voz

-*West Voz Forest*-
Items in this area: [Magic Amulet, Noa Feral, Fertilizer, Ra-Seru Egg]
Enemies in this area: [Gel Frog, Lippian, *Nighto (Dark)*, *Vera (Light)*]

You must find the fertilizer and use it on the Bridge Grass to pass through.
The fertilizer is located in a pipe-like object to the left of the start. After
locating the Genesis Tree, return to the mist-covered Biron Monastery.

-*Biron Monastery (Second Visiting)*-
Enemies in this area: [*Gimard (Fire)*, *Theeder (Thunder)*]

Equip the Ra-Seru egg -- it halves Thunder-based attacks. Go to Maya's room,
then to the room with the Save Point, and then out to the East Voz Forest.

-*East Voz Forest*-
Items in thia area: [Azure Jewel, Cure Amulet, Survival Club, Weed Hammer]
Enemies in thia area: [*Gizam (Water)*, Mushrin, Twin Tomb]

Take the northeast path to find the Weed Hammer -- use it to pass the Crystal
Grass area.

As usual, use your best Art Moves and pound away at these guys. Don't use magic
with Noa or Vahn and make sure they get the final blow -- this will let them
learn a Thunder attack.

-*Back Monastery (Third Visiting)*-

Upon returning to Biron Monastery, Maya will give you 10 Healing Leaves - oh
boy! You can also buy new things from the shopkeeper.

-*Zeto's Dungeon (Mist Generator)*-
Items in this area: [Burning Jewel, Short Sword, Tempest Jewel, Thunder Book I
Enemies in thia area: [*Gimard (Fire)*, *Gizam (Water)*, *Nighto (Dark)*,
*Theeder (Thunder)*, *Vera (Light)*, *Zenoir (Fire)*]

Make sure to let Gala learn the spells from the enemies (especially the one from
Zenoir). To find the Short Sword, look behind the elevator on the lower floor.

Gala fights this battle all alone. Use the spell learned from Zenoir (you got
it, right?) and his best Art Moves to get this guy out of the way. Collect the
Mettle Ring, save, and get ready for...

Again, you are going to have to use the age old strategy -- hit him hard while
keeping your characters alive. If Zeto uses an attack called "Call Wave", he is
going to use a powerful attack called "Big Wave" on his next turn. Have your
characters use Spirit to raise their defense, so "Big Wave" is lest devastating.

Return to Rim Elm and talk to Mei. Find out about Noa and your next adventure.

-*Ancient Wind Cave*-

>From the start, the door to the northwest leads to a shop. You can shop here,
if you have the money. Anyways, check the barrels for some items. Flip the
switch in the back of the room to enter the Old Witch's Inn. Vahn, Noa, and
Gala will hear a voice in their dreams... the voice says -- head for Octam.
Before you go, build up enough money and purchase three Earth Jewels. Continue
through and out of the cave to the Sebucus Islands.

-*Sebucus Islands*-
Enemies in thia area: [Death Wings, Hell's Trigger, Kabuki Rat, Killer Bison,
Lip Kid, Mad Ogre, Oak Slime, Ogre 2, Poisonous Worm, Wolf]

Just follow the (northwest) path until you reach Jeremi.

-*Jeremi & Sky Garden Center*-
Enemies in thia area: [Guardian, Kabuki Rat, *Nighto (Dark)*, Ogre 2, Spikefish,
*Swordie (WInd)*]

The town of Jeremi and all of it's citizens have been affected by the mist.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and you will) is to reach the top
of the Sky Tower (okay... that was stupid, I know... it won't happen again, I
promise). Use the elevators to make it to the top and meet...

This fight will be a lot easier if each of your characters is equipped with an
Earth Jewel. Having these equipped lessens Berserker's Stone Circle attack
dramatically. I know I sound repetitive, but... again, hit him with your best
Art Moves while keeping everyone healed. Don't let your HP get too low.

-*Jeremi (After the Mist - Mistless :)*-

Speak with the mayor. Make sure to check behind the counter in the tavern to
find a Guardian Ring. Visit a house in the south-western section of town and
talk to Zalan. He will ask you to deliver a letter to his son in Vidna. There
are some good weapons to purchase. If you are a little short on cash... common
sense; get in fights! When you are all ready, exit town and head north to


Talk to everybody (for information about Octam's location). Check a cupboard in
the item shop for 10 Healing Leaves. Talk with Danpas (his house is on the
western side of town). He will tell you about an underground shelter that's
being made. Give Zalan's letter to Pepe (his son, of course). Pepe's house is
located up in the northwest part of town. Upon giving him Zalan's letter, he
will give you Yuma's Ring. Take this back to Zalan (in Jeremi) and he will give
you Zalan's Crown and do you a favor -- he says that you should bring him
"unusual objects" you'll come upon and he will make them into something great,
free of charge! Now head to Octam.

Enemies in thia area: [Curry Devil, Killer Bee, Mad Mantis, *Orb (Light)*]

Octam has also been taken over by the mist. Exlpore thoroughly to find hidden
treasure boxes. It is wise to have everybody learn the spell from Orb... it's a
very powerful heal spell. When you are ready, head for The Tower of Rem
(the main building).

-*The Tower of Rem*-

For clues about the Gate of Shadows (you'll be visiting there shortly), check
the stone faces down in the basement. Reading four books will open a secret
passage. Cara tells you that you'll need the Star Pearl and that Zalan (from
Jeremi) has it. Back to Jeremi to see Zalan it is!

-*Jeremi (Second Visiting)*-

Back in Jeremi, Zalan will gladly give you the Star Pearl. Sleeping at the inn
will trigger a dream sequence. When you are all set, head east past Octam to th
Gate of Shadows.

-*Gate of Shadows*-
Items in this area: [Life Ring, Wonder Elixir]
Enemies in this area: [*Gizam (Water)*, Mad Bird, Mush Mush, *Nova (Wind)*,

Remember what the statues back in The Tower of Rem told you? You probably
don't, so here's what to do... you have to enter the right element for each
gate. It goes as follows... North Gate - Earth, East Gate - Wind,
South Gate - Water, West Gate - Fire. After the gate opens and you enter, you
must head through until you reach a big underground cavern where Octam's
citizens are being held.

-*Underground Octam*-

Speak with the mayor (he's on the third floor) of the big building in the center
of town. When you go to Hari's house, check the cabinet for a Life Water. You
will now be able to enter The Fire Path -- located to the north.

-*The Fire Path*-
Items in this area: [Gala Mace, Wisdom Water]
Enemies in this area: [*Freed (Water)*, Gel Frog, Gola Gola, Mush Mush, *Nova
(Wind)*, Stone Lizard, Warman]

This is pretty simple. Just follow the path until you come by the evil
earthquake-causing Xain. Keep trying to talk to him and he will attack you.

Xain can be powerful. He can hit your characters with combos worth 1,000 HP.
In the turn before he used the powerful attack Terio Punch, he will charge up.
Have your charcters use Spirit to raise their defense to lessen the damage of
Terio Punch (just like when fighting Zeto). After defeating him, don't forget
to snag the goodies in the now-accessible chests on the now-frozen lava bed.

-*Favor for the Mayor of Octam*-

The Mayor of Octam asks you to do him a favor and return to Vidna to get some
Hot Spring Pills for him. You can use the elevator to get to the surface
quickly. It would be wise to pick up a few things from the shops before heading
out (to Vidna).

-*Vidna (Second Visiting)*-
Enemies in this area: [Devil Pump, *Orb (Light)*, *Swordie (Wind)*, Verial]

You guessed it... the mist has overtake Vidna (the windmills had stopped blowing
it away). Head to the underground shelter that guy was preparing last time you
were here. Down in the underground, talk to this one old guy and he will tell
you the location of the Hot Spring Pills. Go ahead and get them and then return
to undergound Octam. In appreciation, the mayor will give you the Slowness
Chain (wearer gets last attack in battle) and tell you about another Genesis
Tree. It's up in Mt. Letona, next to the town of Ratayu. Exit this town and
head north (of Vidna) to find it.

Enemies in this area: [Demon Fly, Evil Shadow, Skull Knight, *Viguro (Thunder)*]

Head through the town until you reach the Castle of Lord Saryu. Before talking
to Saryu in the throne room, thoroughly search the castle for some nice items.
Once you talk to Saryu, he will give you the a key to the a gate, which will
allow you to reach Mt. Letona. He also promises to give you the West Ratayu Key
if you revive the Genesis Tree.

-*Mt. Letona*-
Items in this area: [Guardian Water, Magic Leaf, Power Ring, Wisdom Ring]
Enemies in this area: [Hell's Rat, King Frog, Lip King, *Mushura (Earth)*]

Just head up the mountain while collecting the items. Once you reach the top,
you will find a force surrounding the Genesis Tree and...

As with some previous bosses, it will probably be best to have your two
strongest characters attack Songi with their best Hyper Arts, while having one
character concentrate on keeping the group healed (and attacking when the chance
is given). It is wise to keep everybody's HP high, since Songi can inflict some
power attacks. Use Healing Flowers.


After the force is lifted and the Genesis Tree is saved, head back to Ratayu and
speak with the innkeeper's daughter. Noa will take her place as the Seru Bride
and be taken down deep inside the castle. They are building the Juggernaut down
there -- a powerful and vicious monster. Vahn and Gala set out to save Noa.

-*Some Bosses (hey, couldn't think of anything better :)*-

This enemies block the entrance to the chamber below the castle and can be taken
care of quite easily by using some powerful Art Moves from Vahn. You can also
learn a cool earth spell from them (if you don't get it, you can get it later in
the game). After reaching the Juggernaut Lair, Saryu will turn into a monster
and you'll be fighting....

Van Saryu can hit you with a combo that can do up to and over 600 points of
damage (so, it is wise not let your characters' HP drop under [at least] 800).
It can also hit you with a fairly powerful earthquake attack. Beat it up with
your best moves and keep everyone healed -- simple. After kicking him around a
bit, Saryu will regain his senses, shut down the Juggernaut machine, and give
you (like he promised) the West Ratayu Key, used to open the gate to the second
Mist Generator (at Dohati's Castle). Exit and head west.

-*Dohati's Castle (Mist Generator)*-
Items in this area: [Fury Boost, Healing Berry, Healing Bloom, Healing Flower,
Healing Fruit, Life Water, Magic Fruit, Phoenix, Power Elixir, Power Water,
Shield Elixir, War Soul]

Enemies in thia area: [*Aluru (Light)*, *Freed (Water)*, *Gola Gola (Fire)*,
*Mushura (Earth)*, *Nova (Wind)*, *Orb (Light)*, *Swordie (Wind)*]

All of the enemies in this dungeon will teach you a spell. Be sure to have
characters who don't already have the spells you can aquire here, get them.
Also, it would be a good idea to learn the light spell (Final Blaster) from
Aluru. All of the side paths lead to treasure, collect them all... most are
very useful. Follow the escalators up to reach the top. Upon reaching the Mist
Generator, you'll be face to face with...

As like a few bossed before, Dohati can use its Chaos Breath attack and do up to
or more than 800 HP worth of damage to each character and cause venom and curse
status. Also, his multi-hit attack combo can cause up to 1,000 points of
damage. Remember, pay attention to your characters HP -- don't let it get too
low. Have your characters hit him with your their best Art Moves. When you
have defeated Dohati, head back to Octam and take the Sky Train (to Karisto

-*Karisto Kingdom*-
Enemies in this area: [Acid Slime, Boogie Pump, Death Trigger, Giant Rat, Gold
Bison, Grudo 2, Heavy Grude, High Mantis, Killer Wolf, Moldy Worm, Nurga, Queen

Follow the path around to the northwest to come by Sol.

-*Sol Tower*-
Items in this area: [Guardian Water, Healing Berry, Life Water, Magic Water,
Miracle Water, Phoenix, Power Water, Swift Water, Wisdom Water, Wonder Elixir]

Enemies in this area: [Dead Bone, Ghost Knight, Shade, *Spoons (Light)*]

Here you will get to play some neat mini-games. Head through the first few
mist-covered floors -- after the first few, they become mist-free. Your party
will meet up with Gaza you will babble about some stuff. The upper mist-free
floors are where the mini-games are. Talk to some people and try things out.
Fool around as much as you'd like. When you have had you're fun, head for the
roof. Up on the roof, you'll receive a Genesis Tree Seedling and orders to
plant it in the basement. Before leaving, you'll see and have to fight...

Use the same strategy as with other bosses. Nothing really special about this
guy. His attacks can be a bit powerful, but nothing you should have to worry
about. Attack him continuously and viciously. After a bit Songi will appear
and escourt Gaza out of there. Now you need to give Soru Bread to each of the
wooden Sage Chests on the lower floors. Get Soru Bread by purchasing it from
the baker for 6,000G or buying it with coins won from the games. There are a
total of eight of these chests. Once all of the chests have been opened using
the bread, you may exit. Accomplush this by going into a door close to the
bottom floor and check the device there. If all of the chests have been taken
care of, doing this move a statue, opening a new passage.

-*Warrior's Square*-
Items in this area: [Golden Book, Wonder Amulet]
Enemies in this area: [*Aluru (Light)*, *Kemaro (Earth)*, Medusa, Marge 2,

It is suggested that, if you haven't already, you learn the earth spell from
Kemaro. In the Warrior's Gate Room, pull the lever to lower the first set of
stones. Now head around the room pulling levers until you reach the opposite
end. You should now be able to pull the lever that lowers the second set of
stones. Head to the bottom (the basement) and plant the Genesis Tree Seedling.
After doing so, Songi will appear and drop off a more powerful version of...

This time Gaza is a fairly strong enemy and puts up a halfway decent fight. His
combo attack can hit you and take over 1000 HP from you. He also uses Neo Star
Slash, which attacks every character and is a semi-powerful attack. Have Vahn
and Noa raise their attack and defense. Gala should use spells to heal the
group and attack when possible. The spell you should have gotten from Kemaro is
a good thing to use on this guy. Keep your characters' HP high, use your best
Art Moves, and use the Kemaro spell! Vahn will get rewarded with a weapon
(Astral Sword)... the best weapon Vahn can get for a while. Visit the second
floor of the inn and talk to the Emperor of Sol (he will give you a password),
then head northeast to the twon of Buma.


Nothing much to do here. The three Genesis Trees here are frozen and the gang
can't do anything about it. Now you are going to have to Dr. Usha's Research
Center (to the west).

-*Dr. Usha's Research Center*-

Remember that password the Emporer of Sol gave you? In case you didn't, it
was... (X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square). You'll need it to enter. Dr. Usha
informs you that you of a Seru in a cavern to the north of Bumathat is the
source of the freezing wind (that froze the Genesis Trees). He says he will
make you a TimeSpace bomb to use on the enemy, but only if you bring him the
Fire Droplet from Uru Mais (to the west). Talk to Mrs. Usha to get the key to
the ruins of Uru Mais. Make sure to pick up a few items if you are running low.

-*Uru Mais*-

Upon using the key to get into the ruins, you'll have to enter each one of the
three doors. When entering each room, a bit about each characters past will be
revealed in a dream-like scene. When each character has gone through this, you
will speak with Tieg. He will give you the Fire Droplet (a powerful accessory -
- you'd can equip it for now if you'd like). Return back to the lab and hand
the Fire Droplet over to Dr. Usha. He will take care of his end of the bargain
by giving you four TimeSpace bombs and let you know what to do with them (to
eliminate the Seru)

-*Nivora Ravine*-
Items in this area: [Fury Boost, Mettle Gem, Rainbow Jewel, Spirit Jewel,
Warrior Icon]

Enemies in this area: [Aluru, Amethyst, Lava Face, Lucifer, Neo Grude, Rock
Lizard, Warfish]

It is HIGHLY reccomended that you have the following accessories before entering
this area... (Burning Jewel, Earth Jewel, Luminous Jewel, Mettle Gem, War Soul,
and a bunch of Healing Berries). Each character will make their way through
this dungeon seperately. You will be able to switch characters at anytime. If
you can't go anything furthur, switch to another character and they will hit a
switch or something, opening the other character's path. After all of the
chracters reach the main room and ready the bombs, they'll be attacked by the
Delilas Family. Each character will have his own member of the family to fight.
Equip Vahn with the Burning Jewel, Noa with the Luminous Jewel and Mettle Gem,
and Gala with the Earth Jewel War Soul and Spirit Jewel to make these battles

This boss is sort of like a few bosses you have already fought. You see, Che
will use a normal, average attack for two rounds, and they hit you with a
powerful attack that you easily kill you if your HP is not super-high. To take
care of this... make sure to use Spirit to raise your defense on the turn he is
going to use the powerful attack. So basically you should follow the 3-turn
pattern of: attack, attack, use Spirit or attack, heal, use Spirit. Or any
variation of that, as long as you use Spirit on the turn he uses his powerful
attack (after he does two normal attacks). Simple! Also, the spell you got from

Just like the last boss, this boss will hit you with two normal, average attacks
and on the third turn, hit you with a powerful attack. Follow the basic same
pattern as with the above boss... attack, heal, raise defense.

Again... just like the two other bosses. Two weak attacks and then a powerful
one. If have the Astral Sword equipped (you should), Vahn's Power Slash Super
Arts will do some heavy damage. Ahhhh.... again... attack, heal, raise defense.

After the TimeSpace bombs explode, all of the bosses you just fought combine
into one...

You have a 4-round limit in defeating this boss. This means... you only get to
pick a move for each character four times. You don't really have to worry about
healing much, because Koru doesn't do high damamge. Plus you are going to have
to use every turn to get an attack in to kill this guy within your limit. It is
best to have Noa equipped with the Mettle Gem, War Soul, and Zalan's Crown.
This will allow her to use two Miracle Arts with a full AP bar two turns in a
row... useful. Use the spells learned from Kemaro and Aluru. Hit him with your
best Art Moves. If you don't beat him within the allotted turns, your party
automatically perishes.


By defeating the enemies in Nivora Ravine, Vahn, Noa, & Gala have stopped the
freezing wind and the Genesis Trees have thawed. You can now revive them and
keep the mist away. Cara will give you soem music to take to the pianist in the
bar in Sol. Have him play the music for Grantes and receive the Soren Flute.
You are going to have to play it at the top of Mt. Dhini to summon the Soren, a
tribe who will help you reach the Floating Castle (they can fly) and eliminate
the mist forever.

-*Mt. Dhini*-
Items in this area: [Good Luck Bell, Healing Berry, Phoenix, Unholy Icon, Wonder

Enemies in this area: [Garnet, *Iota (Earth)*, Ironman, *Mushura (Earth)*, Neo

Head up and at the top, Vahn will play the Soren Flute. This will cause Luctes
and three other Soren to appear and take your group to their camp.

-*Soren Camp*-

Resting at the inn will trigger another scene in which Noa has a dream. After
this, talk to the elder and he says the Soren will help you in your goal to
reach the Floating Castle. Buy whatever weapons, accessories and items you can
afford/want/need. Talk to Luctes (he's near the Save Point) to start for the
Floating Castle.

-*Zora's Floating Castle*-
Items in this area: [Evil God Icon, Healing Berry, Life Water, Magic Ring, Magic
Enemies in this area: [*Barra (Wind)*, *Mushura (Earth)*, Terror Face, Thermo,

After riding the elevator to the lower level, jump onto the blocks to the left
side of the passage and enter the vent shaft. Just heade through and after
reaching the power supply terminal, you'll be faced with one of a few bosses in
this dungeon...

This boss is very simple. When Puera does his Death Game attack, you will be
shown four cards and then he will shuffle them. Watch the card marked "Puera
Dies" and choose it. If you choose one of the other cards, either one of your
party members will die or some other effects. If one of your party members
happens to die there is no need to worry, take a few good shots on this guy and
he'll be toast. After defeating him, head past the Save Point and face...

Use the same strategy as the above boss. Pick the right card to make Puera die
and if you don't, just attack him and win easily. When done, push both of the
levers up and a door leading to the throne room opens. Waiting for you is...

Zora is like the Delilas family. She will hit your characters with two normal,
average attack and on her third turn, hit all of your characters with a powerful
attack. You should know what to do by now... either heal or attack on your two
turns and then use spirit to raise your defense on your third turn to lessen the
damage of Zora's attack. Again, the spell you received from Kemaro helps out.
Zora can turn one of your characters to stone (cure this by using medicine). On
the plus side, a stoned character (hmm... that sounds funny) cannot be
damaged... Zora will just waste an attack. When you are done beating up Zora
and back at the Soren Camp, Luctes will lead you to Conkram (the location of the
third and final mist generator).

Enemies in this area: [*Kemaro (Earth)*, Lamia, Mad Golem, Nightmare, *Slippery

The city of Conkram isn't doing too good and you'll see why. Anyways, find and
speak with Queen Minea in the upper levels and then head downstairs and talk
find the king. Talk to him and receive the Seru Flame. The Seru Flame can be
equipped to increase AP accural by 25%. However, you must use it now to go back
in time to see what happened to Conkram and try to prevent it.

-*Conkram of the Past*-
Items in this area: [Guardian Water, Magic Fruit, Power Water, Swift Water,
Wisdom Water]
Enemies in this area: [*Kemaro (Earth)*, *Slippery (Water)*]

A lot of the people who you've battled in the future are here (Zeto, Dohati, the
Delalis' and Zora). Speak with all of them and then explore around in the
buildings for some items. After this, rest at the inn and in the morning you'll
learn about what happened to Conkram. Speaking with Cort at his lab (in the
basement) will cause you to witness what allowed the Mist to enter. Your task,
as if you didn't know, is to stop the mist!

-*Rogues Tower*-
Items in this area: [Fury Boost, Guardian Chain, Magic Armband, Phoenix]
Enemies in this area: [*Barra (Wind)*, *Slippery (Water)*, *Spoon (Light)*]

The object of this maze is to use a bunch of teleporters to progress to the end.
To make sure the teleporter leads you forward, wait until the floor and walls
return to normal, then go through. If you don't make sure of this, it could end
of leading you backward. Anywho, you'll fight some old bosses on your way
through (remember Caruban?). Sooner or later you will encounter...

Rogue is a pretty simple, easy boss. As usual, just pound away at him. Use the
light spell from the Orb enemy after Rogue hits you with an elemental attack.
Keep your HP up, hit him hard, and he will be gone in no time.

-*Conkram (Mist-Free)*-

Now that Conkram is mist free, the King will show his gratitude to you be giving
you the Nemesis Gem, which you will use later in the game to access the final
mist generator. To get Minea's Ring, which raises the character equipped with
its HP, talk to Minea (the Queen) on the rooftop. Now (back in the future),
exit and head north to find Jette's Absolute Fortress.

-*Jette's Absolute Fortress*-
Items in this area: [Golden Claw, Great Axe, Life Armband, Lost Grail, Rainbow
Jewel, Unholy Icon, Warrior Icon, Wonder Elixir]

Enemies in this area: [*Barra (Wind)*, *Gilium (Thunder)*, *Iota (Earth)*,
*Kemaro (Earth)*, *Puera (Dark)*, *Slippery (Water)*, *Spoon (Light)*]

Head through until you reach the Lake of Mist and then head right for a Rainbow
Jewel. You will also get a glimpse of the Juggernaut from here. Anyways,
continue and once in the control room, you will have a special guest ready to
fight you...

Jette can use some combos and hit you with a decent shot. He can also sometimes
get two attacks off in one turn. However, this boss is easy. Hit him with your
best Super Arts and heal when your characters' HP is low.

When you are done, head over to the levers (in the control room). The levers
change where the platforms will take you. Setting and following it to the right
will get you a Great Axe (for Noa). Now set it and let it take you to the left
to see the mist generator and...

You are not going to be able to hit Cort with normal attacks because from the
start of the battle, Cort puts up a barrier. However, you can still and will
use Art Moves and spells. He can use his Guilty Corss attack to cause moderate
damage to one character and then his Mystic Circle attack which hits the entire
party. After beating him up a bit, his sheild will go away and you can really
beat him down. However, beware, Cort can summon the Juggernaut and cause some
major damage to you. Try to raise your defense if you think he is going to use
it his next turn to reduce the damage. Keep your HP high enough so that if he
happens to do a strong attack, you are less likely to die.

-*Back to Rim Elm*-

Now that you have defeated Cort and stopped the final mist generator, Legaia is
safe, right? Well... anyways, head back to Rim Elm and talk with your buddies
(Mei, Noa, Gala, Maya). Soon after arriving back in Rim Elm, to your and
everyone's suprise, Songi shows up with the Juggernaut (that bastard!).
Apparently it bonded with Cort and wants to turn Rim Elm into a big Seru monster
which will start producing mist (not a good thing :). Anyways, your party must
head back to Uru-Mais and enter Seru-Kai (the world of the Seru).

Items in this area: [Triumph Armor]
Enemies in this area: [*Barra (Wind)*, *Gilium (Thunder)*, *Slippery (Water)*]

This is a simple area. All you have to do is follow the path while opening up
the chests on the way. When you reach the Great Genesis Tree, guess who comes
and battles you for the last time? Yep, yep...

Songi can hit one of your characters with some damaging combos and he can also
use an attack called Genocidal Cannon that hits all of your characters for some
high damage. If you want to play it safe, you can equip Vahn with the Lost
Grail to make sure your party doesn't get wiped out on one attack. Anyways, you
are going to have to pound away at this beast while keeping your HP high (I know
I keep saying this, but I know sometimes when I am involved in a battle, I
sometimes fail to realize my characters' HP until I've already chosen some other
attack). Anyways, beat the crap out of this ugly... thing and then return to
Rim Elm to enter the Juggernaut (by using the Great Genesis Tree to force open
his mouth).

-*Bio Castle Juggernaut*-
Items in this area: [Crimson Book, Lost Grail, Magic Armband, Ra-Seru Armor, Ra-
Seru Blade, Ra-Seru Boots, Ra-Seru Club, Ra-Seru Fangs, Ra-Seru Helmet, Ra-Seru
Plate, Ra-Seru Plume, Ra-Seru Robe, Ra-Seru Thongs, Ra-Seru Seal, Ra-Seru Shoes]

Enemies in this area: *Aluru (Light)*, *Barra (Thunder)*, *Freed (Water)*,
*Gilium (Thunder)*, *Gizam (Water)*, *Gola Gola (Fire)*, *Iota (Earth)*, *Kemaro
(Earth)*, *Mushura (Earth)*, *Nighto (Dark)*, *Nova (Wind)*, *Orb (Light)*,
*Puera (Dark)*, *Spoon (Light)*, *Swordie (Wind)*, *Viguro (Thunder)*]

Wow... there are a lot of enemies and items in this area... that took a few
seconds to put in alphabetical order. Anywho, follow the path while collecting
the Re-Seru Armor and weapons in the chests. Whenever you come to a branch that
is sticking out over the water (or whatever liquid that is), jump in and let the
flow take you. Doing this will take you to some chests and eventually bring you
back around to the start. The enemies in here can be on the tough side. Beware
of the Pueras, they could easily take out your party. When you finally reach
the final door, it will close up on you. Quickly pressing the two circular
things on the floor will open the door. Head through to finish the game and
fight your last battle...

The final boss is not too hard. You have foughted harder battles throughout the
game and made it through, so this shouldn't be too much of a problem. Kick the
crap out of Cort with your best moves and heal when you need too.
After defeating him, rejoice! Kudos to you for completeing this game!


VI. [S e c r e t s]
(Thanks to T&T for a few of these)

(1) Chicken King - To get the Chicken King Accessory, head to Muscle Paradise
and enter each level (Beginner, Expert, and Master). Run from the first fight
of each and you will be rewarded with the Chicken King (allows you to run away
from fights).

(2) Devil Medallion - To get The Devil Medallion, return to the summit of Mt.
Dhini, after the Soren event there. You will fight a hidden bos named Lapis.
This guy is as strong if not stronger than the final boss! Anyways, he is
beatable with the aid of healing spells.

(3) War God Icon - After beating Jette's Absolute Fortress, head to Sol and
clear the Master Course of the Muscle Dome to get this great accesspry that
allows it's equipee (cool word) to attack twice in one turn.

(4) There is a special Ra-Seru magic spell that each character can learn towards
the end of the game. To get these, each character must complete the following

*Vahn* - Have Meta at level 8, all Hyper and regular Art Moves. With this done,
head to the Genesis Tree in Sol and Vahn will learn the ability to summon Fire
Ra-Seru Meta.
*Noa* - Have Terra at level 7, all Hyper and regular Art Moves. With this done,
head to the Genesis Tree on Mt. Rikuroa and Noa will learn the ability to summon
Wind Ra-Seru Terra.
*Gala* - Have Ozma at level 6, all Hyper and regular Art Moves. With this done,
head to the Genesis Tree in east Voz Forest and Gala will learn the ability to
summon Thunder Ra-Seru Ozma

(5) Dark Ra-Seru Jedo - After defeating Songi at Noaru Valley, return to the
Genesis Tree in the West Voz Forest to find a treasure box with the Dark Stone
inside. Take this to Zalan in Jeremi and he'll work his magic on it and turn it
into an accessory called the Dark Tailsman which protects against Dark powers
and gives its wearer the ability to summon the Ra-Seru Jedo.

(6) Light Ra-Seru Horn - Take the Light Egg given to you by Cara to Zalan in
Jeremi and he'll fashion it into the Light Tailsman for you (what a cool guy).
This accessory protects against Light powers and the ability to summon the Ra-
Seru Horn, who will bring dead characters back and heal living ones.

(7) Earth Ra-Seru Palma - Win the Earth Egg in Sol and take it to, who else, but
Zalan. He will do wonders with it and turn it into the Earth Tailsman. This
accessory protects against earth powers and gives its wearer the ability to
summon the Ra-Seru Palma.

(8) Water Ra-Seru Mule - Win the Water Egg by plashing the fishing game at the
pond east of the town of Buma. Take it to Zalan and he'll mend it into the
Water Tailsman which protects against Water attacks and lets its wearer summon
the Ra-Seru Mule.
Note: To be able to fish, you must get a rod (Trade in coins in Sol's Muscle

(9) Juggernaut Spell [?] - According to the_weird_guy@webtv.net there is a way
to get a Juggernaut Spell. To get this, he says, do the following: When all
party members are at level 99, head back to Ratayu and talk to the king
and he will give you perrmisson to enter the Juggernaut Room. Supposedly, you
can get the spell here. [Again, I have not confirmed this secret!]


[VII. - S t o l e n / D r o p p e d I t e m L i s t]
*Thanks to PSM for this list*

[Enemy Name] [Item Dropped] [Item Stolen]
Acid Slime Healing Berry Silver Compass
Aluru Power Elixir Healing Fruit
Aluru Lv.2 Healing Berry Magic Leaf
Aluru Lv.3 Healing Fruit Magic Fruit
Amethyst Magic Leaf Magic Leaf
Barra Door Of Wind Life Water
Barra Lv.2 Magic Fruit Power Water
Barra Lv.3 Healing Fruit Guardian Water
Berserker Fire Book II Wonder Elixir
Berserker Lv.2 Miracle Water Wonder Elixir
Berserker Lv.3 Miracle Water Wonder Elixir
Black Piura Healing Leaf Healing Flower
Blue Piura Healing Leaf Good Luck Bell
Boogie Pump Fury Boost Magic Fruit
Caruban Healing Bloom Wonder Elixir
Caruban Lv.2 Miracle Water *Not Avalible*
Caruban Lv.3 Miracle Water *Not Avalible*
Che Delilas Thunder Book III Wisdom Water
Cort Magic Grail Wonder Elixir
Cort (Juggernaut) *Not Avalible* Evil Medallion
Curry Devil Door Of Wind Magic Fruit
Dark Ogre Power Elixir Healing Berry
Dead Bone Magic Fruit Incense
Death Trigger Healing Berry Healing Berry
Death Wings Antidote Medicine
Demon Fly Antidote Golden Compass
Devil Pump Swift Water Magic Leaf
Dohati Mettle Armband Wonder Elixir
Drake Ghost Door Of Light Power Elixir
Evil Fly Antidote Antidote
Evil Shadow Phoenix Magic Leaf
Freed Magic Leaf Healing Fruit
Freed Lv.2 Medicine Magic Leaf
Freed Lv.3 Medicine Magic Fruit
Frog Antidote Antidote
Garnet Magic Fruit Magic Fruit
Gaza *Not Avalible* Life Water
Gaza with Sim Seru *Not Avalible* Power Water
Gel Frog Antidote Medicine
Ghost Knight Door Of Light Speed Elixir
Gi Delilas Fire Book III Swift Water
Giant Rat Healing Flower Healing Berry
Gillium *Not Avalible* Power Water
Gillium Lv.2 *Not Avalible* Guardian Water
Gillium Lv.3 *Not Avalible* Wonder Elixir
Gimard Healing Leaf Healing Leaf
Gimard Lv.2 Magic Leaf Healing Berry
Gimard Lv.3 Healing Berry Magic Fruit
Gizam Antidote Healing Leaf
Gizam Lv.2 Healing Fruit Magic Leaf
Gizam Lv.3 Healing Berry Magic Fruit
Gobu Gobu Healing Leaf Healing Flower
Gola Gola Healing Berry Healing Fruit
Gola Gola Lv.2 Healing Fruit Magic Leaf
Gola Gola Lv.3 Magic Fruit Magic Leaf
Gold Bison Healing Berry Healing Berry
Gold Face Magic Leaf Power Water
Golem Guardian Water Life Water
Gomboo Healing Leaf/Fruit Healing Fruit
Green Slime Healing Leaf Healing Leaf
Grude Healing Fruit Fury Boost
Guardian Door Of Wind Shield Elixir
Heavy Grude Healing Berry Fury Boost
Hell's Rat Magic Leaf Healing Flower
Hell's Trigger Healing Flower Healing Flower
High Gomboo Healing Fruit Healing Berry
High Mantis Healing Fruit Healing Fruit
Hornet Antidote Antidote
Iota Nature Amulet Swift Water
Iota Lv.2 Spirit Talisman Wisdom Water
Iota Lv.3 Spirit Talisman Life Grail
Ironman Power Water Life Water
Jette Miracle Water Wisdom Water
Kabuki Rat Healing Bloom Healing Leaf
Kemaro Healing Berry Swift Water
Kemaro Lv.2 Healing Fruit Wisdom Water
Kemaro Lv.3 Healing Fruit Spirit Talisman
Killer Bee Antidote Medicine
Killer Bison Healing Flower Healing Leaf
Killer Wolf Door Of Wind Healing Flower
King Frog Medicine Phoenix
Koru Healing Fruit *Not Avalible*
Lamia Magic Fruit Magic Water
Lapis Evil Medallion *Not Avalible*
Lava Face Magic Fruit Guardian Water
Lip Kid Magic Leaf Lippian Flute
Lip King Lippian Flute Lippian Flute
Lippian Medicine Lippian Flute
Lu Delilas Wind Book III Magic Water
Lucifer Magic Fruit Magic Water
Mad Bird Fury Boost Spikefish Flute
Mad Golem Healing Berry Magic Water
Mad Mantis Healing Bloom Healing Flower
Mad Ogre Power Elixir Healing Fruit
Mage Magic Fruit Magic Leaf
Medusa Magic Leaf Wisdom Water
Moldy Worm Medicine Phoenix
Mush Mush Medicine Healing Shroom
Mushrin Healing Shroom Healing Shroom
Mushroom Healing Shroom Healing Shroom
Mushura Speed Elixir Healing Flower
Mushura Lv.2 Healing Berry Healing Fruit
Mushura Lv.3 Healing Berry Healing Berry
Neo Bison Healing Fruit Healing Flower
Neo Grude Healing Fruit Fury Boost
Nightmare Magic Water Door Of Wind
Nighto Phoenix Healing Leaf
Nighto Lv.2 Magic Leaf Magic Leaf
Nighto Lv.3 Magic Fruit Magic Fruit
Nova Healing Berry Healing Leaf
Nova Lv.2 Shield Elixir Healing Flower
Nova Lv.3 Healing Fruit Healing Fruit
Nurga Magic Leaf Wisdom Water
Oak Slime Healing Bloom Healing Flower
Ogre Power Elixir Healing Bloom
Orb Magic Leaf Healing Flower
Orb Lv.2 Healing Bloom Healing Bloom
Orb Lv.3 Magic Fruit Healing Fruit
Ostrich Healing Lead Healing Leaf
Poisonous Worm Antidote Medicine
Pump Bat Phoenix Healing Leaf
Puera *Not Avalible* Magic Water
Puera Lv.2 *Not Avalible* Life Water
Puera Lv.3 *Not Avalible* Crimson Book
Queen Bee Antidote Phoenix
Red Piura Healing Leaf Healing Leaf
Rock Lizard Healing Fruit Guardian Water
Rogue *Not Avalible* Guardian Water
Scale Lizard Door Of Wind Swift Water
Shade Magic Fruit Magic Fruit
Skeleton Magic Leaf Incense
Skull Knight Magic Leaf Incense
Slippery Door Of Wind Power Water
Slippery Lv.2 Lost Grail Guardian Water
Slippery Lv.3 Lost Grail Magic Grail
Songi (1st encounter) Mettle Ring Wonder Elixir
Songi (2nd encounter) Thunder Book II Wonder Elixir
Songi (3rd encounter) *Not Avalible* Magic Water
Sorcerer Magic Fruit Magic Fruit
Speed Wolf Swift Water Healing Berry
Spikefish Healing Flower Spikefish Flute
Spoon Healing Berry Magic Water
Spoon Lv.2 Healing Berry Life Water
Spoon Lv.3 Healing Berry Life Grail
Stone Lizard Healing Fruit Power Water
Swordie Speed Elixir Healing Flower
Swordie Lv.2 Healing Berry Healing Bloom
Swordie Lv.3 Healing Berry Healing Fruit
Terror Face Healing Fruit Swift Water
Theeder Healing Leaf Magic Leaf
Theeder Lv.2 Magic Leaf Magic Leaf
Theeder Lv.3 Healing Flower Magic Fruit
Thermo Magic Fruit Wisdom Water
Topaz Magic Fruit Wisdom Water
Twin Tomb Healing Bloom Healing Leaf
Van Saryu Lost Grail Wonder Elixir
Vera Healing Leaf Healing Leaf
Vera Lv.2 Healing Flower Healing Flower
Vera Lv.3 Healing Fuit Healing Berry
Verial Magic Fruit Phoenix
Viguro Golden Compass Wonder Elixir
Viguro Lv.2 Healing Fruit Healing Fruit
Viguro Lv.3 Healing Berry Healing Berry
Wailing Bird Healing Fruit Spikefish Flute
Warfish Medicine Incense
Warhalf Healing Flower Door Of Wind
Warman Healing Flower Door Of Light
Wolf Phoenix Healing Leaf
Worm Antidote Antidote
Xain Wind Book II Wonder Elixir
Zenoir Healing Flower Healing Leaf
Zenoir Lv.2 Magic Leaf Healing Flower
Zenoir Lv.3 Magic Fruit Healing Berry
Zeto Silver Compass Wonder Elixir
Zora *Not Avalible* Swift Water


VIII. [C o n c l u s i o n / T h a n k s]

I basically did this whole thing by myself without a lot of other input.
However, I would like to thank T&T, PSM, and GameFAQ's.

I plan to make more walkthroughs, though I have no idea which ones. I'd like to
do another RPG walkthrough since RPG's are my favorite games.

Anyways, thanks to my friends: Rick, Jim, Jesse, Mike, Jon, and Brian.


Legend of Legaia Guide v1.3
For PlayStation (American Version)
R. Angotti r_angotti@yahoo.com

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Game Script

18.Oktober 2013
Baka Fighter

16.Oktober 2013
Vahn in Level 1 mit guten Gegenständen und über 10 Millionen Golmünzen.

17.Oktober 2013
Debug Mode FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Letzter Boss.

14.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Moves FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Misc Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Items Guide

12.Oktober 2013
Arts Moves

12.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
13.Mai 2008
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ 2
10.Oktober 2008
NTSC Patch für die [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020