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2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Google+ senden. Schon beim Aktivieren werden Daten an Dritte übertragen – siehe i.nicht mit Google+ verbunden
• Enter Warehouse
• Take Warehouse Key from upstairs office
• Leave Warehouse
• Head into the left alleyway, go downstairs
• Take Lighter Fluid and the Shotgun
• Find the man running from the zombies, follow him
• Take the Lighter from the pay phone in the Bar
• Find the "roped up" gate near a group of trapped zombies
• Combine the Lighter and Lighter Fluid, then use this on the "roped up"
• Locate and enter the Police Station
• Choose an option
== Police Station ==========================================================
• Dodge monster, enter the Police Station
• Go to "Continue Game"
-- Continue Game -----------------------------------------------------------
• Use STARS Card on the computer in main lobby
• If you did not get the STARS Card, you can find it in the meeting room
on the main floor
• Get a random code from the computer, write it down
• Enter unlocked door, then locate the flashing red locker in locker-room
• Take the Emblem Key
• Unlock the other locker in the locker room to find the Blue Jewel
• Head upstairs to the STARS Office, search room for a Lockpick, First Aid
Spray, and a weapon from the locker
• Go back downstairs, and exit the Police Station
• Locate the Garage area, near some police cars
• Grab the Power Cable from the car
• Leave the Garage through the next door, and locate the Restaurant
• Use the Lockpick on the safe, and get the Fire Hook
• Use the Fire Hook on the pothole in the Restaurant
• Choose an Option
• Once in the basement, run down path and enter the vent
• Back outside, head left, and into the nearest save room
• Take the Rusty Crank, then return to the Restaurant
• Grab the Green Jewel from inside
• Return to the Save Room
• Go to "Continue Game"
• Search Nemesis for an item
• Kill him
• Head outside, go left, and into the nearest save room
• Take the Rusty Crank, then return to the Restaurant
• Grab the Green Jewel from inside the basement
• Return to the Save Room
• Go to "Continue Game"
-- Continue Game -----------------------------------------------------------
• Locate the Newspaper Office (refer to your Uptown Map, and only do this if
you __DID NOT__ go to the Restaurant earlier. If you have, then skip this)
• On your way, enter the nearest save room and get the Rusty Crank
• Once at the Newspaper Office, push the ladder near the power switch, turn
on the power
• Raise the steel shutter by hitting the switch near the shutter door. Enter
• Go upstairs
• Choose and option
• Back outside, head to the Restaurant, use the Lockpick on the safe inside
• Get the Fire Hook, use it on the pothole, enter it
• Grab the Green Jewel from the basement
• Go back past the save room where you got the Lockpick, and head to the
City Hall gates near the Newspaper Office
• Go to "Continue Game"
• Search Nemesis for an item, then exit the Newspaper Office
• Back outside, head to the Restaurant, use the Lockpick on the safe inside
• Get the Fire Hook, use it on the pothole, enter it
• Grab the Green Jewel from the basement
• Go back past the save room where you got the Lockpick, and head to the
City Hall gates near the Newspaper Office
• Go to "Continue Game"
-- Continue Game -----------------------------------------------------------
• Once at the City Hall gates, use the Red and Blue Jewels on the clock
• Enter the gates, then take a left at the fork in the road
• Follow this path until you reach the trolley car near the gas station
• Inside, get the item from Carlos
• Take the Wrench from the bench inside the trolley
• Make your way back to the City Hall gates
• Enter the newly opened door that opens on your way back to the main gates
• Search the statue here to get the Bronze Book
• Head back to the Restaurant, but head south of the outside of the Restaurant
to reach the fountain
• Place the Bronze Book in the slot on the wall near the fountain to get the
Bronze Compass
• Return to the statue near the City Hall gates
• Place the Bronze Compass in the statue to get the Battery
• Locate the small elevator near the garage, and place the battery in it
• Ride elevator down, then enter the Sub-Station
• Switch the first panel to "Manual Mode", then activate the other control
• To open the Low Voltage Room, change the buttons to Red, Blue, Blue, Blue,
20, in that order from left to right
• To open the High Voltage Room, change the buttons to Blue, Red, Blue, Red,
• Enter the Low Voltage Room and get the Fuse
• Choose an option
• Get the new weapon from the High-Voltage Room
• Go to "Continue Game"
-- Continue Game -----------------------------------------------------------
• Head back to the Uptown Area
• Go outside of the Garage, and head through the door near it
• Head forward to the fire hose on the wall
• Use the Wrench on it to get the Fire Hose
• Run all the way back to the area near the beginning of the game, where
the giant fire is
• Put out the fire by hooking the Fire Hose to the hydrant nearby
• Head through the next two doors, and enter the Sales Office
• Use the remote control to watch something, and remember the product
• Use the nearby computer, and enter that name into it. Enter the newly
opened door
• Take the Oil Additive, then head back to the Trolley
• On the way back, you will encounter a live-selection:
• Kill the enemy down here, then climb up the ladder
• Enter the Garage, and then head towards the Trolley, but enter the Save
Room that is on the way
• Go to "Continue Game"
-- Continue Game -----------------------------------------------------------
• Head to the Trolley
• Once near the Trolley, go left instead of right, and head to the Gas
• Use the Rusty Crank on the shutter door, then the Wrench to open it
• Solve the puzzle with the random solution (get the lit-up letter get
a red light above it)
• Take the Oil
• Combine it with Oil Additive
• Get the Fuse from the Magic Box in the save room
• Make sure you have the Power Cable, Mixed Oil, Power Switch
• Go back to the Trolley
• When you fall in the hole on the way, hit the three switches, climb
the ladder, then go back to the Trolley
• Inside the Trolley, place the Fuse, Mixed Oil, and Power Switch in the
broken panel
• Head to the back of the Trolley
• Choose an option
• Take the Clock Tower Key from the picture in this room
• Exit through the only unlocked door to enter the main hall
• Take the item from the corpse, then listen to the giant musicbox
• Go to "Continue Game"
• Go through the west door
• Leave, then re-enter the piano room to activate a cut-scene
• Go through double doors to enter Main Hall
• Search the corpse for an item, take the Clock Tower Map
• Go through the east door, and enter the library
• Enter the next save room, then head into the bedroom that is next
• Take the Clock Tower Key from the picture in this room
• Go back into the Main Hall
• Listen to the Music Box here
• Go to "Continue Game"
-- Continue Game -----------------------------------------------------------
• Go up the stairs in the Main Hall, then go left and out onto the balcony
• Climb the ladder
• Take the Silver Gear, then check out the Music Box
• Hit the switches until it plays the same song you heard in the Main Hall
• Take the Chronos Key
• Go back down the ladder and onto the Balcony
• Choose an Option
• Watch the cut-scene
• Take the item from Nemesis
• Go to "Continue Game"
-- Continue Game -----------------------------------------------------------
• Enter the Main Hall again
• Go into the Library
• Use the Chronos Key on the locked door (it's a green door)
• Head down the hall, take an item from the corpse, then enter the next
• Approach the three statues, and take the three balls: Obsidian Ball, Amber
Ball, and Crystal Ball
• Place the balls in each clock to make the center clock read 12:00 (refer to
my full FAQ for Resident Evil 3: Nemesis to find out how to do this)
• Take the Gold Gear
• Return to the Gear Room above the Clock Tower balcony
• Combine the Silver and Gold Gears to create the Chronos Gear
• Place the Chronos Gear inside the panel near the music box, then save your
game, and head downstairs to the Clock Tower Courtyard
• Fight the monster down here, and survive
• Head into the room with the three statues and the three ball puzzle from
• Move the giant bell out of the way, then enter the door
• Follow the right side of the street, and enter the Hospital
• Go right, and enter the save room
• Search area for items and ammunition
• Enter the next door, and search this next room for more items
• Get the Tape Recorder from the desk
• Use the Tape Recorder on the panel next to the elevator and ride it to
• Exit the elevator, and enter the hallway near the red light on the
• Inside here, check it for items, and the location of the stand in the
corner of the room
• Take the Doctor's Note from the corpse
• Leave this room, and enter the other room at the end of the hallway
that leads you to the elevator
• Take the Sickroom Key from this room, then enter the room next to the
room you went in first on this floor, using the Sickroom Key
• Move the stand in here to the same location as it was in the first room
with a stand
• Enter the 3-digit code you got from the Doctor's Note
• Take the Vaccine Base, go back to the elevator and ride it to B3
• Enter the room at the end of the next hallway, then through the next
• Take the Medium Base from this room, as well as the Medical Instruction
Manual file
• Place the Medium Base into the Synthesizer, turn it on
• First press "I", then "III", then "A".
• Take the Vaccine Medium
• Go back to the elevator and ride it back to 1F
• Leave hospital
• Return to the Chapel, and use the Vaccine Medium on the person who needs
• Exit the Clock Tower, and take the route you took to get to the Hospital
• Go the opposite direction of the Hospital, and use the Lockpick on the
save room
• Take the Park Key from inside
• Exit, and use the Park Key on the Park Gate near the save room
== Park ====================================================================
• Go to the right of the stairs, and take the right-hand path
• Go through the door, and follow the path to the end. Take the Park Key
and File from the corpse
• Search the other corpse for some Magnum Rounds
• Go back to the park, cross the bridge, and enter the door opposite of
where you just were
• Approach the gear panel near the fountain, and solve the puzzle to drain
the fountain (refer to my full guide for RE 3 for the solution to this
• Enter the drained fountain, and enter the sewer
• Head up the next ladder, and use the Park Key on the cabin near this
• Take the Iron Pipe and items from this room, then head into the next
room from here
• Use the Lighter on the fire place, then use the Iron Pipe to reveal
a new room
• Take the other Park Key and some ammo/items, then leave the Cabin
• Fight the boss
• Go back to the Main Park area, and go back to where you found the first
Park Key
• Use the other Park Key on the locked door at the end
• Attempt to cross the bridge
• Choose an option
== Dead Factory ============================================================
• Enter the Dead Factory
• Take the Facility Key and all items from this room, then enter the next
• Approach the control panel, and press these buttons in this order:
A, B, C, A, D, E, A, C, Main Switch, B, A
• Enter the save room, then exit it
• Use the Facility Key on the room across from the save room
• Take the System Disc, head through the next door, then take the elevator
to 1F
• Exit the elevator, and head down the hallway, and into the next save
• Take the Water Sample
• Enter the next door, go downstairs, and approach the conrol panel, and
solve the puzzle (refer to my full guide for RE 3 for the solution to this
• Go back to the save room, take some powerful ammo and the System Disc,
then return to the elevator and take it to 2F
• Enter the door near the elevator, then use the System Disc to open the next
• Fight the boss in this room, then take the Umbrella Card Key from the dead
• Exit through the next door, follow the path into the next save room, save
your game
• Leave through the next door, enter the elevator, and use it
• Use the Facility Key on the locker in the next room to get a potent weapon
• Return to the elevator, go to 1F to where you fought the latest boss
• Go left and turn into the next hall, and use the Umbrella Card Key on
the shutter door
• Head down the ladder and into the next room
• Run down the hallway and into the next large room
• Push the first battery into the rail gun
• Push the next two batteries into the rail gun
• Choose an option...
• Go to the room with the Facility Key (read above "Push him off")
• Take the Facility Key and all items from this room, then enter the next
• Approach the control panel, and press these buttons in this order:
A, B, C, A, D, E, A, C, Main Switch, B, A
• Enter the save room, then exit it
• Use the Facility Key on the room across from the save room
• Take the System Disc, head through the next door, then take the elevator
to 1F
• Exit the elevator, and head down the hallway, and into the next save
• Take the Water Sample
• Enter the next door, go downstairs, and approach the conrol panel, and
solve the puzzle (refer to my full guide for RE 3 for the solution to this
• Go back to the save room, take some powerful ammo and the System Disc,
then return to the elevator and take it to 2F
• Enter the door near the elevator, then use the System Disc to open the next
• Fight the boss in this room, then take the Umbrella Card Key from the dead
• Exit through the next door, follow the path into the next save room, save
your game
• Leave through the next door, enter the elevator, and use it
• Use the Facility Key on the locker in the next room to get a potent weapon
• Return to the elevator, go to 1F to where you fought the latest boss
• Go left and turn into the next hall, and use the Umbrella Card Key on
the shutter door
• Head down the ladder and into the next room
• Run down the hallway and into the next large room
• Push the first battery into the rail gun
• Push the next two batteries into the rail gun
• Choose an option...