Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis

11.10.2013 22:41:07
Speed Game Guide

Version 1.2
Title: Dino Crisis
Producer: Capcom
For: Sony Playstation
Created: 6/10/00
Modified: 10/18/00
By: Ghidrah
EMaul: Darn139@AOL.COM
Revision Date of version 1.0: 4/27/01

If anyone wishes to use this on their site, I would like to know, I don't
have a problem with it's use by others on Gaming forums or being copied for
personal uses, etc. I do, however, have a problem with someone making money
from it, however unlikely that may be. It wouldn't be ethical, eh! I would
like to know if it's to be used on a site, just so I could drop by and see

If anyone has a time cutting improvement for this walkthrough Emaul me at
the above address and I will add it to the walkthrough and add your name to
give credit.

I created this speed game walkthrough early last summer, after writing an
in-depth one. What I didn't realize when doing both of them, was the
restrictions imposed by GameFaqs. I wrote my walkthroughs in MS Works;
GameFaqs only accepts MS Word or WordPad. I had it in 12 point Times New
Roman (I like the type); they require 10 point Courier! I had mine set
up for an 8 by 11 page; they require 79 characters or less per line. I had
the standard walkthrough set up with crosslinks, so that a player who
didn't want to get too much info, or was curious about an important bit of
info - on a Dino, for example - could click the link and jump to that info,
read it and then jump back to the original information. Man, was I naive! I
was beginning to suspect a conspiracy. The GameFaqs world was against me.
So, I have the Standard one accepted by a couple of Gaming forums, and
one of them asked me to transfer it to WordPad, I figured, what the heck,
if I gotta go this far I might as well go the rest of the way and transfer
this one too. At least the standard one didn't have to be switched from 12
to 10 point or Times New Roman to Courier. The Speed Game, being only seven
pages long, it wouldn't be as daunting a task as the standard would at
forty-one pages. So, I go back to GameFaqs and look at the DC walkthrough
page and the bloody thing is chock full of DC walkthroughs. Well, maybe
they'll accept this one because no one else has written a speed game for DC
yet. I'm afraid to read all of the walkthroughs to see if any of them are
Speed Games.



There is no need to go into the basic instructions for this DC Speed Game.
By the time you're ready for this, you should be thoroughly aware of DC1.


1. Your game's mission time is hovering around 2 hours. Times shorter than
this will make following this walkthrough easier to follow because you will
have most, if not all, the dexterity skills needed to end-run the Dinos.
You should have achieved all three endings before attempting speed games.

2. You are thoroughly familiar with the layout of all levels and rooms.

3. You are familiar with the general positions of all Dinosaurs in the
game. If you're still being surprised by Raptors or Therizinos, your times
will suffer, you'll use up your limited supplies and just get really
frustrated. Don't blame the walkthrough.

Each Dino has an area to patrol, Example: (Lecture Room Hall) Fernando has
a patrol zone that stretches from the hall corner where the security screen
and Office door are, all the way down to the corpse at the far end of the
Lecture Room door. Quite often he will be at the vending machines doing a
Snickers bar and shooting a soda. He can also appear at either extreme in
this zone.

4. Know the position of all pertinent articles in every room. It isn't
necessary to know which DDK or key is in which room - we'll be following an
obvious, straight forward path. However, knowing where in each room they're
located "IS" important. You need to head in the proper direction upon
entering each room to acquire the specific article as efficiently as

5. You are inventory aware. Being able to navigate through your inventory
quickly and accurately is extremely important to speed gaming. Time wasted
flailing around in inventory is time not spent running the route!

6. Run everywhere! Never walk, except to fine-adjust to hit a mark, like a
DDK Door lock, disc or key. Time spent walking is time wasted. Hitting
walls while running and turning down halls or through doors slows you down.
Unnecessary zig-zagging when not avoiding Dinos wastes time.

7. You are thoroughly familiar with all puzzles, codes and passwords. Any
mistakes causing a puzzle, password or combination redo will kill any time
you've been cutting.

8. You always have the option to use continue; you receive five of them. If
you're deep into the first or second half of the game, have been doing well
up to this point and don't want to restart, let yourself be killed and use
the continue.

9. Supply pick-ups: one way to cut down on game time is to stop picking up
floor boxes and opening E-Boxes. Time spent doing this is time wasted. You
have the shotgun for darts, a pistol that will only be used as a dump
article and the grenade gun with infinite ammo, "You Don't Need Anything
In this walkthrough, you will be making very few stops. There are some
extra Med Packs to pick up if you're still getting hit a lot. Other than
that, the only time we'll be stopping will be for doors, DDKs and the like.


(*) Updates, 4/27/01

Back in January, I had a few ideas on improving my time on the speedgame.
I had been hoping that someone would Emaul me with an improvement or two
since it had been on the NET. I guess either DC1 is still more or less an
orphan game or there hasn't been anyone to improve on my game, which I find
hard to believe, whatever. After maybe three warm up runs, to get the feel
of the game again, (it had been about three months since I had played DC1
at all let alone a speedgame) I had a go at the improvements, I must say, I
was impressed, I was able to knock 1:59 off the old time for a total of
1:27:57 Needless to say, I was as giddy as an atractive Catholic school
girl at my first dance. I held off amending the walkthrough for the Net,
mostly from being lazy, secondly, hoping for someone to pop up with an
improvement, Oh well! So, here's how it goes, everywhere you see an
asterisk (*) you have either one of the improvements or one of the spots
where a puzzle may still be giving someone a headache, e.g., the computer
unlocking puzzles, any of the crate and or box moving puzzles, the B1 and
B2 chip coding puzzles, etc.

Each time I feel like I've hit the limit on DC, I think of something else
to try some where down the road. Like all the other times, I think I've hit
the last of the improvements this time, on non enhanced game play. Maybe
I'll have a dream with something that will relate to an improvement down
the road, not likely eh?

6/17/01 hubs@frontiernet.net (Mark E Hubby)

Mark has contributed the first improvement to this speed game. I believe he
has taken between 4 to 7 seconds off the speed with his amendment to the B2
Security room Disc Stacking Puzzle Mark has taken my 8 move solution and
turned it into a 6 move solution. Thanks big time Mark!


We'll skip the beginning "You have mail" and the FMV (as cool as it is).
I'm not sure when the mission clock starts, so, jump right to the Backyard

Here we go! (cutscene) Gail leaves the enclosure, then Rick, followed by
Regina. (cutscene) Rick relates his intentions for the Control Room and
exits the scene. As soon as Regina is released from the cutscene, go
immediately to inventory and equip Regina with the grenade gun and infi

Her inventory at the start of the game consists of:
(2)Hemostats, (34)9mm rounds, (3)Medium Anesthetic Darts, (10)Slag rounds,
(6)Grenade rounds, (Infinite)Grenade rounds.
For weapons you have the 9mm pistol, a shotgun and the grenade gun.

Move over to Gail. (cutscene) Head into the Storage Room and get the key.
180? (R2) and split this place. Head back to the enclosure where the game
started. (cutscene) Follow Gail out to the Backup Generator Building.
(cutscene) You can pick up your first (M. Med) off the body,(apparently
this Dino didn't finish it's meal - its parents never mentioned the
starving Dinosaurs in future Biafra). I don't pick this Med up - get it if
you still take too many hits. (You won't lose much but two seconds time
getting this one.) Enter the building and do the Battery puzzle. (cutscene)
Exit the building. (cutscene) Prepare for Raptor introduction. There's no
way to guarantee a first round kill on any Raptor in this game. (That I can
guarantee.) Approximately 30% of the time I get a first shot kill; 60% of
the time it's a two shot kill. The final 10% is a three shot kill. I have
adopted this rule: as the cutscene winds down, I press ready (R1) and
Forward (the up button). Have your thumb hovering over the Action button
(X). As soon as you are released from the cutscene, fire two rounds and
run. If Fernando isn't bleeding out on your way by, you can stop and finish
him, or you can reset and start over. You don't want to leave him alive -
he will force two cutscenes at the gates.

Enter the back yard of the Facility. (cutscene) Run to the Main Control
Room. (cutscene) Use the first floor Piping Passageway A. Drop down into
the Control Room Hall and enter the Main Control Room. (cutscene with Rick)
When Free, exit the Control Room, move to the Management Office, Run across
the room to the power switch and flip it, get the H. DDK input disc and

*(I don't take the plug anymore)

Move into the other room and pick up the #2 LEO Panel Key, pop open the
locker with the combination (0426) and get the Entrance Key. Exit the
Management Office through the door near the power switch. (Do Not Save)
(cutscene) Ignore Fernando in the hall, enter Locker Room and get the H.
DDK Code Disc off the top of the lockers. Leave the Locker Room, Ignoring
Fernando. Run to and kill the security screen and enter the Main Entrance.

Unlock the main doors, head outside and retrieve the N. DDK Code Disc.
Return to the Main Entrance and climb the Central stairs. Enter the second
floor hall, ignore Fernando, bee line it straight to the Chief's Office
door and do the H. DDK password. . If you are correctly positioned,
regardless of where Fernando is, you'll get in without a scratch.
(cutscene, the 1st survivor) Take the #1 SOL Panel Key from him, run
clockwise around the desk, get the N. DDK Input Disc, access to the Wall
Safe is (705037), take the L Key Card. Turn left and head for the back of
the room. (cutscene, meet Mr. Chuckles) Chuckles grabs the fresh meat
(albeit deceased) and returns for seconds. He knocks over the desk. The
quickest way out of here, that I know of, is to wait for him to give the
ogle eye to Regina. (A red blooded male if I ever saw one.) When he begins
to rear back and sway his bone head, run for the door. If you haven't used
this technique before now, it can be a bit unnerving, but it's much faster
and quite safe once you're good at it. (You can bounce off him a few times
before he eats you.) It's a simple "S" pattern.

Leave the Chief's Office and head back to the first floors N. DDK door
(under the stairs). (cutscene) Unlock the N. door, enter the Elevator Hall,
turn right, get the plug and access the Red E-Box. You want to trade the
9mm rounds for the Poison Darts; if you're still getting hammered in the
game, you may elect to trade the slag rounds off for the Intensifier.
(Don't empty the supplies you don't want and then load the ones you do - it
takes too long.)
*(I don't access the Red E. Wall Box anymore)

Cross the room to the other door and enter the Lecture Room Hall. Kill the
screen and enter the Office. Locate Fernando and kill him. It's faster to
run up and kill him than to try a salvo across the room and have him drop
behind the desk forcing you to find and kill him. You don't want him coming
after you in the hall. Two rounds up close will do the job nicely. If you
can't see him at entry, hit (R1)- she'll track Fernando for a second.

*(I no longer enter the Office and shoot the dino, I stay in the hall and
bring on the cut scene. I figure the time spent entering the Office,
killing the dino and getting back out to the hall just about equals the
length of the cut scene. I am a tad further down the hall, si I think I'mm
that much closer to the Lecture room door than I would be killing Fernando)

Run back to the Lecture Room Hall and enter the Lecture Room; get the B1
Backup Generator Key. (Cutscene: Gail saves mega-babeage's hide; he's
looking for the bathroom - took a wrong turn or something.) Exit the
Lecture Room and make your way through the Office, out into the Office
Hallway. You may be attacked on the way outside - if not, surely on the way
back. Return to the Backyard and access the B1 Generator enclosure, drop
down, get the Red Battery from the charger and do the Battery Puzzle.
(cutscene) Back to the Main Control Room. Prepare to play "kick off the
Raptor". Use Piping Passageway A and enter the Control Room. Listen to the
two Tuthogs argue. (Tuthog 1 Gail, Tuthog 2 Rick) You'll be following Gail,
so head out of the Control Room and down the stairs to the B1 Medical Room.
Pick up the ID card and the two M. Medpacs. (Again, if you're still being
pounded by the Dinos, mix the Intensifier you picked up in the Elevator
Hall with the two M. Meds to create two L. Meds.) (R2) and leave, (Do Not

*(I no longer mix the meds to increase their potency)

Ignore the Pansies and enter the B1 Hall. (cutscene) This is where you
meet Doctor Kirk, (the 2nd or 3rd survivor, If you were to choose Rick's
way, Tom would be the 2nd survivor). Make your way back to the Piping
Passageway in the Main Control Room Hall. You want to be back inside the
Backyard enclosure where the game started. (cutscene)
Switch weapons - trade for the pistol before you enter the next gate into
the Large Elevator Passage. There are two Fernandos out there - they're
easy to run around. You also want to be ready for the Pteranodon's flying
lesson. You'll drop the pistol in flight; you don't need it. Sidestep the
two Raptors and go for your first flying lesson. When released, run to the
Elevator Control Room. Get the L. DDK Input and Code Discs. Meet good old
Dead Tom, (the 2nd or 3rd survivor, he would have been the 2nd survivor if
you had taken Rick's path)
Exit the Control Room and go to the Elevator Power Room. If you run
straight, don't bump into anything and dodge at the right moment, you'll
avoid a hacking by the 'Dactyls. Enter the Elevator Power Room, get the B1
Crane Card and do the Pipe Puzzle. (The fastest way, face the six consoles
with your back to the ladder and go to the console furthest to Regina's
right.) Face the console so that the ladder is now in front of you. Start
on this one and move one console to your right and then again. (R,G,B)(R2)
Regina's back is to the ladder again, start at the one directly across from
her and move to your right, one console at a time. (R,G,B)(cutscene)
Climb back up the ladder and exit the Power Room. Prepare for your second
flying lesson. When released from this, enjoy the splatter of blood and
head back to the Large Elevator. Activate the Large Elevator Console and
ride down to the B1 Carrying Out Room. (cutscene) Complete the B1 Crane

*(Fastest way, 2 forward, 1 left, 1 back, hoist, 2 right, release
2 forward, hoist, exit)

Exit from the other side of the room to the Hallway for Carrying Out
Materials. Kick off Fernando, he gets juiced, (the lush) and enter the B1
Hall. Make your way back to and up the stairs in the B1 Medical Hall; run
through the Managment Office. (Do Not Save) Kill the last screen in this
hall and enter the Strategy Room. Get the E. DDK Code Disc and the
Fingerprint Device. (Hence known as the FPD) Run back to the first floor
Elevator Hall, get Paul's prints, go to the Office off the Lecture room
hall and rewrite the ID card with his prints and Reg.# on the rewrite
computer. Once done, return to the Elevator Hall and access the elevator.
(cutscene) Kick off Fernando (R2) and book for the L. DDK Door. Enter the
password, enter the B1 Main Hallway, kill the screen and end-run the two
stupid Raptors, kill the next screen and enter the B1 Computer Room. Run to
the end of the long comp console and input the Gas Experiment Room access
code, (7248). Get the screwdriver and open the computer panel with the
Exit the Computer Room, enter the Research Meeting Room, get the E. DDK
Input Disc and enter the Gas Experiment Room. (Meet the 4th survivor - it
takes longer to save the Researcher than it does to kill him)... so, kill
him. (It's because of the cutscene in the gas chamber - this game has more
than it's fair share of cutscenes.) Do this: G,R,R, pause for the meter to
climb to the fatal mark and then G,B. (This trick saves about 30 seconds,
and you don't want the key he has anyway.) Get the B1 Key chip and exit the
chamber. (cutscene) Kill the Raptor quickly by gassing him.

*(I don't kill the dino anymore. Initially I was convinced I needed to
kill it to get out of the room, go figure!)

Go back out to the Research Area Hall, kill the screen around the corner
and beat feet to the Library. Here is the last Medpac you'll have access to
in the game; if you're still being swatted around, pick it up. Do the B1
Key Chip Puzzle.

*(This puzzle is do-able in 4 moves - if you're not getting it in 4,
you're wasting time. Code (3695) Clear/White, White/White, Clear/Clear,
Clear/White. Each pair grabed gets moved to the top of the stack)

Get the R Key Card; don't read the memo. Exit the door near the B1 Key
Chip Rewrite Puzzle. Go back to the B1 Computer Room and input the R Key
Card. (cutscene) E. Door password and enter the Experiment Simulation Room.
(Don't Save)(cutscene)Back to the B1 Comp Room. (cutscene) Solve the
Emergency Lockdown Puzzle to free up the doors.

*(The puzzle is done in three moves, this is the order and the turns. 1st,
RIGHT and turn 90? right. 2nd, LEFT. 3rd, MIDDLE and turn 90? right)

(cutscene) Ve vill be following Fearless Leader (Gail) for this section of
the game. Exit the B1 Comp Room, via the Research Hall, (do not Save) Avoid
contact with all Dinos and head for the B1 Carrying Out Room via the B1
Library. (cutscene) Watch - and hear Gail threaten Kirk with unnecessary
ventilation. Hear Doctor Kirk whine about being popular, then unpopular and
now popular again - he's so confused.
This is the beginning of the final run for the first half of the game. You
have the Communications ID Card now, so beat feet. Use the Medical Room
Hall to get to the Main Control Room. Hop into the Elevator, ride it up to
the Comm Room, quickly get the Antenna Activation Key. Exit there. (Do Not
Save) Enter the Communication Antenna Room. Set the antenna. (cutscene)
Exit and make ready for your first running with the Ibis Island resident T-
Rex. (almost like running with the bulls in Pamplona, Sp.) (cutscene) When
you get back to the Comm Room Door, turn and fire the grenade gun two times
into Chuckles' wanting maw. (It's the quickest way out of this situation.)
Enter the Comm Room. (cutscene) (R2) (cutscene) Exit the Comm Room. Return
to the first floor Management Office. (!!!SAVE!!! on the way out.) Hey...
shut de dor, dyou liv inna barn or sumpin? Din't yer parents larn ye


Here's where we start the second half of the game. How did you do for
time? Your save file will give your time. If you didn't get into any
clustering, you should be somewhere between say, 43 and 48 minutes. My best
was a pube over 43 minutes till I added the * time savers, I knocked 40
seconds off the first half for a 42:35 time.

So, "let's get it on". (Did I hear Marvin Gaye in the background?)

Make your way outside. (cutscene) Avoid the 'Dactyls and the Raptors.
Enter the Hangar and do the boxes.

*(1st two boxes, move the right one forward, run clockwise around it. 2nd
pair, move the left box forward, toward the forklift, yturn right and move
the 2nd box toward the elevated walkway. 3rd set, Move the right box
forward along the elevated walkway and lastly the left box, move it toward
the exit sign on the wall)

Exit to the Heliport. For this exercise in dealing with Mr. Chuckles, as
always, we'll use the quickest way that I have found. There are many ways
to go about this section of the game. (Running around the chopper for two
or three minutes until Rick fixes the Elevator - that stinks when your
trying to cut time.) Trying the half way around the chopper thing and
firing on Chuckles from the other side is safer and faster than the "ring
around the chopper" game, but it also takes too long. I have even been
successful running directly into the far corner near the chopper (not the
Exit elevator side), doing a 180? and firing on him that way as he
approaches. I occasionally got knocked down, but most of the time I can
survive the shorter time span and escape when Rick shoots his warning
round, often with just an M. Med, sometimes with nothing at all. This
technique cuts time considerably, compared to the first two suggestions.
But, there is an even safer and faster method. You must play "Tag, You're
It" with Chuckles, though. If you're still having trouble with Chuckles in
this area, try the corner trick. If you want some serious time-cutting,
learn this tech.
As you exit the Hangar, bypass probably one of the coolest FMVs I have
When you regain control of Regina, FIRE! and reload. He's facing you at
this point. Do a (clockwise) run around Chuckles (you'll be on his backside
now). FIRE!, putting a round up his ancient Poop Chute. (He's not going to
like it!) Reload, continue (clockwise) and run back, nearly to the wall
where you entered the Helipad, (R2) and FIRE! After this third round, Rick
will release his warning round. You must continue (clockwise) around
Chuckles and beat feet to the elevator. (Don't try squeezing between him
and the chopper.) Once inside, push Rick out onto the Helipad; tell him
it's his turn to play with Chuckles.

You'll go through the elevator switching game. In the process, you'll find
the CO Pass Card and a memo. (Be sure to fast click through the memo, or
you ain't going nowhere). Run to the next elevator, Rick has fixed it. Pop
up to the Large Elevator. Ride the Large Elevator down to the B3 Carrying
Out Room. Deal with the Battery Puzzle and head to the B3 Control Room.
Pick up the two B3 Crane Cards and exit the other door into the B3 General
Weapons Storage. (Do Not Save)(For emergency's sake, switch to the shotgun
and load with a small or med Dart.) Don't waste your time shooting Hanz,
and in the Transport Passageway, leave Franz alone. (Sometimes you may have
to get creative weaving around him, otherwise, Dart him. He'll be back
whether you kill him or not.) Just get in there and get the CO Area Key and
the last B3 Crane Card.
Deal with the B3 Crane Puzzle and get the W. DDK Input Disc.

*(2R, H, 2L, Release. 3F, H, 2L, 1B, Release. 2R, 3F, 1B, H, 2L,
Release. 2R, 3F, H, exit)

Book back to and through the B3 Carrying Out Room. Access the Passageway,
dart Hanz or Franz (if forced to). Most times, they are separated far
enough to allow you to slip between them. Enter the Rest Station Area, head
through, to, and up the Central Stairs to the B2 level; again, ignore Hanz
und Franz. Run around Lucien and climb up into the Piping Passage. Drop
down into the B2 Experiment Room Hall. Find Gail in the Researcher's Rest
Room. On your way to the Rest Room, pick up the Darts. (cutscene) (Gail's
still looking for Dr. Kirk. Rick told him that Kirk took the last roll of
toilet paper in the facility.) Go back to get the "C" level Key, (KILL
LUCIEN) and get the W.DDK Code Disc in the Stabilizer Design Room. Exit and
go back up the Piping Passage.

*(I used to Enter the B2 Security Pass Room at this point and get the
S.DDK Input Disc and the #1 B2 Key Chip. Kill the alarm and leave, I don't
do this any longer, it means saving one trip to this room. This one change
is responsible for most of the savings in the second half of the game)

Go back to B3 Rest Area. Again, almost always, Lucien and the Therizinos
can be ignored. If you must, dart Hanz, He doesn't hold a grudge like Franz
does. I'm able to end-run both of them about 70% of the time. It's this
section of the game where I tend to use Meds. The Therizinos are in pairs
and at times hog the halls by doubling up. Sometimes Hanz or Franz will
make it into the B3 Rest Station. Either of the two can be ignored most of
the time. Plug in the W.DDK password and enter the
Disembarkation/Immigration Office. (cutscene) Get the #2 B2 Key chip and
exit the room. (Do Not Save) Run to the B3 Carrying Out Room, doing the
best you can to get around the Therizs. (Often, killing one will give you
the room you need. This is also the time I would seriously consider using a
Continue as opposed to a med, if I get tangled up with them and slowed
down.) You want to save your heavy hitting Darts for the Stab/Init run.
(cutscene) Quickly deal with the Battery Puzzle, get the D.DDK Input Disc
along with the Port Card Key from the Elevator. Run back to the
Disembarkation/Immigration Office. (cutscene) Get the S.DDK Code Disc in
the Passageway to the Port. Exit the D/I Office. (Do Not Save) Back up the
Central Stairs to the B2 Piping Passageway vent opening.

*(This is where you can decide to go to the B2 Security Room or through
the Piping Passage to the B2 Experiment Hall. Killing the screen, entering
the B2 Stabilizer Experiment Room for the D. DDK Code Disc, then returning
to the Security room. Either will work, if you choose to do the B2 Security
Pass room first, you'll have to access the B2 Stabilizer Experiment room
after passing through the Sterilization hall, the B2 Storage Hall and
finally the B2 Experiment Hall. Retrieve the D. DDK Code Disc and return to
the B2 Storage Hall and the D. DDK door. I never spent the time clocking
the difference in the two endeavors. In any case, we will concern ourselves
with coding the B2 key chips in the Security Pass room)

Enter the B2 Security Pass Room and get the S.DDK Input Disc, the #1 B2
Key Chip and kill the alarm. rewrite the B2 Key Cards.

*(This addition to the speed game comes from an Internet friend who has
been dogging Dino Crisis to improve on the speed game version like a wild
starving hound after the only fox in the country side). Mark is the only
player to come up with a valid improvement to date. Mark has eliminated two
moves to the stacking puzzle, (this pisses me off to no end, I never
thought to consider trying it, I just had myself convinced that you have to
move the right stack to (PROPERLY) align the Red and Clear discs. This
forces one to make 8 moves. Mark solution may knock 4 to 7 seconds of time
off the stacking puzzle)

The puzzle is done in 6 moves.
Code, (0392)
Left Clear/white stack,
Grab the bottom C/W pair, move it to the top.
Grab the C/C, move it to the top.

Right Clear/Red stack,
Grab the bottom R/C pair, move it to the top.
Grab the R/R pair move it to the top.

Move the cursor over to the switch icon, then grab a W/W pair from the
left stack and switch it with a C/C from the Right stack.
Do this again with the remaining W/W and C/C pairs
You don't have to align the Clear discs in the right stack.)

There, 6 bloody moves, Mark Hubby you dog you!

Exit the Security room and do the S DDK door password, make your way
through the Sterilization Hall to the B2 Parts Storage Hall. If you did the
Security room first, you must now get the D.DDK Code Disc from the B2
Stabilizer Experiment room. Return to the B2 Storage room Hall and do the
D.DDK Door. Use the #2 B2 Key Chip in the first lock, then the #1 B2 Key
Chip in the next lock. Enter the B2 Third Energy Area. (cutscene) Extend
the Walkway, enter the B2 Power Frequency Room via the Third Energy Control
Room and do the Generator Control Release Puzzle.

*(Done in three moves, in this order with these turns. MIDDLE, turn 90?
left = one turn. RIGHT. LEFT, turn 90? left = one turn, done)

Return to the Third Energy Control Room and do the Generator test on the
computer. Return to the Power Frequency Room and get Kirk's prints off the
wall on your way to his Private Lab/Office thingy. (cutscene)
We are going to follow Gail's suggestion one last time.

You want to make your way to the Transport Passageway, you must do the B3
route through the B3 Rest Station, Carrying Out Room, Control Room and
General Weapons Storage Room. There are many Therizinos to pass this time.
If you've been using up Meds, you may be low. This is the time to switch to
Darts and seriously consider using continues instead of Meds if you get
thumped too often on the way. You could be passing up to 14 Dinos to and
from the Special Weapons Room. Two Luciens on B2 and up to 12 Therizinos on
Try to conserve your Darts - you could have up to seven. Do your best
dodging. I can usually dodge the two in the General Weapons Storage Room
and Franz in the Transport Passageway. Sometimes the two in the Central
Stairwell are both near the Screen. You won't be coming back this way, so,
if you can dodge them, all the better. If you're able to dance around the
Dinos mentioned, you'll have more than enough Darts to complete this

Move out, stop in the B2 Security Pass Room and rewrite the ID with Kirk's
Registration numbers and prints. Exit. (Do Not Save) Put on your big poofy
Pastry Chef's hat cause it's TIME TO BAKE!!!

Darting what you absolutely had to and doing ballet things to dodge the
rest, you have made it to the B3 Special Weapons Storage Room. Head to the
second floor and take both devices. Make your way back to the B3 Rest
Station. (any darts left?) Access the elevator to the B2 Third Energy
Control Room and do another test on the Computer console !!!SUCCESS!!!

Use the elevator in the B2 Third Energy Area to access the B3 Energy Area
to install the Initializer and start the breather thing. Go back to the B2
Third Energy Area, install the Stabilizer and start the MACHINE. (Pink
Floyd background music please) (cutscene) Enter Kirk's Library Room
(cutscene) Wake up in the Disembarkation/Immigration Office. (cutscene)
You'll be following Rick this time. So, have Regina make Gail a soprano and
let Rick take the newest member of the Morman Tabernacle Choir to the

Get Regina's butt moving to the Hovercraft Storage Area. (cutscene) Take
the tank from Rick and retrieve the Nucleum/whatever from the barrels on
the dock area. (Do Not Save) Return to the Hovercraft Storage Area.
(cutscene) Get ready for the final battle with Mr. Chuckles. Make sure you
have switched back to the Grenade gun. Don't bother with the stuff Rick
throws to you; you don't need them. Exit to the Port Area. (Do Not Save)
You have to hit Chuckles three times in the mouth on your "Once around the
Port" run. Don't try to get them all at once, or you'll be shooting more
than you need to. Pay attention to where you are, so that your last round
is at or near the dock. Rick will show up and give a grand display of his
ineptitude with the Launcher. (He can't shoot straight.) He blows up a
perfectly good Evil Facility. Regina climbs aboard the Hovercraft and
they're off!


Once you're on the Hovercraft, the game is over for you. Let the credits
roll by. Have someone pry your clenched hands from the controller, I find a
large standard screwdriver works well. If that fails, an injection of
muscle relaxers will surely work. Your hands, they really need that stuff
called blood to be moving at an even pace to keep tissue healthy. Wait for
your score to log on screen. If you have followed the instructions and are
proficient and agile with the control of Regina, you should have an
impressive time for yourself.

If your game time was around the 1:35 to 1:45 mark, this walkthrough may
not be as helpful. Maybe all you needed was the little tricks for dealing
with some of the puzzles, or with your meetings with Chuckles in the game.
The Helipad and the Gas chamber tricks save something in the 2-plus minute
range in game play. If you have figured out the tricks mentioned in the
game on your own already, but still aren't at the 1:30 something time, then
all I can think of is a lack of control in moving Regina through the game.
(i.e., bumping into walls, missing your mark on pick-ups or not getting the
puzzles on the first try in the most efficient manner.)

I don't have a Game Shark, and I don't use PS cheats or codes. I'm a
Dinosaur, I guess. I prefer to play the game without enhancements. (Not to
disparage anyone for using any of these devices to play games.) I feel that
earning the bonuses through shrewd game play is the best way, (FOR ME)

My best time on DC1 is 1:29:56. With 1 save, 2M. Meds. 0 continues. A half
time time of :43:17.

Your game time will differ from mine because of control ability, I'm sure.
Being able to hit your marks when approaching doors and picking up articles
is a big time saver. Being able to end-run the Dinos is the major time
saver; the more Dinos you have to shoot, the slower your time will be. The
Dinos I shoot or Dart in the speed game are necessary to minimize cutscenes
and taking hits from them. Every time you take a hit, you're being slowed
down. Every time you access a Medpac and every time you shoot a Dino,
you're wasting time. If you can keep these things in mind while your
playing, you'll either snap and go mad like I almost did, or you'll achieve
the same times I do and possibly better, I'm an old man as far as most of
you are concerned, so, your gaming reflexes are more likely much faster
than moi!

Go get'em! You're all a bunch of animals - so, get out of here, I mean



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18.Oktober 2013
Munitions- und Medipacktrainer (für Demoversion)

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels und fast alles freigeschaltet

16.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Speed Game Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Am Ende des Spiels

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer, der alles in unendlicher Menge zur Verfügung stellt

14.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Operation WipeOut

15.Oktober 2013
Flash FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

14.Oktober 2013
Mod-Patch and for the Italian Version

17.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die japanische Version

15.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die US Version.

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die US Version, fixed Rel.

18.Oktober 2013
Mod-Patch für die [deutschsprachig]e Version

17.Oktober 2013
Mod-Patch und +5 Trainer für die [deutschsprachig]e Version*Fixed*

17.Oktober 2013
Mod-Patch and for the UK Version

17.Oktober 2013
Mod-Patch and for the French Version

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020