Digimon World 2

Digimon World 2

18.10.2013 04:48:45
Digivolving FAQ

Digimon World 2(English)
Digivolving FAQ
Version 1.5(29/10/2001)

Done By:
Rena Chan

This FAQ is copyright to alucard_rpg@yahoo.com.
You may not in anyway, distribute it or use it for
profitable purposes. If you want to use this FAQ
down at your site, you must e-mail me and ask
permission. If I ever find out that you used
this FAQ without my permission, you will be deemed a
person who can't even ask permission. If you have any
questions regarding this FAQ or the game, send
your e-mail to the above mentioned e-mail address.

Places where this FAQ can be found:-
- http://www.gamefaqs.com
- http://www.psxcodez.com
- http://www.neoseeker.com
- http://www.cheating.de
- http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/thedigiworldrpg/News.html
- http://www.dbzhost.com/anime/firemac/
- http://www.cheatcodes.com
- http://www.sharksnet.com/DigimonWorld/

Please inform me via e-mail if this FAQ is found
at places other than the above mentioned sites.
Of course, it may be up and I just had not updated
the FAQ on this yet. But E-mail me anyway, I'll

The latest version of this FAQ is found at
www.gamefaqs.com and members.atozasia.com/renachan/
and www.cheatcodes.com

Revision History
(4/5/2001)1.0 - Started writing this FAQ. Haven't
documented some stuff, so some of it is pretty empty.
May have blanks here and there since I'm currently
typing from memory.

(6/5/2001)1.1 - Someone e-mailed me about the formula
to calculate Level Limit. I checked it and it's correct.
Soooooo, I've changed it =P. I also discovered a few
things here and there and added them in, added more info
I've missed on my first submission, added more Digivolve
Info, DNA Combinations, more Digimon to the Digimon
Analyzer, and a few more skills to the skills section.
I'm currently still a bit lazy to check the MP cost of
some skills. I simply can't remember them, maybe I'll
print out a whole skills list from CMGSCCC to keep record.
Of course I still need to find out what category the skill
belongs to, so I still have to get the skill myself. It's
going to make my life easier, since I got another FAQ I
want to update, write a ton of other FAQs and update my
*Gets stressed out big time x_x*

(12/5/2001)1.2 - Made some corrections to the FAQ. Added
some other important info and seperated out the skills
into it's own section. Did a layout change. Added more info
to the Digivolve and DNA Digivolve section. Added more skills
and Digimon to the Digimon Analyzer. Started a Frequently
Asked Questions Section. Questions that I got through e-mail
will be placed there. It helps me out by not having to answer
the same questions again and again.
Currently trying to figure out how to put some skills
into my Seraphimon. Darn, isn't there anyway to get a
Flamedramon or a Raidramon through DNA Evolution?

(24/5/2001)1.3 - Finally! I've completed the game and opened
Tera Domain. Now I have access to every single recuritable
digimon in the game. Duh! But still, I haven't found any DNA
evolutions for Flamedramon and Raidramon =(
The Digivolve list is finally completed ^_^. Now you can
digivolve any digimon that you want. Added some more DNA
Digi-evolution combinations. Of course, filled in some more
blanks in the Digimon Analyzer and Skills section and added
more questions into the Frequently Asked Questions section.

(19/7/2001)1.4 - I've finished filling up all the digimon's
skills and added most of a digimon's info into the digimon
analyzer. I'm currently researching into DNA Digi-evolution
and how it works, with the help of information given by 2
people. I'll change the DNA Digivolve section once I have
managed to discover the secret of DNA Digi-evolution.

(29/10/2001)1.5 - Not much of an update this time, but I've
changed the format of the faq a little. Research on DNA
Digi-Evolution is a bit slow though, cause I have other games
that I want to play too. But I've already discovered some
interesting facts on it. It seems that the resulting digimon
seems to be affected by the digimon group you use that is of
less dominant gene. There should be another factor, which I
can't seem to find...... I have a feeling it may affect the
digimon that needs higher DP to Digivolve into that form. For
example, Flamedramon and Raidramon. Sigh. Hopefully I can find
the factor soon.......

1.0 What this FAQ is for
2.0 Digimon Digivolve
2.1 Virus Digimon
2.2 Data Digimon
2.3 Vaccine Digimon
3.0 DNA Digivolve
3.1 Level Limit
3.2 Rookie Combinations
3.3 Champion Combinations
3.4 Ultimate Combinations
4.0 Digimon Analyzer
4.1 Rookie Digimon
4.2 Champion Digimon
4.3 Ultimate Digimon
4.4 Mega Digimon
5.0 Skills List
5.1 Attack
5.2 CounterAttack
5.3 Interrupt
5.4 Assist
6.0 Frequently Asked Questions

1.0 What this FAQ is for
Wow! This game is vast! And the most complicated part
of this game is probably the way Digimon Digivolve and
the DNA Digivolve. And this is what this FAQ is for. It
is to help you get what Digimon you want faster and easier.
It also documents what skills each digimon learns so that
you can manipulate the skills you want on which ever
digimon you want easier.

NOTE: If you want to ask questions about how to cross the
game, ask other people, don't ask me! I'll only answer
queries on what this FAQ covers. And if you see any mistakes,
e-mail me about that too. I may have overlooked it. Mistakes
like putting a digimon in the wrong section, etc.

2.0 Digimon Digivolve
What a digimon digivolves into is affected by it's
Digivolve Points(DP). You can only see a digimon's DP when
you go to the Digivolve Lab and click on a particular
digimon. It may look like nothing to you, but it affects
greatly what a Digimon Digivolves into. A digimon's DP will
increase by 1 from the digimon with the highest DP whenever
you DNA Digivolve it. You can increase DP by using
DNA UpChip and decrease DP by using DNA DnChip.

2.1 Virus Digimon
| Rookie->Champion(EL 11) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| Betamon | DarkTyrannomon | 0-2 |
| | Darkrizamon | 3-5 |
| | Tuskmon | 6+ |
| DemiDevimon | IceDevimon | 0-3 |
| | Devimon | 4+ |
| Dokunemon | Flymon | 0+ |
| Gazimon | Nanimon | 0+ |
| Gizamon | Cyclonemon | 0-2 |
| | Deltamon | 3-5 |
| | Devidramon | 6+ |
| Goburimon | Ogremon | 0+ |
| Hagurumon | Numemon | 0 |
| | Sukamon | 1 |
| | P-Sukamon | 2-3 |
| | Raremon | 4-5 |
| | Guardromon | 6+ |
| Kunemon | Kuwagamon | 0+ |
| Mushroomon | Vegiemon | 0 |
| | RedVegiemon | 1-3 |
| | Woodmon | 4+ |
| Otamamon | Gekomon | 0-2 |
| | Octomon | 3+ |
| SnowGoburimon | Hyogamon | 0+ |
| Syakomon | Octomon | 0-2 |
| | Gesomon | 3+ |
| Tsukaimon | Bakemon | 0-2 |
| | Soulmon | 3+ |

| Champion->Ultimate(EL 21) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| Bakemon | Phantomon | 0+ |
| Cyclonemon | Megadramon | 0+ |
| Darkrizamon | ExTyrannomon | 0+ |
| DarkTyrannomon | ExTyrannomon | 0-5 |
| | MetalTyrannomon | 6+ |
| Deltamon | Megadramon | 0-5 |
| | Gigadramon | 6+ |
| Devidramon | Gigadramon | 0+ |
| Devimon | Myotismon | 0+ |
| Flymon | Okuwamon | 0+ |
| Gekomon | ShogunGekomon | 0+ |
| Gesomon | MarineDevimon | 0-5 |
| | WaruSeadramon | 6+ |
| Guardromon | Vademon | 0-5 |
| | Garbagemon | 6-8 |
| | Datamon | 9+ |
| Hyogamon | WaruMonzaemon | 0+ |
| IceDevimon | Myotismon | 0+ |
| Kuwagamon | Okuwamon | 0+ |
| Nanimon | Tekkamon | 0+ |
| Numemon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| Octomon | Dragomon | 0+ |
| Ogremon | Etemon | 0+ |
| P-Sukamon | Vademon | 0+ |
| Raremon | Vademon | 0-4 |
| | Garbagemon | 5+ |
| RedVegiemon | Cherrymon | 0+ |
| Soulmon | Phantomon | 0+ |
| Sukamon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| Tuskmon | MetalTyrannomon | 0+ |
| Vegiemon | Cherrymon | 0+ |
| Woodmon | Cherrymon | 0+ |

| Ultimate->Mega(EL 31) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| Cherrymon | Puppetmon | 0+ |
| Datamon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| Dragomon | Pukumon | 0+ |
| Etemon | MetalEtemon | 0+ |
| ExTyrannomon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| Garbagemon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| Gigadramon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| MarineDevimon | Pukumon | 0+ |
| Megadramon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| MetalTyrannomon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| Myotismon | VenomMyotismon | 0+ |
| Okuwamon | GranKuwagamon | 0-19 |
| | Diaboromon | 20+ |
| Phantomon | Piedmon | 0+ |
| ShogunGekomon | Pukumon | 0+ |
| SkullGreymon | Machinedramon | 0+ |
| Tekkamon | Piedmon | 0+ |
| Vademon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| WaruMonzaemon | MetalEtemon | 0+ |
| WaruSeadramon | Pukumon | 0+ |

2.2 Data Digimon
| Rookie->Champion(EL 11) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| Candlemon | Tankmon | 0-2 |
| | Meramon | 3-5 |
| | Clockmon | 6+ |
| Crabmon | Coelamon | 0-2 |
| | MoriShellmon | 3-5 |
| | Shellmon | 6-7 |
| | Seadramon | 8+ |
| Elecmon | Tyrannomon | 0-2 |
| | Flarerizamon | 3-5 |
| | Monochromon | 6+ |
| Floramon | Kiwimon | 0-2 |
| | Kokatorimon | 3-5 |
| | Akatorimon | 6+ |
| Gabumon | Centarumon | 0-2 |
| | Drimogemon | 3-5 |
| | NiseDrimogemon | 6-7 |
| | Garurumon | 8+ |
| Gotsumon | Icemon | 0-2 |
| | MudFrigimon | 3-5 |
| | J-Mojyamon | 6+ |
| Palmon | Togemon | 0+ |
| Patamon | Ninjamon | 0-2 |
| | Starmon | 3-5 |
| | Wizardmon | 6-7 |
| | Angemon | 8+ |

| Champion->Ultimate(EL 21) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| Akatorimon | Piximon | 0+ |
| Centarumon | Meteormon | 0+ |
| Clockmon | Tinmon | 0-7 |
| | SkullMeramon | 8+ |
| Coelamon | MegaSeadramon | 0+ |
| Drimogemon | Meteormon | 0+ |
| Flarerizamon | Triceramon | 0-5 |
| | Vermilimon | 6+ |
| Icemon | Meteormon | 0+ |
| J-Mojyamon | Meteormon | 0+ |
| Kiwimon | Deramon | 0+ |
| Kokatorimon | Deramon | 0-5 |
| | Piximon | 6+ |
| Meramon | BlueMeramon | 0-5 |
| | SkullMeramon | 6+ |
| Monochromon | Vermilimon | 0+ |
| MoriShellmon | Scorpiomon | 0+ |
| MudFrigimon | Meteormon | 0+ |
| Ninjamon | Mamemon | 0+ |
| NiseDrimogemon | Meteormon | 0+ |
| SandYanmamon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| Seadramon | MegaSeadramon | 0+ |
| Shellmon | Scorpiomon | 0+ |
| Starmon | Mamemon | 0-5 |
| | MetalMamemon | 6-7 |
| | Digitamamon | 8+ |
| Tankmon | Tinmon | 0-5 |
| | SkullMeramon | 6+ |
| Togemon | Pumpkinmon | 0-5 |
| | Blossomon | 6-7 |
| | Lillymon | 8+ |
| Tyrannomon | Triceramon | 0-7 |
| | MasterTyrannomon | 8+ |
| Wizardmon | Digitamamon | 0+ |
| Yanmamon | Pumpkinmon | 0+ |

| Ultimate->Mega(EL 31) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| Blossomon | Rosemon | 0+ |
| BlueMeramon | Boltmon | 0+ |
| Deramon | Gryphonmon | 0+ |
| Digitamamon | SaberLeomon | 0+ |
| Lillymon | Rosemon | 0+ |
| Mamemon | PrinceMamemon | 0+ |
| MegaSeadramon | MetalSeadramon | 0+ |
| MetalMamemon | PrinceMamemon | 0-8 |
| | SaberLeomon | 9+ |
| Meteormon | MetalGarurumon | 0-19 |
| | Baihumon | 20+ |
| Piximon | Gryphonmon | 0+ |
| Pumpkinmon | Rosemon | 0+ |
| Scorpiomon | Preciomon | 0+ |
| SkullMeramon | Boltmon | 0+ |
| Tinmon | Boltmon | 0+ |
| Triceramon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |
| Vermilimon | Can't Digivolve | N/A |

2.3 Vaccine Digimon
| Rookie->Champion(EL 11) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| Agumon | Greymon | 0+ |
| Biyomon | Airdramon | 0-2 |
| | Veedramon | 3-5 |
| | Saberdramon | 6-7 |
| | Birdramon | 8+ |
| ClearAgumon | Angemon | 0-2 |
| | Piddomon | 3+ |
| Gomamon | Tortomon | 0-2 |
| | Ikkakumon | 3+ |
| Penguinmon | Ikkakumon | 0-2 |
| | Dolphmon | 3+ |
| SnowAgumon | Frigimon | 0-2 |
| | Mojyamon | 3-5 |
| | Gururumon | 6+ |
| Tapirmon | Unimon | 0-2 |
| | ShimaUnimon | 3-5 |
| | Garurumon | 6-7 |
| | Apemon | 8+ |
| Tentomon | Kabuterimon | 0+ |
| ToyAgumon | Leomon | 0-2 |
| | Gatomon | 3+ |
| Veemon | Veedramon | 0-3 |
| | Flamedramon | 4+ |

| Champion->Ultimate(EL 21) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| Airdramon | AeroVeedramon | 0+ |
| Angemon | Andromon | 0-5 |
| | MagnaAngemon | 6+ |
| Apemon | Mammothmon | 0+ |
| Birdramon | Garudamon | 0+ |
| Dolphmon | Whamon | 0+ |
| Flamedramon | AeroVeedramon | 0-5 |
| | Raidramon | 6+ |
| Frigimon | Monzaemon | 0+ |
| Garurumon | WereGarurumon | 0+ |
| Gatomon | Angewomon | 0+ |
| Greymon | MetalGreymon | 0-5 |
| | MasterTyrannomon | 6-8 |
| | SkullGreymon | 9+ |
| Gururumon | WereGarurumon | 0+ |
| Ikkakumon | Whamon | 0-5 |
| | Zudomon | 6+ |
| Kabuterimon | MegaKabuterimon | 0+ |
| Leomon | Panjyamon | 0+ |
| Mojyamon | Monzaemon | 0+ |
| Piddomon | MagnaAngemon | 0-6 |
| | Giromon | 6+ |
| Saberdramon | Garudamon | 0+ |
| ShimaUnimon | Mammothmon | 0+ |
| Tortomon | Zudomon | 0+ |
| Unimon | Mammothmon | 0+ |
| Veedramon | AeroVeedramon | 0+ |

| Ultimate->Mega(EL 31) |
| Digimon | Digivolves into | DP needed |
| AeroVeedramon | Phoenixmon | 0+ |
| Andromon | Seraphimon | 0+ |
| Angewomon | Magnadramon | 0+ |
| Garudamon | Phoenixmon | 0+ |
| Giromon | Seraphimon | 0+ |
| MagnaAngemon | Seraphimon | 0+ |
| Mammothmon | SkullMammothmon | 0+ |
| MasterTyrannomon | WarGreymon | 0+ |
| MegaKabuterimon | HerculesKabuterimon | 0+ |
| MetalGreymon | WarGreymon | 0-19 |
| | Omnimon | 20+ |
| Monzaemon | Jijimon | 0+ |
| Panjyamon | SaberLeomon | 0-8 |
| | Magnadramon | 9+ |
| Raidramon | Phoenixmon | 0-7 |
| | Imperialdramon | 8+ |
| WereGarurumon | SkullMammothmon | 0-7 |
| | MetalGarurumon | 8+ |
| Whamon | MarineAngemon | 0+ |
| Zudomon | Preciomon | 0-8 |
| | MarineAngemon | 9+ |

3.0 DNA Digivolve
At the start, there are some restrains on what Digimon
can be DNA Digivolved together. If you're in the Black
Sword Guard Team, you can't DNA Digivolve with any
Vaccine Type Digimon. If you're in the Blue Falcon Guard
Team, you can't DNA Digivolve with any Virus Type Digimon
and if you're in the Gold Hawk Guard Team, you can't DNA
Digivolve with any Data Type Digimon. You will only be
able to DNA Digivolve your Digimon of any type only when
you have opened Device Dome.

When you DNA Digivolve your digimon, there are certain
rules to the type of Digimon you'll get back. Below lists
the type you'll get back when you DNA Digivolve.

Virus + Virus = Virus
Virus + Data = Virus
Virus + Vaccine = Vaccine
Data + Vaccine = Data
Data + Data = Data
Vaccine + Vaccine = Vaccine

I've found out that you don't always get a rookie digimon back
very time you DNA Digivolve. It depends on the Level of the
Digimon. And when I say level, I mean Rookie, Champion, etc.

Champion + Champion = Rookie(EL 1)
Champion + Ultimate = Rookie(EL 1)
Champion + Mega = Rookie(EL 1)
Ultimate + Ultimate = Champion(EL 11)
Ultimate + Mega = Champion(EL 11)
Mega + Mega = Ultimate(EL 21)

I've tried out the DNA Evolutions into a Champion Digimon. I
was wrong with my first thoery. You will not lose the Rookie
Skills. It's just you have to learn it back. The skills the
Digimon has when you DNA Digivolve will be passed onto the
resulting digimon. And you only lose the skills only if you
don't learn it on your new digimon and pass it on. The stats
will be the same, so your Digimon will still be very strong.
But the method of calculating EL limit is the same. Go ahead
and DNA all you want! But due to some research, a digimon will
be it's strongest only if you DNA Mega and Mega. Or maybe a
really strong Champion may do the trick too.

3.1 Level Limit
Every digimon has a level limit. It is decipited with a
whole ton of 9s on your digimon's exp needed to get to the
next level. So when you see this, even when you fight more
battles, the exp values will not decrease. To get a higher
level limit, you have to DNA Digivolve! And only digimon
who are at Champion Level or higher can DNA Digivolve.

A recurited digimon's level limit will always be the same.
It will only change when you recurit a higher level Digi.
There is no formula for calculating this (I couldn't
find it anyway. This applies to traded digimon too. But I've
somehow bumped into some exceptional cases...

When you DNA Digivolve, your digi's EL limit will increase.
There is actually a formula for calculating this. Someone
gave me the actual formula. (Thanks pinoymegaman003@cs.com)
I've tried it a few times and it works. (Better than mine anyway)

digimon1(highest level)+digimon 2's level divided by 5(round down)

example:greymon lv 15 + airdramon lv 13
add 15 to 13/5...13/5 equals 2
15+2=17,your new digimon's max level.

Steps Explanation
1. Take the ELs of the 2 digimon that you want to DNA Digivolve
2. Take the digimon with the lower EL and divide by 5(If it's the
same, just take anyone of them)
3. Round down the result to the nearest whole number
4. Add the result to the digimon with the higher EL
5. The end result is the EL limit of your new digimon

3.2 Rookie Combinations
| Agumon |
01. Megadramon + Ikkakumon
02. Cyclonemon + Ikkakumon
03. MetalGreymon + Tortomon
04. Devidramon + Whamon
05. DarkTyrannomon + Dolphmon
06. MetalGreymon + Ikkakumon

| Betamon |
01. Cyclonemon + Megadramon
02. Cyclonemon + DarkTyrannomon

| Biyomon |
01. Saberdramon + Ikkakumon
02. Saberdramon + Phoenixmon
03. Saberdramon + Unimon
04. Phoenixmon + Ikkakumon
05. Phoenixmon + Leomon
06. Phoenixmon + Angemon
07. Phoenixmon + Unimon
08. Saberdramon + Leomon
09. Saberdramon + Ikkakumon
10. Ikkakumon + Flamedramon
11. Garudamon + Flamedramon
12. Gatomon + Flamedramon
13. Gatomon + Garudamon
14. Imperialdramon + Dolphmon
15. SkullMammothmon + Flamedramon
16. Seraphimon + Flamedramon
17. Myotismon + Flamedramon
18. Raidramon + Ikkakumon

| Candlemon |

| ClearAgumon |
01. Leomon + Angemon

| Crabmon |
01. Ikkakumon + Ninjamon
02. Ikkakumon + Mamemon
03. Wizardmon + Tortomon
04. Dolphmon + MegaSeadramon
05. Dolphmon + Meramon

| DemiDevimon |

| Dokunemon |

| Elecmon |
01. WarGreymon + Tankmon

| Floramon |
01. Ninjamon + Saberdramon
02. Ninjamon + Phoenixmon
03. Centarumon + Phoenixmon
04. Mamemon + Saberdramon
05. Flamedramon + Ninjamon
06. Flamedramon + Centarumon
07. Garudamon + Centarumon
08. Kabuterimon + Wizardmon
09. NiseDrimogemon + Imperialdramon
10. NiseDrimogemon + Garudamon
11. Raidramon + Tankmon
12. Raidramon + Yanmamon
13. Seraphimon + Yanmamon
14. SkullMammothmon + Yanmamon
15. WarGreymon + Yanmamon
16. Magnadramon + Yanmamon
17. MetalGarurumon + Yanmamon
18. Gryphonmon + Tankmon
19. Gryphonmon + Yanmamon

| Gabumon |
01. Centarumon + Gururumon
02. Centarumon + Unimon
03. NiseDrimogemon + Greymon

| Gazimon |

| Gizamon |
01. SkullGreymon + Tankmon
02. Machinedramon + Tankmon

| Goburimon |
01. Cyclonemon + Centarumon
02. Hyogamon + Ogremon

| Gomamon |
01. Leomon + Ikkakumon
02. Angemon + Ikkakumon
03. Gatomon + Ikkakumon
04. Leomon + Tortomon
05. Kabuterimon + Tortomon
06. Dolphmon + Flymon
07. Dolphmon + Tortomon
08. Dolphmon + MagnaAngemon
09. Dolphmon + Kuwagamon
10. Tortomon + Flymon
11. Seraphimon + Ikkakumon
12. Myotismon + Ikkakumon

| Gotsumon |
01. Ikkakumon + Centarumon
02. Seraphimon + Tankmon
03. SkullMammothmon + Tankmon
04. Magnadramon + Tankmon
05. MetalGarurumon + Tankmon

| Hagurumon |

| Kunemon |
01. Myotismon + Yanmamon
02. SkullGreymon + Yanmamon
03. Machinedramon + Yanmamon

| Mushroomon |

| Otamamon |

| Palmon |

| Patamon |
01. Wizardmon + Angemon
02. Ninjamon + Centarumon
03. Ninjamon + Angemon
04. Centarumon + Angemon
05. Mamemon + Angemon
06. Mamemon + Centarumon
07. Gatomon + Centarumon
08. Wizardmon + MetalGreymon
09. Wizardmon + Leomon
10. NiseDrimogemon + MetalMamemon
11. NiseDrimogemon + Angewomon
12. NiseDrimogemon + Piddomon
13. MetalMamemon + Piddomon
14. Greymon + MetalMamemon

| Penguinmon |

| SnowAgumon |
01. Megadramon + Unimon
02. Greymon + Unimon(by alex1710@aol.com)

| SnowGoburimon |
01. NiseDrimogemon + Numemon

| Syakomon |

| Tapirmon |
01. SkullGreymon + Ikkakumon

| Tentomon |
01. Kabuterimon + Leomon
02. Kabuterimon + MetalGreymon

| ToyAgumon |
01. Megadramon + Leomon
02. Megadramon + Angemon
03. Leomon + Unimon
04. Cyclonemon + Angemon
05. Megadramon + Gatomon
06. Greymon + Angewomon
07. Greymon + Piddomon
08. DarkTyrannomon + Leomon
09. Seraphimon + Greymon

| Tsukaimon |
01. Cyclonemon + Nanimon
02. Cyclonemon + Ninjamon
03. Megadramon + Ninjamon

| Veemon |
01. Greymon + Airdramon
02. Saberdramon + Megadramon
03. Cyclonemon + Phoenixmon
04. Cyclonemon + Saberdramon
05. Flamedramon + Megadramon
06. Imperialdramon + Greymon
07. Garudamon + Greymon
08. Phoenixmon + Greymon

3.3 Champion Combinations
| Airdramon |
01. Whamon + Garudamon

| Akatorimon |

| Angemon |
01. Seraphimon + Myotismon

| Apemon |

| Bakemon |

| Birdramon |
01. Garudamon + Raidramon
02. Imperialdramon + Garudamon

| Centarumon |

| Clockmon |

| Coelamon |

| Cyclonemon |

| Darkrizamon |

| DarkTyrannomon |

| Deltamon |

| Devidramon |

| Devimon |
01. MetalMamemon + Myotismon

| Dolphmon |

| Drimogemon |

| Flamedramon |

| Flarerizamon |

| Flymon |
01. Gryphonmon + SkullGreymon

| Frigimon |

| Garurumon |

| Gatomon |
01. SkullGreymon + Seraphimon
02. VenomMyotismon + MetalGreymon
03. Seraphimon + MetalGreymon
04. Myotismon + MetalGreymon

| Gekomon |

| Gesomon |

| Guardromon |

| Gururumon |

| Hyogamon |

| IceDevimon |
01. Megadramon + Mamemon

| Icemon |

| Ikkakumon |
01. MarineDevimon + MagnaAngemon

| J-Mojyamon |

| Kabuterimon |

| Kiwimon |
01. Raidramon + MetalMamemon

| Kokatorimon |

| Kuwagamon |

| Leomon |
01. SkullMammothmon + Myotismon

| Meramon |

| Monochromon |

| MoriShellmon |

| MudFrigimon |

| Mojyamon |

| Nanimon |

| Ninjamon |
01. SkullMammothmon + MetalMamemon

| NiseDrimogemon |

| Numemon |

| Octomon |

| Ogremon |

| P-Sukamon |

| Piddomon |

| Raremon |

| RedVegiemon |

| Saberdramon |
01. SkullMammothmon + Garudamon
02. Raidramon + SkullMammothmon

| SandYanmamon |

| Seadramon |

| Shellmon |

| ShimaUnimon |
01. SkullGreymon + WereGarurumon
02. SkullMammothmon + MetalGreymon

| Soulmon |

| Starmon |
01. Seraphimon + MetalMamemon

| Sukamon |

| Tankmon |

| Togemon |

| Tortomon |

| Tuskmon |

| Tyrannomon |

| Unimon |

| Veedramon |
01. Megadramon + Phoenixmon
02. Megadramon + Garudamon
03. Imperialdramon + MetalGreymon
04. SkullGreymon + Phoenixmon
05. Phoenixmon + MetalGreymon
06. Imperialdramon + MetalGreymon
07. Seraphimon + Garudamon
08. Raidramon + MetalGreymon
09. Raidramon + Seraphimon
10. Myotismon + Garudamon
11. Raidramon + Myotismon

| Vegimon |

| Wizardmon |

| Woodmon |

| Yanmamon |

3.4 Ultimate Combinations
| AeroVeedramon |
01. Machinedramon + Phoenixmon
02. WarGreymon + Phoenixmon
03. WarGreymon + Imperialdramon

| Andromon |
01. Machinedramon + Seraphimon
02. Magnadramon + WarGreymon
03. WarGreymon + Seraphimon
04. WarGreymon + VenomMyotismon

| Angewomon |

| Blossomon |

| BlueMeramon |

| Cherrymon |

| Datamon |

| Deramon |
01. MetalGarurumon + Imperialdramon
02. MetalGarurumon + Phoenixmon
03. Gryphonmon + Phoenixmon

| Digitamamon |

| Dragomon |

| Etemon |

| ExTyrannomon |

| Garbagemon |

| Garudamon |
01. Imperialdramon + Magnadramon
02. Seraphimon + Phoenixmon
03. Imperialdramon + Phoenixmon
04. VenomMyotismon + Phoenixmon
05. Seraphimon + Imperialdramon
06. Magnadramon + Phoenixmon
07. Magnadramon + Imperialdramon

| Gigadramon |

| Giromon |

| Lillymon |

| MagnaAngemon |
01. Seraphimon + Magnadramon
02. Seraphimon + VenomMyotismon
03. Magnadramon + VenomMyotismon

| Mamemon |
01. MetalGarurumon + Magnadramon
02. MetalGarurumon + Seraphimon

| Mammothmon |

| MarineDevimon |

| MasterTyrannomon |

| Megadramon |

| MegaKabuterimon |

| MegaSeadramon |

| MetalGreymon |

| MetalMamemon |

| MetalTyrannomon |

| Meteormon |
01. MetalGarurumon + WarGreymon

| Monzaemon |

| Myotismon |

| Okuwamon |
01. Machinedramon + Gryphonmon

| Panjyamon |
01. SkullMammothmon + Seraphimon

| Phantomon |
01. MetalGarurumon + VenomMyotismon

| Piximon |
01. Gryphonmon + Seraphimon

| Pumpkinmon |

| Raidramon |

| Scorpiomon |

| ShogunGekomon |

| SkullGreymon |

| SkullMeramon |

| Tekkamon |

| Tinmon |

| Triceramon |

| Vademon |

| Vermilimon |

| WaruMonzaemon |

| WaruSeadramon |

| WereGarurumon |

| Whamon |

| Zudomon |

4.0 Digimon Analyzer
4.1 Rookie Digimon
| Agumon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Pepper Breath
Found: You get as partner when you join the Gold Hawk
Guard Team

| Betamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Electro Shocker
Found: SCSI Domain, Disk Domain, Web Domain

| Biyomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Spiral Twister
Found: SCSI Domain, Video Domain, Drive Domain

| Candlemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Fire
Skill: Flame Bomber
Found: BIOS Domain, Modem Domain

| ClearAgumon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Small HP Cure
Found: Drive Domain, Video Domain, Drive Domain 2

| Crabmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Water
Skill: Scissor Magic
Found: SCSI Domain, BIOS Domain, Modem Domain, Core Tower

| DemiDevimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Demi Dart
Found: You get as partner when you join the Black Sword
Guard Team, Web Domain, Core Tower, SCSI Domain 2

| Dokunemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Invisibility
Found: Web Domain, Disk Domain 2

| Elecmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: S-Thunder Smack
Found: Modem Domain, BIOS Domain 2

| Floramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Rain of Pollen
Found: BIOS Domain, Modem Domain, Core Tower

| Gabumon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Blue Blaster
Found: SCSI Domain, BIOS Domain, Core Tower, Tera Domain

| Gazimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: E-Stun Blast
Found: Boot Domain, Disk Domain, Web Domain, Disk Domain 2,
Core Tower

| Gizamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Spiral Saw
Found: Boot Domain, Disk Domain, Web Domain, Core Tower

| Goburimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Life Shield
Found: Disk Domain, Web Domain

| Gomamon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Marching Fishes
Found: Drive Domain, Video Domain 2, Core Tower

| Gotsumon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Rock Fist
Found: BIOS Domain, Modem Domain, Core Tower, SCSI Domain 2

| Hagurumon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Darkess Gear
Found: Web Domain, Disk Domain 2, SCSI Domain 2, Core Tower

| Kunemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Electro Thread
Found: Web Domain, Disk Domain 2

| Mushroomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Fungus Cruncher
Found: Web Domain 2, Laser Domain, Disk Domain 2

| Otamamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Stun Bubble
Found: Web Domain, Disk Domain 2

| Palmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Poison Ivy
Found: Modem Domain, BIOS Domain 2, Laser Domain

| Patamon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Boom Bubble
Found: BIOS Domain, Modem Domain, Core Tower

| Penguinmon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Super Slap
Found: Drive Domain, Video Domain 2

| SnowAgumon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Hail Storm
Found: Trade ToyAgumon at Digimon Center, Drive Domain,
Video Domain 2

| SnowGoburimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Bolt Strike
Found: SCSI Domain, Disk Domain, Web Domain

| Syakomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Black Peral Shot
Found: Web Domain, Disk Domain 2

| Tapirmon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Waking Dream
Found: SCSI Domain, Video Domain, Disk Domain,
Video Domain 2

| Tentomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Super Shocker
Found: Video Domain, Drive Domain, Video Domain 2

| ToyAgumon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Toy Flame
Found: Video Domain, Drive Domain, Video Domain 2,
Tera Domain

| Tsukaimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Friendly Fire
Found: Disk Domain 2, Web Domain 2

| Veemon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Vee Head Butt

4.2 Champion Digimon
| Airdramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Spinning Needle
Found: Scan Domain, Giga Domain

| Akatorimon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Zip Boom
Found: Laser Domain, Port Domain, BIOS Domain 2

| Angemon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Fist of Fate
Found: Drive Domain 2, Laser Domain

| Apemon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Mega Bone Stick
Found: Laser Domain, Drive Domain 2

| Bakemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Evil Charm
Found: Diode Domain, Laser Domain

| Birdramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Fire
Skill: Meteor Wing
Found: Drive Domain 2, Laser Domain, Code Domain

| Centarumon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Solar Ray
Found: Port Domain, Scan Domain, Laser Domain,
Modem Domain

| Clockmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Chrono Breaker
Found: Web Domain, Modem Domain, Port Domain

| Coelamon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Water
Skill: Fossil Bite

| Cyclonemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Hyper Heat

| Darkrizamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Darkness Ray

| DarkTyrannomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Fire Blast

| Deltamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Triple Forces
Found: Laser Domain

| Devidramon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Crimson Claw
Found: Diode Domain, Web Domain 2, Laser Domain

| Devimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Evil Touch
Found: Diode Domain, Web Domain 2, Laser Domain

| Dolphmon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Pulse Blast
Found: Drive Domain 2, Laser Domain

| Drimogemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Iron Drill Spin
Found: BIOS Domain 2, SCSI Domain 2

| Flamedramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Fire
Skill: Flaming Rocket

| Flarerizamon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Fire
Skill: Blaze Buster

| Flymon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Brown Stinger

| Frigimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: SubzeroIce Punch
Found: Giga Domain, Laser Domain

| Garurumon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Howling Blaster
Found: Drive Domain 2, Giga Domain, Laser Domain

| Gatomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Lightning Paw
Found: Drive Domain 2

| Gekomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Sonic Crusher

| Gesomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Coral Crusher

| Guardromon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Protect Grenade

| Gururumon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Anti-Dote

| Hyogamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Re-Initialise

| IceDevimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Water Ray

| Icemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Water
Skill: Defensive Ray

| Ikkakumon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Harpoon Torpedo
Found: Video Domain 2, Drive Domain 2

| J-Mojyamon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Parameter Patch

| Kabuterimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Electro-Shocker
Found: Power Domain, Giga Domain

| Kiwimon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Pummel Peck

| Kokatorimon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Stun Flame Shot

| Kuwagamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Scissor Claw

| Leomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Beast King Fist
Found: Drive Domain 2

| Meramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Fire
Skill: Fireball

| Monochromon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Volcanic Strike

| MoriShellmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Nature Hit Ray

| MudFrigimon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Armor Coating

| Mojyamon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Icicle Shot

| Nanimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Party Time

| Ninjamon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: NinjaKnifeThrow

| NiseDrimogemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Mech Ray

| Numemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Party Time
Found: SCSI Domain 2, Disk Domain 2, Video Domain 2

| Octomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Spurting Ink

| Ogremon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Pummel Whack

| P-Sukamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Panic Wave

| Piddomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Mega Heal

| Raremon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Buffalo Breath

| RedVegiemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Rotten Rainballs

| Saberdramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Anti-Confusion

| SandYanmamon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Stun Ray

| Seadramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Water
Skill: Ice Blast

| Shellmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Water
Skill: Hydro Blaster

| ShimaUnimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Anti-Freeze

| Soulmon |
Type: Virus
Skill: Necro Magic

| Starmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Meteor Stream

| Sukamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Party Time

| Tankmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Hyper Cannon

| Togemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Needle Spray

| Tortomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Strong Carapace

| Tuskmon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Slamming Tusk

| Tyrannomon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Blaze Blast

| Unimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Air Attack

| Veedramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: V-Nova Blast

| Vegimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Party Time

| Wizardmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Thunder Ball

| Woodmon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Twig Tap

| Yanmamon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Thunder Ray

4.3 Ultimate Digimon
| AeroVeedramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: V-Wing Blade

| Andromon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Lightning Blade

| Angewomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Heaven's Arrow

| Blossomon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Ninja Flower

| BlueMeramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Fire
Skill: MP Magic

| Cherrymon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Pit Pelter

| Datamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Digital Bomb

| Deramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Royal Smasher

| Digitamamon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Hyper Flashing

| Dragomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Tentacle Claw

| Etemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Concert Crush

| ExTyrannomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Pretty Attack

| Garbagemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Junk Chunker

| Garudamon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Wing Blade

| Gigadramon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Giga Byte Wing

| Giromon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Big Bang Boom

| Lillymon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Flower Cannon

| MagnaAngemon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: HP Recovery
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

| Mamemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Smiley Bomb

| Mammothmon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Tusk Crusher
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

| MarineDevimon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Evil Wind

| MasterTyrannomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Zen Recovery

| Megadramon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Darkside Attack

| MegaKabuterimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Horn Buster
Found: Scan Domain, Mega Domain

| MegaSeadramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Water
Skill: Lightning Spear

| MetalGreymon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Giga Blaster
Found: BIOS Domain, Giga Domain, Scan Domain

| MetalMamemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Energetic Bomb

| MetalTyrannomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Fire Blast II

| Meteormon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Invincibility

| Monzaemon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Virus Attack

| Myotismon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Grizly Wing

| Okuwamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Duo Scissor Claw

| Panjyamon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Full Recovery

| Phantomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Shadow Scythe

| Piximon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Magical Tail

| Pumpkinmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Trick or Treat

| Raidramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Lightning Blast

| Scorpiomon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Water
Skill: Tail Blade

| ShogunGekomon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Musical Fist

| SkullGreymon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Dark Shot

| SkullMeramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Fire
Skill: Metal Fireball

| Tekkamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Machine
Skill: MP Destroyer

| Tinmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Recovery Power

| Triceramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Tri-Horn Attack

| Vademon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: None
Skill: Alien Ray

| Vermilimon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Re-Format

| WaruMonzaemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Heart Break Hit

| WaruSeadramon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Poison Wave

| WereGarurumon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Wolf Claw

| Whamon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Tidal Wave
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

| Zudomon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Vulcan's Hammer

4.4 Mega Digimon
| Baihumon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Kongou
Found: Tera Domain

| Boltmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Tomahawk Crunch
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

| Diaboromon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Inferno Missle

| GranKuwagamon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: X-Scissor Claw
Found: Tera Domain

| Gryphonmon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Legendary Blade
Found: Tera Domain

| HerculesKabuterimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Nature
Skill: GigaScissorClaw
Found: Tera Domain

| Imperialdramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Mega Fire

| Jijimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Hung on Death
Found: Tera Domain

| Machinedramon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: darkness
Skill: Giga Cannon
Found: Trade SkullGreymon for one at Digimon Center,
Tera Domain

| Magnadramon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Fire Tornado
Found: Trade Angewomon for one at Digimon Center,
Tera Domain

| MarineAngemon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Water
Skill: Ocean Love
Found: Tera Domain

| MetalEtemon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Banana Slip
Found: Tera Domain

| MetalGarurumon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Freeze Breath
Found: Trade a MetalSeadramon at the Digimon Center,
Tera Domain

| MetalSeadramon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Energy Blast
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

| Omnimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Transcend Sword
Found: Tera Domain

| Phoenixmon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Crimson Flame
Found: Tera Domain

| Piedmon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Trump Sword
Found: Tera Domain

| Preciomon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Water
Skill: Sad Water Blast
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

| PrinceMamemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Machine
Skill: Smiley Warhead
Found: Tera domain

| Pukumon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Water
Skill: Needle Squall
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

| Puppetmon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Puppet Pummel
Found: Tera Domain

| Rosemon |
Type: Data
Specialty: Nature
Skill: Rose Spear

| SaberLeomon |
Type: Data
Specialty: None
Skill: Howling Crusher
Found: Tera Domain

| Seraphimon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Full HP Cure
Found: Tera Domain

| SkullMammothmon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: S-Bone Crusher
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

| VenomMyotismon |
Type: Virus
Specialty: Darkness
Skill: Venom Infusion
Found: Tera Domain

| WarGreymon |
Type: Vaccine
Specialty: None
Skill: Terra Force
Found: Chaos Tower, Tera Domain

5.0 Skills List
5.1 Attack
| Name | Description | MP |
| Air Attack | Fires an air burst | 8 |
| Alien Ray | Fires a ray beam | 20 |
| Big Bang Boom | Throws grenades at all foes | 40 |
| Black Pearl Shot | Attacks with no defense | 4 |
| Blaze Blast | Attacks with a fire blast | 10 |
| Blue Blaster | Attacks with blue blaster | 4 |
| Bolt Strike | Attack with a snowball | 6 |
| Boom Bubble | An air shot | 6 |
| Brown Stinger | Shoots poison needles | 12 |
| Concert Cursh | Disables strong techs | 18 |
| Coral Crusher | Slows enemy down | 12 |
| Crimson Claw | Confuse, poison & stun foe | 18 |
| Darkness Gear | Attacks with a black gear | 8 |
| Dark Shot | Fires an organic missle | 20 |
| Darkside Attack | Foe can't heal HP | 20 |
| Demi Dart | Lowers MP a little | 8 |
| Digital Bomb | Tosses small bombs at all foes | 30 |
| Duo Scissor Claw | Lower's all foes defense | 36 |
| E-Stun Blast | May paralyze | 8 |
| Electric Shock | Attack with a bolt of electricity | 8 |
| Electro Thread | Attack with electro threads | 8 |
| Energy Blast | Shoot energy blasts at foes | 60 |
| Evil Charm | Fade away spell confusion | 12 |
| Evil Touch | Lowers MP | 12 |
| Evil Wind | Slows enemy down | 36 |
| Fireball | Throws a fire punch | 12 |
| Fire Blast | Attacks all foes with fire blast | 22 |
| Fire Blast II | Attacks with oragnic missle | 20 |
| Fire Tornado | Shoots energy at all foes | 80 |
| Fist of Fate | Attacks with a light-speed punch | 10 |
| Flame Bomber | Shoots a fireball | 6 |
| Flaming Rocket | Attacks with a blazing rocket | 12 |
| Flower Cannon | Fires flower energy blast | 16 |
| Fossil Bite | Attacks with claws | 8 |
| Freeze Breath | Frozen breath hits all foes | 60 |
| Friendly Fire | Makes enemy attack themselves | 4 |
| Giga Blaster | Attacks with a organic missle | 18 |
| Giga Byte Wing | Foes can't recover status | 20 |
| Giga Cannon | Attacks till MP runs out | 60 |
| Grisly Wing | Attacks with flying bats | 40 |
| Hail Storm | Attacks with a ice spear | 8 |
| Harpoon Torpedo | Shoots a horn missile | 10 |
| Heaven's Arrow | Attacks with a light-speed arrow | 16 |
| Howling Blaster | Shoots blue flame | 12 |
| Howling Crusher | No counter, claw attack | 30 |
| Hydro Blaster | Shoots high-pressure water | 10 |
| Hyper Cannon | Fires a cannon | 10 |
| Hyper Heat | High heat attack | 10 |
| Ice Blast | Shoots ice blades at all foes | 18 |
| Icicle Shot | Shoots icicle at foes | 10 |
| Inferno Missle | Fires missiles at all foes | 80 |
| Iron Drill Spin | Attacks with an iron drill | 10 |
| Junk Chunker | Shoots poop at enemies | 12 |
| Legendary Blade | Sonic attack hits all foes | 70 |
| Lightning Blade | Lightning blade hits all foes | 24 |
| Lightning Blast | Fires a electric burst | 20 |
| Lightning Paw | Attacks with claws | 10 |
| Lightning Spear | Fires a lightning bolt | 16 |
| Magical Tail | Throws a spear at a foe | 18 |
| Marching Fishes | Attacks with a school of fishes | 6 |
| Mega Bone Stick | Attacks all foes with needles | 14 |
| Mega Fire | Energy blasts all foes | 84 |
| Metal Fireball | Shoots metal fireballs at all foes| 32 |
| Meteor Wing | Attacks all foes with fireballs | 18 |
| Musical Fist | Foes may recover | 12 |
| Needle Squall | Shoots spines at all foes | 80 |
| Ninja Flower | Shoots a flower shuriken | 30 |
| Nova Blast | Attacks with a fireball | 12 |
| Ocean Love | Disables foes strong techs | 30 |
| Party Time | Power increases when poisoned | 10 |
| Pepper Breath | Small fireball attack | 8 |
| Pit Pelter | Attack all foes with cherries | |
| Poison Ivy | Poisons foe with poison ivy | 8 |
| Pretty Attack | Disables foes strong techs | 20 |
| Protect Grenade | Fires a homing missile | 12 |
| Pulse Blast | Lower foes offensive power | 12 |
| Pummel Peck | Sends mini-kiwimon | 10 |
| Puppet Pummel | Explosive hammer attack | 32 |
| Rain of Pollen | Attacks with pollen | 6 |
| Rock Fist | Attacks with a big rock | 8 |
| Rose Spear | Hosomi punch all enemies | 60 |
| Royal Smasher | Shoots egg at foe | 14 |
| S-Bone Crusher | Spinning bone hits all foes | 70 |
| S-Thunder Smack | Randomly hits foes with LitBolt | 6 |
| Sad Water Blast | Hits all foes with sad water | 80 |
| Scissor Claw | May lower defense | 12 |
| Scissor Magic | Scissor claw attack | 6 |
| Shadow Scythe | Hits again if foe is stun/faints | 20 |
| Slamming Tusk | Throws a quick punch | 12 |
| Solar Ray | Fires an energy burst | 8 |
| Sonic Crusher | Sonic blow confuses foe | 12 |
| Spinning Needle | Hits resting enemies harder | 10 |
| Spiral Saw | Attacks with back fin | 8 |
| Spiral Twister | Attacks with a twister | 6 |
| Spurting Ink | Shoots blank ink at foe | 10 |
| Strong Carapace | Shoots spikes at all foes | 12 |
| Stun Bubble | Confuses foe with bubbles | 8 |
| Stun Flame Shot | Stuns foe with flame | 12 |
| SubzeroIce Punch | Powers up with repeated use | 10 |
| Super Shocker | Randomly attacks a enemy | 6 |
| Super Slap | Attacks with a fin slap | 6 |
| Tentacle Claw | Throws a 3-point spear | 16 |
| Terra Force | Fires powerful energy shots | 40 |
| Thunder Ray | Fires a thunder bolt | 10 |
| Tidal Wave | Lowers all foes offensive power | 36 |
| Tomahawk Crunch | Throws axes at all enemies | 60 |
| Toy Flame | Shoots flame blocks | 6 |
| Transcend Sword | Powerful on resting enemies | 38 |
| Tri-Horn Attack | Attacks with a horn | 16 |
| Trick or Threat | Hits all foes with no defense | 30 |
| Triple Forces | Fires energy bursts at all foes | 18 |
| Trump Sword | Unstoppable sword throw | 30 |
| Tusk Crusher | Crushes foes who gets caught | 18 |
| V-Nova Blast | Hits foes about to counter | 10 |
| V-Wing Blade | Hits resting enemies harder | 18 |
| Vee Head Butt | A head butt attack | 8 |
| Volcanic Strike | Shoots fireballs | 12 |
| Vulcan's Hammer | Hits all foes with a hammer | 28 |
| Waking Dream | Attacks with a nightmare | 4 |
| Wolf Claw | Attacks with claws | 16 |
| X-Scissor Claw | Attacks with a claw | 40 |

5.2 CounterAttack
| Name | Description | MP |
| Beast King Fist | Returns damage on counter | 12 |
| Buffalo Breath | Confuses foe on counter | 10 |
| Energetic Bomb | Counterattack hits all foes | 20 |
| Meteor Stream | Counterattack hits all foes | 12 |
| Needle Spray | Counterattack poisons foe | 10 |
| Ninja Knife Throw | Raises counterattack power | 10 |
| Pummel Whack | Use foe's MP for counter | 20 |
| Smiley Bomb | Attack stronger when counter | 16 |
| Smiley Warhead | Counterattack hits all foes | 40 |
| Tail Blade | Avoids attack while resting | 18 |
| Thunder Ball | Stuns foe in counterattack | 10 |

5.3 Interrupt
| Name | Description | MP |
| Chrono Breaker | Delays foe's attack | 14 |
| Electro Shocker | Attacks and lowers tech power | 12 |
| Giga Scissor Claw | Disables enemy attack | 40 |
| Horn Buster | Attacks and lowers tech power | 20 |
| Life Shield | Lowers tech power | 6 |
| MP Destroyer | Weakens foe's attack. Suck MP | 12 |
| MP Magic | Recovers MP used for tech | 4 |
| Venom Infusion | Stuns enemy with fear | 40 |
| Wing Blade | Fires a vaccum blade | 20 |

5.4 Assist
| Name | Description | MP |
| Anti-Dote | Cures 1 of your digi of poison | 12 |
| Anti-Confusion | Cures 1 of your digi of confusion | 12 |
| Anti-Freeze | Cures 1 of your digi of paralyze | 12 |
| Armor Coating | Boosts 1 of your digi's attack | 10 |
| Banana Slip | Trips all resting enemies | 60 |
| Blaze Buster | Add flame effects to attack | 10 |
| Crimson Flame | Revives 1 of your digi to Full HP | 50 |
| Darkness Ray | Learns darkness abilities | 10 |
| Defensive Ray | Boosts 1 of your digi's defense | 10 |
| Full HP Cure | Heals all your digi to full HP | 80 |
| Full Recovery | Heals 1 of your digi to full HP | 18 |
| Fungus Cruncher | Poisons foe when attacked | 8 |
| Heart Break Hit | Weakens all Data digimon | 36 |
| HP Recovery | Heals all your digi 150 HP | 24 |
| Hung on Death | Revives zombied digimon | 20 |
| Hyper Flashing | Weakens all Vaccine digimon | 36 |
| Invincibility | Makes your digimon unbeatable | 20 |
| Invisibility | Excludes from enemy attack | 8 |
| Kongou | Makes your digimon unbeatable | 16 |
| Mech Ray | Gives machine FX ability | 10 |
| Mega Heal | Heals 1 of your digi 150 HP | 12 |
| Nature Hit Ray | Adds nature effects on digimon | 10 |
| Necro Magic | Sucks MP of all stunned digimon | 0 |
| Panic Wave | Gives confusion ability to attack | 10 |
| Parameter Patch | Recovers digimon's parameters | 12 |
| Poison Wave | Gives poison ability to attack | 26 |
| Recovery Power | Cures confusion, stun & poison | 36 |
| Re-Format | Resets all foe's parameters | 40 |
| Re-Initialise | Resets a foes's parameters | 12 |
| Rotten Rainballs | Gives poison effect to attack | 8 |
| Small HP Cure | Heals 1 of your digi 50 HP | 6 |
| Stun Ray | Adds stun effect to attack | 10 |
| Virus Attack | Weakens all Virus Digimon | 36 |
| Water Ray | Attacks water FX to attack | 10 |
| Zen Recovery | Full parameter recovery | 40 |
| Zip Boom | Boosts digimon's speed | 12 |

6.0 Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Where can you find a DNA UpChip?
A. There is one as a prize after beating one of the Tournament
Ranks. I can't remember which one though. I've also found
DNA-UpChips in Treasure Chests in Tera Domain.

Q. How do you increase your DP?
A. You have to DNA Digivolve in order to increase DP.
Everytime you DNA Digivolve, your digimon's DP will increase
by one from the digimon with the highest DP that you used to
DNA Digivolve. You can raise DP by one by using DNA UpChip
and decrease DP by one when you use the DNA DnChip.

Q. Can you change and delete skills for a digimon?
A. Yes you can. Just use the choose option when a digimon
learnes new skills and choose what you want to keep and delete.
A digimon can only have a maximum of 12 skills altogether
regardless of category.

Q. Where is the Tera Domain?
A. It is only opened after you complete the game. Same as getting
the Machinedramon Card in Digimon World.

Q. How come I see a lot of 999999999999 on my digimon at certain
A. Your Digimon has hit EL limit(Level limit) and its level
cannot go higher. You have to DNA Digivolve to increase EL

Q. How do you recurit new digimon?
A. First, you need gifts for the respective digimon type. Then when
you see the digimon you want to recurit, hit square[] until you see
the info for the digimon you want. Then you hit X and select the
gift you want to use. Continue giving gifts until you see a very big
heart on top of the digimon. Then fight the digimon. The last digimon
you kill MAY join you. Please take note you need the shooter gun to
shoot gifts to digimon.

Q. How does a digimon inherit skills?
A. A digimon inherits all the skills it's parents have, not including
any of it's stage's default skill. So if a digimon does not have the
skill it's parents have, it cannot be passed onto the child. In other
words, Digimon only inherits skills from it's parents, but not it's
grandparents, even if you know who they are.

- Me for typing out this FAQ.
- My sister for helping me get some of the info
- My brother for helping out too
- pinoymegaman003@cs.com for giving me the correct formula
for calculating EL Limit
- Darien Blaque(adam7684@hotmail.com) for offering to help
me to complete the DNA Digivolve list.
- Terriermon at the DW2 MB for helping me out big time.
- DavidRod@erols.com for providing his thoery of DNA
- Anyone else who helped in anyway with this FAQ, no matter
how small.
- Bandai and anyone involved for making this game.
- Whoever created the GameShark. If it weren't for the
GameShark, I don't think my sister and I would have been
able to do this easily ^_^

Copyright (C) alucard_rpg@yahoo.com

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Digivolving FAQ

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Alle Digimons, alle Gebiete offen, viele Bits und mehr.

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