Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

12.10.2013 16:43:11
Guide FAQ
RESIDENT EVIL - Players Guide by Scooter Obermeyer (

This guide is for both Jill & Chris.

Your first objective is to find some clues. After speaking to Barry go
to the far door and go through it. You should now meet your first zombie
so arm your gun(or knife if you`re feeling a bit handy) and shoot it down.
After a few shots it will fall down, but it isn`t dead so aim down and blast
it to make it stand up again and then shoot it some more. The body is
, this is the first clue. Collect the clips and go back to talk to Barry.
Barry will still be where you spoke to him(still `examining` the blood).
A zombie will now burst in and Barry will take care of it automatically. Now
go to the Main Hall. Barry will now give you a lock pick and tell you where
to go next, so go through the blue doors. In this room are 2 moveable objects
(a desk and some steps), move the steps next to the statue and collect the
map, now move the desk away from the door and enter. Inside there is a zombie
on the floor, you can either shoot him on the floor or have some fun and boot
his head off(Chris crushes his head), collect the ribbon on the shelf and
Now go through the other door.
As you walk down the corridor a dog will burst through the window and
head towards you. Stay calm and shoot him with timed shots, it takes 5-6
Around the corner is another dog, do the same thing to kill him and exit
through the door. The first door you see is a bathroom, ignore it(unless
you are Chris in which case you should drain the water and find a cabinet
key). Carry on down the corridor and you will come across two doors. The
door on your left leads to a room with a shotgun in it. If you are Jill then
go inside and get it, it will trigger a trap but don`t worry because Barry
will save you. If you are playing Chris don`t go in this room yet as you
will be killed by the trap.
Going through the other door you will meet 2 more zombies, if you Jill
you can get some good practise at blowing zombies heads off(aim high).Go
through the Grey Door and kill the zombie by the stairs. Collect the green
plant and use it if you have been hurt. Going through the door you will
find a save room containing some Earth and a chest with 2 clips inside.
Save the game using the ribbon you found and then dump it in the chest.
Collect the Earth and then exit and go up the stairs. To your left will
be a zombie, quickly take him out and then take out the other one behind
you. Now go through the door at the end of the corridor.
Shoot the zombie and turn right into a small study. Examine the Botany
book and then leave. Head along the corridor, you should see a pair of
green doors, you cannot enter these yet so continue down the corridor.
After shooting another zombie you should find another 2 doors, go through
the unlocked door. You are now back in the Main Hall. Barry will meet you
(Jill only)and give you some bazooka ammo. Now you have to find the bazooka.
The bazooka is being guarded by some vicious crows in the door next to
the one you just came through. Investigate the body and you will find the
bazooka(Chris will find 2 clips).Don`t bother killing the crows as they
are a pain to kill. Exit and go across the hall to the other door.
You are now on the balcony above the Dining Room, there are 2 zombies.
After killing them push the stone statue off the balcony and go through
the far door. You will find 2 more zombies by some stairs, kill them and
then go down the stairs. 2 more zombies await you so be ready. Go through
the door at the bottom of the stairs. Inside is a save room with a chest,
(If you are Chris you meet Rebecca for the first time, she will volunteer
to help you, if you say `Yes` she will prepare some medicine for you which
is handy as Chris has it quite tough and helps you out later in the game, if
you say `No` she will prepare some medicine but won`t help you out later
in the game). Collect the ribbon on the bed(Chris gets a key) and save.
Remember this room as it is important later in the game. Exit this room
and continue down the corridor encountering another zombie. the door on
your right contains a clip, shotgun shells and a rusty shotgun(Chris
needs this to get the shotgun) but can`t be entered yet. Go through the
other door shoot the zombies and head down the narrow corridor towards the
plant room.
In this room is a nasty plant which won`t let you near the key behind
it. To kill it put the Earth in the pump and then collect the key behind
it. Use the green plants if you have been injured. Now go back to the rusty
shotgun room and collect the items(Chris has to use the rusty shotgun to
get the new shotgun). Now go back through the doors and turn right.
Go through the door on your right and you will find a bedroom. On the
bed is a clip. Upon investigation of the desk a zombie will burst out of
the cupboard and try to eat you. Show him who`s boss and blow his head off.
In the cupboard is some more handy shotgun ammo. Exit and continue down the
corridor(ignore the left turning, it leads to a small room with a tiger
statue in it). Going through the door you will find yourself in the place
where you found the first zombie. Go into the Dining room and collect the
wooden shield above the fireplace and the Blue Gem in the debree of the
fallen statue. Now go back to the Tiger statue and use the Blue Gem to get
the first Amulet. Go back to the corridor, turn left and go through the
Red doors into the Piano Room.
JILL-Jill can play the piano so all you have to do is find the music sheet
and play the piano to reveal the hidden entrance.

CHRIS-Chris can`t play the piano so Rebecca comes in. She has some knowledge
the piano but needs to practise. Now is a good time to go and get the
When you return Rebecca has learnt the score and opens the hidden entrance.
Once the hidden room has been found go in and pick up the gold shield, the
door will now close trapping you. Replace the Gold Shield with the Wooden
Shield and the entrance will open up again. Now take the Gold Shield to the
Dining Room and slot it into the hole above the fireplace, this will move the
clock to reveal another key. Use these 2 keys to open the doors in the
part of the eastern wing of the mansion.
Go through the pair of Green Doors to find the second Amulet. The puzzle
inside is quite easy(cover the vents, switch the switch). Exit and turn left.
Inside the next door you`ll find Richard, he`s been attacked by a giant
snake and needs the serum. Jill has to now find the serum, remember that
important room?, go back there and get the serum(Chris doesn`t have get the
serum as Richard is already dead). When you return you find that Richard
dies anyway, before he dies he gives you a radio(which is pretty
useless but neccessary) and if you search his body you will find another
Collect some green plants and go through the door.
After entering the room wait a second, a zombie will stumble out of
the side straight into your sights. Going down the corridor where the zombie
came from you`ll find a room with a clip. When you get the lighter come back
to this room. Exit and go up the stairs.
The Giant Snake
As you walk around the room a Giant Snake will appear, use the automatic aim
(R1) to shoot him. After you have shot him a few times he will run away
leaving another Amulet. Search the room to find some shotgun ammo and use
the green plant if you are hurt.
Death Sequence
If you are low on energy the snake will kill you by swallowing you in a
most gory way!.
Once you have killed the snake exit the room, you will be poisoned.
JILL-Jill collapses and Barry will take her to the serum room.

CHRIS-Chris collapses, you now have to control Rebecca. She now has to get
the serum. Chris wakes up in the Serum Room with Rebecca.
You should now have 3 Amulets ,head towards the Grey Door(Eastern Wing,
and enter the opposite door. You should find yourself in the Gallery, there
are paintings on the wall and Crows up above. The solution to this room lies
in the paintings. Each painting has a switch behind it, switch them in the
order will reveal an amulet behind the farthest painting. The solution is(in
the order you encounter them) 2 4 5 3 1 6, and then the farthest painting.
You now have all the Amulets. Exit the Gallery and go straight forward out
of the door to go outside.
Outside is a dog, waste him with your shotgun and put the Amulets in the
slots, the door will now open.
Inside is a room containing a crank(move the steps to get at it), now go
There are 2 dogs out here so do some careful shooting otherwise they will be
all over you. After killing the dogs go through the rusty gates and use the
crank on the sluese gate. This will drain the water so that you can now go
across to the other side. On the other side run because snakes appear and
will poison you. Go down the lift.
Stepping off the lift you will find yourself by 2 dogs, kill them from a
distance and go through the other rusty gates(ignore the other lift for now).
Through these gates are 2 more dogs, the first one can be tricky because
of the camera angle but the other one is easy. Enter the door.
In front of you should be a stone statue, push this over the hole down
the corridor(this prevents a vine monster from grabbing you). Go through
the door on your right to find a save room. Save here and dump any
unnecessary items(keys, plants, ribbons), collect the bazooka ammo and
exit. Go into the door opposite to find 2 zombies, some shotgun ammo(in the
drawer) and an important red book. Go into the other door to find an
important key in the bath. The Red door at the end of the corridor contains
2 spiders, a clip and a save ribbon. Go through the door past the statue.
Enter the first door you see. In this room are 3 doors, one is the door to
the Chemical room which is protected by a security lock(light all the lights
to open the door),the next door is the `003` door which you need to find the
key for later and the last door is a one way door of no importance yet.
Venturing into part of the room you will find a wasps nest, by this nest is
a `002` key, grab it and run as wasps start to appear. Exit out of the
door you came through and turn right to find the `002` door. Unlock this
door and enter. Inside are 2 bookcases, move the left bookcase back and
the right bookcase towards where the other one was. This will reveal a
hidden ladder, make sure you have the bathtub key and a space in your
inventory and then go down the ladder.
Down the ladder are some boxes, push them into the water to make a
bridge. Go across the bridge and through the door.
IMPORTANT-Do NOT go left, the shark will kill you instantly.
Turn right and run through the water until you see 2 doors, head towards
the lefthand door. The shark will be right behind you so don`t waste time.
In this room is a switch which drains the water(leaving the sharks high
and dry, and easy to kill). Switch the flashing switch to open the door
nextdoor. Inside this room is some ammo for your shotgun and beretta and
the `003` key. Take this key back to the `003` and open it. Now put the
Red Book in the bookcase and go through the secret door(if you don`t have
a ribbon and want to save you can find a ribbon in the drawer).
JILL-After Jill has shot the plant and it shrivels up, Barry will come in
and finish it off.

CHRIS-If you said `Yes` to Rebecca when she offered to help then Chris
will be grabbed by the plant and Rebecca will appear. You now have
to control Rebecca. Go to the Chemical Room and make V-Jolt(the
instructions are on the wall), now use this in the Plant Room(near
the shark room).

If you said `No` to Rebecca you have to kill the plant on your own.
It takes lots of hits with your beretta and shotgun, don`t stay
in the same place too long as the ceiling will fall on you.
When the Tentacle Plant has died you can now investigate the fireplace
to find a key, use this key to open locked doors in the Mansion. Go back
to the Mansion.
The first door to unlock is the door next to the Grey door(where you
meet the first Hunter). Inside is a dark room, turn the light on and
collect the Red Book and the Python Ammo. This is a clue, life is alot
easier with the Python.

CHRIS-About this time Chris will hear Rebecca scream, if you make your
way to the room where you met her you will find that she is about
to be killed by a Hunter, unless you save her. DON`T go yet as the
Hunter is hard to kill with the shotgun. Instead find the Python.
Your main objective now is to get the Python which is concealed behind
the Tiger Statue. To get the Python you need the Red Gem. The easiest
route to get to the Red Gem room is to go along the ground floor until
you get to the Main Hall, now go upstairs to the Balcony in the Dining
Room and kill the Hunters(if you are low on ammo just shoot one and
dodge the other). Going through the far door you will find 2 more Hunters
either kill these or dodge them. If you are Chris DO NOT go down the stairs.
Enter the door next to the stairs and you will find yourself in a room
full of stuffed animals. On the table are some documents and on the desk
is some ammo for your shotgun and Python. The Red Gem is hidden in the
Stags Head but you cannot see it yet. Push the steps in front of the
fireplace and switch the light off, you will now see the Red Gem, collect
it and go to the Tiger Statue. REMEMBER if you are Chris do not go down
the stairs, instead go the long way round(Balcony, Main Hall, Dining Room,
First Zombie Corridor). You will meet 3 more Hunters, 2 are easy to dodge
but you will have to kill the one outside the Tiger Statue Room. Put the
Red Gem in the Statue and collect the Python, arm it and go kill some
Hunters!(it only takes one shot. If you are playing Chris go and rescue
Rebecca(Serum Room).
CHRIS-If you save Rebecca she will set off the self destruct sequence at
the end of the game.
If you go into Serum Room you hear a scream as Rebecca is killed.
Chris is deeply saddened by Rebecca`s death, letting out a heartfelt
`ReeeeebbbeCCCCCCCCaaaaaaa!!!!`. It truly makes you feel guilty!.
Your next objective now is to find a Battery for the Broken Lift. Go
to the Eastern Staircase(making sure you have the Tentacle Plant Key
and 3 spaces in you inventory). Go up the stairs and kill the Hunters(one
you can shoot in the back!). the door on your right leads to 2 more rooms.
One has a lighter, shotgun ammo and a Red Plant. the other has some
Bazooka ammo(Chris has more Shotgun ammo). the lighter can be used to
reveal a map in the room down the corridor but it`s not really vital.
Exit and go to the room down the corridor. Enter and go through the Red
Door. Inside is a Piano, go up to it and investigate. The snake you
fought previously will now appear from the fireplace and try to
finish you off. Shoot him with either your Python(!) or Shotgun. During
the battle the Snake will make a large hole in the floor, investigate.
JILL-Upon investigating the hole Barry will come in and help Jill to
climb down. When Jill climbs down the rope mysteriously drops.
Barry says that dropping the rope was an accident. If you wait for
him to drop another rope then he will help you out later in the
If you do not wait for Barry and continue down the ladder(underneath
the gravestone) then he will not appear until the end in which he
CHRIS-Chris goes down the hole but cannot get back up.
Go down the ladder and decapitate the zombies. Around the corner from
the ladder is some more Shotgun Ammo. Go down the corridor through the
doors. You will now hear 2 zombies eating something, approach them slowly
and shoot them on the floor. Collect the Green Plants if you need them.
Going through the next door you will find yourself in a Kitchen. The door
in front of you leads back to the First Zombie Corridor, ignore this for
now. If you are Chris collect the Key on the stove. Turn right and go to
the lift(killing the Zombie on the floor). Exiting the lift you find
another Zombie, kill him and turn right. Go through the door ahead to
find some shotgun ammo and a Battery. Exit and on the immediate left will
be a Zombie, kill him. If you continue down this corridor you will see
a Zombie eating another, creep up to them and kill them both. The door
here is locked so go back to the lift and turn left, kill the Zombie and
go through the Blue Doors. Inside is a Library containing 2 Zombies. the
first Zombie is easy the kill, the second is a bit trickier. Go through
the left opening and turn right, be ready as a Zombie will be right next
to you, blow his head off!. The book contains some useful information.
If you need a Ribbon, Clip or simply want a nice view out of the window
then continue forward and push the bookcase left to find the door. Now go
through the other door. There are no Zombies in here so you can relax, find
the switch and push the statue to where the light is shining. Collect the
CD-ROM and exit. If you want some more Python ammo it can be found in the
drawer. Exit and head towards the Broken Lift(by the Waterfall) making sure
you have the Crank in your inventory.
Put the Battery in the hole and go up the lift. Use the Crank on the
Water Gate and go back down to the Waterfall using the new lift. You can now
go down the ladder which was behind the Waterfall. Go through the door.
JILL-If you waited for Barry to drop the rope then he will meet you here.
He will ask to help you.
If you say `Yes` then he will ask if he should go first. If you say
then he will go first. If you want the ultimate ending then you MUST go
through the door on the left to meet him otherwise you will find him
later by the ladder, dying(where he will give you a picture of his
If you say `No` when he asks to help you then he die at the end of the
CHRIS-A Flamethrower will now be on the wall, collect it and find Enrico.
Exploring this section you will find a Health Spray and Bazooka ammo(Chris
gets Shotgun ammo). Going through another door you will find Enrico. Enrico
is wounded and now talks to Jill(He tries to shoot Chris!), but before he
can reveal who is the traitor he gets shot by a mysterious person who runs
away and drops another crank. A clip can be found on Enrico, collect the
crank(on the floor) and go back towards the ladder. The place is now crawling
with Hunters so be carefull. At the ladder go down the corridor and save if
you have a ribbon on you(the next part can be lethal). Around the corner is
another hole you can use your crank on, this revolves the corridor allowing
you to go through the door. This next bit is tricky, but if you can control
your character well then it shouldn`t be a problem. Go right up to the
boulder and run back to the door, the boulder will now start to roll very
fast towards you, if it catches you it will kill you instantly. Now go
to where the boulder(this will trigger a Hunter so arm your Python and kill
him) was and collect the Bazooka ammo(or Python ammo for Chris). Go through
the wall past the boulder. Inside this next room is a large poisonous
Spider, kill him with 2 shots of your Python and watch out for the baby
Spiders(exit the room and come back in and they will be gone). The opposite
door is blocked by a spiders web so collect the Knife in corner to cut
through it(or use Chris`s Flamethrower). Go through the door and turn left.
Go through the door(avoiding the snakes). You should now be in a save room
,collect the ribbon and save as there is another boulder section coming up.
Collect the Heal Spray and put it in the Chest, there is also a Blue Plant
on the floor, use it if you have been poisoned. Before leaving this room
make sure you have the Reb Book and the Hexagonal crank. Exit and go through
the far door(if you are Chris put the Flamethrower back on the wall to open
the door). Turn right and head towards the hole for the Crank, use the crank
3 times to turn the corridor. Go up to the boulder and run towards the
corridor you just made, once the boulder has past go to where it was and
collect the CD-ROM. Now go back to the corridor you just made and enter
the door. The puzzle in this room is quite easy(use the crank to push the
statue away from the wall). Collect the Blue book and exit. You should now
have a Red and a Blue Book, open them to reveal 2 Amulets. Go back to the
door and turn left towards the lift. Up the lift is a round pool, use the
amulets on the holes and go down the steps and the ladder at the bootom.
You will now be in a room with a chest, dump any unnecessary items and
collect the 2 CD-ROMS. Outside this room are 2 Zombies, careful as they
spit acid at you. CUse the Plants if you get injured. Collect the CD-ROM
on the desk(the door cannot be opened yet) and go down the stairs. This
place is crawling with a new kind of Zombie, they are slow but if they
catch you they will inflict massive damage, use your Shotgun to shoot them.
Turn right at the bottom of the stairs and go through the doors. The first
door on your left is a room containing clues on how to decode a password.
Use the 2 lights to solve the puzzle(the other light is hidden behind the
bookcase). A clip is hidden in the box and there is a plant in the corner.
Go back to the stairs and go straight forwards. Go through the doors into
the Computer Room and login as JOHN, and password ADA. You will now be
given the option to unlock some doors, use the password found in the
previous room(CLUE:Monty ****). Now collect the Slide Reel on the floor
and go back up the stairs to the previously locked door. Use the Slide Reel
on the machine to view some interesting details(is that Wesker?). Look at
the Vent on the wall to find a switch, use it to find a Key. Now go back
down the stairs, turn right through the doors and go to the other door.
Inside you will find a room with 4 Zombies in it, use your Shotgun, Bazooka
or Python to get rid of them. Collect the file in the wall and then use
a CD-ROM on the machine in the corner(past the `interesting` picture).
This CD-Rom machine opens one of the 3 switches that lock the other door
outside, this door leads to a cell containing Chris(or Jill) so if you
want the ultimate ending you have to find all the machines. One is in
Power Room 2 and the other is in a secret room only accessible through
an Air Vent, both of which you`ll find later.
With the key you found in the Slide Room go to the stairs and find
the door with a Red marking in front of it. Enter and turn left through
the doors. Solve the box-moving puzzle inside(don`t step on the switch)
and go through the Air Vent. Inside is a spooky room containing some
dead corpses, Python Ammo and another CD-ROM machine. Exit to find
yourself back by the Red door, go back through the door and go straight
ahead. Kill the Zombies and go into the first door you see, this should
be a Save Room. Save here and collect the Bazooka ammo(or Python Ammo).
If you don`t have any Ribbon, one can be found in a crack in the wall
by the Stairs. Arm yourself with the Python and make sure you have the
final CD-ROM before you exit. On the right is a lift butit needs to be
turned on first, go in the opposite direction, into Factory Room 1.
Be ready with your Python as the next Monsters are nasty. these
monsters can climb on the ceiling and slash you from above, use the
automatic aim and shot them down, there are 2 in this room(3 for Chris).
Find the Terminal and switch it on. Exit through the other door. Use the
same strategy as before to kill the monsters in here and then find the
CD-ROM machine and use the CD-ROM(the door leading to the cell is now
open). Go through the next door to find yourself in the Power Room, find
the Terminal and switch it on. You can now use the lift, but before you
go there, go back to the 3 Switch Door and go talk to Chris(or Jill). The
door cannot be opened yet so go back to the (now working) Lift, before you
go up the lift stock up on Python ammo and any Health items. Go to the
JILL-If you DID wait for Barry to drop the rope AND he didn`t die in the
caves he will appear now and go up the lift with Jill.

If you didn`t wait for Barry to drop the rope AND he didn`t die in
the caves then he will appear and offer to go with Jill. Jill says OK
but warns him not to `Screw up` like he did with the rope.

CHRIS-If you said `Yes` to Rebecca when she offered to help(in the Serum
Room) AND you saved her from the Hunter she will appear now and go up
the lift with Chris.

If you said `No` then she will still appear(if she didn`t die of
You now meet Wesker, who is the traitor. He now reveals a few surprises.
JILL-If you waited for Barry to drop the rope then Barry will knock Wesker
out as you go into the Tyrant Room. You now go into the Tyrant Room
with Barry. He fiddles with the computer letting the Tyrant Free. He
tries to shoot it but is to slow and the Tyrant hits him before going
for Jill.

If you didn`t wait for Barry to drop the rope OR he died in the
caves you will go in the Tyrant Room with Wesker. He now releases
the Tyrant and it turns on him ,kills him and then goes for Jill.

CHRIS-If you have Rebecca with you, Wesker will shoot Rebecca(cad!)before
`escorting` you into the Tyrant Room. He releases the Tyrant and
it turns on him, kills him and then turns on Chris.
THE TYRANT(remember to rearm your weapon)
`The Ultimate Fighting Machine` is quite tough if you don`t have any Python
or Bazooka ammo. The best strategy is to run and then shoot him from a
distance, careful though as he sometimes runs towards you. With the Python
he only takes 3 shots.
JILL-If you came in with Barry go back to Barry and talk to him. Collect
the key(if you`ve used all the CD-ROMS)and/or switch the computer to
get out. Go to the cell and rescue Chris(careful of new monsters) and
then go up the ladder(by the Chest). You will now have Chris and Barry
with you. This is the Ultimate ending for Jill.

If you came in with Wesker go and rescue Chris from the cell.
By the ladder(by the Chest) you will find Barry, he will give you
picture of his family and then die. This is a bad ending as the
self destruct sequence won`t be set.
You should have trusted Barry.

CHRIS-As you exit the Tyrant Room you find that Rebecca is still alive
(Bulletproof jacket), she now sets the self destruct sequence. Free
Jill and go to the ladder. You will now have Jill and Rebecca with
you. This is the Ultimate ending for Chris.

If you didn`t save Rebecca from the Hunter then the self destruct
sequence won`t be set. This is a bad ending, next time save
The next part only applies to the endings in which the self destruct
sequence has been set(Barry or Rebecca).

Collect some heal sprays from the Chest and go up the ladder and out
the door. Collect the Battery and use it on the door.

This will trigger the 3 minute countdown.

Your parnters(whoever they are)will stay behind while you send a signal
to the awaiting helicopter. Get the flares from the box and use it.

The helicopter now comes BUT not before another Tyrant bursts through
the floor and attacks you.

This one is alot tougher than the first. It is quicker and it takes a
Rocket Launcher to kill.
The best strategy for this Tyrant is to run around in circles for awhile
,since you cannot kill it yet.
With around 30 seconds to go ,the helicopter drops a Rocket Launcher.
Run to it, pick it up AND arm it, then AIM, FIRE!.
Providing you didn`t miss the Tyrant will now explode. Time to sit back
and watch the ending.

1-Jill on her own(don`t rescue Chris, Barry dead) -Bad
2-Jill and Chris(rescue Chris, Barry dead) -Bad
3-Jill and Barry(don`t rescue Chris, trust Barry)+Explosion -Okay
4-Jill, Chris and Barry(rescue Chris, trust Barry)+Explosion -Best

5-Chris on his own(don`t rescue Jill, don`t save Rebecca) -Bad
6-Chris and Jill(rescue Jill, don`t save Rebecca) -Bad
7-Chris and Rebecca(don`t rescue Jill, save Rebecca)+Explosion -Okay
8-Chris, Jill and Rebecca(rescue Jill, save Rebecca)+Explosion -Best

Bad Ending - FMV, Boring credits, picture of Tyrant.

Okay Ending - FMV, Funky credits, no end picture.

Best Ending - FMV, Funky credits, end picture, Special Key

Complete the game in under 3 hours and you will be able to save a game
on your memory card(remember to press the square button). Load this game
and you will find that you have a Rocket Launcher with infinate ammo!!!!.

Complete the game on the best endings and you will get a Special Key.
This key opens a closet(in the room next to the Blue doors in the Main
Hall) which allows both Chris and Jill to change their clothes!. Check
out Jill!!.

In order to fully navigate through the game, I'd included almost every scenes
that might happens in the game, which made the walkthrough to be non-linear.
Because of this the walkthrough jump from paragraph to another paragraph. BTW,
this walkthrough covers almost everything except the position of non-important
items and the enemies. In other words, this walkthrough only emphasizes on the
important item such as key. Non-important item such as green herbs and enemies
is not discussed here. This walkthrough is only based on the heavy mode. Here's
explanation on how to navigate through the walkthrough:

[Save room]: The room allow you to save your game and store your item(s) in the
inventory into the storage box.

[CONDITION]: Scene that requiring you to choose an option between two.

[CONTINUE]: A part of the game to be continued from a paragraph. For example,
you'll sees "Proceed to [CONTINUE]". It means jump from the paragraph to the
begining of [CONTINUE].

[PATH X]: Different path to be chosen by player, which will change several scene
in the game. For example, you'll sees "Proceed to [PATH A]". It means jump from
the paragraph to the begining of [PATH A].

[RETURN]: Jump back to the original/ previous paragraph.

[FMV sequence]: CG movie is shown.

I. September 28th, daylight...

After the explosion, go forward, climb the crate and go down from there, and
you'll be going through a short scene, and arrived at a warehouse, you will end
up having conversation with a fat guy, and after the scene, go up to the save
room and get a key on the wall near the door. Use the key to open the door that
are locked below the warehouse. Exit the warehouse. Go through the corridor and
enter the door.

Once you exit, you'll see a door near your left side and enter the door. Go
through the corridor until you see a door (the door will be forced opened by
someone who's escaping from there), enter the door to get oil container and a
shotgun holding by the dead man lying down. Go through the corridor (the one
with green herbs on the ground) and enter the door. You'll exit to a place full
of zombies, walk all the way until you see stairs, climb the crate and go up the
stairs to pick some green herbs. Don't forget to get the 1st map just after you
climbed the crate. Go down from there.

Go right from there and straight to a door. Walk straight until you see a short
stairs and go down, go forward through the corridor that leads you to another
door, enter the door. Once you enter the bar shop, prepare for another scene
which you will see Brad. Don't bother to waste bullets shooting the zombie
attacking Brad, he will take care of it himself. Get the lighter near a door.
Combine lighter with the oil container to make the lighter usable.

Exit from the door where you enter the bar shop. From there go through the
corridor again and go up the short stairs and go right and forward. You'll see
two paths here. You can choose any of the path from here, each path has its
short scene depending on which you choose to do first.

[PATH A]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Take the right path and enter the door, try to go back to the warehouse. You
will run into a young girl calling out for helps. Follow the path along the way.
Once you enter small area outside the warehouse, you will notice that the young
girl is dead.

(Note: Go back to the place outside the bar shop after you'd done this part and
proceed to [PATH B].)

---End of [PATH A]-------------------------------------------------------------

[PATH B]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Take the left path and enter the door. You will arrived at a small area that is
full of zombies. You will need to use the combined lighter to burn the wires (or
whatever) on the door to get through the door. Once you exit the door, go
straight and enter a door (not the save room).

(Note: Search for a red light on the wall near the entrance of save room, we'll
get back to here)

Once exit the door, go straight your left path to enter a gate.

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!


1st option: Stay and fight (refer to [C1-1])
2nd option: Run into the R.P.D. building (refer to [C1-2])

[C1-1]: You get to control Jill for this option. Check Brad's body before you
get into the R.P.D. building in order to get his wallet, and browse through it
from inventory. You will get his personal S.T.A.R.S. card (which will save up
your time finding Jill's card in the R.P.D. building). Go into the building upon
getting Brad's stuff. With Brad's card you will be able to use it on the
computer in the main hall, to get a password to be used later in the evidence
room. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

[C1-2]: With this option, Jill will automatically avoid Nemesis and get into the
R.P.D. building. You won't be able to get the stuff of Brad by choosing this
option, even if you going back because Brad's body will no longer there. Proceed
to [CONTINUE] below...

---End of [CONDITION]----------------------------------------------------------

---End of [PATH B]-------------------------------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: In the main hall of R.P.D. building (this place is from Bio Hazard
2), use Brad's card on the computer to get a password (if you'd chosen the 1st
option). Don't forget to get the 2nd map from the desk near the computer.
Obviously there's only one door accessible as the other doors is sealed. Enter
the door, there's a few zombies here, go forward and enter another door into
evidence room. Check out two red light spots in this room, the 1st drawer is
stored with a blue crystal, and the 2nd one stored with the office key which
requiring you to provide password to open it. Use the password on the 2nd
drawer. Get the office key and exit the room.

There's a save room here and another door that leads you to Jill's S.T.A.R.S
card. Don't bother to get Jill's card if you have Brad's card. In other words,
if you don't have Brad's card, you have to get from the meeting room, and use it
to obtain the password from the computer in the main hall. Go up the ladder and
go through all your way and enter another door. Enter the room in this area by
opening the door using the office key.

In this room, get lockpick and a weapon from the locker. Get out from the R.P.D.
building as you got the lockpick.

>From the R.P.D. building, go straight through the way to the door that are
locked previously and use the lockpick on the door and enter the door. In this
area, note that the hose is at your right side, but it can't be taken at this
moment. Enter the door to your left side and you arrive at a big place, go
through all your way to enter a door. You're now in parking area, get the blue
wires that are connecting to a car. Go forward and enter the door that lead to
the save room.

Exit the save room, go along the way and enter another door. Upon exit the door,
get the 3rd map from the wall, go forward and a short scene will follow. Take
the left path as the right path require you to provide battery (which you don't
have right now) to activate the ladder.

There's two path in the place where you just entered. Take the left one. At this
moment you can choose to do between the following option (depending on which
option you choose to do first, there's a slight changes in the process of the

[PATH A]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Go into the restaurant and use the lockpick to open a locked cabinet behind the
restaurant to get a crowbar. Use the crowbar on the locked hatch in the
restaurant and short scene will follows. Carlos will be introduced and follow by

[CONDITION FOR PATH A ONLY]----------------------------------------------------

1st option: Go down from the ladder (refer to [C2.1-1])
2nd option: Hide from Nemesis (refer to [C2.1-2])

[C2.1-1]: Once you're down in the tunnel, you will see short scene. Get out from
the hole on the wall. Short scene follows. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

[C2.1-2]: Jill and Carlos will try to hide from Nemesis, and Jill will throw
lamp with fires towards the gas behind the restaurant. Guess what? Explosion
made Nemesis faints at the moment, collect item from Nemesis body if you're
interested. Note that he will get up soon. Get out from there. Short scene
follows. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

(Note: If you choose to do PATH A first, the green crystal will be located at
where you head for PATH B)

---End of [CONDITION FOR PATH A ONLY]------------------------------------------

---End of [PATH A]-------------------------------------------------------------

[PATH B]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Go forward until you see another multi-path, go right for the moment and exit
the door. Go right and enter a door into newspaper office (not the door which is
locked from inside). Inside the room, push the stairs forward to the soft drink
machine, climb the stairs and activate the electricity at the top of the soft
drink machine. Go down the stairs and activate another device just beside a
shutter. The shutter opened and go through the stairs and enter a door. Go
forward and enter a room. A short scene begin and you'll be introduced to Carlos
follow by Nemesis appearance.

[CONDITION FOR PATH B ONLY]----------------------------------------------------

1st option: Jump out from the window (refer to [C2.2-1])
2nd option: Hide from Nemesis (refer to [C2.2-2])

[C2.2-1]: You and Carlos will jump out from a window and end up in the garbage
area. Get out from there and watch another short scene. Proceed to [CONTINUE]

[C2.2-2]: You and Carlos will try to hide from Nemesis, and Nemesis will be
blown to crash into the window. Nemesis now is fainted and get an item drop near
him. Get out from there and exit the building. Short scene follows. Proceed to
[CONTINUE] below...

(Note: If you choose to do PATH B first, the green crystal will be located at
where you head for PATH A)

---End of [CONDITION FOR PATH B ONLY]------------------------------------------

---End of [PATH B]-------------------------------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: Get the rusted crank in the save room near the restaurant. Get the
green crystal and use it on a panel near the locked gate to open the locked
gate. Enter the door, ignore the green door you encounter along the way, go
right and enter the door. Go all your way, enter the door, and again go through
the way, and pick the green herbs if you want to, enter the door. Here's a few
enemy. Climb the crate and get to the cable car and enter it from the back door
as the front door is locked from inside.

Prepare to have another short scene, Nikholai is introduced here. Go through the
door in the cable car, and another short scene follow. Carlos will give you a
bag allowing you to carry more items in your inventory. Now get the wrench from
one of the seats in the cable car. Unlock the front door of the cable car and

(Note: There are four items (two of the items will be combined) required to
fully activate the cable car. If you ONLY found the item not more than three of
them and return to the cable car, you will get to see a short scene. Mikhail is
protecting himself from the zombies.)

Go to gas station. Now on your way to a closed door. Use the rusted crank on the
6-diagonals hole beside the door, the crank will break and use the wrench on the
broken crank. Enter the door. You will see short scene in there as you walk
forward (scene will varies depending on your progress). Search for a device and
get the machine fuel by solving a little puzzle (just push the button that are
not light up). Short scene follows after you got the machine fuel. Get out of
the room.

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!

Get out from there obviously as there's no more path for you to proceed. Short
scene will follows depending on your progress. Go along the way to exit this
area to the crystal panel. Bang!, door open...zombies out! Go into the opened
door and get the stone book from the statue. Place this stone book on a slot
which can be found outside the restaurant (the one which the water start flowing
whenever you take away the blue round rock). Obviously, get the blue round rock.
Get back to the statue and place back this blue round rock, you'll get the
battery. Use the battery on the device beside the elevator (inside the place
where you got the 3rd map) to activate the elevator.

Go down using the elevator. Go through the way and enter the sub station.
There's very small corridor here, just enter another door. Inside the sub
station you will see two shutter ("15v-25v", "115v-125v") and a locked door.
Activate the device near the locked door. Operate another device near the "115v-
125v" shutter. You need to switch between the red button (high voltage) and
green button (low voltage) to form the total voltage to between 115v-125v, or
15v-25v. To open the "15v-25v" shutter, select low, high, high, high. For
opening "115v-125" shutter, select high, low, high, low. Beyond "115v-125v" door
you can find a fuse which is use to activate the cable car, and beyond "15v-25v"
door you can find a weapon in a locker. Make sure you get the fuse first. Once
you opened one of the door, exit the room and you'll have a short scene.


1st option: Run away (refer to [C3-1])
2nd option: Increase electricity to kill the enemies (refer to [C3-2])

[C3-1]: Jill will run towards the locked door, and force open the locked door,
and eventually exit from there. Short scene follows. Proceed to [CONTINUE]

[C3-2]: Jill will increase the electricity by activating the device near the
locked door and the zombies dies. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

---End of [CONDITION]----------------------------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: Make sure you got the fuse from the sub station before leaving. Take
the elevator up. Bring along your wrench and go all your way to where the hose
is. Use the wrench on the hose, take the hose. Go back to where the red light
is, and use the hose on it. The fire is now gone. Go through it and enter the
door. Go through the corridor. Once you exit the door, there's another crank
just in front of you, pick it up. Go forward and enter a door into the sales
office. Short scene follow as you entered the sales office (different scene will
be shown depending on your progress).

Look for the remote control on the desk and use it. You'll be shown an
advertisment of Umbrella product. Take note on the product name of the product
displayed, it's a password! Check out the computer near the remote control, and
enter the password. The locked door is deactivated, go into it. In there look
for the car fuel on one of the shelves. Leave the place.

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!

Short scene follows. Just shoot the wheel on the pipe to release the steams just
before the zombies walk through there. The steams will kill them.

Remember the other crank you obtained earlier? Don't bother to do the following
if you're not interested on getting extra weapon rounds. Go back to the place
outside the back door of bar shop (where you first introduced to Brad), use the
crank on the hole beside the locked shutter.

You can get back to where you start the game to check on that fat guy!
Unfortunately he's dead by now, you can check out his previous hiding place to
get some items.

Get back to the cable car and make sure to bring along fuse, machine fuel, car
fuel, and blue wires. Combine machine fuel with the car fuel to get combined
fuel. Once you got all the four items (two for combining into combined fuel) and
along the way back to the cable car, you will encounter several obstacles. In
the parking area, the ground will breaks into a hole. Jill will fall down the
hole but fortunately she manage to hold still.


1st option: Get up (refer to [C4-1])
2nd option: Jump down (refer to [C4-2])

[C4-1]: Jill quickly get up from the hole and avoid the boxes. Proceed to
[CONTINUE] below...

[C4-2]: Jill quickly jump down and avoid from being hit by the boxes. Go through
the hole and climb the ladder. You'll end up just before the parking area. Enter
the parking area. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

---End of [CONDITION]----------------------------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: Continue on going back to the cable car, along the way you will once
again meet Nemesis, avoid him and leave the place, or you can kill him (at least
for the moment). Continue your way and you will encounter one more obstacle and
the place is getting an earthquake and floor is once again breaks into hole, but
this time you will drop into the hole. In the hole you will awaken and you'll be
introduce to a new enemy. Don't bother to kill it at the moment, search for two
switch and activate them. You must quickly activate them otherwise the enemy
will hurt you! Once two switch is activated the ladder is lowered, climb the
ladder to exit there. Now you're free to get to the cable car. Get into the
cable car.

Use combined fuel, fuse, and blue wires on the panel behind the cable car. Short
scene showing Carlos getting in the cable car, and might give you weapon rounds.
Go through the door in the cable car. Short scene follow. Now Nemesis is in the
cable car, go to the next room of the cable car. Mikhail is injured and Nemesis
showing himself. Don't bother to waste any of your bullets on him, just go back
to the front room of the cable car, and Mikhail will take his last breath to
confront Nemesis.

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!

Mikhail's dead now (sop, sop). Cable car is losing its control at the moment,
Carlos can't brake the cable car.


1st option: Jump out from the cable car (refer to [C5-1])
2nd option: Try to stop the cable car (refer to [C5-2])

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!

[C5-1]: Now Jill end up in a room, nothing is here now. Exit the room. Get back
to the room again. Take one move and there's something on the wall will drop.
There's a small key inside the cabinet, take it. Go back to the save room and
exit the save room. You're now in the study room, Carlos will show up, and give
you weapon rounds. Nothing is important here, but note that green locked door.
Get out from another door and you arrive in the main hall. Get the weapon from
the dead body if you want to. Get the 4th map on the desk. There's two musical
box near the stairs, one is at the right side and one is at the left side of the
ladder. There's nothing to be done with the musical box here. Unlocked the
center door if you want to. Enter the left door to the dining room. Exit the
dining room. You will enter the piano room, nothing is important here. Go
through the door into the save room. In this room, get the ladder key. Go back
to the main hall. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

[C5-2]: Cable car crashed into a place outside the clock tower. Jill get up and
you'll be shown the clock tower (do you get the feel of vampire castle?). Now
get into the piano room as the main door is locked from inside. Get into the
save room to get a small key from a cabinet. Now go to the main hall and get the
4th map and a weapon left by the dead man if you like to. Now go through the
study room and enter the bedroom. Move a bit and the painting on the wall will
drop, take the ladder key from there and go back to main hall. Proceed to
[CONTINUE] below...

---End of [CONDITION]----------------------------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: Go up the stairs, there's several enemies up the stairs. By avoiding
them or killing them, go through the corridor and enter a door. Now you end up
in a balcony of the clock tower. There's a switch there, it is not useful for
the moment. Use the clock tower key on the key hole to lower the ladder and
climb up. This is another save room, let's call it clock tower save room. Check
the musical device on the left. Listen to the music that is playing, and solve
the puzzle by switching between up and down to hear a particular tone of the
music. The music puzzle is divided into 6 parts ranges from A to F. For each
part you're required to determine the tone of the music by switching up or down
to form the full musical tone. There is no exact answer to this puzzle as this
puzzle is random. Once you solved this puzzle, the gold plate will opened. Get
the key in there. Combine this key with the small key to form the clock key. Get
the silver gear located on the bookshelf.

Go down to the study room, and use the clock key to open the green door. Enter
the door and go through the way, enter another door. There's three statues, each
holding a small stone with different color (white, gold, and black). Take these
stones and use it on the painting on the wall. From left to right, goddess of
past, goddess of present and goddess of future. Placing the small stone (any of
them) on the goddess of past will decreases the time, and placing on either
present or future will increases the time.

Each stone has different effect depending on either three of the painting you
placing them. For example, the gold stone is placed on the goddess of past will
decreases the time to 2 hrs, but if the gold stone is placed on the goddess of
future, the time might increases to 4 hrs. This puzzle is random and you must
switch between three small stones on the painting to get the time on the goddess
of present to 12:00:00. Well good luck!

Once you get the puzzle done, the clock on the center painting will be opened.
Get the gold gear and combine the silver gear with the gold gear. Now go back up
to the clock tower save room. Use the combined gear on the device behind the
room. The clock (or the bell) is now activated. Prepare to fight Nemesis and go

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!

Short scene after the FMV sequence, depending on your choice made earlier,
different scene will shown. Now Jill is infected with virus (maybe G-virus)
through the scene. After the scene, prepare to kill Nemesis, this is a tough
one. Be sure to use the grenade launcher with ice rounds. Check the
miscellaneous section on how to get ice rounds. Approximate 10 ice rounds is
enough to bring him down.

II. October 1st, night...

After you beat Nemesis, watch the scene, and you'll end up in the save room next
to the piano room. Now you're controlling Carlos. Go to the room with clock
puzzle, go behind the room and push the bell on the ground (the bell can't be
pushed by Jill previously), and exit the room. Go left and enter the hospital.
Go forward and you will be introduced to your old friend, Hunter from Bio Hazard
1. Get your gun ready! or run away from them.

Enter the door to your right into the save room. Go out from the save room. Now
inside the room get your 5th map on the notice board, and a tape recorder on the
desk. Go to the elevator and activate the voice recognising system. Use the tape
recorder on that system. The elevator activated. Get into the elevator and you
can choose to do between the following option first (different option done will
change the sequence in the game):

[PATH A]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Go up to level 4F. Go straight and enter the door. You will see short scene
where you'll meet Nicholai again (if you choose PATH A first). After the scene,
go behind the room to get the ward key. Now exit the room and go to the right
path and enter the 1st ward room. In this room, get a password from the dead
body near the door, and check out the position of the drawer in this room. Go
out from this room. Now use the ward key to open the 2nd ward room's door. Now
get in and push the drawer in the reverse position of the drawer in the 1st ward
room. For example if the drawer in the first room is in north-east position.
Push the drawer in the 2nd ward room to north-west position. Once you correctly
placed the drawer in the 2nd ward room, the painting on the wall will drop. Open
the safe by using the dead body's password. Get the blue vaccine. If you choose
to do this part first, proceed to [PATH B]. Otherwise proceed to [CONTINUE]

---End of [PATH A]-------------------------------------------------------------

[PATH B]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Go down to B1 using the elevator. Go your way to enter a door. Watch the short
scene (if you choose PATH B first). Exit the room. Now you're in research room.
Get an item from the closet and use it with the machine near the big tube
(Hunter is inside the tube), now deactivate the other machine next to the
machine to drain the water in the tube. Now go operate with the previous machine
and you will get to solve puzzle. You need to activate and deactivate between 5
levers to make the levels shown in the machine to be equal. Lower the I lever,
II remain, lower the III lever, lower A lever. That should do. Get the red
vaccine. If you choose to do this part first, proceed to [PATH A]. Otherwise
proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

---End of [PATH B]-------------------------------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: Once you completed both option above, combine red vaccine with the
blue vaccine. Now get back to the clock tower. Along the way you will encounter
a lot of enemy. Once you enter the main living room of the hospital, a short
scene follows. You only have 7 seconds to leave the hospital. Get out from

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!

Continue your way back to Jill. Along the way you'll encounter Nemesis, just
ignore him and run away (if you did not go back to Jill on time, Nemesis will
ignore you and get to Jill on his own and kill her, game over!). Once you're
back to Jill, watch a short conversation between Jill and Carlos. After the
scene, get ready your weapon and anything you need. Most importantly get the
lockpick. Get out from there. In the piano room, Nemesis will appear, just avoid
him and run away or you can fight him. Exit the dining room. Run all your way to
outside of the hospital. Once you're there, use the lockpick on the locked door
in the middle of the place. Enter the door into the save room. Get the garden
key from the wall. Prepare massive weapon as along the way you might encounter

Bring along the garden key and exit the save room. Use the garden key on the
gate to your right. Enter the gate. You now in the main garden. Take the east
path and go down the stairs. Go through the bridge here and enter a door. Now go
forward and pick up a key from the dead man. Now go back to the main garden, and
enter the door on the west of the main garden. Go straight to pick up several
green herbs and blue herbs if you like to. Look for a machine that controlling
the water. You might need to get down the water and look for a illustration to
drain the water. Here's the sequence on solving the puzzle, move the black
first, white, black, white, black, black. This will drain the water. Now get
down the ladder. Go all your way and climb the ladder up to the graveyard.

Go through the graveyard and enter a door using the key got from the dead man.
In the room, get the lighter ready and get the metal pipe from the closet. Now
use the lighter on the fireplace, and metal pipe in sequence. Get in the
fireplace. In there, get the gate key. Get out from there and you will meet
Nicholai again.

Now get ready your weapons and ammo, including herbs. Go out from the room and
go forward.

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!

It's that enemy you met previously before activating the cable car! This time
kill it! This is quite difficult to kill, use the acid rounds with the grenade
launcher to kill it. Check out "Gunpowder Mixing" in miscellaneous section on
how to get acid rounds. You can waste time running around until a scene is
shown. Shoot the light poles near the water area.
The electricity will kill it!

Once the enemy is dead, go back to the east of the main garden. Go all your way
and use the gate key to unlocked the door. Enter the door and go straight to a
bridge. Nemesis appear again.


1st option: Push Nemesis off the bridge (refer to [C6-1])
2nd option: Jump off the bridge (refer to [C6-2])

[C6-1]: Jill will push Nemesis off the bridge and run into the door in front of
the bridge. From here go forward and enter a door, there's only one door
accessible for the moment. Proceed to [PATH A]. Use the multi-purpose key on the
locked door. Enter the door. Get the 6th map near where you exit and get the
system key near the console. Go forward and take the elevator to go down. Beware
of massive enemies along the way! Exit the room with stink pool. Go down and go
all your way through the tunnel. Climb and go forward to enter the save room.
Proceed to [PATH B]. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

[C6-2]: Jill will jump off the bridge and climb from the river. Climb and go
forward to climb a ladder. You'll end up in a tunnel, climb and go forward to
enter the save room. Proceed to [PATH B]. Go right for now and get the 6th map
near the door and the system near the console, and enter the door. After you
exit, watch the scene (if you choose the 2nd option). Proceed to [PATH A].
Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

---End of [CONDITION]----------------------------------------------------------

[PATH A]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

You entered the save room (short scene follows if you'd chosen the 1st option).
Get the multi-purpose key from the cabinet. Go through the door and enter the
steam room. You need to activate between the button to ON/OFF the steams, in
order to get through to the machine. It's easy here, try it! Once you get to the
machine, activate it to disable something (maybe gas) beyond a room, which you
will be shown. Now exit the steam room, and exit the save room. [RETURN].

---End of [PATH A]-------------------------------------------------------------

[PATH B]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

>From the save room, get an item from the blue light spot and enter the water
control room. Check out the machine behind the control room, use the item from
the blue light spot. Now another puzzle that is random. You'll see a sample on
the upper screen. There's three part ranges from A to C, each with a particular
line shown. Navigate between left or right for each one to make the final result
look exactly the same as the sample. This is a technique on how to solve this
puzzle, first set a condition by looking for the non-line(s), and the level(s)
of each line in the sample. Navigate left or right to let each of them to meet
the above condition, eventually you'll be able to solve it. This is confusing.
Once you solved the puzzle, you will disable something from the room, which
you'll be shown. Now get out from there and go through the tunnel (short scene
follow if you'd chosen the 2nd option) and enter a room with stink pool. Take
the elevator up. [RETURN].

---End of [PATH B]-------------------------------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: If you're interested on getting extra weapon, go to water control
room and use the multi-purpose key on the machine beside the water control
machine. Get back the checked multi-purpose key. Bring along the system disk. Go
to the fully opened door near the elevator on the 2nd floor. Go through your
way, short scene follows if you'd chosen the 1st option. Use the system disk on
a device on the wall. Watch for a scene. Prepare for a massive fight with

Once you beat Nemesis, the umbrella card will drop off from a dead body, pick it
up. Use it on the device near the locked door. Exit the door.

[FMV sequence]: Enjoy!

Short message is given on missile is ready to launch. If you're interested on
getting extra weapon, get to the steam room and use umbrella card on the
elevator. Go down collect some weapon rounds and go forward and use the checked
multi-purpose key to open the locked safe. Get rocket launcher.

Get to the locked shutter outside the save room on the 2nd floor. Use the
umbrella card on the shutter. Now go through the way and enter the communication
room. Proceed to [1ST SCENE] if you'd chosen the 2nd option on the bridge.
Proceed to [2ND SCENE] if you'd chosen the 1st option on the bridge.

[1ST SCENE]: Short after you enter the communication room, Carlos will call you
up through the communication device, you'll be going through short conversation
and Jill will take the radar on the communication device. Proceed to [CONTINUE]

[2ND SCENE]: Moves forward to take the radar on the communication device. Short
after you'd taken the radar, moves around and Nicholai will appear with a
chopper and Jill and Nicholai will having a short conversation.

[CONDITION FOR 2ND SCENE ONLY]-------------------------------------------------

1st option: Talk to Nicholai (refer to [C7-1])
2nd option: Fight Nicholai (refer to [C7-2])

[C7-1]: Jill will having long conversation with Nicholai, and Nicholai will
drive the chopper away and escapes. Carlos will appear after this. Try to get
down the ladder behind the communication device. Short scene follow. Proceed to
[CONTINUE] below...

[C7-2]: You get control of Jill, shoot the chopper until the chopper loses its
control and falls down, and explodes! (if you can't kill Nicholai during a
period of time, Nicholai will escapes). Short scene follows. Proceed to
[CONTINUE] below...

---End of [CONDITION FOR 2ND SCENE ONLY]---------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: Go down the ladder in the communication room. Get whatever you need
in the storage box because you're going to confront the LAST BOSS. Don't bother
to take anything, as I think the last boss is the easiest among Bio Hazard
series. Go through all the way where zombies lying around and exit the door. Go
through your way and enter the door. You'll find an old "friend" in the room,
he's dead beside the train. Now go activate the machine next to the big rail
gun. It will check everything, the battery is out! By sequence, push forward the
battery 1 (Nemesis appear for the last time!), battery 2, and battery 3 into
something (device?). Rail gun will now fully activated, and for a short while,
the rail gun will charged and shoot, but in only one direction. Lure Nemesis to
the position where the rail gun is shooting at. Let the rail gun to shoot
Nemesis for a couple of time (1 shot is possible) to kill it. Leave the room.
Short scene follows.


1st option: Kill it (refer to [C8-1])
2nd option: Leave (refer to [C8-2])

[C8-1]: Jill will kill Nemesis. Leave the room. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

[C8-2]: Jill automatically leave the room. Proceed to [CONTINUE] below...

---End of [CONDITION]----------------------------------------------------------

[CONTINUE]: Activate the elevator to go down. Go forward from there. Refer to
[FMV sequence].

[FMV sequence]: Ending movie. There's two slightly different endings depending
on your progress throughout the game. Well, enjoy the show!

**End of Walkthrough**

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Speed Hangun Guide FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

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Version Changes FAQ

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unlimited everything for the US Version.

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Download for the US Version. Mode A, All costumes unlocked

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Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020
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24.März 2020