Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

15.10.2013 08:21:01
Ultimate Mine Launcher FAQ

The Ultimate Mine Launcher FAQ V 1.0
By J.Gour (IceWolf)
Created on 10/31/00 11:42:43 AM

The Resident Evil game series is copyright of Capcom and any other
names mentioned in this FAQ that are not of Capcom will be placed with
their respective owners.

This FAQ is copyright © 2000 J.Gour

I wrote this FAQ out of blatant creativity; So don't even think for a
fraction of a second that you will get away with stealing, altering, or
renaming this FAQ to suit your own needs or wants to make a profit. If
you do such things then I will be forced to find where you live, break
your VCR and steal all your KitKat bars.


This FAQ is for your private and personal use only. DO NOT try and
sell, print, copy, or redistribute this FAQ for your own personal
profit. Doing the aforementioned will result in much pain and suffering
on your part and perhaps the loss of many vital cellular functions on.


Note on E-Mail

If you want to send me E-Mail then please feel free to do so. Just send
you questions, praise, comments, or suggestions to
Please make sure to label the subject so that the name of this FAQ is
mentioned. DO NOT send email that is irrelevant to the FAQ I.E: you
suck, get off the net, and so on.

Revision History

V 1.0 wrote the FAQ

Table of Contents

I. Before Getting Started
II. The Mine Launcher
a. In the Normal game
b. With Infinite Ammo
III. Optimizing the Mine Launcher
a. Instructions
b. Troubleshooting
IV. How to Use the Mine Launcher
a. Direct Attack
b. Seeking
c. Corpse Trap
d. Trigger Shot
e. Lay Trap
f. Dispose Shot
V. Avoiding Accidental Death
VI. Dealing with Normal Enemies
a. Zombies
b. Dogs
c. Drain Diamos/Brain Suckers
d. Hunters/Head Hunters
e. Crows
f. Spiders
g. Leeches
h. Grave Digger
VII. Dealing With the Nemesis
a. Standard Attacks
b. Close Quarters
c. Learning His Movement
d. Laying Traps
e. Battle at the Clock Tower
f. Battle in the Garbage Disposal
g. Final Battle
VIII. Freaky Kills
a. Record Kills
b. Freaky Kills
c. Submission Guidelines
IX. Happy Survival
X. Credits



Welcome to The Ultimate Mine Launcher FAQ. This FAQ is designed to
better help you enjoy Resident Evil 3 Nemesis and hopefully rekindle
your flame of love for the game if you have lost it. But be warned, you
will need to have access to either a Game Shark, Action Replay, type
cheat device before you can use this FAQ. But fear not, if you do not
have an Action Replay type device BUT you do have a Dex Drive I will be
able to help you later, as a starting save data will be provided for
your benefit. Please note that this FAQ will ask you to view RE 3 in
what may be a totally new light, if you are open minded you will truly
love playing RE 3 after this FAQ.


The Mine Thrower (to be called The Mine Launcher in this FAQ) is a
rather underrated weapon in RE 3. To many I am sure that the gun was
just a boon as such little ammunition was provided and it was almost
"Totally Useless" in the fight with the Nemesis at the clock tower.
Well my friends, you are soon about to learn that this little launcher
is quite the deadly weapon.


In the normal game the Mine Launcher is found towards the near
start of the clock tower, on the body of a dead UBCS soldier. Sadly
the launchers ammo is scarce, and to most the gun might prove a
little too awkward to bother using, but hey that's ok.
When used normally the Mine Launcher fires up to six rounds per
chamber. Each mine is equipped with a sensor and will detonate when
an enemy approaches it. The mines will not detonate if Jill
approaches them and they will not detonate if they strike an object
that can explode. There are also some drawbacks to the mine
launcher in this mode. First off the mine launcher can not be
reloaded in the game like most guns. You have to go into the
inventory screen to reload it, and if you do reload it, any of your
mines that have been untouched will disappear. The other drawback
to the Mine Launcher is that the explosions from it will also hurt
Jill. The damage is close to that of a light zombie bite, but it
still adds up (and can also be pretty darn embarrassing when a
zombie bites you and then both of you blow up).


Once you have attained the infinite ammunition in the Mercenaries'
game, or you have acquired the ammo box from Nemesis the mine
launcher goes through an odd change. Because there is an infinite
supply of ammunition there is no way to reload the gun and thus the
mines wouldn't be able to be removed, so Capcom changed the gun
around a little bit. Instead of shooting out mines the gun shoots
out a small missile that flies around the screen and locks onto the
enemies and kills them. It can slay almost all enemies on the
screen in one shot and all in all seems like the best practical
weapon at that point. The sad part is that this change to the gun
takes away all of the fun and strategy to using the Mine Launcher
and so I have found a way to make a more fun mine launcher and have
it from the start of the game too.


It is possible to optimize the mine launcher and give it infinite
ammunition as well as its normal function. This is accomplished in only
one way and that way uses a GameShark action replay device. I suppose
any type of code device will work, just as long as it can use the codes
found on The GameShark Code Creators Club at
From this point on I will refer to the cheat device as a GameShark,
just for simplicity.


- First off you must have played through RE 3 one time to get the
mercenaries game and have purchased the Assault Rifle. I haven't
tried this trick with anything other than the assault rifle so I
am assuming that it will also work with the Chain Gun or Rocket
- Now start a game and play up to the first room where you can
save. Take the Assault rifle from the box and put it in the
first slot of your inventory. Make sure to keep it unequipped
and then take it off of manual fire. It will be listed as the
bottom option, highlight it and press X to change Manual to
Auto. The infinity symbol on the gun should become green. Now
take an ink ribbon and save the game and get ready for some fun.
- Turn off your Playstation and get your GameShark on. Now enter
in the following code 300D2134 000C This code will put the mine
launcher in the same slot as your assault rifle. Now start your
game and be happy.
- Once you have loaded your save and are in the room with your
happy mine launcher in your inventory, check your inventory by
pressing circle. Look at the assault rifle and it should say
that it is the mine launcher. Now I bet you're confused, you can
check the assault rifle and it says that it's the assault rifle,
but when your cursor is over it, it says it's the mine launcher.
Fear not, all you have to do is turn off your GameShark.
- With your GameShark turned off take the poor confused assault
rifle out of your inventory and put it in the box. Close the box
by leaving the screen and open it right back up again. Voila,
your assault rifle has changed magically into an amazing mine
launcher with a green infinity symbol. That green infinity
symbol means that it worked.

NOTE: You will still have the option to take the Mine Thrower off
of auto fire, don't do it. If you take the gun off of auto fire it
will change back into an assault rifle. I think this entire problem
could be changed if you used the chain gun or rocket launcher
instead, but I am not entirely sure if it will. Please feel free to
email me if it does work and ill not only change this entire
section to match but I'll give you credit too.


No problems have been reported yet


Ahhhh yes, the fun part. Now that you have the optimized mine
launcher your probably going to want to learn how to use it. You can
either learn on your own or you can continue to read further, but if
you stopped you'd miss out on all of these cool strategies and other
interesting tidbits so just save yourself the agony and read on.

First things first, the mine launcher is a little different now. It
has infinite ammunition but only six mines can be on screen at a time.
That's no big deal, the six only counts for mines that have been placed
on the ground or on a wall. So you could keep shooting the enemies all
day and as long as those mines detonate you're all set. If you do run
out of mines and there are six on the screen your mine launcher will
not click, instead it will fire normally but no mine will come out.
Just be sure to be extra observant of your mine launcher.

The following is a list of various types of shots, how to perform
them and what they do. The section also provides one example of that
type of shot. These examples are written like an excerpt from a story
and so they are made in graphic detail, they are also real stories as
they have all happened to me during my play of the game. I hope that
you enjoy the descriptions as much as you like trying the various shots
that are described. Just remember an example is an example but practice
makes it possible to surpass an example. Ok enough martial arts,
philosophy crap lets get onto splattering some undead souls.

This Section of the FAQ Contains Scenes of Explicit Violence and Gore


This is the standard shot. It is very easy to do also, just aim
at an enemy and shoot them once. Wait a second and POW, big
explosion. This shot is also the basis for many if not almost all
of the other shots. If you can not accomplish this shot then return
the game to its store or use it as a coaster or something.
A standard direct attack will totally obliterate a zombie,
decapitating and blowing off both arms (Or mixtures of the 3) in
one shot. It has various effects with other monsters just watch and

Example: A nasty zombie is lumbering towards Jill. Jill raises the
mine launcher and grins as she fires. The zombie is hit in the
chest and staggers back. Seconds later the mine detonates and the
zombies head fragments and splatters about the room leaving one of
its arms missing and strewn on the floor. The zombie falls over
dead as Jill darts away to attend to more important matters.


Seeking is not exactly a type of shot but more or less a reaction
to a shot. If a zombie you are aiming at moves to the side or you
aren't using the automatic aim feature, Seeking occurs. Seeking is
when a fired mine swerves a little in its path so that it will hit
the enemy. It often happens when dealing with a large amount of
enemies or when you are dealing with faster ones that maneuver in a
confusing way. (I.e. Dogs, Drain Diamos, Hunters)
A standard attack with seeking will curve a little to hit its
target. The target it swerves to is usually the one closest to

Example: After exiting from the car storage and picking up some
wires from a car Jill encounters 3 dogs. The dogs seem calm until
one runs up out of nowhere and spoils the mood, dodging to the side
Jill dashes off as the rotting mutts follow in hot pursuit. Turning
slightly around a curve Jill spins and aims too quickly and she
accidentally lets a mine loose. As the dog swerves to attack Jill
the mine swerves to the side as well, striking the dog in the torso
and removing it of the privilege of having four legs and a head.
Jill turns on her heels and enters the next room so that she may
avoid becoming undead dog chow.


The corpse trap or what I call the 'you lay down for a reason'
shot. This shot is what happens when an enemy is killed before any
of the mines detonate on their body. Usually another enemy is close
on their heels and the fresh corpse on the ground detonates and
kills the pursuing enemy. This may sound a little complicated but
its not really. The maneuver is simple, its just the timing and the
circumstance that's a real pain in the @$$.
A good Corpse Trap will not only take out your target but also
take out 1 to 3 other enemies, three was my record. Here is what
you want to do to accomplish a good Corpse Trap. First as your
enemy is approaching you kill him by laying as many mines into him
as possible so that he dies before they explode. Now all you do is
wait for the other enemies to approach you. On the way to you is a
dead body of course and when they get close to it they go BOOM,
just make sure to stand clear of the explosion.

Example: Worn and weary from a battle with the Nemesis Jill
staggers into the detective room of the RPD station. Expecting to
see Marvin Branagh she is shocked to see a zombie with several
close behind. Mustering her strength Jill raises her Mine Launcher
and takes down the first zombie with two shots, the creature falls
backwards with two blinking probes jutting from its chest. With
growing hunger the other two zombies stagger towards the wounded
Jill who only clutches her side and grimaces as she steps
backwards. A soft beep is heard as the zombies approach the
weakened woman, and from nowhere the two corpses sail backwards as
their limbs fly dismembered from their bodies and their decimated
corpses shudder to the ground. Jill only grimaces but is happy that
the zombies never noticed the two mines blinking on the recently
killed corpse that was their downfall.


The trigger shot is like the close cousin of the corpse trap. When a
trigger shot is performed one enemy is hit with a mine which explodes
and fries several of his buddies. This occurs most often with zombies
but I have been lucky enough to have it happen with hunters and dogs,
even crows once. A Trigger Shot should quickly become your best friend
mainly because it will save you time, effort, and damage. You can
easily avoid some of the pain that you would get from trying to fend
off a horde of zombies with a pistol or even a magnum or shotgun if you
use this technique well.
Here is how you get the Trigger Shot to work the best. First of all
you need more than one enemy, it helps if his buddies closely surround
him. Next you have to find an enemy in the MIDDLE of the group. Don't
try for the front because that might not even work. This is where
manual aim helps, or a little adjusting of an auto aim. Once you have
shot the fool in the middle of the group, admire your work for a second
and then watch them all go to hell in a handbasket. One important note,
make sure you are a ways away from your enemies if they can actually
above an infantile crawl.

Example: There was fear in her breath as Jill saw the metallic green
door smash open. The undead began to pour out of the small room like
molasses all of them lurching towards the fresh human flesh. Jill
turned on her heels and ran back a ways to survey her situation. With a
silent nod she fired her mine thrower into the center of the group. It
struck a zombie square in the chest and he staggered back, pushing
against the rest of the horde. Moments later the horde of zombies
erupted in a flurry of bile and human fluids as the lot of them fell
dead to the ground. Jill ran in to see the statue of the mayor of
Raccoon City; the only thought in her mind was if the battle was worth
her effort.


Lay Trap, may sound like a funny name but its much more logical than
it thinks. This is basically, in its simplicity, shooting a mine at
anything other than an enemy. You can fire mines at the ceiling, floor,
walls, and objects in the room. You can even Lay Trap exploding objects
like barrels and TNT straps and they won't explode. Lay Traps work best
on zombies that might crawl at you. The best use for the Lay Trap is
with those whore hunters and the stupid dogs. Lay Traps also make Drain
Diamos very unhappy.
Here is how you perform the Lay Trap shot. (Or in other words lay
traps, hence the name) First, plan a little bit and make sure you do it
fast. Listen to what you are going to have to deal with and then lay
some traps. I suggest lining one a little ways in front of you by
tapping the down button when aiming and not holding it. You should also
launch some traps where an enemy might come from. This works great on
the Nemesis, which will be explained later. If you plan to run away
from something I suggest firing a lay trap in front of you and then
running over it. Then your foe will get a very unfriendly surprise when
he steps on the blinking present you have waiting for him.

NOTE 1: Some surfaces will not accept mines. If you fire a mine onto
one of these surfaces it will explode. As a general rule, never EVER
touch or stand next to an area that you are going to trap. These areas
have no real distinguishing characteristics so your test is pretty much
a trial by error thing.

Example: 'Why does he have to come at me with a rocket launcher?' Jill
tried to catch her breath from her recent fright. The Nemesis had just
burst through a window with a rocket launcher and now Jill was standing
in the doorway of the RPD police room. She looked curiously over at the
bloodstain where Marvin was but was quick to shake off her curiosity;
the Nemesis would be after her soon. Looking straight ahead she nodded
and fired some mines into the wall and floor on the path to her exit.
Lastly she rigged the front of the doorway with two more mines. Turning
to face her goal she started in a mad dash. Only a fraction of a second
later was the Nemesis hot on her heels. But instead of the guttural
'STARS' she heard explosions and the sound of frying flesh. She was
saved, although the damage was probably only making the Nemesis even
more enraged.


The Dispose Shot is your friend, your very close friend. It will
almost always kill mass quantities of enemies or at least kill one or
two. A Dispose Shot is when you shoot at an exploding object like an
Oil Barrel or TNT strapped to the wall, among the obvious. 'What's so
unique about that?' your probably wondering. Well the answer is simple;
the mine launcher will not detonate these objects. It just imbeds into
them and acts just like any other normal Lay Trap. When an enemy
approaches the trapped barrel they go BOOM along with their pals.
Here is how you perform a Dispose Shot. First of all plant a mine on
or near an exploding object, you can aim with R2 just like always (You
might have to aim down slightly to hit the barrels). Now that you have
planted your mines, get away from the object! Barrel, TNT, Steam Pipe,
whatever, just get the hell away from it. You have no idea how many
times I almost put my foot through the TV when I was learning this.
Now that your away from it you just wait for that satisfying explosion,
but you might just have to lure your enemy into it, in that case just
run like your are was on fire.

Example: The barricade wouldn't hold long, all she had to do was light
some rope and run but the zombies wouldn't allow for that. Jill saw a
large red barrel and decided to use her wits and patience. She launched
to mines towards the barrel, one on the barrel and the other at the
barrel's front. Luckily she finished just as the barricade gave way and
the undead began to lush towards her. Jill turned on her heels and
vaulted onto some wood planks. She watched from a safe vantage as the
keg exploded and the zombies fried and blew to shreds. She hopped down
and went to light the rope and shuddered as she saw a dismembered upper


Well as you have learned earlier you can kill yourself with the mine
launcher if you're not careful. There are some ways you can really mess
up and there are some ways that you can prevent looking like a fool. I
am now going to provide a really simple do and do not section to make
this all quick and easy. Let's try and avoid any Jillblets get it?
Giblets? The things you pull out of a turkey? Oh never mind.


-Do keep your distance from your enemies

-Do plan ahead so you have a strategy to follow

-Do practice the various shots so you don't make mistakes

-Do save a little more often than normal, just in case

-Do keep a plain green herb to heal yourself if you do get a little
scruffed up by an explosion or two


-Do Not hang around to admire your work if there are mines close to you

-Do Not shoot an enemy that is close to you and let the mine detonate

-Do Not forget about any of the mines you have laid

-Do Not lose track of how many mines you have missed with

-Do Not trap any barrels if you can not get far enough away from them

-Do Not put your foot through your T.V if you die a few times (person
experience talking there)


This following section will show you the best strategies on dealing
with the common fodder of RE 3. It will not only tell how many shots on
average it takes to drop that particular enemy, but it also includes
the different types of kills for the enemy and some effective notes on
attack patterns. Please feel free to submit if you have found anything
that I have missed.


Name: The creature's technical name
Types: The different models used for them (police man, business suit
man) [Zombies only] the number in () is the number of different models
Created By: What viral infection method makes them (T-Virus etc)
Sounds: The sounds you listen fore to see if they are around
Kill Types: The different death they have (head explodes, severed at
waist, charred, etc)
Hits to Kill: How many shots it takes to waste em
Recommended Shots: The shots you should use to kill them (dispose Shot,
trigger shot, corpse trap etc.)
Strategy: A standard strategy to kill the enemy


Name: Zombie (a.k.a. Resident Evil Cannon Fodder)

Types: Civilian M (2), Civilian F (2), Fat Civilian M (1), Business
man (2), Officer M (1), Officer F (1), Nude M (1), Lab Worker M (1)

Created By: Infection of a standard human being by the T-Virus

Sounds: Scuffling, moaning, perhaps a wet squishing noise if they
are eating a corpse.

Kill Types: Charred, No head, No arms, Severed waist and legs kicking
(when crawling on stomach)

Hits to Kill: 2 no detonation, 1 with detonation

Recommended Shots: All of them

Strategy: The best strategy is to keep them away from you. If you
don't they might grab and bite you and that would suck if you had a
mine on them at the time. If they are crawling towards you back up
before shooting them. Other than that just party hardy and keep the
mines a comin'.


Name: Cerberus (a.k.a. Those dogs you see so often)

Created By: A dog becoming infected by the T-Virus

Sounds: Sound of claws on the ground, barking if they see you, a less
wet squishing then the zombies eating if the dogs are eating

Kill Types: No Head, Loss of some legs, charred

Hits to Kill: 2 no detonation, 1 with detonation

Recommended Shots: Corpse Trap, Lay Trap

Strategy: It's not highly advisable to let these mutts get too close to
you. First Lay a Trap mine in front of you and then fire at the first
dog. By the way these mutts always travel in packs of at least two so
be careful. Once the first pooch is shot it will fall over and growl at
you, and then it will detonate. If that takes out its other pals great,
if not then repeat. If the dogs are close to you but not surrounding
you lay a trap, then corpse trap the first dog with two mines and then
back up, that dog will take out the others in pursuit. If they are
surrounding you then just run by them and let them try and follow you,
lay a trap in front of you and run over it. The dogs will get hit, as
they do turn and fire a mine into the group that has formed and voila,
Puppy Chow!

c. DRAIN DIAMOS/ BRAIN SUCKERS (a.k.a. Those weird spider things that
like giving hugs)

Name: Drain Diamos are light brown and Brain Suckers are green

Created By: No idea, please send in an answer if you have evidence

Sound: A suction like sound of their feet. They sound a little like
Lickers in that respect (Lickers a RE 2's Hunter)

Kill Type: Charred, Some arms lost, one or two legs lost

Hits to Kill: 3-5 no detonation 1-2 with detonation

Recommended Shots: Trap Shot, Direct Attack, Dispose Shot

Strategy: These spider like bastards are rather tricky, but there are
ways around that. First, when they are clinging to a wall or ceiling
you should shoot a little in front of where they might land. Then shoot
them and they will fall down, but be ready to run away at this point.
As they get up the mine might detonate or if not they will be killed by
the mine on the ground. Sometimes they might jump at you if you are in
a direct line with them, this is why you have to be ready to run to the
side and get away. They will often detonate as this is happening. Next
step, when they are on the ground. First lay a trap in front you and
WALK backwards out of range of the mine (they will see where you are if
you run). Then shoot the drain Diamos and turn on your heels and
retreat. If they run at you they will get hit by the mine on the
ground, if not you can run to the side to escape there detonation if
they try and jump at you. Lastly, if you can use a dispose shot then by
all means do it. But be careful to prepare that first before the drain
Diamos notices you or you're in trouble. To stay safe, make sure you
don't use a Direct Attack when the Drain Diamos is within hugging
range, and what is hugging range? Hugging range is about 5 to 7 walking
paces. These guys rear up on their hind legs and scurry after you
wanting to give you a little hug.


Name: Hunters are green and have fleshy spots, Head Hunters have no
head, they have one huge mouth on their shoulders

Created By: The T-Virus being merged with human DNA

Sounds: The moist thumping of their footsteps, its light but sharp

Kill Type: One or no arms, one leg blown off at the knee, no head (not
sure on that one)

Hits to Kill: I'm guessing 3-7 no detonation 1-3 with detonation

Recommended Shots: Lay Trap, Direct Attack, Dispose Shot, and Corpse

Strategy: These guys are real mean, they can take off poor Jill's head
faster than Fat Albert can unwrap a milkeyway. Your best tactic here is
to use the Lay Trap shot the most and save Direct Attacks for more
opportune times. Here's my strategy on how to deal with them in most
standard situations. First move quick and run forward a few paces and
lay a trap. Then turn and run and turn to face where the enemy is
coming from. If you are in a hallway with a sharp turn fire a mine into
the wall just for protection. If the hunter is going to come for you
he's going to come running. As the hunter gets hits by the first mine
shoot it when it's down. Before it can get up turn and run like the
dickens and pray he doesn't get close to you as he is either jumping or
running the mine will go off and he will die. Take note, that if a
hunter is trying to take off your head you should run in the direction
of the arm he is swinging with. So if you can see Jill's face and the
hunter from the back and he is attacking with the right arm, run to the
right. Otherwise the follow-through will get you just the same. It
makes no sense that it happens but it does, so just learn to adapt.


Name: Crows (a.k.a. Stop pecking my head or Hey they stick to the wall
when you shoot them with the bowgun)

Created By: Infection from the T-Virus

Sounds: Flapping and cawing

Kill Type: either just dead or noting left but a bloodstain and some

Hits to Kill: 1 detonation

Recommended Shots: Lay Trap

Strategy: The strategy for the birds are easy, either run or lay a trap
on the walls for them. If you lay some wall traps and run along that
wall then they will go boom. Otherwise they're just too small to really
hit in flight. If they aren't flying you can always lay mines on the
ground for them so when they go to rest they can have a rather booming
reminder of your dislike for birds.


Name: Spider (a.k.a. Stop Humping My Leg!!)<- Only in resident evil
survivor does this occur

Created By:

Sounds: A light thumping of their furry legs

Kill Type: Blow off some legs, fragment their thorax (sometimes called
the spiders arse)

Hits to Kill: 2-3 no detonation 1-2 with detonation

Recommended Shots: Direct Attack, Lay Trap

Strategy: The best time to kill a giant spider is when they are walking
on the ceiling. When they do this fire a mine straight into them and
they will usually just stay up there and let it explode and kill them.
They are more dangerous on the ground because they can get some serious
speed behind them so here is what you do. First lay some traps in a row
on the ground, but make sure to lay at least two. Then run forward and
get the spiders attention, when it rears up on its back legs start
running. Now run over your mines and turn when you are away from the
last mine and fire at the spider. If the spider is already dead from
the mines on the ground then you just wasted one of you infinite supply
of mines (oh no). But if it's alive its got another mine to suck on,
and it might just keep after you and run over the other mines you set
for it.


Name: Leech, the non-medical type (a.k.a. They really DO suck)

Created By: no clue I'd guess the T-Virus or maybe an overdose of
anabolic horse steroids

Sounds: Wet slithering, splorting plunk of them hitting the ground.
(same sound effect as the snakes in RE 1)

Kill Type: charred

Hits to Kill: 1 detonation

Recommended Shots: Lay Trap

Strategy: Very easy strategy, even easier then the crows. Lay a trap in
front of you and walk away. If they want to go after you they blow up,
if they don't then they will go about their business doing leech like
stuff. It's That Easy!


Name: The Grave Digger (a.k.a. Oh great, just what we all need, I
Giant, Ugly, Necrophiliac leech.)

Created By: I am guessing the T or G virus leaking into the soil

Sounds: It will always let out a dry roar before just as it emerges
from the ground

Kill Type: Chars

Hits to Kill: Instant Kill is possible, so you had better follow it if
you decide to do it the hard way, please tell how many shots it takes,
just detonation is necessary

Recommended Shots: Disposal Shot, Lay Trap, and Direct Attack

Strategy: Ok first of all as the fight starts, run forward and hug the
right wall. This will stop you from being pinned in the corner. Now
stay in the first screen with the water, the two lamp posts and the
view of where you just came from. You will be alternating between this
screen and the screen behind it quite a lot. Not all you have to do is
lay a trap in front of the lamps towards the paths. Now start
listening, when you hear him roar get ready to run either straight-
ahead or quick turn. In the first stages of damage the grave digger
will emerge fully and move towards you, if you hurt it enough it will
burst out and hit you then go back into its hole immediately. You can
do this fight without taking a hit if you decide to fire minimally. If
the grave digger is moving along the ground towards you only shoot at
it once and run, when it goes back into the ground run back to your
spot between the lamps. You can see where the worm is moving by
watching the upturning soil, doing this will let you keep a definite
eye on where he will emerge next. Anyway, once some time has passed the
two lamps will fall forward in a little scene. Now is your chance, fire
behind the left lamp and the wall will not take the mine, the mine will
explode and the lamp will fall. Do the same with the other lamp and you
will electrify the water. If you cant get it for the other lamp then
lay a trap in front of it on the ground to the side. The Grave Digger
will trigger it and it will definitely get zapped by it. Once you do
this your done and you can leave, just make sure not to get zapped
yourself. As another note, you want to focus highly on running from the
digger and not so much on shooting.


Yes the dirty little Nemesis is the big pain of the game, especially
in the beginning when he likes to chase you around. The mine launcher
is actually the only gun in RE 3 that can safely keep him at bay and
let you escape. This of course does not count the rocket launcher,
which is just cheap. At any rate, the following will show you how to
understand the nemesis's attacks, how he runs, how to lay traps and
best of all, how to kill him when you want to and have to.


The Nemesis is not the most creative of enemies. Ok I'm lying he's
the most creative in the entire RE series. But the Nemesis does have
some standards. His standard attacks are the left hammer blow, the
grab and throw behind, and forward, and lastly the grab and infect.
Here is a summary of what they are and how to avoid them.

The Left Hammer Blow: The Nemesis will either run at you or stand
there and swing with his left arm in a very full cycled hammer blow.
The good thing is, he only does the left and he can only do the hammer
blow. To dodge this, run towards him and run in the direction of his
swinging arm. This of course only goes for if your going to fight him.
If you don't want to fight him (and in most cases you don't have to)
you can just run away. Safely running away is explained in section d.
Setting Traps.

The Grab and Throw: The nemesis once again uses his left hand to grab
you by the throat and toss you either in front of him or behind him.
You can avoid this in the exact same way you would avoid his punches.
I suggest curving around him as you do this so you aren't just running
straight. If you are thrown start whamming the action button while
holding R1 and or R2, Hell just start mashing all of the buttons
including various directions. You want to stand up as fast as
possible, if you don't then he will pick you up when you're down and
use his Grab and Infect.

Grab and Infect: The real whore move is when he decides he wants to
make you another Brad Vickers and pick you up by your neck and infect
you. The good part is that the Nemesis can't do this when you are
standing, he can only use this attack if you have fallen down from his
grab and throw. Even if he does grab you, hold R1 and rapidly tap the
action and other buttons and you can escape the grasp. Sadly you can
only do this if you are in Fine or Caution Condition. If you are in
danger then consider yourself another Brad Vickers


Well now that you know what the Nemesis can do to you for the first
part of the game, here is how you deal with him in close combat. First
let me define close combat, close combat is any distance that is not
running from the nemesis. There are two kinds of close combat in this
case, the type where he can hurt you and you can hurt yourself, and the
kind that he cant hurt you and you can hurt him. The bad close combat
is that 'uncomfortable close', that 'you're in my personal space
bubble' close. At that range your mines will hurt you if they detonate
and the nemesis will be hurting you as well. This will kill you quick,
my fastest time being 15 seconds. Here is how you deal with him in
close quarters. First shoot him and get ready to circle to the left to
avoid his punch. As he is recoiling from the detonation you should
shoot again and repeat the avoiding process. Note that you should never
fight the Nemesis in narrow spaces like alleyways.


This is not learning how to fight him, that is the section above this
one. This section will teach you how he moves, and he moves with a
startling amount of intelligence. First, the nemesis will always hug a
corner if he is going to turn. Be it running or walking he always hugs
corners, he does this so he can get to you faster. Next, the nemesis
runs about 1.25 times faster than Jill. That means that basically the
nemesis will catch you eventually if you are running down a
straightaway. Lastly, the nemesis will suffer a hit reaction and
stagger back from the first mine explosion but not the one right after
that. Take note of that when you run from him. Also, when you hear a
metallic click, you should start to swerve in your path or pray to god
your going to get to a door because that click means he's going to fire
a rocket at you. Lastly, remember that if the nemesis is chasing you he
will enter into the room you are in after about 5-7 paces. His entering
has nothing to do with time, so you could go use the bathroom, make a
snack and walk your dog and still come back to Jill sitting there
annoyed and tapping her gun on her hip.


If you want to run from the Nemesis then you want to learn how to set
practical and concise traps. This means that you want to only lay traps
that you are sure will hit him and slow him down. Here is how you do it
using the, yep you guessed it, the Lay Trap Shot. Once the Nemesis is
in hot pursuit of you, he won't give up easily, only a beat down or
just running for a long time will get rid of this problem. Here is how
to lay your traps to beat him. First, lay one mine in front of the door
or a little in front of the door on the path that you will run. The
Nemesis will always follow the path you take so use your own track of
movement as a guide. Well you have one mine down, that's usually enough
unless you have a lot of running to do to get to your goal. In such a
case you need to just sit still and plan where you want your next mine
to go. I usually hug walls myself so I would place a mine alongside a
wall just to make the trip a little safer. If you are the over paranoid
type then you could always just fire all 6 mines around the room, but I
don't recommend it.


You can follow the same strategies as for close combat in this fight.
Just take note of Nemesis' two new attacks.

Tentacle Impale: The nemesis will wind up and lash his tentacle a ways
in front of him. Just move to the side to avoid the attack.

Tentacle Lash: The Nemesis Will wind up to the left and lash his
tentacle from left to right, for this one just run away from him and
you will be fine.

To beat the nemesis you just stay close to him so he will only use his
Tentacle Impale attack. Once he starts to wind up back off and then
run to dodge the tentacle, immediately launching a mine into him after
that. Get a little closer to him and coax him into lashing you again,
as he is lashing the mine will explode and hurt him but not so that he
stops attacking. Just repeat this process of run to the left, move,
fire, repeat and you'll have him dead. Never run away from him,
because that will just make him run after you and then you'll have to
deal with his punches and all that. Another definite no no is shooting
more than one mine into him, don't do it no matter what.

NOTE: I have never fought him when he starts with the rocket launcher
so I don't know what to do about that. I will add a strategy for
dealing with that when I play through again.


This fight is much easier than they make it. Because you cant really
detonate the acid you have to drop the nemesis with mines galore. The
Nemesis will only walk in this fight so you can plug off at least 3 to
4 mines before he is within swinging range. Once you mines have blown
up run by him because he'll be close enough by to hit you by then. Just
run by his left side and he will swing and miss you. I'm not sure if
nemesis goes blind by doing this like he does with the acid pouring on

But be warned the Nemesis has two more new moves in this fight to
replace the ones he lost from the previous fight.

Tentacle Trip: The nemesis will lash out at your feet at try and trip
you and pull you in close to him. Just run away to avoid that, or
dodge. Dodging works great in this situation, but to those that don't
understand the precise mechanics of dodging it might be wiser to run.

Tentacle You Sick Whore *Closes eyes and looks away*: Your probably
wondering why I gave this attack this name, well if you saw the fact
that nemesis grabs you by the legs and smashes you into the ground over
and over again. I just had to give it a colorful name. The bad thing is
that the attack looks the same as the Tentacle Trip so if you can avoid
that you can avoid this attack.


This is not so easy, because you don't want to be stuck in a corner.
Your going to want to use a lot of Direct Attacks with some Lay Traps
mixed in. Be sure not to miss or you might be in trouble. Also, do not
push in the third battery until the nemesis starts to run away from
you, just keep the battery 3 half in and when the nemesis starts to
slither away from you and not attack any more you should put in the
battery and finish it. All the nemesis can do here is spew acid, but it
still hurts so be careful to avoid it. Don't be afraid to run around
the nemesis also, he cant do a whole hell of a lot to you if you try
and get by. Or at least I haven't seen anything incredible. Just make
sure not to get hurt by your own mines because he is real long in this
fight and the extra length might set off more mines then you want.


This section is the only non-Mine Launcher related part of the FAQ.
Although the coolest and weirdest kills occur with the mine launcher
due to the time lag between impact and detonation if you have other
weird kills then do submit them. Please do not submit a standard
shotgun decapitation or a plain pistol kill. Anything else goes, from
the least gory like popping 3 zombies heads in a row with the IMI eagle
to crazy kills like shooting a hunter with the mine launcher and having
the mine explode so it wipes out in mid jump. Anything cool goes.
Please, ANY resident evil game submission is accepted from RE 1 to RE 3
but not survivor because there was no good kills in that game I would


This section is for kills that have broken a personal record that you
may have or are just more than one kill. A record kill only counts for
the amount of enemies you kill with one shot from a gun. Your
submission will be put up and various record categories will be created
as I get more submissions.

==There are no submissions to the Record Kills area, please check
back later ==


This section is for kills that may be a game glitch, an amazingly
disgusting kill, or just something that you consider really out of the
norm or incredible.

==There are no submissions to the Freaky Kills area, please check
back later ==


Send Your Submissions to

Please title the subject of your email "Freaky Kill Submission"

In your email please include

Your Name: Internet name or real name or both

Your Email: This is optional
The Resident Evil Game you achieved the kill with: Re 1,2 or 3

The Gun You Used: The weapon you used to kill your foe(s)

What you killed: The enemy or enemies you killed. Note that a freaky
kill only counts for the enemies you killed in one room, and not over a
series of rooms. In other words, only 1 submission per room

The Type of Kill it Was: Either a Record Kill, or a Freaky Kill
Give a brief description of what your kill was and what it did to the

That's all you need to have on the email. You will be put up in the
Freaky Kills Section of this FAQ and credit will be given to you. This
is just something I'm doing for fun so any re player can submit and be


Well, I hope you have enjoyed reading this FAQ as much as I enjoyed
writing it. All in all it took me about 8 hours non-stop to write this
and now I am going to go soak my wounded knuckles in some hot water.
Some last words to you my RE 3 friends. First, never kick your TV
screen when wearing steel toed boots, don't play RE 3 at midnight while
with another person, wetting your pants in fear may be embarrassing,
and lastly Please Contribute To this FAQ. I have always believed that
it is the contributions of other people that make something great.


As of now this FAQ is copyright 2000 J. Gour and I cant give credit yet
because nobody has submitted anything yet.

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