Parasite Eve 2

Parasite Eve 2

15.10.2013 20:37:21
Important Stuff

Parasite Eve 2 Important Stuff Guide
North American Version
Version 1.31
Author: krystalklyr
ICQ: 87324141

The latest version of this document is available at:

## ---Author's Note--- ##

Hi! This is my second project (the first one was a FAQ/Walkthrough
Threads of Fate), and also, please note that this is not a
FAQ/Walkthrough but an Important Stuff Guide.

I decided to make this thing because of three reasons.

One is that if somebody reads a FAQ/Walkthrough, he/she doesn't read
everything that is contained in it. He/she just browses the
FAQ/Walkthrough in order to find the things that can be missed if
he/she just played the game normally. And because of that, the reader
may miss certain important details and eventually not get them (I am
one of the people who missed certain things like the 'Good' Ending and
the 'Black Card').

And for my second reason, I wanted to make this document a new
classification of in-depth guides everywhere. I believe this would
really be helpful for more advance gamers that doesn't want to be
spoiled but doesn't want to miss items and other stuff. Finally, I am
bored. I wanted to make one.

Note that some sections that are written somewhere in this document
is a copy of my Threads of Fate FAQ/Walkthrough, but I really don't
care. I am not going to make another one if it applies to all
FAQ/Walkthroughs, may it be an In-depth guide.

Also, since this document is a 'new revolution' for FAQ/Walkthroughs
and In-depth guides alike, this is in something like a bulleted or
numbered format for everyone's viewing pleasure. (Who wants to read a
document full of big chunks of paragraphs? Count me out!)

Please understand why I used a LOT of signs or symbols here that
pertains to line breaks or section breaks or something. Because of
them, this document was increased by as much as 20%-30%. I just
stressed the point of the importance of these breaks so that the reader
won't mistake something as not important (although all the things here
are very important, some are considered less important than others).
They also help out by making it clear that [this] and [that] section is

Everyone is welcome to read and keep this document. This can also be
sent or given to anyone without notice to me as long as it is NOT,
remember NOT ... NEVER:
1) used for commercial or profitable reasons
2) given for free in order to sell a product
3) altered or ripped off

And that be sure that the author and especially all those who
contributed in this document are credited (I really took time doing
this and I deserve it [I think {sigh!}] and the ones that contributed

I am not perfect. I make mistakes somewhere here and somewhere
there. I also miss a lot of things, specially hard to get items or
side-quests that 1) requires you to go back to a dungeon you already
finished or 2) requires you to talk to a person or to several persons
in order to trigger the quest. Please correct me from my mistakes.
Also, if you want to add/contribute something that I missed or
miscellaneous tips, just E-Mail me and I will credit you. Spelling and
grammar corrections will also be appreciated. I am also poor
(sometimes) in understanding the plot or story of a game so if I am
mistaken in writing about a certain story line, drop me a mail.

If there are something you want to add such as game secrets or just
anything that can make this document better, do not hesitate to give it
to me. I will credit anyone who contributes to this thing (but if you
like to be anonymous that is fine with me).

## ---Warning--- ##

This Important Stuff Guide MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS (although not that
major) so I think it would be all right to go ahead and read everything
here. But if you are the type who doesn't even want to hear the name
of a character, DON'T READ IT.

## ---Version History--- ##

Version 0.00 - 09/23/2000 - got the idea on making this thing up
Version 1.00 - 10/02/2000 - added all the necessary things which is
almost everything!
Version 1.01 - 10/14/2000 - added some sites that you can find it
- fixed up some things
- decided not to put up an ASCII art.
Version 1.10 - 10/22/2000 - got an information about getting 8 more
grenades in the Akropolis Tower courtesy of
Mike Clark. And that you don't lose your
ammo after finishing the Akropolis Tower.
Version 1.20 - 10/28/2000 - added more info contributed by MikeP696 and
Francis Wai
Version 1.30 - 11/02/2000 - removed the notes wherein this guide can be found
- added more info contributed by Brett de Jesus
- fixed some sections
Version 1.40 - 06/25/2002 - Minor fixes
- Minor clean-up (removal of text)

## ---Table of Contents--- ##

I. Introduction
II. List of Characters
III. You Need to Know These Stuff
A. Differences Between the 2 Parasite Eves
B. Other Need to Know Stuff
IV. Random Tips
V. Important Stuff Guide
VI. Getting the Good Ending
VII. So You've Finished the Game
VIII. Thanks
IX. Copyrights and Legal Stuff

## ---Introduction --- ##

Blah, Blah, Blah, ... go read a review or something, this is not a,
FAQ/Walkthrough and I am assuming that you know at least something
about this game.

But I still want to put an introduction to this thing, so here goes.

Parasite Eve 2 is a game made by Square and it is the second sequel
to Parasite Eve (duh!). There are also several differences from the
two games. For one, Parasite Eve is an RPG while Parasite Eve 2 is an
Action-RPG. There are also several differences but just check out the
'You Need to Know These Stuff' section at the 'The Difference between
the 2 Parasite Eves' subsection for more details.

Also, please note that this Important Stuff Guide's random tips and
some other things are applicable to the Normal Game and the Replay
Mode. Maybe, just maybe I will create another one for the other modes
but for now, I can't guarantee that this would help people playing the
other modes 100%.

## ---List of Characters--- ##

Aya - The main character for both Parasite Eves. She quit NYPD and
joined MIST FBI in order to get rid of the NMC and stuff.
She is a 'Hunter' in MIST.

Baldwin - The 'Mr. Baker' of Parasite Eve 2, in short, Aya's boss.

Douglas - The only person alive in Dryfield Motel. He will sell stuff
at you and is an important character in the story. He also
helps Aya by giving items to her.

Jodie - The BP Exchange Girl in MIST HQ (also in the Tent when you
are getting the 'Good Ending')

Kyle - He will be with Aya in her adventures in Parasite Eve 2. He
is a private investigator assigned to check out the NMCs.

No. 9 - Another Hunter that Aya wants to get rid of.

Pierce - Somebody at MIST. He really wants to help Aya.

Rupert - Supposedly Aya's partner but he gets his arm injured so he
just stay at MIST HQ and never see him again (except when
you are getting the 'Bad Ending')

## ---You Might want to Know These Stuff--- ##

+ ---Differences Between the 2 Parasite Eves--- +

Parasite Eve 2 is very unlike the original Parasite Eve. Here are
some of the differences:
| Aspect | Parasite Eve | Parasite Eve 2 |
| Genre | Role-Playing Game | Action - RPG |
| Parasite Energy | Uses PE | Uses MP |
| PE/MP Recovery | During the battle | After the battle or |
| | | use MP Recovery Items |
| Ammunition | Three types | Several types |
| Increasing | 'Level Up' | NONE! *(see Note 1) |
| Parameters | | |
| Weapons System | Uses Tools and Super | Changes weapons |
| | Tools | (like Parasite Eve) |
| Learning Magic | 'Level Up' | Revive/Strengthen |
| | | Parasite Energy |
| Item Slots | Maximum of 50 | Minimum of 50 |
| Items for battle | Everything in Aya's | Include in Attachments |
| | Inventory | |

+ ---Other Need to Know Stuff--- +

Come on guys, if you don't really know how to play the game, just use
the FAQ/Walkthroughs available. (Sorry for being rude but if I do
this, this should be called a FAQ/Walkthrough too, right?)

## ---Random Tips--- ##

Not really at random but just giveaway tips for people reading this
Important Stuff Guide.

1. In the game's normal mode or even the replay mode, don't hesitate
in using strong ammunition on strong enemies or bosses. You will
have LOADS of them at the end.

- I mostly used the ammunition found on the boxes with unlimited
bullets and I finished my game with LOADS of Spartans, Fireflies,
R. Slugs, Grenades, Air Bursts, Riots and 5.56 Rounds, which I
consider wasted

- Meaning, JUST FIRE AWAY! [Though try not to be trigger happy with
it {^_^}].

2. Learn the following Parasite Energies, they are really useful.
I'll rank them according to what you need to learn first.

a. Heal
b. Energy Shot
c. Metabolism
d. Life Drain
e. Plasma*

- You have to get Metabolism and Heal to level 3 first in order to
get Life Drain.

- Plasma can poison your enemies. This even affect some bosses
like the Big Fire-Breathing Guy. Level it up to 2, 3 if you want

* Necrolysis according to Mike works wonders. It saved him quite a
lot. I guess you should learn it too. Maybe about LV 1 or 2.

* Thanks to MikeP696 for reminding me this (Plasma
and Necrolysis}

3. If you learn Parasite Energies: - Using Experience ~or~
- Using Items (for Replay Mode)

your MP will be fully restored. If you are low on MP, just learn
Magic by using experience or using the items (think of them as
non-battle item restore things).

- Meaning ... don't learn Parasite Energies hastily.


- Though not necessary, it would make your life easier.

- It can be used at the place where you can exchange BP for items
in the Shelter.

- I didn't get it so I just used P.B. Bullets at the Shelter.

- If you get it, you would probably use Buckshots and Hydra
Bullets, (you get a free shotgun too) cool huh!

5. Don't play around with your items. Keep them if possible.

- They will be counted during the games end and give you
corresponding BP for your Replay Games.

- They will be quite necessary to defeat the final boss.

6. Getting the Good Ending at first would probably better. Or if
aiming for the bad ending, try to follow some of the requirements
in getting the good ending.

- You can get more items

- You get more free bullets (although no Magnum though) at the Tent

- You get a free weapon, M950

- You can get the Ofuda by doing this (from Pierce, by giving him
three [ICE BAG] (Key Item) [one at a time])

- For more information, check out the 'Getting the Good Ending'

7. When fighting the Big Fire-Breathing Guy, beat him in less than 3

- I believe that the gun (M950) is better than the armor.

- It is also a deciding factor to get a good ending.

- read #6 (above)

8. The Light from guns like P229 or MP5A5 is really useful (which is
unlike what the FAQs/Walkthroughs tries to feed you with)

- They can be used to stun the Gremlins (the small enemies that
attack you in groups [the ones that wrecked Aya's car])

- It can stun:
- Bats
- Walking female monster (the one you usually see at Dryfield)
- Flying something with a large horn and large wings
- Spiders
- Gremlins (as stated above)
- Hedgehogs (the hard-shelled enemy at Neo-Ark)
- And some other enemies I forgot

- It can also kill:
- Bats (sometimes)
- Flying Bugs (the insects that inflict Darkness on Aya)
- And maybe some enemies that I also forgot

- If you do that to the flying enemies that can be stunned and they
are flying over a pit, when they fall, they die.

- When the enemy is stunned, sometimes, the damage you deal to them
will be greater and you will have a higher critical rate (I

9. BUY the M4A1 Attachment HAMMER. It would really be helpful in
fighting a lot of enemies like the Hedgehogs, Camera with Guns, the
Golems, the large guy that uses magic and other enemies.

- When they are stunned, they stay down (depending on their
recovery rate [Low for the Hedgehogs and High for the Golems].

- Sometimes, the damage you deal to them will be higher and you
will get a higher critical rate.

10. Don't waste BP buying ammunition or guns you won't need

- Well, except if you cant defeat the Fire-Breathing Guy less than
3 minutes, I suggest buying 5.56 Bullets and the M4A1

- The ammunition you pick up will be enough for you (if you are not
that much of a trigger happy fellow [as stated from above])

11. NEVER ESCAPE (only if you are not aiming to get the a low score)

- If you think your nearly dying and you won't live if you fight to
the end, just load your game.

- It wastes Experience and BP

- Ignore that ONLY when (read the above mentioned reason [beside
the NEVER ESCAPE to the right]) or in your proper judgement, it
will take you forever to get at your current position because
you haven't saved your game for a long time.

12. Get the Holy Water at the fire safe at the Motel Loft.

- Don't use it if possible, it only increases the lowest
experience requiring Water Elemental Parasite Energy by 1.

- It decreases the damage Aya receives by 25% {^_^}.

13. Always get the Skull Crystal, the Ofuda, the Holy Water and the
Medicinal Wheel.

- The Skull Crystal, when attached increases the damage Aya
inflicts by 25%. But when used, it increases the lowest
experience requiring Fire Elemental Parasite Energy by 1.

- The Ofuda, when attached increases Aya's Parasite Energy power
by 25%. But when used, it increases the lowest experience
requiring Earth Elemental Parasite Energy by 1.

- The Holy Water ... read #12 (just above)

- The Medicinal Wheel, when attached gives you a chance to receive
Bonus Items after fighting enemies. But when used, it increases
the lowest experience requiring Wind Elemental Parasite Energy
by 1.

- Also, all of the said items increase the BP you receive for the
next game when you finished a game.

14. If you are attempting to get the BAD ENDING and only that ...

- Meaning you only want to get the BAD ENDING sequence which is
really crap if you ask me [and by the way, the GOOD Ending for
me is crap too!]

- I suggest you do ALMOST all of the requirements for the
GOOD ENDING, except going to GOLEM FREEZER *AFTER* the TENT for
a scene with Pierce so that you can receive many cool stuff.

- But if you are after every BAD ENDING scene, go flop 'em all!

15. If you are on the Normal and Replay Mode, learn 'Life Drain'. It
is soooo IMPORTANT.

**. VERY IMPORTANT, E-mail me if you've got great tips for this game
and outstanding methods to get rid of pimples.

## ---Important Stuff Guide--- ##

Please note some of the information present in this Important Stuff
Guide was adopted with a request, meaning I have acquired permission
from the following authors: Ibrahim Ghouth [ibmG]
and to his friend Bernie.

I am asking permission from other people too so that I could get more

This is a clarification and organization of the important details
that summarizes the 'hard-to-get', 'hard-to-understand' and the 'hard-
to-find' stuff in the game which could be very HARD to spot if you read
the FAQ/Walkthroughs on the Internet.

I ONLY put here the NECESSARY and MUST-GET items and NEED-TO-DO
stuff. Some other items and tasks will not be emphasized here like
simple recovery items, status restoration items and go put the
something in order to open the something then fight off the somebody
and blah, blah, blah. And because of that, and you thought that this
is a walkthrough, you will MISS a lot of items, ammunitions and some
Key Items too.

Also, I included the Ringer's Solution as part of the MUST-GET items.
But if you really look at it carefully, you will only see 4 of them
listed here. Do you want to know why? ... hmmm ... it is because, for
me, 4 Ringer's Solution(s) are MUST-GET items and the others are just
needed to increase your BP for the final counting.

Meaning -> Don't e-mail me something that I missed one Ringer's
Solution somewhere. Though you can do that, I won't hate you for your
concern. But you will get something like the above paragraph as a

Also, this walkthrough doesn't emphasize the 100% kill rating. For
you to do that, just constantly check the map for the red colors of the
rooms. You also need to get the good ending in order to achieve that
(I think).

* MIST Headquarters *

*Training Range*
1. In the game's beginning, Aya will be at the training range. Why
not train since you can enjoy rewards if you win.

*Free BP*
2. Also, depending on your score, you can get 100 or 200 or 300 BP.

- Please note that until I obtain permission from JL Lee about
putting some of his information here, please refer to his
FAQ/Walkthrough for now ... or maybe you like to give me the
information ... I'll credit you for it of course!

| Level | Score to get item | Reward, get from Jodie (talk to her) |
| 1 | ? points | 50 Hydra Bullets |
| 2 | ? points | Ringer's Solution (MUST GET!) |
| 3 | ? points | Hunter's Goggles |
| 4 | ? points | Lipstick |
| 5 | ? points | Shoulder Holster |

3. If you can't beat the Shooting Range levels, come back later (yes,
not now [After the Akropolis Tower] for an easier training).

4. Talk to Jodie at the BP Exchange Room (Weapon place something) and
she will give you the items you can get if you reached the expected

* Akropolis Tower *

NEVER leave this place without the [BLACK CARD]

*Unlimited P.B. Bullets*
1. In the room where there are a *LOT* of SWAT guys dead, there is a
box that contains Unlimited P.B. Bullets.

*Tactical Armour*
2. You can get the Tactical Armour if you examine the body of the dead
SWAT guy on the bench (somewhere after the escalator) (a room
wherein there is a cola vending machine.

*MP5A5 (Submachine Gun)*
3. In the place before you meet Rupert twice, there is a dead SWAT
guy, you can get an MP5A5 from him (a submachine gun)

*[RED KEY] (Key Item)*
4. At the room where you found Rupert being attacked by No. 9, the
guy that seems to be like a robot or something, in that room, you
can get the [RED KEY], more on that later at #7

### MUST GET ############################################# MUST GET ###
5. At the room after the place you meet Rupert twice, the room wherein
a SWAT member planted a bomb. When you are standing in front of
the bomb, turn around and you will see a door.

### MUST GET ############################################# MUST GET ###
6. Examine it twice to get a [BLACK CARD] or the [ARMORY CARDKEY], a
key item which you will need later at the Shelter in order to get
to the boxes with Unlimited P.B. Bullets, Unlimited Hydra Bullets,
Unlimited Buckshots (shotgun shells) and the SP12 (a shotgun).

*Grenade Pistol*
7. Head back to the room where you placed the [BLUE KEY], place the
[RED KEY] on the other key slot. This will drain the fountain.

8. Go to the place where there is a fountain. Examine the fountain
and you can see a SWAT guy dead and Aya will get from him the
Grenade Pistol (a grenade launcher).

*Grenades (Ammunition for Grenade Launchers)*
9. There will be 2 enemies there, the Fat Guys, you can get Grenades
from them.

*More grenades for the wicked (courtesy of Mike Clark)*

10. *In the e-mail*
In the area in front of the Chapel Where Rupert (a.k.a. Sir
Dumbass) gets attacked by No.9 (a.k.a. Captain Crack Monkey), near
the escalator (sp?) is a white thing, I forgot
the name of it, but anyway, check it and there will be metorlogical
stuff in it......and "someone left some ammo in here". (Note: you
can see the "hiding place" of these Grenades in the first camara

*[561] Dangerous 'Fishies'*
11. In the room where you can input a code so that you don't have to
cross the shallow water by walking (a bridge will rise), input the
code [561]. Now, you can just shoot them (the fishes are harmless)
or just step on them, it can also kill them too (thanks to Brett for

### NOTE THAT #########################################################
A. Before going up the building, make sure that you have the:


B. And to make things easier {^_^}, have the:

- Grenade Pistol
- Grenades
- Hydra Bullets

C. Grab some P.B. Bullets from #1

D. When ready, go finish the Akropolis Tower by going up.

* MIST Headquarters *

*M4A1 and the Shooting Training*
1. If you haven't finished the Shooting Training yet, go buy the M4A1.
With it, you will have stronger fire power and the Shooting Gallery
and you will most likely have an easier time.

2. If you still can't finish it, I suggest using the FAQ/Walkthrough
for this game. They might help you a lot. But the items aren't
really necessary to get (except for the Ringer's Solution).

3. If you reached the required score, get the rewards from Jodie.

### NOTE THAT #########################################################
*MIST HQ to the Fullest*
3. This is your last time here, I suggest you buy the Combat Armour
from Jodie. Also, finish the Shooting Training and get the rewards
if you can, but if not, never mind.

* Dryfield *

*Unlimited P.B. Bullets*
1. Beside Aya's car, there is a box with Unlimited P.B. Bullets

*Storage, Car's Trunk*
2. Aya's car trunk is your first storage space for this place. Leave
your extra items there (like Penicillins, Stims and some other
things your judgement says you don't really need)

*Items in Rooms*
3. In the rooms at the Motel, there might be items in the hangers on
the cabinets. Don't forget to grab them. Also sometimes, you need
to examine them twice.

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4. First, at the room where there is a car in the middle, wherein
there is a door that is locked and Aya's says 'Funny, the door ..'.
You have to open raise the Circuit Breaker somewhere.

*Getting some Shells*
5. Go to the Control Panel, push:
a. Up
b. Turn
c. Down

*Shotgun Shells*
6. Grab 10 R. Slugs (Shotgun Shells) at the car's trunk.

*Raise the Shutter and Unlock the Door*
7. Press the button to Unlock the lock for the Shutter and there is
a door beside you, open it.

*Control Panel*
8. Now at the Control Panel, push:
a. Up
b. Turn

*More Storage Space, Aya's closet*
9. At Motel Room 6, you can keep your extra things at Aya's closet.

*Water Tower*
10. When operating the closing gate, just ignore first the enemies and
focus into entering the gate that closes for some amount of time.
Also, according to Brett, you can also kill the three dogs because
the last one just keep coming back when you re-open the gate. So
just try to avoid the charges of "man's mutated friend".

*Below the Well*
11. Somewhere there, there is a light switch. Open it, and grab the
Protein Capsule at a crack somewhere at the sewer walls.

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Monkey Wrench*
12. When you are in the cabinet that has bolts, go talk to Mr. Douglas
and ask him for some information. He will now allow you to borrow
his tools. Go to the room where you can see his red truck, grab
a Monkey Wrench somewhere in that room.

* Night in Dryfield*

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Cash Register, Motel Lobby*
1. Press # then 3033 then TOTAL (#3033TOTAL) in order for you to open
the Cash Register. You will get the [BRONCO MASTERKEY] here. It
can unlock all doors at the Motel (not in all Dryfield!).

### MUST GET ##########################################################
*The 4 Puzzles + the Motel Loft Safe = Holy Water*
2. To open the fire safe, input the numbers 4487
- You can get the Holy Water here
- USED, it increases the level of the Water Elemental Parasite
Energy that requires the least experience by 1.
- When attached, Aya will receive 25% less damage from enemy

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3. Use [JERRY CAN] (key item) at the Gas Station (where Aya's car is

@@@ GOOD ENDING @@@ TASK 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*Small Talk with Kyle*
4. IMMEDIATELY AFTER (not hurriedly, just stressing) giving the
[PETROL] Key Item to Mr. Douglas and BEFORE going to bed, go to the

*What the hell! Close the damn TV, its not for kids*
5. Also, for all the ermm ... nvm out there, you might want to SAVE
your game before examining Aya's bed at Motel Room 6.

@@@ GOOD ENDING @@@ TASK 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*Less than 3 minutes, the fight with the Big Fire-Breathing Guy*
6. This is the second task to get the Good Ending. Beat the
Big Fire-Breathing Guy in less than 3 minutes so that Flint,
Mr. Douglas' dog will live.

- If Flint lives, you will get M950 from a metal box at
Mr. Douglas' Trailer.

*Flint, Dead or Alive, Getting the M950 or the Chicken Plate*
7. After talking with Mr. Douglas beside room 1. If Flint is:

- ALIVE, go to Mr. Douglas' Trailer and examine the metal box for
the M950, a automatic handgun with 100 rounds.

- DEAD, examine the green car outside Mr. Douglas' trailer thrice
in order to get the Chicken Plate.

*Mr. Douglas' truck's back, another storage space*
8. At the back of Mr. Douglas' truck is another storage space. Leave
the items that you think you will probably need at the Shelter.

- I suggest filling it up with all the other ammunition, some
MP Boost 1(s), MP Boost 2 (s) and all your Ringer's Solution(s)
(no, you are not going to use it but you will transfer it to a
better location).

### NOTE THAT #########################################################
A. If you talk to Kyle and tell him that you are ready to leave, it
will take a long time for you to go back here once again.

B. So, I suggest you get all MUST GET items in this area and some
other items that are worth getting.

more information, go back up and read #2.

D. Also, it would really be helpful to get your reward for either
letting Flint live or letting Flint die, for more information,
check out #7.

E. It might be a good idea to fill up to the maximum space the storage
space at Aya's car. And leave some empty space (at least 6) at the
storage space at Motel Room 6.* [Note 1]

- It might be a good idea to put the following things on Aya's car
- Recovery 1(s)
- Recovery 2(s)
- Recovery 3(s)
- Penicillin(s)
- Stim(s)
- Extra Armor(s)
- Combat Light(s)
- Pepper Spray(s)
- Flare(s)
- Protein Capsule(s)
- and other things that will fill this place up to the fullest.
- If necessary, leave some MP Boost 1(s) and MP Boost 2(s)
- but if it is already full, transfer some to the Motel Room 6
storage space.

- In the storage space at Motel Room 6, leave this items
- Belt Pouch(es)
- if it has less than 6 storage space left, leave the other extra
items at Mr. Douglas' truck's storage space.*[Note 1]

- Leave the other items at Mr. Douglas' truck.

You have to leave extra storage space there so that when you come
back here later, (especially when getting the good ending) you can
store your extra items here that you brought from the Shelter.

Another thing, you can come back to get the items you will leave at
the 3 storage spaces here, Aya's car, Motel Room 6 and Mr. Douglas'
truck again sometime in the middle of the Shelter part. Also, near the
games end, you can get these items back at the storage space at the

F. Before leaving, make sure you have 3 free slots at Aya's inventory.

* Shelter *

1. At the very beginning, kill the dog enemy and for the LAST TIME,
make sure Aya has 3 free slots in her inventory. If her inventory
doesn't have 3 free slots, keep some items at the truck.

- You need it because you will fight enemies that will give you
3 items.

*Free Space for the Future*
2. Also, leave at least 4 free spaces at the Truck (especially when
aiming for the bad ending).

- Why, because near the game's end. You will be at the Tent and
this storage space will be there. Keep all extra items here if
you are full on your inventory and you want to purchase items

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Jumper Plugs*
3. During the first time when you need to put the jumper plug at the
first slot (from the top). At the second time, put it at the first
and the fourth (final) slot (again, from the top).

*Damn Dog*
4. When fighting the Dog Boss, just run around. Also, when it is
charging you, when it misses, it won't try to charge you the second
time, (though it will again if it leaves the screen and come back
again) so BLAST away. (I beaten it up using P. B. Bullets)

- Piece of advice ... you might want to use Hydra Bullets here.

*Scared of the Light, the Big Spider*
5. When fighting the Big Spider, use the flashlight on the P229,
Kyle's handgun. It can stun it for 2 seconds, giving you time to
blast it.

- Piece of advice ... again, use Hydra Bullets and P. B. Bullets if
you are out [attach P. B. Bullets to your armor].

*Unlimited P. B. Bullets*
6. In the Store Room, you can get Unlimited P. B. Bullets.

*Ringer's Solution*
7. There is a Ringer's Solution in the Store Room.

8. - At the BP Exchange Place in the Shelter. There is a locked door
that will lead you to the armory.

- Use the [BLACK CARD] (Key Item) there.

- To gain access to the Armory and the goodies inside (check #9).

*Unlimited Stuff and the SP12 Shotgun, now go BLAST away!*
9. In the Armory, you can get Unlimited P. B. Bullets,
Unlimited Hydra Bullets, Unlimited Buckshots and the SP12 Shotgun.

*The Sterilization Room Storage Space*
10. Leave many items here. I really advice you to put your items here:

- The following items that are advisable are:
- Ringer's Solution(s)
- MP Boost 2(s)
- The following ammunition
- Grenade(s)
- Riot(s)
- Air Burst(s)
- R. Slug(s)
- Fire Fly(s)
- Spartan(s)

If you are not carrying them now, I advice to come back to the
storage space at Mr. Douglas' truck and get them (I told you to
put them there right?)

*The Boss is one damn piece of a sucker*
11. Make sure you have the M950 and another decent weapon before
fighting the Sucker Boss. It'd help you a lot.

- There is an Unlimited Supply of P. B. and Hydra Bullets at
the Sucker's lair, at the dump place.

- Use Energy Shot and use the M950 with Hydra Bullets. If not
use Energy Shot and the decent gun you brought.

### MUST GET ##########################################################
*5 Minutes before you BURNNNN! and the Medicinal Wheel*

12. You should run, you shouldn't burn or game over for you pal.
You have 5 minutes to run to the door when the Sucker Boss is

- But before that, go back to the Dump Site where you first fought
the Sucker Boss to get the Medicinal Wheel.

- If you fight the enemies normally, you will have more than two
minutes free before the burning. Use Hydra Bullets if necessary.

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*One plus one, plus one, plus one, plus one, equals ... hmmm ...*
13. To open the valves ... so that the water will flow out and you can
walk down below. You are asked how many legs are there in a rat, a
roach and a spider.

- A rat has 4 legs.
- A roach is an insect ... meaning 6 legs.
- A spider is an arachnid ... then it has 8 legs.

- hmmm ... 4 + 6 + 8 = 18 ... (tada!)

- Input the number 18

@@@ GOOD ENDING @@@ PUZZLE SOLUTION @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*Full Moon Gate*
14. Somewhere at the sewers, you will meet a locked iron gate called
the Full Moon Gate. Proceed to the next room and search for a
panel where you can input a code.

- Remember Aya saying something about the full moon in Japan is
always associated with the 15th day. The password is 15. Go
back into the sewer place and the iron door that was previously
locked is now open. Go through it and you will immediately back
at Dryfield. Just below the well.

@@@ GOOD ENDING @@@ MUST GET @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*Ice ... brrrrrrr and the Ofuda*
15. Assuming you did step #14, Flint (Mr. Douglas' dog) will fetch you
and take you to the water tower. I won't spoil anything.

- Go to the water tower and kill the enemies attacking ... then,
give him 3 [ICE BAG](s) [One at a time]. You can get an [ICE
BAG] at the place where you can enter Rooms 1 and etc.

- He will give you items but the last time is when you give the guy
the third [ICE BAG], he will give you an Ofuda.

- It melts if you take a really long time to give it to ...
- According to Brett de Jesus, it can probably melt if you use Fire based
magic (he used Inferno)

- The Ofuda makes Aya's Parasite Energy's power increase by 25%
when attached to her armor. But when used, it increases the
level of an Earth Elemental Parasite Energy with the lowest
needed experience to level up by 1.

- If you go back to Mr. Douglas, he will be selling some new stuff.
But only the shotgun (AS12) is worth buying though.

*Thank you Bowman ... your card has been received*
16. Also assuming you did step #14, back at the Shelter, you need to
find Bowman's card to gain access to the route that will lead to
the laboratory. Search the red spots and kill the guy to receive
his card.

### BAD ENDING ########################################################
*New stuff from Mr. Douglas*
xx. If you followed the BAD ENDING (or you did not go into the
Full Moon Gate and you got a card already from Kyle. Do step # 14
and go to Mr. Douglas, he will be selling new stuff there.

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Woohoo! Aeris and Cloud, Final Fantasy 7*
17. At the laboratory, you can find a computer. It is affected by the
Cloud Virus. A note somewhere at the board there tells you to get
a book from the quarters.

- To make it quick, the password is A3EILM2S2Y

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Pop Quiz!*
18. After accessing the computer. By choosing the choice D, the
computer will give you 3 random questions.

I will only give the answers here and why they are the answers.
Just match them with their respective questions.

- Melissa Pearce
- Crustaceans
- H. Klaup
- Dryfield
- The Mojave Desert
- Mitochondria
- Vector
- Maternal

### MUST GET ##########################################################
*The Legend of the Head guy and the BIG Electric Shocker Fella and the
Skull Crystal*
19. At the place where there are 4 panels colored Blue, White, Red and
Yellow, to solve the puzzle, press this:

- To access the Island
- Step on Blue 6 times, then White 2 times, then Red 3 times and
finally on Yellow 5 times.

- To access the Locked Door that will lead you to the 2nd Generator
- Step on the panel in THIS ORDER - Red, Yellow, Blue, White,
Blue, White, Red, Yellow, White, Blue, Yellow, Red.

*Unlimited Hydra Bullets*
20. This isn't really much of a big deal if you got the [BLACK CARD]
but there are Unlimited Hydra Bullet(s) box at the room before
you will fight the second ANMC generator. It is in a big crate.

### MUST GET ##########################################################
*Doing something in Eve's bed*
21. No ... this is not what you are thinking about and also, Eve is a
kid. You can get a Ringer's Solution if you talk to Eve's bed.

@@@ GOOD ENDING @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*Hey Jodie!*

- BEFORE LEAVING THE SHELTER ... when there are Golems all over the
will receive a Key Item. READ IT (Go to the Key Items and use the
Triangle Button to read it.) then use the Phone there to CALL.

~~~ PUZZLE SOLUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Underground Parking*
23. Press the buttons ... for ...

- RED, GREEN and YELLOW then CALL for a Belt Pouch
- BLUE and YELLOW then CALL for a car that your key should fit

### MUST GET ##########################################################
*Teddy Bear*
24. Grab Eve's [TEDDY BEAR] at No. 9's motorcycle. It is parked after
the Airlock place and before the place you can unlock the BIG

* Tent *

### MUST GET ##########################################################
*The 4th Ringer's Solution that I will emphasize*
1. Inside the Tent, you can grab a Ringer's Solution.

*What the #$@%# ... Unlimited Ammo ... [gulp]*
2. Outside the Tent, you will see a pile of Ammunition boxes.
Examine it and talk to the Soldier so that he will allow you to get
some. You can get Unlimited P.B. Bullets, Unlimited Hydra Bullets
and Unlimited Buckshot(s)

- But if you called Jodie (previous section, #22) or you are onto
the GOOD ENDING, you will have Unlimited Grenades and Unlimited
5.56 Ammunition for FREE!!!

### MUST DO ###########################################################
*The Teddy Bear (hey people, the Teddy Bear is cute, really!)*
3. Give the [TEDDY BEAR] (key item) to Flint.

- If you do this, you can buy the MM1 and the M249 later.
{Thanks to Francis Wai for this info}

*Rupert, how's your arm*
4. If you are onto the BAD ENDING, talk to Rupert and he will give you
the Mongoose and some 44 Maeda SP Bullets.

5. Buy these stuff at the soldier somewhere.

- Tactical Armour (recommended)
- 44 Magnum Bullets (if you have the Mongoose - BAD ENDING)
- Grenade Pistol (GOOD ENDING ONLY - if you still don't have it)
- M4A1 (GOOD ENDING ONLY - if you still don't have it)
- AS12 (ANY, if you like, it would help you get rid of some
enemies inside - if you still don't have it)

Back inside the Shelter ...

@@@ GOOD ENDING @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*You #@%^ Pierce, use a jacket for [whatever] sake!*
4. Go to the Golem Freezer room and talk to Pierce.

- If you see him here and you talk to him. You will be on your way
for the GOOD ENDING.

*Ummm ... Flint ... why are you following me?*
5. If you gave the [TEDDY BEAR] to Flint, he will be following you.
At the room where there are soldiers, there would be additional
small talk.

- After that's done, Flint will take those soldiers back right, now
go back to the Car Park and there will be an engineer there.
- The engineer will sell the M249 and the MM1 to you

{Thanks to Francis Wai for this one)

6. Just bring all the things that are in your proper judgement, you
need for the boss battle. The first of the two Boss Battles. I
suggest that you bring:

- The Mongoose with the 2 types bullets [hope you bought some].

- Grenade Pistol and Grenades (have the Air Burst if you like)
- M4A1 and (duh!) the 5.56 Bullets

- 5 Ringer's Solution(s) (You can replace this with 5
MP Boost 2(s) if you have 'Life Drain')
- AS12 (if you like, Bring R. Slug(s) to go with it)

If you are onto the GOOD ENDING, equip the M4A1 or the
Grenade Pistol. But if you are onto the BAD ENDING, equip the

Equip the Tactical Armor attach whatever you think is good from the
list below (but [a] is a must)

a. 3 Ringer's Solution(s) or 3 MP Boost(s) [MUST DO]
b. The Up-Status things (Holy Water, Ofuda and the Skull Crystal)
c. Attach the M4A1 / Grenade Pistol (make sure they are loaded)
d. If there are anymore space, attach the AS12 or the Air Burst.

Learn all the Parasite Energies (if possible). MAX out the

*Final Battle*
7. After the fight with the Fat and Greasy guy, you may have lost some
of the items, attach some more.

*Beat the Game*
8. Relax and watch the ending.

## ---Getting the Good Ending--- ##

1. Not really sure about this but just do it if you like. Before
going to bed (at Dryfield), go to the BAR.

2. At your fight with the BIG FLAME-BREATHING GUY, kill him off so
that he melts into goo (not him running away). Use M4A1 or a high
level Energy Shot and Hydra Bullets, supported by Necrosis to do

- Flint should be alive (you can find that out a little time after
the battle)

3. Do the Full Moon Gate thing. The password is 15, go back to
Dryfield. Flint will be there and he will take you to the
Water Tower and you will see Pierce, kill off the enemies.

4. Again, not sure about this, give Pierce 3 [ICE BAG](s). One
at a time. He will give you the Ofuda.

5. When there are Golems all over the Shelter, go the
Pod Service Gantry and examine the Phone. You will receive a
key item. READ it (Enter the Key Items and use the Triangle
Button on it). CALL using the telephone there (I think you
should use the phone there only!).

6. Grab the [TEDDY BEAR] from No. 9's motorcycle (It is in the room
after the Airlock somewhere room and before the room that will let
you unlock the BIG Door). Give it to Flint later at the TENT.

7. When you are back in the Shelter (after the Tent), meet Pierce at
the Golem Freezer room. Talk to him.

Some of those maybe unnecessary to do in order to get the GOOD ENDING but
do them anyway. Or E-mail me if you really found them unnecessary and
I'll credit you for them.

## ---So You've Finished the Game--- ##

After beating the game, it will give you 3 items depending on your
score. You can buy those things now at the shops in Replay Mode.

So what the hell are you supposed to do next. Hmmm... I guess you
can do the other Modes.

You can open up the Replay and Bounty Mode for sure after clearing
the game. But if you received a good enough EXP (even if you used them

1. Replay Mode - Let's you buy the items you get for finishing the
game at the shop.
- You can also buy your Parasite Energies that you
have learned at the Shops for BP.

2. Bounty Mode - Golems and some strong enemies are everywhere
- The shops are messed up

3. Scavenger Mode - Damn this, it is soooo hard - The enemies are HARD
- You have 10 MP to start with
- The shops are messed up

4. ??? Mode - The HARDEST mode (the enemies are ULTRA HARD)
- I haven't got it yet
- Your Maximum HP and MP sucks.
- The shops are messed up.

For playing these modes, you can grab more Bonus Items and they will
be sold at Replay Mode. If you manage to get the same Experience at
the end, it will round down to the next lower 3 Bonus Items. But if
there are no other levels to round down to, it will round up (^_^).
The Bounty Mode gives you 1 level up, the Scavenger 2, and the ???
Mode, 3.

To get more details, look at the other people's FAQs. I am tired and
want to post and end this ASAP.

## ---Thanks--- ##

- Special thanks to Ibrahim Ghouth and to his
friend Bernie for information regarding the game. Without them,
this Important Stuff Guide would lack certain details.

- Thanks to iamnothing for allowing me
to use his no-spoiler guide as another reference

- Another one goes to Mark Morgan for
telling me things that I missed and other things regarding pimples.

- Thanks in advance to anyone that would help me and to you for
reading this document (many people put this just for the sake of it
but I really mean it, honest!).

- Also to Mike Clark in telling me how to get the 'Hidden Grenades'
that everyone misses in Akropolis Tower and that you don't lose
your ammunition when you finish the Akropolis Tower.

- Next to MikeP696 for telling me about Plasma and
Necrolysis. Plasma is great, really!

- Thanks to Francis Wai for telling me what the Teddybear does and
the weapons that go along with it.

- Finally to Brett de Jesus for giving me Parasite Eve 2 tidbits, as
he liked to call it.

## ---Copyrights and Legal Stuff--- ##

The names such as Aya Brea, Parasite Energy and other terms or words
related are trademarks of Square. Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2 is
copyright 1999, 2000 by Square.

The novel Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2 are copyrights by Heiaki
Seda. All names, terms and other words related are trademarks of
Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2 which are copyrights by Hideaki Seda.

Copyright 2000-2002 by krystalklyr. This documentmay be distributed to
everyone as long as it stays in one piece, is not altered, the distributor
doesn't profit and the author and contributors are credited.

end of document
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15.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Important Stuff

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels und alle Filme freigeschaltet

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Nightmare Mode

14.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide

17.Oktober 2013
End of the Game Save. Start a new Game with the Gunblade equipped.

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Modi und Extras sind freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free

14.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European PAL Version (KW).

17.Oktober 2013
Unofficial Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (HLG).

11.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (PDX).

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008
2 Hours Speed Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Speed FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Bouny Mode FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (BAD).

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische spanische PAL Version (PDX).

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +12 Trainer für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (PDX).

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020