Final Fantasy 4

Final Fantasy 4

17.10.2013 03:39:16
Final Fantasy 4
Version 1.0
By: Mystery Moogle
E-Mail Address:
Created On: February 3, 2000

Due to the recent problems I have been having with misuse of my
Walkthroughs, I have moved my policy of use up to the top of my
Walkthroughs where hopefully people will read it.

This Walkthrough was made COMPLETELY by me. I had No help with it. If
you would like to use my Walkthrough ASK MY PERMISSION! There is
nothing I hate more than using someone elses things without asking. I
worked very hard on this and played through the game a many times to get
the information. Also, I will not give permission to only use parts of
my Walkthroughs as parts of someone else's projects. Since I work so
hard on my walkthroughs, I know other people writing one can work
equally hard on theirs. Thank you and I hope you have found it useful.
I will update this page as I can or as I feel necessary.

about not collaborating with others! Thank you!

Now, with that out of the way, please enjoy my Walkthrough!

1) Updates
2) Characters
3) Walkthrough List
4) Tough Spots
5) White Magic
6) Black Magic
7) Caller Magic
8) Ninja Magic
9) Weapons
10) Armor
11) Items
12) Bosses
13) Monsters
14) Monster Classes
15) Monster Magic
16) Sneak/Steal Command
17) Inn Prices
18) Armor Shops
19) Weapon Shops
20) Item Shops
21) Finds
22) Odds And Ends
23) Author's Notes
24) Credits

1) Updates
Created On: February 3, 2000- No Updates!

2) Characters
Occupation- Dark Knight/Paladin
Origin- Baron
Weapon Of Choice- Swords
The Main Character (Hero) Of Final Fantasy 2. Cecil Will Always Be The
Strongest Character In Your Party. When You First Take Control Of
Cecil, He Is A Dark Knight And Can Use No Magic. Later, You Find That
Wielding A Dark Sword, You Can Not Defeat True Evil. Cecil Climbs Mount
Ordeals (With Help Of Course) And Becomes A Paladin. Cecil Gains Some
White Magic Use After Becoming A Paladin.
*Cain (Kain In Final Fantasy 2)
Occupation- Dragoon
Origin- Baron
Weapon Of Choice- Spears
Dragoon Cain Is Cecil's Best Friend (Well, Having Him As A Friend, I
Would Sometimes Prefer The Company Of My Enemy : ) Cain Betrays Cecil
And The Party More Than Once- But, He Comes To His Senses And Is With
You For The Final Battle. He Has The Special Ability To Jump In Battle.
Occupation- (Young) White Wizard, Black Wizard, Caller
Older) Black Wizard, Caller
Weapon Of Choice- Whips
Origin- Village Mist
Rydia Has The Incredible Ability To Call Monsters To Fight For Her.
When You First Encounter Her In The Village Mist, She Is Young- After
She Joins You, She Has The Abilities Of A White Wizard, Black Wizard And
Of A Caller. She Is Swallowed By Leviathan Later In The Game. Once She
Rejoins You In The Underworld She Has Grown Up. The Older Rydia Has
Lost The Abilities Of A White Wizard- But Her Black Magic And Caller
Magic Has Been Enhanced. She Remains With You For The Rest Of The Game.
Occupation- White Magician
Origin- Baron
Weapon Of Choice- Bow And Arrows
White Magician Rosa Is Cecil's Girlfriend. We Are First Introduced To
Her In Baron. Later On, You Find Her in Kaipo, Very Sick With A Fever.
Cecil And Party Quest For The Light Of The Desert (The SandRuby in Final
Fantasy 2) Which Is The Only Thing That Will Cure Her. Once You Save
Her Life, She Joins. She Is Kidnapped By Golbeze Later In The Plot.
Cecil Saves Her, Then She Stays With You For The Rest Of The Game.
Occupation- Ninja
Origin- Eblana
Weapon Of Choice- Ninja Swords
Edge, The Prince Of Eblana, Is Trying To Defeat Rubicante When You Meet
Him In Eblana Cave. Eblan Was Recently Destroyed And It's People Found
Shelter In The Caves. Edge Has The Special Ability To Sneak Items From
Monsters (Like Locke's Steal Technique In Final Fantasy 3). Edge Can
Also Cast Magic Spells That No One Else In The Game Can, They Are
Exclusive Ninja Magic. Edge Is With You For The Remainder Of The Game.
*Tella (Tellah In Final Fantasy 2)
Occupation- Sage (Black Wizard And White Wizard)
Origin- Mysidia
Weapon Of Choice- Staff
Tella Joins Your Party On The Way To Damcyan, Where He Is Searching For
His Daughter, Anna. You Find Anna With Gilbert In Damcyan. Tella And
Gilbert Fight, And Tella Leaves After Anna Dies. Before Mt Ordeals,
Tella Has Limited Black Magic Knowledge (Isn't He Supposed To Be A
SAGE?!?!?!). After Cecil Becomes A Paladin, The Light Allows Tella To
Remember His Lost Spells. Even METEO!!!!!!! Tella Later Dies trying To
Defeat Golbeze With Meteo. Damn, What A Waste!
*Gilbert (Edward In Final Fantasy 2)
Occupation- Bard
Origin- Damcyan
Weapon Of Choice- Harps
Gilbert Is The Prince Of Damcyan. He Decides To Help Cecil After He
Loses His Love, Anna. He Is Later Hurt In The Attack By Leviathan. At
That Point, He Leaves The Party For Good. He Does, However, Help You
Defeat The Dark Elf From Afar.
Hide (Or Show Once He Has Hidden)
Occupation- White Wizard
Origin- Mysidia
Weapon Of Choice- Bow And Arrows
Porom Is Sent By The Elder Of Mysidia To Mt Ordeals To Spy On Cecil As
He Attempts To Become A Paladin. She Can Be Paired With Her Twin
Brother, Palom To Cast 2 Strong Spells: LtMeteo And Flare. Later In The
Game, Palom And Porom Sacrifice Their Lives To Save The Rest Of The
Occupation- Black Wizard
Origin- Mysidia
Weapon Of Choice- Bow And Arrows
Palom Is Sent By The Elder Of Mysidia To Mt Ordeals To Spy On Cecil As
He Tries To Become A Paladin. He Can Be Paired With His Twin Sister,
Porom To Cast 2 Strong Spells: Lt Meteo And Flare. Later In The Game,
Palom And Porom Sacrifice Their Lives To Save The Rest Of The Party.
Occupation- Monk (Karate Man In Final Fantasy 2)
Origin- Fabul
Weapon Of Choice- Claws
You Meet Yang When You Are On Your Way To Fabul (On My Hobbs). After
Assisting Him In A Fight, He Joins. He Is Lost In The Attack By
Leviathan. You Find Him Again In Baron. He Attacks You- After You
Defeat Him, He Comes Back To His Senses And Joins You Again. You Lose
Him For The Final Time In The Tower Of BabIl. He Doesn't Die There, He
Just Doesn't Join You Again. He Can Be Found In The Sylphan Cave After
The Tower Of Bab-Il.
Occupation- Engineer
Origin- Baron
Weapon Of Choice- Hammer
Cid Joins You For Short Periods Of Time- First At Baron After you Defeat
Caignozzio (He Leaves Again When You Get To The Underground), He Joins
Momentarily After You Leave The Lower Portion Of The Tower Of BabIl And
Then Leaves Again For The Last Time As You Make Your Escape To The
Surface. Cid Also Has The Ability Of PEEP.
Occupation- Lunarian (White Wizard, Black Wizard)
Origin- Lunar Crystal Palace
Weapon Of Choice- Rods (But Really, Use His Magic!)
You Meet FuSoYa In The Crystal Palace On The Moon, He Tells You Of The
Real Enemy- Zemus. FuSoYa Accompanies You To Earth Where The Giant Of
BabIl Is Loose! FuSoYa Stays With You Until You Defeat The Giant. He
Then Leaves With Golbeze To Fight Zemus (It Will All Make Sense When You
Play The Game!) FuSoYa Has The Ability To Use ALL Black And White Magic
*Golbeze (Golbez In Final Fantasy 2)- A really bad guy that is trying to
gather the Crystals of Light and Darkness to open the way to the Moon.
He is under the control of Zemus, the Ultimate enemy of Final Fantasy 4.
YOURSELF! Golbeze is Cecil's brother. The are both decendants of the
Lunarians- an race of people inhabiting the Moon. KluYa is the Father
of Cecil and of Golbeze.]
*King Baron- The ruler of the country of Baron. King Baron took in
Cecil and Cain when they were young and raised them as his own sons.
King Baron is killed even before the actual game begins. Later on, he
appears in the basement of Baron Castle as Odin. He has become a Call
Beast so that you may summon him in battle once you defeat him.
*Zemus- The Ultimate enemy of Final Fantasy 4. He controlled Golbeze.
He wants to eliminate all humans on Earth so that the Lunarians (his
race of people) can live there. FuSoYa, the keeper of the sleeping
Linarians, sealed Zemus deep below the surface of the Moon, so that
Zemus was no longer a danger to the inhabitants of Earth. But, Zemus'
mind was still active- and he had the ability to take over the mind of
those with a dark soul- those with Lunarian blood were the easiset to
control. Zemus also created the Tower of Babil so that the inhabitants
of Earth had a means in which to destroy themselves.
*Milon- One of Golbeze's Four Emperors, the Emperor of Earth. You meet
him on Mount Ordeals, twice!
*Kainazzo- One of Golbeze's Four Emperors, the Emperor of Water. You
meet him in Baron Castle.
*Valivalis- One of Golbeze's Four Emperors, the Empress of Wind. You
meet her in the Tower of Zott.
*Rubicant- One of Golbeze's Four Emperors, the Emperor of Fire. You
meet him in the Tower of Babil, second visit.

3) Walkthrough List
1. Baron Castle
2. Town Of Baron
3. Cave Of Mist
4. Fight Mist Dragon
5 Village Of Mist
6. Oasis Village Of Kaipo
7. Summoner Rydia Joins
8. Find Rosa- She Is Ill
9. Underwater Passegeway- South
10. Sage Tella Joins
11. Waterfalls
12. Fight Octomammoth
13. Damcyan
14. Tella Leaves
15. Price Gilbert Joins As A Bard
16. Antlion's Nest
17. Fight Antlion
18. Get The Light of The Desert!
19. Oasis Village Of Kaipo Revisited
20. White Magician Rosa Joins
21. Mt Hobs
22. Fight Motherbomb
23. Monk Yang Joins
24. Fabul Castle
25. Defend Crystal- LOTS Of Fights!
26. Fight Cain (65,000 HP!!!) You CAN'T Win!
27. Meet Golbeze
28. Rosa Is Kidnaped
29. King Of Fabul Gives You A Ship
30. Leviatan Attacks The Ship- You Lose Everyone
31. Wake Up Alone- Walk To Mysidia (Now, Why Does THAT Place Sound
32. White Magician Palom And Black Magician Porom Join
33. Mount Ordeals
34. Sage Tella Joins Again
35. Fight Emperor Of Earth, ScarmiglioneWith Skullnant
36. Fight Scarmiglione Part 2
37. Fight D. Knight
38. Cecil Becomes A Paladin
39. Mysidia
40. Serpent Road
41. Town Of Baron
42. Fight Monk (Yang)
43. Monk Yang Joins Again- He Gives You Baron Key
44. Waterway to Baron
45. Baron Castle
46. Beigan Joins?
47. Fight Beigan
48. Fight The Empereor Of Water, Caignozzio
49. Engineer Cid Joins
50. Palom And Porom Sacrifice Their Lives To Save Yours
51. Airship!!!!!!!!!!!!
52. Cain Tells You What He Wants In Exchange For Rosa
53. (Optional) Mithril Town For Good Armor
54. (Optional) Eblana Castle For Treasure
55. Toroia
56. Toroia Castle
57. Find Prince Gilbert- He Gives You The Echoer
58. Find Black Chocobo
59. Fly On Chocobo To Cave Magnes- NO METAL EQUPIMENT!!!
60. Fight Dark Elf
61. Fight Dark Dragon
62. Toroia Castle
63. Cain Comes And Takes The Crystal
64. Tower Of Zott
65. Fight Magus Sisters (Rag, Mag, And Dog)
66. White Magician Rosa And Dragoon Cain Join Again
67. Fight Emperor Of Wind, Valvalicia
68. Cain Gives You Magma Key
69. Agalt
70. Dwarf Castle
71. Engineer Cid Leaves
72. Fight Calco
73. Fight Brena
74. Fight Calcobrena
75. Summoner Rydia Joins Again, Now As An Adult
76. Fight Golbeze (22,001 HP!!!)
77. Tower Of Babil (Lower)
78. Fight Dr. Lugeie
79. Fight Balnaba
80. Fight Dr. Lugeie 2nd Time
81. Take Lugeie Key
82. Monk Yang Leaves
83. Engineer Cid Joins Again
84. Engineer Cid Leaves Again (Boy, He Didn't Stay Long, Did He?)
85. Baron Castle
86. Mt Hobs
87. Collect Hovercraft
88. Cave Eblana
89. Pass To BabIl
90. Ninja Prince Edge Joins
91. Tower Of BabIl (Upper)
92. Fight K. Eblana (60,000 HP!)
93. Fight Q. Eblana (60,000 HP!)
94. Fight Emperor Of Fire, Rubicante
95. Dwarf Castle
96. Get Luka Key
97. (Optional) Tomra For Good Armor
98. Sylphan Cave- USE FLOAT!
99. Find Monk Yang- He WON'T Join
100. Get Sylph Call Spell
101. Land Of The Summoned Monsters- USE FLOAT!
102. Town Of Summoned Monsters
103. Fight Asura
104. Beat Asura And Win Asura Call Spell
105. Fight Leviatan
106. Beat Leviatan And Win Levia Call Spell
107. Sealed Cave
108. Fight Demon Wall
109. Dragoon Cain Leaves With The Crystal! (That Double Crossing.......)
110. Dwarf Castle
111. Engineer Cid Tells You About Your "New" Airship
112. Fabul Castle
113. Find Yang's Wife
114. She Gives You A Frying Pan (I Think You Know What To Do With THIS!)
115. Sylphan Cave
116. Hit Yang Hard!
117. Fabul Castle
118. Yang's Wife Gives You Cleaver! (SAVE THIS FOR THE END BATTLE!!!)
119. Take Hovercraft To Mithril Island
120. Get Adamant
121. Take Adamant To Blacksmith In Underworld
122. Baron Castle
123. Fight Odin (If You Are Ready To- I Recommend Getting Bahamut First
On The Moon)
124. Defeat Odin And Get Odin Call Spell
125. Mysidia- See Elder
126. The Magical Ship Rises
127. Go Back To The Underworld (NOT ON THE MAGICAL SHIP!) And Get
128. To The Moon!
129. Lunar Path Cave 1
130. Lunar Path Cave 2
131. Crystal Palace
132. Lunarian FuSoYa Joins
133. Cave Of The Phantom Beast God
134. Fight MANY Behemoths!
136. Defeat Bahamut And Get Bahamut Call Spell
137. Back To Earth
138. The Giant Of BabIl Appears (OH NO!!! Just When I Was About To Take
A Coffee Break)
139. Inside The Giant
140. Fight 4 Emperors (Scarmiglione, Caignozzio, Valvalicia, Rubicante)
141. Fight Elements Group1: Scarmiglione And Rubicante
142. Fight Elements Group 2: Caignozzio And Valvalicia
143. Fight ControlSys With AttackSys And DefendSys
144. Dragoon Cain Joins Again (This Time For Good)
145. Lunarian FuSoYa Leaves
147. Lunar Underground
148. Fight Wh. Dragon For Life Staff
149. Try To Find And Fight PudPrinces For Their Tail (If You Have LOTS
Of Time!)
150. Fight Dk. Bahamut For Crystal Sword
151. Fight Plague For White Lance
152. Fight 2 Lunarsaurus' For 2 Ribbon Helms
153. Fight Tidarthian For Masamune
154. END BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!
155. Golbeze And FuSoYa Fight Zemus
156. You Fight Zeromus
157. VICTORY!!!!!!!!

4) Tough Spots

5) White Magic
This is a list of all the White Magic Spells in the game, with a
description of what each one does, and what it costs to cast it!
*Arise- A stronger version of Raise- Restores targets Hit Points
entirely. Costs 52 Magic Points.
*Bersk- Target will attack when ready. Costs 18 Magic Points.
*Blink- This will increase the target's agility. Costs 8 Magic Points.
*Conf- This confuses the target, making them attack their own kind, and
sometimes themselves. Costs 10 Magic Points.
*Displ- Removes status changes like Wall or Float from the target.
Costs 12 Magic Points.
*Esuna- Heals status ailments like Darkness, Poison, Stone... Costs 20
Magic Points.
*Haste- Makes the target's attacks quicker. Costs 25 Magic Points.
*Hold- Casts Stop on target. Costs 5 Magic Points.
*Holy- The Ultimate White Magic Attack. Costs 46 Magic Points.
*Keal- Recovers some Hit Points. Costs 3 Magic Points.
*Keal2- Recovers more Hit Points than Keal. Costs 9 Magic Points.
*Keal3- Recovers more Hit Points than Keal2. Costs 18 Magic Points.
*Keal4- Recovers more Hit Points than Keal3. Costs 40 Magic Points.
*Levita- Casts Float, you float off the ground. Costs 8 Magic Points.
*Mini- Makes the target small, also cures Mini status. Costs 6 Magic
*Protc- Makes phystcal attacks less effective. Costs 9 Magic Points.
*Rabur- Casts Peep, check target's HP and weakness. Costs 1 Magic
*Raise- Brings wounded character back to life with very few HP. Costs 8
Magic Points.
*Rflct- Casts Wall, A magic barrier. Costs 30 Magic Points.
*Shell- Gives more protection against magic attacks. Costs 10 Magic
*Sight- While in the map area (overworld, underworld, etc) you can see a
bigger area of the map. Costs 2 Magic Points.
*Silnce- Casts Mute, target cannot cast magic. Costs 6 Magic Points.
*Slow- Slows dow the target so they attack less frequently. Costs 14
Magic Points.
*Telep- Casts Warp, get back to the beginning of a dungeon or escape a
battle. Costs 10 Magic Points.

6) Black Magic
This is a list of all the Black Magic Spells in the game, with a
description of what each one does, and what it costs to cast it!
*Aspir- Drain Magic Points from target. Costs 0 Magic Points.
*Death- Instant death when the counter reaches 0, doesn't always
connect. Costs 35 Magic Points.
*Blizrd- An ice based attack. Costs 5 Magic Points.
*Blizd2- A stronger version of Blizd. Costs 15 Magic Points.
*Blizd3- A much stronger version of Blizd2. Costs 30 Magic Points.
*Bio- A Virus like attack. Costs 20 Magic Points.
*Break- Turns target to stone. Costs 15 Magic Points.
*Dejon- Escape from battle, or teleport back one room in a dungeon.
Costs 4 Magic Points.
*Drain- Steal Hit Points from target. Under NO circumstances do you do
this on the UNDEAD (like Zombies)! It will drain Hit Points from YOU!
Costs 18 Magic Points.
*Fire- A fire based attack. Costs 5 Magic Points.
*Fire2- A stronger version of Fire. Costs 15 Magic Points.
*Fire3- A very strong version of Fire2. Costs 30 Magic Points.
*Flare- The Ultimate Fire attack. Costs 50 Magic Points.
*Meteo- A Meteor shower attacks all enemies. Costs 99 Magic Points.
*Piggy- Turns target into a Pig. Also cures Piggy status. Costs 1 Magic
*Pois- Poisons target. Costs 2 Magic Points.
*Quake- Causes an earthquake, attacks all enemies. Costs 30 Magic
*Stop- Slows down target so they attack less frequently. Costs 15 Magic
*Sleep- Puts target to sleep, will wake up if hit by a physical attack.
Costs 12 Magic Points.
*Thund- A lightning based attack. Costs 5 Magic Points.
*Thund2- A stronger version of Thund. Costs 15 Magic Points.
*Thund3- A very strong version of Thund2. Costs 30 Magic Points.
*Toad- Turns target into a Toad, also cures Toad status. Costs 7 Magic
*Tornd- Uses a tornado to reduce the target's HP to just a few HP.
Costs 25 Magic Points.

7) Caller Magic
This is a list of all the Summon Spells in the game, with a description
of what each one does, and what it costs to cast it! Rydia is the only
one that can use these!
*Ashura- Casts Ashura, usually curative and life spells. Costs 50 Magic
*Baham- Casts M. Flare, a very strong version of Flare that hits all
enemies. Costs 60 Magic Points.
*Bomb- Casts Destruct, the Bomb will destroy itself to hurt or kill the
enemy. Costs 20 Magic Points.
*Chocob- Casts Kick, a physical attack to one enemy. Costs 7 Magic
*Cockt- Casts StonBeak, turns enemy to stone- killing it. Costs 15
Magic Points.
*Dragn- Casts MistBrth, hits all enemies. Costs 20 Magic Points.
*Goblin- Casts Punch, a physical attack on one enemy. Costs 1 Magic
*Ifrit- Casts Hellfire, a fire attack that hits all enemies. Costs 30
magic Points.
*Levia- Casts Tsunami, a very strong Flood attack that hits all enemies.
Costs 50 Magic Points.
*Mind- Casts MindBlst. Costs 18 Magic Points.
*Odin- Casts IronSwd, a devastating physical sword attack that kill most
enemies instantly. Costs 45 Magic Points.
*Ramuth- Casts Judgment, a strong lightning attack that hits all
enemies. Costs 30 Magic Points.
*Shiva- Casts SnowStrm, an ice attack that hits all enemies. Costs 30
Magic Points.
*Sylph- Casts Whisper, they attack one enemy and takes Hit Popints and
distributes them among your party. Costs 25 Magic Points.
*Titan- Casts Anger, an earthquake attack that hits all enemies. Costs
40 Magic Points.

8) Ninja Magic
*Bushn- Casts Image, makes a dual image of target to avoid physical
damage. Costs 6 Magic Points.
*Katon- Casts Flame on all enemies. Costs 15 Magic Points.
*Kagsh- Casts Pin. Costs 5 Magic Points.
*Kemur- Casts Smoke to exit a battle quickly. Costs 10 Magic Points.
*Rajin- Casts a lightning attack that hits all enemies. Costs 25 Magic
*Siton- Casts a Flood that hits all enemies. Costs 20 Magic Points.

9) Weapons
*Artemis Bow
Attack + 1
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Ashura Katana
Attack + 32
Armor + Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Assassin Knife
Attack + 30
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Avenger Sword
Attack + 82
Armor + 5
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Black Sword
Attack + 10
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Blizzard Spear
Attack + 77
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cain
*Blood Spear
Attack + 85
Armor - 5
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cain
*Cat Claw
Attack + 1
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Chain Whip
Attack + 35
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Older Rydia
Attack + 1
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Gilbert, Young Rydia, Older Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Porom,
Tella, Cecil As A Paladin, FuSoYa
*Dancing Knife
Attack + 28
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Deathbringer Sword
Attack + 31
Armor + 1
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Dragon Whip
Attack + 56
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Older Rydia
*Dreamer Harp
Attack + 8
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Gilbert As A Bard
*Dwarf Axe
Attack + 63
Armor + 3
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Earth Wrench
Attack + 67
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cid The Engineer
*Elven Bow
Attack + 1
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Energy Staff
Attack + 36
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Engetsu Boomerang
Attack + 40
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Excalibur Sword
Attack + 162
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Fairy Claw
Attack- Same
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
It Randomly Casts Confuse
Who Can Use? Yang The Monk
*Fairy Rod
Attack + 30
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Flame Spear
Attack + 66
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cain The Dragon Knight
*Flame Sword
Attack + 65
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Gunrir Spear
Attack + 92
Armor + 7
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cain
*Healing Staff
Attack + 8
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Hell Claw
Attack + 1
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Yang The Monk
*Holy Spear
Attack + 109
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cain
*Ice Arrows
Attack + 10 (with Killer Bow)
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
Ice Brand Sword
Attack + 75
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Killer Bow
Attack + 1
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Kunai Katana
Attack + 25
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Lamia Harp
Attack + 18
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Gilbert As A Bard
*Legend Sword
Attack + 40
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Paladin
*Light Sword
Attack + 100
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Lilith Rod
Attack + 18
Armor + 2
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Mallet Wrench
Attack + 45
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cid The Engineer
*Masamune Katana
Attack + 65
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Medusa Sword
Attack + 77
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Mithril Knife
Attack + 20
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Mithril Staff
Attack + 12
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Murasame Katana
Attack + 57
Armor + 2
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*OgreKiller Axe
Attack + 80
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
Attack + 3
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Sage Staff
Attack + 84
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Shadow Sword
Attack + 20
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Silence Staff
Attack + 52
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
Attack + 4
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Stardust Rod
Attack + 45
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Thunder Claw
Attack- Same
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? The Monk Yang
Attack + 20
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? The Summoner Rydia
*Wind Spear
Attack + 55
Armor- Same
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cain The Dragon Knight

10) Armor
*Adamant Armor
Attack + 4
Armor + 108
Arms + 20
Who Can Use?
*Aegis Shield
Attack- Same
Armor + 4
Arms + 5
Who Can Use?
*Bandana Helmet
Attack + 1
Armor + 1
Arms + 1
Who Can Use?
*Black Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 5
Arms + 1
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Black Gauntlet
Attack- Same
Armor + 2
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Black Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 4
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Black Robe
Attack- Same
Armor + 8
Arms + 7
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Black Shield
Attack- Same
Armor + 1
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Bl. Belt Robe
Attack + 1
Armor + 13
Arms + 3
Who Can Use?
*Cloth Robe
Attack- Same
Armor + 1
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Convict Robe
Attack- Same
Armor + 1
Arms + 1
Who Can Use?
*Crystal Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 25
Arms + 10
Who Can Use?
*Crystal Gauntlet
Attack- Same
Armor + 10
Arms + 7
Who Can Use?
*Crystal Shield
Attack- Same
Armor + 7
Arms + 9
Who Can Use?
*Crystal Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 12
Arms + 8
Who Can Use?
*Dark Hood Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 6
Arms + 1
Who Can Use?
*Defense Ring
Attack- Same
Armor + 18
Arms + 12
Who Can Use?
*Demon Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 9
Arms + 3
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Demon Gauntlet
Attack- Same
Armor + 4
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Demon Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 6
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Demon Shield
Attack- Same
Armor + 2
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Dragon Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 23
Arms + 8
Who Can Use?
*Dragon Gauntlet
Attack- Same
Armor + 9
Arms + 6
Who Can Use?
*Dragon Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 11
Arms + 7
Who Can Use?
*Feather Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 2
Arms + 3
Who Can Use?
*Flame Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 15
Arms + 4
Who Can Use?
*Flame Shield
Attack- Same
Armor + 3
Arms + 2
Who Can Use?
*Gaea Robe
Attack- Same
Armor + 3
Arms + 3
Who Can Use?
Attack- Same
Armor + 5
Arms + 1
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Paladin
*Genji Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 21
Arms + 7
Who Can Use?
*Genji Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 10
Arms + 6
Who Can Use?
*Giant Gauntlet
Attack + 3
Armor + 15
Arms- Same
Who Can Use?
*Gold Band Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 7
Arms + 10
Who Can Use?*Gr. Beret Helmet
Attack + 1
Armor + 5
Arms + 1
Who Can Use?
*Hades Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 7
Arms + 2
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Hades Gauntlet
Attack- Same
Armor + 3
Arms- Same
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Hades Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 13
Arms + 1
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Dark Knight
*Ice Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 17
Arms + 4
Who Can Use?
*Ice Shield
Attack- Same
Armor + 3
Arms + 2
Who Can Use?
*Iron Ring
Attack- Same
Armor + 2
Arms + 2
Who Can Use?
*Kenpou Robe
Attack + 1
Armor + 5
Arms + 2
Who Can Use?
*Knight Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 11
Arms + 3
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Paladin
*Leather Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 1
Arms + 1
Who Can Use?
*Leather Robe
Attack- Same
Armor + 2
Arms + 1
Who Can Use?
*Light Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 7
Arms + 2
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Paladin
*Light Shield
Attack- Same
Armor + 2
Arms + 1
Who Can Use? Cecil As A Paladin
*Menerva Robe
Attack + 4
Armor + 27
Arms + 5
Who Can Use?
*Mithril Armor
Attack- Same
Armor + 13
Arms + 4
Who Can Use?
*Mithril Gauntlet
Attack- Same
Armor + 6
Arms + 2
Who Can Use?
*Mithril Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 8
Arms + 2
Who Can Use?
*Mithril Shield
Attack- Same
Armor + 3
Arms + 2
Who Can Use?
*Poet Robe
Attack- Same
Armor + 2
Arms + 1
Who Can Use? Gilbert As A Bard
*Power Ring
Attack + 1
Armor + 2
Arms + 2
Who Can Use?
*Priest Robe
Attack- Same
Armor + 5
Arms + 5
Who Can Use?
*Ribbon Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 9
Arms + 12
Who Can Use?
*Ruby Ring
Attack- Same
Armor- Same
Arms + 3
Who Can Use?
*Rune Ring
Attack- Same
Armor + 5
Arms + 8
Who Can Use?
*Silver Ring
Attack- Same
Armor + 4
Arms + 4
Who Can Use?
*Triangle Helmet
Attack- Same
Armor + 3
Arms + 5
Who Can Use?

11) Items
This is a list of all of the Items in Final Fantasy 4 and their uses.
*Adamant- Your reward for bringing the man in the Mithril Mines the
Rat's Tail.
*Alarm- Will call a monster to fight you. Useful to call the elusive
Pink Tails!
*AlmClock- Will wake up a sleeping party memeber
*Antidote- Cures Poison status
*Aprntice- Cures Mini status
*Baron Key- Yang gives it to you the next time you see him after the
attack by Leviathan. This gives you access to the Baron Waterway and to
the Armor and Weapon shops of Baron.
*Beserk- Target attacks when ready, you no longer have control of it.
*BlueFang- Casts a strong Thund Spell on all enemies
*Bomb- Use this to gain a Summoning spell for Rydia
*Bomb Ring- This is given to you by King Baron- it's real use it to burn
down the Village of Mist and destroy the Summoners living there
*Cleaver- The strongest thing that Edge can throw! See FryPan for how
to get it!
*Cocktric- Use this to gain a Summoning spell for Rydia
*Copper Hourglass- Casts Stop
*Cottage- Rest And Restore HP And MP, works better than a tent
*Cross- Cures Cursed status
*Crystal- This is used to see Zeromus' real form! Given to you by
*Crystal Of Drkness- The Crystal you recover from the Sealed Cave. Cain
takes it from you when you are about to leave the Sealed Cave.
*Diet Food- Cures Piggy status
*DrkMatter- Use it to reduce the amount of damage done to you by Zeromus
*DwfBread- Used to view a map in the world map only
*Earth (Crystal)- The Crystal you recover for the Dark Elf, that you use
to get Rosa back.
*EarthDrm- Casts the spell Quake
*Echoer- This is given to you by Gilbert, he will send music through it
to you while you are in the Magnes Cave to neutralize the Dark Elf's
*EchoHerb- Cures Mute status
*Elixir- Restores all HP and MP to one party member
*Ether- Restores some MP
*ExitDoor- Casts Telep- exit a dungeon or a battle
*Eyedrop- Cures Dark/Blindness status
*FenixDwn- Revives wounded party memebers
*Fragment- Casts Fire on an enemy
*FryPan- Used to hit Yang in the Sylph Cave and bring him back to his
senses. Once you do this and return to Fabul Castle and talk to Yang's
Wife again. She will give you the Cleaver! The strongest thing that
Edge can throw!
*Goblin- Use this to gain a Summoning spell for Rydia
*God Rage- Casts Thund2 on one enemy
*Gold Apple- Raises your Maximum HP by 100
*Gold Hourglass- Same as Silver Hourglass but works longer
*Gold-Pin- Cures Stone status
*Hermes Shoes- Casts Haste
*Hi-Potion- Restores more HP than a Potion
*Knowledge (Book)- Use this to cast a random Summon spell
*Light (Cape)- Catsts Reflt
*Light Of The Desert- This is found after you defeat the Antlion. It is
used to cure Rosa of the Desert Fever.
*LilithKiss- Casts Aspil
*Lugeie Key- The Key to the control room of the Tower of Babil. Dr.
Jugeie gives it to you after your battle with him.
*Luka Key- It is her mother's necklace and the key to opening the seal
on the Sealed Cave in the underworld that houses the final Crystal of
*Magma Stone- Use this in the Well in Agart to get access to the
*MaidKiss- Cures Frog status
*Medicine- Cures status ailments
*MindFlay- Use this to gain a Summoning spell for Rydia
*Monsters- Use this to view a Monster or a Boss' Hit Points and
Weaknesses- it works when Peep doesn't (Like on Bosses)
*Moon (Cape)- Casts Reflt on user
*N. Pole- Casts Blizd2 on one enemy
*Pass- Use it and see a show! (The show stinks!)
*Pink Tail- Take this to the man in the Mithril Mines and he will give
you the Adamant Armor, the best armor in the game!
*Porno Mag- The book of Legend! Yes, Virginia, there is a Porno Mag!
Read this and see, it is too funny- and don't worry, you will still have
your sight!
*Potion- Recover some HP
*Rat Tail- Give this to the man in the Mithril Mines to get the Adamant
you need to upgrade the Legend Sword to the Excalibur Sword
*Red Fang- A strong Fire attack on all enemies
*RightArm- Casts Fire2 on all enemies
*Scape (Doll)- Casts Double, makes a multiple image of the user, making
them harder to hit with a physical attack.
*SilencBell- Casts Mute on the target so they can't cast magic.
*Silver Apple- Raises your Maximum HP by 50
*Silver Hourglass- Same as Copper Hourglass but it works longer
*Soma Drop- Raises your Maximum MP by 10
*SpidrWeb- Casts Slow
*Spirit (Bomb)- The user of this item uses it's life force to attack the
enemy and do the same amount of damage of the user's HP.
*S. Pole- Casts Blizd on one enemy
*Stardust- Casts Palom And Poroms Lt Comet spell immediately
*Tent- Rest and restore HP and MP, not as effective as a Cottage. Will
not revive wounded party members.
*Unicorn (Horn)- This item will cure status ailments that will go away
after battle- like Stop, sleep, confuse, etc.....
*VampFang- Casts Drain
*Veggie- Gives you access to the Chubby Chocobo when it says "Smells
Like Chocobos"
*Wh. Fang- Casts a strong Blizd spell on all enemies
*Whistle- Gives you access to the Chubby Chocobo anytime, even if it
doesn't "Smell Like Chocobos"
*Zeus Rage- Casts Thund on one enemy

12) Bosses
This is a list of all of the Bosses in Final Fantasy 4 and how to defeat
each one!

*Mist Dragon
Hit Points: 450
Party: Cecil and Cain
Strategy: Cecil should attack and Cain should Jump. Make sure NOT to
attack it when it turns to Mist! It will counterattack with MistBrth!
Take the opportunity to heal when it's in Mist Form!

Hit Points: 2,350
Party: Cecil, Rydia, and Tella
Strategy: Cecil should attack, Rydia should use her Chocobo Summon, and
Tella should use his Black Magic Spell Thund. Have Tella or Rydia heal
as necessary.

Hit Points: 1,100
Party: Cecil, Rydia, and Gilbert
Strategy: Cecil should attack (I know it will bring on a strong
counterattack by Antlion, but Cecil is necessary to beat Antlion
quickly), Rydia should use her Chocobo Summon, and Gilbert should us
ehis Heal command, or fight hen healing isn't necessary.

Hit Points: 11,000- If she doesn't explode, but she usually does explode
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Yang, Gilbert
Strategy: Before she explodes Cecil and Yang should attack, Rosa chould
use her Aim Command, Rydia should use her Chocobo Summon, and Gilbert
should use his Heal Command- or attack if healing isn't necessary.
Before she explodes you should heal IMMEDIATELY! She will give awrning
before she blows up. Once she has exploded and you have healed Cecil
should continue to attack, Yang should use his Kick Command, Rosa should
still use her Aim Command, Rydia should still use her Chocobo Command
and Gilbert should still heal or attack.

*Dragon Kn.
Hit Points: 65,000- And I have NO idea how he got this much!
Party: Cecil
MANY LEVELS YOU HAVE GAINED! But, you must lose to progress the story.

*Scarmiglione With Four Skullinants
Scarmiglione Hit Points: 3,500
Skullinants Hit Points: 200 Each
Party: Cecil, Tella, Palom, and Porom
Strategy: Have Cecil attack Scarmiglione, Tella should use Fire or
Fire2- whatever he has, Palom and Porom should use their Twin Command or
Palom should use Fire or Fire2 if Porom needs to heal the group. Tella
can also heal if needed.

*Scarmiglione Part 2
Hit Points: 3,523
Party: Cecil, Tella, Palom, and Porom
Strategy: Same as above- Have Cecil attack Scarmiglione, Tella should
use Fire or Fire2- whatever he has, Palom and Porom should use their
Twin Command or Palom should use Fire or Fire2 if Porom needs to heal
the group. Tella can also heal if needed.

*Dark Kn.
Hit Points: 4,520
Party: Cecil
Strategy: Just have Cecil Defend three times- fightning isn't even

Hit Points: 62,000
Party: Cecil, Tella, Palom, and Porom
Strategy: Make sure to keep healed! The Monk (Yang) can dish out quite
a bit of punishment! Have Cecil attack, Tella should use his Black
Magic Spell Thund3, Palom and Porom should use their Twin Command when
Porom doesn't need to heal. When Porom needs to heal, Palom should use

*Beigan Hit Points: 4,444
Right Arm Hit Points: 444
Left Arm Hit Points: 444
Party: Cecil, Tella, Yang, Palom, and Porom
Strategy: Cecil and Yang should attack, Tella should cast Rflct and then
bounce Blizd3, Thund3, or Fire3 off the party member that has Reflct on
them when Beigan's Rflct is up, Palom and Porom should use their Twin
Command, and when Porom needs to heal Palom should use Bio if he has it
and Beigan's Rflct is not up. Always heal as necessary.

Hit Points: 5312
Party: Cecil, Yang, Tella, Palom, and Porom
Strategy: Caignozzio is weak against Thunder! USE IT!!!!! Cecil and
Yang should attack (preferably with Yang equiped with 2 Thunder Claws!),
Tella should cast his Black Magic Spell Thund3, Palom should use Bio if
he has it and Porom should heal. If Palom doesn't have Bio- Palom and
Porom should use their Twin Command and Porom should heal as necessary-
while Porom is healing Palom should cast Thund2. But heal often, don't
use the Twin Command very much- because once Caignozzio uses his Tsunami
attack it can be Game Over very quickly! So Porom should really be
healing every round and Palom should be really using Bio or Thund2.

*Dark Elf
Hit Points: 3,000
Party: Cecil, Cid, Tella, and Yang
Just take it easy here, you are meant to die here- so just end it
quickly. Once the battle ends, re-equip yourself, this time with your
metallic gear!

*Dark Elf- DarkDragon
Dark Elf Hit Points: 23,890
DarkDragon Hit Points: 3,927
Party: Cecil, Cid, Tella, and Yang
Strategy: Cecil, Yang, and Cid should ALL attack! Cecil of course will
do the most damage. Tella should be healing constantly. Just attack
and heal!

*The Magus Sisters- Dog, Mag, and Rag
Dog's Hit Points: 2,591
Mag's Hit Points: 4,599
Rag's Hit Points: 2,900
Party: Cecil, Yang, Tella, and Cid
Strategy: Make sure to equip Cid with the Earth Hammer you get in the
Tower of Zott. Cecil, Cid, and Yang attack, and Tella should use Bio-
Mag will usually have Rflct on her, cast by Dog so beware! If need be
to cast Bio have Tella cast Rflct on a party member and just bounce Bio
off of that person!

Hit Points: 8,636
Party: Cecil, Cid, Rosa, Cain, Yang
Strategy: It is VERY important to keep Cain in the air! Cain's Jump
Command is the only thing that can neutralize Valvalicia's Spin! Plus,
keeping Cain in the air reduces his chances of being around when a fatal
blow is delivered! So, Have Cain Jump! Cecil, Cid, and Yang should all
attack (I usually have Yang use his Build Command so he does more
damage- sure it takes a while to use, but the hard blow it delivers is
worth the wait in my opinion!) Rosa should heal the party or attack
using her Aim Command if all seems ok. Valvalicia dies use Tornd and
Fingertip! They will weaken you and turn you into stone respectfully.
So beware!

*Calco Hit Points: 1,364
Brena Hit Points: 369
Calcobrena Hit Points: 5,315
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Yang
Strategy: Kill the Calco dolls FIRST! If you defeat them and leave the
others (Brena) alone then the big doll (Calcobrena) will not even appear
to fight you! Have Cecil and Yang attack, Cain Jump, and Rosa heal of
use her Aim Command. Heal if necessary. If the big doll (Calcobrena)
does appear, just use the same strategy!

*Golbeze With ShadowDrgn
Golbeze Hit Points: 23,0001
ShadowDrgn Hit Points: 660
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Yang
Strategy: You can't do much here! Golbeze and his Dragon are too
powerful with too many devestating attacks! Once all but Cecil are
wounded in the battle, A MistDragon appears and kills the ShadowDrgn!
It's Rydia! She's come to the rescue and is all grown up! Just have
Rydia use her Shiva Summon and have Cecil attack- the battle can be won
without even reviving the wounded party members lying at your feet.

*Lugeie, Balnab, FusedMecha
Lugeie Hit Points: 4,936
Balnaba Hit Points: 4,832
FusedMecha Hit Points: 4,518
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Yang, and Rydia
Strategy: Just focus your attacks on Lugeie and ignore Balnaba. Have
Cecil and Yang attack, Rosa use her Aim Command, Cain use his Jump
Command, and Rydia should use her Ramuth Summon. Even when Lugeie turns
into FusedMecha- concentrate on him! Heal as necessary.

Hit Points: 9,321
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Yang, and Rydia
Strategy: Lugeie has some new dirty tricks here so beware! He uses
Laser frequently that will ususally kill one party member. And he also
likes to cast PoisonGas- and he will counter with SleepGas. But, this
is the funny part- he also casts something called Medic. Medic will
heal all ststus ailments! So if he casts Posion or Sleep Gas, just wait
for him to heal you! Have Cecil and Yang attack, Rydia should use her
Ifrit Summon, Rosa should use her Aim Command or heal if needed, and
Cain should use his Jump Command.

*Eblana K. Hit Points: 60,000
Eblana Q. Hit Points: 60,000
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Edge, and Rydia
Don't you wish that all battles were this easy? All you have to do
reallyy is just stay alive. Have Cecil and Edge attack, Rosa should
just heal, Cain should use his Jump Command, and Rydia should use her
Shiva Summon. Eventually the King and Queen of Eblana will come to
their senses- just continue to fight. They eventually will just die on
their own, but continuing to fight just gives you something to do.

Hit Points: 34,000
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Edge, Rydia
Strategy: You mus be careful about casting magic on Rubicante! Time
your magic to when his cape is open! If it casts when it is closed it
will HEAL him! Have Cecil and Edge attack, Cain should use his Jump
Command, Rosa should use Ice Arrows and her Aim Command or heal when
needed, and Rydia should use her Shiva Summon or Bio. You can also have
Edge throw the Shurikens you have. Heal as needed.

*Demon Wall
Hit Points: 28,000
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Edge, Cain
Strategy: This battle is VERY HARD! You have a very short amount of
time to defeat this Boss. Once he gets into range of the party, he
casts CrashDwn which will kill one party member instantly! My best
strategy here is to KEEP Cain IN THE AIR! I have beaten Demon Wall at
the last possible moment this way. But, still it is a gamble because
Cain does have to come back down sometime- but it's your best bet at low
levels. Cecil should attack, Edge should throw anything he can in your
inventory, Cain should use his Jump Command, Rosa should cast Haste on
Rydia or use her Aim Command, and Rydia should use her Black Magic spell
Bio. Just keep at him! And ignore his StonGaze spell, the battle is
too short for a character to even worry about being turned to stone. If
Rydia dies try your best to revive her in the short time you have to do
so. Don't bother healing her, just have her aattack with Bio.

Hit Points: 31,005
Party: Depends on when you come here- it will be Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and
Edge- but you also have the choice, depending on when you come here, of
FuSoYa or Cain. I recomend having FuSoYa with you if Rosa doesn't know
Rflct- if she does, make sure Cain is with you instead of FuSoYa
Strategy: -This is based on having Rosa knowing Rflct- Cecil and Edge
should attack, Roas should cast the White Magic Spell Rflct on Ashura,
Rydia should use her Shiva Summon, and Cain should use his Jump Command.
Just pound on her and have Rosa re-cast Rflct when it wears off. Don't
worry about healing, with Rflct cast of Ashura- all of the healing
spells she attempts to cast on herself will cast on you instead! Just
keep battling her and she soon will be no more! -If FuSoYa is with you
and Rosa doesn't know Rflct, have FuSoYa cast Rflct and Rosa should use
her Aim Command. And if FuSoYa is with you, Cain will not be.

Hit Points: 50,001
Party: Depends on when you come here- it will be Cecil, Rosa, Rydia,
and Edge- but you also have the choice, depending on when you come here,
of FuSoYa or Cain.
Strategy: -This is based on if you take along FuSoYa- Have Cecil and
Edge attack, FuSoYa and Ryda should both cast Thund3 (If Rydia doesn't
know Thund3, she should use her Ramuth Summon), Rosa should just heal.
Make sure that Cecil is wearing his Ice gear- this will take off the
edge of Leviathan's Blizd2 attack. Beware! Leviathan's Tsunami attack
can go through the Rflct spell! So don't even bother with it. -If Cain
is with the group- Cain should use his Jump Command, and everyone else
should still just do what I said to do above, but just ignore the things
about FuSoYa- because if Cain is with you, FuSoYa isn't. Heal often.

Hit Points: 20,001
Party: Depends on when you come here- it will be Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and
Edge- but you also have the choice, depending on when you come here, of
FuSoYa or Cain.
Strategy: This is VERY HARD! You only have 60 SECONDS to take Odin out!
If you fail to do so, he will use IronSwd on the party and slay the
entire bunch! -If you take along Cain- Cecil should attack, Edge should
throw anything in your inventory that he can- and then attack, Rosa
should cast Holy (Hopefully she has it!), Rydia should cast her
Leviathan Summon, and Cain should use his Jump Command. Just keep at
him! -If you take FuSoYa instead of Cain- The rest above stays the
same, but you won't have Cain. Have FuSoYa cast Holy with Rosa. Just
keep at him until you are victorious!

Hit Points: 23,000
Party: Depends on when you come here- it will be Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and
Edge- but you also have the choice, depending on when you come here, of
FuSoYa or Cain.
Strategy: These can be a pain! They really never attack you, they just
love to counterattack. Have Cecil and Edge attack, FuSoYa should cast
Blizd3, Fire3, or Thund3, Rosa should heal the party, and Rydia should
use her Leviathan Summon. Just keep at them! If you chose to take Cain
instead of FuSoYa, just have him use his Jump Command.

Hit Points: 45,001
Party: Depends on when you come here- it will be Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and
Edge- but you also have the choice, depending on when you come here, of
FuSoYa or Cain.
Strategy: This can be easy if you know what to do. But it is even hard
if you know what to do... Well, not that didn't make much sense, did
it? I'll elaborate... The easy way to do this is to have Roas cast
Rflct (FuSoYa can as well if he is with the party). The hard part is to
get is cast before Bahamut counts down to zero. I have had some hard
times getting it cast in time! Just get it cast as many times as you
can- and his M. Flare spell will refelct back on him! Just continue
this and use whatever haevy guns you have- for example- Cecil and Edge
should attack, Rydia should use her Leviathan Summon, and Rosa and
FuSoYa should try to revive downed party members and keep the Rflct

*4 Emperors
Hit Points: 110,000
The First Two Share 60,000 Hit Points (Scarmiglione and Rubicante)
The Second Two Share 50,000 Hit Points (Caignozzio and Valvalicia)
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Edge, Rydia, FuSoYa
Strategy: I'll break them down individually-
Scarmiglione: Cecil should attack, Edge should cast his Ninja Magic
Katon, Rosa should heal if necessary, FuSoYa should cast Fire3, and
Rydia should cast either her Summon Spell Ifrit or Fire3.
Rubicante: Cecil should attack, Edge should cast his Ninja Magic of
Siton, Rosa should continuously heal with Keal3 or Keal4 if she knows
it, FuSoYa should attack with Blizd3, and Rydia should use either her
Shiva Summon or Blizd3 if she knows it.
Caignozzio: Cecil should attack, Edge should use his Ninja Magic Rajin,
Rosa should continue to use Keal3 or Keal4 EVERY ROUND, FuSoYa should
attack with Thund3, and Rydia should use Ramuth or Thund3 of she knows
Valvalicia: She can be hard, especially since she likes to use Malestrom
often. Cecil should attack, Edge should use his Ninja magic Rajin, Rosa
should use Keal4 EVERY ROUND! It is even more important than it was
with Caignozzio! FuSoYa should use Thund3, and Rydia should use her
Ramuth Summon or Thund3. If the party gets into bad shape, then FuSoYa
should stop using Thund3 and start using Keal4 on the party.

*ControlSys, DefenseSys, Attack Sys
ControlSys: 30,000 Hit Points
DefenseSys: 3,000 Hit Points
Attack Sys: 3,000 Hit Points
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Edge, FuSoYa, and Rydia
Strategy: DO NOT USE MAGIC! If you use magic, the ControlSys will use
something called Globe99 that will kill one party member! Just have
Attack Sys alone! Especially leave the Attack Sys alone! It uses a
Laser attack that injures the entire party! Just attack and heal as

*Wh. Dragon
Hit Points: 32,700
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Edge, and Rydia
Strategy: This Boss is just simply a pain! Make sure to cast Float!
This will help you avoid his Quake attack. He also like sto cast
Malestrom- you know, the thing that Valvalicia liked to cast! Cecil and
Edge should attack, Cain should use his Jump Command, Rosa should heal
the party with Keal4 after casting Float (Well better yet, cast it
before entering the battle), and Rydia should use her Leviathan Summon.

Hit Points: 33,333
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Edge, and Rydia
Strategy: This is another one of those pesky timed battles! Once you
enter the battle, the first thing he does is cast Death- once the
countdown reaches zero it's lights out! Have Cecil and Edge attack,
Cain should use his Jump Command, Rosa should attack with arrows- the
strongest you have, and Rydia should use her Bahamut Summon.

*Lunarsaurus x2
Each Have 23,000 Hit Points
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Cain, Edge, and Rydia
Strategy: Have Cecil and Edge attack, Cain should use his Jump Command,
Rosa should continuously heal the party with Keal4, and Rydia should use
Fire3. Don't have Rydia summon! They like summoning spells!

*Dk. Bahamut
Hit Points: 60,000
Party: Cecil, Roas, Edge, Cain, and Rydia
Startegy: Now, this is the hardest battle since Bahamut! Dk. Bahamut
likes to use M. Flare just like Bahamut did. Have Cecil attack, Edge
should throw whatever he has (except for the Cleaver), Rosa should
strictly heal- or use Holy when healing isn't needed, and Rydia should
use her Leviathan Summon. Make sure to revive downed party members.

Hit Points: 50,000
Party: Cecil, Cain, Edge, Rosa, and Rydia
Strategy: Cecil and Edge should attack, Cain should use his Jump
Command, Rosa should bring back wounded party members or heal
continuously with Keal4, and Rydai should use her Bahamut Summon. Just
stay alive and keep pounding him.

Hit Points: -----
This is just a cut-scene battle, one you can't control.

Hit Points: Over 110,000
Party For The Final Battle: Cecil, Rosa, Edge, Rydia, and Cain
Strategy: Just a note- before Zeromus changes forms, it is possible for
Edge to Sneak/Steal something called DrkMatter. This will lessen the
blow of Zeromus' Big Bang attack. After you have the DrkMatter, have
Cecil use the Crystal. Once Cecil uses the Crystal, Zeromus will change
forms (And he gets REALLY UGLY!) Hace Cecil attack (With his Excalibur
Sword), Edge should throw whatever he has to throw- ecpecially the
Cleaver! Rosa should use KEAL4 EVERY ROUND! Rydai should use her
Bahamut Summon and Cain should use his Jump Command. Just keep yourself
alive and hammer Zeromus until he is no more!

13) Monsters
Abyss Worm
Hit Points: 7,000
Weakness: Fire
Location: Lunar Path
Hit Points: 190
Weakness: Ice
Location: Antlion's Nest
Hit Points: 25,000
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Lunar Underground
Hit Points: 175
Weakness: Ice
A. Matsui
Hit Points:
Location: Developer's Room
Hit Points: 3,650
Weakness: Cold, Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Phantom World Cave
Hit Points: 325
Weakness: None
Location: Underground
Hit Points: 5,000
Weakness: None
Location: Sealed Cave
Baron Guard
Hit Points: 280
Weakness: None
Location: Baron Waterway
Hit Points: 65
Weakness: None
Location: Fabul Castle
Hit Points:
Location: Oasis Village Of Kaipo
Hit Points: 2,200
Weakness: Holy, Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Phantom World Cave
Black Kn.
Hit Points: 360
Weakness: Fire, Holy
Location: Tower Of Zott
Black Liz.
Hit Points: 792
Weakness: Cold
Location: Underground
Hit Points: 480
Weakness: Fire
Location: Tower Of Zott
Blood Flw
Hit Points: 370
Weakness: Fire
Location: Outside The Phantom World Cave
Blood Worm
Hit Points: 638
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Baron Waterway
Bloody Bat
Hit Points: 439
Weakness: Fire
Location: Eblana Cave
Bloody Bone
Hit Points: 210
Weakness: Fire
Location: Mount Ordeals
Bloody Red
Hit Points: 2,400
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attack
Location: Phantom World Cave
Bl. Pudding
Hit Points: 1,357
Weakness: None
Location: Lunar Path
Hit Points: 15,000
Weakness: None
Location: Lunar Underground
Hit Points: 55
Weakness: None
Location: Mount Hobs
Hit Points: 520
Weakness: Fire
Location: Tower Of Zott
Hit Points: 2,000
Weakness: None
Location: Under Eblana Castle
Cait Sith
Hit Points: 342
Weakness: Holy
Location: Outside Toroia
Hit Points: 320
Weakness: None
Location: Fabul Castle
Centaur Kn.
Hit Points: 380
Weakness: None
Location: Tower Of Zott
Hit Points: 700
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 1st Visit
Hit Points: 3,400
Weakness: None
Location: Sealed Cave
Hit Points: 149
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Mount Hobs
Hit Points: 986
Weakness: None
Location: Outside Sealed Cave
Hit Points: 5,100
Weakness: None
Location: Cave Of The Phantom Beast God
Hit Points: 380
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Baron Waterway
Hit Points: 440
Weakness: Fire
Location: Near Mithril Town
Dive Eagle
Hit Points: 18
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Around Baron
Dk. Grenade
Hit Points: 1,820
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Lunar Path
Hit Points: 14,000
Weakness: None
Location: Cave Of The Phantom Beast God
Domo Boy
Hit Points: 37
Weakness: None
Location: Around Kaipo
Hit Points: 270
Weakness: Fire, Holy
Location: Cave Magnes
Dream Evil
Hit Points: 2,800
Weakness: None
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Hit Points: 2,600
Weakness: None
Location: Lunar Path
Evil Head
Hit Points: 1,014
Weakness: Fire, Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Sealed Cave
Hit Points: 1,425
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 1st Visit
Face Bat
Hit Points: 334
Weakness: Holy, Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Cave Magnes
Fake Puppet
Hit Points: 388
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit
Fang Shell
Hit Points: 58
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Underground Waterway (To Damcyan)
Flame Dog
Hit Points: 1,221
Weakness: Cold
Location: Tower Of Zott
Flame Kn.
Hit Points: 579
Weakness: Cold
Location: The Tower Of Babil 1st Visit
Hit Points: 65
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Underground Waterway (To Damcyan)
Float Eye
Hit Points: 20
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Around Baron
Flying Eye
Hit Points: 40
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Mist Cave
Hit Points: 160
Weakness: Holy
Location: Mount Hobs
Hit Points: 115
Weakness: None
Location: Just Off The Exit Of Mount Hobs
Hit Points: 222
Weakness: Fire, Holy
Location: Mount Ordeals
Hit Points: 10,000
Weakness: None
Location: The Giant Of Babil
Gigan Toad
Hit Points: 47
Weakness: Ice
Location: Underground Waterway (To Damcyan)
Gigas Gator
Hit Points: 292
Weakness: Cold
Location: Baron Waterway
Hit Points: 6
Weakness: None
Location: Around Baron
Goblin Cap.
Hit Points: 199
Weakness: None
Location: Underground
Gold Dragon
Hit Points: 8,200
Weakness: None
Location: Lunar Underground
Gr. Dragon
Hit Points: 2,200
Weakness: None
Location: Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit
Hit Points: 60
Weakness: NOne
Location: Around Kaipo
Hit Points: 285
Weakness: Holy
Location: Cave Magnes
Hit Points: 900
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Sealed Cave
Hit Points: 398
Weakness: None
Location: Oustide Toroia
Hell Turtle
Hit Points: 700
Weakness: Cold
Location: Tower Of Zott
H. Itou
Hit Points:
Location: Developers Room
Hit Points: 257
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Baron Waterway
Hit Points: 1,050
Weakness: Holy
Location: The Tower Of Bail 2nd Visit
Hit Points: 28
Weakness: None
Location: Mist Cave
Iron Dress
Hit Points: 100
Weakness: None
Location: Eblana Cave
Iron Solder
Hit Points: 3,500
Weakness: None
Location: Giant Of Babil
K. Aoki
Hit Points:
Location: Developer's Room
K. Higuchi
Hit Points:
Location: Developer's Room
Hit Points: 593
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit
K. Yoshii
Hit Points:
Location: Developer's Room
Hit Points: 170
Weakness: None
Location: Fabul Castle
Lady Guard
Hit Points: 425
Weakness: None
Location: Tower Of Zott
Hit Points: 1,200
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit
Last Arm
Hit Points: 9,500
Weakness: None
Location: Giant Of Babil
Hit Points: 466
Weakness: Fire
Location: Mount Ordeals
Luna Virus
Hit Points: 980
Weakness: None
Location: Lunar Path
Hit Points: 3,000
Weakness: None
Location: Giant Of Babil
Hit Points: 18,000
Weakness: None
Location: Giant Of Babil
Hit Points: 4,900
Weakness: None
Location: Giant Of Babil
Hit Points: 435
Weakness: Cold
Location: Underground
Hit Points: 3,900
Weakness: Fire
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Hit Points: 1,400
Weakness: None
Location: Sealed Cave
Hit Points: 473
Weakness: None
Location: Tower Of Zott
Hit Points: 256
Weakness: Fire
Location: Tower Of Zott
Hit Points: 490
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 1st Visist
Mind Flayer
Hit Points: 300
Weakness: None
Location: Cave Magnes
Miss Vamp.
Hit Points: 2,375
Weakness: Holy, Fire
Location: Sealed Cave
Hit Points: 2,900
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit
Hit Points: 1,100
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit
Hit Points: 4,200
Weakness: None
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Hit Points: 4,000
Weakness: None
Location: Cave Of The Phantom Beast God
Hit Points:
Location: The Tower Of Babil 1st Visit
Hit Points: 320
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 1st Visit
Hit Points: 1,480
Weakness: None
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Hit Points: 865
Weakness: Holy
Location: Cave Magnes
Hit Points: 59
Weakness: Ice
Location: Underground Waterway (To Damcyan)
Pain Bomb
Hit Points: 111
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Mount Hobs
P. Bavarois
Hit Points: 105
Weakness: Fire
Location: Tower Of Zott
Hit Points: 37,000
Weakness: None
Location: Lunar Underground
Hit Points: 410
Weakness: Fire
Location: Tower Of Zott
Location: Lunar Path
Red Dragon
Hit Points: 15,000
Weakness: Cold
Location: Lunar Underground
Red Marsh.
Hit Points: 35
Weakness: Fire
Location: Underground Waterway (To Damcyan)
Hit Points: 697
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: The Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit
Hit Points: 250
Weakness: Fire, Holy
Location: Mount Ordeals
Hit Points: 12,000
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Lunar Underground
Hit Points: 500
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: SouthEast Of Babil Tower Upperworld In A Forest
Rudran Baby
Hit Points: 50
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: SouthEast Of Babil Tower Upperworld In A Forest
Hit Points: 64
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Undergound Waterway
Sand Sahag
Hit Points: 20
Weakness: Cold
Location: Around Kaipo
Hit Points: 3,480
Weakness: None
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Satan Jr.
Hit Points: 2,900
Weakness: None
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Sea Pot
Hit Points: 125
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Undergound Waterway (To Damcyan)
Hit Points: 5,500
Weakness: None
Location: Giant Of Babil
Hit Points: 7,500
Weakness: None
Location: Cave Of The Phantom Beast God
Hit Points: 135
Weakness: Fire, Holy
Location: Mount Ordeals
Hit Points: 12,000
Weakness: Fire
Location: Cave Of The Phantom Beast God
Hit Points:
Location: Mount Ordeals With Scarmiglione
Hit Points: 740
Weakness: Fire
Location: Eblana Cave
Hit Points: 1,000
Weakness: None
Location: The Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit
Hit Points: 350
Weakness: None
Location: Tower Of Zott
Hit Points: 200
Weakness: Holy
Location: Mount Ordeals
Hit Points: 86
Weakness: Holy
Location: Mount Ordeals
Hit Points: 180
Weakness: Lightning
Location: Baron Waterway
Steel Golem
Hit Points: 1,950
Weakness: Cold
Location: Eblana Cave
Stone Golem
Hit Points: 2,560
Weakness: Cold
Location: The Tower Of Babil 1st Visit
Hit Points: 3,600
Weakness: None
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Sword Rat
Hit Points: 30
Weakness: None
Location: Around Baron
Hit Points: 7,600
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Hit Points: 284
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Location: Baron Waterway
Hit Points: 1,400
Weakness: Holy
Location: The Tower Of Bail 2nd Visit
Tiny Mage
Hit Points: 69
Weakness: None
Location: Outside Mysidia
T. Takahasi
Hit Points:
Location: Developer's Room
Toady Toad
Hit Points: 600
Weakness: Cold
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Hit Points: 2,960
Weakness: None
Location: Phantom Beast Cave
Twin Snake
Hit Points: 108
Weakness: Cold, Holy
Location: Cave Magnes
Hit Points: 655
Weakness: None
Location: Outside Sealed Cave
Hit Points: 298
Weakness: Cold
Location: The Tower Of Babil 1st Visit
Y. Dragon
Hit Points: 3,100
Weakness: None
Location: Sealed Cave
Yellow Jelley
Hit Points: 55
Weakness: Lightning
Hit Points: 40,000
Weakness: None
Location: Lunar Underground
Zemus Mind
Hit Points: 20,000
Weakness: None
Location: Lunar Underground
Hit Points: 12,000
Weakness: Fire, Holy
Location: Lunar Underground
Hit Points: 941
Weakness: Weak Vs. Flying Attacks

14) Monster Classes
This is a listing of the Monster Classes of Final Fantasy 4. Monsters
that look alike often are weak against similar things. So if you have
ran into a certain type of monster before, they are likely to be weak
against the same things that others like them are (with the exception of
elemental beings).

*Flying Cyclops
Bloody Red
Float Eye
All are Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
B. Pudding
P. Bavarois
Red Marsh.
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
*Hanging Women
Miss Vamp
All are weak against Fire or Holy
Flying Eye
All are Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Abyss Worm
Blood Worm
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
*Cyclops Machines
Last Arm
No weaknesses found
They all are weak against Holy
Flame Dog
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
K. Aoki
No weaknesses found
Cait Sith
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
No weaknesses found
All are weak against Blizd
Domo Boy
Goblin Cap.
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
Black Liz
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
Centaur Kn.
No weaknesses found
Blood Flw
All are weak against Fire
Twin Snake
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
Evil Head
Face Bat
Bloody Bat
All are weak against Holy and Vs. Flying Attacks
*Caped Women
No weaknesses found
Fake Puppet
T. Takahasi
All are waek against Fire
Sand Sahag
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
*Hair Dryers
No weaknesses found
All are weak against Fire
K. Yoshii
No weakness found
*Coiled Dragons
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
*Long Dragons
Red Dragon
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
Fly Killer
All are weak against Thund
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
*Seated Dragons
Gr. Dragon
Y. Dragon
No weaknesses found
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
All are weak against Fire
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
No weaknesses found
No weakness found
H. Itou
No weakness found
Zemus Mind
No weaknesses found
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
No weakness found
All are weak against Blizd
Luna Virus
Sea Pot
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
K. Higuchi
Dk. Grenade
Pain Bomb
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
Satan Jr.
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
*Lady Spirits
They are all weak against different things, see the respective monsters
in the monster list for weaknesses
*Woman Soldiers
No weakness found
*Big Birds
All are Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
*Small Birds
Dive Eagle
All are Weak Vs. Flying Attacks
Dream Evil
Most are weak against Holy, the exception is Dream Evil
No weaknesses found
All are weak against Blizd
*All are weak against Fire and Holy

15) Monster Magic
*BadBreth- This will give EVERY status ailment in the game to the target
*Beak- Turns one party member into stone
*Beam- A beam attacks one party memeber
*Bloodsck- Takes away HP from party member and gives them to the caster
*Coldsnap- An Ice based attacks that hits all party memebers
*CursAura- Paralyzes all party memebers
*Curse- Casts Curse on target
*Death- Casts Death on target, target will die when the count reaches
*Destruct- Bombs use this- they take their remaining life energy and
destroy themself to inflict damage on one party memeber
*Fingrtip- Turns one party member into stone
*Flame- A fire based attack on all party members
*FlameDgn- A combination of Fire and Tornd on one or all party memebers
*Flmthrwr- A Fire based attack on all party members
*Glance- Casts Stone on one party member
*Heater- A Fire Based attack on all party members
*Laser- A beam attacks all party memebers
*LitFlash- A Lightning based attack on one party member
*Lure- Casts Confuse on one party member
*Medic- Heals every party member's status ailments
*Needle- A physical attack on one party member
*PoisonGas- Casts Poison an all party memebers
*Pupil- Casts Confuse on one party member
*SleepGas- Casts Sleep on all party memebers
*StonGaze- Turns one party member into stone
*Summon- Caster calls a monster to fight for them
*Tsunami- A tremendously powerful water attack that hits all party
*Wreathe- Casts Paralyze on one party member

16) Sneak/Steal Command
This Is A Listing Of What Can Be Sneaked/Stolen From Every Monster In
Final Fantasy Four.
Abyss Worm- N.Pole
Adamantium- Antidote
Allemagne- EyeDrop
Alligator- None
A. Matsui- None
Arachne- SpidrWeb
Areneid- SpidrWeb
Armadillo- None
BaronGuard- Potion
Basilisk- Gold-Pin
Behemoth- Bandanna
Belfegoyle- Potion
Black Liz.- None
Blizlizard- None
Blood Flwr- DietFood
Blood Worm- Potion
Bloody Bat- Potion
BloodyBone- Potion
Bloody Red- EyeDrop
Bl. Pudding- Ether
BlueDragon- None
Bomb- Potion
BreezBeast- None
Brsrk.Ogre- Beserk
Cait Sith- Unicorn
CentaurKn.- None
Chimera- None
ChmraBrain- None
Cockatrice- FenixDwn
Creesalis- Potion
DarkWizard- MaidKiss
Deathtanet- DietFood
DemonSoldr- Cottage
DethBeauty- DietFood
Dive Eagle- FenixDwn
Dk.Grenade- Fragment
Domo Boy- Potion
DracuLady- VampFang
Dream Evil- Potion
Eucaryote- Stardust
Evil Head- Potion
Eyes- None
Face Bat- Potion
FakePuppet- None
Fang Shell- DietFood
Flame Dog- Fire Arrows
Flame Kn.- None
Float Eye- EyeDrop
Flying Eye- Eyedrop
Fly Killer- Potion
Gargoyle- Potion
Gatlinger- Gold-Pin
Ghoul- Potion
GiantSoldr- Cottage
Gigantoad- MaidKiss
GigasGator- None
Goblin- Potion
GoblinCap.- Potion
GoldDragon- ZeusRage
Gr.Dragon- BlueFang
Hand-Leg- Potion
Heiropatra- Antidote
HellFlapper- EyeDrop
HellNeedle- Gold-Pin
HellTurtl- None
H. Itou- None
Hydra- Antidote
IceWarrior- Tent
Insectus- Potion
Iron Dress- None
IronSoldr- Tent
K. Aoki- None
K. Higuchi- None
Kuar- Unicorn
K. Yoshii- None
Lacy- Potion
Lady Guard- None
Lamia- Lamia Harp
Last Arm- Alarm
Luna Virus- Ether
MachCannon- Tent
MachDragon- GodsRage
MachSoldr- Lit Arrows
MagmaTurtl- None
Mammon- DietFood
Marid- Lit Arrows
Marionette- None
Marion- None
Medusa- HiPotion
MindFlayer- HiPotion
Miss Vamp- VampFang
MithrilGol- None
Molbol- Medicine
MoonGodess- None
MthrLamia- Lamia Harp
MysteryEgg- None
Naga- None
NagaRusher- Antidote
Ogre- Beserk
Organitoad- MaidKiss
Pain Bomb- Potion
P. Bavarois- Potion
Phase- None
Prankster- None
Procaryote- Stardust
Red Dragon- None
Red Marsh.- Potion
RemedyBomb- Fragment
Revenant- Potion
Rilmarder- None
Rudra- Feather
RudraBaby- FenixDwn
Sahagin- None
Sand Sahag- Antidote
Sand Worm- Potion
Satan Jr- SilencBell
Sea Pot- Antidote
Searcher- Alarm
SkullDragn- RedFang
SlvrDragon- Stardust
SorcerLady- None
Sorceror- Healing Staff
Soul- Potion
Spirit- Potion
Splasher- Potion
Skeleton- Potion
Skulljar- Potion
SteelGolem- None
StoneGolem- None
Summoner- Healing Staff
Sword Rat- Gold-Pin
ThndrSprit- Lit Arrows
ThundrDrgn- God'sRage
Thundrfish- DietFood
Toady Toad MaidKiss
ToadyWitch- MaidKiss
T. Takahasi- None
TwinSnake- Antidote
Tiny Mage- None
Undrgrnder- SpidrWeb
WhiteMoose- Potion
Wood Eyes- DietFood
Y. Dragon- BlueFang
YellowJelly- Potion
ZemusBreth- None
Zemus Mind- None
Zombie- Potion
Zombiesaur- RedFang
Zuu- Feather

17) Inn Prices
*Agalt Town Inn- 50 Gil
*Baron Inn- 50 Gil
*Dwarf Castle Inn- 600 Gil
*Eblana Cave Inn- 700 Gil
*Fabul Castle Inn- 100 Gil
*Mist Village Inn- 50 Gil
*Mithril Town Inn- 500 Gil
*Mysidia Inn- 200 Gil
*Oasis Village Of Kaipo Inn- Free The 1st Time, 50 Gil After That
*Phantom World Inn- 1,200 Gil
*Tomera Village Inn- 300 Gil
*Toroia Inn- 400 Gil

18) Armor Shops
*Agalt Town
Iron Shield- 100 Gil
Iron Armor- 600 Gil
Iron Helmet- 150 Gil
Iron Gauntlet- 150 Gil
Iron Ring- 100 Gil
*Baron Town
Bandana Helmet- 450 Gil
Kenpou Robe- 4,000 Gil
Silver Ring- 650 Gil
*Dwarf Castle
Flame Shield- 12,500 Gil
Flame Armor- 30,000 Gil
Priest Helmet- 2,000 Gil
Priest Robe- 1,200 Gil
Rune Ring- 2,000 Gil
*Eblana Cave
Ice Shield- 10,000 Gil
Ice Armor- 35,000 Gil
Black Robe- 10,000 Gil
*Fabul Castle- It Is An Armor/Weapon Shop
Demon Helmet- 980 Gil
Demon Armor- 3000 Gil
Demon Gauntlet- 800 Gil
*Mist Village
Poet Robe- 70 Gil
*Mithril Town
Mithril Shield- 1,000 Gil
Mithril Helmet- 3,000 Gil
Mithril Armor- 17,000 Gil
Mithril Gauntlet- 2,000 Gil
Triangle Helmet- 700 Gil
Gaea Robe- 500 Gil
Silver Ring- 650 Gil
Light Shield- 700 Gil
Light Helmet- 4000 Gil
Knight Armor- 8000 Gil
Gauntlet- 3000 Gil
*Oasis Village Of Kaipo
Leather Cap- 100 Gil
Cloth Robe- 50 Gil
Leather Robe- 200 Gil
Iron Ring- 100 Gil
*Phantom World
Aegis Shield- 20,000 Gil
Light Robe- 30,000 Gil
*Tomera Village
Diamond Shield- 15,000 Gil
Diamond Helmet- 10,000 Gil
Diamond Armor- 40,000 Gil
Diamond Gauntlet- 5,000 Gil
GoldBand Helmet- 20,000 Gil
Diamond Ring- 4,000 Gil
Leather Helmet- 100 Gil
Feather Helmet- 330 Gil
Cloth Robe- 50 Gil
Leather Robe- 200 Gil
Ruby Ring- 1,000 Gil

19) Weapon Shops
*Agalt Town
Rod- 100 Gil
Staff- 160 Gil
Spear- 60 Gil
Boomerang- 3,000 Gil
Bow- 220 Gil
Cross Bow- 700 Gil
Iron Arrows- 10 Gil Each
Holy Arrows- 20 Gil Each
*Baron Town
Thunder Rod- 700 Gil
Healing Staff- 480 Gil
Fire Claw- 350 Gil
Ice Claw- 450 Gil
Thunder Claw- 550 Gil
Shuriken- 20,000 Gil
Hell Wind- 50,000 Gil
Yoichi Arrow- 140 Gil Each
*Dwarf Castle
Dwarf Axe- 15,000 Gil
Great Bow- 2,000 Gil
Darkness Arrow- 40 Gil Each
Flame Sword- 14,000 Gil
Flame Spear- 11,000 Gil
*Eblana Cave
Power Staff- 2,000 Gil
Ice Brand Sword- 26,000 Gil
Blizzard Spear- 21,000 Gil
Kunai Katana- 4,000 Gil
Boomerang- 3,000 Gil
Killer Bow- 3,000 Gil
Poison Arrows- 70 Gil Each
*Fabul Castle- It Is An Armor/Weapon Shop
Fire Claw- 350 Gil
Ice Claw- 450 Gil
Thunder Claw- 550 Gil
*Mist Village
Whip- 3,000 Gil
Dancing Knife- 5,000 Gil
*Mithril Town
Mithril Staff- 4,000 Gil
Mithril Knife- 3,800 Gil
Mithril Wrench- 8,000 Gil
Mithril Sword- 6,000 Gil
Ice Rod- 220 Gil
Flame Rod- 380 Gil
Healing Rod- 480 Gil
CrossBow- 700 Gi;
Holy Arrows- 20 Gil Each
*Oasis Village Of Kaipo
Rod- 100 Gil
Staff- 160 Gil
Bow- 220 Gil
Iron Arrows- 10 Gil Each
*Phanton World
Whip- 3,000 Gil
Chain Whip- 6,000 Gil
Electric Whip- 6,000 Gil
Kotetsu Katana- 11,000 Gil
Fairy Rod- 5,000 Gil
Energy Staff- 7,000 Gil
Angel Arrow- 110 Gil Each
*Tomera Village
Ashura Katana- 7,000 Gil
Chain Whip- 6,000 Gil
OgreKillr Axe- 45,000 Gil
Killer Bow- 3,000 Gil
Mute Arrows- 100 Gil Each
Mallet- 80 Gil
Great Bow- 2,000 Gil
Fire Arrows- 30 Gil Each
Ice Arrows- 30 Gil Each
Lit Arrows- 30 Gil Each

20) Item Shops
*Agalt Town
Potion- 30 Gil
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Tent- 100 Gil
Veggie- 50 Gil
*Baron Castle
Potion- 30 Gil
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Tent- 100 Gil
Veggie- 50 Gil
*Dwarf Castle Shop #1
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Potion- 30 Gil
HiPotion- 150 Gil
Tent- 100 Gil
Cottage- 500 Gil
DwfBread- 100 Gil
Veggie- 50 Gil
Medicine- 5000 Gil
Dwarf Castle Shop #2
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Aprntice- 80 Gil
Diet Food- 100 Gil
EchoHerb- 50 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Cross- 100 Gil
*Eblana Cave
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Aprntice- 80 Gil
Diet Food- 100 Gil
EchoHerb- 50 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Cross- 100 Gil
*Fabul Castle
Potion- 30 Gil
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Tent- 50 Gil
Veggie- 50 Gil
*Mithril Town
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Aprntice- 80 Gil
Diet Food- 100 Gil
Potion- 30 Gil
HiPotion- 150 Gil
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
EchoHerb- 50 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Tent- 100 Gil
Cottage- 500 Gil
*Namingway Cave On The Moon
HiPotion- 150 Gil
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Ether- 10,000 Gil
Ether Dry- 50,000 Gil
Elixir- 100,000 Gil
Cottage- 500 Gil
Monsters- 980 Gil
Whistle- 20,000 Gil
*Oasis Village Of Kaipo
Potion- 30 Gil
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Tent- 100 Gil
Veggie- 50 Gil
*Phantom World Shop #1
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Potion- 30 Gil
HiPotion- 150 Gil
Tent- 100 Gil
Cottage- 500 Gil
DwfBread- 100 Gil
Veggie- 50 Gil
Medicine- 5000 Gil
*Phanton World Shop #2
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Aprntice- 80 Gil
Diet Food- 100 Gil
EchoHerb- 50 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Cross- 100 Gil
*Tomera Village Shop #1
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Aprntice- 80 Gil
Diet Food- 100 Gil
EchoHerb- 50 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Cross- 100 Gil
*Tomera Village Shop #2
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Potion- 30 Gil
HiPotion- 150 Gil
Tent- 100 Gil
Cottage- 500 Gil
DwfBread- 100 Gil
Veggie- 50 Gil
Medicine- 5000 Gil
Potion- 30 Gil
FenixDwn- 100 Gil
Gold-Pin- 400 Gil
MaidKiss- 60 Gil
Eyedrop- 30 Gil
Antidote- 40 Gil
Tent- 100 Gil
Veggie- 50 Gil

21) Finds
This is a listing of what can be found in specific locations in Final
Fantasy 4. Note: Arrows come in bundles of 10 when found in these
places, but they have to be purchased seperately in Weapon Shops.
(Agalt Town Treasure)
N. Pole
(Antlion's Nest Treasure)
S. Pole
Lamia Harp
Copper Hourglass
(Baron Castle Treasure)
480 Gil
Hermes Shoes
Hermes Shoes
(Baron Town Treasure)
Copper Hourglass
(Baron Waterway Treasure)
1000 Gil
Zeus Rage
Copper Hourglass
Hermes Shoes
Diet Food
(Blacksmith's Shop Treasure)
Soma Drop
(Cave Magnes Treasure)
2000 Gil
Copper Hourglass
Fairy Claw
(Cave Of The Phantom Beast God Treasure)
Genji Gauntlet
Genji Shield
Genji Armor
Genji Helmet
(Damcyan Castle Treasure)
(Dwarf Castle Treasure)
Dwarf Axe
Power Ring
Silver Hourglass
5000 Gil
(Eblana Castle Treasure)
Exit Door
Hermes Shoes
Silver Hourglass
Silver Apple
Mute Arrows
10,000 Gil
(Eblana Cave Treasure)
Vamp Fang
Silver Hourglass
Ether Dry
(Fabul Castle Treasure)
Zeus Rage
S. Pole
Hermes Shoes
Demon Shield
Deathbringer Sword
(Giant Of Babil Treasure)
Yoichi Arrows
Soma Drop
Silver Apple
(Lunar Path Treasure)
(Lunar Underground Treasure)
Dragon Sheild
FireBute Whip
Dragon Helmet
Dragon Armor
Dragon Gauntlet
Artemis Arrows
Wh. Fang
Stardust Rod
Crystal Shield
Defense Ring
Crystal Gauntlet
White Robe
Red Fang
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Armor
Hell Wind
Artemis Arrows
Menerva Robe
Ribbon Helmet
Ribbon Helmet
Well Wind
Hell Wind
Hell Wind
(Mist Cave Treasure)
(Mithril Town Treasure)
Mithril Staff
Mithril Knife
5000 Gil
(Mount Hobs Treasure)
960 Gil
Holy Arrows
(Mount Ordeals Treasure)
(Oasis Village Of Kaipo Treasure)
(Phantom World Treasure)
Poison Arrows
Kikuchi Katana
Defender Sword
Rat Tail
5000 Gil
6000 Gil
Yoichi Arrows
Ether Dru
Yoichi Bow
(Sealed Cave Treasure)
Kotetsu Katana
Hi- Potion
Light Cape
Light Cape
Light Sword
Hell Wind
Kotetsu Katana
Dark Hood Helmet
Silence Bell
Ether Dry
(Sylph Cave Treasure)
Angel Arrows
Fairy Rod
2000 Gil
Cat Claw
Hell Claw
3000 Gil
Exit Door
Red Fang
Elven Bow
1000 Gil
Mage Mash Knife
Medusa Arrows
Wh. Fang
(Tomera Village Treasure)
Ether Dry
2000 Gil
S. Pole
Zeus Rage
(Toroia Castle Treasure)
Ruby Ring
Ruby Ring
Ether Dry
Ether Dry
Great Bow
Fire Arrows
Lit Arrows
Fire Arrows
Ice Arrows
Silver Apple
Ice Arrows
(Toroia Town Treasure)
1000 Gil
Ether Dry
(Tower Of Babil 1st Visit Treasure)
Ice Arrows
Ice Arrows
Gr. Beret Helmet
Blizzard Spear
Ice Brand Sword
Cat Claw
Killer Bow
S. Pole
Ice Armor
N. Pole
Ether Dry
Ice Shield
(Tower Of Babil 2nd Visit Treasure)
Silver Hourglass
OgreKiller Axe
Ashura Katana
82000 Gil
(Tower Of Zott Treasure)
Flame Armor
Flame Sword
Hell Claw
Flame Shield
Earth Wrench
Priest Robe
(Underwater Channel Treasure)
Hades Armor
Hermes Shoes
Iron Ring
Ice Rod
580 Gil
S. Pole
Copper Hourglass
Shadow Sword
Hades Helmet
Hades Gauntlet
(Village Of Mist Treasure)
Cloth Robe
Gold Band Helmet
Ruby Ring

22) Odds And Ends
*A dancer in Baron will dance for you and take her clothes off when you
are a Dark Knight. She is in the back of Baron Town.
*If you sleep in the King's bed in Fabul Castle before you go see him
for the first time- it is a free bed!
*The 4 Light Crystals and their locations:
The Water Crystal is in Mysidia
The Earth Crystal is in Toroia
The Fire Crystal is in Damcyan
And the Wind Crystal is in Fabul.

23) Author's Notes
This Walkthrough was made COMPLETELY by me. I had No help with it. If
you would like to use my Walkthrough ASK MY PERMISSION! There is
nothing I hate more than using someone elses things without asking. I
worked very hard on this and played through the game a many times to get
the information. Also, I will not give permission to only use parts of
my Walkthroughs as parts of someone else's projects. Since I work so
hard on my walkthroughs, I know other people writing one can work
equally hard on theirs. Thank you and I hope you have found it useful.
I will update this page as I can or as I feel necessary.

My other Walkthroughs include:
Secret Of Evermore
Blood Omen: Legacy Of Kain
Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy 5

24) Credits
I have written this Walkthrough on my own, but I still would like to
thank a few people:
First of all, my Husband Jason. I have no idea how he puts up with me
kicking him off the computer so I can work on this stuff. Thanks Jason!
And also my parents Bonnie and Ken. They take interest when I bounce
ideas off them every Friday Night ay Midnight when I call them long
distance. I'm sure I drive them crazy, but they never let on that I do.
Thanks Mom and Dad.

Copyright MysteryMoogle 2000

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