Chocobo Racing

Chocobo Racing

17.10.2013 16:50:37
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Unofficial Chocobo Racing FAQ
For SONY PlayStation Only
Version 1.5
By Beno Jange
I. Disclaimer .................................................. 0100
This FAQ is intended for personal use only. It can't be used for any
profitable purposes nor can it be published in any forms. No one are
allowed to update, edit, translate, HTMLize, reproduce or do anything
with it without my permission. If you like to add it on your site, pls
ask my permission first. If I agree with you then keep it unaltered and
up to date by checking the newest revision on GameFAQs once a month. If
you want to take some parts of it, give a credit where it is due. Any
offenders will severely dealt with. Furthermore, it is protected by US
Copyright Law and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976.

Chocobo Racing logo, characters (C) 1999 SquareSoft.
SquareSoft is a registered trademark of Square Co. Ltd.
PlayStation is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Unofficial Chocobo Racing FAQ, logo (C) 2000-2001 Beno Jange.
All copyrights and trademarks (if any) are acknowledged.

II. Table of Contents ........................................... 0200
I. Disclaimer ................................................. 0100
II. Table of Contents .......................................... 0200
III. Revision History ........................................... 0300
IV. Author's Note .............................................. 0400
About This FAQ .......................................... 0401
How to Get the Update ................................... 0402
How to Contact Me ....................................... 0403
V. Introduction ............................................... 0500
VI. Control .................................................... 0600
While Racing ............................................ 0601
Main Menu ............................................... 0602
VII. Menu ...................................................... 0700
Options ................................................. 0701
Story Mode .............................................. 0702
Time Attack ............................................. 0703
Grand Prix .............................................. 0704
VS Mode ................................................. 0705
Relay Race .............................................. 0706
Memory Card ............................................. 0707
VIII. Characters ................................................. 0800
Chocobo ................................................. 0801
Mog ..................................................... 0802
Golem ................................................... 0803
Goblin .................................................. 0804
Black Magician .......................................... 0805
White Mage .............................................. 0806
Chubby Chocobo .......................................... 0807
Behemoth ................................................ 0808
Bahamut ................................................. 0809
Squall .................................................. 0810
IX. Special Ability ............................................ 0900
Dash .................................................... 0901
Flap .................................................... 0902
Mug ..................................................... 0903
Barrier ................................................. 0904
Magic Plus .............................................. 0905
Grip-Up ................................................. 0906
Charge .................................................. 0907
Receive ................................................. 0908
Megaflare ............................................... 0909
Gunblade ................................................ 0910
X. Magic Spell ................................................ 1000
? ....................................................... 1001
Haste ................................................... 1002
Fire .................................................... 1003
Ice ..................................................... 1004
Thunderbolts ............................................ 1005
Minimize ................................................ 1006
Reflect ................................................. 1007
Doom .................................................... 1008
Ultima .................................................. 1009
XI. Story Mode Walkthrough ..................................... 1100
Chapter 01: Gadgets a-go-go! ............................ 1101
Chapter 02: Moogling Right Along! ....................... 1102
Chapter 03: A Life in Ruins! ............................ 1103
Chapter 04: The Pleasure is Mine! ....................... 1104
Chapter 05: Mind Your Manor! ............................ 1105
Chapter 06: Crystal Clear! .............................. 1106
Chapter 07: Maybe it's something I ate .................. 1107
Chapter 08: Won't you be my lava! ....................... 1108
Chapter 09: Final Fantasia .............................. 1109
Chapter 10: F.F.VIII Circuit ............................ 1110
XII. Edit Parameters ............................................ 1200
XIII. Race Track ................................................. 1300
Cid's Test Track ........................................ 1301
Moogle Forest ........................................... 1302
The Ancient Gate ........................................ 1303
Mythril Mines ........................................... 1304
The Black Manor ......................................... 1305
Floating Gardens ........................................ 1306
Gingerbread Land ........................................ 1307
Vulcan-O Valley ......................................... 1308
Fantasia ................................................ 1309
F.F.VIII Circuit ........................................ 1310
XIV. Secrets .................................................... 1400
Hidden Characters ....................................... 1401
Grand Prix Secrets ...................................... 1402
Sound Room Secrets ...................................... 1403
Movie Secrets ........................................... 1404
Get 100 Points on Story Mode ............................ 1405
Miscellanous Secrets .................................... 1406
XV. Frequently Asked Questions ................................. 1500
XVI. GameShark .................................................. 1600
XVII. Credits .................................................... 1700

III. Revision History ........................................... 0300
v1.0 - 07/31/2000 - First Release.

v1.1 - 09/30/2000 - Added GameShark section.
- Reformated Author's Note section.
- Updated Credits section.

v1.2 - 12/29/2000 - Removed plan for future update.
- Corrected some grammar and spelling errors.
- Edited Disclaimer section.
- Edited Author's Note section.
- Removed Email Policy section.
- Edited Credits section.

v1.4 - 05/04/2001 - Happy Vesak day on 7th May 2001.
- Changed the logo.
- Reformated the FAQ lay out.
- Corrected some grammar and spelling errors.
- Rewrote Disclaimer section.
- Rewrote Author's Note section.
- Rewrote Introduction section.
- Divided Menu & Control section into Menu section
and Control section.
- Removed menu lay out in Menu section.
- Added ? stone in Magic Spell section.
- Added maps on Race Track section.
- Revised Race Track section.
- Updated Secrets section.
- Added Frequently Asked Questions section.
- Updated Credits section.
- Some changes in typography.

v1.5 - 07/07/2001 - Updated Author's Note section.
- Added quote for each character.
- Added some shortcuts on the Race Track.
Thx to
- Added one driving tip on the Tips & Tricks.
Thx to
- Updated Credits section.
- The FAQ is officially finished now.

IV. Author's Note .............................................. 0400
About This FAQ ................................................... 0401

Well, the first time I saw this game on the store I thought that this
game isn't interesting at all. It looks more childish and may be it is
for kid. But after I bought and played it, I really impressed about the
game. It will be the most enjoyable racing game beside Crash Team
Racing. Since there isn't any detailed FAQ for it on GameFAQs so I
decided to write this FAQ.

This FAQ is based on Joe Van Pelt's FAQ so I give half of the credit
inside here to him. My thx goes to him. Well done Joe, keep up your
good work. This FAQ based on the US version of Chocobo Racing since I
don't have the Japanese version. For easy searching just highlight the
keyword number on Table of Contents and press Ctrl+F. Please excuse for
my poor English.

Well ... It has been almost a year since the 1st release of this FAQ.
Alot of corrections, additions has been made towards the guide. In this
update, I'd like to thx to for sending me some
shortcuts, driving tip and lyric. I am getting quite bored about
playing this game so I will consider that this will be the last
revision of this FAQ.

How to Get the Update ............................................ 0402

The newest revision of this FAQ can always be found at:
= GameFAQs

This FAQ can also be found at:
= Game Advice
= Games Domain
= Neo Seeker
= Fresh Baked Games
= Playstation

How to Contact Me ................................................ 0403

Any questions (including asking for my permission to post this FAQ),
critizisms, contributions, suggestions, etc are welcome as long as you
state "Chocobo Racing" or "CR" as a subject of your letter. Tell me
where did you read this FAQ. Pls write it politely. I will surely
answer it if I have the time. May be you got the reply within an hour.
Who know? My email address is on top of this FAQ.

NOTE: I am not hiding secrets or any other information, i.e. everything
I know about Chocobo Racing is in this guide.

V. Introduction ............................................... 0500
At last, the King of RPG (Square) has released a racing game, which is
called Chocobo Racing. This game looks like Mario Kart and Crash Team
Racing. Btw, the famous Chocobo has started to make another surprise
for us. This game in my opinion has many interesting features including
secret characters, mirror mode, etc. This game also supports dual shock

The graphic in this game is not as good as Crash Team Racing especially
when you read a book in story mode. You can even see the "screwed"
white polygon in Floating Garden track. But the FMV is great! The music
is really catchy. Originally composed by Nobuo Uematsu, the famous
composer behind Final Fantasy series. I really like the ending song,
"Diamonds in My Hearts" sang by Vicki Bell.

Speaking about the sound effect, I think that SquareSoft has done a
good job on this. Sadly that the FMV didn't have the voice actor (like
what SquareSoft usually did on their games). Playing this game will
guarantee you won't be bored for hours especially when you play the
story mode and want to unlock the secret characters. You can cast the
curse, thunder, fire, etc on the enemy. Quite fun ...

The storyline is quite remarkable especially when you read the book in
story mode. This book will tell you about the story of the magicite
crystal. You are Chocobo, the chickadee who has the Dash stone
(magicite crystal). You with your friends Mog go on journey to collect
these magicite crystals.

The innovation is great. You can unlock the secret characters by
playing the story mode. You can view the movie clip by defeating the
racer. You can collect the music by winning the race. If you enjoy
playing Crash Team Racing then you should buy this game. One more
thing, this game is easy to complete so put your GameShark on the shelf

Well, here are my ratings for this game:
- Graphic : 8.0/10
- Storyline : 8.5/10
- Music : 9.0/10
- Sound : 8.0/10
- Game Play : 8.5/10
- Innovation : 8.5/10
- Overall : 8.4/10
- Difficulty : Easy
- Buy/Rent : Buy

VI. Control .................................................... 0600
While Racing ..................................................... 0601

Square - accelerate.
X - brake.
Square + X - skid.
Triangle - reverse.
L1 - use special ability.
R1 - cast magic.
Start - pause / skip FMV / open up menu.

Main Menu ........................................................ 0602

X - confirm.
O - cancel.
Start - skip FMV.

VII. Menu ....................................................... 0700
Story Mode ....................................................... 0702

Well, Square didn't want to miss their skill (RPG) on this game too so
they add this mode. You start with just Chocobo. You go all the way to
collect eight magicite crystals. Btw, you have to win the race in order
to collect the crystal. You get Edit Parameters each time you beat
Story Mode. Edit Parameters allow you to customize your own character
and build them to become a best racer. You also get hidden characters
each time you beat the game.

Time Attack ...................................................... 0703

Much like Time Trial in Crash Time Racing. You have to race as fast as
you can in order to beat the record. Each time you beat the record you
can enter your name on the top ten list.

Grand Prix ....................................................... 0704

Well, I'd love this mode. You race against the computer in four tracks.
Each time you enter the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place you'll get the points. The
character with the highest point will win. You can even see a short
clip on the character each time you beat the game with the character.
You can view their clips on Movie in Options.

VS Mode .......................................................... 0705

One on one racing each other. You can choose to race against player 2,
computer or let computer 1 vs computer 2. Btw, in my opinion Grand Prix
and Relay Race are more fun...

Relay Race ....................................................... 0706

Much like Grand Prix and VS Mode. The different is in this mode you
choose the team which is consist of three racers. You can choose how
many laps. The 1st racer will race in certain number of laps for eg. 2
and pass the race to the 2nd racer. The 2nd racer will race in the next
two laps and pass the race to the 3rd racer and so on.

Memory Card ...................................................... 0707

Save and Load game data. Well, in this mode you can save and load how
far you go with the game. You can save and load your hidden character.
You can even save and load your customized racer.

VIII. Characters ................................................. 0800
Chocobo .......................................................... 0801

Ability : Dash
Bike : Jet-Blades CR
Quote : "Kweh! Kweh!"

You know he is the star of this game. Fearless and innocent makes him
an adorable character. Good acceleration, good speed, but not too easy
to control. Btw, Chocobo is one of the best characters once you learn
how to control him.

Mog .............................................................. 0802

Ability : Flap
Bike : Mog-Scooter R2
Quote : "Well's the whole lineup of the racers. Remember, you
can choose any one of us. Plus, you get to decide which
Ability you want us to have. If you know what's good for you,
you'll choose me, MOG! So...see you guys on the tracks!"

A friend of Chocobo but with a bad attitude i.e. "Greedy" and selfish.
His "Greedy" and selfish makes him don't have anything. Good
acceleration, and seems to have the highest top speed of everyone, but
he's difficult to control.

Golem ............................................................ 0803

Ability : Grip-Up
Bike : Rockin Roller V8
Quote : "Me BIG rock! Very tough!"

The gatekeeper of village gate. He used to be body guard because of his
big body. Slow acceleration, average speed, but very easy to control.

Goblin ........................................................... 0804

Ability : Mug
Bike : Gob-Cart H4
Quote : "I ain't no THIEF? I'm just 'elping 'umanity ya 'ear!"

The thief known as "Gobin Hood" who steal from rich and give it to the
poor. Best acceleration in the game, but the control on him is terrible.

Black Magician ................................................... 0805

Ability : Magic Plus
Bike : MagiCloud MK-1
Quote : "Welcome to my humble home. Please-th come in."

A silent magician which has a castle in "Cursed Forest" which is called
"Black Manor". His racing skills are average better than White Mage. He
can fly over ice sheet.

White Mage ....................................................... 0806

Ability : Barrier
Bike : Cosmic Carpet
Quote : "Can't we all just get along?"

A beautiful mage from Mysidia. She was the person who revealed the
secrets about magicite crystal for the first time. His racing skills
are average. She can fly over ice sheet.

Chubby Chocobo ................................................... 0807

Ability : Receive
Bike : Phat-Burner Plus
Quote : "Grrrrr.....I'm hungry!!!"

A fat Chocobo who his job is only eat, eat and eat. All of in his head
are only donuts, peppermint, etc. He even ate magicite crystal. (Greedy
isn't it?) He has a good grip, great acceleration but low speed.

Behemoth ......................................................... 0808

Ability : Charge
Bike : Behemoth-Buggy 99
Quote : "Foolish one! Dare to challenge ME?!"

A magical monster who was lived in volcano. He used to be a guard of
magicite crystal. His racing skill is the same as Golem but his
acceleration a bit faster.

Bahamut .......................................................... 0809

Ability : Megaflare
Bike : Dragon Wings
Quote : "Touch me then I flare you!"

A king of Espers lived in Fantasia world. Slow acceleration, but high
top speed and pretty good control once you get him moving. Can fly over
obstacles like ice. To use Bahamut, you must beat Story Mode first.

Squall ........................................................... 0810

Ability : Gunblade
Bike : "The Tempest"
Quote : "Wanna try my Gunblade?!"

Our hero from Final Fantasy VIII also takes the challenge of the race.
Good acceleration, good turning, good everything except for his tires.
He slips and slides on turns a lot. This can be used to your advantage.
To use Squall, you must beat Story Mode a second time.

IX. Special Ability ............................................ 0900
Dash ............................................................. 0901

It speeds you up for a short time. Well, this ability actually very
useful on easy track with a little turn. But it'll become a nightmare
on hard track with many hard turns since it cause you bump out of

Flap ............................................................. 0902

It lets you fly over bad terrain. This ability is useless for mages.
It'll only speed you up a little. Btw, for those who always stuck
because of ice sheet can try this ability. But I prefer to choose Mages
in order to avoid ice sheet.

Mug .............................................................. 0903

It steals a rival's magic stone. Want to steal your opponents magic
stone use this ability. This ability is useful in order to collect the
magic stone and miss your opponents chance to use the magic stones.

Barrier .......................................................... 0904

It protects you from attacks. You get a shield that lasts until you are
attacked. This ability especially useful in Grand Prix, where you get
attacked almost all the time by other opponents.

Magic Plus ....................................................... 0905

It increases your magic stone's power. This ability is recommended to
use better than Megaflare ability. If you get Ultima, you can level it
up and use on your opponents which is the damage the same as Megaflare.
This ability is need shorter time than Megaflare to charge.

Grip-Up .......................................................... 0906

It makes your vehicle handle better. If you tired of bumping on the
wall. I recommend you to use this ability. This ability is very useful
on track with many hard turns. Once you use this ability, you don't get
to worry on loosing your speed when you bump on the wall.

Charge ........................................................... 0907

It accelerates to attack opponents. Short burst of speed, you can wreck
an opponent by hitting them while this is activated. It builds really
fast, too. You get more overall speed with this than with the Dash

Receive .......................................................... 0908

It gets any magic stones used on you ! When you get hit by any magic,
then you gain one of the spell that you were hit by. Useful in GP
races, since you'll be getting a powerful spell every few seconds
because of the constant barrage of attacks in that mode.

Megaflare ........................................................ 0909

It rains fireball on all your foes. Builds very slowly. Then when it's
full, it's a level 3 magic hit on every opponent.

Gunblade ......................................................... 0910

It speeds you up until you take a lead! When you used it, you'll get a
burst of speed (about 180 kph). Each time you pass your opponents, your
gunblade will slash on them which makes them crash.

There are some conditions in which this ability will disappear:
- If someone has it and is hit by the Flare.
- If you get hit while using it and someone passes you.
- If you're in first place after 5 seconds.

X. Magic Spell ................................................ 1000
Different magic stones have the different spells. Here are the lists:

? ................................................................ 1001

? - it could be any stones which is chosen randomly.

Haste ............................................................ 1002

Haste1 - makes you go faster.
Haste2, Haste3 - to do an even longer "Dash".

Fire ............................................................. 1003

Fire - shoot fire aim one in front of you to make go crash.
Fira - auto aim one in front of you must go crash.
Firaga - makes everyone in front of you go crash.

Ice .............................................................. 1004

Blizzard - places a sheet of ice on the course that makes whoever
runs over it spin out of control.
Blizzara - makes lots and lots of ice for others to spin out on.
Blizzaga - freezes all you foes in ice and makes them crash.

Thunderbolts ..................................................... 1005

Thunder - makes the chap in front of you and crash.
Thundara - strike the chap in front of you with three lightning
bolts and cause them to crash.
Thundaga - causes averybody else to be zappped by lightning and

Minimize ......................................................... 1006

Mini1 - makes your competitors shrink in size and slow down.
Mini2, Mini3 - makes everyone become smaller and slower.

Reflect .......................................................... 1007

Reflect - reflect the spell which was release by enemy.

Doom ............................................................. 1008

Curse - makes curse on the foe in front of you which is have
ten seconds delay that cursed one will crash.

Ultima ........................................................... 1009

Ultima1 - causes all other competitors to spin out of control.
Ultima2 - causes all of your opponents will be made to crash.
Ultima3 - causes all of your competitors to have catasthropic

XI. Story Mode Walkthrough ..................................... 1100
WARNING: This section contains many spoilers. Do not proceed if you
don't want the game to be spoiled.
Chapter 01: Gadgets a-go-go! ..................................... 1101

Chocobo visits his pal, Cid. Cid said that he's gonna give Chocobo
something dandy - Jet Blades CR! Cid invites Chocobo to try his new
bikes on Cid's race track.

Suggested Player - Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Dash
Gained Player - none

After testing his new bikes, Mog showed up and asked if the bikes have
been finished or not. Cid said that it'd be finished tomorrow. Mog
wants to change the title of the game to "Mog-oh-boy Racing". Cid
actually hasn't made a bike for Mog but he'll just have to make
something by tomorrow.

Chapter 02: Moogling Right Along! ................................ 1102

In the next day, Mog ask Cid about his new bikes. Cid have made the
bike but Mog didn't sure about the bike performance. Mog said that he
wants Square next title game to be changed to "Mog's better than
Chocobo's Dungeon 2" if he win the race.

Suggested Player - Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Dash
Gained Player - Mog

Mog loose to Chocobo and said that it's unfair since his bike is slower
than Chocobo's bike. Cid told him that it's because of the blue crystal
in Chocobo's ring which has "Dash" ability. Cid found it when Chocobo
was still a little chickadee. Then Chocobo and Mog start their journey
to find out that secret.

Chapter 03: A Life in Ruins! ..................................... 1103

Chocobo and Mog reached the village gate. Suddenly Golem appears and
said that he was a gatekeeper and told them that they have to beat him
in order to leave the village. They saw blue crystal on Golem's hand
and challenge him to get it.

Suggested Player - Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Dash
Gained Player - Golem

After beating Golem, Mog asked for the blue crystal. But Golem said
that if they want the blue crystal, he have to go with them. Chocobo

Chapter 04: The Pleasure is Mine! ................................ 1104

They soon moseyed onto an old abandoned mine, it sure was one lonesome-
looking place called "Mythrial Mountain". People used to mine along of
metal called "Mythrial" but since the Mythrial supply ran out, they
gave up digging. When they go through the mines to get to the other
side of the mountain, Mog was captured by Goblin. Goblin asked for some
pence. They saw the blue crystal on Goblin's earrings and they
challenge Goblin to get it.

Suggested Player - Golem
Suggested Ability - Dash
Gained Player - Goblin

After beating Goblin, Mog found a letter which simply tell us that
Goblin is a Gobin Hood who steals from the rich and give it to the
poor. Goblin said that he have to come along with them in order to get
his blue crystal. Chocobo agree.

Chapter 05: Mind Your Manor! ..................................... 1105

With Goblin as a guide, Chocobo and friends came to spooky - looking
forest that was called "Cursed Forest". Goblin said that alot of
people who came to this place has disappeared without trace. In this
forest there is "Black Manor" castle. Goblin said that no one who
enters there ever came back alive. Then they enter the castle. Suddenly
the door opened. Chocobo was going to investigate it followed by Goblin
and Golem. Mog was get scared too and followed them too.

Suggested Player - Golem
Suggested Ability - Dash
Gained Player - Black Magician

They captured Black Magician who can't speak. Black Magician also had
blue crystal too. Chocobo said that he would take Black Magician with

Chapter 06: Crystal Clear! ....................................... 1106

Chocobo and friends were getting kinda tired from all the travelling
they'd done so far. Their new buddy, Black Magician, silently led them
to the village of mages and magicians - "Mysidia". As they entered the
village, they saw White Mage and asked her to cast "Cure" to them.
White Mage had blue crystal too and she called it "Magicite". White
Mage said that she'll tell the story of magicite if they win the race.

Suggested Player - Golem
Suggested Ability - Dash
Gained Player - White Mage

Then White Mage revealed the story. There are magicite shards scattered
all over the world. It used to be one large magicite crystal but people
kept fighting each other over it. So the founder of Mysidia, the great
magician Ming-Wu broke the crystal into eight pieces. He then scattered
the shards to the four winds. White Mage said that she has to join
them because she has to take responsibility for telling them the

Chapter 07: Maybe it's something I ate ........................... 1107

Having known the secrets of magicite crystal, they continue their
journey to collect the rest of them. Chocobo and friends are tired and
hungry. Then their heard stomach grumbling. It's Chubby's stomach
voice. Chubby asked for food but Chocobo and friends didn't have it.
Chubby even ate magicite crystal that was now in his stomach. They
challenge Chubby to get it if they win. If they loose, Chubby can eat
all of them. (scary isn't it?)

Suggested Player - Golem
Suggested Ability - Dash
Gained Player - Chubby Chocobo

Chubby said that his stomach has been acting up a little so it won't
come out for a while. Waiting for the magicite crystal to come out,
Chocobo and friends decided to take Chubby with them.

Chapter 08: Won't you be my lava! ................................ 1108

Accompanied by Chubby, our company came across a creepy, crawly cavern.
On the other side was a desolate wasteland - the likes of which they'd
never seen before. Chubby said that there was magicite crystal in this
place - Vulcan-O Valley. There's also a mighty magical monster living
here. Suddenly, they heard a voice. It's Behemoth. He's also had
magicite crystal. They challenge him to get it.

Suggested Player - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Dash
Gained Player - Behemoth

After beating Behemoth, all of the magicite crystal has been gathered
together. The magicite crystal was starting to glow...

Chapter 09: Final Fantasia ....................................... 1109

Their crystals are starting to glow. Well, actually Mog had magicite
crystal too and his crystal is starting to glow too. Black Magician
suddenly can speak and said that the gate to "Fantasia" will open soon.
Then you'll see a cool FMV which show you how Fantasia portal opened.
Suddenly there's voice, which said, "Welcome to Fantasia - The realm of
the Espers". Well, this was actually the voice of Bahamut, the King of
Espers - the legendary "Beasts of Illusion". He said that he would give
the final test (of course racing).

Suggested Player - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Magic Plus
Gained Player - Bahamut

After passing the final test, Bahamut told them that from now on their
world and Final Fantasia world will be together so they can watch each
other. After that Bahamut disappear. All of the character had happy
ending. Btw, only Mog didn't get the happy ending since he think that
he can sold the magicite crystal for some pence.

Well, that's the end of Story Mode.

Chapter 10: F.F.VIII Circuit ..................................... 1110

As I said in above that "that's the end of Story Mode", well that's not
actually end if you beat the game for the second time. After you
customized your racer in Edit Parameters, the screen will display
"WARNING" message with Squall is standing back.

Suggested Player - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Grip-Up
Gained Player - Squall

As a note, the racer, which you customized has been chosen to race on
this track so be careful on customizing the racer. Another note, don't
return to Select Mode until you've beaten Squall. Because if you do,
you have to beat the Story Mode once again just to defeat Squall.

XII. Edit Parameters ............................................ 1200
Edit Parameters is a very useful feature in Chocobo Racing. It lets you
edit your character to build the best racer. Here I list for you what
you have to do on Edit Parameters.

1. Cid and Chocobo will show your score, depending on how fast you
complete the game.

2. Choose the racer and their color.

3. Well, Edit Parameters looks like this:

|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
| Racer | | Racer | | Your |
| Front | | Side | | Score |
| Face | | Face | | |
|_________| |_________| |________|PTs

Max Speed |||||||||||||||||||| 20 PTs
Accel. |||||||||||||||| 16 PTs
Grip |||||||||||||||||||| 20 PTs
Drift |||||||||||||||| 16 PTs
A.G.S. ||||||||||||||||||| 18 PTs

4. Your score will be distributed into:
* Max Speed - How many kph is your maximum speed.
* Accel. - How fast your speed goes up.
* Grip - How you go around the track without sliding.
* Drift - How good you can slide with the brake button.
* A.G.S - How fast your Ability Gauge's Speed goes up.

5. Choose Test Run to take your customized racer for a run on Cid's
Test Track or Quit to name your character with maximal eight

6. In any mode other than Story Mode, choose Slot1 or Slot2 to load
your customized racer. You'll use him in the race.

XIII. Race Track ................................................. 1300
Cid's Test Track ................................................. 1301

Course Length - 0.77 mi
Difficulty Level - 1/5
Suggested Player - SS Invincible, Bahamut
Suggested Ability - Dash

* ____ *
* / \ *
* | | *
* | | *
* | | *
* _____/ | *
* / | *
* | | *
* | | *
* | | *
* | | *
* | = *
* | | *
* \ | *
* \___________/ *
* *

This course is made by Cid. This course was created in order for test
a run. This is a place where you can burst your speed in maximum
easily. This course is the shortest of all the courses.

Moogle Forest .................................................... 1302

Course Length - 0.84 mi
Difficulty Level - 2/5
Suggested Players - SS Invincible, Bahamut
Suggested Ability - Dash

* ______ *
* " \ *
* ( \ *
* ._____ \ *
* ) | *
* / | *
* / | *
* / = *
* / | *
* / | *
* . \ *
* ( | *
* ¯¯¯¯¯\ | *
* \ | *
* ._. *
* *

This course takes place on a the Moogle's homeland. With easy turns
makes it easy to reach your top speed. Btw, racing on the grass will
make your bike slower.

The Ancient Gate ................................................. 1303

Course Length - 0.84 mi
Difficulty Level - 2/5
Suggested Players - Bahamut, Squall
Suggested Ability - Dash

* _____ *
* / | *
* | |_____ *
* | | *
* | __| *
* | | | *
* | | | *
* | |_| *
* | | *
* \ \___ *
* | | *
* | | *
* \ / *
* | = *
* \ _ | *
* *

This course takes place on the ruins of the roads on the old village
gate. This is a place where the speed and grip takes an important role.
There are several hard turns, which can cause you bump into the walls.
If you see two paths, be sure to choose the right path.

Mythril Mines .................................................... 1304

Course Length - 1.03 mi
Difficulty Level - 2/5
Suggested Players - Bahamut, Squall
Suggested Ability - Dash

* *
* .". *
* \ \______ *
* \ \ *
* ( |\ *
* ) | | *
* ( \| *
* \ | *
* | = *
* | _| *
* |\ (_ *
* | \ | *
* \ \ / *
* \ \ / *
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ *
* *

This course takes place on the cart track, which is used to carry the
Mythril. When you're in subway, be prepare to bump. Btw, try to take
the shortcut path which is can be seen on the map.

--= Shortcut =--

When you're about to enter the cave stick to the left side, you'll see
an opening and go down it, there is no magic stones but its better and
faster. (Thx to

The Black Manor .................................................. 1305

Course Length - 1.17 mi
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Suggested Players - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Dash

* __ *
* _. ._ *
* | | *
* ____| | *
* | | *
* |/¯¯\ | *
* ( ) | *
* |\__/ | *
* \___ | *
* | ( *
* | ) *
* | ( *
* = | *
* | | *
* \. ./ *
* ¯¯ *

This course takes place on the Black Magician castle. Be sure to have a
character with a great speed and good grip. Be careful in the end of
the path, if you aren't careful enough you can fall off.

Floating Gardens ................................................. 1306

Course Length - 1.17 mi
Difficulty Level - 3/5
Suggested Players - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Dash

* *
* *
* *
* .". *
* __/ / *
* .( \ *
* / \) \ *
* ) / *
* | / *
* = (__ *
* | . . \ *
* / / \ / \ .\ *
* \_/ . . \." *
* " *
* *
* *

This course takes place on the sky on which the ancestors of Mysidia
built hanging garden. Just speeds your bike up since bumping in this
are won't make you fall off. Be sure to choose a character with a great
speed and good grip.

Gingerbread Land ................................................. 1307

Course Length - 1.55 mi
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Suggested Player - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Dash

* *
* *
* *
* _______ *
* __/ \ \ *
* ( \ / /¯) *
* ¯¯\ \/ | | . *
* | |__| \/ \ *
* = /\ / *
* | / " *
* | . / *
* | | | <¯) *
* " \_/ ¯ *
* *
* *
* *

As we see the place, we can know whom the hell the character behind it.
The character must be really greedy. With many medium turns, you should
prepare your character with a great grip. Gingerbread Land is one of
the longest courses.

--= Shortcut =--

When you reach the break in the course, before it, turn right there you
will be able to go past others but you have to be fast enough to move
across a steep angled course. (Thx to

Vulcan-O Valley .................................................. 1308

Course Length - 1.46 mi
Difficulty Level - 4/5
Suggested Players - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Dash

* *
* _ _ *
* | | / ) *
* / | |(__ *
* / | | )_ *
* \ | | (/ ) *
* \ |_| / *
* / ____ | *
* / / ) | _ *
* \ | / \./ ) *
* \ = | / *
* | | | /\./ *
* | | | \ *
* |_| |_/ *
* *
* *

This course takes place on the volcano area so there must be many
lava. You should have to watch carefully on the sign. If you see it
just make a big skid. Grip takes an important role here. Use Dash
ability or Haste stone wisely or you'll fall off.

Fantasia ......................................................... 1309

Course Length - 1.63 mi
Difficulty Level - 5/5
Suggested Players - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Magic Plus

* *
* *
* *
* ______ _ *
* ( <_) *
* . \ <_) *
* \ \_) | *
* \ = *
* | |¯¯¯¯¯| | *
* / | |¯| |_| *
* \ \_| |__| *
* \____ __) *
* ____) / *
* (_____/ *
* *
* *
* *

A character with great grip is a must in this course. There's a
shortcut here but I suggest that you're not going to take it. Also use
Haste stone only when you're in the tunnel. When you get Ultima stone,
charge it up using your Magic Plus then use it to zap the opponents.

F.F.VIII Circuit ................................................. 1310

Course Length - 1.46 mi
Difficulty Level - 5/5
Suggested Players - Chubby Chocobo
Suggested Ability - Grip-Up

* *
* *
* .. *
* ( ) *
* || ____ *
* __|| | \ *
* (__ " \ *
* \ | *
* _ = ___| *
* | \/\/|_| |_ *
* ¯¯\/|_ . __| *
* \-| |_| *
* | | *
* " *
* *
* *

This course has a long track with many hard turns. Pressing brake and a
character with great grip is required in this course. Grip-Up ability
will help a lot here. There is a shortcut in this course. Be sure to
take it.

--= Shortcut =--

On the big turn in the middle of the course, there is a very small area
which is very hard to get into unless you keep bumping into the right
side. (Thx to

XIV. Secrets .................................................... 1400
Hidden Characters ................................................ 1401

Each time you complete the Story Mode you've got new character. Btw,
these character apply on all of mode except for Story Mode. Here are
the lists of the characters with how many times you've to complete
story mode:

Bahamut - one time.
Squall - two times.
Cid's Tank - three times. Highlight Squall, hold L1.
Mumba - four times. Highlight Squall, hold L2.
Cloud - five times. Highlight Squall, hold R1.
Cactuar - six times. Highlight Squall, hold R2.
Aya - seven times. Highlight Squall, hold L1+L2.
Classic Chocobo - eight times. Highlight Squall, hold R1+R2.
SS Invincible - nine times. Highlight Squall, hold L1+R1.
Jack - ten times. Highlight Squall, hold L2+R2.

Grand Prix Secrets ............................................... 1402

Complete Story Mode twice. Now, you should have "Fantasia" and
"F.F.VIII Circuit" track along with Bahamut and Squall. You should have
customized your racer in "Edit Parameters". Btw I suggest that you
choose to customize Chubby Chocobo. Don't use the point too much in
acceleration and drift if your point hasn't reached 100.

Now, choose One Player and choose Slotx (x indicate 1 or 2). Select
Chubby on the list. Now, select 4 tracks on your own. Each time you
finish 1st on 8 tracks excluding F.F.VIII Circuit and Fantasia, you've
got a new classes. Here they are:

Chocobo Class - beginner difficulty.
Behemoth Class - intermediate difficulty.
Bahamut Class - advance difficulty.

After you finish 1st on 8 tracks excluding F.F.VIII Circuit and
Fantasia in Bahamut class, you've got Mirror Mode on Options.

Sound Room Secrets ............................................... 1403

Each time you gained a new music or sound, you can hear it on Sound
Room in the Options. The easiest way to collect the music or sound is
on Story Mode.

Movie Secrets .................................................... 1404

Each time you gained a new FMV or clip, you can see it on Movie in the
Options. You have to collect FMV on Story Mode to get "Ending" and
"Fantasia" FMV. Beat Grand Prix with every character to get their
winning clip except for hidden and customized racer.

Get 100 Points on Story Mode ..................................... 1405

Well, at last I knew the way to get the points in Story Mode. That is
on our time, which we spend to complete the Story Mode. In order to get
100 points you should beat the time, which is listed below:

Cid's Test Track - 1:10
Moogle Forest - 1:15
The Ancient Gate - 1:20
Mythril Mines - 1:30
The Black Manor - 2:02
Floating Gardens - 2:07
Gingerbread Land - 2:45
Vulcan-O Valley - 2:40
Fantasia - 3:15

The above time is estimated. Btw, that's the time in which I get 100

Miscellanous Secrets ............................................. 1406

a. In certain track there is a shortcut so be sure to use it in order
to save your time.

b. When you see something jump from the right to left of you that means
that one of the racer is using their Mug ability so use your magic
stone quickly before they get it.

c. Every racer has their own advantage to use on different track so be
sure to choose the right racer on the right track.

d. Usually the computer won't let you to cast level 3 magic so be sure
to use it on level 2 instead.

e. If you take the lead, don't grab Fire, Thunderbolts and Curse stone
since these stones can only hit the enemies in front of you not
behind you.

f. If you get Haste stone which cast Haste you should use it instead of
waiting for levelling it up since the time of using Haste three
times is better than level 3 Haste.

g. Pressing brakes in this game is not prohibitable so be sure to use
it on the track with many hard turns.

h. Before the start of the race hold up + square, you'll speed past the
other racers.

i. When you spin out quickly press square which will give you a boost,
yet it is a random move, you can go backwards. (Thx to K00LGuy415

j. To make somewhat sharp turns, hit the brake button once and turn
while keeping the gas held down. For very sharp turns, tap the brake
button two or three times and you'll turn very quickly.

k. If you have a Dual Shock pad, use the analog controllers. They're
really much better than the normal controller.

l. In Story Mode, your object is to beat the "gained player". So
eventhough you are on 3rd position but if the "gained player"
position is below you (for eg. 4th, 5th and so on), you'll win.

Well, that's all folks ...

XV. Frequently Asked Questions ................................. 1500
Q: I see that your grammar isn't good.
A: Honestly speaking, I realized that my grammar is bad. That's because
English is not my mother language. But as long as you can understand
what I try to say that's OK, right?

Q: What other FAQs that you have written?
A: Check out my contributor recognition page at:

Q: What is the meaning of "=" on the maps in Race Track section?
A: It's a checkpoint.

Q: You said that you have to get certain time in story mode in order to
get 100 points. Can you like tell which racer and which ability you
used to get it?
A: I've described it in Story Mode Walkthrough section.

XVI. GameShark .................................................. 1600
All of these codes come from the Game Shark Code Creator's Club:

These codes was made and tested on GameShark v3.2.

1J Joker Command D007B120 ????

01 Max Stats in Edit Mode D007B120 0100
(Press Select) 8008D75A 6363
D007B120 0100
8008D75C 6363
D007B120 0100
3008D75E 6363

02 Have All Crowns and Classes 801E9290 FFFF
801E9292 FFFF

03 Enable All Music 801E9294 FFFF
801E9296 FFFF

04 Enable All Movies 801E9298 FFFF

05 Enable All Characters and Tracks 801E929C FFFF
300AF04F 0008

06 Time is 00:00:00 8008C028 2400

07 99 Points in Grand Prix Mode 8008C028 0063

08 Quick Finish in Story Mode D007B120 0100
(Press Select to Finish the race) 30105848 0004
D007B120 0100
30105378 0004
D007B120 0100
300FEAD8 0004
D007B120 0100
30OFBC68 0004
D007B120 0100
300FE560 0004
D007B120 0100
30OE3C80 0004
D007B120 0100
30ODF9C0 0004
D007B120 0100
30ODD028 0004
D007B120 0100
30OE5AB8 0004
D007B120 0100
30OE9DD8 0004
D007B120 0100
30OEA510 0004
D007B120 0100
30OE0568 0004
D007B120 0100
30OEB2F8 0004
D007B120 0100
30OE0470 0004

09 Character Modifier 300AF05E 00??

Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Code

00 - Slot 1
01 - Slot 2
02 - Bahamut (Hidden Character)
03 - Chubby Chocobo
04 - Behemoth
05 - Golem
06 - Squall (Hidden Character)
07 - White Mage
08 - Goblin
09 - Chocobo
0A - Mog
0B - Black Magician

NOTE: I won't bear any responsibilities for the use of these codes.

XVII. Credits .................................................... 1700
Appears in alphabetical order:

Agus Ngadiman
- Thx for giving me "PSX CD" as a gift.
- Thx for being a good friend of mine.

Al Amaloo
- The webmaster of
- For his dedication and hard work to
- Thanks for hosting all of my FAQs.
- Thx for asking my permission to host my very 1st FAQ in the 1st

- Thx for introducing me GameFAQs.
- Thx for accompanying me buy this game.
- Thx for being a good friend of mine.
- Thx alot pal for giving me a printed walkthrough.

- Thx for providing me a "transportation" to school.
- Thx for being a good friend of mine.

Brett "Nemesis" Franklin - Thx for inspiring me on making the maps on Race Track section.
- Be sure to check his page at:

chocobo, CloudX K.G., Hadrian "Blues" Hawell, tharkun
- Thx for contributing secrets and tips about Chocobo Racing on
- Sorry for grouping all of your name but that just to decrease my FAQ

Charles MacDonald - Thx for some parts of the Disclaimer.

Christian Wirth
- The webmaster of Playstation
- Thx for hosting all of my PlayStation FAQs.

Dan Simpson - Thx for the NOTE in Author's Note section.

- For providing me some secrets and tips about Chocobo Racing.
- Be sure to check their page at:

Handhy Perayoga
- Thx for being a good friend of mine.
- Thx for helping me on my exams.

Henry Julianto
- Thx for being a good friend of mine.
- Thx for lending me some of his "PSX CD".

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
- The webmaster of
- For his dedication and hard work to
- Big thanks for hosting all of my FAQs.

Joe VanPelt - Thx a bunch for your "Chocobo Racing Guide" [J] FAQ.
- Thx for some secrets about Chocobo Racing.
- I considered him as a half author on this FAQ.
- Thx for some shortcuts, driving tip and lyric.

Moises Baez - Thx a bunch for your "Crash Team Racing" FAQ.
- Why haven't you updated your FAQ?

My Brother
- Thx for buying PlayStation for me.
- Thx for donating me some money to buy "PSX CD".

My Father and My Mother
- Thx for their patience.
- Thx for growing me up.

Scott Ong - Thx for some parts of the disclaimer.
- Thx for some parts of the email policy.
- Thx for the searching method.
- Be sure to check his page at:

- For making this incredible game.
- For providing me with some of the racer quotes.
- Be sure to visit their page at:

Whoever on creating MS Word.
- Thx a bunch for helping me check the grammar and spelling of this

Whoever on creating WordPad.
Whoever on ISTP, you know me right?
Whoever on reading this FAQ.
Whoever on translating it into English.

Yee Seng Fu - Thx for inspiring me on making this FAQ.
- Be sure to check his page at:


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Music FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Charakter und alle Tracks freigeschaltet.

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

16.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020