Parasite Eve 2

Parasite Eve 2

17.10.2013 04:43:53
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Playstation Parasite Eve II FAQ/Walkthrough
October 3rd, 2000
Version 1.0
Done by Ibrahim Ghouth [ibmG] (

Well this is my second FAQ so please forgive my inexperienced writing style.
This document is meant to be a tip/walkthrough for the Playstation version of
Parasite Eve II. This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Ibrahim Ghouth and is not
to be reproduced unless in its whole form or to be sold for profit without the
author's permission.

Parasite Eve II is a trademark of Square Co. Ltd. Copyright 1998-1999 by
Square Co. Ltd. All related names fall under the same applicable laws.
All rights reserved.

Any comments or tips on enhancing this document, please direct your e-mail to

1. Updates
2. Prelude
3. Introduction
4. Basics/Controls
5. Cast
6. Walkthrough
7. Weapon List
8. Armor List
9. Item List
10.Key Item List
11.Parasite Energy List


1. Updates

Version 0.7........First version of faq written from scratch to the end of
12/9/00 disc 1, weapon, item, PE, Key Item, Armor lists added
Version 0.8........Second version of faq written till Neo Ark
14/9/00 Lv3 PE list, more weapons, items, armors, key items added
Version 0.9........Third version of faq written till the end w/ bad ending.
17/9/00 more weapon, items, armors, key items added.
Added Secrets and Aftermath sections.
Will be updating good ending .. soon...
Version 1.0........Full version of FAQ (may or may not be the final version)
03/10/00 More Weapons/Items/Armors added.
Formatted BOSS strategies to a standard
Added Beastiary
Added more Secrets
Made minor changes to the walkthrough
(not bad for a 0.1 version jump eh??)
Note: I expect this version to have many spelling/gramatical
bugs. Although my English teacher will probably kill
me for this. I say let it be till i am free.


2. Prelude

Parasite Eve was released in Japan in early 1998 and later in
America in September 1998. It was a first of its kind and Square labeled it
as a 'Cinematic RPG'. In December 1999 the sequel is released in Japan.
And now in September 2000 in the US (almost a year later...)
It features improved graphics over predecessor and a different storyline.
The game still takes place in the New York area but in the year 2000...


3. Introduction

The game takes place a few years after the original. The year is 2000.
Aya is now part of the (M.I.S.T)Mitochondrion Investigation and
Suppression Team which was formed after the crisis the past year involving Eve
and her mitochondria bred creatures. Although Eve was eventually killed,
Mitochondria based creatures are still running amok in the streets and are now
labeled as N.M.C(Neo Mitochondrion Creatures).


4. Basics/Controls

i) Controls

It seems like Square revamped the controls to be more toward the RE series.
Does this mean the game is moving towards there to?

Up - Moves Aya forward
Down - Moves Aya backwards
Left - Turns Aya Anti-clockwise
Right - Turns Aya Clockwise

Circle - Hold to make Aya run(not needed if analog is used)
X - Check surroundings, open doors etc
Triangle- Bring up Aya Parasite Energy menu
Square - Hold to make Aya lift and ready weapon or target enemy

R1 - Shoots Weapon(only in battle mode)
R2 - Shoots secondary function(as in half-life)

Select - Brings up Map
Start - Brings up Status Screen

This new controls is a godsend to those familiar with RE controls but somehow
rather brings disaster to PE. Running away from enemies to avoid their attack
just became harder. Anyway it takes alot of getting used to...especially if
you just played the original PE.


ii)Battle System

Square also changed the battle system. Meeting the enemies is the same.
When u enter the enemies field of view or target them, you enter a battle
which is signified by the screen turning black and white for a moment
(as in RE3). However the battle system is now changed.

1)There is no more ATB(Active Time Bar) for actions.
Instead Aya can target an enemy with Square button.
When targeted, the enemy can be shot at by holding the R1 button
which then depending on your gun shoots according to its Rate of Fire.
This makes the system more action oriented.

2)Magic or Parasite Energy is used by pressing the triangle button
which in turns brings up a menu of all P. Energy Aya has learned.
Depending on the magic highlighted, a polygonal target field would appear
which signifies its range. The magic is then chosen by pressing the
circle button which brings up an ATP which decreases and the magic is cast
when it reaches 0. The length of time it takes for the ATP to reach 0 depends
on the spell used.

3)Battle area is significantly increased in size and is now the whole area
you are in. Meaning you can switch 'screens' during battle.

4)Escapes are done by entering a door or climbing a ladder to go into a
new area. This however loses you 10 BP(Bounty Points).

5)When a battle is won you receive Experience Points, BP, MP.



The map is a very useful tool in PEII.

1)Parts of the map is revealed as you enter the area.

2)The whole map is revealed when u find a copy of the map and your GPS
tool creates a copy.

3)A red arrow represents yourself and the direction you are facing.

4)A blue line represents a door.

5)A key on a door represents a locked door(this appears when u try to open a
locked door for the first time. It turns blue when unlocked). Therefore it is
suggested to check ALL doors despite it being know to be locked for future

6)A T symbol represents a telephone which is used to save your progress.

7)A B symbol represents a box used to hold items like chests in RE.

8)An area highlighted red represents an area where enemies are present
(hehe this kills all surprises).

9)A red dot represents your current destination.

10)You can also press Triangle to hear some of Aya's comments on the area.



1)Aya can hold 20 items with her at once but not all of these are available to
her during battle.

2)In order to make them available to her in battle, you have to attach them to
her armor. The number of slots available in her armor depends on the type of
armor she is currently wearing.

3)Essential items to be attached are bullets, a spare weapon and maybe a
medicine or two.

4)Pressing Triangle while on an item in the status screen brings up a new
screen which tells further info about the item. This is applicable to armors
and weapons as well. Magic too!!


v)Parasite Energy

Parasite Energy is PE form of magic. However it style is very different from

1)There are 4 elements of magic(fire, water, earth, wind)

2)Magic is learnt by trading Exp pts for learning a new spell or a higher level
version of it.(This is done by highlighting the spell, then selecting the
first option. The exp pts required are at the bottom right hand corner of
screen. Choosing revive/strengthen will make you 'learn' that spell)

3)There seems to be only 8 types of spell so far. All are explained below.

4)Using magic in battle is different. This is highlighted above under
Battle system.

@@TIP@@If you revive/strengthen a PE, your MP will be automatically refilled
so it is best to save those reviving to when your MP is down.


5. Cast

These are the main characters as highlighted in the Opening CG.

Name Role
Aya Brea Main character of PE and PE II
Pierce Carrandine Aya's Partner. Resident Nerd of MIST.
Rupert Broderick Mysterious PI
Gary Douglas Resident of Dryfield
No. 9 Mysterious enemy
Jodie Bouquet Runs a store in M.I.S.T HQ
Kyle Madigan Aya meets him in Dryfield
Eve She's back????

Hal Baldwin Leader of L.A. MIST Department
Flint Dog of Gary Douglas


6. Walkthrough

Some notes before continuing with my walkthrough. You may seem to think I am
being brief with my faqs but actually I am just trying to keep the game spoiler
free. Therefore I will only be highlighting the strategies of completing the
areas, getting items and killing bosses. Some bosses names may be spoilers so
try your best not to look. I am not here to tell you the story of PEII. :P

Also Legend of this walkthrough...highlight the word and hit CTRL+F in WordPad
to find the words in this document.

!!!BOSS!!! - start of a boss fight
!!!END BOSS!!! - end of a boss fight
(((OPTIONAL))) - optional area
(((END OPTIONAL))) - end of OPTIONAL area
@@TIP@@ - just a tip from me :)
-=[ITEM - ITEM(S) you may find in the area (some my end with 'S]=-'
so just search the document with the prefix)
Shop - Various 'shops' in the game
----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING
A point which is a pre-requirement to get the good ending
--------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING

----------------------------{{BAD ENDING
A point which happens if the BAD ending path is chosen

--------------------------{{END BAD ENDING

So lets get it on!!!

September 4 2000 8.18pm
M.I.S.T Center, Los Angeles
You start in the M.I.S.T Training center at the Shooting gallery. After your
introduction with Pierce is over, you are given the choice to either start your
training or forget it. I suggest you at least do a level 1 training before
proceeding. Oh yeah! You also get to choose a music to be played during this
time. The only weapon available to be chosen would be the M93R. In the training
press Square to target the targets and R1 to shoot. Press Start to and choose
the bullet icon to manually reload.

Lv Description
1) Aya is stationary as well as the targets. No human targets to avoid.
2) Aya is stationary but there are moving targets. No humans. Easily done.
3) Aya goes into the battlefield and enemies move around her. You are
introduced to the GPS (Global Positioning System). The GPS tracks down enemy
movement. By the way human targets are to be AVOIDED and targets are unable
to hurt you even if u ram into them.
4) Aya is in the battlefield with the introduction of magic or otherwise called
PE. Things get tough here but you do get 2 free colas.
5) Aya is in 'Real Battle Mode". Supposedly a simulation of real battle.
(Since when it got this tough??) Cardboxes flash for a while before you get
zapped by a electric bolt from the ceiling. You are required to equip your
own items before the fight so press start and do it!! You are given a number
of Recovery1s and MP Boost1s.

You get 100,200,300 BP depending on how well you did in each training level.
Also if you did well enough, Jodie will give you some items. However you only
have one win of bonus BP so save before you try. Make sure you settle
for either 200 or 300 BO bonus only.
Some of the items I got were

1)50 x 9mm Hydra Bullets for completing Lv 1 Training with at least 200BP Bonus
2)Ringer's Solution for completing Lv 2 Training with at least 200BP Bonus
3)Hunter Goggles for completing Lv 3 Training with at least 200BP Bonus
4)Lipstick for completing Lv 4 Training with at least 200BP Bonus
5)Shoulder Holster for completing Lv 5 Training with at least 200 BP Bonus

Anyways it might seem tad difficult at this point in time so if you can't
handle it leave it for later.

@@TIP@@ Interact with items more than once. This will invoke various replies
showing Aya's witty character (trying to keep herself from being insane
i say) Also some may give off important clues and juicy information.

Head outside once you are done. Enter the room you pass by before reaching the
carpark. This is the shop where you can use BP to buy items like guns, ammo,
medicine etc.

-Weapon BP
--PA3 1000
--M4A1 2450
-Ammo BP
--Shotgun 60 per 10
--5.56 100 per 80
--Batteries/Fuel FREE
-Armor BP
--Turtle Vest 1680
--Combat Armour 3250
-Items BP
--Recovery1 100
--MP Boost1 320
--Penicillin 80
--Stim 80
--Combat Light 60
--Pepper Spray 100

Talk to Jodie to learn more about guns and Pierce. Head to the carpark next.

Special Things Jodie sells: (see Secrets section far below...)
-Armor BP
--Aya's Special 8000
-Items BP
--Ofuda 5000
--Various PE 500-5000 (Depending on Spell and level)

In the carpark, head left from where you came in and move to the area with lots
of first aid kits. Check the area for...

1)Recovery3 at shelf with lots of first aid kits.

Talk to Pierce to start your first mission at the Akropolis Tower.


September 4 2000 8.56pm
Akropolis Tower, Los Angeles

You start in the streets outside the Akropolis Tower. You may notice that
you may not be able to run in this area? Why? Because you are more or less in
an FMV(Full Motion Video) which takes a lot of RAM area thus disallowing the
space for the frames and speed of Aya running. Anyway technical stuff aside
graphics look real cool (unless you got a PS that is skipping...then this part
is a tearjerker as you hear your PS desperately trying to breathe its last)

When you enter the building head to the square where you will hear the phone
ringing. Pick it up and speak to your superior Baldwin. Enter the door next to
it and receive a key from a SWAT member.

1)Cafeteria Key from SWAT

Back in the square there are four things for you to take.

1)A Recovery1 from 1 of the dead bodies beside the window that is broken.
2)A map copy from the white terminal at the back of the statue
3)Supply Box of 500 9mm ammo from the front of the statue (unlimited)
4)A Recovery2 at the bottom of the screen from where you took the ammo.

Head down to the Patio where when you press SELECT you see Patio highlighted in
red. You know what this means. LUCK!!. Using the key the SWAT member gave you,
enter the Cafeteria. Enjoy your next enemy.

-------Giant Human ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: M93R

EXP 300
BP 200
MP 30 + 8
Item Recovery2

Estimated HP: 350 HP

i)He bites you
- do not stay close to him and he will not attack you

Games are always easy at the start. This is a simple boss. Stay where you are
blast him a few pistol shots and when he gets closer, use Pyrokinesis all the
way. Piece of cake.
!!!END BOSS!!!

1)Check the table for a Scientific Journal
2)Check the monster's body for a Metallic Implant(Key Item)

Once you grab the implant, you will meet a new friend Rupert Broderick. He will
keep you out of the cafe. At this point you will find all the doors locked and
you will find enemies running wild around the area.

Head to the lobby and make a phone call. Now find the elevator hall locked from
the inside and head back to the cafe. Move on to the walkway you didn't go to

1)Get Blue Key from Key Box
2)Stim from fridge in kitchen
3)Recovery1 from body in kitchen
4)MP Boost2 from garbage can next to entrance to cafe area from Fountain

In the security room, check the monitor to survey the area. Note missing SWAT
from next to coke machine. What happened to him?? Then check the control panel
next to the monitor to find keyholes. Blue Key...Key hole...Blue Key...keyhole.
Left Keyhole to be precise. Also the notice board opposite the control panel
sprouts some nice info on a musical piece called bridge. Head to the fountain
area, unlock the gate to the Patio for easy access, and head to the Forked Road

1)Forked road the guy next to the entrance to the Observatory get penicillin
Check his body TWICE

Now that the Observatory is unlocked, head there and check the SWAT guy taking
a permanent rest on the bench.

1)Body Armor aka Tactical Vest on the body of the SWAT on the bench

@@TIP@@Don't forget to re-equip your attachments whenever you equip a new armor

Equip it and move on. Head to the Promenade and before letting curiosity get
the better of you...

1)Head further down the Promenade to check the body to get the MP5A5 with
torchlight attached

@@TIP@@When you attach another gun onto your armor, Do not forget to LOAD the
gun. THis will save ou a space to keep ammo for the gun and from
finding an empty gun when you equip it while in battle.

Next Enter the Sanctuary and meet a masked man, No.9(Psycho Mantis??)
and Rupert. Get the skull key on the floor and head to the left to the
Roof Garden.

@@TIP@@This is important if you want an easy time later in the game. If you
leave the sanctuary before doing this. You missed the chance.

Witness the event then get the card which was left by checking the locked door

1)Skull Key on the floor of Sanctuary
2)Black card is given to you by checking the locked door TWICE in Roof Garden

You may want to head back to the security room to use the skull key
and drain the fountain. And since you are in the area...refill ammo. Also
enemies are here and about and thanks to your map, you can choose the best
route so that you don't meet any enemies. This may be bad because enemies give
you EXP and BP and if you lack gonna have a hard time later on in
the game. Its your choice.

1)Check drained fountain for a Grenade Pistol. Powerful Stuff

<> (password)

You could brave the waters at the bridge to get over to other side instead of
inputting the password but note that those Fish ANMC in the water drain your
HP like bad games draining money out of your pocket. Or you could take the
much more logical way out...

Continue your way to the bridge. DO NOT enter the water or you will get
poison by those Fish ANMCs there. Instead check the red light beside it and
enter the 3 digit password to raise the bridge.

BRIDGE SOLUTION___________________________________________________________
| |
| Remember at the Security Room, we saw a paper. This is it. The top part |
| shows Do Re Mi labelled 1, 2, 3 respectively. Then the bottom showed |
| So La Do which by logic means 5, 6, 1. Also notice a picture of a bridge |
| beside it. |
| |
| Enter the code 561 and move on. |

Move on to the Heliport. Remember to save first. Once in the Heliport,
move all the way to the back to the elevator shaft. Notice the generators on
the way there. Once you reach the shaft, you will notice it to be empty.
Head back to the start of the Heliport...

My Weapon of choice: Grenade Pistol

EXP 500
BP 800
MP 30

Estimated HP: 1600 HP

@@TIP@@Always be on the lookout for backgrounds you can shoot.

@@TIP@@Blow away all your weapons do not be least for this fight.
Because like your weapons are 'borrowed' **Major Hint**

No.9 has 4 types of attack
1)He slices at you
- back away from him
2)He dashes before slicing at you
- run away and make a corner if possible
3)He throws a smoke bomb at you (only happens if you are far away from him)
(the bomb travels in an arc)(this PARALYSES you)
- move in front a bit. This bomb is meant to hurt people who run away from it
4)He lights his sword? This means he is about to do a jumping slash.
- RUN!! Turn a corner if posibble
5)He lights his sword and laughs. This is done when you are close to him
(Probably when you are cornered at the end. Instant Kill!!
- Kill/Stun him before he executes it. If not Game Over.

Start by running backwards away from him while shooting wild shots at him with
the Grenade Pistol (well maybe not too wild). Whenever you reach a generator,
wait for No.9 to be beside it before you shoot the generator (with a MP5A5 or
M93R) for some BIG damage. Don't forget about the gas pipes at the last area
near the elevator shaft. Remeber you can stun him with Pyrokinesis.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once he is defeated move on to the roof.


September 5 2000 1.44am
M.I.S.T Center, Los Angeles

After talking to the chief you will start here. I gotta ask... all my items I
got in Akropolis are in the trunk of my car. What about my weapons? WHERE ARE
THEY? Probably returned to the SWAT Grenade Pistol. Argh...
Well at least I got new armor. Check the trunk of the car to find 3 '?' items

1) Protein Drink in trunk of Aya's sedan (For Grenade Pistol)
2) Ringer's Solution in trunk of Aya's sedan (For MP5A5)
3) Belt Pouch in trunk of Aya's sedan (For Tactical Vest)

Talk to Pierce 3 times to activate the next mission. But try to stop by Jodie's
for a while. Spend those well earned Bounty Points (hehe). Also you may want
to re-do the training with the awesome M4A1...hehe...I am a cheater...

-Weapon BP
--PA3 1000
--M4A1 2450
-Ammo BP
--Shotgun 60 per 10
--5.56 100 per 80
--Batteries/Fuel FREE
-Armor BP
--Turtle Vest 1680
--Combat Armour 3250
-Items BP
--Recovery1 100
--MP Boost1 320
--Penicillin 80
--Stim 80
--Combat Light 60
--Pepper Spray 100


September 5 2000 12.13pm
Mojave Desert, Nevada

You start out at the gas station in the desert. Notice that your car is here
meaning that this acts as your supply box to store unwanted items. As you can
only hold 20 items (inclusive of attachments) I suggest putting everything you
do not need in there also your supply box and a save point is nearby.

1)Supply Box of 9mm P.B. ammo beside your car (infinite)

Head on to the Main Street. There you will find the entrance to 4 rooms of
which 2 are locked. Explore Room 1 and Room 2.

1)Penicillin from checking shelf in Room 2 TWICE
2)Recovery1 from checking sink in the toilet of Room 2 TWICE

Notice a small gated opening next to the Ice Dispenser beside Room 4? Yeah
enter there to get into the Driveway.

1)Recovery1 from checking fence in Driveway TWICE

Check the well a few times if you wish to earn BP and EXP...not for free though
Enter the door in the Driveway to enter the Factory. Notice the Control Panel
opposite the door you entered and a locked shutter next to the drawing table
beside the door you entered. There is also a car in the next room. Being
blocked by the car is a large shutter to the garage. Ok that's our destination.
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to open the big shutter which
leads to the Garage.

GARAGE SOLUTION______________________________________________________________
| |
| First head to the circuit breaker beside the front of the car. Switch it on |
| to operate the Control Panel. At the Control Panel move the car up then |
| turn it. Once this is done, move to the back of the locked metal shutter |
| and unlock you have two different entrances to the room with the |
| car. So now head back to the Control Panel, turn the car and head through |
| the now un-locked shutter to enter the big shutter. Oh yeah press the |
| switch next to it to open it. |

After a chat with Douglas, he will give you the key to Motel Room No. 6.

1)Motel Key No.6 from Douglas the first time you meet him

So lets head there. To go there you have to return to Main Street and head into
the large gate to enter Parking. Head into the a green door in parking to enter
washroom (for males i assume). Notice the graffiti written in blood on the wall

Here is what it says:
"Solve.. my riddle ....fore you go"
"How ..any phones in Dr....ield's streets?"
"Then proceed, g.. ..own below"
"To sunless mol..hills red blood sleeps"

This message translates into "How many phones are there in Dryfield then go
underground to where red blood (red wine) is" (major hint)
(man this guy has alot of blood to write such a long message)

1)Buckshot Shotgun Gauge from Dumpster in parking

So from the parking there is a staircase to move up to the balcony. Use the key
on Room 6 to enter it. Here you will find a small wardrobe to store items
and a phone as well as the entrance to the Water Tower by using the ladder at
the balcony in Room 6.

1)2 x Stims in the Motel Room No.6 Wardrobe beside the closet
2)50 x 9mm P.B. bullets in the Motel Room No.6 Wardrobe beside the closet

Head on to the Water Tower.

-------8 Horse NMCs-------
My Weapon of choice: PA3 (Shotgun)

EXP 600
BP 400
MP 32
Item: Recovery2

Estimated HP: 195-200 HP per Horse ANMC

You start out facing 2 of these NMCs. Finish them off and head on the bath they
were blocking to a switchbox. Notice you are still in battle mode. Switch on
the Switchbox and run towards the open gate. The gate is timed and will close
so you gotta hurry. Run past the 2 NMCs you meet. Beware of the one right
infront of the gate. He will charge the moment you enter the 'screen'. My
advice? Run towards the wall of the gate while entering the screen. The ANMC
will run right through you. Once you enter the gate, it closes...but it is not
over. Remember the hole? Well Horse NMCs will enter through the hole 2 at a
time to attack. Altogether you have to defeat 8 NMCs inclusive of the ones you
defeated before this point of time since you the time entered the Water Tower
area. Since they are very vulnerable while squeezing through the hole, I advise
you blast them there and then with a high powered weapon (hehe....PA3).

@@TIP@@When the horses start to scratch the floor with their hooves be prepared
to run as they will be charging head on at you very soon for some very high

@@TIP@@Don't forget to use magic....umm..PE since u will get 32 points of MP
refilled after this battle. Also learn Healing if you must.
!!!END BOSS!!!

After the battle a ladder will drop and you will meet Kyle Madigan. After
the events don't forget to head up a ladder to the top of the Water Tower for

1)Key Taken from Corpse above Water Tower (duh!!)
2)Recovery1 from corpse above Water Tower

To re-open the gate permanently, you have to switch on the switchbox near where
you and Rupert were interacting. You may notice that your current destination
is very close to the Water Tower but take a moment to use the Key Taken from
Corpse to open the door to the Saloon in the Water Tower area (the door you
couldn't open before). You will enter the Saloon and have access to the Bar.

1)Magnet from fridge in Salon
2)Recovery1 in locker in Salon

In the Bar, you will find 2 items. You can also unlock the main entrance to the

1)Map of DryField from washroom in Bar
2)Cola in fridge next to the main entrance of the Bar

You may want to re-enter the Water Tower to head to the red dot. But in order
to kill all the enemies in the area...I suggest you make a detour.
Bar-Parking-Main Street-Balcony and then back to the Water Tower.

At the small path beside the Water Tower, you will find the entrance to the
Factory as well as an intercom. Buzz Douglas to let him tell you of the key in
the grate beside you. Now you see the key but you have a problem. It is blocked
by a grate. So use your Bottlecap Magnet and use it to 'grab' the handle of the
key and move it out all the way to the small opening on the top-right of the
grate. You may wonder...why go through all this trouble to get to a place where
you have entered before? Because the door you used the last time was
mysteriously locked...there!!

1)Factory key by using magnet on grate beside intercom

Use the Factory Key to enter the garage and then go into the Junkyard. You may
notice a suspiciously looking rope beside the entrance but leave it for now and
follow the dog to the Trailer where you meet Douglas. After a short chat he
offers to sell you items.

-Weapon BP
--PO8 680
--PA3 1000
--M4A1 Rifle 2450
--Rifle Clip Holder 1800 (can buy 2)
--M9 980
--Grenade Pistol 1680
-Ammo BP
--9mm P.B. 30 per 50
--Buckshot 60 per 10
--5.56 Rifle 100 per 80
--Grenade 280 per 4
--Riot 80 per 4
--Batteries/Fuel FREE
-Armor BP
--Shoulder Holster 2580
--PASGT Vest 2980
-Items BP
--Recovery1 100
--MPBoost1 320
--Penicillin 80
--Stim 80
--Combat Light 60
--Pepper Spray 100

@@TIP@@You may only add 1 type of attachment to the M4A1 so choose well.
If you try to attach another, they will just return you back the old

After buying your fill choose the second option for him to tell you about the
shelter and get a new quest. Follow Flint to the rope you saw earlier and grab
it. Then follow Flint's trail to the well. DON'T FORGET TO UNLOCK THE BACK DOOR
TO THE Factory.

1)Rope from beside entrance to Junkyard

You may want to clear all enemies first

Use the Wire Rope on the well to make an entrance for yourself. Enter the Water
Hole. Before you enter the Underpass I suggest you do some preparation.

This section is new but important as this BOSS maybe tough if you are not
prepared. Equip a good gun. Say maybe an M4A1. Also attach to your armour at
least 2 Combat Lights. They can be bought from Douglas if you do not have any.

-------Giant Spider ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: M4A1 Bayonet

EXP 500
BP 200
MP 15
Items:Protein Capsule/10 x R.Slug

Estimated HP: 430-460 HP

This boss can be tough if you are not prepared but easy if you know how. As you
can see in the demo of this game, all you need is a flash of light to make it
visible. Simple if you have the MP5A5 but unfortunately you do not have any so
you have to make do with Combat Lights.

It has a few attacks
1)It slashes at you then appears
- Stay away from its silhouette
2)It drops on the ground and rushes at you
- Run backwards as fast as you can
3)It grabs you and slams you on the ceiling (confuses you)
- Do not stay near him even when he is visible

All you have to do is the moment you see its silhouette. Use a Combat Light. It
will appear where you can shoot it and then it will fall to the floor. I like
to use the Bayonet here as i have a chance of inflicting critical hits which
can make this battle easier. You have a window of at least 2 slashes before it
disappears and jumps back to the ceiling. Use another Combat Light again and
repeat the process. It would die now but if it hasn't it will be close to death
anyway. It will be visible for a much longer time than any Combat Light would
affect it (plus it gets damaged over time).

@@@TIP@@@Using a Flare not only has the same effect as a Combat Light but it
also hurts this BOSS (About 60 damage)

!!!END BOSS!!!

Once you are done switch on the switch closest to where you came in from to
turn on the lights in the Water Hole. Enter the Water Hole again to get an item

1)Protein Capsule from Hole in the wall in Water Hole

Now enter the cellar.

@@TIP@@you can switch on the lights in the cellar by turning on the switch
near the exit of the Underpass to the General Store

Next is an important event. First switch the lights off. Then go to the area
in between barrels and you should notice a note on a barrel.
It reads:

"Now ..olve m.. ..iddle two"
"How m..any ..urinals in D..yfi..ld's loo?"
"Once ..ou kn..w, to ..he n..ext place,
"A hau..ted where on..y the sun dar..s show it.. face."

This translates to "How many urinals are there in the loo in Parking. Then go
to a house where you hear screaming and an area where the sun rays fall upon"
(That is my translation of it anyway)

With the lights on, head into the passageway between the barrels and search
the box.

1)Flare from wooden crate surrounded by barrels in Cellar

Head up the ladder in the Underpass to enter the General Store. There are 2
items waiting to be picked.

1)Cola from fridge in General Store
2)Recovery3 from another fridge in General Store

Head out the door near the fridge to a narrow alley. At the end you will hear
screaming and a locked door.

1)Shotgun Bullets (FireFly) from barrels beside door with screams (Check TWICE)
2)Belt Pouch at cash register (Check TWICE) in first room after general store

Head into the middle room and search the side of the dresser TWICE to get a
hint of finding a wrench.

Now head back to Douglas' trailer and choose "...I need information" option
when talking to him. He will give you permission to use his tools. At the
garage you can find his tool shelf beside the large shutter that cannot be
opened. Here you will find...

1)Monkey Wrench from tool shelf in Garage

Back at the middle room in the narrow alleyway beside the General Store, use
the wrench on the bolts to uncover a hidden passage. Enter there and before you
enter the next room notice sun shining bright on a window. There is a message

"Solve.. my riddle ....fore you go"
"H.... ..any bar..els in the mol..-dens' cent..r row?"
"Onc.. ..ou know, go to t.... ro..m,"
"W..ere at 21 y..ars a boy met hi.. doom"
"....ere YOU CAN see yo....self...."

Translates to "How many barrels are there in the cellar stacked in the center
of the room. Head to the room where a boy is said to have died at 21 years old
and look into the mirror" (paintings *hint *hint)

Once you enter the next room meet an old acquaintance.

-------No. 9 (Second Impact)-------
My Weapon of choice: M4A1 Bayonet

EXP 800
BP 300
MP 50

Estimated HP: 1080-1100 HP

He has 2 attacks
1)He stabs at you
- Just be far away from him to avoid his far reach or run around him
2)He slashes at you with a ball of energy at the tip of his sword.
- Just be far away from him or run away from him
3)He grabs you and chokes you
- Stay away from him. He only executes this if you are next to him.
If you do however get hit by this...mash the controller

An easy boss. The area you fight him is very large and as such you have alot of
room to run around...unlike the last time. No. 9 does not dash but he does
have a long reach so try to keep him on the opposing side of the room. Also
once he attacks, he will not for some time giving a window of 2 Bayonet slashes
Also magic against him head on will not work as he will block them.
!!!END BOSS!!!


September 5 2000 Night...
Mojave Desert, Nevada

You start out on a dark, cold night with a full moon and restored HP and MP.
Well okay enough of crap. First you will notice Kyle Madigan is following you
around. Do not look at him being a guy and all but he has the worst survival
skills ever. He runs straight for the enemy, saves bullet like its gonna be his
rations for tomorrow and gets injured as easily as a nerd on a battlefield. If
you get my point he is a chore to be with. However you have to protect him at
all costs as if he will see the Game Over screen. Thank goodness you
only need to fight a maximum of 4 battles with him.

Kyle will stop you from entering the Underpass so the only way out is to the
Gas Station. There you will fight a mini boss of sorts.

------Gremlin ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: M4A1

EXP 120
BP 744
MP 24

Estimated HP: 85 per Gremlin ANMC

These gremlins attack in twos. Although you have Kyle as backup...its as good
as having none. These gremlins jump out from behind your car and starts jumping
towards you. So stand away from the car and blast any gremlin that comes near.
They do quite alot of damage if they manage to jump on you. You have to kill 12
in all. Kyle leaves your party after this fight.

@@TIP@@Take note these gremlins appear frequently in the coming fights and
even attack in fives. So better get used to fighting them.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once you've cleaned up, head back to the Trailer to find Doug and ask him about
a car. He will then give you a...

1)Lobby Key from Douglas

This key will be used to unlock the blue doors opposite the toilet in Parking.
So head there and find a puzzle awaiting. This was the place where i stopped
playing the Japanese version of the game cos i got stuck and refused to refer
to an FAQ (irony isn't it). But it aint that hard.

Anyway on the notice boards you'll notice a memo that says:

"When death came to the Tombstone,"
"(#)Holiday was 30 and Earp was..."
"Not bad for gunmen of the Old West"
"The secret to long life: good friends and good luck"

And then a note beside it saying:

"Problems with the cash register?"
"Don't forget!"
"Press # before entering the 4-digit code, and press TOTAL when you're done!"
"Can't remember the number? Check the 'still', and you will!"

CASH REGISTER SOLUTION_______________________________________________________
| |
| I guess all you people could have guessed that you need to enter in '#' then|
| '30' then Earp's age and lastly 'TOTAL'. How in the world would I know |
| Earp's age if I don't follow The Wild, Wild West. The answer lies in the |
| paintings here they are: |
| |
| Room 1: Doc Holliday 1851-1887 |
| Room 2: Wyatt Earp 1848-1929 |
| Room 3: Kit Carson 1809 - 1868 (you can't access this yet) |
| Room 4: Billy the Kid 1959-1881 (you can't access this yet) |
| Room 5: Calamity Jane 1852-1903 (you can't access this yet) |
| Room 6: Annie Oakley 1860-1926 |
| First room after General Store: Sitting Bull 1831-1890 |
| Lobby: Tombstone 1881 |
| |
| So anyway as you can see tombstone was at 1881, where Doc was 30 so Earp |
| was..1881-1848 = 33 |
| Anyways enter this into the cash register (#3033). you'll receive.. |

1)Bronco Masterkey from cash register in Lobby

With this key you can now open all doors in the Motel Bronco.

So head on to Room 4 (why Room 4? Cos it has a painting of a boy who died at 21
, see above) and check the mirror and read this:

"S......e my r....dle, if yo.. ..are,"
"Organs of sens.. bristly ha..r,"
"..een with how ..any plates in the ..ronco's lair?"
"..nce you know, go fr..m there..."
"To a jet-..lack do..r 'neath the ..oon's cold g..are."

This translates to ...I read it as...senses under bristly hair
...umm eyebrows that makes eyesight...and then silver plates reflect...
so like eyesight + reflect = mirrors? Anyway the second part asks you to find
a black door beside a window that reflects the moon to answer this riddle.
(Thanks to Adam Whitford, RabidPlaytypus00 for helping me confirm this)
(Also thanks to the MANY MANY other pple who sent me the exact same info, I'm
sorry I can't possibly list all of you here but know in your hearts that I
appreaciate it)

So next grab some items

1)MP Boost2 from checking dresser in Room 3 TWICE
2)Belt Pouch from checking dresser beside toilet door in Room 5 TWICE

Lastly head to the Loft and find a black looking door beside a window...A-HA!!

Its a safe with a 4 digit combination. If you have been following closely
you'll notice 4 riddles altogether. So here is the solution.

SAFE SOLUTION____________________________________________________
| |
| First Digit: How many phones in Dryfield : 4 (see map) |
| Second Digit: How many urinals in loo : 4 |
| Third Digit: How many barrels in center of cellar : 8 |
| Last Digit: How many mirrors in Motel Bronco : 7 |
| |
| That makes it (4,4,8,7) |

Open the safe to get an item.

At the loft also grab the gas can located nearby the safe.

1)Holy Water from Safe in Loft (OPTIONAL)
2)Jerry Can from beside safe in Loft

As all of you should have guesses by now...head to the Gas Station. Use the
Jerry Can on the gas pumps.

1)Petrol by filling Jerry Can with petrol from gas station

Once you have Petrol, give it to Douglas who will tell you to rest and use the
truck as storage space if you wish.

----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING PT 1}}-------------------------------
But for some quick humor head to the Bar to meet Kyle (loafer!!)
--------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING PT 1}}-----------------------------

Go ahead to Motel Room No. 6 and save before taking a nap. Why? Cos...umm...
you may want to repeat the next scene a few times over...for various reasons.

-------Giant Flamethrower ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: Grenade Pistol w/ Grenades

EXP 1000 (if it runs away)
BP 0
MP 0
Items:Recovery2/MP Boost1

Estimated HP: 2900-3000 HP to make it run if you take too long

EXP 2000 (if it dies)
BP 1000
MP 100
Items:Protein Capsule/Airburst x 4

Estimated HP: 2900-3000 HP to weaken it
4350-4400 HP to kill it i

One thing to note is that your health is fully restored. This guy is huge...
however that makes an easy target.

1)It blows flame and start moving in a half circle motion.
- Run along the hallway till it stops blowing
2)It smashes the floor
- Run to your left or right
3)It sweeps at you with a swing of its arms
- Run towards the top of the screen the moment you see it recoil sideways
4)It grabs you and tortures you
- Run to the top of screen to avoid it
- If it catches you, mash the buttons to free yourself and shoot it for
critical hits.

Shoot him at any given free time. The key to this boss is memorising various
moves he has to indicate which attack is up next. A good way to stop its
flame attacks is to Necrosis it and let it get hurt with its cell degeneration.

Also you may think that it is a good idea to hide out in the narrow passage
beside the staircase. This can be the ANMC's only attack will be the
flame thrower. The flame thrower's reach is long enough but some times it may
miss you making this place ideal damage free area. However there is no fun (or
guarantee) in this so i just use this area as a stopover.

This seems to be a timed battle of sorts. If you take too long to 'kill' the
boss, he will run away and Flint will die. If you see the animation of the ANMC
holding its bloodied face...means you've done it. Flint is alive. This affects
the final ending.
!!!END BOSS!!!

After the boss fight...head down to the Main Street. Take note enemies are
crawling again. Also the gate from Driveway to Main Street is blocked. There
you will find Douglas and Flint (dead or alive) and Douglas will give you a
Truck Key.

1)Truck Key from Douglas after fight with BOSS

Next head to the garage and meet Kyle there. Before that...head to Douglas'
Trailer and open the metal box for

1)M950 from metal box Douglas' Trailer after BOSS fight (If Flint is alive)

However this metal box is inaccessible if Flint dies so you'll have to make do

1)Chicken Plate by checking green car outside Trailer THRICE (If Flint dies)

Once you've settled to Kyle and get a move on it.

----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING PT 2}}-------------------------------
Flint has to live!!!
--------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING PT 2}}-----------------------------

------------------------END OF DISC 1------------------------

September 6 2000 12.06am
Mesa on the outskirts of Dryfield, Mojave Desert

When you start out disc 2, you are not healed (damn). So anyway you'll notice
that Kyle's HP is at 5. After a while you'll get your first battle of disc 2.
Do not worry about Kyle. For this battle he is treated as a wall. Enemies even
get hurt if they ram into him so that's a load off your mind. Also you may
notice you are on a cliff with an opening which leads all the way down. Since
you will be fighting Horse NMCs here, they charge very often and you will get
knocked backwards if you are hit. If you so happen to fall over the cliff when
this happens its Game Over. But since the horses have not much for a brake,
they can fall too for a 1 hit kill (hehe).

@@TIP@@Enemies (and you) can fall off the cliff if knocked down.
You cannot fall down the cliff by walking over though.

@@TIP@@If you so happen to die here, do not worry. You can reload your Disc 1,
Dryfield at night save game on Disc 2. It seems they have all the info
of that part of the game on this disc. Even the bathing scene.

--------11 Horse NMCs-------
My Weapon of choice: NA

EXP 825
BP 550
MP 44
Items:Recovery3, 9mm Hydra, 5.56 Rifle

Estimated HP: 195-200 HP per Horse ANMC

This time it is 11 Horse NMCs. Well basically you have alot of room to maneuver
thus making it easier to avoid their charges. You can shoot them to death or
you could take the easier/faster way out and lure all of them to fall to their
doom. Just be CAREFUL as you could fall to your doom yourself. If you decide to
take the safer less risky way, you'll have fought this enemy dozens of times so
I won't insult your intellect by giving you strategies on it.

@@TIP@@Do NOT target the enemy if you wish to lure them down the cliff. It
makes it easier to run around the field if the enemy is not targeted.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once you are done, head into the Tunnel Entrance and head straight for the
Tunnel ignoring the Forked Tunnel (for now). Once you reach a gorge in Gorge,
head back to the Forked Tunnel. Release the brakes on the cart to proceed and
grab the ...

1)Oak Board from Forked Tunnel

Use this Oak Board on the gorge in Gorge to make a passage over the bridge.
From here you can enter the Refuge. In the Refuge you'll find your first save
point as well as a switchboard.

1)Supply Box of 9mm P.B. ammo on a bench in Refuge(infinite)
2)Plug from in the bottom hole on switchboard in Refuge

Use the plug and fill the second hole from the top on the switchbox. Then
switch on the power.

x ---- x refers to the plug

The gate outside the refuge will open and you may now enter it.

-------Giant Horse ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: Grenade Pistol w/ Grenade bullets or M4A1 Bayonet

EXP 300
BP 200
MP 10

Estimated HP: 450-500 HP

This guy is fast for someone of that size. You'll notice 4 barrels along the
room. These barrels have 30 HP (each bullet damages it by 2), explodes and
continues burning after it is destroyed. If you might have noticed, this room
is extremely dark and lighting all 4 barrels makes it easier to see. Although
it also serves a separate a weapon. As in your first BOSS fight
with No.9 you can destroy it while an enemy is next to it for high damage
(in this sense about 400HP). How ever the radius of the blast is not large and
therefore the enemy needs to be right beside it for it to contact.

It has 3 attacks
1)It dashes and rams you like all the normal Horse NMCs
- Run towards the outer wall while it is coming close
2)It jumps and starts biting you like a piece of tough meat (POISON)
- Run towards the outer wall when it stops a few meters away from you
(before it jumps)
3)It jumps from afar and stomps on you from above
- Hear for its 'neigh' before you start running and it will totally miss you

For its second attack, it stops a few meters away from you before it jumps. For
both attacks 1) and 2), it seems easier to avoid it if you run toward the outer
wall once it approaches you. It seems it has a chance of missing you this way.
For its third attack, you will high a 'neighing' sound a split second before it
LANDS. The only reliable way to avoid this move is to anticipate its move and
run BEFORE it neighs.

After each attack, the ANMC is susceptible to 1 or 2 hits before it runs off.
At this point of time, I would recommend a slash-shoot combo in that order if
you are using the M4A1 Bayonet. It damages quite a bit if you get a critical
hit. Also a way to make sure that you get a hit with the barrel exploding,
shoot the barrel till it is down to 2HP left. Then run around the barrel when
the ANMC is offscreen. 70% of the time it will execute its no. 3) attack. When
you hear a neigh, run in one direction continuously and once it lands, shoot
the last bullet at the barrel. One drawback of this method is that the ANMC is
very close to the barrel and may 'absorb' the bullet meant for the barrel

It will faint after 2 barrel explosions or HP damage of that equivalent.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once it is killed, you will receive...

1)P229 from fainted BOSS
2)Jumper Plug from fainted BOSS (how did he keep it? I wonder?)

Immediately after that the BOSS reawakens

-------Giant Horse ANMC (Second Impact)-------
My Weapon of choice: Grenade Pistol w/ Grenade bullets or M4A1 Bayonet

EXP 500
BP 300
MP 30
Item: Recovery2/Grenade x 4

Estimated HP: 2450-2500 HP

This BOSS has no difference from the one you just fought...maybe only a higher
HP count. Therefore use the exact same strategies.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once it is melted into the ground, head back to the Refuge and it is time to
use both Jumpers together. One at the top hole and another at the bottom hole.
Then switch on the main.

x ---- x refers to the plug
x ---- x refers to the plug

Now Gate 2(the one in Cavern) will be unlocked. Head to the Cavern. Interact
with the bike 3 times and switch on the switch. Then you can enter the wall
with light emitting out of it.

B1 Shelter

-------Spider ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: P229 /w 9mm Hydra Bullets

EXP 600
BP 300
MP 15
Item: 9mm Spartan x 50/Belt Pouch

Estimated HP: 1000 HP

This ANMC is alot like the one you fought in the Underpass in Dryfield. But
this time you have the P229 (hehe).

It has 2 attacks
1)It slashes at you and POISONS you
- Just stay away from its reach. If it starts slashing you run far away
2)It jumps on you and drains your energy (PARALYSIS) (high damage)
- Do not let it near you. It only does this a very close range

It is very simple to beat him. The moment you see him use the flashlight on the
P229. Then shoot his guts out. The moment he disappears flash again and then
shoot. Repeat process. I suggest casting Metabolism too to prevent poison. Once
you have poison resistance, just forget about dodging him and blast your way
!!!END BOSS!!!

Next head down the elevator to B1 of Shelter. In the Elevator hall, only 1 door
is accessible which leads to the Storeroom. In the storeroom, you can find...

1)Supply Box of 9mm P.B. ammo on a table in Storeroom(infinite)
2)Ringer's Solution from medical shelf in Storeroom

Move on to the door nearest to the supply box. Here you will meet those jelly
creatures. They are immune to bullets so at this point of time you would
probably have to use PE or the Bayonet to finish it off.

Move past the Sleeping Quarters to reach a crossroad.

With reference to the map, unlock the south door and head into the south-east
door. This will lead you to the Armory. In here you can find a shop which is
the machine with a brightly lit monitor screen.

-Weapon BP
--P229 1880
--PA3 1000
--M4A1 Rifle 2450
--Rifle Clip Holder 1800 (can buy 2)
--M9 980
--Hammer 3720
--Grenade Pistol 1680
-Ammo BP
--9mm P.B. 30 per 50
--Buckshot 60 per 10
--5.56 Rifle 100 per 80
--Grenade 280 per 4
--Riot 80 per 4
--Batteries/Fuel FREE
-Armor BP
--Combat Armour 3250
--NBC Suit 3980
--PsySuit 4580
-Items BP
--Recovery1 100
--Recovery2 180
--MPBoost1 320
--Penicillin 80
--Stim 80
--Combat Light 60
--Pepper Spray 100
--Flare 150

If you remembered to take the Black Card from the Akropolis Tower, here is the
time to use it. Beside the locked gate, there is a card reader(its shining red)
use the Black Card on it to unlock the gate to the real Armory. Here you can

1)Supply Box of Buckshot on compartment nearest to the gate in Armory(infinite)
2)Supply Box of 9mm P.B. ammo beside the Buckshot in Armory(infinite)
3)Supply Box of 9mm Hydra ammo beside the 9mmm P.B. in Armory(infinite)
4)SP12 from gun holder at the corner of the Armory past the gate. Check TWICE

Don't forget to unlock the shortcut leading to the Storeroom.

You may want to enter the south-west room to catch a nice view.

Lastly head for the north room. This leads to the Sterilization Room. There you
should interact with the Computer terminal first before entering the left door.
A place where you can find a save point and a box which contains...

1)BuckShot x 20 in box in sterilization room
2)Grenade x 8 in box in sterilization room

Head through the door and use the lift to enter B2.

B2 Shelter

There is not much to explore here. Just head for the Breeding Room and there
you will find

1)Cola from the cabinet near the entrance of Breeding Room
2)Supply Box of 9mm P.B. ammo beside the Buckshot in Armory(infinite)
3)Stim on can in one of the big cages in Breeding Room

Continue on to the where you will meet the evil Bowman.

Return back to the Sterilization Room. Save! and bring heavy weapons. On your
way out of the Sterilization Room, gas will start emitting from the pipes.
Talk to the intercom for some mystery if you wish then head to the chute beside
where you came in. Enter it.

@@TIP@@Do not bother waiting in the gas room hoping to have the gas subside
I clocked in at 21 min 34 secs and still nothing happened!!Stupid me!!

B3 Shelter

At the bottom some freebies await...

1)Supply Box of 9mm P.B. ammo on junk at bottom screen Dumping Hole(infinite)
2)Supply Box of 9mm Hydra ammo on junk at top screen Dumping Hole(infinite)

and then its time for you to be a freebie...

-------Vacuum Sucker ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: Grenade Pistol w/ Grenade bullets

EXP 500
BP 200
MP 100
Item: Recovery3/5.56 Rifle/Grenade

Estimated HP: 3000 HP

It has 7 attacks to damage you (WOW!!)
1)It sucks in and you get dragged in (instant kill)
- Keep running away from him (shoot him when possible)
2)It throws out various liquids in the air
- Watch out for the shadows and stay a distancee way from them as they do
splash damage
3)It stomps and 2 of the laughing ANMCs appear
- Fire and kill the Laughing ANMCs before the BOSS suck them in to restore
10 Hp of its life
4)He spits out gas in an arc
- Run towards the right side of the BOSS's body
5)He fires some liquid that makes you stuck to the ground
- Run towards the left side of the BOSS's body
6)He swings his tongue at you
- When you start seeing the animation of it throwing its head back. Run
to your left or right but do not stay in the center of the screen.
7)He spits out an object which flies at you at high speed
- This is only done if he had swallowes an ANMC before. He spits it out.

This boss can be easy if you know how. First avoid being sucked in at all costs
try not to reload when you are near to the BOSS as if he starts sucking at the
inopportunate moment, you will most certainly be dead.

This boss vulnerable point is its inner mouth. Hitting its head does no damage
and hitting its arms does very little damage. Its inner mouth is not accessible
at all times but the best time it is exposed is when it is sucking you in. Once
you have done enough damage, the BOSS will start to move forward until there is
very little area for you to run in. At this point of time, it will be doing
attacks 2), 4), 5) and 7) very often. However it will not to attack 1) thus its
mouth is protected. You should now attack its arms and after a while it drops
to the ground.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once you have entered through the door to the Incinerator Room, an old friend

-------Vacuum Sucker ANMC (Second Impact)-------
My Weapon of choice: M4A1

EXP 700
BP 200
MP 100
Item: Recovery3/Eau de Toilette/Airburst
Item: Recovery3 (if you crushed it)

Estimated HP: 3000 HP

This boss is identical as the first except you are in a very large area and can
maneuver alot. There are 2 ways to kill it.

The first way is...
Just after the first corner, you should remain there where the BOSS will stop
before it corners. Here it will start its normal attacks and you can easily
dodge all its attacks as well as repeating the pattern you did the last time
with ease. Soon it will fall and die.

The second way....
is to run all the way and step on the floor panel to bring up the lift. Now you
have 2 choices. Either run back the hall to distract the BOSS before the lift
comes or to wait by the lift and give minimal space between you and the boss to
dodge its attack for a few seconds. Then once the lift arrives, you have to
lure the boss fully onto the lift. This can be done by firing a few shots at it
The lift will now lower slightly. Then hit the other floor panel and hear a
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once that is done you are given 5 mins to get out of the Incinerator Room.
5 mins??? Just for 1 room??? This is fishy...

Head back to the Dumpster Hole and get the Woven Ring(Medicine Wheel) from
the very end of the room. Then it is fighting LOADS of enemies one after

1)Medicine Wheel from box in Dumpster Hole check it TWICE

Now head to the very end of the hall in Incinerator Room. In case you didn't
know step on the floor panel to raise the lift to get to the other side. There
knock on the door and be a 'Lucky' girl.

There is a save point there and you have a new party member. Moreover he is no
longer the pushover he used to be as he has a very powerful weapon this time.
The M4A1 Pyke a weapon you haven't seen yet. Well maybe you've seen it in the
demos. No matter, you won't be exploring for a long time with him. Again make
sure he does not die.

Head into the sewers of B4.

B4 Shelter

Head on to the end of the sewers and climb the ladder. Nearby on a wall, you
will notice a memo.

"Check for occupants before opening [Flood Gate]."
"Let the rats, roaches, and spiders drown, but first..."
"Count their legs, enter the total, and raise the lever,"

Also close by you will find a control panel which asks you for tens digit then
the ones digit. The values you have to fill in is the answer to the riddle.

WATER GATE SOLUTION_______________________
| |
| Rats - 4 legs |
| Roaches - 6 legs |
| Spiders - 8 legs (not the 10 legged kind)|
| |
| 4+6+8=18 |
| |
| Therefore the answers are (1,8) |
|__________________________________________ |

Then as you move along you will notice a locked gate (the Full Moon Gate)
after some steps.

***NOTE : From this point, parts of the walkthrough will be split up halfway
to GOOD ENDING PTs and BAD ENDING PTs where there will be headers to
notify its start and end.

Multiple Areas

----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING PT 3}}-------------------------------
Remember to be able to get the good ending, you must have done the requirements
before this, meaning that you met kyle and saved flint. If flint is dead, you
would not even get to see this scenario.

Anyway you move along an you'll find another memo beside the exit.

"[Full Moon Gate], open only after midnight."
"Enter age of the fullest moon, and raise the lever."

A panel, like the one used to raise the Water Gate, to control this is all the
way on the other side of the pool.

FULL MOON GATE SOLUTION______________________________________________________
| |
| If you remember, Aya was rambling (after Dryfield turns night) about |
| something about Maeda telling her about what a full moon means in Japan. And|
| that it happens on the 15th of each month. |
| |
| Therefore the answer is (1,5). |

Now you can go through that gate in the sewer that was locked. Back to a
familiar area.

Find Pierce at the top of the Water Tower. Flint will lead you there. There,
Pierce will hand you the

1)SUV Key from Pierce after rescuing him

You may now head to his SUV at the Gas Station. It is near the entrance of the
Main Street. You cannot miss it. Unlock the trunk to get...

1)Body Armor (Tactical Vest) from trunk of Pierce's SUV (need SUV Key)
2)Lipstick from trunk of Pierce's SUV (need SUV Key)

Now you qould make use of that Ice Dispenser in Main Street that has been lying
there since you first arrived in Dryfield.

Get an

1)Ice Bag from the Ice Dispenser in Main Street

remember ice melts and in this case to a

1)Bag of Water if Ice Bag melts

Just bring the Ice Bag to Pierce 3 times and he will give you...

1)Cola for first Ice Bag given to Pierce
2)MP Boost2 for second Ice Bag given to Pierce
3)Ofuda for third Ice Bag given to Pierce

you may want to visit Douglas for new items that he sells. AS12 ROCKS!!!

-Weapon BP
--P08 680
--MP5A5 6980
--PA3 1000
--AS12 12500
--M4A1 Rifle 2450
--Rifle Clip Holder 1800 (can buy 2)
--M9 980
--M203 2130
--Pyke 5180
--Grenade Pistol 1680
-Ammo BP
--9mm P.B. 30 per 50
--9mm Hydra 50 per 50
--Buckshot 60 per 10
--Firefly 90 per 10
--5.56 Rifle 100 per 80
--Grenade 280 per 4
--Riot 80 per 4
--Batteries/Fuel FREE
-Armor BP
--Shoulder Holster 2580
--PASGT Vest 2980
--EOD Suit 4580
-Items BP
--Recovery1 100
--MPBoost1 320
--Penicillin 80
--Stim 80
--Combat Light 60
--Pepper Spray 100

Once you have done this, you should head back to the Shelter from the way you

Now it is time to meet the ANMC Bowman. He can be found in the small alley
beside the Sleeping Quarters in B1.

-------Parasite Energy ANMC Bowman-------
My Weapon of choice: M4A1 Hammer

EXP 105
BP 158
MP 8

Estimated HP: 400 HP

Not really a BOSS in his own right but since he has a name I guess you could
call him a BOSS.

He has 2 attacks
1)It charges a yellow ball and fires it for high damage
- Run behind the enemy and do not let it face you
2)It charges a blue ball and heals itself by 100 HP
- Stun it or it wil heal itself

This boss is simple as long as you have the Hammer. First to avoid its initial
yellow ball, just run behind it and around it when it turns. It will shoot and
miss. Then use Hammer at it to make it fall. Shoot it while it is down. When it
gets up Stun it again. Simple. If you do not have the Hammer, just avoid its
yellow balls by running behind it all the time. However there is no stopping
its blue ball.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once dead you will receive

1)Bowman's Card from Bowman

Using this card, head to the Operating Theatre by the door in B2 Elevator Hall
--------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING PT 3}}-----------------------------

----------------------------{{BAD ENDING PT}}----------------------------------
Now head up the lift with Kyle who will drop you off at B2 and give you a card.

1)Yoshida Card given by Kyle in elevator

Although you already have access you may want to kill all enemies in the area
and meet the ANMC Bowman. He can be found in the small alley beside the
Sleeping Quarters.

-------Parasite Energy ANMC Bowman-------
My Weapon of choice: M4A1 Hammer

EXP 105
BP 158
MP 8

Estimated HP: 400 HP

Not really a BOSS in his own right but since he has a name I guess you could
call him a BOSS.

He has 2 attacks
1)It charges a yellow ball and fires it for high damage
- Run behind the enemy and do not let it face you
2)It charges a blue ball and heals itself by 100 HP
- Stun it or it wil heal itself

This boss is simple as long as you have the Hammer. First to avoid its initial
yellow ball, just run behind it and around it when it turns. It will shoot and
miss. Then use Hammer at it to make it fall. Shoot it while it is down. When it
gets up Stun it again. Simple. If you do not have the Hammer, just avoid its
yellow balls by running behind it all the time. However there is no stopping
its blue ball.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Once dead you will receive

1)Bowman's Card from Bowman

You may also want to head back to Dryfield to clear some enemies. See Full Moon
Gate puzzle in GOOD ENDING PT. but be aware you cannot get the GOOD ENDING by
going back at this pt of time. The best thing about Dryfield is that you can
get new items from Douglas' shop.

-Weapon BP
--P08 680
--MP5A5 6980
--PA3 1000
--AS12 12500
--M4A1 Rifle 2450
--Rifle Clip Holder 1800 (can buy 2)
--M9 980
--M203 2130
--Pyke 5180
--Grenade Pistol 1680
-Ammo BP
--9mm P.B. 30 per 50
--9mm Hydra 50 per 50
--Buckshot 60 per 10
--Firefly 90 per 10
--5.56 Rifle 100 per 80
--Grenade 280 per 4
--Riot 80 per 4
--Batteries/Fuel FREE
-Armor BP
--Shoulder Holster 2580
--PASGT Vest 2980
--EOD Suit 4580
-Items BP
--Recovery1 100
--MPBoost1 320
--Penicillin 80
--Stim 80
--Combat Light 60
--Pepper Spray 100

Head into the Operating Room by the door beside the Breeding Room. Or if you
have the Bowman card, By the B2 Elevator Hall
--------------------------{{END BAD ENDING PT}}--------------------------------

Here on is the part where you have to do despite getting the bad or good
ending. You should be in the Operating Theatre by now.

1)Ringer's Solution from shelf near operating table in Operating Theatre
2)Eau De Toilette in Lab Coat in Operating Theatre

So head into the door that will lead you to the laboratory, the side of the
corridor with the sinks. Here you will find a Save point and a Box. Also
a important notice on the white board which will give your next destination.
Also note the working notebook. So as with the note, head for the Sleeping
Quarters on B1.

1)Computer Magazine(Aeris Sept Issue) on Yoshida's bed in Sleeping quarters

This magazine will tell you all about the 'FateKeeper' virus. A virus that is
powerful yet useless.

Head back to the notebook terminal in the Laboratory and get ready to hack in.
Just follow the instructions on the magazine.

NOTEBOOK PASSWORD SOLUTION_________________________________________________
| |
| As with what the magazine says, the original password is displayed on the |
| screen. In this sense it is the background wallpaper spelling: |
| so arranging it alphabetically we will get... |
| encode it in the 'Fatekeeper' virus encoding to get: |
| A3EILM2S2Y ---- the final password |
| |
| Enter it in and you are granted access |

@@TIP@@Once you enter the correct password once, everytime you access this
terminal, Aya will automatically fill it in

So now that you are in, you find your access limited to the 'E' level. Out of
the 4 choices,
B)Main Files
C)Bulletin board
D)Visitor Program

only D) and E) can be chosen. Since you do not want to logout, choose D) and be
bombarded by 3 random questions out of the questions I have compiled below...

1)Which Agency supervises MIST?
C) CIA Ans: B

2)What do mitochondria produce by combining glucose, lipids, and oxygen?
C) NAD Ans: A

3)Which neo-Mitochondritis victim caused the N.Y. Blockade incident?
A) Melissa Pearce
B) Mary Pearce
C) Melanie Pearce Ans: A

4)Which organism possess mitochondria?
A) Bacteria
B) Crustaceans
C) Cyanobacteria (algae) Ans: B

5)Who was declared responsible for the Manhattan incident?
A) G. Robert
B) K. Maeda
C) H. Klaup Ans: C

6)Name the town located behind the Nevada Laboratory.
A) Drytown
B) Dry Valley
C) Dryfield Ans: C

7)What is the name of the desert above this facility?
A) The Gobi Desert
B) The Mojave Desert
C) The Arizona Desert Ans: B

8)Which of these organelles contains genetic information (DNA)?
A) Golgi bodies
B) Mitochondria
C) Endoplasmic reticula Ans: B

9)What name is given to the theory that humankind's origin lay in one ancestral
species in Africa?
A) Mitochondria Adam
B) Mitochondria Eve
C) Mitochondria First Ans: B

10)Which method alters genes by delivering DNA via an artificial virus?
A) Carrier
B) Vector
C) Track Ans: B

11)Gene transmission in mitochondria is?
A) Maternal
B) Paternal
C) Atavistic Ans: A

These are all the questions i found...11 of them..a weird number...there may be
more so for those you got them, please mail them to me at

Once you answered all correct, you are given a whole lot of information. Then
the phone rings and

----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING SCENE}}------------------------------
This happens if you have been following the good ending points till this point
of time.

Pierce will be on the line. He gives you the map of the Shelter and your next
destination. Head there on to the Pod Service Gantry near the Sterilization

Go through story bits then you'll get

1)Micro Device from Pierce in Pod Service Gantry

In the of the Pod Service Gantry and you can do a few things. First interact
with the lots of monitors on the wall. Then using the interface, switch on the
lift in B2 (Cam C). Unlock the door on B1 (Cam A) and lastly disable the
security cameras (Cam E). Head to the lift in B2.
----------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING SCENE}}--------------------------

----------------------------{{BAD ENDING SCENE}}-------------------------------
This happens if you missed any of the good ending points till this point of

Kyle will be on the line. He gives you the map of the
Shelter and your next destination. Head there on to the Pod Service Gantry near
the Sterilization Room.

Go through story bits then you'll find Kyle in your party again or more likely
you in Kyle's Party. Head to the back of the Pod Service Gantry and you can do
a few things. First interact with the lots of monitors on the wall. Then using
the interface, switch on the lift in B2 (Cam C). Unlock the door on B1 (Cam A)
and lastly disable the security cameras (Cam E). Next you may want to view the
map on a terminal to the right of the security monitors.

Bring Kyle out and view his awesome new weapon. He'll probably clear all the
enemies you'll meet from now on. There is only 1 way to go. Take the lift to B2
and from B2's crossroads, take the once-inoperable lift to the Observatory.
----------------------------{{END BAD ENDING SCENE}}---------------------------

Neo Ark, Shelter

@@TIP@@This area is full of dangerous enemies. I recommend using the Shotgun
(SP12 or AS12 NOT PA3) as it has infinite bullets (bullets can be
refilled in the armory). Also use the PE Plasma to support it.

A weird, green area...Not a very good sign. So since the door to the north is
locked, head to the south towards the Savanna and you will enter the Shrine.
At the T-Junction in the Shrine take a right turn and head towards the exit.
Near the exit you will find a tablet that will show you some arrangements
of some pictures. This is it with what I could make out of the pictures

Red - Person Leg Crystal Square dot
Yellow - Fish Eye X Crown dot
Blue - Leaf Knife Front of boat Egg dot

Then go back to the T-junction and take the turn you did not take the last
time. Here you can check the statues to be given this notice:

[Place of Offerings]
[All who seek the aid of the three Sun Gods, these are your colours]
"Red - Amun - Avatar of the Sun. Leading all on the true path."
"Blue - Harakhti - Windjammer of the sky. Guide to sacred waters."
"Yellow - Khepera - Scarab Avatar. The greatest sacrifice is the self."

At the end of the room you will see an altar of sorts which has coloured stones
on them. The pictures of the stones should look familiar...also note the lines
on the outer perimeter of the stones.

MOVING STONES SOLUTION_______________________________________________________
| |
| To match the blocks you have to shift all the blocks using the single |
| 'unblocked' tile. This takes patience and a bit of luck as well as skill. |
| |
| @@TIP@@If a block reaches its desired position do not hesitate to move it |
| away so that another block may reach theirs |
| |
| The coloured lines at the bottom have to match up with the stones in a |
| single line. Also the dot at the bottom-right square has to be exposed. |
| |
| (((OPTIONAL))) |
| If you wish to fight a new breed of monsters enter the yellow section first |
| |
| Yellow from top-left to bottom-left (Fish, Eye, X, Crown )... expose the dot|
| and a gate will lock you in. Load the Shotgun. |
| (((END OPTIONAL))) |
| |
| Now you may want to do the blue ones. |
| |
| Blue from top-left to top-right (Leaf, Knife, Front of boat, Egg) expose the|
| dot and a chest will be drawn out from the wall on the right side of the |
| T-junction. |
| |
| -=[ITEM]=- |
| 1)MPBoost2 from chest at coloured block puzzle at Shrine |
| |
| Lastly do the red. |
| Red from bottom-left to top-right (Person, Leg, Crystal, Square) expose the |
| dot and the door to the exit of the Shrine will be unlocked. |
| |

You will now be in the Power Plant. You will notice a large ANMC which is
actually a generator.

-------Generator ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: P229 w/ Hydra bullets

EXP 200
BP 100
MP 100
Item: Recovery3

Estimated HP : 250(Life Support)/250 HP

Actually this is not a BOSS fight but it feels like it so its in a BOSS section
First of all destroy all the surroundings. There will be:

4 circuit boards
2 cameras

By now if you have shot the boss, you would have noticed that you are doing
very little damage and that it is regenerating all the damage you are dishing
out. The way to stop this is by destroying the computer terminal to the left
of the BOSS. Once this is done just blow away at the BOSS.

Also if you haven't noticed, this BOSS does not attack you at all.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Head back to the Observatory where you will notice that the north door leading
to the Forest Zone is now unlocked but before heading there...

You may want to head back to the Shelter Basement areas to refill ammo as well
as to clear all the enemies there and enter a new area...the Underground
Parking. search the control panel beside the garage shutter to get...

1)Car Key from control panel to the right of garage shutter

Once in the Forest Zone, enter the Woodland Path. Here beware of the
truly random enemies. Move on to the Pyramid where at the right side at the
bottom of the staircase engraves,

[Temple of Tlaloc]
"To call upon Lord Tlaloc for rain, dance the steps of Tlaloc's dance."
"The maize steps. Red, White, Yellow, Blue."
"To open the gate to the altar of strength, start with red."
"To revere Tlaloc in his glory, begin with blue."
"Keep the sacred observances, let your heart guide your steps."

At the top of the Pyramid you will find 4 colored blocks. Leave it for now.
Near the entrance of the Pyramid, you will notice a small stone tablet. Turn
the tablet 4 times and note the design. It is a clock and by decoding the
symbols you can get what each symbol represents.

CLOCK SOLUTION_________________
| |
| Here's what each represents: |
| A '|' represents 5 |
| A '.' represents 1 |
| |
| Therefore an example would be |
| ||: is actually 12. |

Back at the Forest Zone, head through the Submarine Tunnel to the Pavilion.

There you will notice some coloured tablets to the left of the screen from
where you entered.
It shows: (I got the numbers with the solution of the clock puzzle)

Blue 6
White 2
red 3
yellow 5

You know what to do. Head back to the Pyramid.

ISLAND PUZZLE SOLUTION___________________________________________________
| |
| Just step on the block as many times as the clue above gave you. |
| This means step on the blue block 6 times, then the white block 2 times,|
| red block 3 times and yellow block 5 times. |

Tlaloc will appear fully with a switch in his throat. Lower it to gain access
to the Island. At the island you will find an opening. Now it is time to do

-------Giant Fattie ANMC + 5 Fatties-------
My Weapon of choice: AS12 w/ Firefly shells

EXP 750
BP 1440
MP 30
Item: MPBoost2

Estimated HP: 2000 HP

Fatties are actually the water based creatures you have been fighting too many
times (We found out their names in the Submarine Tunnel). It is a circular
arena so it makes it easy to avoid their electric projectiles. Fight the
Fatties 2 by 2 till you kill 5. Now the Giant Fattie will appear.

It seems it only has 1 attack:
1)An electric wave, much like what a flamethrower shoots except it is electric
- run around the arena till it stops blowing it

This attack is easy to dodge. It indicates its attack by charging up
electricity. Just run in one direction till he stops breathing it. Overall you
could hit him with 2 shotgun blasts the minute he sticks his head out of the
water. Now run clockwise around the arena. He will fire attack until
approximately when you have ran half a circle. Now you can shoot him with
another 1-2 shots. Repeat this pattern and you will have a flawless victory.
Just watch out for reload time.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Search the pool of blood to receive

1)Crystal from pool of blood of Giant Fattie's remains

Return back to the Pyramid and switch lanes back to its original placing.

At the Garden, you'll notice another stone tablet outside the entrance to the
Power Plant. It writes:

10 blue yellow 2
5 blue yellow 11
3 blue yellow 8
1 red white 9
7 red white 6
12 red white 4

Do not overlook the map on the right side of the Garden. Again back to the
Pyramid. Now do what you have to do.

LOCKED POWER PLANT DOOR SOLUTION_____________________________________________
| |
| With the clue above, it can be re-arranged by arranging it in order of the |
| numbers: |
| red,yellow,blue,white,blue,white,red,yellow,white,blue,yellow,red |
| or R,Y,B,W,B,W,R,Y,W,B,Y,R |
| |
| Just step on the colored pads in this order to unlock the door. |

Head back to the now unlocked Power Plant entrance from the Garden. At the back
of the staircase there is a

1)Supply Box of 9mm Hydra ammo behind the staircase in a wooden box(infinite)

Now head upstairs.

-------Second Generator ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: P229 w/ Hydra bullets

EXP 400
BP 200
MP 100
Item:MP Boost2

Estimated HP: 550 HP

This is the exact same as the first generator.
Destroy the 4 cameras, 2 circuits and 1 terminal before slicing the BOSS.

Also if you haven't noticed, this BOSS does not attack you at all too!!
!!!END BOSS!!!

OK!! Head back into the shelter and down the other lift in B2. Oh yeah don't
forget to refill ammunition and save.

B6, Shelter

-------Giant Parasite Energy ANMC + 2 x Speakers-------
My Weapon of choice: M4A1 Grenade w/ Grenades

EXP 1300
BP 500
MP 100
Item: MP Boost2/Ringer's Solution

Estimated HP: 3900-4000 HP

This BOSS has a forcefield (supplied by Eve) which reduces damage received by
half and a whole lot of HP.

It has 6 attacks to let you stare in amazement
1)It fires 4 balls of fire at you after charging/creating them
- Run to your either sides when he starts firing them
2)It charges and uses a large wave of fire (Undodgeable)
- Is as I said undodgeable
3)It uses its forcefield to throw you backwards onto the floor
- Is only activated when you touch the BOSS. Thus can be avoided by not
touching the BOSS at all
4)Fires a homing purple laser
- Can be avoided by staying at 1 side of the room and running to the other
when the laser comes nearer to you. If there is not enough space, you can
also run forward under the lasers
5)Fires 2 intertwining lasers (Causes CONFUSION)
- Can be avoided standing on either of the parallel white lines on the
floor of the room. Stand such that 1 leg is in the line and the other is
out of the line towards the wall. This would mean you are standing on the
outer side of the lines. Also make sure the base of the shadow is touching
the base of the TV screen. At this coordinates, these two lasers will
bypass you automatically
6)Fires 3 lasers on a fixed path (Causes BLINDNESS)
- Follow the exact same positioning as 5) above

The first step you should do is take out those irritating speakers. Then the
BOSS. If you have lots of grenades then this is going to be easy. Just
continuously fire them at him. But if you don't, then you have to learn how to
use the grenades to the full potential. However you should still have a minimum
of 10-15 grenades. First shoot him with regular bullets from the M4A1 or other
guns. The moment you see the BOSS charging for his 2) attack, (i.e. yellow
waves entering its body), fire a grenade at it and reload a new grenade. This
will stop its attack and cause it 2 times the damage than it usually would as
its forcefield is down a this time. Repeat pattern.

The only thing difficult about this BOSS is that Eve occasionally heals it,
however it is a low value (about 80 HP). But the most outstanding fact is that
it has a HUMONGOUS amount of HP.
!!!END BOSS!!!

In the Nursery before you pick up the ringing phone, take

1)MD Player in Eve's dresser in Nursery
2)Ringer's Solution in Eve's drip in Nursery

then you should pick up the phone and once you are done with it, you could use
the phone to save. Then talk to Kyle and try to head outside back to the
Training Room.

Once you are in the Growth room, get

1)Protein Capsule in medical cabinet in Growth Room

then talk to Eve and then look in the capsule Eve is facing. From this time,
gas will start seeping in very quickly. You have to talk to Eve twice before
she follows you. Then lead her to the lift in that room. Make sure she is fully
on the life before you touch the controls of the lift. Beware if Eve dies from
coughing too much gas, it is Game Over.

Multiple Areas

Back at the Neo Ark, head to the Submarine Tunnel. By now you would have
noticed that all the enemies are unanimated. Imagine have been
fighting puppets all this time. So just blast them to pieces at your own will.

After the Submarine Tunnels, you will notice new enemies. The GOLEMS otherwise
known as Unknown Men. They actually come in 8 varieties.

PAWN GOLEM Color: Green Standard patrol model
ROOK GOLEM Color: Grey Close Combat Model
KNIGHT GOLEM Color: Purple Night Operations golem
BISHOP GOLEM Color: Red Special Operations golem

Please note that the B1 Elevator Hall to Main Corridor is now locked and the
lift between B1 and B2 beside the Service Pod Gantry is now unusable.

Your ultimate destination is the Underground Parking. However you may want to
stop by the Laboratory to save and the Armory to refill ammo. Lastly you could
also head out to the Pod Service Gantry to switch off all the security cameras.

@@TIP@@Golems are everywhere. Beware!!

@@TIP@@A shooting Golem can inadvertly shoot its teammate for high damage.
Just lure the laser over its teammate when he light it up.

You may want to clear the enemies in this area as well as Dryfield.
Enemies have reappeared there as well.

----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING PT 4}}-------------------------------
Remember to be able to get the good ending, you must have done the requirements
before this, meaning that you met kyle, saved flint, met and saved Pierce. Else
you would not even see this scenario.

In the Pod Service Gantry, search the phone to get

1)Message (Pierce's Memo) from the phone in Pod Service Gantry

Then use the phone to call Jodie.
--------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING PT 4}}-----------------------------

In the Underground Parking, interact with the control panel beside the garage
door to get the...

1)Car Key from control panel to the right of garage shutter
(you may have gotten this before this point of time)

Then you should be able to see the coloured panels once you interact with the
control panel again. Notice the lit numbers as well as the red one. The 4
buttons at the bottom control the bright light in different ways. Here it is:

Red move down 2
Green move down 1
Blue move right 2
Yellow move right 1

UNDERGROUND PARKING SOLUTION________________________________________
| |
| First hit Red, Green and Yellow then press CALL. |
| You will receive |
| |
| -=[ITEM]=- |
| 1)Belt Pouch from box in jammed parking lot. |
| |
| Next switch on Blue and Yellow then CALL. A red car will appear. |
| Enter the car. The car will now be in the center of the room. |
| Head to the red control panel beside the large gate in Underground |
| Parking. There slide Yoshida/Bowman Card and there you have it. |
| Entrance to 1st floor Shelter. |

1st Floor, Shelter

You will start out in the Parking area. Head into the Airlock and out to the
Vehicle Airlock. Here get...

1)Teddy Bear from bike in Vehicle Airlock

Get into the Guardroom and unlock the lock holding the airlock. You'll enter
the entrance of the Shelter and soon reach outside.

September 6 2000 3.52pm
Mojave Desert, Nevada

Many things to liberate...

1)Airburst in ammo case in camp in Heliport
2)Ringer's Solution in medipak beside ammo case in camp in Heliport
3)Canister from Flint outside camp
4)MPBoost2 from Flint outside camp

----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING SCENE}}------------------------------
This happens if you have been following the good ending points till this point
of time.

Jodie will be waiting for you and will offer you some juicy bits.

Some items to get

@@TIP@@To get access to the supply boxes, talk to the Private outside camp

1)Supply Box of 9mm ammo from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
2)Supply Box of 9mm Hydra from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
3)Supply Box of Buckshot from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
4)Supply Box of 5.56mm Rifle from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
5)Supply Box of Grenades from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)

Behind Jodie, you will notice that you can find the boxes of
1)Your sedan
2)Bronco Motel Room 6
3)Truck at Top of cliff
with all items intact...take it away.

Also an engineer selling items behind the truck near the entrance to Shelter

-Weapon BP
--MP5A5 6980
--SMG Clip Holder 3980 (can buy 2)
--PA3 1000
--AS12 12500
--M4A1 Rifle 2450
--Rifle Clip Holder 1800 (can buy 2)
--M9 980
--M203 2130
--Hammer 3720
--Pyke 5180
--Javelin 7500
--Grenade Pistol 1680
-Ammo BP
--9mm Spartan 80 per 50
--Firefly 90 per 10
--R.Slug 120 per 10
--Airburst 450 per 4
--Riot 80 per 4
--Batteries/Fuel FREE
-Armor BP
--Turtle Vest 1680
--PASGT Vest 2980
--Combat Armour 3250
--Tactical Armour 12800
-Items BP
--Recovery1 100
--Recovery2 180
--Recovery3 350
--MPBoost1 320
--MPBoost2 580
--Penicillin 80
--Stim 80
--Combat Light 60
--Pepper Spray 100
--Flare 150
----------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING SCENE}}--------------------------

----------------------------{{BAD ENDING SCENE}}-------------------------------
This happens if you missed any of the good ending points till this point of

You will find Rupert here

1)Magnum Bullets (44 Maeda SP) from Rupert outside camp
2)Large Handgun (Mongoose) from Rupert outside camp
3)Supply Box of 9mm ammo from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
4)Supply Box of 9mm Hydra from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
5)Supply Box of Buckshot from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)

@@TIP@@To get access to the supply boxes, talk to the Private outside camp

Behind Rupert, you will notice that you can find the boxes of
1)Your sedan
2)Bronco Motel Room 6
3)Truck at Top of cliff
with all items intact...take it away.

Also an engineer selling items behind the truck near the entrance to Shelter

-Weapon BP
--MP5A5 6980
--SMG Clip Holder 3980
--PA3 1000
--AS12 12500
--M4A1 Rifle 2450
--Rifle Clip Holder 1800 (can buy 2)
--M9 980
--M203 2130
--Hammer 3720
--Pyke 5180
--Grenade Pistol 1680
-Ammo BP
--9mm Spartan 80 per 50
--44 Magnum 100 per 50
--Firefly 90 per 10
--R.Slug 120 per 10
--5.56 Rifle 100 per 80
--Grenade 280 per 4
--Airburst 450 per 4
--Riot 80 per 4
--Batteries/Fuel FREE
-Armor BP
--PASGT Vest 2980
--Combat Armour 3250
--Tactical Armour 12800
-Items BP
--Recovery1 100
--Recovery2 180
--Recovery3 350
--MPBoost1 320
--Penicillin 80
--Stim 80
--Combat Light 60
--Pepper Spray 100
--Flare 150
----------------------------{{END BAD ENDING SCENE}}---------------------------

If Flint is alive, give him the Teddy Bear. He will now follow you into the

Enter the Shelter again...

Final Areas

Once in, pick up the phone. once you do that, you can no longer go back to the
surface as the truck will move into the shelter. At this point of time, the
engineer will be there to sell you things, your items in the trunks are in the
back of the truck and

----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING SCENE}}------------------------------
This happens if you have been following the good ending points till this point
of time.

1)Supply Box of 9mm ammo from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
2)Supply Box of 9mm Hydra from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
3)Supply Box of Buckshot from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
4)Supply Box of 5.56mm Rifle from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)
5)Supply Box of Grenades from the front of soldier outside camp (unlimited)

Behind the engineer, you will notice that you can find the boxes of
1)Your sedan
2)Bronco Motel Room 6
3)Truck at Top of cliff
with all items intact...take it away.

So head for the Sterilization Room.

If Flint is with you, he will bring the guy back to camp thus making the
engineer sell you something extra :
--M249 15800
--MM1 23500
----------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING SCENE}}--------------------------

----------------------------{{BAD ENDING SCENE}}-------------------------------
This happens if you missed any of the good ending points till this point of

1)Supply Box of 9mm ammo beside truck in Underground Parking(unlimited)
2)Supply Box of 9mm Hydra beside truck in Underground Parking(unlimited)
3)Supply Box of Buckshot beside truck in Underground Parking(unlimited)

Behind the engineer, you will notice that you can find the boxes of
1)Your sedan
2)Bronco Motel Room 6
3)Truck at Top of cliff
with all items intact...take it away.

So head for the Sterilization Room.

If Flint is with you, he will bring the guy back to camp thus making the
engineer sell you something extra :
--Javelin 7500
----------------------------{{END BAD ENDING SCENE}}---------------------------

Also if you wish, you may want to clear out the enemies in B1, B2 and Neo Ark.

----------------------------{{GOOD ENDING PT Final}}---------------------------
Remember to be able to get the good ending, you must have done the requirements
before this, meaning that you met kyle, saved flint, met saved Pierce and saw
Pierce's memo and called Jodie. Else you would not even see this scenario.

In the Golem Freezer, meet and speak to Pierce.
--------------------------{{END GOOD ENDING PT Final}}-------------------------

Your final destination...the Pod Service Gantry...

Bring only 1 weapon with you. Preferably the Magnum or if not the M4A1 Grenade.
Buy as many 44 Magnum bullets or Grenades and 5.56 Rifle Bullets.
Use all remaining EXP except maybe reserve to revive 1 last spell later.
Bring as many Ringer's Solution as you can.
Get the Tactical Vest.

-------Final ANMC-------
My Weapon of choice: Magnum w/ 44 Magnum bullets

@@TIP@@Cast Antibody and EnergyShot to facilitate your fight
@@TIP@@Heal often
@@TIP@@If Life drops beneath 50 cast LifeDrain

EXP 500 (if you killed head, neck and core aka shortest route)
BP 1500
MP 200

EXP 5000 (if you killed all)
BP 20000
MP 200

Item:Ringer's Solution/R.Slug x 10/Grenade x 4

This guy is many guys combined into 1. He has many parts.
--Fires laser straight which splits into two and spreads outwards
--Dodge it by running to a lower or higher ground.
--Once dead reveals neck
Neck (revealed by destroying Head)
--Neck fires semi circular blast that causes BLINDNESS
--Dodge it by keeping towards its back
-Belly (recommended first target)
--Shoots PARALYSING liquid
---Dodge left or right when it fires it.
----Can only be shot at lower ground
-----Once dead, reduces turning rate of BOSS
-Butt (recommended killing tentacles first)
--Does not attack
---Located at the middle lower back of BOSS
----Can only be hit from lower ground
-Left and Right Tentacle (back of BOSS) (taken as two different parts)
--Swings at you
---Separates to two parts
---Can regenerate
---Tentacle core revealed once both parts killed
------Tentacle core shoots PARALYSING liquid
------Can regenerate tentacles
------Once killed, no longer has regenerating powers
-Left and Right Arm (taken as two different parts) (recommended second target)
--Covered by gas emitters
--Emits gas, POISONS Aya
--Once destroyed reveals Arm
----Arm swings and knocks Aya
----Avoided by staying far back of the screen
------After some time can only be damaged a max of 100 HP at regular interval
-------Instantly killed with Pyrokinesis
(Arm must be exposed after killing gas emitters before this is possible)

Once 2 parts, (choice of Belly, Head, Neck, Arms, Tentacle), are killed, the
Core is revealed. The Core shoots out a powerful blast that can hurt Aya very
very badly. If you see it opening up, start running around the arena, clockwise
or anti-clockwise, till it shoots and you are a far distance from it.
(Note: the belly must have been destroyed to outrun the blast so easily).
Once you stop running shoot whatever you can till it closes where you can
reload then get ready to run once it opens again...

Once the Core is killed, the BOSS dies.
!!!END BOSS!!!

Now head to the control panel with the orange light and slide
Yoshida's/Bowman's Card through it.

My Weapon of choice: Magnum w/ 44 Maeda SP

EXP 5300
BP 11000
MP 100

Estimated HP : 6000-6400 HP

OK first of all cast AntiBody and EnergyShot. Then note that you can go outside
the bridge to the arena you fought the Final AMNC. However I find the fight
easier on the bridge only. Then beware of her attacks

She has attacks to show her prowess
1)She blasts high in the sky and slams down in the center of the Bridge
-make sure you are a not near the center of the bridge
2)She starts having a glimerring light and flies at you 1-4 times
-run from one side of the bridge to the other. Repeat if necessary.
--Eve will appear in the center of the bridge if she hits you or misses you
3)She fires projectiles at you.
-Just run one side then change direction. It should miss you.
4)She throws a clone at you. The clone engages you in close combat
-Kill the clone
5)She stays in the middle of the bridge and chants. Aya's MP will rise then
drop to 0 if she executes the attack.
-Keep shooting her till she stops chanting

The major rule is that to continue shooting at Eve. Only when she starts her
attack then run away. Also do not be afraid to use every last bit of PE you

If she starts bleeding, she is about to die. Just start casting all your area-
affecting skills to make her fall quickly.
!!!END BOSS!!!

That is it. Enjoy the ending!!


7. Weapon List

No. Name Stats Self Notes
1. Tonfa Baton / 1/ 5/ 68 Basic Weapon. Used as last resort.
Masters can attack continuously (Oooo!!!)
*Definitely not your main weapon...unless you like showing off. Although
damage ain't that bad, the range is going to pose a problem.

2. M93R 20b/ 50/ 110/117 Basic Sub-machine gun. Uses 9mm bullets.
R1:Bullet x 3
R2:Bullet x 1 (saves ammo i guess...)
*A trusty gun for use when things ain't so tough and enemies ain't so
strong. Forget about single shots...burst all the way.

3. MP5A5 30r/ 55/80/288 Borrowed in Akropolis Tower. Uses 9mm.
w/ Flash 50r/ 5/ 2/288 R1:Bullet Burst
*1 word Ammo-Eater. For a much lesser power than the M93R too. But it works
well to keep enemies at bay and see damage numbers shoot up. Flashlight is

4. Grenade Pist. 1r/350/ 1/260 Uses grenades.
R1:Single shot

*This weapon is powerful...60 for a lesser powerful bullet and has a great
range for something this damaging because it has to be used at that range.
Having only 1 grenade in the chamber is a chore as you have to reload
everytime. This weapon is not a crowd clearer but a great 1 time damage hit
say for bosses.

5. M4A1 30r/500/85/254 Uses 5.56 bullets.
R1:Bullet x 3
R2:Bullet x 1 (saves ammo)

*This is a great weapon for all times. It has good damage, better than 9mms
and has a 3 shot burst and a good range. It is basically a higher powered
version of the MP5A5. It can also be upgraded. Remember the M4A1 can only
take 1 attachment.

6. M4A1(+1) 60r/500/85/274 Uses 5.56 bullets. Use Rifle Clip Holder
on a M4A1 to get this.
R1:Bullet x 3
R2:Bullet x 1 (saves ammo)

*This is an upgrade for the M4A1 to hold more bullets in its chamber. This
is done by adding Rifle Clip Holders to the gun. Each RCH adds 30ammo to
the gun and the name becomes like M4A1(+1) meaning 1 RCHs has been added
making the capacity 60r. More bullets does help as you don't have to
reload so often...but too much and it becomes redundant. Better go for the
M9 upgrade. Remember the M4A1 can only take 1 attachment

6. M4A1(+2) 90r/500/85/294 Uses 5.56 bullets. Use Rifle Clip Holder
on a M4A1(+1) to get this.
R1:Bullet x 3
R2:Bullet x 1 (saves ammo)

*This is an upgrade for the M4A1 to hold more bullets in its chamber. This
is done by adding Rifle Clip Holders to the M4A1(+1). Each RCH adds 30ammo
to the gun and the name becomes like M4A1(+2) meaning 2 RCHs has been
added making the capacity 90r. More bullets does help as you don't have to
reload so often...but too much and it becomes redundant. Better go for the
M9 upgrade.
Remember the M4A1 can only take 1 attachment

7. M4A1 Bayonet 30r/500/85/254 Uses 5.66 bullets. Add M9 to get this
0r 2/ 3/254 R1:Bullet x 3

*M9 though useless by itself, very powerful on the M4A1. The Bayonet has a
trusty slash attack if bullets run out. The slash is very powerful and has
a chance of delivering a critical blow of over 200 Damage!!. I like it.
Remember the M4A1 can only take 1 attachment

8. PO8 7r/ 70/80/ 87 Uses 9mm bullets. Shoots real slowly.
R1:Single Shot

*I find this gun shoots single bullets at a time. Is not very
powerful and holds only 7 rounds. other than the range i don't think it is
worth to invest in.

9. PA3 3r/ 30/ 2/270 Uses Shotgun type bullets. Spread damage
R1:Single Shot

*This is a major crowd clearer. It bursts out after shooting and depending
on the shells you use it has different effects. Whatever shell you use you
can be sure that this weapon hits hard and many at a time. The only
drawback? It holds only 3 bullets at a time.

10. M950 100r/ 40/90/227 Uses 9mm bullets
R1:Bullet Burst

*This gun shoots like the MP5A5. This means that its a major ammo-eater.
However what makes it different from the MP5A5 is that it has a capacity
of 100 bullets which makes it very rare to see Aya reload this baby.

11. P229 12r/120/90/ 92 Uses 9mm bullets
/w flash 50r/ 4/ 2/ 92 R1: Single (semi-auto)
/w silencer R2: Flashlight

*I got mixed feeling about this gun. First it fires very slowly one bullet
at a time. This is very bad for crowds. However on the other hand, it
comes with a silencer thus enabling you to shoot a few enemies dead before
they attack with full force. Also it doesn't hurt that it comes with a
flashlight for those stealthed enemies. Also it gives frequent critical

12. M4A1 Hammer 30r/500/85/339 Uses 5.56mm bullets
0r/ 2/ 4/339 R1: Bullet x 3
R2: Stun Gun

*Gotten by combining the M4A1 with the Hammer. It is now equipped with a
stun gun which emits a cluster of electric bolts for a short range to
injure the enemy. It also knocks most enemies to the ground. It is
powerful but the fact that it uses batteries reduces its usefulness.
Remember the M4A1 can only take 1 attachment.

13. SP12 7r/ 40/24/420 Uses Shotgun type bullets. Spread damage
R1: Single shot

*A more powerful and better choice shotgun than the PA3. It holds 7 bullets
too!! Just like the Shotgun from the RE series.

14. M4A1 Grenade 30r/500/85/390 Uses 5.56mm Bullets and Grenade rounds
1r/250/ 1/390 R1: Bullet x 3
R2: Grenade Shot

*Gotten by combining a M4A1 with a M203. It is an M4A1 with a Grenade
Pistol attached. What else can I say??? But take note the range of the
Grenade gun is shorter than the Grenade Pistol. Remember the M4A1 can
only take 1 attachment.

15. M4A1 Pyke 30r/500/85/390 Uses 5.56mm bullets and fuel
30r/ 6/ 2/390 R1: Bullet x 3
R2: Flamethrower

*A Flame thrower M4A1. The flame is absolutely damaging and surprisingly
not as much of a fuel-eater as i expected. Good for close high damage
combats. Remember the M4A1 can only take 1 attachment

16. AS12 20r/ 50/36/550 Uses Shotgun type bullets. Spread damage
R1: Burst Shot

*This is great!!!It does not reload after every shot like the other
shotguns and it holds alot more bullets. You'll probably go through each
battle without reloading once...even when fighting GOLEMS. I was
practically running around with this once i got it.

17. Mongoose 6r/ 60/70/168 Uses .44 magnum rounds.
R1: Single bullet

*A very powerful gun. Often delivers critical hits. Shoots quicker than
a shotgun but with the same power. A higher range than a shotgun and
lighter. I guess you could call it an ultimate weapon.

18. MP5A5(+1) 60r/ 55/80/306 Borrowed in Akropolis Tower. Uses 9mm.
w/ Flash 50r/ 5/ 2/306 R1:Bullet Burst

*What are they thinking???Giving us such a lousy gun when you are supposed
to be fighting GOLEMS. Sheesh!! Extra bullets does not justify buying
this gun. Combine the SMG Clip Holder to it.

19. MP5A5(+1) 90r/ 55/80/324 Borrowed in Akropolis Tower. Uses 9mm.
w/ Flash 50r/ 5/ 2/324 R1:Bullet Burst

*I have nothing more to say about this gun. See MP5A5(+1) above.
Combine the SMG Clip Holder with the MP5A5(+1) to get this.

20. M4A1 Javelin 30r/500/85/488 Uses 9mm bullets and batteries
w/ laser 60r/420/ 2/488 R1: Bullet x 3
R2: Laser

*The laser is very powerful for its battery consumption. Also you are able
to hit multiple enemies at once. However this gun comes a bit too late in
the game for you to appreciate it. Otherwise it would be a favourite.
This is gotten by combining the Javelin with the M4A1. Remember the M4A1
can only take 1 attachment.

21. M249 200r/400/100/685 Uses 5.56 rifle bullets.
R1: Burst

*Woah! This gun shoots like there is no tomorrow. It just fires and fires.
However you have to watch that ammo. You could easily use up all your
ammo without knowing it and you would be in deep trouble. Also reload is
extremely slow. She has to actually crouch to reload!!!

22. MM1 12r/350/12/900 Uses Grenade rounds
R1: burst


- Stats listed in
capacity in bullets/ Range of gun/ Rate(damage) of gun/ Weight of gun
--(b) represents bullets
(r) represents rounds


8. Armor List

No. Name Stats Self Notes
(Add HP/Add MP/Attach.)
1. Shoulder Holster 0/20/4 Used/Won while in training
Bought from Douglas
S: Quick Fire
2. Leather Jacket 10/ 0/3 Aya start with this.
2. Tactical Vest 50/10/7 Borrowed in Akropolis Tower
S:Quick Fire
HP Recovery
3. Assault Suit 0/10/5 Aya starts with this in
4. Turtle Vest 5/20/3 Bought from Jodie
S:MP Recovery
5. Combat Armour 40/10/5 Bought from Jodie/Machine
Built in GPS
S:Motion Detector
6. PASGT Vest 20/ 0/6 Bought from Douglas
HP Recovery
7. Chicken Plate 60/ 0/5 Got from trunk of car if
Flint dies.
HP Recovery
8. NBC Suit 20/20/6 Bought from Machine
9. PsySuit 0/50/4 Bought from Machine
Checks known enemy's HP.
S:Medical Inspection
10. EOD Suit 100/ 0/5 Bought from Douglas in
Dryfield (return journey)
11. Tactical Armour 60/30/8 Bought from engineer at
S:Motion Detector
Medical Inspection
12. Aya's Special 30/50/7 Bought at Jodie's after
game completion...see
S:Quick Fire
MP recovery

- S: corresponds to the armor's special features


9. Item List


9mm bullets
No. Name Max Cap. Power Applicable Weapons Special
1. 9mm P.B. 500 10 M93R P08 P229 MP5A5
2. 9mm Hydra 500 15 M93R P08 P229 MP5A5
3. 9mm Spartan 500 20 M93R P08 P229 MP5A5

No. Name Max Cap. Power Applicable Weapons Special
4. Grenade 100 270 Grenade Pist. M4A1 Gr. BURST
5. Riot 100 60 Grenade Pist. M4A1 Gr. FLASH
6. Airburst 100 220 Grenade Pist. M4A1 Gr. EXPLOSION

5.56mm bullets
No. Name Max Cap. Power Applicable Weapons Special
7. 5.56 Rifle 800 22 M4A1

Shotgun Shells
No. Name Max Cap. Power Applicable Weapons Special
8. Buckshot 200 40 PA3 SP12 AS12 EXPLOSION
9. R.Slug 200 90 PA3 SP12 AS12 PIERCING
10. Firefly 200 70 PA3 SP12 AS12 INCENDIARY

.44 Magnum Rounds
11. 44 Magnum 500 40 Mongoose
12. 44 Maeda SP 500 70 Mongoose POISON


No. Name Attachment
1. GPS Attachment: Motion Detector
2. Combat Light Use: Inflicts DARKNESS
3. Pepper Spray Use: Inflicts PARALYSIS
4. Flare Use: Inflicts DARKNESS
5. Belt Pouch Use: ADD ATTACHMENTS +1 (Use once only)
6. Hunter Goggles Attachment: Resist DARKNESS
7. Lipstick Attachment: Resist SILENCE
Use: Add Max MP +1
8. Holy Water ??? (When used, invokes the least EXP needed WATER PE)
(When attached, reduces damage taken by about 25%)
*If used when all WATER elements are full, is wasted
9. Medicine Wheel ??? (When used, invokes the least EXP needed WIND PE)
(When attached, gets chance of BONUS ITEM)
*If used when all WIND elements are full, is wasted
10. Ofuda ??? (When used, invokes the least EXP EARTH PE)
(When attached, raises PE power by 25%)
*If used when all EARTH elements are full, is wasted
11. Skull Crystal ??? (When used, invokes the least EXP FIRE PE)
(When attached, raises the attack damage by 25%)
*If used when all FIRE elements are full, is wasted
12. MD Player Attachment: Resist CONFUSION


Medicine (HP/MP)
No. Name Use(outside battle) Attachment(used in battle)
1. Recovery1 Recovers 50HP Recovers 45HP
2. Recovery2 Recovers 100HP Recovers 90HP
3. Recovery3 Recovers ALL HP Recovers 150HP
4. MP Boost1 Recovers 30MP Recovers 25MP
5. MP Boost2 Recovers ALL MP Recovers 100MP
6. Ringer's Solution Recovers ALL HP/MP Recovers ALL HP/MP
7. Protein Capsule Recovers ALL HP Recovers ALL HP
8. Cola Recovers 20 HP Recovers 20 HP
Recovers 80 MP Recovers 80 MP
9. Eau de Toilette N.A Induce BESERKER

Medicine (Status)
No. Name Use

? Items
Whenever you receive '?' items go to the title screen and press Triangle to
identify them. (Quote:"Stay awhile and listen"...hehe)


10. Key Item List <>

Many of these items can be spoilers which could cause you to guess the story
so well don't look unless you really have to....mmkay?

There are certain items that are not to be used in battle but instead in
certain events in game. These are called key items. The key items, their
description as well as their location are listed below.

Items in Akropolis Tower
No.Name Location Use
1) MIST Badge You start with this Various Identification purposes
2) Cafeteria Key From the SWAT officer Opening the door to the restaurant
Parthenon Key in Akropolis Tower, in Akropolis Tower, Patio
Elevator Hall
3) Scientific Journal In the Cafeteria Just FYI (For your Information)
Mendel(Sept. issue)
4) Metallic Implant From the monster in To get info from Pierce after
the Akropolis Tower, Akropolis mission
5) Blue Key Walkway next to Used to open way to Observatory
Akropolis Tower,Cafe
6) Red Key On the floor Used to lower the fountain to get
Akropolis Tower, Grenade Pistol.
7) Black Card Check door twice in To open Armory in Shelter
Armory Cardkey Akropolis Tower,
Roof Garden

Items in M.I.S.T HQ
No.Name Location Use
8) MIST Search Warrant From Baldwin after FYI
Akropolis Tower
9) UMA Photograph From Baldwin after FYI
Akropolis Tower
10)Manual From Baldwin after FYI
Akropolis Tower
11)Map From Baldwin after FYI
Dryfield Map Akropolis Tower

Items in Dryfield, Mojave desert
12)Motel Key No. 6 From Douglas when you Used to unlock Room no. 6 from
first meet him balcony
13)Key taken from From Corpse above the To open the back door leading to
corpse(Saloon Key) water tower the Saloon/Bar of Dryfield
14)Bottlecap Magnet Found in salon on the Used to get Factory Key from grate
fridge beside intercom
15)Factory Key Found in grate beside Used to unlock back door to
intercom in Dryfield Dryfield, Factory
16)Rope Found beside entrance Used to climb down the well to
Wire Rope to Junkyard, Dryfield Water Hole, DryField
17)Monkey Wrench In tool shelf in Used to pry bolts in second room
Garage, Dryfield beside General Store, Dryfield
18)Lobby Key Gotten from Douglas Used to open the door to the
when night falls Lobby of Motel, Dryfield
19)Bronco Masterkey From cash register Used to open all motel doors in
in Lobby, Dryfield Dryfield
20)Jerry Can From beside safe in To be filled up with petrol at
Loft, Dryfield Gas Station, Dryfield
21)Petrol After filling Jerry To be given to Douglas
Can with gas
22)Truck Key Gotten from Douglas Used to start the truck and leave
after Flamethrower Disc 1
BOSS fight

Items in Mesa, Mojave Desert
No.Name Location Use
23)Oak Board Gotten in Forked To fill up the gorge in Gorge
Tunnel after (haha)
investigating gorge
24)Plug1 Gotten on the switch To be used on the switchboard to
Jumper Plug1 board in refuge open Gate 1 and 2
25)Jumper Plug2 Gotten from Giant To be used with Jumper Plug1 to
Horse ANMC BOSS open Gate 2

Items in Dryfield, Mojave Desert
No.Name Location Use
26)SUV key Given by Pierce in To unlock Pierce's SUV in Gas
Water Tower, Dryfield Station, Dryfield
27)Ice Bag Gotten from Ice Give to Pierce to cool his wounds
Dispenser in Main
Street, Dryfield
28)Bag of Water When Ice Bag melts Useless

Items in Shelter, Mojave Desert
29)Card Given by Kyle at Used to open door to Operating
Yoshida's Card elevator Room from Breeding Room
30)Card Gotten from Bowman Used to open door to Operating
Bowman's Card beside Sleeping Room from Elevator Hall
31)Computer Magazine On Yoshida's bed in Info to operate terminal in
Aeris (Sept issue) Sleeping Quarters Laboratory
32)Micro Device From Pierce at Pod Some story bits
Service Gantry
33)Message From phone in Pod Used to get the good ending as
Pierce's Memo Service Gantry (only well as FYI
in Good Ending)
34)Car key From control panel to To operate red electric car.
Electric Car Key the right of garage
shutter in Undergound
35)Teddy Bear From motorbike in Give to Flint in camp
Vehicle Airlock
36)Canister From Flint outside FYI
Mr Douglas' Letter camp at Heliport


11. Parasite Energy List

All the magic..i mean Parasite energy in the game.

@@TIP@@To learn the 3rd spell of each element, both spells in that element has
to be at Lv3. Eg. Get PyrokinesisLv3 and CombustionLv3 to make Inferno
available to be learnt. That is 10750 EXP altogether. WOW!!
(11250 EXP for other Elements because PyrokinesisLv1 is free)

Fire Type
No. Name Cost/ATP Lost/Bonus MP Effects
1. PyrokinesisLv1 8/22/- Shoots out a fireball in a straight
line. Disappears after 1 hit.
PyrokinesisLv2 7/22/1 A bigger and longer range fireball
PyrokinesisLv3 6/22/2 Fireball doesn't disappear on
impact but a while later.
2. CombustionLv1 14/38/1 One half-circle sweep of the flame.
CombustionLv2 14/30/1
CombustionLv3 14/22/2 Extreme long range. Twin flames

3. InfernoLv1 30/50/1 Flame attacks ALL enemies on screen
for high damage.
InfernoLv2 30/40/2 Higher damage
InfernoLv3 30/28/4 Extreme damage.

Water Type
No. Name Cost/ATP Lost/Bonus MP Effects
1. MetabolismLv1 7/36/1 When used cures status over time
MetabolismLv2 5/28/1 Requires less time to cure status
MetabolismLv3 3/18/1 Cures status immediately. Lasts for
about 20secs.

2. HealingLv1 12/42/1 Cures a little HP about 30 HP
HealingLv2 12/30/1 Cures more HP about 40 HP
HealingLv3 12/18/1 Cures a lot of HP about 50 HP

3. LifedrainLv1 20/44/1 Injures enemy to cure yourself.
Damage is shared among enemies.
High Damage therefore High Healing
LifedrainLv2 18/36/1 Longer range and higher total
LifedrainLv3 16/28/2 Full screen damage. Higher damage

Wind Type
No. Name Cost/ATP Lost/Bonus MP Effects
1. NecrosisLv1 7/38/1 Shoots out electric projectile.
Can hit multiple enemies.
Seems to affect the status of
certain enemies
NecrosisLv2 7/30/1 Bigger and longer range
NecrosisLv3 7/22/2 Bigger and longer range

2. PlasmaLv1 6/18/1 Wind emits from Aya's body hitting
those around her. Low damage.
Good if surrounded. Enemies fall.
PlasmaLv2 5/18/1 Bigger radius of circle. Damage
increased slightly.
PlasmaLv3 4/18/2 Bigger radius of circle. Damage
increased slightly

3. ApobiosisLv1 18/38/1 Electric bolts gives low damage to
the enemy and paralyses them.
Gunshots give critical hits when
enemy is paralysed.
ApobiosisLv2 18/38/2 Bigger range, higher damage
ApobiosisLv3 18/38/4 All enemies on the screen, Higher

Earth Type
No. Name Cost/ATP Lost/Bonus MP Effects
1. AntibodyLv1 6/36/2 Increases Defense
AntibodyLv2 5/28/2 Increases Defense. Last Longer
AntibodyLv3 4/18/4 Best Defense

2. EnergyShotLv1 10/36/2 Increase Damage of bullets.
Lasts for 100secs.
EnergyShotLv2 9/28/2 Increase more Damage of bullets
EnergyShotLv3 8/18/4 Best Damage of bullets

3. EnergyBallLv1 15/36/2 Ball circles around you repelling
attacks and hurts enemy ALOT when
it touches them. Ball disappears
after 1 hit.
EnergyBallLv2 15/28/4 2 balls revolving around you
EnergyBallLv3 15/18/9 3 balls revolving around you

To learn new or more powerful PE, you need to trade EXP points for it. There
are different values for each LV of spell as well as whether the spell is the
first or the second of the type. You also get Bonus MP for each trade off.

All the 1)s of PE. (i.e. Pyrokinesis, Metabolism, Necrosis, Antibody)
Lv Exp needed
1 500
2 1250
3 3000

All the 2)s of PE. (i.e. Combustion, Healing, Plasma, EnergyShot)
Lv Exp needed
1 750
2 1750
3 4000

All the 3)s of PE (i.e. Inferno, Lifedrain, Apobiosis, EnergyBall)
Lv Exp needed
1 3000
2 4000
3 5000


12. Beastiary

So you are going around playing PE and have seen so many different new species
of Artificial Neo Mitochondrian Creatures (ANMC). So you wanna look at them
at a glance? Here they are in the area you meet them:

This section is in this format:
Main Area

No.) Enemy's Name (by me of cos. Cannot find an official name list)
EXP (Amount of EXP given after fight)
BP (Amount of BP given after fight)
MP (Amount of MP given after fight)

Estimated HP: (HP of monster calculated roughly by me)

i) (Its attacks)
- (its solution to this attack)

So here they are in all their mitochondrian glory

------------Akropolis Tower------------

1)Small Human ANMC
EXP 34
BP 34
MP 3

Estimated HP: 180 HP

i)He bites you
- stay far away and do not let him close to you

This enemy is much like the small one. In fact I can barely tell them apart
However this enemy gives you less EXP and BP and has a higher HP. This does not
make sense.

2)Medium Human ANMC
EXP 42
BP 48
MP 4

Estimated HP: 150-160 HP

i)Bites you
- just don't be near it and it will not even execute this move
ii)Jumps from side to side to avoid attacks
- do not shoot him while he is jumping but instead when it lands

This is a very normal monster that you see very often in the Akropolis Tower.
He is one of the very basic enemies. You should not have a problem handling it.

3)Large Human ANMC
EXP 42
BP 82
MP 2

Estimated HP: 180-185 HP

i)He runs and bites you
- stay away from it

This guy is the best among the human ANMCs. It runs instead of walking or
jumping. This means you will have to be on the move pretty often. But overall
still the same strategy. Run, shoot, run, shoot.

4)Fat ANMC
EXP 152
BP 102
MP 5

Estimated HP: 280 HP

i)He attacks you with his extended arm
- Just stay far far away and shoot him from the back if possible

His enemy has a very long range to make up for its lack of speed. It turns
around very slowly and therefore you can attack it from the back and not get
hurt at all.

5)Butterfly ANMC
BP 18
MP 1

Estimated HP: 1 HP

i)It kamikazes you and causes BLINDNESS
- it is very difficult to dodge so just do not let them near by killing them

This monster is easy yet irritating. If you do not have Metabolism, you will be
blinded for a long time after it attacks you. This is fine if there no other
enemies but if there are others, you will have a hard time. This makes these
insects a support type monster.

6)Bat ANMC
BP 18
MP 1

Estimated HP: 1-5 HP

i)It bites you and continues biting till Aya shakes it off
- Do not let it close. If it bites RAM the controller buttons.

The bat is irritating. It attacks in HUGE numbers. Once it bites you, its
'partners' will come too and bite you. Remember you cannot move while it is
biting. Its like a whole cycle. Strategy is to kill it before it even remotely
reaches you.

7)Rat ANMC
BP 22
MP 1

Estimated HP: 15 HP

i)They run to you and bite you and POISONS you
- do not let them come close

These are very weak counterparts of PE 1's rats. Easy to kill and harmless.
Have fun!!

8)Caterpillar ANMC
BP 28
MP 1

Estimated HP: 70-80 HP

i)They pounce at you
- stay away from them. If they start to recoil backwards, RUN away.

I hate these people. They appear from nowhere and are very irritating if they
are attacking you at the same time. Plasma does not topple them either.

9)Fish ANMC
BP 36
MP 1

Estimated HP: 75-80

i)It swims and bites you. Its attack has POISON
- I seriously do not know. The attacks are too fast to be avoided.

This fish is only in ONE area. The Bridge area in Akropolis Tower. Most of you
will find it helpless above ground. But for those who are brave enough to enter
the depths of the water, will find this enemy the toughest among all. They hide
until you enter the water then they do a hit and run. THey are so quick and
attackin a large number that is very very difficult to even hurt them.
However who cares about this...just kill them when the Bridge is up.

10)Giant Human ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 300
BP 200
MP 30
Item Recovery2

Estimated HP: 350-375 HP

i)He bites you
- do not stay close to him and he will not attack you

This guy is just a larger, more powerful version of the normal Human monster.
Just a test for starters.

11)No. 9 --- BOSS
EXP 500
BP 800
MP 30

Estimated HP: 1600 HP

i) He slices at you
- back away from him
ii) He dashes before slicing at you
- run away and make a corner if possible
iii)He throws a smoke bomb at you (only happens if you are far away from him)
(the bomb travels in an arc)(this PARALYSES you)
- move in front a bit. This bomb is meant to hurt people who run from it
iv) He lights his sword? This means he is about to do a jumping slash.
- RUN!! Turn a corner if posibble
v) He lights his sword and laughs. This is done when you are close to him
(Probably when you are cornered at the end. Instant Kill!!
- Kill/Stun him before he executes it. If not Game Over.

Your first true BOSS. He isn't truly a pushover but with a powerfulweapon like
the Grenade Pistol and those backgrounds that hurt him, it is not that bad.
Also he seems weak to Pyrokinesis he gets hit bad by it. He does have alot of
HP though.


12)Horse ANMC
EXP 75
BP 50
MP 4

Estimated HP: 200 HP

i) He scratches his foot on the ground and does a running headbutt at you.
- Once he starts scartching the ground start running in a direction
perpendicular to that he is facing.
- Or you could avoid its headbutt at the last minute
ii)He butts you without running at close range
- This only happens when you are near to it. Stay away from the enemy.

A very common enemy in Dryfield. It also comes with a freaky appearance.
Anyways soon enough you will get use to fighting these beasts. Just beware if
you met 2 of them at the same time. I recommend you use Plasma to knock them
down or just murder on ASAP. They have been known to cheat and deliver an
unlimited attack...

13)Scorpion ANMC
EXP 20
BP 8
MP 1

Estimated HP: 68 HP

i) They sting you at close range (POISON)
- just try not to stay close to them and kill them before they reach you
ii)They POISON you with their remains
- they leave a poisonous pool when they die so just dun step on it!!!

These large insects attack in groups and are irritating to say the least. But
fortunately they are not that difficult to kill so blast away. Also becareful
of the remains of the scorpion once it dies. They are POISONOUS.

14)Baby ANMC
BP 20
MP 3

Estimated HP: 1-10 HP

i)It explodes when killed and hurts all beings in its surrounding
(enemies included)
-Stay far away from it before you kill it

These babies can be your friend or you enemy. Because they explode into tiny
bits after being 'killed', you could hurt enemies that are nearby for some
rather BIG damage. However the only catch is that you chould not be in the
vicinity and that you usually battle these suckers (literally) in small
enclosed areas.

15)Flying Baby ANMC
EXP 12
BP 36
MP 2

Estimated HP: 50 HP

i)It attacks you from above
- Do not let it near you. Their attacks are fast and not dodgeable once it is

Unlike its ground counterparts, these babies do not explode but are very
annoying as they move very quickly in the air. However one shot would clip
their wings and bring them down. On the ground, they are just harmless
foetuses so blast away.

16)Giant Spider ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 500
BP 200
MP 15
Items:Protein Capsule/10 x R.Slug

Estimated HP: 430-460 HP

i) It slashes at you then appears
- Stay away from its silhouette
ii) It drops on the ground and rushes at you
- Run backwards as fast as you can
iii)It grabs you and slams you on the ceiling (confuses you)
- Do not stay near him even when he is visible

All you have to do is the moment you see its silhouette. Use a Combat Light. It
will appear where you can shoot it and then it will fall to the floor. I like
to use the Bayonet here as i have a chance of inflicting critical hits which
can make this battle easier. You have a window of at least 2 slashes before it
disappears and jumps back to the ceiling. Use another Combat Light again and
repeat the process. It would die now but if it hasn't it will be close to death
anyway. Also another method is to cast Necrosis on it. It will be visible for a
much longer time than any Combat Light would affect it (plus it gets damaged
over time).

17)Red Foetus ANMC
BP 28
MP 4

Estimated HP: 1 HP

i) It explodes when killed and hurts all beings in its surrounding
(enemies included)
-Stay far away from it before you kill it
ii)It grabs your leg and explodes
- Do not let it near you

Not to be confused with its cousin, the baby ANMC, this foetus has more
destructive power than its grown up ever has. The only actual main difference
among the two is that this one inflicts more damage on its 'explosion'.

18)No. 9 (Second Impact) --- BOSS
EXP 800
BP 300
MP 50

Estimated HP: 1080-1100 HP

i) He stabs at you
- Just be far away from him to avoid his far reach or run around him
ii) He slashes at you with a ball of energy at the tip of his sword.
- Just be far away from him or run away from him
iii)He grabs you and chokes you
- Stay away from him. He only executes this if you are next to him.
If you do however get hit by this...mash the controller

An easy boss. The area you fight him is very large and as such you have alot of
room to run around...unlike the last time. No. 9 does not dash but he does
have a long reach so try to keep him on the opposing side of the room. Also
once he attacks, he will not for some time giving a window of 2 Bayonet slashes
Also magic against him head on will not work as he will block them.

------------Dryfield at Night------------

19)Gremlin ANMC
EXP 10
BP 62
MP 2

Estimated HP: 85 HP

i) It flips at you
- Do not let it near you. Run away from it. Else shoot them while they are
on the air.
ii)It bites at your legs
- Do not let it near you. Mash controllers if it bites

These enemies are tough...mostly because the attack in relatively large numbers
and are quick to move. However they are very susceptible whenever they flip at
you. You are almost garunteed a critical hit when you shoot them during that
time. As a plus you also totally throw them out of the air thus cancelling
their attack.

20)Spider ANMC
EXP 106
BP 36
MP 5

Estimated HP: 180 HP

i)They appear and slash you
- Run away the moment they start to appear

These people are very much easier than the Giant Spider cos like they do not
climb onto the ceilings. Thus making it very easy for you to stay far away till
they appear. Also if they disappear while near to you, use plasma to make them
re-appear. Also using a flashlight stuns them for a long time.

21)Flamethrower ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 1000 (if it runs away)
BP 0
MP 0
Items:Recovery2/MP Boost1

Estimated HP: 2900-3000 HP to make it run if you take too long

EXP 2000 (if it dies)
BP 1000
MP 100
Items:Protein Capsule/Airburst x 4

Estimated HP: 2900-3000 HP to weaken it
4350-4400 HP to kill it inclusive of previous damage

i) It blows flame and start moving in a half circle motion.
- Run along the hallway till it stops blowing
ii) It smashes the floor
- Run to your left or right
iii)It sweeps at you with a swing of its arms
- Run towards the top of the screen the moment you see it recoil sideways
iv) It grabs you and tortures you
- Run to the top of screen to avoid it
- If it catches you, mash the buttons to free yourself and shoot it for
critical hits.

Shoot him at any given free time. The key to this boss is memorising various
moves he has to indicate which attack is up next. A good way to stop its
flame attacks is to Necrosis it and let it get hurt with its cell degeneration.

Also you may think that it is a good idea to hide out in the narrow passage
beside the staircase. This can be the ANMC's only attack will be the
flame thrower. The flame thrower's reach is long enough but some times it may
miss you making this place ideal damage free area. However there is no fun (or
guarantee) in this so i just use this area as a stopover.

This seems to be a timed battle of sorts. If you take too long to 'kill' the
boss, he will run away and Flint will die. If you see the animation of the ANMC
holding its bloodied face...means you've done it. Flint is alive. This affects
the final ending.

------------Mesa in Mojave Desert------------

22)Giant Horse ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 300
BP 200
MP 10

Estimated HP: 450-500 HP

i) It dashes and rams you like all the normal Horse NMCs
- Run towards the outer wall while it is coming close
ii) It jumps and starts biting you like a piece of tough meat (POISON)
- Run towards the outer wall when it stops a few meters away from you
(before it jumps)
iii)It jumps from afar and stomps on you from above
- Hear for its 'neigh' before you start running and it will totally miss

This guy is fast for someone of that size. You'll notice 4 barrels along the
room. These barrels have 30 HP (each bullet damages it by 2), explodes and
continues burning after it is destroyed. If you might have noticed, this room
is extremely dark and lighting all 4 barrels makes it easier to see. Although
it also serves a separate a weapon. As in your first BOSS fight
with No.9 you can destroy it while an enemy is next to it for high damage
(in this sense about 400HP). How ever the radius of the blast is not large and
therefore the enemy needs to be right beside it for it to contact.

23)Giant Horse ANMC (2nd Impact) --- BOSS
EXP 500
BP 300
MP 30
Item: Recovery2/Grenade x 4

Estimated HP: 2450-2500 HP

i) It dashes and rams you like all the normal Horse NMCs
- Run towards the outer wall while it is coming close
ii) It jumps and starts biting you like a piece of tough meat (POISON)
- Run towards the outer wall when it stops a few meters away from you
(before it jumps)
iii)It jumps from afar and stomps on you from above
- Hear for its 'neigh' before you start running and it will totally miss

This BOSS has no difference from the one you just fought...maybe only a higher
HP count. Therefore use the exact same strategies.


24)Giant Spider ANMC 2 --- BOSS
EXP 600
BP 300
MP 15
Item: 9mm Spartan x 50/Belt Pouch

Estimated HP: 1000 HP

i) It slashes at you and POISONS you
- Just stay away from its reach. If it starts slashing you run far away
ii)It jumps on you and drains your energy (PARALYSIS) (high damage)
- Do not let it near you. It only does this a very close range

It is very simple to beat him. The moment you see him use the flashlight on the
P229. Then shoot his guts out. The moment he disappears flash again and then
shoot. Repeat process. I suggest casting Metabolism too to prevent poison. Once
you have poison resistance, just forget about dodging him and blast your way

25)Red/White/Yellow/Blue Cameras
EXP 15
BP 0
MP 0

Estimated HP: 70 HP

i) They aim and shoot a laser at you
- roughly 2 secs after they start aiming at you run away from the laser
or hide behind an obstacle or enemy
ii)The White cameras shoot machine guns instead of lasers
- Since the gun lasts for quite a long while, it is best to find shelter
behind a wall or something.

These cameras are all over the place in the Shelter. They can be disabled later
rendering them useless. But while you have to deal with them, you will mostly
be facing them in pairs. They do not have much HP so i guess it would not be
that difficult. After all if she can face ANMCs what are man made cams.

26)Blue Jelly
EXP 12
BP 86
MP 8

Estimated HP: 80 HP

i) They go right beside you and suck your MP dry (SILENCE too)
- Do not let them close to you at all costs. Run. Shoot. Cast PE. Anything
ii)They fire a ball of energy at you
- These are only done once they have sucked enough MP from you. Justdodge
before they shoot.

These jellies are totally immune to bullets. All but Grenades of course. But I
doubt you would want to waste expensive Grenades on them so save the trouble
and use Necrosis on them. Any other PE would hurt them but Necrosis would
really DAMAGE them.

27)Water ANMC a.k.a Fattie
EXP 70
BP 88
MP 3

Estimated HP: 240 HP

i)They shoot electric balls at you
- When they start charging up. Either use a shotgun/grenade and cut the
attack or get outta their way and run.

These are the only enemies officially named in the game. Fatties...something to
do with their fats letting them live in water. Anyway these people are
dangerous if they attack in large numbe all at the same time. My advice...when
one appears use the shotgun non stop at it. If its 'partner(s)' appear, hide
till they submerge again.

28)Worm ANMC
EXP 16
BP 68
MP 1

Estimated HP: 160 HP

i)They jump at you
- When they 'crouch' means they are ready to pounce so just run away or take
the risk an dblow them while in mid-air for big damage

These are irritating. Notice how i always call quick enemies irritating.
Although you do get big damage if you hit them while in they are in the air, it
might become cubersome once they attack in numbers. For me its area keep my
distance and destroy them one by one.

29)Vacuum Sucker ANMC
EXP 500
BP 200
MP 100
Item: Recovery3/5.56 Rifle/Grenade

Estimated HP: 3000 HP

i) It sucks in and you get dragged in (instant kill)
- Keep running away from him (shoot him when possible)
ii) It throws out various liquids in the air
- Watch out for the shadows and stay a distancee way from them as they do
splash damage
iii)It stomps and 2 of the laughing ANMCs appear
- Fire and kill the Laughing ANMCs before the BOSS suck them in to restore
10 Hp of its life
iv) He spits out gas in an arc
- Run towards the right side of the BOSS's body
v) He fires some liquid that makes you stuck to the ground
- Run towards the left side of the BOSS's body
vi) He swings his tongue at you
- When you start seeing the animation of it throwing its head back. Run
to your left or right but do not stay in the center of the screen.
vii)He spits out an object which flies at you at high speed
- This is only done if he had swallowes an ANMC before. He spits it out.

This boss can be easy if you know how. First avoid being sucked in at all costs
try not to reload when you are near to the BOSS as if he starts sucking at the
inopportunate moment, you will most certainly be dead.

This boss vulnerable point is its inner mouth. Hitting its head does no damage
and hitting its arms does very little damage. Its inner mouth is not accessible
at all times but the best time it is exposed is when it is sucking you in. Once
you have done enough damage, the BOSS will start to move forward until there is
very little area for you to run in. At this point of time, it will be doing
attacks 2), 4), 5) and 7) very often. However it will not to attack 1) thus its
mouth is protected. You should now attack its arms and after a while it drops
to the ground.

30)Vacuum Sucker ANMC (Second Impact)
EXP 700
BP 500
MP 100
Item: Recovery3/Eau de Toilette/Airburst
Item: Recovery3 (if you crushed it)

Estimated HP: 3000 HP

This boss is identical as the first (Number 29) except you are in a very large
area and can maneuver alot. There are 2 ways to kill it.

The first way is...
Just after the first corner, you should remain there where the BOSS will stop
before it corners. Here it will start its normal attacks and you can easily
dodge all its attacks as well as repeating the pattern you did the last time
with ease. Soon it will fall and die.

The second way....
is to run all the way and step on the floor panel to bring up the lift. Now you
have 2 choices. Either run back the hall to distract the BOSS before the lift
comes or to wait by the lift and give minimal space between you and the boss to
dodge its attack for a few seconds. Then once the lift arrives, you have to
lure the boss fully onto the lift. This can be done by firing a few shots at it
The lift will now lower slightly. Then hit the other floor panel and hear a

31) Laughing ANMC
EXP 20
BP 40
MP 1

Estimated HP: 110 HP

i) It jumps at you.
- Stay a distance from it. Should not be a problem since they move so slowly
ii)It turns on its back and starts laughing
- This hurts your ears adn messes with your mind. Turn your volume down.

A rather simple enemy which however seldom attack alone. I would describe them
as a tamed version of the Worm ANMC.

32) Floor ANMC
EXP 12
BP 36
MP 1

Estimated HP: 120 HP

i) It swipes at you.
- It has an extreme long reach. just shoot it from another screen. You
should be safe.
ii)It shoots a POISON bubble at you in an arc.
- If you are far enough to avoid its slash, you would not even see this move

Seldom attacking by itself. This enemy has an extreme range. So it is best just
to use the auto aim and shoot it from another screen.

33) Rolling ANMC
BP 12
MP 3

Estimated HP: 70 HP

i) It rolls to you and explodes
- Do not let it touch you at all
ii)It explodes when killed
- Kill it only when it is a distance away

These enemies are a more powerful version of the foetus enemy. They too explode
when killed however, they have a higher amount of HP thus making it more
difficult to kill. But still on the whole not the most difficult you are to

34)Mutated Fat ANMC
EXP 204
BP 152
MP 6

Estimated HP: 450 HP

i) It swipes at you like the regular Fat ANMC
- Just do not be anywhere near it
ii)It charges up and blows out black gas from its body that BLINDS you
- Do not stay near it or run away if you see it charging up
(shoulders expanding)

Just a souped-up version of the regular Fat ANMC. Use the same strategies.

35)Crawling ANMC
EXP 15
BP 48
MP 1

Estimated HP: 250/1 HP

i)It slashes you at extremely close range
- Keep your distance

This enemy is weird. If you shoot the head, and receive a critical hit, the
head explodes immediately. Anyway this enemy is 2 parts the head and the body.
Once the head is destroyed, the body is left crawling with only 1 HP. A joke.
Since this enemy moves SO slowly i do not forsee it as being a threat. Before
its head is destroyed the body is invulnerable.

36)Red Jelly
EXP 16
BP 420
MP 30

Estimated HP: 280 HP

i) They go right beside you and suck your MP dry (SILENCE too)
- Do not let them close to you at all costs. Run. Shoot. Cast PE. Anything
ii)They fire a ball of energy at you
- These are only done once they have sucked enough MP from you. Justdodge
before they shoot.

Souped up version of the Blue Jelly with higher HP, attack, defense. Nothing
much to say about it except that it usually comes with a few Blue Jellies.

37)Parasite Energy ANMC (BOSS Bowman included)
EXP 105
BP 158
MP 8

Estimated HP: 400 HP

i) It charges a yellow ball and fires it for high damage (POISON)
- Run behind the enemy and do not let it face you
ii)It charges a blue ball and heals itself by 100 HP
- Stun it or it wil heal itself

These enemy do not attack in large groups. This is good as they tend to be very
very dangerous in groups. If fighting them one on one, they are relatively
simple. As they have a slow turning rate, you could easily out-turn them and
keep them from facing you. But in twos, they complement each other...this can
be bad...I suggest blowing one of them off as soon as possible to make your
life easier.

38)Snail ANMC
BP 32
MP 1

Estimated HP: 1 HP

i) It explodes when killed
- Kill it from a distance
ii)It cloaks itself
- Wait for it to reveal itself or use the flashlight

Another irritating, noisy enemy. One of the foetus family except with developed
voice boxes. Blast away...from a distance.

39)Scarab ANMC
EXP 15
BP 53
MP 1

Estimated HP: 280 HP

i)They bite you
- Do not let them near you

These enemies are quite tough. Their shell is very hard and makes it tough to
damage them. However their flip side is weak and you can kill them easily.
To flip them, use a shotgun or a Plasma. Be aware that they flip back over time

40)Generator 1 ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 200
BP 100
MP 100
Item: Recovery3

Estimated HP: 250(Life Support)/250 HP


By now if you have shot the boss, you would have noticed that you are doing
very little damage and that it is regenerating all the damage you are dishing
out. The way to stop this is by destroying the computer terminal to the left
of the BOSS. Once this is done just blow away at the BOSS.

Also if you haven't noticed, this BOSS does not attack you at all.

41)Raptor ANMC
EXP 115
BP 200
MP 5

Estimated HP: 420 HP

i) It bites you from close range
- Stay away from it
ii) It dashes at you from far range
- Try to doge it when you see it coming
iii)It jumps on you at middle range
- Try to keep it at far range

THis guy is a monster. One of the harder normal enemies around. It has attacks
at all ranges. The best is to just attack it and kill it ASAP. I recommend
using Plasma to stun it to the ground and blast away.

42)Giant Fattie ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 400
BP 1000
MP 15
Item: MPBoost2

Estimated HP: 2000 HP

i)An electric wave, much like what a flamethrower shoots except it is electric
- run around the arena till it stops blowing it

This attack is easy to dodge. It indicates its attack by charging up
electricity. Just run in one direction till he stops breathing it. Overall you
could hit him with 2 shotgun blasts the minute he sticks his head out of the
water. Now run clockwise around the arena. He will fire attack until
approximately when you have ran half a circle. Now you can shoot him with
another 1-2 shots. Repeat this pattern and you will have a flawless victory.
Just watch out for reload time.

43)Generator 2 ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 400
BP 200
MP 100
Item:MP Boost2

Estimated HP: 550 HP


This is the exact same as the first generator.
Destroy the 4 cameras, 2 circuits and 1 terminal before slicing the BOSS.

Also if you haven't noticed, this BOSS does not attack you at all too!!

EXP 150
BP 0
MP 0

Estimated HP: 200 HP

i)It blasts out some ultra sonic sound that decreases your MP

This enemy is useless by itself but when used as a support, it can be dangerous
especially for long battles as they can totally drain all your MP in a matter
of minutes. Make them your primary target.

45)Giant Parasite Energy ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 1000
BP 500
MP 100
Item: MP Boost2/Ringer's Solution

Estimated HP: 3900-4000 HP

This BOSS has a forcefield (supplied by Eve) which reduces damage received by
half and a whole lot of HP.

It has 6 attacks to let you stare in amazement
1)It fires 4 balls of fire at you after charging/creating them
- Run to your either sides when he starts firing them
2)It charges and uses a large wave of fire (Undodgeable)
- Is as I said undodgeable
3)It uses its forcefield to throw you backwards onto the floor
- Is only activated when you touch the BOSS. Thus can be avoided by not
touching the BOSS at all
4)Fires a homing purple laser
- Can be avoided by staying at 1 side of the room and running to the other
when the laser comes nearer to you. If there is not enough space, you can
also run forward under the lasers
5)Fires 2 intertwining lasers (Causes CONFUSION)
- Can be avoided standing on either of the parallel white lines on the
floor of the room. Stand such that 1 leg is in the line and the other is
out of the line towards the wall. This would mean you are standing on the
outer side of the lines. Also make sure the base of the shadow is touching
the base of the TV screen. At this coordinates, these two lasers will
bypass you automatically
6)Fires 3 lasers on a fixed path (Causes BLINDNESS)
- Follow the exact same positioning as 5) above

The first step you should do is take out those irritating speakers. Then the
BOSS. If you have lots of grenades then this is going to be easy. Just
continuously fire them at him. But if you don't, then you have to learn how to
use the grenades to the full potential. However you should still have a minimum
of 10-15 grenades. First shoot him with regular bullets from the M4A1 or other
guns. The moment you see the BOSS charging for his 2) attack, (i.e. yellow
waves entering its body), fire a grenade at it and reload a new grenade. This
will stop its attack and cause it 2 times the damage than it usually would as
its forcefield is down a this time. Repeat pattern.

The only thing difficult about this BOSS is that Eve occasionally heals it,
however it is a low value (about 80 HP). But the most outstanding fact is that
it has a HUMONGOUS amount of HP.

46)Pawn(Green) GOLEM with sword
EXP 125
BP 100
MP 5

Estimated HP: 425 HP

i)He dashes at you and swipes you
- Wait for him to reach near you before you run around him. use the side
where he is not holding his sword

The weakest of the GOLEMS. Since they have no distant attack, it would be best
to attack them from afar. Also you could use Plasma to stun them for a brief
moment to knock them clean to the ground for eternity.

47)Pawn(Green) GOLEM with gun
EXP 125
BP 100
MP 5

Estimated HP: 425 HP

i) Aims with laser before shooting burst of 5-7 with its gun (BLINDNESS)
- When you see the laser, get ready to run or better yet hide behind
ii)He swipes at you at close range
- Do not stay close to it

Very like its sword counterpart, this GOLEM has all of the same stats but
different attacks. However his gun shot is very very useful as if an obstacle
say an enemy is between him and you when he shoots, the enemy gets hit with big
damage. Also use Plasma to stun it.

48)Rook(Grey) GOLEM with sword
EXP 250
BP 400
MP 8

Estimated HP: 482 HP

i) He dashes at you and swipes you
- Wait for him to reach near you before you run around him. use the side
where he is not holding his sword
ii)It charges up and emits a sound? Which SILENCES you.
- Just cast Metabolism before it shoots out. Else kill it.

A stronger GOLEM. Since they have no distant attack, it would be best
to attack them from afar. Also unlike the Pawn GOLEMS, they cannot be stunned
period, so this makes it tougher. Beware of their SILENCE thingy.

49)Rook(Grey) GOLEM with gun
EXP 250
BP 400
MP 8

Estimated HP: 482 HP

i) Aims with laser before shooting burst of 3-4 with its gun (PARALYSIS)
- When you see the laser, get ready to run or better yet hide behind
ii) He swipes at you at close range
- Do not stay close to it
iii)It charges up and emits a sound? Which SILENCES you.
- Just cast Metabolism before it shoots out. Else kill it.

Very like its sword counterpart, this GOLEM has all of the same stats but
different attacks. However his gun shot is very very useful as if an obstacle
say an enemy is between him and you when he shoots, the enemy gets hit with big
damage. Also it cannot be stunned.

50)Knight(Purple) GOLEM
EXP 300
BP 1000
MP 6

Estimated HP: 600 HP

i) It appears behind you, grabs you and chokes you (POISON)
- Face your back at a wall when he disappears
ii) He creates a hologram to trick you
- Watch out for its appearance. If it looks translucent its the fake
iii)He swipes at you at close range
- Do not stay close to it
iv) Aims with laser before jumping at you (POISON)
- When you see the laser, get ready to run or better yet hide behind
v) He disappears.
- Wait for him to appear. He will any of the attacks above.

A powerful GOLEM of sorts. WHen you enter the room, you can never see it. It
initiates combat by choking you from the behind to get a free hit. The basic
rule is to keep your back to a wall. Fire when the real GOLEM appears. He may
malfunction and thus stunning him to give you a longer window to shoot him.

51)Bishop(Red) GOLEM
EXP 400
BP 2500
MP 7

Estimated HP: 800 HP

i) It appears behind you, grabs you and chokes you (POISON)
- Face your back at a wall when he disappears
ii) He creates a hologram to trick you
- Watch out for its appearance. If it looks translucent its the fake
iii)He swipes at you at close range
- Do not stay close to it
iv) He disappears.
- Wait for him to appear. He will any of the attacks above.

The most powerful mass made GOLEM. It is very similar to the Knight(purple)
GOLEM. When you enter the room, you can never see it. It initiates combat by
choking you from the behind to get a free hit. The basic rule is to keep your
back to a wall. Fire when the real GOLEM appears. He may malfunction and thus
stunning him to give you a longer window to shoot him.

52)Final ANMC --- BOSS
EXP 500 (if you killed head, neck and core aka shortest route)
BP 1500
MP 200

EXP 5000 (if you killed all)
BP 20000
MP 200

Item:Ringer's Solution/R.Slug x 10/Grenade x 4

This guy is many guys combined into 1. He has many parts.
--Fires laser straight which splits into two and spreads outwards
--Dodge it by running to a lower or higher ground.
--Once dead reveals neck
Neck (revealed by destroying Head)
--Neck fires semi circular blast that causes BLINDNESS
--Dodge it by keeping towards its back
-Belly (recommended first target)
--Shoots PARALYSING liquid
---Dodge left or right when it fires it.
----Can only be shot at lower ground
-----Once dead, reduces turning rate of BOSS
-Butt (recommended killing tentacles first)
--Does not attack
---Located at the middle lower back of BOSS
----Can only be hit from lower ground
-Left and Right Tentacle (back of BOSS) (taken as two different parts)
--Swings at you
---Separates to two parts
---Can regenerate
---Tentacle core revealed once both parts killed
------Tentacle core shoots PARALYSING liquid
------Can regenerate tentacles
------Once killed, no longer has regenerating powers
-Left and Right Arm (taken as two different parts) (recommended second target)
--Covered by gas emitters
--Emits gas, POISONS Aya
--Once destroyed reveals Arm
----Arm swings and knocks Aya
----Avoided by staying far back of the screen
------After some time can only be damaged a max of 100 HP at regular interval
-------Instantly killed with Pyrokinesis
(Arm must be exposed after killing gas emitters before this is possible)

Once 2 parts, (choice of Belly, Head, Neck, Arms, Tentacle), are killed, the
Core is revealed. The Core shoots out a powerful blast that can hurt Aya very
very badly. If you see it opening up, start running around the arena, clockwise
or anti-clockwise, till it shoots and you are a far distance from it.
(Note: the belly must have been destroyed to outrun the blast so easily).
Once you stop running shoot whatever you can till it closes where you can
reload then get ready to run once it opens again...

Once the Core is killed, the BOSS dies.

53)Eve --- BOSS
EXP 5300
BP 11000
MP 100

Estimated HP : 6000-6400 HP

OK first of all cast AntiBody and EnergyShot. Then note that you can go outside
the bridge to the arena you fought the Final AMNC. However I find the fight
easier on the bridge only. Then beware of her attacks

i) She blasts high in the sky and slams down in the center of the Bridge
-make sure you are a not near the center of the bridge
ii) She starts having a glimerring light and flies at you 1-4 times
-run from one side of the bridge to the other. Repeat if necessary.
--Eve will appear in the center of the bridge if she hits you or misses you
iii)She fires projectiles at you.
-Just run one side then change direction. It should miss you.
iv) She throws a clone at you. The clone engages you in close combat
-Kill the clone
v) She stays in the middle of the bridge and chants. Aya's MP will rise then
drop to 0 if she executes the attack.
-Keep shooting her till she stops chanting

The major rule is that to continue shooting at Eve. Only when she starts her
attack then run away. Also do not be afraid to use every last bit of PE you

If she starts bleeding, she is about to die. Just start casting all your area-
affecting skills to make her fall quickly.



This is the area where i put data which i can't find anywhere else to put.

-------------GOLEM LOCATIONS--------------
First of all these are the GOLEM locations in the game in Normal/Replay mode.
The reason i could do this is because the GOLEMS are small in number and easy
to count. Here they are...

Type Area
2 Pawn(Green) Sword Pyramid
1 Pawn(Green) Sword Forest Zone
3 Pawn(Green) Sword North Promedade
2 Pawn(Green) Gun South Promenade
1 Pawn(Green) Sword Savanna
1 Pawn(Green) Gun Savanna
2 Pawn(Green) Sword Shrine

1 Rook(Grey) Sword Main Hall B2
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Elevator Hall B2
1 Rook(Grey) Sword Corridor after Septic Tank

1 Pawn(Green) Gun Elevator Hall B1
1 Rook(Grey) Sword Elevator Hall B1
1 Pawn(Green) Sword Path before Store
1 Pawn(Green) Gun Storeroom
1 Pawn(Green) Sword Storeroom
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Path between Sleeping and Storeroom
1 Knight(Purple) Sleeping Quarters
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Main Hall B1
1 Pawn(Green) Gun Main Hall B1
1 Rook(Grey) Sword Before Pod Service Gantry
1 Pawn(Green) Sword Path to Control Room
1 Rook(Grey) Sword Path to Underground
1 Knight(Purple) Path from Underground

1 Knight(Purple) Pedastrian Airlock
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Vehicular Airlock
1 Pawn(Green) Sword Vehicular Airlock
1 Rook(Grey) Gun before Shelter Exit
1 Rook(Grey) Sword before Shelter Exit

(after entering shelter second time)
Type Area
1 Pawn(Green) Gun beside Septic Tank
1 Pawn(Green) Sword Septic Tank
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Main Hall B2
1 Bishop(Red) Breeding Room
2 Pawn(Green) Sword beside Breeding Room
1 Rook(Grey) Sword beside Elevator Hall B2
2 Rook(Grey) Gun Elevator Hall B2

2 Pawn(Green) Sword South Promenade
1 Rook(Grey) Sword South Promenade
1 Pawn(Green) Gun Savanna
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Savanna
1 Bishop(Red) Shrine
2 Pawn(Green) Gun North Promenade
1 Pawn(Green) Sword Forest Zone
1 Pawn(Green) Gun Forest Zone
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Pavilion
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Island
1 Rook(Grey) Sword Pyramid
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Pyramid
2 Rook(Grey) Sword Path from Pavilion
1 Rook(Grey) Gun Power Plant Lv2

-------------REGENERATION POINTS--------------
These are the point where enemies regenerate. Those with the (i) means that
you will have to go out of your way to kill them before you reach that point
in order to kill them and get 100% kill rate.

after killing Giant Human ANMC --- Boss
after talk to Hal on the phone
after seeing No. 9 rape Rupert (i)
after getting Gr. Launcher (i)

after talking to Douglas
after talking to Kyle (i)
after talking to Douglas in trailer about Shelter (i)

after killing No. 9 (i)
after talking to Douglas (i)
after getting Master Key
after giving Full Gas Tank to Douglas (i)
after killing Flamethrower --- Boss (i)

after killing Giant Horse ANMC --- Boss
after meeting Bowman
after killing Vacuum Sucker ANMC --- Boss
after Dryfield visit
after Lab code hack (i)
after talking to Pierce/Kyle (i)
after First Generator ANMC --- Boss
after Bridge moves
after touching stone tablet
after solving Power Plant solution (i)
after killing Generator 2 ANMC --- Boss(i)
after event with Eve
after exiting Shelter

-------------ENEMY ITEMS--------------
These are the items you get from enemies in Normal/Replay Mode

Item Enemy Area
---Recovery2 : Giant ANMC Cafe

-after killing Giant Human ANMC --- Boss
---Pepper Spray: 2 x human ANMC after Cafe

-after talk to Hal on the phone
---Recovery1 : 2 x fat anmc Promenade

-after seeing No. 9 rape Rupert (i)
---MP Boost1 : 4 x caterpillar ANMC Garden
---9mm Hydra : 2 x Fat anmc Observatory
---Penicillin : medium human + 3 rats outside Observatory
---9mm Hydra : 2 fast human + 2 butterfly Patio
---Grenade : 2 Fat ANMC Fountain

-after getting Gr. Launcher (i)
---Recovery1 : 4 caterpillar outside Observatory
---9mm Hydra : 9x bats Observatory
---Recovery2 : Half dead fast monster path to Heliport

-in Dryfield
---9mm hydra : Horse ANMC Main Street
---MP Boost1 : Girl Toilet
---Combat light: 25 bats Well

-after talking to Douglas
---Penicillin : 6 x scorpions Main Street
---flare : 2 x babies Motel Rm 1 ... enter the toilet
---Mp Boost1 : horse beside Factory entrance
---Recovery 2 : 8 x horse Water Tower

-after talking to Kyle (i)
---Combat Light: 3 x flying baby anmc beside Bar
---9mm Hydra : horse + 6 x scorpion Parking

-after talking to Douglas in trailer about Shelter (i)
---Protein Cap.: spider boss Underpass
---R.slug : spider boss Underpass
---Flare : 5 x foetuses General Store

-after killing No. 9 (i)
---Recovery2 : 12 x gremlin ANMC Gas Station
---Combat Light: 4 x gremlins Parking
---Recovery2 : 6 x red foetus Toilet
---MP Boost2 : 2x red foetus Bar
---Firefly x 10: spider Water Hole
---Firefly x 10: 2 x spider Junkyard

-after talking to Douglas (i)

-after getting Master Key
---Recovery3 : 3 x spider Loft

-after giving Full Gas Tank to Douglas (i)
---Recovery2 : horse + 11 butterfly beside Water Tower
---Recovery2 : 3 x fat Underpass
---9mm hydra : 2 x fat Water Hole
---Protein Cap.: Flamethrower --- Boss dies
---Airburst : Flamethrower --- Boss dies
---Recovery2 : Flamethrower --- Boss runs
---MP Boost1 : Flamethrower --- Boss runs

-after killing Flamethrower --- Boss (i)
---Firefly : 7 x gremlins Loft
---Flare : horse and 5 scorpions Parking
---Riot : 5 x gremlin Motel Room 5
---9mm hydra : 3 x foetus + 3 x gremlin Motel Room 3
---9mm hydra : horse + 6 flying baby (i forgot to note this down)
---Flare : 2 horse + 2 flying baby Junkyard

-after reaching Mesa
---Recovery3 : 11 Horse ANMC Cliff
---9mm Hydra : 11 Horse ANMC Cliff
---5.56 Rifle : 11 Horse ANMC Cliff
---Firefly : 5 x gremlin Tunnel
---MPBoost 1 : 10 Bats? Gorge
---Recovery2 : Giant Horse 2 --- Boss Cavern
---Grenades : Giant Horse 2 --- Boss Cavern

-after killing Giant Horse ANMC --- Boss
---9mm Spartan : Spider 2 --- Boss Shelter
---Belt Pouch : Spider 2 --- Boss Shelter
---Stim : 3 blue jellies two red lasers path beside Storeroom, B1
---Firefly : 2 x fattie Septic Tank
---MP Boost 2 : 4 x worms Breeding Room

-after meeting Bowman
---Penicillin : 2 x blue jelly , 3 x worm Breeding Room
---5.56 rifle : 3 x fattie Main Hall, B2
---Recovery2 : 2 x fattie Septic Tank
---Recovery3 : Vacuum Sucker 1 --- Boss Dumping Hole
---5.56 Rifle : Vacuum Sucker 1 --- Boss Dumping Hole
---Grenade : Vacuum Sucker 1 --- Boss Dumping Hole
---Recovery3 : Vacuum Sucker 2 --- Boss Incinerator Room
---Eau de Toil.: Vacuum Sucker 2 --- Boss Incinerator Room
---Airburst : Vacuum Sucker 2 --- Boss Incinerator Room

-after killing Vacuum Sucker ANMC --- Boss
---Protein Cap.: Many enemies Dumping Hole
---5.56 Rifle : Many enemies Dumping Hole
---9mm Spartan : Many enemies Incinerator Room
---Firefly : Many enemies Incinerator Room
---Eau de Toil.: Laughing ANMC Water Tower, Dryfield
---9mm Hydra : 3 x flying babies above Water Tower

-after Dryfield visit
---Firefly : mutated fat and 2 x fattie Upper Sewer
---Firefly : mutated fat and fattie b2 Main Hall
---Firefly : mutated fat + 3 worm b2 after Septic Tank

after Lab code hack (i)
----Firefly : 3 x mutated fat Elevator Hall, B2

-after talking to Pierce/Kyle (i)
---5.56 Rifle : 2 x mutated fat ANMC outside Pod Service Gantry
---Eau de Toil.: 2 x fattie + 2 x red jelly Upper Sewer
---Protein Cap.: 2 x mutated fat = 1 crawl path beside Elevator Hall, B2
---Recovery2 : 3 x scarab Shrine
---Recovery3 : first generator anmc --- Boss Power Plant Lv1

-after First Generator ANMC --- Boss
---Recovery3 : raptor Forest Zone

-after Bridge moves

-after touching stone tablet

-after solving Power Plant solution (i)
---Recovery3 : Generator 2 ANMC --- Boss Power Plant Lv2

-after killing Generator 2 ANMC --- Boss(i)
---Eau de Toil.: 2 x red jelly Submarine Tunnel
---Ringer's So.: 3 x fattie under Island
---Recovery3 : 2 x speaker 1 mutated fat Corridor

-after event with Eve
---9mm Spartan : pawn golem 2 x raptor Forest Zone
---9mm Spartan : 2 x pawn golem raptor Pyramid
---9mm Spartan : 3 x pawn golem North Promenade
---Grenade : 2 x pawn shoot golem South Promenade
---9mm Spartan : 1 pawn shoot 1 pawn sword Savanna
---9mm Spartan : 2 pawn Shrine
---5.56 rifle : 1 rook sword Main Hall, B2
---5.56 rifle : 1 rook sword path after Septic Tank
---Belt pouch : red jelly 4 caterpillar path beside Elevator hall, B2
---AirBurst : 1 rook shooter 4 cameras Elevator Hall, B2
---5.56 rifle : 1 rook sword 1 pawn shoot Elevator, B1
---9mm Spartan : 1 pawn golem 2 cam path beside Elevator Hall, B1
---9mm Spartan : 1 pawn golem 1 pawn shoot Storeroom
---AirBurst : 1 rook shooter 4 cams path after Storeroom
---MP Boost 2 : purple Sleeping Quarters
---AirBurst : 1 rook shooter 1 pawn shoot Main Hall, B1
---5.56 rifle : 1 rook sword 3 cams beside Pod Service Gantry
---5.56 rifle : 1 rook sword 6 cams beside Underground Parking
---Airburst : 6 flying baby 3 scorpion beside Factory, Dryfield
---9mm Spartan : 1 pawn golem path before Control Room
---MP Boost 2 : purple path to Underground Parking
---Ringer's So.: purple Pedastrian Airlock
---9mm Spartan : 1 pawn golem 1 rook shoot Vehicular Airlock
---5.56 rifle : 1 rook shoot 1 rook sword before Shelter exit

-after exiting Shelter
---Riot : pawn shooter 3 cams beside Septic Tank
---9mm Spartan : 1 pawn sword 2 cams Septic Tank
---Airburst : rook shooter 2 cams Main Hall, B2
---Protein Cap.: 1 bishop Breeding Room
---9mm Spartan : 2 pawn swords 2 cams beside Breeding Room
---Javelin : 1 rook sword beside Elevator Hall, B2
---Grenade : 2 x rook shoot 2 cam Elevator Hall, B2
---9mm Spartan : 2 pawn sword 1 rook sword South Promenade
---Airburst : 1 pawn shoot 1 rook shoot Savanna
---Protein Cap.: 1 bishop Shrine
---Grenade : 2 x pawn shoot golem North Promenade
---9mm Spartan : 1 pawn sword 1 pawn shoot Forest Zone
---Airburst : 1 rook shoot Pavilion
---Airburst : 1 rook shoot Island
---5.56 rifle : 1 rook sword 1 rook shoot Pyramid
---9mm Spartan : 2 rook sword path from Pavilion
---Airburst : 1 rook shoot Power Plant Lv2
---Ringer's So.: 1 bishop after Septic Tank
---Ringer's So.: final ANMC --- Boss
---R.Slug : final ANMC --- Boss
---Grenade : final ANMC --- Boss


14. Secrets

Here are some secrets that are unlocked after clearing the game.

1)After clearing the game, you can get items that will be sold at Jodie's in
Replay Mode.
(this chart is done thanks to Gamesages)

Total EXP Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
400001 Gunblade Ringer's Solution Eau de Toilette
200001 Hyper Velocity Hunter Goggles MP Boost2
75001 MM1 Airburst Grenades Recovery3
72001 M249 44 Maeda SP Cola
69001 Mongoose 44 Magnum Skull Crystal
66001 AS12 R.Slug FireFly
62001 Aya's Special 9mm Spartan Ofuda
57001 Javelin MD Player Holy Water
51001 Pyke Lipstick Tactical Armor
44001 Hammer Belt Pouch MP Boost1
16001 M203 Protein Capsule 9mm Hydra
14511 M9 Bayonet M4A1 M Clip Flare
1 Monk Robe Medicine Wheel Recovery2

2)These info is from Gamesages
Mode of Play Rating Bonus
Complete Bounty Mode 1 extra rating level
Complete Scavenger Mode 2 extra rating level
Complete Nightmare Mode 3 extra rating level

2)You also get to save and can play the game again with a choice of different
modes. See below... Aftermath
These info is from Gamesages
Game Mode How to unlock it
Replay Mode and Complete the game once
Bounty Mode
Scavenger Mode Earn a total of 69001 EXP or more in any mode
Nightmare Mode Beat Scavenger Mode

3)At all telephones you would be able to check, Play data, Weapon data and
PE data.


15. Aftermath

So what do you do now that you have finished the game? Play it again of course
But not the same boring thing...a little different from it.
After completing Normal game, there should be 2 new modes awaiting you.

1) Replay Mode:
HP 100
MP 30
EXP 10% of your last game
BP 10% of your last game

Mission Level EASY OO
Condition GOOD OOOOO
Enemy Level EASY OO
Supply Level RICH OOOO

Replay Mode
Collect Bonus items each time you
clear the game in replay mode

1)You would be able to buy the items you won from Jodie
2)You can buy the PEs you have learnt from Jodie for the price
of BP of what that PE is worth for (eg. Necrosis Lv2 for 1250 BP)
3)EXP needed to revive PE is reduced to 40% of the original


2) Bounty Mode
HP 100
MP 30
EXP 5% of your last game
BP 5% of your last game

Mission Level NORMAL OOO
Condition GOOD OOOOO
Supply Level NORMAL OOO

Bounty Mode
Find the hidden GOLEM soldiers
and strive for a BP high score!

1)EXP needed to revive PE is reduced to 80% of the original


3) Scavenger Mode
HP 100
MP 10
EXP 1% of your last game
BP 1% of your last game

Mission Level HARD OOOO
Supply Level VERY POOR OOO

Scavenger Mode
Shops are bare, and pickings are
slim. Use wits, not your ammo!


16. Credits

Well here are the people i need to thank in order for this faq to be made.
They are in no definitive order.

1)Square for making this game
2)Gamefaqs for putting it up (
4)My friend Bernie for making some charts and giving me absolute strategies
5)Al Amaloo for putting this up (
6) for putting this up (
7) for putting this up (
8) for putting this up.
9)CNET Gamecentre for putting this up (
10) for putting this up (
11)Thanks to Gamesages for the secrets which could have taken me yrs to finish

Well this is the end for now. If you have any tips or comments or anything
that even remotely help the building of this faq, mail me at

Thanks for your time!!


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15.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Important Stuff

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels und alle Filme freigeschaltet

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Nightmare Mode

14.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide

17.Oktober 2013
End of the Game Save. Start a new Game with the Gunblade equipped.

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Modi und Extras sind freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free

14.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European PAL Version (KW).

17.Oktober 2013
Unofficial Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (HLG).

11.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische Französiche PAL Version (PDX).

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008
2 Hours Speed Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Speed FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Bouny Mode FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (BAD).

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische spanische PAL Version (PDX).

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +12 Trainer für die Europäische [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version (PDX).

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020