

17.10.2013 14:49:33
And now a FAQ for
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This game is the greatest superhero game ever. It is really awesome,
heck Stan lee is even in this game. Oh and webslinging rocks. Its one
of the funnest things ever put in to a videogame.
If you dont have spider-man at least give it a rent you might like


This walkthrough can only be posted at The sites I have listed below .
It is intended for private and personal use only.
It may not be used for profitable purposes or put on a cd.
It may not be reproduced without my approval.If you
do any of these things it is against the law,and you
will be punished. It also cannot be put in a
magazine or as a promotional cd.This Faq cannot be
PLAGERIZED period.It is ment to help people on a game and
only to help people on the game. Do not do anything to the FAQ
without my permission. Doing so will not only damage me but
It will damage the person in terms of the law.I have put alot of
work into this FAQ and I do not want anyone to steal it,plagerize
it or sell it,that is all.

This FAQ may only be posted at these sites w/out asking me


If any other sites have my FAQ please inform me!

thank you for reading this :)

This document is copyright © insomniac 2000

september 26 ,2000 version 1.0

first version so everything is brand spanking new.


1. Items
2. Controls
3. Comic list
4. walkthrough
1. Bank heist
2. Bank approach
3. Hostage situation
4. Stop the bomb
5. Race to the Bugle
6. Spidey vs Scorpion
7. Police chopper chase
8. Missle Attack
9. Building top chase
10. Scale the girders
11. Police evaded
12. Spidey vs Rhino
13. Catch Venom
14. Spidey vs Venom
15. Sewer entrance
16. sewer Caverns
17. Subway
18. Sewage plant
19. Hidden switches
20. Tunnel crawl
21. Venom's Puzzle
22. The Lizard's Maze
23. Spidey vs. Venom Again!
24. Symbiotes Infest Bugle
25. Elevator Descent
26. Stop the Presses!
27. Bugle's Basement
28. Spidey vs. Mysterio!
29. Waterfront Warehouse
30. Underwater Trench
31. Stopping the Fog
32. Spidey vs. Doc Ock!
33. Spidey vs. Carnage!
34. Spidey vs. Monster-Ock!


level 1 Bank Heist

After you watch the story reveiling cinema you will begin your
journey on the roof of a building in New York city! Follow the neat
little spidey compass through the city killing baddies along the
way till you reach a kick ass cinema ( dont you love it when cops
get blown up) :).

level 2 Bank approach
On the next section of this level you will have to
defeat four or five jade syndicates i.e. robbers with lasers.
there are real easy and only take a couple kicks to the face.
after you take 'em out you will automaticly proceed into the bank

level 3 Hostage situation

As you drop down take out the guard you see in an orderly fashion
and continue around the hallway. In the next room you (spider-man)
will save the first hostage by taking out the guard. Now you need
to open some more doors right. Zip line into the vent using R1 and hit
all the switches in there. when you exit the room head into the room
straight ahead of you. Inside you will find the last hostages. Now head
around the corner and down the elevator James bond style.

level 4 Stop the BOMB!

keep going forward and take out each of the guards in the little cubicles
while saving the hostages then go up the vent at the end of the room
and web up the guys in there. With all this noise a guard will come out
to see whats happening you know what to do. enter the new room he opened
and you will find the last hostages as well as a bomb! hit the switches
then save the hostages and toss the bomb in the safe,just don't forget to
close it.

level 5 race to the bugle

Easy as PIE! just follow the pathetically easy path through the city
also pick up the web cartridges and life for later on in the game.
After you reach the bugle a boss fight will begin.

level 6 Spidey vs Scorpion

first off put the web gloves on by pressing triangle and up simultaneously
this will make the fight much faster. make sure that jay jonah jameson
doesn't get killed or gameover. About halfway through the fight scorpion
will chase after JJJ when he goes into the other room,but he's still
just as easy. This is one of the easier bosses in the game and all of them
are pretty fun. GOOD luck!

level 7 Police Chopper Chase

run run run. A couple hits from a missile and your dead. Be carful
around the targets and try to cut the corners because it not only
saves time but it also lowers the chance of you getting hit and
dying. This only one of the long ,fun, and mindless police
helicopter chase levels,so don't sweat yet also try to use the break
by pressing x to change direction in mid-air,and have fun with this
easy level.


the second helicopter level,on this one you will be climbing a very
very,very tall building. On the first section of this skyscraper of
a building,follow the black parts of the wall and you wont get hit
by the barrage of missiles. On the second section go to the far left
of the building and quickly climb up or the missiles will hit your path
and you dont want that. On the third part you reach a checkpoint so you
will come back there if you die.On this section the helicopter's will
snipe at you but there aim is terrible so you can easily get to the next
section. On the final section just make your way up the building as fast
as you can because now the just blast tons of missiles at you.

level 9 Building top Chase

Heres another fun yet mindless helicopter chase level. This time you
or on the roofs of buildings and you need to follow the spidey compass
like usual,never stand next to objects such as signs, boards and other
things that look like targets because if your next to something that
gets blown up your most likely going to die too. After you reach the end
you will watch a awesome cinema of spidey on top of a falling platform
and he webslings at the last second. Straight out of the cartoon.

level 10 Scale the girders

this level is pretty fun. This time you have to make your way through
a construction site with girders and the whole works, when you reach
the really tall girders zip-line up each layer till you get to the top.
Oh and remember spideys web isnt a mile long so dont try to websling
over to a building you can barely see in the distance. Well on to the
last helicopter level, finally.

level 11 Police evaded

the final mindless police chase level. This one is pretty much just
a duplicate of the other helicopter levels empleted only to make the
game longer,just use the same strategies that you used on the past
four helicopter levels and you will beat this level easily.

level 12 Spidey vs Rhino

finnaly a break from those helicopter levels. Anyway while fighting
Rhino never hit him physically because A. he has really high defense
so it doesnt take off much damage and B. because he will hit you back
twice as hard as you hit him. Now to beat him get in front of the
eletricle totem things :) and jump up to get his attention,then he will
ram into the totem and get fried with a couple thousand volts. do this
on each of the totems twice then if he still has some health use your
impact webbing from a distance.

level 13 Catch Venom

This is actually the first really tough level in the game especailly
on hard. Try to follow Venom and not the spidey compass because he takes the
fastest route through the city. He stops sometimes but not enough to make
the level easier. Now spidey and Venom will enter an apartment or something
anyway this has some funny one liners,but dont relax yet you still have the
hardest part of the level to do. On this part use x to change your web direction
and never stop on any of the buildings or else its nigh impossible to
catch up. After the long chase, spider-man will follow Venom into the
New York sewers.

level 14 Spidey vs Venom

always be on the look out. when his healthbar appears immediatly start
looking for him and fast,because if you dont't hit him fast enough he
will grab you and do one of his disgusting (but effective) attacks
good luck!

level 15 Sewer entrance

As you make your way into the sewers you will notice a new type of enemy
called the lizard,but they are pretty easy to beat because because they
have pretty much the same attacks as the other enemies you have already
fought. After you reach a blue door a cinema will start and you will go
next level.

level 16 sewer caverns

swing from pipe to pipe and when it tells you to use L1 too aim use it.
Its the only way to get through this part. Keep continuing through and you
will reach Venom. Need a lift :)

level 17 subway

Well I can't really tell you much because it is really easy. Oh and
for some laughs pull the lizards to the side with your web. This
will also kill them in one hit. Now just keep doing this for
about 5 minutes till you reach the next part of the sewers.

level 18 sewer plant

continue on the main path while dodging the lizards attacks,untill you
reach a dead end. Zip line up the tunnel and keep going. After awhile
you will reach three switches. turn them all on then turn around and hit
the switch there. Follow the spidey compass and you will reach another
set of switches,turn them all on then follow the spidey compass again
till you reach the end of this weird level.

level 19 Hidden switches (or the easiest level)

This level is pathetic. Anyway just hit the switches in this order
bottom left,top right,top left bottom right. Then head through the
smalle door in the middle.

level 20 tunnel crawl

go straight ahead and follow Venom into the tiny vent and be careful
not to fall in the water. Now press up to crawl through the tunnel,
but when you reach an arch in the tunnel,Stop and wait for the water
to rise up. When it lowers back down go forward and out of the tunnel.
websling over the tube there and on the other side hit the switch and
watch Venom jump away. Now go down to the water that the switch lowered
and hit the switch that is on the far side of the first metal container
now continue in to the door it opened and complete this easy level.

level 21 Venom's puzzle

After Venom taunts you head into the room that has waterfalls everywhere.
inside there are a number of switches each with a different color on them.
hit the red switch first then websling up to the blue switch and hit that.
Now that all of the blockades are gone,go chase Venom.

level 22 The Lizards Maze

ignore Venom and jump up on to the ceiling. Go forward untill you reach the
first intersection then turn right there. keep going forward till you reach
the lizard in a cage. He will tell you how to get through the maze. Or If your
to lazy to listen to him heres how to get to Venom.(read this in the lizards
voice)Go back along this tunnel and cross two waterways at the third waterway go
right and around the corner,past the machinary.Then go past the first
waterway,and at the second waterway turn right.

level 23 Spidey vs Venom again!

This fight is just plain awesome. To beat him you have to both save
Mary Jane and yourself. So when he hits the switch turn it back to
normal or Mary Jane will drown. Also put on your web gloves and give
him hell!
level 24 Symbiotes infest Bugle

This level can really get annoying at some points. Kill the symbiote
then hit the switch behind the first hostage. Continue to the right
and around the narrow hallway,keep going untill you reach another
glass office. Step inside and zipline up the vent there,now head
on the other side of the vent drop down and hit the switch.Now
head into the next room and hit the switch next to the elevator,then
go inside th elevator.

level 25 elevator descent

stay on top of the elevator untill it stops,unless you want to fight more
symbiotes :) . climb the wall and look for an opening in the wall go into
the one on the left and hit the switch to get the elavator started again,
now what till it stops again, and hit one of the switches at the bottom
and head into the door it opens which should be the exit.

level 26 Stop the press

Heres another annoying symbiote level for you. First off the objective
in this level is to destroy all of the symbiote generators,Not in the
dictionary you say. Well a symbiote generator is the strange thing right
in front of you that,guess what,generates symbiotes. Destroy the first one
directly in front of you,then continue down the large room and enter
the room on the left. Inside is another symbiote generator. exit back to
the room where you started and head over to the new room that opened up.
In this room in between the huge printers is the third symbiote generator.
Now head to the room on your left to find the final generator.....of this level.
now head into the new room that opened and head down the opening in the floor.

level 27 Bugle basement

kill the symbiote and turn left there. destroy the generator and hit the switch
folloe your clone and zipline up the tunnel that looks like a chimney and hit the
seitch in there. exit back to the main hallway and turn around.
Now enter the first door on your left and follow one of the paths to the

level 28 Spidey vs Mysterio

This guy has some killer attacks. Heres the strategy use your impact
webbing to take off each of his power chargers. Remember to get the
life that regenerates. After you do this he will get mad and change to
his second form. No he has laser eyes and a bunch of other attacks,but
the same strats apply.

level 29 Waterfront Warehouse

After the cool FMV with punisher you will enter the warehouse. If you
watched the cinema it will show you all of the powerups and generators.
destroy the generators and head into the next room. turn left and take
out the generator there. then go right and into another huge room.
destroy both of the generators and exit this room. No drop down to
the floor but dont worry about the fan it has grating over it. then in
the next room drop down and watch out for the fan,this time it isn't

level 30 Underwater Trench

This level is mostly webslinging and dodging laser blasts. Web sling through
the first room while dodging the laser blasts,head into the next room and
do the same. One more section and you will finnaly reach the end of the
long level.

level 31 stopping the fog

Here is one easy level. First get the armor and life,then head into the
only room with a green sign over it and hit the switch on the computer.
now head back outside and notice that now all of the signs are green.
Head into each of the rooms and hit the switches that they contain.
This will stop the fog and allow you to continue to the next level.

level 32 Spidey vs Doc Ock

Easier then Pye.Just hit each of the switches he drops down and when his
shield is down just hit him a couple times with impact webbing. Rinse and

level 33 Spidey vs Carnage

This guy has some killer attacks. There is no simple way to beat him
but this is the way I beat him. get behind him and kick him into the
radioactive field. Now use your trap webbing and keep him inside the
bubble untill his life drains out.

level 34 Spidey vs Monster Ock

you dont actually fight Monster ock you run away from him out of the
entire sewer area. I can give you some tips to help you though.

1. websling all the time and dont stop moving
2. use x to keep on webslinging around corners
3. when you reach a dead end zipline up to reach more tunnels
4. dont get to confident even when your almost done

After you've gotten out enjoy the humourous ending. I just can't
stop laughing after I see the human torch dance :)


Code.... Unlocks....
DULUX--> Big Head Mode
RUSTCRST--> Invunerability
XCLSIOR--> Level Select
STRUDL--> Unlimited Webbing
RULUR--> Joel Jewett (Exc. Producer)
in character viewer
LLADNEK--> Debug mode
DCSTUR--> Infinite Health
WATCHEM--> All movies
ALLSIXCC--> All Comic Covers
CVIEWEM--> All characters in character viewer-->
GBHSRSPM--> What If...? mode(???????)
CGOSSETT--> Storyboard Viewer
TWNTYNDN--> Spidey 2099 costume
BLKSPIDER--> Symbiote costume
PARALLEL--> Spidey Unlimited costume
LETTERS--> Scarlet Spider costume
ALMSTPKR--> Quick Change Spidey costume
MJSSTUD--> Peter Parker costume
SCOSMIC--> Captian Universe costume
BNREILLY--> Ben Reilly costume
AMZBGMAN--> Amazing Bag Man

Unlock Everything
At the cheats screen, enter ''eel nats'',
that's Stan Lee'' backwards.


Sony- Its there console so I have to give them credit.

JGrevas- I used his guide to find out the level names.

GameSages- I got the codes from them.

CJayC- For making such a great site . It holds thousands of walkthroughs.
if you can't find help here good luck finding some.

Square- For the greatest videogames on Earth.

Gamesages-I took the codes from them


you can send a question or a contribution to my FAQ through
e-mail at slivesay3@home.com and I will give you credit for
anything you add to my FAQ. :)

I will except:

-questions that are not answered in the FAQ

-contributions to my FAQ

-questions about my FAQ

-asking me to put my FAQ on your site

I will not except:

-questions that are answered in the FAQ

-asking If you can sell my FAQ. DUH!

-e-mails with typos every other word

-HATE mail ect. ect.


If you want to send a contribution to the site or just wanna talk
e-mail me at slivesay3@home.com


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************************END OF DOCUMENT **************************

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