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Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto
14.10.2013 10:53:23
Grand Theft Auto (NTSC Version)
For the Sony Playstation Videogame Console
By: Gavin Ripley (ripoff1@email.com)
August 3, 1999
I. Version
II. Introduction
III. Maps
IV. Controls
V. Vehicles
VI. Codes
VII. Mission Terms
VIII. Mission Guides
IX. Secret Guides
X. Copyright and Credits
I. Version
1.5 - 8/3/99 - I am starting to go through the guide from the beginning and
correct mistakes. I just did Liberty City 1 and made more corrections than I
thought I would have to. I will have corrections on the other cities in later
1.4 - 7/8/99 - The GTA Guide is officially done. I may have a few minor
updates from here. Ed Van Wormer sent me the last secret for Vice City 2 that
I couldnÕt find. You can check out my first version of my GTA London 1969
Guide at gamefaqs.com
1.3 - 6/25/99 - I finally finished the Vice City 2 Guide. I found the secret
I was missing in Vice City 1.
FINDS IT PLEASE E-MAIL ME: ripoff1@email.com
I also have some other updates. I have a London 1969 Map on my website as
well as improved maps for the original cities. See below in the maps section
to get them. I also made a new easier form for the Vice City Secret Guides.
There are other minor corrections too. Now IÕm going to start playing Grand
Theft Auto London more because IÕve barely played it. Look for a Guide for
GTA London in the next Month or so.
1.2 - 6/5/99 - A few minor corrections. I have one more mission and IÕm done
with the Vice City 2 Mission Guide. Then I will start the secret guide which
should not take too long. You should see the full guide up in a couple weeks.
Also, if someone ever finds that one secret I need for Vice City 1, please e-
mail me.
1.1 - 5/12/99 - The Vice City 1 Guide is done. On the Vice City 1 Secret
Guide, IÕm missing one secret that I canÕt find. If any one knows this secret
or will help find it, it will be greatly appreciated and you will be
credited. I bought the new London 1969 Expansion for the Playstation. I have
some codes for it and will start the guide for it as soon as I get done with
the Vice City 2 Guide.
1.0 - 5/3/99 - The first version of My FAQ. It currently contains a detailed
Mission and Secret Guide to Liberty City 1 through San Andreas 2. The FAQ
will contain Vice City 1 Guide as soon as I get it done.
II. Introduction
First of all, visit the best PSX GTA page out there, the Playstation
Grand Theft Auto Page!! The URL is:
Grand Theft Auto is a popular and successful videogame for the Sony
Playstation and the PC. You control one of four characters: Bubba, Kivlov,
Travis, or Troy. In Grand Theft Auto there are three complex detailed cities.
You start out in Liberty City, move to San Andreas, and end the game in Vice
City. Within each city, there are two mission sets. I separate them by 1 & 2.
Example --> Liberty City 1 is the first mission set, Liberty City 2 is the
second. Simple enough. Once you are in the city you have to steal cars,
complete jobs for your boss, and kill others to become a high standing member
of The Mob. You have a different Boss in every city and section. What makes
Grand Theft Auto a great game is the freedom it gets you. If you are sick of
running around doing missions, you can drive or walk around the whole city
wherever you please. If you canÕt figure out how to complete a certain
mission or find a certain secret, this is the Guide that will help.
III. Maps
The maps are very important to this game and this guide. If you
bought Grand Theft Auto, a map should have came with it. If you rented it or
are borrowing it, you will need to get the maps. Although I canÕt display
them in this FAQ, I have a link on my site where you can download them:
You need to learn to use the maps while you are playing. On timed
missions, you need them to be able to use the maps to find the quickest
routes. You can also use them to find Respray and Bomb shops within the city.
Any ways, you definitely need a map.
IV. Controls
Default Controls
Square --- Enter/Exit
Triangle --- Backwards
Circle --- Attack
X --- Forwards
Start --- Pause
Select --- Previous Page/Message
Left --- Turn Left
Right --- Turn Right
L1 --- Next Weapon
L2 --- Previous Weapon
R1 --- Brake in a car, Jump cars on foot
R2 --- Special (Burp/Fart on foot, Honk in a car)
V. Vehicles
A. Liberty City Vehicles - 33 vehicles
Beast GTS
Porka Turbo
Repair Van
Squad Car
Transit Van
TV Van
B. San Andreas Vehicles - 36 vehicles
Beast GTS
Fire Truck
Itali GTO
Love Wagon
Monster Bug
Repair Van
Squad Car
Stinger Z29
Transit Van
TV Van
C. Vice City Vehicles - 36 vehicles
29 Special
Fire Truck
Itali GTB
Repair Van
Squad Car
Stinger Z29
Transit Van
TV Van
VI. Codes
(The London 1969 codes are below)
Grand Theft Auto
Choose your own Music
After you the city loads, you can put in your own music CD and still
cruise around with the music you put in. You can put in the CD anytime during
the game. After you put in the CD, pause it and select constant to start at
the beginning of the CD. Radio starts it at a random track. The track also
changes by what car you are in. Thanks to: DOGGTAG18@aol.com.
One way to get a Squad Car without getting the Wanted Level
With no wanted level, park a sprayable car in front of a spray shop
and leave it alone. Stay on foot, near the car, and kill as many people as
possible to get the police after you. When the police arrive, kill at least
one cop without doing damage to his car. Then quickly get back into the first
car (at the spray shop). Drive through the spray shop and the wanted level
will disappear. The squad car belonging to the cop you killed will still be
Thanks to ED
Cheat Codes
Enter one of the following codes as a player name. Note: All codes in
the game may be used in combinations. Enter and accept a code, then go to
"Rename" and enter another code. Your
character can also be renamed to any desired name after the last code is
Codes with multiple features
Enter "BSTARD" as a player name for all weapons, infinite ammunition, level
selection, ninety-nine lives, armor, a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card,
coordinate display, maximum wanted level, and the 5x bonus.
Enter "THESHIT" as a player name for all weapons, infinite ammunition, level
selection, ninety-nine lives, armor, a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card, and the
5x bonus.
Enter "MADEMAN" as a player name for all weapons, infinite ammunition, level
selection, armor, and a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.
Enter "GROOVY" as a player name for all weapons, infinite ammunition, armor,
and a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.
Enter "PECKINPAH" as a player name for armor, all weapons, and a "Get Out Of
Jail Free" card.
Enter "HANGTHEDJ" for all cities, money, and all weapons.
Level select
Enter "SKYBABIES" as a player name to choose any level up to
"Mandarin Mayhem".
All cities
Enter "TURF" or "INGLORIOUS" as a player name.
All cities (1 and 2)
Enter "CAPRICE" as a player name.
City skip
Enter "WEYHEY" as a player name to instantly collect 9999990 points.
Liberty City (1 and 2)
Enter "FECK" as a player name.
Liberty City (1 and 2) and San Andreas City levels
Enter "TVTAN" as a player name.
All cities (1 and 2), except Vice City (1 only)
Enter "URGE" as a player name.
Ninety-nine lives
Enter "SATANLIVES" as a player name.
5x multiplier
Enter "EXCREMENT" as a player name.
Maximum wanted level
Enter "EATTHIS" as a player name to set the wanted level to four.
Display coordinates
Enter "BLOWME" as a player name.
No police
Enter "CHUFF" as a player name.
The cheat codes above are from: http://www.gamewinners.com
Grand Theft Auto London 1969
Enter one of these codes as a player name in the character screen.
Parrot picture, all levels, all infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail
Free Card, armor, coordinates, 9,999,990 points, 5x multiplier, no cops, and
99 lives.
All levels, all infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, armor,
coordinates, 5x multiplier, 99 lives, maximum wanted level.
All infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, and armor.
All levels, all infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, armor,
and 5x multiplier.
All infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, and armor.
All levels, all infinite weapons, Get Out of Jail Free Card, and
All levels.
All levels.
London levels 1 & 2.
London levels 1 through 3.
5x multiplier.
99 lives.
9,999,990 points.
Coordinate display.
Maximum wanted level.
No cops.
Gameshark Codes
All of The following codes are from:
You can find a FAQ on the Joker Command Code at the following address:
Grand Theft Auto
Reverse Joker Command
D002C440 ????
Infinite Lives
8002C446 0009
Infinite Pistol Ammo
8002C450 6300
Infinite Machine Gun/Rocket Ammo
8002C452 6363
Infinite Flamethrower Ammo
8002C454 0063
Infinite Armor
8002C438 0063
No Cops
80026D84 2000
"Get Out Of Jail Free" Card
Extra Bonus Points
8002C442 0063
65535 High Score
D002C2F0 0000
8002C2F0 FFFF
5 Million High Score
D002C2F0 0000
8002C2F0 4FFF
D002C2F2 0000
8002C2F2 004C
Less Traffic
8002C3A4 05BD
Unlock Liberty City Part 2
80026D20 0001
Unlock San Andreas Part 1
80026D24 0001
Unlock San Andreas Part 2
80026D28 0001
Unlock Vice City Part 1
80026D2C 0001
Unlock Vice City Part 2
80026D30 0001
Super Human Whacked & Crazy Mode [Note]
8002C932 6401
8002C954 0002
8002C976 00FF
D002C440 0100
8002C932 0000
This is a very fun and kewl code yet very buggy! So i added a kill
button just incase you get stuck! Ok #1 DO NOT run a car off in the water
while in it! If you do thats what the kill button is for just hold it down
and you die! Some missions may glitch just hit the kill button and the board
should reset..Its good to use infinite lives with this hehehe! Those are the
bad points of the code the good points are when you die...tap the car jacking
button,run button,and firing button all while pressing left or right to
wiggle your dead body back up...basically resurrection hehehe! You can walk
over water,can't get busted by the cops,and you are immune to electric shock
& fire! Also if you blow up in a vehicle you can wiggle back to life from it
also!The Kill button is set on the brake button which is by default R1...if
you want to stop the vehicle just tap the brake button never hold it down!
My Personal Note
I have gameshark v2.3. The gameshark codes don't work very good for
GTA. It freezes the game a lot when I kill enough people to get a wanted
level. Also on San Andreas and Vice City, when you load the level it freezes.
I donÕt know if others have this problem or if it is my gameshark version.
Grand Theft Auto London 1969
Codes Made & Tested on 3.0 Version Game Shark
Reverse Joker Command
D003C528 ????
5 Million Points Score D002BE1C 0000
8002BE1C 4FFF
D002BE1E 0000
8002BE1E 004C
Infinite Lives
8002BF72 0004
Infinite Pistol Ammo
3002BF7D 0063
Infinite Machine Gun Ammo
3002BF7E 0063
Infinite Rocket Ammo
3002BF7F 0063
Infinite Flame Thrower Fuel
3002BF80 0063
Have Get Out of Jail Free Card
8002BF8A 0001
Max Bonus Multiplier
8002BF6E 0063
Enable Mods + Sods Level
80026748 0001
Enable Chelsea Smile Level
8002674C 0001
Enable Dead Certainity Level
80026750 0001
Wanted Level Maxed Out
80019C44 0004
No Cops
8002BE08 0000
Disable The Need For Double Swap (2.xx & Caetla Version)
D0180C94 033F
80180C96 2400
Disable The Need For Double Swap (GameShark Pro 3.xx Version)
C1000000 0000
D0180C94 033F
80180C96 2400
VII. Mission Terms
You will need to understand the terms below to use the mission guide.
Respray shop - Place you go to get a new paint job and new license plates to
get away from the cops.
Bomb shop - Place you go to get a bomb on your car. To activate the bomb,
while in the car press Circle to activate the bomb. You have about 5 seconds
to get out and away from the car before it explodes.
Crate - White box that you can run over, punch, or shoot to open. They
contain weapons and other items to help you.
Secret - There is a set number of secrets for each level. This is showed to
you in the pause menu. A secret is a Kill Frenzy. In them you try to kill as
many people as you can and cause a certain amount of damage to pass them.
They can be in the form of a weapon inside a crate or in certain parked
Crane - Place you go to sell stolen cars for bonus points.
VIII. Mission Guides
A. Liberty City 1 - Gangsta Bang - 10 Missions
South Park Phones
Left Phone
Find a car Crazy Jimmy dumped in Northeast Park. After you
find it you have to bring it to DulliÕs in West Park. Then you find out that
Jimmy needs a driver so you have to hurry and answer the phone in Southwest
Park. He tells you to pick up a certain Taxi in Southeast Island City. After
you pick it up, go back and pick up Jimmy in front of the bank in South Park.
Watch out for cops and you might want to head for the Respray shop in
Southwest Park before dropping Jimmy off at BubbyÕs in South Island Heights.
Mission Complete.
Middle Left Phone
Get a Bike with the shit in it in South Hackenslash. To do
this, get in a car and run over all the guys in black outside the building.
If the cops are all over you, you can stop by the Respray shop right to the
Northeast down a single lane street. Once you get away, take the Bike to
DiegoÕs in Northeast Hackenslash. After you drop the bike off hurry up and
get in a car and go to the phone in North Fort Law. YouÕre supposed to dump
the shit in Southeast Hackenslash. There is a time limit. When you get there
just walk on the suitcase and wait for Tony to make sure he picks it up.
Mission Complete.
Middle Right Phone
Bubby wants the new police chief dead. Use the Tanker with
the bomb on it in South Nixon Island. Be careful with the truck because it
might explode if you hit too much stuff. Take it to the precinct in South No
Law. When you get there drive under the building slowly and when the message
tells you, run like hell and get out of there. Now go see Tomy in Southeast
Hackenslash. After you talk to him, wait there until he sees SonettiÕs
lawyer. Grab the machine gun next to Tomy and follow the lawyer. As soon as
you hear gun shots, start opening fire and kill everyone. Mission Complete.
Right Phone
Find two yellow cabs and go to the docks in South New
Guernsey. As soon as you drop off the second cab run back to the main roads
and get in a car to answer the phone in Northwest New Guernsey on time. Go
kill this guys brother for him in South Hackenslash. A machine gun helps.
Mission Complete.
Other Missions
Beast GTS in Southwest Island Heights
After you get in the Beast GTA, youÕre told that Bubby wants
you to kill two guys in South Island City. Once theyÕre dead, go to Seymour
ReamerÕs at the Brocklyn Docks. Mission Complete.
Cossie in circle drive in Northeast Island City
After you get in the Cossie, get a Squad Car in Southwest
Park to pick up Pablo. Once in the Squad Car, pick up Pablo in South Island
City. Take Pablo to his place in South East Tellburg. If the cops are bugging
you after you pick up Pablo, you can go to the Respray shop in Southeast
Island City. Mission Complete.
Silver Bulldog in South Tellburg
Once youÕre in the Bulldog Drive to West Kings and get in a
Challenger there. Once you are in the Challenger, go to the Respray shop in
South Kings because of all the cops. Bubby doesnÕt like the color, take it to
DalgettiÕs in South Kings. But Dalgetti doesnÕt want to take the piece of
shit Challenger, so, quickly go to the phone in Northeast Kings. After you
get the call, quickly answer the phone in Southeast Kings. You can now take
the car back to DalgettiÕs. Mission Complete.
Tanker in Northwest Law Island
When youÕre in the Tanker, head to the pool hall in Central
Kings. This is the easiest mission, just drive into the pool hall. Mission
Taxi in front of a strip club in Northwest Park
Once youÕre in the taxi go pick up a girl in Central Estoria.
She tells you to take her to the Hotel Mon Signor in Central Kings, but first
she wants to pick up her personal trainer in Southeast Brocklyn. After you
pick him up, go back to the Hotel in Central Kings. Mission Complete.
Bus parked near the station in North East Fort Law
As soon as you get on the bus start driving and go North and
get on the four lane highway. Once you reach it turn left and head West. You
have to keep the bus going pretty fast otherwise it will explode. When you
run out of road going West, turn on the next four lane highway and go South.
Soon you should get a message that the bomb has been disabled. You then find
out that Bubby needs two Mundanos at the Ardler Docks. You can easily provide
them for him. Mission Complete.
After you have gotten 1,000,000 points or more head to the strip club
in Northwest Park to meet one of Don SonettiÕs guys.
B. Liberty City 2 - Heist Almighty - 12 Missions
This time, you start in North Tellburg and the first mission starts
automatically. First you are to talk to a kidnapper in Northwest Adler. Go
talk to him and then quickly go to a phone in Central Estoria. Answer that
phone and go drop off some money on the West Law Island bridge. There is a
time limit again. Once you put the money in the suitcase, get back in your
car and pick up the girl who was kidnapped in the Itali car in East
Eaglewood. To end this mission, take the Itali to Splendido Hotel in North
Island City. Mission Complete.
Top Phone in North Fort Law
The guy on the phone tells you to get in a Squad Car by the Respray
shop in Southeast Guernsey City. Be careful with this thing, if you hit to
much stuff, it will explode. Go to the bank in Northwest Fort Law. Pull into
the bank. Then grab another car and head to Northwest Hackenslash to get
another Squad Car. Go back to the bank and pick up Jimmy. When heÕs in your
car, you will have maximum wanted level so be careful. Bring Jimmy to North
Law Island. Mission Complete
Top Middle Phone in North Fort Law
After you answer the phone, go to Northeast Guernsey City. Get in the
van and then you will have control of a model car. For this mission, all you
have to do is follow the arrows and find the Counthash and press Circle once
you get the model car under it to blow up the Counthash. Mission Complete.
Bottom Middle Phone in North Fort Law
After taking the call, go to West Guernsey City and get in a Pickup.
Take it to VesuvioÕs in Northwest Hackenslash. This guy tells you to take the
truck to Seymour ReamerÕs in West Guernsey City. But Seymour wonÕt take
youÕre shit, so go to Crazy BobÕs in East Hackenslash. Get the bomb rigged on
the pickup there and then get rid of the pickup back at Seymour ReamerÕs in
Northeast Hackenslash. After you blow up SeymourÕs, run over Seymour who is
running away. Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone in North Fort Law
ThereÕs a deal going down in Southeast Estoria. Shoot or run over
everyone until they tell you to go to VegaÕs in Southwest Brocklyn. Then you
are told that BubbyÕs horny again, so go get a Limo in North Island City and
then pick up this girl in Northeast Guernsey City. Try to pick her up and get
out of there fast because guys start shooting at you. Then go to East Fort
Law and pull into the building to satisfy Bubby. Mission Complete.
4 X 4 in New Guernsey Docks
Take the 4 X 4 to Island View and find two pickups to take to the
Island View docks. After youÕve taken them, they tell you to go Northeast
Guernsey City and kill this guy. After you kill him, follow the yellow arrow
to a building. Then follow the yellow arrow to get the Beast GTS. Take the
Beast GTS to ChinkÕs Place Respray shop in Southwest Park. Bubby tells you to
take the car to ShitterÕs in South New Guernsey. Mission Complete.
Bulldog Outside the Bar in East Guernsey City
Get in the Bulldog and head to a phone in Northwest Hackenslash. You
are told that this guys wife has been kidnapped and he has to get her back.
Then go to the phone in Southeast Hackenslash. Then quickly go to the phone
Northeast Brix. Answer that phone and quickly go to the bridge in South
Eaglewood to drop off the money. Mission Complete.
Cossie in Southeast Brix
The angels stole the bosses home videos. Go to Central Kings and run
over or shoot all of the guys in black. After you have taken care of them,
get in the Bug and take it to the hotel in Northeast Tellburg. Then you have
to find Cabot and kill him. Follow the arrow and youÕll find him in his
Bulldog. Simply shoot his car until it explodes. Mission Complete.
Mundano in West Hackenslash
Get in the car and head to Southeast Hackenslash and get in the
Challenger. Bring the Challenger to CoffeyÕs in Southwest Brix. Go to
Southeast Estoria. Just follow Pablo and make sure he doesnÕt get shot. This
is hard because you have to look out for the cops too. The best way to do
this is to get a fast accelerating car to run over anyone trying to shoot
Pablo. Mission Complete.
Penetrator in West No Law
When you get in the car, the cops will be on you, so you need to go
get a different car in Central Brix. Take the Mundano to MelÕs Respray shop
in Central Brocklyn. After that, take the Mundano to the warehouse in
Brocklyn Docks. Drop off the Mundano and go get a Squad Car in Southwest
Hackenslash. Take the Squad Car to the North Fort Law Military Base. When you
go in there, stop and pick up this guy, then you will have maximum wanted
level and this guy will be shooting at you. So get out of there and go to
Southeast Kings. It is a long way from the Military Base, to Kings with
maximum wanted level, so you might try going to a Respray shop, getting out
of the Squad Car, getting in another car, go into the Respray shop with that
car, and get out and go back to the Squad Car, because they wonÕt respray a
Squad Car. Once you get to Southwest Kings... Mission Complete.
Porka Turbo in Southwest Kings
How to find: From South Kings, head North on the four lane highway
that runs from South to North Kings. Take the first left to go West and keep
going that way until you see a Porka Turbo on the North side of the road.
Jimmy needs a driver, so go to South Brocklyn Docks and pick up a taxi. Take
it to the bank in South Adler and pick up Jimmy. Take Jimmy to BubbyÕs in
Northwest Kings. Drop off the taxi there, and then go and kill Dumb Kurt.
Follow the yellow arrow and find him in his Beast GTS. ItÕs easiest just to
take a gun and fire until the car explodes. Mission Complete.
Undercover Cop Car Outside the Cinema in North Hackenslash.
Get in the Stallion undercover car, and go to North Schelchberg to
find an ambulance. Get in the ambulance and take it to the West Eaglewood
Hospital to pickup the DA. Take him to the meat warehouse in Central Brix.
After you drop him off, go to Southwest Estoria and get in a 4 X 4. If you
want to, you can go to the Respray shop in Southeast Estoria to get the cops
off you. If not, head straight to the offices in Northeast Island City.
Mission Complete.
After youÕve got 2,000,000 points or more, go to an office in
Northeast Park to complete Liberty City and continue to San Andreas.
C. San Andreas 1 - Mandarin Mayhem - 18 Missions
Left Phone in Central Market
Go to Southwest Chinatown and answer the phone there. You then have a
minute to get to the Porka in South Potato and to bring it back to Southwest
Chinatown. Mission Complete.
Left Phone in Central Market Part 2
You have 120 seconds to find the Mamba in Northeast Woodside and to
respray it in East Telephone Hill. After that, you have another time limit to
get it back to Southwest Chinatown. Mission Complete.
Left Phone in Central Market Part 3
Go to see Pu Ling in Marina. Pu Ling tells you to quickly go to the
East Sunview Bank to pickup Chu Ling. After you pick him up, you will have
maximum wanted level, so you can go to the other side of the building and you
will find a Police Bribe. Then take it back to Southwest Chinatown. Mission
Left Middle Phone in Central Market
After you answer the phone, take a call in the park in Northeast Aye
Valley. You are to collect some money. First go see Pu Ping in Central Glen
Wood. Next is Ho Ching in East Wood Hill. Next go see Lei Ming in Southwest
Aye Valley. The last one is Chu Wing in Northeast Woodside. Bring all the
money you collected to Southwest Chinatown. Mission Complete.
Left Middle Phone in Central Market Part 2
You are instructed to kill Fu Ming. So find his car and blow it up
with whatever gun you have at the time. Be careful not to wait to long,
because he will get out of your reach and you will fail the mission. Also
make sure you have more than a hand gun, because it will make it much harder.
He may get out, so just shoot him down. Mission Complete.
Right Middle Phone in Central Market
Take the call and then go to a phone in West Woodside. You find out
there that No Chin has raised a drunken rabble in Aye Valley. You are to kill
them all. Mission Complete.
Right Middle Phone in Central Market Part 2
Go to South Richman and get the Mamba and bring it to West Woodside
to get the bomb off. Then bring it back to South Richman. The next bomb is in
a Love Wagon in Southwest Atlantic Heights. Take it to West Woodside to get
the bomb off. Be quick because you only have 90 seconds to get this horrible
slow vehicle to West Woodside. Then take it back to Southwest Atlantic
Heights. The next thing to do is go get a Flamer in Northeast Sunview. Again
take it to West Woodside and then back to Northeast Sunview. The last car is
a Limousine in South Sunview. Take it to West Woodside and then take it back
to South Sunview. Mission Complete.
Right Middle Phone in Central Market Part 3
Find No ChinÕs friends and make them talk. They are in Northeast
Sunview. To make them talk, kill one of them. Then follow the guy that the
yellow arrow follows. You have to catch up and punch him to make him talk.
After you make him talk, go to the little red strip by the water in South
Sunview. There, punch open the crate the yellow arrow is pointing at to get
the Rocket Launcher. When No ChinÕs boat passes buy, blow it up. Mission
Right Phone in Central Market
Answer the phone and then go to Southeast Marina and answer that
phone. Then you are to find a Squad Car. There are two ways to do this. You
can find a Squad Car shoot it to get the cop out and then then kill or get
the cop out of the way to take the car. Or, you can kill some people until
you get a wanted level. That way, the cops come to you. Once you get a cop
car, go to the police impound yard in East Aye Valley. When you get in the
impound yard, get in the Portsmouth and take it to Southwest Sailor's Wharf.
Mission Complete.
Right Phone in Central Market Part 2
Follow Wun Tun Chun. You will find him in Southwest Chinatown. Follow
him all the way to Southeast Glen Wood. There you will find a Bug you need to
take. Quickly take it to the Bomb shop in Central Sailor's Wharf. Then
quickly take it back to Southeast Glen Wood. When you park it, get out of the
way before it blows. Mission Complete.
North Sunview Phones Note
These phones will not ring until all Central Market Phones have been
Left Phone in North Sunview
Answer the phone and then go to East Sunview to answer another phone.
After you answer that phone, find a Squad Car. See the Right Phone in Central
Market mission on ways to get a Squad Car. Once you have got one, go see Ho
Hung in East Aye Valley to get a bomb on the car. Then go to Southeast
Telephone Hill and park right by all the other Squad Cars and press Circle
and get out of there. Mission Complete.
Left Phone in North Sunview Part 2
Go to Northwest Glen Wood and pick up a briefcase. You find out there
is a bomb in the briefcase. So, quickly go to South Marina at the end of a
dock to answer a phone. After you answer the phone, you have 100 seconds to
take the Bug to East Woodside and answer the phone. Be sure not to get back
in your car, otherwise you will be blown up. Instead, run directly North of
the phone and answer another phone in East Woodside. Then you are to take the
4 X 4 to the phone in Aye Valley within 60 seconds. When you answer the
phone, the bomb will be disabled. Then some guys will come looking for you.
Kill them all. Be careful because one of the guys has a Rocket Launcher.
Mission Complete.
Left Middle Phone in North Sunview
Answer the phone and then go answer another phone in Southwest
Marina. Then go to Southwest Woodside. There this guy challenges you to prove
your combat skills. You are to kill this prisoner before he does. DonÕt get
back in your car because you will fail the mission. To beat the other guy, as
soon as he starts talking to you, run West towards the prisoner. If you do
this, you should kill him first. After that, get a taxi. Go pick up the DA in
North Marina. Take him to the Safehouse in West Woodside. Mission Complete.
Left Middle Phone in North Sunview Part 2
You need to kill the DA. You will find him in the Park in North
Richman jogging. Simply kill his guards and then him. Mission Complete.
Right Middle Phone in North Sunview
Answer the phone and then go answer another phone in Southeast
Market. Your job is to stop a Juggernaut on its way to the San Andreas
munitions depot and steal it to gain access to the depot in West Sunview. Be
careful, the guy will get out of the Juggernaut and will start shooting at
you. Take the Juggernaut to the depot in West Sunview and get in the Tanker
at the depot and then go park in the Middle of the Southwest Woodside Bridge
and press Circle to blow the bridge. Mission Complete.
Note - It is fun to watch cars drive right off the bridge and into the river!
Right Middle Phone in North Sunview Part 2
Don Traegeri is in town. Uncle Fu wants him dead. Go meet Chow Yun in
East Excalibur. Then run to North Excalibur and kill everyone there. It is
hard, but once you kill everyone... Mission Complete.
Right Phone in North Sunview
Answer the phone and then answer another phone in Northwest Marina.
First you are to follow the yellow arrow to find Mr. Kivlane. Kill him. Then
go kill Mr. Watersane in his car. Someone is delivering evidence to the
police. He will be on foot. Follow the yellow arrow and kill him. Then
intercept a car and blow it up or if the guy gets out, shoot him down. Then
you have to stop Mr. Johnsane and get his secret documents. If you run over
him in your car, you get a Gratuitous Violence Bonus! Then go get the
documents in North Sunview. Mission Complete.
Right Phone in North Sunview Part 2
You are to ask Keith Ham Yel Tun some questions. You will find him on
top of a building in Southwest Aye Valley. He tells you he hid the humor in
West Telephone Hill, the gameplay in Northeast Wood Hill, the fun in
Southwest Woodside, and the sweary words are in Sailor's Wharf. They are all
in briefcases. How to find -
West Telephone Hill - East of the North/South four lane highway in West
Telephone Hill. The briefcase is down the Central Telephone Hill stairs.
Northeast Wood Hill - In the middle of the farthest Northeast building in
Southwest Woodside - On South side of the river in Southwest Woodside. Down
the stairs on a beach East of the Southwest Woodside Bridge.
Sailor's Wharf - Central Sailor's Wharf in between the buildings. From the T
intersection in Southeast Chinatown and Southwest Market, go East and then
turn South into Sailor's Wharf on the first road that goes that way. The road
will go East and then there will be several alleys that go South. The
briefcase is in the fourth alley that goes South.
After you have found all of them, Mission Complete.
After you have 2,000,000 points or more, go to the rear entrance of
the Rampant Dragon in Southwest Chinatown to meet Uncle Fu.
D. San Andreas 2 - Tequila Slammer - 16 Missions
Top Phone in North Telephone Hill
Answer the phone and then head to Central Eagleside and answer that
phone. You are told to stop someone from using buses to sneak people across
the boarder. You are to go get a Rocket Launcher in Woodside to take care of
these buses. After you get it, go to South Aye Valley and blow up all five of
the buses there. Then you find out there are two more buses. You will find
them on the highway. When you try to get out to blow them, they will leave
fast, so be quick or you might want to park in front of them. Mission
Top Phone in North Telephone Hill Part 2
The people who found the buses want their money. Get the for them by
going to South Potato and picking up the briefcase. First take the money to
Julio in Northeast Marina. Monolito is next. He is in Northeast Glen Wood.
Paulo is in Southeast Atlantic Heights. Last is Ricardo in East Sunview. Then
El Burro wants you to kill some cop that is on to you. So follow the arrow to
the Squad Car and blow it up or kill the guy inside if he gets out. Mission
Top Middle Phone in North Telephone Hill
Answer the phone and then go answer another phone in Central Richman.
Go and see Paco and the boys in East Sunview. Walk up to them and then they
tell you to go get Alve and his boys in West Woodside. The best thing to is
take a Bike or a Superbike and go to West Woodside by going through those
blockers that cars can not get through. Then ride up to Alve and the boys and
once they start shooting, turn around and head back to East Sunview. Alve
will follow you. You are then told that Paco is the one causing trouble and
you are to kill him when you are told to. Stay out of the way and when they
tell you to, follow the yellow arrow and kill Paco. Mission Complete.
Top Middle Phone in North Telephone Hill Part 2
You find out that a TV crew filmed your latest escapade. You are to
blow up four TV Vans because you are not sure which one has the film in it.
Follow the yellow arrows around the city and blow up the vans within the time
limit. Mission Complete.
Bottom Middle Phone in North Telephone Hill
It is good to have a fast car before starting this mission. Answer
the phone and then answer another phone in Southeast Excalibur. You are to
kill eight cops in less than eight minutes. Just follow the arrows and
messages around town and kill the cops. The order that you will find the cops
is: Eagleside, Chinatown, Glen Wood, Sailor's Wharf, Marina, Aye Valley,
Sunview, and Woodside. The best thing to do is stay in your car because all
of the cops are on foot. You need to get a new car every now and then because
the cops shoot at you and if your car explodes you fail the mission. It is
important to know where the Respray shops are so you can stop by on the way
to another cop. This is a very hard mission but if you kill all the cops
within the time limit, Mission Complete.
Bottom Middle Phone in North Telephone Hill Part 2
There are a lot of cars that the cops are looking for. You are to get
rid of them. Go to East Sunrise. Take all three cars, one by one to East
Woodside and drive them into the river. Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone in North Telephone Hill
Answer the phone and then answer another phone in Southwest Woodhill.
You are to get a Tanker with some unusual chemicals in it. Follow the arrow
and find the Tanker in Sunview. The guy in the Tanker will get out and start
shooting when you try to steal it, so be careful not to get killed. Then take
the Tanker to the Respray shop in Southeast Sunview to change the plates and
get a new paint job. Then drop it of at his warehouse in North Woodside. Be
careful with this Tanker because if you are too rough with it, it will
explode. Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone in North Telephone Hill Part 2
You are to kill Pepe who is in Eagleside. Then you are to kill Jorge.
Follow the arrow to his car and kill him. Then you are to kill Jose in
Woodside. Next kill Pedro in Sunrise. Next go to Atlantic Heights to find
Alfonso and kill him. Next is Rodrigo in Market, you know what to do, kill
him. Finally, the last one is Chico, kill him. Mission Complete.
Northeast Sailor's Wharf Note
These phones will not ring until all North Telephone Hill missions
have been attempted.
Left Phone in Northeast Sailor's Wharf
Answer the phone and then go to North Potato and answer that phone.
The guy on the phone tells you to meet Mike Tallon in his place to talk over
a deal. First go pickup his Portsmouth outside the respray shop in Southwest
Marina. Then go to his mansion in Southwest Sunview. Before you go, I
recommend that you have Armor, a Rocket Launcher, and definitely a
Flamethrower. Just one place I know where there is a Flamethrower is in South
Sailor's Wharf between the buildings North of the walkway that goes over the
river. The easiest way to complete this mission is to first blow up the three
Limousines by the mansion. Then run around and kill everyone in black with
the Flamethrower. Mission Complete.
Note: You can come back to his mansion to look around, there is a Multiplier
Up in the back on the dock.
Left Phone in Northeast Sailor's Wharf Part 2
You get to get even with Mike Tallon. You have to get to the South
Atlantic Heights Police Station before Mike does. Park and wait for Mike to
show up. When he does, he will go into the building and change out of his
police uniform and you are to make sure he doesnÕt get home. When he gets in
his car, just sit there until he leaves. Then follow him and when you are
told, kill him.
Left Middle Phone in Northeast Sailor's Wharf
Answer the phone and then go answer the phone on the long dock in
Southeast Sailor's Wharf. After taking that phone go pick up this guys friend
in North Woodside. When you get there you find out that his friend has been
killed. Follow the arrow to find a guy whose car was at the building when his
friend was killed. You are not to kill him, but make him talk. When he gets
out of his car follow him and punch him until he talks. He tells you that
Jimmy the Shovel sent him and some other people who are in a safehouse. Then
you are to get a car and go to a bomb shop somewhere in the city. Then take
the car and park it outside the safehouse in Central Marina and press Circle
and get out of there before it explodes. Mission Complete.
Left Middle Phone in Northwest Sailor's Wharf Part 2
The Yakuza have gone too far. They are stealing a shipment from some
factory. To teach them a lesson, destroy a few of their cars. When you go to
these places, watch out for men by the cars with machine guns. The best thing
to do is to run them over and then blow up the Limo. First go to West Sunview
and bomb a Limo of theirs. Then go to South Sunview and take out another
Limo. The last Limo to destroy is in Northeast Sunview. The guy then wants a
Limousine to drive. Go to Southwest Sunview and take the Limousine. Watch out
for the guys in black on the way there. If they blow up the Limousine, the
mission is over. I recommend killing them before taking the Limousine that
way. To end the mission, follow the arrow and
take the Limousine to the guy. Mission Complete.
Right Middle Phone in Northwest Sailor's Wharf
After you answer the phone, go to Southwest Woodside on the Sunview
side of the river and answer that phone there. The guy on the phone found out
that Jefe has been dealing behind his back so you are to kill Jefe and his
customers and bring back the stuff. Go to East Excalibur and kill them all
and get the suitcase. The best weapon to use is the Flamethrower. If you do
not have one, wait till they come out from the car blockers and run them
over. If you need help getting away from the cops, there is a Respray shop to
the East in West Glen Wood. After you killed everyone, grab the suitcase.
Mission Complete.
Right Middle Phone in Northwest Sailor's Wharf Part 2
You are to destroy a gangs laboratory in West Aye Valley. Jefe has
five exploding cars you need to do this in Northwest Sunview just South of
Marina on the docks. You might want to use a few to get the guys in black
with machine guns out of the way. Otherwise just drive the car into the
building and press circle. Mission Complete.
Right Phone in Northwest Sailor's Wharf
Answer the phone and then go to Southeast Potato to answer that
phone. You are to get some props for this guy so he can be in a movie. First
you have to get an Ambulance. These are easy to steal and you should see one
after cruising on the main roads for a while or they will usually show up if
you kill a bunch of people. Take the Ambulance to a garage in Central Glen
Wood. Next is a Fire Truck. To get this, quickly complete one of the Model
Car Kill Frenzys (see San Andreas 2 secrets) and concentrate on blowing up
cars. When youÕre done, start driving around and you will see some Fire
Trucks on the road. Take a Fire Truck back to the garage in Central Glenwood.
Next get a Juggernaut (The big SemiÕs) and bring it back to the garage. The
last thing to get is a Squad Car. Mission Complete.
Right Phone in Northwest Sailor's Wharf Part 2
There is some interesting merchandise in a Speeder in Central
Sunview. When you get in it, you find out that the car is wired and you have
a time limit and have to do exactly what Bryson says. Take the car to East
Soviet Hill and get in the Itali GTO. Take the Itali GTO to East SailorÕs
Wharf and get in the 4 X 4. Take the 4 X 4 to South Atlantic Heights. Take
the car there to SailorÕs Wharf to meet Bryson. You have to kill him before
he reaches the bomb trigger. Simply run over him when he gets out from the
car blocks. Mission Complete.
After you have gotten 3,000,000 points or more, go to the Red Clam
Bar in Northeast Aye Valley to meet El Burro and off to Vice City.
E. Vice City 1 - Bent Cop Blues - 16 Missions
East Vice Beach Phones
Top Phone
Answer the top phone and youÕre told that DeeverÕs ex-wife
ran off with his kids. You are to go to North Felicity to get them back. Once
in North Felicity, get in the Transit Van. The cops will be on you once you
get in. Bring the kids to South Banana Grove where Pauly will be waiting.
Pauly tells you to take the kids to the Hotel in Northeast Vice Beach. While
youÕre in Banana Grove, you might want to stop by the Respray shop just South
of where Pauly is. When you drop off the kids at the hotel, youÕre told that
a reporter has been following Deever for the past few days. Go steal her
Impaler in South Coral City. Bring the car back to Pauly in South Banana
Grove. He tells you to take it to North Greek Heights. Next thing to do is to
steal an Itali GTB. Follow the yellow arrow and find the car on the highway
and steal it and then bring back to South Banana. Then take the Itali GTB to
the old Wildcat place in Northeast Felicity. Then follow the yellow arrow to
get his wifeÕs Jugular. Take it back to South Banana Grove and then take it
to the hardware store in Greek Heights where Deever is waiting. Finally...
Mission Complete.
Top Middle Phone
Answer the phone and head North and follow the four-lane
highway right by the phone. Stay on that highway and eventually, you will run
into a Limousine that the yellow arrow is pointing to that you have to steal.
Park your car in front of the Limousine and get out. When you get out of your
car to steal it, he will get out and start shooting. Kill him quickly and
take the Limousine. Then take the Limousine to the Bomb shop across the
bridge in East Vice Shores by the Crane. After you have the bomb on it, go to
DellboyÕs in North Miramire to pick up a stripper. This stripper happens to
be dealing for the Rastas so press Circle and get out of the limo to kill
her. DonÕt take too long otherwise she will realize you are not her driver
and you will fail the mission. Once you kill her... Mission Complete.
Bottom Middle Phone
Answer the phone and go pick up a F-19 in East Felicity. Take
the car to one of Crazy BobÕs Bomb shops. The closest is in the fenced area
by the docks in Southwest Felicity. Then go to Big GingeÕs factory in
Northwest Richman Heights and park where the yellow arrow shows you to and
then press circle and run to blow up the place. After that, you will have
maximum wanted level so you might want to stop by a Respray shop. Now you
have to get some money from some dealers. The first one is in Northwest
Little Bogota. The next one is in Southwest Coral City. After that, go to
North Miramire to pick up some more money. The last one is in West
Vice Shores. Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone
Answer the phone to find out there is a deal going down in
Little Bogota. Go there and blow up the Tanker in the back. Because so many
people will start shooting at you, the best thing to do is take a car all the
way to the back and angle the car so when you get out it will block the gun
shots from you. Then quickly blow up the Tanker. Mission Complete.
Southwest Vice Shores Phones
Top Left Phone
Answer the phone to find out that this guy is going to rat on
Deever. Follow the yellow arrow to find him. Then follow his car to Southeast
Richman Heights. When he gets out to use the phone, kill him. After you kill
him, you are told that his wife already called the police. Go answer the
phone that is ringing right there. You have a time limit to kill his wife
now. You will find her at the North Vice Shores Train Station, but to get
there you have to go across the walkway in West Vice Beach. Kill her and go
to Central Banana Grove. Mission Complete.
Top Right Phone
Answer the phone and you are told that the Angels owe Deever,
get there bike for payment. Go to Central Felicity and take the Bike that the
yellow arrow points to. Go East and get away from the Angels who will be
shooting at you. Once youÕve got rid of them, take the Bike to North Greek
Heights. After you drop off the bike, go to Central Coral City and steal one
of the RastaÕs Penetrators. As soon as you get in, start going fast so you
donÕt blow up. The car is rigged with model car explosives. When you get away
from them, take the Penetrator to South Greek Heights. Mission Complete.
Bottom Left Phone
Answer the phone to find out that someone is trying to rob a
bank without asking. Go steal his Brigham in Southeast Banana Grove. Take the
car to the Northwest Richman Heights Bank and pick up the guy there. You will
then have maximum wanted level, so go to a Respray shop before dropping him
off in Central Banana Grove. Mission Complete.
Bottom Right Phone
Answer the phone and you find out that you have to pay off
some cops working for Deever. The first one to pay off is in East Little
Dominica. The next cop is in Southeast Vice Beach. The last cop to pay off is
in Northwest Richman Heights. HeÕs not happy with his pay off, so kill him
when he starts shooting at you. Mission Complete.
Southwest Greek Heights Phones
Top Phone
Answer the phone and go to Northwest Vice Beach to meet a guy
who says there is a deal going down. He tells you that the Rastas have a
shipment coming into the Richman Heights Docks. Go down there and kill them
all but donÕt blow up the Limousines. Because there are so many people to
kill, IÕve only found one way to kill them easily. It isnÕt too hard. Get a
fast car and go in there fairly fast and you will see a group of people.
Fish-tail the car around over the group. This will kill a lot of them and
then head right back out so your car doesnÕt blow up. If there are still some
left, get a fresh car because yours will be shot up, and go back and finish
the job. Any way, after they are dead, get the Limousine the yellow arrow is
pointing to and take it to the garage in Central Banana Grove. Then go back
and get the other Limousine and bring this one back to North Felicity. Then
go to Central Banana Grove and get in the Brigham. It has some shit in it so
deliver it to a dealer in South Greek Heights. Then go deliver some to Jimmy
the Shovel in Southeast Vice Beach. The last guy is Begbie in Southeast
Banana Grove. After that, go get another car with the rest of the shit to
deliver. Take the new Brigham to North Vice Beach and sell the guy there some
of the stuff. Another guy is waiting in Northwest Greek Heights. The last guy
who needs some of the shit is some guy in South Felicity. Finally this
mission is over, phew! Mission Complete.
Top Middle Phone
Answer the phone and then go to South Banana Grove to pick up
a Doctor who is in a Limousine. Take the Limousine to Southeast Little
Dominica and some guys will start shooting at you. Get out of there fast and
take the Doctor back to Central Banana Grove. Mission Complete.
Bottom Middle Phone
Answer the phone and you are told that a car dealer in Vice
Shores is working for the Rastas. Steal his Hotrod in Central Vice Shores.
Take the Hotrod to Southwest Little Dominica. Get out and start a fight with
the guys at the court. Kill them all, which isnÕt too hard this time. Start
shooting with a Rocket Launcher farther back and then use the Machine Gun or
Flamethrower while in close. Now youÕre told to wait to see if they hit back.
But they donÕt do anything so go pick up the Brigham outside the RastaÕs
House in Northeast Little Bogota. He then tells you to go back to the
showroom in Central Vice Shores and take out every car to make them mad.
Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone
A courier is going to the RastaÕs factory. Follow the yellow
arrow to him and follow him. Be fast because if you donÕt find him fast
enough you will fail the mission. Follow him all the way to North Miramire
where they are hiding and then go get a Tanker in Northwest Little Bogota.
There are three guys guarding it. The easiest way to kill them is run them
over with a fast car. After you get in the Tanker, drive it back to North
Miramire and blow up the bastards! When you get there, park the Tanker and
shoot it until it blows. Mission Complete.
Other Phones
Phone in West Banana Grove
The phone is in the big sideways L shaped block West of the
hospital in Banana Grove. Take the phone call to find out Dell is on his way
to the Police Station. Follow the yellow arrow to him and stop to blow up his
Regal. Then pick up a Limousine in South Banana Grove. He tells you not to
scratch it up. This is important because there are a lot of guys with Machine
Guns where you are going and you will have to take a lot of hits. Then go
pick him up at the courthouse in Central Coral City. There are four guys with
Machine Guns, so run them over first and then pick him up. Then more guys
star shooting at you, the best thing to do is get out as fast as you can.
Then take him back to Central Banana Grove where you picked him up. Mission
Phone in South Vice Beach
This phone is West of the North/South six-lane highway in
South Vice Beach. Take the phone and go get a Transit Van in Southwest
Felicity. Take it to the car lot in West Little Bogota. Leave it and go get a
TV Van in Central Felicity and bring it back to Little Bogota. Now get
another Transit Van in East Vice Beach and bring it back. Last is a Pickup in
Northwest Felicity that you got to bring back. Park the pickup and blow them
all up. Mission Complete.
Phone in Northwest Vice Shores
The phone is to the North of the East/West four-lane highway
in North Vice Shores. El Burro is in town. You are to get a Transit Van for
him in Central Little Bogota. You are told El Burro and the Rastas are
meeting in the Southwest Vice Shores Park. He wants the Rastas dead. There
are guys everywhere shooting, so you might need some Armor. Go in there and
move around as much as possible so you donÕt die. The Machine Gun and the
Flamethrower are most useful in killing all these guys. Once they are all
dead... Mission Complete.
Phone in Northeast Richman Heights
This phone is in the farthest Northeast corner of Richman
Heights. To get in there, you have to go under the tracks on the West side of
the building. You will find a gap under the railroad to get to the phone. You
are told to steal the First LadyÕs limo. He tells you it is by a hospital.
You have 400 seconds to find and steal the limo, bring it back to South
Banana Grove, find a car, get a bomb on the car, and kill the First Lady. The
Limousine is in the fenced-off area at the Hospital in Northeast Little
Dominica. Kill the guards and go to the fenced-off area in South Banana
Grove. Now he wants her dead. Get a bomb on a car and and take it to the Bomb
Shop between the buildings in Northwest Greek Heights. Now go back to the
fenced-off area at the Hospital in North Little Dominica and park by the wall
and press Circle to blow up the Hospital. Mission Complete.
Once you have earned 3,000,000 points or more, go to the Police
Station in West Banana Grove.
F. Vice City 2 - Rasta Blasta - 16 Missions
Vice City 2 Note
The Vice City 2 theme is a rivalry between the Brethen and the
Babylon. YouÕre on the BrethenÕs side.
Alright, this is the last part of the game, you start with a Regal in
South Banana Grove this time. You automatically start a mission when you
start the level, so go to Northwest Richman Heights and get one of the
RastaÕs Itali GTBÕs. You now have a timer that just started so be quick. Take
the car to the Bomb shop by the docks in Southeast Richman Heights and then
quickly take it back and park it. Watch the guy come out and blow himself up
in the car. Mission Complete.
Start Part 2 - Getting the Payphones to Ring (Not a Mission)
First answer the ringing phone in Central Greek Heights and then go
up to South Miramire and answer the phone in the middle of the building.
After that, go answer the last phone in Central Vice Beach. After you take
this call, the phones will ring and you can start the missions as usual. If
you kill one of the guys by this last phone before you answer the call, you
will have to do the following mission before the phones will ring:
There is a Cuban shipment coming into Banana Grove. You are to
destroy it before it hits the street. YouÕll find it in a Limousine in Banana
Grove. Blow it up and the phones will start to ring.
East Vice Beach Phones
Top Phone
Answer the phone and go to Central Miramire because Jimi and
some of the Brethen are being faced down by some scouts from Babylon. Because
there are so many people there, this is what you can do: Go to East Miramire
and get in the Transit Van for the Model Car Kill Frenzy. (See Vice City 2
secrets if you canÕt find it) Drive the model cars through the car blockers
and blow up the group of people. This may take two or three cars to get them
all. If you complete the Kill Frenzy and theyÕre are still a couple there,
try to kill them with a Flamethrower and it shouldnÕt be too hard. Mission
Top Middle Phone
Answer the phone to find out that a high priest of the
Babylons in town and is going to be on the radio. Stop this by going to West
Felicity and killing him. You have 120 seconds. This is easiest to do with
the Machine Gun because it kills from farther away. The guy you have to kill
is the one the yellow arrow points to, but it wonÕt hurt to kill a few of his
guards on the way. Once he is dead... Mission Complete.
Bottom Middle Phone
Answer the phone and go get brother Leroy whoÕs waiting in
his Penetrator in Southeast Miramire. Get in the Penetrator and he tells you
that he has a bomb, so donÕt get out of the car because you will be blown up
and will fail the mission. Immediately start heading South towards Richman
Heights. You have a 60 second time limit to get to the Hotel in South Richman
Heights. When you get there, take him all the way up to the door in the back
and run out of there. Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone
Answer the phone and a 100 second timer will begin. YouÕre
told that some Babylon Agents are going to kill brother Zachary. So quickly
go to the hotel in South Greek Heights. From there, you have to find the
Babylon guys who are around the hotel somewhere. YouÕll find them on top of
the building in Northeast Richman Heights just South of the hotel. The
walkway to the top of the building is on the Southeast side of the block. Get
up there and there will be a few guys to kill. One strategy to kill them is
to hide behind the buildings that stick out of the roof to the left or right
of the top of the walkway. When they come to you kill them real fast. Any way
you do it, when theyÕre all dead... Mission Complete.
Southwest Vice Shores Phones
Top Left Phone
The BrethenÕs have found one of the Babylon high priests.
Drive by the fenced off area in South Banana Grove quickly and a bunch of
guys with machine guns will start shooting. YouÕre then told that there are
some Brethen in the area that will help you fight. You can go to Southeast
Banana Grove on the West side of the eight-lane highway and youÕll find three
guys and some Armor that will help you fight the Babylon. You can run up into
the fenced off area and kill everyone in black while the other guys help you.
I did this with a Machine Gun and got a Psycho Bastard Bonus!!! Another
strategy is to drive a fast car into the fenced off area and get out and
quickly go stand behind one of those blocks. Then they wonÕt be able to get a
shot on you and you wonÕt die if you did it right. Either way, go in the back
and blow up the Limousine. Mission Complete.
Top Right Phone
There are Babylon scouts in the city in vans. Find and
destroy all three of them. To find these vans, drive around in the general
area I tell you and you will get a message that tells you thereÕs a van and
then the yellow arrow will be on the van and you can go blow it up. The first
one I found was a Transit Van heading North on the eight-lane highway in East
Banana Grove. Pull your vehicle in front of it and destroy the van. If you
donÕt do this fast enough, a guy will come out of the van and start shooting
you with a Machine Gun. I found the second one in South-Southeast Felicity.
The last one I found was in North Little Bogota. Destroy that van and you
will be done. Mission Complete.
Bottom Left Phone
Answer the phone and the 60 second timer will start. Go
quickly to East Richman Heights and check out the trouble the Babylon is
causing. You will see a bunch of parked cars and guys in black. The object of
this mission is to kill everyone in black. You can do this with a Machine Gun
and Flamethrower, but there is another way. You can go in between the car
blockers and the fence with just about any car. I recommend using a 4 X 4
because it is the skinniest. Once inside the fence you can run over each guy
in black that the yellow arrow points to. Mission Complete.
Bottom Right Phone
Answer the phone and youÕre told that the Babylon are killing
in the back of the Graveyard in Southwest Little Bogota. There is only one
strategy you can use to complete this mission. I donÕt think itÕs possible to
complete any other way than this one: Before you go to the Graveyard, get a
Bike or a Superbike and get a bomb on it. You can go to the one in Northwest
Greek Heights or Southwest Felicity. Take your time, they wonÕt shoot until
you do. Park the Bike right in the middle of the group and press Circle. If
this doesnÕt blow up all of them, use your Flamethrower or Machine Gun and
kill everyone the yellow arrow points to which shouldnÕt be too hard. Once
theyÕre dead... Mission Complete.
Southwest Greek Heights
Top Phone
Answer the phone and DONÕT get back in your car otherwise you
will immediately fail the mission. Instead, follow the yellow arrow and walk
South to find Spindly Jimmy. He will then start running so follow him to
North Richman Heights where he will stop. Then he will start running again so
keep following him to South Richman Heights where he will stop again. He then
keeps moving so keep following him back to North Richman Heights and then
heÕll run off again so follow him to South Little Bogota. After that he will
run away again so follow him, but this time you can kill him. Yes you can
read the screen - SLAP THEM BITCHES!!! Follow the yellow arrow around the
city and punch each bitch to get them on your side. If you are good at
punching bitches, youÕll get a BITCH SLAPPINÕ BONUS!!! After youÕve slapped
all the bitches... Mission Complete.
Top Middle Phone
Answer the phone to find out itÕs time for the Brethen to
take control over Vice Beach. Go to East Vice Beach and on the way youÕre
told that the killing must stop before the TV crews get there. Because of the
TV crews, when you get there you have 200 seconds to kill and blow up cars.
This isnÕt as hard a mission as it may sound. The Limousines are guarded by
the Babylon, but the only have Pistols. When you have to blow up Limousines
kill those guys first. Other times, you just have to kill people and this can
be easily done by running them over. The yellow arrow will point you to where
the Babylon are. First go to North Vice Beach and take out the Limousine and
the guy in black there. Then go to Central Vice Beach and run over the guy
there. Then go West a little bit to take out the Limousine there and also a
couple guys. Then go back by the beach in Northeast Vice Beach and run over
two guys from the Babylon. Then go to South Vice Beach and destroy the
Limousine and the guys there. The last guy to kill is standing by the phone
in Southwest Vice Beach. Mission Complete.
Bottom Middle Phone
Answer the phone and youÕre told that a Babylon scout killed
brother Aerol. YouÕre told that this scout is being transported to a
safehouse by bus. So follow the yellow arrow to find the bus heÕs being
transported in and steal it. Then bring it to the Felicity Docks and park it
there while your friends from the Brethen blow it up. Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone
Answer the phone and a 60 second timer will start. You have
to stop brother Maelcum from being killed by a hitman from the Babylon. Go to
the four-lane highway in Southwest Vice Beach. YouÕre told that the hitman
will be around shortly. In a few seconds he will come out of a building on
the right of the four-lane highway. Follow him across the walkway and all the
way to the Southwest Vice Shores Pay Phones and when youÕre told, kill him
Other Phones
Southwest Felicity
How to find: From Southwest Felicity where the two six-lane
highways meet, head North on the six-lane highway. Take the first road that
goes East and then take the first road that goes North. Right after you turn
to go North, you will see an alley on the West side of the road follow the
zig-zag alley to the phone. Answer the phone and head to Northwest Little
Dominica and answer the phone there. Now take off to East Greek Heights and
answer the phone there. You find out that Judge Alberts from the Babylon
passes unfair judgment on the Brethen so the Brethen want vengeance on him.
First pick up the Brigham in Central Miramire. The Judge is expecting this
car to pick him up, so first go to the Northwest Greek Heights Bomb shop and
get a bomb. With the bomb, drive to the Graveyard in Southwest Little Bogota
and pick up the Judge. Now drive him to the North Vice Beach Police Station
and blow up the car right in front of the Babylon. Mission Complete.
Southeast Miramire
The phone is by a building North of the perfectly square
building in North Coral City. You will see an alley on the South side of the
building. Go North on that alley and you will find the phone. Answer the
phone and quickly get a Taxi because one of the Babylon are trying to kill
one of the BrethenÕs mothers. When you steal a Taxi follow the yellow arrow
to a place in Southwest Greek Heights. Be quick because if youÕre too slow
you fail the mission. Pick her up and take her to a building in Central Vice
Shores. Mission Complete.
West Vice Beach
The phone is West of the railroad by the beach. Answer the
phone and follow the arrow to a Tanker which is heading to a TV Station in
East Felicity. Find it and blow it up before it gets there. Then go to West
Little Bogota and steal a Tanker thatÕs parked there. Then take that Tanker
to the TV Station in East Felicity. The Babylon will Load up the Tanker
there. Now take the Tanker to a garage in Northwest Miramire where the
Brethen will unload the goods. Now go get another Tanker in West Little
Bogota. Take this one to the nearest Bomb shop which would be in Northwest
Greek Heights. This Bomb shop is in an alley. You canÕt fit the Tanker in
from the side alleys, but you can from the alley on the South side. Get the
bomb and then go to West Vice Shores and and park it where the yellow arrow
is pointing. Then press Circle and get out of there to blow up the place.
Mission Complete.
Once youÕve earned 5,000,000 points or more go to Crazy BobÕs House
OÕ Guns in Northwest Greek Heights.
IX. Secret Guides
You will need a map to follow my directions to find theses secrets
(see Chapter III above).
A. Liberty City 1 - Gangsta Bang - 7 Secrets
North Brocklyn
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: From the train station in Northwest Brocklyn, go East on the
four lane highway. Turn to the South at the first road that goes that way and
then turn to the West at the first road that goes that way. The crate is on
the North side of the road.
North Estoria
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: Go to the bridge that goes North to Law Island. But donÕt cross
it. Instead, head East on the four lane highway and then go North on the
first road that goes that way. The crate is on the West side of the road in
the park area.
Southwest Fort Law
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in plain view on the South side of the road on the
East/West four lane highway in Southwest Fort Law.
Northwest Hackenslash
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in the farthest Northwest point in all of Liberty City by
the corner of the four lane highway.
Southwest Island City
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is under the building on the South side of the road. It is
directly South of the Southwest Island City Respray shop.
South Island Heights
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: While heading north on the four lane highway in East Park, when
you reach a East/West intersection in South Island Heights, go left and their
is an ally to the North almost immediately. There you will find the crate.
South Kings
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: Go the farthest Southeast corner in Kings. Head West on the four
lane highway and turn to the North on the first four lane highway that goes
North. Once on this highway, turn right to go East on the first road that
goes that way. There is an alley that goes North almost immediately. The
Machine Gun Kill Frenzy is there.
Other Secrets
East Law Island
There's a lot of cool stuff here on this island. To get there get a
Superbike or Bike and go to the bridge in East Law Island that goes North to
Brix. Instead of crossing it go to the right of it down an alley and than to
the right. You will see a ramp to an island. Simply go and ramp to the other
island. Be careful not to go too fast otherwise you will go to far and
explode. You will find a multiplier up, get out of jail free card, extra
life, machine gun, and a Superbike.
B. Liberty City 2 - Heist Almighty - 7 Secrets
Southeast Eaglewood
How to find: Go North on the four lane highway that separates
Eaglewood and Hackenslash. Take a right on the four lane highway into
Eaglewood. Go South on the first alley that goes that way. Go South down the
alley until you reach a wall. Then go East to find the Machine Gun Kill
Southwest Estoria
A Machine Gun Kill Frenzy is in the crate at the dead-end in
Southwest Estoria.
North Guernsey City
How to find: Head West on the four lane East/West highway that
separates Guernsey City and Hackenslash. Keep going to the bridge that goes
to Northwest Guernsey City. DonÕt go over the bridge, go through the one lane
crack between the bridge and the buildings on the South side of the road.
Turn South through the alley under the black grates. The Machine Gun Kill
Frenzy is hidden in there.
North Island View
You will find a Machine Gun Kill Frenzy in the crate in the park on
the west side of the four-lane highway.
Central Kings
A Machine Gun Kill Frenzy. How to find: Go to the four lane highway
3-way intersection in the Southwest corner of Kings. Go North from there and
take the third right to go East. Keep going and go on the third road that
goes North. The crate is on the West side of the road.
West Park
The Machine Gun Kill Frenzy is in the crate on the East side of the
road in West Park.
Southeast Tellburg
The Machine Gun Kill Frenzy is in the middle of the only building in
Southeast Tellburg.
Other Secrets
East Law Island - The same place as in Liberty City 1 on the island.
To get there get a Bike or a Superbike and ramp to the island. This is not an
official secret, but you will find a multiplier up, a get out of jail free
card, and a rocket launcher here.
C. San Andreas 1 - Mandarin Mayhem - 12 Secrets
West Sailor's Wharf
How to find - From the East/West four lane highway that separates
Chinatown from Sailor's Wharf, while on the four lane highway in South
Chinatown, turn South onto the two lane road to go into Northwest Sailor's
Wharf. When you come to a East or West turn, go East. Go under the building
almost immediately after you turn. You will find a tank with ammo there.
Island in Southeast Woodside
How to find - Take the Southeast Woodside Bridge South and take the
first road that goes East after the bridge. Stay on that road until you get
to the T intersection. Head North. Once you are going North, take the second
road that goes West. It is a single lane road. Follow it and go around the
Bomb shop. Directly North and East a little bit, there is a building with an
alley that goes under it. On the other side of the building there is a long
dock. The dock then turns into a invisible road which takes you right to the
Southwest Aye Valley
The secret is in the Love Wagon in the parking lot in Southwest Aye
Valley. You control a model car. Use it to blow stuff up. To blow up the car,
press Circle.
East Wood Hill
In the Love Wagon in the parking lot in East Wood Hill. You control a
model car. Use it to blow stuff up. To blow up the car, press Circle.
Central Richman
In the Monster Bug in the driveway. To find it from the whole levelÕs
starting point in West Richman, pull out of the driveway and follow the four
lane highway East. When the highway turns South, follow it and then go East
at the first road that goes that way. When that road turns South, follow it
and then go East at the first road that goes that way. Then, on that road you
just got on, go North on the first road that goes that way. You will see the
Monster Bug parked in the driveway.
Southeast Chinatown
In the bus by the building. Just try to run over as many people as
you can. This is hard to do if you have a low multiplier.
Northeast Market
Flamethrower Kill Frenzy on top of a building. The stairs are on the
South side of the building in the Northeast Corner of Market.
South Sunrise
How to find - The Flamethrower Kill Frenzy is in the farthest
Southeast building. You have to go South into Aye Valley and then take the
alley to get behind the building.
Northwest Sunview
The Flamethrower Kill Frenzy is on the long wide dock in Northwest
Sunview. It is in Sunview, but is very close to Marina.
North Atlantic Heights
In the Center of the building in North Atlantic Heights. It is a
Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy.
Northeast Sunrise
How to find - In the far Northeast corner of Sunrise, on the East
side of the road there is a raised platform that runs parallel to the
North/South four lane highway in East Sunrise. At the end of the platform,
there is a Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy.
South Sunview
Under the tree in South Sunview. How to find - In South Sunview,
there is an East/West two lane road that runs all through South Sunview. It
is South of the six lane highway. The crate is on the South side of that two
lane road under a tree. It is a Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy.
Other Secrets
There is a Respray shop in West Glen Wood that is not marked on the
There is a parked Penetrator in Northeast Richman. If you get in it and
drive straight forward, you will ramp off this walkway over a river and land.
When you land, you will get an Insane Stunt Bonus. Although, IÕve tried this
a few times and the car explodes when you land. This means that you have to
go a forward a little before you put the petal to the metal. If you mess up,
you can get another fast car to do the same stunt, but you can not do it
In a park in Southeast Richman, there are four crates together. You
will find some armor, a police bribe, and two machine guns. Just East of
there in Northwest Atlantic Heights, there are two more crates containing a
machine gun and a multiplier up.
D. San Andreas 2 - Tequila Slammer - 12 Secrets
Southeast Marina
Tank Kill Frenzy. First go to Southwest Sunview and use the green
Superbike there to ramp to the island. DonÕt go too fast because you will end
up in the river. Get the information icon and it will tell you that the doors
to destruction are now open. Then go to Southeast Marina to get the Tank.
Southeast Richman
The Tank is under the purple grating in the Southeast Richman park.
To get there, you have to Go to the park to the East of it. The entrance is
in West Atlantic Heights. To open the door, you need to get the thing that
says the doors to destruction are open (described above). In that park, there
is a door in the side of the rock that will take you to the Tank.
West Woodside
East of the Southwest corner of Glen Wood. A model car Kill Frenzy
inside the Love Wagon. Press Circle to blow up the car while it is under cars
and other people.
Southeast Sunview
A model car Kill Frenzy in a Love Wagon in Southeast Sunview. The
Love Wagon is hidden under the bridge that goes across the East/West six lane
highway in Sunview. It is parked on the median. Thanks to: Ed Van Wormer.
East Atlantic Heights
Monster Bug Kill Frenzy. In between some trees in the grass in East
Atlantic Heights.
East Woodside
A Bus Kill Frenzy under the six lane bridge in Woodside. You can see
the bus in the crack in the middle of the bridge.
East Chinatown
A Flamethrower Kill Frenzy right by the building in Southeast
East Sailor's Wharf
A Flamethrower Kill Frenzy directly South of the Sailor's Wharf
North Soviet Hill
A Flamethrower Kill Frenzy by the center house in North Soviet Hill.
Northwest Eagleside
A Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy under the tree in Northwest Eagleside
just West of the Northwest corner of the six lane highway.
Northeast Woodside
A Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy. Go to the stairs East of the six lane
highway in Woodside and get up on the building. Head South on the building
and go across the walkway to get to the other building. The crate is there.
Southeast Woodside
A Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy. On the South side of the river on top
of the building. To get there, go to the six lane Woodside bridge. Take the
East side of the bridge. On the very East side of the bridge, there is a
hidden passage under the bridge pillar that will take you to the building.
Other Secrets
You can easily beat this city without getting any points or cheating.
Go to the Red Clam Bar in Northeast Aye Valley and go into the building and
stand there. After about five seconds, the video of El Burro will show up and
you will have beaten the city.
Southeast Richman - Four crates in the park. You will find Armor, two
Machine Guns, and a Police Bribe. Just East of there in another park, there
is a Multiplier Up and another Machine Gun.
There is a parked Penetrator in Northeast Richman. If you get in it
and drive straight forward, you will ramp off this walkway over a river and
land. When you land, you will get an Insane Stunt Bonus. Although, IÕve tried
this a few times and the car explodes when you land. This means that you have
to go a forward a little before you put the petal to the metal. If you mess
up, you can get another fast car to do the same stunt, but you can not do it
E. Vice City 1 - Bent Cop Blues - 15 Secrets
Northeast Banana Grove
Type: Tank Kill Frenzy
How to find: On the island in Northeast Banana Grove. There are two ways to
get to the island. One is the walkway in Southeast Vice Beach. Another way is
to get in the Penetrator parked by the beach East of the eight-lane highway
in Northeast Banana Grove. Drive the Penetrator straight forward and you will
jump to the island. Either way, get in the Tank and head Southwest to an
opening to get back to mainland.
On completion: Go to the Docks in South Felicity within 90 seconds and open
the crate to get your extra life.
North Miramire
Type: Tank Kill Frenzy
How to find: In North Miramire you will see two ramps that go up on top of a
building. Go up them with a Superbike and then you will see jump to another
building. Jump to the other building, but not too fast or you will explode.
There you will find the Tank.
On completion: Go to West Vice Beach and go on the walkway that goes across
the river within 110 seconds to get your extra life.
East Richman Heights
Type: Model car Kill Frenzy in a Transit Van
How to find: It is on the West side of a square building in far East Richman
Heights. You have to go under the tracks to get to it.
On completion: Go to the middle six-lane East/West Vice Shores to Vice Beach
bridge within 95 seconds.
Southeast Vice Beach
Type: Model car Kill Frenzy in a Transit Van
How to find: The van is in the middle of a building on the West side of the
North/South four-lane highway in Southeast Vice Beach.
On completion: Go to the courts in Southwest Little Dominica within 125
seconds to get your extra life.
North Vice Shores
Type: Model car Kill Frenzy in a Transit Van
How to find: Go to the Southeast corner of the biggest block in North Vice
Shores. You should see a green square of grass. From there go on the alley
that goes North to find the Transit Van.
On completion: Go to the Train Station in Vice Shores within 125 seconds. To
get to the station, you have to go to the walkway on the other side of the
river in West Vice Beach.
Northeast Coral City
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in a small opening under the square building in Northeast
Coral City. You will find the crate on the North section of the building.
On completion: Go to the roof of the Hospital in North Banana Grove within
100 seconds to collect your extra life.
Southwest Little Dominica
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in a small opening in an alley right by the courts in
Southwest Little Dominica. In the alley, you should see a crate with armor in
it. The Kill Frenzy is right next to that crate.
On completion: Go to the Train Station in Northwest Banana Grove within 100
seconds to get your extra life.
Southwest Felicity
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: Start by heading West on the East/West six-lane highway in South
Felicity. When the highway ends going West and you can only go North or
South, go North on to the six-lane highway there. When you start heading
North, take the first right to head East. When you are heading East, take the
first road that goes North. As soon as you turn North, you should see a path
between the buildings on the West side of the road. Go through there and keep
walking past the police bribe until you get the Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy.
On completion: Go to the North side of the Police Station in South Miramire
within 80 seconds to get your extra life.
North Greek Heights
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: This is the easiest way I can describe how to find this. Start
by going to the Police Station in Southeast Coral City. Exit the Station on
the South side of the building and head West on the four-lane highway that
separates Coral City and Greek Heights. Keep going West and turn to the South
on the third road that goes that way. Head South until the road turns into
two single lane roads. Take the one that goes East. That road then turns to
the South. When you are heading South, you will see an alley to the East. The
crate is in there.
On completion: Go to the South side of the far West swimming pool in
Southwest Banana Grove to get you extra life. You have 100 seconds.
North Miramire
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: On the East/West four-lane highway in North Miramire, there is a
small opening in a building on the North side of the highway. Note: There is
another small opening on the same road to the West of the one you are
supposed to use. Make sure you go in the right one. Go in there and head
North and keep going and follow the path to the West to find the crate.
On completion: Go to the Police Station roof in Southeast Coral City within
105 seconds.
East Felicity
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: ItÕs in the long building West of the Police Station in West
Banana Grove. It is in the Southeast portion of the building. Go through the
path and it will turn to the East. Then the path ends. Where it ends, there
is a small opening under the building where there is a Rocket Launcher Kill
On completion: Once you beat the Kill Frenzy, go to the East/West bridge that
connects Vice Shores and Vice Beach within 70 seconds to get your extra life.
There are four bridges, the one with the extra life is the bridge second from
the bottom.
Southwest Little Bogota
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is sitting under the tree in the back of the Graveyard in
Southwest Little Bogota.
On completion: Go to the West side of the Hospital in North Banana Grove
within 80 seconds.
Northeast Miramire
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in the very back of Miramire in a small opening in the
back of the building.
On completion: Go to the Car Park in West Little Bogota within 90 seconds.
Northwest Miramire
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: In far Northwest Miramire the crate is a hidden under a building
in a small opening. It is down an alley.
On completion: Go to the Vice Shores Docks to get your extra life within 90
Northeast Vice Beach
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is under a small opening in a building on the East side of
the buildings in Northeast Vice Beach next to the beach.
On completion: Go to the far West swimming pool in South Banana Grove within
90 seconds.
Other Secrets
Go to West Little Bogota, Northwest of the Graveyard. In between some
buildings, you will see a one lane thick ramp. Get a Super Bike and head
straight up it and ramp to the next building. There you will find an extra
There are two Multipliers Up on top of a building in Central Little Dominica.
To get up there, there is a walkway where you can go up in Northwest Little
Dominica South of the four-lane highway that separates Little Dominica and
There is a Respray shop in Northeast Greek Heights that isnÕt on the map. The
Respray shop is just West of the Vice Shores Phones.
F. Vice City 2 - Rasta Blasta - 17 Secrets
Northeast Banana Grove
Type: Tank Kill Frenzy
How to find: ItÕs on the island. You can get there by using the walkway in
Southeast Vice Beach. Get in the Tank to start the Kill Frenzy and head
Southwest to an opening to get back to mainland.
On completion: Go to the Police Station in Southwest Greek Heights and open
the crate to get your extra life within 70 seconds.
North Miramire
Type: Tank Kill Frenzy
How to find: In North Miramire you will see two ramps that go up on top of a
building. Go up them with a Superbike and then you will see jump to another
building. Jump to the other building, but not too fast. There you will find
the Tank.
On completion: Go to one of the Vice Shores to Vice Beach Bridges within 100
seconds. There are four of them. The bridge with the extra life on it is the
very bottom one.
West Banana Grove
Type: Model Car Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is hidden on the East part of the big Police Station in West
Banana Grove.
On completion: Go to the Police Station in North Vice Beach to collect your
extra life.
West Little Dominica
Thanks to Ed Van Wormer
Type: Model Car Kill Frenzy
How to find: The van is in far West Little Dominica right next to the border
of the city.
On completion: Go to the Police Station in Southwest Richman Heights within
100 seconds.
East Miramire
Type: Model Car Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is between the buildings down an alley just North of the
East/West four-lane highway in East Miramire.
On completion: On completion you have 100 seconds to go to the Military
Island in Northeast Vice Beach and get your extra life. You can get to the
island by the walkway in Southeast Vice Beach.
Northeast Greek Heights
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in a small opening under a building in Northeast Greek
Heights. It is on the farthest Northeast building in Greek Heights. To find
it, from the Respray shop there, head Southwest down the alley and you will
see the opening by a telephone.
On completion: You have 70 seconds to get to find your extra life on one of
the two Banana Grove to Vice Beach bridges. YouÕll find the crate on the
farthest East bridge.
East Little Dominica
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: ItÕs in a small opening under a building in East Little
Dominica. The building is part of the big block in Little Dominica with the
circle drive running through the middle of it. The crate is East of the road
in the South part of the big block.
On completion: Collect your extra life in the Southwest Little Bogota
Graveyard within 80 seconds. The crate is in the Northwest part of the
South Vice Beach
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in the middle of a building West of the North/South four-
lane highway in Southeast Vice Beach.
On completion: Go to the Park in South Vice Shores within 85 seconds to get
your extra life. The crate is on the West side of the park.
North Vice Shores
Type: Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is hidden in a small opening under a building in North Vice
Shores. It is North of the East/West four-lane highway in North Vice Shores.
On completion: Go to the stairs in Northwest Little Dominica to get on top of
the hospital to collect your extra life. You have 130 seconds.
Northeast Banana Grove
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: ItÕs on top of the Northeast Banana Grove Hospital along with a
multiplier up. To get up there go up the walkway on the Northwest part of the
On completion: Go to the South Vice Beach Docks and get your extra life
within 70 seconds.
Northeast Felicity
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: The Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy in a small opening under a
building in Northeast Felicity. The building is in the East part of the big
weird-shaped block South and slightly East of the Vice Shores Phones.
On completion: You have 70 seconds to get to the West Greek Heights Train
Station. The Train Station is the block with the stairs leading up to the
railroad tracks.
West Greek Heights
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is the square building two blocks West of the Greek Heights
Hospital. You will find the crate in the center of the block in a small
opening under the building hidden by a tree.
On completion: Go to the Car Showroom in Central Vice Shores within 70
seconds to get your extra life. The Car Showroom is just the parking lot with
the fence around it.
Northwest Vice Beach
Type: Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in Northwest Vice Beach next to the railroad. It is the
part of the railroad where it turns to the West to go across the river to
Vice Shores.
On completion: Go to the TV Station in Felicity within 70 seconds to get your
extra life. The TV Station is in the long block West of the Banana Grove
Police Station. The TV Station is in the alley on the Southeast part of the
long block.
Southwest Banana Grove
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: The crate is on the far Southeast part of the big Police Station
city block in West Banana Grove. You have to go under the railroad at the
corner to get to it.
On completion: Go to Southwest Vice Beach and go on the walkway that goes to
Vice Shores within 80 seconds to get your extra life.
Northwest Little Dominica
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is hidden in a small opening under a building in Northwest
Little Dominica. The building is West of the hospital.
On completion: You have 70 seconds to find your extra life at the West Vice
Shores TV Station. The TV Station is the building West Vice Shores that has
railroad on the Northwest and North parts of it and has a East/West road
going through the middle of it. The crate is on the West side of the
South Richman Heights
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in a small opening under a building in South Richman
Heights. The building is part of the big block with the oval road in the
middle. The crate is Southeast of the road in the Southeast part of the
On completion: You have 80 seconds to get the extra life by one of the pools
in Southeast Banana Grove. YouÕll find the crate South of the third pool from
the left.
East Vice Shores
Type: Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
How to find: It is in a small opening under a building covered by a tree next
to the beach. ItÕs on the city block that also has the Bomb shop and Docks in
East Vice Shores.
On completion: Once you beat the Kill Frenzy, go to the Hospital in South
Greek Heights within 70 seconds to get your extra life. The extra life is on
the Southeast part of the Hospital.
Other Secrets
Go to West Little Bogota, Northwest of the Graveyard. In between some
buildings, you will see a one lane thick ramp. Get a Super Bike and head
straight up it and ramp to the next building. There you will find an extra
There is a Respray shop in Northeast Greek Heights that isnÕt on the
map. The Respray shop is just West of the Vice Shores Phones.
There is a Multiplier up on top of the Southeast Coral City Police
Station and the North Little Dominica Hospital.
X. Copyright and Credits
This FAQ: The Playstation Grand Theft Auto Guide, was written by
Gavin Ripley. It is intended for personal use and may not be sold or widely
distributed. You may be able to put this FAQ on your site ONLY if you get MY
permission by e-mail: ripoff1@email.com. But, you may only put it on your
site with my permission. Please feel free to send any comments or any
corrections to me: ripoff1@email.com
FAQ Author -- Gavin Ripley ripoff1@email.com (URL:
Grand Theft Auto Codes -- Gamewinners (www.gamewinners.com)
Gameshark Codes -- Gameshark Code Creators Club (www.cmgsccc.com)
Other credits -- Ed Van Wormer, DOGGTAG18@aol.com, & ED
Thanks to:
Take Two Interactive Software for making such a great game.
Gamefaqs for posting my guide.
This Document © 1999 Gavin Ripley
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