Omega Boost

Omega Boost

14.10.2013 12:07:55


//. o m e g a b o o s t F A Q 0 0 0 1 //.

(c) johan henriksson 1999

use the font called Courier
to read this FAQ, please.

.0001 introduction :
I imported this awesome game called Omega Boost and |
well, I thought it ruled so I decided to provide people |
with a decent FAQ for it. I have previously written |
FAQs for high profile games like Metal Gear Solid and |
Cool Boarders 3 and I've gotten alot of very very |
positive feedback on those (sorry to the people who |
have kept e-mailing me but not gotten a reply, I have |
decided to leave my old work behind me, so sorry). |
Anyway, I hope this helps and you better go enjoy this |
game cause it completely rocks! |
Johan Henriksson >> >> |

.0002 table of contents :
.0001 introduction _ |
.0002 table of contens _ |
.0003 controls _ |
.0004 the screen _ |
.0005 zone // boss strategies _ |
.0006 secrets && rankings _ |
.0007 additional information _ |
.0008 hints // tips _ |
.0009 gameshark codes _ |
.0010 credits // thanks _ |

.0003 controls :: :
the controls in this game are pretty simple, you can |
get the hang of them really quickly (which you will |
need cause this is a pretty fast-paced game). |
these are the default controls. if you change the Type |
setting to B, up//down will be switched to normal (ie |
up == up and down == down instead of vice versa). and |
if you switch Control to B you will start the engines |
instead of stopping them when you press L1. |
d/pad :: use this to control Omega Boost, left//right |
are what you'd expect them to be but up//down |
have been reversed, sort of like a flight-sim. |
/\ :: uses Omega Boost's nice boosters, good for |
dodging an attack or such. pressing left or |
right while boosting causes OB to do a rolling |
boost. |
O :: same as triangle. |
X :: fires the laser. while held down it fires a |
pretty short burst and then stops, so if you |
want more rapid fire you're going to have to |
keep pressing the button. |
[] :: same as X. |
R1 :: hold this down to lock onto the nearest enemy |
or enemies and hold it down to keep following |
him//them. if your opponent boosts past you |
or teleports, it's a better idea to press R1 |
again instead of holding it. holding this |
button also makes you fly straight, a very |
good idea for tunnel flying! |
R2 :: fires the viper blaster. cannot be used before |
you reach level XX. |
L1 :: stops Omega Boosts engines. helpful while |
fighting bosses if you don't want to be moved |
around as much (it's annoying sometimes). you |
should know that it doesn't always work though |
and the camera keeps moving if it's supposed |
to. |
L2 :: switches camera-view to a fixed camera right |
in front of you. completely useless unless you |
want to see what's behind you. which in turn |
is.....useless. |
Select:: changes view to first person mode, like in |
Quake or such. helpful when you have to fly |
tricky stuff like the timeshaft [zone XX]. |
Start :: pauses the game. simple. |
can't think of any more tips to give you concerning the |
controls, let me know if i'm missing something. |

.0004 the screen :: :
.-----------------------------------. |
| **************** 1 5 0000000000 | 1 == Viper Boost |
| ================ 2 6 level 1 | 2 == Energy |
| //////////////// 3 | 3 == Missiles |
| | 4 == Closest |
| | Enemy |
| playing area :) | Direction |
| __ | 5 == Score |
| /<<\ 4 | 6 == Boost Level |
'-----------------------------------' |
1 == displays your viper boost energy, it refills |
(slowly!!) as you hit more enemies. damaging |
bosses also adds to the refilling. |
2 == the omega boosts energy. grows smaller as you get |
hit, like in any other game. refills after each |
boss and after each zone. |
3 == missile energy. instead of having a limited amount |
of missiles you have a set few you can fire until |
it refills the bar. goes very quickly so you never |
have any worries, really. |
4 == shows in which direction the nearest enemy is |
attacking you from, very good for when the game |
doesn't warn you (usually it shouts "caution!" |
when something is closing in, sometimes it doesnt) |
5 == your score, simple as that. you get higher scores |
from killing enemies and beating bosses. you also |
get bonus points after you beat a zone, depending |
on how well you do. |
6 == shows the omega boosts level, ranges from level 1 |
to level E. levels 1 through 9 are given to you |
automatically after you beat a level. the other |
few are bonus levels that you use in Zone Play, |
as far as i know anyway! |

.0005 zone // boss strategies :: :
typically, a normal zone consists of a minute or so of |
shooting smaller enemies. then comes a miniboss or two |
and after that you fight the final boss of the zone. |
good time signifies a time i have gotten that has |
scored me 100 pts (ie a perfect time). |
>> training :: |
lesson 01 :: scan search mission |
the point here is to just press R1 and then fire a |
missile. simple as hell, not really that much practice. |
lesson 02 :: circular flight mission |
all you have to do here is almost the same as the first |
lesson, except you have to circle around the little |
meteor while doing it. not too advanced. |
lesson 03 :: lock-on laser mission |
here you're supposed to learn how to quickly follow |
an enemy using the lock on feature. all you have to do |
while he's boosting around you is press R1 when he has |
boosted past you and keep blasting him with your laser. |
easy, but good practice. |
lesson 04 :: pseudo timeshaft mission |
the object of this lesson is for you to learn how to |
navigate through the timeshaft. since the timeshaft has |
alot of tricky obstacles, this one is a good help. all |
you have to do is fly into the red balls and fly into |
as many as you possibly can along the way. i recommend |
you at least master this one before you play the game, |
it really helps. |
>> zone campaign :: |
// 1st zone // space // >>>>>>>|
this one's easy, it's sort of a combination of the |
first three training lessons. just keep locking onto |
the different enemies and shooting them, missiles is |
the fast and easy way out. |
1st miniboss :: |
this is a little meteor with a gun in the middle and |
two rings of metal balls that don't do anything around |
it. you don't have to destroy all the balls to kill |
the boss, but it earns you points! you can kill it |
easily by staying out of the cannons way while blasting |
all the balls, and then when they're gone you go for |
the cannon. here you should keep just under it, so it |
misses when you fire it. when it shoots, you blast it |
with your laser and when it closes the hatch you wait |
and let the missiles lock on and then fire when it |
opens. repeat a few times. |
1st boss :: |
simple. just keep yourself in a low enough position |
under the red "eye" for you to be able to hit it but so |
it can't fire it's circle-attacks. if it does fire, |
just move to the middle of the rings it shoots. but if |
you stay out of it's line of sight and shoot all the |
smaller baddies that come at you while shooting the |
boss, you'll do fine. |
// 2nd zone // space // >>>>>>>|
another really simple zone, just keep taking out the |
pesky little enemies in the beginning with your |
missiles (don't forget to dodge their shots!) and then |
when the rockets start coming, take them out with even |
more missiles. take out the small satellites that come |
out of the rockets using your laser, it's quicker. |
1st miniboss :: |
just keep firing at it using either missiles or lasers |
and watch out for it's shots and the enemies it throws |
at you. |
1st boss :: mecha 01 :: |
this is training lesson 03 all over again. he'll boost |
past you alot and you just have to keep following him. |
shoot him using either lasers or missiles, both work |
well enough. one thing to look out for is that when he |
boosts far away, he is going to boost right into you |
unless you move out of the way. he can teleport to |
right behind you when he does this, keep your eyes open |
good time :: |
2:12.40 == 100 pts. |
// 3rd zone // orbit // |
the beginning of this zone is pretty much the same as |
the last one. keep hitting the fighter jets using |
missiles and lasers and watch out for their shots. |
after a few hundred or so jets three-four robots will |
come at you from below, they're easy though. |
1st miniboss :: mecha 02 :: |
a mecha. all you have to do is lock onto him, and fire |
some missiles, dodge his missiles and his boosting |
attacks and you're set. |
1st boss :: |
this one is tricky. if you're dead ahead of him, he'll |
fire with the four cannons on the front end. watch out |
for those. if you're below him he'll release a huge |
amount of bombs right onto you, they're sort of hard to |
dodge, so don't get under him. if you stay above or |
behind him he will either fire loads and loads of shots |
at you or follow you with the nasty red lasers, you'll |
know if he's using the lasers by checking to see if the |
hatches on top are open or not (they're green when open |
and the same color as the rest of the ship when closed) |
if he uses the red lasers i suggest you just boost |
around until he stops. besides that, all you have to do |
is shoot. missiles or lasers both work fine, by now you |
should also be able to use viper boost, so if he's too |
much for you just give him a big ol' viper boosting. |
good time :: |
2:37.86 == 100 pts |
// 4th zone // the surface // >>>>>>>|
at first you'll be flying right on the surface, but the |
first things that attack you are airborne. they're big |
spider-like droids that fall down upon you and grab |
ahold of you. so when the game gives the "caution!" |
warning just hold the lock and stop buttons (R1+L1) and |
take the spiders out with your missiles. there will be |
four or five batches of spiders. after that you fight |
little isz looking creatures (isz, didn't you read the |
maxx? :). they come crawling underground, just follow |
them by holding the lock key (R1) and when they've just |
gone past you, they will jump up, so lock onto them and |
take them out with missiles or lasers. missiles is |
quicker and easier. |
1st miniboss :: spider droid 01 :: |
this is a bigger spider. one thing to watch out for is |
the laser-whip of sorts that he has, if it turns yellow |
it means that it has locked onto you and will grab you. |
when it does, just dodge. a really simple technique is |
to get really really close to the head and then just |
circle it while shooting. lasers are to prefer here. |
2nd miniboss :: worm 01 :: |
a big worm. it's only real attack is to run into you, |
so it poses no real threat if you get the right |
techniques in. when he's above ground all you have to |
do is keep shooting missiles//lasers at him, but when |
he goes underground you should just left//right-boost |
away until he comes up again, because he aims to |
re-emerge right on you, causing you some damage. |
1st boss :: big truck :: |
this was the first boss that ever gave me real trouble. |
it's a big truck-looking thing that has alot of attacks |
and can cause you real damage. at first you should just |
lock+hold (R1+L1) and keep hitting him with missiles, |
he will most likely attack you with the orange balls |
they're really easy to dodge so just keep doing the |
missile thing. when he starts getting to close or using |
other attacks, he can shoot orange fire-bars and do |
big bombs as well, just boost around to dodge them. |
having control of your boosting is needed here. |
good time :: |
2:40.46 == 100 pts |
3:44.00 == 100 pts |
4:04.10 == 100 pts [hard] |
// 5th zone // timeshaft // >>>>>>>|
you better have mastered controlling the omega boost by |
now, cause you're gonna need good control. first you'll |
be confronted by smaller enemies situated or running |
along the edges. just lock onto them and take them out. |
whenever something comes along that looks like an |
obstacle, it is so dodge it. training lesson 04 helps! |
1st mini boss :: |
this one will attack you from behind, right after the |
tricky dodging part where the music slows down and all |
that. he's VERY simple, so if you die here i will make |
fun of you! :) ok, he'll attack you from behind and the |
first thing he does is try to zap you with his electro |
ray thingie, just dodge it, fly around in circles is |
good. do this while shooting him and that part of him |
will eventually blow up. now all he does is spin that |
bar in the middle (watch out for it, it hurts) and go |
back and forth, so just shoot him and watch out for |
the bar. simple & fast. you don't even HAVE to kill |
him, all you have to do is survive for long enough. |
but hey, higher points are nice. |
1st boss :: spider droid 02 :: |
a spider. again. i like using missiles for this one, |
just keep going around in circles (to dodge missiles) |
while shooting him. he is pretty simple, if you beat |
him up enough he will stop doing the same thing with |
the missiles, he will start going around the shaft |
shooting balls of light or something, just watch |
where he's going and go the other way. one last thing |
he does is stop in the middle of the shaft and start |
loading up this really big laser-beam, it will be very |
apparent when he does this, so when he does it just |
stay close to the shaft's edges to not be hit by it. |
good time(s) :: |
3:17.76 == 100 pts |
3:36.16 == 100 pts |
3:47.03 == 100 pts |
// 6th zone // >>>>>>>|
this one's short. you've traveled in time but ended up |
somewhere you shouldn't have. at first legions of |
smaller ships will attack you, and later mechas will be |
there too. really simple. just take them out as you |
would any other enemies. |
1st miniboss :: armada :: |
first off i cound the smaller ships of this armada as |
part of the boss. to take them out perfectly all you |
have to do is lock onto one, fire missiles and let go |
of the lock (as to not fly right into the ships). |
repeat this until they're all gone. simple and easy, |
i've *never* been hit by these guys. the bigger ship |
on the other hand is a problem. i must admit i don't |
really have a good technique to beat him. all i do is |
either use viper boost to take him out, or i just |
systematically take out all the weapons on one side |
and then just keep shooting at that side to slowly |
destroy him. |
1st boss :: worm 02 :: |
another worm. all you have to do is keep circling |
around him while shooting. this technique also applies |
to when he goes crazy and starts shooting, circling |
around him works whatever he does. missiles//lasers |
are equally as good on this one. |
good time :: |
4:16.83 == 97 pts |
// 7th zone // planet surface // >>>>>>>|
first off you will face big ships that drop off robots, |
just quickly take them out, they're easy. then you have |
to fight small planes, to take them out all you have to |
do is lock in their general direction, manually search |
the darkness by pressing left//right and then hittting |
them with two missiles. after this you get to fight a |
few more drop-off ships and loose robots. easy. |
1st midboss :: bike :: |
this is a two-wheeled bike doing a wheelie basically. |
on each side he has bars sticking out. fly straight |
towards him, lock on and fire missiles, then dodge the |
bars. when killed he will instantly split into midboss |
number two. |
2nd midboss :: double mechas :: |
the wheels of the bike will transform into mechas that |
fly around above you shooting laser beams straight down |
really pathetic. and shoot. |
1st boss :: mecha 01 -- again :: |
this is the mecha from the 2nd zone, and this time he's |
pissed! or something :) the technique from training |
lesson 03 and the 2nd zone boss applies here as well. |
except now he has a few new attacks. when he stops and |
starts shooting a shitload of shots, just circle around |
him as a matter of fact just circle around him whatever |
he does and keep in mind that survival = more important |
than taking him out quickly! when he's beaten he will |
do a viper boost, so watch out! this part is really |
tricky and i can't really give you any other tips than; |
watch out! |
good time :: |
3:51.23 + 100% + Rank S == perfect score :) |
// 8th zone // >>>>>>>|
from this zone on, it's all just bosses, no levels. |
1st midboss :: |
ok, this is a tricky one at first, but once you get the |
hang of it it's easy. the only part of his body that |
you can permanently damage is the red cone on his back, |
to access shooting it, just keep blasting him with |
missiles and lasers while dodging his attacks. he has |
two attacks; one where he loads of something in front |
of his chest and let's loose a seeking laser beam, |
which is ridiculously easy to avoid. and another attack |
where he shoots a bunch of shots, also easy to avoid. |
when you've hit him some, he will fall apart for a few |
seconds, you have to spin around him and do as much |
damage as you can to the red cone to kill him, you only |
have 90 seconds to do it on! |
1st boss :: jello blob (alpha core blob :) :: |
yeah, this one's REAL tricky. shoot him. missiles rock. |
you have 45 seconds. |
good time :: |
1:28.23 == 95 pts |
// 9th zone // last zone // >>>>>>>|
1st midboss :: |
the trick here is to have at least a little in your |
boost energy and right when the boss' energy bar |
starts filling up you have to use the viper boost. this |
takes him out instantly and you don't have to worry |
about doing anything. viper boost is the only thing |
i've found that hurts him! |
2nd midboss :: worm 03 :: |
this guy will come at you from behind, and the trick is |
easy. circle around the shaft while shooting until you |
have destroyed all the parts of him, then you will spin |
around and he will start attacking using his head. when |
he opens his mouth to attack, he will reveal his |
vulnerable spot, the cube in the middle, shoot it. he |
has three attacks; 1) shooting loads of shots, the |
trick here is to go up the farthest you can in the |
shaft's roof and there dodge the few shots that can |
reach you. 2) shooting a combination of purple and |
yellow shots. the purple shots go in the middle of the |
shaft so naturally you have to stay close to the edges |
when he fires. the yellow shots on the other hand |
follow the edges so you have to stay in the middle, his |
mouth will change colors depending on what attack he |
uses. 3) he can lunge forward and try to hit you with |
the energy balls he has on his lips, just go between |
them on both the way ahead and back. |
keep in mind that viper boost has no effect on worm 03! |
1st boss :: final boss :: alpha core :: |
the cube will go out into space and release the final |
boss, a jello angel. she has two normal attacks, one |
where she shoots loads of shots straight at you. these |
are easily dodged by boosting left//right. the other is |
where she shoots shots that follow after you, the trick |
here is to, yet again, boost left//right to dodge them. |
keep in mind that you have to boost for a while for the |
seekers to give up. to hurt her i suggest you use |
missiles and the viper boost. oh yeah, she has the mega |
attack thing all final bosses have. she will disappear |
for a brief moment and that's your cue for boosting |
like hell, cause she's going to reappear and shoot one |
hell of a large laser beam that will instantly kill you |
so get the hell out of her way! |
>> bonus zones :: >>>>>>>|
// U1 zone // >>>>>>>|
// U2 zone // >>>>>>>|
the point of this level is to quickly beat three mechas |
that generally behave like the mechas do, they boost |
around and shoot at you. |
1:32.66 + 100% + Rank S == perfect score |
// U3 zone // >>>>>>>|
here, the object is to quickly destroy 201 fighter jets |
it's fun and chaotic. just shoot like hell ;) |
1:18.83 + 100% + Rank S == perfect score |
// U4 zone // >>>>>>>|
// U5 zone // >>>>>>>|
this one is TRICKY as hell! you have to be pretty slick |
with controlling the 'boost if you wanna beat this |
one. the object of it is to manouver through the time |
shaft, with moving obstacles. hard, very hard. |
0:55.20 == 100 pts |
// U6 zone // >>>>>>>|
// U7 zone // >>>>>>>|
// U8 zone // >>>>>>>|
the object here is to destroy the big head. he doesn't |
even fight back. |
good time :: |
0:59.50 == 100 pts |
// U9 zone // >>>>>>>|
you're in a shaft, the final shaft, and you're golden |
(like alpha core). why, i have no idea, but you're |
supposed to fight mecha 01 again. isn't that hard. |
1:27.73 == 100 pts |
// V5 zone // >>>>>>>|
this one is like U2, except harder. the obstacles don't |
move, but not only do you have a shitload of them to |
navigate through; you have to gather yellow balls too. |
0:47.33 == 100 pts |

.0006 secrets && rankings :: :
you can unlock new levels to play in the Zone Play area |
I am not sure of how you do this yet, but i believe it |
has something to do with how well you play the missions |
in the campaign mode. |
my current guess is that new zones are opened up if you |
meet the requirements for beating the corresponding |
campaign zone. like if you beat zone 01 perfectly it |
will open up zone U1. that's what it seems like anyway. |
but that doesn't explain zone V5. |
well, ok.. doesn't really seem like it since i achieved |
a rank S on the 7th zone, but i didn't open up U7 :( |
i'm pretty sure that beating the game on hard enables |
you to use the level E boost, cause when i beat it on |
hard the first time, it was there. |
rankings :: >>>>>>>|
when you beat the game, or get a game over, you are |
awarded with a ranking. these are the ones i've come |
across :: |
drunkard march (0 - 9 pts) |
pixy rook abyss (038 pts) |
pixy galactic maestro (??? pts) |
pixy eniac mania (084 pts) |
pixy omega hades (088 pts) |

.0007 additional info :: :
the intro, main theme and final boss song is a song |
by feeder called 'shade'. it was previously featured in |
the european version of gran turismo. |
the sign on the ENIAC says "Computor" instead of |
"Computer". |
did you notice that the couple in the ending movie are |
driving to philadelphia? no doubt a nice little tribute |
to the philadelphia experiment movies, which are also |
about time travel. |

.0008 hints // tips :: :
use the training mode. it helps. |
have at least an inch of viper boost energy when going |
into the fight with the first midboss in last zone. |
you can spin the camera around left and right when you |
pause the game. |

.0009 gameshark codes :: :
now I didn't test these codes out very thoroughly, but |
i put most of them in and i was invincible and Level E |
and stuff, but i couldn't get Viper Boost. And the game |
hung up in Zone 5. |
don't really feel like spending hours making out what |
each code does either, if you're a cheater you're |
welcome to figure it all out yourself :) |
ENABLE CODE (MUST BE ON) D0120876 1040 |
80120876 1000 |
infinite time 1 80146BBC 1770 |
infinite time 2 D00299D8 0001 |
[makes it so you beat levels at 0:00.00] 800299D8 0000 |
infinite power boost 800A34B4 1000 |
infinite energy 800A34A8 03E8 |
[for the missiles] 800A34AC 03E8 |
infinite continues D0053F3A FFFF |
[unlimited amount of continues, duh] 80053F3A 0000 |
no damage D002ED42 0050 |
[makes you invincible] 8002ED42 0040 |
vb gauge 1 D00364EC 0004 |
800364EC 1000 |
D0062264 0001 |
80062264 1000 |
vb gauge always max D005F43C FFF4 |
[unlimited viper boosting] 8005F43C 0000 |
D005FE30 FC00 |
8005FE30 0000 |
rk maximum 800A34C0 0010 |
[rk? i have no idea what that is] 800A34C8 0010 |
800A34D0 000D |
stage 1 - 1 D012B01A AE63 |
[unlock zones i guess, i didn't try 'em] 8012B01A AE60 |
stage 1 - 2 D0125786 AE43 |
80125786 AE40 |
stage 2 - 1 D0126146 AEA3 |
80126146 AEA0 |
stage 2 - 2 D0129A2E AE42 |
80129A2E AE40 |
stage 3 - 1 D012627A AE43 |
8012627A AE40 |
stage 3 - 2 D012D01A AE63 |
8012D01A AE60 |
stage 4 - 1 D0129846 AE43 |
80129846 AE40 |
stage 4 - 2 D012B4CE AE42 |
8012B4CE AE40 |
stage 4 - 3 D0133626 AE62 |
80133626 AE60 |
all stage selectable (caetla only) 8009703C 4F4A |
8009703E 454B |
30097040 0052 |
B0110002 00000000 |
800A3410 0101 |
these codes were taken without permission from GSCCC, |
but i'm sure they don't mind. visit them at | for TONS of good GS/PAR codes! |

.0010 credits // thanks :: :
this entire file and all the information it contains |
was gathered and written by johan henriksson and johan |
henriksson only. noone else. so if someone else claims |
he wrote it or co-wrote it he//she is lying. |
this file may be put on archives, either on the web or |
on a commercially pressed CD. with my consent that is, |
and in a completely unaltered format of course. ie |
touch this and die. |
omega boost is (c) and (r) and whatever Sony Computer |
Entertainment Inc. and Polyphony Digital 1999. |
this file is (c) and (r) and whatever Johan Henriksson |
1999. |
>>> thanks: |
martin//gloone x( for getting me the game )x |
sony//polyphony x( for making it )x |
all the people who x( you make these damn things )x |
liked my other FAQs x( worth writing )x |
| x( best FAQ storage ever, go! )x |
| x( best GS/PAR code archive there is)x |
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