Breath of Fire 3

Breath of Fire 3

13.10.2013 09:22:24
=== Breath Of Fire III FAQ/Walkthrough ===
=== by Lee Chieng Tze (ahtze) ===
=== Version : 0.125 ===
=== Date : 21 May 2000 ===
=== Email address: ===
=== ICQ number : 10194757 ===

Note: 1. When you view this FAQ, please make sure you use workpad to
view it.
2. The walkthrough below will not detail's tell you on the
talking part and what's going on when you going to places but
it will detail's tell you how to go places, where should
you go, what should you do when ......., where to get X
items, and those which is difficult to find out.

Walkthrough is not finish yet.

This FAQ was made by me, Lee Chieng Tze. If there is any things miss
up, comments or question, feel free to email me or contact me by my ICQ
number. ^_^

1. Something You Must Know
1.1 Direction
1.2 What Can You Do In camp?
1.3 What make your Maximum HP Drop?
1.4 Ex Turn Info?
1.5 Examine(EXa)
1.6 Money(Zenny)

2. Walkthrough
2.001 Chapter 1 (Begining)
2.002 Chapter 2 (Cedar Woods)
2.003 Chapter 3 (Steal Times, Get Caught By Buryan)
2.004 Chapter 4 (To ? Area)
2.005 Chapter 5 (To Mt. Claus, fight Nue(monster)
2.006 Chapter 6 ()

3. Character Abilities
3.1 Ryu Abilities
3.2 Rei Abilities
3.3 Teepo Abilities

4. Weapon/Armor And Items
4.01 Weapon/Armor And Items Sell In McNeil

5. Enemy List

6. Big Monster List

7. Thanks List

1. Something You Must Know

1.1 Direction

North East
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /


/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
West South

1.2 What Can You Do In Camp?

You can rest, heal your HP, save your journey, change party members,
look at skill notes, look at master list using a book in tent.

1.3 What Make Your Maximum HP Drop?

Your Maximum HP will drop if you become unconscious and leave a

1.4 Ex Turn Info?

Sometimes when you're fighting with some monster, if a lot of faster
than they are, you can get an extra attack in keeping your equipment
light so your agility stays high is one strategy you can try.

1.5 Examine(EXa)

Examine(EXa) is one of the command that can be use while fighting with
monster. When you fight monsters, they use all kinds of abilities. You
can learn abilities from them with "Examine" command.
If you don't get it at the first time, keep trying use the command.

1.6 Money(Zenny)

This games using Zenny to buy things.

2. Walkthrough

2.001 Chapter 1 (Begining)

Item you can find in Chapter 1:
Melted Blade

The games will start in a place call Dauna Miner. In the begining,
Gary and Mogu set the explosion and going to blow the crystal to find
out what's inside the crystal. They found a dragon (Ryu) which is
still alive in the broken crystal.

In this chapter, you will play as a little cute dragon (Ryu) .You
will fight with Gary and Mogu, it is really easy to defeat them by
using your whelp breath. Whelp breath can be use by scroll to your
abilities and choose whelp breath or it will automatic use whelp
breath when people attack you. Check Mogu's body after defeat Gary and
Mogu, you will get Melted Blade.

On the way in the journey, you will fight with a few miner and
engineer. To save times wasting fighting with other miner and
engineer. After you defeat the second enemy, walk past between the
miner and engineer which you defeated and go straight until the end
and turn right and walk to the next screen. Then you will fight with
an operator and a worker which look strong and look like a bull. Upon
attacking them. Suddenly, something disturb your mind. Meanwhile, the
operator control the crane machine and turn the crane and hit you
unconscious. You will then caught in a cage and put you on a train
which will send you to other place.

When you wake up. Use your D-pad to shakes around the
cage and the cage will drop from the train.

2.002 Chapter 2 (Ceder Woods)
Items you can find in Chapter 2 :
Vitamins , Skill Ink, Ammonia ,Healing Herb, 2x Green Apple

Note: You can't get Healing Herb at the cupboard in Rei house storage
room while you are wearing pajamas.

Rei are hunting to get food to eat was fail to catch a pig course by a
loud crash sound. Rei find out what is going on, Rei then found a
boy(Ryu) without cloths which was almost eaten by 2 wife Wolf and save

At first Rei don’t want to bring Ryu home because Rei didn’t have
enough food for him even for himself but at last Rei change his mind
to bring Ryu to his home. In the journey home the hungry Teepo are
waiting food from Rei. In a minute Rei are back and Teepo ask a silly
question. Question = ‘Is that food’ ( hahaha...... What kind of
question is Teepo asking.) Then Rei and Teepo together put Ryu on Teepo
bed. They left the boy(Ryu) and let him rest while they go to the
village to get food.

Ryu will start dreaming. When Ryu wake up, you will play as Ryu. You
can save by writing the diary on the table. Go downstairs and search
the cupboards for Vitamins (recover HP) and worm (for finishing). You
can’t go to the storage room in this house yet. You get Healing Herb by
searhing the cupboard in the storage room.

Now, leave the house and go to a village name McNeil. Before go there,
get Skill Ink, Ammonia and 2x Green Apple first. First, talk to the big
ears creatures near the bridge then walk to east and you will found a
chest. Skill ink will inside the chest. After that, walk to the south
side until dead end, turn the camera view and you will found an
ammonia. Next go to the place where Rei save you, this place is locate
on the Northwest side from Rei house. Go until the next screen. Behind
the cage in that place, there is a Big tree. Behind the tree there is a
Green Apple. Green Apple is place in the hidden part near the tree so
try to turn the camera view.

After getting those items. It is time to go to the village(McNeil).
To go there, first out to world map first. McNeil is locate in the
south side from Cedar woods . You will meet Rei and Teepo there. Rei
and Teepo will get some equipment to wear. Talk to Teepo while Rei is
cracking the weapon shop door to scrounge armor for you. You will
wearing armor which was stealed by Rei.

Now, you can view the menu in the games. Equip Melted Blade which
you got it from Dauna Mine and also Bracers. Use Examine command to
learn skill from enemy like example: learn Blind abilities from Ripper,
Unmotivate abilities from Goblin, Burn abilities from Mage Goo,
Influence abilities from BossGoblin and so on.

Abilities for Ryu, Rei and Teepo at first
Characters Abilities Type Abilities Name AP Uses

Ryu Heal Heal 4
Rei Attack Pilfer 0
Teepo Attack Flare 2

2.003 Chapter 3 (Steal Times, Get Caught By Buryan)
Items you can find in chapter 3 :
40 Zenny, Beef Jerky , X Croc Tear

Note: you can get infinity Croc Tear from the pond near Baryan house.
Search it beside the woman.
1.To get Croc Tear more faster, go to game menu and change
the message speed to fast in config.
2.Get Croc Tear as many as you can. Don't use Croc Tear when fighting
with monsters. Use it after the battle because one Croc Tear just
recover 5 HP.

Now, go to Yraall road where Rei and Teepo work (steal jobs). You
will steal something with them. After finished talking at the road,
go to the location where Rei point to. You will failed to steal from
Bunyan. Rei and Teepo decided to steal some food from Buryan's house.
Get 40 Zenny in a small bag near you before go there. If you want to
know about Camping stuff, talk to Godblin and if you want to know
about Examine, Skills and EX Turn talk to an MageEye Goo. They locate
near the Bridge out site Rei's house. Now go to Buryan's house in Ceder
woods area, find it yourself. Rei will unlock the door and go inside
the house. Go downstairs and search the cupboard. You will found Beef
Jerky. Rei and Teepo will come down and ask you found any food or not.
You will say yes. Unexpectedly, Baryan is back and Rei, Teepo and you
was captured by Baryan as he tough you, Teepo and Rei will mug in his
house when he is away. To forgive Rei, Baryan want Rei go to
Mt.Claus(The big mountain North of the forest) alone.

After Rei leaving , Baryan want you and Teepo chop firewood to get
food to eat. Teepo sets the log and you cuts it using your sword. To
use the sword press triangle and it will cut it. If you cut to fast
it will hit Teepo but if you cut too slow ,you'll miss the log.
Cut as many as you can until Baryan tell you to stop. If you cut quite
many log then Baryan will release you. After Baryan let you and Teepo
go you will need to go to Mt.Claus. To go there, out to the world
map first. Then go to ? Place in the east site from Cedar Woods. The
monsters in Mt.Claus are more stronger than before. So, I recommend
you to collect more than $800 and go to McNeal to get some equipment
for shop. I can't choose which weapon, armor or items you need to buy.
I got a tip, sell out useless weapon or armor so you can get some
rebate to buy new weapon and armor. After buying equipment and some
items, go to ? area.

2.004 Chapter 4 (To ? Area)
Items you can find in ? area:
Vitamins, 80 Zenny, 120 Zenny, Coin

In ? place, there is 9 rock. Out of the 9 rock under 3 rock have
holes and contain items, these items are Vitamins, 80 Zenny and Coin.
Teepo has a kick skill, he can kick away rocks. If you are not
controlling Teepo, Press L1 button to change character for you to
control. To kick a rock walk to the rock and press triangle button and
it will kick the rock away or run to the rock and when you touch the
rock it will automatically kick the rock away. Find those items yourself,
it is quite easy to find it. 80 Zenny also can be found in the chest in
this area.

2.005 Chapter 5 (To Mt. Claus, fight Nue(monster)

Items you can find in Mt. Claus area:
Antidote, Heavy Caro, Cloth Shield, Vitamins

Items you can find in the mountain area: Bent Sword(weapon), Molotov,
Ballock Knife(weapon), Talisman, 200 Zenny

After you past ? area. You will be able to the Mt.Claus entrance. Go in
Mt. Claus. You will have to past a bridge. you will see an item behind
in the lower ground. The item is Antidote, find the way to get it
yourself. After getting it, Walk up to the hill. In the middle high in
the hill there have 2 items, One is Heavy Garo(Used when fishing) and
one is Cloth Shield(armor). You need to dash down from the hill to the
lower part to get it. It is wasting times for you to keep trying where
should you dash down. To solve the problem, first press start button, a
pointer will appear and you can move the pointer in an amount. You can
use the pointer to figure out where is the items locate. If you and
Teepo don't need these armor then you can equip these armor for Rei
later. Now, walk to the seconds bridge . As soon as you past the
bridge, the sky are going dark. Teepo will leads you to the house
nearby. Rei will inside the house.

The next morning, when you walk out side. You will fight with Nue
(monster). Nue will escape to the mountain after a certain amount
damage it. You can back to the house for rest if you want to. Before
going inside the mountain which locate in the North east side from the
house, get Vitamin which locate in the north from the house. Inside the
Mountain ,you will find found trail of blood(Nue blood). Follow the
trail of Blood. When you come to a junction, go to the left side to get
Molotov and Bent Sworld(weapon). Search in dirt to get Bent Sword and
molotov behind the dirt. After that back to the trail of blood and
follow it. When you come to the seconds junction, move to the right
side and you will find Ballocknife(Weapon) by searching a skeleton in
the dead end area and also go straight until a T-junction and
move to the right side from the seconds Junction to get Talisman from a
skeleton. Now back to the trail of blood and follow it and you will
came to a place where the trail of blood stops. Behind blood stops
there is a skeleton you can get 200 Zenny by searching the skeleton.
When you going back Teepo figure up that the monster must been jumped
into the river. Now back to the T-junction which is the way you get
Talisman. At the T-Junction turn left and walk until next screen. Teepo
will decided to dive into the river and float down to the spot we saw
before. You will come to a secret cave. Follow the trail of blood and
you will fight with Nue(Monster) again.

Monster Tips:
Use Teepo attack abilities: Simoon to attack the monster, better to use
Flare(attack abilities) than Frost(attack abilities).
Rei can steal Power Food from this monster so keep using pilfer.

You will find Nue(monster) cubs in the cave. No monster anymore in this
area after defeat Nue. Just into the river and the water will flow you,
Rei and Teepo out from the mountain. Baryan will appears and....... and
the scene then fades.

2.006 Chapter 6 (back to Mc.Neil)
Items in this chapter:
Healing Herb, Antidote, Vitamin

Now go to Mc.Neil. When you are there, are scene come. After that, talk
to a man behind name Loki. He will ask you for help. There will come a
choice, choose Sure to continue........ before to the little hut get
some items from villagers houses. Get Antidote and healing herb in the
cupboards. Each house have two cupboard but just one of the cupboard
contact items. There is nothing in the cupboard in the house which
locate up at the hill. After getting those items, try to spend all of
your money(Zenny) to buy something like weapon, armor, items, healing
herb and so on but you need to save your money at least 1 Zenny. You
will know why later.

Then go to the north west side. You will find another ? place where
locate in an open area behind the woods. When you come to a ? place try
to press triangle to make sure it this the place where the giant
Yggdrasil tree has been cut down. Enter it if this the right place.
Then walk straight until the end path, you will find a master, Mygas.
He is the first Master in the game. You will become his apprentice if
you give all your money to him.

More updates will comes later.

3. Character Abilities

3.1 Ryu Abilities
Level Category Ability AP Cost Description

1 Heal Heal 4 Heal light wounds on one target
4 Heal Purify 4 Cures poison
6 Assist Protect 2 Raise one target's defense

3.2 Rei Abilities
Level Category Ability AP Cost Description

5 Attack Pilfer 0 Steals item from enemy

3.3 Teepo Abilities

Level Category Ability AP Cost Description

1 Attack Flare 2 Flame attack vs one target
4 Attack Frost 2 Frost attack vs one target
7 Attack Simoon 4 Flame&wind attack vs one target

4. Weapon/Armor And Items

4.01 Weapon/Armor And Items Sell In McNeil


Weapon/Armor Cost Type Description
Ballock Knife 100 Weapon Pwr 6 Wgt 1
Bronze Sword 240 Weapon Pwr 8 Wgt 2
Leather Armor 180 Armor Def 4 Wgt 4
Bracers 30 Shield Def 1 Wgt 0
Cloth Shield 150 Shield Def 3 Wgt 1
Bandana 30 Helmet Def 1 Wgt 0
Brass Helmet 120 Helmet Def 3 Wgt 1


Item Cost Description
Healing Herb 10 Restores 40 HP
Croc Tear 5 Chance of restoring status
Antidote 12 Cures poison
Eye Drops 20 Cures blindness
Moltov 10 Flame attack vs one target
Ammonia 200 Revives party member
Wooden Rod 40 Used when fishing
Worm 20 Used when fishing
Toad 20 Used when fishing
Old Popper 20 Used when fishing
Sinker 20 Used when fishing

5. Monster List

Note: 1)Only Rei can grade item from monster using his abilities
2)The Exp. and Z Which show below can be earned after defeat
3)Z = Zenny
4)Exp. = Experience

Boss Goblin (12 Exp. 10 z)
Abilities: Influence (Can Learn)
Item can grabe: Waist Cloth

Goblin (2 Exp. 5 z)
Abilities: Unmotivate (Can Learn)
Item can grade: Bent Sword

Eye Goo (2 Exp. 4 z)
Item can grade: Healing Herb

Gong Head (8 Exp. 10 z)
Abilities: Giant Growth (Can't Learn)
Item can grade: Vitamin

Ripper (7 Exp. 5 z )
Abilities: Blind (Can Learn)
Item can grade: Berries

Mage Goo: (6 Exp. 20 z)
Abilities: Burn (Can Learn)
Item can grade: Healing Herb

Man Trap (24 Exp. 40 z)
Abilities: Dream Breath Devour (Can't Learn)
Item can grade: Pointed Stick

Puff Goo (15 Exp. 7 z)

Item can grade: Healing Herb

Gooey (9 Exp. 4 z)
Item can grade: Marbles

Curr (7 Exp. 4 z)
Abilities: Chlorine(Can't Learn)
Item can grade: Antidote

Zombie (8 Exp. 8 z)
Item can grade: Clothing

Bat (8 Exp. 0 z)
Item can grade: Berries

6. Big Monster List
Note: 1)Only Rei can grade item from monster using his abilities
2)The Exp. and Z Which show below can be earned after defeat
3)Z = Zenny
4)Exp. = Experience

Nue (96 Exp. 50 z)
Abilities : Nue Stomp Jolt(Can't Learn)
Item can grade : Power Food

7. Thanks List

1) Capcom - for making Breath Of Fire III
2) My brother, for telling where to get Croc Tear.
3) Henry LaPierre( for Nue(monster) information
4) To you for reading Breath Of Fire III FAQ written by me.

This FAQ is copyright (c) 2000, Lee Chieng Tze
All rights reserved

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