Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

17.10.2013 05:13:15
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Version 1.4

This FAQ is (c) 1998,1999,2000 by Hasno Little
All rights reserved

Last updated on 7.30.00.

Well, I decided that with Tenchu 2 coming out this week, I'd go back and fix
up this old faq. Some of the info on here was wrong, but I was too lazy to fix
it. Also, some of the language was kind of corny, because I wrote the original
version of this a few years ago when I was in 9th grade, and I was trying to
be funny. Well, I'm older, and I figured, what the hell, let's fix this up
a little. So here we go!


1) Legal
2) Controls / Moves / Stealth Kills
3) Enemies
4) Items
5) Levels
6) Tips / Codes

1) Legal

Um.. well, when I first wrote this, I said not to copy it, but people did
anyway. So...I really don't care what you do. You can distribute this to other
sites. Just leave my name on it, and give me credit. That's all. Thanks.

2) Controls / Moves / Stealth Kills

Here are all the moves you can do in Tenchu:

U - Run forward
D - Walk backward
L / R - Turn Left / Right
D + L / R - Quick Turn Left / Right
D, D - Dash Back
U, U - Dash Forward
L, L - Dodge Left
R, R - Dodge Right
X - Jump
U + X - Jump Forward
D + X - Flip Backward
L + X - Jump Left
R + X - Jump Right
U, U + X - Forward Flip (goes farther than normal jump.)
D, U + X - Moonsault (like above, but land facing other direction.)
O + X or R1 + X - Jump up and turn 180 degrees
Close to a wall, hit X - Backflip off the wall
O (R1) - Crouch
O (R1) + U - Advance while crouching
O (R1) + D - Retreat while crouching
O (R1) + L / R - Move left / right while crouching
O (R1) + D + L / R - Turn left / right while crouching
O (R1) near wall - stand and flatten against wall
then U and D or L and R - Move along wall
O (R1) + U, U - Roll forward
O (R1) + D, D - Roll backward
O (R1) + L, L - Roll Left
O (R1) + R, R - Roll right
D when enemy attacks - Block
Square when arrow is in range - Knock down arrows
Square - Forward slash (keep pressing to perform a combo)
Square + Left - Turn and slash left
Square + Right - Turn and slash right
Square while jumping - Jump Slash
U, U + Square - Dash attack
D, U + Square - Roll 180 degrees and slash
O (R1) + Square - Crouching slash
R + Square, L + Square - Right, then left slash (for Rikimaru)
L + Square, R + Square - Left, then right slash (for Rikimaru)
L + Square, Square - Double Left slashes (for Ayame)
R + Square, Square - Double right slashes (for Ayame)
Triangle - Use Item
Hold Triangle - Aim Grappling Hook or Ninja Stars
then Release Triangle - Fire Hook / Stars
L2 / R2 - Select Item
L1 + Direction - Look around
Select - Stage Map
Start - Pause
Select + Start - Game Reset

Stealth Kills

Throat Slit: Sneak up behind enemy and hit Square.

Sword in the Gut: Hit the button when the enemy is turning around or is facing
you. (They still need to be unaware of your presence, though.)

Bone Breaker: Hit the button when you and the enemy are back to back. (Easier
to do if they're standing still.)

Decaptitation: I haven't figured out how to control this, but it sometimes
happens when you perform a throat slit on the enemy.

3) Enemies

Here are the enemies you will face in Tenchu, along with tips for beating
them. Note that in all cases, it is usually better to stealth kill the enemy
than to fight them.

Swordmen: These sentries walk around their posts in set patterns. They usually
are capable of double slash combos, and use them to their fullest extent. If
you have to fight them manually, block their double slash (or single slash)
and then retaliate with a combo of your own. Then block again. They are fairly
easy to kill.

Pikemen: They are similiar in appearance to the swordsman, but they have
spears. They always thrust their spears at you, and while preparing to strike,
they are vulnerable to attack. If they miss you, you can easily rush in and
land a good combo on them. Pretty easy to kill.

Archers: Archers seem to have better vision than the other humans. Keep in
mind that you can't block their arrows; instead, you'll have to slash at them
to break them. From a distance, archers can be very annoying, since their
arrows (when they hit) usually send you flying backwards into trouble. If you
get close to them, you can mutilate them because they can't block at all! If
you must engage them, try to run at them, jumping to the side when they fire
an arrow. This tends to be more effective than trying to knock the arrows
out of the air.

Dogs and Wolves: Take them out with a ninja star from a distance if you can,
because they are the only enemies that are killed with only one star. Trying
to kill them in close quarters is somewhat difficult because of their
irregular movement patterns. If they spot you, they can be killed with one or
two quick sword slashes. If possible, try not to be detected, because their
barks/howls will alert other enemies in the area.

Cats: Cats can't be killed, but they can't attack you, either. All they do is
meow, which will alert guards (changing the "?" on the ki meter to a "?!").
Avoid them if possible, but don't get all bent out of shape if they detect
you. Just get out of the area before someone else sees you.

Ninja: Enemy ninjas act much like normal guards, except that they can jump
onto roofs. They are also more difficult to kill, as they block much more
effectively. Use the same strategies that you use for other human enemies.

Cultists/Demons: Their method of attack is to breathe fire, which is not only
damaging, but knocks you backwards. Be careful when watching them, because
their dance will sometimes confuse you as to which way they are going. They
also seem to turn around at the absolute worst times. If you must fight them,
just blitz them with a lot of slashes. They can't block, so the fight usually
ends rather quickly.

4) Items:

Here are all the items you can choose from in Tenchu:

Shuriken: Ninja stars. You throw them at enemies, and they do 20 points of
damage. Only really useful against dogs.

Caltrops: Iron spikes that you toss on the ground behind you. They can
sometimes stop enemies that are chasing you, but they don't usually create
much of a diversion. These are pretty useless.

Poison Rice: One of the best items in the game. When you throw it out, it
causes an enemy to walk toward it, pick it up, and eat it. The poison then
disables them for a short time. You can use it to lure enemies in one
direction, and then sneak up and kill them. Remember that as long as the enemy
doesn't eat the rice, you can pick it up and reuse it! These are invaluable
for getting stubborn enemies to move somewhere else.

Mine: A bomb on the ground that explodes when stepped on. You don't want to be
near this thing when it goes off! It does a lot of damage (about 40-50) when
it detonates, but unfortunately, it also makes a lot of noise. This causes you
to be spotted most of the times you use it. It is a lot of fun, however.

Multicolored Rice: The worst item in the game. It lays on the ground, serving
as a trail marker. Yippee. To make matters worse, enemies sometimes walk by
and pick them up, and then you'll have to go beat the enemy up to get it back.
Choose something else.

Grenades: Small clay balls filled with gunpowder. They take off about 30
points of damage when they hit. Great for wearing down the tougher bosses.

Smoke Bomb: This disorients enemies. When someone is fighting you, throw it on
the ground. The smoke coming off of it will cause them to start coughing and
weezing. You can then either run away, or start hacking them up, because the
smoke impairs their ability to block.

Healing Potion: This restores your health back to 100. A must-have for every

Special Items:

To get these items, beat the indicated level with a ranking of GRAND MASTER
(over 400 points.)

Training) Super-Shuriken: Throws 8 knives out in front of you. These do a lot
of damage, but you can't aim them. They tend to fly out in an erratic spread
pattern. Not the worst weapon, but better ones exist.

1) Lightfoot Scroll: This yellow scroll lets you run super fast for about 10
seconds. While running, a yellow shadow trail will follow your character. It's
fun to play with, but there isn't any level where it will make a real
difference. It's good for making quick getaways.

2) Fire-Eater Scroll: This red scroll makes you breathe a stream of fire. It's
not that useful, but it is fun to use. It lites the bad guys on fire.

3) Protection Amulet: This boosts your offense and defense for a short time.
(supposedly.) I never found it to be that helpful, but try it for yourself and
see if you like it.

4) Sleeping Gas: This will put guards to sleep. You have to have good aim or
they wake up real fast. Can be useful in some situations.

5) Ninja Armor: This increases defense by 30% and gives your character a
different outfit. Pretty cool.

6) Shadow Decoy: A purple scroll that makes a decoy that the enemies will a
ttack. It's not as good as the rice because it alerts the guards (the "?"
changes to a "?!".) The rice is better because it keeps the guards in their
unalert "?" mode.

7) Resurrection Leaf: A nice green leaf that will restore your health to 100
the second you die. This is a must-have for the later levels, especially level

8) Chameleon Suit: This turns to into a innocent person and lets you walk
right past the guards. Enemies won't recognize you unless you attack. The
effect wears off after a set period of time, or when you attack someone.

9) Dog Bone: This summons a ninja attack dog that will go harass enemies. Not
very stealthy, but fun, nonetheless.

10) Clay Flute: This will make the noise of an animal, turning alerted guards
back to their unalert state. If an enemy has a "!" or "?!" on the ki meter,
use this to set them back to "?". Very useful for every mission. You can also
just rampage around killing people while meowing like a cat (which is
generally more fun.)

5) Level Guides

Ok, I haven't played the game in a long time, so this info might be a little
off, but it should be close enough. Alright then.

Level One - Greedy Merchant

You need to go kill some merchant or something, who is stealing money. So
anyway, you start outside of the compound and must make your way in. I
recommend going around the perimeter and taking out the guards outside the
compound first, so that you have somewhere to run away too if you get in
trouble. Then, make your way around the roofs until you find house with a hole
in it. Walk in and drop through the hole. You will land in a room with the
first boss. Alternately, you can make your way through the compound, killing
guards, and walk into the room through the door. Anyway, when you're in the
room, you'll see a cutscene, and then you have to fight Echigoya's bodyguard.
Just block his slashes, and when he puts his sword back in his sheath, attack
with a combo. When he's dead, make your way to another part of the compound
where there are four houses arranged in a square (look at the map to see where
this is.) Go inside one of the houses, and you will find Echigoya. He is
really easy to kill, because he can't block. Just run up and hack away at him.
He might shoot you with his gun, but I doubt it. If you're reasonably fast, he
doesn't even get a shot off. When he dies, you've beat the level!

Level Two - The Village

I forgot what precisely the objective is here. I think you need to deliver
some top secret info to Lord Gohda or something. It doesn't really matter.
Basically, you need to get to the other side of the level. On the other side
of the level is a river. The exit is just across the bridge on that river.
(I think you can see this on the map.) Anyway, there's not much to say here
except to be careful, because the enemy ninjas can be a real bitch if they
gang up on you.

Level Three - The Caves

This is one of my favorite levels. You start this level in a forest. The
forest is populated with wolves and sentries. Make your way around the
sides of the forest, going into the caves on the sides. Some of the caves
have items inside, which you may want to pick up. You'll eventually enter a
cave which has a branching path. This is the one that leads to the end of the
level. I forget the exact path to the end, but I remember some key points.
First off, if you see a wooden panel on the floor, don't step on it. It is a
pitfall, and you will die. If I remember correctly, there is a stone bridge
that you need to find. Take out the guards, and then jump across to one of the
doors on either side of the bridge. Search the caverns thoroughly, and
eventually you should reach the boss. There is a fat guy with a club and a
cave bear. You only need to kill the dude, but the bear should be taken out,
just to make things easier. If you have grenades or mines, use them. This
boss is pretty hard, so expect to die a few times before you finally beat him.
When he dies, you've beaten the level.

Level Four - The Bamboo Forest

You start the level with a boss battle. You have to fight this hot chick who
has a spear with a blade on the end of it. Use the same strategies that you
use against the spearmen in the normal levels. She has the same thrust attack,
along with some slash moves. Just block when she attacks, and then combo her.
Not too difficult. Then, the level starts. You can walk through the gate, or
grapple up on top of it. Basically, the point of the level is to get to the
other side of the map. Make your way across the level, killing guards and
wolves as you go. You'll reach a river which divides the level in two. On the
high end of the map, there is a bridge which you can cross. You can also
cross the river at ground level on the low end of the map. Anyway, keep going
and you'll eventually get to a bamboo forest. Make your way to the end of the
forest and walk through the main gate. You'll fight the boss, who is the
brother of the girl you killed at the beginning. He has two big-ass swords.
Make sure you block at all times. After he attacks, run in and attack him.
He's not too difficult, as long as you don't get backed up against a wall.

Level Five - Snow Compound

This is basically just an oversexed version of level one. You have to go into
a snowy compound and kill the defense minister. Run around until you find a
well. Approach the man standing next to it, and a battle will commence. The
man is the minister's bodyguard or something. Use the same strategies as with
normal swordsmen. When he's dead, search for the minister. He's in a area
where some archery targets are set up. When you find him, a cutscene will
start. If you're Rikimaru, he will commit seppeku (suicide.) If you're Ayame,
he will fight you. He has a bow and arrow, and he fires it really fast. You
need to rush him and take him out fast, or his arrows will overwhelm you.
When he's dead, you've beaten the level.

Level Six - Manji Cult

You start on some stairs. Go up the stairs, hiding behind statues if a guard
appears. Once at the top, you have a few choices. You can either make your
way through the perimeter and take out the guards, or you can go inside. The
overall objective is to enter the large white house in the compound. But, you
can explore as much or as little of the level as you want before that. Once
in the house, you need to grapple up to the top platforms, and then jump onto
the statue. You will then fight two bosses. First, a big ugly fat chick with
an axe, and then Onikage, a gothic-looking karate dude. Use the same
strategies that you used on the other bosses. When defeated, Onikage runs off.
That's it for the level.

Level Seven - Pirates

The layout of this level is similar to level two. You need to make your way to
one of the pirate ships, where the boss is waiting. Along the way, beware of
the Spaniards, who have a new weapon: guns. The guns are really just like
bow and arrow, except that you can't dodge the shots. When you make it to the
ship, the boss will come out and say something like "You will die" in Spanish.
Use the same strategies as before. Beware of his hook, because it does quite
a bit of damage if it hits. If you want to get cute, you can try to knock him
off of the ship into the water, which will kill him instantly.

Level Eight - The Mountain

This is probably my favorite level. You start in a forest, and you have to
make your way to a mountain. The enemies consist of standard guards, archers,
and wolves. Once at the mountain, you have a few choices. You can run across
the bridge across the chasm to get to the mountain, or you can shoot your hook
across the chasm and make it to the other side. I prefer the hook, but you
have to be careful how you fire it, or you'll fall to your death. Anyway, once
you get to the main mountain, you need to make your way to the top. The
objective is to pick up a flower that grows at the top. Not too much more to
say here. Go upwards through the caves, and use the hook whenever possible.
And don't fall down! That's about it.

Level Nine - The Castle

This level is kind of lame. You need to get into the castle. You can go over
the wall, or go through the basement. Follow the river to the end, where
you'll see a door. Either way is fine. Once inside the compound, look for a
really tall tower. (If you went through the basement, you'll emerge inside of
the tower.) You need to get to the top of the tower, but you can't scale it
from the outside. Enter at ground level, and fight your way to the top. Once
there, you will fight Onikage again. Avoid / block his kicks and attack him
when he gives an opening. Be careful when you begin to wear him down, as he
may use a healing potion. Be sure to kick it out of his hands before he drinks
it! When defeated, he runs away (again.) On to the last level!

Level Ten - Hell

This level is long. Bring lots of healing potions and resurrection leaves.
You start in a snowy area. There's only one direction to go in, so just make
your way through the area. Watch out for the archer standing on one of the
small islands near the bridge. Once at the end of the area, you will fight
Onikage one last time. Same stratgy as before, except this time, you must
totally deplete his life bar. When he dies, you will proceed down into hell.
Watch out for the demons, who breathe fire. Also be wary of the lava, which
will set you on fire. Try to lure enemies over it if they chase you, or
knock them onto it with your attacks. Anyway, it's a long battle to the end.
Eventually, you get to a point where you hear a girl scream, and a hole in
the floor appears. Drop down to fight the last boss. He's pretty tough.
He has a lightning bolt which can't be blocked. Use grenades if you have any,
and attack when you get a chance. With luck, you will destroy him. Then,
you've beaten the game! Yeah!

6) Tips / Codes


- When you're on a rooftop, remember that you can only fall off the edge of
the roof when you're either running or rolling. If you crouch down and
squat-walk, then you won't fall off the roof.

- If a guard is patrolling under the eves of a roof that you're on, always try
to roll off the side of the roof, instead of just walking off. By rolling, you
can keep yourself facing the same direction. It also allows you to quickly
roll behind the guard (and kill him) or quickly roll elsewhere if he
unexpectedly turns around.

- The poison rice can be picked up and reused! This is extremely important to
know for just about every stage in the game. As long as the guard doesn't
swallow the rice, it will fall out of his hand when he is killed. To get the
most use out of your rice, throw it in a direction away from you. As the guard
is walking toward the rice, sneak around behind him and stealth kill him.
Then, pick it back up again.


Here are a bunch of cheats for Tenchu:

Increase Item Capacity to 99: At the Items Screen, hold L1 and press Left,
Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Square.

Unlock all Hidden Items: At the Items Screen, hold R1 and press Left, Left,
Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle.

Increase Item Inventory: At the Items Screen, hold L2 and press Left, Left,
Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, X.

Restore Health: At the pause screen, press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square,
Square, Triangle, Square.

Unlock all Levels: At the mission select screen, hold R2 and press Left, Left,
Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Square.

Enable Japanese Voice Over: At the mission select screen, hold L1 and press
Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle.

Enable Enemy Layout Selection Screen: At the mission select screen, hold R1
and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, X.

Enable Ayame's Third Outfit: You must be playing as Ayame (duh). At the Items
Screen, select the Ninja Armor and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square,
Square, Triangle, Circle. If done correctly, the Ninja Armor's number will go
from 1 to 0.

Debug Mode: At any time during the game (as you're playing a level,) press
Start to pause. Then, hold L1 and R2, and press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left,
Square, Right, Circle. Next, release L1 and R2 and press L1, R1, L2, R2. If
you do this right, the game will sort of freeze. Press Start to unpause. Now,
you can bring up the tester's Debug Menu by pressing L2 and R2 simultaneously.

Item Translation List (In Debug Mode)

Item: What it is

Shuriken: Shuriken (Ninja Star)
Smoke: Smoke Bomb
Makibisi: Caltrops (Floor spikes)
Fire: Grenades
Jirai: Floor Mines
Kusuri: Health Potion
Kaginawa: Grappling Hook
Gun: Pirate's Gun
Yumi: Arrows
Kaen: Randomly sets you on fire (??)
Dokudango: Poison Rice
Rikimarukochan: Shadow Decoy (Purple Scroll)
Gosikimai: Five-Colored Rice (Trail Markers)
Happou: Super Shuriken
Ninken: Dog Bone
Nemurigusuri: Sleeping Potion
Kaengeki: Fire Eater (Red) Scroll
Kawarimi: Resurrection Leaf
Goshinfuda: Protection Amulet
Manebue: Clay Flute
Hensin: Chameleon Suit
Shinsoku: Lightfoot (Yellow) Scroll
Lighting Bolt: Lighting Bolt
The World: Works like the grappling hook, but teleports you instantaneously to
your destination.

That's it for my Tenchu FAQ! I hope this was helpful in some way. Later.

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