Front Mission 2

Front Mission 2

13.10.2013 00:16:14
Front Mission 2 Game Walkthrough

By Nathan Stout
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The game begins at the OCU Limian Base deep inside Aroldesh, a member of
the OCU Federation, with characters Griff, Ash, Joyce, and Eimia ending
their shifts. Soon, four OCU trucks arrive with destroyed Aroldesh Vanzer
mechas on them. They are admitted to the base, and then... too late! The
supposed immobile mechas spring to life, as the outnumbered OCU soldiers
flee, leaving Griff to hold down the fort.
Mission 1
Enemy Units:
2 Attackers 4 Trucks
1 Fighter 2 Helocopters
1 Commander

1.) For getting the most experience on this level, destroy
the 4 trucks first. They will take off after a few turns
and get away.
2.) After all mechs are destroyed, some unexpected visitors
arrive and Griff takes them on alone. He is killed and
the mission ends.
To the woods of Batari
Mission 2

Ash, Joyce and Eimia escape into the Batari Forest, where they learn of
Aroldesh’s newly declared independence from OCU. The Revolutionary Army has

carried out a coup d’etat, dragging all of peaceful Aroldesh with them.

Enemy Units:
4 Attackers 1 Commander
2 Fighters 2 Gunners
1 Repairman
1.) Thomas, Rocky, and Roswell are introduced in this
mission and you get to use them right away.

To the O.C.U. Ramanstion then Salibash's House
1.) Salibash is head of a major transportation power. He
has sided with the OCU and he helps the group out.
2.) At Salibash's you can upgrade and practice fighting.
Here you meet ACE he is not a player but he helps as a NPC
in the next mission.
To Downtown Dhaka
Mission 3

Ash has received word that an OCU sympathizer would help them there. While
waiting for back-up, another battle erupts...

Enemy Units:
9 Attackers 1 Commander
4 Gunners 1 Repairman
2 Fighters
1.) Pay attention to the beginning of this mission and
follow the route that Thomas shows you. It leads to a
warehouse where the sympathizer is located. There is a
truck that will begin to move towards the warehouse in
several turns. Make sure you get rid of all mechs in it's
2.) Towards the end of the mission bombers start dropping
bombs on the city. Make sure the areas that they will drop
(you will be shown) are free of any of your mechs. I
also suggest that if you have a stereo TV that you turn it
up when the bombers flyby and drop their bombs. Its
sounds cool!

To Daukandei
1.) You must go fight in the coliseum to proceed to the
next mission.
To the coast
Mission 4
You are to secure a helicopter landing site. Ven (the enemy commander) in
his helicopter must be stopped. A chopper is leaving and 3 choppers will
arrive soon.
Enemy Units:
3 Attackers 1 Boss (Ven)
5 Gunners 2 Fighters
1.) Have 2 of your Wanzers attack the gunner tanks closest
to your group. Send the rest to the helicopters. Keep
all enemy units away from the heli pad.
2.) After several turns 3 helicopter show up. Make sure
the enemy doesn't get to them.
At O.C.U. Rimian M.F.B.
1.) You now are in the roles of two Wanzer pilots Lisa
and Sayuri. They are at Rimian M.F.B. (where the very
first battle took place). They are there scouting.
2.) They are ordered on a rescue job. They will cut off
a helicopter convoy and rescue prisoners.
To rescue point
Mission 5
Here you are to eliminate several enemy helicopters and free the prisoner
from the blue helicopter. Be sure you don't attack the blue helicopter.
There are 2 NPC helicopters and 2 NPC Wanzers there to help you.

Enemy Units (Helicopters):
3 Gunners 3 Attackers
1 Commander 1 Transport
1.) Griff is in the transport helicopter! Be sure not
to destroy it.
2.) Don't worry about letting the blue helicopter get away.
To O.C.U. Front Base
1.) The Booth is actually the Shop. Go there to
upgrade Wanzers.
Back to Daukandei
1.) Go to the bar and talk to Thomas.
2.) You must go to the Coliseum and use one of your
characters to battle in a SOLO battle different opponents
and win them all. Once you have one them all you will be
asked to battle the Champion. Once you beat him, Cordy will
join your team. Now you can go on to another level, but
after you go back to the Hide.
To P.O.W. camp
Mission 6
Lisa, Sayuri, Griff, and Cordy are going to break prisoners out of an enemy
P.O.W. camp. But before they do some helicopters come along and blow it up
a bit, making it a bit easier for the group.

Enemy Units:
6 Gunners 2 Trucks
4 Attackers 1 Commander
1.) After the helicopters blow a hole in one of the
buildings, you must end a Wanzer's turn on the square
infront of the hole to rescue some prisoners.
2.) Next you will need to destroy all of the enemy
vehicles except one of the green trucks, it has prisoners
in it. It's HP bar is blue (for ally), not red (for
Back to Daukandei
1.) There is now an on-line shop in the network that you
can use, but the prices are higher.
2.) You must go to the coliseum and select battle. You
will talk to an O.C.U. pilot before exiting. Now you can
exit Daukandei.
Back to O.C.U. Font Base
1.) Go to the Headquarters and talk to man.
2.) Go to Tent and talk to Sayuri and choose Yes when
prompted. Now you can go on to the next mission.
To Central of Dhaka

Mission 7
Enemy Units:
2 Gunners 8 Attackers
1 Commander 3 Fighters

1.) This is the toughest level I have played so far. It took
me 8 times to beat it! Be sure you have the BEST
weapons, mechs, ect... Carry plenty of repair 3s and
rebirth 2s with you. Have a hurtclub (or other fight
weapon) in one hand and a machine type gun in the other. Be
sure to carry rockets and missile launchers.
2.) Keep your group together. Surround the mechs that
you battle. Go after the Commander with ALL your guys until
you finish him off, he is tough!
3.) Don't dally, move to the capital as fast as you can and
get rid of ALL enemy units! When Roswell, Thomas, and
Rocky show up, have them go after the jets that show up
later in the mission.
4.) Make sure that you keep close to the helicopter and
destroy the enemy jet when it attacks the helicopter.
5.) If you are having trouble, I suggest saving-in-battle at
a point where you are doing really well, that way if you
fail the mission, you won't have to start all over again.
To Suburbs of Dhaka
Mission 8
In this mission your group (now with Griff, Rocky, Lisa, Sayuri, Roswell,
Thomas, and Cordy) is guarding a cargo plane. The enmy shows up and the
plane takes off. It is up to you to get rid of the invaders which now have
some BIG Wanzers in their group!

Enemy Units:
7 Gunners 2 Repairmen
2 Attackers 1 Commander
2 Fighters

1.) Don't go straight for the enemy. Keep away from them
and lure a couple of the Wanzers that are on the
mountain closets to your group. After ganging up on those
2, split your group up into 2 groups.
2.) All the rest of the enemy units (except helicopters)
will gather in a group between the mountains. Take one
group and go up on one of the mountains and take the other
group and do the same on the other mountain SURROUNDING the
3.) Stay up on the mountains (or on the slopes) and destroy
the repairmen and the truck type gunners first.
4.) Take care of the other two regular Wanzers and then go
for the large Wanzers.
5.) Stay on high ground the entire time (or on the slope).
The big Wanzer's hit rate with their big cannons are
really bad. Watch out when they use their machine guns
though, they do some damage!
On the way to Diaraba
Mission 9
Enemy Units:
3 Gunners 5 Attackers
1 Commander 2 Fighters
1 Driver 2 Repairmen

To Ship LSHD-4 Mont
1.) Pike is introduced here and he joins your group. He
is level 10 Missiler.
To O.C.U. Fontbase
Mission 10
Enemy Units:
4 Gunners 4 Attackers
1 Boss (Ven) 2 Fighters
1 Captain

1.) Right before this mission begins, 3 unknown
helicopters show up and provide a bit of a distraction and
reduce the enemy's HP a bit before leaving.
To Diaraba
1.) Go to the Coliseum and fight a SOLO battle against
Roid (ahem). After you beat him, he will talk to you and
Port will appear on the main menu. Go there, then go to
2.) Go to the Bar and you can now talk to Thomas. He,
Rocky, and Roswell will now join Ash and his team.
3.) Now go back to Port and go to the Warehouse and talk
to Salibash. Then go to Room and choose Yes. now you can
exit Diaraba.
Mission 11
Here the group must keep the enemy away from Salibash's cargo ship. It is a
pretty easy level until you have to take on Ven and the Commander in their
Super Tanks. The tanks shoot 9 times a turn! and each shot does about 69
points of damage! Watch out!
Enemy Units:
2 Gunners 2 Repairmen
9 Attackers 1 Commander
5 Fighters 1 Boss (Ven)
1 Driver

1.) Stay right infront of the loading ramps to the ship.
Let the enemy come to you. There are 4 NCP mechs that
will take on several of the enemy tanks and reduce their HP
a bit before they are destroyed.
2.) You should get rid of all the other enemy units
before taking on the 2 super tanks. Then use all your
Wanzers and surround and attack the tanks one at a time.
Mission 12
While on Salibash's ship, it comes under attack. You must choose only 4
other mechs to help you get rid of all enemies. Be sure to take only mechs
with guns (Short). Missiles wont work here, so get rid of them and get a
gin in both hands. You must make sure that the enemy doesn't take out the
ship's guns. If they do then the mission has failed. PROTECT the ship's
Enemy Units:
3 Gunners 4 Attackers
1 Commander
1.) Split up into 2 groups of 2 mechs. Take one group and
head for the jets and helicopters that approaching.
2.) The helicopters are not very hard to take out. You have
to watch out for the jets. They will attack from a
To Bornea
1.) Go to Hide and talk to Salibash.
To P.O.W. Camp
Mission 13
It appears that Lisa, Sayuri, Cordy, and Griff were captured.
Enemy Units:
8 Gunners 2 Repairmen
7 Attackers 2 Commander
2 Drivers

1.) Take as many multiple use weapons as you can. This is
long battle and you will more than likely run out of ammo
before it is over.
2.) Make sure you keep your Fighters in good HP status.
They will be useful in the long battle ahead.
3.) Toward the end of the battle I was down to 4 enemy
units left. I destroyed the last commander and the mission
ended. I guess once the commanders are destroyed (no matter
how many other units are left) the mission is over.
4.) There are several NCP mechs helping you out on this
mission as well.
Hidden mission:
The first is right after recruited mercenary from coliseum. You would learn
from the watchman at the shop of Salibash about some refugees buying
Wanzers for smuggling. Then go to the bar to meet the leader of refugees.
Joyce would help those refugees.
To Bornea
Mission 14
In this impressive looking level it appears that Hordman as turned against
you. Salibash and 2 other mechs are working with you as Ven (who doesn't do
anything until you attack him) looks on. The point of this mission is to
get to and defeat Ven. Hordman's units attack you as well as Ven's troops.
Enemy Units:
6 Gunner 2 Repairmen
5 Attackers 1 Boss (Ven)
Hordman's Units:
1 Gunner 6 Attackers
1 Commander (Hordman)

1.) Go for the enemy units (not Hordman's) nearest you
first. The work your way over to Ven. Don't worry about
Hordman's units. They will catch up to you soon enough.
2.) I didn't finish off Hordman. He ran away from the
battle after awhile.
To O.C.U. Deean A.F.B.
Mission 15
Now we are back to Lisa, Sayuri, Griff, and Cordy. They are still
prisoners. Strangely enough, Maylan, the commander seen along side Ven is
defecting! He breaks Lisa and Co. out and lets you equip their Wanzers for
free! Now they attempt to make a break for it.
Enemy Units:
4 Gunners 2 Repairmen
8 Attackers 1 Commander
3 Fighters 3 Drivers

1.) You will notice that at the beginning of each enemy
turn, the cursor goes to a tower in the upper part of the
screen. At some point in the mission to break free, have
Maylan attack the tower. There is a pretty cool bit of
action there!
2.) My suggestion is to pretty much stay put and let them
come to you.
To Birraba
1.) Go to the Coliseum and fight Roid (ahem) in a SOLO
match with Lisa. After you beat him, you can now go to Port
(like right after mission 10). Now go to agit. Now you can
To Bornea
1.) You are stopped on the way by a group of nasty Wanzers.
Suburbs of Bornea
It appears that your group will have to fight their way through. This
mission is a major story arc (I just wish I knew more!) before you begin,
you are stopped and we automatically pick up with Ash's group in Bornea.
Get Ash's team ready to go and head out to take on the enemy! Equip lots of
rebirth 2s and repair 2s and mabey a couple of chafu.
Mission 16
Enemy Units:
12 Gunners 4 Repairmen
2 Attackers 1 Commander
2 Fighters 2 Driver
1 Veteran

1.) This is ONE TOUGH MISSION! I though for most of
the mission that I was gonna loose. ALL the enemy Wanzers
have high levels and their missiles do a lot of damage.
2.) After the first turn (Ash's team). Lisa's team shows
up! FINALLY! after 16 missions they all come together!
Keep Ash's team pretty much in the corner of the map. First
go after the Veteran! He is tough and will really mess up
your guys.
3.) Then go after the gunners. The fighters were
unexpectedly easy. The gunners are hell.
4.) Have Lisa's group head straight for Ash's. Don't
bother with the tanks that will follow you and attack you.
Just get over to Ash's group ASAP!
5.) Once you are all together, it is a bit easier. Just
stay away from the 3 big Wanzers.
6.) Once you do away with the tanks that followed Lisa's
group, the big Wanzers will come after you. AVOID
7.) The other 2 large Wanzers are not to difficult to get
rid of. Just be sure to keep repairing damage. Once the
other 2 big Wanzers are gone, have EVERYONE go after the
commander. He is tough and he can easily destroy your
To Bornea
Mission 17
Enemy Units:
10 Gunners 1 Repairmen
6 Attackers 1 Commander
5 Fighters 1 Driver
1 Veteran
1.) Tough mission. Keep everyone together. Stay in the
middle of the big street you start out on.
2.) Try to get all enemy units out in the middle of the
street and surround them.
Mission 18
Apparently Daka has been destroyed. All that's left is a ruined city. Ven
shows up with his boys to give you a good thrashing. Be sure you have a few
good gunners (Short) in your group.
Enemy Units:
10 Gunners 1 Veteran
11 attackers 2 Fighters
1 Boss (Ven)

1.) Stay right where you are and make a stand. Most of
the units will meet you head to head right there on the
2.) When Ven shows up with in attacking range give it to
him! don't' worry about his wingmen. When his HP gets low,
he will chicken out and take off, with his wingmen!!!!
3.) Attack the Veteran with your gunners (Short). They
do better than fighters.
To Rimian Firing Range
Here you are confronted with some fairly weak Wanzers. Mabey that's because
they are split up. Anyway, the are some spotlight trucks along with the
enemy Wanzers. I am not sure if they reduce your ability to evade, but take
them all out anyway.
Mission 19
Enemy Units:
6 Gunners 2 Repairmen
4 Attackers 1 Commander
2 Fighters 1 Boss (Ven)
8 Drivers 1 Veteran

To Notun Comilla
1.) Go to the bar and talk to the Master.
2.) Go to Agit. Then go back to the bar. Now go to Maniple.
3.) Now go back to Agit and go to room D and go to sleep.
4.) Lastly, go to each room and talk to everyone. Now you
can go on to the next mission.
To Central of Dhaka
You are automatically split up into 2 groups. One facing the main building
(capital?), the other group behind the capital. The group behind the
capital place shooters there (not JUST shooters though).
Mission 20
Enemy Units:
11 Gunners 1 Veteran
9 Attackers 1 Commander
2 Fighters 1 Boss (Ven)

1.) Don't destroy all jets! Leave one until your other
group destroys the big blue commander Wanzer. The enemy
units will not attack you! (except the jets).
2.) Have your group facing the capital destroy all the
enemy units they can. Have the group gather in the middle
of the capital's courtyard (where the flag is).
3.) Once the Commander's Wanzer is destroyed Ven and 3
other mega tanks show up. 2 of the units will appear right
near the group in at the capital. Surround them and take
them out!
4.) You don't even have to destroy all the mega tanks.
Just take out Ven's and the mission will be over. But the
other tanks can give some good experience points.
To Brarmaputra River
In this mission a cargo plane drops off 2 crates into the Baramputra River.
There is a convoy there to pick the crates up (If you know what's in the
crates, please let me know). This area is marshy, so you won't be able to
move much. This looks tough at first, but isn't all that hard.
Mission 21
Enemy Units:
2 Gunners 4 Repairmen
7 Attackers 1 Commander
1 Fighters 1 Veteran
9 Drivers
1.) After the trucks deploy their Wanzers they will stick
around for awhile. When things start getting hot, they will
start to take off. Have your lower experience Wanzers go
after them for easy experience.
To Coast
The group plans to make an assault on O.C.U. Deean A.F.B. A plane carrying
some Wanzers will land and soon be assisted with other Wanzers from outside
the compound. The plane will then blowup and destroy the super high tech
fighter in the cargo bay. But before the mission can start, you have to
capture a plane.
Mission 22
Enemy Units:
8 Gunners 4 Repairmen
4 Attackers 1 Commander
4 Fighters 1 Veteran
5 Drivers

1.) When you first start this mission, head for the
Wanzers infront of the plane. Have a couple of your Wanzers
go after the tanks surrounding the plane. They will try
to escape when most of the Wanzers are destroyed.
2.) The gunners are sometimes accurate and sometimes not.
So its best to use a few chafu now and then.
To Dhaka
1.) Go to agit and then to H.Q., you must split up your
team into 3 groups (4 people on each team). You can go back
and change out people on the teams so don't worry if you
goof up.
To O.C.U. Deean A.F.B.
Mission 23
This is the mission that the team has been preparing for. Amia pilots the
plane to a landing inside the air base. Amia and the other 3 Wanzers you
choose will then disembark and keep the enemy units away from the plane for
5 turns so it can blow up and destroy the high tech fighter in the bay.
After the fighter is destroyed, the second group will join the battle along
with Salibash and a couple of other Burgteam Wanzers.
Enemy Units:
15 Gunners 2 Attackers
2 Commanders 1 Veteran

1.) Right when the level begins, have 2 of your Wanzers go
for the 2 tanks nearest the your plane and have the other 2
go for the gunner that's next to the commander. Don't
worry about the commander yet, just go for the gunner.
2.) If the gunners get by you they will attack the plane. If
it takes too much damage it will blow up and the mission
will be over.
3.) Once the plane blows up the fighter, team 2 will join
in the battle. At that time have team 1 head for team 2.
Also, 2 big Wanzers will show up. They should be attacked
last by all your Wanzers.
Hidden Mission:
After receiving the Raven, Rocky would receive a letter from his
friend. Go to the bar to ask the mailman where the sender is. Then go to
hospital to meet his friend knowing a gang using mines making heavy
casualties. After gone to the bar to find the mailman again, Rocky, Thomas
and Roswell would go after the gang before go to the subway.
To O.C.U. Deean A.F.B.
Mission 24
Ven and his commander are here at another part of Deean A.F.B. The third
group (Ash's) attacks and soon finds out that they were expected.
Enemy Units:
7 Gunners 4 Doors
5 Attackers 1 Commander
4 Fighters 1 Guwianda
1.) Soon you find out that Ash is in big trouble.
Several Wanzers show up and surround Ash's group.
2.) Before all is lost, the rest of the group shows up!
Head Ash's group toward them so that all keep together.
3.) Watch out for the Doors. They are traps. Don't head any
of your Wanzers for Ven or Guwianda or the doors
explode, damaging any nearby Wanzers. Wait until all enemy
units are destroyed before going for Ven or Guwianda.
To Dhaka
1.) Here or at Deean A.F.B. you can resupply your Wanzers.
To Bornea
Mission 25
The group gets a ride to Bornea via subway. The party is crashed by some
big Wanzers and the teams has to fight them off.
Enemy Units:
6 Gunners 5
Attackers 1 Commander

1.) This is a good mission to get al those characters with
low levels to raise a few levels. Be careful though.
To Dhaka
1.) Here you can resupply your Wanzers for the next mission.
To Old Factory
Ven is here (when is he gonna learn?!) with his troops to stop you. I
believe you are trying to prevent the launching of a missile (satellite)
into space. The satellite will use other satellites (from other
governments) to launch nuclear attacks all over the world.
Mission 26
Enemy Units:
8 Gunners 3 Repairmen
9 Attackers 1 Boss (Ven)
4 Fighters 1 Veteran
1 Commander

1.) Keep your group together and try to raise you
lower level characters.
To Supply Camp
1.) You can buy new parts here or exit and go back to
Dhaka before going on to the next mission. Be sure to load
up on plenty of rebirths and repairs!
To Weapon Accumulation
Mission 27
The enemy are building an ultra Wanzer. Salibash wants to capture it and
use it and learn from it so he can make others. There are many Wanzers
between you and the building where its located.
Enemy Units:
16 Gunners 2 Repairmen
2 Attackers 1 Boss (Ven)
3 Fighters 1 Super

1.) The "super" Wanzer is not the one you are after. It is
just a Wanzer with a pilot that is better than a
Veteran. Destroy it like all the others.
2.) After you destroy about 3 or 4 enemy units, Ven comes
out of the building with the Ultra Wanzer! This mother is
3.) Keep your Wanzers AWAY from him until you get rid of
all the other enemy units.
4.) Once all the other enemy units are destroyed, you should
go after Ven all at once. He will use missiles on your
most damaged and lowest level guys. Use this to your
advantage and surround him as much as possible. This one
massive Wanzer!
Forest of Riverside
Mission 28
The group confronted by a large group of enemy units. This is the first
level where I lost more than a couple of characters in battle. It iS pretty
tough. Just keep your team all together and let the enemy come to you.
Enemy Units:
10 Gunners 1 Super
5 Attackers 2 Commanders
4 Fighters

1.) Keep your group together.
2.) watch out for the jets and helicopters.
To Intergehen
Mission 29
The group is attacking an unknown base and there are plenty of enemy units
to get rid of.
Enemy Units:
15 Gunners 1 Unknown
3 Attackers 3 Commander
1 Fighter 2 Super

1.) This mission will take a while to complete. Just keep
your group together.
Mission 30
This is the most complicated mission of all. In this complex the enemy
scientist built the ultra Wanzers and launched the terrorist satellite.
Your group must get rid of the last ultra Wanzer and try to destroy the
enemy satellite before it launches the warheads and throws the world into
mass confusion.
Enemy Units:
7 Gunners 15 Attackers
1 Commander 2 Fighters

1.) You can go about this mission one way or another....
You can attack and destroy all other enemy units
before attacking the ultra Wanzer. Or you can destroy the
ultra Wanzer first. destroying all the other Wanzers first
will take longer but you can also raise the levels of some
of your guys if needed. It will also make the end of
this level much easier.
2.) Which ever you choose, you must eventually attack the
ultra Wanzer. This Wanzer is even harder than the one in
mission 27! The only way you will be able to defeat this
Wanzer is to make it run completely out of ammo first.
Trying a full on assault will NOT WORK! Just take have your
different Wanzers take damage, then repair them, and so on
and so on until all the ultra Wanzer's weapons are
depleted. Then you can attack. I lost a couple of Wanzers
trying to get the ultra Wanzer to deplete it's ammo.
3.) Once the ultra Wanzer is destroyed sirens will go off.
The satellite is about to activate and subvert the
different government's satellites and cause mass
destruction. You care given 40 turns to get to the computer
housing (next to the rockets) and try to destroy the
4.) If you didn't destroy all the enemy units before
destroying the ultra Wanzer, they will attempt to block you
and even destroy the computer. Don't let this happen! If
you destroyed all the enemy units before, it is MUCH
5.) Once you get one of your units over the caution line
right infront of the computer housing, their Wanzer
will disappear and they will have gone inside to program
a rocket. This will take several turns so keep this
are guarded (if enemy units are still left).
6.) A rocket will fire after the character counts down.
The satellite will detect the rocket and mark it as
an unfriendly target. It blows up the rocket! Oh no!
you thought the level was over didn't you?
7.) The character will have to program another rocket so
the satellite will not shoot it down. This will take
several more turns. Protect the computer housing!
8.) Another rocket is launched. This time the satellite
doesn't recognize it as a threat. The rocket blows it up!
World disaster is averted!!!!!
LSHD-4 Mont
Mission 31
With major disaster averted, the team tries to relax. Look! Ash smiles for
the FIRST time in the whole game! awwww. Ut oh, not quite time to relax,
sirens go off! The carrier is under attack. Be sure to upgrade for the
final battle!
Enemy Units:
9 Gunners 1 Domingo
3 Attackers 2 Fighters

1.) Its Domingo! That traitor! He and a group of high
level Wanzers are attacking and it looks like trouble!
2.) No big deal, to end the level (and the game), just
destroy Domingo's Wanzer.

Sit back and enjoy some excellent cutscenes! You deserve it! This was a
long game!!!!
My stats at the closing of the game:
Time: 62 hours and 15 seconds (approx.)
Character levels:
Ash 30 (short)
Amia 30 (short)
Cordy 30 (fight)
Pike 16 (long)
Malan 30 (fight)
Sayuri 23 (short)
Thomas 30 (fight)
Rocky 30 (fight)
Roswell 30 (fight)
Joyce 28 (short)
Griff 29 (fight)
Lisa 30 (short)
If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections mail them to:

Visit the Front Mission Series Webpage at:
Walkthroughs of all Front Mission Games, Gameplay Information, Technical
Data, Pictures, character descriptions, cheat codes, and much more!!!!

Nathan Stout
updated: 4-7-99

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