Dino Crisis 2

Dino Crisis 2

14.10.2013 07:00:26
This document Copyright © 2000 Nemesis™. All rights reserved.

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Dino Crisis 2: Complete Guide
Platform: PlayStation
Version 1.03
Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
E-Mail: nemesis@flipmode.com
My website: http://faqdomain.cjb.net

Created: Thursday, October 08, 2000 6:18:42 PM
Last Updated: 11/02/00 11:52:23 AM
Size: 90.2 KB (92,343 bytes)


01......................... Introduction
02.......................... Legal Stuff
03........... Updates / Revision History
04.............................. Weapons
05......................... Extras/Tools
06....................... Recovery Items
07.......................... Game Basics
08.......................... Walkthrough
01: Jungle
02: Military Facility
03: Military Facility (2)
04: Jungle (2)
05: Research Facility
06: Patrol Ship
07: 3rd Energy Facility
08: Cave
09: Edward City
10: Jungle (4)- Missile Silo
09............................ Item List
10.................. Dino File Locations
11.............................. Secrets
12.......... Extinct Point Service Guide
13.............................. Credits
14......................... Contact Info




After getting so many requests for me to do a FULL guide for Dino Crisis 2
and *flames* for me _not_ doing a FULL guide for it (or flames telling me
how crappy my spoiler-free guide was...), I decided to go the distance, and
do a full guide for Dino Crisis 2. This is a full walkthrough, and _does_
contain spoilers for the game, so read at your own risk. If you do not want
any spoilers, then check out my "crappy" Spoiler-Free guide for Dino Crisis
2, on the Dino Crisis 2 page at www.gamefaqs.com. ^_^


02. Legal Stuff


This FAQ can only appear on the following sites (w/out having to ask me):

• GameFAQS
• Cheat Code Central
• GameSages
• Vgstrategies.com
• GameShark.com
• FAQ Domain
• Happy Puppy

_____________________________NOT WWW.MEGAGAMES.COM_____________________________

If anyone finds it on any other site or MegaGames.com, please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address: nemesis@flipmode.com

© Copyright 2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. This FAQ and everything
included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or
form (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside from being placed on
a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited
and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes
(even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional
purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It
cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase
as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited.

Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors,
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cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form
of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically
mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference
or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author,
myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Brett Franklin. All
copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

This FAQ was written for GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) only. I don't
want it to be put up on any other web site and am not above explaining
this to your ad banner guys or whoever else I can get ahold of if you
decide to violate this disclaimer.

To continue, this FAQ and everything included herein is protected by
the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976, not to mention International
Copyright Law. Remember that plagiarism is a crime, and that this is a
copyrighted work--stealing from this guide is putting yourself at risk,
plain and simple, because the law is on my side. If you would like to
contribute to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as
well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above.




Version 1.02 (10/26/00)

• Updated the format of this FAQ.

Version 1.01 (10/13/00)

• Added the Extinct Point Service Guide section to the document

Version 1.00 (10/12/00)

• Completed the walkthrough for the game

• Finished up the Item List, revised the Dino File location list

• Added the 'Secrets' section

• Revised the walkthrough to list semi-sections for easier reading, and
added headers to tell you when you switch characters in the game

• Revised the Weapons and Tools lists

Version 0.70 (10/11/00)

• Updated the walkthrough through some of the underwater portion of the

Version 0.60 (10/10/00)

• First non-beta version of the FAQ, first released version.

• Contains about 30-40% of the game walkthrough, and all of the weapons,
recovery, and tools lists are complete.


04. Weapons


All of the weapons and extras in the game can be bought with Extinct Points™.
Extinct Points™ are earned whenever you kill an enemy, and it all depends on
how you kill the enemy, how fast you kill it, and with what you kill it
with. This section points out the ranking of each weapon, comments, and
the price of the weapon.

| \
| Handgun \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 80 |
| Attack Power 20 |
| Range 30 |
| Price N/A |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Like the previous game, you get the Handgun right away in the game. It's |
| a weak weapon, but it suffices for the first part of the game... |

| \
| Sub-Machine Guns \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 90 |
| Attack Power 20 |
| Range 80 |
| Price 12,000 EP |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Much better than the Hand Gun for a few reasons: A) You have twice the |
| firepower, and B) The rate of fire is much higher than the hand gun. |
| Recommended for Raptors, since you can take 'em down quick, and therefore |
| allowing you to get more EP (Extinct Points). |

| \
| Needle Gun \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 70 |
| Attack Power 80 |
| Range 70 |
| Price N/A (You get it w/ the Diving Suit) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Your under-water weapon. For it's use, it's quite powerful, but still... |

| \
| Shotgun \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 70 |
| Attack Power 30 |
| Range 70 |
| Price Dylan's gun. |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Just a bit more powerful than Regina's hand gun, but stronger, and you |
| can take out more than one enemy at the same time. Using it against |
| Raptors is also a good idea. |

| \
| Main Machine Gun \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 90 |
| Attack Power 60 |
| Range 40 |
| Price 35,000 EP |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| What a great gun! Much more powerful than the Sub Machine guns, although |
| it's weight slows you down when moving... |

| \
| Shock Gun \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 40 |
| Attack Power 0 |
| Range 30 |
| Price N/A |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| It "shocks" underwater. Hmmmm....well, it sucks. :P |

| \
| Fire Wall \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 70 |
| Attack Power 30 |
| Range 90 |
| Price 5,000 EP |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Basically a flame-thrower, and quite useful at some times in the game. |

| \
| Stun Gun \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 100 |
| Attack Power 10 |
| Range 90 |
| Price N/A |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Like the name implies, it "stuns" enemies with a laser. Great for when |
| you are in a tight situation. |

| \
| Anti-Tank Rifle \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 30 |
| Attack Power 90 |
| Range 70 |
| Price 38,000 EP |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Whoa! This gun simply rocks, IMO. Even though only Dylan can use it, it's |
| still cool as hell. Think of it as a proton-cannon, only in a smaller |
| form. It can take out lots of enemies at once. |

| \
| Chain Mine \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 70 |
| Attack Power 60 |
| Range 50 |
| Price 12,000 EP |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Just like the mine thrower from Resident Evil 3, only much more useful. |
| It lays out numerous mines in it's path, causing whatever gets in it's |
| path to go KABOOM. |

| \
| Aqua Grenade \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 30 |
| Attack Power 70 |
| Range 10 |
| Price 18,000 EP |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| The best weapon for underwater usage, this is basically an underwater |
| grenade launcher. The way it looks underwater simply rocks... |

| \
| Machete \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 100 |
| Attack Power 50 |
| Range 90 |
| Price N/A |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Another one of Dylan's weapons, but this one is fairly weak. Just a quick |
| knife for almost any use in the game. |

| \
| Solid Cannon \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 60 |
| Attack Power 70 |
| Range 50 |
| Price 18,000 EP (Dylan) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| This baby may look powerful, but looks can be decieving. All it does is |
| cause a energy field that knocks out your enemy. |

| \
| Rocket Launcher \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 20 |
| Attack Power 100 |
| Range 10 |
| Price 50,000 EP (Dylan) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Gee, yet another rocket launcher for a survival-horror game from Capcom. |
| Whee... You know what to expect here. Very expensive, very powerful, but |
| slow as hell. |

| \
| Missle Pod \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Speed 20 |
| Attack Power 80 |
| Range 100 |
| Price 50,000 EP (Regina) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Whoa. Another rocket launcher, only this time, this one is semi- |
| innovative. It shoots many rockets at once, therefore increasing it's |
| range by a large margin, but it's power decreases for some reason... |


05. Extras/Tools


All of the weapons and extras in the game can be bought with Extinct Points™.
Extinct Points™ are earned whenever you kill an enemy, and it all depends on
how you kill the enemy, how fast you kill it, and with what you kill it
with. This section points out price of each extra item, and some comments
about each one.

| \
| Hand Gun \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Price 15,000 EP (Dylan) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| This makes Dylan's Machete stronger. |

| \
| Inner Suit \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Price 20,000 EP (Both) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| This is some body armor that stops bleeding. |

| \
| Power Battery \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Price 15,000 EP (Regina) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| This makes Regina's Stun Gun stronger. |

| \
| Light Armor \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Price 35,000 EP (Regina) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| Strong armor for Regina. |

| \
| EPS Silver Card \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Price 20,000 EP (Both) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| This lengthens the combo string during fights, therefore allowing you to |
| gain more EP. |

| \
| EPS Gold Card \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Price 40,000 EP (Both) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| This also multiplies the amount of EP's you get from beating an enemy, |
| but doubles the amount of EP's you get. |

| \
| EPS Platinum Card \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Price N/A (Both) |
| |
| Comments: |
| |
| This card gives you _unlimited ammo_ for the next time you play the game. |


06. Recovery Items


| \
| Medpack S \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| It will recover your health only by a little. |

| \
| Medpack M \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| It will fully recover your health, but will not stop the bleeding. |

| \
| Medpack L \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| It will recover your health completely and stop the bleeding. |

| \
| Hemostat \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| Stops the bleeding, but will not recover your health. |

| \
| Rescue Pack \
| \
| Specifications: |
| |
| You can return to life with your health fully restored. |


07. Game Basics


| "Tips" |

• Don't try to conserve ammo. Dino Crisis 2 is built on the foundation of
action, and not necessarily surviving on a bare minimum of ammo
consumption. You should use whatever ammo you deem required for the

• If you start to run low on ammo, don't worry: There is usually an Extinct
Point Service nearby whenever you run low on ammo/health.

• Use the Extinct Point Service whenever you can. These wunnerful places
allow you to refill on ammo, weapons, recovery items, tools, and
upgrades in your weapons. You can also save your game at the Extinct
Point Services.

• Run-n-gun all the time. Doing this (running while aiming/shooting the
dinos) allows you to avoid their attacks, and increasing your point
values after the kill. Doing this also decreases the chances of
your character getting damaged, and whenever you get out of an area
unharmed, you will recieve a bunch of bonus points.

• Keep in mind that the Extinct Point Service areas are easy to see, since
they are the bright-purple screens on walls in 'safe areas'.

• Remember that Dino Files can usually be found on dead corpses, and/or
lying around a Extinct Point Service area.

• Keep an eye on your vitality meter (health bar). If it's green, then you're
okay for the most part. When it turns red, that means you are bleeding, and
you should take a recovery item that stops the bleeding as soon as possible.

• Use the Quick-Turn feature as much as possible. This saves plenty of time,
and can save your life when fighting off multiple dinos. Using this
awesome feature can also cut down on the frustration level of the gamer
while fighting a lot of enemies at once.

• Use the boost function on the Diving Suit to get over obsticles, and to
avoid enemies as well.

• Whenever you get knocked down by an enemy, or are trapped in a dino's
grip, mash all of the buttons on your controller to kick out of the
attack and/or to get up faster than normal.

• Towards the end of the game, do not waste your EPS credits on heavy
weapons such as the Rocket Launcher, because you will need as many
credits as possible for AFTER you beat the game. Trust me on this.
But you can purchase at least one expensive weapon sometime in the
game to fend off large beasts, but do not buy anything before the
final boss, or in the Missile Silo.


08. Walkthrough


*************** NOTE:
For this walkthrough, 99% of the time I _WILL NOT_
tell you if there is a dino in the area, or how
many there are. I will only point out specific
enemies that are essential to the game and/or
require special assistance to defeat. I
will, however, tell you what the main species of
dinos are in each area, so you'll know what to

1) The Jungle

You'll begin the game as Dylan, watching Regina run off. Head through
the door he previously chopped at with his machete. Once through the
door, make your way towards the crashed jeep here, and search it to
find a recovery item. Head left and down the ladder.

Continue to the west, killing off as many raptors as you can before
exiting this area, and entering the new one. Be sure to grab the
recovery item in this area before exiting. Once you are in the next
area, kill the raptors, and climb up the ladder that leads to the roof
of a small crate. Take the recovery item from the top, and then
continue into the next area.

In this last area before the water tower, there are many raptors, so
be sure to kill them fast and in numbers to gain combos and higher
scores. At the end of this area is a large square door near some
chain-linked fences. Head through it to enter the Water Tower, and
your first 'safe area' and Extinct Point Service. Grab the first dino
file from the ground (velociraptor), then use the Extinct Point
Service to save your game, and refill on ammo if needed.

2) Military Facility

Move ahead past the Extinct Point Service area, and climb the ladder
to grab the recovery item from uptop. Head back down the ladder, and
move on into the Military Training Facility door. Outside here, there
are lots of raptors, so be ready. Run ahead, and you will find another
recovery item inside the tunnel area. Go right of the tunnel, and
through the next door to encounter...

...a T-Rex. But don't worry! He only has one eye, and can't really see
you or smell you that easily. Do not shoot him, or you will waste
ammo. Just make your way to a red ladder leading to a recovery item on
top, take the item, and head down the next ladder to watch a short

In this empty room, run forward and to the right to find a small
table. Check this table to find a Dino File (Tyrannosaurus Rex). Head
through the only open door next to the reception desk. Run through the
corridor, and enter the Medical Room to the left. In here, grab the
Doctor's Papers next to the corpse, and use the Extinct Point System
near the door. Run to the back of the room to find the Key Plate on
the bed. Okay, now return to where you met the T-Rex. Be careful as
you exit the area, because there are now some raptors in the area.

Outside, avoid the T-Rex, and head through the door that leads to the
Hardware Storage area. Run into the first room and take the file off
the counter. Approach the red light in the back of the room, and use
the Key Plate on it to reveal the Research Facility Keycard. Watch the
cut-scene, and you'll end up playing as Regina.

--Begin Regina---------------------------------------------------------------

Your goal as Regina is to make your way to the Military Facility
alive. Run forward, and use your stun gun on the red panel next to the
door to unlock it. On the other side, search the corpse to find a Dino
File (Allosaurus) and search the other corner to find a recovery item.
Head across the bridge.

Continue through the jungle's southern path, while grabbing any
recovery items you can, and killing as many dinos as possible. When
you reach the door that leads you to the poisonous plant area, skip
it, and head to the left and through the other door. Here, climb the
ladder to activate a cut-scene. Now avoid the large dino, and climb
the two ladders and head through the door at the top.

In here is another Extinct Point Service area. Grab the file from the
table, and use the Extinct Point Service in the back of the room.
Purchase a new weapon: The Fire Wall. It's the cheapest out of the two
new weapons, so buy it, 'cause you'll need it. Leave the room and go
back outside.

After the cut-scene, equip the Fire Wall as a sub-weapon, then return
back outside. Go back to where you met that large dino that was after
you, and avoid him again and re-enter the jungle. Once back here, go
through the door that has the poisonous plants, and use the firewall
weapon to clear them out. Make your way to the west, then to the
north, and head through the door at the end. Run through the next
area, while killing the other poisonous plants, and unlock the door at
the end, and enter it.

3) Military Facility (2)

You will find that you are now in the Water Tower once more, so save
your game at the Extinct Point Service, then use the same route as you
did earlier to get to the Military Facility. Once you are back at the
Military Facility, avoid the Pteranodons in the sky, then head through
the small shutter door that you entered earlier with Dylan. Inside
you'll find the Key Plate that he has left out for you. Head forward
and talk to him really fast, then exit back outside, and head through
the double doors to the left of where you just went into, in the
Military Facility/Entrance.

In this hallway, make your way past the Medical Room, and use your
Stungun on the panel next to the door to unlock it. Enter this door,
the Control Room.

Inside here, head up the stairs to find a file, then run back down the
stairs, and head to the colorful panel on the other side of the room.
Place the Black Key Plate inside, and remove the Blue (Bl.) Key Plate
from the panel. Dash back to where Dylan is trapped, and use the Blue
Key Plate on the blue control panel next to the door Dylan is trapped
inside to rescue him.

--Begin Dylan-----------------------------------------------------------------

After you've taken control of Dylan, leave the Patrol Ship. Avoid the
large dino out here (Allosaurus), and head through the only unlocked
gate, the one that leads out to North Route #1.

4) Jungle (2)

Follow this route (and use your Map), and make your way to the
Save-Shop to the North of the Jungle, all while killing as many dinos
as you can to boost your Extinct Points. The save point is at the
Water Tower. Take the door that leads to the Marsh/Poison Plants North
Area, just near the Extinct Point Service panel.

Head south, and then to the south-east into the Research Facility to
the south (use your map if you need to know where this is).

5) Research Facility

Once back in the Research Facility, use your Machete to cut off the
vines off the door that is across from the Control Shack door. Enter
here, and make your way around the back of the stairs, and use the
Research Facility Keycard on the red panel next to the door and enter

Go to the east of where you enter from, and enter the Power Source
Door. Check the green panel next to the door, and operate it to close
it. Run down to the other side of the room, grab the file near the
door, then use your machete to get rid of the vines on the door. Enter
this door. Immediately turn left, and close this small terminal as
well. Run to the other side of this room, and take the recovery item
here. Open the small cage that is closed by a spoon here, then move on
to the next vine-covered door. Take the file near the door, then close
the next small terminal near the door. Enter the door.

Head south to the next door at the end of the hall, and attempt to
unlock the door with your Research Facility Keycard and...a compy
steals it. Crap. Now you must get it back. Run after it, and chase it
into that cage that you have left open. This may take a while, but as
long as you closed all of the terminals that I have instructed you to,
he shouldn't be able to run away from you. Take the Research Facility
Keycard again, as well as the Dino File (Compy). Now head back out to
that door you were ABOUT to open when the Compy stole your card, and
enter it.

Inside here, you'll find another file, as well as the Starter Battery.
Once you have this item in your possession, head back to the Patrol

6) Patrol Ship

After the cut-scene, activate the Navigation System, and choose to go
to the 3rd Energy Facility. Head through the door in front of Dylan to
play a cool mini-game...

Blasting 'da Plesiosauruses:

The first minigame in the game, this one will test your patience,
since the controls for the game basically suck, as it can be tough to
aim at the dinos that are constantly attacking your ship. Fire at the
Plesiosauruses and the Pterandodons as they come at you, and beware of
the Plesiosauruses that come at you quickly from the sides, and
damaging your ship easily.

After the fight is over, you will recieve some massive Extinct Points,
and take over as Regina. Exit the Patrol Ship, and out onto the Dock,
but on the way, grab the recovery item on the catwalk. Once you get
out near a crashed truck, search it to find a Dino File. Now search
the area near a dead body for another file. You now need the 3rd
Energy Facility Keycard. Return to the Patrol Ship, and go back to the

Once back here, head up the ladder to where the Allosaurus is. Now
head through the door that is unlocked (the one that you went through
with Dylan earlier), and enter the next watery area. Just past the two
ladders here is a waterfall. Search the waterfall a few times and a
leaf will fall out. Wait for the leaf to stop, and something will come
out of it. It's the 3rd Energy Keycard. Take it, return to the Patrol
Ship, and go back to where you found the file near the dead body.

7) 3rd Energy Facility

Use the Keycard on the door to the right of the dead body. Head around
the catwalk, into the next door, up the stairs, and into the save
room. To the left of the stairs is the Key to the Box, and a Extinct
Point Service. Take the key and save your game. It might also be a
good idea to purchase either the Sub Machine guns or the Missle Pod
Launcher, as well as the EPS Silver Card, and the Inner Suit. Also,
search the countertop to the right of the Extinct Point Service to
find a Dino File. Leave this room, and head down to the small boat
near the save room, and use the Key on the box there to get a 4-digit
number (it's flashing, not too hard to spot if you look close enough
you know...). Remember this number for later (write it down...). #2350
was mine. Return to the save room.

Once back in the save room, head out the door next to the Extinct
Point Service, and head outside. Search the dead body out here for the
Mechanic's ID Card. Return to the save room, and use the ID Card and
the number you found on the elevator in here, then take the elevator

Run forward, down the stairs, and through the first door into the
first room. Go to the left of the elevator, and find the 3 red lights
and a blue screen. Activate the power here, and whenever the lights
turn red again (they'll turn green after you activate the power), hit
them with your stun gun to stop them from flashing. Do this over and
over again until the lights turn blue. Now power has been restored to
this area. Run over to the other side of the room, and take the Diving
Suit from the orange glass case, as well as the file near the
computer. Climb down the small ladder, and you will go underwater for
the first time. Once underwater, fight off the new swimmers here, then
go to the other side of the room, grab the recovery item, then exit
the room through the only door (check your map for details). The next
room is a save room, so save your game and buy the Aqua Grenade. Make
your way through the next few rooms until you reach a very large room.
Make your way towards the back of this room, and you'll find a
recovery item that you can get to. Grab it, then use the boost feature
on your suit (Triangle) to hop up onto the platforms. Now just make
your way across these multiple platforms until you reach a door.

There is a weak pillar underneath the door, so blast it with your
Aquagrenade, then head through the door. Flip the switch near the door
to activate the elevator, so if you fall back down to the first floor,
you can just use the elevator to return here. Now head forward and hop
onto the platform with the dead body, and an item. This is the Plug.
Take it, then return to the save area a few rooms away. Use the Plug
on the big control panel that is near the Extinct Point Service
computer, and activate it to open up some new doors. Grab the File
here too. Save your game when you're done.

Return the the east, and to the next save area near an elevator. Save
your game, load up on Aquagrenades, and ride the elevator up. At the
top, make your way to the end of the corridor and grab the City
Keycard from the dead body. After getting the Keycard, go to the left
of the corpse, and take the Dino File that is just sitting there for
you. Now ride the next elevator to the left of the Dino File down.

Head through the door, and watch the cut-scene, which is followed


BOSS: Plesiosaurus


This rather large swimming dinosaur is no match for you if you have an
AquaGrenade launcher with you, and at least 10-15 grenades on you as
well. The key here is to find a good spot where you are able to see
from both sides, that way you can see which side he is coming at you
from. He usually swims at you from one side, turns around, attacks,
goes past you, then turns around and does the same thing over. A key
time in his attack scheme is when he swims above you to get to the
other side of you. This is when his belly is revealed, allowing you to
get at least 2 shots in while he is basically defenseless. Use this
time to get some cheap shots in. It should only take about 15 solid
shots from your AquaGrenade to take him down. After he's been taken
care of, you'll get a hefty 10000 points!

Now your goal is to reach the top of the center area in this Reactor.
To get there, just follow the platforms with the red lights until you
reach a door. Along the way you will find at least 3-4 recovery items
to take. Operate the red panel next to the elevator door to supply it
with power, then use the elevator. Head down the stairs once you are
back on the surface, then watch the cut-scene, and switch characters
back to Dylan once more.

--Begin Dylan-----------------------------------------------------------------

Head through the doors that Regina went through, and then enter the
purple doors to the right of the screen, and into the Save area. Avoid
the large Allosaurus, and save your game at the save point on the
other side of the area, and buy a Chain Mine and an Anti-Tank Rifle.
Kill the Allosaurus with the Antitank rifle (take that bi-atch ;),
then leave this area.

Head down the path past the save point door to find a Dino File near
another corpse. Find the gate covered with vines all over it, and use
your Machete to cut 'em down. Head through the gate, watch the
cut-scene, then move on through the next two doors until you reach a
rock blocking a cave.

8) Cave

Use your Chain Mine to clear the rock away, and enter the cave. Run
forward and use the Chain Mine to clear the rock blocking the recovery
item to the right, then take the left path, and go up the ladder.
You'll fight some Inostrancevia's up here, so wait until the get up on
their hind legs, and then blast them with a shot to the belly with
your Antitank rifle. Go left and take the recovery item, then go right
and continue through the cave. Just make sure to follow the yellow
signs on the walls (David's survival markings), and you will find the
way out of the cave easily. Whenever you find a rock blocking your
way, use the Chainmine to clear it out, then head through it.
Eventually you will find the way out at the end of this linear cave.

Out here, save your game at the Extinct Point Service save/shop, then
reload your ammo for all of your weapons. Now climb the ladder to play
another mini game...


This one is simple. Your objective is to reach as far as you can in
this area, while staying alive. Use the Sub-Weapon control to fire a
flare into the air, and your partner will fire at that location. You
will be followed by some Allosaurus's, so be sure to have your partner
fire at them. Also have your partner fire at the large crates to
unblock your path. You will switch partners a few times over, so just
continue where your other partner left off once you regain control of
someone. Do this until you meet up with Dylan at the end of the area.

--Begin Dylan-----------------------------------------------------------------

When this is over with, you will regain control of Dylan. Grab the
Dino File from the corpse, then save your game at the Extinct Point
Service area near it. Now run through the gates to play another

Blast the Triceratops:

This one is just like the minigame on the Patrol Ship, in which you
have to gun down the ramming Triceratops' that are coming at you.
They'll come at you from all sides, so be ready. Blast them when their
bellies are towards you for best results. After you take down a few of
the Triceratops' for good, the game will end, and you will watch a
cool ass cut-scene.

9) Edward City

Search the corpse in front of you to find a new Dino File, then head
to Dylan's right to find Robson's Store. Enter it, then grab the file
on the counter, and save your game here too. Take the recovery item
from the store, as well as the Living Quarters Key from the rear of
the store. Leave the save room from where you came in from, and enter
the door near the corpse where you found the latest Dino File. Go down
the corridor, and enter the door (use the newfound key to open it),
and play the next minigame...

Tank-a-saurus Rex:

This minigame is cool, and rather easy. You must follow the path and
reach the other end of the path without dying, all while a giant T-Rex
is giving chase. You can blast it with your tank, blast away crates
that are in your way, and use a flash bomb to slow the T-Rex down. I
suggest using most of your flash grenades as you can early, so that
you can get a great head-start. Blast the crates that block your way,
and position the tank gun so that it faces the T-Rex, and you can
shoot him while still driving straight. Use the rest of your flash
grenades towards the end of the path to ensure your victory.

After the minigame ends, grab the Gas Mask from the ground in the next
area. Watch the cut-scene, then save your game inside the Patrol Ship.
Take the Patrol Ship back to the Jungle.

10) Jungle (4): Missile Silo

--Begin Regina---------------------------------------------------------------

Head out into the Jungle again, and use your map and head to the path
that is unexplored that leads to the Missile Silo. Once you reach the
ladder that leads to the path, go down it, and Regina will
automatically equip the Gas Mask. Run through the next poisonous gas
area until you reach a door. Go through the door. Inside here is a
save room, so save your game, and reload your ammunition and weapons
as well. Exit through the green door to go outside. Now go down the
nearby stairs, and through the door. Access the flashing computer here
to get the 3rd Energy Disc. Search to the left of this computer to
find a hidden Dino File as well. Leave the room, and go back up the
stairs to watch a kick ass (yet frightening...) cut-scene. After all
of the cut-scenes end, you will be forced to fight a boss...


BOSS: Giganotosaurus


Whoa there big fella! Even though he may look big and bad, he's not
hard to beat...really. All you have to do is switch on the gas from
the two green valves on each side of the catwalk, then shoot the gas
to flame the Giganotosaurus. If you're quick, you can run back and
forth without him touching you, but sometimes he'll roar and cause you
to fall over. If he attacks you, just button mash to get out of his
attack, then run to a valve. You must do each valve over and over
again, going from one valve to another. After enough damage, he'll go

Run to the other end of the catwalk, and activate the blue screen. The
lights will turn green, and then flash red. Hit them with your stungun
to change them back, and after a while, they'll turn blue, and the
next catwalk will be open to you. Run over it, and use the next
elevator to get to the top of the Silo. Run to the missile silo, and
deactivate it. Whew, that was close. Now head back down the elevator
to watch a kick ass FMV.

When you regain control of Regina, save your game at the save point
behind her. Go down the stairs on the other side of the room, and
enter the next area. Here you'll find some more Inostranceivas, so use
the Chain Mine to knock them onto their backs, and blast 'em. Move
through the next series of rooms until you get to another minigame...

Raptor Gunner:

For this minigame, David will attempt to turn a large valve, while
large groups of Raptors attack from all sides. Your job is to gun them
down with your turret gun. Shoot a raptor twice to launch them into
the water, then move onto the next raptor. Do this for a bit, and
eventually David will get the valve turned all the way.

--Begin Dylan-----------------------------------------------------------------

After the cut-scenes, you will gain control of Dylan, and you will
find the girl again. Now you have to follow her, all while protecting
her from dinosaurs along the way. Crap. Another 'Birkin' experience
from Capcom...

Follow her, and whenever she stops, you know a dino is going to
attack. Be ready for this, because if she dies, then it's game over.
By the way, you cannot heal her with recovery items, so be sure to
protect her until you reach the area she has lead you to. Once you get
there, she'll run off, and you'll be back by yourself again. Climb the
ladder where she ran to, and some lasers will block your path. Damn.
Okay, see those colored panels littered around this small area? Good.
Go to each of the four colors:

- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Red

Activate all four of them, then activate the control panel near the
lasers to remove them. Enter the double doors here. Run forward and
grab the file from the countertop, then head through the next few
doors until you reach another room with another File. Grab the
recovery item from the ground near the save computer, and use this
time to reload on some strong ammo, buy a Rocket Launcher, and fill up
your supply of recovery items to the max, especially with Med Pack L's
and Rescue items. Enter the next door, and go down the stairs to meet
up with the girl again. Watch the cut-scene, then follow the girl into
the next room...




For a final boss, this guy isn't all that hard, since you don't even
need to shoot him with anything, unless he really gets on your case
and attacks relentlessly, in which case you unload on him with your
rocket launcher until he backs off a bit. Okay, when the fight first
starts, run left and then forward across the bridge, and run non-stop
until you reach the other side, because he'll smash the bridge, and if
you fall, then it's game over. Once on the other side, notice the
center control panel for later, then run left, and activate the
communication line to the satellite at the end of the catwalk. Now run
back and past the center computer, and follow the catwalk to the south
to find the target computer, which allows the Giganotosaurus to be
targeted with the satellite weapon. Dash back to the center computer,
and activate it to watch his ass fry.

When you regain control of Dylan again, run back to the southeast part
of the room, and exit through the large doors to watch one cool ass
ending FMV!




09. Item List


| | |
| | |
| Black Key Plate| It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Yellow K. Plate| It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Blue K. Plate | It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Red K. Plate | It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Green K. Plate | It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Purple K. Plate| It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Research | You need this keycard to enter the Research Facility. |
| Facility | It's a shiny silverish keycard. |
| Keycard | |
| | |
| Starter Battery| A battery used for starting instruments and equipments. |
| | |
| 3rd Energy K.C.| A card needed to get into the 3rd Energy Facility. |
| | |
| Box Key | A key that opens a box on the boat. |
| | |
| Mechanic ID | A card which verifies that you are a 3rd Energy Facility|
| | mechanic. |
| | |
| Plug | A plug which is needed for the operation of the cooling |
| | aqueduct shutters. |
| | |
| City Keycard | You need this keycard to enter Edward City from the |
| | lakeside. |
| | |
| Living Q. Key | It will open the door to the living quarters. |
| | |
| Gas Mask | It was brought from the Military Facility when nerve |
| | gas was used to battle the dinosaurs. |
| | |
| 3rd Energy Disc| The disc which has all the 3rd Energy research data. |
| | The mission's target. |
| | |

| | |
| | |
| Black Key Plate| Can be found in the Medical Room in the Military |
| | Facility. |
| | |
| Yellow K. Plate| Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Blue K. Plate | Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Red K. Plate | Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Green K. Plate | Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Purple K. Plate| Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Research | You can find this in the Hardware Storage area in the |
| Facility | Military Facility by using the Key Plate on the red |
| Keycard | panel in the back of the room. |
| | |
| Starter Battery| In the Precision Lab, Research Facility. |
| | |
| 3rd Energy K.C.| In the waterfall, near Patrol Ship. |
| | |
| Box Key | First save room in 3rd Energy Facility |
| | |
| Mechanic ID | Dead body, catwalk outside first save room, 3rd Energy |
| | Facility. |
| | |
| Plug | 3rd Energy Reactor, underwater, on dead diver. |
| | |
| City Keycard | 3rd Energy Reactor, underwater, past second save area, |
| | near dead body and elevator. |
| | |
| Living Q. Key | Edward City, Robson's Store. |
| | |
| Gas Mask | Edward City, outside of T-Rex/Tank minigame. |
| | |
| 3rd Energy Disc| Missile Silo, computer room. |
| | |
| | |


10. Dino File Locations


| | |
| | |
| D.F. 1 - Velociraptor | Jungle Save/Shop area. (Water Tower) |
| | |
| D.F. 2 - T-Rex | Military Facility, first room. |
| | |
| D.F. 3 - Allosaurus | Entrance of Jungle, corpse. |
| | |
| D.F. 4 - Compy | Largest Save/Shop area in Research |
| | Facility (southern-most). |
| | |
| D.F. 5 - Pterodon | Near truck, 3rd Energy Facility. |
| | |
| D.F. 6 - Mosasaurus | Save/Shop area, near Boat Key. |
| | |
| D.F. 7 - Plesiosaurus | Near corpse, east 3rd Energy Reactor. |
| | |
| D.F. 8 - Inostrancevia | Edward City, entrance. |
| | |
| D.F. 9 - Triceratops | Last Save/Shop area, Edward City. |
| | |
| D.F. 10 - Oviraptor | Corpse near jeep, Edward City. |
| | |
| D.F. 11 - Gigantosaurus | Near computer where you get the 3rd |
| | Energy Data Disc, near control panel. |
| | |
| | |


11. Secrets


EPS Platnium Card:
To get this special card which gives you unlimited ammo, collect all 11
Dino Files in the game.

Extra Crisis: Dino Colosseum
Beat the game with a ranking of C or better. (NOTE: Some say you can open
this just by completing the game on Hard, but I played on Normal, and I
still got it by getting a C or better, so...)

Extra Crisis: Dino Duel
Beat the game, then purchase two or more dinosaurs with your EPS points.
You can only buy dinosaurs after you have purchased Rick, Gail, and the
Tank. This is a fighting game of sorts, just like that Jurassic Park
fighter released a while ago, only better...


12. Extint Point Service Guide



| | |
| | |
| Hemostat | 100 EP |
| | |
| Med Pak S | 300 EP |
| | |
| Med Pak M | 800 EP |
| | |
| Med Pak L | 1,000 EP |
| | |
| Rescue Pak | 3,000 EP |
| | |
| Power Battery | 15,000 EP |
| | |
| Heavy Blade | 15,000 EP |
| | |
| Inner Suit | 20,000 EP |
| | |
| EPS Silver Card | 20,000 EP |
| | |
| Light Weight Armor | 35,000 EP |
| | |
| EPS Gold Card | 40,000 EP |
| | |
| EPS Platinum Card | Zero EP |
| | |

| | |
| | |
| Firewall | 05,000 EP |
| | |
| Flame Launcher | 08,000 EP |
| | |
| Chainmine | 12,000 EP |
| | |
| Submachine Guns | 12,000 EP |
| | |
| Machete Upgrade | 15,000 EP |
| | |
| Solid Cannon | 18,000 EP |
| | |
| AquaGrenade | 20,000 EP |
| | |
| Heavy Machine Gun | 35,000 EP |
| | |
| Antitank Rifle | 38,000 EP |
| | |
| Missile Pod | 50,000 EP |
| | |
| Rocket Launcher | 50,000 EP |
| | |
| StunGun | Automatic |
| | |
| Machete | Automatic |
| | |
| Shockwave | Automatic |
| | |
| Handgun | Automatic |
| | |
| Shotgun | Automatic |
| | |
| Signal Bullet | Automatic |
| | |
| Needle Gun | Automatic |
| | |


| | |
| | |
| Hemostat | 100 EP |
| | |
| Med Pak S | 300 EP |
| | |
| Med Pak M | 800 EP |
| | |
| Med Pak L | 1,000 EP |
| | |
| Rescue Pak | 10,000 EP |
| | |
| Power Battery | 15,000 EP |
| | |
| Heavy Blade | 15,000 EP |
| | |
| Inner Suit | 20,000 EP |
| | |
| EPS Silver Card | 20,000 EP |
| | |
| Light Weight Armor | 35,000 EP |
| | |
| EPS Gold Card | 40,000 EP |
| | |
| EPS Platinum Card | Zero EP (You have to earn it) |
| | |

| | |
| | |
| Firewall | 10,000 EP |
| | |
| Flame Launcher | 16,000 EP |
| | |
| Chainmine | 24,000 EP |
| | |
| Submachine Guns | 24,000 EP |
| | |
| Machete Upgrade | 15,000 EP |
| | |
| Solid Cannon | 76,000 EP |
| | |
| Missile Pod | 100,000 EP |
| | |
| Rocket Launcher | 100,000 EP |
| | |
| StunGun | Automatic |
| | |
| Machete | Automatic |
| | |
| Shockwave | Automatic |
| | |
| Handgun | Automatic |
| | |
| Shotgun | Automatic |
| | |
| Signal Bullet | Automatic |
| | |
| Needle Gun | Automatic |
| | |




CJayC- For accepting all of my FAQS, and for creating the best web site on
the net!

Me- For making this FAQ! :p

Game Manual- For the basic moves.




My Resident Evil Code Veronica site: www.geocities.com/residentevilcv
My website: http://faqdomain.cjb.net
E-Mail Address: nemesis@flipmode.com

This document intellectual and legal property of...

"_____ __ _____ "
___ | / /___________ __________________(_)_______
__ |/ /_ _ \_ __ `__ \ _ \_ ___/_ /__ ___/
_ /| / / __/ / / / / / __/(__ )_ / _(__ )
/_/ |_/ \___//_/ /_/ /_/\___//____/ /_/ /____/

One final word:

"Don't Do Drugs!"

Copyright © 2000 Nemesis

nd of Document~

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Div. Savegames

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Gegenstände, Munition und Extinct Points

16.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
The Raptor Files

17.Oktober 2013
Puzzles FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008

17.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Japanese FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Game is 3 times completed, all modes unlocked.

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European German PAL Version.

11.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European Spanish PAL Version.

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

14.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Weapons FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

12.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
27.August 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020