Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

12.10.2013 21:01:53
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Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Playstation Console
Complete walkthrough
This document Copyright 2001 by Crow, aka Travis Richardson.
version 1.2 (Mansion, Ulysses, Leviathan, Cove stages complete, Ice Trial
almost finished)
version 1.3 (Ice Trial Completed, Cove revisited, Fire Trial completed)
version 1.4 (Answering questions about Secret Swim)


This walkthru is still in the process of being completed. I have posted
what has been documented thus far, and will update for all progress that I
make. I have beaten the game several times, and I am starting a new quest
just for this FAQ, making sure, as I write this walkthrough, not to miss a
single detail. Any questions about any part of the game I have not yet
documented can be directed to me at This walkthru can be
copied and printed at your leisure, only as long as it is complete, unedited,
and the credit is given where it is due. Have fun gaming.


***Whitmore's Mansion***

Old Whitmore shows you how to jump, punch, duck, and look around. He
then asks you to get an object (Atlantean Compass) from the top of the book
shelf to your right. Pull yourself to the top of the book shelf, and grab
the Compass. Then go back to Whitmore, and he'll say something about a special
feature that the compass has- I'll explain later. He then states that he needs
you to get him his crew portfolios from the basement, along with some kind
of key, and proceeds to show you how to use the "search" button to activate
the light switch.
Turn around to your right, and go to the door in the corner, near the
elevator that Milo entered the room through. Whitmore tells you again to use
the search button to turn on the light. You won't be able to enter the door
unless you do.
Go through the door, then follow the stairs down and to the right. In
the room, there is a boiler on the left. Between the boiler and the wall
opposite the door you just came through is an Atlantean Symbol- take it. Grab
the Portfolios from the chest in the back, then read the book near it. I'll
explain the symbols. In the other wallspace is the Second Atlantean Symbol,
and a Third Atlantean Symbol is on the top of the bookshelf in the corner.
Check the desk, using the search button, to look for the key. It's there..
but there's only half..
Return upstairs and approach Whitmore. He'll show you how to use your
backpack, and will have you use the Portfolio. Whitmore then descripes each
of your other team members on the mission, and gives you the other half of
the key, after explaining that a special Boomerang is at the bottom of his
aquarium. ((That part confused me, too, but hey, this is Disney...)) He then
walks you through using both halves of the key to make one useable one, and
hints that there are other items that can be combined. Now, let's get that
Head left, and use the key on the locked door. Go through the passage,
and there will be a book to the right of the exit that will explain how to
swim. Now go left, and check out each of the walk-in spaces in the wall. The
first on the left has the Fourth Atlantean Symbol, and the Fifth is on the
other walk-in, to the right. Now pull yourself up to the side of the pool,
and get your feet wet. In the pool, there are the two more Atlantean symbols
(Sixth and Seventh), and the Boomerang. ((It still bugs me that an old man
would come across a rare artifact, and drop it in with his FISH..)) Also in
the pool is a Golden Heart- be sure to grab that before you get out of the
pool, and don't stay under water too long- there is a timer at the top right
of the screen. That timer runs out, and you'll discover Davey Jone's locker,
not Atlantis. :->
Return to the main room, and talk to Whitmore again. He'll help you
equip the Boomerang, and hint at the fact that you may just *need* it.. (Well,
let's hope so, otherwize, this will be a dull game, no?) Also, he hints that
there is something special if you inspect the Lecturn in the basement. ((I
had no idea what that is, either, so just follow my lead.))
Take a right, and go back to the basement. Now, stand next the podium,
(THAT'S a Lecturn) and use your search button. A trapdoor will open in the
Follow the stairs down. Stop just through the door, and look to your
right. The last Atlantean Symbol is hiding behind that pillar. Check out both
the books, and you'll learn about the Green Crystals and the boomerang range.
Take the Green Crystal. The high score board is on the left side of the room.
Once you're done here, go all the way back upstairs, and go to the elevator.
You may want to try talking to Old Whitmore first, for laughs. Then walk on
to the elevator, and the level will end.



The level starts in the bow of the Ulysses. Run through the door in
front of you, and go down the corridor.
Main Room. Oh, no. The guns are malfunctioning. First, turn 90 to the
right, and go through the door. Punch the toolbox on the right to get a first
aid kit, and then walk up to the Radio. **The Radio can also be used to save
your progress- chose the old lady by pressing the X button, and you'll have
the option of entering the Save Menu.** Choose Vinny, then press X. Exit
the small room.
Rourke is blocking the door on the right, so head left, through the
other one. Push the barrel in to the path of the pipe, which is blasting steam.
Have Vinny "search" the boxes to the left, to set an explosive, then GET AWAY
FROM IT. Return to the main room, then to the radio room, and switch to Audrey.
Run back to the now-clear doorway, and go in. pass through the corridor, and
through the door at the other end.
First Gun Room. Punch the toolbox on the left to get a can of food.
Go to the broken panel in the back of the room, and "search" it, and Audrey
will fix the gun. Leave, and check out the book in front of the wall, opposite
the door that Vinny cleared. Looks like we need to get Milo, to climb that
ladder. Return to the radio room, grab Milo, and return here.
Jump in front of the ladder, and press forward to climb. An explosion
rocks the ship, but nothing bad happens. Enter the room.
Explosion Room. Turn left halway through the room. Drop down the hole,
and the First Atlantean Symbol is found at the bottom. Continue to the left,
and activate the Radio. Jump in the water to the left, and swim under the
passage. In the next room, you are confined to the water, but grab the Second
Atlantean Symbol, then swim back to the second radio. Climb the ladder, and
enter the "explosion" room. Head left, toward the back of the room, and climb
the ladder there. Go through the door.
Second Gun Room. In the corner to the left of you, there is a third
Radio. Directly ahead, there is another damaaged panel, and to the left of
that, there is a fire extinguisher. Grab it, then get Audrey, and fix that
second gun panel. Rourke will announce that the crew will have to abandon
the ship. Get Milo back, and exit the room.
Explosion Room. Cross the room, and hang a right, dropping down the
ladder. Take a left, and return to the main room.
Main room. Now go through the door that Rourke had been blocking until
now. Go all the way through the corridor, and then go through the door at
the end.
Monkey Ladder Room. Read the book on the floor. It'll explain how to
use the ladder on the ceiling to cross the water. Jump straight up, and Milo
will grab the bars. Center yourself on the bars, and press forward to move.
Be carefull not to fall, but if you should, then you're back in the same pool
of water that you found the Second Atlantean Symbol in, next to the Second
Radio. Return to this room, and try again. Press the Jump button once you've
reached the other side, and Milo will drop to the ground. Go through the door.
Fire!! Rourke commands you to put the fire out. Use that fire
extinguisher that you'd found in the Second Gun Room, and Milo will kill the
fire. Continue down the hall, and drop down the end of it. Head right at the
bottom, and activate the radio there. Check out the door there, as well. The
handle is missing. (!?) Turn around, and run past the ladder you just fell
down, and jump in to the water.
Water Passage. Swim down and to the right, and through the doorway.
Hang a left, and hold down the swim button to fight the current that the
propellers are generating. Grab the handle, and swim back out to the surface.
Run back to the door, and use the handle on it, and go through. Rourke then
says that you're going to have to activate a manual override to release the
Electrical Hazard. Ignore the electircal hazard on the left, and take
the door to the front-right of you. Pass through the corridor, and go through
both doors.
Sub Bay. There is a Fourth Atlantean Symbol just to the right, outside
this door. (No, we haven't missed the third one- we'll get that in a minute.
On the left wall, there is a switch. Activate it, and the sub will be released.
Now it's your turn to escape.
Go back through the door, and return to the Electrical Hazard. Stop
in front of the first two transformers, and wait for the electricity to stop
arcing. Pass between quickly, then stop for the second set. Wait for the
electricity to stop, then continue to the third set. Get the idea? Beyond
the transformers, go through the door. Activate the switch in this room, and
the propellers in the Water Passage will stop.
Exit the room, and watch the fireworks! Now that it's safe, run back
down the hall and hang a right. Go through the door, and hang a left to jump
back in to the Water Passage.
Water Passage. Swim down through the door, and start down the Passage.
Just beyond the opening in the passage, and just before the propellers, look
to your left. There is that missing Third Atlantean Symbol.
Swim through the propellers, and avoid the lobsters on the other side.
Swim to the bottom left of this room. There are two passages, which we'll
get to in a minute. Behind you, there are two open passageways on the same
wall. Explore those first. The one on the left has the Fifth Atlantean Symbol,
and the one on the right has Sixth. You can also grab some air here, so make
use of it. Now, back to the doors in the corner of the room.
The door on the left is for experienced swimmers only, because it will
lead to a dead end which contains the Green Crystal for this level. By the
time that you get that crystal, there is not enough time to get back to open
air. This is the only point in the game that you will be forced to sacrifice
a life. ((Still, I find it kind of disturbing, being a Disney game and all...))
Should you choose to get the Green crystal, then you'll find that
there's only a short corridor, ending in a dead- end room. You'll expire
before you can make it back to safety, and you'll start back at the radio,
next to the opening of the Water Passage.
When you take the door on the bottom right, there will be a short
corridor, which turns left at the end. In the next room, there is the Seventh
Atlantean Symbol, and a Gold Heart waits in the middle of the next hall. Swim
to the end, and up, to open air. Activate the Radio, and leave through the
Steam Hazard Two. Pick up the Eight Atlantean Symbol here. This hazard
is much the same as the Electrical Hazard back near the Sub Bay. Stop in front
of each of the holes until they stop gouting steam, then run up to the next
one. Lather, rinse, repeat. At the end of the corridor, there is a door on
the left. This is the last room.
Escape Pod Room. Run to the right of the door, and find the switch on
the wall. Activate it, and you'll see a hatch open in the floor of the room.
Drop through that hole and the stage ends.

Stage 3 ***Leviathan Attack***

This stage is pretty straight forward. Keep shooting at the Leviathan,
and anything that it throws at you. There is no way for me to walk you through
All I CAN tell you for this part is to JUST KEEP SHOOTING, and keep
your sites trained on that monster. Once he is defeated, you will go on to
the second part of the stage, where you're actively piloting the Sub Pod,
and blasting things, trying to escape. Again, DON'T STOP SHOOTING. Keep your
eyes peeled for all powerups, don't crash in to anything, and remember, all
you have to do is make it through the level. You can always repeat the level
to get anything that you've missed, including Atlanean Symbols and the Green
Crystal. ( I miss the damned thing every time- I always have to replay this
level to get it.)



A pretty simple stage. It really only serves as a passageway to the
Fire Trial, the Ice Trial, and finally, the Truck Escape.
From where you start off, facing north, (equip the compass to see which
direction you are facing at any time) you can see the entrance to the Ice
Trial to your right, and the Fire Trial to your left. (You can tell by the
colors that each are illuminated with.)
Grab the book and the three crystals, and then head towards the base
of the Fire Trial entrance, and activate the radio there. Take out the Crab
in front of the entrance, and grab the crystal there on the sand, and the
Gold Heart on the other side of the Fire Trial entrance, next to the West
wall. Also, the First Atlantean Symbol is found in the South-western corner
of the body of water.
Now go over in front of the Ice Trial entrance, and grab the crystal.
Climb up to the entracne to the Ice Trial, and enter. The stage will end.


***Ice Trial***

You start off facing South, towards a large chasm. You'll want to avoid
getting pelted by the Snowmen on the South and West banks. Run around to the
left of the gorge, and there will be a door on the left, locked. At the edge
of the chasm, directly in front of the door, will be another chest, this one
has the Key. Around farther to the left is another chest and two more crystals,
if you like. Unlock the door with the key, and go in.
Entrance Tunnel, facing East. Stop at the edge of the first step and
look down. There are a few crysals on the steps leading below. There are also
a few crabs and a Snowman on the very bottom of the drop. Farther to the East
is another door. Drop off from the very top of the stairs. Smash the chest,
and activate the radio. Choose Audrey- she has great range with her flare
gun. Now blast those mosters, grab the crystals on the ground, and head for
the door you saw. You can skip back up the steps to grab those first two
crystals you missed, if you like, but look out for the Poisonous Crab on the
second step.
Head East through the tunnel. Kill the Crab, smash the chest, go through
the next door.
Destroyed Bridge, facing North. Pop the Snowman a few times, and check
out the book at the top of the Bridge, then use R2 to look up. Target the
very top of the Stalagtite and nail it with Audrey's Flare Gun. Dispatch the
Snowman on the other side of the Bridge, and grab the crystal on either side.
(The best way is to stand right in front of them, and jump straight up. You'll
obtain them automatically.) Head through the door.
Facing North. There is a door to your right, and a crystal straight
ahead. Go to grab the first crystal, and the Snowman will come out of that
other door. Put him down, then take the First Atlantean Symbol from the room
he was in. Continue heading down the tunnel, North. Kill the Poisonous Crab,
grab the two crystals on the way, and go through the door at the end.
Rising Platforms, facing North-East, towards another canyon. Activate
the radio on the right, then walk over to the egde of the pitlfall, and look
at the symbol on the floor. Look at the first symbol on the left wall. Hey,
that matches! Shoot it, and wait for the platform to rise. Jump to the next
platform, and perform the task over again, with the new symbol depicted on
the edge of the platform. Find the coresponding one on the wall, and shoot
it. Jump to the next platform. Repeat this process until you are across to
Solid Ground. **Note- be sure not to shoot the symbol of a platform that you
are standing on, or that platform will return to the depths, with YOU on it!**
In the middle of the Solid Ground, there is a chest, a crystal just
beyond it, and the Second Atlantean Symbol on the edge to the left.
Jump to the door on the other side of the Solid Ground towards the South.
Grab the crystal, and enter.
Open sky, facing South-East. Take the Snowman down, and smash the chest
on the left. There is some large rubble directly ahead, with two crystals
on the top of it. To the right of that, there is a small raised section of
platform, with a Radio there. Activate it, and turn to leave. Just before
leaving through the door that you left through, hang a left in to the tunnel.
There are two crystals, and a locked door at the end. Return to the Open Sky,
and leave.
Solid Ground, facing North-West. Hang a right, and stand where you
obtained the Atlantean Symbol, then look directly up. There are three
Stalagtites that can be shot down to cross to the other side. Once there,
activate the Radio on the left, and go through the door.
Elevator Room, Facing North. Nail the Wolf that attacks you from the
left, then circle the bottom of the room to pick up all the crystals. Then
get in to the large enlosure in the center of the room, and the floor will
begin to rise, taking you up with it.
At the top of the elevator, face South-East and look around. There are
two series of steep juts to the left and the right of you, looking like very
large stairs, both leading to the right. Start jumping and climbing the steps
on the left, first.
Take out the Sentinel, then raid the nook that he was guarding. The
Second Atlantean Symbol and a chest are the only things here. Walk off the
edge of the platform, opposite the stairs you came up, and you'll land right
at the bottom of the second set of stairs. Activate the Radio here, pick Milo
up, and start climbing.
Bust a few Boomerangs on the Sentinel at the top, and check out the
nook on the left for another crate, and Gold Heart. Exit, and continue to
the left- head through the door.
Another cave, facing East. Smash the crate, and put the deraranged Snow
Monkey out of his misery. Smash the second crate, and continue through the
The Big Face, facing South. Two more Snow Monkeys- do them in, then
grab the crystal on the left of the face, and the Crate on the right. Now
stand in the mouth of the Big Face, and have Milo "search" the hieroglyphs
on the back wall, and be ready to steer.
Mountain Slide. The floor crumbles, and you find yourself on a snow
slide down the inside of a mountain. Catch the crystal in the center, steer
left for the Fourth Atlantean Symbol, right for another crystal, then center
for a third crystal. Milo is then shot out onto the side of a mountain, landing
right next to a frozen Mammoth. Push it over the edge, and watch it smash
against a wall below, wake up, and tear off in to another area, smashing the
door in the process.
Jump down, and activate the radio on the other side. Recognize where
you are? Yup, just outside the Solid Ground where you had to shoot down all
the Stalagtites. Now just head towards the door to exit, but take a left just
before it to follow down that same path that the Mammoth took. The door it'd
smashed was locked before, but now we can pass through.
On the other side of the broken door, the Mammoth simply stands there,
making noises, aparrently still not quite awake.. On the other side of the
Mammoth, progress is stopped by a cliff, but to the left, there is a tunnel.
Head towards the mouth of that tunnel, and be prepared to run! **If you had
not collected all the items up to this point, you will want to go back and
do this NOW, because once you are past the next part, there is no turning
Mammoth Chase. The Mammoth will suddenly give chase, and you will be
forced to run the whole length of the tunnel, and beyond, with objects falling
and getting in your way. If the Mammoth catches you, YOU WILL DIE, and start
at the last radio. The camera angle stays affixed in front of Milo, which
is really annoying, because you can't see what's ahead of you. The best thing
to do is to stay in the middle of the path, and jump over everything that
gets in your way. There are no special items in the tunnel, so don't worry
about missing anything on the way. At the end of the tunnel, you will break
break out in to open air, and the path will be on the outside of the mountain.
The path will curve around to the left, and not much more than thirty yards
along this path, the Mammoth will crash through the floor of the path, and
plunge down the side of the mountain. ((Good riddance.)) Continue a few feet
down the path, and there will be a door to Milo's right. Go through.
Snowy Hallway, facing West. There are two crystals here- grab them,
and go through the next door.
Statue Room, facing West. Follow the wall around to the left of the
room, and climb the rocky wall that you come to. On top of the wall, there
will be a chest, two crystals, and a Radio. Activate the radio, and choose
Mole. Now cross the room, just to the right of where you now stand, and enter
the door.
Darkened Room,facing North East. This is a darkened area through that
door that noone but Mole or Audrey can enter. Stop there, and eqjuip your
compass. head straight forward. Just to the left, there is a crystal. Stop
at the crystal, and turn to face directly to the East. Run forward, and grab
the Fifth Atlantean Symbol. Just beyond that is another crystal. Run forward,
and you'll come to a wall a few feet away. Follow that wall to the right,
until it turns left away from you. Continue following the wall to the left,
and there will be a crystal waiting where the wall turns back to the right.
Follow the same wall around the right, and there will be a switch. Activate
it, and you'll get a cut scene of some platforms raising. Stick to the wall,
following it to the right, and it'll lead you around a curve to the left,
and directly to the door.
Statue room, facing South West. Head towards the statue, and hang a
right, towards the big door. Go through it.
Big Hallway, facing West. To your left will be a chest, and just a
little further down, you can take a left, or go forward. Continue forward,
and go through the door.
Radio Hallway, facing West. Activate the radio, and switch to Milo,
then return the way you came.
Big Hallway, Facing East. Go forward, and hang a right down the path
we'd just ignored. There will be a sentinel, and a wall to climb.
Room, facing South East. Take out the Sentinels, grab the three
crystals and the chest, and head left. You will see a space in the wall that
you can jump up to reach. First, grab the chest just to the left of it, then
go back to the space. Milo can't jump high enough to pull himself up along
most of the section, but all the way to the right is a small notch that is
just a little lower. Jump there, and grab the chest. You've found the Ice
Gem, which means that the main objective is complete! However, your're still
stuck in the stage. Activate the switch, and you'll see a few more platforms
rise in another room. Drop down, and leave the room.
Big Hallway, facing North West. Drop down, and hang a left, and go into
the Radio Hallway.
Radio Hallway, facing West. Activate the Radio, and choose Audrey.
Continue through the hallway, to the West, and throught the door.
Platform Room, facing West. From the door, you can see a Sentinel in
the far end of the room. Take him down from the doorway. You can also see
the Green Crystal for this stage, and a Crate. Just around the wall to the
left is hiding a second Sentinel. Be wary of him, and nail him as soon as
you get to the second platform.
On the third platform, you will be close enough to jump to the
outcropping on the right side of the wall, where the crate is. Just jump from
the closest corner of the third platform, and you should have no trouble
reaching it. From there, you can jump to the outcropping with the Green
Crystal on it. Hop back to the the third platform, to the fourth, and then
go through the door. Pass through the second door, and you will be outside
again. You're almost there!
Snowball Ridge. There are gigantic snowballs being rolled at you down
this slope. The ground drops away sharply on the right side, so be sure not
to fall off. Run in between the snowballs as they come, and keep moving.
A little way up is a crystal, and the Sixth Atlantean Symbol, right
near the edge. A wall will show up on the left, and the Seventh Atlantean
Symbol will be in the middle of the path. A crystal is on the left, then the
wall ends again. A little farther, then the Eighth Atlantean Symbol is in
the middle of the path. Another wall on the left, and another crystal.
Final Hallway. You will wind up in a gigantic stone hall. Keep running
towards the end, and the stage will end. On to the next stage!


***Cove, Revisited***

The only other place to go is to the Cove, where the passage to the
Fire Trial awaits. Grab the crystals near the book, and the Can of Food and
the crystals on the beach. Activate the radio, then swim to the far Eastern
side of the Lake. Dive under, and go through the submerged door. Keep swimming,
then come up on the other side.
Ice and Fire Statue room. The statue on the left represents Ice, and
on the right, Fire. Dispatch the Walking Bug and Lizard. Around the room are
located the Third and Fourth Atlantean Symbols, two crystals, two chests,
and a book describing the use of the colored crystals. Grab them, then stand
in front of the Ice Statue. Use the Ice Gem here. The door will remain locked
until we retrieve the Fire Crystal, so let's go get it!
Swim back through the submerged door, get back on to the sand. Run to
the Fire Trial entrance, climb up, and enter it....


***Fire Trial****

This stage starts off facing roughly North, in a lava-filled moat, with
cooled platforms to hop along by. These platforms will sink in to the lava
if you are on them for more than a moment, so you'll have to keep jumping
from one to the next. There is only one direction to go in, so let's go..
There are three platforms, and then a cooled outcropping on the right, which
will not sink. Take this moment to re- aim yourself for the next series of
jumps, to the left.
Two platforms to hop, then you'll have crossed to the other side of the
moat, on anther outcropping. Take the crystal, and head left. There is a blue
Moving Pod to jump to. When you land on it, it will raise you to the second
level. Jump across.
To the left, there is a floating rock to jump across, to get to the other
side of the moat. This, like the lava platforms, will sink, so jump lightly.
Once across, head left again, along the wall. Acivate the radio that you find,
then grab the crystal at the edge. Another Moving Pod waits just beyond the
edge that you're on. Jump out to it, and it will lower you to the ground level.
There are three platforms, then an outcropping to the East, so start
hopping. Grag the crystal on the platform, then turn a little to the right.
One platform, then another outcropping. Hop there. Turn to the right,
and you will see two more platforms, crossing the moat again, and then another
outcropping to the left. Beyond that, a Moving Pod. Upon reaching the Moving
Pod, it will raise you to the second level again.
Jump to the landing, and there will be a crystal in front of you. To
the right, there is a crate. Turn around so that the Movind Pod is on your
left, and follow the wall. The path will split to the left and right. The
right-hand path ends abruptly, but has the First Atlantean Symbol on it. Grab
On the left hand path, be prepared to jump, becase the ground will fall
out from under you about halfway. The same thing happens again right near
the front of the other side, so be ready for that, too. Grab the crystal,
and go through the door.
Tunnel. Activate the Radio on the right side, and get Vinny. The tunnel
turns to the right, and there is a crate and a crystal in the corner. A Beetle
attacks you. No big deal. Continue to the end of the tunnel, it will open
in to a large room, with a pillar in the middle.
Pillar One. There is a large Lava Monster in this room, and he cannot
be killed. Whenever he pops up, find something to run behind, and wait a moment.
He'll go away. Read the book to the right of the entrance, then grab the
crystal on the other side of the pillar. Have Vinny "search" the base of the
pillar to set some explosives, then RUN.
The pillar will have fallen across the lava, providing a path to
continue. Push the block up to the fallen pillar, and jump on top of it to
reach the pillar. Run across the pillar, and you will see some platforms
leading off to the right, through the lava. Hang a right there, and jump across
the platform, then to the door, and go through.
A Beetle, an Atlantean Tiger, and a flying beetle will attack. Vinny
will take care of them easily with his Grenades. The room will contain two
crystals, and two Crates. The Crate on the left has a Lava Crystal in it,
which is very important. Leave this room, jump across the platform to solid
ground, and run to the right.(East.)
Anther Cavern. There will be a crate on the right, two Beetles, and
a crystal in the corner, where the cavern turns to the left. When rounding
the corner, be ware of the Lavaman. A Crate will be on either side of the
path, then it will make another left, opening in to another room with pillars.
Pillars Two and Three. Take out the Poisonous Beetle to the right of
the entrance, and activate the radio. Be certain to avoid the lava that the
Lava Monster flings at you. The Second Atlantean Symbol is hiding around the
right side of the right pillar. Have Vinny "search" at the base of both pillars.
He will set off explosives at each, and they will provide two more pathways.
Have Vinny push the block over to the left pillar, and then go back to the
radio, and get Milo.
Jump and climb on top of the left-hand pillar, and run across. On the
other side, there will be a crystal, and the path will veer to the left. Look
out for the Crab, the Walking Bug, and the Fireflies here. Smash the two crates,
snag the book, then climb up.
At the top, there will be another crystal, and another book. From where
the book was, jump straight up, and Milo will grab a hold of the ceiling,
like he did back in the ULYSSES. Proceed all the way to the other side, press
"jump" to let go, and grab the Chest. You've found a second Fire Crystal.
Drop back down to ground level, and run back across the pillar. Have
Milo move the block over in front of the right-hand pillar. Jump up to the
top of that pillar, and cross the lava. There will be a large door, and a
blue plate mounted on either side of it. Use a Lava Crystal on both of the
plates, and the door will unlock. Go through.
Fire Tunnel, facing West. The tunnel goes forward for about forty yards,
and then turns to the right. There are three huge stone faces along the left
wall, which shoot flame across the tunnel. There is a block here, as well.
Push the block in to the path of the first flame, and leave it there. Now
you can walk around to the other side of the block, and pull it out of the
line of fire, and towards the second fire statue.
Stop pulling the block when it is halfway between the first two statues.
Jump on top of it and look around. There is a crystal on the ledge between
the statues. Jump over to get it.
Now push the block in to the path of the second flame, and let it go.
Again, walk around to the other side of it, and pull it halfway between the
statues, then stop. The Third Atlantean Symbol is on the ledge, between the
sataues. Push the block in to the path of the third flame, and you're past
this part.
Look out, because a Lavaman is just around the corner. The path then
turns sharply to the left,(West) where you'll find a Chest. The path turns
to the left again, and there is a crystal in the corner, and another Chest
just to the left of that. Look out for the Poisonous Crabs!
On the left side of the cave, there is another crystal, and another
crate. The tunnel turns right again, and there is a crystal in the corner.
Continue to the mouth of the cave.
The Fire Gauntlet. This room has a winding path that leads from the
tunnel door to the only other exit. It swerves to the right, where another
fire-spewing face gouts flame at you, spurradically. Wait for it to stop,
then keep running. The path cuts sharply to the right, and the second obstacle
is spot in the path where large fireballs are constantly flying over the path.
They jump over in a regular pattern, one after the other- just wait for the
right moment, and run between them. When you reach the other side, activate
the Radio, and go through the door.
The Rotating Head Room. In this room, there is no other exit. In the
middle of the floor, there is a large statue head, which always points itself
at you. Grab the book in front of it. It looks like we have to figure out
the correct order to have Milo "search" the switches in. You may also want
to kill the Crabs- they get kind of annoying. There are also four crystals,
a Gold Heart, and the Fourth Atlantean Symbol in this room. (The symbol is
hiding behind the glowing tablet in the far back- right of the room.)
Stand in front of the door, facing the statue. Now press R1 to look
around. Each of the glowing blue tablets is a switch. Starting with the switch
closest on your left, count each one of them, going around the room clockwize,
giving them each a number, one, two, three, and so on. Have Milo active the
switches in this order: sixth, fourth, second. After activating each one,
you will get a cut-scene of a Moving Pod rising out of the lava somewhere..
Now exit this room.
Fire Gauntlet. The Moving Pods that popped up are on the left (West)
side of the room. Jump across each of them, and have a look at the symbols
on the top of each of them. That's where you would have had to look for the
order of the switches, much in the same fashion of the Rising Platforms in
the Ice Trial.
On the other side, there are two more fire-spewing statue heads, one
on either side, which turn side to side. Run directly behind the left statue,
and activate the Radio. Now, timing yourself to get through the flames
unscathed is time consuming, and relatively useless. Stay very close to the
left-hand statue, and run right through the flames. You'll only lose ten
Health Points.
The tunnel turns sharply to the left, and there is a crystal in the
corner. There is a Chest, and a Walking Bug just beyond it. There is another
turn to the left, with another crystal in the corner, anther Walking Bug,
a Beetle, and a Chest. Farther down is another Chest, and a Lavaman. The tunnel
turns back to the right, and, of course, there is a crystal in the corner.
Head out the door.
Lava Falls, and More Pillars, facing West. On the left side of this
room, there are two pillars, the first pillar will need to be blown up. We'll
get Vinny. Head straight back, and take a right at the back of the room.
Activate the Radio, switch to Vinny, and return to that pillar.
Have Vinny blow up the pillar, and the stone that it was supporting
will fall to the side, like a ramp. Go up the ramp and look down. There is
a ledge in front of you, jutting out of the left wall. Jump down to it. There
is a stone wall here, scalable by Milo. You can easily jump back down to the
center pathway from here. Go back to the Radio, grab Milo, and return to this
Scale the wall, and look to your right to find a crystal beside you.
Go forward, kill the two Poisonous Crabs, and grab the Chest and crystal in
the left corner. Head back towards the right, and follow the path. You will
wind up on an outcropping of rock, facing the back-right of the large Lava
Falls room.
Jump to the nearest ledge on the left. Get the crystal, and activate
the Radio, choosing Vinny. To the right of the Radio, there is a pillar, and
farther over, another ledge. Jump to the top of the pillar, and grab the Fifth
Atlantean Symbol. Jump to the ledge, and dispatch the Beetle. Walk to the
right edge of the ledge. There is a short pillar here, with a stone plank
on top of it. Pull the pillar back until the plank falls. **Only Vinny is
stong enough to pull that small pillar.**
Jump back over to the Radio, switch to Mole, and return to the ramp
you just made. Go to the top of the ramp, and jump to the ledge on the left.
Drop down, and the tunnel goes straight to the right. The path then veers
left, and ends in a room.
There is a Poisonous Crab, a crystal, and a book in this room. Read
the book, and have Mole "search" right there. He'll start digging in to the
ground. The ground will fall through, and two Walking Bugs will attack you.
The only thing of interst in this room will be a switch on the wall. Activate
it, and you'll get a cut screen of a large face statue moving to to the side.
Exit this room, and the path will turn to the right. There will be,
as always, a crysal in the corner. The path will wind around, there will be
three crabs, and two Chests, then, finally, a door. Go through the door, and
you'll be back in the Lava Falls room. Take a right, go to the Radio, and
switch to Milo. This time, continue down the path that the Radio is in.
(South-West direction.)
Stone Face Statue. The Stone Face has moved aside, exposing a new door.
To either side of the ramp leading up is a Chest. Just up the ramp and to
the left is the Green Crystal for this stage, and there are two regular crystal
is to the right of it. Go through to the next room.
Fire Gem Room. This room is guarded by a Lava Monster, which pops up
and throws fireballs at you. If he comes up, just smack him with a Boomerang,
and he'll sink back down without throwing anything. There is a crystal in
the back left of this room, and a Chest to the back right. That Chest contains
the Fire Gem!!
Go back to the Radio, and head past it, going along the back wall of
the Lava Falls room. Jump across to the ledge in the corner, grab the crystals,
and go through the door. Beyond the door, the path turns to the right. ((Hey,
no crystal!?)) The path turns left again, and there's a Chest here, and a
Radio. Activate it, and continue. Follow the path to the right, then back
to the left, and take out the Crab and two Walking Bugs. Go to the opening,
and look around.
Lava Surfing. There wall across the lava in front of you is actually
circular, and the Moving Pods passing from right to left are circling it.
Remember that, in case you have to go back for anything.
This part can be tricky. Jump on a Moving Pod as it gets close enough,
and then position your camera so that you're looking to the right. You'll
have to keep tapping your L2 button to do it. This will make it easier to
see the next set of Moving Pods coming towards you. Jump over to the next
flow of Pods, and you'll be moving to the left, again. There will be two
fire-spouting statues on the right, so be ready to duck (L1) when you pass
A landing will come up on the left. Jump over to it, and activate the
Radio. Now walk over on to the Moving Pod mounted in the floor. You will be
lowered to another level.
In front of you, there is a drop off, with lava on the other side. Moving
Pods rise out of the lava right next to the edge, and then move out, and down
the lava flow. Jump on to one, and ride it. Position your camera so that you
are looking very far to the left of where your Pod is heading. You will see
other Moving Pods crossing your path. You only get one chance to catch one
of those other pods, and then yours will sink back in to the lava. The other
Moving Pod will move directly behind yours, then will continue in another
The Moving Pod will now approach a lava fall, and will go up it, like
an elevator, then will continue in the same direction. In a moment, you will
have to jump to the ledge on the right side of the lava flow. If you stay
on your Pod, it will just continue to the end of the flow, then will sink,
with you on it.
There is an Atlantean Tiger, a Walking Bug, and a Flying Beetle trying
to attack you. There is a Crate and a crystal on the right, and then the path
turns to the left. Yup, there's a crystal in the corner of the turn. Farther
down is another Crate, and another crystal. Go through the door.
This is it, the last section. Just jump on to on of the pods that is
rising out of the lava, and ride it to the final door. Hop off at the end,
and walk through the door- that's it! ((I just realized that I've missed the
last two symbols- I'll have to go back and find them...!))


At this point, I no longer have the game, and cannot continue the
walkthrough.. I will attempt to get my hands on another copy of the game,
and I will finish this project at that time.


UPDATE: 2/16/02, Regarding the Secret Swim

I have recieved many emails reguarding the game past this point, specifically
regarding the Secret Swim level. It seems that many people, just as I had,
have found difficulty completing this level, due to the lack of places to come
up for air. The trick lies in the clams that sit on the floor of the rooms that
you swim through. Swim up to these clams, and hit them repeatedly, and
they'll replenish your air supply a few seconds for each strike. These can be
hit for as many times as you like, and never run out of air. So fill up on air at
every clam that you find, and you should have no problem finishing the

I will continue to answer emails that regard questions that have not yet been
covered, to the best of my ability. I have to apologize to those people that I
may not have responded to in the past- there seems to have been some
difficulty with my email in the past few months, but I believe that the problem
has been solved.

Keep gaming and have fun!!

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12.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
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13.Oktober 2013

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