NHL 2001

NHL 2001

16.10.2013 21:44:27

-= N H L 2 0 0 1 =-
-= NHL 2001 Game Guide & FAQ =-
-= For Playstation =-
-= By: AlaskaFox(Ronan Murphy) =-
-= Created: April 14, 2001 =-
-= Date last Updated: September 20, 2002 =-
-= Version 1.8 =-
-= Home Page: http://tbns.net/deltablue/ =-
-= Gamefaqs CRP: =-
-= http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/7818.html =-
-= =-
-= Post your Questions/Suggestions on: =-
-= http://denim.bbboy.net/alaskafox-viewforum?forum=9 =-

This Game Guide / FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it
for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides,
Commercial Web Sites, unless you have my written permission.
You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this Game Guide / FAQ and put
it on your own Game Guide / FAQ. Anyone doing this is guilty of plagiarism",
the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of another as one’s
own without crediting the source.
You also cannot use this Game Guide / FAQ as a guide for you to make your own
Game Guide / FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself
or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You
can copy the layout though.
You can put this Game Guide / FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web
site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you
MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of
the entire FAQ / Guide or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal
Remember "You don’t have to steal, just ask." - B.O.F.III

If you wish to ask me a question or make a suggestion, go to:
and post a message, stating your query. I will try to get to it
as soon as possible. If I get an email regarding NHL, it will be
ignored and deleted.


The latest version of this FAQ can, and always will be found at:

Current Progress:
Guide: 85% complete
File Size: 103K

Version 1.8 (Satrted: September 20, 2002)
- FAQ Layout updated
- Email Address removed
- Use my message boards instead
- Getting Players section updated
- Penalty Added
- FAQ 9 Added
- Commentaries Updated
- FAQs Updated
- File Size: 103k

Version 1.7 (Started: February 20, 2002)
- Injury, Penalty Added
- Teams/Players Sorted
- Layout Updated
- File Size: 97.2k

Version 1.6 (Started: October 21, 2001)
- Teams/Players Added
- FAQs: Q5,6,7,8 added
- FAQs: Q3 updated
- Transfers replaced
- Updated Rosters: Ana, Buf added
- File Size: 94.0k

Version 1.5 (Started: August 29, 2001)
- 1 Injury Added
- PP/PK Strategies Added
- File Size: 44.3k

Version 1.4 (Started: July 5, 2001)
- Frequently Asked Questions Added
- 2 Commentaries Added(by Jaymond Flurrie)
- 7 Commentaries Updated(Jaymond Flurrie)
- File Size: 42.6k

Version 1.3 (Started: July 1, 2001)
- Updated Records
- Updated Email Notice(so much for Mario!)
- Injuries Added
- Penalties Added
- End of Season Added
- 7 Commentaries Added
- Ascii Art at the bottom Added
- File Size: 41.2k

Version 1.2 (Started: April 22, 2001)
- Added Email Notice
- Transfers/Updated Rosters Added
- Fixed 2 Transfers(Thanks to: TMILLS1212@aol.com)
- 30 Records Added
- 3 Commentaries Added

Version 1.01 (Started: April 14, 2001)
Should've been called Version 1.1
- Game Information Added
- 6 Defensive Strategies Added
- 12 Offensive Strategies Added
- 1 Record Added
- Awards List Added
- 10 Commentaries Added
- 1 Create A Player Added

-) Introduction
i) Game Information
a) Game Controls
b) Game Menus
ii) Playing Strategeies
a) Defensive Strategies
b) Offensive Strategies
c) PP/PK Strategies
d) Coaching Strategies
iii) Teams/Players
iv) Lists
a) Injury List
b) Penalty List
c) Commentary List
d) Records
e) Awards List
f) Updated Rosters
vi) In-Season
a) Create A Player
b) Getting New Players
c) End of Season
vii) Frequently Asked Questions
viii) Outro


Throughout this FAQ you will see the words "Index Number" and "Search
Field". These are to help you locate certain sections of the FAQ, as
listed in the index. Use Ctrl + F on most Word Processors and in Internet
Explorer to use the Find/Locate command.

Example:If you are looking for the section "Game Information - Game Controls",
type 'i-a' into the Find box. 'i' is the Index Number and 'a' is the section
number. This will take you to the beginning of the section.


Index Number: i

=- Game Controls -=

Search Field: i-a

Menu Controls:
Up/Down Highlight menu items
Left/Right Cycle Choices/Move Sliders
X Select/Go to next screen
Triangle Return to previous screen

Gameplay Controls:

With Puck:
D-Pad Skate, Pass & Shot Direction
X Pass
Square Shoot
Triangle Deke (feint to the side to trick the goalie/defender)
Circle Speed Burst
L1 Left Spin Deke
L2 Line Change menu(if Line Changes are ON)
R1 Right Spin Deke
R2 Icon Pass

Without Puck:
D-Pad Skate in Direction
X Change Player
Square Poke Check
Triangle Big Hit
Circle Body Check
L1 Slide Block(dive to block the shot/pass)
L2 Line Change
R1 Select Last Defender
R2 Icon Select

Goaltending:(only if manual goalie is set to ON)
Select Control Goalie
Square Save Attempt(without puck), Shoot(with puck)
Circle Poke Check(without)
X Pass

Fight Controls:
Square Left Jab/Uppercut
X Left Jab
Triangle Right Jab
Circle Right Hook

=- Game Menus -=

Search Field: i-b

1. Game Setup Menu

Quick Start:
Starts a game with two pre-selected teams. Chose which team you want to be
and start your first NHL 2001 game. Hardly ever used, only when you want to
play a friend to show/test your skill.

Basic Settings:
Starts an Exhibition Game. You can select the Teams, Difficulty Level,
Period Lengths, Penalties, Big Hits, Fighting, Offsides, Icing,
Two Line Pass, Injuries, Rink Type and Over Time. Used for two-player and
multi-player games, and to get you used to playing NHL 2001 before
starting a Season/Playoff.

Advanced Options:
See Adavnced Options Menu below. This is the most used option.

NHL Challenge:
Check how your NHL Challenge is doing. The NHL Challenge allows you to get
bonus points to use on your created players. You need a USERLOG to do the
NHL Challenge.(PSone version only, not in PC or PS2 versions)

Inside EA Sports:
Look at other products by EA Sports. Could they not have used the space
taken up by this to add more options???

2. Advanced Options Menu

Select Mode: Exhibition, Season, Playoff, Tournament or Shootout
Select Level: Beginner(Easiest), Rookie, Pro, All Star(hardest)
Rules: Set the Game Rules(e.g. Icing, Fighting, Period Length)
Options: Set the Game Options(e.g. Speed, Camera, SFX)
Rosters: Edit Lines, View Rosters, Trade Players, and more
Stats Central: Check User Stats, Team Stats, and Player Stats
Configure Controller: Change the button functions
Load/Save: Load or Save Rules, options, User Logs, Seasons, and Playoffs

3. Game Rules

RULES:(defaults in CAPS)
Period Length: 5(def.), 10 or 20 minutes.
Penalties: Use the slider to change the frequency of penalties. The
farther it is to the right, the more penalties there are.
Big Hits: Use the slider to change the amount of Big Hits.
Fighting: Changes the frequency of fights. Leave close to the left.
Offsides: Turns Offsides on or OFF
Icing: Turns Icing on or OFF
2 Line Pass: Turns 2 Line Passing on or OFF
Injuries: Turns Player Injuries ON or off
Rink Type: Changes the Rink Type between: AUTO(def), NHL, or Interntnl
Tie-Break: AUTO, Continuous OT, Shootout OT, Shootout, or Single OT

4. Season Central Menu
This is also for Playoffs and Tournaments.

NHL Challenge: Lets you check your NHL Challenge Stats.
Matchups: Check the Matches for any day.
Calender: View Team Scedules for each month
Team Reports: View Team Form, Top Scorers, Hot/Cold Streaks, Injuries,
and Suspensions for any team.
Stats Central: View Standings, Team Stats, Player Stats, User Stats,
League Leaders and Career Stats
Rosters: See Rosters Menu, below
Save Season: Lets you save your season.
More Options: Change Rules and Options

5. Rosters Menu

View Rosters: View Team Rosters, and check individual Player Bios
Edit Lines: Change your lines to suit your style
Circle: Switch Lines
L2/R2: Change Line Groups
X: Select Player
Trade Players: Swap players between teams.
Circle: Switch Sides
L/R: Change Teams
X: Select Players
Start: Initiate trade(both teams must agree to trade)
Waivers: Place players on Waivers list, and take others off.
Custom Teams: Build your own Teams for Exhibition matches.
Buttons: Same as Trade Players
Player Management: Create new players, Edit Created Players, Delete Created
Players, and Edit Jersey Numbers
Load/Save Rosters: Load and save rosters, or restore original rosters.


Search Field: ii

This section is to help you to win games more easily, and so that you can
trash your friends. If you wish to add your favourite strategy, send your
answers on a postcard to the usual address(or email me if you find it easier)

=- Defensive Strategies -=

Search Field: ii-a

(1) The Big Hit
Get control of one of your Big Hitters(their name/number will be
red), and just Big Hit(Triangle) the player with the puck or the
one in front of your goal(There always is one)
Difficulty: 2/5

(2) The Dive
When your opponent is shaping up for a slapshot, and you are too
far away to hit him, press R1 to dive infront of the goal to block
his shot.
Difficulty: 3/5

(3) Gain Advantage
This may be obvious, but it helps. When you have the puck, go
behind your own net, and wait there until one or more opposition
players comes to get the puck. When they come behind the net,
skate off with the puck, and you will have one more player than
your opponent.
Difficulty: 2/5

(4) 2-Liner
This is both Defensive and Offensive. Defensive because you clear
the puck away, and Offensive because you get an attack.
(When using Player Lock, or in multi-player games). Have another
teammate upfield(preferably the 2nd player) or yourself in
1-player, Get the puck to a computer controlled player on your
team, and with the upfield player press X to call for the puck,
and if 2-Line Passes are switched off it's a guarenteed breakaway.
Difficulty: 3/5(risk of interception)

(5) Loose Netting
Sorry, I'm running out of ideas here. This one is kinda difficult.
Get control of one of your Big Hitters(the red guys) and press X
to dive into one of your goalposts. This can sometimes get you a
"Delay of Game" penalty.
Difficulty: 5/5

(6) Goalie's Poke Check
(Use this with Manual Goalies) When opponent has a breakaway,
press select to control the goalie. When the player gets close,
press circle to check the player and get the puck.
Difficulty: 4/5

=- Offensive Strategies -=

Search Field: ii-b

(1) One-Timer #1
Get the puck to your R/L Winger, stay close to the boards, when
you get to just before the goal, pass it into the centre and if
your centre is there(or one of your defenders), press Square to
One-Time it into the net. If you're lucky!

(2) One-Timer #2
When you have a breakaway, keep going across the front of the
goalie, and then when your winger arrives pass it to him, and
press Square to get an easy goal (if you did it right).

(3) One-Two (One-Timer #3)
When your centre has the puck and is going towards goal, and you
have a winger to your side. Press X to pass to him, but as the
puck reaches him, hold X to pass it back to your centre, and then
you can one-time the 'keeper.

(4) Rebound
When you have one of your Big Shooters at the Blue Line, hold
Square to Slapshot the puck into the net, and the goalie will
save this but he wont be able to stop that little wrist-shot!
This is one of the Strategies I use most.

(5) Rebound...Rebound...Rebound
Get your Big Shooter to slapshot it in again, and if the goalie
saves the wrist shot, he wont be able to hold on, and the next
shot should light the lamp.

(6) Breakaway #1
When you have a breakaway, try to fool the goalie by moving left
and right and by pressing the Triangle button(but DON'T use the
circle button, you wont have enough time if you do), and he
should come out of the goal. Then, move to the side and score

(7) Breakaway #2
Get a breakaway, move near the right faceoff circle if your
player is right handed, or the left one if he's left handed.
Then hold Square to power up the slapshot, but when it reaches
full power press X to stop the shot. The goalie should be down,
having thought you were shooting, and you should just be alble to
tip it into the open net.

(8) One of the easiest goals(also known as the Faceoff Goal)
When you have a faceoff in your opponents end(at his goal). Just
keep pressing X and hold L/R(whichever direction the goal is).
The puck should go to your player waiting to one-time it in.

(9) Wraparound(sorta)
Get the puck behind the opponents net, and come around the front
with the puck, and go to the opposite side of the net and slap it
in. Sounds harder than it is.

(10) One-Timer #4 - a.k.a Fake Timer
In the oppoenents end, with one player hold Square as if going
for a slapshot, but when you reach the end press X to stop the
slapshot, and immediately press X again, then Square for the
reciever to one-time it into the net.

(11) Floater
You just got to love the name! Only works on the counter, and
just after faceoffs in the centre circle. This is the funniest
way to score and is sure to annoy the hell out of human
opposition. From just behind the blue line(at one of the sides,
you can't be in the centre, because it has a better chance of
working), Tap Square, and the puck should sail over the goalies
head and into the net.

(12) Off the Keeper
Sometimes the opposition do this for you. It's extremely rare for
this to happen. From behind the net, press X to pass it to one of
the players in front of the net, with luck it will hit off the
goalie and go in.

=- PP/PK Strategies -=

Search Field: ii-c


(1) Make 'em Run
In this you try to pass it around as much as possible, wearing
the opponents stamina away, and then when they go off to make
a line change, you can slot it in.

(2) Use the extra man
Try and make best advantage of the one man advantage, by passing
it to the free player and have him shoot.

(3) Use the extra man #2
The same as the above strategy, but this time, make him skate
toward the goal to draw the goalie, then pass, to a now unmarked
player for him to score.

(4) One word: Shoot!
I don't need to explain this one, but it involves shooting
repeatedly. And that's it...


(1) Hit it away
As soon as you get it hit it up the ice, there'll be no icing,
since you're on PK.

(2) Keep it away from the opposition
As soon as you get the puck, keep it, but when the enemy(that's
what they are, the enemy) comes near, pass to a free player,
and so on.

(3) The counter-attack
This is the best PK strategy if it works! Big Hit the player in
your end, and immediately pass it to your most-forward player,
hopefully he'll get a breakaway, and you can cash in.

=- Coaches Strategies -=

Search Field: ii-d

I'm not sure if this bit is coming soon or not, but if someone wants to
send in their own strategies(if people still read this guide, years


Index Number: iii

Rosters correct for 2001/02 season
* denotes a Rookie

I'm not going to update this section, get NHL 2003 instead!

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
3 KEITH CARNEY D 6.02 211 lbs. 1970/02/03 PROVIDENCE,USA
5 VITALY VISHNEVSKI D 6.02 206 lbs. 1980/03/18 KHARKOV,UKR
7 PAVEL TRNKA D 6.02 200 lbs. 1976/07/27 PLZEN,CZE
9 PAUL KARIYA LW 5.10 172 lbs. 1974/10/16 VANCOUVER,CAN
10 OLEG TVERDOVSKY D 6.01 204 lbs. 1976/05/18 DONETSK,UKR
11 JEFF FRIESEN LW 6.00 200 lbs. 1976/08/05 MEADOW LAKE,CAN
12 MIKE LECLERC LW 6.02 205 lbs. 1976/11/10 WINNIPEG,CAN
13 GERMAN TITOV C 6.01 205 lbs. 1965/10/16 MOSCOW,RUS
15 JIM CUMMINS RW 6.02 212 lbs. 1970/05/17 DEARBORN,USA
16 MARTY MCINNIS LW 5.11 190 lbs. 1970/06/02 WEYMOUTH,USA
17 MATT CULLEN C 6.01 204 lbs. 1976/11/02 VIRGINIA,USA
20 STEVE RUCCHIN C 6.03 213 lbs. 1971/07/04 THUNDER BAY,CAN
21 DAN BYLSMA LW 6.02 215 lbs. 1970/09/19 GRAND HAVEN,USA
24 RUSLAN SALEI D 6.01 206 lbs. 1974/11/02 MINSK,BLR
25 KEVIN SAWYER LW 6.02 202 lbs. 1974/02/18 TRAIL,CAN
26 SAMUEL PAHLSSON C 5.11 190 lbs. 1977/12/17 BORGSJO,SWE
27 DENNY LAMBERT LW 5.10 205 lbs. 1970/01/07 WAWA,CAN
28 NICLAS HAVELID D 5.11 200 lbs. 1973/04/12 STOCKHOLM,SWE
31 STEVE SHIELDS G 6.03 215 lbs. 1972/07/19 NORTH BAY,CAN
32 MARC CHOUINARD C 6.04 187 lbs. 1977/05/05 QUEBEC,CAN
33 JASON YORK D 6.01 202 lbs. 1970/05/20 NEPEAN,CAN
35 J GIGUERE G 6.00 185 lbs. 1977/05/16 MONTREAL,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 DAMIAN RHODES G 5.11 195 lbs. 1969/05/28 ST. PAUL,USA
2 PETR BUZEK D 6.01 210 lbs. 1977/04/26 JIHLAVA,CZE
3 *BRIAN POTHIER D 6.01 195 lbs. 1977 04 15 NEW BEDFORD,USA
4 CHRIS TAMER D 6.02 205 lbs. 1970 11 17 DEARBORN,USA
8 FRANTISEK KABERLE D 6.00 190 lbs. 1973 11 08 KLADNO,CZE
9 HNAT DOMENICHELLI LW 6.00 195 lbs. 1976 02 17 EDMONTON,CAN
12 TONY HRKAC C 5.11 184 lbs. 1966 07 07 THUNDER BAY,CAN
13 PATRIK STEFAN C 6.03 200 lbs. 1980 09 16 PRIBRAM,CZE
14 TOMI KALLIO LW 6.00 190 lbs. 1977 01 27 TURKU,FIN
15 *DANY HEATLEY LW 6.02 200 lbs. 1981 01 21 GER
17 *ILYA KOVALCHUK RW 6.02 207 lbs. 1983 04 15 TVER,RUS
18 LUBOS BARTECKO RW 6.01 195 lbs. 1976 07 14 KEZMAROK,SLO
20 JEFF ODGERS RW 6.00 200 lbs. 1969 05 31 SPY HILL,CAN
21 RAY FERRARO C 5.09 200 lbs. 1964 08 23 TRAIL,CAN
22 SHEAN DONOVAN RW 6.03 210 lbs. 1975 01 22 TIMMINS,CAN
24 ANDREAS KARLSSON C 6.03 205 lbs. 1975 08 19 LUVIKA,SWE
27 BOB CORKUM C 6.00 222 lbs. 1967 12 18 SALISBURY,USA
28 TODD REIRDEN D 6.05 220 lbs. 1971 06 25 DEERFIELD,USA
33 MILAN HNILICKA G 5.11 190 lbs. 1973 06 25 KLADNO,CZE
36 *DANIEL TJARNQVIST D 6.02 178 lbs. 1976 10 14 UMEA,SWE
38 YANNICK TREMBLAY D 6.02 195 lbs. 1975 11 15 POINTE-AUX-TREMBLE
39 PER SVARTVADET C 6.01 190 lbs. 1975 05 17 ORNSKOLDSVIK,SWE
71 JIRI SLEGR D 6.00 220 lbs. 1971 05 30 JIHLAVA,CZE
-- DARCY HORDICHUK LW 200 lbs. 1980 08 10 KAMSACK,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
11 P.J. AXELSSON LW 6.01 174 lbs. 1975 02 26 KUNGALV,SWE
12 BRIAN ROLSTON RW 6.02 205 lbs. 1973 02 21 FLINT,USA
13 BILL GUERIN RW 6.02 210 lbs. 1970 11 09 WILBRAHAM,USA
14 SERGEI SAMSONOV LW 5.08 184 lbs. 1978 10 27 MOSCOW,RUS
16 JOZEF STUMPEL C 6.03 216 lbs. 1972 07 20 NITRA,SLO
17 ROB ZAMUNER LW 6.02 206 lbs. 1969 09 17 OAKVILLE,CAN
18 KYLE MCLAREN D 6.04 230 lbs. 1977 06 18 HUMBOLDT,CAN
19 JOE THORNTON C 6.04 215 lbs. 1979 07 02 LONDON,CAN
20 MARTIN LAPOINTE RW 5.11 215 lbs. 1973 09 12 VILLE ST. PIERRE,C
21 GLEN MURRAY RW 6.03 222 lbs. 1972 11 01 HALIFAX,CAN
23 JOHN EMMONS C 6.00 185 lbs. 1974 08 17 SAN JOSE,USA
25 HAL GILL D 6.07 235 lbs. 1975 04 06 CONCORD,USA
26 MIKE KNUBLE RW 6.03 208 lbs. 1972 07 04 TORONTO,CAN
27 SEAN O'DONNELL D 6.03 230 lbs. 1971 10 13 OTTAWA,CAN
31 JAMIE RIVERS D 6.00 197 lbs. 1975 03 16 OTTAWA,CAN
32 DON SWEENEY D 5.10 185 lbs. 1966 08 17 ST. STEPHEN,CAN
33 SCOTT PELLERIN LW 5.11 189 lbs. 1970 01 09 SHEDIAC,CAN
34 BYRON DAFOE G 5.11 200 lbs. 1971 02 25 SUSSEX,ENG
42 P.J. STOCK C 5.10 192 lbs. 1975 05 26 MONTREAL,CAN
44 *NICHOLAS BOYNTON D 6.02 210 lbs. 1979 01 14 NOBLETON,CAN
47 JOHN GRAHAME G 6.02 195 lbs. 1975 08 31 DENVER,USA
62 ANDREI NAZAROV LW 6.05 230 lbs. 1974 05 22 CHELYABINSK,RUS
64 JARNO KULTANEN D 6.02 205 lbs. 1973 01 08 LUUMAKI,FIN
72 PAVEL KOLARIK D 6.01 207 lbs. 1972 10 24 CZE

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
3 JAMES PATRICK D 6.02 200 lbs. 1963 06 14 WINNIPEG,CAN
4 RHETT WARRENER D 6.01 210 lbs. 1976 01 27 SHAUNAVON,CAN
5 JASON WOOLLEY D 6.01 207 lbs. 1969 07 27 TORONTO,CAN
9 ERIK RASMUSSEN C 6.02 205 lbs. 1977 03 28 MINNEAPOLIS,USA
13 VYACHESLAV KOZLOV LW 5.10 195 lbs. 1972 05 03 VOSKRESENSK,RUS
17 JEAN-PIERRE DUMONT RW 6.00 180 lbs. 1978 04 01 MONTREAL,CAN
18 TIM CONNOLLY C 6.00 186 lbs. 1981 05 07 SYRACUSE,USA
25 VACLAV VARADA RW 6.00 215 lbs. 1976 04 26 VSETIN,CZE
26 ERIC BOULTON LW 6.00 201 lbs. 1976 08 17 HALIFAX,CAN
31 BOB ESSENSA G 6.00 188 lbs. 1965 01 14 TORONTO,CAN
32 ROB RAY RW 6.00 215 lbs. 1968 06 08 STIRLING,CAN
37 CURTIS BROWN C 6.00 190 lbs. 1976 02 12 UNITY,CAN
41 STU BARNES C 5.11 186 lbs. 1970 12 25 SPRUCE GROVE,CAN
42 RICHARD SMEHLIK D 6.03 222 lbs. 1970 01 23 OSTRAVA,CZE
43 MARTIN BIRON G 6.01 154 lbs. 1977 08 15 LAC ST. CHARLES,CA
44 ALEXEI ZHITNIK D 5.11 215 lbs. 1972 10 10 KIEV,UKR
45 DMITRI KALININ D 6.02 198 lbs. 1980 07 22 CHELJABINSK,RUS
55 DENIS HAMEL RW 6.02 200 lbs. 1977 05 10 LACHUTE,CAN
61 MAXIM AFINOGENOV RW 5.11 176 lbs. 1979 09 04 MOSCOW,RUS
74 JAY MCKEE D 6.03 205 lbs. 1977 09 08 KINGSTON,CAN
77 CHRIS GRATTON C 6.03 219 lbs. 1975 07 05 BRANTFORD,CAN
81 MIROSLAV SATAN RW 6.01 195 lbs. 1974 10 22 TOPOLCANY,SLO

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 ROMAN TUREK G 6.03 215 lbs. 1970 05 21 PISEK,CZE
3 DENIS GAUTHIER D 6.02 205 lbs. 1976 10 01 MONTREAL,CAN
6 BOB BOUGHNER D 6.00 206 lbs. 1971 03 08 WINDSOR,CAN
10 DAVE LOWRY LW 6.01 200 lbs. 1965 02 14 SUDBURY,CAN
12 JAROME IGINLA RW 6.01 205 lbs. 1977 07 01 EDMONTON,CAN
16 CRAIG BERUBE LW 6.01 205 lbs. 1965 12 17 CALAHOO,CAN
17 CHRIS CLARK RW 6.01 190 lbs. 1976 03 08 MANCHESTER,USA
18 JAMIE WRIGHT LW 6.00 185 lbs. 1976 05 13 KITCHENER,CAN
22 CRAIG CONROY C 6.02 193 lbs. 1971 09 04 POTSDAM,USA
23 CLARKE WILM C 6.00 202 lbs. 1976 10 24 CENTRAL BUTTE,CAN
24 JUKKA HENTUNEN RW 5.10 190 lbs. 1974 05 03 FINLAND,FIN
25 IGOR KRAVCHUK D 6.01 214 lbs. 1966 09 13 UFA,RUS
26 *STEVE BEGIN C 5.11 185 lbs. 1978 06 14 TROIS RIVIERES,CAN
27 MARC SAVARD C 5.10 174 lbs. 1977 07 17 OTTAWA,CAN
28 ROBYN REGEHR D 6.02 211 lbs. 1980 04 19 RECIFE,BRA
29 MIKE VERNON G 5.09 180 lbs. 1963 02 24 CALGARY,CAN
32 TONI LYDMAN D 6.01 200 lbs. 1977 09 25 LAHTI,FIN
33 JAMIE ALLISON D 6.01 199 lbs. 1975 05 13 LINDSAY,CAN
36 RONALD PETROVICKY LW 5.11 190 lbs. 1977 02 15 ZILINA,SLO
37 DEAN MCAMMOND C 5.11 195 lbs. 1973 06 15 GRAND CACHE,CAN
38 JEFF COWAN LW 6.02 195 lbs. 1976 09 27 SCARBOROUGH,CAN
40 SCOTT NICHOL C 5.08 160 lbs. 1974 12 31 EDMONTON,CAN
44 ROB NIEDERMAYER C 6.02 204 lbs. 1974 12 28 CASSIAR,CAN
53 DEREK MORRIS D 6.00 200 lbs. 1978 08 24 EDMONTON,CAN
-- OLEG SAPRYKIN C 6.00 173 lbs. 1981 02 12 MOSCOW,RUS

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 ARTURS IRBE G 5.08 190 lbs. 1967 02 02 RIGA,LAT
2 GLEN WESLEY D 6.01 201 lbs. 1968 10 02 RED DEER,CAN
4 AARON WARD D 6.02 225 lbs. 1973 01 17 WINDSOR,CAN
5 MAREK MALIK D 6.05 235 lbs. 1975 06 24 OSTRAVA,CZE
7 NICLAS WALLIN D 6.00 220 lbs. 1975 02 20 BODEN,SWE
8 SANDIS OZOLINSH D 6.03 205 lbs. 1972 08 03 RIGA,LAT
10 RON FRANCIS C 6.03 200 lbs. 1963 03 01 SAULT STE. MARIE,C
11 JEFF DANIELS LW 6.01 200 lbs. 1968 06 24 OSHAWA,CAN
13 BATES BATTAGLIA LW 6.02 205 lbs. 1975 12 13 CHICAGO,USA
14 STEVEN HALKO D 6.01 200 lbs. 1974 03 08 ETOBICOKE,CAN
16 TOMMY WESTLUND LW 6.00 202 lbs. 1974 12 29 FORS,SWE
17 ROD BRIND'AMOUR C 6.01 200 lbs. 1970 08 09 OTTAWA,CAN
19 CHRIS DINGMAN LW 6.04 225 lbs. 1976 07 06 EDMONTON,CAN
20 DARREN LANGDON LW 6.01 205 lbs. 1971 01 08 DEER LAKE,CAN
23 MARTIN GELINAS LW 5.11 195 lbs. 1970 06 05 SHAWINIGAN,CAN
24 SAMI KAPANEN RW 5.10 180 lbs. 1973 06 14 VANTAA,FIN
25 SHANE WILLIS RW 6.01 195 lbs. 1977 06 13 EDMONTON,CAN
26 *ERIK COLE LW 6.00 185 lbs. 1978 11 06 OSWEGO,USA
27 CRAIG ADAMS RW 6.00 200 lbs. 1977 04 26 CALGARY,CAN
35 TOM BARRASSO G 6.03 210 lbs. 1965 03 31 BOSTON,USA
45 DAVID TANABE D 6.01 195 lbs. 1980 07 19 MINNEAPOLIS,USA
63 JOSEF VASICEK C 6.04 200 lbs. 1980 09 12 HAVLICKUV BROD,CZE
92 JEFF O'NEILL C 6.01 195 lbs. 1976 02 23 RICHMOND HILL,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 BORIS MIRONOV D 6.03 223 lbs. 1972 03 21 MOSCOW,RUS
3 JAROSLAV SPACEK D 5.11 198 lbs. 1974 02 11 ROKYCANY,CZE
4 CHRIS MCALPINE D 6.00 208 lbs. 1971 12 01 ROSEVILLE,USA
6 PHIL HOUSLEY D 5.10 185 lbs. 1964 03 09 ST. PAUL,USA
8 STEVE POAPST D 5.11 199 lbs. 1969 01 03 CORNWALL,CAN
10 TONY AMONTE RW 6.00 195 lbs. 1970 08 02 HINGHAM,USA
13 ALEXEI ZHAMNOV C 6.01 207 lbs. 1970 10 01 MOSCOW,RUS
14 RYAN VANDENBUSSCHE RW 6.00 200 lbs. 1973 02 28 SIMCOE,CAN
15 PASCAL RHEAUME LW 6.01 209 lbs. 1973 06 21 QUEBEC CITY,CAN
19 KYLE CALDER LW 5.11 180 lbs. 1979 01 05 MANNVILLE,CAN
22 IGOR KOROLEV C 6.01 198 lbs. 1970 09 06 MOSCOW,RUS
24 BOB PROBERT LW 6.03 220 lbs. 1965 06 05 WINDSOR,CAN
25 ALEXANDER KARPOVTSEV D 6.03 215 lbs. 1970 04 07 MOSCOW,RUS
26 STEVE SULLIVAN RW 5.09 160 lbs. 1974 07 06 TIMMINS,CAN
28 *MARK BELL LW 6.03 185 lbs. 1980 08 05 STRATFORD,CAN
29 STEVE PASSMORE G 5.09 165 lbs. 1973 01 29 THUNDER BAY,CAN
32 STEVE THOMAS RW 5.11 185 lbs. 1963 07 15 STOCKPORT,ENG
41 JOCELYN THIBAULT G 5.11 171 lbs. 1975 01 12 MONTREAL,CAN
42 JON KLEMM D 6.02 200 lbs. 1970 01 08 CRANBROOK,CAN
44 AARON DOWNEY RW 6.00 208 lbs. 1974 08 27 SHELBURNE,CAN
55 ERIC DAZE LW 6.06 222 lbs. 1975 07 02 MONTREAL,CAN
92 MICHAEL NYLANDER C 6.01 193 lbs. 1972 10 03 STOCKHOLM,SWE

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 DAVID AEBISCHER G 6.01 192 lbs. 1978 02 07 FRIBOURG,SWZ
4 ROB BLAKE D 6.04 219 lbs. 1969 12 10 SIMCOE,CAN
5 TODD GILL D 6.02 179 lbs. 1965 11 09 CARDINAL,CAN
6 *RICK BERRY D 6.02 200 lbs. 1978 11 04 BRANDON,CAN
7 GREG DE VRIES D 6.01 214 lbs. 1973 01 04 SUNDRIDGE,CAN
9 *BRAD LARSEN LW 6.00 200 lbs. 1977 06 28 NAKUSP,CAN
10 VILLE NIEMINEN LW 6.00 200 lbs. 1977 04 06 TAMPERE,FIN
11 PASCAL TREPANIER D 5.11 190 lbs. 1973 09 04 GASPE,CAN
13 DAN HINOTE RW 6.00 190 lbs. 1977 01 30 LEESBURG,USA
18 CHRIS DRURY C 5.10 185 lbs. 1976 08 20 TRUMBULL,USA
19 JOE SAKIC C 5.11 185 lbs. 1969 07 07 BURNABY,CAN
22 *VACLAV NEDOROST C 6.01 187 lbs. 1982 03 16 CeskE Budejovice,C
23 MILAN HEJDUK RW 5.11 185 lbs. 1976 02 14 USTI,CZE
25 SHJON PODEIN LW 6.02 200 lbs. 1968 03 05 ROCHESTER,USA
26 STEPHANE YELLE C 6.01 190 lbs. 1974 05 09 OTTAWA,CAN
27 SCOTT PARKER RW 6.04 230 lbs. 1978 01 29 HANFORD,USA
28 STEVEN REINPRECHT C 6.01 192 lbs. 1976 05 07 EDMONTON,CAN
29 ERIC MESSIER LW 6.01 200 lbs. 1973 10 29 DRUMMONDVILLE,CAN
33 PATRICK ROY G 6.00 185 lbs. 1965 10 05 QUEBEC,CAN
40 ALEX TANGUAY LW 6.00 190 lbs. 1979 11 21 STE-JUSTINE,CAN
41 MARTIN SKOULA D 6.03 214 lbs. 1979 10 28 LITOMERICE,CZE
43 *JAROSLAV OBSUT D 6.01 185 lbs. 1976 09 03 PRESOV,SLO
50 *BRIAN WILLSIE RW 6.00 179 lbs. 1978 03 16 LONDON,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
4 LYLE ODELEIN D 6.00 210 lbs. 1968 07 21 QUILL LAKE,CAN
5 JAMIE PUSHOR D 6.03 218 lbs. 1973 02 11 LETHBRIDGE,CAN
6 JAMIE HEWARD D 6.02 209 lbs. 1971 03 30 REGINA,CAN
7 DERON QUINT D 6.02 209 lbs. 1976 03 12 DURHAM,USA
8 GEOFF SANDERSON LW 6.00 190 lbs. 1972 02 01 HAY RIVER,CAN
9 DAVID VYBORNY RW 5.10 183 lbs. 1975 01 22 JIHLAVA,CZE
10 SERGE AUBIN C 6.01 194 lbs. 1975 02 15 VAL D'OR,CAN
11 KEVIN DINEEN RW 5.11 190 lbs. 1963 10 28 QUEBEC CITY,CAN
14 RAY WHITNEY LW 5.10 175 lbs. 1972 05 08 FT. SASKATCHEWAN,C
16 MIKE SILLINGER C 5.11 191 lbs. 1971 06 29 REGINA,CAN
18 ROBERT KRON C 5.11 185 lbs. 1967 02 27 BRNO,CZE
20 *MARTIN SPANHEL RW 6.02 187 lbs. 1977 07 01 ZLIN,CZE
21 ESPEN KNUTSEN C 5.11 180 lbs. 1972 01 12 OSLO,NOR
22 CHRIS NIELSEN C 6.02 185 lbs. 1980 02 16 MOSHI,TAN
27 BLAKE SLOAN RW 5.10 196 lbs. 1975 07 27 PARK RIDGE,USA
28 TYLER WRIGHT C 5.11 187 lbs. 1973 04 06 CANORA,CAN
29 GRANT MARSHALL RW 6.01 200 lbs. 1973 06 09 MISSISSAUGA,CAN
30 MARC DENIS G 6.00 188 lbs. 1977 08 01 MONTREAL,CAN
31 RON TUGNUTT G 5.11 160 lbs. 1967 10 22 SCARBOROUGH,CAN
32 RADIM BICANEK D 6.01 212 lbs. 1975 01 18 UHERSKE HRADISTE,C
34 J-LUC GRAND-PIERRE D 6.03 207 lbs. 1977 02 02 MONTREAL,CAN
37 MATTIAS TIMANDER D 6.03 215 lbs. 1974 04 16 SOLLEFTEA,SWE
42 BRETT HARKINS LW 6.01 170 lbs. 1970 07 02 NO. RIDGEVILLE,USA
44 *ROSTISLAV KLESLA D 6.02 198 lbs. 1982 03 21 Novy Jicin,CZE
45 *JODY SHELLEY LW 6.02 192 lbs. 1976 02 07 THOMPSON,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 DERIAN HATCHER D 6.05 235 lbs. 1972 06 04 STERLING HEIGHTS,U
5 DARRYL SYDOR D 6.01 205 lbs. 1972 05 13 EDMONTON,CAN
6 SAMI HELENIUS D 6.06 230 lbs. 1974 01 22 HELSINKI,FIN
9 MIKE MODANO C 6.03 205 lbs. 1970 06 07 LIVONIA,USA
10 BRENDEN MORROW LW 5.11 210 lbs. 1979 01 16 CARLYLE,CAN
13 VALERI KAMENSKY LW 6.02 205 lbs. 1966 04 18 VOSKRESENSK,RUS
15 JAMIE LANGENBRUNNER RW 6.01 200 lbs. 1975 07 24 DULUTH,USA
16 PAT VERBEEK RW 5.09 190 lbs. 1964 05 24 SARNIA,CAN
18 ROB DIMAIO LW 5.10 190 lbs. 1968 02 19 CALGARY,CAN
20 ED BELFOUR G 5.11 192 lbs. 1965 04 21 CARMAN,CAN
22 KIRK MULLER LW 6.00 205 lbs. 1966 02 08 KINGSTON,CAN
23 JYRKI LUMME D 6.01 210 lbs. 1966 07 16 TAMPERE,FIN
24 RICHARD MATVICHUK D 6.02 215 lbs. 1973 02 05 EDMONTON,CAN
25 JOE NIEUWENDYK C 6.01 205 lbs. 1966 09 10 OSHAWA,CAN
26 JERE LEHTINEN LW 6.00 200 lbs. 1973 06 24 ESPOO,FIN
27 SHAUN VAN ALLEN C 6.01 205 lbs. 1967 08 29 CALGARY,CAN
28 DONALD AUDETTE RW 5.08 190 lbs. 1969 09 23 LAVAL,CAN
33 BENOIT HOGUE LW 5.10 194 lbs. 1966 10 28 REPENTIGNY,CAN
35 MARTY TURCO G 5.11 183 lbs. 1975 08 13 SAULT-STE-MARIE,CA
37 BRAD LUKOWICH D 6.01 200 lbs. 1976 08 12 SURREY,CAN
39 *NIKO KAPANEN C 5.09 180 lbs. 1978 04 29 HAMEENLINNA,FIN
56 SERGEI ZUBOV D 6.01 200 lbs. 1970 07 22 MOSCOW,RUS
77 PIERRE TURGEON C 6.01 199 lbs. 1969 08 28 ROUYN,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 JIRI FISCHER D 6.05 210 lbs. 1980 07 31 HOROVICE,CZE
4 UWE KRUPP D 6.06 233 lbs. 1965 06 24 COLOGNE,GER
5 NICKLAS LIDSTROM D 6.02 190 lbs. 1970 04 28 VASTERAS,SWE
8 IGOR LARIONOV C 5.11 170 lbs. 1960 12 03 VOSKRESENSK,RUS
11 MATHIEU DANDENAULT D 6.01 196 lbs. 1976 02 03 SHERBROOKE,CAN
13 *PAVEL DATSYUK C 5.11 180 lbs. 1978 07 20 SVERDLOVSK,RUS
14 BRENDAN SHANAHAN LW 6.03 215 lbs. 1969 01 23 MIMICO,CAN
17 BRETT HULL RW 5.11 203 lbs. 1964 08 09 BELLEVILLE,CAN
18 KIRK MALTBY LW 6.00 190 lbs. 1972 12 22 GUELPH,CAN
19 STEVE YZERMAN C 5.10 185 lbs. 1965 05 09 CRANBROOK,CAN
20 LUC ROBITAILLE LW 6.01 215 lbs. 1966 02 17 MONTREAL,CAN
21 BOYD DEVEREAUX C 6.02 195 lbs. 1978 04 16 SEAFORTH,CAN
24 CHRIS CHELIOS D 6.01 190 lbs. 1962 01 25 CHICAGO,USA
25 DARREN MCCARTY RW 6.01 215 lbs. 1972 04 01 BURNABY,CAN
27 FREDRIK OLAUSSON D 6.00 198 lbs. 1966 10 05 DADESJO,SWE
28 STEVE DUCHESNE D 5.11 195 lbs. 1965 06 30 SEPT-ILES,CAN
32 *MAXIM KUZNETSOV D 6.05 198 lbs. 1977 03 24 PAVLODAR,RUS
33 KRIS DRAPER C 5.10 190 lbs. 1971 05 24 TORONTO,CAN
34 MANNY LEGACE G 5.08 170 lbs. 1973 02 04 TORONTO,CAN
39 DOMINIK HASEK G 5.11 168 lbs. 1965 01 29 PARDUBICE,CZE
41 BRENT GILCHRIST LW 5.11 180 lbs. 1967 04 03 MOOSE JAW,CAN
91 SERGEI FEDOROV C 6.02 200 lbs. 1969 12 13 PSKOV,RUS
96 TOMAS HOLMSTROM LW 6.00 198 lbs. 1973 01 23 PITEA,SWE
-- JESSE WALLIN D 6.02 190 lbs. 1978 03 10 SASKATOON,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 *TY CONKLIN G 6.00 185 lbs. 1976 03 30 ANCHORAGE,USA
2 ERIC BREWER D 6.03 220 lbs. 1979 04 17 VERNON,CAN
5 TOM POTI D 6.03 215 lbs. 1977 03 22 WORCESTER,USA
7 DANIEL CLEARY LW 6.00 203 lbs. 1978 12 18 CARBONEAR,CAN
10 SHAWN HORCOFF C 6.01 194 lbs. 1978 09 17 TRAIL,CAN
12 JOSH GREEN LW 6.04 212 lbs. 1977 11 16 CAMROSE,CAN
15 MARTY REASONER C 6.00 203 lbs. 1977 02 26 ROCHESTER,USA
16 REM MURRAY LW 6.02 195 lbs. 1972 10 09 STRATFORD,CAN
18 ETHAN MOREAU LW 6.02 211 lbs. 1975 09 22 HUNTSVILLE,CAN
20 JOCHEN HECHT C 6.01 196 lbs. 1977 06 21 MANNHEIM,GER
21 JASON SMITH D 6.03 208 lbs. 1973 11 02 CALGARY,CAN
22 ANSON CARTER RW 6.01 190 lbs. 1974 06 06 TORONTO,CAN
23 SEAN BROWN D 6.03 205 lbs. 1976 11 05 OSHAWA,CAN
24 STEVE STAIOS D 6.01 200 lbs. 1973 07 28 HAMILTON,CAN
25 MIKE GRIER RW 6.01 227 lbs. 1975 01 05 DETROIT,USA
26 TODD MARCHANT C 5.10 178 lbs. 1973 08 12 BUFFALO,USA
27 GEORGES LARAQUE RW 6.03 240 lbs. 1976 12 07 MONTREAL,CAN
32 SCOTT FERGUSON D 6.01 191 lbs. 1973 01 06 EDMONTON,CAN
35 TOMMY SALO G 5.11 173 lbs. 1971 02 01 SURAHAMMAR,SWE
44 JANNE NIINIMAA D 6.01 220 lbs. 1975 05 22 RAAHE,FIN
89 MIKE COMRIE C 5.09 172 lbs. 1980 09 11 EDMONTON,CAN
94 RYAN SMYTH LW 6.01 195 lbs. 1976 02 21 BANFF,CAN
-- DOMENIC PITTIS C 5.11 190 lbs. 1974 10 01 CALGARY,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 ROBERTO LUONGO G 6.03 198 lbs. 1979 04 04 MONTREAL,CAN
2 LANCE PITLICK D 6.00 205 lbs. 1967 11 05 MINNEAPOLIS,USA
3 PAUL LAUS RW 6.01 216 lbs. 1970 09 26 BEAMSVILLE,CAN
5 JEFF NORTON D 6.02 200 lbs. 1965 11 25 ACTON,USA
8 PETER WORRELL LW 6.06 225 lbs. 1977 08 18 PIERREFONDS,CAN
10 PAVEL BURE RW 5.10 189 lbs. 1971 03 31 MOSCOW,RUS
11 BILL LINDSAY LW 6.00 190 lbs. 1971 05 17 BIG FORK,USA
12 OLLI JOKINEN C 6.03 208 lbs. 1978 12 05 KUOPIO,FIN
14 *NIKLAS HAGMAN LW 5.11 183 lbs. 1979 12 05 ESPOO,FIN
15 BRET HEDICAN D 6.02 200 lbs. 1970 08 10 ST-PAUL,USA
16 KEVYN ADAMS C 6.02 185 lbs. 1974 10 08 WASHINGTON,USA
17 RYAN JOHNSON C 6.01 200 lbs. 1976 06 14 THUNDER BAY,CAN
18 MARCUS NILSON LW 6.02 193 lbs. 1978 03 01 BALSTA,SWE
20 VALERI BURE RW 5.10 187 lbs. 1974 06 13 MOSCOW,RUS
21 ROCKY THOMPSON RW 6.02 205 lbs. 1977 08 08 CALGARY,CAN
22 *KRISTIAN HUSELIUS RW 6.02 180 lbs. 1978 11 10 STOCKHOLM,SWE
24 ROBERT SVEHLA D 6.01 210 lbs. 1969 01 02 MARTIN,SLO
25 VIKTOR KOZLOV C 6.05 232 lbs. 1975 02 14 TOGLIATTI,RUS
26 DAN BOYLE D 5.11 190 lbs. 1976 07 12 OTTAWA,CAN
28 JASON WIEMER C 6.01 225 lbs. 1976 04 14 KIMBERLEY,CAN
29 DENIS SHVIDKI RW 6.00 195 lbs. 1980 11 21 KHARKOV,UKR
36 JOEY TETARENKO RW 6.01 205 lbs. 1978 03 03 PRINCE ALBERT,CAN
37 TREVOR KIDD G 6.02 190 lbs. 1972 03 29 DUGALD,CAN
39 IVAN NOVOSELTSEV RW 6.01 213 lbs. 1979 01 23 GOLITSINO,RUS
45 BRAD FERENCE D 6.03 196 lbs. 1979 04 02 CALGARY,CAN
49 LANCE WARD D 6.02 195 lbs. 1978 06 02 LLOYDMINSTER,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 JAMIE STORR G 6.02 198 lbs. 1975 12 28 BRAMPTON,CAN
3 AARON MILLER D 6.04 200 lbs. 1971 08 11 BUFFALO,USA
8 JERE KARALAHTI D 6.02 210 lbs. 1975 03 25 HELSINKI,FIN
9 KELLY BUCHBERGER RW 6.02 210 lbs. 1966 12 02 LANGENBURG,CAN
10 MATHIEU SCHNEIDER D 5.11 187 lbs. 1969 06 12 NEW YORK,USA
12 KEN BELANGER LW 6.04 225 lbs. 1974 05 14 SAULT-STE-MARIE,CA
13 ANDREAS LILJA D 6.03 220 lbs. 1975 07 13 SWEDEN,SWE
14 MATTIAS NORSTROM D 6.02 220 lbs. 1972 01 02 STOCKHOLM,SWE
17 LUBOMIR VISNOVSKY D 5.10 172 lbs. 1976 08 11 TOPOLCANY,SLO
19 NELSON EMERSON RW 5.11 180 lbs. 1967 08 17 HAMILTON,CAN
21 BRYAN SMOLINSKI C 6.01 205 lbs. 1971 12 27 TOLEDO,USA
22 IAN LAPERRIERE C 6.01 197 lbs. 1974 01 19 MONTREAL,CAN
23 CRAIG JOHNSON LW 6.02 197 lbs. 1972 03 08 ST. PAUL,USA
25 ERIC BELANGER C 5.11 159 lbs. 1977 12 16 SHERBROOKE,CAN
28 ADAM DEADMARSH RW 6.00 205 lbs. 1975 05 10 TRAIL,CAN
33 ZIGMUND PALFFY RW 5.10 185 lbs. 1972 05 05 SKALICA,SLO
38 ROBERT VALICEVIC C 6.02 197 lbs. 1971 01 06 DETROIT,USA
39 FELIX POTVIN G 6.01 191 lbs. 1971 06 23 ANJOU,CAN
41 JASON ALLISON C 6.03 218 lbs. 1975 05 29 NORTH YORK,CAN
42 MIKKO ELORANTA LW 6.00 190 lbs. 1972 08 24 TURKU,FIN
43 PHILIPPE BOUCHER D 6.02 214 lbs. 1973 03 24 ST. APOLLINAIRE,CA
44 JAROSLAV MODRY D 6.02 215 lbs. 1971 02 27 CESKE-BUDEJOVICE,C
57 STEVE HEINZE RW 5.11 202 lbs. 1970 01 30 LAWRENCE,USA
-- JASON HOLLAND D 6.02 193 lbs. 1976 04 30 MORINVILLE,CAN
-- STEVE KELLY C 6.02 205 lbs. 1976 10 26 VANCOUVER,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 WILLIE MITCHELL D 6.03 205 lbs. 1977 04 23 FORT MCNEILL,CAN
3 LADISLAV BENYSEK D 6.02 190 lbs. 1975 03 24 OLOMOUC,CZE
4 BRAD BROWN D 6.04 220 lbs. 1975 12 27 BAIE VERTE,CAN
5 BRAD BOMBARDIR D 6.01 205 lbs. 1972 05 05 POWELL RIVER,CAN
10 MARIAN GABORIK LW 6.01 183 lbs. 1982 02 14 TRENCIN,SLO
11 *PASCAL DUPUIS LW 6.00 190 lbs. 1979 04 07 LAVAL,CAN
12 MATT JOHNSON LW 6.05 232 lbs. 1975 11 23 WELLAND,CAN
14 DARBY HENDRICKSON C 6.01 195 lbs. 1972 08 28 RICHFIELD,USA
15 ANDREW BRUNETTE LW 6.01 210 lbs. 1973 08 24 SUDBURY,CAN
17 FILIP KUBA D 6.03 205 lbs. 1976 12 29 OSTRAVA,CZE
22 STACY ROEST C 5.09 185 lbs. 1974 03 15 CALGARY,CAN
24 ANTTI LAAKSONEN LW 6.00 180 lbs. 1973 10 03 TAMMELA,FIN
25 SERGEI KRIVOKRASOV RW 5.11 185 lbs. 1974 04 15 ANGARSK,RUS
30 DWAYNE ROLOSON G 6.01 190 lbs. 1969 10 12 SIMCOE,CAN
32 JASON MARSHALL D 6.02 200 lbs. 1971 02 22 CRANBROOK,CAN
33 SERGEI ZHOLTOK C 6.01 197 lbs. 1972 12 02 RIGA,LAT
34 JIM DOWD C 6.01 190 lbs. 1968 12 25 BRICK,USA
35 EMMANUEL FERNANDEZ G 6.00 185 lbs. 1974 08 27 ETOBICOKE,CAN
36 SYLVAIN BLOUIN LW 6.02 207 lbs. 1974 05 21 LAVAL,CAN
37 WES WALZ C 5.10 185 lbs. 1970 05 15 CALGARY,CAN
42 ANDY SUTTON D 6.06 240 lbs. 1975 03 10 LONDON,CAN
44 AARON GAVEY C 6.02 200 lbs. 1974 02 22 SUDBURY,CAN
55 *NICK SCHULTZ D 187 lbs. 1982 08 25 REGINA,CAN
71 SEBASTIEN BORDELEAU C 5.11 185 lbs. 1975 02 15 VANCOUVER,CAN
77 LUBOMIR SEKERAS D 6.00 183 lbs. 1968 11 18 TRENCIN,SLO
-- ROMAN SIMICEK C 6.02 210 lbs. 1971 11 04 OSTRAVA,CZE
-- MIKE CROWLEY D 5.11 165 lbs. 1975 07 04 BLOOMINGTON,USA
-- CAMERON STEWART LW 5.11 195 lbs. 1971 09 18 KITCHENER,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
5 STEPHANE QUINTAL D 6.03 228 lbs. 1968 10 22 BOUCHERVILLE,CAN
14 OLEG PETROV RW 5.09 172 lbs. 1971 04 18 MOSCOW,RUS
17 BENOIT BRUNET LW 5.10 203 lbs. 1968 08 24 STE-ANNE DE BELLEV
20 RICHARD ZEDNIK LW 6.00 200 lbs. 1976 01 06 BYSTRICA,SLO
24 ANDREAS DACKELL RW 5.11 191 lbs. 1972 12 29 GAVLE,SWE
25 CHAD KILGER C 6.04 215 lbs. 1976 11 27 CORNWALL,CAN
26 MARTIN RUCINSKY LW 6.01 205 lbs. 1971 03 11 MOST,CZE
28 KARL DYKHUIS D 6.03 214 lbs. 1972 07 08 SEPT-ILES,CAN
29 GINO ODJICK LW 6.03 217 lbs. 1970 09 07 MANIWAKI,CAN
31 JEFF HACKETT G 6.01 195 lbs. 1968 06 01 LONDON,CAN
37 PATRICK POULIN LW 6.01 216 lbs. 1973 04 23 VANIER,CAN
38 JAN BULIS C 6.01 208 lbs. 1978 03 18 PARDUBICE,CZE
39 REID SIMPSON LW 6.02 216 lbs. 1969 05 21 FLIN FLON,CAN
43 PATRICE BRISEBOIS D 6.01 203 lbs. 1971 01 27 MONTREAL,CAN
44 SHELDON SOURAY D 6.04 223 lbs. 1976 07 13 ELK POINT,CAN
49 BRIAN SAVAGE RW 6.01 192 lbs. 1971 02 24 SUDBURY,CAN
52 CRAIG RIVET D 6.02 207 lbs. 1974 09 13 NORTH BAY,CAN
54 PATRICK TRAVERSE D 6.04 200 lbs. 1974 03 14 MONTREAL,CAN
56 STEPHANE ROBIDAS D 5.11 189 lbs. 1977 03 03 SHERBROOKE,CAN
60 JOSE THEODORE G 5.11 182 lbs. 1976 09 13 LAVAL,CAN
90 JOE JUNEAU LW 6.00 198 lbs. 1968 01 05 PONT-ROUGE,CAN
93 DOUG GILMOUR C 5.11 175 lbs. 1963 06 25 KINGSTON,CAN
94 YANIC PERREAULT C 5.11 188 lbs. 1971 04 04 SHERBROOKE,CAN
-- MATHIEU GARON G 6.02 187 lbs. 1978 01 09 CHANDLER,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 MIKE DUNHAM G 6.03 200 lbs. 1972 06 01 JOHNSON CITY,USA
3 KARLIS SKRASTINS D 6.01 208 lbs. 1974 07 09 RIGA,LAT
4 MARK EATON D 6.02 205 lbs. 1977 05 06 WILMINGTON,USA
5 ANDY DELMORE D 6.00 190 lbs. 1976 12 26 WINDSOR,CAN
7 CLIFF RONNING C 5.08 170 lbs. 1965 10 01 BURNABY,CAN
8 STU GRIMSON LW 6.05 239 lbs. 1965 05 20 KAMLOOPS,CAN
10 PATRIC KJELLBERG LW 6.03 210 lbs. 1969 06 17 TRELLEBORG,SWE
11 DAVID LEGWAND C 6.02 190 lbs. 1980 08 17 DETROIT,USA
14 RICHARD BRENNAN D 6.02 200 lbs. 1972 11 26 SCHENECTADY,USA
16 MARC MORO D 6.00 209 lbs. 1977 07 17 TORONTO,CAN
17 SCOTT HARTNELL RW 6.03 192 lbs. 1982 04 18 Regina,CAN
19 MARTIN ERAT LW 5.11 176 lbs. 1981 08 29 TREBIC,CZE
21 TOM FITZGERALD RW 6.00 191 lbs. 1968 08 28 BILLERICA,USA
22 GREG JOHNSON C 5.11 202 lbs. 1971 03 16 THUNDER BAY,CAN
23 BILL HOULDER D 6.02 215 lbs. 1967 03 11 THUNDER BAY,CAN
24 SCOTT WALKER RW 5.10 195 lbs. 1973 07 19 MONTREAL,CAN
25 DENIS ARKHIPOV LW 6.03 195 lbs. 1979 05 19 KAZAN,RUS
29 TOMAS VOKOUN G 6.00 197 lbs. 1976 07 02 KARLOVY VARY,CZE
33 VLADIMIR ORSZAGH LW 5.10 172 lbs. 1977 05 24 BANSTRA BYSTRIKA,S
39 MARIAN CISAR LW 6.00 176 lbs. 1978 02 25 BRATISLAVA,SLO
42 *PAVEL SKRBEK D 6.03 191 lbs. 1978 09 08 KLADNO,CZE
43 VITALI YACHMENEV RW 5.11 195 lbs. 1975 01 08 CHELYABINSK,RUS
44 KIMMO TIMONEN D 5.10 196 lbs. 1975 03 18 KUOPIO,FIN
-- CALE HULSE D 6.03 215 lbs. 1973 11 10 EDMONTON,CAN
-- JAN LASAK G 6.00 189 lbs. 1979 04 10 ZVOLEN,SLO

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 *MIKE COMMODORE D 6.04 225 lbs. 1979 11 07 FORT SASKATCHEWAN,
3 KEN DANEYKO D 6.01 215 lbs. 1964 04 17 WINDSOR,CAN
4 SCOTT STEVENS D 6.01 215 lbs. 1964 04 01 KITCHENER,CAN
5 COLIN WHITE D 6.04 215 lbs. 1977 12 12 NEW GLASGOW,CAN
6 TOMMY ALBELIN D 6.01 195 lbs. 1964 05 21 STOCKHOLM,SWE
11 JOHN MADDEN C 5.11 195 lbs. 1973 05 04 BARRIE,CAN
12 SERGEI NEMCHINOV LW 6.01 205 lbs. 1964 01 14 MOSCOW,RUS
15 ANDREAS SALOMONSSON C 6.00 185 lbs. 1973 12 19 STOCKHOLM,SWE
16 BOBBY HOLIK C 6.04 230 lbs. 1971 01 01 JIHLAVA,CZE
17 PETR SYKORA RW 6.00 190 lbs. 1976 11 19 PLZEN,CZE
18 SERGEI BRYLIN C 5.10 190 lbs. 1974 01 13 MOSCOW,RUS
19 JIM MCKENZIE LW 6.04 229 lbs. 1969 11 03 GULL LAKE,CAN
20 JAY PANDOLFO LW 6.01 190 lbs. 1974 12 27 WINCHESTER,USA
21 RANDY MCKAY RW 6.02 210 lbs. 1967 01 25 MONTREAL,CAN
22 *PIERRE DAGENAIS LW 6.04 200 lbs. 1978 03 04 BLAINVILLE,CAN
23 SCOTT GOMEZ C 5.11 200 lbs. 1979 12 23 ANCHORAGE,USA
24 TURNER STEVENSON RW 6.03 226 lbs. 1972 05 18 PRINCE GEORGE,CAN
25 JASON ARNOTT C 6.04 225 lbs. 1974 10 11 COLLINGWOOD,CAN
26 PATRIK ELIAS LW 6.01 195 lbs. 1976 04 13 TREBIC,CZE
27 SCOTT NIEDERMAYER D 6.01 200 lbs. 1973 08 31 EDMONTON,CAN
28 BRIAN RAFALSKI D 5.09 190 lbs. 1973 09 28 DEARBORN,USA
30 MARTIN BRODEUR G 6.02 205 lbs. 1972 05 06 MONTREAL,CAN
40 *SCOTT CLEMMENSEN G 6.01 185 lbs. 1977 07 23 DES MOINES,USA
-- JOEL BOUCHARD D 6.01 209 lbs. 1974 01 23 MONTREAL,CAN
-- ADRIAN FOSTER LW 6.01 200 lbs. 1982 01 15 LETHBRIDGE,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
3 ADRIAN AUCOIN D 6.02 210 lbs. 1973 07 03 OTTAWA,CAN
4 ROMAN HAMRLIK D 6.02 215 lbs. 1974 04 12 GOTTWALDOV,CZE
6 KEN SUTTON D 6.01 205 lbs. 1969 11 05 EDMONTON,CAN
7 KEVIN HALLER D 6.02 195 lbs. 1970 12 05 TROCHU,CAN
10 MATS LINDGREN LW 6.02 202 lbs. 1974 10 01 SKALLEFTEA,SWE
12 OLEG KVASHA C 6.05 230 lbs. 1978 07 26 MOSCOW,RUS
13 CLAUDE LAPOINTE C 5.09 188 lbs. 1968 10 11 LACHINE,CAN
14 ALEXANDER KHARITONOV RW 5.08 170 lbs. 1976 03 30 MOSCOW,RUS
15 BRAD ISBISTER RW 6.04 230 lbs. 1977 05 07 EDMONTON,CAN
17 SHAWN BATES C 6.00 205 lbs. 1975 04 03 MELROSE,USA
20 STEVE WEBB RW 5.11 205 lbs. 1975 04 30 PETERBOROUGH,CAN
21 MARIUSZ CZERKAWSKI RW 6.00 200 lbs. 1972 04 13 RADOMSKO,POL
24 *RADEK MARTINEK D 6.00 205 lbs. 1976 08 31 HAVLICKO BROD,CZE
27 MICHAEL PECA C 5.11 183 lbs. 1974 03 26 TORONTO,CAN
29 KENNY JONSSON D 6.03 224 lbs. 1974 10 06 ANGELHOLM,SWE
30 GARTH SNOW G 6.03 200 lbs. 1969 07 28 WRENTHAM,USA
33 ERIC CAIRNS D 6.06 238 lbs. 1974 06 27 OAKVILLE,CAN
34 DUSAN SALFICKY G 6.01 185 lbs. 1972 03 28 CHRUDIM,CZE
35 CHRIS OSGOOD G 5.10 175 lbs. 1972 11 26 PEACE RIVER,CAN
37 MARK PARRISH RW 5.11 200 lbs. 1977 02 02 EDINA,USA
38 DAVE SCATCHARD C 6.03 220 lbs. 1976 02 20 HINTON,CAN
55 JASON BLAKE LW 5.10 187 lbs. 1973 09 02 GRAND FORKS,USA
79 ALEXEI YASHIN C 6.03 228 lbs. 1973 11 05 SVERDLOVSK,RUS
-- JASON PODOLLAN C 6.02 201 lbs. 1976 02 18 VERNON,CAN
-- JASON KROG C 5.11 191 lbs. 1975 10 09 FERNIE,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 BRIAN LEETCH D 6.01 200 lbs. 1968 03 03 CORPUS CHRISTI,USA
5 DALE PURINTON D 6.03 226 lbs. 1976 10 11 FORT WAYNE,USA
6 MANNY MALHOTRA C 6.01 210 lbs. 1980 05 18 MISSISAUGA,CAN
10 SANDY MCCARTHY RW 6.03 225 lbs. 1972 06 15 TORONTO,CAN
11 MARK MESSIER C 6.01 210 lbs. 1961 01 18 EDMONTON,CAN
14 THEOREN FLEURY RW 5.06 180 lbs. 1968 06 29 OXBOW,CAN
16 MICHAEL YORK C 5.10 185 lbs. 1978 01 03 PONTIAC,USA
18 ZDENO CIGER LW 6.01 190 lbs. 1969 10 19 MARTIN,SLO
20 RADEK DVORAK RW 6.01 200 lbs. 1977 03 09 TABOR,CZE
22 TOMAS KLOUCEK D 6.02 205 lbs. 1980 03 07 PRAGUE,CZE
23 VLADIMIR MALAKHOV D 6.04 227 lbs. 1968 08 30 EKATERINBURG,RUS
25 *PETER SMREK D 6.00 194 lbs. 1979 02 16 MARTIN,SLO
26 ANDREAS JOHANSSON LW 6.00 202 lbs. 1973 05 19 FALUN,SWE
29 DARREN VAN IMPE D 6.01 205 lbs. 1973 05 18 SASKATOON,CAN
31 *DANIEL BLACKBURN G 6.00 180 lbs. 1983 05 20 MONTREAL,CAN
33 DAVE KARPA D 6.01 205 lbs. 1971 05 07 REGINA,CAN
34 BRYAN BERARD D 6.01 203 lbs. 1977 03 05 WOONSOCKET,USA
35 MIKE RICHTER G 5.11 185 lbs. 1966 09 22 ABINGTON,USA
38 *RICO FATA RW 5.11 205 lbs. 1980 02 12 SAULT STE. MARIE,C
47 *BARRETT HEISTEN LW 6.01 189 lbs. 1980 03 19 ANCHORAGE,USA
55 IGOR ULANOV D 6.03 211 lbs. 1969 10 01 KRASNOKAMSK,RUS
88 ERIC LINDROS C 6.04 238 lbs. 1973 02 28 LONDON,CAN
93 PETR NEDVED C 6.03 200 lbs. 1971 12 09 LIBEREC,CZE

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
3 ZDENO CHARA D 6.09 255 lbs. 1977 03 18 TRENCIN,SLO
4 CHRIS PHILLIPS D 6.03 215 lbs. 1978 03 09 CALGARY,CAN
5 SAMI SALO D 6.03 210 lbs. 1974 09 02 TURKU,FIN
6 WADE REDDEN D 6.02 205 lbs. 1977 06 12 LLOYDMINSTER,CAN
7 CURTIS LESCHYSHYN D 6.01 205 lbs. 1969 09 21 THOMPSON,CAN
9 MARTIN HAVLAT LW 6.01 178 lbs. 1981 04 19 MLADA BOLESLAV,CZE
11 DANIEL ALFREDSSON RW 5.11 200 lbs. 1972 12 11 GOTHENBURG,SWE
12 MIKE FISHER C 6.00 180 lbs. 1980 06 05 PETERBOROUGH,CAN
14 RADEK BONK C 6.03 224 lbs. 1976 01 09 KRNOV,CZE
15 SHAWN MCEACHERN LW 5.11 195 lbs. 1969 02 28 WALTHAM,USA
16 STEVE MARTINS C 5.09 175 lbs. 1972 04 13 HULL,CAN
17 BILL MUCKALT RW 6.00 205 lbs. 1974 07 15 SURREY,CAN
18 MARIAN HOSSA RW 6.01 194 lbs. 1979 01 12 STARA LUBOVNA,SLO
20 MAGNUS ARVEDSON LW 6.01 203 lbs. 1971 11 25 KARLSTAD,SWE
23 KAREL RACHUNEK D 6.02 183 lbs. 1979 08 27 GOTTWALDOW,CZS
24 *IVAN CIERNIK LW 6.01 198 lbs. 1977 10 30 TLMACE,SLO
25 *CHRISTOPHER NEIL RW 6.00 210 lbs. 1979 06 18 MARKDALE,CAN
26 ANDRE ROY RW 6.03 178 lbs. 1975 02 08 PORT CHESTER,USA
27 RICARD PERSSON D 6.01 201 lbs. 1969 08 24 OSTERSUND,SWE
28 TODD WHITE C 5.10 181 lbs. 1975 05 21 DUNROBIN,CAN
33 CHRIS HERPERGER LW 6.00 190 lbs. 1974 02 24 ESTERHAZY,CAN
34 SHANE HNIDY D 6.01 200 lbs. 1975 11 08 BRANDON,CAN
35 JANI HURME G 6.00 187 lbs. 1975 01 07 TURKU,FIN
40 PATRICK LALIME G 6.02 170 lbs. 1974 07 07 ST BONAVENTURE,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 ERIC WEINRICH D 6.01 213 lbs. 1966 12 19 ROANOKE,USA
3 DANIEL MCGILLIS D 6.02 234 lbs. 1972 07 01 HAWKESBURY,CAN
5 KIM JOHNSSON D 6.01 205 lbs. 1976 03 16 MALMO,SWE
6 CHRIS THERIEN D 6.05 230 lbs. 1971 12 14 OTTAWA,CAN
8 MARK RECCHI RW 5.09 182 lbs. 1968 02 01 KAMLOOPS,CAN
10 JOHN LECLAIR LW 6.03 228 lbs. 1969 07 05 ST. ALBANS,USA
12 SIMON GAGNE C 6.01 190 lbs. 1980 02 29 STE FOY,CAN
14 JUSTIN WILLIAMS RW 6.01 176 lbs. 1981 10 04 Cobourg,CAN
19 PAUL RANHEIM LW 6.01 210 lbs. 1966 01 25 ST. LOUIS,USA
20 JIRI DOPITA C 6.03 209 lbs. 1968 12 02 SUMPERK,CZE
22 LUKE RICHARDSON D 6.03 214 lbs. 1969 03 26 OTTAWA,CAN
24 CHRIS MCALLISTER D 6.07 238 lbs. 1975 06 16 SASKATOON,CAN
25 KEITH PRIMEAU C 6.05 220 lbs. 1971 11 24 TORONTO,CAN
26 RUSLAN FEDOTENKO LW 6.01 190 lbs. 1979 01 18 KIEV,UKR
27 JAN HLAVAC LW 6.00 200 lbs. 1976 09 20 PRAGUE,CZE
28 KENT MANDERVILLE C 6.03 200 lbs. 1971 04 12 EDMONTON,CAN
29 TODD FEDORUK LW 6.01 205 lbs. 1979 02 13 REDWATER,CAN
32 ROMAN CECHMANEK G 6.03 200 lbs. 1971 03 02 GOTTWALDOV,CZE
33 BRIAN BOUCHER G 6.02 180 lbs. 1977 01 02 WOONSOCKET,USA
37 ERIC DESJARDINS D 6.01 200 lbs. 1969 06 14 ROUYN,CAN
39 MARTY MURRAY C 5.09 178 lbs. 1975 02 16 DELORAINE,CAN
55 *PAVEL BRENDL RW 6.00 204 lbs. 1981 03 23 OPOCNO,CZE
97 JEREMY ROENICK C 6.00 205 lbs. 1970 01 17 BOSTON,USA
-- RICK TOCCHET RW 6.00 210 lbs. 1964 04 09 SCARBOROUGH,CAN01

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 SEAN BURKE G 6.04 210 lbs. 1967 01 29 WINDSOR,CAN
2 TODD SIMPSON D 6.03 215 lbs. 1973 05 28 NORTH VANCOUVER,CA
4 OSSI VAANANEN D 6.02 196 lbs. 1980 08 18 VANTAA,FIN
8 DANIEL BRIERE C 5.10 178 lbs. 1977 10 06 GATINEAU,CAN
10 TREVOR LETOWSKI C 5.10 176 lbs. 1977 04 05 THUNDER BAY,CAN
11 DAYMOND LANGKOW C 5.11 180 lbs. 1976 09 27 EDMONTON,CAN
12 MIKE JOHNSON RW 6.02 200 lbs. 1974 10 03 SCARBOROUGH,CAN
14 TYLER BOUCK LW 6.00 195 lbs. 1980 01 13 CAMROSE,CAN
15 RADOSLAV SUCHY D 6.02 191 lbs. 1976 04 07 POPRAD,CZS
16 MICHAL HANDZUS C 6.05 210 lbs. 1977 03 11 BANSKA BYSTRICA,SL
17 LADISLAV NAGY C 5.11 183 lbs. 1979 06 01 PRESOV,SLO
19 SHANE DOAN RW 6.02 223 lbs. 1976 10 10 HALKIRK,CAN
21 TODD WARRINER LW 6.01 200 lbs. 1974 01 03 BLENHEIM,CAN
22 CLAUDE LEMIEUX RW 6.01 226 lbs. 1965 07 16 BUCKINGHAM,CAN
23 PAUL MARA D 6.04 210 lbs. 1979 09 07 RIDGEWOOD,USA
26 MIKE SULLIVAN C 6.02 204 lbs. 1968 02 27 MARSHFIELD,USA
27 TEPPO NUMMINEN D 6.02 199 lbs. 1968 07 03 TAMPERE,FIN
32 BRAD MAY LW 6.01 209 lbs. 1971 11 29 TORONTO,CAN
36 *KRYSTOFER KOLANOS C 6.02 196 lbs. 1981 07 27 Calgary,CAN
42 ROBERT ESCHE G 6.00 188 lbs. 1978 01 22 UTICA,USA
55 DANNY MARKOV D 6.01 190 lbs. 1976 07 11 MOSCOW,RUS
94 SERGEI BEREZIN LW 5.10 197 lbs. 1971 11 05 VOSKRESENSK,RUS
-- DAVID CULLEN D 6.02 209 lbs. 1976 12 30 ST. CATHARINES,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 JOHAN HEDBERG G 5.11 178 lbs. 1973 05 05 LEKSAND,SWE
2 *JOSEF MELICHAR D 6.03 198 lbs. 1979 01 20 CESKE-BUDJOVICE,CZ
4 MIKE WILSON D 6.06 225 lbs. 1975 02 26 BRAMPTON,CAN
7 ANDREW FERENCE D 5.10 180 lbs. 1979 03 17 EDMONTON,CAN
11 DARIUS KASPARAITIS D 5.11 209 lbs. 1972 10 16 ELEKTRENAI,LIT
14 MILAN KRAFT C 6.02 176 lbs. 1980 01 17 PLZEN,CZE
15 WAYNE PRIMEAU C 6.03 225 lbs. 1976 06 04 SCARBOROUGH,CAN
16 *KRIS BEECH C 6.02 178 lbs. 1981 02 05 SALMON ARM,CAN
17 *TOBY PETERSEN C 5.10 193 lbs. 1978 10 27 MINNEAPOLIS,USA
20 ROBERT LANG C 6.02 216 lbs. 1970 12 19 LITVINOV,CZE
23 JOHN JAKOPIN D 6.05 239 lbs. 1975 05 16 TORONTO,CAN
24 IAN MORAN RW 6.00 206 lbs. 1972 08 24 CLEVELAND,USA
25 KEVIN STEVENS LW 6.03 230 lbs. 1965 04 15 BROCKTON,USA
27 ALEXEI KOVALEV RW 6.02 215 lbs. 1973 02 24 TOGLIATTI,RUS
28 MICHAL ROZSIVAL D 6.01 194 lbs. 1978 09 03 VLASIM,CZE
29 KRZYSZTOF OLIWA LW 6.05 235 lbs. 1973 04 12 TYCHY,POL
30 J-SEBASTIEN AUBIN G 5.11 183 lbs. 1977 07 19 MONTREAL,CAN
33 DAN LACOUTURE LW 6.03 210 lbs. 1977 04 18 HYANNIS,USA
38 JAN HRDINA C 6.00 197 lbs. 1976 02 05 HRADEC,CZE
44 STEPHANE RICHER RW 6.03 226 lbs. 1966 06 07 RIPON,CAN
66 MARIO LEMIEUX C 6.04 220 lbs. 1965 10 05 MONTREAL,CAN
82 MARTIN STRAKA C 5.10 175 lbs. 1972 09 03 PLZEN,CZE
95 ALEXEI MOROZOV RW 6.01 195 lbs. 1977 02 16 MOSCOW,RUS
-- HANS JONSSON D 6.01 176 lbs. 1973 08 02 JARVED,SWE

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
5 *JEFF JILLSON D 6.03 219 lbs. 1980 07 24 PROVIDENCE,USA
7 BRAD STUART D 6.02 215 lbs. 1979 11 06 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOU
8 TEEMU SELANNE RW 6.00 200 lbs. 1970 07 03 HELSINKI,FIN
9 ADAM GRAVES LW 6.00 205 lbs. 1968 04 12 TECUMSEH,CAN
10 MARCUS RAGNARSSON D 6.01 215 lbs. 1971 08 13 OSTERVALA,SWE
11 OWEN NOLAN RW 6.01 205 lbs. 1972 02 12 BELFAST,NIR
12 PATRICK MARLEAU C 6.02 205 lbs. 1979 09 15 ANEROID,CAN
13 TODD HARVEY RW 6.00 195 lbs. 1975 02 17 HAMILTON,CAN
15 ALEXANDER KOROLYUK LW 5.09 190 lbs. 1976 01 15 MOSCOW,RUS
16 MARK SMITH C 5.10 195 lbs. 1977 10 24 EDMONTON,CAN
17 SCOTT THORNTON LW 6.03 216 lbs. 1971 01 09 LONDON,CAN
18 MIKE RICCI C 6.00 190 lbs. 1971 10 27 SCARBOROUGH,CAN
19 MARCO STURM LW 6.00 195 lbs. 1978 09 08 DINGOLFING,GER
20 GARY SUTER D 6.00 205 lbs. 1964 06 24 MADISON,USA
22 SCOTT HANNAN D 6.02 215 lbs. 1979 01 23 RICHMOND,CAN
23 SHAWN HEINS D 6.03 215 lbs. 1973 12 24 PEMBROKE,CAN
24 NIKLAS SUNDSTROM RW 6.00 195 lbs. 1975 06 06 ORNSKOLDSVIK,SWE
25 VINCENT DAMPHOUSSE C 6.01 200 lbs. 1967 12 17 MONTREAL,CAN
27 BRYAN MARCHMENT D 6.01 205 lbs. 1969 05 01 SCARBOROUGH,CAN
28 *MATT BRADLEY RW 6.01 172 lbs. 1978 06 13 MONTREAL,CAN
32 STEPHANE MATTEAU LW 6.04 220 lbs. 1969 09 02 ROUYN,CAN
35 EVGENI NABOKOV G 5.11 165 lbs. 1975 07 25 UST KAMENOGORSK,KA
37 *MIIKKA KIPRUSOFF G 6.00 190 lbs. 1976 10 26 TURKU,FIN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 AL MACINNIS D 6.02 208 lbs. 1963 07 11 INVERNESS,CAN
6 SEAN HILL D 6.01 203 lbs. 1970 02 14 DULUTH,USA
7 KEITH TKACHUK LW 6.02 225 lbs. 1972 03 28 MELROSE,USA
9 TYSON NASH LW 6.00 186 lbs. 1975 03 11 EDMONTON,CAN
10 DALLAS DRAKE RW 6.00 190 lbs. 1969 02 04 TRAIL,CAN
12 CORY STILLMAN LW 6.00 195 lbs. 1973 12 20 PETERBOROUGH,CAN
15 DANIEL CORSO C 5.09 155 lbs. 1978 04 03 MONTREAL,CAN
17 *SERGEI VARLAMOV LW 5.11 180 lbs. 1978 07 21 KIEV,UKR
21 JAMAL MAYERS RW 6.01 213 lbs. 1974 10 24 TORONTO,CAN
25 MIKE KEANE LW 6.00 185 lbs. 1967 05 29 WINNIPEG,CAN
27 BRYCE SALVADOR D 6.02 213 lbs. 1976 02 11 BRANDON,CAN
29 ALEXANDER KHAVANOV D 6.02 190 lbs. 1972 01 30 MOSCOW,RUS
32 MIKE EASTWOOD C 6.02 213 lbs. 1967 07 01 OTTAWA,CAN
34 REED LOW RW 6.04 215 lbs. 1976 06 21 MOOSE JAW,CAN
35 BRENT JOHNSON G 6.02 198 lbs. 1977 03 12 FARMINGTON,USA
37 JEFF FINLEY D 6.02 208 lbs. 1967 04 14 EDMONTON,CAN
38 PAVOL DEMITRA RW 5.11 203 lbs. 1974 11 29 DUBNICA,SLO
39 DOUG WEIGHT C 5.11 200 lbs. 1971 01 21 WARREN,USA
40 FRED BRATHWAITE G 5.07 175 lbs. 1972 11 24 OTTAWA,CAN
42 *MARK RYCROFT RW 6.01 190 lbs. 1978 07 12 PENTICTON,CAN
44 CHRIS PRONGER D 6.06 220 lbs. 1974 10 10 DRYDEN,CAN
46 CHRISTIAN LAFLAMME D 6.01 202 lbs. 1976 11 24 ST.CHARLES,CAN
47 RICHARD PILON D 6.00 212 lbs. 1968 04 30 SASKATOON,CAN
48 SCOTT YOUNG RW 6.01 200 lbs. 1967 10 01 CLINTON,USA
-- SCOTT MELLANBY RW 6.01 205 lbs. 1966 06 11 MONTREAL,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 STAN NECKAR D 6.01 214 lbs. 1975 12 22 CESKE BUDEJOVICE,C
3 GRANT LEDYARD D 6.02 195 lbs. 1961 11 19 WINNIPEG,CAN
4 VINCENT LECAVALIER C 6.04 180 lbs. 1980 04 21 ILE BIZARD,CAN
5 JASSEN CULLIMORE D 6.05 220 lbs. 1972 12 04 SIMCOE,CAN
7 BEN CLYMER LW 6.01 195 lbs. 1978 04 11 EDINA,USA
9 BRIAN HOLZINGER C 5.11 190 lbs. 1972 10 10 PARMA,USA
13 PAVEL KUBINA D 6.04 230 lbs. 1977 04 15 CELADNA,CZE
15 *NIKITA ALEXEEV RW 6.05 215 lbs. 1981 12 27 Murmansk,RUS
16 JUHA YLONEN C 6.01 189 lbs. 1972 02 13 HELSINKI,FIN
19 BRAD RICHARDS C 6.00 170 lbs. 1980 05 02 MONTAGUE,CAN
20 VACLAV PROSPAL C 6.02 190 lbs. 1975 02 17 CESKE-BUDEJOVICE,C
21 CORY SARICH D 6.03 175 lbs. 1978 08 16 SASKATOON,CAN
25 DAVE ANDREYCHUK LW 6.04 220 lbs. 1963 09 29 HAMILTON,CAN
26 MARTIN ST. LOUIS RW 5.09 180 lbs. 1975 06 18 LAVAL,CAN
27 TIM TAYLOR C 6.01 190 lbs. 1969 02 06 STRATFORD,CAN
30 ANDREI ZYUZIN D 6.01 200 lbs. 1978 01 21 UFA,RUS
33 FREDRIK MODIN LW 6.04 220 lbs. 1974 10 08 SUNDSVALL,SWE
35 NIKOLAI KHABIBULIN G 6.01 196 lbs. 1973 01 13 SVERDLOVSK,RUS
36 MATTHEW BARNABY RW 6.00 183 lbs. 1973 05 04 OTTAWA,CAN
41 *JIMMIE OLVESTAD LW 6.01 194 lbs. 1980 02 16 STOCKHOLM,SWE
43 MATHIEU BIRON D 6.06 212 lbs. 1980 04 29 LA ST-CHARLES,CAN
80 KEVIN WEEKES G 6.00 158 lbs. 1975 04 04 TORONTO,CAN
-- NOLAN PRATT D 6.03 200 lbs. 1975 08 14 FORT MCMURRAY,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 WADE BELAK D 6.04 225 lbs. 1976 07 03 SASKATOON,CAN
3 DAVE MANSON D 6.03 220 lbs. 1967 01 27 PRINCE ALBERT,CAN
4 CORY CROSS D 6.05 219 lbs. 1971 01 03 LLOYDMINSTER,CAN
7 GARY ROBERTS LW 6.01 190 lbs. 1966 05 23 NORTH YORK,CAN
8 AKI BERG D 6.03 220 lbs. 1977 07 28 TURKU,FIN
10 GARRY VALK LW 6.01 205 lbs. 1967 11 27 EDMONTON,CAN
11 NIK ANTROPOV C 6.05 191 lbs. 1980 02 18 KAMENOGORSK,RUS
13 MATS SUNDIN C 6.04 228 lbs. 1971 02 13 BROMMA,SWE
14 JONAS HOGLUND RW 6.03 218 lbs. 1972 08 29 HAMMARO,SWE
16 DARCY TUCKER C 5.11 182 lbs. 1975 03 15 CASTOR,CAN
18 ALYN MCCAULEY C 5.11 190 lbs. 1977 05 29 BROCKVILLE,CAN
19 MIKAEL RENBERG RW 6.02 215 lbs. 1972 05 05 PITEA,SWE
21 ROBERT REICHEL C 5.10 186 lbs. 1971 06 25 LITVINOV,CZE
24 BRYAN MCCABE D 6.01 204 lbs. 1975 06 08 ST. CATHERINES,CAN
27 SHAYNE CORSON LW 6.01 202 lbs. 1966 08 13 BARRIE,CAN
28 TIE DOMI RW 5.10 207 lbs. 1969 11 01 WINDSOR,CAN
31 CURTIS JOSEPH G 5.11 188 lbs. 1967 04 29 KESWICK,CAN
35 COREY SCHWAB G 6.00 180 lbs. 1970 11 04 NORTH BATTLEFORD,C
36 DMITRY YUSHKEVICH D 6.00 208 lbs. 1971 11 19 CHEREPOVETS,RUS
39 TRAVIS GREEN C 6.02 200 lbs. 1970 12 20 CASTLEGAR,CAN
44 ANDERS ERIKSSON D 6.03 214 lbs. 1975 01 09 BOLLNAS,SWE
89 ALEXANDER MOGILNY RW 6.00 200 lbs. 1969 02 18 KHABAROVSK,RUS

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
2 MATTIAS OHLUND D 6.03 220 lbs. 1976 09 09 PITEA,SWE
3 BRENT SOPEL D 6.01 185 lbs. 1977 01 07 CALGARY,CAN
4 *JUSTIN KURTZ D 5.11 188 lbs. 1977 01 14 WINNIPEG,CAN
7 BRENDAN MORRISON C 5.11 180 lbs. 1975 08 15 PITT MEADOWS,CAN
8 DONALD BRASHEAR LW 6.02 225 lbs. 1972 01 07 BEDFORD,USA
9 HAROLD DRUKEN C 5.11 202 lbs. 1979 01 26 ST. JOHN'S,CAN
13 ARTEM CHUBAROV C 6.01 189 lbs. 1979 12 13 NIZHNY NOVGOROD,RU
14 SCOTT LACHANCE D 6.01 209 lbs. 1972 10 22 CHARLOTTESVILLE,US
15 DRAKE BEREHOWSKY D 6.02 225 lbs. 1972 01 03 TORONTO,CAN
19 MARKUS NASLUND LW 6.00 195 lbs. 1973 07 30 ORNSKOLDSVIK,SWE
20 DENIS PEDERSON C 6.02 205 lbs. 1975 09 10 PRINCE ALBERT,CAN
22 DANIEL SEDIN LW 6.01 194 lbs. 1980 09 26 ORNSKOLDSVIK,SWE
23 MURRAY BARON D 6.03 215 lbs. 1967 06 01 PRINCE GEORGE,CAN
24 MATT COOKE C 5.11 200 lbs. 1978 09 07 BELLEVILLE,CAN
25 ANDREW CASSELS C 6.01 180 lbs. 1969 07 23 BRAMALEA,CAN
26 TRENT KLATT RW 6.01 205 lbs. 1971 01 30 ROBBINSDALE,USA
27 *MIKE BROWN LW 6.04 183 lbs. 1979 04 27 SURREY,CAN
29 HERBERT VASILJEVS RW 5.11 175 lbs. 1976 05 27 KREFELD,GER
30 MARTIN BROCHU G 6.00 199 lbs. 1973 03 10 ANJOU,CAN
33 HENRIK SEDIN C 6.02 196 lbs. 1980 09 26 ORNSKOLDSVIK,SWE
34 JASON STRUDWICK D 6.03 225 lbs. 1975 07 17 EDMONTON,CAN
37 JARKKO RUUTU LW 6.02 194 lbs. 1975 08 23 HELSINKI,FIN
39 DAN CLOUTIER G 6.01 182 lbs. 1976 04 22 MONT-LAURIER,CAN
44 TODD BERTUZZI LW 6.03 225 lbs. 1975 02 02 SUDBURY,CAN
55 ED JOVANOVSKI D 6.02 205 lbs. 1976 06 26 WINDSOR,CAN

SW# Name Pos Height Weight Born Birthplace
1 CRAIG BILLINGTON G 5.10 167 lbs. 1966 09 11 LONDON,CAN
2 KEN KLEE D 6.01 212 lbs. 1971 04 24 INDIANAPOLIS,USA
3 SYLVAIN COTE D 6.00 190 lbs. 1966 01 19 QUEBEC CITY,CAN
6 CALLE JOHANSSON D 5.11 203 lbs. 1967 02 14 GOTEBORG,SWE
8 DMITRI KHRISTICH RW 6.02 195 lbs. 1969 07 23 KIEV,UKR
9 DAINIUS ZUBRUS RW 6.04 221 lbs. 1978 06 16 ELEKTRENAI,LIT
10 ULF DAHLEN RW 6.02 199 lbs. 1967 01 21 OSTERSUND,SWE
11 JEFF HALPERN C 5.11 198 lbs. 1976 05 03 POTOMAC,USA
12 PETER BONDRA RW 6.00 205 lbs. 1968 02 07 LUCK,UKR
13 ANDREI NIKOLISHIN C 6.00 206 lbs. 1973 03 25 VORKUTA,RUS
14 JOE SACCO LW 6.01 190 lbs. 1969 02 04 MEDFORD,USA
16 TREVOR LINDEN C 6.04 214 lbs. 1970 04 11 MEDICINE HAT,CAN
17 CHRIS SIMON LW 6.04 235 lbs. 1972 01 30 WAWA,CAN
18 *MATT PETTINGER LW 220 lbs. 1980 10 22 EDMONTON,CAN
19 BRENDAN WITT D 6.02 223 lbs. 1975 02 20 HUMBOLDT,CAN
22 STEVE KONOWALCHUK LW 6.02 210 lbs. 1972 11 11 SALT LAKE CITY,USA
24 ROB ZETTLER D 6.03 199 lbs. 1968 03 08 SEPT-ILES,CAN
28 PETER FERRARO RW 5.10 175 lbs. 1973 01 24 PORT JEFFERSON,USA
29 JOE REEKIE D 6.03 218 lbs. 1965 02 22 VICTORIA,CAN
37 OLAF KOLZIG G 6.03 226 lbs. 1970 04 06 JOHANNESBOURG,SAF
51 *STEPHEN PEAT RW 6.02 205 lbs. 1980 03 10 PRINCETON,CAN
55 SERGEI GONCHAR D 6.02 208 lbs. 1974 04 13 CHELYABINSK,RUS
68 JAROMIR JAGR RW 6.02 228 lbs. 1972 02 15 KLADNO,CZE
77 ADAM OATES C 5.10 180 lbs. 1962 08 27 WESTON,CAN

-= LISTS =-

Index Number: iv

=- Injury List -=

Search Field: iv-a

I'm putting in all the injuries in the game, and the longest they've been.
If you see any more, or see longer injuries send them in.
For some there is no length, that is because I have only seen these listed
as "Indefinately" in the game. Send in the length of these injuries.
But only if the injuries say "Out with X 2-3 Weeks", not "Recovering From X".

Injury Longest Out
Abdominal Pull
Abdominal Strain 0-1 Week
Abdominal Tear
ACL Reconstruction
Back Strain 1-2 Weeks
Broken Hand
Broken Left/Right Foot 6-7 Weeks
Broken Left/Right Thumb 2-3 Weeks
Broken Nose
Broken Rib 2-3 Weeks
Bruised Ankle Day-to-Day
Bruised Arm 0-1 Week
Bruised Back
Bruised Calf 0-1 Week
Bruised Chest
Bruised Hand 0-1 Week
Bruised Kidney 1-2 Weeks
Bruised Knee
Bruised Quadricep Day-to-Day
Bruised Ribs Day-to-Day
Bruised Shin
Bruised Sternum 1-2 Weeks
Bruised Left/Right Thigh 0-1 Week
Bruised Left/Right Wrist
Charley Horse Day-to-Day
Concussion Day-to-Day
Disc Surgery
Dislocated Left/Right Thumb 0-1 Week
Ear Injury Day-to-Day
Elbow Strain
Elbow Surgery 2-3 Months
Facial Lacerations
Flu Day-to-Day
Foot Surgery 5-6 Weeks
Forearam Contusions Day-to-Day
Fractured Ankle
Fractured Jaw 1-2 Months
Fractured Left/Right Elbow 5-6 Weeks
Fractured Left/Right Forearm 2-3 Months
Fractured Wrist 1-2 Weeks
Groin Pull
Head Laceration 1-2 Weeks
Herniated Disk 2-3 Weeks
Hip Ponter Day-to-Day
Injured Collarbone 3-4 Weeks
Injured Hip Flexor
Knee Strain 2-3 Weeks
Lacerated Arm 0-1 Weeks
Lacerated Hand
Lacerated Thumb Day-to-Day
Laceration of the Calf
Lower Back Strain 1-2 Weeks
MCL Sprain Day-to-Day
Mild Concussion Day-to-Day
Neck Spasms 1-2 Weeks
Ortoscopic Surgery 2-3 Weeks
Partially Torn ACL
Post Concussion Syndrome
Pulled Hamstring 1-2 Weeks
Pulled Quadricep 3-4 Weeks
Rib Strain 0-1 Week
Ruptured Testicle
Scrotal Contusion
Separated Shoulder 0-1 Week
Severed Finger
Shoulder Contusions Day-to-Day
Shoulder Strain 1-2 Weeks
Shoulder Surgery
Sore Ankle 1-2 Weeks
Sore Back 1-2 Weeks
Sore Elbow 0-1 Week
Sore Finger 1-2 Weeks
Sore Foot 0-1 Week
Sore Hip 0-1 Week
Sore Knee 2-3 Weeks
Sore Neck 0-1 Week
Sore Thumb 0-1 Week
Sore Wrist 1-2 Weeks
Sprained Ankle 2-3 Weeks
Strained Hamstring
Strained Hip 1-2 Weeks
Strained Trapezius 1-2 Weeks
Torn ACL
Torn Bicep 0-1 Week
Torn Knee Cartilage
Torn Knee Ligament
Torn MCL 6-7 Weeks
Torn Rotator Cuff
Wrist Sprain Day-to-Day

=- Penalty List -=

Search Field: iv-b

Post any I've forgot

Penalty Time
Cross Checking 2 Minutes
Delay of Game 2 Minutes
Elbowing 2 Minutes
Hooking 2 Minutes
Interference 2 Minutes
Roughing 2 Minutes
Slashing 2 Minutes
Instigating Fight 2 Minutes
Fighting 5 Minute Major
Spearing 5 Minute Major - Game Misconduct
Fighting 5 Minute Major - Game Misconduct
(only if you destroy him in the fight)

=- Commentary List -=

Search Field: iv-c

The commentators for the game are:
Jim Houston and Bill Clement

This is for the individual player comments. Send in any I don't have.
You can also correct any mistakes, as I have made many.
Any ???? or .... should be filled in.
The credit for any changes is shown in the Updates Section.
Each player is in alphabetical order in the team he started 2000/01 at.

"We knew Paul Kariya was made for NHL when he won the Hobey Baker Award for
best collegiate player.......

"Hey Jim. Did you know Paul Kariya learned to juggle? Yeah, he wanted
to improve his hand-eye co-ordination so he learned how to juggle."

"Igor Kravchuk is one of the most important players to his team. Well Bill,
I look at the Plus/Minus, and Kravchuk has always been a Plus Player."


"When you talk about special players, there is none as special as the one who
has done this. Dominik Hasek is superb, and he's the only player to have won
the Hart Trophy for MVP twice."

"Dominik Hasek led the NHL in save percentage in 6-consecutive seasons.
Wow! 3 or 4 seasons is fantastic, but 6 consecutive seasons, that's

"Dominik Hasek is one of the best goaltenders to have strapped on the pads.
But how would you describe his style? Well, everybody's been trying to do
that for about 10 years now. He has his own style, he just finds a way to
stop the puck."

"As one of the Buffalo Sabres captains, Michael Peca joins a list of greats
such as Gil Perreault and Pat LaFontaine."

"Miro Satan had to move around alot before he became a permanent fixture at
Buffalo. He played in the Czech League, the Slovak League, the American
League, the International Hockey League, and even in the NHL with the
Edmonton Oilers before joining Buffalo."

"Miro Satan is a Slovak and went to the 1998(?) World Championships, and led
that team in goals."


"Like most players around the world when Sami Kapanen isn't playing for his
club team, he's playing for his country. And that would be Finland, where he
picked up a bronze medal at the Olympics."


"The one thing you notice about Ray Bourque is that he is a workhorse.
Remember that game in '99 where he played 53 minutes in double overtime against
Carolina, and had enough energy left to assist with the winning goal."

"When players are asked to name their idols, they usually say Gretzky and
Lemieux. But not Chris Drury, he said Doug Weight would be the player he'd
pay to watch."

"You know Colorado Avalanche had great expectations Chris Drury 'cause he won
Hobey Baker Award..........he won Calder Trophy as NHL's rookie of the year."

"Peter Forsberg is the only player in hockey world who can say his has been in
every mailbox in Sweden. Comemerating his gold medal winning goal in Olympics,
the Swedish Post published a stamp for him."

"Even before Milan Hejduk joined the NHL, he was big on the world Hockey
scens. He won a gold medal with Czech Republic at the '98 Olympics."

"Joe Sakic's career has had 2 very different halves. In his first 6 years his
team never once made the playoffs, but in the last 6 they never missed the



"When Nicklas Lidstrom started playing, he was told you'd have to be nasty
to get anywhere in the NHL. Well, Lidstrom has never finished a season with
over thrity penalty minutes, and he plays against all the top players on
the other teams."

"Ya' Know Sean Brown was involved in an NHL trade before he was even in the
NHL, Thats right Jim he was still a junior and he was traded to the Islanders
before he was drafted."

"Ya' Know when Sean Brown came into the NHL he Knew something that is a real
truth and is you have to stick up for your self, Thats right Bill he took on
some tough guys and picked himself up 155 minutes of penalty minutes."

"In Hockey there are Big Deals and there are 'Big Deals'. Just ask Pavel Bure
who was involved in a big one, he was traded from Vancouver to Florida in a
nine-player deal in January of 1999."

"I'm sure that there's nobody in the NHL who loves to score as much as Pavel
Bure. In the 93/94 Season he led the NHL with over 50 Goals and took the
Canucks all the way to the Stanley Cup Playoffs."





"When you're talking about New Jersey Devils' scoring lines, one name always
seems to come up. Patrik Elias seems to have.....


"Bill, didn't Brain Leetch do his country proud. Yeah, in 1994 he became
the first American to win the Conn Smythe Trophy as Playoff MVP."



"Well Jim? What do Metallica, Austin Powers, and Frank Sinatra got in common?
They're all favourites of Finnish Defender Teppo Numminen.








=- My Records -=

Search Field: iv-d

These are my Records, just for show. Don't send in yours!
I'll complete these when I complete Y2.
All records on All-Star Level

A.Fox is my Created Player

Most Goals in a Game 4 M.Satan v OTT
Most Goals in a Period 3 M.Satan v OTT(3rd)
Most Goals in a Season 83 A.Fox and M.Satan
Most Assists in a Game 4 A.Fox v OTT
Most Assists in a Period 3 A.Fox v OTT(3rd)
Most Assists in a Season 101 A.Fox
Most Points in a Game 6 M.Satan v NYI
Most Points in a Period 6 M.Satan v SJ(3rd)
Most Points in a Season 184 A.Fox
Most Total Goals in a Period 6 BUF v SJ(3rd)
Most Total Goals in a Game 7 BUF v FLA
Most Shutouts in a Season 19 D.Hasek
Most Playoff Points 43 A.Fox
Most Playoff Goals 23 A.Fox
Most Playoff Assists 20 A.Fox
Longest Winning Streak 20 Buffalo
Longest Computer Winning Streak 14 Anaheim
Longest Computer Losing Streak 10 New York Islanders
Best Season Record 60-18-4 Buffalo
Most Wins 60 Buffalo
Least Losses 18 Buffalo
Most Ties 4 Buffalo
Least Ties 4 Buffalo
Most Points 124 Buffalo
Most GF 310 Buffalo
Least GA 139 Buffalo
Best PP% 8.3% Buffalo
Best PK% 85.8% Buffalo
Best Playoff Record 16-1 Buffalo
Most Penalty Minutes in a Game 17 E.Desjardins v TOR
Largest +/- in a Season 174 A.Fox
Fastest Goal 0:12 S.Stevens v LA
Fastest Two Goals-Plyr 1:59 A.Fox v FLA
Fastest Hat-Trick 6:09 S.Stevens v TAM
Fastest 4 Goals-Plyr 11:36 M.Satan v NYI
Fastest Two Goals-Team 1:42 BUF v MON
Fastest 3 Goals-Team 3:23 BUF v FLA
Fastest 4 Goals-Team 3:32 BUF v FLA
Fastest 5 Goals-Team 5:19 BUF v WAS
Goal w/ Least Amount of Time Left 0.00 sec M.Satan v PHI
Largest Comeback 0-2 to 3-2 BUF v PIT
Fastest 50 Wins 67 games Buffalo
Fastest 50 Goals XX Games XXX
Fastest 100 Goals XX Games XXX
Fastest 50 Assists XX Games XXX
Fastest 100 Assists 81 Games A.Fox
Fastest 50 Points XX Games XXX
Fastest 100 Points XX Games XXX
Fastest 150 Points 67 Games A.Fox(69G 82A 151P)
Fastest Injury 0:08 BUF v TAM
Fastest 2 Injuries 1:39 BUF v TAM
Most Injuries caused by one team 5 BUF v MON
Most Injuries in a match 5 BUF v MON
Most Shots Period 18 BUF v PIT(3rd)
Most Shots Game(No OT) 50 BUF 35-15 CAR
Most Shots Game(OT) 85 BUF 62-23 SJ(3 OT)
Least Shots Period(Both Teams) 7 BUF 7 - 0 PIT
Least Shots Game(Both Teams) 32 BUF 28 - 4 MON
Biggest Winning Margin 7 BUF 7 - 0 FLA
Biggest Aggregate Score 10 BUF 8 - 2 TOR
Most Saves by keeper in shutout game 23 D.Hasek v SJ
Best GAA(Season) 1.56 D.Hasek
Best GA 126 D.Hasek
Best Save% 88% D.Hasek
Most Shots Against(Season) 1044 D.Hasek
Most Minutes 1207 D.Hasek

=- Awards List -=

Search Field: iv-e

Stanley Cup
Awarded to the victor if the playoffs.
Past Winners-
99/00 New Jersey
98/99 Dallas
97/98 Detroit
96/97 Detroit
95/96 Colorado

Hart Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the player judged to be most valuable to his team
Past Winners-
99/00 Chris Pronger
98/99 Jaromir Jagr
97/98 Dominik Hasek
96/97 Dominik Hasek
95/96 Mario Lemieux

Art Ross Trophy
Awarded to the player who leads the league in scoring points at the end of
the regualar season
Past Winners-
99/00 Jaromir Jagr
98/99 Jaromir Jagr
97/98 Jaromir Jagr
96/97 Mario Lemieux
95/96 Mario Lemieux

Maurice "Rocket" Richard Award
Awarded to the player who amasses the most goals in a season
Past Winners-
99/00 Pavel Bure
98/99 Teemu Selanne

James Norris Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the defenseman who demonstrates throughout the season the greatest
all-round ability in the position
Past Winners-
99/00 Chris Pronger
98/99 Al MacInnis
97/98 Rob Blake
96/97 Brian Leetch
95/96 Chris Chelios

Calder Trophy
Awarded to the player selected as most proficient in his first year of
competition in the NHL
Past Winners-
99/00 Scott Gomez
98/99 Chris Drury
97/98 Sergei Samsonov
96/97 Brian Berard
95/96 Daniel Alfredsson

Vezina Trophy
Awarded to the goalkeeper judged to be best at his position as voted by the
general managers of each of the NHL Clubs
Past Winners-
99/00 Olaf Kolzig
98/99 Dominik Hasek
97/98 Dominik Hasek
96/97 Dominik Hasek
95/96 J Carey

Lady Byng Trophy
Awarded to the player judged to have exhibited the best sportsmanship and
gentlemanly conduct combined with a high standard of playing ability
Past Winners-
99/00 Pavel Demitra
98/99 Wayne Gretzky
97/98 R Francis
96/97 Paul Kariya
95/96 Paul Kariya

Frank J. Selke Trophy
Awarded to the forward who excels best in the defensive aspects of the game
Past Winners-
99/00 Steve Yzerman
98/99 Jere Lehtinen
97/98 Jere Lehtinen
96/97 Mike Peca
95/96 Sergei Federov

Conn Smythe Trophy
Awarded to the player judged most valuable to his team in the playoffs
Past Winners-
99/00 Scott Stevens
98/99 Joe Nieuwendyk
97/98 Steve Yzerman
96/97 Mike Vernon
95/96 Joe Sakic

William M. Jennings Trophy
Awarded to the goalkeeper(s) who played for the team with the fewest goals
scored against it.
Past Winers-
99/00 Roman Turek
98/99 Eric Belfour/Roman Turek
97/98 Martin Brodeur
96/97 Martin Brodeur/Chris Dunham
95/96 Chris Osgood/Mike Vernon

Bill Masterson Memorial Trophy
Awarded under the trusteeship of the PHWA to the NHL player who best
exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship and dedication to
Past Winners-
99/00 Kevin Daneyko
98/99 J Cullen
97/98 J McLennon
96/97 T Granato
95/96 G Roberts

Lester B. Pearson Award
Awarded to the NHL's outstanding player as selected by the members of the
National Hockey League Player's Association
Past Winners-
99/00 Jaromir Jagr
98/99 Jaromir Jagr
97/98 Dominik Hasek
96/97 Dominik Hasek
95/96 Mario Lemieux

Presidents Trophy
Awarded to the team finsihing the regular season with the best overall record
Past Winners-
99/00 St. Louis
98/99 Dallas
97/98 Dallas
96/97 Colorado
95/96 Detroit

Prince Of Wales Trophy
Awarded to the team which advances to the Stanley Cup as the winner of the
Eastern Conference
Past Winners-
99/00 New Jersey
98/99 Buffalo
97/98 Washington
96/97 Philadelphia
95/96 Florida

Clarence S. Campbell Trophy
Awarded to the team which advances to the Stanley Cup as the winner of the
Eastern Conference
Past Winners-
99/00 Dallas
98/99 Dallas
97/98 Detroit
96/97 Detroit
95/96 Colorado

=- Updated Rosters -=

Search Field: iv-f

Waive any player not on list(who hasn't been traded)

Please note - you only have 90 created player slots, and there are over
100 players to be created, use an average of 3 per team, and leave out the
players ou judge less important.

If anyone could tell me what ratings to give the created players, send it
in and I'll put it here.

Anaheim Mighty Ducks
# Name Pos Team Acquired From
21 DAN BYLSMA LW Anaheim
17 MATT CULLEN C Anaheim
35 J-S GIGUERE G Anaheim
25 KEVIN SAWYER LW Create - In database
33 JASON YORK D Ottawa

Buffalo Sabres
# Name Pos Team Acquired From
41 STU BARNES C Buffalo
18 TIM CONNOLLY C New York Islanders
31 BOB ESSENSA G Vancouver
74 JAY MCKEE D Buffalo
32 ROB RAY RW Buffalo

If you want to update your rosters to the latest, please visit nhl.com
or sports.yahoo.com/nhl/ for latest rosters. I will not be continuing this


Index Number: v

=- Create A Player -=

Search Field: v-a

A 97 Rating Center(with Easy + Medium NHL challenge bonus points)
Experience: Superstar

Speed: 99
Acceleration: 99
Agility: 83
Balance: 99
Shot Power: 99
Shot Accuracy: 99
Deflections: 99
Faceoffs: 99
Passing: 99
Stick Handling: 99
Aggression: 40
Endurance: 99
Intensity: 40
Checking: 99
Toughness: 40
Leadership: 40
Off. Awareness: 99
Def. Awareness: 99

=- Getting Players -=

Search Field: v-b

Firstly, choose which crappy player you want rid of. Then go to the
Trades screen, and select him as your player to trade. Trade with
any other team for a Forward player of around the same stats. If your
player is already a forward, skip the previous bit. Next, trade the
forward for another forward from a different team - make sure the
forward is around 3-5 points overall better than your player.
Sometimes you can get it up to 7, but it's very rare. Keep trading
for better players until you get in the high-80s. Now it gets harder
to get better players, so just go up 1 or 2 points each time. Keep
going until you get the player you want. If the player you want is
a Defender or a Netminder, you'll have to get a player 3 or more
points above him, and trade to get him.

=- End of Season -=

Search Field: v-c

Year 2:

Route to the Stanley Cup Final:
Fla 2-5 BUF
Fla 2-7 BUF
BUF 6-1 Fla
BUF 3-0 Fla
Mtl 2-5 BUF
Mtl 0-3 BUF
BUF 4-1 Mtl
BUF 3-0 Mtl
Crl 0-3 BUF
Crl 1-4 BUF
BUF 3-0 Crl
BUF 6-3 Crl

Stanley Cup Final
Game 1
M.Satan 7:38
P.Bure 8:11
S.Stevens 13:35

Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 | TO
BUF | 5 | 9 | 11| 25
SJ | 4 | 7 | 2 | 13

Game 2
M.Satan 11:26 J.Friesen 5:28
(Bure, Fox) (Rosa, Marleau)
P.Bure 13:36 B.Stuart 10:12
(Satan) (Friesen)
P.Bure 13:48
(Satan, Fox)
M.Satan 14:16(EN)
A.Fox 14:24(EN)
(Satan, Stevens)
M.Satan 14:49

Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 | TO
BUF | 13| 12| 13| 38
SJ | 3 | 4 | 4 | 12

Game 3
P.Marleau 6:19 P.Bure 9:07
P.Rosa 10:22
(Marleau, Friesen)

Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 | TO
SJ | 6 | 3 | 2 | 11
BUF | 15| 13| 11| 39

Game 4
P.Bure 26:32(3 OT)

Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 | OT | TO
SJ | 3 | 8 | 2 | 10 | 23
BUF | 12| 9 | 13| 28 | 62

Game 5
M.Satan 0:58 S.Samsonov 3:43
(Marleau, Suter)
M.Satan 4:00 S.Samsonov 10:32
(Lidstrom) (Rosa, Marleau)
P.Bure 8:45
(Lidstrom, Satan)
A.Fox 14:43(EN)
M.Satan 14:51(EN)
(Fox, Stevens)

Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 | TO
BUF | 10| 9 | 7 | 26
SJ | 2 | 2 | 4 | 8

Stanley Cup: Buffalo
Hart Memorial Trophy: Alaska Fox
Art Ross Trophy: Alaska Fox
Maurice "Rocket Richard Award: Alaska Fox(should have been M.Satan, too)
James Norris Memorial Trophy: Nicklas Lidstrom
Calder Trophy: Kerry McGaffney(Atlanta)
Vezina Trophy: Dominik Hasek
Lady Byng Trophy: Pierre Turgeon
Frank J. Selke Trophy: Alaska Fox
Conn Smythe Trophy: Alaska Fox
William M. Jennings Trophy: Dominik Hasek
Bill Masterson Memorial Trophy:Alaska Fox
Lester B. Pearson Award: Alaska Fox
Presidents Trophy: Buffalo
Prince of Wales Trophy: Buffalo
Clarence S. Campell Trophy: San Jose

Retirement: S.Stevens
Draft: J.Bingestrom G(79)
Free: Out: P.Coffey
In: R.Borque
In: P.Kariya, E.Desjardins, J.Juneau, N.Havelid
Out: J.Hlavac, M.Moro, A.Anthony, S.Afinogenov


Index Number: vi

Question 1

How can you play more than one consecutive Career?

Don't think you can, only in the PC Version.

Question 2

Where is NHL Challenge, I can't seem to find it?

It's only a feature in the PSone version.

Question 3

How do I use my created player outside season mode?

Sorry mate, you can't do that either. Unless, of course you made your
player before starting the season and saved the roster file.

Question 4

How do I start my second year?

After you win the plaoffs or get knocked out any games
remaining will be simulated and the Awards list will
appear, press start to continue to the Draft and Free
Agents and the your next season should start.

Question 5

Who are the hidden players in the game?

A. (by nemesis153)
Thought that you might like to know how to access the "hidden players"
in NHL 2001. There were a number of NHL players that didn't make it onto
the default rosters for each team for various reasons, such as being a
free agent, or on a minor league affiliate. EA didn't leave all of these
players out of the game, just hid them. In order to unlock a hidden
player, go to the create player screen and enter the player's full name
into the appropriate sections. You should then receive a message saying
"there is a player with that name in the player database. Would you like
to create a player like him?" select yes and the stats and vital info
for that player will automatically load, all you have to do is hit start
a couple of times and assign him to the correct team. These are not
simply statistical copies of the players either, the announcers actually
will refer to them by name, just like any other player in the game. So
here's the list of hidden players I have found, the position they play
(Forward, Defenceman or Goalie), and the teams that they belong on as of
November 3, 2001.

Garth Snow-(G) New York Islanders
Rico Fata-(F) New York Rangers
Wade Belak-(D) Toronto Maple Leafs
Arron Asham-(F) Montreal Canadiens
Benoit Gratton-(F) Montreal Canadiens
Kyle Calder-(F) Chicago Blackhawks
Shean Donovan-(F) Minnesota Wild
Denis Gauthier-(D) Calgary Flames
Andreas Johansson-(F) New York Rangers
Jamal Mayers-(F) St. Louis Blues
Karel Rachunek-(D) Ottawa Senators
Petr Schastlivy-(F) Ottawa Senators
Brent Johnson-(G) St. Louis Blues
Jani Hurme-(G) Ottawa Senators
Alfie Michaud-(G) Vancouver Canucks
(thanks to nemesis153 for the above answer)

Other players that I(AlaskaFox) have found are:

Kevin Sawyer-(F) Anaheim Mighty Ducks
Phil Housley-(D) Chicago Blackhawks
Alexander Karpotsev-(D) Chicago Blackhawks
Aaron Downey-(F) Chicago Blackhawks
Grant Marshall-(F) Columbus Blue Jackets
Jyrki Lumme-(D) Dallas Stars
Willie Mitchell-(D) Minnesota Wild
Reid Simpson-(F) Montreal Canadiens
Jason Podollan-(F) New York Islanders
Kevin Haller-(D) New York Islanders
Jason Krog-(F) New York Islanders
Dale Purinton-(F) New York Rangers
Scott Hannan-(D) San Jose Sharks
Jamal Mayers-(F) St.Louis Blues
Mike Keane-(F) St. Louis Blues
Vaclav Prospal-(F) Tampa Bay Lightning
Herbert Vasiljevs-(F) Vancouver Canucks
Craig Berube-(F) Calgary Flames

Question 6

Who are the commentators in the game?

A.(again, by nemesis153)
I have a rather trivial, but nonetheless interesting piece of info about
the announcers in the game: Jim Hughson works for CTV sportsnet (the
Canadian version of Fox Sportsnet) doing the play-by-play for all the
Canadian teams' games. Bill Clement, I believe, works for ESPN, doing
colour commentary on NHL broadcasts. The rink announcer is actually the
announcer for the Vancouver Canucks (which makes sense, considering that
the Canucks did most of the motion capture and such because EA has it's
Canadian office just outside of Vancouver).

Question 7

Who was used as the models for the game(motion capture)?

See above, but if you don't want to do that: It's the Vancouver Canucks.

Question 8

How do I get suspended?

You need to get a helluva' lot of penalties in one match.

Question 9

What's a natural hat-trick?

It's when you score, assist, and win a fight.

-= OUTRO =-

Index Number: vii

Welcome to the guide thats: "Holyer than Mother Tereasa".

Well according to one of my loyal fans, it is. I'm not sure if that's
meant as a compliment. ^_^

Since I didn't do an Introduction, I thought I'd do an Outroduction. Why I
didn't do an Intro is bacause you don't usually read it, you dive straight
into the Guide. So, because you don't see Outros(well not many), I
thought you might actually read this.

I started this guide because: I love Hockey, and there was no Playstation
Guide available, and we all need guides(You down the back! Don't say you
don't use guides, cause you have and will, otherwise you wouldn't be
reading this). Since we only have one Irish Hockey Team, the only way I can
get involved in Hockey is by helping you guys(and watching it on TV).

I hope you like my guide, and that it helps you. Also if you want to help:

If you wish to send your own Strategies/Tips/anything, send them to:

FAQ Credits:
-Jaymond Flurrie for many corrections and additions
-nemesis153 for many insights/answers to FAQs
-Doomidor for adding a Penalty
-Michael Hofer for an injury
-Sean Brown for commentaries(on himslef, lol)

General credits:
-"A" Tadeo for the Disclaimer
-EA for making this game
-CJayC for putting this FAQ on his site
-NHL and NHLPA for letting EA use the real players,teams,etc..(well, selling)
-Microsoft for Windows and Notepad
-You for reading it

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©Ronan Murphy - AlaskaFox 2001/2
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16.Oktober 2013
SwapPatch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Punkte des Torhüter oder der Spieler einfrieren

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
PAL Patch für die amerikanische NTSC Version.

10.Oktober 2013
Verändere den Spielstand und die Spielerwerte

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020