Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

15.10.2013 03:18:31
PLEASE NOTE: This is a VERY early version of the guide, I just submitted
it to save my spot, and I will try to update it as much as I can. I will
definitely get the lists done as soon as possible. Thanks for

======================================================================= ----------------------------------- Version 0.5

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(Logo by Abdullah Arif:

Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX FAQ/Walkthrough
Version 0.5
By Steve Saunders
Last Updated: 11/28/00

This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be gotten
directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish too
You any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
The use of this guide:, No other type of
Magazine, book, publication or any other form of distribution will make
Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Anthology in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us and we will be glad to put it in, assuming its correct.

| This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Steve Saunders a.k.a. DaLadiesMan. The
| only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:
| 1. GameFAQs (
| 2. Game Winners (
| 3. Video Game Strategies (
| 4. Cheat Code Central (
| 5. Happy Puppy (
| 6. Game Revolution (
| 7. Gaming Planet (
| 8. PlayStation Pit (
| 9. X Cheater (
| 10. Phat Games (
| 11. The Cheat Empire (
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| 16. Game Castle (
| If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So,
if you happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately.

-CJayC (
For his hard work and dedication to one of the greatest sites out there,
and for hopefully posting this guide!

-Play Online (
Yeah, I admit I took some stuff from them. I am crediting them here,
though, right?

-Prima Strategy Guide
Yeah, I admit I took some stuff from them. I am crediting them here,
though, right?

-Nemesis (
He gets credited for providing me with the status effects list. He is a great
guy and has an awesome FF9 guide, make sure to check it out!

-The Free Lancer
He provided me with the shop guide for the section and for the walkthrough, he
is a cool guy and has some stuff posted for GameFAQs, check it out!

-Abdullah Arif (
He provided me with the always helpful ASCII art, and it looks great. Thanks!

-Treon (
Hr provided me with the bestiary, which came from his FF9 guide. Make sure to
check it out, as it is a very good guide!

-Dingo Jellybean (
-I may have had my fair share of problems with him, but his FFIX guide
is the best on the net right now. I really like it and it has helped me
out, although I did not take anything from it.

-Aaron Tadeo
-He wrote a great guide for this game.

-Sean Kelson
He sort of gave me the idea to post an incomplete guide to guarantee it
will be posted, so you can work on it without worrying about it getting
posted. Thanks!

-Matt Hulbert
A cool guy, he inspired me to do this guide and my Final Fantasy VI one,
and he is a great friend!

-Daniel Stefano (Positively Posterior) and Dyson Turner (Dy$e Murder)
For being the two coolest guys at GameFAQs, they rock!

Table of Contents -----------------------------------------------------
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Revision History
1.2 Author's Information
1.3 My Final Fantasy IX Review
2.0 Character Information
3.0 Game Basics
4.0 Walkthrough
4.1 Disc 1
1. Alexandria Town
2. Alexandria Castle
3. The Evil Forest
4. Gunitas Basin
5. Ice Cavern
6. Norlich Heights
7. Village of Dali
8. Cargo Airship
9. Lindblum Grand Castle
10. Eunorus Plains
11. Qu's Marsh
12. Gizamaluke's Grotto
13. Grand Citadel: South Gate
14. Burmecian Plains
15. Burmecia Realm
4.2 Disc 2
1. Summit Station
2. South Gate, North Station
3. The Dark City of Treno
4. Gargan Roo
5. Cleyra Trunk
4.3 Disc 3
4.4 Disc 4
5.0 Secrets and Side Quests
6.0 Lists
6.1 Items
6.2 Weapons
6.3 Armor
6.4 Magic
6.5 Abilities
6.6 Accessories
6.7 Enemies
7.0 That Damn Card Game (Tetra Master)
8.0 Boss Guide
9.0 Shop Guide
10.0 Other Information
11.0 Conclusion

1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------
Hello everyone, and welcome to my Final Fantasy IX guide! I got the game
on Monday, November 23rd, and needless to say I love it to death! It is
one of my favorite role-playing games of all time already, and it is
definitely a great playing experience. I loved the Japanese version, as
well, so I hope I will be able to provide you, the reader, with a lot of
quality information about this game!

Final Fantasy IX is definitely one of my favorite PSX role-playing
games, and it definitely does the series justice following the rather
stupid and boring (in my opinion, of course) Final Fantasy VIII. Sure,
FF8 was okay, but it had a LOT, and I mean a LOT, of bad points. Final
Fantasy IX has corrected on most of those, although I still prefer VII
over either FFVIII or FFIX.

Also, you can use this guide on your site just so long as nothing is
altered, credit is given when due, and you do not make any monetary gain
off of the guide. No you may not use the lists...I don't care who you
are, NO means NO. If you violate any of the guidelines, I can take legal
and civil action. There, now you know.

Note: I have submitted a very early version of this guide to GameFAQs to
be posted to ensure I have a spot. This guide will slowly be filled up,
and I apologize greatly for the lack of information found here right
now. I will try my best to update this as much as possible, though, to
make this one of the best FF9 walkthroughs out there!

It will be tough though, with all of the great writers that have done
guides already. Just look at Dingo Jellybean and ATadeo's guides, they
are already so much better than mine. But hey, I have a reputation as a
great writer here, so I will definitely not be outdone. It will just
take me a few weeks to get the lists up, but once they are all up, this
will be a great guide!

-"DaLadiesMan" Steve Saunders

1.1 Revision History --------------------------------------------------

v0.5 (November 29, 2000)
-This was a pretty major update.
-I added the character information for Vivi.
-I fixed some errors in every section.
-I updated the walkthrough, through Cleyra Trunk.
-I added the shop guide and updated the walkthrough to fit with the shop guides
for certain towns.
-It turns out my plan to fix every problem with this FAQ in terms of appearance
errors worked. Let¹s hope it stays that way.
-I added the bestiary.
-This guide is currently at 218.0K according to my word processor.

v0.4 (November 28, 2000)
-I added the character information for Zidane. Boy, that was a lot of
-I figured out how to fix the annoying line break and character errors for real
this time, I hope it works!
-This guide is currently at 115.0K according to my word processor.

v0.3 (November 27, 2000)
-Sorry for the recent lack of updates, but my computer bombed on me, it is
finally working again, though.
-My game progress: I just started the third disc, got to the card game
tournament, so I am going around playing cards trying to better my collection.
-I started the character information (got character descriptions done) and Game
basics (got controls and status effects done).
-I updated the walkthrough through the Dark City of Treno.
-I updated the boss guide, as well, it now has another boss strategy added.
-I also updated some of the non-gameplay information.
-This guide is currently at 108.6K according to my word processor.

v0.2 (November 24, 2000)
-I really hope this will be posted, as I want to save my spot so I can
update this guide without worry of whether or not this guide will be
-I decided to move the FF9 review to section 1.3, Character Information to
section 2.0, and Game Basics got a new section at 3.0
-I added my name and email address at the end of the Introduction.
-Added the introduction to the complete walkthrough.
-I got the walkthrough done until the end of Disc 1.
-I got the boss guide done somewhat, it is up past the first General Beatrix
-After a hard day's work, this guide is currently at 85.7K according to
my word processor.

v0.1 (November 23, 2000)
-I really hope this will be posted, as I want to save my spot so I can
update this guide without worry of whether or not this guide will be
-I got the walkthrough done until beating the Plant Cage Boss in the Evil
-I got all of the non-game play information done.
-I got the boss guide done somewhat, it is up past the Plant Cage boss.
-After a hard day's work, this guide is currently at 46.6K according to
my word processor.

1.2 Author's Information ----------------------------------------------

Name: Steve McFadden

My Web Pages Links:

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger:

TOTALS as of 11/23/00
Reviews: 369
FAQs: this was my 51st, one is not posted yet so I now have 50.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

1.3 My Final Fantasy IX Review ----------------------------------------

Go to the following link to read my Final Fantasy IX review

Please note it is for the Japanese version of the game, not the American

2.0 Character Guide ---------------------------------------------------

Zidane Tribal
Character Description: You don't need a reason to help people.

Zidane is a thief and a member of the Tantalus performing theater troupe. All
the other actors/thieves seem to look up to Zidane as a kind of older brother.
He is also the favorite of his boss, Baku. Zidane equips two daggers to attack,
or he can wield a dual-bladed polearm. Zidane can also use his MP to perform
powerful, non-physical Thief's Skills. He is also the first of the party
to discover the powerful Trance ability, which causes his learned Thief's
to become powerful, over-the-top "Dyne" attacks.

Zidane can steal items from enemies, and you can improve and refine this skill
by learning certain abilities. He can eventually steal better items (Master
Thief) and inflict damage while stealing (Mug). Until you learn such abilities,
use the 'Detect' skill to spot any items the enemies may possess.

Name: Flee
MP Cost: 0
Effect: Escape from battle with high probability

Name: Detect
MP Cost: 0
Effect: See the enemy's items

Name: What's That!?
MP Cost: 2
Effect: Allows back attack

Name: Soul Blade
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Draws out the hidden power of thief swords (inflicts status)

Name: Annoy
MP Cost: 4
Effect: Inflicts Trouble on the Target

Name: Sacrifice
MP Cost: 32
Effect: Sacrifice yourself to restore HP and MP to other members

Name: Lucky Seven
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Deals physical damage by luck

Name: Thievery
MP Cost: 8
Effect: Deals physical damage to the target

Name: Free Energy
MP Cost: 10
Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy

Name: Tidal Flame
MP Cost: 12
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Scoop Art
MP Cost: 14
Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy

Name: Shift Break
MP Cost: 16
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Stellar Circle 5
MP Cost: 24
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Meo Twister
MP Cost: 32
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Solution 9
MP Cost: 48
Effect: Deals physical damage to the enemy

Name: Grand Lethal
MP Cost: 60
Effect: Deals physical damage to all enemies

Name: Flee
AP: 40
Learned from: Dagger, Mage Masher, Zorlin Shape, Ultima Weapon, Germinas Boots

Name: Detect
AP: 40
Learned from: Mage Masher, Orichalcon

Name: What's That?!
AP: 40
Learned from: Butterfly Sword

Name: Soul Blade
AP: 35
Learned from: The Ogre

Name: Annoy
AP: 50
Learned from: Gladius, Sargatanas

Name: Sacrifice
AP: 55
Learned from: Exploda, Masamune

Name: Lucky Seven
AP: 55
Learned from: Gladius, Exploda, Rune Tooth, The Tower, Thief Hat

Name: Thievery
AP: 100
Learned from: Angel Bless, The Tower

Name: Auto-Reflect
AP: 95
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto-Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots

Name: Auto-Haste
AP: 55
Learned from: Running Shoes

Name: Auto-Regen
AP: 25
Learned from: Golden Hairpin, Brave Suit

Name: Auto-Life
AP: 130
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: HP + 20%
AP: 40
Learned from: Mantra Band, Adaman Hat, Black Belt, Battle Boots

Name: Accuracy +
AP: 30
Learned from: Power Wrist, Black Hoons, Lapiz Lazuli

Name: Distract
AP: 30
Learned from: Judo Uniform, Reflect Ring, Diamond

Name: Long Reach
AP: 170
Learned from: Thief Hat, Protect Ring

Name: MP Attack
AP: 45
Learned from: Red Hat, Battle Boots, Power Belt

Name: Bird Killer
AP: 20
Learned from: Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf

Name: Bug Killer
AP: 35
Learned from: Mythril Armlet

Name: Stone Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Adaman Vest, Power Vest

Name: Undead Killer
AP: 20
Learned from: N-Kai Armlet, Headgear, Ritual Hat

Name: Devil Killer
AP: 25
Learned from: Chain Plate, Demon's Vest

Name: Beast Killer
AP: 30
Learned from: Leather Wrist, Egoist's Armlet, Flash Hat, Black Belt, Moonstone

Name: Man Eater
AP: 25
Learned from: Bandana, Coronet, Coral Ring

Name: Master Thief
AP: 50
Learned from: Thief Gloves

Name: Steal Gil
AP: 40
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Yellow Scarf

Name: Add Status
AP: 35
Learned from: Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Feathered Hat, Twist
Glass Buckle

Name: Gamble Defense
AP: 20
Learned from: Twist Headband, Adamant Hat, Power Vest

Name: High Tide
AP: 35
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Sapphire

Name: Counter
AP: 70
Learned from: Ritual Hat, Power Vest, Power Belt

Name: Protect Girls
AP: 35
Learned from: Butterfly Sword, Leather Shirt

Name: Eye 4 Eye
AP: 60
Learned from: Flash Hat, Ninja Gear

Name: Body Temp
AP: 25
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Madain's Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Alert
AP: 40
Learned from: Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots

Name: Level Up
AP: 50
Learned from: Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings

Name: Ability Up
AP: 80
Learned from: Green Beret, Brigandine, Ribbon, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Flee-Gil
AP: 45
Learned from: Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker

Name: Insomniac
AP: 30
Learned from: Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring

Name: Antibody
AP: 20
Learned from: Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle

Name: Bright Eyes
AP: 35
Learned from: Feather Hat, Ritual Hat

Name: Restore HP
AP: 85
Learned from: Brave Suit, Promist Ring

Name: Jelly
AP: 35
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dragon Gear

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 30
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Running Shoes, Gold Choker

Name: Locomotion
AP: 30
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest, Ninja

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 25
Learned from: Green Beret, Circlet, Dragon's Gear, Magician Shoes

Name: Mug
AP: 65
Learned from: Chimera Armlet, Thief Hat, Survival Vest

Name: Bandit
AP: 40
Learned from: Mythril Dagger, N-Kai Armlet

Vivi Ornitier
Character Description: How do you prove that you exist? Maybe we don't exist...

Vivi is a young Black Mage who is asked by Zidane to join the party. Although
his past is a mystery even to himself, Vivi struggles to learn about the nature
of the world and his destiny. Vivi can learn Black Magic attack spells by
equipping items, but the staves that he wields are extremely low in physical
attack power. This means that Vivi depends on having a hefty amount of MP at
beginning of all battles.

The very nature of Black Magic is to destroy or attack. Vivi learns most of his
spells from wooden staves that you can find or purchase as the game progresses.
Vivi should start each battle by using his first couple of turns to "Focus" his
magical powers. This is a command on his battle menu, and it can increase the
power of his spells.

Vivi learns some incredibly powerful magical attacks, but because his physical
strikes are so weak, he depends on spell-casting to an extreme. Thus, Vivi¹s
abilities are practically negated if the enemy casts a Reflect spell. To
this, a White Mage (like Dagger or Eiko) must cast Reflect on herself, and then
Vivi can bounce spells off of her at the enemy.

Arguably, Vivi¹s most powerful spell is the Doomsday spell, which inflicts
Shadow damage upon everything on-screen. Prepare your party accordingly when
Doomsday is cast, and learn how to use it effectively against enemies. Your
party must be equipped with armor and accessories that nullify or absorb Shadow
damage; otherwise, the spell will inflict massive damage on everyone. To use
Doomsday most effectively, have Vivi and Steiner collaborate to cast Doomsday
Sword, which enables Steiner to focus Vivi's magic onto a single enemy instead
of everyone.

Spell: Fire
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Causes Fire damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Fira
MP Cost: 12
Effect: Causes a lot of Fire damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Firaga
MP Cost: 24
Effect: Causes big time Fire damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Sleep
MP Cost: 10
Effect: Puts single/multiple targets to sleep

Spell: Blizzard
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Causes Ice damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Blizzara
MP Cost: 12
Effect: Causes a lot of Ice damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Blizzaga
MP Cost: 24
Effect: Causes big time Ice damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Slow
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Slows down ATB Gauge

Spell: Thunder
MP Cost: 6
Effect: Causes thunder damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Thundara
MP Cost: 12
Effect: Causes a lot of Thunder damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Thundaga
MP Cost: 24
Effect: Causes big time Thunder damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Stop
MP Cost: 8
Effect: Stops targets from taking any actions

Spell: Poison
MP Cost: 8
Effect: Causes poison to single/multiple targets

Spell: Bio
MP Cost: 18
Effect: Causes non-elemental damage and Poison to single/multiple enemies

Spell: Osmose
MP Cost: 2
Effect: Absorbs MP from the target and transfers it to the spell caster

Spell: Drain
MP Cost: 14
Effect: Drains HP from the target and transfers it to the spell caster

Spell: Demi
MP Cost: 18
Effect: Amount of damage depends on the target¹s HP

Spell: Comet
MP Cost: 16
Effect: Causes non-elemental damage

Spell: Death
MP Cost: 20
Effect: KO¹s the target

Spell: Break
MP Cost: 18
Effect: Causes petrify

Spell: Water
MP Cost: 22
Effect: Causes water damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Meteor
MP Cost: 42
Effect: Causes non-elemental damage to single/multiple targets

Spell: Flare
MP Cost: 40
Effect: Causes on-elemental damage

Spell: Doomsday
MP Cost: 72
Effect: Causes Shadow damage to all targets

Name: Fire
AP: 25
Learned from: Mage Staff, Leather Hat

Name: Fira
AP: 50
Learned from: Flame Staff, Mage¹s Hat, Power Belt

Name: Firaga
AP: 75
Learned from: Octagon Rod

Name: Sleep
AP: 20
Learned from: Flame Staff

Name: Blizzard
AP: 25
Learned from: Leather Wrist

Name: Blizzara
AP: 50
Learned from: Ice Staff, Opal

Name: Blizzaga
AP: 85
Learned from: Octagon Rod

Name: Slow
AP: 20
Learned from: Ice Staff, Magus Hat

Name: Thunder
AP: 25
Learned from: Silk Shirt, Glass Buckle

Name: Thundara
AP: 50
Learned from: Lightning Staff, Peridot

Name: Thundaga
AP: 80
Learned from: Octagon Rod

Name: Stop
AP: 25
Learned from: Oak Staff

Name: Poison
AP: 35
Learned from: Lightning Staff

Name: Bio
AP: 40
Learned from: Oak Staff

Name: Osmose
AP: 70
Learned from: High Mage Staff, Gaia Gear

Name: Drain
AP: 60
Learned from: Oak Staff

Name: Demi
AP: 30
Learned from: Cypress Pile, Black Belt, Amethyst

Name: Comet
AP: 55
Learned from: Cypress Pile

Name: Death
AP: 45
Learned from: Black Hood

Name: Break
AP: 30
Learned from: Cypress Pile

Name: Water
AP: 55
Learned from: N-Kai Armlet

Name: Meteor
AP: 95
Learned from: High Mage Staff

Name: Flare
AP: 95
Learned from: Black Robe

Name: Doomsday
AP: 150
Learned from: Mace of Zeus

Name: Auto-Reflect
AP: 70
Learned from: Reflect Ring

Name: Auto-Float
AP: 20
Learned from: Feather Boots

Name: Auto-Regen
AP: 30
Learned from: Golden Hairpin, Light Robe

Name: Auto-Life
AP: 70
Learned from: Rebirth Ring

Name: MP + 20%
AP: 30
Learned from: Black Robe

Name: Healer
AP: 20
Learned from: Garnet

Name: Add Status
AP: 25
Learned from: Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Feather Hat, Twist Armband,
Glass Buckle

Name: Reflect-Null
AP: 30
Learned from: Robe of Lords

Name: Reflect x2
AP: 110
Learned from: Black Robe, Rosetta Ring

Name: Mag Elem Null
AP: 85
Learned from: Protect Ring, Promist Ring

Name: Half MP
AP: 140
Learned from: Light Robe, Protect Ring

Name: High Tide
AP: 25
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear

Name: Body Temp
AP: 15
Learned from: Jade Armlet, Holy Miter, Madain¹s Ring, Fairy Earrings, Diamond

Name: Level Up
AP: 30
Learned from: Egoist¹s Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings

Name: Ability Up
AP: 55
Learned from: Green Beret, Silk Robe, Ribbon, Lapis Lazuli

Name: Insomniac
AP: 25
Learned from: Bandana, Holy Miter, Magician Clothes, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear

Name: Antibody
AP: 30
Learned from: Glass Armlet

Name: Loudmouth
AP: 40
Learned from: Mage¹s Hat, Golden Hairpin, Silk Robe

Name: Jelly
AP: 25
Learned from: Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Circlet, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear

Name: Return Magic
AP: 90
Learned from: Coronet

Name: Auto-Potion
AP: 10
Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon¹s Vest, Magician Robe, Running Shoes, Gold

Name: Locomotion
AP: 35
Learned from: Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon¹s Vest

Name: Clear Headed
AP: 15
Learned from: Magic Armlet, Green Beret, Circlet, Dark Gear, Magician Shoes

Adelbert Steiner
Character Description: Having sworn fealty, must I spend my life in servitude?


Garnet Til Alexandros 17th
Character Description: Someday I will be queen, but I will always be myself.


Amarant Coral
Character Description: The only dependable thing about the future is


Quina Quen
Character Description: I do what I want! You a have a problem!?


Eiko Carol
Character Description: I don't wanna be alone anymore...


Freya Crescent
Character Description: To be forgotten is worse than death.


3.0 Game Basics -------------------------------------------------------


(Menu Screen)
Directional Keys: move cursor/switch between one or whole when using abilities
Left Stick: move cursor
Right Stick: move cursor
Circle Button: decide/ability list display (status menu)
X Button: cancel
Triangle Button: not used
Square Button: change to ability and equipment screen
L1 Button: change character/change display page/switch between one or all when
using abilities
L2 Button: not used
R1 Button: change character/change display page/switch between one or all when
using abilities
R2 Button: not used
Select Button: help display
Start Button: decide (when on controller config screen)

(Battle Screen)
Directional Keys: move cursor
Left Stick: move cursor
Right Stick: move cursor
Circle Button: decide
X Button: cancel
Triangle Button: change character you're entering command for
Square Button: not display window (only while pressed)
L1 Button: change display window/switch between one or all target/escape from
battle if continuously pressed with R1 button
L2 Button: display or not display target window
R1 Button: change display window/switch between one or all target/escape from
battle if continuously pressed with R1 button
R2 Button:
Select Button: help display
Start Button: pause

(Movement Screen: Field)
Directional Keys: move controlled character
Left Stick: move controlled character
Right Stick: move controlled character
Circle Button: investigate/speak/decide
X Button: change speed of movement (while pressing X and directional
Triangle Button: open menu window
Square Button: investigate/speak/decide/challenge to card game
L1 Button: camera
L2 Button: camera
R1 Button: camera
R2 Button: camera
Select Button: display HERE icon/see ATE
Start Button: pause

(Movement Screen: World Map)
Directional Keys: move controlled character/change direction and altitude of
Left Stick: move controlled character/change direction and altitude of airship
Right Stick: make your vehicle move forward/backward
Circle Button: enter building/ride vehicle/make vehicle move forward
X Button: disembark vehicle
Triangle Button: open menu screen/move to inside the vehicle
Square Button: call out Moguri/make vehicle move backward
L1 Button: rotate view to left
L2 Button: set direction of view
R1 Button: rotate view to right
R2 Button: change view
Select Button: change Navi Map display
Start Button: pause

-You can soft reset if you press L1, L2, R1, R2, select, and start all at the
same time.

Status effects occur when a character's status is changed by a spell, item, or
attack. Certain status effects are beneficial, while others are harmful. When
you use items or spells that cancel (or invoke) status effects, you can view
your party members' status effects in the Status Window. Some status effects
will expire after a short while, others will be cancelled at the end of the
battle, and some will continue to affect the character even after the battle.
Learn which status effects damage your characters, and treat them accordingly
with spells or items.

1) Status effects that disable the entire party: if all allies are afflicted
with KO, Stop, Petrify, or Venom, the game ends.
2) Status effects that stop growth: if a character is afflicted by KO, Petrify,
Virus, or Zombie, he or she stops receiving AP and EXP, halting growth.

Harmful Status Effects:

NAME: Confuse
CANCELLATION METHOD: Ensuna, physical attack.
EFFECT: Target cannot be controlled and randomly attacks enemies
or allies.

NAME: Berserk
EFFECT: Target's attack power increases, but they cannot be
controlled and attack enemies continuously.

NAME: Stop
EFFECT: Target stops and cannot be controlled.

NAME: Poison
CANCELLATION METHOD: Antidote, Esuna, Panacea, Remedy, effect expires.
EFFECT: Target's HP gradually decreases.

NAME: Sleep
CANCELLATION METHOD: Ensuna, physical attack, effect expires.
EFFECT: Target falls asleep and cannot be controlled.

NAME: Slow
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, effect expires.
EFFECT: Target's ATB Gauge fills more slowly.

NAME: Heat
CANCELLATION METHOD: Ensuna, effect expires.
EFFECT: Target is KO'd if action is taken.

NAME: Freeze
CANCELLATION METHOD: Ensuna, effect expires.
EFFECT: Target freezes and cannot be controlled. Target is KO'd if
attacked physically.

NAME: Mini
CANCELLATION METHOD: Mini, Ensuna, Remedy.
EFFECT: Target shrinks. Attack and defense powers decrease.

NAME: Death Sentence
CANCELLATION METHOD: None (end the battle before the counter reaches 0).
EFFECT: Target is KO'd when counter reaches 0.

NAME: Gradual Petrify
CANCELLATION METHOD: Stona, Esuna (end battle beofre counter reaches 0).
EFFECT: Target becomes petrified when counter reaches 0.

NAME: Petrify
EFFECT: Target turns to stone, and cannot be controlled.

NAME: Venom
EFFECT: Target cannot be controlled due to strong poison. HP and
MP gradually decrease.

NAME: Silence
CANCELLATION METHOD: Ensuna, Echo Screen, Remedy.
EFFECT: Target cannot use magic.

NAME: Darkness
CANCELLATION METHOD: Ensuna, Eye Drops, Remedy.
EFFECT: Target is blinded; accuracy of physical attacks decreases.

NAME: Trouble
EFFECT: All of the Target's allies receive 1/2 the damage the
target receives from an enemy attack.

NAME: Zombie
EFFECT: Reverses effects of recovery items and spells.

CANCELLATION METHOD: Life, Auto-Life, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion.
EFFECT: Target cannot participate in battle until recovered.

Helpful Status Effects:

NAME: Auto-Life
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, target recovers from KO.
EFFECT: Target recovers from KO.

NAME: Regen
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, effect expires.
EFFECT: Target's HP gradually recover.

NAME: Haste
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, effect expires.
EFFECT: Speeds up the ATB Gauge.

NAME: Float
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, effect expires.
EFFECT: Target floats in the air. Avoids Earth attacks.

NAME: Shell
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, effect expires.
EFFECT: Reduces target's damage from magic attacks.

NAME: Protect
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, effect expires.
EFFECT: Reduces target's damage from physical attacks.

NAME: Vanish
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, target hit with magic, effect expires.
EFFECT: Target avoids physical attacks.

NAME: Reflect
CANCELLATION METHOD: Dispel, effect expires.
EFFECT: Reflects magic (some magic cannot be reflected).


4.0 Complete Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------

Hello, all, and welcome to my Final Fantasy 9 walkthrough! Before you start
reading, I will let you know that I did take some information directly from and Prima Games, because I forgot some information about this
game. I did type up a lot of this walkthrough, myself, however. Enjoy the

4.1 Disc 1 Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------


1. Defeat Baku in the Dragon's Mask
2. Show Vivi's ticket at the booth.
3. Help steal Dante's ladder.
4. Give the crowd a good show.
5. Impress the Queen with your stunts.

Key Items: Ticket

Items: Remedy, Tent, Eye Drops, Potion(7), Phoenix Pinion, Ether

Cards: Fang(3), Bomb, Ironite, Goblin(3), Flan, Skeleton, Lizard Man,
Zombie, Sahagin

Monsters: Baku


Watch the FMV scene, and when you are done, you can start the game. You
start off in a rather dark area, so light the candle and then head up.
Eventually you and three of your friends will be facing off against the
enemy named Baku. He is pretty simple to beat, so do not worry too much
about him. You also encounter the beginning of the story line when you
discover that your main objective here is to kidnap the Princess of
Alexandria, Garnet.

The meeting will take the agenda about the abduction of Princess Garnet.
Cinna will tell you about the plan. You'll be in a play and you'll act
accordingly. After telling you the plan, Baku will then ask you. Choose
"To Kidnap Princess Garnet". If you choose to kidnap Queen Brahne, you
see a funny dialogue of Baku but you'll be asked again. After choosing,
the screen will fade and you'll see an FMV of the theater ship arriving
at Alexandria.

After doing all of this, you now take control of Vivi. You only have to
do a few things here, so I am not going to drag it out too much. All you
really have to do is head up until you reach the theater, and the two
soldiers will tell you something like "talk to the ticket master to
redeem your ticket". So that is what you should do.

Get all the cards here, first. In the first alley, there are 2 Potions
at different locations. Search the outside of the house to the left for
a Potion. You can find Grandma through the bottom-right door, hard at
work on a dress for tonight's play. Search around this small abode to
find Grandma's measly savings (9 Gil), a Potion, and a Fang Card. Upon
leaving Grandma's hut, travel back the way Vivi came into Memorial
Square. The front of the central statue bears an inscription, and behind
it is a Potion. Search around the outer perimeter to find a Zombie Card,
a Lizard Man Card, and a Sahagin Card. Now that you have a nice little
collection going, return to Vivi's path and continue upward through the

Head down and talk to the ticket master (he is in that little hut) and
he will tell you that your ticket is actually a fake, as it is for the
wrong play (if you check your key items, you will know exactly what he
means). So, he asks you to talk to Alleyway Jack. He also gives you 3
more cards, you are on a roll! Head to the left and help steal Dante's
ladder. You are to become his slave in exchange for finding a way into
the play. After stealing his ladder, he will run off and a guy will come
in. Guess who that is? Talk to him, watch the scene, then head down.

Talk to Dante, and he tells you he wants to head up the bell tower with
the ladder, but he wants you to stand in the way. Inside the bell tower,
Puck and Vivi bump into the friendly moogles named Kupo and Stiltzkin.
The moogles found throughout the game enable you to save your game or
use Tents to rest up and restore your HP and MP. Kupo also has a letter
that needs to be delivered to Monty. Offer to deliver letters for the
Mognet, and purchase items from Stiltzkin whenever he appears. After
getting to know the moogles, search the bushes to the left and right for
a Tent and a Potion. Afterward, join Puck at the top of the tower.

Puck will lead you around the rooftops of Alexandria, stop along the way
to get the items. At first, head to the left and get an item, and at the
end do not head up right away, head down and get the item. The cool
thing in this game is a field icon appears whenever an item is there, so
it is a lot easier to get them.

The Tantalus performing troupe puts on quite a show, eh? During the
scene where Zidane and the gang fight Baku and the others, everyone is
equipped with Special FX (SFX) to liven up the event. These amazing
pyrotechnics make it look like spells are being cast, but no damage is
inflicted. Eliminate the two guards immediately with one blow each. Baku
proves to be a bit tougher, though.

Next, you go through the play. Make sure to impress the Queen and her
nobles, it is pretty easy and here is what you get.

HOW TO IMPRESS QUEEN AND NOBLES: Press the button Blank tells you to
press. You have to do it flawlessly to get anything good.

1-49 Ether
50-79 Elixir
80-99 Silk Shirt
100 Moonstone

When I went through the game, I got a Elixir for impressing 76 nobles. I
gave up after that. You can get a lot of Gil here, too.


1. Find the Princess.
2. Search for the Knights of Pluto.
3. Join forces to stop Steiner.

Key Items: none

Items: Phoenix Down x3, Elixir

Cards: none

Monsters: Steiner


Kidnapping Princess Garnet is the goal of the next segment, but the
little lady is more than a handful! As Zidane, run straight up the steps
to find Garnet. Looking in any other place may result in capture by the
palace guards! When word of Garnet's disappearance reaches the Queen,
Captain Steiner of the Knights of Pluto is ordered to find the Princess.
As Steiner, the objective is to rally the guards under him and search
for Garnet. However, the Knights of Pluto aren't exactly a tip-top
outfit, so as Steiner you must be forceful to get things going!

Follow the two guys into the room, where Zidane and Blank stole their
clothes. Order them to get out, then get the Phoenix Down from near the
door. There is a moogle nearby (I believe this one is Mosh) to save your
game if you want/need to.

Knights | Traits
Blutzen and Kohel | Super Sleuths
Laudo | Inspirational Writer
Weimar | Ladies' Man
Haagen | Navigator
Mullenkedheim | Cannon Ball Race Champion
Dojebon | Artillerist

Make sure to remember this list for later on in the game. The comical
group under Steiner's command is actually a rag-tag bunch of sloppy
soldiers. In spite of this, you should commit to memory the personality
traits of each soldier as listed off by Breireicht. An event much later
in the game will yield a rare item if you know your soldiers well!

You will have to chase Garnet around for a while and eventually she will
give in. She will take off her hood and reveal her true identity after a
while. It is not like it is a true shock that it is Garnet (you have had
your suspicions for a while) but it is an important plot twist of the
game. Now it is time for three battles, they are really easy though.

HP: 169, 167, 162
Weak Vs.: N/A
Steal Items: Leather Hat, Silk Shirt
Spoils: None
In the first battle, just have Zidane and Blank attack every round,
while Cinna steals. You should not have to worry about healing or

In the second battle, Steiner is accompanied by two people. It does not
matter though, because you have Marcus and Vivi in your party now to
compensate. Have Marcus and Zidane attack every round, while Vivi uses
fire magic. The two guards should not be worried about, just focus on

In the third battle, just keep on attacking him until he realizes that
there really is a Bomb behind him. The idiot cannot figure it out for a


1. Search for the missing princess.
2. Save Garnet and Vivi from the Prison Cage.
3. Reassure Vivi.
4. Quit Tantalus.
5. Match blows with Baku.
6. Recruit Steiner and Vivi.
7. Find the master of the Evil Forest.
8. Escape the petrifying woods.

Key Items: Ticket

Items: Phoenix Down, Bronze Gloves, Ether (x2), Leather Hat, Rubber
Helm, Potion, Ether, Wrist

Cards: none

Monsters: Fang, Goblin, Prison Cage, Dendrobium, Plant Brain (Boss),
Plant Spider

The Prima Vista crashes in the middle of the Evil Woods, and no one can
seem to locate Princess Garnet. And where is Vivi? Talk to the moogle
and he will teach you a whole bunch of stuff about the ATB, which is
also found in some of the other Final Fantasy games, like FF6. Save your
game with the moogle and head down and out to the actual forest.

I would seriously consider walking around here and raising your level
until you get to level 5. I did this, it does not take that long to do,
just head back and forth in this screen, do not go into this next screen
whatever you do. Go back and save your game when you get to Level 5 and
you will go back, and walk right into a boss battle!

HP: 513, 533
AP: 3
Weak Vs.: Fire
Steal Items: Leather Wrist, Broadsword
Spoils: Phoenix Down, Eye Drops, Goblin Card (random)
I had a lot of problems with this battle until I figured out what to do.
Here is what you do: see how Zidane goes into Trance? Have him use his
strongest attack, while Vivi uses fire. This makes the battle go by
quicker, and you should knock him out before Garnet dies. The second
time around, Vivi is trapped. Vivi will attack the monster with Fire
magic, so just do attacks and heal Vivi with potions and you should do

Back onboard the wrecked Prima Vista, Zidane decides to go looking for
the Princess. However, Baku won't let Zidane go that easily. After the
captain is finished lecturing, open the treasure chest on the ship's
bridge to find Bronze Gloves.

HP: 202
Weak Vs.: N/A
Steal Items: Hi-Potion, Iron Sword
Spoils: None
Baku is not intent on killing Zidane, but the game will end if you don't
watch your HP and take Potions when needed. Baku will trip and fall
during half of his attacks. But don't think him a fool, because Baku is
really trying to get Zidane to steal some helpful items from him. If you
can steal the Iron Sword for Steiner to use, your party will have it
much easier in the Boss fight to come! So alternate attacks with
attempts at thievery. After obtaining the Iron Sword, continue to attack
until Baku calls it quits.

Head over to talk to Adelbert and he will join your party. This is the
beginning of the "Unholy Alliance", as I like to call it. Zidane and
Adelbert will go through a lot, and they do not seem to like each other.
How is that for innovation in role playing game story lines? Vivi is in
the bed on the left side of the ship, talk to him and he will join your
party. This is the first time you officially have more than two
characters in your party, by the way.

When Vivi joins, equip the mage with a Leather Wrist and a Silk Shirt if
you have them. By doing so, Vivi can use Blizzard and Thunder magic in
addition to Fire. On your way out of the hold, Blank will stop Zidane
with some harsh words. But ultimately, he gives Zidane Blank's Medicine
to use on the Princess when you rescue her. After the dialogue, return
to the room in which Blank is standing and search for a Leather Hat.

Eventually, the party enters a small clearing where a crystal-clear pond
will fully restore HP and MP. It's important to drink from small ponds
like this all throughout the game so that the party can continue without
using too many Tents. Monty the moogle is hiding in a hollow tree stump
nearby, so give him the letter from Kupo and save your game if desired.

A little bit farther, you will realize that Garnet is being held captive
by yet another monster. It's battle time!

HP: 916
AP: 5
Weak Vs.: Fire
Steal Items: Iron Helm
Spoils: Phoenix Down, Potion
This guy is actually pretty simple, as Blank can take out a good chunk
of HP each round. Just have Blank and Zidane attack and Vivi heal with
potions as needed (or attack with Fire magic, Plant Brain is weak
against that) and you should do okay. You should worry about the Pollen
attack, which causes darkness, use Eyedrops to cure this if you need to,
but you should kill the sucka before he gets to know too much. =)

This is a cool FMV scene where you are escaping the Evil Forest and all
of these little critters are chasing after you. Sadly, you all escape,
but Blank does not. You have to leave without him, but rest assured you
will be back!


1. Learn abilities while roaming the plains.
2. Visit the east side of North Gate.
3. Prepare to enter the Ice Cavern.

Key Items: none

Items: Potion, Eye Drops

Cards: None

Monsters: Goblin, Python, Mu

You are supposed to go directly to the Ice Cavern once you exit Alexandria.

However, rather than proceeding directly to the Ice Cavern, your party will
benefit greatly if you do a little exploring around the basin. As you explore,
you'll randomly encounter monsters. When this occurs, Zidane should steal, Vivi
should cast spells, Steiner should perform normal attacks and Garnet should
Cure when needed. This will help you improve your inventory, learn Abilities,
and level up your party members so that they can handle the creatures in the
Cavern. How much time should you spend doing this? Basically, until your party
gets low on HP and MP. Then you should return to the Ice Cavern and call a
moogle. Use a Tent to restore your party's strength, and save your game before
you enter.

Before going to the Ice Cavern, head all the way to the west until you hit the
North Gate. Here you can buy Potions from this one chick. I would buy a few
potions, as even though you have Garnet's healing magic she still can run out
MP fairly easily. There are some items here as well, I believe you can get
Potion and Eye Drops here.

After doing all of this, save your game outside the Ice Cavern and enter it.


1. Thaw the frozen treasure chests.
2. Defrost the moogle.
3. Fight a supernatural enemy alone.

Key Items: none

Items: Potion x2, Tent, Ether, Elixir, Leather Wrist, Phoenix Down, Mage Masher

Cards: None

Monsters: Fang, Wyerd, Cave Imp, Flan, Black Waltz No. 1 (Boss), Sealion (Boss)

When you enter the Ice Cavern, watch the scene where the party says they are
impressed by the icy interiors of the cavern. They do call this the Ice Cavern,
so I do not see what the big deal is here. Once you can move, hop onto the area
to the left and open the treasure chest to find a tent. Continue north until
reach an area where there is a fork in the path.

This is where you first find out Vivi can use his Fire magic to melt some ice
walls. Collect the Ether from the treasure chest where the ice wall used to be,
then cross under the embankment to get a Potion from the chest you can see. In
this next area, move along the wall on the left-hand side until you get to the
top, here is another ice wall that can be melted. Walk up to it and press X and
Vivi will blast it, search the treasure chest to get an Elixir.

Then head to the bottom of the area and up to the fallen icicle and press X.
Vivi will blast this too, head down the path and up to get the Mage Masher (it
took me a little while to realize you can blast the icicle with Fire magic, I
was always up on the ledge below trying to figure out how to get the treasure
chest below). Equip this weapon on Zidane, even if you have not learned the
abilities from his previous equipped weapon.

Follow this path to the next area, where Vivi will encounter yet another path
which he can melt with Fire magic. He will melt it with his magic (god bless
little black mage) and quickly run down to the chest on the ledge to get the
Leather Wrist, on the other side of the chamber is a Phoenix Down if you want
it, which I am sure you do, so make sure to get that one, too.

At the next fork, make sure to head left. You can save your game at the moogle
(Mois) here after Vivi un-melts him via Fire magic. The moogle is a little mad
at first but then he calms down, asking you to deliver a letter to Gumo for
Watch the tutorial about Status Effects, Card Game, and Elemental Properties,
then save your game and use a Tent if you need to, because the boss is coming

Here is where the group encounters winds which knocks out Steiner first, then
Vivi, then Garnet. Zidane is then knocked out, but he wakes up before the other
party members do. Have him head north through the path and he will be stopped
the evil Black Waltz. Apparently Brahne has sent three Black Waltzes after
Zidane so she can recover Garnet, but you better believe she is not trying to
help Garnet! It's a one on one battle time, until the Sealion comes in!

HP: Black Waltz #1: 229, Sealion: 472
AP: 5
Weak Vs.: Fire (both), Ice (Black Waltz #1)
Steal Items: Black Waltz #1: Silk Shirt, Remedy, Sealion: Ether, Mythril Dagger
Spoils: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Fang Card, Skeleton Card
I really did not have too much problems with this boss at all. Just make sure
use Potions whenever you get down to around 100 HP or so, because a Blizzard
spell could very well take off 100 HP from you, and then you will have to start
this over again. I would kill the Black Waltz first, as he does not have as
HP as the Sea Lion. I think you can take out the Black Waltz with 4 or 5 hits
your sword if you have the Mage Masher equipped, so make sure to have it
equipped before entering this battle, as I told you before. If Zidane goes into
trance during this battle, it is pretty much over because he can use Tidal
which kills both bosses pretty much instantly. Like I said, this isn't that
tough, just heal and keep your HP up and you should do fine.

After the battle, Zidane will head back and gather the party members, then
return to the spot where you fought the boss and climb that long, winding path
until you reach the exit. Here you can rename Garnet into whatever you want, I
do not think you can call her Garnet any more, I have not tried to call her
Garnet though, so I wouldn't know.


1. Fight your way across the Highlands.
2. Visit the nice folks at South Gate.
3. Introduce yourself to Morrid.
4. head to Dali for some R and R.

Key Items: Mini-Prima Vista

Items: Hi-Potion

Cards: None

Monsters: Cave Spider, Potion

Here you should do two things: raise your experience levels and abilities if
needed, and visit South Gate. There is nothing much to do at South Gate at this
time, but oh well. You can at least rest there for now until you are ready to
continue your adventure, it makes a nice healing point for when you are low on
HP while leveling up. I would say to go to Dali Village next but check this out
real quick.

Before heading into the village, check out the strange mountain close to the
edge of the plain. Here you'll find an old fellow named Morrid, who purchased
the Mini-Prima Vista from the Treno Auction. He offers Zidane a trade of the
figure for some rare coffees, namely Burman, Kirman and Moccha. Keep this in
mind as you continue the game. (NOTE: You must bring all three coffees back to
Morrid before the end of Disc 3.) You can also find some shipping instructions
in his hut. Outside, search near the cart for a Hi-Potion, and check near the
fence by the cliff for 135 Gil. There's a device at the top of the mountain
defies explanation.

After doing this, head to the Village of Dali, it is simple enough to go to.


1. Spend the night at the Dali Inn.
2. Meet Vivi in the morning.
3. Find Dagger at the shop.
4. Return to the Inn to wait for the others.
5. Search for Vivi.
6. Find the underground hatch.
7. Rescue Vivi from confinement.
8. Follow the trail of eggs.
9. Protect the Princess from the floating evil.

Key Items: Aries Stellazzio

Items: Potion x4, Antidote, Eye Drops, Ether, Iron Helm, Leather Wrist, Phoenix
Down, Phoenix Pinion

Cards: None

Monsters: Ghost, Vice, Black Waltz No. 2 (Boss)


Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Broadsword 330
Iron Sword 660
Rod 260
Mage Staff 320
Wrist 130
Leather Wrist 200
Bronze Gloves 480
Leather Hat 150
Feather Hat 200
Rubber Helm 250
Bronze Helm 330
Leather Shirt 270
Silk Shirt 400
Bronze Armor 650

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Boy, there is a lot to do in this town. You are going to have to do everything
from trying to stop the mist from entering the town, to discovering why there
are Black Mages being created, and why they are being shipped to Alexandria. It
is definitely a fun part of the game, and there is a lot of stuff to do, I will
just give you the quick, basic rundown of what to do, though.

When entering the town, the party decides they need to rest, so head to the
Inn real quick, and rest. Zidane wakes up and everyone has disappeared, so
the ATEs that pop up, then head north. Vivi is near the base of the town's
windmill. Approach the Black Mage to engage in some friendly conversation, but
then something weird occurs. Regardless, search inside the windmill to find an
Aries Stellazzio. There are two more chests up top, but you can't open them
unless the windmill shuts down. Also, notice the kid named Yaff, who maybe says
too much.

When you leave, Vivi is kidnapped by two punk kids. Head to the shop to find
Dagger, who is looking around at the various items. Zidane decides to return to
the Inn, so go there now to wait for the others. Steiner comes back, and the
party decides to find Vivi. However, he is not where he was before. Zidane is
befuddled so he decides to find out how to get in the hole below, where Vivi is

It is actually kind of simple: head to the first house on the left, which is
windmill. You see that thing all the way down on the bottom left hand side?
is the latch, so open it and head down the chute. Jump off the ladder and take
the lift down. Below the lift is a chest containing 156 Gil, look for the Field
Icon. Keep on going until you see the two men talking about Vivi, he leaves

Follow Vivi and his captors through a corridor, and then search the barrel to
speak with Kumop the moogle. He has a letter for Mogki, and this is a good
to save your game, because things are going to get a little tricky ahead! Just
beyond Kumop, kick the wheel to drop a chest containing a Potion, and then
the crates to reach the chest with the Ether. Head down and rescue Vivi, who is
trapped in a box. You will see all sorts of cool stuff, head through the door
the north to get some stuff, then head to the east door and head all the way

Get on the airship, and after some story scenes, the Black Waltz attacks,
threatening to destroy the crew and "take back" the Princess!

HP: 1030
AP: 5
Weak Vs.: Wind
Steal Items: Steepled Hat, Leather Plate
Spoils: Ether, Zaghnol Card (random)
This battle is not that tough as long as you know what you are doing. Do not
magic on him unless you want him to attack back with magic. Here is what I
do: Have dagger cast Protect on all 4 members, if possible, while Steiner uses
the Thunder sword magic attack, and Zidane steals and attacks. You can steal a
Steepled Hat and Leather Plate from this boss, which is actually pretty good.
Have Vivi be the healer of the party with Potions and stuff, although I just
went ahead and used magic, his counter-magic attack is not that horrible. His
goal is to kidnap the princess, so I assume that he will not kill her, instead
he tries to kill the other guys in the party, and then kidnap her when they are
dead. I do not know though since I did not have much problems with this boss,


1. Board the Cargo Airship.
2. Head for the Bridge.
3. Dance with the final Waltz.

Key Items: none

Items: none

Cards: None

Monsters: Black Waltz No. 3 (Boss)

This is a pretty cool scene, just watch it and follow along with everything,
eventually a group of Black Mages will attack, led by the Black Waltz 3. Did

HP: 1128
Weak Vs.: Wind
Steal Items: Steepled Hat, Linen Cuirass, Silver Gloves
Spoils: None
This battle is actually quite easy. Vivi goes into trance automatically to
the battle, which means he can now cast two magic spells in a row. And this one
does not have a strong counter attack, which means you can cast two Fire spells
in a row without having to worry too much. Have Steiner use Sword Magic spells
frequently. Waltz No.3's one main defense seems to be its ability to float in
the air. Once it rises off the deck, regular physical attacks miss every time.
This puts Zidane at something of a disadvantage throughout the entire battle.
Therefore, have him steal and cure the others with Potions when needed. I have
him steal automatically, because you can get three good items from this boss,
and at the end of the fight the boss just runs away and breaks down, so you do
not win anything for defeating him.


1. Follow Minister Artania into the castle.
2. Appeal to Regent Cid.
3. Catch up on old times with Freya.
4. Explore the city's shops to find freebies.
5. Synthesize necessary weapons.
6. Check in at the Tantalus theater.
7. Join Lowell's fan club momentarily.
8. Search for Dagger at the castle.
9. Take the sleepy guard's uniform.
10. Ride the lift to the Upper Level.
11. Find Dagger at the overlook.
12. Use the telescope to mark locations.
13. Win the Festival of the Hunt.
14. Prepare to depart for Burmecia.

Key Items: Kupo Nut, Mini-Burmecia, Autograph, Moogle Suit

Items: Glass Armlet, Ether, Hi-Potion, Echo Screen, Tent x2, Leather Plate,
Silver Gloves, Ore, Leather Wrist, Bronze Vest, Steepled Hat

Cards: Mimic, Wyerd

Monsters: Fang, Mu, Zaghnol


Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Iron Sword 660
Javelin 880
Rod 260
Fork 1100
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bronze Gloves 480
Silver Gloves 720
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Iron Helm 450
Leather Plate 530
Linen Cuirass 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist

When you get off the Airship, follow the Minister through the lobby into the
Castle. After watching some scenes, you will talk to Regent Cid, who apparently
got turned into an Octopod or whatever after some weird dude came in the middle
of the night and put a spell on him. Of course, that is not really the truth,
but they want you to think it is. You will find out the real reason soon

Zidane heads into the Industrial District, make sure to head out into the Pub.
Talk to Freya, name her, and catch up on old times. Zidane wakes up the next
at the Business District Inn. After another tutorial about Synthesis, head into
the next room to speak to the moogle Moodon, who has a letter from Ruby. In the
lobby of the inn, there's a guestbook and a bust of a Bobo Bird. Search in the
corner next to the bust (closest to the exit) for 163 Gil. Next, go to the
synthesis shop and synthesize some weapons. Check in at the Tantalus theater
join Lowell's fan club.

Now head to the Industrial District. Directly beside the entrance to the
terminal is a chest containing a Leather Wrist. Behind the statue of Cid VIII,
you might find a man named Marolo, who loves to debate. Take his side in the
debate for now, because you'll meet this person again in another town later and
it's good to take his side. For now, agree that putting the engine in the back
results in more power to make him happy.

Head up the stairs into the next section, where you'll come across Bobo's
familiar dive. Search next to the pub to receive a Bronze Vest. There's a house
in the back of this neighborhood, wherein Ludruff the engineer is working on a
prototype steam engine. Search in the upstairs loft to find a Mimic Card and a
Steepled Hat. There's not much else to do in the Industrial District; it's
really just a cozy neighborhood. Head back to the air cab and ride to the
Theater District now.

Head to the playhouse and after watching the ATE, some kids will come in and
harass you (somewhat) about Dagger. They advise you to go back to the castle to
speak with Dagger, so do that. Leave the Tantalus playhouse and head down the
steps. Down here you'll find a ravenous crowd of fans waiting for their
heartthrob, Lowell. The actor makes a brief appearance, but then leaves.
Meanwhile, a man in a moogle suit emerges and makes his way up the stairs.
Follow him back to the area outside the air cab terminal. There's an artist
living in a cellar across from the terminal. Visit there now, and you'll find
Lowell, who's hiding from his fans. You can receive his Autograph, and then
search the area directly across from his position for the Moogle Suit. Also,
pick up the Ore from the nearby chest.

Now take an air cab to Lindblum Castle. In the lobby, take the stairs which are
draped in red carpet up to the right, and then go through the doorway to get to
the room where Dagger was, previously. Zidane meets up with Steiner here again,
and he throws another fit about the princess, of course. Leave, but not before
getting the two treasure chests in here. Also, you'll encounter Mogki the
moogle, to whom you can give a letter. She will also ask you to deliver a
to Atla; keep that Mognet going!

This is a cool part of the game right here. Zidane leaves the room and hears
Garnet singing. However, you cannot get by the guard. Zidane thinks of a great
idea though, he will steal a uniform so he can look like a guard, so go up the
stairs and down the next set of stairs, talk to the sleeping guard to steal his
clothes. Go by the guard, up the lift, and talk to Dagger. There is a telescope
here, so use it to mark off some spots on the map, it really comes in handy for
later on.

Here is the time to do the Festival of the Hunt. It is fairly straightforward,
just kill enemies as you find them, you can go back and forth between
Make sure to help Freya fight off the boss. In the end, you get a reward for
whoever wins, Freya won in the Japanese version and the American version when I
played, so who knows if you can even win?

When your crew is ready to resume the adventure, take the Lindblum Castle lift
to the lower level. The left trolley goes only to the Dragon's Gate, from which
you need to depart, but the right trolley takes you to the Serpent's Gate
where you can find a Wyerd Card. Then you can go straight from there to the
Dragon's Gate. At this exit, you'll meet Moonte the moogle, who just received a
letter from Stiltzkin. It's recommended that you save your game before leaving.
There's also a Merchant nearby, who sells items for decent prices.


1. Cross the plains.
2. Enter areas of interest.
3. Find the South Gate.

Key Items: Mocha Coffee

Items: Ether

Cards: none

Monsters: Serpion, Ladybug, Ironite, Vice, Hedgehog Pie

There are three places you should go, in a nutshell. I will point out where you
should go now.

1. The South Gate: Optional, located above the Chocobo Forest, you can get free
HP/MP refilled, as well as the key item Mocha Coffee.

2. Chocobo Forest: Optional, Here you can get a chocobo to ride to the Grotto.

3. Qu's Marsh: Optional, you can get Quina here.


1. Catch a frog for Quina.
2. Let Quina join your party.
3. Practice catching frogs.

Key Items: None

Items: None

Cards: None

Monsters: Axolotl, Gigan Toad, Clipper

There is not really much to do here, at all. I ran around and built up my
for a little bit. If you do not feel like doing that, head right and go through
the grass until you reach the pond. Help Quina catch some frogs, and it will
join your party after a few scenes. Practice catching the frogs, it is pretty
easy and you can get some neat items here. Make sure to keep one male frog and
one female frog in the pond, though. This way the pond can repopulate much


1. Take the Gizamaluke Bell from the Burmecian soldier.
2. Ring the bells to open the doors.
3. Annihilate the Black Mages.
4. Reunite the honeymooning moogles.
5. Stand your ground against Master Gizamaluke.

Key Items: Gizamaluke Bell, Holy Bell

Items: Bronze Vest, Mythril Gloves, Magus Hat

Cards: None

Monsters: Black Mage, Hornet, Skeleton, Lamia, Gizamaluke (Boss)

Enter this place and head to the soldier, and he will give you a Gizamaluke
Bell. Search his body and you will find another one. Go to the door in the back
to unlock the door, and the bell will shatter. This happens a lot, it means you
have to find another bell in order to open the next door. Let the fun
and puzzles begin...

Inside the next large cavern, Thorn and Zorn unleash a set of Black Mages on
your party. These creatures use powerful magic, mostly aimed at Vivi. Protect
the little fellow by having a character such as Quina use Potions on him. After
the first battle, cross under the bridge and attack the next Black Mage. Upon
completion of this fight, you receive another Gizamaluke Bell. Run up the steps
at the rear, and use the bell on the left door. This path leads around to
another wounded soldier. Pick up a Bronze Vest along the way, and then tend to
the wounded man to get another bell.

Return to the main area and use the bell on the lower-right door. A staircase
encircles the next area. You may encounter a tough monster called a Lamia that
casts Might every round to increase its attack power. Dispose of these things
quickly, and have Quina eat it if possible to learn the LV3 Def-less ability.
you ascend the stairs, make sure you pick up the Mythril Gloves dropped
wastefully on the path.

In this next section, give the moogle the Kupo Nut and the other moogle will
knock the bell over. They thank you and leave, get the treasure chest from the
bell, and it is another Gizamaluke Bell. Then follow the moogles inside, and
save your game and/or use a Tent. Equip the Ogre weapon on Zidane. Run back
around the overturned bell and unlock the other bell door in the room. Beyond
here, the group enters the actual grotto chamber, where a fallen Burmecian
soldier warns that something is wrong with Master Gizamaluke. The warning comes
too late, however, as a large and terrifying shape slithers out of an aqueduct
and challenges the party to a tough battle.

HP: 3175
AP: 5
Weak Vs.: Thunder, Wind
Steal Items: Ice Staff, Magus Hat, Elixir
Spoils: Tent, Mythril Sword Card (Random)
I found out a nice little trick in order to beat this guy more quickly. The
I hate most that he uses is Crash, but I found a way to counter it. I found a
way to make the dude Blind, all you have to do is hit him with Zidane's Soul
Blade ability, which is learned via the Ogre. Of course, you can learn it and
then equip another weapon. This dude can also silence Vivi, which is a pain in
the neck. Just have Vivi use magic when he can, while Steiner uses Sword Magic
or Sword Tech if Vivi is silenced, and have Zidane steal some stuff then
Have Quina use blue magic, I just have it end up being the healer though,
feeding the party potions as they need it. It is not that tough to beat once
have blinded it. If you do not blind it, it is a bit tougher to beat.


1. Move the two people away from the alley.
2. Search the area outside the cable car.
3. Board the cable car to Treno.

Key Items: Gate Pass

Items: Multina Racket, Potion

Cards: None

Monsters: None

Here is a nice little scene where Steiner gets into the Gate by putting Garnet
inside of a bag filled with pickles. I bet she is not going to smell very nice
after getting out of that. The guards let you by since they are idiots. Steiner
mentions that he wants to hide in the alley, but he needs to move the two
out of the way first. That is simple enough, console the lady and she will run
off, then talk to the guy on the left side, then talk to the one near the
He will run off, and now you can hide in the alley. Garnet changes, its funny
you say Steiner should switch sides to look the other way. =)

Search around here and you will come across some stuff. Make sure to get the
Multina Racket around here. When you are ready, board the cable car and head to
Treno. It is not that complicated so I am not going to bore you with a long ass


1. Examine the North Gate.
2. Cross the plains to Burmecia.

Key Items: None

Items: Hi-Potion, Tent

Cards: None

Monsters: Lizard Man, Yeti, Skeleton, Nymph

In the world map, go a bit to the northeast and enter the location marked
with X. It's the North Gate. Watch the scene here, then go to the gate and get
the chests for a Potion and a Tent. After getting the items, exit to the World
Map. Outside, just head north and enter Burmecia.


1. Bridge the gap with the platform.
2. Hop balconies to the bedroom.
3. Ring the bell to open the door.
4. Rescue the trapped citizens.
5. Inherit the Mythril Spear.
6. Spy on the enemy.
7. Challenge an Alexandrian General

Key Items: Cancer Stellazio, Protection Bell, Kupo Nut

Items: Potion, Soft (x2), Germinas Boots, Ether, Tent, Phoenix Down, Mythril
Spear, Lightning Staff

Cards: None

Monsters: Magic Vice, Black Mage, Ironite, Mimic, Basilisk, Beatrix (Boss)


Needle Fork 3100
Glass Armlet 250
Mythril Gloves 980
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Linen Cuirass 800
Barbut 600
Bronze Vest 670
Linen Cuirass 800
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

When you first enter this place, you will see some dialogue, and you will see
Zorn and Thorn again. They send two Black Mages to attack you, so do the Bruce
Lee thing and go medieval on them! After you defeat them, Zorn and Thorn
out and leave. Go left and enter the door. Get the Potion and Soft from the
treasure chests, then go outside and go all the way to the right. Climb up the
stairs and enter the door on top.

Go to the north and search for the chest behind the stairs to get a Soft, then
go up the stairs and go around. The chest is an enemy, if you fight it, it will
call on an enemy, usually a Goblin, so you can get Quina to learn Magic Hammer
from it if it has not learned the magic already, it is a very valuable skill to
have. In the next area, you will need a bell in order to open that door. How do
you get the bell? Go left and the floor will break. Now you can bridge the gap.
Head all the way back to where you started off, and head left now. Go in the
door and collect all the chests, then get the bell. Go back and open the door
with the bell.

How do you get the bell? Simple. Just go in that room and run around until you
get to the balcony, jump between balconies and search underneath the top right
bed to get the bell.

Go up the stairs, watch the scene where Freya grows some.. ovaries, then climb
up the stairs again. Go through the middle door and watch the scene. Go right
and head up the stairs, then head left (you could not do this before if you did
not watch the scene, by the way), get the chests here, then go through the
Here, head to the left house and Freya will get the Mythril Spear.

In here, go behind the moogle first and search for a Lightning Staff. Then,
Stiltzkin will enter. Talk to him and he will offer you a set of Soft, Hi-
Potion, and Ether for 333 Gil. I suggest you buy it. After that, talk to the
moogle, use a Tent and then save your game. You can also use the Mogshop. You
can buy items and equipments here. I suggest also that you upgrade your weapons
as you'll be facing a tough opponent ahead. After preparing and saving, leave
this house and go to the center towards the Burmecia Palace.

On the outside of the castle walls, Zidane has some choices about approaching
Freya. Choose to leave her alone. The Dragon Knight then leaps up to the top of
the castle walls, and leads the heroes inside. There, Zidane and Freya overhear
a conversation between the Queen and a mysterious new villain. When a Burmecian
soldier foolishly risks his life, Freya and Zidane intervene. As the Queen
escapes, the superhuman General Beatrix threatens to end the adventures of our
heroes. You will then attack Beatrix and it is battle time!

HP: 3630
AP: ???
Weak Vs.: Nothing
Steal Items: Chain Plate, Mythril Sword, Phoenix Down
Spoils: N/A
Despite what other people may say, this is not that tough of a battle if you
know what you are doing. You have Zidane, Freya, Quina, and Vivi in your party.
Have Quina be the healer of the party, have Zidane attack and/or steal, have
Freya jump or use Lancer every round, and have Vivi cast Thundara, Fira, or
Blizarra every round, that causes a lot of damage. I would have Vivi heal party
with potions as needed, Quina can actually attack on occasion, and make sure
keep the party healed at all times, and you should do fine. I had a lot of
potions, and kept on loading everyone with potions, she barely even touched me
after that. After doing enough damage, she says something like "You will never
defeat me!" then casts Shock Break on the party, ending the battle with
is at 1 HP.

After this, you watch a scene and Kuja mentions that Zidane will be a big
problem to them. This should be your first hint that Kuja is indeed the main
villain of the game. After the FMV with him flying away on his Silver Dragon is
completed, the game asks you to switch to Disc 2.


4.2 Disc 2 Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------


1. Relax in Summit Station.
2. Speak with the Attendant.
3. Spot Cinna and Marcus at the station.
4. Make Steiner settle down.
5. Board the train to Treno.
6. Finish off Black Waltz No. 3

Key Items: None

Items: Phoenix Down

Cards: None

Monsters: Black Waltz No. 3 (Boss)

Summit Station

Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Glass Armlet 250
Silver Gloves 720
Mythril Gloves 980
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Rubber Helm 250
Iron Helm 450
Barbut 600
Bronze Vest 670
Linen Cuirass 800
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

The rest area is full of people, so make sure you talk to them. Learn from the
Chef about the famous South Gate Bundt Cake, and a moogle named Nazna waits
nearby to help you save your game. You may have a letter for Nazna from Grimo.
There's a Shopkeeper who sells weapons and armor, and his inventory is detailed
at the end of this section. Check the treasure chest near the lower entrance
a Phoenix Down, and speak to the Attendant to get the game rolling again. Two
voices heard from outside should coax you into peeking out to see what's going

It's Marcus and Cinna! They chat and run up north into the building, so head
through the way they went. Steiner goes off the deep end, so talk to him and
make sure to calm him down. Now talk to the soldiers and Marcus will go into
air cab, follow him into it. Along the way you encounter trouble, in the form
the Black Waltz No. 3

HP: 3000
AP: ???
Weak Vs.: Nothing
Steal Items: Nothing
Spoils: N/A
The biggest problem I had with this battle was the fact that Vivi was not
present for the battle. Not only does this mean that you do not get his
magic attacks, but it also means that Steiner must go ahead and use whatever
attacks he has learned, without using Sword Magic. However, this battle was
pretty easy for me. Have Marcus attack (or steal if you want, I have not had
steal yet, though), Dagger should either cure or attack (if she has the Multina
Racket equipped, she can probably do more damage then Marcus can), and Steiner
should either attack or use his strongest sword attack. This battle is not that


1. Read the road signs.
2. Use the gate pass to head to Treno.

Key Items: None

Items: Elixir

Cards: None

Monsters: None

Part time worker Mary will open up her item shop, so stock up on some supplies
if you want to. Proceed upward to a fork in the path, where the right direction
continues onward toward your current destination of Treno. The left path takes
you back to Dali. Don't miss the large engraving at the fork in the path,
extolling the benevolence between the two nations of Lindblum and Alexandria.
While on the path to the gate facing Treno, you'll cross a rotting old bridge.
Slip briefly down the side path, where a chest holds 1,610 Gil. Then show the
guards your Gate Pass and head across the Bentini Heights toward Treno, the
of never-ending night.


1. Follow Dagger around the city.
2. Find Dagger at the auction.
3. Catch up with Marcus at the Inn.
4. Attempt to steal Supersoft.
5. Return to the tower to meet Dr. Tot.

Key Items: Gemini, Taurus, Supersoft

Items: Mythril Dagger, Power Belt, Ether

Cards: Yeti Card

Monsters: Griffin (Disc 2), Catoblepas (Disc 3), Amdusias (Disc 3), Behemoth
(Disc 4)


Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Mythril Sword 1300
Mythril Spear 1100
Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Fork 1100
Needle Fork 3100
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Gloves 980
Bandana 500
Barbut 600
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Linen Cuirass 800
Chain Mail 1200

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft

When you enter this town, watch the scene. Marcus wants to steal the Supersoft,
but Steiner, being the pansy that he is, refuses to go along with the plan.
Marcus and Dagger leave, so Steiner is left alone. Watch the ATE (you can
which one you want to view), then go left to the pond. Throw in 10 Gil 10
the 11th time you do it you will get the Gemini Stellazzio, which is very
valuable for later on. After you get the Gemini, head to the upper left corner,
towards the next area.

There are six ATEs to view in Treno at this time: Treno Tradition, Ambition,
Confusion, Pursuit, Unexpected Visitor, and Meeting Place. As soon as you
control Steiner, choose Treno Tradition. Then go left and in the new screen,
choose Pursuit. After that, go up and choose Confusion. Then go down by the
stadium and choose Unexpected Visitor. Proceed to the right and choose
Finally, move toward the drunkard on the right and head down and choose Meeting
Place. Steiner must be alone to view these ATEs.

Watch yet another ATE then go a bit to the left and head down the ladders, and
this will lead to a tower to the north (the tower to the left is locked, so do
not even bother to go in it). You will see an ATE then an intersection. Go up
first and head to the upper left mansion. Remember the ATE with Dagger you saw
where the thief took 1000 Gil from her? That thief is here, and it will give
the Power Belt. Move to the left, where you will see a Synthesis Shop. Check
this out, do what you wanna do, then leave the mansion and head up to the next

Hand Stella all your Stellazios, and the guy will reward you. Then head out of
her house and search to the left of her house to find an Ether. Now head south
to the next screen. Here, just go all the way to the south until you reach the
next area. You'll see another ATE again. After the ATE, if you go to the right,
you'll see the Card Stadium. You can do some stuff here but it is probably not
worth your trouble. You can buy some weak cards and find out some more
information about the card game, however. After doing this, head right and go
the next area.

Move north a little and head to the intersection. Head north and go inside the
big door to the right. Buy some equipment, then head out and go left to the
screen. In the next screen, you will see the auction house. Go to the right and
into the next screen. Here, go south past the weapons shop and climb the
going up to the drunk man. While heading up these ladders, you will see a
fly by. Talk to him, save your game, and do the Mognet thing. After you save,
south again and go up the right stairs and talk to the drunk man. Go southeast
to the next area,

Head down past the Weapons Shop, where you'll find the poorer part of Treno.
Descend the ladder on the right-hand side of the screen and open the chests to
the left and right of the Item Shop for a Yeti Card and 1 Gil. Is that all?
just shows how poor the Treno slums are. Search just behind the Item Shop to
find the Taurus Stellazzio. Then climb back up the ladder and enter the Inn
across the way. Talk to Marcus and tell him you are ready to steal it.

You will gain control of Dagger, talk to Baku and a short scene involving Kuja
will play. Watch the scene, in which Dagger blames Zidane, while Steiner
to go against his morals and help steal the Supersoft. Here is where you meet
Dr. Zot. You may have remembered earlier when you tried to go all the way to
left hand tower of Treno and the door was locked, well now it is unlocked, so
head over there now. (Go left of the main entrance, head all the way left, go
the stairs, and go right until you reach his tower.)

Watch the scenes in here, some of them are pretty neat, like the flashbacks Dr.
Zot has of when Dagger was a little girl and he tutored her. After that scene,
Doctor Tot will tell you that he can help you reach Alexandria. There's a
ancient Transportation that was used long ago that will enable you to travel
between Treno and Alexandria. Now, when you regain control of Dagger, talk to
Doctor Tot. He'll tell you go down the hole. Also, you can head back to town
first and buy some equipment, items or even save your game. After preparing, go
back to Doctor Tot's Tower and enter the hole.


1. Pull the sequence activator lever.
2. Find the gargant call lever.
3. Feed the gargant to hitch a ride.
4. Scare off the big bad worm.

Key Items: None

Items: Chain Plate, Phoenix Down

Cards: none

Monsters: Dragonfly, Crawler, Ralvurahva (Boss)

This is where you can see the ancient transportation device. Doctor Tot says
that the first thing to look for is a sequence activator. Head to the left from
the circular area. Mochos the moogle remains in the first area if you decide to
save your game. Also, you can pick up a Chain Plate inside the next area and a
Phoenix Down sits by the activator lever. Hit the lever and return to the
circular area. Go down the steps to the right this time.

The lever to the left in the next chamber is clearly marked "feed," but you
call the gargant first. To do that, go to the right and Doctor Tot will join
Dagger to explain further. Pull the lever at the end, and the massive gargant
will run by. You may want to equip the Antibody ability on both Dagger and
Steiner at this point. Now return to the feed lever and use it. The trio gets
onboard the gargant's carriage and heads toward Alexandria. However, the
is only just beginning.

HP: 2200
AP: 0
Weak Vs.: Nothing
Steal Items: Bone Wrist, Mythril Fork
Spoils: None
Remember I told you that it would be a good idea to equip Steiner and Dagger
with the ability Antibody? Well, this is the reason why. If you have it
equipped, the battle will be easier. If you do not have it equipped, well good
luck. Here is what I did for a quick win. I had Steiner attack with his Sword
Art attacks, I had Marcus steal the two items then attack, and I had Dagger be
the curer in the party, while casting antidotes on Marcus if he gets poisoned.
The boss likes to cast a lot of Poison magic attacks, but since you have
Antibody equipped you should not have much trouble dealing with this. Just
attack it and heal as normal and it should be defeated rather easily, then it
just leaves without giving you anything. If you stole stuff with Marcus,
you have gained something from the boss. Otherwise, you got nothing! =)


1. Enter the whirling sandstorm.
2. Raise the sand floor of the chamber.
3. Close the upper sand gate.
4. Navigate between whirling sink holes.

Key Items: None

Items: Phoenix Down, Ice Staff, Flame Staff, Magician Shoes, Ether, Tent,
Fork, Kupo Nut, Desert Boots, Remedy, Mythril Vest, Mythril Gloves, Potion,
Elixir, Hi-Potion, Gysahl Greens

Cards: none

Monsters: Dragonfly, Sand Golem, Carrion Worm, Zuu

The story finally returns to Zidane's party, where they were last seen
languishing in Burmecia. Upon leaving the fallen kingdom, head west to the
whirling sandstorm protecting Cleyra. Most of the citizens from Burmecia have
fled the area, so you can visit there now. However, the trip won't be easy as
you attempt to climb up the massive trunk full of flooding sand, swirling
and dangerous monsters. Reorganize your party so that everyone has the best
equipment possible.

Upon entering, you¹ll see a short scene with your characters. Then, you¹ll be
shown a FMV of Cleyra on top. When you regain control of your characters, go
north to the next screen. Here, pull the lever on top of the stairs to the
right. The door will now open. Go through it to reach the next screen.

Head north. Get the chest and move on to the next screen. There is a hidden
chest in here (on the bottom of the screen) which contains the Magician Shoes,
so make sure to get the chest. Head north and search for another hidden
chest, this time you will net an Ice Staff. After you get all of this stuff, go
right towards the next screen. Follow the path until you get to the next
Get the Ether from the chest, then go south a little bit and choose examine to
examine the small hole. Try to put the bit of sand in your hand and the sand
will suddenly shoot down from the left.

Now, go back to the previous screen. You¹ll see that you can¹t go south
So, climb up the vines until you reach the hole on top. Go in and you¹ll reach
the next screen. In here, go left and go inside the hole that you¹ll. It will
lead you to the next area. I will now like to point something out about an
you will now encounter, the Sand Golem. This guy does not die unless you attack
its core, so make sure to move the pointer to the red dot, otherwise he will
keep on coming back up. It is tough, as it took me a while to figure out.

Once you enter this area, go left and get the chest, which contains the Needle
Fork. Go up the slopes to the right. Get the chest here, which contains a Tent.
Talk to the Moogle on the left hand side. Rest with a tent, do the Mognet
then save your game. After you do this, head up the upper left hand side and
will enter the next screen. Go to the north path and get the Flame Staff from
the chest. Go down then left until you get to the next screen. This is simple
enough, just cross the bridge until you reach the next screen.

Get the hidden chest from behind the tree in the middle path for the Desert
Boots. You will see a small hole just a bit to the upper left of the middle
tree. Search it to get the Mythril Vest. There is a remedy in the right hand
side if you want it. Now press up and you will enter the next screen. Grab the
treasure chest, which contains the Mythril Gloves. Then, keep going north until
you can pull the lever. Go all the way back to the screen where you got the
Mythril Vest and stuff and go left then use the upper left path towards the

In this area, get the chest for a Potion. You¹ll see 2 paths again! Go to the
right path first onto the next area. In here, get the chest for an elixir. Go
back to the previous screen and use the other path, which is to the upper
left onto the next screen. In here, you¹ll see whirlpools of sand and 2 chests
to the north. If you fall in the whirlpool, push the X button rapidly and
will then jump out. Get the 2 chests to the north first for 900 gil and a Hi-
Potion. I like to ride the whirlpools down to the bottom, as you fight some
pretty easy Scorpions, and they give good Experience, AP, and GP if you beat

After being done with this, go left to the next screen. Move on to the next
screen, skip over the ladder, head underneath it and go up the path to get the
Gysahl Green. Now climb the ladder and head north, head up the stairs and you
will finally be in the Cleyra Settlement!


4.3 Disc 3 Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------


4.4 Disc 4 Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------


5.0 Secrets and Side Quests -------------------------------------------


6.0 Lists -------------------------------------------------------------

Here is a list of all the items, weapons, armor, magic, abilities, accessories,
and enemies in the game. Enjoy!

6.1 Item List ---------------------------------------------------------


6.2 Weapon List -------------------------------------------------------


6.3 Armor List --------------------------------------------------------


6.4 Magic List --------------------------------------------------------


6.5 Abilities List ----------------------------------------------------


6.6 Accessories List --------------------------------------------------


6.7 Enemies List ------------------------------------------------------

-----[ A ]-----

Name: | Abadon
Level: | 58
HP: | 12,658
MP: | 2479
Gil: | 2604
EXP: | 32,073
Steal: | Garnet, Vaccine, Pheonix Pinion
Type: | Bug/Flying
Name: | Abomination
Level: | 15
HP: | 879
MP: | 482
Gil: | 388
EXP: | 913
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Adamantoise
Level: | 31
HP: | 3587
MP: | 1043
Gil: | 4433
EXP: | 5096
Steal: | Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | Turtle
Name: | Agares
Level: | 43
HP: | 6775
MP: | 1596
Gil: | 1945
EXP: | 14,279
Steal: | Tent, Soft, Ore
Type: | Demon
Name: | Amdusias
Level: | 42
HP: | 6578
MP: | 1568
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Demon/Flying
Name: | Amdusias(Pandemonium)
Level: | 52
HP: | 10,926
MP: | 9282
Gil: | 2316
EXP: | 26,376
Steal: | Tent, Ether
Type: | Demon/Flying
Name: | Anemone
Level: | 31
HP: | 3586
MP: | 1045
Gil: | 1137
EXP: | 5080
Steal: | Ore Tent
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Antlion
Level: | 16
HP: | 3983
MP: | 3950
Gil: | 1616
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Annoyntment, Mythril Vest, Gold Helmet
Type: | Bug
Name: | Armodullahan
Level: | 13
HP: | 818
MP: | 4598
Gil: | 474
EXP: | 809
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Armstrong
Level: | 33
HP: | 4204
MP: | 1165
Gil: | 1456
EXP: | 7150
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | House
Name: | Ark
Level: | 38
HP: | 20,002
MP: | 1374
Gil: | 5964
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Power Vest, Holy Lance
Type: | Flying
Name: | Ash
Level: | 66
HP: | 25,591
MP: | 3014
Gil: | 2748
EXP: | 40,329
Steal: | Tent
Type: | Demon/Flying
Name: | Axe Beak
Level: | 6
HP: | 241
MP: | 267
Gil: | 224
EXP: | 123
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Beast
Name: | Axolotl
Level: | 6
HP: | 211
MP: | 266
Gil: | 236
EXP: | 106
Steal: | Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | -NIL-

-----[ B ]-----

Name: | Baku
Level: | 2
HP: | 202
MP: | 1285
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Iron Sword
Type: | Human
Name: | Bandersnatch
Level: | 14
HP: | 899
MP: | 464
Gil: | 347
EXP: | 787
Steal: | Potion, Tent
Type: | Beast
Name: | Basilisk
Level: | 6
HP: | 346
MP: | 247
Gil: | 233
EXP: | 167
Steal: | Soft, Hi-Potion
Type: | Bug
Name: | Beatrix(1st)
Level: | 14
HP: | 3630
MP: | 3467
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Chain Plate, Mythril Sword
Type: | Human
Name: | Beatrix(2nd)
Level: | 17
HP: | 4736
MP: | 3964
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Thunder Gloves, Ice Brand
Type: | Human
Name: | Beatrix(3rd)
Level: | 19
HP: | 5709
MP: | 4203
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Ice Brand, Survival Vest
Type: | Human
Name: | Behemoth(Memoria)
Level: | 71
HP: | 24,123
MP: | 3338
Gil: | 2764
EXP: | 53,168
Steal: | Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Beast
Name: | Benero
Level: | 1
HP: | 28
MP: | 149
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Human
Name: | Black Waltz No. 1
Level: | 2
HP: | 229
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 134
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Steepled Hat, Lighting Staff, Flame Staff
Type: | Human
Name: | Black Waltz No. 2
Level: | 6
HP: | 1030
MP: | 3017
Gil: | 441
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Steepled Hat, Leather Plate
Type: | Human/Flying
Name: | Black Waltz No. 3(Cargo Ship)
Level: | 7
HP: | 1128
MP: | 2080
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Steepled Hat, Linen Cuirass, Silver Gloves
Type: | Human/Flying
Name: | Black Waltz No. 3(South Gate)
Level: | 9
HP: | 1274
MP: | 344
Gil: | 864
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Steepled Hat, Lightning Staff, Flame Staff
Type: | Human
Name: | Blazer Beetle
Level: | 19
HP: | 1468
MP: | 603
Gil: | 740
EXP: | 1548
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | Bug
Name: | Bomb
Level: | 10
HP: | 526
MP: | 359
Gil: | 235
EXP: | 178
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Flying

-----[ C ]-----

Name: | Cactaur
Level: | 30
HP: | 1939
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1021
EXP: | 4208
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Tent, Ether
Type: | Plant
Name: | Carrion Worm
Level: | 9
HP: | 259
MP: | 345
Gil: | 319
EXP: | 329
Steal: | Annoyntment, Tent
Type: | Bug
Name: | Carve Spider
Level: | 3
HP: | 123
MP: | 199
Gil: | 124
EXP: | 48
Steal: | Potion, Tent, Ore
Type: | Bug
Name: | Catoblepas/Shoat
Level: | 32
HP: | 3727
MP: | 1069
Gil: | 1421
EXP: | 6609
Steal: | Soft, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | Beast
Name: | Cave Imp
Level: | 2
HP: | 74
MP: | 186
Gil: | 118
EXP: | 35
Steal: | Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Cerberus
Level: | 44
HP: | 6977
MP: | 1625
Gil: | 1984
EXP: | 15,181
Steal: | Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: | Beast
Name: | Chimera
Level: | 67
HP: | 21,901
MP: | 3,053
Gil: | 2732
EXP: | 42,785
Steal: | Vaccine, Garnet, Remedy
Type: | Demon
Name: | Clipper
Level: | 7
HP: | 294
MP: | 278
Gil: | 190
EXP: | 80
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Crawler
Level: | 10
HP: | 625
MP: | 358
Gil: | 323
EXP: | 480
Steal: | Antidote, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Bug

-----[ D ]-----

Name: | Deathguise
Level: | 74
HP: | 55,535
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 8916
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Black Belt, Duel Claws
Type: | Demon/Bug/Flying
Name: | Dendrobium
Level: | 2
HP: | 174
MP: | 186
Gil: | 99
EXP: | 39
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent, Ore
Type: | Flying
Name: | Dracozombie
Level: | 24
HP: | 2179
MP: | 760
Gil: | 941
EXP: | 3229
Steal: | Magic Tag, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Dragon/Undead
Name: | Drakan
Level: | 30
HP: | 3292
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1118
EXP: | 5675
Steal: | Antidote
Type: | Demon/Flying
Name: | Dragonfly
Level: | 8
HP: | 348
MP: | 295
Gil: | 307
EXP: | 249
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent
Type: | Bug/Flying

-----[ E ]-----

Name: | Earth Guardian
Level: | 54
HP: | 20,756
MP: | 2234
Gil: | 4512
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Avenger, Rubber Suit
Type: | Demon
Name: | Epitaph
Level: | 32
HP: | 3732
MP: | 300
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Soft
Type: | Stone

-----[ F ]-----

Name: | False
Level: | 11
HP: | 594
MP: | 376
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 23,852
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Flying
Name: | Fang(Evil Forest)
Level: | 1
HP: | 68
MP: | 170
Gil: | 90
EXP: | 23
Steal: | Potion, Phoenix down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Beast
Name: | Fang(Hunt)
Level: | 5
HP: | 216
MP: | 253
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Beast
Name: | Feather Circle
Level: | 13
HP: | 619
MP: | 448
Gil: | 378
EXP: | 629
Steal: | Ore, Annoyntment, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Flying
Name: | Feather Circle
Level: | 29
HP: | 3298
MP: | 994
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Flying/Friendly
Name: | Flan
Level: | 2
HP: | 75
MP: | 183
Gil: | 110
EXP: | 41
Steal: | Potion, Ore
Type: | -NIL-

-----[ G ]-----

Name: | Gargoyle
Level: | 44
HP: | 6977
MP: | 1628
Gil: | 1958
EXP: | 15,181
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Tent, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: | Stone/Flying
Name: | Garland
Level: | 62
HP: | 40,728
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Battle Boots, Ninja Gear, Dark Gear
Type: | Human
Name: | Garuda
Level: | 35
HP: | 3521
MP: | 1216
Gil: | 1279
EXP: | 6933
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix down
Type: | Flying
Name: | Garuda
Level: | 42
HP: | 6583
MP: | 1570
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Flying/Friendly
Name: | Ghost
Level: | 4
HP: | 118
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 126
EXP: | 48
Steal: | Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | Undead/Flying
Name: | Ghost
Level: | 8
HP: | 347
MP: | 293
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Flying/Friendly
Name: | Gogan Octopus
Level: | 31
HP: | 3584
MP: | 1044
Gil: | 1840
EXP: | 6096
Steal: | Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: | Flying
Name: | Gigan Toad
Level: | 7
HP: | 297
MP: | 280
Gil: | 288
EXP: | 178
Steal: | Ore
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Gimme Cat
Level: | 36
HP: | 4683
MP: | 1240
Gil: | 5000
EXP: | 4
Steal: | Echo Screen, Tent, Ether
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Gizamaluke
Level: | 16
HP: | 3175
MP: | 502
Gil: | 800
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Magus Hat, Ice Staff
Type: | Flying
Name: | Gnoll
Level: | 18
HP: | 1375
MP: | 586
Gil: | 691
EXP: | 1368
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Goblin
Level: | 5
HP: | 33
MP: | 172
Gil: | 88
EXP: | 23
Steal: | Potion
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Goblin Mage
Level: | 15
HP: | 983
MP: | 485
Gil: | 568
EXP: | 913
Steal: | Potion, Ore
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Grand Dragon
Level: | 60
HP: | 13,206
MP: | 2250
Gil: | 2604
EXP: | 35,208
Steal: | Tent, Ether, Rising Sun
Type: | Dragon
Name: | Grenade
Level: | 36
HP: | 4685
MP: | 1240
Gil: | 1336
EXP: | 7459
Steal: | Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: | Flying
Name: | Griffin
Level: | 16
HP: | 1470
MP: | 602
Gil: | 602
EXP: | 1858
Steal: | Ore
Type: | Flying
Name: | Grimlock(Pink Head)
Level: | 30
HP: | 3292
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1363
EXP: | 6610
Steal: | Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Grimlock(Blue Head)
Level: | 30
HP: | 3292
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1363
EXP: | 6610
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | -NIL-

-----[ H ]-----

Name: | Hades
Level: | 92
HP: | 55,535
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 9638
EXP: | 65,535
Steal: | Reflect Ring, Running Shoes, Battle Boots, Robe of Lords
Type: | Demon/Flying
Name: | Hagen
Level: | 1
HP: | 33
MP: | 673
Gil: | 72
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Human
Name: | Hecteyes
Level: | 51
HP: | 9567
MP: | 2033
Gil: | 2049
EXP: | 17,096
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Vaccine, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Demon/Undead
Name: | Hedgehog Pie
Level: | 7
HP: | 295
MP: | 281
Gil: | 187
EXP: | 119
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Hilgigars
Level: | 28
HP: | 8106
MP: | 908
Gil: | 2136
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Mythril Fork, Fairy Flute
Type: | Human
Name: | Hornet
Level: | 7
HP: | 293
MP: | 281
Gil: | 194
EXP: | 89
Steal: | Potion
Type: | Bug/Flying

-----[ I ]-----

Name: | Ironite
Level: | 11
HP: | 889
MP: | 374
Gil: | 269
EXP: | 577
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Soft
Type: | Dragon/Flying
Name: | Iron Man
Level: | 68
HP: | 21,217
MP: | 3091
Gil: | 2796
EXP: | 42,996
Steal: | Phoenix down
Type: | Human/Demon

-----[ J ]-----

Name: | Jaberwock
Level: | 30
HP: | 3442
MP: | 1019
Gil: | 1156
EXP: | 4675
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Jabberwock
Level: | 31
HP: | 3582
MP: | 1042
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Friendly

-----[ K ]-----

Name: | King Leo
Level: | 1
HP: | 186
MP: | 373
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Human
Name: | Kraken
Level: | 72
HP: | 59,496
MP: | 3380
Gil: | 8628
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Genji Helmet, Wizard Rob, Glutton's Robe
Type: | Demon
Name: | Kraken
Level: | 72
HP: | 23,354
MP: | 3381
Gil: | 4338
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Annoyntment, eye Drops
Type: | Memoria
Name: | Kraken - Right Tentacle
Level: | 71
HP: | 18,168
MP: | 3338
Gil: | 4362
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Wing Edge
Type: | Demon
Name: | Kraken - Left Tentacle
Level: | 71
HP: | 18,169
MP: | 3339
Gil: | 4386
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir
Type: | Demon
Name: | Kuja
Level: | 64
HP: | 42,382
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Carabini Mail, Light Robe
Type: | Human

-----[ L ]-----

Name: | Ladybug
Level: | 6
HP: | 244
MP: | 266
Gil: | 193
EXP: | 89
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Bug/Flying
Name: | Ladybug
Level: | 6
HP: | 244
MP: | 267
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Bug/Flying/Friendly
Name: | Lamia
Level: | 10
HP: | 994
MP: | 358
Gil: | 494
EXP: | 204
Steal: | Ore, Phoenix Down
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Land Worm
Level: | 29
HP: | 5296
MP: | 997
Gil: | 1316
EXP: | 5151
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Bug
Name: | Lani
Level: | 19
HP: | 5708
MP: | 4802
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Gladius, Coral Sword
Type: | Human
Name: | Lich
Level: | 71
HP: | 58,544
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 8436
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Genji Gloves, Siren's Flute, Black Robe
Type: | Demon
Name: | Lich
Level: | 68
HP: | 22,218
MP: | 3091
Gil: | 2828
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ore
Type: | Memoria
Name: | Lizard Man
Level: | 10
HP: | 589
MP: | 359
Gil: | 218
EXP: | 173
Steal: | Ore, Tent
Type: | Dragon

-----[ M ]-----

Name: | Magic Vice
Level: | 7
HP: | 297
MP: | 278
Gil: | 239
EXP: | 213
Steal: | Echo Screen, Ether
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Malboro
Level: | 57
HP: | 11,687
MP: | 2334
Gil: | 2572
EXP: | 30,579
Steal: | Ore, Vaccine
Type: | Plant
Name: | Malaris
Level: | 72
HP: | 59,497
MP: | 3381
Gil: | 8532
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Genji Armor, Ultima Sword, Masamune
Type: | Demon
Name: | Malaris
Level: | 69
HP: | 22,535
MP: | 3127
Gil: | 2860
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down
Type: | Memoria
Name: | Manddragora
Level: | 9
HP: | 662
MP: | 344
Gil: | 595
EXP: | 307
Steal: | Echo Screen, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Masked Man
Level: | 1
HP: | 188
MP: | 223
Gil: | 805
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Potion, Wrist, Mage Masher
Type: | Human
Name: | Meltigemini
Level: | 42
HP: | 24,348
MP: | 1570
Gil: | 6428
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Vaccine, Golden Hairpin, Demon's Vest
Type: | Demon
Name: | Mimic
Level: | 8
HP: | 346
MP: | 295
Gil: | 777
EXP: | 320
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Antidote
Type: | Box
Name: | Mistodon
Level: | 19
HP: | 1473
MP: | 602
Gil: | 747
EXP: | 2548
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Undead
Name: | Mover
Level: | 52
HP: | 7532
MP: | 2064
Gil: | 2300
EXP: | 23,801
Steal: | Opal, Vaccine, Tent
Type: | Flying
Name: | Mu(Evil Forest)
Level: | 2
HP: | 77
MP: | 183
Gil: | 104
EXP: | 34
Steal: | Potion
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Mu(Hunt)
Level: | 5
HP: | 201
MP: | 253
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Mu
Level: | 2
HP: | 78
MP: | 186
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | Friendly
Name: | Myconid
Level: | 20
HP: | 1372
MP: | 584
Gil: | 726
EXP: | 1368
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent
Type: | Flying

-----[ N ]-----

Name: | Necron
Level: | 69
HP: | 54,100
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir
Type: | Flying
Name: | Nova Dragon
Level: | 67
HP: | 54,940
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 9506
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Remedy, Dragon Wrist, Grand Armor
Type: | Dragon/Flying
Name: | Nymph
Level: | 9
HP: | 458
MP: | 345
Gil: | 303
EXP: | 329
Steal: | Echo Screen, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Nymph
Level: | 9
HP: | 463
MP: | 344
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Friendly

-----[ O ]-----

Name: | Ochu
Level: | 16
HP: | 3568
MP: | 622
Gil: | 845
EXP: | 2093
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | Plant
Name: | Ogre
Level: | 32
HP: | 3727
MP: | 1067
Gil: | 1204
EXP: | 5507
Steal: | Annoyntment, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Ozma
Level: | 99
HP: | 55,535
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 18,312
EXP: | 65,535
Steal: | Elixir, Robe of Lords, Dark Matter, Pumice Piece
Type: | Flying

-----[ P ]-----

Name: | Plant Brain
Level: | 7
HP: | 916
MP: | 1431
Gil: | 468
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Eye Drops, Iron Helm
Type: | Plant
Name: | Plant Spider
Level: | 1
HP: | 33
MP: | 173
Gil: | 91
EXP: | 22
Steal: | Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Bug
Name: | Prison Cage
Level: | 2
HP: | 533
MP: | 1186
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Broad Sword, Leather Wrist
Type: | Plant
Name: | Python
Level: | 2
HP: | 75
MP: | 184
Gil: | 106
EXP: | 40
Steal: | Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | -NIL-

-----[ Q ]-----

Name: | Quale
Level: | 76
HP: | 65,535
MP: | 3680
Gil: | 10,800
EXP: | 65,535
Steal: | Elixir, Ninja Gear, Glutton's Robe, Robe of Lords
Type: | Human

-----[ R ]-----

Name: | Ragtime Mouse
Level: | 31
HP: | 3584
MP: | 1045
Gil: | 59,630
EXP: | 22,52
Steal: | -NIL-
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Ralvuimago
Level: | 18
HP: | 3352
MP: | 584
Gil: | 1404
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Adamn Vest, Oak Staff
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Ralvurahva
Level: | 13
HP: | 2296
MP: | 3649
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Bone Wrist, Mythril Fork
Type: | Dragon
Name: | Red Dragon
Level: | 36
HP: | 8000
MP: | 1242
Gil: | 5156
EXP: | 22,377
Steal: | Tent, Ether, Elixir
Type: | Dragon/Flying
Name: | Ring Leader
Level: | 51
HP: | 9569
MP: | 2030
Gil: | 1868
EXP: | 18,816
Steal: | Echo Screen, Vaccine
Type: | Demon/Flying

-----[ S ]-----

Name: | Sahagin
Level: | 18
HP: | 1375
MP: | 585
Gil: | 684
EXP: | 1368
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | NA
Name: | Sand Golem
Level: | 11
HP: | 342
MP: | 376
Gil: | 589
EXP: | 677
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Eye Drops
Type: | NA
Name: | Sand Golem(Core)
Level: | 11
HP: | 1091
MP: | 377
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | NA
Name: | Sand Scorpion
Level: | 10
HP: | 526
MP: | 360
Gil: | 315
EXP: | 400
Steal: | Ore, Antidote, Ether
Type: | NA
Name: | Scarlet Hair
Level: | 22
HP: | 8985
MP: | 5865
Gil: | 4790
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Poison Knuckles
Type: | Human
Name: | Sealion
Level: | 3
HP: | 472
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 205
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Mythril Daggar
Type: | Flying
Name: | Seeker Bat
Level: | 12
HP: | 594
MP: | 377
Gil: | 366
EXP: | 449
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent
Type: | Flying
Name: | Serpion
Level: | 8
HP: | 397
MP: | 295
Gil: | 184
EXP: | 139
Steal: | Antidote
Type: | Dragon
Name: | Shell Dragon
Level: | 58
HP: | 12,661
MP: | 2482
Gil: | 2588
EXP: | 32,073
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Vaccine, Tent, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Dragon
Name: | Shell Dragon(Pandemonium)
Level: | 54
HP: | 10,921
MP: | 9335
Gil: | 2332
EXP: | 26,376
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Elixir
Type: | Dragon
Name: | Silver Dragon
Level: | 58
HP: | 24,055
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 5240
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Dragon Mail, Kaiser Knuckles
Type: | Dragon/Flying
Name: | Skeleton
Level: | 8
HP: | 400
MP: | 293
Gil: | 209
EXP: | 104
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Undead
Name: | Soldier(Cleyra)
Level: | 10
HP: | 523
MP: | 358
Gil: | 311
EXP: | 400
Steal: | Potion, Phoneix Down, Echo Screen, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Human
Name: | Soldier(Alexandria Castle)
Level: | 9
HP: | 459
MP: | 342
Gil: | 292
EXP: | 357
Steal: | Potion, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Human
Name: | Soulcage
Level: | 26
HP: | 9765
MP: | 862
Gil: | 3800
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Oak Staff, Magician Cloak, Brigandine
Type: | Undead
Name: | Steiner(1st battle)
Level: | 1
HP: | 169
MP: | 523
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Leather Hat, Silk Shirt
Type: | Human
Name: | Steiner(2nd battle)
Level: | 1
HP: | 167
MP: | 620
Gil: | 355
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Name: | Steiner(3rd battle)
Level: | 1
HP: | 162
MP: | 770
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Name: | Stilva
Level: | 67
HP: | 21,906
MP: | 3053
Gil: | 2780
EXP: | 42,785
Steal: | Ether
Type: | Demon
Name: | Stroper
Level: | 21
HP: | 1840
MP: | 697
Gil: | 915
EXP: | 2346
Steal: | Soft, Peridot, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Stone

-----[ T ]-----

Name: | Taharka
Level: | 46
HP: | 29,186
MP: | 1776
Gil: | 8092
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Myhtril Claws, Orichalcon
Type: | Flying
Name: | Tantarian
Level: | 41
HP: | 21,997
MP: | 1456
Gil: | 4472
EXP: | 12,585
Steal: | Ether, Elixir, Silver Fork, Demon's Mail
Type: | Demon
Name: | Thorn
Level: | 16
HP: | 2984
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Mythril Armor, Mythril Armlet
Type: | Human
Name: | Tiamat
Level: | 72
HP: | 59,494
MP: | 3381
Gil: | 8820
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Blood Sword, Feather Boots, Grand Helmet
Type: | Dragon
Name: | Tiamat(Memoria)
Level: | 71
HP: | 24,127
MP: | 3338
Gil: | 2956
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Wing Edge
Type: | Dragon
Name: | Tonberry
Level: | 46
HP: | 7886
MP: | 1779
Gil: | 1513
EXP: | 13,297
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Torama
Level: | 30
HP: | 3292
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1118
EXP: | 5675
Steal: | Antidote, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Beast/Demon
Name: | Trance Kuja
Level: | 76
HP: | 55,535
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, White Robe, Rebirth Ring
Type: | Human/Flying
Name: | Trick Sparrow
Level: | 5
HP: | 191
MP: | 250
Gil: | 198
EXP: | 65
Steal: | Ore
Type: | Flying
Name: | Troll
Level: | 20
HP: | 1469
MP: | 623
Gil: | 854
EXP: | 2093
Steal: | Ore, Tent
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | True
Level: | 11
HP: | 589
MP: | 377
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying
Name: | Type A
Level: | 8
HP: | 398
MP: | 293
Gil: | 199
EXP: | 115
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Tent
Type: | Human
Name: | Type B
Level: | 10
HP: | 526
MP: | 361
Gil: | 321
EXP: | 373
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Human
Name: | Type C
Level: | 13
HP: | 623
MP: | 447
Gil: | 336
EXP: | 629
Steal: | Potion, Tent
Type: | Human

-----[ V ]-----

Name: | Vulia Pira
Level: | 36
HP: | 12,119
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 4089
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying
Name: | Verpal(Green)
Level: | 34
HP: | 4363
MP: | 1188
Gil: | 1270
EXP: | 6434
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: | Flying
Name: | Verpal(Red)
Level: | 35
HP: | 4022
MP: | 1214
Gil: | 1326
EXP: | 6933
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | Flying
Name: | Veteran
Level: | 44
HP: | 6972
MP: | 1627
Gil: | 1971
EXP: | 15,181
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Demon/Flying
Name: | Vice
Level: | 4
HP: | 129
MP: | 209
Gil: | 128
EXP: | 48
Steal: | Echo Screen, Potion
Type: | -NIL-

-----[ W ]-----

Name: | Weimar
Level: | 1
HP: | 38
MP: | 721
Gil: | 73
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Name: | Whale Zombie
Level: | 32
HP: | 3730
MP: | 1066
Gil: | 1528
EXP: | 6609
Steal: | Antidote, Magic Tag
Type: | Undead/Flying
Name: | Worm Hydra
Level: | 37
HP: | 4846
MP: | 1268
Gil: | 1345
EXP: | 8010
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Antidote
Type: | Dragon
Name: | Wraith(Blue)
Level: | 36
HP: | 4686
MP: | 1239
Gil: | 1654
EXP: | 8950
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Undead/Flying
Name: | Wraith(Red)
Level: | 37
HP: | 4686
MP: | 1268
Gil: | 1345
EXP: | 8010
Steal: | Topaz, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Flying/Undead
Name: | Wyerd
Level: | 2
HP: | 129
MP: | 183
Gil: | 116
EXP: | 45
Steal: | Potion, Tent, Phoenix Down
Type: | Beast

-----[ Y ]-----

Name: | Yan
Level: | 72
HP: | 19,465
MP: | 3378
Gil: | 2218
EXP: | 42,673
Steal: | Ore, Elixir
Type: | -NIL-
Name: | Yan
Level: | 61
HP: | 13,486
MP: | 2588
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Friendly
Name: | Yeti
Level: | 9
HP: | 463
MP: | 342
Gil: | 221
EXP: | 133
Steal: | Eye Drops, Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Flying
Name: | Yeti
Level: | 6
HP: | 246
MP: | 265
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying/Friendly

-----[ Z ]-----

Name: | Zaghnol(Hunt)
Level: | 9
HP: | 1574
MP: | 2342
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Mythril gloves, Needle Fork
Type: | Beast
Name: | Zaghnol(Pinnacle Rocks)
Level: | 16
HP: | 1189
MP: | 499
Gil: | 546
EXP: | 1261
Steal: | Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: | Beast
Name: | Zemzelett
Level: | 20
HP: | 1571
MP: | 625
Gil: | 889
EXP: | 2093
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Flying
Name: | Zenero
Level: | 1
HP: | 32
MP: | 149
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Name: | Zombie
Level: | 19
HP: | 973
MP: | 603
Gil: | 708
EXP: | 1445
Steal: | Magic Tab, Tent, Ether
Type: | Undead
Name: | Zorn
Level: | 16
HP: | 4896
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Partisan, Stardust Rod
Type: | Human
Name: | Zuu
Level: | 8
HP: | 1149
MP: | 293
Gil: | 384
EXP: | 320
Steal: | Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Flying

7.0 Tetra Master ------------------------------------------------------


8.0 Boss Guide --------------------------------------------------------

HP: 169, 167, 162
Weak Vs.: N/A
Steal Items: Leather Hat, Silk Shirt
Spoils: None
In the first battle, just have Zidane and Blank attack every round,
while Cinna steals. You should not have to worry about healing or
anything. In the second battle, Steiner is accompanied by two people. It
does not matter though, because you have Marcus and Vivi in your party
now to compensate. Have Marcus and Zidane attack every round, while Vivi
uses fire magic. The two guards should not be worried about, just focus
on Steiner. In the third battle, just keep on attacking him until he
realizes that there really is a Bomb behind him. The idiot cannot figure
it out for a while!

HP: 513, 533
AP: 3
Weak Vs.: Fire
Steal Items: Leather Wrist, Broadsword
Spoils: Phoenix Down, Eye Drops, Goblin Card (random)
I had a lot of problems with this battle until I figured out what to do.
Here is what you do: see how Zidane goes into Trance? Have him use his
strongest attack, while Vivi uses fire. This makes the battle go by
quicker, and you should knock him out before Garnet dies. The second
time around, Vivi is trapped. Vivi will attack the monster with Fire
magic, so just do attacks and heal Vivi with potions and you should do

HP: 202
Weak Vs.: N/A
Steal Items: Hi-Potion, Iron Sword
Spoils: None
Baku is not intent on killing Zidane, but the game will end if you don't
watch your HP and take Potions when needed. Baku will trip and fall
during half of his attacks. But don't think him a fool, because Baku is
really trying to get Zidane to steal some helpful items from him. If you
can steal the Iron Sword for Steiner to use, your party will have it
much easier in the Boss fight to come! So alternate attacks with
attempts at thievery. After obtaining the Iron Sword, continue to attack
until Baku calls it quits.

HP: 916
AP: 5
Weak Vs.: Fire
Steal Items: Iron Helm
Spoils: Phoenix Down, Potion
This guy is actually pretty simple, as Blank can take out a good chunk
of HP each round. Just have Blank and Zidane attack and Vivi heal with
potions as needed (or attack with Fire magic, Plant Brain is weak
against that) and you should do okay. You should worry about the Pollen
attack, which causes darkness, use Eyedrops to cure this if you need to,
but you should kill the sucka before he gets to know too much. =)

HP: Black Waltz #1: 229, Sealion: 472
AP: 5
Weak Vs.: Fire (both), Ice (Black Waltz #1)
Steal Items: Black Waltz #1: Silk Shirt, Remedy, Sealion: Ether, Mythril Dagger
Spoils: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Fang Card, Skeleton Card
I really did not have too much problems with this boss at all. Just make sure
use Potions whenever you get down to around 100 HP or so, because a Blizzard
spell could very well take off 100 HP from you, and then you will have to start
this over again. I would kill the Black Waltz first, as he does not have as
HP as the Sea Lion. I think you can take out the Black Waltz with 4 or 5 hits
your sword if you have the Mage Masher equipped, so make sure to have it
equipped before entering this battle, as I told you before. If Zidane goes into
trance during this battle, it is pretty much over because he can use Tidal
which kills both bosses pretty much instantly. Like I said, this isn't that
tough, just heal and keep your HP up and you should do fine.

HP: 1030
AP: 5
Weak Vs.: Wind
Steal Items: Steepled Hat, Leather Plate
Spoils: Ether, Zaghnol Card (random)
This battle is not that tough as long as you know what you are doing. Do not
magic on him unless you want him to attack back with magic. Here is what I
do: Have dagger cast Protect on all 4 members, if possible, while Steiner uses
the Thunder sword magic attack, and Zidane steals and attacks. You can steal a
Steepled Hat and Leather Plate from this boss, which is actually pretty good.
Have Vivi be the healer of the party with Potions and stuff, although I just
went ahead and used magic, his counter-magic attack is not that horrible. His
goal is to kidnap the princess, so I assume that he will not kill her, instead
he tries to kill the other guys in the party, and then kidnap her when they are
dead. I do not know though since I did not have much problems with this boss,

HP: 1128
Weak Vs.: Wind
Steal Items: Steepled Hat, Linen Cuirass, Silver Gloves
Spoils: None
This battle is actually quite easy. Vivi goes into trance automatically to
the battle, which means he can now cast two magic spells in a row. And this one
does not have a strong counter attack, which means you can cast two Fire spells
in a row without having to worry too much. Have Steiner use Sword Magic spells
frequently. Waltz No.3's one main defense seems to be its ability to float in
the air. Once it rises off the deck, regular physical attacks miss every time.
This puts Zidane at something of a disadvantage throughout the entire battle.
Therefore, have him steal and cure the others with Potions when needed. I have
him steal automatically, because you can get three good items from this boss,
and at the end of the fight the boss just runs away and breaks down, so you do
not win anything for defeating him.

HP: 3175
AP: 5
Weak Vs.: Thunder, Wind
Steal Items: Ice Staff, Magus Hat, Elixir
Spoils: Tent, Mythril Sword Card (Random)
I found out a nice little trick in order to beat this guy more quickly. The
I hate most that he uses is Crash, but I found a way to counter it. I found a
way to make the dude Blind, all you have to do is hit him with Zidane's Soul
Blade ability, which is learned via the Ogre. Of course, you can learn it and
then equip another weapon. This dude can also silence Vivi, which is a pain in
the neck. Just have Vivi use magic when he can, while Steiner uses Sword Magic
or Sword Tech if Vivi is silenced, and have Zidane steal some stuff then
Have Quina use blue magic, I just have it end up being the healer though,
feeding the party potions as they need it. It is not that tough to beat once
have blinded it. If you do not blind it, it is a bit tougher to beat.

HP: 3630
AP: ???
Weak Vs.: Nothing
Steal Items: Chain Plate, Mythril Sword, Phoenix Down
Spoils: N/A
Despite what other people may say, this is not that tough of a battle if you
know what you are doing. You have Zidane, Freya, Quina, and Vivi in your party.
Have Quina be the healer of the party, have Zidane attack and/or steal, have
Freya jump or use Lancer every round, and have Vivi cast Thundara, Fira, or
Blizarra every round, that causes a lot of damage. I would have Vivi heal party
with potions as needed, Quina can actually attack on occasion, and make sure
keep the party healed at all times, and you should do fine. I had a lot of
potions, and kept on loading everyone with potions, she barely even touched me
after that. After doing enough damage, she says something like "You will never
defeat me!" then casts Shock Break on the party, ending the battle with
is at 1 HP.

HP: 3000
AP: ???
Weak Vs.: Nothing
Steal Items: Nothing
Spoils: N/A
The biggest problem I had with this battle was the fact that Vivi was not
present for the battle. Not only does this mean that you do not get his
magic attacks, but it also means that Steiner must go ahead and use whatever
attacks he has learned, without using Sword Magic. However, this battle was
pretty easy for me. Have Marcus attack (or steal if you want, I have not had
steal yet, though), Dagger should either cure or attack (if she has the Multina
Racket equipped, she can probably do more damage then Marcus can), and Steiner
should either attack or use his strongest sword attack. This battle is not that

HP: 2200
AP: 0
Weak Vs.: Nothing
Steal Items: Bone Wrist, Mythril Fork
Spoils: None
Remember I told you that it would be a good idea to equip Steiner and Dagger
with the ability Antibody? Well, this is the reason why. If you have it
equipped, the battle will be easier. If you do not have it equipped, well good
luck. Here is what I did for a quick win. I had Steiner attack with his Sword
Art attacks, I had Marcus steal the two items then attack, and I had Dagger be
the curer in the party, while casting antidotes on Marcus if he gets poisoned.
The boss likes to cast a lot of Poison magic attacks, but since you have
Antibody equipped you should not have much trouble dealing with this. Just
attack it and heal as normal and it should be defeated rather easily, then it
just leaves without giving you anything. If you stole stuff with Marcus,
you have gained something from the boss. Otherwise, you got nothing! =)


9.0 Shop Guide --------------------------------------------------------

THANX TO: The Free Lancer

{-= Contents =-}

Shop Lists

{-= Exegesis =-}

This FAQ consists of all the shop lists in the Playstation game, Final
Fantasy IX. This FAQ does not explain the use of available items; go to
Sailor Bacon¹s Final Fantasy IX Resource List if you¹re looking for that
information. Anyway, the lists are organized by town. The town order is
listed in the order you visit the town shops. For example, Alexandria is not
first because you don¹t visit an Alexandrian shop until later. If you would
like this fixed, tell me, and I might alphabetize it or something in the next
version. Anyway, if the stores¹ inventory changes, it is subtitled
appropriately. The lists are presented in the following format, depending on
the type of store:

Regular Shop:

Item Price (Gil)
Item Price (Gil)
Item Price (Gil)


Synthesis shop:

Item Required Items Price (Gil)
Item Required Items Price (Gil)
Item Required Items Price (Gil)

{-= Shop Lists =-}


Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Broadsword 330
Iron Sword 660
Rod 260
Mage Staff 320
Wrist 130
Leather Wrist 200
Bronze Gloves 480
Leather Hat 150
Feather Hat 200
Rubber Helm 250
Bronze Helm 330
Leather Shirt 270
Silk Shirt 400
Bronze Armor 650

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800


Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Iron Sword 660
Javelin 880
Rod 260
Fork 1100
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bronze Gloves 480
Silver Gloves 720
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Iron Helm 450
Leather Plate 530
Linen Cuirass 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist


Needle Fork 3100
Glass Armlet 250
Mythril Gloves 980
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Linen Cuirass 800
Barbut 600
Bronze Vest 670
Linen Cuirass 800
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Summit Station

Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Glass Armlet 250
Silver Gloves 720
Mythril Gloves 980
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Rubber Helm 250
Iron Helm 450
Barbut 600
Bronze Vest 670
Linen Cuirass 800
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800


Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Mythril Sword 1300
Mythril Spear 1100
Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Fork 1100
Needle Fork 3100
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Gloves 980
Bandana 500
Barbut 600
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Linen Cuirass 800
Chain Mail 1200

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Tent 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft


Partisan 1600
Air Racket 400
Mythril Rod 560
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Needle Fork 3100
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage¹s Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Chain Mail 1200
Mythril Armor 1830

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Lindblum II

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage¹s Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Linen Cuirass 800
Chain Mail 1200
Mythril Armor 1830

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail

Fossil Roo

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Mythril Armlet 500
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Bandana 500
Mage¹s Hat 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Adaman Vest 1600
Mythril Armor 1830
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Conde Petie

Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 2400
Mythril Fork 4700
Mythril Armlet 500
Lamia¹s Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Adaman Vest 1600
Magician Cloak 1850

Black Mage Village

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Stardust Rod 760
Mage Staff 320
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 2400
Mythril Fork 4700
Leather Wrist 200
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Leather Hat 150
Feather Hat 200
Steepled Hat 260
Headgear 330
Magus Hat 400
Bandana 500
Mage¹s Hat 600
Lamia¹s Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Silk Shirt 400
Leather Plate 530
Bronze Vest 670
Chain Plate 810
Mythril Vest 1180
Adaman Vest 1600
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain¹s Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia¹s Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain¹s Ring

Madain Sari

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Golem¹s Flute 2700
Pinwheel 200
Magic Armlet 1000
Lamia¹s Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 1000
Adaman Vest 1600
Survival Vest 2900
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 150
Annoynment 150
Tent 800


Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat¹s Claws 4000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia¹s Flute 3800
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 240
Pinwheel 2000
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia¹s Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Barbut 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia¹s Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain¹s Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer

Treno II

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Coral Sword 4000
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat¹s Claws 5000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia¹s Flute 3800
Oak Staff 240
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia¹s Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Linen Cuirass 800
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain¹s Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia¹s Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain¹s Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer

Lindblum III

Coral Sword 4000
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Poison Knuckles 5000
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia¹s Flute 3800
Cypress Pile 3200
Mythril Fork 4700
Pinwheel 200
Chimera Armlet 1200
Thunder Gloves 1200
Twist Headband 1200
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain¹s Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia¹s Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain¹s Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer


Diamond Sword 4700
Trident 3580
Mythril Claws 6500
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Fairy Flute 4500
Cypress Pile 3200
Silver Fork 7400
Pinwheel 200
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist¹s Armlet 2000
Thunder Gloves 1200
Diamond Gloves 2000
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Green Beret 2180
Gold Helm 1800
Cross Helm 2200
Brigandine 4300
Judo Uniform 5000
Plate Mail 2320
Gold Armor 2950
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Desert Palace

Diamond Sword 4700
Trident 3580
Mythril Claws 6500
Magic Racket 1350
Healing Rod 1770
Fairy Flute 4500
Cypress Pile 3200
Silver Fork 7400
Rising Sun 500
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist¹s Armlet 2000
Thunder Gloves 1200
Diamond Gloves 2000
Mantra Band 1500
Dark Hat 1800
Green Beret 2180
Cross Helm 2200
Brigandine 4300
Judo Uniform 5000
Gold Armor 2950
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Esto Gaza

Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Diamond Sword 4700
Flame Saber 5190
Heavy Lance 4700
Scissor Fangs 8000
Magic Racket 1350
Asura¹s Rod 3180
Hamelin 5700
Cypress Pile 3200
Octagon Rod 4500
Silver Fork 7400
Rising Sun 500
Egoist¹s Armlet 2000
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Diamond Gloves 2000
Venetia Shield 2800
Black Hood 2550
Red Cap 3000
Cross Helm 2200
Judo Uniform 5000
Power Vest 7200
Gold Armor 2950
Shield Armor 4300
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoyntment 150
Tent 800

Mount Gulug

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Alexandria II

Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Ice Brand 3780
Partisan 1600
Ice Lance 2430
Cat¹s Claws 4000
Poison Knuckles 5000
Stardust Rod 760
Healing Rod 1770
Lamia¹s Flute 3800
Flame Staff 1100
Ice Staff 980
Lightning Staff 1200
Oak Staff 240
Pinwheel 2000
Glass Armlet 250
Bone Wrist 330
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Mythril Gloves 980
Thunder Gloves 1200
Lamia¹s Tiara 800
Ritual Hat 100
Twist Headband 1200
Barbut 600
Mythril Helm 1000
Gold Helm 1800
Magician Cloak 1850
Survival Vest 2900
Brigandine 4399
Mythril Armor 1830
Plate Mail 2320

The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain¹s Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia¹s Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain¹s Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer


Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Rune Blade 8900
Obelisk 6000
Tiger Fangs 13500
Mythril Racket 2250
Asura¹s Rod 3180
Hamelin 5700
Octagon Rod 4500
Rising Sun 500
Bone Wrist 220
Mythril Armlet 500
Magic Armlet 1000
Chimera Armlet 1200
Egoist¹s Armlet 2000
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Venetia Shield 2800
Defense Gloves 6000
Lamia¹s Tiara 800
Twist Headband 1200
Golden Hairpin 3700
Coronet 4400
Diamond Helm 3000
Gaia Gear 8700
Demon¹s Vest 10250
Demon¹s Mail 5900
Diamond Armor 8800

Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Sargatanas 12000 Gladius, Zorlin Shape
Cotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled Hat
Silk Robe 2000 Silk Shirt, Bandana
Magician Robe 3000 Mage Staff, Magician Cloak
Glutton¹s Robe 6000 Mythril Fork, Cotton Robe
White Robe 8000 Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet
Black Robe 8000 Gaia Gear, N-Kai Armlet
Cachusha 1000 Magus Hat, Rubber Helm
Coral Ring 1200 Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes 1500 Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette 1800 Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt 2000 Glass Buckle, Chain Mail
Mandain¹s Ring 3000 Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod
Fairy Earrings 3200 Magic Armlet, Soft
Extension 3500 Lamia¹s Tiara, Multina Racket
Reflect Ring 7000 Anklet, Mandain¹s Ring
Anklet 4000 Gold Choker, Peridot
Feather Boots 4000 Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion
Black Belt 4000 Twist Headband, Survival Vest
Pearl Rouge 5000 Moonstone, Elixer
Promist Ring 6000 Chimera Armlet, Ruby
Battle Boots 6500 Feather Boots, Wing Edge
Rebirth Ring 7000 Diamond, Anklet
Angel Earrings 8000 Fairy Earrings, Barette
Garnet 350 Ore, Remedy
Amethyst 200 Ore, Annoyntment
Peridot 100 Ore, Soft
Sapphire 200 Ore, Antidote
Opal 100 Ore, Potion
Topaz 100 Ore, Eye Drops
Thief Gloves 50000 Mythril Armlet, Sargatanas

Ipsen¹s Castle

Mage Masher 500
Iron Sword 660
Mythril Spear 1100
Poison Knuckles 5000
Multina Racket 750
Mythril Rod 560
Lamia¹s Flute 3800
Oak Staff 2400
Needle Fork 3100
Rising Sun 500
N-Kai Armlet 3000
Jade Armlet 3400
Venetia Shield 2800
Red Hat 3000
Golden Hairpin 3700
Cross Helm 2200
Diamond Helm 3000
Power Vest 7200
Gaia Gear 8700
Shield Armor 4300
Demon¹s Mail 5900
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Bran Bal

Dagger 320
Mage Masher 500
Mythril Dagger 950
Gladius 2300
Zorlin Shape 6000
Orichalcon 17000
Defender 9240
Holy Lance 11000
Avenger 16000
Mythril Racket 2250
Bistro Fork 10300
Rising Sun 500
Dragon Wrist 4800
Defense Gloves 6000
Coronet 4400
Flash Hat 5200
Adaman Hat 6100
Platinum Helm 4600
Demon¹s Vest 10250
Minerva¹s Plate 12200
Platina Armor 10500
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Black Mage Village II

Potion 50
Hi-Potion 200
Phoenix Down 150
Echo Screen 50
Soft 100
Antidote 50
Eye Drops 50
Magic Tag 100
Vaccine 100
Remedy 300
Annoynment 150
Tent 800

Wizard Rod 3990
Siren¹s Flute 7000
High Mage Staff 6000
Thief Hat 7100
Holy Miter 8300
Dark Gear 16300

Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage Masher
Exploda 1000 Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Rune Tooth 2000 Mythril Dagger, Mythril Dagger
Angel Bless 9000 Mythril Dagger, Gladius
Sargatanas 12000 Gladius, Zorlin Shape
Masamune 16000 Zorlin Shape, Orichalcon
Duel Claws 16000 Dragon¹s Claws, Tiger Fangs
Priest¹s Racket 11000 Air Racket, Cachusha
Bracer 24000 Battle Boots, Venetia Shield
Gauntlets 8000 Mythril Gloves, Dragon Wrist
Golden Skullcap 15000 Gold Helm, Golden Hairpin
Circlet 20000 Coronet, Rosetta Ring
Grand Helm 20000 Cross Helm, Power Belt
Rubber Suit 20000 Minerva¹s Plate, Egoist¹s Armlet
Brave Suit 26000 Mythril Vest, Mythril Rod
Light Robe 20000 Magician Robe, Glass Armlet
Grand Armlet 45000 Mythril Sword, Mythril Armlet
Desert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots 900 Desert Boots, Fork
Gold Choker 1300 Linen Cuirass, Soft
Running Shoes 12000 Battle Boots, Emerald
Rosetta Ring 24000 Madain¹s Ring, Holy Lance
Garnet 350 Ore, Remedy
Amethyst 200 Ore, Annoyntment
Peridot 100 Ore, Soft
Sapphire 200 Ore, Antidote
Opal 100 Ore, Potion
Topaz 100 Ore, Eye Drops
Lapis Lazuli 400 Ore, Dead Pepper

10.0 Other Information ------------------------------------------------

Name: Steve McFadden

My Web Pages Links:

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger:

TOTALS as of 11/27/00
Reviews: 369
FAQs: this was my 50th, I now have 52.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

The only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:

1. GameFAQs (
2. Game Winners (
3. Video Game Strategies (
4. Cheat Code Central (
5. Happy Puppy (
6. Game Revolution (
7. Gaming Planet (
8. PlayStation Pit (
9. X Cheater (
10. Phat Games (
11. The Cheat Empire (
16. Game Castle (
19. : Final Fantasy Chamber

If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if you
happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. if you
see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know ASAP, especially
Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the right to host these
especially after hosting some of my other ones without my permission!

-CJayC (
For his hard work and dedication to one of the greatest sites out there,
and for hopefully posting this guide!

-Play Online (
Yeah, I admit I took some stuff from them. I am crediting them here,
though, right?

-Prima Strategy Guide
Yeah, I admit I took some stuff from them. I am crediting them here,
though, right?

-Nemesis (
He gets credited for providing me with the status effects list. He is a great
guy and has an awesome FF9 guide, make sure to check it out!

-The Free Lancer
He provided me with the shop guide for the section and for the walkthrough, he
is a cool guy and has some stuff posted for GameFAQs, check it out!

-Abdullah Arif (
He provided me with the always helpful ASCII art, and it looks great. Thanks!

-Treon (
Hr provided me with the bestiary, which came from his FF9 guide. Make sure to
check it out, as it is a very good guide!

-Dingo Jellybean (
-I may have had my fair share of problems with him, but his FFIX guide
is the best on the net right now. I really like it and it has helped me
out, although I did not take anything from it.

-Aaron Tadeo
-He wrote a great guide for this game.

-Sean Kelson
He sort of gave me the idea to post an incomplete guide to guarantee it
will be posted, so you can work on it without worrying about it getting
posted. Thanks!

-Matt Hulbert
A cool guy, he inspired me to do this guide and my Final Fantasy VI one,
and he is a great friend!

-Daniel Stefano (Positively Posterior) and Dyson Turner (Dy$e Murder)
For being the two coolest guys at GameFAQs, they rock!


Reviews: 369
FAQs: 53

WWF Smackdown! 2 (PSX) Guides
Complete Guide

WWF Royal Rumble (DC) Guides
Complete Guide
Al Snow
Kurt Angle
Triple H

WWF ATTITUDE Character Guides
Al Snow
D-Lo Brown
Triple H

WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Character Guides
Big Show
Blue Meanie
Complete Guide
Gerald Brisco
Jerry Lawler
Jim Ross
Pat Patterson
Paul Bearer
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Smackdown Guides
Al Snow
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Complete Guide
D-Von Dudley
Dudley Boyz
D-Lo Brown
Finisher Move Guide
Hardcore Holly
Triple H

Nintendo Entertainment System
Dragon Warrior
Fester's Quest
Yo! Noid

Sega Genesis
Phantasy Star 4 Shop Guide

Super Nintendo
Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 5 Boss Guide

Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 6 Complete Guide
Final Fantasy 9 Complete Guide
Final Fantasy 9 Boss Guide
NHL '99 Complete Guide
Parasite Eve Boss Guide
Parasite Eve Complete Guide
WCW vs. the World Complete FAQ/Move List

My Guides will only be found on
The only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:

1. GameFAQs (
2. Game Winners (
3. Video Game Strategies (
4. Cheat Code Central (
5. Happy Puppy (
6. Game Revolution (
7. Gaming Planet (
8. PlayStation Pit (
9. X Cheater (
10. Phat Games (
11. The Cheat Empire (
16. Game Castle (
19. : Final Fantasy Chamber

If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if you
happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. if you
see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know ASAP, especially
Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the right to host these
especially after hosting some of my other ones without my permission!


-Parasite Eve 2 (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Legend of Legaia (PSX) Complete Guide
-Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) Complete FAQ and Move List
-Character Guides for WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) and WWF No Mercy (N64)
-Updating a lot of my older FAQs, especially the WWF Smackdown Complete
guide, FAQ, and move list.

-Updating more of my review contest reviews
-Mario Tennis, Tales of Destiny, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve 2

-Some here and there, not much though.

11.0 Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------

Hello, everyone, and thanks for reading my guide to Final Fantasy IX! I
know it really sucks right now, but I am going to update it a lot. I
just wanted to get it posted so I can work on it at my own pace without
worrying if it will be posted or not, you know?

The Shortest Copyright Line Ever

Unpublished Work Copyright 2000 Steve McFadden (SMcFadden)

| This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Steve Saunders a.k.a. DaLadiesMan. The
| only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:
| 1. GameFAQs (
| 2. Game Winners (
| 3. Video Game Strategies (
| 4. Cheat Code Central (
| 5. Happy Puppy (
| 6. Game Revolution (
| 7. Gaming Planet (
| 8. PlayStation Pit (
| 9. X Cheater (
| 10. Phat Games (
| 11. The Cheat Empire (
| 12.
| 13.
| 14.
| 15.
| 16. Game Castle (
| If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So,
if you happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately.

____ _ _ _ __ __
| _ \ __ _ | | __ _ __| (_) ___ ___ | \/ | __ _ _ __
| | | |/ _` | | | / _` |/ _` | |/ _ \/ __| | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \
| |_| | (_| | | |__| (_| | (_| | | __/\__ \ | | | | (_| | | | |
|____/ \__,_| |_____\__,_|\__,_|_|\___||___/ |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|

-Steve Saunders

------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.
This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be gotten
directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish too
You any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
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Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Anthology in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us assuming it is correct.
------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.

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Complete Game Script

15.Oktober 2013
Ozma FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Secret Boss Hints

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Character Guide

11.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (ADR).

15.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Alle Spieler auf Level 99, alle Gegenstände und Fähigkeiten.

13.Oktober 2013
Tetra Master

13.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Quina's Blue Magic

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
English to Japanese

16.Oktober 2013
Part 1 Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

11.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (TXC)

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European French PAL Version.

15.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (HYD)

15.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European German PAL Version.

18.Oktober 2013
No Nonsense Guide

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Quina's Abilities

13.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
22.Oktober 2014
09.November 2015
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020