Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash Of The Super Heroes EX Edition

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash Of The Super Heroes EX Edition

17.10.2013 01:13:04
Hulk FAQ
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(or simply Orange Hulk)
by Joseph Christopher
version 1.0
Dec. 2, 1999

this faq is copyright 1999-2000 Joseph Christopher


by reading this faq you agree that I, the author, am not in any way
liable for any harm that anybody thinks came from reading this faq

* Ahhh....I see a lotta eyebrows raising in front of their monitors right
now...demanding an explanation? for the name I just gave the Orange version
of the Hulk? I got two answers, hoping at least one of them erases that...
sour look on your face. First explanation, the onslaught here may be
taken for the actual meaning of the word, which means "on-rusher" and
that's just what your main strategy should be when using Hulk's Onsalught
Mode. Second explanation, fighting the Orange version of the Hulk yields
these words from Onslaught himself, "Witness the power of Onslaught
unleashed!" Now, that implies but one thing: Hulk, in all his orange glory,
is just the subconscious personality of the green one fused and temporarily
taken control of by Onslaught, therefore making it only a "mode" and
not a separate individual. Anyway, the reasons for taking Hulk's Onslaught
Mode as a tough challenge both to defeat and to master are obvious, but
still, let me enumerate some of them...

1. Hulk's Onsalught Mode yields range AND speed
2. Hulk's Onsalught Mode packs power AND speed
3. Hulk's Onsalught Mode, despite his size, has great, fast-acting combos
4. Hulk's Onsalught Mode's hard normal moves CAN chip
5. Hulk's Onsalught Mode's Gamma Charge makes anyone think twice before
attacking you.

* how to access - just finish the game once with Hulk and Hulk's Onslaught
Mode will appear above Ryu.

Why read this guide:
I. Legend
II. General Moves
III. Normal Moves
IV. Supers
V. Combos
VI. Vs. Computer
VII. Vs. Human
VIII. Ending
IX. Credits
X. Revision History
XI. Final Words

____ __ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____
(_ _) ( ) ( ___) / __)( ___)( \( )( _ \
_)(_ )(__ )__) ( (_-. )__) ) ( )(_) )
(____)() (____)(____) \___/(____)(_)\_)(____/

U - up
D - down
B - back
F - forward
+ - at the same time
P - any punch
K - any kick
L - low
M - medium
H - high
/ - or

____ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ ____ __ __
(_ _)(_ _) / __)( ___)( \( )( ___)( _ \ /__\ ( )
_)(_ _)(_ ( (_-. )__) ) ( )__) ) / /(__)\ )(__
(____)(____)() \___/(____)(_)\_)(____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____)
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

dash - F,F / B,B (goes in direction you choose)
super jump - D,U / D,UF / D,UB (goes in direction you choose)
guard push - LP+MP+HP (while blocking)
taunt - press select
call helper- MP+MK
tag super - D,DF,F+HP+HK
team work - D,DB,B+HP+HK

* let me explain a few things about some of the general moves:
* first of all, in the PSX version, you'll have to choose only ONE partner,
either one of the conventional characters ("partner heroes") or one of
the helpers ("special heroes").

call helper - your helper is the character you choose after you have chosen
the special heroes option. He/she basically, when called,
just enters the screen, does an attack, and leaves. Fighters
available in the character select screen are not available
as helpers and vice versa. In the PSX version, choosing a
helper does not require much effort since the cursor is at
your command. Beware of the time limit though, and be sure
of who you'll choose before you enter that menu. Oh, and
even the secret helpers are no secret no more---just press
down on Iceman to select Shadow and down on Colossus to
select Sentinel. One last reminder, helpers in the PSX version
are no longer limited to a certain number of strikes so,
in my opinion, rammers will RULE.

tag super - common to crossover fans, this move needs at least two levels
of super charged up. It will allow both fighters to execute
their respective supers at the same time, though the resting
one, in the PSX version, will no longer be left behind as if
they already "tagged"

team work - a clone of your opponent enters the screen, and after that
you can control both your fighters at the same time! (they'll
both respond to your controls.) What's more, your super gauge
is set to infinite. Yeah! This state is timed though, so use
it wisely. The length of time you stay in this state is determined
by the amount of super you have charged up when you did it.
Oh and I did say you can choose a helper as a partner right?
Well if you do, and use this move, he/she'll just enter the
screen, do his/her thing, exit, and repeat the whole process
over and over while you do YOUR thing and until the time runs
out---again one of the reasons why rammers would RULE. (cause
they'll be the ones repeating their entrances most before
time runs out).

____ ____ ____ _ _ _____ ____ __ __ __ __
(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( \( )( _ )( _ \( \/ ) /__\ ( )
_)(_ _)(_ _)(_ ) ( )(_)( ) / ) ( /(__)\ )(__
(____)(____)(____)() (_)\_)(_____)(_)\_)(_/\/\_)(__)(__)(____)
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

1. LP - Hulk's Onslaught Modeis not one of the normal-sized players in
the game, so his jab won't be quite the same. This jab reaches
further, is definitely slower, and comes from different angles,
making it quite awkward to use.

a) standing - definitely NOT a jab! His farther arm reaches out as
far as it can by means of a punch. Nice counter for dash-ins
since it's longer while coming out just as fast as the
standing LP. But, as I've said, mainly just a combo filler.

b) crouching - again, definitely NOT a crouching jab! from a kneeling
position, Hulk's Onslaught Mode folds his nearer arm
up a bit and then hits the ground, smashing a standing
opponent's knee in the process. Good punisher for blocked
sweeps but there's a whole lot of other, better ways
to do it. Don't expect to hit a low blocking opponent
with it cause it's not an overhead.

c) jumping - Hulk's Onslaught Mode delivers an almost horizontal punch
with his nearer arm. Should have covered nice range but
because of Hulk's size, doing this move alone may result
in you getting hit even before you reach the opponent.

2. MP - his basic combo filler. Not much use for these other than what
I have just said, though.

a) standing - Hulk's Onslaught Mode reaches for his farther shoulder
with his nearer arm and then delivers a 180degree swing,
back-fisting his opponent's face in the process. May start
a ground combo but still, there are other better replacements
so don't ever use this move.

b) crouching - well, he just crouches and does basically the same attack
as his standing LP. Strictly for filling combos and nothing
more. May have other uses but can easily be replaced
by other normal moves.

c) jumping - not even a punch, and does not even make use of your arms!
In this move, Hulk's Onslaught Mode delivers a swift aerial
head butt that can be comboed into any other stronger
normal move in his arsenal, but of course most jumping
MPs can do that. Disregarding the fact that it's a head
butt, I can say it has a pretty common set of properties.

3. HP - moves that scream damage, power, and knock down! Comes out slow,
recovers even worse. Don't use these as long as you know the opponent
has more than 10% chance of blocking them---or you'll end up black
and blue all over.

a) standing - you raise one arm, pack all the power you can muster,
and give the opponent a first hand experience of the
true meaning of a WHALLOP via hammer punch! But, sadly,
it's this move that almost everybody is waiting for cause
if blocked, will leave you open for their wildest dreams.
Sorry, but don't use this move, ever!

b) crouching - this is what every MVC character has---a launcher. I
don't understand why it's the biggest and strongest MVC
character who needs to raise TWO arms just to launch
an opponent! Yep, he uses both his arms in this move.
It hits twice, but not because he used two arms, but
because his first hit low, then high.

c) jumping - it's a clap, but obviously not the normal person's clap,
cause if your head gets trapped in between...squishhh!
Good move, high on range and damage, but comes out painfully
slow and should only be used as an air combo ender.

4. LK - the only LKs in the MVC world worth abusing for their priority,
these not only come out just about as fast as any normal players
LK, but reaches out more than triply further than normal, and does
a little more damage as well.

a) standing - the introduction says it all! Hulk's front leg just turns
side ways and stretches out while the whole base of the
foot does not leave the ground. Sound's like the common
crouching LK but with much, much more range.

b) crouching - why would he change the way he attacks in this move if
his standing LK already looks like the common crouching
one? So, he doesn't! He's kneeling this time, but still
delivers the same kick.

c) jumping - well, he just jumps and does basically the same attack
as his crouching LK. Not to be underrated cause it's the
fastest long-reaching air normal move in MVC. Moreso, it's
this move that must be abused for it's priority.

5. MK - like the MP, his basic combo filler. Not much use for these other
than what I have just said, though.

a) standing - he gives you a front kick that hits the face if your
not tall enough. Looks cool, comes out a little faster
than the standing HP, but recovers just as slow. Don't
use this alone.

b) crouching - well, he just crouches and does basically the same attack
as his standing MK. Recovers a little faster though,
but still not fast enough.

c) jumping - Hulk's Onslaught Mode does something similar to an axe
kick (hey, I didn't know Hulk's Onslaught Mode can do
that!) Has a surprisingly short range, not much priority,
damage is also not that evident.

6. HK - just like the HP, moves that scream damage, power, and knock down!
Comes out a little slower, but recovers a little faster (though
still slow enough to be supered). Don't use these as long as you
know the opponent has more than 10% chance of blocking them---or
you'll end up black and blue all over.

a) standing - turning his back on his opponent, Hulk's Onslaught Mode
makes a handstand and stretches out both his legs at
a 70degree angle. Seems as though it's a launcher, well
it is, but the opponent is launched too far across and
you recover too slowly so no air combos from this move.

b) crouching - looks just like his crouching MK, but the foot kicks
at a higher angle. Good counter for dash-ins but I'd
rather use the LKs.

c) jumping - this, in my opinion, is just an inverted version of his
standing HK. This time he's facing the opponent, his arms
are raised, and he stretches both his legs at a -70degree
angle! Can counter most launchers but beware the rising

____ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ __ __
(_ _)( \/ ) / __)( _ \( ___) / __)(_ _) /__\ ( )
_)(_ \ / \__ \ )___/ )__) ( (__ _)(_ /(__)\ )(__
(____) \/ () (___/(__) (____) \___)(____)(__)(__)(____)
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

1) Gamma Charge - Hold B...F+K

This is what the computer alomst always does, and you should learn
from that. ALWAYS use this move as a ground combo ender and dash-in
counter but only for that, not like the dumb computer who uses it for
chipping---which can always be punished by a combo to super. You can
hold any direction + any K afterwards for a second Gamma Charge, a two
hit combo. An alternative code would be Hold D...U+K to produce an
upward version of the Gamma Charge, but that should only be used as
an anti-air, nothing more.

2) Gamma Slam - D,DF,F+P

Hulk's Onslaught Mode does what he would in a crouching HP, but
this time chunks of land rise from the ground in a wave-like manner
and hit the opponent repeatedly. Good chipper, but nothing more. I
really don't recommend using this move much.

3) Gamma Tornado - F,DF,D,DB,B+P

THE proof that Hulk's Onslaught Mode is sheer strength! He grabs
the opponent's face with one hand(and that's even larger than the opponent's
head!) and whirls him round and round and finally throws him to the
edge of the arena. Can be comboed from a standing or crouching LP-> MP,
but only if you REALLY wanna land this move. Otherwise follow the LP->MP
with a Gamma Charge-> U+K(second hit of Gamma Charge)

_ _ ___ __ __ ____ ____ ____ ___
( \/ ) / __)( )( )( _ \( ___)( _ \/ __)
\ / \__ \ )(__)( )___/ )__) ) /\__ \
\/ () (___/(______)(__) (____)(_)\_)(___/

1) Gamma Crush - D,DB,B+2P

Hulk's Onslaught Mode does his best rising Gamma Charge which
knocks the opponent off his feet, and it turns out that Gamma Charge
has breached the Earth's atmosphere cause as he comes down, a meteorite
is with him (and he's actually holding it!) and this is what he uses
to crush his helpless victim. Try to look at the shadow he leaves behind
to keep track of him cause you CAN control the direction with which
he will land.

2) Gamma Wave - D,DF,F+2P

Same as his Gamma Slam, but hits the opponent way too many times.
Takes much, MUCH life off an opponent, and has equal priority to a beam
super, not to mention better chipping ability so, unlike the special
version, use this super very frequently.

3) Gamma Quake - D,DF,F+2K

Hulk's Onslaught Mode does what he would in a crouching LP, but
this time chunks of land fall from the sky and hit the opponent repeatedly.
Has the same strategies that could apply to helpers that allow things
to fall from the sky like Iceman, Pure and Fur, etc. Use it to nail
people with lotsa keep-themselves-in-the-air moves but not for jump-ins,
where the Gamma Crush is a lot better.

_ _ ____ ___ _____ __ __ ____ _____ ___
( \/ )(_ _) / __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( _ )/ __)
\ / _)(_ ( (__ )(_)( ) ( ) _ < )(_)( \__ \
\/ (____)() \___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(____/(_____)(___/

Universal Jump-in: LK-> MK - yup, in Hulk's case, you can use without much
risk an LK as a jump-in cause, like I said,
it comes out fast, has good priority, and
most of all, covers the most distance.

* a jump-in you MAY add while a dash-in you MUST add to any of these combos:
* by UB+K I mean hit 'em with the second part of the Gamma Charge

1. LK-> MK-> Gamma Charge-> UB+K
2. D+LK-> D+MK-> Gamma Charge-> UB+K
3. D+LP-> D+MP-> Gamma Charge-> UB+K
4. LP-> MP-> Gamma Tornado
5. D+LK-> D+HP-> LP-> MP-> LK-> MK-> HK
6. D+LK-> D+HP-> Gamma Crush
7. D+LK-> D+HP-> Gamma Wave
8. D+LK-> D+HP-> Gamma Quake
9. LP-> D+MP-> Gamma Quake
10. LK-> D+MK-> Gamma Quake

* Hulk can link his Gamma Quake to his Gamma Crush. What's more, you can
add a Gamma Wave at the start of this combo though you have to cancell
right away to connect.

_ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) ( \/ )/ __)
\ / _)(_ _)(_ \ / \__ \
\/ (____)(____)() \/ (___/()
___ _____ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ ____ ____
/ __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( )( )(_ _)( ___)( _ \
( (__ )(_)( ) ( )___/ )(__)( )( )__) ) /
\___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(__) (______) (__) (____)(_)\_)

Well, pull off all the combos I just taught you! If you block all day,
computer opponents will most likely do a dumb attack that'd leave them
open for a combo that ends in a super! If, however, they walk forward
for no reason, they're planning to throw you so do what you want to counter
that! Simple enough?

Oh, yeah, how to beat Onslaught:
First, cool-looking form: you are soooo powerful all you have to do is
dash-in an do a standing HP. It'll stun him a
bit so repeat and repeat and repeat until he
finally decides a bigger him would match you.

Second, cheap@$$ form: jump and HP his face until you're all charged up
for a super then Gamma Crush or Gamma Quake his
face and make his neck crack! Block right after
your every move to avoid his eye beams.

_ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( \/ )/ __) ( )_( )( )( )( \/ ) /__\ ( \( )
\ / _)(_ _)(_ _)(_ \ / \__ \ ) _ ( )(__)( ) ( /(__)\ ) (
\/ (____)(____)(____)() \/ (___/() (_) (_)(______)(_/\/\_)(__)(__)(_)\_)

*Well, there won't be any universal rules for fighting against humans cause
no two humans think identically. There are, however, general rules that
could apply to at most 80% of your encounters with human challengers.

1. Use Psylocke as a helper - You may replace him, but make sure the
replacement pretty much does the same thing---
RAM the opponent! You can always do a Gamma
Wave for major damage afterwards.

2. Patience is the key to success

This is not the barbaric Hulk! Just look at his hair---he actually
combed it! And that gives away a useful hint on playing him: Be patient
and always think counter-attack instead of "berserker barrage". Most
your attacks will leave you wide open if they're blocked so better
make sure you'll connect before you execute and what better way to make
sure than to use them as counter-attacks.

3. Abuse the priority of your jumping LK

Whenever you just don't know what to do, or whenever every attack
of yours ends up being countered, pull yourself together while buying
time using a ton of LKs while repeatedly super jumping. Not only will
your supers get charged up in no time, you'll also be quite sure it'll
take some time before he could think of a way to stop you, and by that
time you've already thought of a way to stop HIM!

4. Know the difference between the original and the colorful(heh)

As you probably know by now, the main difference between the green
Hulk and the orange one is their speed. Another difference would be
durability. We all know that the original is tougher and cannot be
as easily comboed as the Onslaught Mode, right? But what most of us
don't know is, their combos DO NOT differ as much as most would say.
As far as normal moves are concerned, the Onslaught Mode is no better,
only faster, than the original. With these facts in mind, always remember
the word "onslaught" and use it as your main strategy. Always dash-in
and pressure the opponent with combos that end only in mediums, then
throw, or block to anticipate retaliation.

5. Know which super to use

Don't always rely on the Gamma Wave to retaliate on the mistakes
of an opponent. It's slow execution time can make you regret doing it
because most likely the opponent can still save his own hide by blocking.
Use the Gamma Wave only if your opponent did a super that's so far from
you and have 1% chance of ever landing a hit. The Gamma Wave is also
applicable in times when you have super jumped from the opponent's beam
super and landed behind him/her. Otherwise, on situations that enabled
you to block a super or better yet a tag move, use the Gamma Quake which
comes out a liiiitle faster. Use the Gamma Crush whenever you detect
a dashing super come your way.

6. Character-specific strategies:

Captain America - if there's anyone who could match your air LK priority,
it's him. His jumping HP does a lot more damage, reaches
further, and all that without having to sacrifice
execution time. Don't be the first one to super jump,
as he would most likely meet you in the air with the
accursed HP. Stay on the ground, dash forward and back
and lure him to miss a standing HP cause that's when
you pour out your Gamma Wave. (yup this is one of the
few matches where you'll have to use this super frequently)
Use a counter-attacking strategy and use your Gamma
Crush in reply for all his supers!

Captain Commando - ahh...this captain must be dealt with in a rather
opposite manner than the first one. With this captain,
ALWAYS super jump and air block to avoid getting hit
by the heavily damaging Captain Corridor or the Captain
Sword super. Being able to block these would mean a
free Gamma Wave for you. Might as well use a counter-
attacking strategy with this captain because he'll
just Captain Corridor you out of any attack you start.

Chunli - two problems: avoiding her launcher when you're air-borne and
avoiding her low combo to Lightning K super when you're on dry
land. Two solutions: never be the first to super jump and if
you ever will, hit the LK button rapidly during the whole air
trip. Second, dash to low combo to special and make use of my
counter-attacking strategies, but with extra care. Missing would prove

Gambit - just avoid his cheappy infinite (which would probably work exceptionally
well on you) and you'll be fine. That's the only thing he can
do to beat you so if you've mastered the art of avoiding it,
and everything he can do set you up for it, (like a launcher,
a ramming helper, or a throw in the corner) then you'll be fine.
He can be a good confuser but has his options limited to low attacks
and throws so show-off your Gamma Charge and win! He may use
a rain of Kinetic Cards as a chip away strategy but that can
easily be countered: Just dash right below him, and what else
but Gamma Crush!

Hulk - Block, block, block! Eventually he'll grow impatient and hit you.
Then attack, attack, attack! He'll be wide open after just about
ANYTHING he does so it's time to combo a dashing D+LK-> D+MK->
Gamma Charge. Air combos will also work on him fine, just remember
to hit him once before launching otherwise he won't budge. Hulk
is big, but remember that all your supers make bigger look dumber
rather than stronger---and that goes for YOU too. Don't use the
Gamma Charge on a standing Hulk cause more often than not you'll
get punished by HIS Gamma Charge.

Jin - obviously cannot even dream of having Hulk's reach, but would definitely
be faster. Other than that, Jin would have all of Hulk's advantages
and disadvantages as well. He'll pack power with his attacks, especially
if he's all yellow! That doesn't give him much of an upperhand,
though, as his attacks have a lame recovery time and could easily
be punished by an aerial combo. Just use the same strategies you
would on a Hulk user and watch out for that hurricane super whenever
you jump!

Megaman - two words: Keep Away. Yep, that's the NES freak's cheapy strategy!
(and it will surely work triply well on someone as big as you)
Let him use his X buster all he wants, while you constantly super
jump and HK all the way. There'll be four kinds of Megaman
users, and only two will you find challenging. The first one
just hammers away with a stream of X busters that's easy to
jump over and punish with a combo. The second one will always
charge up his X buster and use it as part of an air combo. Just
dash back and forth to confuse him into giving up that hold
then welcome his fireball with a mid-air Gamma Wave. The third
Megaman user would be using a rammer as a helper, slide kick
you, and hope that you'll retaliate with a combo as he summons
his helper afterwards. He'll surely get hit, but you'll be punished
by his helper as well, giving him enough time for a Hyper Megaman
super. Just don't counter the slide kick and wait for him to
run out of helpers, THEN attack! The fourth, most challenging
one would be a Megaman that X busters low, then X busters high,
then low, then high, then you lose your sanity---WRONG!! Fight
on! Block his low X busters and dash forward when he does the
high one. Eventually you'd be near him. Time to use your counter-
attacking skills. How? just dash then...BLOCK! If he attacks,
counter with a Gamma Charge! If he manages to escape, which
would only be possible via super jump, catch him off guard with
a Gamma Crush! By the way, don't worry bout his supers, just
block and do a super of yours afterwards---Gamma Wave if too
far, any other super if otherwise.

Morrigan - will fight like Ryu does, being a good confuser and all that.
She will, however, have her options limited to low attacks
and throws so show-off your Gamma Charges and win! If she does
something you won't, namely raining you with air fireballs,
Dash in and punish her with your Gamma Crush or catch her off
guard with a D+HP(your launcher) if you don't have the extra
charged super bar.

Ryu - If he's using strategies found in my Ryu faq, then may the best
confuser win! If he's not, you're in for a cheapy fireball game.
Again, you'd be needing your invaluable jumping LK to chrage up
your super, Gamma Charges to counter his ground fireballs and dash-in
to Gamma Crush his air fireballs wherever he may be! (even at the
peaks of high jumps!)

Spiderman - Even his Maximum Spider has a high chance of getting countered
by a Gamma Crush in progress so abuse that fact to your advantage.
Master the art of rolling and you'll be avoiding his Crawler
Assaults forever! His Ultimate Web Throw will be his only
super that could counter all of yours but you can easily
detect that. If he uses an air combo that knocks you down
and falls right behind you as you get up, give him a rising
Gamma Charge!

Strider Hiryu - I don't believe I'm hearing myself say this, but I advise
you to STAY in the corner when pitted against this teleport
master. That way he wouldn't be able to use an Ouroboros-
and-teleport-behind-you strategy. But with you in the
corner, he'll try two things: combo you like crazy, wherein
the guard push feature would prove most useful, and chip
away some nice damage with his robo dog, which you should
super jump to avoid and charge up your super meter. Use
your helper whenever he jumps for you then launch him
and air combo. If he doesn't have a single super charged
up yet, hell, forget all I've just said about him and
engage in a confuser's throwing game instead.

Venom - Just super jump and HK all the way and as you land, choose from
two landing sites: as far away from him as possible to be able
to continue super jumping and charging up your meter, or a little
behind him so your LK could out prioritize he whips up and give
you an opportunity to do a D+HP-> Gamma Crush combo whether he
blocks it or not. If he's able to block all of it, engage in
a confuser's throwing game but beware, he may not have an overhead
but his throw allows him to combo you afterwards so get ready
for that.

War Machine - Just block his ground combos, D+LK to combo his throw attemps,
and do a dash in to Gamma Crush if he abuses his mid-air
smart bombs. If he's dumb enough not to include his War
Destroyer super in a combo, dash to Gamma Quake him one moment
after all his missiles are launched from his armor. I guarantee
you the missiles will drop where you WERE before you dashed
but you have to time it right, though. The Proton Cannon,
if not done as an ender to a helper attack, would be easily
detected and therefore super jumped from and punished with
what else but a Gamma Wave. If your opponent doesn't make
flaws like this, then you better stick to your good 'ol
jumping LK to do the trick.

Wolverine - until recently have I thought that Wolvie users (including
me, once) were just plain good at it but now I know Wolvie
was just too advantaged to be defeated by a mere above average
player. I hate to be called cheap, so now I have stopped
using Wolverine, and started taking him as a challenge to
defeat with my players. There'll be two things any "challenging"
Wolvie user would do: stomp you like crazy until you open
up for a combo to super, or dash in like crazy also until
you open up for a combo to super! With the first strategy
you'll again have to utilize your Gamma Crush and your helper
and mix them up so you wouldn't get too predictable. For the
second strategy, you'll have to assess yourself. If you think
you can pretty much predict what he's doing, then combo him
if he tries to throw and use the guard push otherwise. If
he doesn't give up and still dashes in like crazy, smile
and surprise him with a risky but rewarding D+HP to Gamma
Crush turn his healing factor off for good!

Zangief - Just charge up the way I've been telling you since the beginning
of this section and guard push all his attacks so that he couldn't
link them to a grapple or worse, SUPER grapple! He'll be using
blocks much, so you'll just have to play a risky confuser's game
with him. Remember that in a confuser's throwing game, you'll
have to be extra careful since his throws are part of the few
that can out prioritize yours! Whenever you're charged up and
can't land a combo, just chip away with my helper to Gamma
Wave strategy.

6. Strategies on secret characters:

Golden War Machine - Just block his ground combos, super jump from his
throw attemps, and do a sudden dash in to Gamma Crush
if he abuses his mid-air smart bombs. If he's dumb
enough not to include his War Destroyer super
in a combo, dash and give him a Gamma Quake one moment
after all his missiles are launched from his armor.
I guarantee you the missiles will drop where you WERE
before you dashed but you have to time it right, though.
The Proton Cannon, if not done as an ender to a helper
attack, would be easily detected and therefore super
jumped from and punished with what else but a Gamma
Wave. If your opponent doesn't make flaws like
this, then you better stick to your good 'ol jumping
LKs do the trick. Added note: You CAN Gamma Wave
like crazy with this War Machine cause he'll take
every last bit of it.

Morrigan's Lilith Mode - as with her "older" counterpart, she'll be best
dealt with a counter-attacking strategy. This
time she can't use a rain of fireballs to annoy
you because she'll only have short range ones
but still beware her confusing skills and counter
as you see fit.

Orange Hulk - Block, block, block! Eventually he'll grow impatient and
hit you. Then attack, attack, attack! He'll be wide open after
just about ANYTHING he does so it's time to dash-in, deliver
a D+HP, and proceed with air combos which will also work
on him fine. Orange Hulk is big, but remember that all your
supers make bigger look dumber rather than stronger---and
that goes for YOU too. Don't use the Gamma Charge on a standing
Hulk cause more often than not you'll get punished by HIS
Gamma Charge.

Roll - She's so cute, I wouldn't dare land a jab on her face, but, sadly,
MVC is survival of the fittest and Roll, as many would say, is
not "fit". I'd choose her over Megaman anytime but I must admit
I find the always-give-you-a-stupid-look boy much harder to defeat.
Refer to my Megaman strategies for dealing with her and adjust
them according to these added notes: One, Roll's X buster CAN chip
some block damage but it would need a down to forward motion so
it'll come out slow. Two, you can low block against her Hyper Roll
and you wouldn't get a bruise. And three, all her other supers
are easy to block and retaliate with any of your supers afterwards.
Remember, Gamma Wave if too far and any other super if otherwise.

Shadow Lady - Chunli minus the ability to combo a super but plus the
ability to chip away with her butt missiles. Keep an eye
out for your life bar cause these farts can cut it down
to half without even you noticing. Don't super jump, as
that would mean a free chip from those accursed butt bombs.
If she's stupid enough to do it while you're on the ground,
and up close then it's Gamma Wave time! The missiles won't
connect if you time your super right. She'll also be using
a ramming helper to easily connect with her Big Bang Laser
so you'll have to predict when she'll use it. Knowing all
these, engage in a confuser's game and she'll definitely

Venom's Carnage Mode - I really am not very observant on who takes more
damage than who but I definitely noticed the Carnage
Mode's belief in the quote, "The best defense is
a strong offense." (did I say it right?) Anyway,
Carnage Mode concentrates on speed and power, but
gives up stamina in return. Don't try a confuser's
game for him cause he's already confused!(heh)
Seriously though, his tremendous speed just gives
him the ability to jab his way out of any confusing
strategy you may have in mind. Let him combo you
like crazy, (while you block, of course), abuse
your guard push, and make him feel he's just another
big sucker for the Gamma Wave!

____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___
(_ _)( \/ ) ( ___)( \( )( _ \ (_ _)( \( ) / __)
_)(_ ) ( )__) ) ( )(_) ) _)(_ ) ( ( (_-.
(____)(_/\_)() (____)(_)\_)(____/ (____)(_)\_) \___/

NONE! Just a "Congratulations!" remark and that's supposed to be enough
to keep you inspired to play him next time!

_ _ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___
( \/ ) / __)( _ \( ___)( _ \ (_ _)(_ _)/ __)
) ( ( (__ ) / )__) )(_) ) _)(_ )( \__ \
(_/\_)() \___)(_)\_)(____)(____/ (____) (__) (___/

Jim Chamberlin ( for info on the whats and hows of ASCII
arts for paying attention to this faq
Capcom and all its affiliates for creating such a great game

Ms. AsianCuteness for inspiring me in just about everything I do!

_ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ _ _
( \/ )(_ _) ( _ \( ___)( \/ )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( \( )
) ( _)(_ ) / )__) \ / _)(_ \__ \ _)(_ )(_)( ) (
(_/\_)(____)() (_)\_)(____) \/ (____)(___/(____)(_____)(_)\_)
_ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _ _
( )_( )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( _ \( \/ )
) _ ( _)(_ \__ \ )( )(_)( ) / \ /
(_) (_)(____)(___/ (__) (_____)(_)\_) (__)

none yet. suggestions, anyone?

_ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ __ __
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) ( ___)(_ _)( \( ) /__\ ( )
) ( _)(_ _)(_ )__) _)(_ ) ( /(__)\ )(__
(_/\_)(____)(____)() (__) (____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____)
_ _ _____ ____ ____ ___
( \/\/ )( _ )( _ \( _ \ / __)
) ( )(_)( ) / )(_) )\__ \
(__/\__)(_____)(_)\_)(____/ (___/

Please feel free to email me if there's something about Hulk's Onslaught
Mode I left out or if you just want to comment on my work. Thank you.
If ever I revise this faq and add something you feel came from one of
your emails to me, email me again and remind me bout it so I can give
you credit. Thanks again.


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