Dino Crisis 2

Dino Crisis 2

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complete guide
by Firefly
version: 0.5
created-November 8



01) Jungle
02) Military Facility
03) Research Facility
04) Patrol ship
05) 3rd Energy Facility
06) Cave
07) Edward City
10) Credits
11) Secrets
12) Fin


01. Legal Notice


copyright 2000 by Firefly
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-------------------------[ END LEGAL INFORMATION ]-------------------------


02. Introduction


Welcome to my Dino Crisis 2 FAQ. I have been playing this gem of a game since
the day it came out and I simply love it. Much better then the first game of
the series at least. The creators at CAPCOM decidid to change the formula they
used on the first game. They gave this game much more action instead of
brain numbing puzzles like the first game had,and I have to admit it isn't
your average shoot 'em up.

I hope to make this FAQ one of the best on the net and I will try my hardest
to help anyone stuck on the game,also it will keep me busy for the next week
or so and I also need to make my FAQ collection larger. Well I better stop
yapping or I won't get anything done.

and now on to the lists.....


03. Controls


I took the controls right from the book. Hope Capcom doesn't sue me! :(

Menu Controls

X button...................Confirm a selection
|_| button..................Confirm a selection

triangle button.............Cancel a selection

Directional buttons/left stick......Choose an option or command

Gameplay Controls

Start button..........Start game/pause/Access option mode

Select button.........Access inventory/cancel event movie

Directional buttons/left stick..........Move character/rotate character

|_| button............Action (check item/attack)

X button.............Action (check item/attack)

O button.............use sub weapon

triangle.............Side backstep

R1...................Draw weapon

R2...............Quick 180 degree turn

L1...............Change target (when weapon is drawn)

L2................Access map screen


04. Dino File Locations


| File name | Location |
| |
| 1 -Velocarapter ..... Water tower,save point |
| |
| 2 - T-Rex..............military Facility, first room. |
| |
| 3 - Allosaurus........ Entrance of Jungle, corpse. |
| |
| 4 - Compy ........... Largest Save/Shop area in Research |
| Facility (southern-most). |
| |
| 5 - Pterodon ......... Near truck, 3rd Energy Facility. |
| |
| 6 - Mosasaurus........ Save/Shop area, near Boat Key. |
| |
| 7 - Plesiosaurus..... Near corpse, east 3rd Energy Reactor. |
| |
| 8 - Inostrancevia ... Edward City, entrance. |
| |
| 9 - Triceratops...... Last Save/Shop area, Edward City. |
| |
| 10 - Oviraptor....... Corpse near jeep, Edward City. |
| |
| 11 - Gigantosaurus.... Near computer where you get the 3rd |
| Energy Data Disc, near control panel. |
| |


05. Hints


After my time with DC2 I have come up with some strategies to help you
through the game. Some are pretty easy to figure out while others are the
excact opposite,read below for the tips.

·Always move,especially when fighting against velocirapters because they
will attack you easily when your not moving.

·Use the about face move (R2) whenever possible,this will save you a lot
of life and if you go for fast times it will also help you considerably.
This move will not help you however if you don't use it during the right
time. This will get easy with practice.

·Always run while shooting,this is one of the best tricks in the game
you can use it all the time and,best of all it doesn't take any practice
at all. You can surprise groups of raptors easily using this useful

·Always get the most expensive weapon that you can afford(except for in a
few cases)they are usualy the most effective and will make the game
considerably easier. To make more money you can always fight raptors in
a particular area over and over untill you get enough money for the
weapon you need.

·never try to conserve your ammo,the extinct point services are spread
all around and you can always by ammo at them. Conserving ammo can make
you die pretty easily.

·Always stock up on ammo,medpacks,and weapons as well as saving because
you don't know what will be around the next corner and if your not prepared
you'll become extinct.

·Always,always keep an eye on your health meter,if your in the green
then your fine,in the yellow use a med pack quick,and in the red hope
your trigger finger is twice as fast as mine. :)

·Use the right weapon on the right enemy. Meaning don't waste your
antitank shells on a puny raptor save it for the big dinos such as the
Allosaurus. Also don't save all your great weapons untill your forced
to,sometimes its best to charge in with two machine guns in hand
John Woo style.

·If you get knocked on to the ground and your in a helpless situation
mash all the buttons on your game pad. This will help the character get
up and sometimes save your life.

·Use the boost feature on your Diving suit to reach new areas and dodge
the sea dinos attacks. A real life saver.


06. Walkthrough


NOTE: I will not point out _all_ of the dinosaurs or items that do not effect
the game. If I did that then the walkthrough would be way to long and I
just don't have enough time to point out every single dino in the entire
game. Other then that I will still write how to get dino files and such
that do effect the game.

Well on to the guide...

After you watch the Jurassic Park style beginning. You will start the game
in the jungle as Dylan.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN AS DYLAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Test the controls a bit and when your ready for some action......
step up to the metal door straight ahead and open it using the action

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= JUNGLE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Now after walking around a little bit in the new area you will meet
the first group of raptors in the game. After you take care of the beasts
with a couple of bullets to the head, its time to continue through the
depths of this mysterious jungle,but don't forget the medpack along the

This part of the game is very linear and also filled to the brim with
Dinosaurs. The developers did this on purpose to help you get used to
the games basic controls. Anyway just follow the path as you fill the
jungle floors with puddles of Dinosaur blood and after "NORTH ROUTE 4"
you will enter a futuristic door that leads to the Water Tower.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Water Tower =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

After the very brief cinema,head over to the computer and stock up on
ammunition and supplies-you'll need 'em. Oh and also don't forget the
dinofile lying mysteroiusly by the computer,wierd. Now take the same
path that the girl in the cinema took because the other door is locked
from the other side,atleast for now. The door will lead to the military

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Military Ficilaty =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

run on over around the corner and up the medpack lying there. Now finish
the curve and open the familiar metal door like the one you saw at the
beginning of the game. Follow the wide dirt path filled with hungry raptors
and make it over to the steel futuristic door.

Now prepare for an adrenaline rush becasue as you enter the room you will
meet back up with the one-eyed T-rex you met earlier. AHHHHH!!!. Sprint over
to your right and follow the long trailer like object and you will meet back
up with the crazy girls in the masks. In all of the confusion Dylan runs inside
the nearest building.

As you walk into the eerie quietness you will have only one other door to enter,
a blue door. Head around the corner as you watch a bug climb up the wall and
enter the first door to you left.

In here are some items to pick up,a key plate and another file on the floor.
You can also save at the extinct point service on the wall. Now that you
have collected everything return outside to the T-rex area.

Once outside head right and enter the door that Dylan skipped.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hardware Storage -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Now Run up to the red colored circiut on the wall and use your newly aquired
keycard on it to recieve the Research Facility Card! After you collect the
card the doors will lock and Dylan has to call Regina for help.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN AS REGINA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Run ahead and slice the red circuit board with your stungun,then check the dead
body for a dino file (Alosaurus)follow the trail over the bridge and in the next
area follow the linear path,skip the first door and enter the second. Apon reaching
the Alosaurus,run past him,climb the ladder,and enter the door. Climb up the ladder
and enter the first door to your left. Now save and buy either the flame launcher
or the firewall (whichever you can afford) and go back to the door I told you to
skip and enter it.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=- poisonus area -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=

Whip out the flame thrower you just bought and continue south threw the swamp.
Now whenever you see the strange poisonus plants in the area shoot them with
your flame thrower. DO NOT get close to the flowers,there toxic fumes will kill
you with a couple breaths. Also try to flame all of the plants because they give
tons of extinct points that you will need.

Follow the path south all the way to the Water tower...

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Water Tower -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

-- -- -- --WATER TOWER-- -- -- --

Now that your back on the path Dylan took earlier this part of the game will
be easy. Just take the same path as you took earlier through the military facility
and all the way past where the T-Rex used to be. Go in to where Dylan is held and
pick up the keycard he threw out. Now return to the T-rex area. Head over to the left and
follow Dylans path but this time take it further and you will find a circuit board,
hit it with the stungun. Take the bottom left path in this room and put in your keycard.
Now take out the blue keycard you need to open the door where Dylan is held. Take
the key back to where he is held and open the door up to save him and watch a cinema

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN AS DYLAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Now its time to head into the last facility. So go inside the jungle and follow
the map ALL the way to the Research Facility again. Remember that door that you
couldn't open with Regina,well thats what you need to open now. So use your machete
on it,and make your way into the newly found area. This area is crawling with spitters
broken elevators,dead bodies. Cool Atmosphere. Anyway strafe around the corner and
slap your keycard inside the elevator and take it into the new area. Follow it to the
end and you will be deep inside a grey,dim room filled with spitters. Go up to the
next door and use your keycard,a new dinosaur-the compy will snatch the keycard right
out of your hand. Damn! Now we have to get it back.

To catch the compy you will first need to find it. Once you do chase it inside the
many openings in the wall untill it gets back to the room with the trap. Now close all
of the openings and make sure it doesn't get out or you'll have to catch it again.
After you close them corner the compy into the cage and you will get back the keycard.
Yeah! Now head back to where you first met the compy and go into the door to find the
"starter battery" and a file. Head all the way back to the ship.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Patrol Ship =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

After the brief cutscene go up to the ships controls and take it to the 3rd energy
facility. Now step out the door infront of you to start a cool minigame that I like to

---------------------------SHOOT THE CRAZY DINOS-----------------------------

This is a rather original,arcade like shooting game. Use your crosshairs to shoot
the dinosaurs and rake up the points. This may take a while but your life will be
fine if you can shoot worth ****. After you win you will start your journey into
the 3rd Energy facility.

Now you need the 3rd Energy facility keycard so go all the way back to the jungle.
climb the bridges past the Allosaurus and all the way to a new watery area.
After a while you will come to a waterfall. Go up to it and press X and a leaf
will drop down into the water and start flowing south. Follow it and when it
goes on to the second screen pick it up and you will recieve the card. If the
Allosaurus bugs you to much take out your flamethrower and flame it to death.

NOTE:You will also recieve massive extinct points for doing that.

Now return to the 3rd Energy facility via the patrol ship and pick up the dinofile
inside the dead body. Follow the waterways all the way over to the door where you
must insert your newly aquired keycard. Go all the way around the corner and into the
large tower. Now step to the left of the stairs and collect the key to the box,
then exit back to the boat you saw earlier.

Use the key on the boat and write down the number,or remember it or something and
head back to the savepoint. This time take the door on the left and follow the
path to the end where you will collect the mechanics ID card,now return to the
save room once more and into the door on the opposite side of the room.

Now you will be in a large underground lab,first you need to turn the power back on.
Go up to the large computer and slice the red lights as they appear. Now go all the
way to the left,pick up the diving suit in the glass casing and take the elevator
all the way to the bottom.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UNDER GROUND LAIR -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Follow the long,linear path all the way to the first save point,while battling
huge underwater dinosaurs with your small harpoon weapon. Once there buy the
Aquagrenades,you will need them later,and continue on. Once you enter the cooling
place at the end buy the door you can use triangle to get up on to it. Follow the
path carefully so you don't fall off and when you reach the end there is a large
pillar blocking your route. Fire the aquagrenade and climb up the newly built platform.

Now in here be very,very careful. You do not want to make it all the way back here
so don't fall. Boost over to the plug and collect it. Then just drop down. Now head all
the way back to the first save point where you bought the aquagrenades and put the
plug into the large computer.

Now go all the way back to the cooling room and enter the door by the platform you used
earlier,and go down both elevators.

NOTE:you may want to stock up on aquagrenade ammunition because you will be fighting a
boss in this area.




This fight is really easy,but if you need some help hear is the strategy. First
get on a high platform that you can see most of the arean with,then whip out the
aquagreanade and wait patiently for the beast. When it comes take a shot at its
bulbous head and he will scream in pain. Repeat this about 3-4 more times and he
will die a painful death.

Now follow the redlights all the way around to a platform with blueglass. The glass
will lower and allow you into the new area.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN AS DYLAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Go into the door Regina took and take the first door you see. Now go all the way
to the end and to the savepoint. Once here buy the chain mine for later. Now exit
to the main rode and take it all the way to the second door-that leads to the right.

Now follow the main path using Davids signals. Follow the path all the way to a boulder
which is blocking the way.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CAVE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Use the chainmine to blow that sucker up and go into the depths of the cave.
You can first take the right path to collect a medpack but then head left and
into a new area. Here are some mean dinosaurs that can pack a punch. Either
shoot then with a Antitank rifle or avoid them.

Now just follow the cave route to the end of the cave,and follow Davids markings.
If you find any boulders blocking the path just blow them up with your chainmine.
After you exit save at the extinct point service and climb the ladder.

--------------------------------Flare or Die------------------------------------

This one is pretty darn simple. Just use the flare that you found to tell Dylan
to fire a turret shell. Use this to clear all sorts of things,such as Dinosaurs
blockades and other fun stuff. You will switch characters several times throughout
the minigame so don't think its that easy. After awhile you will meet up with Dylan
again and you will make it out of the place.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN AS DYLAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


When you regain control grab the dino file on the dead corpse and Run through the
gates to play yet another minigame. Sheesh how many are they gonna have....

-------------------------------Shootin' the Trihorns-----------------------------

This can be pretty hard in hard :) but its no problem in easy. It is pretty much
just a remake of the plesiosaur battle excepth this time you have faster and stronger
opponents. Keep a strong blast of bullets on the dinos untill they are far enough
away that you feel safe. After barely any time at all you will finish the minigame.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Edward City =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Serch the corpse in front of you to gain another file and head right into the robson
store. Collect a file in here as well as the key and save also. NOw return outside
take the road and make it all the way to one last minigame after of course you watch
a cool ass cutscene.

------------------------------Tank blast T-Rex---------------------------------

This is a rather creative minigame in which you must race the T-rex to the end.
You have a variety of items so use them. I recommend that you use the smoke bombs
at the beginnin to gain a large lead,then just follow the path while shooting at
the beast. When you reach the end the rex will be traped and you will enter a
new area.

After it ends grab the gasmask and watch the short cutscene. Now save in the patrol
ship and head back to the jungle to visit the last area of the game.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- JUNGLE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN AS REGINA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Now head all the way back to the poisunous area where you can take the ladder down
to a once deadly area. When you go down Regina will equip the gasmask that enabled
you to enter this area.

Run through the next poisonous gasarea until you reach a door. Go through the
door. Inside here is a save room, so save your game, and reload your ammunition
and weapons as well. Exit through the green door to go outside. Now go down the
nearby stairs, and through the door. Access the flashing computer here to get the
3rd Energy Disc. Search to the left of this computer to find a hidden Dino File
as well. Leave the room, and go back up the stairs to watch a kick ass
(yet frightening...) cut-scene. After allof the cut-scenes end, you will be forced
to fight a boss...


This guy may look all big and tough but he is a very small challenge to beat.
First turn on one of the lights in the area and shoot the steaming smoke to
burn the Dinosaur in the face. Repeat this about five times and you'll smoke
his sorry ass.

OK,now first run to the end of the catwalk and acticate the small blue screen.
Now run up the huge silo all the way around the stairs and deactivate the missile.
Phew. Now head back to the elevator take it all the way down and you will watch
a sweet cinema.

Now save at the savepoint in the back before you die or something and Go down the
stairs on the other side of the room. Dodge the dinosaurs that I don't know the name
of or blast them with a chainmine,but either way make it to the end. After a couple
of rooms you will start another minigame.

-------------------------goin' raptor blastin'------------------------------------

While David is turning the large valve he is suddenly attacked by raptors. It's
your job to gun them down using the large turret gun that just happened to be there.
It takes two shots to knock a raptor off the side and when this happens move on
to the next raptor. After a few minutes of this David will turn the valve and complete
the minigame.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN DYLAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


After you finish you will find yourself as Dylan in the jungle with a girl. Now this
is the hard part. You have to slowly walk through the jungle as raptors attack the girl
the trouble is,YOU have to save her because she has no weapons at all. This may take you
a few tries because of what bad angles Capcom put this part in probably just to add
difficulty. Anyhow after you finally make it pretty far into the jungle a bunch of lasers
will be blocking your path.

- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Red

These are the four colors of control panels that you have to deactivate in order to
make it passed the lethal lasers. Now head forward pick up the dinofile and when you
reach a recovery item you will fortunetly be by a extinct point service. Don't be afraid
to spend your money because this is the last Hurrah. Buy lots of Med pak Ls and especially
a lot of rescue packs. Also if you have the money by the big,the bad rocket launcher from
your local gunshop. Now go forward a few screens and down the stairs to meet back up with
that annoying girl from earlier,and then a long cinema begins.


For a final boss this guy is as easy as they get. In the battle you don't want to focus
on shooting Gigantasaurus. Instead you will find a alternate route to beating him. First
run to your left and forward across the bridge. Now if you fall of the bridge its game
over so don't. Now head across all the way to the end,and if the big guy won't back off
then shoot a rocket in his face. After you make it to the end go to the left and activate
the first of three control panels. Now you need to hit the one in the center to connect
to the satelite. Now for the last control panel. Run all the way back to the first area
activate the middle control panel and watch him fry....


07. Weapon List


| | MY rating of the weapon |
| Handgun | Speed-**** |
| | power-** Needed: |
| | |
| \ usefulness-* N/A |
| \ Overall-*** |
| \ |
| Speed:80 \ |
| Attack Power: 20 \ |
| Range:30 \ |
| Price:N/A \_________________________________________________|
| |
| Information:It pretty cool gun with fast reload time. It is pretty |
| weak but suffices for the beginning of the game. |
| |
| |
| |

| | MY rating of the weapon |
| Submachine guns | Speed-***** |
| | power-* Needed: |
| | |
| \ usefulness-** N/A |
| \ Overall-**** |
| \ |
| Speed:90 \ |
| Attack Power:20 \ |
| Range:80 \ |
| Price:12000 EP \_________________________________________________|
| |
| Information: Cool guns! These will make the handgun look like crap and |
| the speed is fantastic. The only thing that brings it down is the power. |
| |
| |
| |

| | MY rating of the weapon |
| Needle Gun | Speed-***** |
| | power-* Needed: |
| | |
| \ usefulness-* For the water level |
| \ Overall-** |
| \ |
| Speed:90 \ |
| Attack Power:20 \ |
| Range:80 \ |
| Price:N/A \_________________________________________________|
| |
| Information:I hate this gun. It takes about 6 shots to down one monster |
| with your already slow speed. The power is really bringing the rating |
| down on this gun. |
| |
| |

| | MY rating of the weapon |
| Shotgun | Speed-**** |
| | power-** Needed: |
| | |
| \ usefulness-** N/A |
| \ Overall-*** |
| \ |
| Speed:70 \ |
| Attack Power:30 \ |
| Range:70 \ |
| Price:N/A \_________________________________________________|
| |
| Information: This is alot better then Regina's gun because of the power. |
| It's also fun to walk around shooting dinos Terminator style. |
| |
| |
| |

| | MY rating of the weapon |
| Main Machine Gun | Speed-***** |
| | power-*** Needed: |
| | |
| \ usefulness-**** N/A |
| \ Overall-**** |
| \ |
| Speed:90! \ |
| Attack Power:30 \ |
| Range:70 \ |
| Price:35,000 EP \_________________________________________________|
| |
| Information:Another of my favs this gun is pretty darn cool. I just |
| don't like the fact that Capcom doesn't have very much origanility in |
| there weapons. Most are taken from other games and movies ect ect... |
| |
| |

| | MY rating of the weapon |
| Shock Gun | Speed-* |
| | power-0 Needed: |
| | |
| \ usefulness-* NOWHERE |
| \ Overall-* |
| \ |
| Speed:40 \ |
| Attack Power:0!!! \ |
| Range:30 \ |
| Price:N/A \_________________________________________________|
| |
| Information: This gun is completely useless. Its the suckiest gun that |
| ever sucked. Believe me it's not a good choice for a weapon. If you need |
| something good look elsewhere. |
| |
| |

more to come........


09. Item List


| | |
| | |
| Black Key Plate| It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Yellow K. Plate| It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Blue K. Plate | It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Red K. Plate | It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Green K. Plate | It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Purple K. Plate| It can be used to unlock the electronic lock in the |
| | Military Facility. |
| | |
| Research | You need this keycard to enter the Research Facility. |
| Facility | It's a shiny silverish keycard. |
| Keycard | |
| | |
| Starter Battery| A battery used for starting instruments and equipments. |
| | |
| 3rd Energy K.C.| A card needed to get into the 3rd Energy Facility. |
| | |
| Box Key | A key that opens a box on the boat. |
| | |
| Mechanic ID | A card which verifies that you are a 3rd Energy Facility|
| | mechanic. |
| | |
| Plug | A plug which is needed for the operation of the cooling |
| | aqueduct shutters. |
| | |
| City Keycard | You need this keycard to enter Edward City from the |
| | lakeside. |
| | |
| Living Q. Key | It will open the door to the living quarters. |
| | |
| Gas Mask | It was brought from the Military Facility when nerve |
| | gas was used to battle the dinosaurs. |
| | |
| 3rd Energy Disc| The disc which has all the 3rd Energy research data. |
| | The mission's target. |
| | |

| | |
| | |
| Black Key Plate| Can be found in the Medical Room in the Military |
| | Facility. |
| | |
| Yellow K. Plate| Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Blue K. Plate | Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Red K. Plate | Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Green K. Plate | Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Purple K. Plate| Can be found in the Control Room, Military Facility. |
| | |
| Research | You can find this in the Hardware Storage area in the |
| Facility | Military Facility by using the Key Plate on the red |
| Keycard | panel in the back of the room. |
| | |
| Starter Battery| In the Precision Lab, Research Facility. |
| | |
| 3rd Energy K.C.| In the waterfall, near Patrol Ship. |
| | |
| Box Key | First save room in 3rd Energy Facility |
| | |
| Mechanic ID | Dead body, catwalk outside first save room, 3rd Energy |
| | Facility. |
| | |
| Plug | 3rd Energy Reactor, underwater, on dead diver. |
| | |
| City Keycard | 3rd Energy Reactor, underwater, past second save area, |
| | near dead body and elevator. |
| | |
| Living Q. Key | Edward City, Robson's Store. |
| | |
| Gas Mask | Edward City, outside of T-Rex/Tank minigame. |
| | |
| 3rd Energy Disc| Missile Silo, computer room. |
| | |
| | |

_______________ __________________________________ ________________________
| Name of item | Brief Description | Price |
|Handgun | This makes the machete stronger. | 15,000 EP |
| | (Dylan) | |
| | | |
| Inner suit | stops bleeding | 20,000 EP |
| | | |
| | more health without dieing | |
| | | |
| Power Battery | Makes Regina's stungun | 15,000 EP |
| | stronger. (Regina) | |
| | | |
Light armor |Very strong armor for Regina | 35,000 EP |
| | | |
EPS Gold Card |lengthens comb time | 40,000 EP |
| | | |
EPS Silver Card |lengthens combo time | 20,000 EP |
| | | |
EPS PlatinumCard|gives you unlimited ammo!!! | N/A |

- - - - - H E A L I N G - - I T E M S- - -

Med Pak small...................heals small ammount of health 100 EP

Med Pak medium..................heals full health bar but does 300 EP
not stop bleeding

Med Pak Large....................heals full health bar and stops 1000 EP
the bleeding

Hemostat.........................stops bleeding

Rescue Pak.......................restores life completely. 3000 EP


09. Contributor Information


you can send a question or a contribution to my FAQ through
e-mail at slivesay3@home.com and I will give you credit for
anything you add to my FAQ. :)

I will except:

-questions that are not answered in the FAQ

-contributions to my FAQ

-questions about my FAQ

-asking me to put my FAQ on your site

I will not except:

-questions that are answered in the FAQ

-asking If you can sell my FAQ. DUH!

-e-mails with typos every other word

-HATE mail ect. ect.


10. Credits


-Capcom for such a enjoyable game

-Me for typing it up

-CJayC for his dedication to GameFAQs and videogames around the world...he's
my hero :)

-Nemesis I used his weapon list format and added on to it for my guide.


11. Secrets



To recieve this cool secret that allows unlimited ammo,collect all 11 dino


Beat the game once and recieve atleast a C ranking. This is really easy folks
and you can even do it on easy.


Finish the game and then buy two or more dinosaurs at the end and you will
be able to play this really fun fighting game. Believe me its worth it.

Thats all I know of........


12. FIN


My next guide will possibly be Legend of Mana. I have gotten in to the FAQ writing
groove so expect alot more coming....


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Div. Savegames

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Gegenstände, Munition und Extinct Points

16.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
The Raptor Files

17.Oktober 2013
Puzzles FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008

17.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Japanese FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Game is 3 times completed, all modes unlocked.

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European German PAL Version.

11.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European Spanish PAL Version.

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

14.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Weapons FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

12.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
27.August 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020