Silent Hill

Silent Hill

14.10.2013 18:12:21
Bestiary FAQ

c2000 A.Redfield

| This FAQ was written and copyrighted by A.Redfield. |
| Therefore this document is private property of A.Redfield. |
| It may be reproduced electronically or otherwise as long |
| as it appears completely unaltered and containing this and |
| the above copyright statements. This FAQ may |
| not be used for profit. |

Silent Hill and all related persons places and entities
are all copyright, Konami, KCET 1999

1. The Character
2. The Weapons/Items
3. The Monsters
4. The Bosses
5. Tactics
6. Secrets
7. Thanks/Credit

"The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh..."

I - The Character

Name : Harry Mason
Age : 32
Occupation: Writer-Protagonist

"Losing his wife to disease has left a shadow over his soul. His daughter is
the only bright spot left in his life. He goes to Silent Hill to go on
vacation with his daughter, to be mired in bizarre events. That was the
beginning of this tale, or was it predetermined somehow? That's the truth
that Harry has yet to discover."

Harry Mason will be your alter ego for this adventure through the hellish
town of Silent Hill. You can monitor his status and his position through
the Menu and Map screens:

Map: Green Triangle: You. The vertex of the triangle is where you are faced.
--- Red Circle : Where you are supposed to go at the moment.
Red Line/Arrow: What route you are to take at the moment.
Red X : Blocked off road.
Question Mark : Unsolved puzzle area.
Check Mark : Solved puzzle area.

Menu: Equipment: Whatever weapon Harry is holding.
---- Option : Change game options.
Photo : Picture of Harry. The moving scanner behind his picture
is Harry's health status.

Green Scan : High Stamina/Healthy
Yellow Scan: Good Stamina/Slightly Injured
Orange Scan: Fair Stamina/Wounded
Red Scan : Low Stamina /Near Death

Field Controls
D-pad: Move Square : Run
L1 : Shift Left Triangle : Map
L2 : Look Circle : Flashlight On/Off
R1 : Shift Right X : Action/Fire Weapon
R2 : Draw Weapon
L1+R1: Quick Turn

Of course, all of this information is basic if you read the manual. Still,
you need to know all of this quickly to really succeed in Silent Hill.
Also, know that one of the main differences between easy, normal, and hard
is the amount of Stamina Harry has. In easy mode, he can take many hits
before death and in hard mode only a few. Normal mode is the average.
This FAQ is based on normal.

II - The Weapons and Items

Weapon Name: Kitchen Knife
Category : Hand
Damage : Light
Range : Very Close

"Hard to use, but better than nothing."

The Knife you find in the Cafe, on the counter. It is the smallest and
weakest weapon in the game, having little to no range. It is only useful
at the very beginning in the event that you run out of ammo. Against
hellhounds and the like, the knife is useless. Against the aerial demons
it's alright.

Weapon Name: Steel Pipe
Category : Hand
Damage : Light
Range : Close

"3' long steel pipe. Long range but of limited use."

Found in the first alleyway. The second largest hand weapon. It has nice
reach so you can bash in the heads of monsters before they get to you.
However, since it is big and awkward, it can only be used against small and
slow-moving targets. Very useful early in the game if you want to save ammo.

Weapon Name: Hammer
Category : Hand
Damage : Heavy
Range : Close

"Emergency hammer. Highly damaging, but hard to use."

Found in the Hell Hospital basement (Generator Room). The largest of the
hand weapons. This Hammer can kill almost anything in one hit but it's even
bigger and more awkward than the pipe is. Use it on slow but hard-to-kill
targets to save ammo. Good against the Hospital Zombies.

Weapon Name: Axe
Category : Hand
Damage : Medium
Range : Very Close

"Small one hand axe. Moderately effective as a weapon."

Found in the Second Church (Altar Room). Versatile, it is very quick, like
the knife and delivers a heavier punch. By the time you get this it is
unlikely you will ever run out of all forms of ammo. In the case that you
do, this should be your main weapon. It's very balanced.

Weapon Name: Handgun
Category : Projectile
Damage : Medium
Range : Medium

"Handgun received from Cybil. Holds up to 15 rounds."

Like mentioned, you get it from Cybil. Semiautomatic police pistol; balanced
and accurate. This will be your main weapon throughout the game, since ammo
for it is pretty common and it's got enough range and damage to handle most
normal enemies. As long as the target is close enough for Harry to aim at
it, it will hit.

Weapon Name: Shotgun
Category : Projectile
Damage : Heavy
Range : Medium

"Fires in a wide radius. Holds up to 6 rounds."

Found in the Hell School boys' bathroom. Fires buckshot blasts that are
twice as powerful as a Handgun shot. The spread pattern of the shot shells
can hit more than one target at a certain range. Ammo for it is scarce, so
save the gun for tough enemies and bosses.

Weapon Name: Hunting Rifle
Category : Projectile
Damage : Deadly
Range : Medium/Far

"Holds up to 6 rounds."

Found in the Shopping Mall basement during the Burrower battle. Be sure to
pick it up, this is the most powerful normal weapon in the game. Ammo
for it is pretty rare, so save it for bosses exclusively. The Rifle is
as accurate as the Handgun, fires at a longer range and delivers about
three times the damage.

Item Name: Handgun Bullets
Category : Ammo
Frequency: Common

"Ammo for the Handgun."

Likewise, Handgun Bullets. 20 to a box, and they appear commonly in most
buildings. If you're running low go check some of the Alleys in the old
town to get more. Also in some of the broken staircases on the bridge.

Item Name: Shotgun Shells
Category : Ammo
Frequency: Uncommon

"Ammo for the Shotgun."

Shotgun Shells, 6 to a box. There are alot inside buildings and structures
but you don't find much out in the open. Check certain empty rooms
carefully to spot them. Found in many rooms of the Hell Hospital.

Item Name: Rifle Shells
Category : Ammo
Frequency: Rare

"Ammo for the Hunting Rifle."

Rifle rounds, 6 to a box. Not many of these in the game. You can find your
first two boxes in the shopping mall boutique, and some more in the sewers.
Beyond that, they appear every once in a while. Save these.

Item Name: Health Drink
Category : Medicine
Frequency: Common

"Supplies nutrition to recover a small amount of stamina."

You usually have a stock of these. They should be your main source for
health replenishment; they raise you one status level. Don't waste them,
but use them when you get to "Orange Level".

Item Name: First Aid Kit
Category : Medicine
Frequency: Rare

"Heals injury to provide moderate stamina recovery."

These never come in bulk and you should keep them on reserve for dire
situations. They heal you two to three levels depending on the severity of
your injuries. Save them for when you are badly hurt.

Item Name: Ampoule
Category : Medicine
Frequency: Very Rare

"Relieves pain to recover stamina to high. Effect lasts for a while."

Confusing medicine, this is. It doesn't really "heal" you, it's kind of like
steroids for Harry. It makes him near-invulnerable for a while, but when
the Ampoule wears off Harry returns to the health level he was before
using it. Save it for tough boss battles.

III - The Monsters

Name : Ghost Hits To Kill:
Location: School Knife : 0 Handgun: 0
Attacks : none Pipe : 0 Shotgun: 0
Hammer: 0 Rifle : 0
Axe : 0

They aren't really monsters. You just see them hanging
around the place doing nothing. They look like small,
dark transparent penguins and they squeak. They cannot
hurt you but your radio responds to their presence.

Name : Hellhound Hits To Kill:
Location: Town Area Knife : 4 Handgun: 2
Attacks : Bite Pipe : 2 Shotgun: 1
Hammer: 1 Rifle : 1
Axe : 2

Common monsters, not too hard to run from as that they
don't give chase. If you want to kill them to save
yourself some trouble, two Handgun shots will drop them.
Saving ammo is possible vs. dogs; use the pipe or axe.

Name : Winged Demon Hits To Kill:
Location: Town Area Knife : 5 Handgun: 3
Attacks : Kick Pipe : 3 Shotgun: 1
Hammer: 1 Rifle : 1
Axe : 2

They are also common. You can't really run from them
as that they are faster than Harry is and can catch
up to him. Their kick doesn't inflict that much
damage, but it can add up. Run around the area while
stopping to shoot them once or twice to kill them.

Name : Doll Demon Hits To Kill:
Location: School Knife : 5 Handgun: 3
Attacks : Knife, Grab Pipe : 3 Shotgun: 1
Hammer: 1 Rifle : 1
Axe : 2

Slow and short, the Doll Demons don't present too big
of a threat unless encountered in groups. They can be
killed easily with the Handgun before they even reach
you, but saving ammo is a good idea. Use the Pipe.

Name : Simian Hits To Kill:
Location: Town Area Knife : 7 Handgun: 5
Attacks : Grab and Chew Pipe : 4 Shotgun: 1
Hammer: 1 Rifle : 1
Axe : 3

You need the gun against these things. They're fast,
hard to kill and hard to dodge. If you see them in the
distance, put a half-dozen shots into them to kill
them. If they are getting close, bust out your shotgun.
If they do tackle you, don't waste anymore rounds
and put the Hammer into their brain.

Name : Cockroach Hits To Kill:
Location: Varies Knife : n/a Handgun: 1
Attacks : Bite Pipe : 1 Shotgun: 1
Hammer: 1 Rifle : 1
Axe : n/a

You encounter these little things everywhere. It's not
worth the effort to shoot them, so just run or use a
large weapon like the Hammer.

Name : Zombie Nurse Hits To Kill:
Location: Hell Hospital Knife : 9 Handgun: 5
Attacks : Knife Chop, Grab Pipe : 4 Shotgun: 2
Hammer: 2 Rifle : 1
Axe : 3

They appear slow, but in certain cases they can speed
up and run at you. You usually encounter them in pairs,
so use the Shotgun. Otherwise, single Zombies can be
dealt with easily with the Handgun.

Name : Zombie Doctor Hits To Kill:
Location: Hell Hospital Knife : 11 Handgun: 7
Attacks : Knife Chop, Grab Pipe : 6 Shotgun: 2
Hammer: 2 Rifle : 1
Axe : 4

Like the Nurses but tougher and stronger. Don't attempt
to do close-range combat on these guys unless you have
the Hammer. Shotgun, definitely.

Name : Sewer Dragon Hits To Kill:
Location: Sewers Knife : 10 Handgun: 6
Attacks : Claw Swipe Pipe : 5 Shotgun: 2
Hammer: 3 Rifle : 1
Axe : 4

Annoying critters because they don't trigger your radio
to start ringing. To make sure they don't get the drop on
you, walk around large rooms with your gun ready; Harry
will aim at the mutant as long as its within range. They
are never alone, so use the Shotgun.

Name : Bear Claw Hits To Kill:
Location: Sewers Knife : 6 Handgun: 3
Attacks : Claw Swipe Pipe : 3 Shotgun: 1
Hammer: 1 Rifle : 1
Axe : 2

A pretty weak enemy for being this late into the game
(you first encounter one trying to kill Kaufmann). There
are a few hanging around the sewers connecting the pier
to the amusement park; you don't need anything except the
Handgun. Since they don't trigger your radio either, head
into each chamber with your gun drawn and they'll never
get the drop on you.

Name : Spectre Hits To Kill:
Location: Nowhere Knife : 7 Handgun: 3
Attacks : Knife, Grab Pipe : 3 Shotgun: 1
Hammer: 2 Rifle : 1
Axe : 3

They look like transparent Doll Demons. They trigger your
radio, but they're hard to see and you have to have your
gun drawn to locate them properly. No need to waste shotgun
shells on these guys, put them down with the Handgun. Watch
out, because in Nowhere the monsters respawn in areas you've
already cleared.

IV - The Bosses

ATTACKS : Headbutt, Bite, Swallow Whole
USE : Pipe/Handgun~Shotgun

It looks like a big salamander with no head. Remember reading that fable
in the library book? The one on the table that I'm sure you read? Well,
anyway it goes like this:

"Hearing this, the hunter armed with bow and arrow said, "I will kill the
lizard." But upon meeting his opponent, he held back, taunting, "Who's
afraid of a reptile?" At this, the furious lizard hissed, "I'll swallow
you up in a single bite!" Then the huge creature attacked, jaws open wide.
This was what the man wanted. Calmly drawing his bow, he shot into the
lizard's gaping mouth. Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piercing the
defenseless maw, and the lizard fell down dead."

Now you know what to do. Run around the pyre, using it as a barrier. You
have options here.

Equip the Handgun. Run around the pyre until you gain a safe distance. Pop
off two or three shots into the boss and then start running again. Repeat
this stick-and-move strategy until the boss roars and begins dripping
saliva. Equip the Shotgun. Let the boss catch up to you, and it will open
up it's huge mouth. Pump two shells into the thing's throat to kill it.

Equip the Pipe. You are faster than the boss is. Run around the pyre until
you have caught up to the boss, it's back turned to you. Smash it about
four times while it's trying to turn around. Then run, reposition yourself
behind it and start whacking away again. Repeat this until the boss
roars and begins dripping saliva. Equip the Shotgun. Let the boss catch up
to you, and it will open up it's huge mouth. Pump two shells into the
thing's throat to kill it. You have conserved much ammo this way.


ATTACKS : Acid Spit
USE : Hammer/Handgun

Pretty easy boss. Before you even engage it, run over a short distance
where Harry is facing to pick up the Hunting Rifle. Now, run back to the
metal grating which fell onto the floor. Stand on it until you hear the
worm come out of the ground. Run a sharp curve left or right then turn
around so you're facing the boss. Now the Burrower is vulnerable while
it's trying to cross the metal part. Shoot it or smack it a few times
until it goes back into the ground. Repeat this pattern until the worm
curls up into a ball.


ATTACKS : Acid Spit, Stinger

Run around in a wide circle on the rooftop while the moth is targeting you.
Listen for the "hiss" of it spitting. After each spit the moth has to
reload so shoot it once with the shotgun. Shoot only once because while the
moth is reloading its venom it will try to sting you. Move out of the way
and dodge its spit again. Shoot. Repeat. After a short while the moth will
collapse and you will be back in normal Silent Hill.


ATTACKS : Gun, Pistol Whip
USE : Rifle

Whether you kill her or not will determine the ending you get. If you want
to kill her and get one of the bad endings, equip the Rifle. Strafe left
and right while getting her to fire. Look for openings between her shots
and shoot her a couple of times. After about a minute of going back and
forth she runs out of ammo. At this time you can just keep your distance
and peg her until she's dead.

If you want to cure her and get a better ending, you have to have gotten
the Plastic Bottle from the Kitchen in the Hospital and filled it with
some of the liquid you found in the Directors Office. Then, get near her
and use the substance to cure Cybil.



This room is big so take advantage of it. Run half the distance of the room
along its perimeter. Then stop, unload about five shots into the boss then
start running again. Alessa really is pretty weak for being the final boss
and she dies in about a dozen shots.


ATTACKS : Lightning Strike

This is the same room as mentioned above but this time you should stick
close to the boss while running a medium-sized circle under it. The boss can
fly and the Rifle is the weapon of choice. Keep running until you see the
boss fire off three bolts of lightning (all three should miss). Now stop
and fill it full of rifle slugs. It will start to charge its lightning
again after you get about six shots off so start running again. Repeat this
pattern and make sure you don't get hit; the lightning will hurt you bad.

The boss falls dead after about five bursts (25~35 shots). I think if you
get really close to the boss before firing (so that Harry is aiming almost
completely vertically) then you do more damage. I have never tried taking
Samael out with anything less than the Handgun but I think he can be killed
with the Hammer, given you're severely close and use the downward strike.

V - Tactics

I've included this section to help you get through the game. Silent Hill
isn't all that difficult unless you set it on Hard (obviously), but there
is always room to improve your gameplay. I would always welcome contribution
to this particular chapter since I'm sure there is some out there.


There are some moves Harry can do that are not outlined normally:

Square+Down : Hop back two steps
Square+L1/R1: Strafe Left/Right

These moves are designed specifically for combat. Strafing can help in
evading hellhounds and simians, two fast monsters that are generally hard
to dodge. You can also shoot while strafing, creating a blanketing strategy.
Hopping back is not as useful; mainly it can help avoid an oncoming attack
like the knife slash from a Zombie Nurse/Doctor. Harry cannot shoot while
hopping back.

Harry can also "lunge" for a short distance by tapping Square in conjunction
with the D-pad for about one and a half seconds. For example, if Harry is
standing still and you tap Square+Up/Right for a moment, he banks right
very hard without really moving. Harry just sort of floats. This is a useful
move to get out of rooms quickly (lunge forward while facing the door) or to
fight more effectively.


Harry does not run very fast. Even so, he can outrun almost any enemy in the
game (except the monkey dudes, the Simians). Therefore, saving ammo really
isn't that hard. There are only a couple of monsters faster than Harry:
the aerial demons and the monkeys. Oh no, what to do, what to do. If you
gain enough distance between the enemy and you, they give up instead of
chasing you, so just gain enough ground. I know, the Winged Demons can
catch up to and kick you upside the head, but dodging them is easy. Just
run a weaving pattern and they can't track you.


At certain ranges, Harry will never miss with the gun. This range can be
determined by watching Harry... he'll automatically point his weapon at
the nearest target in his range. However, shooting the bad dude while its
still out of range nets you more points at the end. There are four ranges:

- "Never Miss" range. Not a lot of points.
- Just outside "Never Miss" range. Medium points.
- About five to six steps from the target. Lotsa points.
- Shooting without even seeing the target. Most points.

BTW, missing shots also drops your point score, so use discretion...


Yayy, the coolest part. It's possible to get through Silent Hill without
ever using a firearm, but you have to be really good at it. Otherwise,
using non-projectile weapons is just plain fun and amusing. I mean, bashing
in the brains of a zombie is nothing like just dropping it with your gun.
The best non-projectile weapon is, of course, the hammer but since you don't
get the hammer until midway through the game the other ones get their
spotlight as well.

There are different ways of using hand weapons depending on how you press
the button. Tapping it lightly gives you the "fast attack" at hitting X
hard or holding it gives you the "heavy attack". Usually, the faster hit
is preferred over the slow one but the heavy attack deals more damage.
This is a chart of all the weapons...

Name Fast Attack Heavy Attack
---- ----------- ------------
Knife Slash back and forth Thrust/stab
Steel Pipe Double swing Downward swing
Hammer Double smash Ground smash
Axe All-around slash Cut/cleave

If you want to fight with just hand weapons you'll have to pay much more
attention to speed and power than with firearms. You'll have to know how
to stick-and-move rather than stay put and pump rounds into your target.
The Backwards-Hop becomes much more integrated into your game.


In the sewers, the radio which detects monsters doesn't work. So how you
get through unscathed? Simple. Walk into a room with the Rifle drawn. It
has the longest range, so it will lock on to enemies from far away. If the
Rifle doesn't lock on to anything, the room is empty. If you see Harry
aim the weapon, pull out the Handgun and sweep the room. This way you will
ensure that you get them before they get you.


You know they say you can't complete the adventure with the light off? True,
but you can have much more fun with the light off. How will you see? Go
to the Options menu and crank up the Brightness level to 7. Then use your
TV's Brightness option to make the game bright as day. Turn the light off,
sneak up behind enemies (they can't see you) and bash them to death. Turn
the light on, search for items and whatever, and switch off again. You will
become unstoppable! (Okay, so this is a pretty stupid idea. But it's more
fun than you'd think since the bad guys can't detect you and you can waltz
right by them. Also, there is no point in doing this if you really want a

VI - Secrets


When you beat the game, you have to option to create a Next Fear save. Next
Fear is playing through the game a second time while being able to use any
of the special items you got the first time around. When you see the ranking
screen, if there are any items in the background, they can be used in the
Next Fear game. The items are:

Item List Requirement
---- ----------------
Gasoline Best (Yellow) Score in at least one category
Chain Saw Got Gasoline
Rock Drill Got Gasoline
Channeling Stone Good+ Ending
Katana Best (Yellow) Score in at least 3 categories
Hyper Blaster Get Secret Ending

ITEM NAME: Gasoline
CATEGORY : Special


Gasoline. You know what it is. You can use it to start up the defunct
Chain Saw or Rock Drill. No other use besides that.

ITEM NAME: Chain Saw
CATEGORY : Special Weapon

"Power tool used for cutting down trees, highly deadly."

This weapon is like an axe on steroids. You just hold down R2, pump the
trigger and walk toward your target. The Chain Saw will vaporize it. You
can't move that fast while using this weapon but the sheer power offered
by it makes up for that. Extremely good on slow and tough enemies but no
so effective on faster targets.

ITEM NAME: Rock Drill
CATEGORY : Special Weapon

"A tool used in road construction to create holes in the road for poles."

Like the Chain Saw but slower and more powerful. If you are equipped with
the Rock Drill use it solely on the Doll Demons, Zombies and Bosses.
Anything else you will risk taking a hit because of the Drill's horrendous
speed. However, the Rock Drill is very likely the most powerful weapon
in the game and can beat the crap out of anything in a short duration.

ITEM NAME: Channeling Stone
CATEGORY : Special

"A mystical stone possessing power. If used somewhere the result will be?"

I still haven't found out how to use this properly. If used in (6?) places
in the game, you get the secret ending and the Hyper Blaster in the
subsequent game. I have not found all the areas but if you find it you'll
get a reaction to know you did. The areas I've found are:

On the Roof of Hell School
Motel Parking Lot
Deck of Boat, next to the Lighthouse pier, Hell-Town
Roof of Lighthouse, Hell-Town

There is still at least one more!

CATEGORY : Special Weapon

"Traditional single-edged Japanese blade."

The ultimate hand weapon. It has the best range and damage, and it swings
extremely fast. Harry holds it like he does the pipe/hammer but the rate
of fire on the Katana is almost three times as quick. You can cut everything
to ribbons with this big knife. Very good on any type of enemy.

ITEM NAME: Hyper Blaster
CATEGORY : Special Weapon

"High-powered handgun with an infrared scope and unlimited bullets."

I have yet to get this item. It is obviously the ultimate weapon in Silent
Hill; a firearm that can track targets and never runs out of ammo. It would
take away almost all of the challenge in the game, though. If you do get
this weapon, unlike the others, you will start with it in your inventory.

VI - Thanks and Credit


For Silent Hill

CJayC and GameFAQs
For hosting thousands of these FAQs

For Silent Hill

Rura Penthe and Tetsuo
For their great Silent Hill walkthrough
Without them I would have missed way much from the game

For creating the Survival Horror craze


I am officially a Survival Horror junkie. I don't really play that much
video games in general but the one series I never miss is Resident Evil.
From the original to all of the sequels and spinoffs it has inspired, RE
is the most awesome lineage of games I have played. It created a new genre
that picked up the tag "Survival Horror" and since then there have been
multiple games of this type: T.R.A.G., Deep Fear, Dino Crisis and
Silent Hill, among many. Of these, Dino Crisis and Silent Hill are the only
ones worth the hype. Now that I don't play just RE games, I am not an RE
junkie anymore. Woo-hoo.

- A.Redfield, Feb '00

Fourth FAQ in the Survival Horror series
What next?

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The Complete Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Handgun Speed Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Plot Analysis

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15.Oktober 2013
Drei verschiedene Spielstände: einen für den Anfang, einen am Ende des Krankenhauses und einen für das schlechte Ende.

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Plot Guide FAQ

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Ende des Spiels.

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Survival and Secret

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17.Oktober 2013
Spoilers FAQ

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Items List FAQ

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Fighting Techniques FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Bestiary FAQ

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18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
Pal 2 Ntsc Patch

17.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Alternative Lösung (incl. FAQ)
engl. Lösung
13.Mai 2008
engl. Cheats
13.Mai 2008
engl. Lösung
13.Mai 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020