Breath of Fire 3

Breath of Fire 3

15.10.2013 07:05:28
Dragon Gene Guide

Dragon Gene FAQ, version 0.1

by David Lemasa

(c) copyright 1998, David Lemasa, all rights reserved...



Version Changes

The Dragon Gene System: How it Works

The Dragon Genes: Individual Descriptions

A Note On General Skills

The Dragon Gene Splicings: The List

"Hybrid Splicings"
"Unique Splicings"

Thanks, etc.


After much frustration trying to find certain Dragon Gene splices
that I have subsequently found to be non-existant, I feel
compelled to exhaust every possibility, record my findings, and
submit them (respectfully) for you.

This is my first FAQ attempt, so please, bear with me. :)


v. 0.1 Base FAQ, majority of info added, still need more
info on locations, certain gene effects.

*The Dragon Gene System: How it Works*

In a nutshell, your main character (Ryu, or whatever you may have
renamed him) will find, scattered throughout the world, various
crystals called dragon genes. These purple crystals embody the
essence of "The Brood" and may only be obtained by Ryu, so put
him in the lead when you see them.

These become part of your gene inventory and may be either activated
singly or in conjuction with one or two more genes, giving a
possible maximum of 3 genes being spliced.

To access the dragon gene system, Ryu must choose "Accession"
(seems like a misspelling of "ascension") from
list of "ATTACK" abilities under the "Abilities" catagory during
battle. You will then be prompted to choose between "DATA",
"PICK" or "BEST".

"DATA" is a running list of all previous splices that have occured
during battle. "PICK" allows you to choose the particular
splicing you want to try. "BEST" is a list that is completely
tailored by you form the "DATA" list. During battle, simply go
into the "DATA" section, select a prior splicing you found to be
effective, and press the SQUARE button. This will prompt the
"BEST" list, where you may choose an empty slot to store that
particular splicing.

By using "PICK" you may experiment with different genes to see
their outcome, these "picks" will always go to the "DATA" list
where you may choose to save them to the "BEST" list during the
NEXT battle encounter.

Upon selecting a particular splicing duriong battle (whether
though any of the 3 methods listed above), Ryu will begin to
glow with a wave of power. Upon reaching his turn, he will
scream a battle cry and disappear in a flash of purple
lightening. This produces a huge purple dome of lightening,
hiding the entire party. The dome will disappear and Ryu will
have transformed into a particular dragon, replaceing either Ryu
or the entire party depending on the splice. After this change,
Ryu will have anew set of attacks and skills to choose from
in battle.


The following are the individual dragon genes. Under each I will
include the game description, a physical description, its AP cost
its location, and any miscellaneous notes or hints about that gene.
Individual splicing results are tabulated in the next section of
this FAQ.

Here is a layout of the dragon gene menu:





"Grants Flame Property"
AP Cost: 5
Description: Reddish-Orange globe with a flame within.
Location: Ryu automatically receives this after the battle with
the Unicorn Brother (Sunder and ....).
Misc: Adds fire attack skills to the splicing.


"Grants Frost property"
AP Cost: 5
Description: A cool blue globe with a revolving ice shard within.
Location: TBA
Misc: Adds ice/cold attack skills to the splicing.


"Grants Electric property"
AP Cost: 5
Description: A drak blue globe with a red outline. A lightening
bolt streaks within.
Location: TBA
Misc: Adds lightening/electric attack skills to the splicing.


"Grants Shadow property"
AP Cost: 5
Description: A blackish globe that gleams occaisonally.
Location: Received after defeating the Dragon Zombie after Ryu
reaches adolescence (Duana Mine).
Misc: Adds evil/darkness.poison attack skills to the splicing.


"Grants Radiance property"
AP Cost: 5
Description: An orange globe with a fiery yellow star within.
Location: Also received after battle with Dragon Zombie in Duana Mine
Misc: Adds holy attack skills to the splicing.


"Grants a powerful form"
AP Cost: 8
Description: A deep blue squared gem with a sword placed
diagonally, hlit at the lower left, bladepointing toward
upper right.
Location: TBA
Misc: The Warrior family of splicings begin here. Add elemental,
include elemental powers. Add ELDRITCH, incluse the eldritch
powers. Add DEFENDER, add defensive powers.


"Grants a defensive form"
AP Cost: 8
Description: A green squared gem with a grey kite shield within.
Location: TBA
Misc: Any elemental gene, such as flame, etc., may be spliced with DEFENDER
to produce a "Dragon" form reflective of that elemental PLUS defensive
powers. This usually means that the skill "Counter" is added...

Counter, AP 0, "Auto counter attack when in use"

So, for example, DEFENDER + FLAME yields "Dragon" with the following

AP Cost: 13
AP Maintenence
Red colored flame dragon with purple horns and green fin.

Dragon Skills:
General Dragon Powers (Dragon Breath, Snap)
FLAME Powers (Flame Breath, Flame Claw); PLUS


"Grants a magical form"
AP Cost: 8
Description: A violet squared gem with a spiral staff-tip within.
Location: TBA
Misc: Any elemental gene, such as flame, etc., may be spliced with ELDRITCH
to produce a "Dragon" form reflective of that elemental PLUS "magical"
powers. Also, the most powerful skill of that particular elemental will
be added. So, in the case of FLAME, "Inferno" is added to the list of
Dragon skills.

Below is a listing of all of these additional elemental

Remember, ELDRITCH + elemental =

(Gen. "Dragon" Skills) + (ELDRITCH skills) + Elemental (incl. most powerful)


Remedy, AP 7, "Cures all status changes"
Restore, AP 12, "Heal heavy wounds on one target"
Vitalize, AP 20, "Heal medium wounds on all targets"


Inferno, 10 AP, "Flame attack vs all targets"


Blizzard, 10 AP, "Frost attack vs all targets"


Myollnir, 10 AP, "Electric attack vs one target"


Death, 5 ap, "Destroy one target"


Resurrect, 20 AP, Restore dead member (Tee hee, Viagra anyone???)

Also, in all other splicings (such as Behemoth, Warrior) remember that
the ELDRITCH skills will simply be tacked onto whatever base you have
as a splice. For example, FORCE + ELDRITCH yields "Warrior" with warrior
base powers AND ELDRITCH powers. However, if an elemental is added, such
as FLAME, the "third" elemental spell will also be added, i.e.


ELDRITCH powers + Warrior powers + FLAME powers including Inferno.

This also applies to the Behemoth forms as well.


"Grants a large form"
AP Cost: 16
Description: A deep red diamond-shaped gem with a yellow arrow pointing
to the right.
Location: TBA
Misc: The Behemoth family of splicings start here. Add an elemental and
get that particular elemental's powers. Add ELDRITCH and also add
the effects described in the ELDRITCH section (Eldritch powers +
third elemental skill). Add DEFENDER, add defensive powers.


"Enhances abilities"
AP Cost: 8
Description: A light purple diamond-shaped gem with a small yellow arrow
pointing up.
Location: TBA
Misc: TBA


"Enhances special characteristics"
AP Cost: 8
Description: A dark blue, diamond-shaped gem with a blue arrow pointing down
and a yellow arrow pointing up.
Location: TBA
Misc: The THORN gene simply grants the "Dragon" form plus whatever elemental
powers are tacked on. For example, THORN + FLAME yields..

AP Cost: 13
AP Maintenence
Red colored flame dragon with purple horns and green fin.

Dragon Skills:
General Dragon Powers (Dragon Breath, Snap)
Flame Breath, AP 0, "Flame; damage altered by HP"
Flame Claw, AP 0, "Flame attack vs. one target"

All elementals follow in kind. So, FROST wuld produce the
"Frost breath" and "Frost Claw" skills. The exeptions to this,
of course, lie with the SHADOW and RADIANCE genes. Here are
skills respective to them..


Shadow Breath, AP 0, "Death vs all targets"
Chlorine, AP 0, "Attack; poisons target"


Divine Breath, "Holy; damage altered by HP"
Shining Claw, AP 0, "Holy attack vs one target"


"Reverses abilities and properties"
AP Cost: 3
Description: A turquoise, diamond-shaped gem with a blue "double arrow"
Location: TBA
Misc: TBA


"Causes random change"
AP Cost: 3
Description: A brownish, diamond-shaped gem with a very small arrow
pointing to a tilde-like line.
Location: TBA
Misc: TBA


"Mystery effect...???"
AP Cost: 8
Description: A clear globe containing a yellow/orange question mark
Location: TBA
Misc: TBA


"Mystery effect...???"
AP Cost: 8
Description: A green, teardrop-shaped gem with a fiery eye within.
Location: TBA
Misc: TBA


AP Cost: 1
Description: A deep blue, teardrop-shaped gem with a pluple circle
Location: TBA
Misc: TBA


"Combines power with allies'"
AP Cost: 16
Description: A green, oval-shaped gem with a pair of connected stick
figures within.
Misc: When spliced (alone) it yields a dragon/ally combo
creature. Ususally will target a form reflective of
the most powerful ally other than Ryu in the party.
Fusion does not work with Garr, i.e. no "Garr"
hybrid. See below for Hybrid stats.


"Unleashes full power of the Brood"
AP Cost: 40
Description: A deep blue globe with switling "comets" within.
Location: Given after defeating the Dragon Elder in
Misc: Gives extremely powerful "Kaiser" form, which is basically
a golden Ryu. However, spliced alone the Kaiser is
uncontrollable (berserk) and will kill both enemies
and allies. Add "FAILURE" to the splice and he's now


There are certain Dragon Skills that are achieved in all splicings'
within certan splicing types. For example, all "Whelp" forms will share
certain powers, as will all "Dragon and "Behemoth" types. Below is a
listing of the base powers of each type. Please note that when splicing
another gene type, an elemental, perhaps, there are powers that will
be granted on top of the base powers (obviously)...


Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath;damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack; induces blindness"


Dragon Breath, AP 0, "Breath;damage altered by HP"
Snap, AP 0, "Attack vs one target; lowers Def"


Gambit, AP 0, "Critical damage if enemy is hit"
Aura, AP 20, "Holy attack vs. one target; PwrX2"
Focus, AP 0, "Raise Pwr when used; max. X2"


MeteorStrike, AP 0, "Comet; damage altered by HP"
Blitz, AP 0, "Attack vs. all; user's HP halved"
Charge, AP 0, "Damage altered based on Def"

These are the four base dragon types.


The following is a list of all viable splicings (i.e. no repeats
or "useless" splices).

In this, I will include the genes involved, the name of the resulting
dragon, the AP cost, the AP cost per round, the skills/attacks, and a
description of the dragon.

*Individual Splicings*


AP Cost: 5
AP Cost per Turn: 3
Fiery-orange colored young dragon, flame powers

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
Flame Breath, AP 0, "Flame; damage altered by HP"
Flame Claw, AP 0, "Flame attack vs. one target"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 5
AP Cost per Turn: 3
Turquoise colored young dragon, frost powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
Frost Breath, AP 0, "Frost; damage altered by HP"
Frost Claw, AP 0, "Frost attack vs. one target"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 5
AP Cost per Turn: 3
Deep-blue colored young dragon, electric powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
ThundrBreath, AP 0, "Electric; damage altered by HP"
Thunder Claw, AP 0, "Electric attack vs. one target"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 5
AP Cost per Turn: 3
Blackish-purple colored young dragon, shadow powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
ShadowBreath, AP 0, "Death vs. all targets"
Chlorine, AP 0, "Attack, poisons target"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 5
AP Cost per Turn: 3
Silver colored young dragon, radiance powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
DivineBreath, AP 0, "Holy; damage altered by HP"
Shining Claw, AP 0, Holy attack vs. one target"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 8
AP Cost per Turn: 4
Red, hybrid humanoid dragon. Orange hair and green pants.
Has grey wings and red tail. Stands upright.

Dragon Skills
Gambit, AP 0, "Critical damage if enemy is hit"
Aura, AP 20, "Holy attack vs. one target; PwrX2"
Focus, AP 0, "Raise Pwr when used; max. X2"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 8
AP Cost per Turn: 4
Green colored young dragon, general & defense powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
Counter, AP 0, "Auto counter-attack when in use"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 8
AP Cost per Turn: 4
Green colored young dragon, general & healing powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
Remedy, AP 7, "Cures all status changes"
Restore, AP 12, "Heal heavy wounds on one target"
Vitalize, AP 20, "Heal medium wounds on all targets"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 16
AP Cost per Turn: 8
Enormous, round, four-horned, steam breathing green dragon.
Yellow underbelly and large lower teeth, barbed tail.
Replaces entire party.

Dragon Skills:
MeteorStrike, AP 0, "Comet; damage altered by HP"
Blitz, AP 0, "Attack vs. all; user's HP halved"
Charge, AP 0, "Damage altered based on Def"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 8
AP Cost per Turn: 4
Green colored young dragon, general powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 3
AP Cost per Turn: 2
Green colored young dragon, general powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 3
AP Cost per Turn: 2
Random colored young dragon, general & random
elemental powers.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
**Any powers as respective to the "type" of whelp
Ryu morphs into (random).
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 1
AP Cost per Turn: 1
Green colored young dragon, general powers.
Lower HP than with other whelp splicings, HP stays same,
doesn't increase.

Dragon Skills:
Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath, damage altered by HP"
Blind, AP 0, "Attack, induces blindness"
Restore Form, Ap 0, (self-explanatory)


AP Cost: 16
AP Cost per Turn: 8
Appearence & skills vary depending upon character fused with
from party...(see below)


AP Cost: 40
AP Maintenence:
Golden version of Ryu, uncontrollable, i.e. "berzerk" state,
tends to attack party members as well as enemies.

Dragon Skills:
In this state, Ryu will only use his standard sword attack for
HUGE damage. However, your other party members will almost always
be killed by him.

NB: Add the Failure Gene to this and he's controllable.

*Multiple Splicings*

Below is a listing of both Hybrid splices and the Unique splices.

*Hybrid Splicings*

Hybrid Nina Dragon

White, bird-like creature with purple feather tips and reptilian tail

Dragon Skills:

Typhoon, AP 7, "Wind attack vs. all targets"
Lightening, AP 7, "Electric attack vs. all targets"
Inferno, AP 10, "Flame attack vs. all targets"
Blizzard, AP 10, "Frost attack vs. all targets"
Temptation, AP 0, "Causes confusion; abilities down"

NB: Think of Temptation as an all around status killer,
like Confusion, Blunt, Weaken and Slow all together
with a higher success rate.

Hybrid Rei Dragon

Winged, horned tiger form with a thick tail.

Dragon Skills:

Shadowwalk, AP 8, "Warp attack; critical blow"
Dragon Breath, AP 0, "Breath; damage altered by HP"
Tempest, AP 0, "Wind; damage altered by HP"

NB: Shadowwalk does insane damage.

Hybrid Momo Dragon

Four leged suit of armor, with a plumed smoke-stack helmet
and a spiked ball tail.

Dragon Skills:

Speed, AP 2, "Raise one target's Agil"
Protect, AP 2, "Raise one target's Def"
Might, AP 4, "Raise one target's Pwr"
Restore, AP 12, "Heal heavy wounds on one target"
Remedy, AP 7, "Cures all status changes"
Combustion, AP 0, Flame & Wind attack vs all targets"

NB: Combustion shoots a nuclear bomb from the
smoke-stack mortar. It hits, there's a brief
delay, and the a huge elliptical flare causing huge damage.

Hybrid Peco Dragon

Giant purple Peco with spiked tail and orange tuft of hair.

Dragon Skills:

Dream Breath, AP 3, "Induce sleep on all targets"
Venom Breath, AP 3, "Poisons all targets"
Dragon Breath, AP 0, "Breath; damage altered by HP"
Geo Breath, AP 0, "Earth; damage altered by HP"

*Unique Splicings*



Golden Whelp form. Extremely quick, very low HP, very high
reprisal rate.

Dragon Skills:

Whelp Breath, AP 0, "Breath; damage altered by HP"
Charge, AP 0, "Damage altered based on Def"



Golden Dragon form. Triple elemental.

Dragon Skills:

All Breaths (Flame, Frost, Thundr, Dragon) & Snap.



Golden Warrior form. High reprisal rate.

Dragon Skills:

Gambit, AP 0, "Critical damage if enemy is hit"
Aura, AP 20, "Holy attack vs one target; PwrX2"
Flame Strike, AP 1, "Flame attack vs one target"
Thudr Strike, AP 4, "Electric attack, paralyzes"
Frost Strike, AP 4, "Frost attack, induces sleep"
Wind Strike, AP 1, "Wind attack vs one target"
Holy Strike, AP 2, "Holy attack vs one target"
Aura Breath, AP 0, "Holy; damage altered by HP"


MIRACLE + ??? (24 AP)

Golden Behemoth form. Extremely high HP (2000+)

Dragon Skills:

Giant Growth, AP 0, "Attack vs multiple targets
Meteor Strike, AP 0, "Comet; damage altered by HP"


MUTANT + ??? (11 AP)

Larval dragon form (like a horned worm). Tiny. Purple.

Dragon Skills:

Dragon Breath and Snap
Magma Breath, AP 0, "Flame; damage altered by HP"



Coiled snake with flaming purple horns. Lighter purple body
with spikes down spinal area. Finned tail.

Dragon Skills:

Doom Breath, AP 0, "Neutral; damage altered by HP"
Shadow Breath, AP 0, "Death vs all targets"
Venom Breath, AP 3, "Poison all targets"

KAISER (Controllable)


Golden Ryu form, i.e. he really doesn't change.
High reprisal rate. Berserk if spliced alone w/out FAILURE.

Dragon Skills:

Kaiser Breath, AP 0, "Neutral, damage altered by HP"
Bonebreak, AP 0, "Attack; usable at fixed intervals"
Howling, AP 0, "Attack; induces confusion"


Thanks to....

CAPCOM, for making this great game.

SONY, for allowing this extremely wonderful, old-school 2D
masterpiece to exist among the 3D trash that we endure everyday.

Henry LaPierre, fellow Baystater and FAQ writer extraordinaire, for
his "educational" feedback in this, my first foray into FAQ authoring.


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