Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

13.10.2013 13:53:26
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Developer:Insomniac games


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1.23 added ascii art at top
1.2 fixed a wordrap problem
1.1 fixed some typos and headings


Spyro 2 is one of my favorite games for playstation.
It has awesome graphics, great gameplay, and cool music.So
I decided to write a walkthrough so people could enjoy the game
and not get frustrated with it.I know this is a little late
but the game is new to me and might be new to someone else.
Anyway I'll be helping you find the orbs and such.

table of contents

3.Power ups
5.Dragon Shores
7.Hints and Tips


Spyro the Dragon and Sparx the dragonfly
are looking forward to a relaxing vacation
at Dragon Shores. They're going to rest up
from their victory over Gnasty Gnorc in their
first adventure.But fate is about to give
their travel plans a big ugly tweak.

In the worlds of Avalar a dinosaur riding,
troublemaker named Ripto is Making Life
miserable with his magical spells. Statues
are coming to life and attacking their makers.
Monsters are messing up electrical systems.
Eskimos are being turned into icecubes and fish
are running out of water.

The folks in Avalar have to come up with a plan
and quick! They decide that a dragon is what
they need to get ride of Ripto and his gang.
One of the defenders,the professer,has created
magical orbs that will snatch a dragon out of
another world and shoot it through a portal
to Avalar.Just as Spyro and Sparx leave for
their trip,the professer revs up the orbs.

In the blink of a gnorc's eye, it's "Goodbye,
Dragon Shores," and "Hello, Avalar!" as Spyro
and Sparx tumble through a portal and into an
alien universe. If they ever want to take their
beach vacation, Spyro and Sparx have to help get
rid of this raging Ripto. It's enough to make a
a dragon spit fire!

Spyro never passes up a challenge or the chance
to toast a few enemies-and there are plenty of
both here. The local folks seem pretty nice too...
weird-but nice. But some of the scariest creatures
ever seen live here and that's by dragon standards!
Will Spyro ever get back to his world? It's a snap
if you're a dragon.

So fire up the breath burners and rev up your
headbash. Ripto is about to see what happens when
a dragon leads the attack.


x button : x makes spyro jump. If you tap the buton
twice he will glide.

square : This button makes Spyro charge at high speeds

o button: This is the famous flame attack. Now you can kill
all the sheep you want.

triangle:Goes into first person view so you can look around.

L2 and R2 : moves the camera left and right. Good for when
your about to make a jump.

L1 and R2 : Same as L2 and R2 they change the camera. Good
for when your about to make a jump.


TALISMANS- Most levels have a talisman that you can get
by completing an easy task (usually just making it to the
end). You will need all of them to finish the game.

Orbs-Every world contains at least 2 orbs. You get them
by finishing a challenge or sometimes just find them in a hard
to get places.You need 40 to fight Ripto but this guide will
help you find all 64.

GEMS- are easy to find because they are never really
hidden. You can pay moneybags to do certain things such as
teach you a move or lower a bridge.

LAVA STONES- Use these to shoot different things
Also used to kill monsters. Walk up to them to pick
them up and press O to fire.

Spiritual particals- You get these when you defeat a
baddie. There used to activate (see below) powerups.


You know the spirit particles that you get when
you kill a creature. They activate one of these powerups

POWERFLAME:Turns the power up (way up)on the flame attack.
it's so hot it even works underwater!

SUPERFLY:Spyro can fly. If you press x he flaps his wings.
press up and down to steer.

SUPERCHARGE:Speeds up Spyro's charge. Used to knock out tough
Enemys or obstacles.

INVINCEBILITY:Nothing can hurt Spyro

SUPERFREEZE:His flame is now icebreath. Superman anyone.

SPRING ABILITY: Makes you jump really high usually to a
new location.



1st orb- First find Hunter and he will give you a series
of jumps to perform.

2nd orb- Here's an easy one. When you first enter Summer
Forest go to the left and dive in the water and follow the
path to the orb.

3rd orb- Near Hurricos is a ladder. Climb it to claim
your prize.


1st orb- At the end of the level there is an opened window
on each side, go through one and in that area there is a cave.
the mouse will tell you how to finish the rest of this easy

2nd orb- In that same area you will find a fly powerup and
a mouse nearby will tell you to light all of the lanterns.
It's easy just don't get careless and mess up.

3rd orb- You need the climb ability for this orb. In the cave
with moneybags is a ladder that Spyro can climb. Talk to the
mouse do the same thing as the 2nd orb needed youto do and
lite the lanterns.


1st orb- Dive into the lake at the beginning of the level and
follow the path to another person who needs your help.The answer
to the first puzzle is jump on the downleft square then the
upper right,theupperleft and finnaly the bottomright. The rest
of the puzzles are easy and don't need help.

2nd orb- At the end of this level is yet another open window
fly across the platforms untill below you see a bunch of idles
fly down and use that nasty powerup to pulverise them.


1st orb- After yo kill the yeti(well not really)he breaks the
windows on the right follow the windowcill path till you reach an
open skating rink. Talk to the creature to play a game of hockey.
To win skate down the right side then when you reach the end
quickly go left and shoot the puck into the goal.

2nd orb- Same thing except now you have someone against you other
then the goalie.


1st orb- From the 18 powerup (which is a super charge)face it
then turnaround and go to your left. You should see some stairs
and they lead you to a strange person that needs your help. just
put the orbs in the holders and flame the thieves when they come.

2nd orb- Use that powerup to hit all of the switches(There behind
windmills) Then look around for the secret stair case and glide
across the fans to get the orb.

3rd orb- Its hard but I can't give much advice because you jump
from platform to platform its hard but you can do it in a couple
of tries.Remember to glide at the end of your flight.


1st orb-First activate the powerflame ability. Then talk to the
guy to your right. He will tell you to destroy the turtle
boxes.Here's a list of where they are 1.go to the right and into
a tunnel step on the switch and then aim and shoot it 2. To the
left of the powerup.3. Up the stairs in front of the powerup.
4.Up the stairs and divein the water when you come out of the
water go diagonally right 5. Keep going forward from the powerup
and go right at the fork its at the base of the stairs. 6. go up
the stairs and aim at the box to the left. 7.The last one is in
the water area by the begining.

2nd orb- At the end of the level is a ladder climb it to start
the challenge. Just ram the turtles into the water at the top of
the screen.

3rd orb- Same thing just harder and longer.


1st orb- Speak with the Hippocamp he will tell you to save the
seahorses when you destroy number 1 number 2 opens up. it goes
all the way up to 6.

2nd orb- Talk to Hunter and agree to ride his manta ray(looks
like he's riding a horse ) you fly through rings,it's really easy
to finish.

3rd orb- Just like the first one except on this one you glide
alot faster and farther through the rings. Its annoying at first
because you have to turn so fast.


The speedway courses are alot harder then the regular
levels because you have to go really fast and destroy
lots of targets. Oh well there actually kinda fun when
you get used to it.

First fly all of the ring cutting as many corners as
you can. Followed by the gates the same way. Then
blast the boats without falling in the water.
Finnaly go backwards on the road to make the cars

the orb- talk to the person in the audience then
follow hunter through the rings.


For some reason the bosses are fun to beat. Maybe
because they aren't boring i.e. doing the same stupid
attack over and over. Or maybe I'm just good at them.

The boss will walk arond on little rings. when he stops
on one he will do an attack. The color detimines what.
RED: Flame - move left or right to avoid it and BLUE
He will send a shockwave - just jump over it. In between
the attacks you have to flame him,then quickly get away
because rocks will fall. When his life is half full
he will chase you after getting hit. Just run away and
He will finnaly get crushed true to his name

AUTUMN PLAINS my favorite world

1st orb- Right before the boss is a cracked wall. You
know what to do. Break it open and go up the whirlwind
and then go up the one outside. Now from the building
fly to the white wall ahead and follow it to the end
and you 'll come to a cracked wall. I don't have to
tell you again break it.

2nd orb- From that same building fly to the distant
green platform


1st orb- Climb up the bonestairs by the big skull and talk
to the guy by the bridge. This is pretty hard but all I can
say is memorize what order they hatch it makes it twice as

2nd orb- Same as above exept no you have to be perfect
and must know when they hatch.

3rd orb- Find the bone lizards. Here is a list of where they

1. On top of the skull at the beginning.
2.go left after you go inside the skull.
3.Go up the stairs in the skull and break the gate
4.Use the powerup next to the stairs and go inside the
5.Use the othe powerup and go up the lava stairs.
6.Across the bones in the same room.
7.Right to the right of the end of the level.
8.On top of the bonestairs.


1st orb- At the bone bridge jump of to the left to find
Someone who needs spider killing. Use the powerup and
flame 'em.

2nd orb- instead of going right to the exit go straight and
cross the bridge but don't slip or say bye bye to your lives.
To get the cat back to his owner feed it 3 fish by flaming
them when they come up and then he will follow you to the


1st orb- Destroy each of the spikey guys. Theres only 8 and
they're in groups so it should be easy for you.

2nd orb- To the right of the giant ship is a jump powerup
use it and talk to the annoying bird to ride the minecart.
You need to get all the gears. The controls are easy
x is to jump o to fire and left and right to change lanes


Orbs 1 and 2- Bring the cowleks back to the corral. This is
easier the it sounds. You probably saw all of them anyway
so I would just waste time typing where they are.

3rd orb- plant the seed in the middle one but jump right before
it grows. This will save you tons of time. Then get the seed
across from you. the spit it from the middle plant. Now get the
seed on the next platform and plant it now keep going and you'll
make it to the professor.

4th orb-First throw one seed on the platform in the wall then
take the other one and go up the platform in the wall and spit
the seed in the green platform. Now go back get the seed and
jump on the sprout the first seed made and shoot the other one
in the next one and climb to your goal . Man that was hard to


1st orb- In the second area find hunter on the left. To catch
the monkeys charge the trees when hunter gets under them just
watch your health because the monkeys can hurt you.

2nd orb- Activate the powerflame powerup by handel and do what
he says. It can get frusterating but I can't help you much all I
can say is charge the whole way our the powerup will wear off.


1st orb- activate the charge powerup then instead going around
the whole course at super sonic speed fly through it the other
way and you can just ram the door. You choose which way. Oh also
if you go the long way you have tou deal with tons baddies
whacking a ya.

2nd orb-Charge the creatures before they hit the alchemist. You
will be happy when your done is all I can say. Oh and the
alchemist is in the lava area if you can't find him.

3rd orb- Hunter is right next to where the alchemist was. Head
slam each of the baddies after hunter shoots them with an
arrow.MOVE FAST.Right after you smash one run to the baddie.


1st orb- Right before you exit turnaround and glide to the weird
guy with horns. All he really says is kill the crazy lava dudes.
so fly down and take as much time as you need to shoot them with
rocks. You know why this is REALLY easy? no time limit! Yep so
just take your time and whenever it gets low reget the fly

2nd orb- Next to the first ladder is a second one so climb to
the green hill on the left and fly to the ladder. Now climb up
and go inside to meet hunter. To beat his challenge follow the
white smoke and catch the crystal when comes out. What I do is
chase the one hunter is after so you get a point and your
stopping him from getting a point I got a 0 to 10 score using
that trick!

3rd orb- Another crystal game use the trick above or else it's
really hard.


1st orb- First collect atleast 18 spiritual particals. Then in
the second area climb up the stairs and fly across to the huge
platform across from you and talk to the hippo. To finish the
minigame headbash the hippo's before they sink. It can be hard
because you can't miss up even once.

2nd orb- Talk to the hippo to the right of the end portal and
help him find the arabian thieves. If you can't find them here's
a list to help ye. 1. around the powerup area. 2. By the stairs
in that same room.3. The area before the green lava stone.


1st orb- Blow up the igloo by the snowmobiles and hunter will
have an ther minigame where you follow him through rings. This
is really long and you'll get really mad if you trip at the
finish line. Just stay calm and you can get it in no time. One
final tip you can only go left and right not up and down.


1st orb- To get this orb look around for a waterfall. Once you
find it and fly right into it. Don't worry it's a secret
passageway. Now talk to the guy that has a magnifying glass . To
beat the challenge fly and grab the money before it hits the
ground or else you have to start over. Hard? Not really because
the don't fall fast at all so you have plenty of time.


Don't let the big rhino step on you.Should'nt that be a
saying. Oh and when the pteridactils drop eggs shoot the
destructive weapons at the poor animal. After many shots to
his sorry butt the big rhino will be toast and you win the

That only leaves Ripto to stop. Only one more world to go and
you beat the game.


1st orb- Use the whirlwind by Riptos castle and glide left and
carefully land on the tall white wall and look around for a
round green object.

2nd orb- Use that same whirlwind but this time glide to the
right and land in the water by the waterfall and swim through
the passageway to claim your prize. Just be carefull and this
should be an easy task.

3rd orb- In the main area of Winter Tundra there are some rocks
that need smashing. So headbash each rock some contain jewels
and the biggest rock contains the last orb of the level.


1st orb- Find the sleeping worker. He's easy to find just get
to the end of this level and talk to him.

2nd orb- Near the end of the level is a jeep talk to the person
next to it and help him get the sparks back from those mean ol'

3rd orb- Use the whirlwind inside one of the houses to get to
the professer. Take the egg and put it in the nest near the end
of the the level. Put the seed in the seedbox it's right after
the cauldron. Take the duck to its mother in the river. Take
the vegetable she gives you and put it in the cauldron inside
the cave. Now take the coin and make a wish (throw it in the
fountain). Then you will finnaly get the pencil the professer
needs and now he will give you an orb.


1st orb- Help the good wizard and make your way through this
very short level.

2nd orb- Youcan find agent zero near the metal chest. Hide
behind the tree and you will start the long walk to his secret
hideout. At the part with two trees go to the right one so he
can't see you. Oh and when you reach the stairs he stops at a
corner DO NOT ram into him or you have to start the whole damn
thing over again.

3rd orb- Use the freeze powerup to turn the flaming trolls into
frozen platforms so you can climb up and ring each of the
bells. NOTE: when you ring 2 bells you can ride the whirwind
behind he guy who you talked to at the beginning to a new area.
straight forward is the next bell and to the left is a rocket
that breaks the metal chest.


1st orb- Just make your way to the end flaming the giant bugs,
climbing seesaws and dodging giant fans. Weird level isn't it?

2nd orb- From the portal at the end turn to your left and glide
across to the other platform to meet another robot. Now use the
powerup to ram all of the pumkins and clear the way for the
tractor. If you destroy them all without having to start over
consider yourself a good player.

3rd orb- Explore around the level searching for a robot. To
help him chase after the crows and try to suprise them and when
you get close enough to one unleash a flame attack on it.

METROPOLIS last real level

1st orb- Just make it through another level with crazy robots.
Man thats the second level in a row with robots, I mean weren't
dragons in the Mideivel times.

2nd orb- Use the "combination" powerup to blast the sheep UFOs.
Try to take a faster way then they do to catch up with them
really fast then blast 'em in the backside.

3rd orb- Another round of flame the UFOs just this time there
are five fast flying sheep.

fourth orb- Look for some ladders and climb them to reach
another robotic friend. To defeat the ox you have to be careful
and skilled.Avoid the bombs and fire them back to return fire
rinse and repeat for ox stew.


1st orb- In the area with the many vultures fluttering around
look on the left side to find an alcove with hunter inside.
Talk to the crazy tiger and prepare for the last challenge in
the game.To beat this just quickly shoot down the balloons
while moving. Its a little hard but you can do it. Now jump in
the whole in the castle and get ready for


1st form- Collect the orbs as fast as you can and try not to let
RIPTO get any. When you get 3 unleash a special attack on Ripto
and eat at his life until

2nd form-Repeat the same process on Gulp and Ripto can only do
one last thing.

3rd form- Now he means business he will summon up a bird and fly
away from you. Now zoom after him dodging the attacks and
whenever you get a chance to unleash your famous flame attack.
Now watch your life because thats all you get. After many
attacks he will finnaly fall to his doom. CONGRATS on beating
Spyro 2 and if you have enough items you can go to.


No orbs just tokens

pop balloons

1st ride : pop all of the balloons 25 you have to jump to get a
few ballooons.

2nd ride : Pop 50 balloons Now you can change tracks which adds
some difficulty plus now you have to pop 50.

3rd ride : Now the coaster is equiped with a cannon. Its hard
because sometimes you have to shoot them right around a corner.


1st round:shoot ten ducks within the time limit. 2nd round:
Spyros version of wack a mole. smash 8 in the time limit
and move to the next round.

3rd round: Peg 10 of the lizards. The move around and don't stay
in place for long.

TUNEL OF LOVE : Just watch the different couples going around
Spyro gets a random girlfriend.

DUNKING BOOTH : Slurp that baseball and Let a rip. In this
activity you can dunk the worst baddies in a water. Thats what
they get for messing with Spyro.

THEATRE : For beating all of the activities you get this. Now
you can watch all of those movies you skipped through,sarcasm.

+++++++++++END OF WALKTHROUGH++++++++++++


You can obtain these by doing hard tasks. I highly recommend to
get the permenent fireball powerup. You need one skillpoint to
get the Epilogue section in the guide book. All of them and you
get to see a secret character not put in the game.

1. Get a perfect score in the hockey game. If you mess up talk
to the guy on the sidelines to start over.

2. In Idol springs land on the rock that the hula girl was when
you got the orb.

3.In the fracture Hills level go around the supercharge lap 3
times without stopping. Use the fireball to clear away the

4. In the Skelos badlands destroy all of the cacti in the entire

5.In the same level destroy every enemy.

6. In the Aquaria Towers search the whole level for seeweed and
flame each one.

7. In Hurricos every windmill

8. In Scorch knock cocoanuts out of each and every tree.

9. Kill crush without getting hit.

10. Kill GULP without getting hit.

11. Kill Ripto without getting hit this is the hardest one.

12. In the fight with Gulp shoot Ripto with a rocket.

13. Ocean Speedway in 1:10

14. Canyon Speedway in 1:10

15. Metro Speedway in 1:15

16. Icy Speedway in 1:15

====HINTS AND CHEATS==============

GEMFINDER- Press and hold L1, L2, R1,and R2 and Sparx will point
in the direction of the nearest jewel.

FIRE BREATHER- Get 100% and go to dragon shores and open the
door that says 10,000 gems and 64 orbs. Now you get a permenent
fireball powerup.

EVERY ABILITY- press square 4 times and circle once in the pause
menu to get every ability.

CRASH TEAM RACING DEMO- At the press start screen press and hold
L1 and R2 and then square.

FIRE IN THE BEGINNING- First load a file with the fire ball
powerup then quit and start a new game. You should start with
the powerup.


Sony- Its there console so I have to give them credit.

Insomniac Games- They developed the game.

GameSages- I got the codes from them.

CjayC- For making such a great site . It holds thousands of
walkthroughs.if you can't find help here good luck finding some.


Well if you see anything I should add just e-mail me. The
address is at the top if you can't find it.My next guide will
most likely be on Threads of Fate.


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