Driver 2

Driver 2

14.10.2013 11:35:12
This document ©Copyright 2000
Andreas Constantinou

Driver 2

Console: Playstation
Arthor: AgRaMaToS
Version: 0.7
Started: Friday November 10 2000
Finished: Saturday November 11 2000
Last update:
One question.
Put 2 questions
Remove the maps and put 3 more Vegas
V0.6 (11/15/2000)
Put one more question.

Table of contents:

1) Information
2) Review
3) Prologue
4) Features
5) Walkthrough
6) Questions and answers
7) Epilogue


1) Information
©Copyright 2000 Andreas Constantinou
All rights reserved. This document can
only appear in that page:
unless you e-mail me and ask
me friendly to post it to your
page. If you see it in another
page or magazine please e-mail

2) Review
Well finally this game came to the stores.
I was waiting days and nights to buy it.
And... it is better from the old Driver.
There are very much things to do on this
game. The undercover mode is great!
Great missions.
These are the new feature in Driver 2:
- New cars
- New towns (Chicago, Havana, Vegas, Rio)
- The roads are great. Circle.
- Better gameplay
- You can steal the other peoples car.
Any car you want (school bus, jail car, fire car e.t.c)
When you buy it you will think it is the best game of
the world. No. It is not. There are bad things too
- The same traffic (The cars are not so much like in
the reality)
- The timer
- Sometimes you can't control the car
- You can't kill people
- It is not Midtown Madness
- It is not Grant theft auto GTA

Gameplay: Good controls of the car.
It is steering good.
Sound: Great sound of the car and the
Graphics: Very good. Almost great!
Time to play it: Oh. You may play it
for years.

The final verdic:

3) Prologue
I bought the game.And... i decided to write
a FAQ for it. This FAQ has a full walkthrough,
information about the game and questions and
Have fun!!!

4) Features
4.1 Undercover
New game: The missions.
Load game: Load a saved game.
Replay mission: Replay the missions you have
View cutscenes: Watch the movies you saw.

4.2 Take a ride
You just take a ride in the town. No time limit.
You can select day/night and a car.

4.3 Driving games
There are some subgames in Driver 2:
Quick chase: You must chase a car.
Quick Gateaway: Only one police is chasing you.
Gate racing: There is a cone left and a cone
right. That concludes one gate. You must
drive between them without hitting any cones.
Trailblazer: Hit 100 cones.
Check point: You are running from one
ckeckpoint to other.
Survivial: All the police cars of the town
are chasing you.Cool!!!

4.4 Multiplayer
Take a ride:
Two player trip in the town
One player is the cop and the other player
is the robber. The big chase begins...
Run from one checkpoint to other.
Capture the flag:
You are playing in a road arena. There is a
flag in the middle. Every player has to capture
this flag and take it to his starting point.

4.5 Options
Set the cop difficulty, sound, keys e.t.c

4.6 Replays
Watch the replays.

5) Walktrough

Surveillance Tip off
Get into the car 00.30m
Just step into the front car. Press triangle
to get in. To get out fullstop and triangle.
Get to Jones 03:00m
Now! Back to the roads. Drive your car to the
Jones car before the time ends. You aren't going
to find any cops in your way. You can steal cars
but don't be late.

Chase the witness
Stay with the sedan 01:00m
Stay with the car. You mustn't crash because you will
lose. The car always, at any restart follows the same roads.

Train Pursuit
Don't lose the witness
Stay with the train 02:00m
To the beggining try to not overturn your car at the
yellow hills. Drive between them. Next follow the train.
The train will turn left at the first turn. Chase it. Try to
not crash because you will lost it. At the rubbish place
don't drive on the blue bins. They can't destroyed. From
now on it is easy. The train line is straight. At the end there is
a crossroad. The train is going to turn left. Then it is going to
stop. Get out of the car and run up the platform.
Practice at the gate racing subgame to pass easy this level.

Tailing the drop
The witness said that this brazilian is
making something hot. Tail him. 01.50m
The level is easy. Just follow him and watch the
proximity bar. Always the pointer to green.
Try to not get very close to him and not to
get away from him. You must be firm.

Escape to safe house
Get to your appartment. No tail. 03.50m
This is a hard mission. You must get away
the cops and this is bad. They are always
chasing you. But... if they let you alone
just for a moment (The map will be flash
and one cop will said "I lost him") get out
of the car and steal another's car. This action
has 2 big advandages. Damage 0% Felony 0%.

Chase the intruder
Chase the intruder 02:00
There is a good tip at the begging. When you
start chasing him try to drive to the inside section
of the white building on the grass. You are going to
hit him! Then chase,chase,chase. He is very fast.
Don't crash.
Don't take the van at the beginning. It is slow.
Take the silver car.

Cain's compound
Escape from the compound 02:50m
It's easy to escape from the compound if you
know the routes you must go. Don't crash the
vans. Find a way around them. When you get
to the place which a yellow van is chasing you
drive to the end of the road and get in the ware-
house.Then drive all the way back.
Make the jump over the bridge and you

Leaving Chicago
Get to the train 03:30m
Not a hard mission. Try to not waste time.
You can get easy rid of the enemies because
it's night.


Follow the lead
Follow the tattooed Brazilian 02:00m
Like chigago's "Tailing the drop" mission.
Follow the car and watch the Proximity bar.
It's very easy but VERY boring.

Hijack the truck
Steal Vasquels amunation truck
Watch out for the escord. Unknown time
Crash the truck. Make its damage over 50%.
Then crash and destroy the escord and take
the truck (after its driver run out)
Drive the car back to the lockup Unknown time
This is easy. Drive the truck back to the marked
spot. The truck runs really fast so you can avoid
the enemy's cars. Watch your damage. You are
starting over 50%. When you made it to the safehouse
open the door with trangle. Then get in the truck,
drive it in and close the door.

Stop the truck
Stop the explosives truck
One advice. Don't stay behind the truck. To destroy
him take close the turns. The trick is to
scrap him. Not to hit him because you will lose the
control of the car.
Take it to the safehouse Unknown time
This is easy. Just follow the beach road
for a long time and don't crash.

Find the clue
Check the cars for the files 07:00m
This is a VERY hard mission. You must to
crash and destroy 4 cars and all this in 7
minutes. Well only 4 things i will tell you:
1) Don't waste time.
2) Play the mission many times to learn the roads
that the cars will go.
3) Play the checkpoint subgame to do training.
4) Good luck! ( You will surely need it)

Escape to ferry
Escape the cops. Try using
the ferry Unlimited time
Maybe this mission has unlimited time
but in fact it has, because the ferry is
leaving soon. When you approach the
ferry make the jump and with luck you
will reach it.

To the docks
Get to the docks and follow the Rossana
soto clue 03:40m
At the beggining don't go around to get to the
tunel. Go from the grass after you pass the bridge.
Then you mustn't change car unless you need to.
Take shortcuts.

Back to Jones
Get back to Jones before Jericho splits 02:30m
Take the blue car behind you and run to Jones.
Take shortcuts.

Tail Jericho 01:00m
Oh! You must tail him like the other missions.
Watch the proximity bar. Easy but boring.

Pursue Jericho
Stop Jericho Unknown time
To do that you must take the red car at the beggining
because it is fast. Jericho sometimes stop. If he stops
at a turn and in front of him is a building you are lucky.
Crash him on the building. He can't go anyware. You have
beaten him.

Escape the Brazilians
Get out of there Unlimited time
You don't have a time limit so you don't need to hurry. But
if a Brazilian is chasing you press full gas until you get away
from them. Try to not make damage to your car. Jericho is
inside. Now follow the beach road. If a Brazilian is in front
of you and he looks straight, you are lucky. Stay behind him,
not to spot you of-cource and drive slow-slow until the end.
It is boring but you can clear the mission doing this.



Casino Gateaway
You are working with Cain. Get to the casino and take
his gang. 02:45m
A very easy mission. When you play it you will understand...
Get Cain's gang back to the safehouse. The time is depenting
on how much time you did at the previous mission.
Not hard! At the beggining try to not crash and try to make the
cops to crash. You have time.

Beat the train
Get to the bridge. Rescue him fast 00:45m
There is the mission thet you have to proof you
are really fast. You can't get in the tunel before
the train so go up the cliff and brake the wooden door and
overtake the train. Run over the bridge and quickly get out
of your car, get the blue car and run out of the lines.

Car bomb
Drive this car back to Vasquez 03:00m
This mission is easy but the ####ing cops
are making it hard. Just drive the car back to his owner.

6) Questions & Answers
Ok. This is the questions and answers section.
These questions are real questions. You can
submit one by email me, put subject " Questions
for the Driver 2 FAQ" and put name, town and
country. Your question will be 100% posted
at my next update. If one of my answers is wrong
or there is another answer email me, put subject
" Answers for the Driver 2 FAQ" and put name,
city and town. Your answer will be 100% posted.

Q: How can i know if there is a police around?
Al Swanson New York USA

A: Look at the map. There is a white tick. This is
a police car. There is something like a flashlight in front
of it. This shows where it is going.

Q: How can i avoid them?

A: Do the rules of the traffic. Don't pass the traffic
lights with red, don't run, don't crash, stay at your line etc

Q:I'm in the level called 'Escape to the safehouse',
I've taken someone else's car and I'm nearly at the end.
Just before reaching the spot where you have to be,
suddenly a message appears in the left bottom corner
of the screen saying "OUT OF TAPE".
Do you have any idea what they mean with that ?
Robby Daenen

A: That's nothing to worry about. That means that
you can't continue the replay after the out of tape message
and in the film director you can't make your movie after this
message. You did a lot of time.

Q:Just read your walkthrough very good.but
im still stuck on the stop the truck mission i
dont know why just cant do it it anyway um bye.

A: When the truck is taking a turn, the most times
it is taking it from the outside section of the turn. You must
take it from the inside so you can appear by him. Then...
Scrap him like this:
X |______| SCRAP! X=you
T |______| SCRAP! T=truck


Q:With two players can both 1st player and 2nd player steal
the cars if they want them? or do have to stick with the
same car every time.

A:No. When you play multiplayer they are
only 2 cars in the town. 1 player's car and 2
player's car. You can't steal your enemy's
car and the camera is inside the car.

Q:Hey i bought driver 2 the first day it came
out and i cannot beat caines
compound ive tried your guide and
the other one and still dont understand
could you give me some greater detail?????
i can get to the rode with the van
on it and that is as far as i can get. after that
i have no clue what
direction or way to go. if you helpme i would
appreciate it greatly.

A: Let me tell you something. You get to the van right?
Go straight opposite of the 2 lorries that they are blocking
your way. Go to the end of the road (This will take a lot of
time) and exactly there in your right the warehouse it is.(see
map) Go in there and drive ALL the way back but from the
inside side of the road (The fence must be on your right) and
you will jump from the bridge.
______ *__ x ___
| * |+ *
| * |+ *
| * |+ *
| * |+ *

|_= Road
*= The way you must drive
+= The fence
x= warehouse


7) Epilogue
That's the FAQ. I hope you like it.
If you thing i have uncompleted sections
(except the walkthrough) e-mail me.


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16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

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NTSC Patch für die europäische PAL Version (GOL)..

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NTSC Patch für die europäische PAL Version (NBC).

14.Oktober 2013
NTSC Patch für die europäische PAL Version (GOL)..

16.Oktober 2013
NTSC Patch für die europäische PAL Version (NBC).

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PAL/NTSC Selektor für die europäische PAL Version.

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