Battle Arena Toshinden 3

Battle Arena Toshinden 3

09.10.2013 16:11:38
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F A Q Version 3.0

Compiled and written by:

Jesse Kindwall

Copyright 1997 Jesse Kindwall. Permission is given to the holder of this
document to duplicate or print as many copies as they wish provided the
document remains intact and the copies are not sold for profit. All other
rights reserved. If you would like to put this faq on your web page, please
let me know so I can add your page to the list below.

This faq will be made available at the following locations:

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All moves tested on the Japanese version of Battle Arena Toshinden 3 for the
Sony Playstation

********************************* What's New *********************************

O Made the following changes to specific character information:
- Adam: Additional info re: Counter attack
- Atahua: Additional info re: Counter attack
Erroneous Blow dart information removed
Secret move added
- Balga: Erroneous Coffin move removed
Mid-air uppercut slash move added
- Bay Hou: Additional info re: Desperation move
Second secret move added
- Ellis: Additional info re: Sneeze move
- Rungo Iron: Additional info re: Counter attack
- Schultz: Leaping scythe uppercut, falling scythe stab move added
Flip over opponent move added
Backflip kick move added
- Zola: Short, low whip attack move added
Somersault, claw rake move simplified

O Made the following changes to the "Codes" section:
- Free Life Bombs trick added
- Additional information re: Camera angle control trick

********************************* The Basics *********************************


This FAQ uses the following notation to describe controller input for
character moves.

f = Directional pad forward (right if character is facing right)
b = Directional pad back (left if character is facing right)
d = Directional pad down
u = Directional pad up
uf = Directional pad up-forward
ub = Directional pad up-back
df = Directional pad down-forward
db = Directional pad down-back
S = Square button (weak slash)
T = Triangle button (strong slash)
slash = Either slash (S or T)
X = X button (weak kick)
O = Circle button (strong kick)
kick = Either kick (X or O)
L1 = L1 button
L2 = L2 button
select = Select button
, = Push buttons in sequence
EX: d, d = Push down twice in a row
X, X, X = Push X three times in a row
+ = Push buttons together
EX: S + T = Push square and triangle at the same time
d + O = Push down an circle at the same time (not hold down and
then press circle)
() = Conditions that must be met to do a move.
EX: (air) = Must do the move while jumping
(run) = Must do the move while running
Most of these are self-explanatory

All moves listed assume the default button configuration:
S = weak slash, T = strong slash, X = weak kick, O = strong kick,
L1 = roll toward screen, L2 = roll away from screen

You can, of course, reconfigure the buttons to whichever format you like.
Personally, I set all L & R buttons to rotate moves since I hate the automatic
special move settings.


The following moves are common to all characters in the game, although the
full effect of each move varies with the character.

Walk forward: f
Walk backward: b
Dash forward: f, f
Dash backward: b, b
Run forward: f, (hold f)
Jump up: u
Jump backward: ub
Jump forward: uf
Block high attacks: hold b (when being attacked)
Block low attacks: hold db (when being attacked)
Roll towards screen: L1 or d, d
Roll away from screen: L2 or d, d
(The "d, d" motion does not allow you to choose
which direction you roll)
Roll towards opponent: f + L1 or f + L2 or f, df, f, df
(L1 rolls toward screen, L2 rolls away. This is
really difficult to do without the L or R buttons
set to rotate)
Sidestep: L1 or L2 while running
(L1 rolls toward screen, L2 rolls away. It is
impossible to do this without the L or R buttons set
to rotate)
Throw opponent: T + O (close to opponent)
Push opponent behind you: b + T + O (close to opponent)
Quick recovery: S or T or X or O (As your character hits the ground
while falling back from an attack. This can only be
done after being hit by certain moves)
Bounce off of wall: S or X or O (As your character hits the wall while
falling back from an attack)
Attack off wall: T (As your character hits the wall while falling
back from an attack)
Mid-air recovery: O (Just after the peak of your character's arc while
falling back from an attack)

The following are the different ways you can move while standing up after
being knocked down

Quick stand: S or T or X or O
Roll forward: f
Roll backward: b
Roll to the side: L1 or L2 or d, d (L1 rolls toward screen, L2 rolls
Jump: u

The following are the basic attack moves. They have different effects
depending on what position your character is in.

Quick weak attack (usually with weapon): S
Slow strong attack (usually with weapon): T
Quick weak attack (usually with feet): X
Slow strong attack (usually with feet): O

Possible positions:
Standing and facing opponent
Standing with back to opponent
Crouching and facing opponent
Crouching with back to opponent

A brief note on guns:

Five characters in the game are equipped with guns or other projectile weapons
with limited ammunition. Some have the ability to replenish their ammo
supply, and some don't. For those that have these kind of weapons, the
current ammo supply is displayed just above the character's name during the


Any moves that do not fall under any other category can be found here. Each
character has his own unique set of special moves, although many are common
between a few different characters.


Counters are basically uninteruptable attacks. A character doing a counter
will take damage if hit, but will not stop doing the move until he/she is
finished. This is useful for pushing back over-aggressive opponents. Every
character has at least one counter move and some have two. They are all done
with either "b + T" or "b + O".


Taunts are moves that tease the opponent. The most common effect of a taunt
is that the opponent's Overdrive bar (see Overdrive moves) is raised.
However, some characters' taunts have other effects. In the "Individual
Character Moves" section, special effects of specific taunts are described in
the "move description" field. An "NS" in this field means "Nothing Special",
or that particular taunt has only the common effect of raising the opponent's
OD bar. To perform a taunt with any character, press "select".


A string is a series of attacks that flow together in rapid succession.
Strings should not be confused with combos. A combo is a series of attacks
that are impossible to block if the first move connects properly. Although
most strings in Toshinden 3 result in combos, this is not necessarily always
the case, as a few strings have a long enough break between moves for the
opponent to recover and block the rest of the string. To perform a string,
simply tap out the attack buttons in the proper order as quick as possible.
Unlike games like Tekken, the timing of the button presses in strings does not
have to be very precise. As long as you hit the correct buttons in the
correct order (and are not too slow) the string should work.


Super moves, are moves that are extremely flashy and powerful. Usually, the
screen darkens when a character performs a super move. There are four types
of super moves: Overdrives, Life Bombs, Desperation moves, and Secret moves.


Just above each character's life bar is a smaller bar. This is the Overdrive
bar. This bar starts out empty and gradually fills up as you perform moves,
receive blows, block attacks, etc. When the Overdrive bar fills completely,
it will start flashing and slowly drain back down to empty. While your OD
bar is flashing you may perform your character's Overdrive move. All
characters may do their OD move simply by pressing "S + T" or "X + O". Doing
your OD move automatically reduces your OD bar to empty.

Life Bombs:

Life Bombs are super moves that usually involve some manipulation of the
character's ki, such as an aura surrounding the character that damages the
opponent if touched. Life Bombs can be done any time during a match, but can
only be done a certain number of times (twice in a one round match, four times
in a two out of three match, five times in a three out of five match). Just
above your character's OD meter there should be a number of small blue
spheres. This tells you how many Life Bombs you have left to use in the
match. Every time you use one, one of the blue spheres disappears. The
exception to this rule is Adam, whose mid-air Life Bomb does not use up one
from the supply. I believe this is a glitch in the game programming. Life
Bombs may be done either on the ground, or in the air with different effects.
In either case, Life Bombs are activated by all characters simply by pressing
"S + X".

Desperation Moves:

Desperation moves are basically last resort moves used to make a comeback when
losing a round. In order to do a Desperation move, your character's entire
life bar must be flashing. This first happens when your life drops below one
fourth. After you perform a Desperation move (whether it connects or not) the
empty portion of your life bar will stop flashing (Only the red filled bit at
the end will continue to flash). The life bar will remain like this until
your character takes damage again, at which point the entire bar will flash
and you will be able to perform the Desperation move again. All characters
(except Kayin) may perform their Desperation move with "f, b, f, T". Kayin's
Desperation move is "f, b, f, O".

Secret Moves:

Secret moves are super moves that may be performed any time during a match,
and may be performed as many times in a match as you like. The drawback to
Secret moves is that they require a fairly elaborate and often difficult
controller motion to perform. The specific motion for the Secret move varies
with different characters. I believe all the characters have at least one
Secret move (although I do not yet have them all), and some (such as Shou) may
have more than one.

************************* Individual Character Moves *************************

In the following section, each move is described in three fields. The first
gives the controller motion required to perform the move. The second is the
name of the move (i.e. what the character yells, if anything, when performing
the move). In the cases where the character does not say anything
intelligible, this field is filled with "N/A". Since most of the speaking in
this game is in Japanese, I do not know exactly what each character is saying.
Wherever possible, I include the correct name for the move, but just for fun,
in the cases where I do not know the correct Japanese for what's said, I
include a phrase in parentheses in place of the correct word/phrase. This is
what it sounds like to me. Some of these are rather humorous. In cases where
I don't know the name of the move, and I can't think of anything to put in its
place, this field is filled with "???". The third field gives a brief
description of the move.


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash N/A - Forward projectile
f, d, df + slash (Don't go there) - Charge attack
d, df, f, d, df, f + T N/A - Charge up, forward projectile (Tap S or T
repeatedly for bigger energy ball)
d, db, b + kick ??? - Hurricane kick
f + S N/A - Uppercut
d + S N/A - Pounding punch
f + T N/A - Fire uppercut
d + T ??? - Darkening punch
f + X N/A - Ice kick
d + X N/A - Sliding low kick
f + O N/A - Hopping spin kick

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Power punch
b + O N/A - Power low kick

Taunt: ??? - NS


S, S, T, T S, S, T, d+T S, b+S
S, d+S, S S, d+S, b+T S, T, f+S
S, T, T, S, S S, T, T, S, X, O, T S, T, T, S, X, O, O
S, T, X, X, X, X, T S, T, X, X, X, X, d+T S, T, O
S, d+X f+S, S, T f+S, S, d+T
f+S, O, X f+S, O, O d+S, S
d+S, T d+T, T, T, T X, T, f+S
X, T, O X, X, X X, X, O, O
X, X, O, f+O X, f+X X, O, T
(hold d) X, X, X (hold d) X, O, T O, O, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: (Quit screwing off) - Rain of fireballs
Life Bomb: ??? - Multiple white projectiles, giant white aura sphere
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Pulsing white aura sphere
Desperation: ??? - Dash in, invisible combo
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + T
(You're the cheater) - 3 fire uppercuts


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash N/A - Advancing propeller club
f, df, d, db, b + slash N/A - Charge in, club uppercut
b, db, d, df, f + kick N/A - Slow vertical jump (Press S or T or X or O
while in the air to do unique attacks)
df + T N/A - Club uppercut
b, f + T N/A - Advancing torso rotation club attack

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Gun shot (Does not use up any ammo)

Taunt: N/A - Reloads 1 shot into gun if not full


X, X, X d+X, X, X

Super Moves:

Overdrive: ??? - Jump up, sparkle swarm
Life Bomb: ??? - Spirit machine
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Blue-green energy aura (Does not use up a life bomb)
Desperation: ??? - Rotating blasts, uppercut, 3 juggle blasts
Secret: unknown


Special Moves:

f, d, df + slash (Hushpuppy) - Rising dagger slash
d, db, b + slash (air) ??? - Down-forward dive slash
f, d, df + kick N/A - 4 flying kicks
d, db, b + kick (air) ??? - Backflip kick
f + S N/A - Up-right Left handed slash
d + T N/A - Down-forward slash
f + O N/A - Butt hop
(w/ ammo) b, f + T N/A - Blow dart
(w/o ammo) b, f + T N/A - Whistle

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Double blow gun stab
b + O N/A - Double blow gun stab

Taunt: - NS


S, S, f+S S, S, b+S S, S, T, T, f+S
S, S, T, T, T S, X, X d+S, S, S
d+S, f+S d+S, b+S T, T, T
X, f+S X, b+S X, T, T
X, X, f+S X, X, T, T d+X, S, S, S
d+X, S, f+S d+X, S, d+T d+X, f+S
O, d+O f+O, O, d+O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: ??? - Stab combo
Life Bomb: N/A - Energy skull eruption
Air Life Bomb: N/A - Skull shaped energy aura
Desperation: (Dummy Dummy) - Somersault in, slash and kick combo
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, ub, u, uf, f + T or
b, db, d, df, f, uf, u, ub, b + T
??? - Jumping giant swing throw


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Genocide Crush - Low spin slash, downward chop
d, df, f + slash (air) Killing Fall - Overhead stab
d, db, b + slash (Knight Wheel Crush) - Charge in, somersault
f, d, df + slash N/A - Jumping uppercut slash
f, df, d, db, b + slash N/A - Advancing slash combo
f + S N/A - Quick stab
f + T N/A - Shield punch
d + T N/A - Shield uppercut
d + T (air) N/A - Mid-air uppercut slash
df + S N/A - Sweeping slash
df + T N/A - Uppercut slash
b, f + S N/A - Underhand slash
b, f + T N/A - Turn and slash
(hold b) T N/A - Two handed chop
(run) d + T N/A - Sword pommel punch
(run) d + O N/A - Slide kick

Counter(s): b + T (Chaos, so you see...) - Super spinning slash

Taunt: ??? - NS


S, S, S S, S, d+S S, d+S
S, f+S S, T S, f+X
S, f+O f+S, S f+S, T
d+S, S, S, T d+S, T b+T, T
(hold d) T, T

Super Moves:

Overdrive: N/A - Somersault, ground stab, green energy cross
Life Bomb: (Thunder) - Yellow energy tracks
Air Life Bomb: (Thunder) - Mid air spinning slash
Desperation: N/A - Super Genocide Crush
Secret: unknown

Bay Hou

Special Moves:

f, df, d, db, b + slash N/A - Mystic sphere
f, df, d, db, b + slash (air)N/A - Downward mystic sphere (Can be done
multiple times in one jump)
d, db, b + slash N/A - Lie down, mystic sphere
b, db, d, df + slash N/A - Riding mystic sphere (tap f to accelerate,
tap b, to slow down)
d, db, b + kick Oogie - Up-forward power kick
d, df, f + X N/A - Spinning forward claw attack
d, df, f + X (air) N/A - Spinning forward claw attack
d, df, f + O N/A - Spinning up-forward claw attack
d, df, f + O (air) N/A - Spinning down-forward claw attack
b, db, d, df, f + O N/A - Leap backward into wall (Press T to attack
off wall, press S or X or O to bounce safely off)
f + S N/A - Double claw downward rake
b, f + T N/A - Reach claw

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Slow reach claw

Taunt: Oogie Oogie - NS


S, S, S, f+S S, S, S, d+S S, S, S, T
S, S, d+S, S S, T S, X, d+X, X
S, O d+S, S d+X, X

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Ek-Ekkie - Wind up, mystic sphere
Life Bomb: Ekkie Ekkie Ekkie Ekkie - Yellow energy aura with green spikes
Air Life Bomb: N/A - Rotating double mystic sphere
Desperation: Ek Ek-Ek-Ek-Ek-Ekkie - Charge in, claw combo ending with a
mystic sphere (Tapping any attack during this move will give
give you a random ending move. The four possible endings are:
mystic sphere, riding mystic sphere, wind up mystic sphere, and
big fart)
Secrets: O, S, X, f + T
N/A - Big fart
d, df, f, d, df, f + T
Ekkie - Multiple sphere projection


Special Moves:

d, df, f + S N/A - Vomit (unblockable)
d, df, f + S (air) Jadou Wave - Forward projectile
d, df, f + T Jadou Gas - Green gas cloud release (unblockable)
d, df, f + T (air) Jadou Wave - 3 Down-forward projectiles
f, df, d, db, b + slash Zankoku Cutter - Advancing vertical body spin
d, df, f + kick N/A - Spider crawl attack
b, db, d, df, f + X Hidou Drill - Ground drill attack
b, db, d, df, f + O Hidou Drill - Jump up, down-forward drill attack
f + S N/A - Long scythe stab
d + S N/A - Two handed scythe stab
f + T N/A - Long scythe slash
f + X N/A - Turning forward kick
b, f + O N/A - Uppercut headbutt
(do nothing for 20 seconds) ??? - Fall down, emit green clouds (unblockable)

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Long range vomit (unblockable)
b + O N/A - Yo-yo shield

Taunt: - NS


S, S, S S, S, X, X S, d+S
X, X X, d+X

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Choumuzanshibori - Rainbow sparkle projection
Life Bomb: (Ready? G-g-g-gouchou) - Red energy eruption (knocks Chaos into
Air Life Bomb: (Ready?) - Green gas cloud shower
Desperation: Kobbamijin - Super ground drill attack
Secret: unknown


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash N/A - Advancing spinning claw attack
f, df, d, db, b + slash Don Pa Pa - Mystic sphere
f, df, d, db, b + slash (air)Don Pa Pa - Downward mystic sphere (Can be done
multiple times in one jump)
d, db, b + slash Don Pa - Lie down, mystic sphere
b, db, d, df + slash Don Do Ka Shun - Riding mystic sphere (Tap f to
accelerate, tap b to slow down)
d, db, b + kick Ka Po Re - Up-forward power kick
df + T N/A - Diving claw

Counter(s): b + T Ikimasu - Uppercut claw

Taunt: (Mother, come and tickle his eye) - Drains
opponent's OD meter


S, S, S, S S, S, T S, S, d+O
d+S, O d+X, O d+O, O, O, O, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Ikimasu - Wind up, super mystic sphere
Life Bomb: N/A - Red energy aura with purple spikes
Air Life Bomb: N/A - Rotating double mystic sphere
Desperation: ??? - Project 4 mystic spheres, air mystic sphere
Secret: unknown


Special Moves:

d, db, b + slash N/A - High backflip slash (Unblockable and
uninteruptable when done with S)
f, d, df + slash N/A - Jumping uppercuts
f + S N/A - Quick uppercut
f + T N/A - Standing sweep kick, chainsaw slash
f + X N/A - Shoulder ram
f + O N/A - Step in, knee
d + T (air) N/A - Forward flip slash (This one has a
different color trail then the normal arial
strong slash. This one will hit even after the
flip is complete, until David is back on the
d + O N/A - Step in, axe kick
u + O N/A - Flip kick

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Power chainsaw jab
b + O N/A - Chainsaw vault double kick

Taunt: (w/ ammo) N/A - Gunshot
(w/o ammo) N/A - NS


S, S, S, S S, S, S, T S, S, d+S
S, S, O, O S, S, b+O S, S, d+O
S, S, u+O S, (brief pause), S S, T, T, S
S, T, T, T S, f+T S, O, O
X, S X, X, S X, X, X, S
X, X, X, O, O f+X, T, T, S f+X, T, T, T
f+X, O d+X, X, X O, O, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: ??? - Dash behind opponent, high backflip slash
Life Bomb: ??? - Energy bomb toss
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Yellow energy eruption directly below chainsaw
Desperation: ??? - Dash in, grab, jump, multiple flip slashes
Secret: unknown

Duke B. Rambert

Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Death - Low spin slash, downward chop
d, df, f + slash (air) Head Crush - Overhead stab
d, db, b + slash Southern Cross - Charge in, somersault slash
f, d, df + slash N/A - Jumping uppercut slash
b, db, d, df, f + slash N/A - Advancing slash combo
d, df, f + kick Coffin - Dash by slash(s)
f + T N/A - Uppercut slash
f + X N/A - Quick stab
b + O N/A - Two handed chop
df + O N/A - Sweeping slash
b, f + O N/A - Turn and slash
(run) d + T N/A - Sword pommel punch
(run) d + O N/A - Sliding slash

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Super spinning slash

Taunt: Mada Mada - NS


d+S, T d+T, b+O X, S
X, X, f+T X, X, O f+X, f+T
f+X, O d+X, X, X, T b+O, d+T

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Ground Cross - Somersault, ground stab, green energy cross
Life Bomb: ??? - Yellow energy tracks
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Mid air spinning slash
Desperation: The End - Super Death
Secret: unknown

Eiji Shinjou

Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Rekuuzan - Forward fireball
f, d, df + slash Hishouzan - Spinning upward slash
b, d, db + slash Mukurowari - Somersault slash
f, df, d, db, b + T N/A - Roll-in throw
f + S N/A - Quick elbow
b + S N/A - Sword pommel jab
b, f + T N/A - Low stab, upward slash
(run) b + T N/A - Headbutt
(run) d + X Shugekidan - Sliding low kick

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Step in downward slash

Taunt: Uu Uu Uu - NS


S, S, S, S S, S, S, d+S S, S, S, T
S, f+S, S, S, d+S S, f+S, S, S, f+S S, f+S, S, S, f+T
f+S, S, S, S f+S, S, S, d+S f+S, S, S, T
S, X, S

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Jigokumon - Slash combo (Tap T to finish with a powered up
Life Bomb: ??? - Prolonged white energy aura
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Prolonged red energy aura
Desperation: Hyakkimoshuuken - Slash combo ending with Hishouzan
Secret: f, d, df, f, d, df + T
Enjinshuraha - Super fireball


Special Moves:

f, d, df + slash N/A - Rising dagger slash
d, db, b + slash Lollipop - Spinning sparkle attack
d, db, b + slash (air) Arc Slash - Down-forward dive slash
f, d, df + kick N/A - 4 flying kicks
d, db, b + kick N/A - Somersault advance (Can do Arc Slash or
backflip kick while in air)
d, db, b + kick (air) N/A - Backflip kick
f, df, d, db, b + X - Sneeze (Can be interrupted with S or
X. As far as I can tell, this has no practical
use at all. Looks kind of kawaii, though)
f + S N/A - Up-right Left handed slash
d + T N/A - Down-forward slash
f + O N/A - Butt hop
df + T N/A - Deep uppercut slash
b, f + T ??? - Lunging double dagger thrust

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Sparkle projection

Taunt: Gomen ne - Dagger chop will strike opponent for
damage if close enough


S, S, f+S S, S, b+S S, S, T, T, f+S
S, S, T, T, T S, X, X d+S, S, S
d+S, f+S d+S, b+S T, T, T
X, f+S X, b+S X, T, T
X, X, f+S X, X, T, T d+X, S, S, S
d+X, S, f+S d+X, S, d+T d+X, f+S
O, d+O f+O, O, d+O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Kiss Kiss Kiss - Stab combo
Life Bomb: N/A - Energy heart eruption
Air Life Bomb: N/A - Heart shaped energy aura
Desperation: Ikuzou - Somersault in, slash and kick combo
Secret: f, df, d, db, d, df, b, f, d + T
Gomen ne. Ya. Ha. Ei. Lollipop. Goodnight Baby -
Quick dagger chop, uppercut slash, backflip kick, arc slash,
sneeze, lollipop, sparkle projection (She only does the sneeze
and lollipop if the move connects and is not blocked)


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Tsubame - Sidestep, twirling sword attack
d, db, b + slash N/A - Ice spray
b, db, d, df, f + slash Botan - Fire breath
f + S N/A - Lunging stab
d + S N/A - Step in, uppercut slash
f + X N/A - Hopping knee
d + X N/A - Spinning sweep
f + O N/A - Shoulder ram
d + O N/A - Axe kick
b, f + T N/A - Slide in, upward slash, flip, downward
f, b + T N/A - Low sweep slash, tumble chop
(run) d + O N/A - Sliding kick

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Energy fist

Taunt: Ouroukana - NS


S, S, d+S, T S, S, f+S S, S, f+T
S, S, d+X S, S, f+X S, S, f+O, f+O
S, S, b+O X, X f+O, f+O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Batsu - Jump above opponent, downward drill sword (unblockable)
Life Bomb: ??? - Blue energy tracks
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Downward light blue energy projection
Desperation: Gouka no Kurenai - Super energy fist
Secret: unknown


Special Moves:

d, db, b + slash N/A - High backflip slash (Unblockable and
uninteruptable when done with S)
f, d, df + slash N/A - Uppercut
f + X N/A - Shoulder ram
d + T (air) N/A - Forward flip slash (This one has a
different color trail then the normal arial
strong slash. This one will hit even after the
flip is complete, until Judgement is back on the
b, f + T N/A - Windmill slash

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Power chainsaw jab

Taunt: N/A - NS


S, S, S, S S, S, S, T S, S, d+S
S, (brief pause), S S, T, T, S S, T, T, T
f+X, T, T, S f+X, T, T, T

Super Moves:

Overdrive: N/A - Dash behind opponent, high backflip slash
Life Bomb: N/A - Energy bomb toss
Air Life Bomb: N/A - Yellow energy eruption directly below chainsaw
Desperation: N/A - Dash in, grab, jump, multiple flip slashes
Secret: unknown

Kayin Amoh

Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Sonic Slash - Forward fireball
f, d, df + slash Deadly Rays - Spinning up-forward slash
f, df, d, db, b + T N/A - Roll-in throw
d, db, b + kick N/A - Half moon kick
d, db, b + kick (air) N/A - Backflip kick
d, df, f + kick (air) N/A - Down-forward fire kick
f + X N/A - Step in, knee
df + T N/A - Low stab, upward slash
(run) d + X N/A - Sliding low kick
(run) b + O N/A - Reverse shoulder ram

Counter(s): b + O N/A - Spinning double drop kick

Taunt: N/A - NS


S, S S, X, X X, X, X, T
X, X, X, d+T X, X, X, X X, X, X, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Hell's Gate - Kick combo ending with half moon (Tap O to finish
with a powered up Deadly Rays)
Life Bomb: N/A - Purple energy eruption (moves forward slowly)
Air Life Bomb: N/A - Purple energy spiral (bounces opponent off ceiling)
Desperation: f, b, f, O
Hell's Inferno - Kick combo ending with Deadly Rays
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + O
Rainbow Splash - 6 half moons, backflip kick


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash ??? - Forward iceball
f, d, df + slash (Cover me) - Spinning upward slash
b, d, db + salsh ??? - Somersault slash
f, df, d, db, b + T N/A - Roll-in throw
f + S N/A - Lunging Punch
b + S N/A - Quick jab
b + O N/A - Backflip kick
b, f + T N/A - Low stab, upward slash
(run) b + T N/A - Headbutt
(run) d + X N/A - Sliding low kick

Counter(s): b + T (Ura Ura, Where you at?) - Wind-up stab

Taunt: NS (Ura Ura, Where you at?) - NS


S, S, T, T, T S, S, T, T, d+T S, S, T, T, b+T
S, f+S, T, T, T S, f+S, T, T, d+T S, f+S, T, T, b+T
f+S, S, T, T, T f+S, S, T, T, d+T f+S, S, T, T, b+T
S, X, S

Super Moves:

Overdrive: ??? - Slash combo (Tap T to finish with a powered up spinning
upward slash)
Life Bomb: (Pumbah) - Prolonged white energy aura
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Prolonged blue and green energy aura
Desperation: ??? - Slash combo ending with (Cover me)
Secret: f, d, df, f, d, df + T
N/A - Super iceball

Miss Til

Special Moves:

f, d, df + slash ??? - Advancing flailing flute
d, db, b + S ??? - Low forward projectile
d, db, b + T ??? - High forward projectile
b, db, d, df, f + T N/A - Sweeping punch
d, df, f + O ??? - Spinning propeller fire flute
u + O N/A - Backflip kick

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Advancing punch
b + O N/A - Flute vault double kick

Taunt: (I might tickle the male) - NS


S, S, S, S S, S, S, T S, S, S, X
S, S, d+S, S S, S, d+S, T S, S, d+S, d+X
S, S, X S, S, d+X S, X, S
S, X, d+S S, d+X, S S, d+X, d+S

Super Moves:

Overdrive: (Mother needs to say so) - Multiple sleeve slashes, flame spurt
Life Bomb: (You may owe me nada) - Pink energy aura, forward purple
energy moth projectile
Air Life Bomb: (You may owe me nada) - Pink energy projection
Desperation: ??? - Super blue energy blast
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + T
N/A - blue energy blown forward and up-forward from flute


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash N/A - Forward spear extend
d, df, f + salsh (air) Gouriki Raijin - Down-forward fireballs
d, db, b + slash N/A - Ground spear extend
b, d, db + slash N/A - Up-forward spear extend
f, d, df + slash Gouriki Tunbu - Spinning upward spear
b, db, d, df, f + slash Gouriki Fuujin - Advancing spinning spear
d + T N/A - Extended spear vertical chop
f + O N/A - Backflip kick
b, f + T N/A - Dashing punch

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Backpack smack

Taunt: N/A - NS


S, S, T S, S, b+T S, S, d+T
S, S, X S, T d+S, S, X
d+S, S, f+X d+S, f+S X, X, X
X, X, b+X X, f+X O, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: N/A - 5 fireballs
Life Bomb: ??? - Red energy kanji
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Rotating spear spin + multiple fireballs
Desperation: Chouriki Daibutsumetsu - Spinning upward spear, super down-
forward fireballs
Secret: f, uf, u, ub, b, f, df, d + O
N/A - Advancing spinning spear, spinning upward spear

Nagisa Iwashiro

Special Moves:

(w/ ammo) f + T N/A - Up-forward gunshot
f + O N/A - Hopping knee
u + O N/A - High backflip kick

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Turning elbow

Taunt: (w/ ammo) ??? - Uses one gunshot (will hit opponent
directly above)
(w/o ammo) N/A - Reloads entire clip


(w/ ammo) S, S, S, S S, S, S
(w/ ammo) S, S, d+S, S S, S, d+S
S, S, d+X, X, X S, f+S
(w/ 6 shots) T, T, T, T, T, T (w/ 5 shots) T, T, T, T, T, T
(w/ 4 shots) T, T, T, T, T (w/ 3 shots) T, T, T, T
(w/ 2 shots) T, T, T (w/ 1 shot) T, T
d+X, X, X

Super Moves:

Overdrive: N/A - Load a clip, unload, load a clip, unload, load a clip, 1
Life Bomb: ??? - Multi-colored energy eruption beneath opponent
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Yellow energy aura torpedo
Desperation: ??? - Upward gunshot, rush in, slash combo, backflip kick
Secret: unknown

Naru Amoh

Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Sonic Slash - Forward arcing sparks
f, d, df + slash Deadly Rays - Spinning up-forward slash
f, df, d, db, b + slash ??? - Forward fire lunge
d, db, b + kick Shoulder Kick - Half moon kick
d, db, b + kick (air) N/A - Backflip kick with forward arcing sparks
(Do nothing for 6 seconds) N/A - Run circles around opponent

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Downward slash, whirling slashes
b + O ??? - Downward slash, whirling slashes

Taunt: (I'm so big) - NS


S, T, O T, T, T X, T, T
X, X, T X, X, X

Super Moves:

Overdrive: N/A - Hop up, fire burst
Life Bomb: N/A - Hop up, spinning fire burst
Air Life Bomb: N/A - Wave sword, rain of sparkles
Desperation: ??? - Slash combo ending with Deadly Rays
Secret: unknown


Special Moves:

f, d, df + slash (Atomic Explosion) - Spinning upward tonfun
b, d, db + slash N/A - Jumping uppercut
d, f, df + slash N/A - Ground bomb (unblockable)
b, db, d, df, f + slash (Atomic Blow) - Advancing fire tonfun jab
f, df, d, db, b + S (Shit) - Sidestep, shoulder ram
f, df, d, db, b + T (Shit) - Tonfun whack, shoulder ram
f, d, df + kick (Shit) - Backflip kick
d, db, b + kick ??? - Roll and launch kick
d, db, b + kick (air) ??? - Down-forward launch kick
b, d, db + kick (Dive Front) - Jump into the air, fall straight
down (Can do down-forward launch kick out of this
d, df, f + O (Shit) - Forward hop kick
f + O (Shit) - High kick
d + O N/A - Falling sweep kick
df + T N/A - Down-forward double tonfun attack
df + O N/A - Punt kick
f, b + O N/A - Hopping high kick

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Close ground bomb (unblockable)
b + O N/A - Power forward kick

Taunt: ??? - NS


S, S, X S, T, T, O, d+X S, T, T, O, O
S, T, O S, d+X S, O, d+X
S, O, O d+S, O O, X
O, O f+O, X d+O, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: (Huh Shit) - 2 backflip kicks
Life Bomb: ??? - Energy diamond projection
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Electric field
Desperation: (Let's Go) - Dash in, tonfun combo, kick combo, backflip kick
Secret: unknown

Rungo Iron

Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Daichi no Ikari - Fire ground wave
f, d, df + slash N/A - Spinning club attack
f, df, d, db, b + slash N/A - Charge in, club uppercut
f, d, df + kick N/A - Leaping headbutt
d, db, b + kick N/A - 3 kicks
f + S N/A - Club pommel jab
df + T N/A - Club uppercut
b, f + S N/A - Flex, 2 steps, overhead smash
b, f + O N/A - Ground stomp

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Giant club swing (Unblockable)

Taunt: Hua Ha Ha - NS


S, S, T S, f+T d+S, S, T
f+S, S, d+T X, X, X, X d+X, X

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Dairikugekichindan - Charge in, aura leap, falling headbutt
(Aura leap part is unblockable)
Life Bomb: ??? - Spirit rock
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Green energy aura
Desperation: Daichihyakusai - Super fire eruption
Secret: u, ub, b, db, d, df, f + O
N/A - 7 kicks


Special Moves:

f, d, df + slash (Thunder wave) - Jumping scythe-hook uppercut
d, df, f + S N/A - Forward projectile
d, df, f + S (air) N/A - Forward projectile
d, df, f + T N/A - Up-forward projectile
d, df, f + T (air) N/A - Down-forward projectiles
d, df, f + kick N/A - Low forward projectile
d, df, f + kick (air) N/A - Backflip kick
d + S N/A - Roll and slash
d + T N/A - Scythe-hook uppercut
u + T N/A - Leaping uppercut scythe, falling scythe
f + X N/A - Hopping knee
d + X N/A - Standing low kick
u + X N/A - Flip over opponent
f + O N/A - Axe kick
d + O N/A - Windmill kick
u + O N/A - Backflip kick

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Big scythe-handle jab

Taunt: (So? She don't know what I owe) - NS


S, S, S, S S, S, T T, S
T, T X, X, X, O X, X, d+X, O
X, O d+X, X, X d+X, O
d+X, X, X, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: (Free all the tomatoes) - Turn to mist, fly over opponent,
falling scythe attack (unblockable)
Life Bomb: ??? - Spinning energy gem
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Spinning red energy aura
Desperation: (Many pencils for you) - Super ground drill attack
Secret: unknown

Shizuku Fuji

Special Moves:

f, d, df + slash (You may touch my ass) - Upward spinning pipe
d, db, b + S Shine - Forward projectile
d, db, b + S (air) Shine - Down-forward projectile
d, db, b + T Shine - Up-forward projectile
d, db, b + T (air) Shine - Forward projectiles
b, db, d, df, f + T N/A - Fire ground pound
d, df, f + O N/A - Forward spinning pipe
u + O N/A - Backflip kick

Counter(s): b + T ??? - Backhand slap
b + O N/A - Pipe vault double kick

Taunt: ??? - Pipe ashes will hit close opponent for


S, S, S, S S, S, S, T S, S, S, X
S, S, d+S, S S, S, d+S, T S, S, d+S, d+X
S, S, X S, S, d+X S, X, S
S, X, d+S S, d+X, S S, d+X, d+S

Super Moves:

Overdrive: (Oh, you, me, and my maid) - Dash past opponent, spin
Life Bomb: ??? - Purple energy aura, forward fireball
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Forward purple energy projection
Desperation: ??? - Super fire blast
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + T
N/A - Cinders blown forward and up-forward out of pipe

Shou Shinjou

Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Rekuuzan - Forward fireball
d, db, b + slash Hishouzan - Spinning up-forward slash
b, d, db + salsh N/A - Somersault slash
f, d, df + S Hishouzan - Spinning upward slash
f, d, df + T Hishouzan - Slide along ground and disappear,
circle opponent while invisible (Tap T repeatedly
to reappear with the spinning upward slash)
f, df, d, db, b + T N/A - Roll-in throw (Kayin style)
d, db, b + kick N/A - Half moon kick
d, db, b + kick (air) ??? - Backflip kick with forward fireball
d, df, f + kick (air) N/A - Down-forward spark kick
d, df, f + X N/A - Flying knee
d, df, f + O N/A - Up-forward fire kick, down-forward fire
f, df, d, db, b + O N/A - Roll-in throw (Eiji style)
f + X N/A - Step in, knee
df + T N/A - Low stab, upward slash
(run) b + O N/A - Reverse shoulder ram

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Step in downward slash
b + O N/A - Spinning double drop kick

Taunt: (Impressive Creole) - NS


S, S, S, S S, S, S, d+S S, S, S, T
S, f+S, S, S, d+S S, f+S, S, S, f+S S, f+S, S, S, f+T
X, X, X, T X, X, X, d+T X, X, X, X
X, X, X, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Jigokumon - Slash combo (Tap T to finish with a powered up
Life Bomb: ??? - Red energy eruption (moves forward slowly)
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Blue energy spiral (bounces opponent off ceiling)
Desperation: Hyakkimoshuuken - Slash combo ending with Hishouzan
Secret: f, d, df, f, d, df + T
(Impressive Creole) - Super purple projectile
f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + O (first time in a round)
Enmaresshusai - Screen flashes purple, energy crackles at
Shou's hands (Drains a little life off of Shou's life bar. As
far as I can tell, this has no useful effect except that you
must do it once in order to do the following move)
f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + O (After Enmaresshusai)
N/A - Suicide (Hurts Shou more than his opponent)


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash Rattlesnake - Hyper whip attack (advances w/ T)
f, df, d, db, b + slash Aurora Revolution - Spinning whip attack (Tap S
or T to continue to rise up towards the ceiling)
f, df, d, db, b + slash (air)Aurora Revolution - Spinning, descending whip
d, db, b + S Thunder Ring - Forward projectile
d, db, b + S (air) Thunder Ring - Down-forward projectile
d, db, b + T Thunder Ring - Up-forward projectile
d, db, b + T (air) Thunder Ring - Forward projectile
b, db, d, df, f + kick N/A - Arcing sparkle kick
f + S N/A - Straight whip attack
d + X N/A - Low kick
f + O N/A - Ceiling kick
b + O N/A - High kick
d + O (air) N/A - Heel drop
df + T N/A - Whip uppercut
df + O N/A - Crouching overhead kick

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Windup, Thunder Ring

Taunt: - NS


d+T, T d+T, b+T X, X, S
X, X, T X, X, X X, X, d+O
O, X

Super Moves:

Overdrive: ??? - Step in, Aurora Revolution around opponent
Life Bomb: (Mo' money - when fighting female) - Yellow energy aura
(Daijoubu ??? - when fighting male)
Air Life Bomb: (Mo' money - when fighting female) - Yellow energy whip
(Daijoubu ??? - when fighting male) - projection
Desperation: Call Me Queen - Super Aurora Revolution
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + T
Salamander - Super Rattlesnake


Special Moves:

b, db, d, df, f + S N/A - Forward blow dart
b, db, d, df, f + T N/A - Up-forward blow dart
d, db, b + kick (He's gonna pee) - Flying somersault advance (Can
attack out of this move)
d, db, b + kick (air) N/A - Down-forward spinning fire kick
f + S N/A - Lunging stab
d + S N/A - Step in, uppercut slash
f + X N/A - Hopping knee
d + X N/A - Spinning sweep
f + O N/A - Shoulder ram
d + O N/A - Axe kick
b, f + T N/A - Slide in, upward slash, flip, downward
(run) d + O N/A - Sliding kick

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Energy fist

Taunt: (Who are you with?) - NS


S, S, d+S, T S, S, f+S S, S, f+T
S, S, d+X S, S, f+X S, S, f+O, f+O
S, S, b+O X, X f+O, f+O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: (You little fart) - Jump above opponent, downward drill sword
Life Bomb: ??? - Blue energy tracks
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Downward blue energy projection
Desperation: (You little fart) - Spinning energy triangles
Secret: unknown

Ten Count

Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash (Reckless Driver) - Forward dagger throw
d, df, f + slash (air) (Reckless Driver) - Down-forward dagger throw
f, d, df + slash N/A - Spinning up-forward slash
f, df, d, db, b + T N/A - Roll-in throw
d, db, b + kick N/A - Half moon kick
d, db, b + kick (air) N/A - Backflip kick
d, df, f + kick (air) ??? - Down-forward spark kick
f + X N/A - Knee kick
d + O N/A - Ground backflip kick (uninteruptable)
df + T N/A - Low stab, upward slash
(run) d + X N/A - Sliding low kick
(run) b + O N/A - Reverse shoulder ram
(Do nothing for 3.5 minutes) N/A - Goofy dance

Counter(s): b + O N/A - Spinning double drop kick

Taunt: N/A - Instantly fills opponents OD meter.


S, S S, X, X X, X, X, X
X, X, X, T X, X, X, O X, d+X, X, X
X, d+X, X, T X, d+X, X O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: N/A - Kick combo ending with half moon
Life Bomb: N/A - Gold energy eruption (moves forward slowly)
Air Life Bomb: N/A - Silver energy spiral (bounces opponent off ceiling)
Desperation: N/A - Kick combo ending with backflip kick
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + O
N/A - 8 Dagger throws


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash (Goodie Yeah) - Forward spear extend
d, db, b + slash (Goodie Yeah) - Ground spear extend
b, d, db + slash (Goodie Yeah) - Up-forward spear extend
f, d, df + slash ??? - Spinning upward spear
b, db, d, df, f + slash ??? - Advancing spinning spear
d, df, f + kick N/A - Arcing forward fireball
d, df, f + kick (air) ??? - Down-forward fireballs
d + T N/A - Extended spear vertical chop

Counter(s): b + T (Goodie Yeah) - Flame thrower

Taunt: (You're not a Ken, Ryo) - Drains part of
opponent's OD meter


S, S, S S, S, b+S S, S, d+S
S, S, f+S S, S, X S, f+S
d+S, S, X d+S, S, f+X d+S, f+S
O, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: ??? - 4 arcing fireballs
Life Bomb: ??? - Red energy demon heads and leaves
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Rotating spear spin + multiple fireballs
Desperation: N/A - Flame charge, 5 ground flames
Secret: f, uf, u, ub, b, f, df, d + O
??? - Spinning upward spear, 2 leveling fireballs


Special Moves:

f, d, df + slash N/A - Spinning upward tonfun attack
b, d, db + slash N/A - Jumping uppercut
d, f, df + slash N/A - Ground bomb (unblockable)
b, db, d, df, f + slash Electro shadow - Advancing electric tonfun jab
f, df, d, db, b + S N/A - Sidestep, shoulder ram
f, df, d, db, b + T N/A - Tonfun whack, shoulder ram
f, d, df + kick N/A - Backflip kick
d, db, b + kick Jackpot - Roll and launch kick
d, db, b + kick (air) Jackpot - Down-forward launch kick
b, d, db + kick King Slave - Jump into the air, fall straight
down (Can do mid-air jackpot out of this move)
f + O N/A - High kick
d + O N/A - Falling sweep kick
df + T N/A - Down-forward double tonfun attack
df + O N/A - Punt kick
f, b + O N/A - Hopping high kick

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Close ground bomb (unblockable)
b + O N/A - Power forward kick

Taunt: ??? - NS


S, S, T, T, f+S S, S, T, d+X S, S, T, O, d+X
S, S, T, O, O S, S, T, b+O S, S, X
S, d+X S, O, d+X S, O, O
d+S, T X, O, d+X X, O, O
f+O, X d+O, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: Pale Rider - 2 backflip kicks
Life Bomb: ??? - Energy diamond projection
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Electric field
Desperation: Crazy Planet - Dash in, tonfun combo, kick combo, backflip kick
Secret: unknown


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash N/A - Forward projectile
d, df, f + slash (air) N/A - Down-forward projectile
f, d, df + slash (Don't go there) - Charge attack
d, df, f, d, df, f + T N/A - Charge up, forward projectile (tap S or T
repeatedly for bigger energy ball)
d, df, f, d, df, f + T (air) N/A - Two down-forward projectiles
f, df, d, db, b + T (You're the cheater) - 3 fire uppercuts
d, db, b + kick ??? - Hurricane kick
f, d, df + kick N/A - Teleport forward
b, d, db + kick N/A - Teleport backward
b, db, d, df, f + O N/A - High jump, flaming dive
f + S N/A - Uppercut slash
d + S N/A - Pounding slash
f + T N/A - Fire uppercut
d + T ??? - Darkening punch
f + X N/A - Ice kick
d + X N/A - Sliding low kick
f + O N/A - Hopping spin kick

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Power stab
b + O N/A - Power low kick

Taunt: ??? - NS


S, S, T, T S, S, T, d+T S, b+S
S, d+S, S S, d+S, b+T S, T, f+S
S, T, T, S, S S, T, T, S, X, O, T S, T, T, S, X, O, O
S, T, X, X, X, X, T S, T, X, X, X, X, d+T S, T, O
S, d+X f+S, S, T f+S, S, d+T
f+S, O, X f+S, O, O d+S, S
d+S, T d+T, T, T, T X, T, f+S
X, T, O X, X, X X, X, O, O
X, X, O, f+O X, f+X X, O, T
(hold d) X, X, X (hold d) X, O, T O, O, O

Super Moves:

Overdrive: (Quit screwing off) - Rain of fireballs
Life Bomb: ??? - Multiple white projectiles, giant white aura sphere
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Pulsing white aura sphere
Desperation: N/A - Forward energy blade drill, upward energy blade drill,
pulsing white aura sphere
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + T
??? - Dash in, invisible combo


Special Moves:

b, db, d, df, f + slash N/A - White energy spray
(w/ pistol ammo) f + S N/A - Up-forward pistol shot
(w/ shotgun ammo) f + T N/A - Up-forward shotgun shot
(w/ shotgun ammo) b + T (air)Shine - Taser wire catch (This move is the same
as his normal arial strong slash when he is out
shotgun ammo)

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Turning elbow

Taunt: (w/ full ammo) N/A - NS
(w/o full ammo) N/A - Reloads 1 shot into each gun that is not


none known

Super Moves:

Overdrive: ??? - Catch opponent in taser wires, multiple shocks, shotgun
Life Bomb: ??? - White energy pistol shot
Air Life Bomb: Shine - Yellow energy pistol shot
Desperation: N/A - Alternating pistol and shotgun shots
Secret: unknown

Bug note: Vermilion's S/T move while crouching with back to opponent fires the
shotgun, but uses pistol ammo. What this means is, you are required
to have shotgun ammo to do the move, but you don't use any.
Therefore, as long as you have shotgun ammo, you can do this move
indefinitely without reloading (although you will not have any
pistol ammo left after a few shots).


Special Moves:

d, df, f + slash (Want shoe-shine-o?) - Pentagram whip
f, df, d, db, b + slash (Golden Ballerina) - Spinning whip attack (Tap S
or T to continue to rise up towards the ceiling)
f, df, d, db, b + slash (air)(Golden Ballerina) - Spinning, descending whip
d, db, b + S (Love to play, you know) - Forward projectile
d, db, b + S (air) (Love to play, you know) - Down-forward
d, db, b + T (Love to play, you know) - Up-forward projectile
d, db, b + T (air) (Love to play, you know) - Forward projectile
f + S N/A - Straight whip attack
d + X N/A - Low kick
f + O N/A - Ceiling kick
b + O N/A - High kick
d + O (air) N/A - Heel drop
df + T N/A - Whip uppercut
db + T N/A - Short, low whip attack
df + O N/A - Crouching overhead kick
db + O N/A - Somersault claw rake
b, f + T N/A - Whip hand punch

Counter(s): b + T N/A - Windup, Thunder Ring

Taunt: ??? - NS


d+T, T d+T, b+T X, X, S
X, X, T X, X, X X, X, d+O
O, X

Super Moves:

Overdrive: ??? - Step in, Aurora Revolution around opponent
Life Bomb: ??? - Purple energy aura
Air Life Bomb: ??? - Yellow energy whip projection
Desperation: ??? - Super descending Aurora Revolution
Secret: f, df, d, db, b, db, b, f, b + T
??? - Super flailing whip

******************************* Unknown Moves ********************************

The following are moves that I have either seen the computer do, or have done
myself with the L and R buttons but don't know the proper controller motion to
do them otherwise. If you know the correct way to do any of these, please let
me know.

Cuiling: Secret move - She waves her claws, does the low power kick, a few
claw slashes, and ends with the mid-air mystic sphere.
You can do this move by using the instant secret move
trick described below.

Ellis: Ribbon toss - She tosses the bow on her back a short distance, and it
comes back to her. This was in the first game, but it
doesn't seem to work the same way in this one. You can
do this move by using the instant secret move trick
described below.

*********************************** Codes ************************************

Random select: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 at the character select screen to make
the selection box jump randomly around all the characters.
Press S or T or X or O while box is moving to select a
character at random.

No life bars: Pause the game during a match. Press S + T + X + O + select.
This will make the options menu disappear. Press it again,
and the life bars, OD bars, timer, etc. will disappear. Now
unpause and play without knowing how much life you have left or
how full your OD bar is. Pause the game and press all five
buttons one more time to return to normal.

(Note on unlocking bosses: I've received all sorts of conflicting information
about the requirements for unlocking boss characters. Until I have time to
investigate this thoroughly, I'm going to leave this section of the faq alone,
since what's listed here is what worked for me. If this doesn't work for you,
try beating the game with a better time, as that may have something to do with

Play as sub-bosses: Beat the game with each basic character at any level or to
unlock his/her sub-boss.

Play as Shou: After unlocking all the sub-bosses, beat the game with any
character on level 3 or higher.

Play as Abel: Beat the game with Shou at level 7

Play as Veil: Beat the game with Abel at level 7

Play as Naru: Beat the game with Veil at level 7

Alternate character costumes: Beat the game with Naru at level 7. Select your
character with S or X to get the alternate
costume. For some characters this is just a
couple new colors for their old costume, but for
many, its an entirely new outfit.

Instant Secret moves: After beating the game with Naru, set two or more of the
L and R buttons to special moves. Press all special
move buttons at once to perform some characters' secret
moves. Unfortunately, this does not work for all

Free Ground Life Bombs: Set one of the L or R buttons to Life Bomb (see
Options Explanations section). When you run out of
Life Bombs, press the preset L/R button and any attack
button at the same time to continue to do ground Life
Bombs. This does not work with Air Life Bombs and
will freeze the game if you try it in the air with
certain characters.

Camera angle control: At the Key Config screen, press all four L and R buttons
simultaneously. This will set all L and R buttons to
camera controls. Also, while the game is paused, push
S+T+X+O+select to get rid of the options menu. Press
all five buttons again to get rid of menu bars. Once the
options menu is gone, you may simply press select to
toggle between camera rotate mode and pan/zoom mode (use
the directional pad up and down in pan/zoom mode).

**************************** Options Explanations ****************************

The following is an explanation (not translation) of all options in the game,
for those who are having trouble figuring out what they do.

Main Option Screen:

Option 1: Stereo vs. Monaural
Both choices contain four katakana characters. Monaural is the
choice where the second character consists of a single stroke. Stereo
is the other choice.

Option 2: Camera Angle
This can be set by pausing the game and accessing the options menu
from there. This allows you to see what the camera angle looks like
for each choice.

Option 3: Level of Difficulty
Choices range from 0 to 7. The default is 3, and level 7 is the
narrowest (smallest total character width) of the choices. Pushing
left moves down one level, pushing right moves up one level. To set
it to a specific level, start at either of the above reference points
and count as you adjust the difficulty up or down.

Option 4: Round Time
Choices are 60 seconds, 99 seconds, and infinity. The choice with
only kanji (no numbers) is infinity.

Option 5: Rounds per Match
Choices are 1, 2, or 3.

Option 6: Animation Mode.
Choices are 30 frames per second and 60 frames per second. 30 fps
mode has better graphics but choppier animation. 60 fps mode
sacrifices wall textures, gauraud shading, and some special effects
for smoother animation.

Key Config Screen:

Options on the left are for player 1 controller. Options on the right are
for player 2 controller.

Options 1-4 (either side): L and R buttons
Choices are:
Reference point - Choice ending with 1 - Special move 1
Push right 1 time - Choice ending with 2 - Special move 2
Push right 2 times - Choice ending with 3 - Special move 3
Push right 3 times - Choice ending with 4 - Special move 4
Push right 4 times - 4 kana characters - Roll towards screen
Push right 5 times - 3 kana characters - Roll away from screen
Push right 6 times - 4 kana characters - Roll either way
Push right 7 times - Choice starting with R - Counter attack
Push right 8 times - 5 kana characters - Life bomb
Push right 9 times - 3 kana characters - Block
Push right 10 times - 3 kana characters - Not used

Options 5-8 (either side): Attack buttons
Choices are:
Reference point - 3 kana, first has - Weak slash
unbroken horizontal
stroke on top
Push right 1 time - 3 kana characters - Strong slash
Push right 2 times - 4 kana characters - Weak kick
Push right 3 times - 4 kana characters - Strong slash

Option 9 (either side): Blocking style
Choices are autoblock on or autoblock off. Autoblock on is the choice
where the first character is a simple box divided into three sections.

Save/Load screen:

After selecting one of these options, you will be presented with a
confirmation option screen.

Option 1: Save

Option 2: Load

Confirmation screen:

This is essentially an "Are you sure you want to do this?" screen.

Option 1: Yes

Option 2: No

********************************** Credits ***********************************

-=The Jesster=- (author)
Vegita1701 (instant secret move trick)
Barberman (moves and clarifications)
Adam Krump (moves)
Khairani Khairuddin (moves)
Michael Basus (moves, language input, and corrections)
Daniel Henninger (moves)
Josh McVeigh (moves)
Chris Hunt (moves)

I'd also like to add special thanks to:

whose Toshinden 2 faq I used while playing that game. Much of the information
in this faq originated there.

---------------------=THE JESSTER: MASTER SMART ASS-TER=----------------------
-= Have a quote, or five: =-
-="I could never be a woman. I'd just sit at home and play with my breasts =-
-= all day." -Steve Martin =-
-="I'm an instant spring and ramen with no fish cake, the bluish-green =-
-= thunder, a twelve-year-old teacher, martial arts babysitting. I am =-
-= Incomplete." -Bad Religion 1/2 =-
-="Commander, have you been discharging ammunition again without my =-
-= approval?" -Battia Bureitin Rou =-
-="I'd never be a member of any organization who's symbol is a man nailed =-
-= to two pieces of wood... especially if it's me." =-
-= -George Carlin (Interview With Jesus) =-
-="The glass is not half empty or half full. It's too big." -me =-
-------------------------------=Surely I jest=--------------------------------

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Japanische Version: Alle Spieler und Features

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