Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid

16.10.2013 20:35:21
A Walkthrough for Metal Gear Solid-
By: Zack Thiesen

Table of Contents-
II.The Cast
III.Frequency Table
IV.The Hardware
1.The Dock
2.The Heliport
3.Tank Hangar
4.Tank Hangar- B1
5.Tank Hangar- B2- Revolver Ocelot
6.Canyon- Vulcan Raven A.
7.Nuclear Bio Chemical Building
8.N.B.C. Building-B1- Ninja
9.N.B.C. building-B2- Psycho Mantis
11.Underground Passage- Sniper Wolf A.
12.Torture Chamber
13.Medical Cell
14.Comms.Tower A
15.Comms.Tower B
16.Comms.Tower Roof- The Hind (Liquid Snake in helicopter)
17.The Walkway
18.Sniper Field- Sniper Wolf B.
19.The Blast Furnace
20.Cargo Elevator A.
21.Cargo Elevator B.
22.Freezer- Vulcan Raven B.
23.Underground Maintenance Base- Metal Gear Rex
24.Top of Metal Gear Rex- Liquid Snake
25.The Escape
---THE END---
--------------Extra Stuff------------------------
1a. Boss Guides
2a. Thanks and the legal stuff
Hi. I'm Zack Thiesen and I'm writing this walkthrough for the sole
purpose of the sheer knowledge and fun of it. I know how hard it is to find an
IN-DEPTH FAQ on the net. So, if you're stuck on a game, come back and check me
out at gamefaqs .com under playstation or N64 for the most`go left and then
right' kind of FAQs that you'll ever see. Thanks for taking your time to read
this and I hope this has really helped you to beat Metal Gear Solid because
it's a cool game. Forgive me if I messed up in the order of the Comms.Towers
areas because that's confusing for me, and I did all of this guide by memory.
I beat the game at least six times, but I guess I've slipped up a bit. Maybe I
got it right, but anyway.(To the guy who's in charge of these FAQS) If this
FAQ is a little messy, it's because I used TAB too much. I tried to get the
Space Bar in as much as I could. It was neat when I wrote it. Sorry for the

Character Voice
Solid Snake David Hayter
Liquid Snake James Flinders
Meryl Silverburgh Mae Zadler
Naomi Hunter Carren Learning
Hal Emmerich Christopher Fritz
Roy Campbell Paul Otis
Mei Ling Kim Nguyen
Ninja George Byrd
Nastasha Romanenko Renne Collette
Revolver Ocelot Patric Laine
Vulcan Raven Chuck Farley
Psycho Mantis Doug Stone
Sniper Wolf Julie Monroe
Donald Anderson George Byrd
Kenneth Baker Bert Stuart
Jim Houseman Frederick Bloggs
Genome Soldier A. Doug Stone
Genome Soldier B. Chuck Farley


(140.85)- Naomi and C. Campbell ( From beginning )
(140.96)- Mei Ling ( From beginning )
(141.80)- Master Miller ( After the HELIPORT )
(141.12)- Otocon ( After you face NINJA )
(140.15)- Meryl ( After you meet her )
(141.52)- Nastasha ( After she calls you )
(140.48)- Deepthroat ( The Mystery Man )

HK Mark SOCOM .45 cal. W/ LAM ( Laser Aiming Module )
FAMAS French Air Rifle 5.56 mm ( 950 RPM )
HK PSG-1 Sniper Rifle
Nikita RCM Launcher ( Remote Controlled Missile )
Stinger GTA Missile Launcher ( Ground-to-Air )
Stun Grenade type 5b
Scope-Designed to see VERY far
Gas Mask
Cardboard Box A - TO HELIPORT- written on it
Cardboard Box B - TO N.B.C. BUILDING- written on it.
Cardboard Box C - TO SNOW FIELD- written on it.
Diazepam- Anti-Anxiety Drug
MO Disk- Contains Metal Gear test data.
PAL Key- used to disarm the Metal Gear
Level Card 1-7
Bandana ( Red ) Infinite bullets, grenades, and missiles !
SOCOM suppressor ( silencer )
FAMAS Bullets
SOCOM Bullets
PSG-1 Bullets
Nikita Rockets
Stinger Missile
Timer Bomb- ( In ITEMS Box in torture chamber )( Get it out! )
Night Vision Goggles
Mine Detector
Medicine - Stop runny noses and sneezing.
Stealth Camouflage - Otocon gives this to you at his ending.
Body armor- reduces damage- GOOD against bosses.
Claymore mines
C4 explosives
Hand Grenades
Chaff Grenades
Ketchup- Fake out the guard
Military Rations
Handkerchief- Has the smell of Sniper Wolf on it.

Level #1- THE DOCKS
Rations x3

Get the ration behind the pipe on the left side under water. Head back up to
the starting point and crawl under the ventilator using X. Head over to the
first corner to your left and wait there until all of the guards are off the
map. Then you should go over to the far right side of the room and hide behind
that ventilator. Then run up to the far right corner in the front behind the
small loader. You'll find a ration there as well. Wait until the elevator
comes down and then wait until the guy is out of the way. Then run inside the
elevator and go to the next level- THE HELIPORT.

Stun Grenades
Chaff Grenades
SOCOM w/ LAM (Laser Aiming Module) 3.5 mm pistol

First you run over to the three boxes off to the far right and get the
ration. Then hop into the back of the APC (All purpose vehicle) and grab the
SOCOM behind the box. Then run up the stairs being careful of the security
camera, and go to the middle of the walkway and crawl into the opening(air
duct) and onto the next level- THE TANK HANGER.

Stun grenades
Chaff grenades
Thermal goggles
Cardboard Box A
SOCOM report/light suppressor
Mine detector
SOCOM bullets
Nikita missile launcher
HK(Heckler & Koch) PSG-1 sniper rifle FAMAS French assault rifle
FAMAS French assault rifle
Go into the elevator in the center (front) of the room. Go inside and go down
to B1. Once down, go to the back of the hall and look right. There should be a
latter. Go up it by pressing O. Then go through the duct until you come to a
pair of vents and then go into the second one by pressing O. Talk to the DARPA
chief and he'll give you your LEVEL #1 keycard! Then go back up to the
starting point. Then by the big door in the front-right hand side of the room
and go into the room to the right of the giant door. Be sure to have your
handy-dandy LEVEL #1 keycard out and in your inventory. Go in there slowly so
you don't wake up the guard. He'll never turn around even if you do wake him
up! Shoot him and get the suppressor and the bullets. Then go back the
elevator and go down to B2- THE ARMORY. Feel lucky? You'd better because there
are trap doors to watch for and later on there are HEAVILY armed guards. Go to
the center room and pick up the C4 explosives. Go to the very bottom left -
hand corner and look at that wall. See where they made a WEAK attempt to
cement over the walls? Should have had Bob Villa come in and do it or
something. Anyway, blow up that wall with C4 and go into the opening. Then run
all the way down the passage and about 5 feet from the end, on the right,
you'll see another painted over. Blow THAT up with C4 as well. Then go to the
end of that passage as well. Blow up the wall on the top near the end and go
in to fight- REVOLVER OCELOT!
See `Boss Strategies" for Revolver Ocelot

Level #3 -THE CANYON

Chaff Grenades
Claymore mines x6
Stun Grenades

This is the time to use your mine detector. Little tiny yellow things will
show up on the map. These are Claymores. When you get close enough to pick
them up, do so by crawling toward them to disarm. Walk far enough forward and
a cinema will begin. This is where you fight Vulcan Raven in the tank. (See
Boss Strategy below)
See `Boss Strategies' for The Tank

Level #4- Nuclear Bio-Chemical Building
FAMAS bullets
SOCOM bullets
Stun grenades
Chaff grenades
Body Armor (level #3)
Nikita launcher (level #2)
Nikita missiles (level #2)
FAMAS gun (level #2)
Cardboard box B (level #2)
Night vision goggles (level #2)
Gas Mask (level #3)
First of all, take out your level #3 keycard and crawl under the big door.
You'll notice a bright blue triangle to your left on your map (That being a
guard). So go over to the A.P.C. and head left, being cautious of the grate
floors. Then head up the stairs and into the elevator. Then head on down to
B2. When you get to B2, take out your level #3 keycard and head through the
two doors in front of you. Then Deepthroat (a.k.a. Frank Jaeger a.k.a. Ninja!)
calls you by codec and tells you to shoot the big circuit on the wall the
room over. If you don't have the Nikita already then you can go up to B1 and
get it in the room on the left inside the office area. Then go back down to B2
and follow the next instructions. Shoot a missile out of the Nikita and go
into 1st person mode. Guide the missile down the hall that you're in, take a
right and go until you come to an open door slightly to your left; go through
that and hit the large machine on the left. After you've `defused' the floor
go down the hallway and take a right, being cautious of the automated gun
above the door. Then take your keycard out and go through a set of three
doors. During the second one listen closely. Then enter ` The Hallway of
Death'. Watch the brief cinema and go into the laboratory to fight Ninja.

See Boss Strategies for The Ninja

After his defeat, go up to B1 and get the attention of the guard on the left
inside the office area. He'll run into the woman's restroom. Run to the last
stall and discover that Meryl was the disguised soldier. Now get the keycard
from her and go out of the bathroom. Then watch the short cinema. Go into the
office area and load up on goodies for defeating Psycho Mantis. Now exit the
office area and go to the passage between the men's bathroom and the elevator.
Then go through the next one and Meryl will catch up to you. Then watch the
brief cinema and proceed through the door `Mr. Foxhound'.
See `Boss Strategies' for Psycho Mantis
Level #5- The Caves


SOCOM bullets
FAMAS bullets

First, make sure that you have the night vision equipped and your FAMAS
locked and loaded! Go right a short ways and then proceed upwards into the
small opening. Then, crawl under the rock wall. You'll most likely see a wolf
in the clearing in front of you. If you do not, then wait a few seconds and
you'll see one. Then quickly scramble out of your position when the wolf is at
the farthest point away from you and go into 1st person mode with the night
vision and get the bottom vertical line to line up with the wolf and exit
first person mode and fire one shot with your FAMAS. Repeat on all of the
wolves. Now head up and to the left into a small corner. There, face due right
and wait for the wolves to appear. Then repeat the shooting tactic explained
above. Once cleared, head right and go into the top-right hand corner where
there should be another small area. Go into it and face due south. Now repeat
the shooting tactics on the two wolves in that area. Once that part is taken
care of, head down into the area that the two wolves were in and head strait
down until you run strait into a wall. Crawl into the tiny crack and pick up
the Diazpame, rations, and the bullets. Head back the way you came and enter
the large clearing once again. Now there should be a small crack on the mid-
right wall of the room. Crawl into the opening and head up to meet Meryl.
After she gives you the little talk about dogs, Go into your supplies list by
pressing L2. Get out your cardboard box and put it quickly back away by
pressing L1. Now, go up to Meryl slowly, with your quickest finger on the L1
button and slap Meryl! IMMEDIATLEY hit L1 again and hide from her. Now, after
a second, the baby wolf will pee on your box! Now you have the scent of a wolf
on you and will have no trouble going back through the caves anymore when
backtracking. Now get out of the bow and get out your level 5 card and go
through the door. Once through, Meryl will give you a speech about how this
place is mined, and she'll make a path for you to follow. Don't listen to her.
The easier way is to go STRAIT up the middle. Then Meryl will be shot several
times by (of course) Sniper Wolf! Now your job is to go all of the way back to
the Armory to get the Sniper rifle. Some helpful tips: The lasers in the cargo
doors are not working and be sure to have your mine detector out this time
around through the Canyon
(Where you beat Vulcan Raven in the tank) because there are mines all over the
place. Pick them up if necessary and proceed through the large door on the
other side of the field. Once through, you'll probably remember this place as
the place where there are infrared beams waiting for something to trip them
off. But, this time around the beams have been turned off! Go through that
area and go into the elevator off to the left and head down to B2. Go into the
top-left room and enter it. Equip your thermal goggles and get the sniper's
rifle. Then you can load up on C4, SOCOM bullets, FAMAS bullets
,grenades, Nikita rockets. Now, go all of the way back to the Underground
Passage where you'll now get caught and go to the torture room.
Level #6- The Medical Cell
After you get through the torture room once, you'll be in the Medical
Cell. Immediately call Otacon and he'll (the second time you've been through
the torture rack) bring you some ketchup, level 6 clearance, and a
handkerchief with the scent of Sniper Wolf. Next time you go through the cave
equip it to find it's quite useful. Equip the ketchup and lay down in the
middle of the room. Now press O to spill the ketchup and when the guard sees
you he'll come running. When he comes near you get up and run out the door.
Now, the second you get out of that door, head north about a foot. Then wait
for the guard to come out. Then grab him and choke him and kick him until he's
really knocked out. (about twice) Then go into the torture room and get your
items box. Check it for a bomb. If there's no bomb then run around a while and
check it again later. If there's still no bomb then there will be no bomb. (
The bomb will be in your hardware area )If there is then follow the directions
when the bomb is highlighted in the hardware area.
See `Boss Strategies' for Sniper Wolf
Level #7- The Comms. Tower A.
Go into the small passage way and turn ,the only way to go , left and go
until you come to a door. Go inside and the alarm will sound. Now, this is
supposed to happen, so grab the two boxes , one being the rope, and then run
downwards and go through that door. Now the permanent, at least for a while,
evasion mode will sound. Just run up the stairs and keep at it. The guards
come in pairs of two so if you turn around and shoot one then be sure that
another one will definitely be close behind. When you get to the top there
should be a square walkway. Get everything along the walkway and go up the
latter by pressing O. Now go through the door ,once at the top of the latter,
and go outside. Once outside go all the way to the center of the large
platform and face forward. Now, go up and over to your left and up the small
set of stairs onto the platform and watch the cinema. Then run down the stairs
and go around the piping in front of you a few feet from the foot of the steps
and once on the right side of the pipe facing forward, go forward and then
left and face forward and equip your rope and you'll automatically see a
cinema in which you will start repelling off the side. Now press X and jump
down the side of the building, steering clear of the busted pipes omitting
gas, and keep on hitting X to make sure that you get down the side safely.
Once down, equip your sniper rifle and shoot the three guards waiting at the
end of the catwalk. Then run down the catwalk and turn left. Head all of the
way in that direction and go through the door over there. Go through the
walkways. Then go through the door at the end of the hallway. In there you
will find the Stinger. Go through the door. On the other side of the door, go
down the stairs only to find that the stairs is cut off, but if you don't go
down there then Otacon will never come. Go back up the stairs and go around
the corner and find Otacon. Watch the movie and then go up the stairs by the
moved containers.Now you will start running up the stairs with your chaff
grenades out. Why? Because there are security cameras everywhere. Then ascend
up the stairs while throwing chaff grenades usefully not wastefully. Once at
the top go up the latter and fight the Hind.

See `Boss Strategies' for the Hind

When he's defeated , go back through the door and back down to where the
elevator is. Go back down the elevator that Otacon fixed. In the elevator
you'll be jumped by a bunch of heavy armor guards so get out your FAMAS and
get ready to shoot. Once at the bottom of the elevator shaft get out and go
through the door at the bottom-right hand corner of the room.

Level #9- Sniper's Field

Now run forward a bit and you'll be shot by Sniper Wolf. Don't worry. This is
supposed to happen. It doesn't take any life away. After the fight with Sniper
Wolf is over run over to the top left hand corner room, open it and throw a
chaff grenade inside of it. After the chaff grenade explodes go inside the
room and go forward and then go right and down that hall and then go down the

-----------INSERT DISC NUMBER 2-----------

Level #10- The Blast Furnace
Go forward and choke out the guard patrolling in front of you. If he sees
you, don't worry, no more guards can come because of it's location. Then go
into the first catwalk and head left down it. At the end of it, go into the
top-left corner of the end box and press against the wall hard. Then walk
sideways, while still firmly holding the pressed-up-against-the-wall view.
Now, nudge your way forwards ducking when the crane comes and at the end get
up and descend the stairs after winding through the catwalks. WARNING!: At the
bottom of the stairs there is a guard patrolling down there. So silently take
him out and then go through the only large door in the room at the bottom of
the stairs.

Level #11 and #12- Cargo Elevator A. and B.
After heading through a room or two, You'll run into an elevator, a rather
large one at that. It'll be in the right part of the area. So you'll head into
an open area and then head right and into the elevator. Now go over to the
control panel and hit O on the left side of it. It will began ascending down.
Then you'll be jumped by some guys. Hide in the small area on the top section
and start shooting! Then go through the next elevator after that one. Then if
you go through the door you'll enter the Freezer!
See `Boss Strategies' for Vulcan Raven B.

Level #13- The Underground Maintenance Base
After the Freezer, go through the level 7 door and go through the camera
area. After that, you'll officially be in the underground maintenance base.
Run down that hall and go though a series of ladders. After the one where you
go over metal gear's back, go down the other side and round the corner and
then go all of the way down the catwalk. At the end of it, turn right and go
into the main control room. After the cinema, you'll find you've lost your PAL
card! Equip your mine detector and go to the first floor and find the little
green dot in the sewer. If it's not there, then find the green dot that's
running around! Follow it and find that it's a rat. Shoot it with your
sniper's rifle and get your card back. Then go back up to the control room,
but first throw a chaff grenade into it so you're not seen by the cameras.
Then insert your PAL key into the yellow computer. After that go back to the
Freezer and cool your PAL key and then go back and insert the blue one into
the next laptop. Repeat with the third except heat it up in the blast furnace.
After you're done, you'll find that Master Miller (a.k.a. Liquid Snake !)
ripped you off! Call Otacon to open the doors and he will. In the meantime,
have your gas mask on. When he opens it go outside and chase after Liquid.
See `Boss Strategies' for Metal Gear Rex

Level #13- The Unlucky Fight for Liquid hopefully..
See `Boss Strategies' for Liquid

Hope into car, but not before getting the ration in the small alcove by the
stairs you entered in. Get into the back of the jeep and grab the gun and
shoot the barrels and drive and every time that there is a blockage, shoot the
barrels and after a while, LIQUID SNAKE WILL POP UP ALIVE AGAIN!!!! Doesn't
this dude ever die? Golly! He burned up in a helicopter, got pushed off of a
giant-walking nuke tank and now what!? I'll tell you. This is the time he
loses. After a little shoot around, he'll crash and so will you, but he'll
die. You still live though. Watch the ending with Meryl or Otacon, which ever
one that you saved in the torture chamber. If you pressed select during the
torture, you'll save Otacon, if you endured it all then you'll save Meryl.
After the credits and the cinemas, save your game and then restart it with the
--- -------- . For the --- -------- see the special section!

Boss Guides!!!!!!
( Finally..)
Boss #1- Revolver Ocelot
The basic strategy in this fight is to avoid the bullets and to shoot him
when he reloads or slows up on the corners. Whatever you do, don't get near
the center because, as it said in the cinema, the wires are strapped to C4! If
you hit them they explode and so does the Armstech President Kenneth Baker! So
use the strategy given and don't miss too much because there are only two
reachable boxes in the room during the battle. Good luck!
Boss #2- The Tank
Okay, the basic strategy for this guy is to get behind the rock that the
computer puts you behind and the throw a chaff grenade. When it explodes, go
out and run by the tank and throw grenades (the reg. Kind)into the hole of the
tank and do so until it explodes. The chaffs were thrown to shut down the
artillery rounds (missiles)Good luck!
Boss #3- The Ninja
I'd say he's a very easy boss to defeat. All you have to do is put your gun
away and hit him twice with the three hit combo. (Chokes won't work on him)
Then he'll put his sword away. Now hit him a few times and he'll then change
to optic camo. Equip your thermal goggles and hunt him down and hit him some
more. After that, he'll start walking at you. This is hardest part of the
battle. Every time you try to hit him, he'll disappear behind you and deliver
a hard hit; trust me, it's a hard hit. Just equip your rations and try your
best. After that, he'll spaz out. NOW, get out your gun. Preferably the FAMAS.
Shoot single shots at him and eventually, he'll run away. Stay back from him
when he spazes out. Good luck!
Boss #4- Psycho Mantis
Psycho Mantis isn't as easy. First things first. When the fight starts,
switch controller ports. Then, hide behind the desk on the middle-left part of
the room. Wait until you see him to shoot. When he raises the chairs, go out
and shoot him, watching out for the chairs of course. Equip your thermal
goggles and shoot him like that. After dodging chairs, pictures, desks, and
little transparent balls for a while, you'll defeat him. Good luck!

Boss #5- Sniper Wolf
All that you have to do with her is to sneak out by the corner and quickly
lay down and try to get a shot off with your sniper rifle. Take a Diazpame
every thirty seconds or so. Get about six or seven complete hits on her an
she'll give up.

Boss #6- The Hind
For the Hind you'll want to hide in the space between the door and the cargo
box in front of it, and a little more up against the wall of the cargo box.
Now, you wait for him to hover like this:
L- The Hind
S- Solid Snake
B- walls


Now when he's like this, then you can get a good lock on him and fire. To get
a lock-on, you have to get your target in one of the squares until it turns
red and makes an annoying sound. While it's still red, fire a missile. After
you hit him like this, repeat until he finds trickier hiding places. Then go
forward (from where you are towards the `L' and turn right) He'll sometimes
hover over here or opposite that on the other side of the roof and slightly
down wards. Repeat all tactics until completion. HINT: If he says " EAT THIS!
" and fires missiles at you, stay where you are if you're where you are in the
diagram shown above. If you're here, they can't hit you. They always hit the
other side of the roof. HINT 2: During ANY boss fight, have your rations
equipped in case of a surprise powerful hit. Good luck!
Boss #7- Sniper Wolf B.
First off, run over to the side (right) of the field in the small area with a
small slope in front of it. This is where she cannot hit you. The easiest way
to do this is to use your Nikita. Fire one missile. Guide it over to her at
the end of the field in front of you. Repeat until defeat. If you don't have
any Nikitas, use the sniper rifle mixed in with your thermal goggles. This way
is definitely harder. Use the same basic strategy that you used the first

Boss #8- Vulcan Raven B.
You must have your Stinger loaded in this fight. Too bad if you're out. There
are some, however, on the sides of the boxes near the side walls. Stand behind
a box and get him locked on through the box. Track him on the map. When you
see he's nearby you on the map, see where he is and try to lock on through the
wall so you'll be ready to shoot and run by the time he comes barreling around
the corner. When you see him round the corner, fire and then quickly un-equip
the Stinger so you can run away from him. Good luck!
Boss #9- Metal Gear Rex
This boss needs to be beaten twice. Once with the round disc on his right
shoulder as the target, called the Radome collector dish. The second time the
open cockpit will be the target. EQUIP YOUR RATIONS AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT
LEAST 4!!! Then get close, but not too close to him and equip your Stinger.
QUICKLY lock on and fire a shot to the dish with the Stinger. Then QUICKLY un-
equip the Stinger with R1 button. Then run forward towards him to confuse the
three cruise missiles and avoid the gun-fire and the laser. Then run back out
and repeat the steps explained. Then, repeat them again with the cockpit as
the target. (You can clearly see where Liquid is sitting) This target is a bit
harder to lock on to. Good luck!
Boss #10- Liquid Snake (Hand-to-Hand)
You will have no equipment. Just hit him with your three hit combo. Later
when he moves more, hit him only once and then back off. If you try to hit him
three times then he'll move and deliver a hard hit to the back. This guy is a
real pain. Just keep on trying. Good luck!

All of the information in this FAQ may not be rewritten or reproduced without
the authors consent-ME! It's perfectly O.K. to if you tell me first though.
Copyright Zack Thiesen 1998 Thank you so much for using this FAQ and I really
hope that this has helped you.

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