Dragon Knight 4

Dragon Knight 4

14.10.2013 19:49:23

dReAm ChAsEr PrEsENts

DD /__ | |-- 44
DD DD |__|| -|-- 444
DD |__ |/ | 4 44
D D DD 4 44
D D DD r a g 4 44
DD D DD rrrr aaa gggg oooo nn nn 4 44
D DD r r aa a g g o o nnnn n 4 44
DD DDD r r a a g g oo o nn n n 4 44 44
DDDDD r aaa aa ggggg oooo nn nn 44 4444 44
gg gg 44 444444444444 44
g g 44 444 44 4444
ggggg 4444444 44 44
| 44
K K \ | / hh 44
KKKKK KKK \|/ hhh 4 4
K KK K K <<<<<0>>>>> h hh t 4 4
KKK KK K /|\ hh h tt 4444
KKKKK KK KK n n iii| \ gggg hh ttttt
KKKKK nnn nn i ii| g gg hh hhh tt ______________________
KK KK nn n nn ii g gg hh h hh tt | BANPRESTO |
KK KK nnn n i g gg hhh hh tt t | _______________ |
KK K nn n n ii i g gg hh hh h ttttt | | ____ ____ | |
KK K nn nn ii g gggg hh hhh t | | \__/ __ \__/ | |
KKK g g K | \_____/__\_____/ |
KK gg g KK \_______ / \________/
Dragon Knight 4
For Playstation
RPG Memory card: 1-3 slot
By: Mohamad Zaidi (M.Z)
Dragon Knight 4 and subsequently mentioned characters are the proberty of elf
and Banpresto. M.Z wrote this faq. This is my intellectual property. No one
may edit any version of this faq that is to be shared. For your own personal
use on one computer, you may edit out all this jargon or select bits of the
tips you need. I will not profit from this faq in any way. Anyone may distribute
or post this faq anywhere they like provided my name remain on it. I will casts
a random fatal curse on the person who posts my faq without my permission. I will
update this as soon something good come up. Gamefaqs's member Dream Chaser.
Visit me at www.geocities.com?amuro_r4y.
wHaT's NeW?:
Nothing new yet.
1. Introduction to the game and brief review
2. Character profiles
3. Basic things
4. Character classes
5. Walktrought
6. Love points
7. Gameshark codes
8. Credits
1. iNtRoduCTiOn tO thE GamE aNd BrieF ReViEW:
The main character, a 15 year old, went on an adventure in place of his father. With him is
his father's friend's son. At the first sign of trouble, a black cloud that is turning
everything to stone, they met a swordsman with most of his face covered. Thus begin their
adventure, running away from the black cloud and taking back towns from the enemy. On their
way, they pick up commanders for their army and get to know the female commanders real well.
If you think the game has ended, you are at the half way point, that is, you have to play
this game twice to finish it...
A nice anime game with good 2D graphics, sounds and intro. Interesting storyline and aaah...
very enjoying anime girls scenes. Oh yeah, they put a mod system in the game so it been
censored. That means you can't see the important part of the game. Right, no naked girls.
Gesh. You can still plays the uncensored pc game version but better don't because i said so.
Dragon Knight 4 Anime Series produced by ELF is also a must see, of course you must be 18
and above.
2. ChaRacTeR ProFIles:
If there anything wrong about my translation, pls inform me because my japanese
ain't that good and i don't understand kanji since i am not chinese. These are the
characters that joined and i chose in the game. Try to recruit more female character
because there will be something special will happen during the game. There 38 characters
in the game. THANK!
Kakero - The hero of the game. You will control him for about halfway the game until
Eto - Mysterious fellow who joins the hero for the first battle. His background is
unknown but under the mask laids the great truth.
Norena - The hero's mother. No important roles.
Takero - The hero's father. No important roles.
Natasha - The hero's childhood friend. She will joins the hero for second battle.
I recommended you get more love points for her cause the ending......
Maria - First encounter at Sonia. Let says she a troublemaker.
Muidos - The save guy fellow. He will joins at Dino.
Ben - Your father's friend. He intrusted his son, Seiru to the hero.
Seiru - A faithful friend. His skill ain't that good but he will become a dragon master
later. He have a lover too.
Sara - A white Sorcerer with a winded temper. She will joins and leaves your team couple of
Rainasu - A perverted person. You will meet him a couple of times doing his stuffs.
Torohesu - Looks like a blacksmith. Here you can recruits member. I suggests you
recruit all female character cause there will be something special. If you look
at him carefully, his head would have hairs.
Nereid - A sorcerer. You need to save her first for to join you in Ulysses. Very important
Kamun - A knight. He will joins you after the third battle.
Neptune - Your first female fighter. You can get her at Lavinia.
Marureene - A good Archer with dark motives. You can get her after the event at Trianon.
Meifia - One of the twin archer. You can save her in a town at battle of Seabose. You can
recruits her at Seabose. But you must save her of course.
Kuraris - Sister of Meifia. You can recruits her in Seabose.
Zam - The Captain who send the hero and team to Karape.
Pandora - The dancer of Seabose. You can get her at the bar of Seabose.
Santosu - Your first Ninja unit. He can be recruits at Romboni.
Bianka - A red-hair female Knight. She will join you when you leave Romboni.
Herene - First encounter at Romboni and then Blaze. She join at Tasta.
Rozarind - Shy small kid with big cannon. She have a crash on Seiru. She can be joins at
Seira - Pretty female Ninja but quite deadly. She can be recruits at Michelle.
Jina - A clumsy Bomber girl. She can be recruits at Hobbit.
Rea - A turncoat Archer. You will meet her as a enemy but he will joins you at Dragon.
Edgar - He at Blaze....
Bireet - One of the Dark General acting as a spy. She will joins at the Island. Somebody
liked her. Your only Amazon unit. She will die at Liesen.
Tanya - A feline female who is very annoying. You can recruits her after you talk to her
at Blaze.
Hadeis - One of the Dark General. He the one who kidnapped Natasha.
Rideia - One of the Dark General. She uses a deathsickle to kill opponents.
Troll - Troll was raised by Dragons. He can summons dragons to his aid. He can be joins at
Sairesu - A dragon and friend of Troll.
Rasukasu - Dragon of Seiru. Seiru didn't treat his dragon well.
Mano - Always with Rushiwon. She the one who give Hadeis a Amulet.
Rushiwon - The cause of all trouble. He the one who turn people to stone. He kills Hadeis
for being a loser. Halfway of the game he turn all your companions to stone and
let Kakeru to suffer greatly....
3. BasIC ThINgs:
At the Game Menu press start to play. Chose one of the 3 loads memory or pick the 4th book
for new game.
Town mode
Up pad - To go up Square - Activate map
Left pad - To go left Triangle - Menu
Right pad - To go right O and L1 - Talk and Search
Down pad - To go down X - Cancel
Menu - Speed - Slow(Frog), Average(Bee), Fast(Rabbit)
Stereo - On/Off
Sound - On/Off
Status - Scroll listed character
Item - AT=# , DF=#
Battle mode
Up pad - Go up Square - Activate map R1 + R2 - Toggle character
Left pad - Go left Triangle - Menu
Right pad - Go right O and L1 - Enter command
Down pad - Go down X - Cancel command
Menu - Status of unit - Select a unit to find
Sound - On/Off
End game - Yes/No - Exit game
Battle Map - Activate map
End of Phase - To end a turn
Character Status
|Name AMT of Troop|
|Class |
| /| /--|| | AT/# |
|\||/o 0|| | DF/# |
| | _| |/ | RA/# |
| \____/ | MV/# |
| / \o/\ | EXP = ## |
To save, talk to Muidos and chose one of the 3 save book.
Some Secret:
Try to search your surrounding such as box, wall, book and more for items.
When in battle mode, try to go to surpicious spot for power up points and events.
To heals unit, go to a spot that look like a water pool.
Each character unit have it own unique special power. Get more levels up and the character
special will increase.
Talk to people twice or thrice for more information. Some people when talks couple of time
they vanish.........very strange.
When you fight, you can steal enemy EXP but this happens rarely.
Try to level up all your units evenly. Don't bring units that is already with too much EXP.
When arrived at a new place, always save first to avoid appointment such as picking the
wrong choice.
More female fighters means more funny events or scenes.
When dating, save first to avoid a big slap for wrong answer.
When Eto is dating somebody don't interrupt him causes he is...and that goes for Kakeru too.
4. ChARcTeR ClaSSeS:
There a lot of classes in the game. Certain classes is good to kill another certain or
the other way round. Uses the correct character for the opponent you are facing or your
guy might lose. Once you loses a character, he/she gone forever. Only main role characters
won't dies after been defeated. So be careful!
Swordsman - A overall unit with no advantage and disadvantage. Attack range 1
Axe-Thrower - Good at defence and can attack afar. Attack range 1-2.
Knightman - Good at attacking but weak by Archer attacks. Good mobility. Attack range 1
Sorcerer - Can really attack afar and good at attacking against certain unit but weak
defence. Attack range 3
Bomber - Can destroy obstacles such as rock. Good at certain area. Attack range 1
Archer - Medium attack and defence and can attack afar. Attack range 1-2.
Cannonman - Use cannon to attack afar. Very weak defence. Attack range 5.
Amazon - A bit better than Swordsman. No good in certain terrains. Attack range 1
Ninja - A bit better than Archer but more mobilty. Attack range 1.
Healer - The only unit that can heal another unit. Can't fight back so keep it at the back.
Healing Range 1-2
Dragon Master - Uses dragon near and far attacks. High in everything but weak against
Sorcerer, Bomber and Archer. Very good mobility. Attack range 1-2
5. WaLKThRoUgHT:
I will not tell the secret of the game as it will spoil the fun. Use this faqs as a last
resort. I will only explains the important part to make the game moving. So have fun.
Sonia - The hero ends up at small town after the scene. Talk to Ben. Go to the top right
hand corner and enter the house, talk to Maria. Talk to Ben again and Seiru will
joins you. Sara appears too but will not joins yet. Leave town.
The hero and Seiru set journey alone.
Raymond - Go to the castle gate and talk to the guards twice chose first choice. Talk to
the King as his blabla.... till a palaceguard appears to tell the King that they
were been invaded. Talk to Seiri. Leave town and a mysterious guy with helmet
appears and joins and help you fight.
After the scene, begins your first battle.
15 turns. 3 Swordsman and Leader Fighter.
Let Eto fight alone in the above part map and hero with Seiri fighting below of
the map. Fight one unit at a time. Let Seiru far attack first and then hero
attack. This way Seiri won't be damage and hero less damage. Use the same double
team method with Eto attacking the monk at the same time.
You will ends up at Ulysses after the battle.
Ulysses - Here Nereido or other and Natasha will joins. Talk to eto. Leave town and someone
will appears bringing Natasha. Talk to Natasha and Eto. Natasha joins. Leave town.
A guy who save Natasha is been under attack so you have to save him.
15 turns. 2 Swordsman, 2 Axeman, 1 wizard, 1 knight and Fighter.
Make sure Kamun the Knight go to the healing zone and on the way he can attack
the wizard. Let your far range attacker fight first and crush them with near
range attacker. If there time to heal don't hesitate.
A Scene appears.....
Lavinia - Talk to everybody in your team and Neptune. If you choose Neptune, talks to her
again. Leave town.
15 turns. 2 Swordsman, 2 Axeman, 2 Knight, 1 wizard and Leader Grand Knight.
Attack them slowly, careful and remember to heals. Kill the Leader with every
body in your team.
To your amiss the town of Trianon was attack and there was one survivor.....
Trianon - Talk to Marle till she joins. Talk to her at the well. Talk to Seiru
and Sara will appears and joins. Talk to everybody and leave.
On your way you to Seabose, a enemy troops appears.
22 turns. 1 Swordsman, 2 Axeman, 2 Wizard, 3 Knight, 1 Archer and Leader Grand
Since now your team is bigger you can take them down easily. Remember kill one
unit a time. Find a small town in the map and go to that spot. You notice Meifia
appear but run away.
Seabose - Go to the bar and talk to the dancer and Pandora will joins. You can
Recruits Meifia or her sister here. Don't interrupt Eto and Natasha cause you will
know it in the future. Talk to everybody and then talk to Kamu the Captain of the
ship to leave the town. Sara will quits here.
A sailing scene appears......
Karape - Firstly talk to Natasha then Eto and Eto again to see a scene. Go to the bottom
left of the map, you will see a house and search the door. Then go behind the house
and go to the window near to the girl and search. Now search the second status and
afterward search the box of bottom right map. Talk to Santosu till he leaves. Talk
to Eto and interrupt him. Talk to everybody and leave.
18 turns. 3 Knight, 2 Wizard, 2 Swordsman, 2 Archer, 1 Axeman , 2 Grand Knight and
one of the unit is the Leader.
Use gang up tactices and let far range attacker attack first. Heal too.
Romboni - Nerene appears with a scene. Talk to Eto and Marureene for more scene. Talk to the
guard and said yes and then talk to the King. Leave town and a scene will appears
and Bianka will joins. Talk to everybody and leave.
A scene appears..then a dungeon battle..
20 turns. 2 Dragon Knight, 1 Swordsman, 3 Knight, 2 Ninja, 2 Wizard and 1 Grand
Fight them slowly and careful. Attack the 2 Dragon Knight with Sorcerer. Heal too.
Michelle - Talk to Rozarind and she will joins. Talk to Natasha and Nereid for scenes. Talk
to everybody and leave.
20 turns. 2 Swordsman, 2 Ninja, 3 Wizard, 1 Knight, 1 Axeman, 2 Cannonman, 2
Grand Knight one unit is a Leader.
Kill one enemy at a time and every will go smoothly. Beware of cannonman.
Hobbit - Talk to Jina, Eto and Marureene for scenes. Talk to everybody and leaves.
The Archer, Rea......
18 turns. 3 Swordsman, 2 Wizard, 2 Archer, 2 Ninja, 2 Fighter, 1 Axeman, 2 Dragon
Knight one of the unit is the Leader. You have to fight Rea too.
Now there sand to slow you down so let your powerful unit go first. Let your Bomber
unit destroy the blocking tree. Send men to the red town spot to free Herene.
Remember to heal too.
You let go of Rea but she won't joins you yet.
Blaze - Talk to Seiru and Sara will joins again. Talk to Natasha, Eto, Edgar and Herene for
a scene. Talk to everybody and the captain and chose to leave.
Enemy plot and nice voyage scene and afterward you been attack by enemy fleet.
8 turns. 2 Dragon Knight, 3 Cannonman, 1 Axeman, 2 Fighter and 2 Swordsman.
Be cautious at all times. Plan each moves carefully cause you got 7 turns only. No
Bomber unit is allowed.
Your ship sink and you with your teammates ends up at a Deserted Island.
Island - A unknown girl talk to you. Your friends lies unconscious. Talk to Eto for campfire
scene. Talk to Eto to change shift. Talk to Bireet and Marureene for a scene. Talk
to Sara next for another scene. Find Eto for a scene. Find the strange bush and
search. You can search, kill and run at the monster and Sara will save you. Next
morning talk to Eto and for a ship arrival. There will be scene and Bireet will
joins you. Enemy plot scene again.
The hero now at Tasta after been saved by the captain.
Tasta - Talk to Eto for a scene. Talk to Tanya twice for a scene. Talk to everybody and
21 turns. 2 Fighter, 4 Archer, 2 ninja, 3 Axeman, 5 Swordsman and Leader Dragon
Go to the red town spot for a bonus level up. Put your Cannonman at the back and
attack enemy at the mountain on the bottom-left map. Get your Bomber to destroy the
rock so your unit can go through easily. Slowly and careful win the battle.
Natasha was kidnapped by Hadeis unexepected. Kakeru was too late to save her. To add more
misery, the town was destroy and the people was turns to stone.
Death Valley - Talk to everybody and then go to the shrine. More human stone. You meet
Rideia and you have to do battle.
20 turns. 4 Archer, 4 Wizard, 2 Ninja, 2 Swordsman, 1 Grand Knight, 3 Golem
and Rideia. Hard battle but still can be won. When fighting Golems put your
Ninja or fast units in front but don't attack because they acts as a human
shield. Then have your Axeman, Sorcerer, Archer and Cannonman to attack from
the behind. Do the same for Rideia. Make when fighting them you are near a
healing pool for healing.
Dragon - Rea realised that she was wrong and joins your team. There will be a scene here.
You now control Seiru. Talk to everybody and all of the dragons. There will be a
Dragon Council and Seiru was chosen to be a Dragon Knight. Troll too joins. Night
time, talk to Jina for scene(to kiss or not to kiss) and everybody. Leave town.
Next morning, Rea will ask Kakeru who too bring with her to go somewhere. Hint:
chose 2 male unit only.
20 turns. 2 Dragon Knight, 4 Swordsman, 3 Knight, 4 Axeman, 2 Archer, 2 Wizard, 3
Fighter one unit is the Leader.
The battle should be hard since now you have 2 dragon Knight in your disposal.
There is a increase move item at center of your town.
Dawaral - Nothing much here. Talk to everybody and leaves.
Hadeis is using natasha to lure the hero to him.
20 turns. 3 Dragon Knight, 3 Archer, 3 Fighter, 5 Ninja, 2 Grand Knight, 1 Bomber
and Hadeis as the Leader.
Uses your Dragon Knight units to kill the enemy Drgn Knight one at a time. Uses
your Bomber to destroy the rock for moving spaces. Make sure when fighting Hadeis
your powerful units is fully heal.
Hadeis was killed by Rideia who was been controlled by
Poe - Talk to Natasha for a scene. Talk to Marureene to leave by saying yes.
A ship scene appears...
Dino - You now landed at Dino. Talk to Muidos and he will joins you as a Swordsman. Talk to
Rozarind and Eto for a scene. Leave town.
23 turns. 3 Axeman, 4 Wizard, 3 Fighter, 2 Archer, 4 Bomber and Leader Dragon Knight.
Make sure you get rid of the enemy Bomber with Dragon Knight unit first. Heal too.
Marx - Talk to Eto for a scene. Talk to everybody and leaves.
23 turns. 5 Ninja, 3 Fighter, 1 Knight, 4 Axeman, 2 Bomber, 3 Wizard one unit is the
Rea will come at turns 17 near the enemy Bomber area. Uses your Dragon Knight to kill
the Enemy Ninjas. Don't bring Knight to out causes slow to sand.
You arrived at Liesen, and Sara appear to catch Bireet. Bireet is the spy and later die.
Marureene is upset and leaves team. Sara joins.
Liesen - Talk to Natasha and Eto for a scene. Talk to everybody and leaves.
25 turns. 4 Archer, 3 Fighter, 3 Knight 3 Dragon Knight 2 Bomber and 3 Wizard.
Wait at the center of the Healing Pool for them to come and strike when near. When
injured heal.
You now at enemy doorsteps.....
Rhimelin - Enter the castle to confront Rushiwon and there will be a scene. It was a trap
and your teammates were turn to stone. Natasha said Good Bye as she slowing turn
stone. Kakeru didn't turn to stone because Rushiwon wanted Kakeru to suffer cause
of this. He was thrown to dungeon of the castle. Few years have past, Kakeru have
grown bigger. One day, a soldier with a helmet came. It was Marureene. She talk
to Kakeru and give him the soldier suit she was wearing to run away. Marureene
cast a spell on Kakeru back to time.
------------- HALFWAY ------------
You now at halfway of the game and landed in Raymond. You guess it Eto was Kakeru after all.
Hints: Do what Eto do during the game and don't change the storyline. Example : Don't save
Nereid causes Kakeru will saves her but you still have to recruits her. I will not explains
how many enemy there is cause it will be the same as the previous until there is a change.
Raymond - Kakeru meet Seiru and his younger self. Muidos appears and ask whether want to
save. You help them fight. Eto level is LV 6, i guess his is a bit rusty due to
long period staying in the cell.
Ulysses - Talk to Kakeru and you will find him freeing Nereid if you did this in the past.
You still have to recruits her to not spoil the storyline. Leave town and get
Natasha. Talk to Natasha and she will joins. Leave town to get Kamun but save him
Laivinia - Talk to Neptune for a scene. Leave town and there be a night scene too. Leave
town again.
Trianon - Meet Marureene and talk to her to joins. Talk to Sara to joins. Talk to Kakeru and
Marureene for scene.
At battle remember to save Herene at the red town spot.
Seabose - Talk to Pandora and after a scene she will joins. Sara will quits here. Talk to
the captain and leave.
A sailing scene....
Karape - Talk to Santosu twice. Talk to Natasha and Kuraris for a scenes. Leaves town.
Romboni - A Herene scene. Talk to Marureene and Natasha for scenes. Leaves town and meet
Bianka to joins.
Michelle - Talk to Natasha, Marureene and Rozarind for scenes. Talk to everybody and leaves.
Hobbit - Asassin attack scene. Talk to Bianka and pick 1st choice for scene. Near to Natasha
and Neptune cabin there is a old man, talk to him and chose 2nd choice for prizes.
Attack Rea......
Blaze - Talk to Marureene and Edgar for scenes. Talk to Seiru and Sara will joins again.
Talk to the captain and chose 1st choice to leaves.
Enemy plot and Marureene talking to Eto scenes. Ship battles.
Island - Everybody is unconcious. Talk to Kakeru and Bireet. Campfire and building houses
scenes. Talk to Sara and Marureene for scenes. Important scenes here. Talk to
Natasha and chose all 1st choice for the scene. Next morning, talk to Kakeru and
there will be couple of scenes here. If you noticed carefully behind the Captain
there someone who looks likes Billy Kane. Bireet will joins.
Enemy plot scene...
Tasta - Talk to Seira. Talk to Bireet. Find and talk to Tanya twice for scene. Leave town
and Herene will joins.
25 turn. 3 Swordsman, 1 axeman, 1 Grand Knight, 4 Ninja, 2 Wizard, 2 Fighter, 3
Dragon Knight and 1 unit is Leader.
Kakeru will not be fighting. Now you can uses your only healing unit,Herene so
protect her well. Try to bring high defence unit here.
After you win the battle, Hadeis will try to kidnaps Natasha but was saved by Eto.
Dragon - Rea joins and meet his sister, Herene. Troll will joins and Seiru will become a
Dragon Knight. Pandora with 2 chosen unit leaves for mission.
18 turns. 1 Archers, 3 Fighters, 2 Ninja, 1 Wizard, 2 Dragon Knight, 2 Knight.
1 cannonman, 3 Axeman and 1 unit is Leader.
Uses your Dragon Knight to kill the bomber and the enemy dragon knight.
Dawaral - Talk to Rea, Kakeru and Natasha for scenes. Talk to everybody and leaves town.
Battle with Hadeis..........
17 turns. 3 Fighters, 3 Dragon Knight, 2 Grand Knight, 2 Archer, 2 Wizard,
2 Axeman, 3 Ninja and Hadeis as Leader.
Fought the battle as you did last times. Bring along your healer to heals.
Hadeis lost the battle and was attack by Rideia who was been controlled but block by Eto.
Hadeis was confused and run away.
Poe - Nothing much here. Search the handwheel of the ship and chose first choice to leave.
Sailing scene.......
Dino - Talk to Muidos to joins. Talk to Bireet and Sara for important talks. Talk to
everybody and leaves town.
Snow battle........
25 turns. 4 Fighter, 4 Canonman, 2 Ninja, 1 Knight, 2 Archer, 4 Axeman, 1 Dragon
Knight, 2 Grand Knight and 1 unit is Leader.
Bring out Ninja units. Beware of ice chatter.
Marx - Talk to Bireet twice. Talk to everybody and leaves.
25 turns. 3 Ninja, 6 Fighters, 1 Dragon Knight, 2 Cannonman, 4 Axeman, 2 Wizard and
Hadeis as Leader.
Reinforcement will come at turn 20, Pandora with 2 chosen unit. Don't bring out
Knight. Uses your Dragon Knight to kill the Ninjas on the Mountain.
Talk about a spy.......
Liesen - Talk to Natasha first for a scene. Talk to everybody. Talk to Marureene twice and
she will leaves.
Castle battle......
22 turns. 3 Swordsman, 4 Axeman, 3 Fighter, 2 Archer, 2 Cannonman, 2 Dragon Knight
and Rideia as Leader.
Bring healer out to heals. Uses you Dragon Knight to kill the enemy Cannonmans and
Archers. Uses Cannonman and Sorcerer to kill Rideia.
At enemy doorsteps........
Rhimelin - Must save now because this is the last and hardest battle. Talk to Kakeru and
chose 1st choice to enter.
Encounter with Rushiwon. A long talk begins here. Rushiwon casts a stone spell again on your
team. Everbody turns to stone and Natasha scene . Marureene came and casts a dispels spell.
Everybody changes back to normal. Now the last battle begins.......
99 turns. 3 Golem, 5 Dragon Knight, 4 Archer, 2 Fighter, 3 Swordsman, 4 Wizards,
Rideia and Rushiwon as the Leader.
Your target now is only Rushiwon, kill him and you will wins the battle. Rushiwon
have over 999 AT and 999 DF. Must bring healer out to heals. Kill the other troop
as normal. Try to wait for the enemy to come since you have 99 turns. Uses far
range unit to attack Rushiwon and Ridiea. Make sure you have units with strong DF
to protect them because 1 hit from Rushiwon means death.
You kill Rushiwon and end of story.
The ending is about 50 mins. Kakeru talk to Eto to said thank. Eto reveals who his face.
Everyone was surprised because Eto was Kakeru but older. Eto explains and begans to fades
slowly. If Rushiwon was kill, Eto should not be alive. Eto said his last thanks to Kakeru
and vanishs to the mist air. Rushiwon is now dead and people who were turns to stone was
lifted. People rejoices and enjoy peace in the land. Now ending scene started..........
6. LoVE poINTs:
Love points is to trigger something for the endings and trust me it's something good.
Love points location is a heart shape. I recommend when you are gathering points, spend
with the same girl you like to dates most. This is a lists of the girl i dated which
i think is correct. Nil means there is no choice to chose. XXX means not available.
Ulysses - 3rd, Lavinia - Nil, Trianon - Nil, Seabose - Nil, Karape - 3rd, Romboni - Nil,
Michelle - Nil, Hobbit - 3rd, Blaze - Nil, Island - 1st & Nil, Tasta - 2nd, Dragon - XXX,
Dawaral - XXX, Poe - Nil, Dino - Nil, Marx - Nil, Liesen - Nil
Ulysses - 3rd, Lavinia - Nil, Trianon - Nil, Seabose - Nil, Karape - Nil, Romboni - 1st,
Michelle - Nil, Hobbit - Nil, Blaze - Nil, Island - 2nd & Nil, Tasta - 3rd, Dragon - XXX,
Dawaral - Nil, Poe - Nil, Dino - 3rd, Marx - Nil, Liesen - Nil

Ulysses - 2nd, Lavinia - 3rd, Trianon - Nil, Seabose - Nil, Karape - Nil, Romboni - Nil,
Michelle - Nil, Hobbit - 1st, Blaze - Nil, Island - Nil & 2nd, Tasta - Nil, Dragon - XXX,
Dawaral - 2nd, Poe - Nil, Dino - Nil, Marx - 2nd, Liesen - 3rd
Ulysses - 2nd, Lavinia - Nil, Trianon - 1st, Seabose - XXX, Karape - Nil, Romboni - Nil,
Michelle - Nil, Hobbit - Nil, Blaze - 2nd, Island - Nil & Nil, Tasta - Nil, Dragon - XXX,
Dawaral - Nil, Poe - Nil, Dino - Nil, Marx - XXX, Liesen - 2nd
7. GaMESharK cODes:
If you have a gameshark device, i really recommeded you to use the codes listed here
because you won't waste time fighting and leveling up. When using the Fast AT up and
Fast DF up codes, please uses with the Faster code causes that a glinch somewhere. I am
still finding a code for unlocking the more scene if there any.
1. Fast Level up D00DDD54 0002, 800DDD54 0000
2. Fast AT up D00D2A9C 0002, 800D2A9C 0000
3. Fast DF up D00D2AB4 0002, 800D2AB4 0000
4. Faster D00E72DC 0014, 800E72DC 0000
5. Infinite Item 8006FA4E 6363
6. Unlock scenes - Coming Soon -
8. CrEdIts:
Thank you to the great guys who made this game, ELF. I like to thanks GAMEFAQS for
their excellent gameshark codes and faq writers before me. A big thank to me because i
derserve it and for the above artwork. This FAQ is dedicated to everyone who wishs to
rule the game world. And to all the people who write non-nonense e-mail questions. And
this is my first faq that i make, so you might find it a bit low standard. If you got a
word in japanese and which to translate to english, email me and i would gladly help you.
Thank! Enjoys and remember dream mend to come true!

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