Samurai Shodown 2

Samurai Shodown 2

13.10.2013 13:58:19
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888b ~"Y8888888 Samurai Shodown II TAPFAQ
Y888b ,888 Version 8.1 12/27/95
"Y8888888b"88P Compiled By Shawn Holmes and
_____,,,,,,,,,,,,,,______ Edited By Scott Fujimoto. This
ooo888P""""~~~~~~~~~~""""""Y88888 is your #1 source of information
"Y88" ,do. ""Y888b. for the ultimate fighting game
~ ,d8888 "Y888b
88888P Y8881 "Let anyone enter here
"""" """ be at one with their sword"

You can find this TAPFAQ (and future updates) in:
1) in the /pub/vi/vidgames/faqs directory,
2) in the /user/dvillnva directory, or
3) in the /pub/SS2 directory.
These people helped me compile this TAPFAQ as quickly as possible. No
particular order is chosen, as they are all equal in the eyes of God
(and Haohmaru):

Galen Komatsu --> gkomatsu@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu
Scott Fujimoto -->
Ewan Ng -->
John Bailon -->
Rich Joseph -->
THE RIVAL FAQ WRITER (BWAH HAH HAH HAH!!)...oh yeah, info, too.
GeeSe Howard -->
Mark Maestas -->
Ivan Nue --> IDN4694@UTARLG.UTA.EDU
James Irwin -->
Chris Ozols -->
Joshua Holmstrom -->
Kevin Lew -->
Masahiro Abe -->
Mitch Burton -->
Brian Gilmore --> briang@OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Iain Sinclair --> axolotl@socs.uts.EDU.AU
Dave Kirsch -->
Mike Lloyd Economides -->

Also, thanks to:
Damone (
Kenichiro Tanaka (
An Nguyen
Jamie Klein (
Master Cho (
Alex Tellez
The Emerald Dragon (
Kenneth Hsu (

Shawn would like to extend a personal thanks to:

Scott Fujimoto: For doing an excellent job at maintenance/
editing throughout versions 5.0-7.0.
Dave Kirsch: Too much to list here. :]
Derek Liu: New information/translations.
Brian Chan: Excessive Humour/Hard Drive provider :]
Jim Lee: Excessive complaining but still a nice guy. :]

I hope all you guys above are going to be around in the next few months
I have a feeling I'm going to be starting the SS3 TAPFAQ very soon...

"Long long ago, there was a man who tried to make his skills the
ultimate. Because of his bloody life, it was no accident that he was
involved in the troubles..."

Yes! It has arrived! Samurai Shodown II is back with a vengance. This
game is, by far, one of THE most anticipated sequels since people uttered
the words "Street Fighter II". It is one of the largest games ever,
clocking in at 202 megs, 84 more megs than the first SS. You all want to
know about the game, so let's get to it!


-->Characters that have returned: CHARLOTTE, NAKORURU, HAOHMARU, UKYO

-->Characters that are new: GENJURO KIBAGAMI, CAFFEINE NICOTINE,

-->TAM TAM is gone (let's have a moment of silence, please). AMAKUSA
is no longer a boss in the game, though he makes a brief appearance
near the end, and TAM TAM has passed his knowledge onto his sister

-->To diversify gameplay even more, all characters can now lie flat on
their stomachs to let air projectiles fly over them. As well,
all characters can roll forward or backwards.

-->All characters have two taunts now (like Art of Fighting and Fatal

-->Also, as in AoF and FF, characters now have a special complicated
"death blow" maneuver. Some characters require a full POW meter,
and their weapon, to peform this move, while others require only a
full POW meter. When these POW moves are successful, they are
powerful enough to destroy your weapon!

-->When weapons are broken, they are now replaced after about a ten
second delay; the judge throws your weapon back into the stage.

-->Everyone has a Super Deformed transformation move--that is, their
heads grow, their bodies shrink, and they become so damn cute that
you would never want to hurt them...would you?

-->The boss of the game is a really bitchy, possessed Shinto priestess
named MIZUKI. There's also a hidden character in the game, KUROKO,
whose actually the judge sitting in the background during matches.
What? You don't think he wants to have fun, too?


0.5 = It's less than 1 because of it's unofficiality; most of the character
descriptions are taken from Samurai Shodown I, or made up. New moves
are taken off the arcade placard, and many are still missing,
incorrect, and/or incomplete.

0.74 = It's a whole 24% better! Still not quite official, but
I've now had a chance to view the game (Oh my lord!!), and give more
detailed descriptions of moves, characters, etc. Errors are
diminishing, and endings are beginning to filter through.

1.0 = Official release, TAPFAQ now available from multiple FTP sites.
Much more historical background added, moves almost completely
cleared up. Galen has added beautiful ASCII artwork (finally!) and
the response to the TAPFAQ is becoming unrecordable (I'm gonna have
to split this in half soon...).

1.48 = TAPFAQ now split into two, had to add a table of contents to ease
confusion. More moves are being cleared up, and almost all endings
are in. Anybody got any combos they want to add? (The game is 202
megs? Holy mother of...)

2.0 = Now I've had a chance to play the game (I am thanking you) so the
inconsistencies are diminishing fast. Too big again, so it's been
split into thirds. Joystick movements are neatened up (small seems
to be better). Combos are coming in, Japanese translations are added
and the cartridge is now on its way (hee hee hee hee).

3.0 = I now own the game (oh yeah) so all moves represented in this TAPFAQ
are 100% confirmed. Character descriptions are rewritten to coincide
with the new manual. All move names confirmed. All endings finished
and added. More data, more trivia, more info, and I'm working on the
code for KUROKO...I'll get it, I promise!

3.4 = Why so quick to update? THE CODE TO PLAY AS KUROKO! I wanted
everybody out there to get this as quick as possible, so here it is.
Kuroko code is the only main addition, plus minor spelling errors and

4.0 = Just a minor update. Taunts are added, as well as a few
bits and pieces here and there. The next version will be split into
necessary parts. Hey...hey Galen. Hey...hey, over here! Over here
for a CHAM CHAM picture? HEY!?!

5.0 = Hi! I'm Scott Fujimoto, the guy who did the final revision to the SS1
FAQ. Yes, I couldn't help but edit this one too! Changes include
adding all normal attacks, identifying all attacks that hit low,
tick off damage, etc, notes on some Special Moves, adding complete
backgrounds to all the characters, revising all the quotes and
endings, and various minor corrections and updates.

5.2 = A few additional notes and corrections were added after I posted
the TAPFAQ to This version is the one
archived in the ftp directories.

6.0 = Was about to release this, but then new info starting coming in...

7.0 = The big addition here is the pose information, plus many other
corrections and additions. This is probably the last version, so

8.0 = Shawn Holmes returns! Last version? NEVER! I didn't call it
a TAPFAQ for nothing. Now, equipped with a ton of info to
translate, version 8.0 of the TAPFAQ includes new, never before
found bugs, more in-depth techniques of beating Mizuki with
each character, plus loads of info, from combos, to jumping
distances, to a new Kuroko move. Give it a read!

8.1 = Shouldn't I be working on the SS3 TAPFAQ? I am! But, got one
last nifty addition for this version...check out Ukyou's huge
apple in Strange But True...

If you push your own Player Start button during a CPU game, the flashing
sign on the other side will change to "No Challenger is Acceptable."
Apparently, people STILL can join in if they want to, but this sign
politely tells them not to.

For those of you who own the cartridge at home for your NEO GEO, and
have not had your system modified to have blood and fatalities, fear not!
You can make that green stuff go away by simply going to the options menu,
selecting "Japan" as the country, then exiting. After that, go back
directly into options, and select "USA" as the country. Voila, English
text and red blood/full fatalities!

In the manual of the home SS2, there is mention of an option that allows
for unlimited POW, yet when many players go into the option menu, it isn't
available! Because of the vagueness of the manual, not many people know
how to do it. Here's clearing up the vagueness for you:

1. Press "start" on the player 1 joystick.
2. Move the arrow to "options" with the player 1 joystick.
3. Press "start" on the player 2 joystick.
4. In the "options" menu, the POW can now be changed from NORMAL to MAX.

Map: Slash = A or B or AB (rising strengths, A weakest)
Kick = C or D or CD (rising strengths, C weakest)
Dash = a quick FORWARD FORWARD on the joystick
Retreat = a quick BACK BACK on the joystick
Lie Down = to avoid projectiles, a quick DOWN DOWN on the joystick
Roll -> = a quick DOWN RIGHT, DOWN RIGHT on the joystick
Roll <- = a quick DOWN LEFT, DOWN LEFT on the joystick
Taunt 1 = A + C (good distance from opponent)
Taunt 2 = B + D (good distance from opponent)
Hop away = B + C (also cancels taunt at any time)
Hop up = FORWARD + BC (also cancels taunt at any time)
Retreat and Run = Retreat + FORWARD
Dash and Roll = Dash + DOWN RIGHT

--> To catch your opponent's sword while you are disarmed, perform the
motion: O- / | \ -O

--> The following characters can Triangle Jump: Galford, Hanzo,
Earthquake, Nakoruru, Cham Cham, Gen-an, and Mizuki
To triangle jump, jump to the edge of the screen, then push the
joystick in the opposite direction.

--> The following characters can crawl back and forth: Gen-an, Wan Fu,
and Kyoshiro.

--> Most characters can interrupt their normal Bs with Special Moves. Some
can interrupt their ABs as well, even if they totally miss their
opponent. These characters are noted separately.

--> Running Attacks: different characters do different B or AB attacks
if the buttons are pushed while running. The attacks come out
regardless of the distance of the opponent.
Far B/Far AB -- Charlotte, Ukyo, Hanzo
Far B/Close AB -- Genjuro, Kuroko
Close B/Far AB -- Nakoruru
Close B/Close AB -- Haohmaru, Wan Fu, Kyoshiro
Crouch B/Close AB -- Jubei, Cham Cham, Gen-an
Close B/Crouch AB -- Sieger, Earthquake
Crouch B/Far AB -- Nicotine
The introduction has been gracefully translated from the original Japanese
by Kenichiro Tanaka.

Quotes: B -- Quote at beginning of game.
BM -- Quote before match.
AM -- Quote after match.
BV -- Quote before mirror match.
AV -- Quote after mirror match.
I -- Interlude quotes. (J = w/Judge, M = w/Mizuki,
A = w/Mizuki and Amakusa)
F -- Quotes before final match.

Background: Any historical or fictional basis for the character. For
more details, check out the SS Character Background FAQ.
Weapon: What he or she fights with.
Full of: What drops out when he or she gets split.
Occupation: What type of fighter he or she is classified as.
Nationality: What country he or she comes from.
Jumping Rages: Each character has a different range for jumping forward,
backward, and straight up. The values are expressed in
X and Y values, so naturally, the "jumping up" value of
X is always 0. The range of X is -10 to 10, and Y is
0 to 10.
Voice: Name of the Voice Actor for the Character
Notes: Assorted items of interest.

Normal Attacks: The attacks are usually presented in left and right
columns If the entry does not appear in the right column, then the attack
is the same as the one in the same position in the left column.

All jumping attacks, and only jumping attacks, hit high. Most crouch kicks
hit low. Everything else usually hits neither high nor low.
Exceptions are noted as follows:
"*" means an attack hits LOW when normally it would not (slashes and
standing kicks).
"**" means an attack does NOT hit low when normally it would (crouch kicks).

Whenever a swing is blocked, the attacking character usually reels back for a
second, then recovers. However, certain swings do NOT reel back; the
character continues to swing while his or her opponent blocks, and recovers
"#" indicates a swing that follows through when blocked.
Note that all kicks do not block reflect.

Special Moves:

Key: "!" means a weapon is required to perfom the Special Move.
"L" means the Special Move hits low.
"H" means the Special Move hits high.
"*" means the Special Move ticks off 1 or 2 points of damage.
"**" means the Special Move ticks off 3 or 4 points of damage.
"***" means the Special Move ticks off LOTS of damage.

Damage: Weapon ---> caused by direct strike from weapon
Fire ---> caused by direct hit from flames
Lightning ---> caused by contact with "electric" attacks
(no label) ---> damage resulting from tosses, grabs, open
handed attacks

Throws: Ground throws are performed by being right next to the opponent,
and pushing towards them while pushing a button.
Air throws are performed by being right next to an air opponent,
then pushing DOWN while pushing a button.
Hanzo and Galford have special throws which are performed by
completing the move while next to an opponent.
Throws CANNOT be blocked!

Hidden Moves: Certain characters have hidden moves not listed in the manual.
Why all the characters didn't get these moves is debatable, but oh well...

Super Deformation Moves: Changes your character into a doll-like version.
You cannot move or attack normally, and you cannot be thrown. You CAN be
hit. You return to normal if 1) you perform a Special Move, 2) you are hit,
3) you do a double-tap move, 4) after about 10 seconds have passed.

Taunts: Taunt by pushing both buttons and holding them down until the taunt
comes out. You can't just push the buttons quickly. Also, you can't do the
taunt while right next to your opponent. You get out of a taunt when you do
a Special Move, double-tap move, or you get hit.

Power Specials: Can be done only when you are powered up, according to the
POW Gauge. If your Power Special hits, your opponent's weapon is broken,
UNLESS you get hit at the same time. If that happens, both players take
damage, but you don't follow through with your attack and you don't break
your opponent's weapon!

Poses: You can select what pose your character does after he/she wins! After
defeating your opponent, if you hold your joystick in a specific position
(i.e. up, down, left, or right) until his/her name is called, he/she will
do a specific pose.
"Time has passed since the last trouble. New battles are going to
start now, again."
The Sake-Drinking Swordsman of Samurai Shodown


"Haohmaru, do not get involved with demons." The warnings of Nicotine, his
master, could not stop Haohmaru. That day, Haohmaru drank with his master
for the first time in a while and set out on a journey--to find the demon
that was after his soul. "Shurado,* huh? This should be interesting."

*"Shurado" is the way of war, after the Hindu/Buddhist god of war,
Shura/Ashura. Samurai Nuts will remember that if you completed
Samurai Shodown 1 perfectly with Haohmaru, his secret ending mentioned
something about him following the path to "Shurado"

B: "What's this wind? I feel something bad."
BM: "Wow! I am (a) champion, I will kill all enemies with my sword!"
AM: "How weak you are! I might kill you as well as tofu with my sword!"
BV: "What, my imitation? You have guts!"
AV: "I slay my imitation with my sword together with Mt. Fuji!"
IA: "I don't like this ominous feeling!"
"I can't believe he saved us..."
F: "I reached the evil world!"
"I'll show you the soul of (a) samurai!"

Background: Based on the classic model of the samurai, Miyamoto Musashi.
Weapon: Katana
Full of: Sake bottles
Occupation: Kensai
Nationality: Japan
Jumping ranges: Forward : X=9, Y=7
Backward : X=-5, Y=5
Up : Y=3
Voice: Masaki Usui
Notes: His girlfriend's name is Oshizu. Nicotine was his mentor.
Oshizu can be seen by the nearest torii. If Haohmaru wins, she
clasps her hands. If he loses, she turns away.

Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Down Slash A -- Hilt Butt
B -- Thrust B -- Down Slash
AB -- Far Down Swing AB -- Up, then Down Swing
C/D -- Medium Kick
CD -- High Kick


A/B -- Low Slash *
AB -- Upward Swing
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Slide


A/B -- Side Slash
AB -- Down Swing
C/D -- Down Kick
CD -- Down Kick
Cyclone Slash | Throws whirlwind that catches enemy, and
(Ougi Senpuuretsuzan) | lifts him/her into the air, dropping
| \ -O + Slash | for damage. Note: use kick instead of
O O *! | slash to fake this move.
Crescent Moon Slash | Performs a vertical leap with sword
(Ougi Kogetsuzan) | extended to cut enemy for weapon damage.
-O / | \ + Slash |
O O O *! |
Ougi Resshin Zan | Leaps upward, and twirls, bringing
| sword down in a flash of energy
-O | \ + Kick | hit for weapon damage.
O O *! |
Sake Attack | Swings out bottle of rice wine to hit
(Sake Kogeki) | for damage, and also deflect any
| / O- + A | projectile attack back at opponent.
O O |

AB or B Slam opponent onto ground
CD or D Backflip toss
Hidden Move:
Kogetsuzan Rush | Leaps into the air doing seven
(Tempa Fuuzin Zan) | consecutive Kogetsuzans hitting for
\ O- / | \ -O O- | / + BC | weapon damage.
O O O O O O ***! |
Super Deformed Transformation:

-O \ | / O- -O O- + B

1. AC: Puts arm inside gi, sword over shoulder, "Doshita, doshita!"
2. BD: Drinks sake, wipes mouth, says "Umeh!" ("that feels good!")
3. AC(weaponless): Puts hand on belt, waves to opponent, "Doshita,
doshita!" ("What's wrong?")
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 3.
Power Special:
Flame of the Conqueror | Strikes with full AB attack weapon
(Tempa Seikouzan) | range, creating a blow of
-O \ | / O- -O + A | concussive energy that hits for
O O O *! | breaking damage.

- Sheath: He spins and sheaths sword
- Bow: He slashes air with sword, bows, says "Yosh!" ("Okay!")
- Shoulder: He puts sword on shoulder and says "Osa! Osa!" ("Come on!")
- Thinker: He puts sword away, puts hand on chin, says "Hmmph!"
- Yosh: Tugs shirt, bows and says "Yosh!"
- Hmmph: Tugs shirt and puts hand on chin, says "Hmmph!"

First and Second Win: First and Second Unarmed Win:
Up: Sheath, Bow Yosh, Yosh
Down: Thinker, Sheath Hmmph, Yosh
Left: Sheath, Bow Yosh, Yosh
Right: Shoulder, Thinker Yosh, Yosh

- Jumping D, Standing AB (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Standing AB (2 hits)

- Close crouching AB, Resshin Zan (F, D, DF) with A (2 hits)

- Close crouching AB, Kogetsuzan with AB (3 hits)

- Close crouching AB, Tempa Fuzin San (7 hits)

Haohmaru wakes up in a beautiful forest. He is wounded badly. Suddenly,
Genjuro leaps in. "You had a hard fight, Haohmaru. Now, I'll kill you!"
Haohmaru replies "You bas..." but then Oshizu jumps between them. "Stop
it!" she says, "He is wounded. You should challenge him when he feels
better." "You are quite right," Genjuro says, "All right, I will overlook
this for now." He then leaps away. "Oshuzi..." Haohmaru says. Oshizu
turns toward him and says, "Forgive me, Haohmaru, but I wanted you to live."
The scene then changes to a closeup of Haohmaru and Oshizu embracing each
other passionately. Presumably, Haohmaru is talking. "Don't say (anything)
more... I dedicated myself to the sword world (way of the sword)... Forgive
me, Oshizu..."
Cut to the empty forest. Gen-an walks in, and says, grinning. "Your words
move to tears."

The Haohmaru Horoscope:

If you play as Haohmaru, you:

- Prefer the standard fireball trap fighting style
- Like to gloat a lot
- Don't care what other people think.
The Angel Faced Falcon Handler


As usual, Nakoruru stood with her eyes closed among the birches and
tried to talk with nature. But that day, she couldn't hear the voice
of nature. Something was wrong. Nakoruru could feel the spirit of
nature being sucked away into the demon world. "I must hurry. Let's
go Mamahaha!"

B: "Something evil is coming now!"
BM: "Whoever defiles nature shall feel my wrath!"
AM: "I must hurry up. The world is being destroyed by evil power!"
BV: "Wao! You are like me! But I am stronger than you!"
AV: "Power, speed, and beauty. I have defeated you in every way."
IJ: "Now King's power is increasing. Hurry up!"
"What happen now?" (classic SS2 dialogue here)
F: "Terrible, evil power, but I can't lose!"
"Spirits of nature, give me your power!"

Background: Nakoruru is one of the Ainu.
Weapon: Kodachi
Full of: Cherry blossom petals
Occupation: Protector of nature
Nationality: Japan
Jumping ranges: Forward : X=7, Y=10
Backward : X=-9, Y=7
Up : Y=5
Voice: Harumi Ikoma
Notes: Her hawk's name is Mamaha. Her weapon is named Hahama,
after her father. She has a younger sister named Rimururu.
She has feelings of affection toward Galford.
If Nakoruru wins a round, her sister claps and the bear yawns. If
she loses, both of them look at each other and nod.
The alternate color for Nakoruru has a different face for her close

(Ezo, or Hokkaido today)
Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Side Slash
B -- Down Slash
AB -- Up Slash AB -- Down, then Up Slash
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Side Kick CD -- Double Kick


A/B -- Side Slash
AB -- Rolling Slash #
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Thrust Kick **

Jumping Diagonal Jumping Straight

A/B -- Angled Side Slash A/B -- Side Slash
AB -- Up Slash AB -- Side Slash
C/D -- Down Kick
CD -- Down Kick CD -- Somersault
Annu Mutsube | Slides along ground with sword extended,
| attacking low for weapon damage.
O- / | + Slash |
O O *!L |
Lela Mutsube | Slides along ground, then rises, with
| sword extended, attacking medium to air
| \ -O + Slash | for weapon damage.
O O *! |
Amube Yatoro | Sends Falcon out in a burning attack
| for fire damage.
-O \ | / O- + Slash |
O O O * |
Mamaha Flight | Falcon grabs character; control then
| switches to bird for around 10 seconds
| / O- + C | after which, character falls back to
O O | ground.
Yatoro Poku (While flying) | Spins downward from Falcon, in
| direction corresponding to joystick,
| attacking with weapon for damage.
| or \ or / and Slash/Kick |
O O O *H |
Kamui Mutsube (While flying) | Flies down from Falcon in buring attack,
| sword extended, hitting for fire damage.
Slash or Kick |
* |
Mamaha Call (When disarmed) | Whistles to Falcon, calling bird to leave
| / O- + C or | weapon, re-joining the fight again.
O O | allows for Mamaha Flight or Amu
-O \ | / O- + Slash |
O O O |
Kamui Ryuse | Twirls around, whipping cloak out to
| create shield that reflects projectiles
| / O- + Slash | back at opponents, as well as inflicting
O O * | minor damage.

B Two-handed toss
AB Sit on top of opponent and stab
D or CD Climb and triple kick
AB (without weapon) Climb and slap opponent repeatedly

Air Throw

B or AB Toss opponent onto ground
Hidden Move:

Apefuchi Kamui Rymuse | Performs three quick Kamui Ryuse and
| finishes by sending out a "shadow
\ | / O- -O | \ + BC | Falcon, allowing for four consecutive
O O O O O ** | (if close to opponent).
Super Deformed Transformation:

-O \ | / O- -O \ | / O- + D

1. AC: Tightens bow in hair, "Yos!"
2. BD: Stretches provocatively.
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 1.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 1.
Power Special:

Irusuka Yatoro Lise | Glowing, sends bird down, and if
-O O- / | \ -O + A | successful, five more birds hit
O O O * | opponent for breaking damage.

- Yos: She bows her head and says, "Yos" ("Ok")
- Cape Wrap: She wraps her cape around herself and says, "Un yokatta"
("That went well")
- Bird Praise: Mamaha lands on her hand, and she asks "Kega wa nai,
Mamaha?" ("Are you okay, Mamaha?") The bird chirps.
- Payback: She turns her back and says "Daishizen no shioki desu"
("Punishment in the name of Mother Nature")
- Wink: Mamaha lands on her hand and she winks
- Wink and Poppy: Same as wink but a dog that looks like Poppy comes in,
with a bird on his head

First and Second Win with Sword and Bird:
Up: Cape Wrap, Cape Wrap
Down: Bird Praise, Bird Praise
Left: Yos, Payback
Right: Cape Wrap, Cape Wrap

Unarmed without Bird:
All: Yos

Unarmed with Bird:
Down: Wink and Poppy
All Other: Wink

- Jumping D, Crouching close AB (3 hits)

- Jumping B, Lela Mutsube (2 hits)

- Standing close AB, Lela Mutsube (2 hits; 75% dizzy)

- Crouching close C, Standing close CD, A Annu Mutsube (4 hits)

- Jumping CD, Standing AB, Annu Mutusbe (3 hits)

- Jumping CD, Standing AB, Kamui Mutsube (3 hits)
Note: Nakoruru can triangle jump.
You can move in any direction while on the hawk. You are also
vulnerable to attack.
Almost all of Nakoruru's ground B, AB, D, and CD attacks can
be interrupted with a Special Move.

Nakoruru is lying in the forest unconscious. Galford runs in and wakes
her up. He then blushes, and says "I was worried about you." Nakoruru
stands up and says, "Galford, I..." Suddenly, the forest turns red, and
Nakoruru jumps up on Mamaha, preparing to fly away. Galford tries to stop
her, but she says "Something evil is still destroying nature, I have to go,"
and she flies away.
Scene changes to up on the cliff overlooking the evil forest. Nakoruru
says, "God of great nature, save them and the forest!!...please..." At
which point, she is enveloped in a beautiful white light. She is absorbed,
and turned into a ball of energy which dissipates over the forest, cleansing
it. Her weapon falls to the ground where she had been standing.
Scene changes to her background. Her mother, father, sister, and Mamaha
all look sad as they view her lonely sword. But as her sister speaks to
the sword, it glows, saying "This is Nakoruru's voice..." The scene fades
to a beautiful airbrushed painting of an angelic Nakoruru speaking from
beyond. She says, "Please don't cry...My soul will always be here as a
guardian of nature. From now (on), you have to fight to protect them."
The scene fades back to the family, and Nakoruru's sister stands up and
says, "I understand...Nakoruru."
The Nakoruru Horoscope:

If you play as Nakoruru, you:

- are a fast sonofabitch
- prefer standing up for the little people
- treat animals with respect, and beat the hell out of people who don't
The Ninja Master of the Shadows


After defeating Amakusa, Hanzo was able to retrieve his son's body. But his
soul still wandered the land of the demons, as before. One day, Hanzo
learned that he could liberate all these wandering souls if he defeated the
ruler of the demon world. "Son, I will ressurect your soul."

B: "Now I shall avenge you, my dear son."
BM: "I can see your look of destiny on your face."
AM: "Whether to heaven or to hell, anything is decided by destiny."
BV: "The same as me! What magic made you?"
AV: "Both you and I live as Ninja. You should always be ready for death."
IJ: "I will save my son's soul at any cost!"
"How mysterious and dubious the guy is!"
F: "It's time to (have a) shodown, my son."
"Go back into the darkness!"

Background: Based on Hattori Hanzo Masashige.
Weapon: Ninjato
Full of: Shurikens
Occupation: Ninja
Nationality: Japan
Jumping ranges: Forward : X=10, Y=9
Backward : X=-8, Y=9
Up : Y=7
Voice: Toshimitsu Arai
Notes: His sons names are Kanzo and Shinzo, and his wife is Kaede.
In SS1, Shinzo's body was possessed by Amakusa. At the end,
Amakuza was sealed away, and Hanzo believed that his son was
lost as a consequence. However, when Amakusa has a change of
heart in SS2, he is either destroyed or banished from Shinzo's
body by Mizuki.
Hanzo is leader of the Iga ninjas, which fits with the historical

(Dewa, Yamagata)
Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Side Slash A -- One-Handed Down Slash
B -- One-Handed Down Slash B -- One-Handed Down Slash
AB -- Somersault Slash # AB -- Two-Handed Down Slash
C/D -- High Kick
CD -- High Spin Kick

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A -- One- Handed Down Slash
B -- One-Handed Down Slash
AB -- Sweeping Low Slash *
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Thrust Kick CD -- Tumbling Kick **

Jumping Forward Jumping Other

A -- One-Handed Down Slash
B -- Side Slash
AB -- Two-Handed Down Slash
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Down Kick CD -- Side Kick
New Reppushuriken (jumping) | Leaps into air, hurling shuriken down
(Reppushuriken Kai) | towards opponent to hit for weapon
O- / | \ + Slash | damage.
O O O * |
Ninja Teleportation | Disappears and is replaced by a piece
(Utsusemi Chizan) | of wood, while true form appears below
When struck with weapon, | opponent, striking with weapon extended
press B,C, and D together L | for damage.
Ninja Teleportation Jig | Same as above, minus the wood replacement,
(Utsusemi Tenbu) | and character need not be attacked. As
-O \ | / O- + BCD | well, HANZO drops from the sky instead,
O O O H | attacking for weapon damage.
Shrike Dash (special throw) | Grabs opponent, and twirls into the
(Mozu Otoshi) | air, dropping back down onto opponent's
-O | \ + Kick | head, now hitting for fire damage.
O O |
Ninja Multiplier | Splits into two "shadows", to confuse
(Kage Bunshin) | opponent, reappearing at FAR LEFT for A
-O O- / | \ -O + A or B | and FAR RIGHT for B.
O O O |
Ninja Dragon Fire | Smashes fist into ground, creating a
(Bakuenryu) | hopping snake of fire that blasts opponent
-O \ | / + Slash | for fire damage.
O O O * |

B or AB Ground slam
D or CD Slam and stab

Air Throw:

B or AB Grab and slam opponent onto ground
Stealth | Turns invisible after chuckling, reappearing
(Kage Mai) | only to perform moves. Full reappearance
-O O- -O O- -O O- | + BCD | occurrs when opponent touches, or after
O | 10-12 seconds.
Super Deformed Transformation

-O O- -O O- -O O- | + A

1. AC: Cracks knuckles, "Hmmph! Koi!"
2. BD: Waves opponent to "come here" and chuckles.
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 1.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 1.
Power Special:

Squeeze of Heaven | Stabs weapon into ground, releasing a
(Temma Rimetsu) | massive burst of flames to strike for
-O \ | / O- -O + D | breaking damage.
O O O *! |

- Laugh: He sheaths his sword and chuckles
- Poof: Sheaths blade, chuckles, and dissappears (note leaf left behind)
- Arms: Crosses arms and says something
- Mask: Pulls off mask, loosens hair, and chuckles

First and Second Win: Unarmed Win:
Up: Poof, Arms Arms
Down: Mask, Poof Laugh
Left: Poof, Arms Arms
Right: Arms, Mask Arms

- Crouching close CD, Standing B (3 hits)

- Standing close B, Crouching close AB (2 hits)

- Standing close AB, Stand AB (2 hits)

- Jumping D, Standing AB (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, crouching AB (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Standing B, Standing B (3 hits)

- From across the screen, perform an A Bakuenryu. Then, perform a
Teleportation Jig (2 hits)

- Squeeze of heaven, Standing B (2 hits)
Notes: Hanzo can triangle jump.
Multiple Images--if your opponent slashes at the wrong image, a bomb
will appear. After a short delay, it will cause a small flame
explosion, hitting a nearby opponent who is not blocking. Kicks and
most Special Moves do not set the bomb off, although "slashing"
Special Moves will.

Kanzo phases in with Shinzo's body. "Sign of evil disappeared." Kaede
phases in. "Kanzo, I got back the soul of Shinzo. Call your father."
Kanzo phases out. Kaede places Shinzo's soul (an energy ball) into his body.
"His soul power is getting weaker. Hurry up, Shinzo!" She then transfers
her own soul energy to Shinzo's body to save him. There is a flash of light,
and then...
Shinzo wakes up to find Kaede has collapsed. "Mom!" Just then Kanzo and
Hanzo phase in. Kaede asks, "How is Shinzo, dear." "Don't worry, he's ok,"
replies Hanzo. Kaede can barely respond "...that's...good..." then dies.
"Mom!" cries Kanzo.
The scene shifts to the three on the rocky ledge. Hanzo says in as stoic
a voice as he can muster, "The life of a ninja is much harder than you
think... Get over the sadness and be honorable ninjas. Train yourself!"
Kanzo and Shinzo then phase out, and Hanzo disappears last in a puff of
The Hanzo Horoscope:

If you play as Hanzo, you:

- Enjoy kicking the royal bejeezers out of bad SS2 players
- Are sneaky, underhanded, quick, and generally ALWAYS successful
- Think it's "funny" that you happen to have one of the most powerful
moves in the game
The San Francisco Surfer Ninja


There had been a noticeable increase in crime recently. Getting suspicious,
Galford investigated a group of related incidents and found that dark
shadows from the demon world were causing those with weak hearts to commit
crime. "Let's go Poppy! We have to kill these demons!"

B: "Let's go and defend the justice, Poppy!"
BM: "Hey! Do you like to challenge my American ninjutsu?"
AM: "Well, I was nearly defeated. Eh, Poppy? 'Woof, woof.'"
BV: "Oh, you also use ninjutsu? OK, let's fight!"
AV: "Even if you are like me, you are only my copy. You can't fight
against me."
IJ: "The evil air is felt clearer and clearer!"
"What a kind of man is he?"
F: "Here we go Poppy. Time for (a) shodown!"
"Taste my sword of justice!"

Notes: No correlating material can be found for Galford, as ninjas didn't
even begin to appear in North America, secretly until the early
nineteenth century.
Also, California was not a state at the time of SS1, and the San
Francisco portrayed here belongs more properly in the mid-to-late
19th century.
Weapon: Ninjato
Full of: Doggy bones
Occupation: Ninja
Nationality: U.S.A.
Jumping ranges: Forward : X=10, Y=9
Backward : X=-8, Y=9
Up : Y=7
Voice: Kazuhiro Inage
Notes: His dog's name is Poppy (a husky), and she has three pups named
Poppa, Puppa, and Pippa. He has some affection towards Nakoruru.
One of the designer's names can be seen written in the floorboards.
Whether apples or fish are in the barrels seems to be determined
Galford has trained under the Koga ninja clan.

Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Side Slash A -- One-Handed Down Slash
B -- One-Handed Down Slash B -- One-Handed Down Slash
AB -- Somersault Slash # AB -- Two-Handed Down Slash
C/D -- High Kick
CD -- High Spin Kick

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A -- One- Handed Down Slash
B -- One-Handed Down Slash
AB -- Sweeping Low Slash *
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Thrust Kick CD -- Tumbling Kick **

Jumping Forward Jumping Other

A -- One-Handed Down Slash
B -- Side Slash
AB -- Two-Handed Down Slash
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Down Kick CD -- Side Kick
Strike Heads (special throw) | Grabs opponent, and twirls into the
| air, dropping back down onto
-O | \ + Kick | opponent's head for lightning damage.
O O |
Plasma Blade | Throws a concussive wave of electrical
| "blades" at opponent to hit for
| \ -O + Slash | lightning damage.
O O * |
The "Poppy" Attacks
| / O- + ...

Rush Dog : Use Slash * | Dog rams opponent with head for damage.
Machine Gun Dog : Use C * | Dog strangles opponent at neck.
Dog Drop : Use D *H | Dog disappears, drops from sky.
Shadow Copy | Splits into two "shadows", to confuse
| opponent, reappearing at FAR LEFT for A
-O O- / | \ + A or B | and FAR RIGHT for B.
O O O |
Head Replicator Attack | Disappears and is replaced by a piece
(Log Trick) | of wood, while true form drops
When struck with weapon, | above opponent, striking with weapon
press B,C, and D together H | extended for damage.
Rear Replicator Attack | Disappears and drops from above with
(Ninja Drop) | weapon extended to strike for weapon
-O \ | / O- + BCD | damage.
O O O H |

B or AB Ground slam
D or CD Slam and stab

Air Throw:

B or AB Grab and slam opponent on ground
Hidden Move:

Ninja Cloak | Turns invisible, reappearing
| only to perform moves. Full reappearance
-O O- -O O- -O O- | + BCD | occurrs when opponent touches you
O | or after a period of time.
Super Deformed Transformation:

-O \ | / O- -O O- + C

1. AC: Waves finger in "tsk tsk tsk" motion. Poppy yawns.
2. BD: Shakes head and shrugs in disbelief. Poppy yawns.
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 1.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 1.
Power Special:

Mega Strike Dog | Poppy: 1) Rams opponent
-O \ | / O- -O + D | 2) Rolls into opponent
O O O | 3) Kicks opponent
| 4) Mauls opponent
| 5) Performs Strike Hez on opponent,
| breaking weapon. "Good Poppy!"

- Bone: Galford throws up a bone and says, "Hey Poppy!" Poppy jumps up and
grabs it.
- Bone and Pups: Same as Bone, except Poppy and her three pups come down.
One of the pups has a bone. Galford shrugs his shoulders.
- Igato: Galford salutes and yells "Igato!"
- Igato and Pups: Three pups come out. Galford yells "Igato!" and all three
pups yip and prance around cutely.
- Yeah: Galford spins his sword and yells "Yeah!"
- Yeah and Pups: Two pups come out, and a third appears on Galford's
shoulder. He salutes and says "Yeah!" and all three pups yip.

First and Second Armed Win:
Up: Yeah, Yeah
Down: Igato, Igato
Left: Yeah, Yeah
Right: Bone, Bone and Pups

First and Second Unarmed Win:
Igato, Yeah and Pups
Igato and Pups, Igato
Igato, Yeah and Pups
Igato, Yeah and Pups

- Standing close AB, Jumping D (2 hits)

- Machine Gun Dog, Standing AB (2 hits) *time the AB just as Poppy finishes

- Jumping AB, Standing AB, Rush Dog, (3 hits)

- Standing AB, Plasma Blade, Standing B (3 hits)

- From across the screen, A Plasma Blade, chase it, after the blade strikes,
Standing AB, Standing B (3 hits)

- From middle screen, A Plasma Blade, leap towards, Jumping AB, Crouching
AB (3 hits)

- Close crouching AB, Dog Drop, Standing close AB, Standing AB (4 hits)

- Stand one character length away. Perform Mega strike Dog while being
hit, and quickly hit BCD. As you reappear, and Poppy is still beating
up your opponent, just as Poppy is ready to shoot off the screen, strike
with AB. (multiple hits)

- Perform Mega Strike Dog. Attack twice with AB while Poppy is attacking.
(multiple hits)

*note* The last two combos appear to only work on some versions of SS2.
They may not work with yours.
Notes: Galford can triangle jump.
Multiple Images--if your opponent slashes at the wrong image, a bomb
will appear. After a short delay, it will cause an electrical
explosion hitting a nearby opponent who is not blocking. Kicks and
most Special Moves do not set the bomb off, although "slashing"
Special Moves will.
Galford normally can't attack while Poppy is doing a prolonged
attack, namely the Maul Dog or Mega Strike Dog. However, for six
characters, Galford CAN attack to do extra damage while Poppy is
mangling his opponent! He can do this against: Genjuro, Gen-an,
Kyoshiro, Wan Fu, Earthquake, and Kuroko. Galford can either run
forward and AB his opponent, or do a ninja drop RIGHT after the dog
hits. Note that while he can perform these moves against ANY
opponent, the attack won't hit them unless they are one of
the six listed above.

Galford and Poppy are in the forest. "We made it, Pop!" says Galford, but
then Poppy starts barking at something. "Who is she?" says Galford, and
they run off
They find Nakoruru lying on the ground with Mamaha perchd on her, panting.
Poppy howls, and Galford shouts, "Nakoruru!" Mamaha flies up, waking
Nakoruru. The two face each other rather bashfully. "Galford..." "I was
worried about you..." Galford replies. "Galford, I..." but before Nakoruru
can finish her sentence, a red light permeates the forest. The two go into
guarded stances, as Galford exclaims, "!" Then, Nakoruru jumps on Mamaha.
"Something evil is still destroying nature. I have to go," she says as they
lift up. "My God!" Galford exclaims, and he and Poppy run off.
The scene shifts to Galford and Poppy on the rocky ledge, looking at
Nakoruru who is on a faraway ledge. "Nakoruru!" shouts Galford, but
suddenly Nakoruru is "beamed up" in a pillar of light. As Galford watches
her become transformed into a shining sphere, he shouts "No! No! NOO!" But
it is too late, she has disappeared.
The scene shifts to a close-up of Nakoruru, with Galford grieving in the
corner. "I'm sorry," the voice of Nakoruru says, "I've known how you felt
towards me... But I had no choice but to do this to save them... So please
don't mourn..."
Galford is sitting on the ledge in grief. But he finally says, "OK, I
understand." Putting the best face on things, he gets up and says to
Poppy, "There are still too many bad guys in the world... Let's go, Poppy!"
Galford, Poppy, and the three pups jump away.
The Galford Horoscope:

If you like to play as Galford, you:

- Probably enjoy surfing more than most
- Can't figure out why your dog won't "fetch the katana, boy!"
- Think it's "neat" you can turn invisible, even though your dog still
knows where you are
The Mighty Pillar of Heaven


One day, someone claiming to be a seer appeared before Wan-fu. This person
told the story of "The Egg of the Destroyer," which could grant dominion
over the world, in exchange for one's soul. With this item, the unification
of China would be possible. Wan-fu set off on a journey. "Anyone gets in my
way, I'll bash their heads open!"

B: "Look at our great Chinese power!"
BM: "You dare oppose me? What a foolish guy!"
AM: "How stupid, foolish, and silly you are! Get away, chicken!"
BV: "It's been a long time, brother! Let's fight and win some honor!"
AV: "Weak, weak, too weak! You have brought shame on our kinsmen. Go to
IJ: "Hey, you, I'll beat and eat you!"
"That spirit, he is no ordinarily man!" (OK...whatever...)
F: "You disturb me, I (will) never forgive you."
"Feel a great power of China!"

Background: Based on a combination of the 18th-century swordsman Wan
Wu and the legendary King Wu.
Weapon: Stone Pillar
Full of: Black pearls
Occupation: Warrior-King
Nationality: China
Jumping ranges: Forward : X=3, Y=3
Backward : X=-5, Y=3
Up : Y=4
Voice: Toshikazu Nishimura
Notes: The Chinese Empire was fully unified by the Qing Dynasty at the
time of SS, so Wan Fu couldn't be king of Xian or anywhere else.

Standing Far Standing Far

A -- Punch A -- Elbow
B -- End Thrust B -- Side Swing
AB -- Long Pillar Slam # AB -- Short Pillar Slam #
C -- Medium-Low Kick
D -- Medium Kick
CD -- Butt Thrust

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A -- Punch A -- Elbow
B -- Low End Thrust * B -- Side Swing
AB -- Low End Swing * AB -- Side Swing then Short Slam #
C -- Crouch Kick
D -- Medium Kick **
CD -- Roundhouse CD -- High Kick **

Jumping Other Jumping Back

A -- Pillar Shield
B -- Down Swing
AB -- Down Swing AB -- Side Swing
C -- Down Kick
D -- Butt Drop
CD -- Somersault
New Confucious Thunder Bomb | Jumps into the air, hurling weapon towards
(Shin Kikou Bakutenhoh) | the ground, creating a huge explosion upon
| / O- + Slash | impact, hitting for fire damage. Note: The
O O **! | AB will NOT cross-over, unlike SS1.
Confucious Slash | Leaps into the air, pillar raised,
(Kikou Senpuu Geki) | striking for fire damage.
-O | \ + Slash |
O O *! |
Exploding Confucious | Begins banging head against pillar, which
(Benpatsu) | decreases energy but boosts POW, to help
| / O- + CD | perform POWER SPECIAL more quickly.
O O *! | Note: If your opponent touches the pillar,
| he will take lots of damage
Confucious Swipe | Spins multiple times with column extended,
(Kikou Dai Bokusatsu) | striking for multiple hits of fire damage.
| \ -O + Slash | A -- One swing
O O **! | B -- Two swings
| AB -- Three swings

B or AB Sit on opponent and bash with pillar
D Drop opponent on knee
CD Leap on opponent
B (without weapon) Throw opponent against wall
AB (without weapon) Slam opponent into ground
Super Deformed Transformation:

O- -O \ | / O- -O + D

1. AC: Pretends to perform AB attack, then yells "HA!"
2. BD: Twirls pillar and spits to the side.
3. AC(weaponless): Spins arm and yells "HA HA!"
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 3.
Power Special:

Wrath of God Blowout | Creates a gigantic Thunder Bomb which
(Shin Kikou Dai Bakuten) | creates an upward explosion, hitting
-O O- / | \ -O + B | for fire and breaking damage. Note: This
O O O **! | move DOES cross-over.

- Fold: He laughs with his arms folded
- Fists: He laughs with clenched fists
- Pillar: He bangs his head on pillar, than laughs with clenched fists
- Yeah: He says 'Yeah' with clenched fists
- Carving: Carves his pillar to his likeness, then says 'Wan Hauber'

First and Second Armed Win: Unarmed Win:
Up: Pillar, Pillar Fists
Down: Yeah, Carving Fold
Left: Pillar, Pillar Fists
Right: Fold, Fold Fold

- Standing close AB, Confucious Slash (3 hits)

- Jumping AB, Confucious Swipe (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Confucious Slash (3 hits)

- Jumping CD, Crouching CD (2 hits)

- Jumping (up) CD, Crouching AB (2 hits)

- In corner, Wrath of God, Crouching CD (unknown hits)
Notes: Wan Fu can crawl.
Wan Fu's close, double-hitting ABs can be interrupted.
Wan Fu's Confucious Swipe can twirl him past projectiles without
getting hit if timed correctly. Time it so that he goes into his
second swing by the time a projectile passes through him and he
will swing around it.

Wan Fu stands in the forest, arms crossed, and laughs. He says,
"Rubbish! It's not much of what I expected." He then just keeps on
standing...and standing... When he realizes you won't go away, he
scowls and suddenly his close-up picture fills the screen. "I know you
are expecting the ending, but there is no ending to my story. THIS IS MY
He then throws the pillar at you, and the fire fills the screen.
The end.

The Wan-Fu Horoscope:

If you like to play as Wan-Fu, you:

- Have a tough exterior, but really just want to carve sculptures
- Are a pyromaniac at heart
- Have a weenie voice, but pummel people who laugh
The Silent Swordsman of the Night


The demon flower that Ukyo found was not the perfect flower he sought. "I
do not know if this is true, but the perfect flower blooms in the center of
the demon world." After hearing those words from an old scholar in the
country of Musashi, Ukyo set off for the demon world again, despite his
illness. "...I must...hurry..."

B: "....."
BM: "......"
AM: ""
BV: "...resemble me.....handsome, just (as) I've thought..."
AV: "...To cut a same face......feel bad..."
IJ: "....."
F: "...Finally.....I've found it out..."

Background: Based on Sasaki Kojiro Genryu, Haohmaru's urbane rival.
Weapon: Iaito
Full of: Apples
Occupation: Iaidoka
Nationality: Japan
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=3, Y=6
Backward : X=-4, Y=3
Up : Y=5
Voice: Eiji Yano
Notes: His girlfriend is Kei Odagiri. He is dying from tuberculosis.
Kei can be seen by the nearest torii. If Ukyo wins, she comes out
to support him. If he loses, she covers her face.


A -- Scabbard Swing
B -- Side Slash
AB -- Up Slash
C -- Mini Slide *
D -- Medium Slide *
CD -- Full Slide *

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A -- Side Slash
B -- Side Slash B -- Overhead Slash
AB -- Diving Slash # * AB -- Scabbard Swipe then Overhead Slash
C -- Foot Shuffle
D -- High Kick **
CD -- High Kick **

Jumping Diagonal Jumping Straight

A -- Side Slash
B -- Side Slash (far) @
AB -- Angled Down Slash AB -- Side Slash
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Double Side Kick

@ Ukyo does an Angled Down Slash when jumping diagonally near an opponent.
Snowfall Slash | Throws apple out and draws sword,
(Hiken Sasame Yuki) | repeatedly striking both it, and the
| / O- + Slash | enemy, for weapon damage. Note: Use kick
O O **! | instead of slash to fake this move.
Swallow Swipe attacks (Tsumabe Gaeshi)

For all: A -- Swallow rises
B -- Swallow travels horizontally for a while, then rises
AB -- Swallow travels horizontally

Swallow Swipe (in air) | Rotates in air with sword extended,
/ | \ -O + Slash | sending out a fire swallow. Will hit
O O O *!H | for fire and/or weapon damage.

Swallow Swipe (from ground) | Swallow Swipe executed as
/ | \ -O + Jump in any direction + Slash | soon as Ukyo leaves the
O O O *!H | ground.

Swallow Swipe (dashing back) | Dashes backward, then throws a Swallow
| Swipe that stays close to the ground
O- O- / | \ -O + Slash | when Ukyo FINISHES the dash.
O O O *!H | Note: This is different from SS1.
Afterimage Attack | Teleports over to opponent, swinging
(Zanzou Fumikomi Giri) | weapon for damage.
| \ -O + Kick | C -- Side slash
O O | D -- Down slash
*! | CD -- Upward slash

B Scabbard slap
AB Toss and slash
D or CD Trip and stab
Unarmed Toss but don't slash
Super Deformed Transformation:

-O \ | / O- -O \ -O + B

1. AC: Polishes, twirls, and sheathes sword.
2. BD: Drops to one knee, coughs.
3. AC(weaponless): Writes poetry on fuda, says "Mmmm".
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 3.

Swallow Super Slash | Tosses an apple, performing multiple
(Tsubame Roku Ren) | Swallow Swipes which repeatedly hit
-O O- / | \ -O + AB | opponent for multiple hits of
O O O *! | breaking damage.

- Slice: He does a sasame yuki
- Kei: He falls to the ground coughing, and Kei comes out to help
- Posse: The group of adoring fans chases him down as he runs away
- Sleeve: He moves sleeve, says 'Mmmm...' and looks back
- Dissed: Same as Kei, but she doesn't come out

Armed Win: Unarmed Win:
Up: Slice Dissed
Down: Posse Sleeve
Left: Slice Dissed
Right: Kei Dissed

- Close Crouching C, Standing A, Teleport Slash with A (3 hits)

- Jumping AB, Swallow Swipe AB (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Standing Close AB, Teleport Slash with AB (4 hits)
Notes: Only the trailing image in Ukyo's AfterImage Attack can be hit.
That is the "real" Ukyo; the rest of them (including the lead
slashing one) are only images and cannot be hit. If you try to
hit them, Ukyo will hit you first. Note that the real Ukyo only
catches up to the lead image as it is slashing.
Ukyo's standing AB can be interrupted with an AI Attack, but it
must be done immediately if he misses his AB. If he hits, there
is more time to register the AI Attack afterwards.
Hold down C, then do Ukyo's Power Special, and he will toss out
a BIG apple before leaping into the air. No effect on the move
itself, though. It just looks cool. :-)

Ukyo awakes in a forest. "...Oh God! Kei?"
Kei is standing on the rocky beach of Gairyu Isle. "Ukyo?" She notices
flowers floating down. "What's this? Flowers of snow..."
Ukyo is standing in darkness, carving an ice sculpture of Kei using his
Snowfall Slash move. Flowers of ice fly off the screen.
Fade back to same scene. A much older Kei is talking with a little girl.
"And that is why, on this one day every year, snow flowers fall." The
little girl says, "Is that true, grandma?" She says, "Yes...see?" Snow
flowers begin to float down once more. The excited girl says, "Grandmother,
I see them! Snow flowers!" As the scene fades to darkness, Kei whispers,
"Thank you, Ukyo."

The Ukyo Horoscope:

If you like to play as Ukyo, you:

- Are one strong bastard, but don't like to brag about it
- Are a real ladies man, but turn them off with all that "coughing up blood"
- Don't have a lot to say, but speak volumes, or some such junk
The Kooky Kabuki Master


"The soul of your 'techniques' are mine!" With that, one of his own
servants attacked Kyoshiro. He was possessed by a demon. Kyoshiro nimbly
evaded the attack and destroyed the demon. "You want my soul? Come and get
it if you can!"

B: "My Kabuki spirits'll beat the evil king!"
BM: "Go through the real beauty of 'Kabuki' by your death!"
AM: "Fight like (you) dance, and win. That's the soul of Kabuki!"
BV: "You can't behave like me, even if you imitate my costume!"
AV: "What a deplorable 'Kabuki'! Commit 'Harakiri'!"
IA: "Hey you, do you have something to say?"
"He's awakened!"
F: "It's time for the final act!"
"I'm dying to dance a Kabuki with (a) demon!" (poor choice of words)

Background: Based on Nemuri Kyoshiro, a movie character.
Weapon: Naginata
Full of: Fans
Occupation: Kabuki actor
Nationality: Japan
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=5, Y=9
Backward : X=-7, Y=10
Up : Y=9
Voice: Atsushi Maetzuka
Notes: If Kyoshiro hits with his Power Special, clapping erupts from
the audience.

Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Twirl Pole A -- Spin with Pole
B -- Thrust B -- Forward Slash
AB -- Downward Swing AB -- Up, then Down Swing
C/D -- Stand Kick on Pole
CD -- Rotate Kick on Pole

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A/B -- Thrust A/B -- Fan Smack
AB -- Thrust AB -- Thrust
C/D -- Crouch Kick C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Roundhouse CD -- Side Kick

Jumping Diagonal Jumping Straight

A/B -- Downward Thrust A/B -- Downward Thrust
AB -- Doward Thrust AB -- Circular Slash
C/D -- Down Kick C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Down Kick

Flying Lion's Tail | Drives weapon into ground to use as
(Chobi Jishi) | leverage, and twirls, emitting blasts of
| / O- + Kick | fire to hit for fire damage.
O O *! |
Swirling Dance of the Demon | Twirls into the air, holding weapon along
(Kaiten Kyokubu) | shoulders to attack for weapon damage.
-O | \ + Kick |
O O *! |
Dance of Fire | Exhales a huge, spiraling flame into the
(Kaenkyokubu) | air to strike for fire damage.
| \ -O + Slash |
O O * to *** |
Blood Mist Slice (jumping) | Performs the Kabuki Crunch Dance in the
(Chi kemuri kuruwa) | middle of a jump.
while jumping, | + AB |
O *! |
Kabuki Swirl | Throws a flaming kabuki fan at opponent to
(Fuuretsusen) | hit for fire damage.
| / O- + Slash |
O O * |

B or AB Spear toss
D Hair toss
CD Hair strangle
B (unarmed) Hair toss

AB (unarmed) Hair strangle
Super Deformed Transformation:

-O O- / | \ -O O- + D

1. AC: Squats, pulls out fan.
2. BD: Pulls out pipe, takes a puff.
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 1.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 1.
Power Special:

Aragotoshi Kyoshiro "Chiniku-no mai"
(Flesh Flail Dance of Kyoshiro) | Spins across floor, creating large flames
-O O- / | \ -O + C | that burrow into opponent, hitting for
O O O **! | fire and breaking damage.

- Fan Flourish: Kyoshiro goes into his jacket and pulls out a fan. The
color, ranging from white to red, depends on Kyoshiro's rage gauge.
- Pole Spin: Kyoshiro spins his pole around his head, plants his foot,
and pivots around. He says, "Tenbatsunari." ('This is heaven's punishment
(for your crimes).')
- Exit Stage Right: Kyoshiro does the Pole Spin and bounces off the stage.
He says, "Uchitottari," ('I have killed him/her.')

Armed Win: Unarmed Win:
Up: Pole Spin Pole Spin
Down: Exit Stage Right Fan Flourish
Left: Pole Spin Pole Spin
Right: Fan Flourish Pole Spin

- Crouching close C, Kabuki swirl (2 hits)

- WEAPONLESS: Crouching close A, Kabuki swirl (2 hits)

- Crouching close A, Kaiten Kyokubu (2 hits)

- Crouching close AB, Chobi Jishi (2 hits)

- Jumping D, Crouching CD (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Standing AB (2 hits, 75% dizzy)
Notes: Kyoshiro can crawl.

Kyoshiro is standing on the cliff, overlooking the forest. He says,
"I've had enough of dancing solo. I'll dance in pairs next." He then
sees something and leaps off the cliff into the forest.
Scene changes to forest. Mizuki is lying unconscious on the ground.
Kyoshiro takes a puff of his pipe, and tosses "dust" onto Mizuki, which
awakens her. She stands and says, "I can move on my own will. I'm free
now." Kyoshiro says, "You tried to control him but he did control you."
Mizuki says, "I thought I was the strongest, but my pride gave him the
chance to control me." Kyoshiro points to the sky, and Mizuki looks. In a
flash, the scene changes to Kyoshiro's background. He says, "Well, I'll
tell you the best job to train your mind. It's the job to dance a Kabuki
with me, and popularize it among the people." A heart flutters up from
Mizuki, and she smiles and nods. Then, while she plays a flute, Kyoshiro
goes on a wild Kabuki dance for everyone. The screen fades to just her
and Kyoshiro.
The Kyoshiro Horoscope:

If you like to play as Kyoshiro, you:

- Are always the life of the party
- Enjoy lots of attention, but insist on getting paid for it
- Really dig chicks with red hair (or blue, if you like the D button)
Taloned King of Evil and Family Man


Genan's soul was in the demon world where screaming, insanity, and hatred
swirled in a giant vortex. The ruler of this demon world came to Genan and
told him he could be given his life back, in return for servitude. Genan's
body rematerialized when he pledged his loyalty. However..."He he he...I'm
the only true king of the demon world."

B: "Who? Who awakens me?"
BM: "Heeheehee. I drag your soul in(to) the evil world."
AM: "Heeheehee. You are dead, DEAD! Serves you right!"
BV: "Who is the king of evil? Let's have it out!"
AV: "I'll take your clothes and talons. Oh, a perfect fit!"
IM: "I have killed all, keeping my word."
"The evil king is me!"
F: "The evil king? I'll get you at any cost!"
"So I said I'm the king of evil!"

Background: Gen-An is probably a bakemono (Japanese goblin)
Weapon: Metal Claw
Full of: Skulls
Occupation: Sorcerer
Nationality: Underworld
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=5, Y=8
Backward : X=-5, Y=7
Up : Y=6
Voice: Eiji Yano
Notes: His wife's name is Azumi. Dunno what his kids' names are. For some
reason, Gen-An is beginning to imitate Haohmaru a lot.
There is an alien (from the movie ALIENS) boiling in the giant
If Gen-An loses, the goblin on the left falls down, while the goblin
on the right has a grim look on his face.
Despite his surname, Gen-An bears no relationship to Mai. (Thank

DEVIL'S ISLAND -- DINNER (hee hee hee)
Standing Far Standing Close

A/B -- Claw Thrust A/B -- Claw Swipe
AB -- Lunging Forward Slash # AB -- Upward Swipe
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Backflip Kick

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A/B -- Claw Thrust A/B -- Claw Swipe
AB -- Upward Swipe
C -- Short Slide
D -- Medium Slide
CD -- Full Slide, then High Kick


A -- Claw Swipe
B -- Upward Forward Slash
AB -- Downward Circular Slash
C -- Knee Thrust
D -- Side Kick
CD -- Somersault
Poison Cloud Puff | Exhales a thick, purple cloud of poison
(Doku Fubuki) | that hits for damage, plus if opponent is
| \ -O + Slash | on ground, opponent is temporarily
O O * | stunned, and falls down.
Slaughter House Tumble | Rolls into a ball, with weapon extended,
(Nikuten Tsuki) | rolling along ground, and up opposite
-O | \ + Slash | edge of screen, all hitting for weapon
O O ** | damage.
Blood Grip | Throws glove out on chain, latching onto
(Tsume Tsunami) | opponent, to drag closer, yielding a
-O \ | / O- + Slash | dizzy.
O O O *! |
Super Shredder | Burrows into ground, spinning, and
(Gen-an Dappi) | launches out of skin in a twirling frenzy
When attacked, press BCD * | landing on opponent for weapon damage.
Amazing Shredder | Same as above, except the player need not
(Gen-an Utsusemi Dappi) | be attacked.
\ | / + BCD |
O O O * |

B/AB/D/CD Grabs opponent and bashes groin with knees
Super Deformed Transformation:

-O \ | / O- -O \ | / O- + C

1. AC: Laughs nastily.
2. BD: Lowers weapon, blinks.
3. AC(weaponless): Picks hair out from head and looks at it.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 3.
Power Special:

Magic Diving Claw | Rushes forward emitting blue sparks, and
(Madou Diving Claw) | leaps, driving claws in stomach, and twirling
-O \ | / O- -O + AB | fury, hitting for breaking damage.
O O O *! |

- Catch: He tosses his claw in the air and catches it on his hand (like
- Scratch: Same as Catch, but he misses and scratches his posterior
- Bow: Plants his claw and bows (like Haohmaru)
- Kids: Gen-an's kids climb out of his hump
- Digu: Spins around three times and says 'Digu'
- Yosh: Blinks, bows, and says 'Yosh' ('Ok') FUNNY!

First and Second Armed Win: First and Second Unarmed Win:
Up: Catch, Scratch Digu, Digu
Down: Kids, Catch Digu, Yosh
Left: Catch, Scratch Digu, Digu
Right: Scratch, Bow Digu, Digu

- INFINITE COMBO: Blood Grip, Run Forward, Standing Close AB (repeat until

- Jumping (up) close AB, Standing AB, Slaughter house tumble (3 hits)

- Jumping (up) close AB, Standing AB, Blood grip (4 hits)

- Jumping (up) close AB, Standing AB, Magic Diving Claw (4 hits plus
weapon destroyed)
Notes: Gen-An is the only character in the game who can BOTH triangle
jump and crawl. Isn't he talented?

Gen-an does the pose where he throws up his claw and it lands on his hand.
He turns his head and says, "Don't make me laugh. I'm the evil king. Well,
who will be my next game?" He then leaps off.
Then the scene goes back to his stage. He is standing there about to fight
TODO from AoF. Gen-an hisses, "Kill! Hate! Live up to your anger!" to which
Todo replies, "Hmph! You are not my...Hey!" as Azami
suddenly rushes between them.
"Azami!" "Stop doing such things please, my darling!" pleads Azami.
Gen-an turns his back: "Ha! The evil king has no place for women!" But then
his kids leap out of his clothes. (one of them lands on Todo's back!) The
son says, "Let's go home, Dad. Mom is with baby...I want to have dinner with
everyone." Gen-an lowers his head. "...All right." "Yey!" says his son.
As the scene fades to black, Todo remarks, "Nice story!"
Azami is holding a normal-looking baby. Gen-an says, "Oh, good boy...hey!"
as his kids run past him with his claw. He crawls and rolls around chasing
them, and the screen freezes as Japanese text appears.

The Gen-an Horoscope:

If you like to play as Gen-an, you:

- are one ugly mother
- enjoy scaring the hell out of people
- have a thing for Freddy Krueger movies
The Texan Ninja Bandit


As usual, Earthquake was thieving when he heard a voice from a demon. He
promised gold if Earthquake killed certain people. Greedy Earthquake
decided to become a servant of this demon... "*Guffaw,* in the end, I'll
kill you as well."

B: "Hee hee, I'll get the king's treasure."
BM: "Hee hee hee hee hee. Aren't you skinny?"
AM: "Oops! I've turned him into mincemeat!"
BV: "Hee hee hee! You'd (be) better on a diet!"
AV: "So I said you should've been on a diet! Hee hee!"
IM: "Give me that treasure!"
"Don't tease me!"
"I'll disregard you!"
F: "Treasure appears at last!"
"Don't disturb me! Get out of my way!"

Background: Texas was not an American state at the time of SS; the territory
still belonged to the Spanish Empire. Also, neither trains nor
the Pacific Railway existed at that time, either.
Weapon: Nage Gama
Full of: Turkeys
Occupation: Ninja Bandit
Nationality: U.S.A.
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=5, Y=9
Backward : X=-10, Y=8
Up : Y=10
Voice: Masaki Usui
Notes: Earthquake's canyon from SS1 can be seen from the distance.
Earthquake trained under the Koga ninjas, until he dropped out of
ninja school.

Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Swing Blade End
B -- Swing Chain End # B -- Swing Blade End
AB -- Diagonal Blade Thrust # AB -- Short Diagonal Blade Thrust
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Falling Down Side Kick

Crouching Far Crouching CLose

A -- Swing Blade End
B -- Sweep Chain End # * B -- Swing Blade End
AB -- Low Blade Thrust # *
C/D -- Side Kick **
CD -- High Kick **


A/B -- Swing Blade End
AB -- Belly Crush (when close or jumping back) @
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Butt Drop

@ Earthquake swings his blade when he's jumping straight or forward,
unless he's close to his opponent.
Fat Bound (While Jumping) | Leaps into the air, crashing down with
| + Kick | buttocks flattening opponent for damage.
O ** |
Fat Chainsaw | Rolls into a ball, with weapon extended,
| slicing multiple times, and finishes with
Press Slash Repeatedly | a weapon attack, all hitting for weapon
**! | damage.
Fat Press | Blows flame into opponent to hit for fire
| damage.
| / O- + Slash |
O O * to *** |
Fat Replicator Attack | Vanishes, and drops from the sky,
| attacking with a belly flop to hit for
-O \ | / O- + BCD | damage.
O O O H |
Fat Copy | Separates into two images, confusing the
| opponent. A yields FAR LEFT, and B yields
-O O- / | \ -O + A or B | FAR RIGHT.
O O O |

B or D Slam opponent onto ground
AB or CD Press opponent against butt and gives
a nice, big, purple fart!!!
Super Deformed Transformation

-O O- -O O- -O O- | + B

1. AC: Kneels, makes a fist and howls, then burps.
2. BD: Same as 1.
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 1.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 1.
POWER SPECIAL: Earth Crunch | Waves a blue hand five times, attempting
(Earth Gaddemu) | to grab opponent. Success yields an
-O O- / | \ -O + CD | upward toss, to which his twirls his
O O O *! | weapon at, hitting for breaking damage.

- Thumb: He gives thumbs down
- Coin: He osses coins and drops them in his pants
- Eat: He eats and burps loudly

Armed Win: Unarmed Win:
Up: Thumb Thumb
Down: Eat Coin
Left: Thumb Thumb
Right: Coin Thumb

- Standing B, Fat Press (2 hits)

- Jumping CD, Standing CD (3 hits)

- Jumping AB, Standing AB (2 or 3 hits)

- Jumping D, Crouching Close AB (4 hits)

- Standing AB, Standing AB (3 hits)

- Standing B, Standing AB (2 hits, 75% dizzy)

- Standing B, Earth Crunch (6 hits, weapon destroyed)
Notes: Earthquake can triangle jump.
Earthquake cannot be thrown normally. Instead, the opponent does a
kick combo against him.
Multiple Images--if your opponent slashes at the wrong image, a bomb
will appear. After a short delay, it will explode into a purple gas
cloud, hitting a nearby opponent who is not blocking. Kicks and
most Special Moves do not set the bomb off, although "slashing"
Special Moves will.

Earthquake is standing in the forest, swinging his chain around. "Alright
boys, c'mon out!" Earthquake's gang jumps one by one onto the screen, and
bow to him. "Where's Chinpei?" Earthquake asks. "He strayed from us on the
way over. We don't know where he went." "Hrmph, I missed the treasure
too." Chinpei emerges from a small hole in the ground. "Look boss! I
found a passage to the evil world!" "You did? Make room for me!"
Earthquake does his butt bounce, which cracks the ground wide open. He
bounces in. "Boss! Wait for us, boss!" Earthquake's gang all jump in the
hole, one by one. From below, Earthquake says, "Hee hee hee, look at all
the marvelous treasure!" The judge, Kuroko, walks on screen again and
begins to speak, "Now, they can never return to this world again. At least
it will be more peaceful here."
The Earthquake Horoscope:

If you like to play as Earthquake, you:

- Like to eat. A LOT.
- Are underhanded, deceitful, and full of pride (not that there's anything
WRONG with that...)
- Want to be like the real players, but get by with cheapness
The Shogun's Secret Servant


Even after the defeat of Amakusa, there was no end to the appearance of
demons. The Shogun, Tokugawa, realizing the gravity of the situation,
ordered Jubei to destroy these demons. But the demon's were hunting Jubei
as well. "No one can withstand the might of the Yagyu Shinkegeryu-kai!"

B: "How ominous! I must investigate."
BM: "Can you bear to my fatal attack?"
AM: "All creatures will die and all things will be broken. That's the law of
the samurai." (the best quote, IMHO)
BV: "I have not known that I have a brother."
AV: "If you are related to my family, behave like a samurai!"
IA: "Are you the cause of this disaster?"
"I must thank him for his help someday."
F: "It's worse than the event of last time!"
"I'll (ill?) mannered fellow, here I go (come?)!"

Background: Based on Yagyu Mitsuyoshi Jubei, a samurai servant of
the Tokugawas
Weapons: Daisho--a paired Katana and Wakisashi
Full of: Dango
Occupation: Samurai
Nationality: Japan
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=7, Y=6
Backward : X=-7, Y=6
Up : Y=4
Voice: Kiyoshi Kobayashi (also does the narration)
Notes: Jubei is actually the only real samurai in the game, in the sense
that he is a Japanese warrior who works for a master.
The name of one of the game designers can be seen written in the
snow on the roof of the house.
The snacks that Jubei eats, dango, are pounded rice balls.

(Tosa, Kochi)
Standing Far Standing Close

A -- High Side Slash A -- Hilt Punch
B -- Thrust B -- Hilt Punch
AB -- High Side Slash, then Thrust AB -- Fierce Close Slash
C/D -- Side Kick CD -- Knee Kick
CD -- Spinning High Kick


A -- Low Slash *
B -- Thrust
AB -- Low Slash, then Thrust * @
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Double Crouch Kick


A/B -- Downward Slash
AB -- Downward Strike
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Spinning Side Kick

@ Crouching AB hits low for first slash only. The first slash also reflects
some missiles! See Notes.
Tsunami Sabre | Runs toward opponent, ramming with
(Nikkakuratoh Kai) | shoulder for up to five hits damage, then
-O | \ + Slash | leaps, striking with swords for weapon
O O | damage. Note: If Jubei does not reach his
**! | opponent, he will not do the slash.
Geyser Thrust | Throws a concussion of energy that travels
(Kattotsu Suigetsutoh) | along the ground, striking for damage.
| \ -O + Slash |
O O *! |
Sabre Thrash | Begins waving weapons in scissor-like
(Hassou Happa) | motion, striking for multiple hits,
Punch Slash Repeatedly | usually up to four times for weapon
**! | damage.
Yagyu Shingatoh | When timed properly, catches opponent out
| of weapon attack, holds with one sword,
| / O- -O + A | and strikes with the other. Note: This move
O O ! | does not reflect projectiles.

B or AB Ground slam
D or CD Overhead toss
Super Deformed Transformation

-O \ | / O- -O O- + D

1. AC: Sheathes swords, pulls dango from gi, eats it, says "Kowappamega!"
("Foolish child!")
2. BD: Lowers weapons, sighs.
3. AC(weaponless): Pulls dango from gi, eats it.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 3.
Power Special:

Zetsu Suigetsutoh | Throws a ground wave of concussive energy
| that strikes and explodes upwards for
-O \ | / O- -O + C | breaking damage.
O O O *! |

- Sheath: He sheaths swords and laugh
- Tarin: He points sword at opponent, says something, and laughs
- Pose: He strikes a pose and laughs

First and Second Win Unarmed:
Up: Sheath, Tarin Pose
Down: Pose, Sheath Pose
Left: Sheath, Tarin Pose
Right: Tarin, Pose Pose

- Jumping D, crouching CD (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, crounching B, Hassohappa (4 hits)

- Standing close AB, Suigetsutoh with AB (2 hits)

- Standing close AB, Nikakkuratoh with B (4 hits)

- Standing AB, Zetsu Suigetsutoh (2 hits and weapon destroyed)
Notes: Jubei can catch his opponent's weapon with the Shingatoh if the
opponent swings at the same time or right after he does the move.
Midway through the move, Jubei's sword sparkles. After this, Jubei
is vulnerable to attack, even though he holds the same pose. It also
ONLY counters standing or air swings, not swings, kicks, or Special
For some reason, the first swing to Jubei's low AB can reflect low
missiles! This includes Jubei's Ground Wave, Nicotine's Fire Card,
and Ukyo's Swallow if sent out low. This only works with the first
slash in the AB, and won't work with his low A slash either.
Jubei's standing or crouching AB can be interrupted with a Special
Move. His first slash will only come out, and he'll go directly into
the Special Move after that.

After defeating Mizuki, we see Jubei in the forest. The guy who tosses
food and bombs during the game runs on to the screen holding the two Pherenx
stones and asks, "Is this what you are looking for?" Jubei says, "So this
is what has been causing all of the trouble, toss them to me!" He then
performs his Zetsu Suigetsutoh, shattering the two stones, and the force of
the blow knocks the delivery man on his butt. The scene then shifts back to
his home where he is standing outside, arms crossed. The delivery man runs
back carrying a package. He greets Jubei and Jubei asks him to come in for
some rest and refreshments, but the delivery man insists that he has to
continue working. Jubei says, "O.K. You are such a workaholic!" The
delivery man runs off, and Jubei says "What a beautiful day!" He laughs
heartily and contently.
The Jubei Horoscope:

If you like to play as Jubei, you:

- Enjoy laughing at the less fortunate that have fallen (BWAH HAH HAH HAH!)
- Like the solitude that comes from killing people
- Don't take no shit from nobody
The Other Rose of Versailles


Charlotte commissioned a mural depicting her victory over Amakusa. The
artist's brush flew, as if he was possessed, and painted the form of a
demon Charlotte had never seen before. "I must destroy Ambrosia,

B: "Has the evil king returned back?"
BM: "To protect the honour of my family, I'll never lose!"
AM: "In France, there is no impolite person like you. It's reasonable
I win!"
BV: "You imitate my distinguished family. I (will) never forgive you."
AV: "Protecting the honor of my family means all to me!!"
IJ: "Where'd you, evil king?"
F: "Where are you, evil king?"

Background: Based on Oscar Francois de Jarjayes from the Rose of Versailles
manga. Note the rose on the tapestry where you fight.
Weapon: Epee
Full of: Roses
Occupation: Knight and Artisan
Nationality: France
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=2, Y=3
Backward : X=-3, Y=5
Up : Y=4
Voice: Harumi Ikoma
Notes: Charlotte comes from a distinguished family. Her pigeon's name
is Pierre. She has a slight crush on Haohmaru.
All of the characters in the game can be seen in the mural. Mizuki
appears as a giant skeletal figure on the right.

Standing Far Standing Close

A/B -- Thrust A/B -- Bell Punch
AB -- Far High Triangle Slash AB -- Close Triangle Slash
C -- Short High Knee Hop
D -- Medium Knee Hop
CD -- Far Low Knee Hop

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A/B -- Short Thrust A/B -- Bell Punch
AB -- Far Ground Triangle Slash AB -- Close Ground Trangle Slash
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Roundhouse


A -- Quick Down Thrust
B -- Extended Down Thrust
AB -- Air Triangle Slash
C -- Knee Thrust
D -- Down Kick
CD -- Down Kick
Splash Fount | Dashes towards opponent, striking repeatedly
Press Slash Repeatedly | with sword, hitting up to three times for
**! | weapon damage.
Power Gradation | Leaps vertically, striking ground with
| weapon, creating a long beam of energy,
/ | \ + Slash | hitting for multiple strikes of weapon
O O O *! | damage.
Tri-Slash | Draws a triangular shaped projectile
| that flies horizontally to hit for fire
-O | \ + Slash | damage.
O O *! |

B/AB/D/CD Falls and throws opponent over shoulder
Super Deformed Transformation

-O \ | / O- -O \ | / O- + D

1. AC: Bends epee.
2. BD: Tosses a rose and says "Allons!"
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 2.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 2.

Note: "Allons" is French for "Let's go!"
Power Special:

Splash Gradation | Slashes a seven pointed star that strikes
| for breaking damage.
-O \ | / O- -O + B |
O O O **! |

- Rose: A rose falls from the sky. Charlotte catches it, and laughs
- Uh-huh: Charlotte plays with her hair and says, "Uh-huh"
- Kiss: Charlotte kisses her epee, and says "Au Reviour" ('Good-bye')
- Smile: Same as Uh-huh, but she continues smiling

First and Second Armed Win: First and Second Unarmed Win:
Up: Kiss, Uh-huh Smile, Smile
Down: Rose, Kiss Rose, Smile
Left: Uh-huh, Rose Smile, Rose
Right: Kiss, Uh-huh Smile, Smile

- Jumping AB, Standing D (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Crouching AB (2 hits)

- Jumping D, Crouching AB (2 hits)

- Jumping D, crouching B (2 hits)

- Jumping B, standing A (2 hits)

- Crouching CD, and *AS* they get up, Standing close AB, Splash Gradation
(3 hits plus weapon destroyed)

- Standing close AB, Splash Gradation (2 hits plus weapon destroyed)

- Jumping D, Splash Gradation (2 hits plus weapon destroyed)
Notes: The "lines" that Charlotte draws with her AB slash remain lethal
a split-second after she slashes. Thus an opponent can be hit
if he moves into a slash immediately after she "draws" it.
Also, note that all of Charlotte's AB slashes can hit an opponent
nearby behind her.
Charlotte's standing and crouching ABs can be interrupted by a
Special Move, as long as the move has registered before she is done
drawing her triangle.

After defeating Mizuki, Charlotte is standing in the forest. "Once again,
my motherland is safe!" she says. At this moment, Pierre flys to
her. She says "Pierre! What is it? Hey, he is..." Pierre flies off the
left of the screen, and Charlotte follows him. Charlotte runs to the place
where Haohmaru is lying on the ground, and looks concerned. Suddenly,
Oshizu enters from the opposite screen and cries, "Haohmaru!" Charlotte
reaches out her hand and whispers, "Haoh..." then runs off, embarrassed.
Haohmaru wakes up and shakes his head, with Oshizu by his side.
The scene shifts to where Charlotte is standing at the top of the cliff,
looking down at the forest. She says, "Love...makes me uneasy. I must
train myself more!" She then grabs her long hair, and cuts it, throwing it
in the air as Pierre flies off into the distance.
The Charlotte Horoscope:

If you like to play as Charlotte, you:

- Enjoy reaching out and touching people from afar.
- Stayed awake during Geometry class.
- Have a thing for French women in armor.
Haohmaru's True Rival


"There is no question you are strong. But one day, you will cause great
suffering with your sword." With those words, Nicotine expelled Genjuro,
who became his pupil at the same time as Haohmaru. His heart full of hate,
Genjuro hunts Haohmaru and Nicotine. "The strong kill the's only

B: "Huh, now is the time for all beginning!"
BM: "Kill you!!"
AM: "I will never be beaten by anyone who lives in confort (sic) like you."
BV: "We don't need to have the same two men in the world."
AV: "You can imitate my looks, but can never imitate all of myself."
IM: "You the evil king?"
"I got you!"
"Ha! You no my enemy!"
F: "You evil king. You should disappear."
"I said you before, didn't I? Pass away!" (Genjuro needs serious grammar

Background: Genjuro is "based" on the Hanafuda card game.
Weapon: Katana
Full of: Hanafuda cards
Occupation: Ronin
Nationality: Japan
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=9, Y=6
Backward : X=-5, Y=5
Up : Y=3
Voice: Kong Kuwata
Notes: Discipline of Nicotine who turned bad. Genjuro hates Haohmaru
(his fellow trainee) and Nicotine.
Genjuro's scene comes straight out of a Hanafuda card set, although
the Neo-Geo logo is written on the moon.
Genjuro slices through animal Hanafuda cards when doing Blade of
the Beast. He tosses cherry blossom cards for Cherry Blossom Mincer.
He also uses the five Light cards when doing his Power Special.

(possibly Sukigahara)
Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Down Slash A -- Down Elbow
B -- Side Slash B -- Side Elbow
AB -- Far Down Swing AB -- Upward Swing
C/D -- Side Kick C/D -- Knee
CD -- Forward High Kick CD -- High Kick

Crouching Far Crouching Close
A -- Down Slash A -- Down Elbow *
B -- Side Slash B -- Side Elbow *
AB -- Far Down Swing AB -- Upward Swing *
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- High Kick ** @

Jumping Diagonal Jumping Straight
A/B -- Angled Side Slash
AB -- Angled Side Slash AB -- Down Slash
C/D -- Down Kick
CD -- Side Kick

@ This kick will knock opponent to the ground if it hits.
Blast of the Beast | Slides forward with sword extended,
(Sanrensatsu [Kiba, Tsuno, Rin]) | slicing through opponent for weapon
| \ -O + Slash (x3) | damage. Note: Repeat up to three
O O *! | times: 1) Side slash, 2) Upward
| slash, 3) Down slash
Flash of the Phoenix | Leaps into the air in a spiral motion,
(Toha Kouyokujin) | striking upwardly with weapon to hit for
-O | \ + Slash | damage.
O O *! |
Cherry Blossom Mincer | Hurls a hanafuda card to strike for
(Oukazan) | damage.
| / O- + Slash |
O O *! |

B/AB/D/CD Slam opponent to ground (with one arm!)
Super Deformed Transformation

-O \ | / O- -O O- + B

1. AC: Taunts opponent with "come here" gesture, says "Sore daki da!"
2. BD: Frog leaps past, and he yields, waving hand to brow.
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 1.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 1.
Power Special:

Five Sense Barrage | Tosses card, lifting opponent to top of
(Gokouzan) | screen, then leaps and slashes five
-O \ | / O- -O + A | times with weapon to hit for breaking
O O O *! | damage.

- Umbrella: Genjuro opens up an umbrella, says "Ahouga!" ("Fool!"),
looks at his frog
- Wine: Genjuro drinks wine from a dish, says a phrase, drops dish
- Smoke: Genjuro takes a puff and puts on his jacket

Armed Win: Unarmed Win:
Up: Wine Umbrella
Down: Smoke Umbrella
Left: Wine Wine
Right: Umbrella Wine

- Crouching close C, Standing B (2 hits)

- Crouching close C, Crouching close C, A Kiba, A Tsuno (4 hits)

- Jumping AB, Standing D, A Kiba (3 hits)

- Standing close B, B Kiba, B Tsuno, B Rin (4 hits)

- Jumping D, Standing AB (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Standing AB (2 hits, 75% dizzy)

- Crouching close AB, Standing AB (2 hits, 75% dizzy)

- A Oukazan, Standing AB (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Gokouzan (6 hits plus weapon destroyed)

- Crouching close AB, Gokouzan (6 hits plus weapon destroyed)
Notes: For an AB or close B Sanrensatsu, Genjuro will slide BEHIND his
opponent on his first slash. Thus to block it, an opponent needs to
block forward. Despite the fact that Genjuro sometimes changes
directions between slashes, the player should do the three slash
moves in the SAME direction, immediately after each other. Also,
a hit opponent can sometimes block the later slashes.
Also, you do not have to use the same strengths for all three
slashes! For instance, you can do an AB, B, A. This is recommended
if you find yourself sliding too far.

Genjuro stands on the rocky outlook. He spots Haohmau below and
says, "Ha, too weak. Oh, he is..." He then jumps down. In the forest,
Haohmaru lies on the ground, wounded. Genjuro leaps in and says, "You
had a hard fight Haohmaru. Now I'll kill you!" Haohmaru replies, "You
bas..." but then Oshizu jumps between them and exclaims, "Stop it! He is
wounded... You should challenge him when he's better." Genjuro responds,
"You are quite right! All right, I will overlook it this time..." and
jumps away.
Genjuro stands in another part of the forest when the frog jumps in. He
looks at it and says "It's you. I'll kill you!" The frog backs off,
afraid. But Genjuro looks away instead, and says, "Have (it) your own
way..." He walks off, and the frog continues to hop as the scene fades.
The Genjuro Horoscope:

If you like to play as Genjuro, you:

- Like to be heard wherever you go
- Smoke, but only because it fits "the attitude"
- Are very vengeful, but hey, "revenge is sweet"
The Green-Haired Fishing Maiden


Cham Cham was so absorbed in her fishing that she didn't notice when
someone stole her family's heirloom, the Tanjil Stone. If her father finds
out, she'll get in trouble. Her grandfather told poor Cham Cham the
direction of the Tanjil Stone. "I'm going, Grandpa! Bye bye!"

B: "I'm scared a little, but I will try."
BM: "Let's kick some butt!"
AM: "Wow! It was scarey!"
BV: "You are a girl, too. However, I will beat you."
AV: "Oh my god! How dangerous a boomerang is!"
IJ: "Is it okay in this direction?"
"You're so strong!"
F: "Wow! I'm scared!"
"Shit! You really make me mad!" (yes, she really says this)

Background: Lives in Green Hell, a fictional South American place.
Weapon: Boomerang
Full of: Bananas
Occupation: Fishing Maiden
Nationality: Brazil
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=5, Y=6
Backward : X=-7, Y=7
Up : Y=7
Voice: Reiko Chiba (Kenji Ikeda does Paku Paku)
Notes: Cham Cham is Tam Tam's sister. Her monkey's name is Paku Paku.
Apparently the Tanjil and Pherenx Stones are important in
maintaining the vitality of her homeland.
Tam Tam's background from SS1 can be seen in the distance.. The
first three "statues" are the monkeys "See, hear, and speak no evil."
The fourth is covering his groin, and is actually the logo for a
condom company. (I am not making this up.)

Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Paw Swipe A -- Double Elbow
B -- Side Slash
AB -- Short Boomerang Toss # AB -- Upward Slash
C/D -- Side Kick
CD -- Spinning High Kick

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A -- Paw Swipe A -- Double Elbow
B -- Side Slash *
AB -- Short Boomerang Toss * AB -- Upward Slash
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Slide

Jumping Forward Jumping Other

A -- Paw Swipe
B -- Side Slash
AB -- Upward Slash
C -- Knee Drop C -- Side Kick
D -- Butt Drop D -- Spin Kick @
CD -- Somersault CD -- Spin Kick

@ When jumping back, Cham Cham will do a Side Kick instead.
Boomerang Gut Buster | Throws boomerang in a horizontal motion
(Boomerang Nage) | to hit for weapon damage.
| \ -O + Slash | Note: will go through other projectiles
O O *! |
Boomerang Beheader | Throws boomerang in a upward horizontal
(Boomerang Nage) | arc to hit for weapon damage.
| / O- + Slash |
O O *! |
Flying Lure Snag | Leaps at opponent, latching on and clawing
(Tobi Hikkaki) | at face to strike for multiple hits of
| \ -O + Kick | damage.
O O * |
The "Paku Paku" attacks
-O \ | / O- + ...

Moora PakuPaku : Use C *L | Twirls on fingers into opponent.
Ahow PakuPaku : Use D * | Throws skull at opponent.
Paku Gaburu : Use CD ** | Leaps, spitting rising dragon fireball

B/AB/D/CD Back scratcher
Super Deformed Transformation:

-O \ | / O- -O \ | / O- + C

1. AC: Kneels, scratches ear. Paku Paku beats chest, scratches armpit.
2. BD: Stretches like a cat. Paku Paku beats chest, scratches armpit.
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 1.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 1.
Power Special:

Metamolie Animal Attack | Doubles in size and rushes forward
-O O- / | \ -O + A | to slam into opponent for breaking damage.
O O O * |

Wakatta: Monkey yells and Cham Cham says "Wakatta!" ("I understand!")
Dual yell: Both yell
Cham: Cham Cham yells
Monkey: Monkey yells on top of Cham Cham's head

First and Second Armed Win: First and Second Unarmed Win:
Up: Dual Yell, Monkey Dual Yell, Monkey
Down: Monkey, Wakatta Wakatta, Cham
Left: Dual Yell, Monkey Dual Yell, Monkey
Right: Wakatta, Dual Yell Dual Yell, Monkey

- Jumping D, Crouching D (2 hits)

- Jumping AB, Crouching CD (2 hits)

- Standing close AB, Ahow Paku Paku (2 hits)

- Standing close AB, Metamolie animal attack (2 hits plus weapon destroyed)
Notes: Cham Cham can triangle jump.
Cham Cham's Face Scratcher can sometimes land slightly BEHIND
a blocking opponent, in which case she will hit. The opponent needs
to block in the opposite direction in this case. However, calculating
the exact distance when this happens is tricky.
Cham Cham is thrown to the ground with Paku Paku in the forest.
A shaft of light appears, and leaves the Tanjil and Pherenx stones behind.
Paku Paku grabs the stones and dances with glee. As he dances, a shaft of
light transforms him into Tam Tam (check out Cham Cham's reaction). Tam Tam
says, "It was your fight, so I asked God to change me into a monkey to
protect you." They are then "beamed" out of there, and back into Green Hell.
The stones float away, and Tam Tam says "Almighty God has granted you one
wish." Cham Cham thinks, then says, "I would like something to eat...
something delicious!" Fruit starts falling from the sky, and Cham Cham
dances with joy.

The Cham Cham Horoscope:

If you like to play as Cham Cham, you:

- Are quick, and damn proficient with a piece of wood
- Enjoy being called the cutest thing alive
- Worship Lum and Urd as though they were Gods (well, one is, sort of...)
Achtung! The Reich Stuff


Sieger, the commander of the most powerful group of knights in Europe, The
Holy Order of the Knights of the Red Lion, was ordered by Emperor Heinrich
to destroy, singlehandedly, the demon that had been attacking neighboring
countries. Sieger set out on a jorney, for the good of his homeland. "I
pledge allegiance to our magnificent Emperor."

B: "I defend my country with my fist!"
BM: "Give you my knock for justice!"
AM: "Don't be hateful each other. Love is the best strength."
BV: "We are Knights, each other. Let's fight fair and square!"
AV: "Great match. I'll never forget that fight."
IA: "Don't exploit people's weakness."
"The evil's a very strong enemy!"
F: "My loyalty (will) never lose!"
"Never make a fool of me, demon. Kill you!"

Background: Prosia is probably a mispelling of Prussia. The Knights of the
Red Lion Knight is a fictitious order.
Note that Emperor Frederick ruled Prussia, not "King Heinrich".
Also, Prussia was a modern state, not the feudal kingdom that
the game suggests.
Weapon: Mechanical Gauntlet
Full of: Shell casings
Occupation: Knight
Nationality: Prussia
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=4, Y=3
Backward : X=-4, Y=5
Up : Y=4
Voice: Kong Kuwata
Notes: When Sieger wins a fight, the King stands up and laughs. When
he loses, the King stands up and mouths the word "No!"
When Sieger does the vulcan explosion, a picture of a semi-nude
woman appears briefly in the flames.

Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Fist Jab A -- Hammer Fist
B -- Gauntlet Punch B -- Half Gauntlet Uppercut
AB -- Strong Gauntlet Punch AB -- Full Gauntlet Uppercut
C -- Short Low Kick * C -- Side Kick
D -- Side Kick D -- Knee Thrust
CD -- Forward Moving Kick CD -- Interrupted Forward Kick

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A -- Fist Jab A -- Hammer Fist
B -- Gauntlet Uppercut B -- Hammer Gauntlet
AB -- Gauntlet Punch AB -- Gauntlet Punch
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Roundhouse

Jumping Diagonal Jumping Straight

A -- Downward Jab A -- Side Fist Punch
B -- Hammer Gauntlet
AB -- Downward Gauntlet Smash AB -- Sideways Gauntlet Smash
C -- Side Kick
D -- Downward Kick D -- High Kick
CD -- Bellyflop
Wolf Fangen | Grabs opponent, punches repeatedly, and
(Wolf Fang) | fires opponent against the opposite side
-O O- / | \ + AB | of the screen to hit for damage.
O O O !L |
Vulcan Weinen | Attacks with an exploding flaming punch to
(Vulcan Crying) | hit for fire damage. Note: Punch A
| \ -O + A repeatedly | further for "Vulcan Drucken" and further
O O ***! | still for Vulcan Explosion.
Blitz Jaeger | Launches onto opponent with a flaming
(Lightning Jaeger) | bellyflop to hit for fire damage.
-O \ | / O- + Kick |
O O O *! |
Backbreaker Combo

(Note: This following move is a combination of three moves, all
which have to be performed in succession)

Part 1: Tigerkopf | Slides forward on one knee, hitting for
(Tiger Head) | minor damage, and tripping opponent. This
| \ -O + C | prepares for...
O O |

Part 2: Falkennagel | ...a punch which launches opponent high
(Falcon Nail) | into the air, off screen, hitting for
| \ -O + B | minor damage. At this point, the
O O | opponent is set up for...

Part 3: Elefantgleid | ...leaping into the air and catching the
(Elephant Dance) | opponent, bringing him/her straight down
-O \ | / O- + A | onto shoulder, cracking many bones, and
O O O | hitting for major damage.
Firestorm | Flicks a finger which reflects all
| projectiles back at their opponents.
\ + BC | Note: This move also does some
O ! | damage to opponent if close.

B or AB Grab and slam onto ground
C or CD Trip and sit

Air Throw

B or AB Punch opponent to ground
Super Deformed Transformation:

-O \ | / O- -O O- + A

1. AC: Beats chest twice, chuckles.
2. BD: Gives opponent "come here" gesture with cannon arm.
3. AC(weaponless): Gives opponent "come here" gesture with normal arm.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 3.
Power Special:

Operation Tiger | Performs a massive Blitz Sieger move
| which annihilates opponent and causes
-O \ | / O- -O + CD | severe breaking damage.
O O O *! |

- Oh Yeah: Sieger clenches fist and says "OHHH YEAH!"
- Bow: Sieger bows and says something like 'Hmph, Neinhalt.'
- Laugh: Sieger clenches fist and chuckles

Armed Win: Unarmed Win:
Up: Bow Oh Yeah
Down: Laugh Oh Yeah
Left: Oh yeah Oh Yeah
Right: Bow Oh Yeah

- Jumping AB, Crouching CD (2 hits)

- Jumping A, Wolf Fangen (multiple hits)

- Standing close AB, Wolf Fangen (multiple hits)

- Crouching close D, Vulcan Weinan (3 hits)

- Crouching B, Backbreaker (4 hits)

- Jumping D, Standing D, Backbreaker (5 hits)

- Jumping C, Standing AB, Backbreaker (5 hits)

- Jumping AB, Standing AB, Backbreaker (5 hits)
Notes: For the Backbreaker Combo, you need to perform all three movements
right after each other. You can't wait to see if the first or second
one hits before doing the next one. Sometimes, Sieger will miss
catching his opponent anyway. This seems to happen more often when
he performs the move up close.
Sieger's Blitz Jaeger can sometimes land slightly BEHIND a
blocking opponent, in which case he will hit. The opponent needs to
block in the opposite direction in this case. However, calculating
the exact distance when this happens is tricky.


Sieger appears in the forest, saying "I must tell the king that the devil
is dead."
The scene changes to a castle hall, in which the king (from Sieger's
background), holds aloft a sword, attempting to stop three disgustingly
putrid zombies from entering the castle. Behind the king stands his
daughter. King Heinrich yells "Upon my life, I will save my country." At
this point, Sieger leaps in. "Sieger!" "Watch, your majesty!" Sieger then
performs a Vulcan Weinan, blowing the first two zombies to bits. The third
zombie says "Guwah...You are..." "Yes," he interrupts, "Neinhalt Sieger.
The knight who killed your boss!" He performs an Operation Tiger,
obliterating the final zombie. Sieger says, "Are you all right?" The King
says, "Thank you, Siegar (sic)", and a heart flutters from the princess.
The screen then fades.
The scene goes back to the castle, in which Sieger and the princess are
getting married. Commoners are in the crowd clapping, among them are
GALFORD, WAN-FU, and CHARLOTTE in a dress! The scene then cuts to
Sieger and his wife looking over the forest from the cliff. As he yells out
his victory call, the screen scrolls to follow three white doves flying into
the distance.

The Sieger Horoscope

If you like to play as Sieger, you:

- Shave your head just to prove you're not kidding
- Are a body builder, but only because you like to know you can pummel the
average man with one hit
- Have a strange interest in Star Wars movies
Living Proof that Powerful Things Come in Small Packages


There was a time when Nicotine hunted demons with his sword. But after
being defeated by a certain demon, he settled down and lived quietly as a
priest. But one day, he learned that the same demon was now after his
pupil's life. "As I feared, it's back..."

B: "What!? What is this evil air?"
BM: "Stop!! You should be kind to the aged."
AM: "What a nice person! You kindly give a palm to such a crock."
BV: "I may not be so young. Your face looks like mine."
AV: "You fool! You have imitated me so you have such a hard time."
IJ: "I believe the evil king is close to me."
"Have I seen him before?"
F: "Save us, merciful Buddha!"
"Oh Buddha!"

Background: Based on Takuan, a famous Zen monk.
Weapon: Staff
Full of: O-fuda
Occupation: Buddhist Monk
Nationality: Japan
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=7, Y=5
Backward : X=-7, Y=6
Up : Y=8
Voice: Atsushi Maetzuka
Notes: If he's not doing anything, Nicotine will yawn. Also, if he has his
staff he will clank it. If he doesn't, he will stretch his neck.
Nicotine is the only character who can catch a weapon with one hand
(two fingers!).
Nicotine is probably of the Amidist sect, based on a prayer he says
when he gets creamed. However, he also seems to be one of the
shido-sa (wandering monks) who roamed the countryside, asking for
alms and performing such services as exorcism, divintation, and
curing illnesses. They used o-fuda (talismans or amulets) to
accomplish these feats.

(Possibly Mount Koya)
Standing Far Standing Close

A -- Hit with Hat A -- Punch
B -- Side Swing with Staff
AB -- Staff Thrust AB -- Up, then Down Swing
C -- Short Shuffle
D -- Short Kick
CD -- Short Kick and Yell

Crouching Far Crouching CLose

A -- Hit with Hat A -- Punch
B -- Low Sweep with Staff * B -- Staff Thrust
AB -- Upward Staff Thrust AB -- Three-Hit with Staff @
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Long Crouch Kick

Jumping Diagonal Jumping Straight

A -- Hit with Hat
B -- Staff Thrust
AB -- Swing Staff in Arc Below
C -- Knee Thrust 2@ C -- Up Kick
D -- Down Kick D -- Up Kick
CD -- Down Kick

@ Nicotine first thrusts forward, then slightly up, then upward
2@ Nicotine does an up kick when jumping back.
Choker Chain Cane Bang | Staff extends attached to a chain, along
(Bakusa Jougeki) | the ground, catching opponent, and
-O \ | / O- + Slash | dragging closer, to yield a dizzy.
O O O *! |
Exorcist Charm Slice | Tosses blue o-fuda, which turns into an
(Shikigamireifu Rai) | electrified hawk and flies at head level
| \ -O + Slash | across screen to hit for lightning damage.
O O * |
Fires of Fecundity | Tosses red o-fuda, which turns into a dog-
(Shikigamireifu En) | type beast made of fire, that rushes to
| \ -O + Kick | strike low for fire damage.
O O *L |
Cane Swirl Cutter (While jumping) | Stabs staff into ground and spins
(Shinjou Rasen Kyaku) | downwards surround by flame to hit for
/ | \ -O + Kick | fire damage.
O O O *! |
Curse of Crunch | Tosses mixed o-fuda that will knock
(Rashin Jufu) | opponent down and confuse joystick motions
O- | / + AB | for about 10 seconds.
O O * |

B Steals life into bowl
AB Machine gun with staff
D or CD Leap onto opponent and puff bad breath
Unarmed Leap onto opponent and puff bad breath
Super Deformed Transformation

| / O- | / O- | / O- -O + D

1. AC: Opens eyes, kneels, ties shoelace.
2. BD: Sneezes.
3. AC(weaponless): Same as 1.
4. BD(weaponless): Same as 1.
POWER SPECIAL: Underworld Pummeler | Tosses BIG o-fuda which summons the
(Niou Furei Satsu) | powerful deity Atavakah to ram opponent
-O O- / | \ -O + D | with great strength, hitting for
O O O *! | breaking damage.

- Fan: He fans himself with his talismans
- Back: Laughs and his back gives out
- Smoke: Takes a puff, and looks relaxed
- Coin: Picks up a coin, and raps jar with it

First and Second Armed Win: Unarmed Win:
Up: Fan, Fan Laugh
Down: Back, Back Laugh
Left: Fan, Fan Fan
Right: Smoke, Coin Fan

- INFINITE COMBO: Chain Grab, Standing AB (repeat until dead)

- Crouching close C, Crouching close C, crouching CD (3 hits)

- Jumping AB, Crouching B (2 hits)

- Jumping D, Stading AB, Chain grab (3 hits)

- Standing close AB, Confusion (2 hits)

- Shiki-Rai, Jumping D, Standing D, Confusion (4 hits)
Notes: All of Nicotine's ABs can be interrupted by Special Moves, even
his multi-hit ones.

Nicotine is standing in the forest. "It's all over. Finally." Then,
Kuroko jumps in. "Wonderful, it came to an end." "Yes," answers Nicotine,
"We can all live live in peace now." "Yes, but by the way, have you
finished off the king of evil?"
(Kuroko's statement doesn't make sense, but based on what follows, I think
it should be: "Yes, but by the way, have you taken care of the other evil
Nicotine holds out a pot, and says, "Don't worry, I'll do it now." He then
calls out, and all the evil spirits are sucked into the pot. "Well,
finished," Nicotine says, "Let's go have a drink together." "That's good,"
says Kuroko, "What about Haohmaru? How is he?" "No, he has yet to..." but
suddenly, Nicotine sneezes, dropping the pot. A red beam emerges, and ALL
the spirits escape! "Dear me," exclaims Kuroko. "All over again," sighs
Nicotine. They both look depressed.
The end.
The Nicotine Horoscope

If you like to play as Nicotine, you:

- Are wise in the ways of the fighter, but don't even know how to tie
your shoes
- Believe in magic, and like cheaping people out with it
- Get part time work in Fatal Fury 3
The Hidden Fighter with the Flying Flags of Fury


In the past, the Kuroko was a demon hunter, along with Nicotine. Back in
those days, Nicotine wielded a sword named "Taima," and the Kuroko had
already taken to concealing his identity in black. Together, these two
defeated many powerful demons and none could stand in their way. None,
until Rashoujin Mizuki.

BM: "Be on your guard. I am very strong."
AM: "What, no more? I'm stronger than you."

Background: Kuroko are the "hidden" stage hands in Kabuki plays.
Weapon: Flags
Full of: Anatomical hearts
Occupation: Fighting referee
Nationality: Unknown
Jumping Ranges: Forward : X=8, Y=7
Backward : X=-5, Y=7
Up : Y=6
Voice: Toshikazu Nishimura
Notes: Kuroko is NOT the character's real name. His real name is obscured in
the Japanese version of SS2.
Almost all of Kuroko's moves are borrowed from other Neo-Geo fighting
games, mostly FFS and AoF2.
You will get CPU Kuroko randomly in the game, sometimes. You can play
Kuroko, but only on a home system.

Special Note: This section is adopted from the Kuroko FAQ, which can be
downloaded separately at SS2 FTP sites.

Standing Far Standing Close

A/B -- Flag Thrust A/B -- Elbow
AB -- Down Slash AB -- Up, then Down Slash
C/D -- High Kick
CD -- High Kick CD -- Triple Kick

Crouching Far Crouching Close

A/B -- Short Flag Swing A/B -- Elbow
AB -- Up Slash
C/D -- Crouch Kick
CD -- Longer Crouch Kick


A/B -- Diagonal Flag Thrust
AB -- Down slash
C and D -- Down kick
CD -- Down kick
Koh Ken | Throws a fireball that hits for
| \ -O + A |
O O * |
Haoh Sho Koh Ken | Throws a massive, double-sized ball of
(RYO SAKAZAKI from ART OF FIGHTING) | energy that hits for damage.
-O | \ + A |
O O * |
Double Koh Ken | Throws two fireballs, one on top of
(WOLFGANG KRAUSER from FATAL FURY) | another, that hit for damage.
| / O- + A |
O O * |
Mega Smash | Hurls a cylindrically shaped missile
(JOHN CRAWLEY from ART OF FIGHTING) | of energy at opponent to hit for
| \ -O + B | damage.
O O * |
Gekihou | Bends over and produces a giant
(TUNG FU RUE from FATAL FURY) | projection of self that hits for
Tap C repeatedly * | damage.
ZatentsuHa | Hurls a crescent-shaped projectile
(EIJI KISARAGI from ART OF FIGHTING)| that hits for damage.
| \ -O \ | / O- + A |
O O O O O * |
Flags of Fury | Sends flags out on a chain that
| captures opponent, and drags them
-O \ | / O- + A | closer, also yielding a dizzy. Note:
O O O * | This move will drag opponent closer.
Mass Slash | Swipes flags in a downward arc,
| creating a powerful energy blast that
-O + ABC or BCD | reflects projectiles. Note: BCD will
| also strike enemy, ABC will not.
Spike Ball | Hurls a black orb covered with barbs
| that hits for damage.
| / O- / -O + BC |
O O O * |
Side Splitter | Splits into a top and bottom half. If
| ABC is used, the top half explodes,
when attacked, press ABC or BCD | and if BCD is used, the bottom half
| explodes, while the other joins fight.
Electric Ball | Hurls a ball of electricity that
(CHENG SHIN ZAN from FATAL FURY) | hits for lightning damage.
/ charge, | - O + B |
O O |
Cookie Cutter | Throws two medium sized "cookies"
(TUNG FU RUE from FATAL FURY) | at opponent to hit for...what...
| food damage?
/ charge, -O + A |
O |
Weapon Split | Knocks opponent's weapon out of their
| hands, and splits the weapon into
While in a clash, hold | while | two weapons.
O |
pressing buttons. |

B/AB/D/CD Ressen Kyaku (TUNG FU RUE from FATAL FURY)
Grabs opponent, and kicks them up to six times for damage.
Super Deformed Transformation:

O- / | \ -O O- / | \ -O + D

BD: Stands and waves a japanese fan (MAI SHIRANUI from FATAL FURY)
Power Specials:


Ryuuko Ranbu | Charges at opponent, and begins a
| massive barrage of kicks, punches,
-O \ | / O- -O + AB | and flag swipes, finishing with a
O O O * | flaming rising punch for breaking.

Alternate Ryuuko Ranbu | Same as above, except character stops
| halfway through for a breather. A
-O O- / | \ -O + CD | definite must see!
O O O * |

In all of Kuroko's poses, he claps and bows.
Notes: Kuroko cannot be thrown normally. He is thrown like Earthquake.
You cannot break Kuroko's weapon.

Special Note: You can play Kuroko only on the home system, and only for a
two-player game. To do so, enter the following on the
character selection screen:

Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Right + A
Ending: Because Kuroko cannot be played against the CPU, he doesn't have
one. Check out Nicotine's ending, though.
The Kuroko Horoscope:

If you like to play as Kuroko, you:

- Suck at SS2, and this is the only way you can win
- Enjoy all Neo Geo fighting games
- Own the game (you can't play him in the arcade, dummy!)
The Seductive Stealer of Souls


Mizuki is a spirit that has become an immortal demon, through a pact with
Ambrosia. Currently, Mizuki inhabits the body of Bizuki, a woman with
supernatural powers. Bizuki had tried to subdue Mizuki and use its powers
for good, but failed, and was possessed. Mizuki plans to merge the Palenke
Stone and the Tanjil Stone to further strengthen the demon world.

BM: "Welcome to (the) devil's world. You'll never find yourself alive
AM: "Now that the world is just for me, and you have gone to your
distraction." (destruction?)

Background: Unknown.
Weapon: Gohei (Shinto purification device)
Full of: NA
Occupation: Shinto Priestess and Chief Villainess
Nationality: Underworld
Voice: Harumi Ikoma
Notes: Mizuki is the boss character of SS2.

Bitch Slap from Hell | Grabs opponent, and strikes with open hand
| repeatedly for multiple hits of damage.
Teleport | Laughs, and opens portal underneath,
| dissapearing, and reappearing on either
| side of the character.
Passage through Hell | Slides portal underneath opponent, while
| two hands pull opponent through, into
| hell, and opponent then comes falling from
L | the sky, colliding with ground for damage.
Mass Confusion | Creates four spheres which form a single
| orb that, when it connects, confuses
| opponent's joystick movements. Note: A Grim
| Reaper denotes successful confusion
Swine Curse | Demon sends out crackling sphere that
| changes opponent into a pig. Mutation
| lasts about 10 seconds, or until opponent
| is successfully attacked.
Rush Demon | Demon rushes forward, slamming into
* | opponent, hitting for lightning damage.
Mad Demon | Demon leaps forward, latching onto
| opponent, repeatedly clawing and biting at
| opponent's neck for multiple hits of
| damage.
Levitate Crush (throw) | Lifts opponent off top of screen, holds,
| then smashes down into ground, with
| slicing attack, hitting for damage.
POWER SPECIAL: Hell Tempest | Creates a black sphere that grabs opponent
| and hurls him/her against roof, ground,
| and walls multiple times, ending in a
| massive explosion that hits as breaking
| damage.
Taunts: She laughs at you. You can hit her them, so feel free to!

For her first pose, she laughs. For her second, she laughs and says
Notes: You cannot break Mizuki's weapon.

According to the number one Japanese gaming magazine (and perhaps the
world), these are the rankings of each character, and how they measure
up to one another. To use the map, look for your character on
the left, and find a certain character along the top. The number
that's produced is an odds (from 1 to 10) of your success.
For instance: If Ukyo were to fight against Charlotte, the odds
would be greater for Ukyo by one point (6 to 4). The number
at the far right is a total of all odds, and therefore, a fair

| U| C| K| G| C| E| J| S| G| G| W| N| H| H| N|
UKYO | \| 6| 6| 7| 6| 7| 7| 6| 7| 6| 7| 7| 6| 7| 6| 88(+18)
CHARLOTTE | 4| \| 4| 6| 6| 6| 5| 6| 6| 7| 6| 7| 7| 7| 7| 84(+14)
KYOSHIRO | 4| 6| \| 5| 6| 4| 7| 6| 6| 6| 6| 7| 6| 7| 8| 84(+14)
GEN-AN | 3| 4| 5| \| 4| 5| 5| 6| 6| 6| 6| 6| 7| 7| 8| 78(+8)
CHAM CHAM | 4| 4| 4| 6| \| 5| 6| 3| 4| 6| 7| 7| 7| 6| 6| 75(+5)
EARTHQUAKE| 3| 4| 6| 5| 5| \| 5| 5| 6| 5| 6| 7| 5| 6| 6| 74(+4)
JUBEI | 4| 5| 3| 5| 4| 5| \| 4| 6| 5| 5| 6| 6| 5| 7| 71(+1)
SIEGER | 4| 4| 4| 4| 7| 5| 6| \| 6| 4| 4| 6| 5| 5| 6| 70(+-0)
GENJURO | 3| 4| 4| 4| 6| 4| 4| 4| \| 6| 5| 4| 6| 6| 7| 67(-3)
GALFORD | 4| 3| 4| 4| 4| 5| 5| 6| 4| \| 6| 4| 5| 6| 5| 65(-5)
WAN-FU | 3| 4| 4| 4| 3| 4| 5| 6| 5| 4| \| 5| 5| 6| 4| 62(-8)
NICOTINE | 3| 3| 3| 4| 3| 3| 4| 4| 6| 6| 5| \| 6| 5| 6| 61(-9)
HANZO | 4| 3| 4| 3| 3| 5| 4| 5| 4| 5| 5| 4| \| 5| 5| 59(-11)
HAOHMARU | 3| 3| 3| 3| 4| 4| 5| 5| 4| 4| 4| 5| 5| \| 6| 58(-12)
NAKORURU | 4| 3| 2| 2| 4| 4| 3| 4| 3| 5| 6| 4| 5| 4| \| 53(-17)

Mizuki makes her debut in Samurai Shodown II as the final boss in the
game. She is the first female end boss ever in a fighting game, and she is
also the first end boss to have a pet: A dog like Galford's. While she
doesn't take the award for the cheapest boss ever (DIO from WORLD HEROES 2)
or the most powerful (RUGAL from KING OF FIGHTERS '94), she does deserve to
be added to the top ten list of tough bosses to beat. Here are some basic
tips and tactics to rid yourself of the evil Mizuki:

1. BLOCK LOW: Above all, block and block low. That way, you will block
anything she throws at you. Blocking high leaves you vulnerable to her
fast Ground Portal as well as her fast low AB.

2. DON'T DO SPECIAL MOVES: Most Special Moves have lag times, during
which she is almost guaranteed to rush in and cream you with an AB slash.

3. ATTACK HER WHEN SHE JUMPS: By far, Mizuki is the weakest in the
air. If she jumps, and you jump and AB, you will almost certainly hit her,
and do some much-needed damage.

4. DON'T JUMP HER WHEN SHE'S MAD: The reason is that Mizuki will do her
Power Special so that the globe catches you RIGHT when you jump in on
her. Nasty.

5. TELEPORT CATCH: She likes to teleport out of danger when you are
frantically trying to make a hit. Instead, try this: Make an AB
strike (when your SURE it's safe to do so). She should block. If she
laughs and teleports out, leap away in the opposite direction she was
originally positioned from you, because she will attempt a bitch
slap from behind. As you are jumping away, strike with an AB. If she
teleports, and leaps, you have a good chance of hitting her. If she
doesn't leap, you're out of her range.

6. CONFUSED? Just block low and use crouch kicks to keep her away.
However, if she sends out ANOTHER Confusion Ball, get hit by it. You'll
take almost no damage, and it will negate the first Confusion.

7. THE SWINE CURSE: If turned into a pig or other animal by Mizuki, the
safest place to be is under her skirt! She can't hit you while you're
there, and she can't throw you either.

8. RUN IN AND THROW: This works more than it should, if you time it right.
Galford and Hanzo should have a field day especially, with their SPD

9. THE CHARACTERS WHO can consistently beat Mizuki are Charlotte and
Gen-an. This is because they both have low A attacks that are quick
and long-ranged enough to hit Mizuki out of her attacks WITHOUT
getting hit in return. This is important, as trading hits is always
in her favor. For both of these characters (and Sieger to an extent),
doing low As all the time will give you an easy win!
Unfortunately, everyone else's low A attacks (including Ukyo's) are
either too slow or too short ranged, so this won't work with them.

Here are guaranteed techniques to help you conquer Mizuki with your
favourite character:

HAOHMARU: Get enough distance between Mizuki and yourself to perform
a resshin-zan (F, D, DF + Kick). Instead, wait and perform a fake
cyclone slash (D, DF, F + Kick). As you pretend to pull out a cyclone,
Mizuki will throw a teleport across the ground. Immediately perform
your resshin-zan. It will flip you over the telport, and connect your
blade with her skull. This can be repeated until she drops.

Want to show off with Haohmaru? After the first resshin-zan hits,
perform a quick standing AB. This should dizzy. Step in as close
as possible and perform a crouching AB, and interrupt into Tempa
Fuzin San. Instant death. With (theoretically) four attacks.


UKYO: If you get a good distance from her, and repeatedly crouch kick,
Mizuki may be inclined to leap at you. Time your leap back and hit with
either jumping AB or B. Also, use as many ground swallow slashs as
you can. If you do dizzy her, BE SURE to use the close standing AB +
Teleport Slash with CD Combo to drop her energy quickly. She can also
be fooled by throwing a swallow slash, then leaping backwards and doing
it again. Sometimes, she teleports away from the first attack, only
to pop right up and get smacked by the second.


JUBEI: Get about half screen distance from Mizuki, and throw ground
fireballs. When she leaps over them, catch her attack with D, DB, B +
A. Each time, you should grab her weapon, and slash her back until


NAKORURU: At about two character's lengths away, crouch and kick a
few times. If Mizuki is inclined to send her dog, perform Annu Mutsube
(B, DB, D + Slash) and Nak will slide under the demon and hit Mizuki.
If Mizuki leaps at you, jump straight up and attack with AB. If she
is dizzied, step in with a standing AB, Kamui Mutsube combo to finish


CHARLOTTE: Stay crouched. If Mizuki even gets near you, strike with
crouching AB. Nothing else. Charlotte's crouched AB has even farther
range than Mizuki slashes, so don't even worry about being it. If she
leaps at you, standing AB, for clean air defense. Mizuki poses no
real threat to Charlotte.


GEN-AN: Stay low, and try to defensively get your close AB to
connect. Once it does, your infinite combo will take care of the
rest (Standing AB [two hits], Blood grip, run forward, repeat)


HANZO/GALFORD: Peform your shadow copy, and choose to teleport to
the closest spot near Mizuki. As soon as you poof in, peform Mozu
Otoshi (F, D, DF + Kick). On Mizuki, this can be repeated
until the end. It's a definite win, and fast players can get
perfect. Or you can try a little sequence I call The Hanzo Trap. It is
a move I perfected in the first Samurai Shodown, when trying to defeat the
computer Hanzo. Oddly enough, I found it to work with Mizuki as well
(though not as consistently). The trap is set up simply like this: You
crouch near her, and strike with an A or B (NOT AB!!). She will block, and
leap over you. Calmly stand up, and walk underneath her, striking with B
as she comes down on the other side.


CHAM CHAM: At about half-screen distance from Mizuki, if you
perform the ground boomerang throw (D, DF, F + AB), Mizuki
consistently throws the teleport back at you. But since
Cham Cham's throwing animation allows her to do a backflip,
she avoides the teleport and Mizuki is hit anyway. It's a
consistent technique.


NICOTINE: Same as Gen-an. Try to defensively get out your Bakusa
Jougeki, and the infinite combo will finish her off.


SIEGER: Stay low, and attack with your firestorm (DF + BC). Not
only will it do damage to Mizuki, but it will nullify any of
those annoying symbol-related moves of destruction. Not a bad
technique to use.


EARTHQUAKE: Easy. Crouching AB. Over and over. She'll be dead in
no time.


KYOSHIRO: Often, Mizuki won't block Kyoshiro's jumping AB, perhaps
because it has such a far range the CPU doesn't anticipate it
hitting. Use this, and his combos for quick defeat. He should
be able to fake Mizuki into jumping, straight into his POW move.
It's also wise to just stick to blocking low, and attacking with
B or AB, since Kyoshiro's weapon has such excellent range.


GENJURO: You can toss hanafuda cards, and trick her into leaping.
You can respond with AB, or his kouyokojin (F, D, DF + Slash).


Too many people seem to step into the ring against Kuroko, and get
obliterated. Presented here are further techniques to use against
the masked wonder:

HAOHMARU: Kuroko likes to run a lot, take advantage of this by hopping
straight up and coming down with an AB slash, followed by a standing
AB. If you're lucky enough to dizzy him, simply step up with a close
crouching AB, interupt into Tempa Fuzin San for a win. Also, with
Haohmaru, it's good to get into the habit of reflecting Kurko's missile
attacks back at him with the Sake attack. It takes a bit of timing,
but you CAN get used to it. Pretty soon, Kuroko is always hitting
himself. I hate when I do that.

SIEGER: Get away from him from either dashing back to keep your distance,
or using Blitz Jaeger. If Kurko rolls towards you, step in for a CD
toss. While keeping your distance, use Firestorm to reflect Kurko's
projectiles back at him. It's easier to time than the Sake attack
(Haohmaru) and should help you defeat him.

KYOSHIRO: If you stand about two character lengths away, and perform
a quick A, Kuroko tends to watch to start throwing those massive fireball
attacks. Use Kyoshiro's jumping range to leap over them, and come down
with AB attacks. Also, if Kuroko likes to jump at you, use Kaiten
Kyokubu as air defense.

GENJURO: Genjuro has enough speed and distance in his jump to avoid
Kuroko's missile attacks. Leap over them and hammer down with AB.
Try not to make the first move; Kuroko will open himself up, so wait
for it.

CHAM CHAM: Easy. From half screen distance, whenever you see Kuroko
going to throw a fireball, perform the leaping claw attack, and every
one will catch him until he falls.

WAN-FU: Wan-Fu is cumbersome to use against someone so quick, but there
are ways around his slowness. Do repeated standing D attacks to try
and kick Kuroko. If he gets hit, so be it. But if Kurko choose to leap
over them, use Confucious Slash as air defense. If he's just about
dead, throw your weapon at him a couple of times. The explosion should
be enough to tick off the remaining energy.

--> Occassionally, KIM KAPHWAN from the FF series can be seen sliding by
in the background. No, you can't play him. :-)

--> When you go into your "Powered Up" animation, you cannot be hit.
However, you can cancel the animation by doing a Special Move,
double-tap move, or throwing your opponent if he is nearby. Sometimes
there is a delay between reaching your POW maximum and going into your
animation, for unknown reasons.

--> If the Final Round is a draw, both players lose.

Meaning no continues and no other player joining in, you get the designer's
credits at the end. As for the individual character endings, there doesn't
seem to be any difference between one-credit and multi-credit endings,
unlike SS1. What happens is after the judge claps and the background fades,
the "designer credit" music starts to play, and cherry blossom leaves fall
across the screen. Then, each character is displayed, in the order presented
in this FAQ. Here's each character's sequence:
The character's background appears, and the character jumps in.
The character does a taunt.
The character does an attack, and the screen freezes while the character's
designer credits are displayed.
The character does an ending pose.
The character does his/her close-up, and more credits appear.

Haohmaru -- Sake drink, Far AB swing, Sword flip pose
Nakoruru -- Hair ribbon adjustment, Cape Flip, "Daishizen..." pose
Hanzo -- Knuckle crack, Far B swing, Takes off mask
Galford -- "Tsk tsk" taunt, Plasma Blade, Sword twirl pose
Wan Fu -- Spins pillar, Far AB swing, Carves pillar
Ukyo -- Coughs, Standing AB swing, Sleeve pose (unarmed)
Kyoshiro -- Smokes, Close B swing, "Uchtottari" (stays on screen)
Gen-an -- Laughs, Close B swing, Bow pose
Earthquake -- Burps, Far B swing, Eats turkey drum
Jubei -- Eats dango, Far AB swing, Puts swords slowly in sheath
Charlotte -- Tosses rose, Far AB swing, "Uh-huh"
Genjuro -- "Sore daki da" taunt, Far AB swing, Wine dish pose
Cham Cham -- Sticks out tongue, Far AB swing, Both do the yell
Sieger -- "Come here" taunt, Close B swing, "Ohhh Yeah!"
Nicotine -- Sneezes, Close AB swing, Laughs and hits butt
Mizuki -- Laughs, AB swing, No ending pose
Kuroko -- Fan taunt, ABC Missile Reflection, Claps

After this, Kuroko claps and disappears in a puff. The cherry blossoms start
swirling in a spiral, and the center of the spiral goes round and around
until it's finally centered on the screen. Then after all the credits roll,
the screen explodes and the "chirping Iguana" logo appears.

...Strange, but True...
Every game must have its share of oddities, bugs, and other whatnots.
Samurai Shodown II is no exception. Here are the strange occurences
that arise, which you can try for yourself:

In a Hanzo/Hanzo fight (or Hanzo/Galford), if one Hanzo runs at the
second, and the second performs a shadow move (F, B, DB, D, DF, F, A or
B), the first Hanzo, while passing the second, will continue running,
but will change sides, making it look like Hanzo is running backwards.
Cute. Will also work for a Galford/Galford fight.


When Ukyo has been struck enough to max his POW out, try to perform a
teleport attack (D, DF, F + Slash) before his POW animation comes out.
If successful, while Ukyo animates his POW saying, "Yurusan!!", he will
continue to move in the direction of the teleport, "pushing" his
opponent backward. Nice guy.


If Galford sends Poppy out on a rush attack (D, DB, B + Slash), and then
quickly performs his SD transform (F, DF, D, DB, B, F, B + C), Galford
will change, and Poppy will finish his attack, and then jump backwards
into the transform. But I guess, better late than never...


If Hanzo performs a weak Bakuenryu (F, DF, D, DB, + A), and then
quickly peforms an SD transform (F, B, F, B, F, B, D + A), when the
Bakuenryu strikes his opponent (preferably NOT blocking at the opposite
side of the screen), Hanzo will "light up and flicker" just like the
weapon. Great for parties, and those kids that bug you at the machine
with, "I know more stuff about SS2 than you do..." Yeah, right.


Position Galford near enough to his opponent so that if the opponent
jumps straight up, Galford will be able to run quickly underneath.
Do this. As soon as Galford changes sides, perform Rush Dog (D, DB, B +
Slash) Because Poppy is still on the opposite side, he will rush
towards Galford! Sometimes it hits the opponent coming down, other
times, well, Poppy just goes for the stick.


A modification on the previous trick. With Cham Cham against Mizuki,
wait for the opportunity for Mizuki to send the demon charging at you.
If you attack with a Boomerang toss (D, DF, F + Slash), the 'rang
should cut through the demon and hit Mizuki. If Mizuki is stupid
enough to send the demon again, it will head back towards her (as it
is returning from the last failed attempt). Even demons need
obedience school.


If you are one of the charmed people who've been turned into a pig by
Mizuki, just start walking towards her. Not only will she not attack
you, but you can push her to the edge of the screen, and even walk
behind her! Now, if that isn't a set-up for a combo, I don't know what


This is a simple technique that not many people realize. There are
two major ways to catch a sword in SS2, the first is a half circle
motion, which ALWAYS works, if you have the timing right. The second
is just to run at your opponnent, which is more the luck of the draw.
Since Mizuki does a lot of "shifting" so to speak, the computer believes
it to be a run, so if you lose your weapon, run for Mizuki. Odds are
she will "shift" into you, you'll catch her weapon, and give her the
big toss. Uplifting.


Get two Nicotines together, and perform confusion at the same time.
Have fun. A good test of who really *is* good at the game.


If two Haohmaru's perform Tempa Fuzin San at the same time, they should
both hit each other on the way up. A good way to practice distance
and timing.


If you can finish a match by slicing someone in half, and at the same
time, take a final hit yourself, you will notice when the "double
fatality" words arrive, the person you've sliced in half is miraculously
resurrected. Just to pout. Who says there isn't a higher power watching


If you can deliver a final blow to Sieger, as he's performing Wolf Fangen,
he will fall and you will be "trapped" by a ghost, still being swatted
at by an invisible hand, and even thrown against the wall! Boy, that
Sieger really has his backup.


If your opponent has a sliver of energy, and you send perform Mega Rush
Dog, the moment Poppy hits, the match will end, but your opponent will
be teleported off the top of the screen! Sometimes, your opponent won't
return at all! Good arm on that dog...


Good for a laugh. Have Ukyo perform a fake apple slice (D, DB, B + Kick)
while Charlotte performs her AC taunt (tossing a rose). The two must
really enjoy throwing obstacles at each other...


A funny oddity that was just recently discovered. Just before you perform
Ukyo's POWER SPECIAL (F, B, DB, D, DF, F + AB), hold down the C button for
a few seconds. Keep holding C when you perform the motion, and Ukyo will
toss an ENORMOUS apple, slicing it into huge pieces. Must be those
hydroponics they're using now...

--> SS2 Resource List: This is a listing of what other SS2 FAQs and
guides are available, as well as where you can get them. It can
be found in the FTP site, as well as others.
It is recommended that this be the next FAQ to get, as it pinpoints
where all the other neat stuff is. Contact the author,
for more details.

--> SS2 Homepage: Has all the documents related to SS2 (including this
FAQ), all in glorious HTML format. Also links to all other SS2-related
homepages. Thank Damone for this one...
He also has a SS1 Homepage as well. (ss1page.shtmll)

--> GeeSe Howard's directory: -- user/dvillnva
Contains both the Moves FAQ and this TAPFAQ, strategy guides,
sound files, graphic files, and tons of other SS and Neo-Geo stuff.

--> Galen Komatsu:
This guy is crazy! He's always on top of the current gaming trend.
Any extra info you need or comments you'd like to pass on, he would
be more than happy to help you out.

--> John Bailon:
For more info on the game, contact John at his E-mail address. He
may even have posters and other paraphenalia for sale. Be sure to
check out Samurai II, as well as other excellent new releases at
Southern Hills Golfland (his free plug). Details can be acquired
from Mr. Bailon.

--> Dave Kirsch: FTP SITE: /pub/SS2
Dave has an FTP site set up based solely on fighting games. Both the
FAQ and TAPFAQ are there, along with all sorts of other odds and ends
having to do with fighting games in general. Give it a look!

--> For those interested, here are the stats on the new SS 2 CD...
Title: Shin Samurai Spirits
Artist: Neo Sound Orchestra
Maker: Pony Canyon/Scitron
Catalog: PCCB-00164
Release: 1994/11/02
Length: 76'07" (57 tracks)
This is a Japanese CD, so if you are looking to order it, you should
approach a music store that deals with imports.

--> Here is the SS2 Image/Rearranged soundtrack...
Title: Shin Samurai Spirits Arrange
Artist: Neo Sound Orchestra
Maker: Pony Canyon/Scitron
Catalogue: PCCB-00169
Price: 2500yen
Again, this is a Japanese CD, and must be specially ordered.

--> The SS2 Mook, put out by Gamest. Has all the stats on the characters,
plus screen shots of EVERY attack (even unarmed ones!). Also cool
drawings and stuff. Basically, if you want a book on SS2, this is it.
The only problem is it's in Japanese.
Title: SS2 Mook (v. 4)
Maker: Gamest
Price: 1380yen
You need to look for this at a Japanese bookstore.

--> The Samurai Spirits TV Special. Actually, I heard it sucks. The
animation and character designs are supposedly pretty bad. But
that probably won't stop SS fans from at least renting it. ADVision
has released this dubbed in the US.

--> Jubei Ninja Chronicles. No, that's not the same Jubei as in SS (or
FF, for that matter!). But the SS character designers also worked on
this anime movie. Manga Entertainment has released this subbed and
dubbed under the name, "Ninja Scroll."

--> "Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa. This is the book that shaped current
perceptions of Musashi, and the idea of the Way of the Sword in
general. Recommended. It has a lot of cool fight scenes in it (most of
them historical), and many ideas about swordsmanship and enlightenment
that still are culturally influential today.

--> Samurai I to III. These are three movies that are based on the novel
"Musashi". The last one deals with the duel between Musashi and Genryu.
They are available at most video rental places.

--> BTW, Charlotte is my favorite video game character ever!!! I just
wanted to say that... --Scott

--> BTW, My Hanzo will kick your Charlotte's butt ANYDAY!!! I just wanted
to say that... --Shawn

This FAQ is pretty much complete, as it has documented most of the
features in the game. However, if you have any questions, ideas,
comments, pictures, updates, combos, or anything you think needs
to be added, do not hesitate to E-Mail either Shawn Holmes at or Scott Fujimoto at
Something tells me we have a contender for
best game of 1994...
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This, The Absolutely Positively Frequently Asked Questions presented by
Shawn Holmes
All preceeding material may be copied and
distributed freely (in fact, it's encouraged)

The Second Act Begins Now

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