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Chrono Cross
Chrono Cross
13.10.2013 07:05:25
Resource List
Chrono Cross Resource List
v.2.0 (FINAL) by Sailor Bacon
11 November 2000
Warning: Please do not post this FAQ without my permission. Please do not
email me asking me to send you updates because I've got better things to do
with my life. Do NOT use this FAQ for any profit making use at all, this is
MY work, not yours. If you post this FAQ it cannot be altered in any way and
cannot be displayed alongside any types of advertisements. Chrono Cross is
copyright Squaresoft. This FAQ is copyright Allen "Sailor Bacon" Tyner.
The newest version of this FAQ can always be found at:
Revision History
v.2.0 Final Version. Doppelgang List is amazingly full now.
v.1.45 Updated Doppelgang List.
v.1.4 Updated Doppelgang List.
v.1.35 Changed FAQ name, updated Doppelgang List.
v.1.3 Updated Doppelgang List. Key Items List completed (got lazy and got the Strategy
Guide ^_^) ...Added a few new sections.
v.1.2 Began Doppelgang List and Key Items List.. starting over the game and writing
these down as I come across them. I don't get to play as often now that college has
started but I'll update this when I can and stuff.
v.1.1 Added Accessories List, Character List, Element List
v.1.0 Um... everything...
Table of Contents
-Weapon List
-Armor List
-Accessories List
-Element List
-Tech Skill List
-Combos List
-Doppelgang List
-Key Item List
-Character List
-Final Words
This is NOT a walkthrough for Chrono Cross and does not directly help you to beat the
game. I recommend viewing Toastyfrog's excellent CC FAQ and Walkthrough if you need
help. It's available at many places including:
Weapon List
[Note: Hit% increases/decreases are based upon your original Acc rating. So if Serge
puts on the Stone Swallow and his Acc rating is 85, his Hit% will be 88% (85+3)]
Name Atk Hit% Materials
-Sea Swallow +8 +0@85 N/A
-Copper Swallow +10 +1@85 Copper(1) Humour(1)
-Steel Swallow +13 +2@85 Iron(1) Humour(1)
[Serge] Feather(1)
-Silver Swallow +16 +2@85 Mythril(1) Eyeball(1)
[Serge] Humour(1) Feather(1)
-Stone Swallow +20 +3@85 Denadorite(1) Humour(1)
[Serge] Humour Scale(2)
-Spectra Swallow +25 +4@85 R.Shell(1) Feather(1)
[Serge] Scale(1) S.Ember(1)
S.Dew(1) S.Leaf(1)
S.Sand(1) S.Salt(1)
-Mastermune +23 +4@85 N/A
-Ivory Dagger +7 -1@90 Bone(1) Fang(1)
-Bronze Dagger +9 +0@90 Copper(1) Humour(1)
[Kid] Fang(1)
-Iron Dagger +12 +1@90 Iron(1) Humour(1)
[Kid] Fang(1)
-Mythril Dagger +15 +1@90 Mythril(1) Humour(1)
[Kid] Fang(1)
-Denadorite Dagger +19 +2@90 Denadorite(1) Humour(2)
[Kid] Feather(1) Fang(2)
-Prism Dagger +24 +3@90 R.Shell(1) Feather(1)
[Kid] Fang(1) S.Ember(1)
S.Dew(1) S.Leaf(1)
S.Sand(1) S.Salt(1)
-Porcelain Rod +8 +4@80 Bone(1) Eyeball(1)
[Guile,Riddel,Razzly] +2@85
-Brass Rod +10 +3@80 Copper(1) Eyeball(1)
[Guile,Riddel,Razzly] +1@85 Humour(1)
-Iron Rod +13 +4@80 Iron(1) Eyeball(1)
[Guile,Riddel,Razzly] +2@85 Humour(1)
-Mythril Rod +16 +4@80 Mythril(1) Eyeball(1)
[Guile,Riddel,Razzly] +2@85 Humour(1) Screw(1)
-Denadorite Rod +20 +5@80 Denadorite(1) Eyeball(1)
[Guile,Riddel,Razzly] +3@85 Humour(1) Feather(1)
-Rainbow Rod +25 +6@80 R.Shell(1) Eyeball(1)
[Guile,Riddel,Razzly] +4@85 Screw(1) S.Ember(1)
S.Dew(1) S.Leaf(1)
S.Sand(1) S.Salt(1)
-Floral Rod +24 +2@85 N/A
-Ferrous Gun +13 +2@85 Copper(1) Iron(1)
[Norris,Starky] Humour(1) Screw(1)
-Argent Gun +16 +2@85 Copper(1) Mythril(1)
[Norris,Starky] Eyeball(1) Humour(1)
-Denadorite Gun +20 +3@85 Copper(1) Denadorite(1)
[Norris,Starky] Scale(2) Screw(2)
-Spectral Gun +25 +4@85 Copper(1) R.Shell(1)
[Norris,Starky] Scale(1) Screw(1)
S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Shockwave Gun +18 +4@85 N/A
-Plasma Pistol +24 +4@85 N/A
-Porcelain Pick +8 -1@90 Bone(1) Fur(1)
-Brass Pick +10 +0@90 Copper(1) Feather(1)
[Nikki,Irenes] Fur(1)
-Iron Pick +13 +1@90 Iron(1) Feather(1)
[Nikki,Irenes] Fur(1)
-Mythril Pick +16 +1@90 Mythril(1) Eyeball(1)
[Nikki,Irenes] Feather(1) Fur(1)
-Pebble Pick +20 +2@90 Denadorite(1) Eyeball(1)
[Nikki,Irenes] Feather(2) Fur(2)
-Prism Pick +25 +3@90 R.Shell(1) Feather(2)
[Nikki,Irenes] Fur(1) S.Ember(1)
S.Dew(1) S.Leaf(1)
S.Sand(1) S.Salt(1)
-Bone Sword +8 +2@80 Bone(1) Leather(1)
[Viper,Fargo,Glenn +0@85
-Bronze Sword +10 +3@80 Copper(1) Humour(1)
[Viper,Fargo,Glenn +1@85 Leather(1)
-Steel Sword +13 +4@80 Iron(1) Humour(1)
[Viper,Fargo,Glenn +2@85 Leather(1)
-Silver Sword +16 +4@80 Mythril(1) Humour(1)
[Viper,Fargo,Glenn +2@85 Leather(1)
-Stone Sword +20 +5@80 Denadorite(1) Humour(2)
[Viper,Fargo,Glenn +3@85 Leather(2) Screw(1)
-Spectral Sword +25 +6@80 R.Shell(1) Humour(1)
[Viper,Fargo,Glenn +4@85 Leather(1) Screw(1)
Turnip,Steena,Pierre] S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Hero's Blade +11 +6@80 N/A
-Viper's Venom +23 +2@80 N/A
-Einlanzer +21 +4@85 N/A
-Einlanzer +26 +4@85 N/A
-Slasher +23 +6@80 N/A
[Viper,Fargo,Glenn +4@85
-Bone Axe +8 +1@80 Bone(1) Copper(1)
[Karsh,Zappa,Funguy,Leah] Fang(1)
-Bronze Axe +10 +2@80 Copper(1) Humour(1)
[Karsh,Zappa,Funguy,Leah] Fang(1)
-Iron Axe +13 +2@80 Copper(1) Iron(1)
[Karsh,Zappa,Funguy,Leah] Humour(1) Fang(1)
-Silver Axe +16 +3@80 Copper(1) Mythril(1)
[Karsh,Zappa,Funguy,Leah] Humour(1) Fang(1)
-Stone Axe +20 +4@80 Copper(1) Denadorite(1)
[Karsh,Zappa,Funguy,Leah] Humour(1) Fang(2)
-Rainbow Axe +25 +4@80 Copper(1) R.Shell(1)
[Karsh,Zappa,Funguy,Leah] Humour(1) Fang(1)
S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Great Hammer +17 +6@80 Copper(1) Iron(1)
[Zappa,Funguy] Mythril(1) Eyeball(1)
Fang(1) Screw(1)
-Master Hammer +23 +6@80 Bone(1) Copper(1)
[Zappa,Funguy] Iron(1) Mythril(1)
Denadorite(1) Eyeball(1)
Fang(1) Screw(1)
-Bone Glove +8 +2@80 Bone(1) Leather(1)
[Zoah,Marcy,Poshul,Miki, +0@85
Draggy,Mojo,NeoFio,Greco, -1@90
-Bronze Glove +10 +3@80 Copper(1) Humour(1)
[Zoah,Marcy,Poshul,Miki, +1@85 Leather(1)
Draggy,Mojo,NeoFio,Greco, +0@90
-Iron Glove +13 +4@80 Iron(1) Humour(1)
[Zoah,Marcy,Poshul,Miki, +2@85 Leather(1)
Draggy,Mojo,NeoFio,Greco, +1@90
-Mythril Glove +16 +4@80 Mythril(1) Humour(1)
[Zoah,Marcy,Poshul,Miki, +2@85 Leather(1) Fang(1)
Draggy,Mojo,NeoFio,Greco, +1@90
-Granite Glove +20 +5@80 Denadorite(1) Humour(1)
[Zoah,Marcy,Poshul,Miki, +3@85 Leather(2) Fang(1)
Draggy,Mojo,NeoFio,Greco, +2@90
-Spectral Glove +25 +6@80 R.Shell(1) Humour(1)
[Zoah,Marcy,Poshul,Miki, +4@85 Leather(1) Fang(1)
Draggy,Mojo,NeoFio,Greco, +3@90 S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
Skully,Grobyc,Orlha,Pip] S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Bronze Lure +10 +1@85 Bone(1) Copper(1)
[Korcha] Scale(1) Seed(1)
-Iron Lure +13 +2@85 Bone(1) Iron(1)
[Korcha] Scale(1) Seed(1)
-Mythril Lure +16 +2@85 Bone(1) Mythril(1)
[Korcha] Scale(1) Seed(1)
-Stone Lure +20 +3@85 Bone(1) Denadorite(1)
[Korcha] Scale(2) Seed(2)
-Prism Lure +25 +4@85 Bone(1) R.Shell(1)
[Korcha] Scale(1) Seed(1)
S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Bone Shot +8 +2@80 Bone(1) Humour(1)
[Luccia,Harle,Sneff,Doc] +0@85 Feather(1)
-Bronze Shot +10 +3@80 Copper(1) Humour(1)
[Luccia,Harle,Sneff,Doc] +1@85 Feather(1)
-Steel Shot +13 +4@80 Iron(1) Humour(1)
[Luccia,Harle,Sneff,Doc] +2@85 Feather(1)
-Silver Shot +16 +4@80 Mythril(1) Humour(1)
[Luccia,Harle,Sneff,Doc] +2@85 Feather(1) Scale(1)
-Stone Shot +20 +5@80 Denadorite(1) Humour(2)
[Luccia,Harle,Sneff,Doc] +3@85 Feather(2) Scale(1)
-Prism Pellets +25 +6@80 R.Shell(1) Humour(1)
[Luccia,Harle,Sneff,Doc] +4@85 Feather(1) Scale(1)
+3@90 S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Private Deck +20 +6@80 Mythril(1) Eyeball(3)
[Luccia,Harle,Sneff,Doc] +4@85 Fur(3)
-Pack of Lies +25 +6@80 Denadorite(1) Eyeball(6)
[Luccia,Harle,Sneff,Doc] +4@85 Fur(6)
-Spatula Ca20 +8 +0@85 Bone(1) Carapace(1)
[Orcha,Macha,Leena] -1@90
-Besom Cu29 +10 +1@85 Copper(1) Humour(1)
[Orcha,Macha,Leena] +0@90 Carapace(1)
-Ladle Fe26 +13 +2@85 Iron(1) Humour(1)
[Orcha,Macha,Leena] +1@90 Carapace(1)
-Frypan Ag47 +16 +2@85 Mythril(1) Humour(1)
[Orcha,Macha,Leena] +1@90 Fur(1) Carapace(1)
-Saucepan SiO2 +20 +3@85 Denadorite(1) Humour(2)
[Orcha,Macha,Leena] +2@90 Fur(1) Carapace(2)
-Crystalpan C6 +25 +4@85 R.Shell(1) Humour(1)
[Orcha,Macha,Leena] +3@90 Fur(1) Carapace(1)
S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Silver Staff +16 +2@85 Mythril(1) Eyeball(1)
[Radius,Sprigg] +1@90 Humour(1)
-Stone Staff +20 +3@85 Denadorite(1) Eyeball(1)
[Radius,Sprigg] +2@90
-Spectral Staff +25 +4@85 R.Shell(1) Eyeball(1)
[Radius,Sprigg] +3@90 S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Carrot +18 +3@90 N/A
-Betta Carotene +24 +3@90 R.Shell(1) Seed(4)
[Janice] S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Bronzerang +10 +3@80 Copper(1) Feather(1)
[Mel,Van] +1@85 Scale(1)
-Steelerang +13 +4@80 Iron(1) Feather(1)
[Mel,Van] +2@85 Scale(1)
-Silverang +16 +4@80 Mythril(1) Feather(1)
[Mel,Van] +2@85 Scale(1) Fur(1)
-Rockerang +20 +5@80 Denadorite(1) Feather(2)
[Mel,Van] +3@85 Scale(2) Fur(1)
-Prismarang +25 +6@80 R.Shell(1) Feather(1)
[Mel,Van] +4@85 Scale(1) Fur(1)
S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
Armor List
Name Def Evd% M.Def Materials
-Ivory Mail +4 +0 +2 Bone(1) Humour(1)
-Bronze Mail +6 +0 +4 Bone(1) Copper(1)
Humour(1) Fur(1)
-Iron Mail +9 +0 +6 Copper(1) Iron(1)
Humour(1) Leather(1)
-Mythril Mail +12 +0 +9 Iron(1) Mythril(1)
Humour(1) Leather(1)
-Stone Mail +15 +0 +13 Mythril(1) Denadorite(1)
Humour(1) Leather(2)
-Prism Mail +19 +0 +15 Denadorite(1) R.Shell(1)
Leather(1) Carapace(1)
S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(1)
-Ivory Vest +3 +3 +1 Bone(1) Fur(1)
-Bronze Vest +5 +3 +3 Copper(1) Fur(1)
-Iron Vest +8 +3 +5 Iron(1) Fur(1)
-Mythril Vest +11 +3 +8 Mythril(1) Fur(1)
-Stone Vest +14 +3 +11 Denadorite(1) Fur(1)
-Prism Vest +17 +3 +13 R.Shell(1) Fur(1)
Fang(1) Carapace(1)
S.Ember(1) S.Dew(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(1)
-Blue Plate +10 +0 +5 Copper(2) Iron(2)
Mythril(2) Eyeball(1)
Carapace(1) Screw(1)
S.Ember(2) S.Dew(1)
-Red Plate +10 +0 +5 Copper(2) Iron(2)
Mythril(2) Eyeball(1)
Carapace(1) Screw(1)
S.Ember(1) S.Dew(2)
-Yellow Plate +10 +0 +5 Copper(2) Iron(2)
Mythril(2) Eyeball(1)
Carapace(1) Screw(1)
S.Leaf(2) S.Sand(1)
-Green Plate +10 +0 +5 Copper(2) Iron(2)
Mythril(2) Eyeball(1)
Carapace(1) Screw(1)
S.Leaf(1) S.Sand(2)
-Black Plate +10 +0 +5 Copper(2) Iron(2)
Mythril(2) Eyeball(1)
Carapace(1) Screw(1)
S.Salt(2) S.Soot(1)
-White Plate +10 +0 +5 Copper(2) Iron(2)
Mythril(2) Eyeball(1)
Carapace(1) Screw(1)
S.Salt(1) S.Soot(2)
-Feathery Dress +5 +0 +5 Bone(1) Copper(1)
Feather(4) Fur(2)
-Scaley Dress +7 +0 +7 Bone(1) Iron(1)
Scale(4) Fur(2)
-Carapace Dress +9 +0 +9 Bone(1) Mythril(1)
Fur(2) Leather(4)
-Screwy Dress +11 +0 +11 Bone(1) Denadorite(1)
Feather(4) Scale(4)
Fur(2) Leather(4)
-Diva Dress +13 +0 +13 Bone(1) Mythril(1)
Denadorite(1) Feather(2)
Scale(2) Fur(2)
-Wisp Cape +7 +12 +4 Bone(1) Copper(1)
Leather(2) Seed(2)
-Cloud Cape +9 +18 +6 Bone(1) Iron(1)
Carapace(2) Seed(2)
-Stardust Cape +11 +24 +8 Bone(1) Mythril(1)
Screw(2) Seed(2)
-Energizer Suit +9 +0 +5 Copper(1) Iron(1)
(auto-restores HP) Mythril(1) Feather(4)
Scale(4) Leather(2)
[All except Kid,Riddel,Marcy,Luccia,Razzly,Macha,Leena,Miki,Harle,
-Ghetz's Shirt +1 +50 +6 Bone(1) Eyeball(5)
Humour(5) Leather(1)
Accessories List
-Ozzie Pants: Def+13, start with status ailments
Ozzie's striped undershorts. (But you can wear them on your head if you prefer...)
Denadorite(1), Fur(10)
-Flea Vest: M.Def+13
Flea's undershirt makes him look feminine. (But you can wear it on your head!)
Mythril(1), Feather(10)
-Antitoxinal Cap: Def+1, M.Def+1
Protection against poison.
Copper(1), S.Leaf(1)
-Poultice Cap: Def+1, M.Def+1
Protection against burns.
Copper(1), S.Ember(1)
-Plaster Cap: Def+1, M.Def+1
Protection against sprains.
Copper(1), S.Sand(1)
-Antiviral Cap: Def+1, M.Def+1
Protection against the flu.
Copper(1), S.Dew(1)
-Hero's Medal: One part of the 3-piece hero's collection. Proves the wearer is a true hero.
-Hero's Shield: One part of the 3-piece hero's collection.
-Ivory Helmet: Def+1, M.Def+1
A helmet made from bone.
Bone(1), Screw(1)
-Bronze Helmet: Def+2, M.Def+1
Made out of copper.
Copper(1), Screw(1)
-Iron Helmet: Def+3, M.Def+1
Made out of iron.
Iron(1), Fang(1), Screw(1)
-Mythril Helmet: Def+4, M.Def+2
Made out of mythril silver.
Mythril(1), Leather(1), Fang(1), Screw(1)
-Stone Helmet: Def+5, M.Def+2
Made out of denadorite.
Denadorite(1), Scale(1), Leather(1), Fang(1), Screw(1)
-Prism Helmet: Def+6, M.Def+3
Made out of Rainbow Shell.
R.Shell(1), Fang(1), Screw(1), S.Ember(1), S.Dew(1), S.Leaf(1), S.Sand(1)
-Power Glove: Atk+1
Copper(1), Fang(1)
-Dragoon Gauntlet: Atk+3
Iron(1), Fang(2)
-Power Seal: Atk+5
Mythril(1), Fang(3)
-Magic Ring: Mgc+1
Copper(1), Scale(1)
-Sky Djinn Ring: Mgc+2
Iron(1), Scale(2)
-Magic Seal: Mgc+4
Mythril(1), Scale(3)
-Silver Loupe: Hit%+2
Copper(1), Fur(1)
-Sight Scope: Hit%+3
Iron(1), Fur(2)
-Third Eye: Hit%+4
Mythril(1), Fur(3)
-Knee Pad: Def+1
Copper(1), Leather(1)
-Elbow Pad: Def+3
Iron(1), Leather(2)
-Waist Pad: Def+5
Mythril(1), Leather(3)
-Silver Pendant: M.Def+1
Copper(1), Carapace(1)
-Gold Pendant: M.Def+2
Iron(1), Carapace(2)
-Memento Pendant: M.Def+4
-Dancing Shoes: Evd%+6
Copper(1), Feather(1)
-Kung-fu Shoes: Evd%+12
Iron(1), Feather(2)
-Winged Shoes: Evd%+18
Mythril(1), Feather(3)
-Dragoon's Honor: Atk+1, Hit%+2, Mgc+1
Mythril(1), Scale(2), Fur(2), Fang(2)
-Dragoon's Glory: Atk+3, Hit%+3, Mgc+2
Denadorite(1), Scale(2), Fur(2), Fang(2)
-Defender: Def+1, Evd%+6, M.Def+1
Mythril(1), Feather(2), Leather(2), Carapace(2)
-Defender Plus: Def+3, Evd%+12, M.Def+2
Denadorite(1), Feather(2), Leather(2), Carapace(2)
-Silver Earring: Increases the amount of HP you have during battle.
Iron(1), Humour(2)
-Gold Earring: Increases the amount of HP you have during battle.
Mythril(1), Humour(3)
-Earring of Light: Increases the amount of HP you have during battle.
Denadorite(1), Humour(4)
-Earring of Hope: Increases the amount of HP you have during battle.
Iron(1), Mythril(1), Denadorite(1), Humour(5)
-Stamina Ring: Stamina Recovery+1
Iron(1), Eyeball(1)
-Stamina Belt: Stamina Recovery+2
Mythril(1), Eyeball(2)
-Resistance Ring: Decreases the time that status effects last.
Iron(1), Seed(1)
-Resistance Belt: Decreases the time that status effects last.
Mythril(1), Seed(2)
-Sea Charm: Protection against AntiBlue.
Copper(1), Mythril(1), S.Dew(1)
-Flame Charm: Protection against AntiRed.
Copper(1), Mythril(1), S.Ember(1)
-Forest Charm: Protection against AntiGreen.
Copper(1), Mythril(1), S.Leaf(1)
-Earth Charm: Protection against AntiYellow.
Copper(1), Mythril(1), S.Sand(1)
-Angel Charm: Protection against AntiWhite.
Copper(1), Mythril(1), S.Salt(1)
-Daemon Charm: Protection against AntiBlack.
Copper(1), Mythril(1), S.Soot(1)
-Blue Brooch: Protection against AntiBlue and blue status effects.
-Red Brooch: Protection against AntiRed and red status effects.
-Green Brooch: Protection against AntiGreen and green status effects.
-Yellow Brooch: Protection against AntiYellow and yellow status effects.
-White Brooch: Protection against AntiWhite and white status effects.
-Black Brooch: Protection against AntiBlack and black status effects.
-Dreamer's Scarf: Starts you off in battle with your Element Power Level increased by 1.
Copper(1), Iron(1), Mythril(1)
-Dreamer's Sash: Starts you off in battle with your Element Power Level increased by 2.
Iron(1), Mythril(1), Denadorite(1)
-Trashy Tiara: M.Def+1
A dirty, old headdress. Increases your defense against magic.
Bone(1), Eyeball(1), Humour(1), Feather(1), Scale(1), Fur(1), Leather(1),
Fang(1), Carapace(1), Screw(1), Seed(1)
-Golden Tiara: M.Def+1
A glittering headdress. Increases your defense against magic.
Copper(1), Iron(1), Mythril(1)
-Profiteer Purse: Slightly increases the amount of gold received at the end of battle.
Bone(3), Copper(3), Iron(3)
-Moonglasses: Reduces the damage done by all kinds of attacks you receive from enemies.
Iron(1), Mythril(1), Denadorite(1)
-Sunglasses: Increases the damage done by all kinds of attacks you make on your enemies.
Iron(1), Mythril(1), Denadorite(1)
-Pendragon Sigil C: Shifts attribute of Element attacks received to weapon. (Low-level
Elements only.)
-Pendragon Sigil B: Shifts attribute of Element attacks received to weapon. (Low to
mid-level Elements.)
-Pendragon Sigil A: Shifts attribute of Element attacks received to weapon. (Low to
high-level Elements.)
-Forget-me-not Pot: Memorizes monsters to be used in Doppelgang ability.
-Star Fragment: Protection from the flu, burns, sprains, and poison status effects.
-Dreamer's Sarong: Starts you off in battle with your Element Power Level increased by 8.
Mythril(1), Denadorite(1), R.Shell(1)
-@Bone: Monster bones. Base material for forging equipment.
-@Copper: A lump of copper ore. Base material for forging equipment.
-@Iron: A lump of iron ore. Base material for forging equipment.
-@Mythril: A lump of mythril silver. Base material for forging equipment.
-@Denadorite: Denadoro Mountain stone. Base material for forging equipment.
-@Rainbow Shell: Illustrious Rainbow Shell. Base material for forging equipment.
-@Eyeball: Monsters' eyeballs. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Humour: Monsters' body fluid. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Feather: Monsters' feathers. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Scale: Monsters' scales. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Fur: Monsters' fur. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Leather: Monsters' hides. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Fang: Monsters' fangs. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Carapace: Monsters' carapace shell. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Screw: Machine's nuts and bolts. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Seed: Plant seeds. Temper material for forging equipment.
-@Shiny Ember: Legendary temper material for forging equipment. Has red color attribute.
-@Shiny Dew: Legendary temper material for forging equipment. Has blue color attribute.
-@Shiny Leaf: Legendary temper material for forging equipment. Has green color attribute.
-@Shiny Sand: Legendary temper material for forging equipment. Has yellow color attribute.
-@Shiny Salt: Legendary temper material for forging equipment. Has white color attribute.
-@Shiny Soot: Legendary temper material for forging equipment. Has black color attribute.
Element List
Name Lv/+- Target
[Note: a @ by the name means only a character with that innate color can use the spell.
A $ means it's consumable. A * means that it is a summon. Summons are also only useable
by those of that innate color. T. means that it's an Element Trap (Element Traps are all
-TurnBlue 1/7 Single Foe/Ally
Turn foe's attribute / ally's attacks blue
-Cure 1/7 Single Foe/Ally
Restores HP (Small)
-AquaBeam 1/7 Single Foe
Blasts foe with high-pressure water stream
-$Medicine 2/0 Single Ally
Heals the flu and blue status effects
-IceLance 2/6 Single Foe
Hurls an icicle spear at unsuspecting foe
-@AntiRed 3/5 Single Foe
Temporarily seals red Elements
-CurePlus 3/5 Single Foe/Ally
Restores HP (Medium)
-AquaBall 3/5 Single Foe
Hurls a large sphere of water at opponent
-Nimble 4/4 Single Ally
Temporarily increases physical Evade%
-Numble 4/4 Single Foe
Temporarily decreases physical Evade%
-IceBlast 4/4 Single Ally
Freezes your foe in a cage of ice
-BlueField 5/3 All Foes & Allies
Colors all field attributes blue
-@CureAll 5/3 All Allies
Restores HP (Large)
-T.Deluge 5/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch Deluge Element
-Deluge 5/3 All Foes
Inundates enemies in icy-cold floodwaters
-@Vigora 6/2 Singly Ally
Temporarily stops your stamina from decreasing
-T.Iceberg 6/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch Iceberg Element
-@Iceberg 6/2 All Foes
Hails large chunks of ice down on foes
-T.FrogPrince 7/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch *FrogPrince Element
-*FrogPrince 7/2 All Foes
Summons Frog Prince to perform a water attack
-*BlueWhale 8/0 All Foes
Calls on Neptune's anger to create a tsunami
-$Tablet 1/0 Single Ally
Restores HP (small)
-TurnRed 1/7 Single Foe/Ally
Turn foe's attribute / ally's attacks red
-Fireball 1/7 Single Foe
Hurls spheres of flames at enemy
-$Ointment 2/0 Single Ally
Heals burns and red status effects
-MagmaBomb 2/6 All Foes
Launches a volley of fireballs at foes
-@AntiBlue 3/5 Single Foe
Temporarily seals blue Elements
-FirePillar 3/5 Single Foe
Burns enemy in a pillar of flames
-Strengthen 4/4 Singly Ally
Temporarily increases your attack power
-Weaken 4/4 Single Foe
Temporarily decreases foe's attack power
-MagmaBurst 4/4 Single Foe
Makes lava gush out from beneath foe
-RedField 5/3 All Foes & Allies
Colors all field attributes red
-T.Inferno 5/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch Inferno Element
-Inferno 5/3 All Foes
Heats air to a burning-hot temperature
-@Recharge 6/0 Single Ally
Recovers a used Element for re-use
-@Ninety-Nine 6/2 Single Ally
Temporarily keeps Hit% of basic attacks at 99%
-T.Volcano 6/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch Volcano Element
-@Volcano 6/2 All Foes
Induces an enormous volcanic eruption
-T.RedWolf 7/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch *RedWolf Element
-*RedWolf 7/2 All Foes
Summons a fire wolf to create a sea of flames
-*Salamander 8/0 All Foes
Use salamander's breath to incinerate foes
-TurnGreen 1/7 Single Foe/Ally
Turn foe's attribute / ally's attacks green
-Bushwhacker 1/7 Single Foe
Slices foe with a cloud of whirling leaves
-$Antidote 2/0 Single Ally
Heals poison and green status effects
-Heal 2/6 Single Foe/Ally
Restores HP (Small)
-AeroSaucer 2/6 Single Foe
Throws blades of razor-sharp air to slice foe
-@AntiYellow 3/5 Single Foe
Temporarily seals yellow Elements
-Bushbasher 3/5 Single Foe
Encases foe in a cage of thorny brambles
-HealAll 4/4 All Allies
Restores HP (Medium)
-EagleEye 4/4 Single Ally
Temporarily increases your attack Hit%
-BatEye 4/4 Single Foe
Temporarily decreases foe's attack Hit%
-AeroBlaster 4/4 Single Foe
Shoots a sonic blast at your foe
-GreenField 5/3 All Foes & Allies
Colors all field attributes green
-T.Carnivore 5/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch Carnivore Element
-Carnivore 5/3 All Foes
A humongous Venus Flytrap devours foes
-@HealPlus 6/2 Single Foe/Ally
Restores HP (Large)
-@InfoScope 6/2 Single Foe
Detects your opponent's HP data
-T.Tornado 6/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch Tornado Element
-@Tornado 6/2 All Foes
Causes a cyclone that batters foes to bits
-T.Sonja 7/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch Sonja Element
-*Sonja 7/2 All Foes
Summons a forest dryad to sprinkle poison dust
-*Genie 8/0 All Foes
A wind djinn blows your foes away with a twister
-TurnYellow 1/7 Single Foe/Ally
Turn foe's attribute / ally's attacks yellow
-Uplift 1/7 Single Foe
Cuts out and drops a block of stone on foe
-$Brace 2/0 Single Ally
Heals sprains and yellow status effects
-ElectroJolt 2/6 Single Foe
Shocks foe with an electrical discharge
-$Capsule 3/0 Single Ally
Restores HP (Medium)
-@AntiGreen 3/5 Single Foe
Temporarily seals green Elements
-Upheaval 3/5 Single Foe
Spears foe with shards of shattered earth
-HiRes 4/4 Single Ally
Temporarily increases your defense
-LowRes 4/4 Single Foe
Temporarily decreases your opponent's defense
-ElectroBolt 4/4 Single Foe
Hurls a lightning bolt down on your opponent
-YellowField 5/3 All Foes & Allies
Colors all field attributes yellow
-T.Earthquake 5/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch Earthquake Element
-Earthquake 5/3 All Foes
Crushes foes beneath giant stone pillars
-@PhysNegate 6/2 Single Ally
Temporarily nullifies foe's physical attacks
-T.ThundaStorm 6/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch ThundaStorm Element
-@ThundaStorm 6/2 All Foes
Causes a series of thunderbolts to occur
-T.Golem 7/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch *Golem Element
-*Golem 7/2 All Foes
Summons an earth giant to stomp on your foes
-*ThundaSnake 8/0 All Foes
An electric serpent zaps anything in its path
-TurnWhite 1/0 Single Foe/Ally
Turn foe's attribute / ally's attacks white
-Revive 1/7 Single Ally
Recovers friend from incapacitated status
-PhotonRay 1/7 Single Foe
Shoots a bright laser beam at your opponent
-$WhiteOut 2/0 Single Ally
Removes white status effects
-Meteorite 2/6 Single Foe
Drops a comet down on an unsuspecting foe's head
-RecoverAll 3/5 All Allies
Restores HP (Medium)
-@AntiBlack 3/5 Single Foe
Temporarily seals black Elements
-PhotonBeam 3/5 Single Foe
Bombards enemy with an extra-powerful laser
-$Panacea 4/0 Single Ally
Revomes all status effects
-Purify 4/4 Single Ally
Removes all status effects
-StrongMinded 4/4 Single Ally
Temporarily increases your magical defense
-WeakMinded 4/4 Single Foe
Temporarily decreases your foe's magical defense
-MeteorShower 4/4 All Foes
Hurls several large asteroids at foes
-@FullRevival 5/3 Single Ally
Recovers incapacitated status and heals all HP
-T.HolyLight 5/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch HolyLight Element
-HolyLight 5/3 All Foes
Casts a holy circle (annihilates undead)
-@HolyHealing 6/2 All Allies
Restores all HP and removes status effects
-@Magnify 6/2 All Foes & Allies
Temporarily increases Element damage by 1.5
-@MagNegate 6/2 Single Ally
Temporarily nullifies foe's magic attacks
-T.UltraNova 6/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch UltraNova Element
-@UltraNova 6/2 All Foes
Causes an explosion of high-density energy
-T.Unicorn 7/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch *Unicorn Element
-*Unicorn 7/1 All Allies
Holy horse's prayer raises Def & M.Def
-*Saints 8/0 All Foes & Allies
Army of angels attacks foes and heals party
-TurnBlack 1/7 Single Foe/Ally
Turn foe's attribute / ally's attacks black
-GravityBlow 1/7 Single Foe
Blows away foe with a ball of pure gravity
-$BlackOut 2/0 Singly Ally
Removes black status effects
-HellSoul 2/0 Single Foe
Attempts to remove the soul from foe's body
-@AntiWhite 3/5 Single Foe
Temporarily seals white Elements
-Gravitonne 3/5 All Foes
Crushes foes with a supergravity field
-Genius 4/4 Single Ally
Temporarily increases your magical power
-Imbecile 4/4 Single Foe
Temporarily decreases your foe's magical power
-HellBound 4/0 Single Foe
Sends your enemy on a trip to hell
-@Revenge 5/3 Single Foe
Shifts your status effects onto enemy
-T.FreeFall 5/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch FreeFall Element
-FreeFall 5/3 Single Foe
Drops foe from the sky at supersonic speed
-$Nostrum 6/0 Single Ally
Restores HP (Large)
-Diminish 6/2 All Foes & Allies
Temporarily halves Elemental damage
-@SealAll 6/2 All Foes & Allies
Temporarily stops everyone's Elements
-T.BlackHole 6/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch BlackHole Element
-@BlackHole 6/2 All Foes
Sucks everything in the area into a super-vacuum
-T.MotherShip 7/0 All Foes
Set trap to catch *MotherShip Element
-*MotherShip 7/1 All Foes
Contacts a spaceship to blast foes to pieces
-*GrimReaper 8/0 All Foes
Summons Death to wreak doom and destruction
-Chrono Cross 8/7 All Foes & Allies
Long lost Element of 7th color attribute
Tech Skill List
Lv.3: Dash&Slash (Single Foe)
Charge at foe for extra-powerful blade stroke
Lv.5: Luminaire (All Foes)
Build up and release a burst of "chi" energy
Lv.7: FlyingArrow (Single Foe)
Focus energy on Swallow and hurl yourself at foe
Lv.3: Pilfer (Single Foe)
Attempt to steal your opponent's treasure
Lv.5: RedPin (All Foes)
Throw a bunch of daggers all at once
Lv.7: HotShot (Single Foe)
The Death-blow machine invented by Lucca
Lv.3: GlideHook (Single Foe)
Slice opponent as you gently fly past him
Lv.5: FeralCats (All Foes)
Invokes a pack of magic cats to attack
Lv.7: ForeverZero (All Foes)
All things become eternal nothingness
Lv.3: Wandain (Single Foe)
Teleport magic wand into foe's innards
Lv.5: WandaSwords (Single Foe)
Turn magic wand into swords that stab foe
Lv.7: LightninRod (Single Foe)
Charge magic wand with lightning to zap foe
Lv.3: SpiralRay (Single Foe)
Shoot a twisting ray of aura from your pistol
Lv.5: SunShower (All Foes)
Fire aura in the air to cause a rain of bullets
Lv.7: TopShot (Single Foe)
Fires a concentrated ball of aura energy
Lv.3: GrandFinale (Single Foe)
Break beloved guitar on foe at performance's end
Lv.5: ChillOut (Single Foe)
Play a cool tune that'll freeze your worst critic
Lv.7: LimeLight (All Foes)
Play some heavy metal that'll shake your foes
Lv.3: G-Force (Single Foe)
Utilize gravity's pull to swing sword harder
Lv.5: AirForce (All Foes)
Make huge blades of thin air and hurl them at foes
Lv.7: FlagBearer (Self)
Raise the national flag to raise the fighting spirit
Lv.3: SnakeEyes (All Allies)
Use the power of White Cobra to heal your party
Lv.5: SnakeSkin (Single Ally)
Use the power of White Cobra for protection
Lv.7: SnakeFangs (Self)
White Cobra's power will recharge some Elements
Lv.3: DragonRider (Single Foe)
Jump on your dragon to make a charge attack
Lv.5: AxialAxe (All Foes)
Send aura into axe and throw it in a circle
Lv.7: Axiomatic (Single Foe)
Spin axe around to build up power for final blow
Lv.3: DragonRider (Single Foe)
Jump from your steed to do an elbow-crush dive
Lv.5: Gyronimo (Single Foe)
Fly like a helicopter to make a spinning dive
Lv.7: Toss&Spike (Single Foe)
Throw foe high in air, then beat him back down
Lv.3: Cat'sCradle (Single Foe)
Pierce the enemy with your secret strings
Lv.5: StringPhone (All Foes)
Send a cold signal down your secret string line
Lv.7: WebSurfer (All Foes)
Weave secret strings to cut out a wave of rocks
Lv.3: HeadButt (Single Foe)
Swim in the air and dive head-first at opponent
Lv.5: Hook&Sinker (Single Foe)
Snag a foe on fishing line and reel it in
Lv.7: BigCatch (Single Foe)
A special lure to catch the big one that got away
Lv.3: Pin-UpGirl (Single Foe)
Practice the pinning of a specimen on your foe
Lv.5: Mix&Match (Single Foe)
Chemical compound causes multiple status effects
Lv.7: TestAmeba (Single Foe)
Let foe be a test-host for a new parasitic amoeba
Lv.3: K9-Ball (Single Foe)
Curl up in a ball and bounce at foe
Lv.5: DoggyDunnit (All Foes)
Kick up the dirty stuff from pooch's sandbox
Lv.7: Unleashed (Single Foe)
Unlock dog collar to unleash pooch power!
Lv.3: Raz-Star (Single Foe)
Catch a falling star
Lv.5: Raz-Heart (Single Ally)
A gift from the heart
Lv.7: Raz-Flower (All Allies)
Protect friends with flower power
Lv.3: HammerBlow (Single Foe)
Beat the earth to rattle your foe
Lv.5: HammerThrow (All Foes)
Spin like a top to known foes flying
Lv.7: BallsOfIron (Single Foe)
Like playing golf with an adrenaline rush
Lv.3: SpiceOfLife (All Allies)
Scatter secret spice to make party healthy
Lv.5: MysteryMenu (Single Foe)
Turns your foe into the main course
Lv.7: DinnerGuest (Single Foe)
Invites the cook to show his other face
Lv.3: LongShot (Single Foe)
Hit foe from afar with "Chi" aura
Lv.5: QuickDraw (Single Foe)
Swing your staff faster than the eye can see
Lv.7: VitalEnergy (Single Foe)
Send waves of "Chi" aura flying at foe
Lv.3: Pillage (Single Foe)
Plunder opponent's treasure
Lv.5: CannonBalls (All Foes)
Call for support fire from the S.S. Invincible
Lv.7: Invincible (Single Foe)
The forbidden deathblow unleashed from within
Lv.3: BottomsUp (Single Foe)
A hip-drop that makes foe the "butt" of jokes
Lv.5: Folding (Single Foe)
Handle foe as if you're folding the laundry
Lv.7: DirtyDishes (Single Foe)
One angry mama lets anything fly!
Lv.3: Dash&Gash (Single Foe)
Build up momentum for a stronger slash attack
Lv.5: SonicSword (Single Foe)
Tech Skill taught to him by his big brother
Lv.7: Dive&Drive (Single Foe)
Pierce foe from above and finish with a kick
Lv.3: MaidenHand (Single Foe)
A real slap in the face to body and soul
Lv.5: MaidenHeart (Self Only)
Virgin's prayer to recharge Elements' power
Lv.7: MaidenFaith (Self Only)
Virgin's prayer for the power of self-revival
Lv.3: HeadBopper (Single Foe)
A dance that's bound to make heads turn!
Lv.5: SexyWink (Single Foe)
A lusty look that'll make any foe go gaga
Lv.7: DanceOnAir (All Foes)
Dance in the sky while attacking with air-waves
Lv.3: MoonBeams (All Foes)
Use lunar energy to create blades of light
Lv.5: MoonShine (All Allies)
Use lunar energy to protect the party
Lv.7: Lunalretic (All Foes)
Create a lunar eclipse that causes destruction
Lv.3: BeatIt (Single Foe)
Beat enemy with your trusty bunny-drum
Lv.5: 24 Carrots (Single Foe)
Bounce carrots off drum as true "BeaterCarotene"
Lv.7: What'sUpDoc (Single Foe)
Concentrate all energy on drumming foe sky-high
Lv.3: CoughDrop (Single Foe)
Cough up a little breath of fire
Lv.5: CoughMix (All Foes)
Cough up a fireball, then beat wings to magnify it
Lv.7: BigBreath (All Foes)
Breath attack with help of Mother Dragon's ghost
Lv.3: StarLight (Single Foe)
Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK1
Lv.5: StarBurst (All Foes)
Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK2
Lv.7: StarStruck (Single Foe)
Call on Starman Guardian to do special attack MK3
Lv.5: Doppelgang (Self)
Transforms herself into a previously met foe
Lv.3: VoodooDance (Single Foe)
Perform a mystic dance that curses your foe
Lv.5: CartWheel (All Foes)
Turn into a living Catherine wheel
Lv.7: HoodooGuroo (Single Foe)
Lift foe with nail, then drop while spinning
Lv.3: VegeChopper (Single Foe)
Leap in air and put all force behind massive cut
Lv.5: VegeMight (Single Foe)
Burrow into ground to do uppercut from below
Lv.7: VegOut (Single Foe)
A secret power he doesn't talk about...
Lv.3: PopPopPop (All Foes)
Shoot forth a barrage of flower seeds
Lv.5: SlurpSlurp (Single Foe)
Send out tendrils to soak up foe's HP
Lv.7: BamBamBam (Single Foe)
Gather roots into one limb to slam foe down
Lv.3: Clothesline (Single Foe)
Charge with outstretched arm to knock foe flying
Lv.5: Flip-flop (Single Foe)
Do a gymnastic lead up to a spinning drop kick
Lv.7: GraveDiffer (Single Foe)
Do a body slam from the top of a magic tombstone
Lv.3: JugglerVein (All Foes)
Use special juggling balls to pound foes
Lv.5: BalloonLoan (Self)
Boost your strength by blowing a magic balloon
Lv.7: OnARoll (Single Foe)
Hop on a huge beach ball and run over foe with it
Lv.3: LumberJack (Single Foe)
Make like a woodcutter and chop foe to pieces
Lv.5: SporeCloud (Single Foe)
Shoot a cloud of spores from the mushroom cap
Lv.7: Myconoids (Single Foe)
Release an army of mini-mushrooms onto your foe
Lv.3: WaterBreath (Single Foe)
Exhale a powerful blast of salt water
Lv.5: MerMelody (Single Ally)
Play a tune on your harp to heal a party member
Lv.7: SirenSong (All Foes)
Play a tune on your harp to beat foes with waves
Lv.3: Snatch (Single Foe)
Steal your opponent's possessions
Lv.5: Doodle (Single Foe)
Use your opponent as a piece of drawing paper
Lv.7: Tantrum (All Foes)
Stamp on ground so hard it causes quakes
Lv.3: RockThrow (Single Foe)
Hurl huge boulders at opponent
Lv.5: TailSpin (Single Foe)
Swirl tail around to create a tornado attack
Lv.7: TripleKick (Single Foe)
Leap up and kick from three different directions
Lv.3: JumpThrow (Single Foe)
A Tech Skill learned from a correspondence course
Lv.5: WetPaint (All Foes & Allies)
Throw artist's paintpots all over the place
Lv.7: PiggyBoink (Single Foe)
Set your precious piggy bank onto your foe
Lv.3: BigDeal (Single Foe)
Swiftly and forcefully throw your pack of cards
Lv.5: HPShuffle (Self)
Reorder the digits that make up your HP value
Lv.7: SwordTrick (Single Foe)
A new magic trick, the likes of which have never been seen before!
Lv.3: DireaShadow (Single Foe)
Summon the eidolon of the last Shrine Maiden
Lv.5: HydraShadow (All Foes)
Summon the eidolon of a Hydra
Lv.7: GaraiShadow (Single Foe)
Summon the eidolon of Garai
Lv.3: HighFive (Single Foe)
Throw your weapons high in the air
Lv.5: Gnarly (Single Foe)
A chiropractic attack that crushes a foe's bones
Lv.7: HangTen (All Allies)
Pray for ocean rains to heal your friends
Lv.3: RocketFish (Single Foe)
Shoot off left arm to punch a foe in the face
Lv.5: HairCutter (All Foes)
Power up cyborg hair to generate a laser saber
Lv.7: StrongArm (Single Foe)
A secret weapon banned by the Porre Army
Lv.3: Medalsome (Self)
Pray upon the legendary Hero's Medal for help
Lv.5: FoiledAgain (Single Foe)
Gracefully score a double touch on foe
Lv.7: SlapOfCyrus (Single Foe)
A deathblow borrowed from the tough guy Cyrus
Lv.3: Multipunch (Single Foe)
A chain attack inherited by a single child
Lv.5: PunchDrunk (Single Foe)
"Drunken Master" atack taught by her parents
Lv.7: SisterHoods (Single Foe)
An inherited technique performed by two sisters
Lv.3: Pounce (Single Foe)
Hurl body at foe with all one's might
Lv.5: Soothe (All Allies)
Gently calm party to restore stamina and HP
Lv.7: Varies
Combo List
-DeltaForce (White / All Foes)
Combine 3 magic attacks to create a mega-spell
Serge(5) Luminaire Leena(7) MaidenFaith Razzly(7) Raz-Flower
-DoubleTake (Red / Single Foe)
Two thieves join forces to do a double steal
Kid(3) Pilfer Mel(3) Snatch
-DraggyRider (Yellow / Single Foe)
Try a DragonRider attack like the big boys do!
Draggy(7) BigBreath Leah(7) TripleKick
-DragonSpike (Green / Single Foe)
Combined DragonRider and Toss&Spike double attack
Karsh(3) DragonRider Zoah(7) Toss&Spike
-Flamenco (Red / All Allies)
Combined DanceOnAir and LimeLight double tech
Miki(7) DanceOnAir Nikki(7) LimeLight
-PitchBlack (Black / All Foes)
Combined StrongArm and TopShot double attack
Norris(7) TopShot Grobyc(7) StrongArm
-SwordStorm (Black / Single Foe)
Combined WandaSwords & SwordTrick double attack
Guile(5) WandaSwords Sneff(7) SwordTrick
-TossedSalad (Green / Single Foe)
Combined BamBamBam and VegOut double attack
NeoFio(7) BamBamBam Turnip(7) VegOut
-VitalForce (White / Single Foe)
Combined VitalEnergy and AirForce double attack
Radius(7) VitalEnergy Viper(5) AirForce
-X-Strike (Red / Single Foe)
Combined Dash&Slash and Dash&Gash double attack
Serge(3) Dash&Slash Glenn(3) Dash&Gash
-Z-Slash (Blue / Single Foe)
Mince foe with triple bladed super-cut
Serge(7) FlyingArrow Kid(5) RedPin Slash(4)*
*Use Sprigg's Doppelgang
Doppelgang List
A list of doppelgang monsters and their attacks when used by Sprigg
[! = innate skill]
[** = "Dummied" Note: Radius is the only Dummied character with any Elements]
Do you want a list of Doppelgangers as Beefy as this one? Well, thanks to the great
GS hacker Veyline, it's possible. I found this code posted by him on the GSCCC message
board and I hope he doesn't mind he sharing it here. If he does, I'll take it off the
FAQ. If you switch to any Dummied character, you won't be able to use Doppelgang for
the rest of the fight.
800712B8 FFDF
800712BA FFFF
800712BC BFFF
800712BE FBFB
800712C0 FFFF
800712C2 F4E7
800712C4 FFBF
800712C6 77FF
800712C8 E73F
800712CA 537A
800712CC F0F0
800712CE 01F7
800712D0 BC4E
800712D2 07C0
-Radius: (Green)**
Lv.1: T.MotherShip-6, AeroBlaster-3, AntiBlack-2, $Brace-1
Lv.2: Upheaval-1, T.Iceberg-4
Lv.3: Tornado-3, TurnBlack+2, $WhiteOut+1
Lv.4: Earthquake-1, StrongMinded
Lv.5: Uplift+4, $Panacea+1
Lv.6: ElectroJolt+4
Lv.7: BlueField+2
Lv.8: Vigora+2
-Beach Bum: (Blue)
Lv.1: TurnBlue, Cure, Cure, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: CurePlus-1, AquaBall-1, !MakeWaves, CurePlus-1
Lv.3: AquaBall, !MakeWaves
Lv.4: AquaBall+1, !MakeWaves
Lv.5: !MakeWaves
(!MakeWaves- All Enemies: Damage)
-SandSquirt: (Blue)
Lv.1: AquaBeam, !SquirtGun, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Cure+1, !SquirtGun
Lv.3: CurePlus, !SquirtGun
Lv.4: AquaBeam+3
(!SquirtGun- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Komodo Pup: (Blue)
Lv.1: Cure, !SquirtGun, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: TurnBlue+1, !SquirtGun
Lv.3: !SquirtGun
Lv.4: !SquirtGun
Lv.5: CureAll
(!SquirtGun- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Opah Fish: (Red)
Lv.1: Weaken-3, Fireball, Fireball, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Weaken-2, Fireball+1, Fireball+1
Lv.3: FirePillar, Fireball+2
Lv.4: MagmaBurst
Lv.5: MagmaBurst+1
Lv.6: MagmaBurst+2
Lv.7: RedField+2
-Tzetze Fly: (Black)
Lv.1: HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Genius-2, Imbecile-2, HellBound-2
Lv.3: Imbecile-1, Genius-1
Lv.4: HellBound
Lv.5: HellBound+1
-Wraith: (Black)
Lv.1: !DarkMist, !DarkMist, !DarkMist, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !DarkMist, HellSoul, !DarkMist
Lv.3: AntiWhite, HellSoul+1
Lv.4: HellSoul+2
Lv.5: AntiWhite+2
Lv.6: HellBound+2
(!DarkMist- All Enemies: Darkness status effect)
-Mama Dingo: (Red)
Lv.1: Strengthen-3, Strengthen-3, Strengthen-3, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Strengthen-2, !Bite
Lv.3: !Bite
Lv.4: !Bite
Lv.5: !Bite
Lv.6: !Bite
(!Bite- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Bubba Dingo: (Red)
Lv.1: !Sic'em, !Sic'em, !Sic'em, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Weaken-2, !Sic'em
Lv.3: !Sic'em
Lv.4: !Sic'em
(!Sic'em- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Drongo: (Green)
Lv.1: Heal-1, TurnGreen, !PeaShooter, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: HealAll-2, !PeaShooter
Lv.3: BatEye-1, !PeaShooter
Lv.4: !PeaShooter
Lv.5: !PeaShooter
(!PeaShooter- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Dodo: (White)
Lv.1: Purify-3, !Peck, !Peck, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: RecoverAll-1, !Peck
Lv.3: !Peck
Lv.4: !Peck
Lv.5: !Peck
Lv.6: Revive+5
(!Peck- Single Enemy: Repeat strike attack)
-Dodo [See above]
-Bulb: (Green)
Lv.1: Heal-1, Bushwhacker, Heal-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Bushwhacker+1, Heal
Lv.3: Bushwhacker+2, BatEye-1
Lv.4: HealAll, InfoScope-2
Lv.5: Bushbasher+2
Lv.6: Carnivore+1
-Cassowary: (Yellow)
Lv.1: LoRes-3, Uplift, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: LoRes-2, Uplift+1
Lv.3: LoRes-1, HiRes-1
Lv.4: !TheOld1-2-3, !TheOld1-2-3
Lv.5: !TheOld1-2-3
Lv.6: AntiGreen+3
(!TheOld1-2-3- Single Enemy: Repeat strike attack)
-Cuscus: (Green)
Lv.1: Heal-1, Heal-1, Heal-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: BushWhacker+1, TurnGreen+1
Lv.3: BushWhacker+2, BatEye-1
Lv.4: EagleEye
-Quadffid: (Green)
Lv.1: Bushbasher-2, Heal-1, Heal-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Bushbasher-1, InfoScope-4, EagleEye-2
Lv.3: HealAll-1, !Devour
Lv.4: !Devour
Lv.5: !Devour
Lv.6: Carnivore+1
(!Devour- Single Enemy: Damage plus poison status effect)
-Gerridae: (Blue)
Lv.1: Cure, Cure, Cure, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: CurePlus-1, CurePlus-1, !SquirtGun
Lv.3: CurePlus, !SquirtGun
Lv.4: !SquirtGun
Lv.5: !SquirtGun
Lv.6: !SquirtGun
Lv.8: Deluge+3
(!SquirtGun- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Gloop: (Blue)
Lv.1: !Goo, !Goo, !Goo, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !Goo, !Goo, !Goo, !Goo
Lv.3: !Goo, !Goo, !Goo, !Goo
Lv.4: !Goo, !Goo, Numble, !Goo
Lv.5: !Goo, !Goo, !Goo, !Goo
Lv.6: !Goo, !Goo, !Goo, !Goo
Lv.7: CureAll+2, !Goo, !Goo, !Goo
(!Goo- Single Enemy: Dizzy status effect)
-Wraith: (Black)
Lv.1: !DarkMist, !DarkMist, !DarkMist, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !DarkMist, HellSoul, !DarkMist
Lv.3: AntiWhite, HellSoul+1
Lv.4: HellSoul+2
Lv.5: AntiWhite+2
Lv.6: HellBound+2
(!DarkMist- All Enemies: Darkness status effect)
-Gobledygook: (Red)
Lv.1: MagmaBomb-1, MagmaBomb-1, MagmaBomb-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: FirePillar-1, FirePillar-1
Lv.3: !SuckBlood, !SuckBlood
Lv.4: !SuckBlood
Lv.5: Weaken+1
(!SuckBlood- Single Enemy: Absorb foe's HP)
-Loch Nest: (Green)
Lv.1: AeroSaucer-1, AeroSaucer-1, AeroSaucer-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: AeroBlaster-2, AeroBlaster-2
Lv.3: AeroSaucer+1
Lv.4: !PoisonGas
Lv.5: !PoisonGas
(!PoisonGas- All Enemies: Poison status effect)
-Acacia PVT: (Yellow)
Lv.1: TurnGreen, TurnYellow, Cure, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Cure+1, !StormBlow
Lv.3: ElectroBolt-1, !StormBlow
Lv.4: !StormBlow
Lv.5: EagleEye+1
(!StormBlow- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Acacia SGT: (Yellow)
Lv.1: TurnGreen, TurnYellow, Cure, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: CurePlus-1, !AcaciaBlade
Lv.3: ElectroJolt+1, !AcaciaBlade
Lv.4: ElectroBolt, !AcaciaBlade
Lv.5: HiRes+1
(!AcaciaBlade- Single Enemy: Damage)
-WillO'Wisp: (Red)
Lv.1: !Brimstone, FirePillar-2, FirePillar-2, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !Brimstone, Weaken-2
Lv.3: !Brimstone
Lv.4: TurnRed+3
(!Brimstone- All Enemies: Damage plus burns status effect)
-Li'l Boxer: (Yellow)
Lv.1: !Doppelgang
Lv.2: ElectroJolt
Lv.3: ElectroJolt+1
Lv.4: ElectroJolt+2
Lv.5: ElectroBolt+1
Lv.6: ElectroBolt+2
Lv.7: ThundaStorm+1
Lv.8: ThundaStorm+2
-Big Boxer: (Yellow)
Lv.1: !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Uplift+1
Lv.3: Uplift+2
Lv.4: Upheaval+1
Lv.5: Upheaval+2
Lv.6: Upheaval+3
Lv.7: Earthquake+2
Lv.8: Earthquake+3
-Potty: (Yellow)
Lv.1: Uplift, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Upheaval-1
Lv.3: ElectroBolt-1, ElectroBolt-1
Lv.4: LoRes, Upheaval+1
-Man-Of-War: (Black)
Lv.1: HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Gravitonne-1, Gravitonne-1
Lv.3: AntiWhite
-Man-At-Arms: (Black)
Lv.1: !BlackRain, !BlackRain, !BlackRain, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: HellSoul, HellSoul
Lv.3: Gravitonne
Lv.4: AntiWhite+1
Lv.5: Revenge
Lv.6: SealAll
(!BlackRain- All Enemies: Damage plus cursed status effect)
-Portalgheist: (Yellow)
Lv.1: ElectroJolt-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: ElectroJolt
Lv.3: ElectroBolt-1
Lv.4: ElectroBolt
Lv.5: AntiGreen+2
Lv.6: AntiGreen+3
-Neo-N-Bulb: (Green)
Lv.1: Heal-1, Heal-1, InfoScope-5, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Heal, Heal
Lv.3: HealAll-1, BatEye-1
Lv.4: HealAll, EagleEye
Lv.5: Bushbasher+2, Bushbasher+2
Lv.6: Bushbasher+3
Lv.7: Carnivore+2
-Dwarf: (Yellow)
Lv.1: !Hi-HoWarCry, !Hi-HoWarCry, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !Hi-HoWarCry, !Hi-HoWarCry
Lv.3: ElectroBolt-1, ElectroBolt-1
Lv.4: HiRes, Upheaval+1
Lv.5: HiRes+1, Upheaval+2
Lv.6: AntiGreen+3, Earthquake+1
Lv.7: Earthquake+2
-DaggyDwarf: (Yellow)
Lv.1: !Hi-HoWarCry, !Hi-HoWarCry, !Hi-HoWarCry, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !Hi-HoWarCry, !Hi-HoWarCry
Lv.3: !Hi-HoWarCry, !Hi-HoWarCry
Lv.4: !Hi-HoWarCry
Lv.5: !Hi-HoWarCry
Lv.6: !Hi-HoWarCry
(!Hi-HoWarCry- Single Enemy: Damage)
-DaffyDwarf: (Yellow)
Lv.1: !Hi-HoWarCry, ElectroJolt-1, !Hi-HoWarCry, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: ElectroJolt, ElectroJolt
Lv.3: ElectroBolt-1
Lv.4: ElectroBolt
Lv.5: ElectroBolt+1
Lv.6: ThundaStorm
(!Hi-HoWarCry- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Potpourri: (Green)
-Swarmp Bug: (Blue)
Lv.1: Cure, AquaBeam, AquaBeam, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: TurnBlue+1, AquaBall-1
Lv.3: Numble-1
Lv.4: Nimble
Lv.5: Deluge
-SnobGoblin: (Green)
Lv.1: Heal-1, AeroSaucer-1, AeroBlaster-3, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Heal, AeroBlaster-2
Lv.3: Bushbasher, Bushbasher
Lv.4: BatEye, BatEye
-SnibGoblin: (Green)
Lv.1: Heal-1, Bushwhacker, Bushwhacker, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Heal, Bushbasher-1
Lv.3: EagleEye-1, Bushbasher
Lv.4: AeroBlaster, EagleEye
Lv.5: HealAll+1
-Quadffid [see above]
-Beeba: (Yellow)
Lv.1: LoRes-3, LoRes-3, LoRes-3, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: HiRes-2, PhysNegate-4
Lv.3: ThundaStorm-3
-Wingapede: (Green)
Lv.1: !AcidicGas, !AcidicGas, Tornado-5, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !AcidicGas, AeroBlaster-2
Lv.3: InfoScope-3, AeroSaucer+1
Lv.4: InfoScope-2
-Crossbones: (Black)
Lv.1: HellSoul-1, !SwordDance, !SwordDance, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !SwordDance, !SwordDance
Lv.3: HellSoul+1
Lv.4: HellSoul+2
Lv.5: HellBound+1
(!SwordDance- Single Enemy: Repeat strike attack)
-Wraith [see above]
-Dead Beat: (Black)
Lv.1: HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1,
HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1, HellSoul-1, !Doppelgang
-Scorpiod: (Green)
Lv.1: Cure, Bushbasher-2, Bushbasher-2, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Cure+1, Bushbasher-1
Lv.3: CurePlus, Bushbasher
Lv.4: TurnBlue+3, Bushbasher+1
Lv.5: Bushbasher+2
Lv.6: Deluge+1
Lv.7: Iceberg+1
-Dwarf [see above]
-DaggyDwarf [see above]
-DaffyDwarf [see above]
-Hi-Ho Tank**
-HotDoggity: (Red)
Lv.1: FirePillar-2, !GnawBones, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: FirePillar-1
Lv.3: !GnawBones
Lv.4: TurnRed+3
Lv.5: !GnawBones
Lv.6: Fireball+5
Lv.7: Fireball+6
(!GnawBones- Single Enemy: Hurls spheres of flames at enemy)
-CatBurglar: (Red)
Lv.1: FirePillar-2, !TripleFist, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Weaken-2, !TripleFist
Lv.3: !TripleFist
Lv.4: Strengthen
Lv.5: MagmaBomb+3
Lv.6: Ninety-Nine
(!TripleFist- Single Enemy: Repeat strike attack)
-Paper Boy: (Yellow)
Lv.1: TurnYellow, !PaperMoon, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !PaperMoon
Lv.3: LoRes-1, !PaperMoon
(!PaperMoon- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Combat: (Black)
Lv.1: GravityBlow, GravityBlow, !BatBeam, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: TurnBlack+1, !BatBeam
Lv.3: Genius-1, !BatBeam
Lv.4: Imbecile, AntiWhite+1
Lv.5: SealAll-1
Lv.8: Revenge+3
(!BatBeam- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Acacia PVT [see above]
-Acacia SGT [see above]
-Googhoul: (Yellow)
Lv.1: ElectroJolt-1, !Gnash, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: TurnYellow+1, ElectroJolt, !Gnash
Lv.3: ElectroBolt-1, !Gnash
Lv.4: HiRes, Uplift+3
Lv.5: Uplift+4
Lv.6: AntiGreen+3
(!Gnash- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Cybot: (Yellow)
Lv.1: Uplift, TurnYellow, TurnYellow, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Uplift+1, TurnYellow+1, !BeatenEarth
Lv.3: Earthquake-2, !BeatenEarth
Lv.4: Earthquake-1, !BeatenEarth
Lv.5: !BeatenEarth
(!BeatenEarth- Single Enemy: Damage)
-AlphaBat: (Black)
Lv.1: !DarkBeam, !DarkBeam, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Imbecile-2, !DarkBeam
Lv.3: !DarkBeam
Lv.4: GravityBlow+3
Lv.5: Gravitonne+2
(!DarkBeam- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Gen. Viper**
-TotalChaos: (Black)
Lv.1: !Doppelgang
Lv.2: FreeFall-3
Lv.3: TurnBlack+2
Lv.4: Diminish-2
Lv.5: SealAll-1
Lv.6: Gravitonne+3
Lv.7: HellSoul+5
Lv.8: BlackHole+2
-Porre PVT: (White)
Lv.1: TurnRed, TurnBlue, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !BayonetGun, !BayonetGun
Lv.3: Cure+2, !BayonetGun
Lv.4: Numble
Lv.7: Revenge+2
(!BayonetGun- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Porre SGT: (White)
Lv.1: TurnRed, TurnBlue, CurePlus-2, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !BayonetPlus, !BayonetPlus
Lv.3: Cure+2, !BayonetPlus
Lv.4: BatEye
Lv.8: Ninety-Nine+2
(!BayonetPlus- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Mama Dingo [see above]
-Bubba Dingo [see above]
-Drongo [see above]
-Dodo [see above]
-Cuscus [see above]
-Bulb [see above]
-Gerridae [see above]
-Gloop [see above]
-Wraith [see above]
-Gobledygook [see above]
-Loch Nest [see above]
-Witchetty: (Blue)
Lv.1: CurePlus-2, CurePlus-2, CurePlus-2, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: AquaBall-1, Aquaball-1
Lv.3: IceBlast-1
-Gloop [see above]
-Alphabat [see above]
-WillO'Wisp [see above]
-Airframe: (Black)
Lv.1: Gravitonne-2, !DarkBreath, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !DarkBreath, !DarkBreath
Lv.3: SealAll-3, !PowerDive
Lv.4: !PowerDive, !DarkBreath
Lv.5: !PowerDive
(!DarkBreath- Single Enemy: Damage plus darkness status effect)
(!PowerDive- Single Enemy: Damage)
-WightKnight: (Black)
Lv.1: HellSoul-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: HellSoul
Lv.3: HellSoul+1
Lv.4: HellSoul+2
Lv.5: HellSoul+3
Lv.6: HellBound+2
Lv.7: HiRes+3, HiRes+3, HiRes+3, Gravitonne+4
Lv.8: PhysNegate+2, !Rage, !SadnessWave, !SpiritsUp, !WaveOfFear
(!Rage- All Allies: Increases physical attack power)
(!SadnessWave- All Enemies: Decreases physical attack power)
(!SpiritsUp- All Allies: Increases physical defense)
(!WaveOfFear- All Enemies: Decreases physical defense)
-Dead Head**
-Robo Ducky: (White)
Lv.1: RecoverAll-2, TurnWhite, PhotonBeam-2, PhotonBeam-2, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: RecoverAll-1, PhotonRay+1, PhotonRay+1
Lv.3: StrongMinded-1, PhotonRay+2
Lv.4: PhotonRay+3
Lv.5: WeakMinded+1
Lv.6: MagNegate
-Mannequeen: (Yellow)
Lv.1: Gravitonne-2, Gravitonne-2, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: FreeFall-3
-Tragedienne: (Red)
Lv.1: AquaBeam, FireBall, !SuckBlood, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: CurePlus-1, !PoisonGas
Lv.3: CurePlus, !BlackRain
Lv.4: RecoverAll+1
Lv.5: Volcano-1
Lv.6: Tornado
Lv.7: BlackHole+1
(!SuckBlood- Single Enemy: Absorb foe's HP)
(!PoisonGas- All Enemies: Poison status effect)
-Gremlin: (Green)
Lv.1: Heal-1, Heal-1, Bushwhacker, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: AeroBlaster-2, HealAll-2
Lv.3: !ToxicBreath, HealPlus-3
Lv.4: !ToxicBreath
(!ToxicBreath- Single Enemy: Damage plus poison status effect)
-Tutanshaman: (Red)
Lv.1: Volcano-5, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Ninety-Nine-4, Volcano-4
Lv.3: MagmaBomb+1, FirePillar
Lv.4: MagmaBomb+2, Weaken, FirePillar+1
Lv.5: MagmaBomb+3, MagmaBurst+1, Strengthen+1, Strengthen+1
Lv.6: Ninety-Nine, MagmaBurst+2, MagmaBurst+2
-Lantern Jaw: (Red)
Lv.1: MagmaBurst-3, !DeathSaucer, !DeathSaucer, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !DeathSaucer, !DeathSaucer
Lv.3: Strengthen-1, TurnRed+2
Lv.4: Weaken
(!DeathSaucer- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Spearfisher: (Blue)
Lv.1: IceBlast-3, IceBlast-3, Nimble-3, Nimble-3, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: IceLance, TurnBlue+1, !IceTongs
Lv.3: IceBlast-1, !IceTongs
Lv.4: Vigora-2, !IceTongs
Lv.5: AntiRed+2
(!IceTongs- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Hell's Cook**
-Porre PVT [see above]
-Porre SGT [see above]
-Rockroach: (Yellow)
Lv.1: LoRes-3, LoRes-3, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !SpinOff, !SpinOff
Lv.3: !SpinOff
Lv.4: HiRes
Lv.5: AntiGreen+2
(!SpinOff- Single Enemy: Damage)
-YellowBelly: (Yellow)
Lv.1: !Slime, !Slime, !Slime, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !Slime, !Slime, !Slime
Lv.3: !Slime, !Slime, !Slime
Lv.4: !Slime, !Slime, !Slime
Lv.5: YellowField, LoRes+1, PhysNegate-1
Lv.6: Uplift+5
(!Slime- Single Enemy: Dizzy status effect & seal yellow Elements)
-Fossicker: (Yellow)
Lv.1: TurnYellow, TurnYellow, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Upheaval-1
Lv.3: Uplift+2
Lv.4: AntiGreen+1
Lv.5: Earthquake, LoRes+1
Lv.6: Earthquake+1
-Lagoonate: (Blue)
Lv.1: !Just4Kicks, !Just4Kicks, !Just4Kicks, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: CurePlus-1, CurePlus-1
Lv.3: !Just4Kicks, !Just4Kicks, !Just4Kicks
Lv.4: AquaBall+1, AquaBall+1
(!Just4Kicks- Single Enemy: Multi-chain attack)
-Mantarrey: (Blue)
Lv.1: AquaBall-2, TurnBlue, !FlyLow, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Numble-2, !FlyLow
Lv.3: Nimble-1, !FlyLow
Lv.4: !FlyLow
Lv.5: AntiRed+2
(!FlyLow- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Sidesteppa: (Blue)
Lv.1: IceLance-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: IceBlast-2
Lv.3: !Multistab, !Multistab
Lv.4: !JumpStart, !JumpStart
Lv.5: !Devour, !Devour, CurePlus+2
Lv.6: Deluge+1, CurePlus+3
(!Multistab- Single Enemy: Multi-chain attack
!JumpStart- Single Enemy: Damage plus sprain status effect
!Devour- Single Enemy: Damage plus the flu status effect)
-HotDoggity [see above]
-CatBurglar [see above]
-Taurminator: (Red)
Lv.1: !Charge!, !Charge!, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Strengthen-2, !Charge!
Lv.3: !Charge!, !Charge!
Lv.4: Inferno
(!Charge!- Single Enemy: Damage plus burns status effect)
-Lava-boy [see above]
-PreyMantis: (Green)
Lv.1: AeroSaucer-1, Heal-1, TurnGreen, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !Stinger, Heal
Lv.3: AeroBlaster-1, !Stinger
Lv.4: HealAll, AeroSaucer+2
Lv.5: !BugSwatter, HealAll+1
Lv.6: !BugSwatter
(!Stinger- Single Enemy: Damage plus poison status effect)
(!BugSwatter- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Prehysteric: (Yellow)
Lv.1: TurnYellow, !JurasicBeat, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !JurasicBeat, !JurasicBeat
Lv.3: !JurasicBeat
(!JurasicBeat- All Enemies: Confused status effect)
-Wingapede [see above]
-Gizmotoid: (Red)
Lv.1: !HighBeam, !HighBeam, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !HighBeam, !HighBeam
Lv.3: !HighBeam, !HighBeam
Lv.4: Strengthen, !HighBeam
(!HighBeam- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Aero-Guard: (Blue)
Lv.1: IceBlast-3, IceBlast-3, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: IceBlast-2, CureAll-3
Lv.3: IceBlast-1, CureAll-2
Lv.4: IceLance+2, CureAll-1
Lv.5: IceLance+3, CureAll
Lv.6: Vigora
-GyroBlade: (White)
Lv.1: PhotonBeam-2, PhotonRay, RecoverAll-2, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: PhotonBeam-1, HolyHealing-4
Lv.3: PhotonRay+2, HolyHealing-3
Lv.4: PhotonBeam+1, RecoverAll+1
Lv.5: PhotonRay+4
Lv.6: MagNegate
-Puffy: (Yellow)
Lv.1: !NeedleWork, !NeedleWork, !NeedleWork, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !NeedleWork, !NeedleWork
Lv.3: !NeedleWork
(!NeedleWork- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Mantarrey [see above]
-Sidesteppa [see above]
-SnobGoblin [see above]
-SnibGoblin [see above]
-Lava-boy [see above]
-Gurgoyle: (Yellow)
Lv.1: TurnYellow, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !GiddyBreath, !GiddyBreath, !GiddyBreath
Lv.3: HiRes-1
(!GiddyBreath- Single Enemy: Dizzy Status effect)
-Cybot [see above]
-Myxomycete: (White)
Lv.1: TurnWhite, Meteorite-1, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Meteorite, Meteorite
Lv.3: Purify-1, StrongMinded-1
Lv.4: MeteorShower, MeteorShower
Lv.5: HolyHealing-1, AntiBlack+2
Lv.6: WeakMinded+2, MagNegate
-TerraTerror: (White)
Lv.1: HolyHealing-5, PhotonRay, PhotonRay, PhotonRay, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: RecoverAll-1, Meteroite, PhotonBeam-1
Lv.3: PhotonBeam, Meteorite+1
Lv.4: WeakMinded, Purify
Lv.5: AntiBlack+2
-Whoot: (Yellow)
Lv.1: !OwlEyes, TurnYellow, LoRes-3, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !OwlEyes, Uplift+1
Lv.3: !OwlEyes
Lv.4: PhysNegate-2
Lv.5: AntiGreen+2
-Cupoid: (White)
Lv.1: !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !SlashAll
Lv.3: !SlashAll, !SlashAll
Lv.4: Purify, RecoverAll+1
Lv.5: HolyLight, MagNegate-1
Lv.6: HolyHealing, Revive+5
Lv.7: FullRevival+2
Lv.8: UltraNova+2
(!SlashAll- Single Enemy: Damage)
-Dead Beat [see above]
-Combot: (Red)
Lv.1: !GunnerGetya, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !GunnerGetya
Lv.3: !GunnerGetya
Lv.4: !GoBallistic
Lv.5: !GoBallistic
(!GunnerGetya- Single Enemy: Damage)
(!GoBallistic- All Enemies: Damage)
-Slash: (Blue)
Lv.1: Cure, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: !WindSlash, !WindSlash
Lv.3: IceLance+1
Lv.4: !DashSlash, !DashSlash
Lv.5: IceBlast+1
Lv.6: CurePlus+3, CurePlus+3
Lv.7: Iceberg+1
(!WindSlash- Single Enemy: Slices foe with the wind made by swinging sword)
(!DashSlash- Single Enemy: Charge straight at foe for very powerful cut)
-Flea: (Red)
Lv.1: TurnWhite, TurnBlack, TurnGreen, TurnYellow, TurnBlue, TurnRed, !Doppelgang
Lv.2: Fireball+1, Weaken-2
Lv.3: !TheStare, !TheStare, !TheStare
Lv.4: FirePillar+1, Strengthen
Lv.5: AntiBlack+2, AntiWhite+2, AntiYellow+2, AntiGreen+2, AntiRed+2, AntiBlue+2
Lv.6: Inferno+1, Ninety-Nine
(!TheStare- All Enemies: It's a secret!)
-Ozzie: (Green)
Lv.1: InfoScope-5, Heal-1, BatEye-3, Doppelgang
Lv.2: InfoScope-4, LoRes-2, EagleEye-2
Lv.3: InfoScope-3, HiRes-1, Bushbasher
Lv.4: InfoScope-2, HiRes, Bushwhacker+3
Lv.5: InfoScope-1, Bushbasher+2, Bushbasher+2
Lv.6: HealAll+2, Carnivore+1
Lv.7: PhysNegate+1, MagNegate+1
Key Items List
-Ancient Fruit: The fruit of an ancient plant that the Beeba tribe grows in order to tame
-Angry Scapula: The shoulder-blades obviously bore a lot of hatred. Perhaps the owner
hated himself... while alive.
-Aroma Pouch: When worn, it has the power to make seeds and fruit cling to you upon
examining plants.
-Astral Amulet: A small, star-colored talisman.
-Beeba Flute: A mysterious fulte handed down in the Beeba tribe. It enables you to tame
the wildest of Wingapedes.
-Bellflower: A blue blosson that only blooms in the Fossil Valley.
-Big Egg: A huge egg found in the Fossil Valley. What kind of egg it is remains yet unknown!
-Black Relic: A special treasure received from the Black Dragon God at Marbule.
-Blue Relic: A special treasure received from the Blue Dragon God at Water Dragon Isle.
-Book of Poems: Poems written by the waitress in Arni Village.
-Card Key: A security pass built with futuristic technology that makes it impossible to
-Chrono Cross: The ultimate, long-lost Element of the seventh color attribute.
-Décor Shield: A beautiful shield made for completely decorative purposes. Not of any use
in a real battle.
-Dragon Emblem: A traditional crest passed down the generations at the Dragon Shrine. The
design looks familiar...
-Einlanzer: The legendary dragon sword Garai once wielded. It is the only sword able to
beat the Masamune's evil power.
-Explosive: An explosive device used by excavation teams. Handle with care!
-Fiddler Crab: A sculpture of a fiddler crab with a claw that shines like a blue jewel.
Said to have the ability to control the tides.
-Garai Keepsake: Just an old mirror. Why it is said to be a memento of Garai will never be
-Good Backbone: A spine with good posture that must have come from a grandma's loving
training in its former life.
-Green Relic: A special trasure received from the Green Dragon God at Gaea's Navel.
-Green Tinkler: Masrh plants react to the sound of this bell, bending to open the way
without you having to touch them.
-Handle: A detachable crank-handle that serves as proof that the casino table is rigged.
-Heavy Skull: A human skull painted with clown's make-up. It says it is searching for its
body and lost memories.
-Heckran Bone: The leg bone of a wild Heckran. Perfect for making stock to be used in
soups and stews!
-Hero's Medal: One piece of the three-piece hero's collection. Said to prove the wearer is
a true hero.
-Hydra Humour: Refined from the body fluids of a hydra, this liquid is the only known
antidote for hydra poison.
-Ice Breath: The cold breath of the Water Dragon has the power to freeze even piping-hot
-Ice Gun: A quick-freeze gun Lucca made so baby-sitters could fight fires. Keep out of
reach of children!
-Komodo Scale: The color scale of a large lizard used to make the necklaces that are all
the rage in Arni Village.
-Life Sparkle: A botanical energy that will give life to the NeoFio - a man-made
half-human, half-plant lifeform.
-Manor Key: The key to the front door of Viper Manor borrowed from the old stableman.
Bears Viper's insignia.
-Medical Book: The book, Cray's Anatomy, reveals the wonders of the human body. (Rated R.)
-Memento Pendant: A beautiful, intricately-made pendant that once belonged to Dario's
-Mixed Bones: It is impossible to tell which bone is which. You'll just have to try
putting them in some kind of order.
-Mushroom: An expensive delicacy found only in the Guardia region. It's sort of like
truffles without the chocolate.
-Parlor Key: A key to the parlor of Viper Manor that was found in the manor prison.
Probably hidden by a lazy guard.
-Pelvic Bone: Even from the pelvis, you can see this person had good posture. It is
important to have good posture!
-Prison Key: A key that opens the dungeon-like prison beneath Viper Manor.
-Prop Sword: A sword stage-prop found in the ruins of a theater.
-Red Relic: A special treasure received from the Red Dragon God at Mount Pyre.
-Relief Charm: No need to participate in battles when friends can fight for you!
-Safety Gear: Poison-resistant clothing that an exploration party had to lend to amateur
-Sapphire Brooch: A brooch that has a blue stone that appears to have been broken in two
sets inside of it.
-Shark Tooth: An amulet Kiki's father made from a lion shark tooth ten years ago when he
decided to be a fisherman.
-Smith Spirit: Wherever there's a customer, a blacksmith will be there! Just summon the
master smith's spirit...
-Star Fragment: It looks just like an ordinary starfish, but is said to have a secret
-Station Pass: Without this pass it is impossible to proceed through the station's
-Sturdy Ribs: The owner must have done various gymnastics and aerobatics in order to
build a body this solid.
-Tear of Hate: A shard of the shattered Dragon Tear.
-Tear of Love: A shard of the shattered Dragon Tear.
-Tele-Porter: Lets you change party members on the World Map or when standing within
reach of Records of Fate.
-Time Egg: A legendary item that is a complete enigma. It is believed to break the bonds
of time.
-Time Shifter: Controls the flow of time. R2 button = Fast Forward; L2 button = Slow Motion
-White Relic: A special treasure received from the White Dragon God at Sky Dragon Isle.
-Yellow Relic: A special treasure received from the Yellow Dragon God at Earth Dragon Isle.
Character List
Silent Protagonist
Age: 17 (M)
Origin: Arni
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Build: Ordinary
Mysterious Traveler
Age: 16 (F)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 99 lbs.
Build: Slender
Feline Demi-human
Age: 17 (M)
Origin: Arni
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 176 lbs.
Build: Solid
Masked Magician
Age: 26 (M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Build: Tall & Slender
'Black Wind' Leader
Age: 26 (M)
Origin: Porre, Zenan
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 137 lbs.
Build: Average
Rockin' Bard Superstar
Age: 19 (M)
Origin: S. S. Zelbess
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Build: Thin
Lord of El Nido
Age: 57 (M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 216 lbs.
Build: Solid
Lady of Viper Manor
Age: 24 (F)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 104 lbs.
Build: Slender
One of the 4 Devas
Age: 27 (M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 159 lbs.
Build: Solid
One of the 4 Devas
Age: 28 (M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Build: Mammoth
'Diva' of the 4 Devas
Age: 9 (F)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 84 lbs.
Build: Smallish
Fisherman & Ferryman
Age: 16 (M)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 123 lbs.
Build: Thin
Scientific Genius
Age: 28 (F)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 97 lbs.
Build: Thin
The 'Wonder Dog' ???
Age: Unknown (F)
Origin: Arni
Height: 3'8"
Weight: 26 lbs.
Build: Roly-poly
Dominant Paw Unknown
A Forest Fairy
Age: Unknown (F)
Origin: Water Dragon Is.
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 11 lbs.
Build: Tiny
Dominant Arm Unknown
Obstinate Blacksmith
Age: 52 (M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 181 lbs.
Build: Solid
Fiery Cook
Age: 44 (M)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Build: Chubby
Arni Village Chief
Age: 62 (M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 119 lbs.
Build: Thin
Pirate Captain
Age: 40 (M)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 163 lbs.
Build: Macho
Gutsy Mother of 2
Age: 38 (F)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Build: Stout
Noble Knight
Age: 20 (M)
Origin: Termina
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 141 lbs.
Build: Average
Dancer Extraordinaire
Age: 19 (F)
Origin: S. S. Zelbess
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Build: Slender
Enigmatic Hester
Age: 18 (F)
Origin: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Build: Unknown
Bunny-Girl Trainer
Age: 22 (F)
Origin: S. S. Zelbess
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 104 lbs.
Build: Plumpish
Cute Baby Dragon
Age: 0 (M)
Origin: Fossil Valley
Height: 2'2"
Weight: 265 lbs.
Build: Tiny
A Stray 'Gray'
Age: Unknown (M)
Origin: Another Planet
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 11 lbs.
Build: Alien
Lovable Old Lady
Age: 224 (F)
Origin: Dimension Vortex
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 86 lbs.
Build: Dwarfish
Cursed Voodoo Doll
Age: Unknown (M)
Origin: Far East
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 20 lbs.
Build: Waistless
Dominant Arm Unknown
A Total Vegetable
Age: 3 (M)
Origin: Hermit's Hideout
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 62 lbs.
Build: Round
A 'Flower Child'
Age: 5 (F)
Origin: Viper Manor
Height: 4'0"
Weight: 44 lbs.
Build: Undefinable
Psychic Ex-Wrestler
Age: 33 (M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 271 lbs.
Build: Heavy Weight
Skeleton Clown
Age: 32 (M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 51 lbs.
Build: Boney
Mushroom Man
Age: Unknown (M)
Origin: Termina
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 66 lbs.
Build: Light
Late Zelbess's Sister
Age: 16 (F)
Origin: The Ocean
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Build: Mermaid
Doodling Breat
Age: 10 (F)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 84 lbs.
Build: Thin
Cave Girl
Age: 6 (F)
Origin: Gaea's Navel
Height: 3'5"
Weight: 71 lbs.
Build: Infantile
Penny-wise Artist
Age: 14 (M)
Origin: Termina
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 88 lbs.
Build: Smallish
Aged Illusionist
Age: 53 (M)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 139 lbs.
Build: Ordinary
Shrine Maiden
Age: 24 (F)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Build: Tall & Slender
Village Physician
Age: 27 (M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 146 lbs.
Build: Ordinary
Cyborg Assassin
Age: 26 (M)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 301 lbs.
Build: Bionic
Self-proclaimed Hero
Age: 23 (M)
Origin: Termina
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Build: Weakling
Gladiatrix Barkeep
Age: 23 (F)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119 lbs.
Build: Muscular
Guinea Pig Experiment
Age: Unknown (M)
Origin: Viper Manor Lab
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Build: Unknown
Dominant Paw Unknown
Final Words
I'd like to thank the following:
-CJayC: Hosting the best website for game information and for hosting all
of my FAQs.
-Squaresoft: Making the most interesting and downright fun RPGs.
-Myself: Typing up this FAQ.
-Veyline: For providing the GS code for uber-doppelgang list.
-BradyGames: Their CC strategy guide saved me some time on the Key Items
List and showed me a few combos that I missed.
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