Tobal No. 1

Tobal No. 1

16.10.2013 10:16:51

Tobal No.1 Faq ver. 1.1 Vortex Gaming (C) 1996

Hiya, this is Sean.

Updates: ver 1.0 everything
ver 1.1 Hom's suicide
Tori's characteristics
More details for Quest Mode

Hello, if there is no 3D fighting game better than Tekken 2 or Virtua Fighter
2, check this one out. It is hard to say better, but you will figure out this
is such an awesome title that this stands out among those crappy VF/Tekken

So this would mean that Square's another step into a multi- type game
developer? Yes, indeed. they are working on many types of games that
people can think of.

The first one would be fighting game, Tobal No. 1. And it happened to be their
first 32-bit title after they developed their last 16-bit RPG, Treasure Hunter
G. Currently they are working on another fighting title named Bushido Blade
which has 18th century Japan as the background.

Okay, I'll cut the crap and get down to the business. I say Tobal No.1 is the
most revolutionary 3D home-console original game today. I know you like Tekken

or Virtua Fighter maybe better. But consider Tobal No.1 is not in arcades, and
that this is Square's first fighting game..... = )

I . Menu Screen

Tournament Mode: you all know this. Adjust settings for your skill and
learn the ways of fighting.

Vs. Mode: Only when you play with another friend. You can adjust
the life bar.

Quest Mode: This is the revolutionary thing! It's like one game
inside the game. Ever wonder what Square would do with a fighting game? Here's
the answer. See the Quest Mode section for more details and game play.

Option Mode: You set things for your preference.

1) practice mode: There is practice mode a la Tekken 2. Do whatever
you want. If you push the dummy off the ring, the mode is over.

2) survival mode: survival option is when you set it as
10%, you will gain only 10% of life back for the next round. It still counts
for next match, too. And the foe does, too. For example, you set the
survival as 50%. If you beat the foe with your like only 50% like left,
then you will get 75% total for the next round.
3) Button Config.: hold the button you set then control key to
switch the commands.

II. Control and texts

1)Don't think as "up" as jump. It's moving "away" from you. "Down" is
moving closer to you. There are jump button ( L1 for default setting) , guard
button ( R1) , high attack ( Triangle) , middle attack ( Square), and low
attack ( X ) buttons.
2)You can't crouch but crouching guard.
3) to throw the foe, hold G (guard button) and middle attack.
To throw squatting foe, hold G then down+ M ( middle ).
4) you can jump to four directions.

texts: Capitalized F or/and B indicate to hold the direction or button
while doing the move.

f- forward
b- back
d- down ( only works when you hold G) or you side step closer
u- up or side step away
H- high attack
M- middle
L- low
G- guard
J- jump

WS- while standing from crouching guard- you let go the down and G same

time then press the buttons
* d and u would be considered as b when you command special moves.(i.e.
with Chuji, do b,b+M- he will to flip attack. and do u,u+M he will do same
thing after moving away a bit.)

III. Holding and throwing

as mentioned, press G +M to hold the foe.
You can hold the foe from four ways: front, back and two sides.
( left and right side grab results are different)
You hold the foe from the front, and you have five choices of attacks: headbutt
- H, knee- M, trip- I, plain throw - G+M, and special throw - any command
move + G + M.
You also can move while you're holding by pressing f,f or b,b, or u,u, or d,d.
You ALSO can pull the foe behind you by press f,b.
If you grab the foe from sides or back, you can either kick/punch or throw (
armbreak from side grab).

You also can escape from holding attacks or reverse the throws.
to escape from holding attacks, press H or M or L
to escape from throws press G+M
to guard against high and middle holding attacks hold G
to guard against low holing attacks hold d+G

It is unknown that whether you can escape/reverse any special throws.

To do special throws- first grab the foe (of course! ) then let go the G
and M. do commands like f,f then do G+M. If it requires to do f,f or b,b you
will move. Wait until you move then continue to next procedure. It takes some
practice making this so....

Some characters have attack reversals. The success of reversal will result
as grappling.

IV. Characters
* indicates the character turns around after the move


Punches and kick (Nihuurasen) HHH
Punches and Upper (Nihuujantetsu) HHM
Punches and sweep HHL
Triple level Attack HML
Punch and sweep HL
Trip and sweep LL
Trip and side kicks (Rentootai) LMM
Trip Side kick and sweep LML
Roundhouse Kicks (RentenShuu) G+HH
Crescent and scissors kicks (Yoorenkyaku) d+G+HMM
Scissors Kick (Chyookyaku) WS, MM
Spin Punch b+H*
Tiger Punch (Gokai) f+M
Back Flip Kick (Chuutenkyaku) b+M
Drop Kick (Chuusootai) f,f+M
Hand Spring Kick b,b+M*
Sweep#1 f+L
Sweep#2 G+L
Trip b+L
Sweep#3 d+G+L
Slide (Shitsootai) while running, L


Mist Release (Kasumiotoshi) F+G+M
Chest Throw (Chuushinrairaku) b,b,B+G+M
Trip Down (Oosotogari) f,f,G+M
Neck Throw (Hisui) f,f,B+G+M
Stomach Throw b,b,G+M



Screw Blow HHH
Carnel Thunder HHM
Solo Kick HM
Cutter Hook f+H
Machinegun Knuckle b+HHHHH
MK then Fanta Combo b+HHHHHMM
MK then Chicken BK Combo b+HHHHHMHHH*
MK then Tommy Gun Combo b+HHHHHMHL
Machine gun and sweep b+HHHHM ( see only 4 H's)
Chicken Back Knuckle Combo f,f+HHH*
Knuckle Fighter f,f+HMM
Knuckle Warrior f,f+HML
Grand Back Knuckle f,f+HL
Tiger Thrust f+MM
Gazelle Upper b+MMMM
Chicken Reverse b,b+H
Snipe Short f,f+MM
Chicken Cutter b,b+M
Oliem Wings G+HL
Sweep G+L
Chicken Attack & Dance d+G, then f+M & tap MMMM.... to dance
press G to headbutt again
then press dance again....forever...
Ultimate Slam d+G, then b+M
Kenter Bao while running M


Kientak Breaker B+G+M
Bunge Throw f,f, G+M
Stomach Throw b,b, G+M



Stream Combo HHH
Windy HMM
Triple Sleeve HML
Soul Attack HHMM
Mystic Lightening LMM
Mystic Thunder LML
Mystic Storm LMH
Death Bash G+HL
Death Spiral G+HMM
Bloody Mary G+HML
Tae-Kwon-Do Kick f+H*
Tae-Kwon-Do Kick #2 f,f+H
Tae-Kwon-Do Knee b+H
Tae-Kwon-Do Kick #3 b,b+H
Horse Kick f+M
Aurora Sault b+M
Aurora Rain f,f+M
Rainbow Upper b,b+M
Scorpion Punch f+L
Slant Law (?) f,f+L
Aurora Dance f,f+LH
Tae-Kwon-Do Kick#4 While running, M

Attack Reversal b+G+M


Car Throw B+G+M
Truck Throw b,B+G+M
Falling Tree f,f,G+M
Stomach Throw b,b,G+M
Flip Throw f,f,B+G+M



Double Jab & Kick HHH
Heaven Upper HHMM
Punch Sweep HL
Power Slap f,f+H
Screw Punch to infinity G+HMMM...
(G to stop)
Guru Guru Punch MH
Guru Guru "What the.." Kick MHL
Falling Trap MM
Toe Kick f+MM
Fujiyama Kick b+M
& upper b+MM
or sweep b+ML
HiHoHiHo f+LL
Crazy Kicks f+MMH..
(mix any H or M don't put same one three in a row)
Sweep G+L
*Flip WS, M
(HOM can do flip after any squatting motion
like Punch &Sweep and horseback- HLMLLLM)
Horseback ...after Flip L(L)(L)M
Switch Off hold Jump~d+G


Kegon Driver f,F+G+M
Stomach Throw b,b,f+G+M
Neck Throw f,f,b+G+M

$$$ again, * mark indicates the character turns around after doing the
move... = ) $$$


Double Jab & Kick(Tatsumakihoosenkyaku) HHH
Jabs and Flip HHM
Three Level Attack HML
Spin Knuckle f+HMM
Round house f,f+H
Bruce Kick Combo(Shomooranba) b+H,M
Kangaroo Kick (Kasumi) f+M
or f,f+LM (quickly)
or d+G+LM (quickly)
Scissors Kicks & Punch (Hien) f,f+MMM
Scissors Kicks & Sweep (Hiensookyaku) f,f+MML
Dragon Punch (Hoogeki) b+M
(tap M fast to crouching approach)
Blue Dragon ( Zanraisya) d+G+M, b+M
Back Flip and Double Sweeps b,b+MLL
Heel Trip f+LL
Ankle attack and kangaroo f,f+L,M
or d+G+L,M
Double Sweep b+LL
Roundhouse and Dragon G+HM
(tap M fast to crouching approach)
Sweep Special G+L
Karate Spin Kick (Senbookyaku) d+G+H
Rainbow Kick d+G+M, f+M
Attack Reversal b+G+M


Back Innuendo B+G+M
Butt Throw f,f+G+M
Wheel of Fortune f,f,b+G+M
Human Wheel b,b,G+M



Triple Chop HHH
Three Levels HML
Drop Kick f,f+H
Power Slicer b+HL
Power Thrust b+HM
Knuckle Bomb f+M
Bazooka Kick f,f+M
Russian Lariat b+ML
Power Hook b,b+M
Ali Sobat f+LMH
Ali Smash f+LMM
Ali Kicks f+LLL
Sobat G+H
Sweep and Knuckle G+LM
Hand Chop and Karate Kick WS, MH


Pendulum f,f,G+M
Stomach Throw b,b+G+M
Giant Swing f,f,B+G+M



Wild Rush HHH
Combo Rockbuster HMHM
( the first M is fake)
Combo Rockbreaker HMHL
Tiny Kick HML
Hate Low Crusher HL(L)(L)H
Tail Chop b+H
Double Left Hammer f+MM
Pink Hammer f+MLL
Pink Piston f+MLMM
Pink Rocket f+MLHM
Dark Hammer f+LMM
Dark Piston f+LHM
Rockbuster b+ML
Big Upper b,b+M
Rockbreaker b+MH
Buttheadbutt f,f+HHH
Triceptor f+LLMM
Slash Piston G+HHM
Slash Sweep G+HL
Slash Hammer G+HMM
Tail Hammer G+LMMM
Rhino and body slam WS,MM


Butt Throw f,f+G+M
DDT b,b+G+M
Stomach Throw b,b,f+G+M
Giant Swing f,f,b+G+M



P combo HHM
P and Trip HHL
P and Upper HMM
Triple Level HML
Big Bang f+H
Light Blaster f+M
Casual Kick f+L
or while running L
BoJo Blow b+MM
Bojo Mojo b+ML
National Thrust f,f+M
or while running M
Royal Roles b,b+MM
Royal Sniper b,b+MLM
Spin Kick f+L
Sweep f,f+LM
Sweep #2 b+L
Upper Blow WS, M
Rising Upper WS, f+M
Royal Summer WS, b+M
Coopa Kick d+G+H
Front Splash G+HHH
Kickboxer G+HHMM
Kaskit G+HHML
Sweep and Flip G+LM
Sweep #3 d+G+L
Power Fist b+M~f
Dragon Punch b+L~ f+M


Earth Kiss B+G+M
Butt throw f,f+G+M
Trip Throw b,b+G+M
Neck Throw f,f,b+G+M



Fist Party HHH
New Guinea Punch f+HHHH
Heel Blow b+H
Soccer MMM
Taiji f+M
Dancing Q b+MMM
Aerobics b,b+M
Spider f+LLL
Grasshopper f+LM* (M)
(press M for Horse Kick)
Bullet Kick G+H
Sweep G+L


Butt Throw f,f+G+M
Stomach Throw b,b+G+M
Giant Swing f,f,b+G+M



Jab HH
Mid Blow b+H
Infinity Indra f+MMM....
Upper #1 b+M
Upper #2 b,b+M
Broning f+LL
Trick Punch f+LM
Trick Combo f+LHM
Gorilla Blow G+HHM
Sweep G+L
Double Hand Upper WS, M


Butt Throw f,f+G+M
Stomach b,b,G+M
Giant Swing f,f,b+G+M



1 2 jab HH
Punch and Hook HM
Spin Kick f+H*
Slap Kick b+H
Spin Kick b,b+H
Delayed Spin Kick b,b+HHH
Chopper f+M
Flip f,f+M
Backflip b+M
Head Attack b,b+M
Drop Kick and Flips b,b+MMM
Side Cartwheel and headbutt d,d ( or u,u) +M
Side Cartwheel and overhead jump attack d,d, (or u,u)+MM
Side Cartwheel and Drop Kick Low d,d ( or u,u)+ML
Hop Sweep f+L
Ankle Drop Kick f,f+L
Sweep b+L
Head Attack Low b,b+L
Kick Combo G+HHM
Kick Sweep Combo G+HHL*
Low Spin G+L
Kick Upper WS,f+M
KU and flip WS,f+MM
High Jump Attack WS,b+M
Flash Kick WS, M

Double Flip ...while you lying face down MM
Attack Reversal b+G+M


Flip Throw f,f+G+M
Stomach Throw b,b+G+M
Giant Swing f,f,b+G+M


(beat Udan's Dungeon to play him)
( If you play him for the Quest mode,
you will notice he jumps longer than the others.)

Wild Punches HHH
Wile Blows HHM
Tae-Kwon-Kick f,f+H
Karate Kick b+H
Wild Hooks MM
Cartwheel f+M
(hits ground level, try as many times)
Flip f,f+M
Back Cartwheel b+M
(hit M for Cartwheel)
Power Slap b,b+M
(try u,u or d,d- Tori will use different hand)
Ankle and Kangaroo Kick LM
Drop Kick f,f+L
Fast Punch G+HH
Fast Slap G+HM
Low Spin Kick G+L
Kangaroo Kick WS, M

Attack Reversal b+G+M


Stomach Throw b,b,G+M
Butt Throw f,f,G+M
Flip Throw f,f,b+G+M


V. Quest Mode

Yeah, this is the best mode of the game! I'll introduce some tactics, useful
items, etc.

*you can hold only two items- you can't do the G+ attacks while you're holding
*When you meet a boulder, get close to the wall.
* When you drink a potion of a certain color, the information will appear next
time you grab the same color.
* you can throw potions to enemies- throw poison!
* jumping needs to be accurate! or you will lose some health!
* when you get a lamp, pause the game and you'll see the whole map.
* if possible, only eat meats when your health bar if full, you'll gain defense
point. small meat will give you strength no matter how your health is.
* certain attacks can't be broken. Gren's simple punches ( ie HHM, HMM ) can be
used as many times without any disturbance. Each enemy has some weak parts
that it can't block well. .
* try different kinds of attacks when the enemy is blocking forever.
* prepare cherry or Hyper for the duel with bosses
* when an enemy throws a skull squat or hop aside.
* running in attacks are often good.
* Potions change color every time you start a level,try every color then you'll
know what it is.
* you'll obtain the rights to play as bosses for the tournament after you beat
each level.
* you will get Tori in Udan's Dungeon at B30F !it takes such a long effort,

Molmoran Crystal- money ( Blue - 1, Red - 5, Yellow- 20)
Lamp - shows map
Bread/cake - some health gain
Meat - health/strength/defense level gain
Book - item information
Capsule - instant item shop
( pick up and throw to an empty space-
won't work if there's something)
Crystal - sell at the blue shop you'll get alot of money
( it shrinks when thrown ? but it doesn't do anything when
thrown to enemies???)
Store jar - hold items- walk onto the jar with
items and put them down. The space is limited.
To use items inside throw the jar then it will break.
Cherry - hyper attack ( 20 second limit)
Scale - Item effect doubler ( goes away after one or two uses)
Skull - throwing weapon ( 3 times)
Key - Key = P <--- like you don't know!
Heart Mark - extra life ( walk over when your health is maximum,
you'll get an extra life but the present health
becomes 1. prepare some foods)
Potions - Poison
Life Down/Up
Life Max Up/Down
Hyper ( 1 Min )
( it changes everytime you start a mode.)


I guess that's it! Thanks for reading the Faq.
The names of the moves are mostly official. I made up the names ( all for the
Boss characters') about 30%.

Many thanks to for his faq.
(I obtained some moves : Gren's Power Punch, Rising Upper, etc.) for sending Wild's faq
Harsh Reality for the helping Wild@...
Square for making such a wonderful game
Sony that brought this game to the U.S.
Toriyama Akira Sensei for the wonderful character design

Rumors: how to play Nork?
Can I play the monsters?
Is there other ending but the lame, pathetic, pity trophy ending?

Trivia Quiz: What's the origin of the Tori Robot? If you know the answer ,
send to VGO
then you'll get the brand new Virtua Fighter 3 Faq! or Tekken 2
character Arts!
ex) what does "S" stands for Snork? there's no prize for that, anyway.
8 P

Advertisement: Visit the best game website by Vortex gaming!
If you have any corrections, questions, complaints, etc., e-mail me!
watch Dragon Ball Z every week! check your local TV listings (why
an I writing this?)
If you have questions about Tekken, Virtua Fighter or any 3D
fighting games, e-mail me.

Vortex Gaming (c) 1996

This is a property of Vortex Gaming(c) .
This may be distributed free to everyone UNMODIFIED.
Ask VGO for permission if you want to add some stuff on or modify

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