Tekken 3

Tekken 3

14.10.2013 10:37:08
Wrestling FAQ

________ -- WHAZAAAAAAP...

Tekken 3 Wrestling FAQ version 33 1/3: The Final Update
A Guide to Every Pro-Wrestling Move in Tekken 3
version 0.400000003

By Serpent231 AKA James Gowdey AKA Serpent231

Table O' Contents

I. Pre-Heat
A. Tekken Attitude
B. The 'Lo Down
C. Oh, You Didn't Kno-ow?
D. Abbreviations For Those Who Don't "Get It"
II. What Does Everybody Want?
A. King
1. Non-Throws
2. Rasslin' Throws
3. Rasslin' Throws When Opponent's Crouching
4. Rasslin' Throws on Downded (?) Opponents
B. Julia Chang
1. Non-Throws
2. Rasslin' Throws
C. Brian Fury
1. Non-Throws
2. Rasslin' Throws
D. Gun Jack
1. Yada
2. Yada Yada
E. Heihachi
1. The Usual
F. Kuma/Panda
1. I Forgot
2. Err... Hmm... Still... Can't Remember... Uhh... Spum!
G. Characters-Who-Don't-Deserve-Their-Own-Section's Wrestling Moves
III. Spethal Thankth



Well, if you've stumbled across this link at Gamefaqs or my own site,
at http://i.am/231 (mwahaha, a shameless plug..), you're probably
thinking to yourself, "Wha' the dilly yo?! Tekken 3, yeah... but _wrestling_?"
Let me explain.
After making my first video of Tekken 3 (an okay one with 1-2 second
clips of every character layin' the smack down on Jin Kazama, available only
at my house), I was inspired to do more. I racked my brain for more ideas,
but couldn't come up with any. Finally, after playing in practice mode for
a little while with King trying to perfect those SPOONY'n chain throws, I
browsed the command list for no reason, and saw about a dozen pro-wrestling
moves staring me in the face. I'm into wrestling for the most part, so this
was a pretty cool thing to see, even if the names were changed (DDT is
"Falling Headlock"). But anyway, I thought to myself:

"Now how can I possibly get any entertainment out of this?"

Suddenly, a lightbulb popped over my head, I jumped up, twirled
around, pointed my finger in the air, and said, just like anybody else would:

"I know! I gotta believe!"

BANG, sucker! I was inspired to fire up the VCR again, insert the Jin tape,
and go from there with something I call "Hit the road, Gun Jack". Stupid pun
aside, it was a pretty fun video to watch, in my opinion, and it featured
the characters pulling off all the wrestling moves in the game on Gun Jack.
Finally, since only a few people (or maybe... no one) have decided to do
something like this, I decided to share the wealth online, and present to


No, I mean...




Approximately January 19, 1999--Put up my video game humor web site, The
Midgar Swamp, at http://members.tripod.com/Serpent231/ Shameless
Plug #2..

February 20, 1999--Decided to share the wealth, and began this FAQ.

February 21, 1999--Finished version 0 with... er... well, it doesn't matter
because the version you're seeing isn't this one! Bwahahaa, you'll never see
this version because I've saved over it with the new one! It's a lost update!
Never to see the light of day again! N'gah ha ha ha!

February 27, 1999--See above.

April 5, 1999--Ahh, that joke's gonna get old sooner or later, so: Version 0.3
updated with two more characters, some special thanks, a nifty abbreviations
section (with an interesting name), and a longer version of the Triple Threat
Double Reverse Underhook Cross-Arm Pancake Power Superscooplexin' Choke Bomb.
Go and read the newer phrase, if you can find it... mwaha ha haa..

June-ish--Moved my site to http://swamp.itgo.com (Plug #3!-BTW, it's back at Tripod)

August 4, 1999--(sing this mini-parody to the tune of One Week by the
Barenaked Ladies)

It's been three months since Tekken 3
Was updated last--hey, I was busy
A few weeks since ReD flamed me
Sayin' lame stuff like "yO shit was corny"
Two hours since I thought, "Y'see,
I'd really like to update cause they forgot all about me
This'll show that I'm not crazy,"
But it'll be long before my next update, maybe

Anyway, no, I'm not dead (yet), I just haven't been working on this FAQ as much.
However, nature calls (get that mind out of the gutter!), and I remembered
that if I don't update something soon, I'll start convulsing. All said,
here's the rundown:

* More King moves (just for you, ReD)!
* More character wrestling move lists!
* Changed LP, RP, etc to 1, 2, etc, like all you experts are familiar with!
* More special thanks!
* A longer version of that really big move!
* 'N other stuff you won't notice!

August 5, 1999--Just realized there were some more little errors that
nobody would notice, so I felt it necessary to send this FAQ into GameFAQs
again. Sorry to get your hopes up, readers-who-read-the-update-yesterday, but
this is barely an update! Mwaha ha haaa!

Heidegger: Gya ha haa!
Scarlet: Kya ha haa!
Alhazad: Khhk khhk khhk!
Poppin' Fresh: Hoo-hoo!


September 26, 1999--You thought the last update was small? Well, you ain't seen
nothin' yet! This update is officially the Smallest Update Ever Written! Here's
a rundown on what I did:

* Changed the T.T.D to the Inverted Piledriver. Kudos to Eric M (tygr20@compuage.com)!

That's it, really. But it still means that the Gamefaqs readers will be tricked
into thinking I actually did a big update for this FAQ, and will read it
again! Publicity! Yay!

Poppin' Fresh: Hoo-hoo!


December 23, 1999- Merry Christmas 'n stuff! Hope I can get the stuffed animal of Gon
like I asked for. [No, not really...]

Anyway, Kuds (abbreviated version of Kudos) to all the people who were bored
and decided to read this FAQ! Even MORE Kuds to those who decided to contribute
after reading this! Like Sylvester Fox and Edward Chang, who gave me a bunch
of moves (along with some praise). Good enough Christmas gift for me, at least.

Unfortunately, I haven't added much to this FAQ myself, except...um...the new
ASCII Face at the top (nifty, ain't it?). At least this update's bigger than
the last!

Poppin' Fresh: Hoo-hoo!

Okay, that's it.

::runs off after PF::


::runs back::

Oh, yeah. If you've already read this FAQ, and are too lazy to read the whole thing over
again (heh heh...), just find the new content by doing a word search for either
"edward" or "fox". Then, you'll see my nifty little HTML-ized way of showing whose
giving you the info. Uh, you'll se what I mean.

October Fricking 11th, 2000

Wow. You're reading the Tekken 3 Wrestling FAQ version 33 1/3: The Final Update.
This'll be the very last update to this bigger-than-it-should-have-ever-been,
rarely updated, fun for a while, in-depth FAQ on all the wrestling manuevers in Tekken 3,
arguably the best arcade to home transition of a fighting game ever (DON'T e-mail me
with a bunch of stuff about Tekken Tag Tournament, dammit...+3kk3n 3 u53d +0 ovvN,

And now, I bet you're probably all itching to see what was updated in this last
version, and the truth is...not much. But the kickassest thing about this last
update was that I STILL got reader contribution, oh, a YEAR after it came
out. Now that's dedication. Or just late mail. Take your pick.


* James Atwood--A.K.A The Vagabond--sent me a big ol' e-mail of name corrections,
and since it was bigger than the last three e-mails I had combined, I felt that
THIS would be the e-mail that could ressurect this FAQ......and promptly kill it
again. :)

I got some name corrections on the Argentine Backbreaker, the Giant Swing, the Achilles
Tendon Lock, the STF and the Seated Powerbomb. Phew. Nothing really to read here, actually :)
Just some fine tuning...

And that's all. My current fighting game obsession is Marvel vs. Capcom for the
Playstation (KINDA ALMOST ARCADE PERFECT~!), so don't expect to see any more
Tekken FAQs by me in the future (thorry, thweetie). I hear Tekken Tag Tournament
has the Screwdriver, the Stalled Vertical Suplex, the Reverse DDT, and the People's
Elbow in it, so the tradition of wrestling moves in games is being faithfully
carried on (even if it is by the same company).

So what're you waiting for? START PLAYING CAPCOM FIGHTERS!



Q: Why have you decided to put this up?

A: I wrote this so gamers can take out their copy of Tekken 3, blow enough
dust away to set off allergies for months, pop it in, and find out even more
about Tekken 3 than they already know.

Q: How do you make a video of a video game?

A: Well, you turn the VCR on, turn the game on, start playing, and record
what you do. The easy way is to start recording and play a game like Twisted
Metal 2 or Coolboarders 2 so you can hit the Record button and never stop it
until you've finished the level. With high speed games like Tekken 3, it's
fun to do quick clips of moves (timing is very important) in a row, but my
parents keep complaining that it wrecks the VCR. I don't do it often unless
I get another idea for a video.

Q: That was...long.

A: And that's...not a question.

Q: Can Dr. B really do an Atomic Drop?

A: Read on, McDuff!

Q: Why didn't they include The People's Elbow?

A: Y'know, those worthless pieces of trash down at Namco don't know a damn
thing about what the millions *pause* and millions of the Rock's fans want,
so they didn't include The Most Electrifying Move in Sports Entertainment.
The Rock would be liable to take their candy @$$es down Know Your Role
Boulevard all the way to Jabroni Drive, right into the Smack Down Hotel,
if ya smelllalalalaLOWWW...what Serpent...is cookin'.*




Wait a minute, they did, actually. Dr. B's got it.

Q: That was pointless, then.

A: Know your role and shut your mouth, jabroni.

Q: How do you spell "roody poo?"
A: Hey, everybody! Today we're gonna have Answer Your Own Questions Day! It's
really a lot of fun!

Q: Come on, come on, why don't you follow my words?
A: Cause we're almost done, I'll make it easy at first! I wanna see if you
wanna see who's the the man with the master plan.
Q: Are you the man now?

* no offense to Namco there, just a cliched wrestler imitation.
** If you haven't played PaRappa the Rapper, that probably didn't make any
sense to you. Not that it has to.



1 Left Punch
2 Right Punch
3 Left Kick
4 Right Kick
-> Forward
DF Down-Forward
D Down
DB Down-Back
<- Back
=> Hold Forward
<= Hold Back
N Neutral (do nothing for a split second)
QCF Quarter Circle Forward
QCB Quarter Circle Back
HCB Half Circle Back
HCF Half Circle Forward
HBK Heart Break Kid
+ At the same time as
LOL Laughs Out Loud
BRB Be Right Back
AFK Away From Keyboard
J/K Just Kidding
:) Happy Person
:( Sad Person
:\/:-. Person wondering why anybody isn't speaking to them, unaware that they
have an an alligator on their head.
:| Person unsure over which long distance company to choose.



The moves! Below lists all the recognizable wrestling moves for, three
character so far, and adds a few comments under each as well. Well, enough
is enough, and it's time for a change (of pace)!




The Beast. The Lethal Weapon. The Showstopper. The Man With No Last Name It's
King, and he's the first character you'd think of in Tekken 3 when you hear
"Quit your @&#%'n chain throws, you cheap #$@!". I mean, "wrestling". Anyway,
it's time to lay the smack down!


Punch 1 (Tap 1)

Whee! Try its variation.

Punch 2 (Tap 2)

See Punch 1.

Running Drop Kick (3+4)

Not exactly a restaraunt quality drop kick, but pretty good nonetheless.

Running Screw Drop Kick (Run for a few steps, then tap 3+4)

Same as the Running Drop Kick, only it looks cooler. King adds a little
twist to the move.

Discus Punch (When back to opponent, 1+2)

I haven't actually seen any wrestlers use this, but hey, it was is WWF
Warzone, wasn't it? Extremely powerful.

Haymaker (during sidestep, press 2)

Like the Discus Punch, the Haymaker does a lot of damage, looks cool, and
is rarely done on TV (they just use regular punches), but used in Warzone.

Clothesline From Hell (=>+1+2)

King hammers the opponent with his forearm, knocking them to the ground.
Looks kinda like a big punch, but hey, Namco came pretty close.

Moonsault Body Press (tap 1+4)

King does an Al Snow by turning around backwards and does an unblockable
backflop on his opponent, immediately flooring them! Oh, heck yes!

Elbow Drop (Hold D, 1+2)

It's THE most electrifying move in Tekken 3 (yes, even more than Heihachi's
Electric Noogie)! Looks awesome when the opponent is down (i.e. in Practice
mode, set dummy's stance to Controller).

Flying Elbow Drop (Jump, then tap 2+4)

King goes top-rope with the Elbow! Not as realistic as the Elbow Drop, but
looks nasty when it connects with a downed opponent.

Shoulder Ram (->+2+3)

King rams the opponent with his, uh, shoulder. It's kinda like the Shoulder
Block in wrestling, so I put it up here.

Frankensteiner AKA Hurracanrana (DF+3+4)

King flips Big Mysterio-Style, latches onto his opponent's head with both
legs, and swings back to slam their head into the floor. Thanks to Joel
Guzman for telling me the difference between this and a hurracanranna.

Axe-Handle Smash (Jump forward, then 1+2)

I have absolutely no idea where the name came from, but it still looks cool.
A two-fisted jumping punch that I use all the time in real life for no reason.

"Ali kick(s) (D+3+4)

Hey, they worked on "The Greatest" so, well, they're named after him. Shuffle
off to Buffalo, or toss a 2 in for a punch.

Crouch-dash Into Double-Axehandle (F, D, D/F+1+2)

Do it when they're doing a move (counterhit) and see them bounce up off the ground.
*Boing* (Woohoo! -231)

Stomach Smash (F, F, N+2)

Not much fun by iteself unless it's a counterhit. Then you can try...

Over-the-Shoulder Backbreaker (1+2)

Hoist them up on your shoulder, then drop and crunch, then chuck them away. OR, you
can do the...

Flying Powerbomb (1+2, U, D, N+1+2)


Flying Cross Chop (F, F+1+2)




Vertical Suplex (1+3)

My only complaint about this is that King pulls it off too fast. It would've
been great to see him put the headlock-ish move on, hook his opponent's arm
over his neck, grab their hip, and THEN do the move.

Tornado DDT (2+4)

King spins around his opponent, grabs their head, and falls to the floor. How
does the opponent just stand there and let King use them as a swinging post?
Thanks to Michael Moore on the name.

Coconut Crush (when standing on right side, 1+3 or 2+4)

Don't ask me why they call it this. It just looks painful.

Argentine Backbreaker (when standing on left side, 1+3 or 2+4)

King sets the opponent up for a Samoan Drop, but instead, he lifts them
above his shoulders, slams their back down on his neck, and tosses them off.
For some reason, King's fine after having somebody land on his neck.

Abdominal Stretch (when behind, 2+4)

King... uh... well... I can't describe it. Just do the move, and you'll see
that it really stings.

Half Boston Crab (when behind, 1+3)

Hey, it looks kinda like Ken Shamrock's Ankle Lock! "Gaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" And it
hurts a lot, too.

"Falling Headlock" A.K.A DDT (hold D, DB, D, hold DB+1+2)

Stupid name aside, it's your average DDT. Extremely hard to do, but well
worth the admission.

Facebuster (hold DF+2+3)

Triple H's 4-move repitoire strikes again. King forces his opponent to
greet his knee. And then they hastily leave.

Figure Four Leg-Lock (hold DB+1+2)

Woooooo! King pays homage to Ric Flair with this nasty-looking submission
hold. I can never get this to work in real life...

The Giant Swing (->, HCF+1)

Round and round and round and round they go. When they stop, nobody knows
because they always forget to pay attention to the number of times he spins
since they're so happy that they pulled the move off oops I'm rambling. Like
the DDT, it looks great, but is really, really tough to do.

Irish Whip (<-+1+2)

Again, King spins the opponent around, making them dizzy and lose the match
instantl--er, it doesn't do much, actually. Just makes them stand with their
back to you and does miniscule damage. If this were Pocket Tekken, some ropes
would magically appear, and the opponent would bounce back at you. That'd be
cool, but noo, Namco has to make this game serious. Pointless move.

Ten String #3

This isn't exactly a throw, nor is it easy to do (unless you press Select
during Practice Mode... cheater..), but the last hit is simply awesome. King
beats down his opponent with punches and kicks, and punches them in the
stomach, causing them to double over. Then, he executes a KICK-SPOONY
Powerbomb. It's one of my favorite "throws" in the game.

Muscle Buster (QCB+1+2)

It's not exactly a wrestling move, but if it was, nobody would be able to do
it, anyway. King hoists the opponent on his shoulders, face first, leaps up
an INSANE distance, then lands and crunches their upper body. Awesome, but
it's really annoying when you do an Irish Whip instead.

One of the Two Linkers I Know (sidestep, 2+4, --> 2, 2, 1+2, --> 1,
2, 3+4, --> 2, 1, 3, 4)

Tough to do, tough to get down, but when you do... hoo, boy! It's simply
awesome. Here're the moves King links together: Belly to Back Suplex, Back
Drop, Powerbomb, Giant Swing. Insane damage, insane fun.

NOTE: This button combination only works against a computer opponent, since
they turn around to face you. If they're not facing you (i.e the Practice
dummy, who doesn't follow your sidestep), you'll just do the Back Drop with
nothing else.

Ultimate Tackle (when crouching, 1+2)

It never, EVER works against the computer (even on Stage 1 on Easy), but
when you do it in Vs. or Practice, it's great. Tap 1, 2, 1, 2, etc to
just wail away on them with punches or 1+2, 1+2 to break the same arm
twice (of course, the bones magically reknit after you finish). You can also
do a Leg Breaker (3+4 after the Tackle), and it can be linked to to more
Arm Breakers, but I've only done it by accident a few times, and don't know
the combo.

Tombstone Piledriver (DB, F+2)

YES! KICK-SPOONY! This move absolutely rules. Looks perfect, painful, and
I love the way the victim falls afterwards. You just have to see it to
believe it.

Achilles Tendon Lock (F, D, DF *N* F+3+2)

Well, it looks kinda painful, but it isn't exactly a rasslin' move. HOWEVER,
it can link into the

SCORPION DEATHLOCK! (during Achilles Tendon Lock, quickly tap 1+2, 3, 1, 1+3)

HOLY BOVINE! This is even kick-spoonier than the Tombstone! Looks absolutely
perfect, painful, and it does a pretty fair amount of damage, too. I love
how it takes so long for the move to come out; it makes it seem more
realistic, especially with King flipping the opponent's body over. This,
combined with the Achilles Tendon Lock, does 70 damage overall!

The Achilles Tendon Lock can also link into the

STF (1, 2, 3, 1+2)

It's a pretty nasty submission hold, and I don't know why it's called an
STF, but all the same, why'd you want to link to this when you can link to
the SCORPION DEATHLOCK (I like putting that in caps)?

More links from the Achilles Tendon Lock:

Indian Death Lock (1+2,1,3,1+2)

Don't know how to describe it (Neither do I :)- 231), but this leads to...

Surfboard (1,3,4,1+2,3+4)

Never saw this, but I've heard it exists. Those joints sound a lot like Rice

Arm Breaker (->+1+4)

Ugghh... King grabs the opponent's arm and smashes it against his shoulder.
There're some linkers for this, the most recognizable wrestling move being

Side Russian Legsweep (1+2, 4, 2+4)

It's one of Bret Hart's Five Moves of Doom! Widely used in the rasslin'
world, this looks almost photorealistic to the real thing.

Tiger Powerbomb (QCF+1+2)

King lifts his opponent upside down with their arms folded across their back
and slams him/her down for a Powerbomb. Hey, I invented this move! Really!
I'll call Namco and ask them to include my patented The People's Reverse Double
Underhook Arabian Triple Corkscrew Jump Stone Cold Irish Inverted Mandible
Frog Death Valley Cross-Face Chicken Wing Triple Threat High Angle Northern
Lights Tornado Catapult Front Side Russian Belly-to-Belly-to-Back 450 Top
Rope Sweet Spinning Shooting Undertaker Tomikaze Star Stevie Chin Crusher Heel
Torture Tope Con Hilo Money Rack Stunner Nutcracker Shot Pescado Suite Music
Legsweep Bronco Facebuster Roll Into a Flying Clothesline Dominator DDT
Tombstone Bionic Ski-High Tiger Claw Elbow Splash Gut Wrench Cross-Armed Falcon
Enziguri Blockbuster Power Pancake Hiptoss Arrow Death Drop Press Plancha
Superscooplexin' Choke Ranacanfrankenhurrasteinerbomb in Tekken 4.

This links into...

The Dominator (after Tiger Powerbomb, 1+2)

I never thought they'd have this in the game, but evidently, Faarooq's
finisher is there! It's a jumping one, so it doesn't look like the real
thing, but hey, it's the Dominator, so who's complaining?


"Boston Crab (Once they're up in the air, 1+2,3,4,1+2)

What's fun after this is that if the enemy is too slow or rolls the wrong
way, you use a ground throw to get a half boston. How many people can stomach
the dreaded *1 1/2 Boston Crab*?"

"Pumphandle Slam (From behind B, F+1+2)

Road Dogg's "modifications" not included."

Now for some nasty chain throws.

Arm Takedown (a la Kurt Angle) DF+1+3
links to: Side Suplex (2, 1, 1+2)
links to: Gutwrench to Side Suplex (3+4, 1+2)
links to: Powerbomb (1, 2, 3+4)
links to: Giant Swing (2, 1, 3, 4) OR
Muscle Buster (3, 1, 2, 3+4, 1+2+3+4)

Instead of the Gutwrench to Side Suplex, you could go for the
Back-to-Back Suplex (2,2,1+2)
links to: (see Powerbomb, Giant Swing or Musclebuster) OR
Some weird move (3+4, 1+2, 1+2+4)
links to: SPINEBUSTER!!! (1,2,3+4, 1+2)
links to Giant Swing or Musclebuster

Another chain starter is the Reverse Nelson (DF+1+2) which then links
into the Back to Back suplex and then follows the same tree above.



Powerbomb (when opponent is crouching, d+1+3 or d+2+4).

So, you want to just duck there and avoid the throws? Fat chance. King can
throw you however you sit there. And if you think lying down will save you...


"Not-So-Giant Swing (D/B+1+3)

Grab the ankles, toss them away like the garbage they are.

Figure 4 Leglock (Hold D/B+2+4)

Hard to get off, and not as much sadistic fun as...

Head Bomber (D/B+2+4)

Grab ankles, make a wish, then slam that kitty-face right in the enemy's groin.
"Sorry, you won't be needing those, will you?"

Note: All other throws are with either D/B+1+3 or D/B+2+4

If victim is lying face up feet away: Shoulder Cracker

Grab the right arm, and bend it in a way God did not intend.

Face down, feet away: Wing Tearer

Grab both wrists, put knee to back of head, pull back, enjoy the satisfying

Face down, feet toward: Half Boston Crab

After this, you can go into...

Face down on side: Bow and Arrow Strangle

Put 'em over yer knee! *snap*

Face down on side: Camel Clutch

I forget which side for each of the above...

Face up on side: Roll Over

Play dead, sit, beg that I don't throw another ground throw.

Okay, so you've found some wrestling moves with the more obvious character,
King, but he's not the only one with them! Lets take a look at some more


Julia Chang

Cheesy Ending Extraordinaire!

Okay, this is kinda strange. Since when are Native Americans taught
pro-wrestling moves? No offense or anything, but ya gotta admit, it's weird.
Not that that's a bad thing, though, because her moves are da (power)bomb!


Two-Footed Stomp (Jump, 3+4)

Wow, this move should be used more often in the ring! Julia, like King, leaps
at an insane height, then comes down on the opponent--feet first! And like
King's Elbow, this move is awesome on a downed opponent (in Practice, that
is). And if you've never seen this move before, just play WWF Warzone. It's
out there... *hums X-Files theme*

Er..that's all the Non-Throw moves Julia has, unfortunately. If you know of
any more, please contact me at serpent231@yahoo.com


Death Valley Driver (1+3)

In one of the kickassest moves in wrestling, Julia lifts the enemy
horizantally onto her shoulders in a Fireman's Carry, then falls to
one side, smashing the opponent's head against the ground. Not the most
effective way of brainwashing somebody, but it's gotta be the cheapest.

Fisherman's Suplex (2+4)

Well, all the motions are there, but Julia and her opponent combined just
look like a big ball that turns over a little. Kinda funny, actually.

Bulldog (when on left side, 1+3 or 2+4)

Fan-spoony-tastic! Looks squared-circle perfect, and Julia's war cry
helps, too. Another reason why I love this move is because the name
makes no sense at all (what does a dog have to do with this move?).

Hurracanrana (when on right side, 1+3 or 2+4)

Another awesome move, the Hurracanrana is Julia's best-looking. Like the
Frankensteiner, only it looks a lot cooler and more painful. Now if there
were only a way to get on the top rope to do this...

Cross-Armed Belly to Back Suplex (DB, D, hold DB+1+2)

All right! Although it's really hard to do, this throw looks exactly
like the real thing, with Julia arching her back and everything. And I call
it the Cross-Arm Belly to yada yada because if you look hard in a replay
during Practice, the opponents' arms are crossed over. I've invented the
Cross Armed Powerbomb, if you're interested.

BADLY Animated Double Underhook Overhead Suplex (hold DF, 1+2)

Julia does some complicated thing with her arms, supposedly locking up the
enemy, then flips them over her head for one of the worst animated throws
in the game. The Vagabond was ever so kind to inform me that this move looks
like crap.

Belly-to-Belly-to-Side Suplex (D, hold DB, 1+3)

Suddenly, the opponent finds Julia wrapping her arms around them! Good,
right? Not exactly. Before they can understand what's happening, they've been
flipped over and crunched in half with this suplex-with-a-twist. Interesting
to watch, but hard to pull off.


Bryan Fury: Man of Action!

An ultra-strong, ultra-fast fighter with an ultra-cliched (but ultra-cool)
ending, Brian Fury, not-so-surprisingly, has a few wrestling moves. He kinda
reminds me of Sub-Zero with that scar of his. Without the suit, of course.
And the mask, too. And all those super-powers. Okay, and without a really
lame game starring him, too.


Spinning Heel Kick (<-, <=+4)

Brian's version of the spinning heel kick is awesome. It has great range,
staggers a blocking opponent, and... leaves you wide open on the ground.
Still, it's great to watch, and is almost Owen Hart-perfect! Rest in peace,
Owen. You're truly the King of Harts... *bows head*


Swinging DDT (1+3)

Ever tried to imitate a move on a stuffed animal? I have, and I still can't
make my foot kick back, then the instant it hits the victim's foot, bring them
back for a Snap DDT. Hey, these move are tough to do in real life!

Well...somebody was perfectly Choke Slammed onstage during a school talent
show, but that's another issue completely.

Overhead Belly to Something Suplex (2+4)

I wasn't sure whether to call this the Belly to Belly Suplex or the
Powerslam/Vertical Suplex, or the Vertical Powerslam, or the Power Suplex, as
it's kind of a mix of all of them. Still, it looks pretty cool (whatever it

Spinning Side Slam (1+3 or 2+4 when on left side)

Brian holds his victim horizantaly, then leaps a BIG distance forward (classic
Tekken 3 treatment there) half turns, and slams their back into the ground.
Looks like the opponent would make a pretty good armrest.


Gun Jack

It's been a whole year, and I'm still trying to figure out why they put "Gun"
in his name.

Bzzzzz-whurp. Uh, whurp whurp. Wheep! Sorry, just trying to imitate his
music (hey, YOU try it!). Gun Jack must be one of those training robots
who they teach wrestling moves to, since he has a pretty large number of
them, second to King Nolastname. Onward...


Butt Drop (Jump, then press 3+4)

Borrowing from Goldust in Warzone, Jack jumps up, and immediately sits down
on his opponent. If you ask me, that hurts more than most of his other moves.
I mean, he's METAL for spoony's sakes! Looks cool on a opponent who's lying

Splash (D, Hold DF+1+3 (I'm not exactly sure about this, though), 1+2
for an Axehandle Smash while sitting on the opponent)

It's more of a body press, actually, but hey, splash sounds better. Jack just
spreads his arms out, and falls forward on the opponent. Funny, whenever the
computer does it, he always hits me, but when I try it, I miss and fall flat
on my face (that is, if I can ever get it off). Also has some cool "getting
up" buzzes and whurps.

Sumo Stomp (D+4)

GJ does his Yokozuna impression and brings one foot down on the opponent,
HARD. Has a pretty large amount of recovery time, but hey, it's a cool move!

Two-Footed Floaty Stomp (3+4, repeat to fly even further)

Besides the fact that Gun Jack soars up in the air at an insane distance,
can float for a small amount of time, and can fly across the screen, this
is just your average Julia stomp. With cool armpit fumes, to boot.


Press Slam (2+4)

Gun Jack lifts the opponent over his head with both arms, and throws them
down for a good old slam that you see all the time in comic books.

Weak Powerslam (1+3)

Just a powerslam, only Jack doesn't jump to execute it. WIMP!

Chokeslam Lite (When on left side, 1+3 or 2+4)

Another watered-down throw, Jack doesn't lift the opponent up; he just shoves
him by the neck. Almost as crappy as the Big Bossman's version!

Backbreaker (QCB+2)

Finally, a true to life throw! Jack lifts the opponent up waist level, then
spins them around and cracks their back on his knee. Gotta love the sound
effects for this one.

Inverted Piledriver (AKA T.T.D.) (DB, =>+1+2)

Now, I've seen this listed as Tombstone in many other FAQs, but it's NOT!
You drop on your KNEES with the Tombstone, like King does! Jack sets up for
a Tombstone and sits down! Do you understand THAT? Thanks to Korly
(BDK2sweet@aol.com) for the name (he says it stands for Tenzan Tombstone
Driver, named after a Japanese wrestler) and Eric M (tygr20@compuage.com)
for telling me that it's not the TTD, but the Inverted Piledriver. This is
probably the most controversial move in the game. Not to mention it broke
Shtoned Drunk Shteve Aushten's neck (RIP Owen Hart!).

Lygerbomb/Seated Powerbomb (QCF+1)

Gotta love any move that relates to D'Lo Brown! Jack sets up for a powerbomb,
but as he slams them, sits down for a half-PB, half-piledriver, kick-spoony
throw. Thanks to Mike and the Vagabond on the name.


Heihachi Mishima

Forget the character. Forget the game. Just show me that Electric Noogie!

Well, Heihachi proves to us that old men CAN kick spoony. Heihachi has a few
moves, even if he is, uh, something years old. His hair must have rubbed off
on Jin, I guess..


Electric Noogie (1+3)

Coming in for a close second in THE Most Electrifying Move in Fighting Game
Entertainment, the EN absolutely rocks. Heihachi gets the opponent in a
standard headlock (complete with the enemy flailing their arms helplessly)
then adds electricity just to look cool, and suddenly, CRACK! They've
stopped moving and are on the ground. The neck bones re-knit for no reason,
of course.

Jumping Powerbomb (2+4)

Heihachi grabs the opponent for a Powerbomb, only he jumps WAY up high, and
slams them down. It would have been better if the victim bounced after they
hit, but one can't have all the little wrestling nuances...

Atomic Drop (From behind, 1+3 or 2+4)

It's kinda slow to come out, and it isn't the Inverted Atomic Drop (which
is a lot funnier), but hey, it's there, isn't it? With ELECTRICITY!

Headbutt (->, ->+1+2)

It's just a headbutt, Big Show-style! It could just be me, but that doesn't
look at all like it made contact. Just like the real thing!



Wellllll... Well, it's a big bear! Yes, it's a big bad bear tonight!

If you don't watch the WWF, that last line wouldn't have made any sense to
you. On a similar note, how did you read this far without watching it?
Anyway, Kuma/Panda has the best wrestling move in the game, to sum it up.


Butt Crush (Jump, 3+4)

And you thought a huge metal guy sitting on you was bad...


Headbutt (->, ->+1+4)

Sources say that Kuma learned this from Heihachi, but _I_ say he didn't,
cause he hardly has any of Heihachi's moves! I'll have to conspiracize that
he was tought by the Big Show. Kuma watches lots of TV! Didn't you know that?
It's all true! You gotta believe!

Bear Hug (2+4)

Haha! Ha! Ha! Velly funny name fol on of hes moves, yes? Huh, boy...Japanese
stereotypes...I didn't even get the "L and R" thing right.

AaaaaaaahhhhhTHECHOKESLAAAM!!! (from left side, 1+3 or 2+4)

Hands down, my favorite move in the entire game. You have to see this to believe
it. Who would have thought Kuma could do this? Now do you believe me about the



Bulldog (DF+1+2, 1+2, 1+2)

The second Bulldog in the game, this one doesn't go as far as Julia's, plus,
it looks a little awkward. Law's cool scream makes up for that, though.


Sleeper Hold (2+4)

Even the experienced Tekken 3-ers need a rest hold once and a while. It's the
same old crowd displeaser, only Lei and his opponent sit down. Snap!


Back Body Drop (2+4)

It's not the most electrifying move in sports entertainment, but it still
looks just like the real thing! Try making the second player run towards you,
pull off the move, all while you tape it, and impress all your friends!


The Big Boot (<=+4, 4)

Three words: High heels really hurt. Wait a minute...


Low Blow (->, ->+3 or QCF+3--honestly, who'd want to do the second version?)

Nina goes a little down south with this unorthadox kick. Used by many
wrestlers when their trick knees act up (copyright CRZ)!


Big Boot #2 (->, ->+4)

He's not wearing high heels (thank God), but this one looks just as cool as
Anna's! He looks just like Diesel when he does--no, wait, that's Test.


Sick Stomach (1+4)

This isn't a wrestling move (unless you count that incident with Droz
vomiting), but when you're behind the opponent, it links into

The Atomic Drop (from behind, 1+3 or 2+4 after Sick Stomach)

Heihachi and Dr. B have the same move! Old schoolers reunite!

The Sick Stomach also links into...

The Irish Whip (<-+1+2 after Sick Stomach)

The most widely used move in wrestling (besides the punch) makes a second
appearance! It isn't much, but it's the second part of his linkers, the third

The People's Elbow! (1+2 after Irish Whip)

Yes, folks, it's here. It doesn't go through the whole routine with Dr. B
taking off his elbow pad and all, but it's the staggering, exaggerated elbow
part of the move, at least! Kickspum!

"After the Sick Stomach, Irish Whip, and People's Elbow, you can then
also chain into a sidestep (1+4) and then into a Running Bulldog (2, 1, 3, 4)
The Doctor can do a Frankensteiner. (F, F+4)"



* GameFAQs, for putting my FAQ up here. And... uh... Tripod... for
letting me... use their website service... uh, yeah.

* A GameFAQs reader (sorry, forgot his name), for the compliment (yes, this
is a compliment) that my FAQ is pointless, right up there with Tekken
Psychology 101. That was sorta what I was shooting for, so... thanks!

* David Smith, for the correct name of Julia's Death Valley Driver, and for
writing a FAQ on Dead or Alive that's EXACTLY like mine (only different).

* Joel Guzman, for also correcting me on the DVD, and for telling me the
difference between a Hurracanranna and a Frankensteiner (the 'rana usually
gets a pin ^_^).

* Michael Moore (lord.horatio.nelson@erols.com), for some helpful name

* Korly (BDK2sweet@aol.com), for correcting me the name of the T.T.D (Why'd I
call it the Jack Driver, anyway?)

* Eric M. (tygr20@compuage.com), for telling me that the T.T.D is actually
called the Inverted Piledriver after all. Well, I'll just put both up so
Korly and him don't get angry and sign me up for any web site advertising
mailing lists in a fit of blind rage.

* Edward Chang, for correcting me on King's Knee Bash and the Figure 4 Leglock.
Also, he informed me about King's Boston Crab after the Tiger Powerbomb, the
Pumphandle Slam, Dr. B's other chain moves, some of King's ground throws, and
a spoonyload of King's chains.

* Sylvester Fox, for mailing me lots of King's Non-Throws, a couple of King's
Achilles Tendon Lock links, for telling me all of King's Ground Throws, and for also
telling me about King's Boston Crab linker.

* The Vagabond, for all o' dem name corrections. Y'know, I probably coulda corrected
these myself, after learning so much info from fine wreslting insider sites like



and http://www.crz.net/wrestling...but you ALL KNOW that I'm too lazy to do that
without motivation (AKA reader mail). Thanks, Jimbo.

BTW, visit his martial arts/wrestling site at http://www.geocities.com/kaidovangal/martialarts.html
cuz I said so.

* Namco, for showing us that SOME video game designers like wrestling.

* Some dumb-azzz named ReD, for flaming me in my own guestbook (BTW, my
site's at http://i.am/231! Bweh heh heh, that's four) about how much this
FAQ is "corny as hell". Well, instead of signing him up for 231 different
mailing lists from website services, I MST-ed his flame! You can check it
out at


http://serpent231.tripod.com/red.html (5!)

Have fun! Hey, did you know that if you replaced the "R" in ReD's name with a
colon, then you'd get :eD? Whoohoo! I found ASCII face number 58! Gotta catch
'em all!

Until then, I'm Serpent231. To all the readers, fans, and innocent bystanders
who were forced at gunpoint to read this FAQ at gunpoint, I bid you...uh...thanks.

My work here is done.

"But...you didn't DO nuthin'!"

Oh...haven't I? ::fades away::

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Mokujin FAQ (Oft gestellt Fragen)

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Ausführliches englisches FAQ
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11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020
24.März 2020