K-1: Grand Prix

K-1: Grand Prix

17.10.2013 17:55:34

K-1 Grand Prix
Strategy Guide
Version 1.0
Author: DreThug
E-Mail: DreThug@hotmail.com

1. Introduction
2. Update History
3. Basic Controls
4. Game Modes
5. Basic Operation of Boxer
6. Local Titles
7. Boxers From The Start
8. Boxers Bios
9. Boxers Moves
10. Personal Strategy
11. Legal Information

1. Introduction
Welcome to my K-1 Grand Prix FAQ. K-1 Grand Prix is a kick boxing game for
Playstation. It features 32 real K-1 Fighters and has four different modes
of play. K-1 Grand Prix isn't that good of a game but if you like kick
boxing you may enjoy it. With sluggish control and no analog suport this
game feels like a first generation Playstation game. In this FAQ, I give
you my personal strategy plus a lot of extra details you may want to know
about K-1 Grand Prix. I hope you like this FAQ and if you have any comments
please throw them my way by e-mailing me at DreThug@hotmail.com.

2. Update History
July 9th 2001 - First version of this FAQ.

3. Basic Controls
Here I have listed the basic moves for the game. All of these moves work
with each boxer.

Initial Game Controls
Square...........................Punch Left
Triangle.........................Punch Right
X................................Kick Left
Circle...........................Kick Right
D-Pad............................Move fighter
L1...............................Dodge Left
L2...............................Not Used
R1...............................Dodge Right
R2...............................Not Used
Select...........................Not Used

4. Game Modes
There are many modes of play for K-1 Grand Prix. Here I have listed each
mode of gameplay with a brief description of each.

K-1 Kings - This is the basic one player mode of the game. You can pick a
boxer and participate in matches with other boxers.

K-1 Hercules - Have a friend over? Then play K-1 Hercules. This is a
standard two player mode.

K-1 Grand Prix - This is actually a tournament mode. You can pick up to 16
fighters with 2 fighters fighting at once.

K-1 Challenge - Create your own boxer and then play through a season type of
mode. Train your fighter to become the best and win championships. This
can only be played with one player.

Training - Need help with pulling over combos? Then use this training mode
and practice all of the moves you want to.

Ring Side - This has to be the dumbest mode ever. In this mode you get to
watch two fighters controlled by the computer fight.

Option - Change the game setting and stuff like that.

5. Basic Operation of Boxer
Here are some basic combos you should master.

>.................Right on D-Pad
<.................Left on D-Pad
Up................Up on D-Pad
Down..............Down on D-Pad
/.................Combination of Down and Left on D-Pad
\.................Combination of Down and Right on D-Pad

Step In..............................> + >
Step out.............................< + <
Ducking..............................Down + \ + >
Swaying..............................Down + / + <
Ducking & Right Waving...............Down + \ + > + R1
Ducking & Left Waving................Down + \ + > + L1
Swaying & Right Waving...............Down + / + < + R1
Swaying & Left Waving................Down + / + < + R1
Ducking In...........................Down + Down
Ducking Hook.........................Down + Down + Square
Ducking Uppercut.....................Down + Down + Triangle
Upper Guard..........................<
Lower Guard..........................Down
Grapple Attack.......................Square + X

6. Local Titles
Here are all the local titles you can win.

E.K.F. Europe Super Heavyweight Class
E.K.F. Eastern Super Heavyweight Class
E.K.F. World Super Heavyweight Class
A.K.O. North American Heavyweight Class
A.K.O. Europe Heavyweight Class
A.K.O. World Heavyweight Class
P.K.C. Intercontinental Super Heavyweight Class
P.K.C. South-Pacific Super Heavyweight CLass
P.K.C. World Heavyweight Class

7. Boxers From The Start
Here are all the boxers you can be in the game.

Andy Hug
Peter Aerts
Mike Bernardo
Ernesto Hoost
Sam Creco
Brankko Cikatic
Stan The Man
Jean Claude
Masaaka Satake
Francisco Filho
Vander Merwe
Ray Sefo
Stephan Leco
Jean Riviere
Maurice Smith
Nobuaki Kakuda
Taiei Kin

8. Boxers Bios (The Ones From The Start)
These are the boxers from the start of the game. I have listed their name,
height, weight, and country.

Name..................Andy Hug
Height................180 CM
Weight................98.4 KG

Name..................Peter Aerts
Height................192 CM
Weight................103.6 KG

Name..................Mike Bernardo
Height................193 CM
Weight................110.5 KG
Country...............South Africa

Name..................Ernesto Hoost
Height................195 CM
Weight................96.5 KG

Name..................Sam Greco
Height................188 CM
Weight................104.6 KG

Name..................Branko Cikatic
Height................189 CM
Weight................98 KG

Name..................Stan The Man
Height................176 CM
Weight................98 KG

Height................185 CM
Weight................100 KG

Name..................Jean Claude
Height................191 CM
Weight................102 KG

Name..................Masaaki Satake
Height................185 CM
Weight................110 KG

Name..................Francisco Filho
Height................186 CM
Weight................104 KG

Name..................Vander Merwe
Height................210 CM
Weight................111 KG
Country...............South Africa

Name..................Ray Sefo
Height................180 CM
Weight................100 KG
Country...............New Zealand

Name..................Stephan Leco
Height................186 CM
Weight................93 KG

Name..................Jean Riviere
Height................185 CM
Weight................130 KG

Name..................Maurice Smith
Height................186 CM
Weight................99 KG

Name..................Nobuaki Kakuda
Height................174 CM
Weight................84 KG

Name..................Taiei Kin
Height................180 CM
Weight................74 KG

9. Boxers Moves
Here I have listed each of the boxers moves.

Andy Hug
Left Punch
Left Straight.......................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Down Left + Square
Left Big Hook.......................left + Square

Right Punch
Right Jab...........................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left Back Kick......................Left + X
Left Ax Kick........................Down Right + X
Left Back Spin Kick Low.............Down Left + X
Left Back Spin Kick.................Right + Right + Right + X

Right Kick
Right Front Kick....................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle

Ernesto Hoost
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square
Left Body Straight..................Down Left + Square
Left Step-in Hook...................Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Back Blow.....................Left + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Down + Triangle
Right Straight Down Punch...........Down Right + Triangle
Right Big Hook......................Down Left + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left Hight Kick.....................Right + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Back Kick.....................Left + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right Step-in High Kick.............Right + Right + Circle
Right Step-in Low Kick..............Right + Right + Right + Circle

Masaaki Satake
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square
Left Step-in Hook...................Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Down + Triangle
Right Upper Striaght................Down Left + Triangle
Right Back Blow.....................Left + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Back Spin Kick................Left + Circle

Sam Greco
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Body Hook......................Down + Square
Left Step-in Hook...................Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Back Blow.....................Left + Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Down + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Down Left + Triangle
Right Big Hook......................Right + Right + Right + Triangle
Right Big Straight..................Right + Right + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Back Kick.....................Left + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right Step-in Low Kick..............Right + Right + Right + Circle

Jean Rivier
Left Punch
Left Straight.......................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square
Left Body Uppercut..................Down Left + Square
Left Step-in Hook...................Right + Right + Right + Square
Left Step-in Uppercut...............Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Jab...........................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Body Uppercut.................Down + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left Ax Kick........................Left + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right Knee Kick.....................Left + Circle

Jean Claude
Left Punch
Left Straight Punch.................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square
Left Body Straight..................Down Left + Square
Left Step-in Hook...................Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Jab...........................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down + Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Left + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left Knee Kick......................Down Left + X
Left Ax Kick........................Left + X
Left Step-in Low Kick...............Right + Right + Right + X

Right Kick
Right Front Kick....................Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Back Spin Kick................Left + Circle
Right Step-in Low Kick..............Left + Left + Left + Circle

Stan The Man
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square
Left Body Straight..................Down Left + Square
Left Step-in Hook...................Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Down + Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Down Left + Triangle
Right Back Blow.....................Left + Triangle
Right Big Hook......................Right + Right + Right + Triangle
Right Big Uppercut..................Right + Right + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left Side Kick......................Left + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Back Spin kick................Left + Circle
Right Step-in Low Kick..............Right + Right + Right + Circle

Stefan Leco
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Body Uppercut..................Down + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Back Blow.....................Left + Triangle
Right Big Straight..................Down Right + Triangle
Right Step-in Hook..................Right + Right + Right + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X
Left Step-in Low Kick...............Right + Right + Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Back Kick.....................Left + Circle
Right Step-in High Kick.............Right + Right + Right + Circle

Vander Merwe
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Body Straight..................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Straight Down Punch...........Down + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Down Left + Triangle
Right Big Hook......................Left + Triangle
Right Big Straight..................Right + Right + Right + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Front Kick.....................X
Lefct Knee Kick.....................Left + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle

Peter Aerts
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Back Blow.....................Left + Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Down + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Down Left + Triangle
Right Straight Down Punch...........Right + Right + Right + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle K.......................X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Knee Kick......................Left + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Back Kick.....................Left + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right Back Spin Kick................Down Left + Circle

Branko Cikatic
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square
Left Body Straight..................Down + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Left + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Down + Triangle
Right Big Hook......................Down Left + Triangle
Right Big Straight..................Right + Right + Right + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left Side Kick......................Right + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Back Kick.....................Left + Circle
Right Back Spin Kick................Down Left + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle

Francisco Filho
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Step-in Hook...................Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Down + Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Left + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X
Left Side Kick......................Left + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Back Kick.....................Left + Circle
Right Back Spin Kick................Down Left + Circle
Right Special High Kick.............Down Right + Circle

Mike Bernardo
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down Right + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square
Left Body Straight..................Down + Square
Left Step-in Hook...................Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Right + Triangle
Right Back Blow.....................Left + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Down + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Big Hook......................Down Left + Triangle
Right Extra Big Hook................Right + Right + Right + Triangle
Right Big Straight..................Right + Right + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Front Kick.....................X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right Step-in Low Kick..............Right + Right + Right + Circle

Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Uppercut.......................Down + Square
Left Body Hook......................Left + Square
Left Body Straight..................Down Left + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down + Triangle
Right Body Straight.................Left + Triangle
Right Step-in Hook..................Right + Right + Right + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right Knee Kick.....................Left + Circle

Maurice Smith
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Body Hook......................Down + Square
Left Step-in Straight...............Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Down + Triangle
Right Back Blow.....................Left + Triangle
Right Big Starlight.................Down Left + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left High Kick......................Right + X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right Knee Kick.....................Left + Circle
Right Step-in High Kick.............Right + Right + Right + Circle
Right Step-in Low Kick..............Right + Right + Circle

Ray Sefo
Left Punch
Left Jab............................Square
Left Hook...........................Right + Square
Left Body Hook......................Down + Square
Intimidation........................Left + Square
Left Step-in Back Blow..............Right + Right + Right + Square

Right Punch
Right Straight......................Triangle
Right Hook..........................Right + Triangle
Right Uppercut......................Down Right + Triangle
Right Body Hook.....................Down + Triangle
Right Big Hook......................Down Left + Triangle
Rigth back Blow.....................Left + Triangle

Left Kick
Left Middle Kick....................X
Left Front Kick.....................Down Right + X
Left Low Kick.......................Down + X
Left High Kick......................Right + X

Right Kick
Right Middle Kick...................Circle
Right Front Kick....................Down Right + Circle
Right High Kick.....................Right + Circle
Right Low Kick......................Down + Circle
Right Step-in Low Kick..............Right + Right + Right + Circle

10. Personal Strategy
Here I have listed my strategy for both regular fights and the K-1 Challenge

Fighting An Opponent
At the beginning of a match make sure you pick a boxer with a lot of speed
so you can run around and dodge punches. When I fight the computer I
usually get in a jab or uppercut and then move away. This helps because
your opponent can't punch or kick back because you are far away. If you
punch once and then back off you should win. After you do a couple of
punches make sure you follow through with a kick. If your power is down,
make sure you run away until the end of the round so you can get your power
refreshed. If you are winning and want the match to end then just go up the
your opponent and keep on jabbing at his head. He may get a lot of power
off of you, but if you are winning by a lot you will win.

K-1 Challenge Mode
When I played through this mode and won a lot of matches I did a lot of
stuff. First, when you are training make sure you get your stamina and
speed up. I get my speed up because it's a lot easier to dodge punches.
Also, try to keep your fatigue low. I mostly worked on my arms and my legs.
I didn't do much to my head or body. Also, when you are training you
should put your five stars on one move. Don't split up your stars a lot.
Make sure you assign moves to yourself. I tried to get all of them.

11. Legal Information
This FAQ can not be posted or used on any site other than GameShark.com. If
I find this FAQ on any other site Legal Action will be taken immediatly.
Copyright 2000. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns feel free
to e-mail me at DreThug@hotmail.com

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