Street Fighter Alpha 2

Street Fighter Alpha 2

14.10.2013 10:11:15
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StreetFighter2 FAQ
Version 1/28/94

--kept and maintained by (Phil Stroffolino).

The SF2 archive maintainer is (Dave Kirsch)
If you upload anything into /pub/sf2/upload, please send Dave some mail
telling him about it.

IP Addr:
Directory: /pub/sf2

FTP site is provided courtesy of (C. Titus Brown)

If you have any additions, corrections, suggestions, comments or gripes,
please email ps1o@andrew.cmu


This is the Street Fighter 2 FAQ listing. This is where the common
knowledge, basic information, and trivia about the game SF2 is kept.
It is meant to accquaint the new user with the game and answer some common
questions that they may have, as well as to compile other interesting
information that may be later brought up.

This FAQ is divided into four sections for your convenience:

(1) general character information (moves & such)
(2) version independent questions & answers (trivia & tactics)
(3) version specific information (home systems & arcade)
(4) FTP information and net etiquette/guidelines



* *
* T H E C H A R A C T E R S *
* *

NOTATION: Kick: any kick button (Short, Forward, Roundhouse)
Punch: any punch button (Jab, Strong, Fierce)

--O represents a joystick held to the right. The "O" is
supposed to resemble the knob of a joystick.

O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch:
means to hold the joystick back (left) for approximately two game
seconds, then move the joystick forward (right) and press any punch
button. I usually press the attack button at the same moment the
joystick makes contact with the opposite side when executing a
"charge" move.

NOTE: Unless stated otherwise, any move description for CE applies to HF,
and any move description for HF can be assumed to hold for Super

Move descriptions are for characters facing right. Joysticks
movements for moves are reversed (mirror image) when a character
faces left.

Ryu, Japan; Ken, USA: Shotokan Karate

"Ryu" means vigorous or abundant (as in successful). It's different from
the Ryu in Shou Ryu Ken, which means dragon.

"Ken" means fist or punch. A lot of people say that Ken means sword but
that's written differently.

FIREBALL "Ha Dou Ken" [Wave Motion Punch/Fist]

| \ --O and Punch

FLAMEBALL (Super, Ryu only)

O-- / | \ --O and Punch

Opponent burns

HURRICANE KICK "Tatsu Maki Sen Puu Kyaku" [Tornado Whirlwind Legs]

| / O-- and Kick

Knocks down after 1 hit (CE, Ryu only)
Faster (CE, Ken only)
Can be done in the air (HF)
Hits on the way up (Super, Ken only)

DRAGON PUNCH "Shou Ryu Ken" [Rising Dragon Punch/Fist]

--O | \ and Punch

Fierce can hit twice (except Super Ryu)
Wide arc (CE, Ken only)
Super Ken can hit 2 times with Strong
Super Ken can hit 3 times with Fierce
Super Ryu knocks down in one hit

Throws: Strong, Fierce, Forward, and Roundhouse

Double Hit: Close Standing Roundhouse

Chun Li, China: Wushu

Chun = Spring, Li = Beautiful

Chun Li wins: "Yatta!"
[This is similar to alright! Literally, it's "[I] did it!"]

SPINNING BIRD KICK "Supiningu Baado Kikku"

| [2 charge] O and Kick
O |

Can be done in the air (HF)
Hits on the way up (HF)
Knocks down on the way up (Super)

FIREBALL (HF only) "Yap!"

O-- / | and Punch

FIREBALL (Super) "Ki Kou Ken" [Spirit Attack Punch/Fist]

O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch (Super)

LIGHTNING LEG "Yap Yap Yap!": rapidly press Kick
Multiple hits

HEEL STOMP: down and Forward while in the air
Bounces away

FLIPPING NECK BREAKER (CE): close, towards/away + Roundhouse
Knocks down

FLIP AWAY KICK (CE): close, towards/away + Forward
Knocks down
Hits twice (Super)

Throws: Strong and Fierce

Air Throws: Strong and Fierce

Chun Li can bounce off the walls

Edmond Honda, Japan: Sumo

"Honda" is a common Japanese name, which happens to translate literally to
"origin in the fields"

SUMO TORPEDO/HEADBUTT "Dos Koi" [Sumo saying with no real meaning]
O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch

Jab can hit twice

(1 kan is about 3 kg)

| [3 charge] O and Kick (HF)
O |

Can hit twice
2 charge on Super

Honda can move (CE)

BODY SPLASH: down (Super) and Forward while flying

Grabs: Fierce and Roundhouse

Throw: Strong

Double Hits: close, standing Forward and Roundhouse, ducking Forward

Blanka, Brazil: Capoeira


O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch


| [3 charge] O and Kick
O |

2 charge on Super


O-- [2 charge] --O and Kick

Can hit twice


DOUBLE HEAD BUTT: close, towards/away + Strong

DOUBLE KNEE: close, towards/away + Forward

Grab: Fierce

Double Hit: close standing Fierce (classic only)

Zangief, USSR: Sambo

5/8 circle with joystick and Punch
direction of spin determines which side opponent lands on

far, 5/8 circle with joystick and Kick

close, 5/8 circle with joystick and Kick

Z can move (CE)

Z can move
Z can't be swept (HF only)

BODY SPLASH: down (HF) and Fierce while flying

FLYING KNEE: down and Short while flying

STOMACH CRUNCH: up and Fierce while jumping

Grabs (previous to Super):
Strong/Fierce, standing/crouching at a distance

Grabs (Super):
Ducking Strong/Fierce, Standing Fierce/Roundhouse

Throws (previous to Super):
Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse
also ducking Strong/Fierce

Throws (Super): Strong, Forward

Air Throws (Super): Fierce, Roundhouse

Double Hit: close standing Roundhouse

Guile, USA: Special Forces

SONIC BOOM "Sonic Boom"

O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch


| [2 charge] O and Kick
O |

Knocks down (except 1st part of CE, HF Roundhouse Flash Kick)
Roundhouse can hit twice (CE, HF only)

SIDE SWIPE/INVERTED FLIP KICK: towards/away and Roundhouse

KNEE THRUST: towards/away and Forward

Throws: Strong, Fierce

Air Throws: Strong, Fierce, Forward, Roundhouse

Double Sweep: ducking Roundhouse

Dhalsim, India: Kabaddi


| \ --O and Punch

YOGA FLAME "Yoga Flame"

O-- / | \ --O and Punch


--O | \ and all Kick or Punch

O-- | / and all Kick or Punch

FOOT DRILL/DRILL KICK: down and Roundhouse while at apex of jump
any time in air (CE)
faster drill (CE only)

YOGA MUMMY/HEAD SPEAR: down and Fierce while at apex of jump
any time in air (CE)

Grab: Strong

Throw: Fierce

Double Hit: close standing Fierce

Slides: crouching kicks except close Forward, and close short on Classic

Balrog, USA: Boxing

He is named M. Bison ["Mike Tyson"] in Japan. Capcom decided to avoid
possible legal troubles with the name and likeness of the boxer in releases
outside of Japan.

BTW, a Balrog is a powerful monster from Tolkien's Middle Earth novels.


O-- [1+ charge] --O and Punch

2 charge, hits ducking opponents (HF)
Jab knocks down (Super)


O-- [1+ charge] --O and Kick

2 charge on Super

TURN AROUND PUNCH: hold all punch or all kick [1+ charge] release

Longer charge = Greater damage (HF)
Punch and kick TAPs have separate charges


| [2 charge] O and Punch (Super)
O |

Grab: Strong, Fierce

Vega, Spain: Savate/Bullfighting

He is named "Balrog" in Japan.


O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch

up to 6 hits (HF)

Back twice rapidly, no buttons (CE only)
All Punch (HF)

SINGLE BACKFLIP (Super): all Kick


| [2 charge] O and Punch
O |


| [2 charge] O or O and Kick
O \ /

4-6 charge in Super unless attacking

SCREAMING EAGLE: [Wall Spring] and Punch
Knocks down (Super)

AIR DROP: [Wall Spring] close, towards/away and Punch

Throws: Strong, Fierce

Air Throw: Strong, Fierce

Slide: ducking Roundhouse

Vega can bounce off the walls like Chun Li

Sagat, Thailand: Muay Thai

The huge scar on Sagat's chest is from Ryu's Dragon Punch in the original
Street Fighter.


| \ --O and Punch


| \ --O and Kick


| O and Kick
O /

Hits twice

TIGER UPPERCUT "Tiger Uppercut"

--O | \ and Punch

Throw: Strong, Fierce

Double hit: standing Kicks

M. Bison, Thailand: Ler Drit

He is named "Vega" in Japan. "Ler Drit" is fictional.


O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch

Multiple hits against blocking opponents


O-- [2 charge] --O and Kick

3 Charge (HF only)
Knocks down (Super)


| [2 charge] O and Kick
O |


| [2 charge] O and Punch
O |

Throw: Strong and Fierce

Slide: ducking Roundhouse

Thunder Hawk, Mexico: Indian Style Wrestling


--O | \ and Punch

Hits twice

CONDOR DIVE: [jump, and before you reach the apex] all Punch

MEXICAN TYPHOON: 5/8 circle and Punch

ELBOW DROP: down + Strong while flying

Grab: Fierce and Roundhouse

Throw: Strong

Double Hit: standing/crouching close Fierce

Double Sweep: crouching Roundhouse

Fei Long, Hong Kong: Kung Fu

"Fei Long" means "Flying Dragon"


O-- | / and Kick

Hits twice


| \ --O and Punch

Repeat for three hit combo

Rushing Double Kick: towards and Roundhouse

Standing Double Kick: towards/away and Forward

Throws: Strong, Fierce, Forward, Roundhouse

Double Hit: close standing Roundhouse

DeeJay, Jamaica: Western Style KickBoxing

MAX OUT "Max Out"

O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch


O-- [2 charge] --O and Kick

Hits twice


| [2 charge] O and Punch
O |

Rapidly press punch for multiple hits

Throw: Strong, Fierce, Forward, Roundhouse

Double Hit: close standing Fierce

Slide: ducking roundhouse

Cammy, England: Special Forces

THRUST KICK "Thrust Kick" [Cannon Spike in Japan]

--O | \ and Kick

Knocks down

CANNON DRILL "Cannon Drill" [Arrow Spiral in Japan]

| \ --O and Kick

Knocks down
Roundhouse can hit twice


O-- / --O and Punch

Knocks down
Double hit

Throw: Forward, Roundhouse, Strong, Fierce

Air Throw: Roundhouse, Fierce


Many thanks to for translations and patience...

* *
* T R I V I A, T A C T I C S, & G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N *
* *

01. What is the correct pronounciation of "Ryu"?
02. What are the different types of dizzies?
03. In a magazine, I saw that you could fight Sheng Long? Is this true?
04. I see the word combo (combination) used all the time. What is it?
05. What is meant by buffering a move?
06. Many people talk about "ticking". What are they talking about?
07. What is considered "cheap"?
08. What is the "Touch of Death (TOD)" combo?
09. Can I prevent the opponent from attacking as they get up?
10. What is Capcom's address?
11. What kinds of memorabilia exist?


01. What is the correct pronounciation of "Ryu"? explains:

First of all, "Ryu" is not pronounced "roo" or "rai yoo." If you want
to hear the correct pronounciation, listen closely when Ken or Ryu do
their dragon punches. The second syllable is pronounced the same way
Ryu's name is pronounced. The initial sound is not a "r" or an "l" but
a combination of an "r" and a "y." That's why it's spelled that way. ^_^

If you still care enough to pronounce this correctly, the first thing
you need to do is learn how the Japanese "r" is pronounced. The Japanese
"r" is said with a tap, like the English "d" or "t." Try saying "roo."
Think about what you do with your tongue: you curl up the sides and tip
and suspend it in the middle of your mouth. Now try saying "roo" again
with your tongue the same way, except this time, lightly press it
against the roof of your mouth and flick it off as you sound the "r," as
you would when you're making the English "t" sound. Now do the same
thing, except instead of trying to say "roo," say "yoo." This is how
"Ryu" is pronounced

This is hard to explain in writing and you really have to hear it to
know what I'm talking about, but this is the best way I can think of to
explain it.


02. What are the different kinds of dizzies? comments:

When a character gets dizzy, either stars or birds appear above his head.
Generally, the bird dizziness lasts a bit longer than the star dizziness...
It's a good way to judge whether you have enough time to run in and land a
combo. Of course I always try to regardless :)

On Super there are four kinds of dizzy animations: informs:

These are grim-reapers, not skulls. As far as I know, they have nothing to
do with killing your opponent. The only difference between the symbols
floating above your head is how difficult it is to 'RECOVER' (to coin a CPU
phrase). Incidentially, here's the list in order of ascending difficulty.

Angels - Stars - Birdies - Grim Reapers.


03. In a magazine, I saw that you could fight Sheng Long. Is this true?

No, this is pure bull, and the magazine that originally published this
trick did so intentionally, as an April Fool's Joke. A LOT of people fell
for this one. :) There are even other magazines that went so far as to
doctor up a picture that made it look like Sheng Long actually existed.


04. I see the word combo (combination) used all the time. What is it?

A combination (combo) is a series of moves that, under most conditions, is
un-blockable after the first move connects. Please note that I said _most_
conditions. There is always some crack-pot situation where nearly every
combo fails, and lots of 'combos' don't work if your opponent's not in the
corner. Nevertheless, this is a general (if loose) definition.
The simplest combo is 'jab + jab + jabjabjabjab.' It fits the definition,
but that is not type of combo that this guide will concern itself with.
Rather, this guide is concerned with the BIG combos, the combos that involve
special moves and that maximize the penalty for your opponent's mistakes.

Combos almost always follow pattern below...


The jumping attack + ground attack isn't too impressive, even the computer
can pull them off. What defines something as a combo is what comes after
the second hit. So let's go through step by step, and look at the execution
of a combo:

FIRST HIT: Jumping attack

The way combos work is that you're hitting your opponent with a new blow
before they can recover from the first one. So, the first thing you want
to make sure of is that your jumping attack hit's your opponent _late_.
That way, you have time to hit the ground and start your next move before
they recover from the first blow. Think of it as aiming for your opponent's
chest or stomach instead of his head. If the 2nd blow of your combos is
getting blocked, you're probably hitting too high.


What happens next in dependent on what type of combo you're doing. If you
are 2nd hit is a jab or short, you have no problems. Hit the jab/short,
then do your special attack (3rd hit) as quickly as you can. End of combo.

BUT, if you're playing the right character, and you want to do a bit of
extra damage, you're going to have to buffer the special attack.


By: T. Cannon Feel free to repost, so long as this document is not
copyright 1993 altered in any way. Send comments, suggestions, and
corrections to


05. What is meant by buffering a move?

A 'buffered' move is a move executed _while_ the move before it (always a
'normal' hit) is still going on. When you finish the special technique, the
animation of the normal attack is cut short, and the special attack
immediately begins. Because of this, the two blows happen one right after
the other with very little pause. This is why combos work. There are two
ways to buffer a move. The 'press-press' technique and the 'press-release'
technique. I'll use the fierce + fierce dragon punch combo to illustrate
each technique:


Press-press buffering is identical to executing a jab + special move combo.
It requires two presses of the button(s). Do execute this type of buffer-
ing, press your 'normal' attack button, then do a special technique _right_
after the press. Pretend like you never hit the first button. If you're
fast, you'll get the combo. An example is:


Note that the motion of the stick isn't started until after the first button
press. If the first button is pressed after the --O , you'll get a throw
instead of a combo. Also note that only certain attacks can be used as the
lead in of a buffered attack. A roundhouse at the front end of this combo
just wouldn't work. In each character guide, I've noted which moves are
'bufferable' in the COMBINATIONS section.


Press fiece and hold it down. Go ahead. Got it held? Good. Now do the
stick motion for a DP, and RELEASE the button at the end. If you time it
correctly, you get a DP. The computer registers every PRESS and RELEASE of
a button as a 'press.' So, it's possible to do a combo like the one
mentioned above (the triple DP) with just one press of the fierce button.
Here's how it goes...

--O | press fierce \ release fierce

Note that this gives you a crouched fierce + DP combo, where as we got a
_standing_ fierce + DP combo using the press-press method. With practice,
you can change that press-release to a 'tap.' When you get this good, you
can do triple DPs with one tap of the button, just like a normal DP (only
the tap is timed differently) IMHO, this is where the confusion on the
triple DP arises. People can get 3 hits with one tap, so they assume
that they're doing only one move, when in fact they are executing two.

The only real disadvantage to this is that you can only use it with combos
that require the same button for both attacks. This method would not work
for a crouched strong + flash-kick combo.


So what do you do if you want a fierce + jab DP? You could use the press-
press method, but I think you'll find the press-release to be easier with
practice. So, an option here is to use a 'hold-press' method. In this
technique, you press the first button, HOLD it down, then press the second
button. An example is shown below.

--O | press and hold fierce \ press jab

Because you never released the fierce button, only one 'press' was
registered. If you just tried to press the fierce, the release may trigger
a fierce DP instead of a jab DP. Even if you prefer the press-press
method, I recommend using this for crouched DP combos. The press-press
alternative is....

/ press fierce --O | \ press jab

The hold-press method may sound complex, but if you can press-release, you
can hold-press very easily. The first button press (the 'hold') is timed
exactly the same way as the 'press' in press-release. The only difference
is that you hold the button down, and hit another button immediately
afterwards. A good way to get the second press is to think of it as
drumming your fingers. It can be that fast. Note that the hold-press
technique can also be used for an easy jab + TU combo. Also, there's no
reason to use the hold-press method if you're first button press isn't
related to the special technique. Consider the combo below.

| press forward \ --O press fierce

This with give you a crouched forward + fireball combo, even if you use the
press-press. The reason is that there's no way the release of the forward
button can be associated with the joystick motion. | \ --O + forward
isn't a special move, so the computer ignores O O
the release.


By: T. Cannon Feel free to repost, so long as this document is not
copyright 1993 altered in any way. Send comments, suggestions, and
corrections to


06. Many people talk about "ticking". What are they talking about? authenticates:

Back in the early days of Classic, back before combos, back before Guile
was overpowering, back when even the best couldn't DP consistently (we're
talking about nearly _right_ after the game was released), there was a
rather large SF2 tournament in Iceland Bowl, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Guile won the tournament, and here's how: He'd sit in defensive crouch
till he could knock you down with a flash-kick. Once he did, it was jab-
jab throw. You'd block the jabs, thinking you were safe, but would be
thrown anyway. This was the first time anyone had seen anything like this,
so countering was all but impossible. So, this Guile player, using only one
technique, breezed through _many_ (over 6) rounds of the tournament and won

After the Guile's victory, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Because the technique was _literally_ inescapable at the time, the players
decided that it had to be some sort of over-sight on Capcom's part. They
gave it a name, a tick. Why tick? 'Cause that's the sound of the repeated
jabs right before you get thrown. *tick tick HUUURRG!* Once they'd named
it, it was immediately banned. The house rules all over the city (not just
this arcade) suddenly became....

I. Tick your opponent and he gets a free hit (throw at first which later
developed into combo) on you

II. Tick to win a round and you forfiet the next round.

So, the original, formal definition of a 'tick' is throwing someone _right_
after they've blocked one of your attacks. If you did this to a player in
Albuquerque, NM (even now), he'd be expecting to get a free hit on you.
ANYTHING else you do... fireball traps... sac-throwing... even magic
throwing (on Classic) is _not_ a tick under the original definition, so in
Albuquerque, it's O.K. interjects:

In a subsequent mail message, I found out that the jumping in attack in
which you make the opponent block then throw is a tick under this defini-
tion. Just see the preceeding paragraph. It says "throwing someone _right_
after they've blocked one of your attacks."


07. What is considered "cheap"?

This is actually a tough one to answer. Most people say something is
cheap is they can't seem to stop something that kills them. Of course this
varies from place to place. You would want to ask many local players what
they think. Most things considered "cheap" are playing styles. You might
constantly electrocute your opponent w/ Blanka, but he should have blocked.
Of you may grab the opponent w/ Honda, then pummel them with a HHS. People
may not like this, and you might be called cheap for doing so. One last
thing that may be considered cheap is jumping attacks then throwing. This
is not uncounterable, but it may be difficult to see. Here are some
examples of play styles that may be called "cheap":

Fireball Traps Cheesing them w/ Bison
Grabbing then HHS w/ Honda Electricity then bite w/ Blanka
Zangief's SPD (not!) Doing FB-DP all the time
Playing keep away Jumping all the time
Picking Vega or Bison (!) Chun Li's flipping neck breaker

More or less anything that people might find difficult or nearly
impossible to defeat. It might be annoying, but cries of cheap
might be heard instead. It might all be related to your skill level
in the game as well, or how inventive you are.

Most people say that "ticking" is cheap. (See the question.) This is so
because it is *easy* to execute and *impossible* to counter. Now, for some
master players, this is not so since it is part of how they play against
each other (I play this way). To the average player though, such things as
jumping a lot, making the opponent block all the time, waiting in the corner
after seriously damaging the opponent, etc. might be considered cheap. It's
kind of a broad definition, depending on who you ask. Just for the record,
I don't think that anything is cheap. As your skills improve, your defini-
tion of cheap may or may not change. It depends on how you play, where and
who you play against. For all those concerned: this might be an opinion of
what cheap is. Most importantly, it may be biased by where I play and who
I play against. Ask who you play!


08. What is the "Touch of Death (TOD)" combo?

In the original meaning of the word, it is a combo done with Ken that goes
like this: You get the combo on them once, and they are dizzy, you do the
combo while they are dizzy, and then that is it, they are KO'd. Its name
came about because after the first "touch" the victim is doomed. It is a
Pretty effective combo, and you'll see why... It consists of three attacks,
hitting usually three times, but occasionally four times, and it involves
the three most powerful attacks that Ken possesses. This is it:

1. Jump towards the opponent, hitting with late roundhouse/fierce attack.

2. As soon as you land, immediately follow-up with a standing fierce. Do
this along with pressing towards the opponent at the same instant. You
should not throw them; you normally have to take a step to do so.

3. Then buffer a Fierce Dragon Punch into the Fierce. It may hit once, so
a Jab or Strong DP may be substituted. Four hits can connect if Fierce
is used vs. the taller opponents and Dhalsim. If you use a neck kick for
the flying attack, you should not have problems getting four hits on most
characters. And the neck kick version can be used to bewilder the poor
guy who is on the receiving end of this. It can be easily countered by
many characters, but if they fail to block at the right time, they will
be at a huge disadvantage afterwards.

(Note: the standing Fierce needn't be used. You can easily switch this
over to a crouching Fierce simply by going towards then down just as you
are about to land, then quickly hit Fierce, then move to the diagonal and
hit Fierce for the DP.)

The timing on this move is perhaps a bit confusing. The hits go like this:
smack-smack-smack--smack (the 4th hit sometimes). The button presses aren't
too different. I go like this: press---press-press. There has to be a
longer delay cuz you have to hit and then land. Yes, the rest of the DP
motion has to be crammed into the small space, but if you have done the DP
hundreds of times, this shouldn't take long to learn. If you encounter
problems, try to first learn a FB combo. If you can do flying attack into
standing fierce/FB combo, just put a triple-DP combo in instead of the
press-press FB. Read the buffering section, and then this will be a bit
clearer. You have to see someone's hands perform the motion to really
understand how it goes. Anyways, I hope that this is clearer than mud to
most of you...

Ryu has a Touch of Death similar to Ken's: the first attack is a neck kick,
followed through with a Standing Fierce and Jab Dragon Punch.

Now, with Super SF2 out, there appear to be a number of characters with
combos that are very similar in effect to Ken's Touch of Death. Some seem
to work only if done at the beginning of the round, when dizzies are easiest.
Others are inconsistant, or leave the opponent with a sliver of health.
The criterion for a TOD combo is that, given the opponent has a full life
bar, the first combo dizzies no less than, say 75% (subject to change)
of the time, and a follow-up combo exists that will KO the opponent.


09. Can I prevent the opponent from attacking as they are getting up?

Yes, a properly timed attack will prevent the opponent from being able to
launch an attack or even throw as they get up. If the defender tries to do
anything, even the coveted Dragon Punch, they will get hit by the timed
attack and risk eating a nasty combo.

Needless to say, the timing and spacing to prevent "wake up DPs" and such
is *very* critical.

The timed attack can be a jump in or a ground-based strike. Projectiles
will not normally work in this situation, since they flicker in and out
of existance rapidly. This is easily observed with Ken and Ryu's
Fireballs and Dhalsim's Yoga flame. Likewise, wild short kicking, Honda's
100-hands, and Blanka's electricity are often counterable.

In addition, one can perform ground based combination attacks that that are
not normally true combos. For example, Fei Long can lash out with a late
hitting ducking fierce, and follow up with another for a sure hit if the
first one lands. Under normal circumstances, the opponent has finished
reeling by the time the second ducking fierce lashes out, and can block,
but with a timed (late) attack on an opponent that is getting up, the
victim (assuming the blow hits, of course) does not begin reeling until
just before Fei Long's fist retracts. These types of ground based combos
also work on Dhalsim after a teleport. These combos tend to have a lot of
dizzying potential as well. You may see them refered to as "meaty" combos
on the net.


10. What is Capcom's address?

1-4-12 Otedori
Chuo-Ku, Osaka 540

President: Kenzo Tsujimoto.


Capcom USA
3303 Scott Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054

fax: (408)496-5720
phone: (408)727-0400


11. What kinds of memorablia exist?

As far as I know, there was an extensive marketing program involving the
characters of the game. Much of the material has been licensed, but I am
unaware of just how much stuff is actually out there.

Among the things I know to exist are: t-shirts, coins, a movie, action
figures, comic books, plush dolls, posters, and numerable other items such
as keychains, etc.

The figures are made by Hasbro (G.I. Joe). They bear a striking resemblance
to some of the G.I. Joe figures, and have weapons. There are playsets
like a vehicle and a fortress (I think). Just imagine SF2 characters living
with the Joes.

inkblot, wanderer, and asw collaborate:

Written and Directed by: Steven de Souze ("Die Hard", "Die Hard2",
"Commando", "Running Man", co-writer of "48 Hours").

Produced by: the Edward R. Pressman Film Corp. ("Reveral of
Fortune", "Wall Street", "Hoffa", "Bad Lieutenant", "Conan
the Barbarian", "Homicide", "Talk Radio", "Plenty", "Blue
Steel", "To Sleep With Anger", "True Stroies", "Badlands",
"Das Boot", "The Phantom of Paradise", and others totaling 35).

Expected Release: July, 1994

Approximate Budget: $25,000,000

I didn't learn much new information about the movie, I'm afraid. The script
is in its final stages, and there hasn't been any casting yet. In any
case, they do _not_ plan to cast any known faces (no Arnold as Zangeif,
etc. =). The film will be executive produced by "Galaxy Films partner
Sasha Harari who, after a successful career in the high technology and
computer industry, moved into the film business and produced Oliver Stone's
'The Doors'." The Capcom representative was adament that the film was
being directed at an adult audience (they _know_ the kids will go see it,
so why direct it at them?). Ryu, Ken, Guile and Chun Li will, of course,
be major characters. Originally, Blanka had been written out of the script
(oh no!), but the Capcom people pushed hard enough and now he's in. Cammy,
T-Hawk, and possibly Fei Long will be in there, but Dee Jay definitely

Personal Opinion: To tell the truth, I'm not sure about this one. de
Souza has some major action/thriller titles under his belt ("Die Hard",
"Running Man"), and Pressman has a few great titles ("Hoffa" "WallStreet"),
but he's also got at least one lemon ("Blue Steel"). I've never heard of
Harari, so I don't know what to expect there.... I think it's either going
to be very good, or very very bad. I wouldn't be so worried if the script
was finished and the casting done. If they started tomorrow, they would
only have about 9 1/2 months till their expected release date. (ponder).


* *
* A R C A D E S P E C I F I C I N F O R M A T I O N *
* *

01. I've heard that there is a way to find out many times a character has
been played on a particular machine. How is this done?
02. I've seen a game where you could do every special move in the air.
What kind of machine is this?
03. When will SF3 be released?
04. What are the different types of endings?
05. What are the differences in the versions of the game?
06. How can I get the secret color on Super SF2?
07. What is this Zangief Magic throw I've been hearing about?


01. I've heard that there is a way to find out many times a character has
been played on a particular machine. How is this done?

The code is as follows, on 2P controller:

Up-Up, Down-Down, Left-Right, Left-Right, Strong, Jab.

It can be put in on the Classic and Champion Edition machines. It may work
on some of the Hyper Machines, but most likely not. This is what the
numbers on the screen mean (on Classic, numbers 13-16 don't appear): provides:

0001 0002 0003 0004
0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016

0001 - No idea, probably some sort of "experience points" for 1P side.
0002 - The no. of tokens/quarters put in in the left-hand slot.
=> It's not the first player. I tried inserting into the right-hand
slot and pressing 1P button. The number showed up in 004.
0003 - Same as 0001, but for 2nd player.
0004 - Same as 0002, but for right-hand slot.
0005 - No. of times Ryu has been used.
0006 - No. of times Honda has been used.
0007 - No. of times Blanka has been used
0008 - No. of times Guile has been used.
0009 - No. of times Ken has been used.
0010 - No. of times Chun Li has been used.
0011 - No. of times Zangief has been used.
0012 - No. of times Dhalsim has been used.
0013 - No. of times M.Bison (US version) has been used.
0014 - No. of times Sagat has been used.
0015 - No. of times Balrog (US version) has been used.
0016 - No. of times Vega (US version) has been used. adds:

It turns out that this an operator adjustable feature, and that will explain
any machines on which this does not work. As a matter of fact, I have tried
this on several HF machines without success. I wonder if it was taken out
when the HF chips were put in?


02. I've seen a game where you could do every special move in the air.
What kind of machine is this?

It is an illegal "accelerated" version. They are mainly responsible for the
creation of HF. They are not as balanced, or as playable as the official
one. The are notoriously unpopular. There are many added features in these
games, this includes, but is not limited to: all special moves can be done
in the air, sinusoidal fireballs, wider-arc Dragon Punch, Fireballs for
other characters and extra Fireballs, no charge times, and lots of other

These machines might go under the name Accelerator, Accelerator II,
Quicken, or whatever. If it is not a Classic, CE, HF, or Super, then it
is a hack.


03. When will SF3 be released?

No official word on this. Probably a good sign that SF3 is on its way is
when a home version of SF2 Super is announced. Don't hold your breath.

inkblot, wanderer, and asw inform:

At this time, no one is actively working on SFIII. She said that they'd be
crazy not to make one, given the success of SFII, though. In case you're
curious, the next game to be released by Capcom will be "Dungeons and
Dragons: Tower of Doom", which has a TSR license. (She was a Capcom rep.)


04. What are the different types of endings?

a. If you finish the game, you get to see your character's ending.

b. If you finish the game on one quarter, without challenges, you see the
characters fight as credits roll by.

c. Finish without challenges, or losing a round, it's the same as b, but
you also see mugshots of the programmers.

Better endings for each character, plus boss endings. Same as for Classic
except that if you do (c), it shows the characters attack some of the
various inanimate objects such as barrels and oil cans, etc. Endings for
the bosses are rather generic with a diamond formation with the champion
at the top, and scrolling text rolling by. The endings for the bosses
go a little like this:

Balrog rises out of the ghetto, an inspiration to young children.
Vega is insane, and wants to kill all the ugly people.
Sagat chats - comes across as a more intense Ryu.
Bison thanks you for helping him achieve world domination.

Same as for Champion Edition. The last shot is a platform showing the

Win with Bison: #1 Bison, #2 Sagat, #3 Vega
Win with Sagat: #1 Sagat, #2 Bison, #3 Vega
Win with : #1 , #2 Bison, #3 Sagat

Ryu does show up on the platform (sellout!), like his ending says he
shouldn't. I thought that the fight was all...

The endings in this game are better done in a way, at least for the boss
characters. They each have new text, and also personalized illustrations.

Ryu: some better animation in the trees.

ChunLi: "choose your own" ending: become detective or single young girl.
The graphics for each is identical except that Chun's outfit in the
pictures is different, as is the text.

Zangief, Ken, Blanka: UNCHANGED.

FeiLong: gets a movie offer from a director that wants to capture his
"4-hit redizzy combo" (which does not exist) on film, but declines,
saying he wants to improve his skills even more; homage to the Lees.

T.Hawk: gets back the land that Bison took away.

Cammy: her mission is complete, and Bison reveals that she has lost
part of her memory, and the she was once in love with him. But, her
friends tell her not to believe him, and then she leaves with friends.

DeeJay: his music is important to him; becomes a big music star.

Balrog: earns the number one title, retires wealthy with two gorgeous
women sitting on his lap.

Vega: goes back to his mansion, and admires himself.

Sagat: broods over Ryu.

Bison: achieves his evil goals - the world burns.
He also refers to "the Ancient One" -- a hint about SF3..?


05. What are the differences in the versions of the game?

SF2: CLASSIC Early 1991 $3500 new

There are 4 versions of the original game, the differences are below:

Version 1 and 2: Guile's bugs, no Dhalsim bugs, Ryu/Ken can destroy
the car with roundhouse only.

Version 3: Guile's and Dhalsim's bugs, no char vs. char.

Version 4: No Guile bugs, Dhalsim's bugs though, char vs. char.

This is the least balanced of the versions; Guile and Dhalsim were the
most dominant. This game is quite slow, the Dragon Punch did not have
the knockdown capability among other things.

SF2: CHAMPION EDITION Early 1992 $4000 new

One version of this game. It sports character vs. character, as well as
the ability to play the boss characters. Many graphical changes, as well
as changes to the characters. Each fighter has an additional uniform
color. The game is quite a bit (about 50%) faster than the Classic.
The endings for the characters were revised with better graphics, and
the bosses got generic endings...

TURBO SF2: HYPER FIGHTING Winter 1992 $500 upgrade

This version gives each character a new uniform color along with the
Classic colors. Most characters are changed significantly enough so
that the game is a bit difficult to catch on to. Many new moves were
added, most notable is the ability to do some moves in the air, and the
new vertical attacks. This game is 10%-25% faster than CE, depending on
the prototype. Some are slower, some faster. There is an appended
ending for each character.

SUPER SF2 Fall 1993 $??? replacement kit $???? new

Here, four new characters are added. The speed has been reduced to
slightly faster than CE. Each character now has 8 uniform colors,
the 3 from previous editions, plus 5 new ones. There are obviously
4 new backgrounds, some of the existing ones were modified for the
better, and the sound has been changed to the Q-Sound system. Some
of the characters have new moves, and there have been some touch ups
on existing moves, and variations on others.

There is at least one other version of SF2 Super. It has been observed
that on certain (newer) machines, Zangief's "magic" throw no longer works.
Also, on a local machine, you can start a one player game on the P2 side.


06. How can I get the secret color on Super SF2?

Hold down the button you use to select your character for 3 seconds or so,
and you can get what is called the "super" secret color. You can't use the
1P or 2P start buttons to get the secret color.

Just in case you didn't know, this is how the choices of colors are set up:

Jab Strong Fierce Hold button for 3 secs.
Classic Champion Hyper/Turbo Super Secret

Short Forward Roundhouse 1P/2P Button
Super #1 Super #2 Super #3 Super #4 and compiled:

And here is a complete listing of the colors that are available for all the
characters for each of the above listed items:

Color definitions (just so you know what I mean on some of these):

Chartreuse.. a light yellow-green color, like those green firetrucks.
Sandstone... an orange-brown color
Magenta..... red-violet
Beige....... yellow-brown
Tan......... slightly yellowish brown (but more like tanned skin)
Fuchsia..... hot pink-violet
Olive....... Army drab green color, a greyish green
Teal........ Blue-green
Aqua........ slightly greenish blue

This is a list that was compiled by myself and
All of the colors listed are basically arbitrary. Some colors have fancy
names others are just plain. However, if you have any conflicts, e-mail me
and I will look into the situation. Sorry about some of the designations, I
work in a frame shop and we've got a zillion colors of mats to choose from.

Legend: Ja- Jab St-Strong Fi-Fierce P#-Player #
Sh- Short Fo-Forward Ro-Roundhouse Su-Super (hold 3 sec.)
Lt-Light Dk-Dark Br- Bright P - Pale

RYU (Gi, headband)
Ja - White, Red Sh - Orange, Blue
St - Grey, Purple Fo - Lt Blue, Red
Fi - Lt Blue, White Ro - Lt Green, Chartreuse
P# - Brown, Dk Brown Su - Forest Green, Red

KEN (Gi)
Ja - Red Sh - Br Green
St - Dk Grey Fo - Teal
Fi - Indigo Ro - Lt Olive
P# - Yellow Su - Bronze

E. HONDA (Face paint, Trunks)
Ja - Red, Blue & Lt Blue Sh - Lt Purple, Green & Lt Green
St - Blue, Red & Lt Red Fo - Teal, Dk & Lt Sandstone
Fi - Green, Orange & Lt Orange Ro - Red, Dk & Lt Grey
P# - Lt Blue, Dk & Lt Grey Su - Orange-Red, Dk Yellow &

CHUN LI (Outfit, Trim)
Ja - Blue, Gold Sh - Dk Grey, Bronze
St - Red, Bronze Fo - Br Yellow, Bronze
Fi - Grey, Gold Ro - Dk Green, Bronze
P# - Lt Purple, Gold Su - Mint Green, Bronze

BLANKA (Skin, Hair)
Ja - Yellow, Orange Sh - Grey, Dk Magenta
St - Blue, Yellow Fo - Dk Yellow, Green
Fi - Yellow, Blue Ro - Flesh, Green
P# - Teal, Green Su - Beige, Dk Pink

ZANGIEF (Trunks, Bracelets)
Ja - Red, Gold Sh - Lt Grey, Gold
St - Dk Green, Lt Green Fo - Bright Yellow, Peach
Fi - Baby Blue, Gold Ro - Green, Gold
P# - Bright Blue, Gold Su - Black, Gold

GUILE (Fatigues, Hair)
Ja - Green/Brown/White, Blonde Sh - Red/Tan/White, Blonde
St - Tan/Brown/White, Blonde Fo - Dk Blue/Pink/White, Grey
Fi - Blue/Red/White, Blonde Ro - Dk Yellow/Tan/White, Dk Pink
P# - Grey/Tan/Lt Beige, Blonde Su - Blue-violet/Brown/Beige,
Dk Orange

DHALSIM (Skin, Paint, Trunks)
Ja - Tan, Red, Beige Sh - Sunburn, ?
St - Greyish Purple, Red, Orange Fo - Red-brown, Lt grey-blue,
Dk Beige
Fi - Brown, Blue, Grey Ro - Mint Green, Bronze
P# - Greyish Blue, Lt Pink, Tan Su - Lt Grey, Lt Blue, Lt Purple

BALROG (Shirt, Gloves)
Ja - Lt Blue, Red Sh - Lt Green, Red
St - Gold, Orange Fo - Red, Dk Teal
Fi - Orange, Red Ro - Lt Purple, Red
P# - Dk Bronze, Red Su - Dk Grey, Red

VEGA (Tights, Sash)
Ja - Violet-Blue/Yellow, Red Sh - Red/Tan, Black
St - Green/Yellow, Yellow Fo - Purple/P Yellow, Orange
Fi - Black/Yellow, Br Green Ro - Blue/P Yellow, Purple
P# - P Blue/White/P Red, Black Su - Dk Yellow/Yellow, Blue

SAGAT (Trunks, Trunk Stripe)
Ja - Blue, Red Sh - Purple, White
St - Red, Green Fo - Olive, Orange
Fi - Lt Beige, Red Ro - Blue-Grey, Lt Blue
P# - Dk Grey, Lt Grey Su - Yellow, Black

M. BISON (Outfit, Padding)
Ja - Red, Grey Sh - Grey-Blue, Red
St - Green, Orange Fo - Dk Tan, Dk Grey
Fi - Grey, Red Ro - Purple, Green
P# - Dk Grey, Lt Grey Su - Bronze, Bronze

CAMMY (Outfit, Beret/Gloves)
Ja - Olive, Red Sh - Lt Grey-Blue, Orange-Red
St - Platinum, Fuchsia Fo - Blue, Red
Fi - Hot Pink, Fuchsia Ro - Grey, Red
P# - Purple, Fuchsia Su - Bluish Grey, Fuchsia

DEE JAY (Pants, MAXIMUM Stripe)
Ja - Orange, Dk Orange Sh - Lt Green, Dk Green
St - Blue, Dk Blue Fo - Lt Purple, Dk Purple
Fi - Green, Dk Green Ro - Lt Olive, Dk Olive
P# - Grey, Black Su - Lt Purple, Dk Purple

FEI LONG (Pants)
Ja - Dk Grey Sh - Aqua
St - Purple Fo - Reddish Brown
Fi - Olive Ro - Lt Grey
P# - Brown Su - Red

T. HAWK (Outfit)
Ja - Lt Blue Sh - Lt Magenta
St - Off White Fo - Pink
Fi - Mint Green Ro - Grey
P# - Beige Su - Brown


07. What is this Zangief Magic throw I've been hearing about?

Zangief can, under certain conditions, grab an opponent from outrageous
distances with a Double German Suplex, a move that normally requires
you to be fairly close.

In case you are curious, Matthew A Wallace (mwallace@ucscb.UCSC.EDU) wrote:
I talked with one of the game's designers, and the glitch is
unintentional. They did find out about it before the game shipped,
but it was not put in on purpose.

So far as is known, Z's "magic" throw requires using Forward kick when
executing the move, and it only works in the following conditions:

1) at the start of a round
2) when Zangief gets up after being knocked down
3) after blocking anything
4) after being hit

In general, the bug does not work if the opponent is in the air, although at
least one exception has been noted - a T. Hawk player was magic thrown on the
rebound from a Condor Dive that hit low.

The timing is tricky - you need to execute the move at a precise time that
varies with each condition. When blocking a fireball, for instance, I've
found it necessary to wait a moment after blocking before attempting the

The Zangief "Magic Throw" bug has apparently been corrected on the newest
versions of SSF2.

* *
* H O M E V E R S I O N S P E C I F I C I N F O R M A T I O N *
* *

01. When will Super SF2 come out?
02. What are the different types of endings?
03. What are the differences in the versions of the game?
04. What are the codes for the SNES SF2 versions?
05. Where can I find Game Genie codes for the SNES?
06. What is SF2IBM?
07. Is there a legal version of SF2 available for PC's?


01. When will Super SF2 come out?

There has been no official word, but it seems likely that there will be a
version for the SNES and Sega Genesis sometime in the future.


02. What are the different types of endings?

Level 0-2: Why don't you try the harder difficulty level?
Level 3-5: Personalized ending for your character
Level 6-7: Credits scroll across the screen as characters battle.
Level 7: Beat the game without changing characters, a special showing the
original eight warriors.
Level 7: Don't use any continues, same as above, but all 12.
Level 7: Don't lose a round, same as above. Pushing start will make Chun
Li's sound of "Ya Tai."

Level 0-2: Why don't you try the harder difficulty level?
Level 3-7: Well, you get the ending for your character. On level 6 and 7,
you get a picture of a promotional poster or something.
Plus the same ending as in the HF arcade game.

If you disable the special moves using the code for a 1P game only, and
beat the game on level 3, you will get to see the appropriate poster. And
if a 2nd player joins in, you get you special moves back for that fight.
I only played this on the default and the hardest level. The default was
incredibly easy, and the endings are like for the arcade HF. The hardest
level is quite difficult, and it is easy to see how much the computer
cheats on everything (Sagat even throws you!). There is a digital picture
at the end no matter how you finish, but I was unable to beat it without
having to continue at least once.

Level 0-4: Why don't you try the harder difficulty level?
Level 5-7: The ending for your character. On level 7, at the end you see
a picture of Chun Li doing a standing forward kick.

This game is very much a translation of SNES: Turbo. The computer play
is like the SNES. If you have played the SNES version, you have basically
played this version.

No information available.


03. What are the differences in the versions of the game?

SNES: CLASSIC Summer 1992 $50-70 game
This is very similar to the Classic version. You can play char vs.
char with a special code. Bosses are also available with a third party
device. Most of the game is like Classic, but there are missing frames
of animation, a few missing moves, a lot less blood that the arcade, and
the sound is not nearly as well done. The characters are smaller in
relation to the screen, and there may *slight* play differences as well.

SNES: TURBO Summer 1993 $60-80 game
Very similar to the arcade with a few easy to pick up tricks and what not.
It is faster than the arcade on the normal setting, but everything comes
off as normal. The bonus stages are like the old SNES version. Plus
there is other stuff like on the SNES, and a way to get the game to go
extremely fast... There is a Normal mode, which plays like CE in some
ways, and HF in others. The Normal mode utilizes the Disable Special
Moves option that is available through a code. 11 speeds are available
through the use of a code as well.

All in all, this is the SNES: Turbo version for the Genesis. The coded
options listed above are built in to the game without codes. There is
a group battle mode which is useless. The sound of the game is redone
slightly, and in some cases sounds better, even though the quality is
lesser. The voices are hoarse sounding, and the sound FX for hitting
the opponent are all nearly the same. This game is a decent translation
of the arcade game, and plays closer to the arcade than the SNES by the
way it feels. This doesn't have the extra sound FX that SNES does,
but there are voices for Balrog's TAP and the continue countdown, unlike
the SNES. The "skyscraper" introduction from the arcade versions previous
to Super is also included, but made more politically correct.

TURBO DUO: CHAMPION EDITION Fall 1993 $65-80 game
Not much info from me here. It has been highly regarded as a good trans-
lation of the game though, except for the sound.


04. What are the codes for the SNES SF2 versions?

The Code (and will hereafter be referred to as the "Code") in question is
shown below, and must be done with a fair amount of speed at the specified
times, on the correct controller:

Direction Down, Button R, Direction Up, Button L, Button Y, Button B.

The Sound (referred to as the "Sound") sounds like this:

It is identical to the sound when you pick a character from the selection

On SNES Classic, the only applicable time to use it is when the CAPCOM
logo appears. Using the 1P controller, put the Code in then, just as
the CAPCOM logo fades you should finish, and hear the Sound.

This will give you Player vs. Player. Using the ABLRXY buttons will give
you the original Classic color, and Start will give you the Champion
Edition color for that character. If you are going to fight Player vs.
Player, then each player will get the color that the first person didn't

The rest of the instances apply to SNES Turbo. They are done at different
times, and on different controllers.

For 10-star Turbo speed, you can begin to put in the Code from 2P controller
as the screen with the distant "Street Fighter 2" appears, and as late as
when the word "TURBO" scrolls right to left. You need to finish the Code
before the whole title screen appears. If you do this correctly, you will
hear the Sound.

Like said above in the 10-star Turbo section, this is the way to use the
Code to disable Special Moves.

There are 2 ways to disable Special Moves. One way is to disable all
Special Moves for the Player in a 1P match. Do it at the same time as
shown for the 10-star Turbo speed mode. I don't know about the Special
Moves for the 2P side if he decides to join in, but I would guess that he
is the same boat as you: no Special Moves.

The other way is in the vs. battle, i.e. a two player game. On the screen
after you have selected your characters, you will see the stage select
screen. On the 2P controller, input the Code. I'm not sure if you will
hear the sound, but you will know for sure when you hit Start on the 2P
controller. This will bring up the Special Moves screen, and will enable
you to disable any or all of the Special Moves for the characters. To
do this before each battle, after you have correctly inputted the Code,
you will only need to hit Start on the 2P controller at the stage select
screen. If you disable the moves that are specific only to Turbo mode,
you can play a Normal game with the Turbo colors at more speeds.

The move disable code is the only difference between the Turbo and Normal
modes. Otherwise, they are the same, except for the speed and the colors.
These are unlike the more numerous changes that were made between the
Champion Edition (Normal) and the Hyper Fighting (Turbo) arcade games.

The Sega Genesis SF2:SCE allows these options to be selected without codes.


05. Where can I find Game Genie codes for the SNES?

They are too numerous to list here, but there is one very complete and
excellent file at the ftp site. It is called, it is
avaiable at the ftp site. This file is updated as new codes are discover-
ed by the writers, so any new versions will be there. If you are looking
for Game Action Replay codes, look for the file called codes.action-replay.

See question #4 in part 3 of the FAQ for the list of files available at the
FTP site. They are in the /pub/local/sf2/other/codes.* file names.


06. What is SF2IBM?

It is an illegal version of the game for the PC. It can be found at various
FTP sites. The newest version of the game is 1.96. There are a number of
patches available for the original, and they aren't necessary to play the
game, but they surely make it more fun.

You can find more information at the FTP site, in the FAQ for SF2IBM.


07. Is there a legal version of SF2 available for PC's?

It can be found in software stores and is considerably cheaper than any of
the versions for dedicated game systems; however, it is not generally
considered a very good translation of the arcade version. Buyer beware.


* *
* F T P S I T E & T H E N E T *
* *

01. Where or how can I get more information about SF2?
02. How can I separate SF2 rumors from truths on the Net?
03. I want to post about SF2 on the Net, is there any etiquette that I
should observe?
04. I see all these abbreviations used, what do they mean?
05. What about move lists/FAQs for other video games?


01. Where or how can I get more information about SF2?

If you need something about SF2, chances are that it can be found at the
FTP site, as listed in Part 1: General Information, in the listed directory.
If not, poke around a little, and if nothing turns up, mail me at

FTP site is:
IP Addr:
Directory: /pub/sf2

SF2FAQ The Street Figher II FAQ
SF2INDEX SF2 FTP Site Index (this file)
guides/ Strategy for each World Warrior
misc/ Misc stuff, interesting things
other/ Moves list, combos, throwing, etc.
prose/ Fiction involving the World Warriors
xtra/ Other game's FAQs, moves, etc.
pictures/ GIF and JPG images of the World Warriors

balrog.champ.mmsf Balrog by MMSF
balrog.champ.pjs Stroffolino Balrog
balrog.champ.strachman CE Balrog guide
balrog.hyper.3fist.euming Sheng Shou Fang for Balrog
balrog.hyper.combos.euming Ming's Balrog combos
balrog.hyper.hints.pjs Trouble going from CE->HF w/ Balrog? How is Balrog on Super?
balrog.super.trap.rpm Trap characters in the corner
blanka.champ.mmsf Blanka by MMSF
blanka.champ.vs-cpu.etp Beat the computer with Blanka
blanka.class.ff Feather Falcon's Classic guide
cammy.super.notes.rpm Cammy, the new Super Street Fighter
chunli.champ.mmsf ChunLi by MMSF
chunli.champ.rjr Another Chunny guide
chunli.champ.vs-ken-ryu.nishina Beat Ken and Ryu with ChunLi
chunli.class.ff Feather Falcon's Classic guide
chunli.super.notes.inkblot Notes about Chun Li in SSF2 Play ChunLi on SSF2 Overview of DeeJay for SSF2
dhalsim.champ.bodom The complete Dhalsim guide
dhalsim.champ.mmsf Dhalsim by MMSF
dhalsim.class.ff Feather Falcon's Classic guide Review of Stretch for Super
ehonda.champ.maestas Terminator's CE Honda
ehonda.champ.mmsf E.Honda by MMSF
ehonda.class.ff Feather Falcon's Classic guide
feilong.super.fmlin Guide for the new addition in Super
guile.champ.mmsf Guile by MMSF
guile.champ.pattern.cywang Play pattern Guile on CE
guile.champ.trapped.euming Getting Fireball trapped/escaping
guile.class.ff Feather Falcon's Classic guide
guile.class.vs-ken.larsen Beat Ken and Ryu on Classic
guile.hyper.mmsf HF Guile by MMSF
guile.super.vs-ken-ryu.scho Tips and tactics for defeating Ken and Ryu
ken.hyper.wkbk.inkblot Learn to play Ken on CE and HF
ken.champ.mmsf Ken by MMSF
ken.hyper.caine Completist's Ken guide
ken.hyper.krazy.euming Play Krazy Ken on Hyper
mbison.champ.mmsf M.Bison by MMSF
mbison.hyper.vs-cpu.stiltman Beat the CPU with Bison on HF
mbison.super.notes.stiltman Notes about Super Bison Psycho Bison on SSF2
mbison.super.stiltman A guide for the Super mayhem master
ryu.champ.mmsf Ryu by MMSF
ryu.class.ff Feather Falcon's Classic guide
sagat.hyper.wkbk.inkblot T.Cannon tells you how to learn Sagat
sagat.champ.inkblot T.Cannon tells you how to win with Sagat
sagat.champ.mmsf Sagat by MMSF Changes for the former champ The big man for SSF2
vega.champ.ff Feather Falcon's CE guide
vega.champ.mmsf Vega by MMSF Vega? On Super?
vega.super.vs-cpu.balee Beat the SSF2 CPU with Vega
zangief.champ.mmsf Zangief by MMSF
zangief.champ.vs-guile.ff Beat Guile with Zangief
zangief.champ.vs-ken.ff Beat Ken with Zangief
zangief.class.ff Feather Falcon's Classic guide
zangief.hyper.hogue HF Zangers by Jowfus
zangief.super.hogue Super Zangief guide

dhalsim.teleport Where does the teleport put you?
faq.header Header for the old FAQ
faq.sinister-stairs Really old version of the FAQ
help.ftp-mail Help with FTP-Mail Help with FTPing files
laughs.mmsf MMSF comedy; a response
laughs.stupid-moves Some moves you never knew existed
misc.article.sf.boyz News article about SF2 The BG signs on the levels say History for the characters
misc.char.quotes Quotes for the Warriors Info on the new characters A music CD for SF2 exists What to do and not do when you start
misc.pinball.rules The pinball game, how to win
misc.sounds.snes The SNES sounds listing
misc.tourn-rules Make up your own tournament
ryu.belt Ryu's belt close-up
sagat.muay-thai Interesting fact about Muay-Thai
sf2ibm.faq FAQ for SF2IBM
sf2ibm.ftp-sites Where to get SF2IBM Info about SF2IBM
sf2ibm.sprite-data Sprite data for SF2IBM
strategy.4-chars.lee Win with 4 of the characters
strategy.general.falcon General overview by Feather Falcon
super.sf2 The hottest new SF2 version

-------------------------------- Tips to make yourself good fast
bugs.classic Classic bugs
bugs.magic-throw Guile's Classic Magic Throw
codes.action-replay Codes for the GAP
codes.genie.classic Codes for SNES Classic
codes.genie.ocf Some more codes for the SNES
codes.genie.turbo Turbo codes for the SNES
combos-buffer.wkbk.cannon Learn combos and buffering with T. Cannon
combos-ticks.ff Feather Falcon's combos and ticking guide
combos.euming Some dizziness combos to try
combos.nishina More general combos
combos.prock Beginner to expert combos
combos.strachman Another combo listing
combos.super.rpm Some truly Super combos
cpu-behavior Behavior patterns for the computer
dizziness An idea about how dizzies work
landing-zone Is there a zone where you land?
moves.champ.sinister CE moves list
moves.hyper.axl Axl's large move listing
moves.hyper.caine Special moves for HF in text
moves.hyper.graph Graphical special moves for HF
moves.super.caine Addendum for the HF moves list
moves.super.mkruse Super SF2 moves and updates
moves.super.nishina More SSF2 moves and updates Art of Throwing
throws.counter Counter Throwing
throws.speed The old throw speed debate

addiction.cox.Z Are you an SF2 addict?
advice.cox.Z Guile/Chun Li/Vega/Ryu/Bison offer advice
balrog.cox.Z Balrog's beginnings
balrog.pjs.Z Another Balrog story
blanka.cox.Z Tales of the mutant man
chunli.cox.Z Chun's early days
dhalsim.cox.Z "Concentration"
guile.cox.Z "Before" "Debts Unpaid" "Before III"
ken-ryu.cox.Z "A Lesson To Remember"
mbison.cox.Z "The Seed Of Evil"
ryu.muwab.Z Ryu's first story
vega.cox.Z "The Drive For Perfection"

ArtOfFighting.moves.Z Galen Komatsu's Art of Fighting move list Galen Komatsu's tips on Art of Fighting
FatalFury.moves.Z Galen Komatsu's Fatal Fury move list Tips on Fatal Fury
FatalFury2.moves.Z Ken Alexander's Fatal Fury 2 move list
FightersHistory.moves.Z Galen Komatsu's Fighters History move list
KnuckleHeads.moves.Z Galen Komatsu's Knuckleheads move list Bethany Cox's Knuckleheads strategy guide
MartialChampion.moves.Z Galen Komatsu's Martial Champion move list
MortalKombat.faq.Z Lei Wang's Mortal Kombat FAQ
MortalKombat.text.Z Jim Leonard's listing of text from SNES MK
MortalKombat2.faq.Z Mortal Kombat ][ FAQ
NBAJam.faq.Z Randolph S. Vance's "How to WIN at NBA JAM!"
RGVA.faq.Z Jonathan Deitch's FAQ
SamuraiShodown.faq.Z Ewan Ng's Samurai Showdown FAQ (move list) Bob Rusbasan's SegaCD Easter Egg list Bob Rusbasan's Sega Genesis Easter Egg list
TaoTaido.moves.Z Galen Komatsu's Tao Tadio move list
Terminator2.faq.Z Randolph S. Vance's "How to WIN at Terminator2"
TimeKillers.moves.Z Time Killers move list
ToonKombat.faq.humor.Z Toon Kombat FAQ (Mortal Kombat spoof)
WorldHeroes.moves.Z Eric Garcia's World Heroes move list
WorldHeroes2.moves.Z Galen Komatsu's World Heroes 2 move list

/pub/sf2/pictures/gif and /pub/sf2/pictures/jpg:
blanka.gif Blanka (from the SNES SF2 manual)
cammy2.gif Cammy (hand drawn greyscale)
cammy3.gif Cammy (scanned from magazine)
cehonda.gif E. Honda (chinese drawing)
cguile.gif Guile (chinese drawing)
chunli.gif Chun Li (from the SNES SF2 manual)
chunli01.gif Cuun Li (chinese drawing)
cken.gif Ken (chinese drawing)
cryu.gif Ryu (chinese drawing)
dhalsim.gif Dhalsim (from the SNES SF2 manual)
ehonda.gif E. Honda (from the SNES SF2 manual)
guile.gif Guile (from the SNES SF2 manual)
hzangief.gif Zangief (handdrawn)
ken.gif Ken (from the SNES SF2 manual)
kensnap.gif Ken (scanned snapshot)
ken_chun.gif Ken and Chun Li (handdrawn)
ryu.gif Ryu (from the SNES SF2 manual)
ryusnap.gif Ryu (scanned snapshot)
ryu_ken.gif Ryu and Ken (Cross the Time?)
sf2cover.gif Scan of the SNES SF2 cover picture
zangief.gif Zangief (from the SNES SF2 manual)


02. How can I separate SF2 rumors from truths on the Net? writes:

The newsgroups tend to get a lot of traffic, and are suspect to lots of
garbage postings. Keep your eye out for these key phrases, and any other
suspicious sounding statements. Read follow-up postings to confirm your
beliefs and clear things up.

"A friend of mine", "A friend of a friend", "My brother's friend", etc.
"credible", "reliable", etc. to describe the above. "I didn't see it
myself, but", "I wasn't there but", "I wasn't really paying attention,
but", "Out of the corner of my eye", etc. "secret move", "secret screen",
"secret character", etc. "secret"

Generally, the less people reporting something *and* the less details
given, the greater the chance it's bullsh*t. Likewise, the more people
agreeing on something *and* giving specifics, the more credible. But you
should always question whatever you read, *especially* when reading

and adds:

Watch out for flames. The good portion of debatable material about the
game has been depleted. Be aware that you may be flamed for a seemingly
harmless comment. Take it in stride, and ignore it.


03. I want to post about SF2 on the Net, is there any etiquette that I
should observe? says:

Please post to (the SF2 newsgroup) if your site carries it in
order to keep bandwidth down.

If you post to, please put "SF2" or "Street Fighter
2" or something thereof in your subject header. As hard as it may be to
believe, there really *are* people who do not want to have anything to do
with Street Fighter 2. Please respect that, so they can kill SF2 posts.
(And likewise, SF2 fans could mark *only* SF2 posts.)

If you've heard a neat, unconfirmed trick, don't pass it off as truth.
Let everyone know that this *is* a rumor. Otherwise, you'll find people
quick to flame, and you probably deserve each and every flame that comes
your way. ;-) adds:

READ THIS! Since there are now 6 versions of the game, it makes sense to
include an inkling of which game you speak of. So include HF, CE, Classic,
SNES, SNES Turbo, or Genesis in your subject header. Without this (unless
what you are talking about is obvious) you may get misleading information.
In other words, it is correct, but for the wrong game.

And likewise, don't post stuff about other games. We have had long running
threads that are cross-posts. So, if you cross-post, or if you are follow-
ing-up to a post, check if it is cross-posted. If your material doesn't
relate, delete the appropriate newsgroups.

If you are interested in the home video games systems or arcade games in
general, you may not be aware that there are newsgroups for them. They are
in the "*" heirarchy.


04. I see all these abbreviations used, what do they mean?

Here are the most common abbreviations used when talking about a certain
character's moves and whatnot. When the abbreviations are used, the
character in question is usual mentioned.

DP=Dragon Punch HK=Hurricane Kick
FB=Fireball TU=Tiger Uppercut
TK=Tiger Knee WK=Whirlwind Kick
LL=Lightning Leg HHS=Hundred Hand Slap
TAP=Turn Around Punch RC=Rolling Claw
SB=Sonic Boom RK/FK=Razor Kick/Flash Kick
SPD=Spinning Pile Driver SL=Spinning Lariat
SSL=Super Spinning Lariat SF2=Street Fighter 2
CE=Champion Edition HF=Hyper Fighting
TOD=Touch of Death SNES=Super Nintendo
SG=Sega Genesis SF2T=SNES Turbo version
SSF2=Super SF2 DRS=Double Rolling Sobot
RP=Rushing Punch FL=Flaming Leg
TB=Tomahawk Buster MT=Mexican Typhoon
BH=Buffalo Headbutt MGU=Machine Gun Upper

Here are some common abbreviations used when making comments about some-
thing. They are used for short phrases, etc.

BTW by the way
FYI for your information
IMO in my opinion
IMHO in my honest/humble opinion
FTP file transfer protocol
ROTFL rolling on the floor, laughing

I'm sure that there are others, and I don't know all of them, but if you
see one you don't know, try to match it with the context of the rest of
text, and guess at it's meaning.


05. What about move lists/FAQs for other video games?

See the question #1 in Part 3. Keep in mind, though, that none of the
material shown in that section of the file index is by me. All the files
about other games are written and compiled by other people.



special thanks to Caine Schneider & Mike McCool

Without Caine, originator and organizer of most of the above,
this glorious document would not exist...

Phil Stroffolino

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