

09.10.2013 12:27:19
Created: 1st August, 1997.
Written by: Vincent Liu

Special Thanks To

Shawn Sackenheim

For helping on the whole faq!

Henry LaPierre

For the Hidden cars

This Document may be freely copied without changes,
distributed or used in any way provided proper credit
is given to it's author.



Again I make no claims as to knowing everything. If you think something
is wrong or have information to add let me know.


-Copyright and Disclaimer Notice
-Story Line
-The Game
-Controller Settings
-Missions (Courses)
-Gas Station
-Hidden Cars
-Time Trial
-Test Run

PlayStation and the game itself Runabout are trademarks, and so is
acknowledged. Any other trademarks not mentioned here are still

Copyright and Disclaimer Notice
This is were I give out the "SHOUTS" to all the amazing guys and gals
at Climax & Yanoman Games for bring out this cool game.


This rich guy finds this tomb that holds untolded riches. He needs this
small statue to open it but it has since been broken into three pieces.
He hires you, a master thief, to steal the pieces and give them to him.
DOWNTOWN starts with you stealing the statue piece from a museum and
building a bomb (with the 5 batteries) to escape through Michael's
Estate. SEA SIDE has you chasing down the man who has the Golden Wings
in his limo. After hitting his limo you must escape. METRO CITY places
you in Paris searching for the Scepter to finish the "key". After, or
before, finding it you must hit a telephone booth to call your contact
to wait for you at the end.


ASCII has picked up Runabout for a late Summer/early fall release in the
US under the name Felony 11-79. It should be out by late summer (i.e.
mid to late August) due to the fact that most of the game is already in
English. There is a contest in Japan right now that will allow anyone
with the fastest lap times to win a trip to Guam. The contest pass can
be found on the ranking screen as the series of letters and numbers
labeled "contest pass". This will most likely only be in the Japanese

Controller Settings
These settings can be changed in the OPTION SCREEN
The defaults are:

LEFT & RIGHT - Move left and right
START - Pause/Quit
L & R - Gear Up & Down (MANUAL ONLY)
X - Gas
SQUARE - Brake
CIRCLE - Reverse
TRIANGLE - Toggle View

Missions (Courses)

This is what I found so far. There are probably more short-cuts and
secrets but I haven't found them out yet.


Your mission is retrieve all the items in Chinatown first and make it to
the end before the time runs out. This course is tough at first, but once
you find the shortest paths to each item the rest is easy.

This is were you will encounter all the items there are 5 batteries
that you must get to make a bomb that will allow you to enter Michael's
Estate after leaving downtown. The best way to retrieve all the items
is to first start out travelling straight where there are two police
cruisers blocking the road. Avoid if you can by going all the way to
the left onto the sidewalk cuz you'll save time instead of positioning
your car after you hit the cop cars. Travel until you retrieve the first
item and make a right turn. You'll see the other item and travel back
down to retrieve the next one. Once you have picked up the third item
make a left turn and run through the mall. Once you've passed through
the mall make a right and retrieve the item on the left. Make a dash
afterwards to the north right corner of Chinatown to retrieve the last
item. This is
where you can save some time. IF you are driving any vechile besides the
MOPED then you'll have to make a U-Turn back and travel out of Chinatown
back down the street and to the right. IF you are driving the MOPED
you will notice that there are a few metal rods sticking out of the
floor. Pass between them since your MOPED is small enough and go through
the small alley and you'll end up to the road to Michael's Estate.

Chinatown - This is were you will encounter all the items. The best
way to retrieve all the items is to first start out
travelling to the furtherest road were there are two police
cruisers blocking the road. Avoid if you can cuz you'll save
time instead of positioning your car after you hit the cop
cars. Travel until you retrieve the first item and make a
right turn. You'll see the other item and travel back down
to retrieve the other item. Once you have picked up the
third item make a left turn and run through the mall. Once
you've passed through the mall make a right and retrieve
the item on the left. Make a dash afterwards to the north
right corner of Chinatown to retrieve the last item. This is
were you can save some time. IF you are driving any vechile
besides the MOPED then you'll have to make a U-Turn back and
travel out of Chinatown. IF you are driving the MOPED you
will notice that there is a few metal rods sticking out of
the floor. Pass through this since your MOPED is small enough
to travel through and go through the small alley and you'll
end up to the road to the mansion.

Mansion - Once you have passed the gates go to the right of the
mansion, since there is no road on the left of the mansion.

Hotel - After the mansion you are then led up to the hotel. There are
3 possible ways to get throught this part.

1) Left - If you make a left you will encounter a tour bus
and this will leave you little room to get through.
Not a good choice.

2) Straight - Yup! That's right, Straight!! Bust through the
billboard and travel through the lobbies. This
is quick but your car will accumulate a lot of

3) Right - The fastest and safest way. No obstacles in your
way and just make a left at the end to get back
on the main road.

Tunnel - You will encounter a split one that goes left and one that
goes right.

Left Tunnel - Is longer but faster with no traffic at all.

Right Tunnel - Shorter distance but with traffice from
both sides. If you can dodge through all the
cars then this is your path.

Broad Street - Once you get to this street travel as fast as you can and
reach the end. The first hill will throw you for a jump
but if you steer to the left you should be able to make it
without slowing down or taking a hit.


Your mission is to retrieve the golden wings from a LIMO. The LIMO
can be seen travelling the other direction around the GAS STATION.
Hit the LIMO and you will retrieve the item. Once you get the item press
the pedal to metal and dash for the finish line.

Route 39 - This is easy until you hit the toll booths. On the right
side the booths are filled up but on the left they are

Split - This is were you will see either a tanker infront of a small
street or a path way to the left.

1) The small street has many cars and trucks parked on both
sides which makes it difficult to get through quickly.

2) Hit the wooden railing on the right and this will lead
you down to the beach. Take it slow and DON'T turn or you'll
spin out.

Once you passed either way the street or the beach, you will
see a bridge in the distance. The bridge may be halfway down
or standing straight up. If it's halfway then it is possible
for a fast car (The RAM at least) to jump the ramp and pass
the big ass curve. If it's down then you'll have to take
the long way around.

Once you passed either way the street or the beach, you will
see a bridge to the left. The bridge may be halfway down or
standing straight up. If it's halfway then it is possible
for a fast car (The RAM at least) to jump the ramp and pass
the big ass curve. If it's down then you'll have to take
the long way around. My THEORY so far on how to control the
bridge either up or halfway is the money you accumalate. IF
you have accumlated over a 1 or 1.5 million the bridge will
be half down. The reason is that there is an additional
car you can get if this mission is passed within the time
given with $2.5 million. Shawn's theory says that if you have
over 180 seconds remaining the bridge will be up...any less and
you get a cool shortcut...take it over 110 KPH though. 8)

Gas Station - This is what is next in line. You will see that there are
again two ways you can go, but if you are on pace to beat the
game then most likely the LIMO will be traveling just by the
gas station. So, you will have to stick to the left. Hit
the LIMO to retrieve the item. From here on you will have two
choice again either stay to your left or to your right.

Route 24 - This is where if you stay to your left you will travel a
longer, but safer, route. So what you need to do is get
your car to the right. You will see an entrance with a toll
booth after you have passed an empty lot filled with gas
tanks. It's a pretty windy path and there is a wreck to deal
with. If you stay to the left between the semi that is
against the left wall and the other cars you should be able
to make it through.

End - This is where you will have two options again.

1) After you have made your way through Route 24 and you
decide to stay to your right and travel till the end you
will encounter road blocks and cruisers blocking your way.
This will slow you down and acculmate massive amounts of
damage to your vechile.

2) Once you make it through to the right curve, you will
notice that there is an opening to your left. This will
lead you to the an open sewer. Once you are in you will
see a metal gate that can be broken and yoy can also
travel to the left or right concrete walls to pass it.
Once you have passed it you will notice an opening to
your right, you must exit the sewer in order to pass the

*Hint* If you are trying to get the secret cars by accumlating over
WAGONS gives you the most cash.


Mission 3 is only selectable once you have completed MISSIONS 1 & 2.

This mission is tough since there are many possible ways to reach the
end. You must find the scepter and then use (hit!) a pay phone to call your
contact to be waiting for you. You don't have to get the first ones you see.
There is one much later on that is the best way that I've found. Once you
get the item, again dash for the finish line.

This is what I found to be the shortest way to this mission.

Montavo Street- This is were you will see the 3 flasing items on the bottom
right of your screen. You do not have to hit the any of the
payphones, as more or later on the stage. Approach the first
one and travel to the left road that will lead you down.
On the left hand side you will see two metal barracades
in the middle of the brick wall, this is lead you to the

Subway - Not to tought, just travel in the tunnels and this will lead
you to the ERASMUS PASS. If you hit the subway train you
can get a COoL MILLION!!! Once you get and exit the subway
there is two paths you can choose.

1) Make a left on the exit and make another left turn on the
road and this will lead to the next road.

2) Make a left on the exit and go through the billboads.This
will lead you to a jump. IF you car is fast enough you will
get a short-cut. IF you fail the jump then you'll end up on
the same road you would if you choose the first option. This
is tough since you car will bouce and skid when it lands.

Erasmus Pass - By this time you will see a split on the road. CHOOSE THE ONE
ON THE LEFT!! LEFT!!!! Keep travelling left until you see
the opening on your right to ANOTHER SUBWAY ENTRANCE!!! Again
this is straight forward, go through it ASAP. Once you exit
you will see a telephone booth, this is where you start the
countdown when you hit the booth, this will give you about
120 seconds.Make the left turn through the doors and retrive
the last item. Make a left and travel through those doors.

Next Roads - This is a bunch of turns and twists but there is a shortcut!
When you get to a point where there is a sign that looks
like this <<<<< in red meaning a sharp right turn, crash
through the billboards and you'll end up on a road. Travel
left and you'll see a brick wall on your left, don't go
to fast cuz there is a VERY SMALL OPENING in the wall. IF
your vechile permits it this alley way will lead to the road
that travels around the lake, so be sure not to go too FAST
or you'll end up in the lake. If you do travel till the end
of the lake and you'll see a road that will lead up to the
main road.

Lake - You have 3 options.

1) Travel to the left on the paved road.

2) Go in the lake an drive through it and you will see a ramp
at the end of the lake leading to the next road.

3) Probably the fastest way, travel the right of the lake,
where you will see a dirt path.

Centre - This is the last part to this stage. Once you have made
it in to the entrace of the Centre you will have two options.

1) Travel through the doors and bust your way through the
displays and travel through the back doors.

2) If you are driving the MOPED then go to the extreme right
of the front of the CENTRE and you'll see this pathway. THis
is small enough to travel into. Keep going until there
is no more and make your way to the end.

If you choose the 1 option and you have accumlated a lot of
damage and you don't want to bust through the baracades, then
travel to the right and there will be a clear path.

*Hint* If you are trying to get the secret cars by accumlating over
2.5 million the SUBWAY TRAINS gives you a cool million.


This is what Shawn found to be the shortest way through this mission.

Head down Montavo Street and stay on the left side. After turning right
keep going straight until you are forced to turn left. You'll see a wall
forcing you to go left. Make a quick slide around this barracade and
continue to the right. When you see the road go off to the right and
down, follow it. Make a right and then a left to go back up a ramp.
Continue past the partition and skip yet another telephone. You will
reach the most hazardous turn in the whole game. A sharp turn with LOTS
of stuff that you'll slide into. Take it slower and easy. (NOTE: I don't
recommend taking the subway halfway through Montavo Street. The reason
being that when you run a perfect, or near-perfect, race you'll meet the
first subway car in the middle of a turn and almost always get hit,
wasting valuable time). You will be presented with 3 paths here. Going
straight is the fastest. To the right will take you to a big jump
shortcut but it's a BIG time waster as you spin all over the place. And
to the left will take you the wrong way! Soooo, go straight!

Erasmus Pass

You should take the turns slowly as spinning out will waste time. This
will lead you to Erasmus Pass. Once you enter this maze-like area...GO
LEFT! This will lead you to another, more advantageous, subway. Run it
and instead of climbing onto the platform and having to go through the
ticket gates (and racking up damage) go all the way to the end of the
track (slowly!) and take a right for a hidden shortcut that will bring
you out past the damaging ticket gates. Once you climb the steps you'll
see a phone booth...this is the one you wanna hit. After hitting it the
timer will start and you'll wanna go left to get the scepter. Turn left
again and head out the partially opened doors.

Other Streets

After You get the scepter you'll take some windy roads, but nothing too
difficulty. After a long right curve you'll see some big red signs with
arrows. Take this slowly and head just past the signs to drop off the
course and cut out a HUGE section of the race. Keep going right until
you see the lake. There are a few ways to go here:

1. Go across the water...IN THE RAM or BIG TRUCK ONLY!!
2. Go to the right across the dirt path that will bring you out past
the lake.

Continue up the road until you go under an overpass and see some
billboards straight ahead. Take a SHARP right and then another right to
come to the shopping centre.

Shopping Centre

If you're in the MOPED, go right to the shortcut by the store marked
with big white pillars. If you're in anything else go inside the store,
towards the right side. Go past the first aisle and out the back. Go
to the right and head for the somewhat straight path, there aren't many
roadblocks here, and come around the last box to a straightaway to the
finish. Simple....uh...right?

Now to the good part. You start off with 4 cars RAM, 320, MIN and VES. Once
you beat each mission 2 additional cars will be selectable. Each vechile will
have either AT/MT transmisson or just AT or MT transmisson ONLY!

Each vechile is different and unique. Each vechile has it's ups and downs
and with time & pratice you will find the best vechile that will suit your
style and skill.

RAM - The good old American Pick-up. This looks similar to the Dodge Ram.
Great power. This is a great car to start off. This baby has 4WD &
V8 backing it up.

Horsepower 250
Torque 45.6
Length 5591
Weight 2903
Fuel 90

320 - From the looks of it, it looks like a BMW. Fast and good pickup.

Horsepower 150
Torque 19.5
Length 4435
Weight 1385
Fuel 70

MIN - The Classic British Car. Designed for ON-ROAD ONLY! So if you take this
baby off-raod, you will definitely have a rough time.

Horsepower 53
Torque 9.3
Length 3076
Weight 740
Fuel 50

VES - MOPED. Fun to play with. The best vechile to use when getting the
no $ (damaged) cars.

Horsepower 12
Torque 2.2
Length 1655
Weight 84
Fuel 5


Horsepower 130
Torque 14.1
Length 4070
Weight 1040
Fuel 45

NSR - Better known as the NSX!

Horsepower 280
Torque 30.0
Length 4430
Weight 1230
Fuel 70

GTR - Excels in acceleration and braking department.

Horsepower 280
Torque 37.5
Length 4675
Weight 1530
Fuel 65


Horsepower 235
Torque 60.1
Length 11250
Weight 12130
Fuel 120

DAM - A construction dump truck.

Horsepower 395
Torque 141.5
Length 8024
Weight 10330
Fuel 150

LIM - A Limo.

Horsepower 275
Torque 41.5
Length 8326
Weight 2980
Fuel 100

GTS - Dodge Viper GTS! Great speed and tight control.

Horsepower 450
Torque 66.1
Length 4450
Weight 1570
Fuel 70

ELS - A sporty little car.

Horsepower 118
Torque 16.8
Length 3726
Weight 690
Fuel 50

360 - The VW BETTLE!!!

Horsepower 16
Torque 3.0
Length 2948
Weight 640
Fuel 55

FD7 - Toyota Supra Turbo - One of the fastest AT cars around.

Horsepower 255
Torque 30.0
Length 4295
Weight 1290
Fuel 70

GT1- Toyota's Rally Car! Ever play SEGA RALLY?! :)

Horsepower 600 (WoW)
Torque 50.4 (WoW)
Length 3726
Weight 1530
Fuel 65

TAC- Lambourghini Diablo!

Horsepower 375
Torque 36.8
Length 4140
Weight 1065
Fuel 72


Horsepower 230
Torque 40.5
Length 6820
Weight 3600
Fuel 90

RSP - Street Sweeper.

Horsepower 200
Torque 42.8
Length 6960
Weight 9025
Fuel 100

19A - Indy car but I guess it's C.A.R.T. Car now.

Horsepower 700 (Wow)
Torque 45.3 (wOw)
Length 4150
Weight 600 (light!)
Fuel 130

PLS - Police Cruiser!

Horsepower 820 If that was only true! :P
Torque 89.6
Length 5625
Weight 1820
Fuel 60

TNK - HollY MollY!!!! TANK!!!
* Press "Square" to fire the CANNON!!!!

Horsepower 1500
Torque 96.4
Length 9800
Weight 50000
Fuel 500

DSH - DASH CAR or the REMote Control Car. This baby can go places!

Horsepower 1
Torque 0.1
Length 200
Weight 1
Fuel 1

Hidden Cars

When you beat MISSION 1 (DOWNTOWN) you will be able to choose

SIR - A sports car

When you beat MISSION 2 (SEASIDE) you will be able to choose

GTR - A sports car

When you beat MISSION 3 (METRO CITY) you will be able to choose

DAM - A contruction dump truck

There are also 12 HIDDEN vechiles that are available.

GTS - Beat easy mode with total amount over $1,000,000
ELS - Beat medium mode with total amount over $2,500,000
360 - Beat hard mode with total amount over $2,500,000

FD7 - Beat easy mode within 4 mins
GT1 - Beat medium mode within 4 mins
TAC - Beat hard mode within 4 mins

TRD = Trash truck. On the freeway section of the Seaside course,
while doing over 180 km/h.

RSP = Street Sweeper. On the freeway section of the Seaside course,
while doing over 230 km/h.

19A = Indy car. Complete Downtown with no accumulated money(no damage)

PLC = Police cruiser. Complete Seaside with no accumulated money(no damage)

TNK = Tank. Complete Metro city with no accumulated money(no damage)

DSH = Remote Control Car! Get this in Metro City. Hit the shelves on the
left side of the convention centre, pickup the car and finish the game.

This is an other option to play each mission without the TIME LIMIT. So
just drive around, find some secrets, short cuts and have fun.

This is where you can do some real work. You are give the following options:

Steering, Front Suspension, Read Suspension, Grip Balance, Acceleration
& Brake

You can custom fit any car to your style of liking! COoL!

You can then TEST RUN your car.

This is another course given to test drive your car. There is no time limit
and all you have to do is test the car out.



Well that's the end. IF you need more info on this game then see FAQ on this
game. It can be located at

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