Love and Destroy

Love and Destroy

15.10.2013 01:15:01
Version 0.6 By: LuisMan ( 04-05-2000

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Arc Entertainment developed a great game named Love & Destroy in december of
1999, which was so talked about, because the character designs was job of
Masakazu Katsura, the great manga author who made Video Girl Ai, DNA2, Shadow
Lady, I's and others. All people tought that the game can be so bad, 'cause
all japanese prooductions with anime, etc... are so bad, and the unic
intention of these games is to show some cool anime videos and pics. But this
mech action action game isn't of that kind, the game has great anime videos
with the characters designed by Katsura, some love games actions, and when
it's possible to show an illustration of one of the girls, the game shows it
to you. But the first priority of the game is to fight great biological robot
enemies, with the help of three girls and his mechs. The game isn't a
masterpiece, but it's so funny, and so difficult. Because of its difficulty,
I looked for some help at different faq pages, but I didn't find anything
(only some GameShark codes). Yesterday I finished the game two times, playing
it so hard, and now I decided to share all the acknowledgments that I learned
with all the people who are at the same situation that I was a few days past.
Like I said at Biohazard Gun Survivor Faq (watch it!), all people who wants
to send me some info about the game, things that I missed, or only some
questions, send it to me, I will answer you (I always answer), and I'll put
you at the thanks section. Well, let's go with the Faq:


1- Version

2- Objective at Love & Destroy

3- Controls

4- Frequently Asked Questions

5- Characters and Q-Trons

6- Missions and enemies

7- Heart Select moments

8- Secrets, hints and codes

9- About Masakazu Katsura, character designer of Love & Destroy

10- Credits and thanks

11- Legal

1- Version

Version 0.6 04-05-2000

First version of the Faq. A lot of info missed, and some secrets not showed.
Version waiting to be updated.

2- Objective at Love & Destroy

What is Love & Destroy? L&D is a good game about mech action combats, with a
little of love games (like Tokimeki) options. Because of that the game is
named Love & Destroy. The game starts when you, a teenager boy are going
back to your home, and looks a great spaceship, and a strange big
circumference with a lot of eyes at its body. Then, you're transportated
into the spaceship, and know three girls, and a little flying robot. The
three girls are Q-Trons, normal girls who can enter theirselves into great
combat mechs, and then made a semi biologic, semi mechanical machine, who
can combat that great creature. That circumferenced creature was a bio weapon
to destroy human being. Because I don't know japanese idiom, I can't know
all names and details, but this is the main story of the game (if you know
something, just tell it to me by e-mail, please). Well, then all that these
Q-Trons need is a guy to control de movements and actions of them, because
they can't pilot the mech all by her hand, they only can give live to the
mechs. The little flying robot is a little pet, similar to Demota of Shadow
Lady (a manga of Masakazu Katsura, who loves these kind of pets), but all
mechanical. It's very important at the game, because he's who gives you all
the info about the enemies, the Q-Trons, and who takes you by the menu.
Between all combats, he tells you all the facts, details, etc... with an
excellent japanese, but if you don't know the idiom, try to watch something
only with the pcis, it's possible that you can find something.

The game isn't very long, but obtain all its secrets isn't easy, and the
difficulty of the game is very, very hard. Love & Destroy has a lot of anime
videos, which are the most important secret at the game, and play it with
all the Q-Trons is another good job to do. Try to give a chance to the game,
and you'll like it a lot. If you can't obtain something, send me an e-mail
and I'll answer you the most soon that I'll can.


The controls of Love & Destroy are so good. You need a Dual Shock to play the
game, so go and buy one if you don't have it. Here are the controls:

-Left Analog stick: Use it to move your robot by the scenario

-Right Analog stick: Use it to move the head of the mech, and to aim at
the screen.

-L2: Shoot with the selected weapon.

-L3: Shoot with the selected weapon.

-L1: Receive a help message from the Q-Tron.

-R2: Makes the mech jumps, or fly if it can.

-R3: Makes the mech jumps, or fly if it can.

-R1: Change your weapon.

The digital stick is used to surf by all the menus, with the O button to
confirm, and the X button to cancel.

4- Frequently Asked Questions

This section is to put the questions that you want to tell to me. If you
want to question me something, send me an e-mail. I Will answer you, and
if the question is so important, I'll put it here. By this moment, I'm
putting some quetions that I think that could be interesting:

Q: I tried to play the game, but it's so hard. I think that is totally
imposible, what can I do?

A: The game is difficult, but if you battle the foes with the best Q-Tron
for that momnet, you'll can beat the game sooner that you can imagine.

Q: I love Masakazu Katsura titles, but I don't like these game. I tried to
view the videos with a cartridge, but it's totally imposible... What
can I do?

A: First of all, the videos can't be watched with unofficial cartridges,
because Arc made a special video format. You can try to watch them with
a code...

Q: I used the infinite life code, but I can't win, because of the time. What
can I do?

A: The most important difficulty isn't the life gauge, is the time. Like I
said before, try to use the specific Q-Tron for each mission, and yo will
advance at the game.

5- Characters and Q-Trons

Here I'm putting the info relationed with the Q-Trons and their mechs. I
don't put info about the little robot and you, 'cause all of them is
told by now.


Bibi is a cold-hearted girl, with a hard personality at the start of the
game, but if you play with her, gainig experience, etc... finally she will
be good with you.
His mech is the fastest mech of the game. It can fly around the scenario
maintaining the jump button pressed, and its speed is great. Obviously,
its weapons are the most weak. He has the normal uzi, a weapon which shots
fire boomerangs, which can make great damage (this is her best weapon), and
the last is a fire attack, who launch the mech directly to the enemy. This
is her most powerful shot, but it's really difficult to aim at the enemy, and
when you do it, the mech fall down, and need some time to recover its
position, so I don't recommend you to use this weapon (just use the
For me, Bibi is the best Q-Tron, thanks to her mech.


Lulu is a girl who usually don't make relationships with boys. She's so
silencious, but if you use it a lot, she will find a great help on you.

Her mech is the most powerful mech of the game, with great weapons that
can make A LOT of damage, but unfortunately, is really slow. The mech
has a normal uzi, a great and fast weapon which shots plasma bullets at
an incredible speed, making GREAT damage, and the last weapon: a plasma
shot that affect to all the enemies at the sceren. This last weapon is really
the most powerful of the game, but it's really slow, and when Lulu use it,
the mech adopts a position using its two legs, making it so slow. And when
Lulu shot with this weapon, needs three seconds to recharge the weapon. I
really don't recommend you this weapon, but I recommend you Lulu for slow


Kiki is the happiest, funny and laughing girl of Love & Destroy. She is
interested about you since she meets you.

Kiki's mech is the most equilibrated. It's so fast (but not fast like Bibi's
mech), and has powerful weapons (better than Bibi, but worst than Lulu). It
has the tipical uzi, a powerful electric shot which is the best of this
mech, and the last one, which is so slow and not very recommendable. Use
it if you want the most equilibrated mech, and specially with the second


I will take this part of the game like a walkthrough. This means that I'm
putting all things that you can do between combats. I'll put the enemies
info when they appear too.

When you enter the game, you watch the two cool animes with the great egg
coming to Japan, destroying everything. You see the three girls at a
spaceship, and when you're going to be attacked by the great egg, you are
transportated to the spaceship. The three girls enter theirselves to you,
and then the little flying robot explains you the situation: you need to
battle the egg, using one of the Q-Trons. You can battle the egg by telepaty,
and the robot explains you all about the egg. It recommends you to use Lulu
at his mission. Ok, use her.

Enemy: Egg

Easy to defeat, just keep shooting at it, specially at the egg, and he will
die soon.

Just before you kill the enemy, the mech you decided to kill the egg will
launch a plasma shot, and the egg will find peace. The situation is critical,
the city has been destroyed. But now, the Q-Tron that you decided to beat
the egg will have an encounter with you. Now, you'll have the first Heart
Select: decided what you want.
Later, you'll get up at your house, and you'll see all the destruction on
your city. Now, you'll be portated to the spaceship, where the little flying
robot tells you a LOT of info (all in japanese, of course) about the three
Q-Trons. He tells you about make three training missions, where you can
improve your skills, and test the three mechs. Decide the training you
want to do first, the second and the last. I recommend you to do 2,1 and 3
when you play the game for the first time, but it's only a personal opinion.
Now, putting that you decide that way, the little flying robot tells you
the enemy info, that's name is Megamedora. The robot tells you too that the
best Q-Tron for this mission is Lulu, so let's get going:

Training Step 2: Megamedora

Better use Lulu against this enemy. Put your second weapon (the plasma
gun), and start shooting when you were near. This enemy has, more or less,
6 weak points, which are 6 heads that can launch fire balls to you. Take
care of the fire balls, 'cause them makes the mecha fall down, and this is
an important waste of time. Then, shoot to the heads when you're dodging
the fire balls, and Megamedora will die.

After the combat, you'll have an encounter with Lulu (or with the Q-Tron that
you have selected), and a Heart Select option, for determine your affect to
that girl.
Later, get ready for your next training mission (save the game first...). If
you follow my order, now it's time for the step 1...

Training Step 1: KingSect

These insects will not be so hard if you use Kiki at this battle. Charge
your second weapon (the electric shots), and look for the insects. There
are a lot of them, and they will attack you in pairs, but there are easy
to defeat: just jump near them, aim, shot, and they will fall. Then they
will discover their brain for a momnet: shoot at the brain, and they will
be history! Take care of the time, is so short at this training, but isn't
imposible to defeat them.

Now you'll have another Heart Select. Say what you like to the Q-Tron, and
prepare yourself for the last training mission.

Training Step 3: Luminerdoss

Uuhhh... what an easy enemy... Use the fastest Q-Tron (Bibi, of course), and
pursue this really quick enemy. He will not attack you (only when you'll be
so near to it, he can make you a little damage), but it likes to run away,
so shoot him all the time with the boomerangs (the second weapon).

You need to repeat one training more to be relationed with the Q-Tron, so
decided what Q-Tron do you like to make her last combat (against the last
enemy). Save your progress, and when you'll finish that last training, you'll
have a romantic encounter with that girl, and when you'll be so good, you'll
see that the enemy is attacking us. The spaceship is going to burn, and the
two others Q-Trons are out of control, so you need to fight the enemy with
the last Q-Tron. Take care...

Enemy: The Three Combat Spaceships

These spaceships attack at the same time, and they have a special invisible
sistem, so you'll need to detect them with the radar. They have powerful
misiles, so dodge them, and concentrate your fire at the three spaceships,
and soon they will die (the ships are so similar to the ships at

Last Enemy

Now really be careful, 'cause this guy has two forms. First, it will run
by the city, launching a lot of powerful plasma shots. Dodge that shots
jumping at the last moment, and shoot him with your second weapon. And when
you destroy all his life, he will recover it all, and it will have two
wings. Kill him jumping, dodge its plasma attacks, and you'll destroy it...

This is the last enemy, now, you'll see the ending cinema, and the credits
video, which has a really good ending song... Enjoy it!

7- Heart Select moments

Just after a victory at the training missions, you'll have a Heart Select
option, on when you need to decide if you like a Q-Tron or not. I didn't
see any special at his part of the game, but I really think that here it
will be an important secret of the game. If you discover something, just
send me an e-mail, please...

8- Secrets, hints and codes

This game has a few secrets. By now, I only discover some of them... The
videos are an important one. You can collect all videos, and all voices
of the Q-Trons. By the way, whn you finish the game, you'll receive a ranking
with your points. I don't have good info at this point, but I only need some

-Don't get angry with the life gauge, the most important is the time. You can
run away of the enemies, but time is too short, and if its is over, the
game finishes.

-Use the best Q-Trons for each mission. All three have different conditions,
and you need to use this point at your best. And use always the second
weapon of each Q-Tron...

-Don't worry for special weapons: they are infinite.


Here are some GameShark codes for if you are going to be mad with the game
difficulty. The codes are taken from GameShark Codes Creators Club:

All movies: E015B74C 01000006
8017A8C0 FFFF
8017A8C2 FFFF
8017A8C4 FFFF
8017A8C6 FFFF
8017A8C8 FFFF
8017A8CA 0001

Infinite Energy: D0073828 6400
80073826 6400
D0074670 6400
8007466E 6400
D0077210 6400
8007720E 6400
D0079680 6400
8007967E 6400
D007D5A0 6400
8007D59E 6400
D007D270 6400
8007D26E 6400

9- About Masakazu Katsura, the character designer

I don't want to make this point so long, because this isn't an anime Faq,
but I wish to make a little point for the character designer of this game,
who is Masakazu Katsura, one of the BEST manga authors by now. If you like
to read great love stories, read Video Girl Ai. If you want to view some
great comedies, obtain Shadow Lady or DNA2. And go and see his last title:
I's. He returned to his best part, the romantic comedy. I preffer Video
Girl Ai, but this title is so good. Well, I don't like to put more (like
I said, this isn't an anime Faq...). If you want more info about Katsura,
just send me an e-mail.

10- Credits and thanks

All people who will send me an e-mail¤ telling me more secrets, will be here.
First of all, to Arc, for make a great game.

11- Legal

Copyright(C) Luis Garrido 2000/SPAIN
This Faq is for private and personal use. This Faq is not to be used for
profitable purposes, etc... You can't change any part of this Faq. If you
want to reproduce your Faq in your website, please send me an e-mail telling
it to me, and give me full credit at your website.

All names, titles, etc...that appears at this Faq, are copyright(C) of their
owners, and have registered copyrights for them.

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