Parasite Eve

Parasite Eve

14.10.2013 10:49:45
Author: Neelon Rokk
Date: april 15 2000


[ 1 ] Disclaimer
[ 2 ] Version History
[ 3 ] Walkthrough
[ 4 ] Monster listing

Notes: when you want to read this document, use a font with a fixed with like
Courier. If you don't, you will probably have some major difficulties reading
the Chinatown Sewers diagram. Also use wordwrap.

The below line should be visible as a single straight line, otherwise the China
Town Sewer map will be distorted.

| [ 1 ] Disclaimer |

This FAQ was made private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced
electronically. If you want to put it on your web-site you may do so, but only
as long as this disclaimer isn't altered, and a note to the author would ne
appriciated. This FAQ is NOT to be used for profitable / promotional purposes;
this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or
being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is
owned by me, Neelon Rokk . All copyrights and trademarks
are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give
credit where it is due.

Parasite Eve is (C) Square Soft.

| [ 2 ] Version History |

This is the first version of the FAQ (hence the v1.0) and future updates will
contain error corrections and some revising if needed. Any information is
welcome, and will be added with credit when the information is new and valuable
to the contents of the FAQ.

Version 1.0
- Complete walkthrough
- Monster listing with hp, xp, weaknesses and strategies

Version 1.1
- Changed the width of the document to 80 characters
- Corrected some minor errors and typos

Future additions
- Walkthrough for the Chrysler Building (still have to beat main occupant)
- Minor correction here and there

The latest version of this FAQ can be found on my website at
under the Playstation games section. The only
difference is that here the chapters have their own buttons, but the information
is the same, and the Chinatown sewers diagram is graphical.

| [ 3 ] Walkthrough |

Below is a complete walkthrough for Parasite Eve, and it is the same for both
the normal (first) game and the EX-Mode after that. The only real difference is
that in the EX-Mode the enemies have about 80% more hp. The second number in the
hp score is for the EX-Mode, and all boss hp are estimates, as you don't get
their hp reveiled when you scan them. The hp may be of by a couple of hp but
should be pretty accurate. The experience they gain are the same and also the
items found at locations remain the same.


-Carnegie Hall-

Equipment found in area: P220 handgun, N Protector

You start out at Carnegie Hall. You are being escorted out of a limo by a young
man. Now you must name our character. After doing so walk towards the door into
the hall. Walk up to the double doors and enter the stage hall. Watch the main
actress torch the place. After you throw down your escort, walk up to the main
stage and approach the actress. After a short talk you must fight her.

HP: 40 / 72
EXP: 0

She has only one attack, and you can dodge it with ease. Once you see the energy
converging to her hand, start running to the other side of the screen. Keep
running until the energy has dissapeared. Just keep shooting at her, but make
sure the actress is withing your green targetting globe, otherwise you do less
damage or may miss her completely. Keep firing away, and when you run out of
bullets, switch to your club and keep beating at her until she dissapears.

Just for fun, beat her with your club until she had enough. it only takes about
5 hits for her to back off.

You will now see a short flashback, and when it is over, Eve (the actress) will
flee of the stage. Follow her into the next room and empty the box for a
Medicine 1. Touch the big hole in the floor, but don't jump down. Instead, trace
your steps back outside Carnegie Hall and talk to the people outside. The
paramedic will heal you if you got hurt and the cop on the right will give you
60 ammo when you keep talking to him.

Go back inside and down the hole. You will see a little girl, but as she runs
away she dissapears into thin air. Now walk down the hallway, ignoring the doors
as they are locked. You will now encounter a heavily mutated rat. Kill the rat
and go through the door on the left. Walk past the burned bodies and open the
third closet from the left for a Medicine 1. When you open the second closet
from the right the body on the left will moan and move a bit. Talk to the burned
actress for some hints about who Eve really is. Exit the room and enter the
right door. The clown inside flees outside when he hears about the situation,
but promptly gets killed. Empty the second closet from the left for an Ammo +6
and go back outside. Enter the left door at the top end of the hallway. Walk
past the screen and empty the box for a Medicine 1. Touch the clothes on your
left to release a parrot in distress and to hear the last words of the
actor/actress inside the room. Touch the corpse and it will fall down on the
floor. Now examine it and take the Theater Key. You can use the phone on the
desk to save your game.

Go back into the hallway and enter the left door to the south. Open the closet
for an Ammo +6. Now walk up to the mirror and read the diary. When you are
finished reading the diary, take the Rehearse Key and walk out again. Enter the
opposite door and take the Ammo +6 from the closet. You can talk to the parrot
if you want, but if you do it changes into a monster and you will have to fight
it (your choice). Walk out again and go back south. Enter the door on the left
and open the chest for an Offence +1 or Defence +1. Open the closet and a rat
will pop out. Kill it and examin the closet again, taking the P220 handgun.
Equip it and walk towards to wall on the left of the closet. It will crumble
when you touch it, allowing you to enter the room behind. Take the N Protector
from the chest and equip it. Go back outside and enter the door on the opposite
end of the hallway. Walk down and open the chest for an Ammo +6. Walk out the
door on your left. The body on the floor is the clown from the dressing room
(maybe he should have stayed in the dressing room). Walk to the double doors at
the end of the hallway to confront Melissa for the second time.

Melissa is playing the piano, and she is having a conversation with herself.
After that, she transforms into Mitochondria Eve. After another short
conversation she will attack you.

HP: 92 / 166
EXP: 0

The fight is a little more difficult, but nowhere impossible. Just keep your
distance so she can't use her claws to swipe at you. She also has another energy
blast, a twin blast this time. When she uses it, walk between the blasts towards
Eve and you shouldn't get hit. Don't stay close to Eve or see will take a swipe
at you. Just keep shooting at her until she runs away again.

After the fight, Aya will have another flashback of a little girl (the same one
you saw earlier in the hallway) in a hospital with a doctor. When you gain
control over Aya again Eve is gone, so walk behind the piano and jump down the

-Sewers beneath Carnegie Hall-

Equipment found in area: M1911A1 handgun, Kv Vest 1

Welcome to Heavenly Gate (just look at the top of the first screen). Walk (or
run) towards the other end of the screen into the main tunnel. Walk up the
stairs and into the next screen. Here you will see a curved walkway. Walk it to
the other side, and if you didn't get it a fight with two rats when you exited
the screen, walk back again. These two rats have a Revive each, and that is too
good to miss (also note the two chests at the bottom of the main tunnel). Go
down the stairs again and empty the chest to find a M1911A1 handgun. Equip it
and walk north. You will see the little girl again, who opens a gate when she
leaves. Empty the chest next to the gate for a Medicine 1, and now go towards
the back of the screen. Empty the two chests you saw earlier from the walkway
for a Medicine 1 or an Ammo +6 and an Offence +1 or an Offence +2. Walk along
the right wall to enter another area with three chests, containing a Cure-P or
Ammo +15, a PE +1 or Ranged +2, and an Offence +1 or Offence +2. Now go back
into the main tunnel and through the gate on the left.

Proceed to the left towards a device on the wall. This device holds a switch to
open the gate and a phone to save your game. Go through the gate to confront Eve
again. After a short talk, she leaves and summons a mutated alligator to fight

HP: 120 / 216 (Head), 80 / 144 (Tail)
EXP: 30

You are told that the Alligator has two parts, a head and a tail. The head is
sensitive to heat and can be easily tranquilized (only useful in EX-Mode) and
the tail is only sensitive to heat. Target the tail first (you can hardly damage
the head right now), but keep your distance or keep to his back. He will
sometimes run up to you and swipe at you with it's front claws. To avoid them,
just run to the sides and get out of the way. He also swings his tail to release
energy beams that travel in a semi-circular pattern. Run away sideways and
closer to the Alligator to asvoid them. When the tail dies the screen switches.
The Alligator is a bit faster now, and can use fireballs. Again keep your
distance, or it will claw away at you. For both fights, stand a bit behind him
and he won't be able to hit you at all, making it an easy fight. When you kill
the second part, you get a Kv Vest 1.

When the Alligator is dead, you will walk out of Carnegie Hall and are
confronted by a news reporter. Your partner Daniel Dollis will emerge and kindly
tell the reporter to go away. You have a bit of talk on the way to the police
station, and this concludes day one.


-New York City Police Department 17th Precinct-

Equipment found in area: M16A1 rifle, Cm Vest 1

The day starts at the NYPD office, where you get a short debriefing about all
the events from last evening. Next you have a meeting with the station's
captain, Baker. After reading your report he wants you to try and solve the
case. You are also ordered to get a better sidearm from the Weapons Department.
Exit Baker's office and walk into the hallway. Enter the door on the left and
look through the cabinets for a Cm Vest 1 and a Medicine 2.

After that go back into the hallway. Now go down the stairs and go through the
door on the left. Open the chests for a Tool, a Medicine 1 and an Ammo +6. Talk
to the guy behind the counter, Wayne. Next thing, Wayne gets yelled at by Torres
because of his behaviour. You get a M16A1 rifle from Wayne, and you can get it
modified using the Mod Permit Baker gave you. Now listen to what Wayne has to
tell you about modifying your equipment.

Go outside and up the stairs again. When you are in the main hall again, walk
towards the little boy in red. Turns out that he is Daniel's son, here to pick
him up for a concert. Because of the recent things, Daniel can't leave and the
boy, now angry, leaves the police station. Go back to Baker's office because he
is about to announce a press conference, and you have to be there too.

After you totally screw up the press conference, Baker intends to give you a
good flaming. Luckily for Aya there is a phone call from some Japanese scientist
who wants to meet you. There is a little talk about mitochondria, and Nix tells
you that some other scientist working for the American Museum of Natural History
has some new theory about it. Daniel wants to talk to that scientist, so leave
the police station and head for the museum.

-American Museum of Natural History-

Equipment found in area: none

On your way to the museum, you have a little talk with Daniel about Hans Klamp
(the researcher at the museum), the press conference and captain Baker. Once you
are at the museum (note the Chocobo on the banner), a security guards lets you
in and even tells where to find Dr. Klamp. Before you can go up the stairs, you
have to sign the guestbook. Head up the stairs and go into the door on the
right. Try to talk to Dr. Klamp, and after a short while Aya will have another
flashback of a little girl in a hospital bed. Aya thinks that she has seen Dr.
Klamp somewhere before, but can't remember when or where. After that Dr. Klamp
has a lot to tell you about mitochondria, but when you mention that your suspect
called herself "Eve", he refuses to talk any further.

-New York City Police Department 17th Precinct-

Equipment found in area: none

On your way to the police station you have another talk about Dr. Klamp, and are
notified that there is a break in the case. Back at the station, follow Daniel
into the conference room. Looks like something is happening at the Central Park
amphitheater, the place where Melissa's solo concert was planned. The concert
was cancelled however because Melissa has disappeared, but people are still
gathering. You can now go after Daniel, but first go back to the weapons storage
and empty the closed chests again. No go back outside for a race towards Central

-Central Park-

Equipment found in area: M9 handgun, M203 grenade launcher, Sp Vest 1, Sv Vest 1

Daniel will try to rush into Central Park, but instead gets himself burned a
little, leaving the task of saving Ben to Aya. Walk inside and past the police
car. You can save your game at the phone. Empty the chest hidden between the
trees for an Ammo +6 and continue into the park. Walk to your right and empty
the two chest besides the gate for two Medicine 1's. Go through the gate into
Central Park Zoo and empty the chest for a M9 handgun. Walk to the northwest
towards a building. Next to the door is a phone where you can save your game.
Enter the building and look inside the closet next to the monitor for a Zoo Key.
Also examine the big closet with the blue doors for a Sp Vest 1. Now shove aside
the bed and examine the last closet for a M203 grenade launcher. Exit the
building and go to the right.

Open the double doors at the top of the screen to enter the snake compound. Go
through the broken glass and examine the chests for a Medicine 2, a Cure-P and a
Defence +1. Go back outside and walk off the bottom right part of the screen.
Open the chest for a tool. Now get back into the last screen and exit it from
the top right corner. Open the chest for an Ammo +6 and go through the opening.
Take the right path and go over the bridge. Open the right chest for an Ammo +15
and the chest on the left for a Medicine 2. Go back over the bridge again and
take the left path and go through the gate.

Ignore the body on the left and proceed towards the amphitheater. Enter it and
watch how Eve takes possession of the audiance. After that, go back to the
entrance of the amphitheater and follow the little girl to the right towards the
backstage entrance. Confront Eve once more and she will run away again. Trace
your steps back towards the burned body you saw earlier and walk past it.

Walk into the little building and search around for two hidden chests containing
an Ammo +15 and a Revive. Exit the building opposite where you entered it
towards another building. Open the chest there for an Ammo +15 and save your
game at the phone. Get back in front of the first building and continue to your
left. Walk of the bottom of the screen and than down and to the right. Empty the
chest for an Ammo +15 or Defence +1. Cross the bridge to your right and examine
the chest for a Sv Vest 1. Exit the screen on the right and take the second path
up and examine the chest for an Ammo +15. Go back towards the bridge on the left
you crossed earlier, continue towards the left and enter the next screen. Go up
the first path, left a bit and down to examine the chest for a Tool. Now exit
the screen on the left and keep following the path, exiting the screen on the
left. Cross the bridge into the next screen and go up the stairs if you want
another fight. If not, go under the stairs and examine the chests for a CR Evade
+1 and a Defence +1. Keep walking north and exit the next screen. Save your game
at the phone, because a boss is at the next screen.

Giant Worms
HP: 120 / 216, 150 / 270, 180 / 324, 210 / 378
EXP: 320

There are four parts in this boss. Try to spread out the damage evenly between
the four parts, because when one part dies, the next ones become more dangerous.
They also submerge beneath the ground after a short while, and then you can't
hit them. Watch out for the spikes they shoot, When you kill 3 parts, the final
part will emerge on the bottom of the screen, but it has a different strategy
than before. It slams itself into the ground, and then begins to sweep around.
Try to dodge this attack, but it is difficult in the beginning. Keep to the left
of the screen, and when it comes out start running towards the right in order to
avoid the sweep. Once you kill all four parts, you receive a selection of 4 from
Defence +1's and Ammo +15's.

Go back to the phone to save your game, then get back where you fought the
worms. Exit the screen on the right to have another encounter with Eve. Climb
onto the carriage as Eve tells you to do. Once inside, she lets the horse go
berserk. A short while in the ride you will have to fight Eve again.

HP: 330 / 594
EXP: 0

This is a difficult battle, mainly because of the lack of room to manouver to.
When she floats off, watch where the energy beam is going to land, then run of
towards the opposite side. She will also take an occasional swipe at you, so try
to avoid it by running away. When you damage her enough, another talk will

The horse will then collapse and the carriage collides against the side of a
bridge. Aya then has another flashback about the hospital. The scene switches
back to Daniel as he finds his son unhurt, but not knowing where Aya is. The
scene then switches to the police station, as the events in Central Park are
being reviewed. Captain Baker orderes the city to be evacuated. Daniel arrives
back at the police station and decides to go look for Aya. He leaves Ben in the
care of officer Cathy, who introduces Ben to their police dog Sheeva. Now the
screen switches towards a police blockade where a Japanese man tries to enter
the city. The cops hold him back, but he sneaks past them as one of the cops is
set on fire. Aya then has another flashback about the hospital before waking up
again. Aya has a little talk with Maeda and Daniel about the recent events, and
learn that something similar has occured in Japan a few years ago. Fearing she
is some kind of monster, Aya than sends Daniel and Maeda outside, and memories
about Maya and her mother come back again (they were killed in a car crash when
she was young). This concludes day two.



Equipment found in area: M11 machine gun, Club 2, G19 handgun, Cr Vest 1

When you wake up, empty the chest for an Ammo +30 and walk out the room. After a
bit of talking with Maeda and Daniel, walk over to the garbage heap on the left,
and search it for a Trading Card. Now continue to the left towards a gun shop.

The door is locked but Daniel brought a 'key' with him. Enter the shop and go
around in a counter clockwise direction. Open the first chest for a Range +1 or
Range +2, the second chest for a M11 machine gun, the third chest for a Club 2
and the fourth chest for an Ammo +15. Search the weapon rack for a G19 handgun
and empty the hidden chest at the bottom center for a tool. Now go back towards
the door and open the chest next to it for a Bullet Cap +1 or Bullet Cap +2. Go
back outside and go towards the pharmacy on the right side of the building you
were sleeping in.

Enter the pharmacy and walk down the right path. Empty the chest for a Revive.
Search the chest against the back wall for a Medicine 2. Now search the back
wall behind the chest for a Cure-P, and then search the far left wall for a
Medicine 3. Now go through the door in the left wall and empty the chests for a
Cr Evade +1 and a Tool. Now go behind the counter and search it where the phone
stands for a Evade +1. You can now save your game at the phone and get back
outside into the car. Now go to the museum because Maeda wants to test something
that might be relevant.

-American Museum of Natural History-

Equipment found in area: none

You can't do anything here except follow the story. Seems like Aya's cells are
different, and so have the power to fight Eve's mitochondria. After a bit of
talking about Darwin's theory of the selfish gene, Dr. Klamp interrupts. He
wants to know why you broke into his lab and where the cell sample under the
microscope is from. He correctly assumes they're Aya's and asks her about it.
Daniel interrupts as he spots his son's and wife's names on some sort of list
and wants to know why. After a bit of argument, Dr. Klamp orderes them out. Now
go back to the police station.

-New York City Police Department 17th Precinct-

Equipment found in area: M92F handgun, SG550 rifle, M9-2 handgun, Cm Vest 2, N

When you arrive back at the station the place looks like a warzone. Daniel
rushes of to find his son and Maeda gives you a Hamaya Good Luck Charm. Enter
the hallway and go south into the office. Talk to Warner to get some
information. Next enter Captain Baker's office and talk to the officer there to
learn where the Captain is. GO back into the hallway and down the stairs to the
weapon storage. Learn who killed Torres and get Torres' M92F handgun. Wayne is
in charge of the weapons now. Empty the chests for a Medicine 2 and an Ammo +15.
Go back outsie and into the dog kennel. Talk to Cathy to learn what has happened
here and where Ben has gone of to. Examine the orange goo in the dog kennel and
get back into the hallway up the stairs.

Talk to Nix to get an Ammo +15. Now go into the conference room and examine the
chest for a Cm Vest 2. Go back into the hallway and up the stairs. Talk to the
downed officer for an Ammo +6 and continue down the hall. Enter the
interrogation room on the right and examine the chest for a Medicine 3. Pick up
the flashin object on the table, it's a Storage Key. Go back outside and enter
the office on the left. Examine the chests for a Medicine 3 and a CR Evade +1 or
CR Evade +2. You can save your game at the phone. Exit the room and go up the
stairs to the north. The scene will switch to Ben and Sheeva. Captain Baker
grabs Ben and runs away from Sheeva. Captain Baker tells Ben that Sheeva is no
longer Sheeva but a monster. He will shoot her but runs out of ammo.

Enter the room on the right if you need some healing. Talk to the downed officer
in the hallway to get his Locker Key. Enter the storage room on the left to take
revenge for Torres. You get a SG550 rifle when you kill the big dogman (he has
269 hp by the way). Examine the chest for a Defence +1 or a Defence +2. Enter
the shaft at the back of the storage room and examine the chest for a N Jacket.
Go back into the hallway and continue to your right. You can enter the double
doors for a fight, but that's optional. Take the path to the left and up the
stairs, examine the orange goo at the top of the stairs and go through the door
at the end to confront Sheeva.

HP: 400 / 720 (bottom, target 1), 200 / 360 (left, target 2), 300 / 540 (right,
target 3)
EXP: 1000

Sheeva has three parts, consisting of three seperate heads. You want to kill the
center head first for this head can heal the others. Sheeva has three different
attacks. The first one is where she lungs at you, and it can be avoided if you
are already running away from her (never stand still in any battle). The second
attack is a purple wave which covers nearly the entire room and so is near
impossible to dodge, so take the damage and heal if needed. The third and last
attack is an orange beam, which you can clearly see. When you do, start running
in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction. The attack won't hit you if you
are to the sides or back of Sheeva. Only attack Sheeva when she just made a move
herself, otherwise you can be attacked while you are still shooting at her. When
Sheeva dies, you get the M9-2 handgun.

After Sheeva is dead, you have a little conversation with Ben, and that's the
end of day three.


-New York City Police Department 17th Precinct-

Equipment found in area: MP5K machine gun

You start the day in Baker's office, with Daniel now in charge. Talk to Daniel
to find out where Maeda is. Go into the hallway and left into the lockerroom.
Empty the locker on the north wall for a Medicine 3 and open the bottom left
locker for a Trading Card (that is, if you got the Locker Key in day 3). Go back
into the hallway and down the stairs. Now go up towards the previously locked
doors and open them using the Storage key from day 3. Empty the chests inside
for a MP5K machine gun, a Tool and an Offence +1 or Offence +2. Now go back into
the hallway and leave any items you don't want to carry around with Wayne. Now
trace your steps back to the Criminal ID Lab (where you got cured in day 3),
listen to the little conversation and take the Ammo +30 from Daniel. Now head
towards the hospital.

-St. Francis Hospital-

Equipment found in area: M79 grenade launcher, M10 machine gun, G23 handgun, B
Vest 1, Sp Jacket

On your way to the hospital you learn from Maeda what happened to the Japanese
Eve. When you arrive at St. Francis Hospital Aya now recognizes it as the
hospital from her flashbacks. Maeda gives you a Mayoke Good Luck Charm to keep
away bad spirits. Enter the hospital and open the door behind the counter to
reveal a chest holding a Tool. Walk to the bottom left of the screen and open
the chest for an Ammo +15. You can save your game at the phone. Walk through the
left door to see another girl vanish into thin air and Aya thinks she saw Maya,
her dead sister. Enter the elevator and crash into the basement.

As soon as you step out of the elevator Eve cuts the power, so the other
elevator no longer works. Walk south and then south again to reach the stairs,
but Eve disables them too. Looks like you need to restore the power. Walk back
and then north past the junction into the room on the right. Pick up the
flashing object on the right shelf, it's a fuse. Examine the two chests for an
Ammo +30 and a M79 grenade launcher. Exit the room through the door you came in
if you don't want a fight (if you didn't have it already), else go through the
left door. When you go back through the door you came in, follow the path north
and then go right (don't go through the door in front of you). Aya then sees
Maya again, but she dissapears again. Walk towards the double doors and into the
room on the left. Empty the right desk drawer for the Autopsy Key and empty the
chest for a Medicine 3. You can save your game at the phone. Exit the room on
the left and empty the chest for a Defence +1 or a Defence +2. Exit the room on
the right and walk enter the bottom right door using the Autopsy Key. Walk to
the bottom right and open the chest of an Offence +1 or Offence +2. Open the
chest near the top doors for a Tool. Go through the door into the next room.
Walk to the top and pick up another flashing object, the second fuse. Search the
body in the lower left part of the room for the Blue Cardkey, and examine the
chest for a B Vest 1. Go back to the double doors where you saw Maya, and open
them using the Blue Cardkey. You see another reflection of Maya. Open the chest
for a M10 machine gun, and then go south to another collapsed stair. Pick up the
flashing object, an Offence +1 or Offence +2. Go back and through the door on
the right (not the one you came in, the other one). Go throught the sliding door
and examine the chest on the left for a Tool, and the one on the right for a
Medicine 2. Go to the right part of the room and pick up another flashing
object, the third and last fuse. Leave the room and go north towards the fuse
box. Insert the three fuses, repair the wires and toggle the power on. Now go
right towards the elevators and up one floor.

Follow the reflection of Maya and another girl into the lobby. You can save your
game at the phone. Go through the open doors on the north. A patient flees the
hospital, and the nurse informes you of another nurse trapped in the neighboring
room. Walk in between the two beds on the left and examine the chest for a PE +1
or PE +2. Walk to the north wall and squeeze yourself behind the cabinet to pick
up a Trading Card. Go into the next room and Aya has another flashback as her
memories of the hospital are returning. The nurse will give you a Green Cardkey
which gives you access to the supply of liquid nitrogen. Open the chest in the
top right corner for a Sp Jacket. Go back into the lobby and through the door on
the left. Talk to the nurse to find out what the liquid nitrogen is for, how to
turn it off and where the research lab is located. Go through the left doors
using the Green Cardkey, then go north and search the chest for a Bullet Cap +1
or Bullet Cap +2. Enter the door on the left and fight a big blue slime. After
that turn the left valve on the bottom right of the screen and open the chest
for an Ammo +30. Now take the elevator to the 13th floor.

Walk south to have your first glimpse at the Chrysler Building. No go back and
enter the room on the left. Empty the chest on the left for a G3A3 rifle. Push
aside the small table near the red arrow to reveal a button. Push the button to
open a door on the north wall of the room. Go through this door into the next
room. Empty the chest on the left for a CR Evade +1 or CR Evade +2. Go north
into the next area and into the office on the right. Open the chests on the
right for an Ammo +30 and a Cure-M. Read the notes on the refrigerator to learn
the name of the doctor who worked here (surprise surprise). Pick up the two
flashing objects on the floor for a piece of junk and the Elevator Key. You also
learn something about Melissa Pearce (the opera singer). You can save your game
at the phone (there's a boss coming up). Go through the door and north towards
the elevator. Inside the elevator, look at the glass container on the floor,
then exit the elevator. Once you are on the roof, you have to fight a BIG spider

HP: 450 / 810 (1st fight), 500 / 900 ( 2nd fight)
EXP: 6500

Keep your distance from this one, because it likes to fire those sticky webs at
you. If you get caught in them, the spider will come up to you and slap you
silly. It will also fire streams of fire directly in front of it. Cast haste on
yourself to have some more breathing room. If you get too close to the spider,
it will swing at you with one of its legs. Also note that it will not fire
another web at you if there's still one present. Once you deal it enough damage,
the fight gets close and personal. Now the spider will swing it's legs at you
more frequently. Once the boss is really hurt, it will start firing triple webs
at you. When the spider dies, you get the G23 handgun.

After the fight you will confront Eve again. After some more talking she will
crash one jet into the roof of the hospital, so run towards the left and jump
into the small elevator (those used by window cleaners on tall buildings). Once
you are down, you have another talk with Maeda and Daniel about Melissa and Dr.
Klamp. Once you arrive back at the police station, give all surplus items to
Wayne and then go to Baker's office. After hearing some new information about
Dr. Klamp and Mellisa day four ends.



Equipment found in area: M79-2 grenade launcher, M1911A2 handgun

When the day starts, go investigate Chinatown. Walk north into the next area and
examine the chest in the niche on the right to find a PE +1. Next examine the
chest on the other end of the street for a Medicine 3. Continue north into the
next area. Walk until you see a phone on your right, and empty the two chest on
the left side of the street for an Offence +1 and a M79-2 grenade launcher. Now
walk to the other side of the street past the phone into the next area. Examine
the bottom right of the room to find a Tool and the bottom left for a M1911A2
handgun. Get back to the street (you can save your game at the phone). Walk into
the next area and listen to what Maeda has to say. Take his Narita Good Luck
Charm and open the chest on the north for an Ammo +30. Next go down the manhole
into the sewer.

-Sewers beneath China Town-

Equipment found in area: M870 shotgun, MM203-3 grenade launcher, Cr Protector

The sewers are a (simple) maze of interconnecting pipes. Just follow the below
diagram from A to B via numbers 1 through 12 to get all the items scattered
inside. You start at the top of the map and need to make your way to the bottom

| | | 7 | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | A | | | |
------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------
| 9 8 6 |
------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
|10 | | | | 5 | | 1 | | |
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------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------
| 11 4 |
------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | |12 | | | | | | 3 |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | B | | | | | | | |
------ ---------- ---------- --- --- ---------- -------
| | | 2 |
-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

A) Entrance B) Exit

1) M870 shotgun 7) Super Tool
2) Offence +2 / Defence +2 8) Cure-D
3) Tool 9) Medicine 4
4) Offence +1 / Defence +1 10) Cr Protector
5) Offence +1 / Range +1 11) M203-3 grenade launcher
6) Ammo +15 12) Medicine 3 / Range +1

Once you are at the exit, go up the ladder and to your right until you see a
chest containing a Club 3. Go back a little and go south at the intersection
into the pumping area. Here you will find the missing audiance from Central
Park. Go down to your right and down the ladder. Here you will fight two bosses
at once. The fight is easy, as it is the Crocodile boss from the Sewers beneath
Carnegie Hall (with 386 hp each). After the fight, empty the chest at the left
for a Tool. No go back upn the ladder and to the north. Empty the chest for a
Medicine 3 and go up the ladders into the next area. Open the big door on the
right to get access to the pump controls. Open the chest on the bottom left for
an Ammo +30 and save your game at the phone. Now access the pump controls in the
middle of the room. Turn on the main power, and then turn on pump one and two.
After that, turn the power off again. Go out the north door and cross the empty
canal into the subway.


Equipment found in area: M79-3 grenade launcher, B Protector

Walk up the stairs and cross the tracks. Walk west a bit and open the chest for
a CR Evade +1. Now walk north an examine the chests for a Range +1 or Range +2
and a Medicine 3. You can (and most likely want) to save your game at the phone,
there's a boss coming up. Jump onto the left tracks and go north into the next
area. Examine the chest for an Ammo +30, then continue north into the next area
for a boss fight.

HP: 500 / 900 (1st stage), 250 / 450 (head), 120 / 216 ( each mid-section), 180
/ 324 (tail)
EXP: 10000

This boss has two stages. The first stage has three different attacks. The first
one is a lunge attack, the second one is some sort of electrical discharge which
also causes darkness, and the third attack is some kind of acid rain. The first
two attcaks can easily be dodged when you are standing on the sides of the
centipede. The third attack is more difficult to dodge, but can be done if you
keep moving in the right directions. Don't shoot too many times in one turn, or
the centipede will face you and lunge at you.

In the second stage the centipede will split up in four parts, the head, 2 mid-
sectios and the tail. The centipede now starts circling around you and attack
with the head, the first mid-section, the second mid-section and the tail in
that order. The head can also poison you and the tail causes darkness. Dispose
of the mid-sections first as they have the least amount of hp. After they are
gone, finisg the tail and then the head. Try to figure out which section is goin
to attack you and keep your distance from that particular section. When you win,
you'll get a M79-3 grenade launcher and three other items (randomly determined).

After the fight walk to your right and gou around the carriage into another
carriage. Open the two chests in the back of this carriage for a Tool and a B
Protector. Go back to the tracks and go north onto the bridge. Search the downed
cop for a Gate Key, then go back. Track your path back to the phone and save
your game. Now go south and up the stairs out of the subway.

-Pier No. 3 Warehouse-

Equipment found in area: PPK handgun, M203-2 grenade launcher, AT-4 rocket
launcher, Cm Protector, Sp Protector

This area is optional, but you can gain some levels here if you make it through
alive. Talk to the officer outside a bit and open the chest on the left for a
PPK handgun, then search behind the left fence for a Tool (go left from the pipe
and keep pressing X and you'll find it) Go inside the warehouse and examine the
chest for a Cm Protector, and continue into the next area. After you see the cat
get chased away by the rat, go to your right and puck up the flashing object,
it's the Warehouse Key. Go north a bit and open the chest just in front of the
door to find a M203-2 grenade launcher. Open the door, go through it and then go
through the door at the bootom of the screen. Open the chest to your left for a
Sp Protector, and the one at the bottom of the screen for a rocket. Head up the
ladder and go towards the right, up the little ramp. Open the chest for an
Offence +2. Jump down and save your game at the phone (tough cookie coming up).
Open the left door using the Warehouse Key and walk down the path into the next
room. Open the three chests here to find an Offence +2 or Defence +3, a Defence
+2 and a Tool. Now go down using the elevator cables and fight the boss.

HP: 856 / 1540 (head), 420 / 756 (each claw)
EXP: 2510

The crab has three parts to it, two claws and a head. The crab is very fast, so
cast haste on yourself to ease things out a bit. Try to be on it's sides all the
time, so it's bubble attack can't hit you, as can it's physical attacks. The
bubble attack hits you twice and lowers your defence. The first physical attack
is a thrust with it's claws, the second one is a grab attack that lowers you to
1 hp. The last attack uses it's eyes to shoot out laser beams. Once you see the
eyes popping out, race as far away from it as you can to avoid the attack.
Attack the claws first to lower the defence of the body (burst on your weapon is
good for this one), but only attack after the crab made it's own attack because
then it will be standing still. You get a AT-4 rocket launcher when you win (one
of the lousiest weapons in the game).

After you defeat the crab pick up the flashing object in the left corner, it's a
Tool. Be careful though, time your way in between the steam leaks. Don't go in
after two consecutive leaks, but wait until the single leak has occured because
you have more time then. Once you picked it up, get out the way you came in
(save at the phone) and back onto the city map. Get back to the police station
and leave any stuff you don't need (keys for instance) in the care of Wayne.
After that, go to the museum.

-American Museum of Natural History-

Equipment found in area: P220-2 handgun, M203-4 grenade launcher, MP5PDW machine
gun, Maeda's gun, M8000 handgun, M9-3 handgun, N Suit, Sv Protector, B Jacket 1,
Cr Vest 2

Head up the stairs and go into the lobby. Go left a bit, and chase the man in
the white coat. Go through the door and into the bottom left corner. Open the
hidden chest for a Medicine 4. Enter the next room and again go into the bottom
left corner, and open the chest for a Medicine 3. Now enter the open door at the
top of the screen. After the fight with your first dinosaurs, go to the middle
of the room and open the two chests for a Tool and a P220-2 handgun. Get down
(the top door is locked) and fight your way back into the lobby. Go north past
the elevator and use the quiz machine in the next room. Go north a little, and
when you're past the vegitation go to the right and down again into the hidden
area. Go down the hallway, answer the quiz machine, open the chest for an Ammo
+30 and go throught the door on the right into the storage room. Open the three
chests for an Offence +1, a N Suit and a Defence +1. No go to the bottom of the
room and shove aside the box blocking a passage. Enter the passage and open the
chests for a Tool and a Trading Card. Go back into the room with the first quiz
machine (the Rain Forest exhibit) and go al the way north. Walk down the hallway
into the next room. Answer the quiz machine and fight the Scorpion. After the
fight go into the next room, then go north. Examine the chest in front of the
stairs of a M203-4 grenade launcher. Go north past the stairs and try to get out
of the room, then get back after the fight and get up the stairs.

Answer the quiz machine and go south a little to examine the chests (partially
hidden) for a CR Evade +1 and a Defence +1. Now go north into the next room, and
go through the door on the other side of the room. Take the ladder down to the
1st floor and open the chest for an Offence +1. Go through the door and pick up
the Tool from the chest behind the left statue. Get back outside and up to the
3rd floor. Examine the chest for a rocket, then get inside. Answer the quiz
machine in the bottom right corner, then go into the next room. Answer the quiz
machine and go south into the next room. Go down the stairs and examine the
chest for a Revive, then get back up the stairs again. Exit the room on the
right and examine the chest for a Medicine 4, then go right into the next room.
Run down the corridor and go south through the next room. Go through the double
doors on the bottom left, and someone will lock you in. Examine the chest by the
window for a Sv Protector and go through the window. Go to your right, jump down
and go back inside through the other window. Go through the doors on the right
and north into the next area. Examine the back of the tent for a chest with a
Tool, then go inside the tent and search for a chest with a Defence +1. Go
north, then go past the next area and go through the north door in the next
area. Proceed into the security office (you can save your game at the phone) and
open the chest on the left for a MP5PDW machine gun. Switch off the alarm on the
right side of the control panel (by the blinking white dot). Now walk down and
to your right behind the computers into a hidden elevator. Go to the 4th floor
and search the place for a Tool, a B Jacket 1 and a Cure-D. Now go back to the
2nd floor and look at the monitors on the left side of the control panel twice,
then get out of the room into the main hall. Go out of the room to your right,
south into the next area, south again and into the open doors on the right of
your screen.

You encounter Maeda in Dr. Klamp's office, and after a little talk he will give
you a special gun. Dr. Klamp comes in and tries to kill Aya, but Daniel comes to
the rescue. After Dr. Klamp regains consciousness again, he will tell you about
his part in the sceme. After the next events, take the Klamp Key from Dr.
Klamp's body and go out the office and through the double doors on the left. Go
into the next room and answer the quiz machine before going north into the next
room. Go up the stairs and down into the next room. A boss will interrupt your

HP: 750 / 1350 (1st stage), 900 / 1620 (2nd stage)
EXP: 50,000

The triceratops has two attacks, a charge and a lightning attack. In order to
dodge the charge, you need to be running before the charge. The lightning bolt
is harder to dodge, as it covers nearly the entire room. Look for a small spot
next to his head, that's the spot you should be standing in. When you do enough
damage, the head will disappear and the attack pattern will change a bit. It
will charge less and shoot more lightning. Also, the triceratops is now
vulnerable to ice attacks. When you beat it, you get an Ammo +6 (whoopy...).

Track your way back to a phone to save your game, then come back. Try to go
south into the next room and the boss will throw you down to the 1st floor.
Empty the two chests for an Ammo +30 and a Medicine 4. Heal up because the next
boss is coming.

HP: 2400 / 4320
EXP: 100,000

The T-Rex is a little tougher that the triceratops. It will start attacking by
shooting flames at you. to avolid them, stand on the left and back of the T-Rex.
When the T-Rex jumps away, quickly follow it an reposition yourself as it often
follows up with a flame attack. Another attack is a normal bite attack and can
easily be avoided. The last attack is an twin energyblast which is more
difficult to dodge. When you see him charging up, run away from him and as he
shoots the blast, run back and a little to the side. Hammer on him with your
strongest handgun as anything else is to slow. If you happen to have Liberate
already, use it for a quick finish. When you win you get the M8000 handgun.

Walk out the room to your left and save your game. Track your steps back to
where you were thrown down to the 1st floor and go south into the next room.
After the small quake, go through the broken window and left into a hidden room.
Empty the two chests for a M9-3 handgun and a Tool. Go through the north door
and down the stairs again. Go south and go through the broken window in another
hidden room. Empty the chests here for a Super Tool and a Cr Vest 2. Track your
way back to the first broken window, go up the stairs and north into the next
room where Eve is. After your conversation with Eve, she is taken out of the
museum by one of her spawns. Aya walks out the museum and is confronted by Maeda
and Daniel. On their way back in the car they talk about more relevant
information (about what happened with Maya and Melissa in the hospital years
ago). In the meantime, the Navy commences another attack. The spawn annihilates
the attackers and makes it's way towards Liberty Island. Aya, Maeda and Daniel
are all taken to the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz to assist in the final attack
against Eve and her spawn. Aya agrees to help, and manages to kill the spawn.
She jumps out of the helicopter to finish of Eve (save your game when you are
asked to do so).

-Liberty Island-

Equipment found in area: none

Walk a bit to the north to initiate another conversation with Eve. Get ready to

HP: 1900 / 3420 (Top), 1750 / 3150 (Middle), 1600 / 2880 (Bottom)
EXP: 0

Use a weapon with burst because there are three parts. Eve has many different
attacks. She can shoot energyballs at you, four times in a row. They are easily
dodged when you keep moving around. Another attack is when she sprays energy
blades in a circular fashion. To avoid thos, run in the same circular direction
but also towards Eve. She has a close combat hit that confuses you, a close
combat hit that brings you down to 1 hp and another one that just hurts a lot.
To avoid those, stay away from her. Attack her when she just made a move
herself. It is advisable that you use a weapon with the Burst effect so you can
hit all three targets in one shot. When you beat her, Eve evolves into her final

Eve will talk some more to you (finally for the last time) and shows you what
evolution really means. It's time to kick her evolutionairy butt.

HP: 2200 / 3960
EXP: 0

Eve is a lot faster now, but has fewer attacks (that still hurt a lot though).
She can rush up to you and hit you several times, so run away as she rushes you.
She can also paralyze you (nothing to be done about that one) so caste haste on
yourself when that happens. She also sometimes flies into the air to summon an
energy lance down. When she goes up, run into one corner and when Eve fires
away, run to the opposite corner (hard to do because you can't see yourself).
Try to get as far away from the center of the blast as possible to reduce
damage. You'll still be hit by a Def. Down attack though. Use Liberate when
possible, and at other times dodge her and shoot back until she drops down.

When you finally beat her, Eve meets her demise and that's the end of day five.


-Navy Cruiser-

Equipment found in area: none

You start the day aboard a Navy Cruiser that picked you up from Liberty Island.
After the talk with Daniel and Maeda, go inside and talk to Wayne. Rename your
best gun and armor (so you can take them into the next game), drop off any
unwanted items and talk to the navy officer to the left. He can supply you with
3 Ammo +30's, 4 Medicine 3's, 2 Medicine 4's, 2 Cure-M's, 2 Cure-P's, 2 Cure-D's
and 2 Cure-C's. Now save your game at the phone. Go back outside and talk with
Daniel, Maeda, Admiral Williams and Captain Lynch. The Ultimate Being (gross
little guy) will interrupt and everyone but you evacuates the cruiser. The
Ultimate Being will climb aboard and initiate a fight.

The Ultimate Being
HP: 1500 / 2700
EXP: 0

This battle is relatively easy, as The Ultimate Being just floats about a bit.
It shoots a shockwave which can be avoided if you stand in the corner it's
furthest away from. It also has an undodgable 1 hp attack. When it is about to
use that attack, it drops to the ground, so quickly cast barrier as this uses
less PE than healing back to full. When the Ultimate Being made it's move,
attack yourself. You can shoot up to three or four times and still be safe. Kill
it and it will evolve into it's next form.

The Ultimate Being
HP: 1500 / 2700 (Top), 950 / 1710 (Bottom)
EXP: 0

The Ultimate Being now has two parts, a body and wings. At first they are
attached together, but if you deal enough damage they will seperate, making the
battle a lot harder. It can shoot bolts of energy four times in a row. To avoid
those, moe in the same direction as the bolts go but also move closer to The
Ultimate Being. If you are close enough, the bolts will fly over you. It can
also fire three homing bolts at you, but they can be dodged easily by keep
moving and changing directions. Once The Ultimate Beings splits apart,
concentrate your effort on the crawling body. Once the body is dead, the wings
will perish to. The body can shoot a large purple ray that covers the entire
length of the battlefield. When the ray starts moving, move in the same
direction and close in on the body. The wings can shoot strings of bullets at
you or just run you down, so keep an eye out for them to. Use Liberate if you
want a quick ending.

The Ultimate Being
HP: 3500 / 6300
EXP: 0

This is the toughest form, and very close combat orientated. To be safe, caste
haste and keep your distance. It can rush up to you for a two-combo attack. To
avoid it, run away when it comes rushing in, and when it lands move to the sides
to avoid the follow-up. It also has that dreaded 1 hp hit and a 1/2 hp hit.
Sometimes The Ultimate Beings flies into one corner and starts shooting bolts at
you. When you see this happening, run towards him to avoid them. It's basicly
dodge and shoot.

The Ultimate Being
HP: 8000 / 14400
EXP: 0

This one is really easy. The extensions can't hurt you, and the flying lasers
are easy to avoid. You'll notice that all your attacks (even Liberate) only hit
him for 1 hp, but don't sweat it. Once you do about 20 damage, Daniel will
deliver some special bullets (with Aya's cells in them, courtesy of Maeda) via
air mail. you'll automatically load the clip and switch to Maeda's gun. Now each
shot does about 1000 damage so finish it off.

The Ultimate Being is down, but not out and it's approaching you. Once it
touches you, it's game over. Run inside and through the door on the left (the
one that was blocked by the officer with all the goodies). Run up and go left at
the intersection. Now go up and through the door on the right. Go down the
stairs (press right a little to avoid going back into the previous room) and
left through the door. Now head right and go up at the intersection, down the
hatch at the end. You are now in the boiler room, so go down and access the
control panel. The Ultimate Being will drop down on the floor and all hell
breaks loose (welcome to Hell's Kitchen).

Now run down over the little step and left towards the stairs. Run down and go
through the door, then continue down the hall and through the door on the left.
Now go left a bit and up the stairs (that's down with the controller) and
through the door on the right. Now keep running left and through the opening to
finish day six and the game.

Watch the ending movie and the credits until the save screen comes up again.
Save your game to get a clear save. Now when you enter disc #1 again you can
choose EX-Mode for a new game. The game is basicly the same, but you start with
the weapon and armor you renamed at the Nave Cruiser. The enemies are also a bit
more difficult but you on the other hand are way tougher. you should be able to
breeze through the game up until day 5 or so. You can also access the Chrysler
Building when you reach day 2.


[ 4 ] Monster Listing

There are two listings for the enemie hp, The first one is for the regular first
game, while the second one is for the EX-Mode game.


The enemies in day one are found in Carnegie Hall and the Sewers beneath
Carnegie Hall.

12 hp / 21 hp
2 xp
Susceptible to poison, easily tranquilized, sensitive to heat, gets confused

Strategy: The Rat has two attacks, a bite and a flaming attack from it's tail.
To avoid the bite, just keep your distance. When you see the Rat charging up for
the flame attack, wait and start running away as the flames come towards you.
The flames will miss you as they are targetted to the spot you were standing on.

10 hp / 17 hp
1 xp
Susceptible to poison, susceptible to acid, sensitive to cold, objects easily

Strategy: The Parrot has a single attack in which it flies up to you and starts
to bite you. Just run away as she is slowing down near to you. Make an attack
yourself when the Parrot is hanging still in the air.

34 hp / 61 hp
4 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: Keep your distance when possible keep to the sides and back of the
Frog so the tongue attack can't hit you. Has a tendency to hop around so keep
track of it and position yourself accordingly. As normal, make your attack when
the Frog just made it's attack so it is sitting still.


The enemies in day two are found in Central Park.

Yellow snake
32 hp / 57 hp
6 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: The easiest of the Snakes as it can't poison you and you can walk over
it without hurting yourself. Has a bite attack in which it positions itself near
you and springs at you. Just run away and watch it bite thin air, then shoot it.
Often found together with Red snakes (five or six total enemies together)

Red snake
44 hp / 79 hp
8 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: The larger of the Snakes, this one can poison you and you can't walk
over it without hurting yourself (I think). The attack pattern is the same as
the Yellow snake so the strategy is basicly the same. Often found with Yellow

Blue bird
35 hp / 62 hp
6 xp
Susceptible to poison

Strategy: The Blue bird will flie up to you and bite you if it can. Just run
away and wait for the Blue bird to hang in the air, then shoot it. Keep an eye
out for the other birds (they usually come in groups) so you don't get caught
off-guard by them as you shoot another.

57 hp / 102 hp
10 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: The Monkey can hit you with it's small arm when you are to close and
will throw it's sickle-like arm at you if you are at a distance. The sickle
follows a circular pattern which can be avoided without too much effort once you
know the flight path. Just run out of the way and make an attack yourself.

60 hp / 107 hp
10 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: The Plant can throw it's branches at you if you are to the front or
sides of it, and will release a poison cloud if you are up close. Try to stay to
the rear end of the Plant 9just watch the direction it moves in) to be safe.

75 hp / 134 hp
12 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: The Bear will lunge at you if you are to the front and close to it.
When you are some distance away, it will charge up and release streams of
lightning towards you. To avoid those, try to get as far away as possible, or
get to the sides or back of the Bear.


The enemies in day three are found in New York City Police Department 17th

70 hp / 125 hp
26 xp
Susceptible to poison, easiliy tranquilized, sensitive to heat, gets confused

Strategy: Follow the same strategy as the Rats found in day one. The only
difference is that this Rat is tougher.

Blue bird
35 hp / 62 hp
6 xp
Susceptible to poison

Strategy: Follow the same strategy as the Blue birds found in day two. There are
no differences.

98 hp / 176 hp
39 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: Will from time to time release a blue wave which will bring down your
defence and damages you. The further away you are, the more powerful the wave
becomes. Get closer to the Dog-man when this attacks comes out, but when the
wave is over, back off to get some distance or you will be attacked with it's

Yellow spider
78 hp / 140 hp
20 xp
Sensitive to cold, objects easily stolen, gets confused easily

Strategy: Can shoot webs from a distance that will slow you down when you get
hit. When you are too close, it will bite you. As long as you are not hit, you
can out-run this one. Just attack when the Spider made it's own attack.

Big dog-man
150 / 269 hp
55 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: Larger and tougher version of the smaller Dog-man. The strategy is
roughly the same, but you may need to heal as the damage done by this one is
larger, and the area in which you fight is very cramped (only one appearance,
kind of a mini-boss).


The enemies in day four are found in St. Francis Hospital.

Blue slime
88 hp /158 hp
48 xp
Susceptible to acid, easily tranquilized, sensitive to heat, objects easily
stolen, gets confused easily

Strategy: Equip your weapon with the Tranquilizer effect to make fighting these
guys easy. Comes in large groups of up to five. They can shoot red balls at you
that cause poison, but the range is short. Just keep running to avoid them.

110 hp / 197 hp
86 xp
Sensitive to cold, poison attack

Strategy: Can release a puddle of green fluids around him which will slow you
down, just like the spider-webs. Is somewhat effected by the Tranquilizer
effect. Keep your distance to be safe from the green fluids.

120 hp / 215 hp
92 xp
Susceptible to poison, sensitive to heat

Strategy: Looks a bit like the Dog-man found in day three, but a bit sleeker in
appearance. It can shoot a single bouncing ball of fire from it's tail, that
will explode on impact. Just keep running and turning to avoid being hit.

170 hp / 305 hp
118 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: Attacks with a orange-red wave that does minimal to no damage, but
slows you down. Will periodically release a ball from behind it's head that will
bounce around and damage you when you are hit. If the Spawn didn't release the
ball yet, target the ball first and then the Spwan itself, otherwise try to kill
the Spawn first, as a ball will dissapear after a little while. It is also
somewhat weak to the tranquilizer effect.

Spawn ball
44 hp / 80 hp
4 xp
Susceptible to poison

Strategy: See above.

Big blue slime
201 hp / 361 hp
60 xp
Susceptible to acid, sensitive to heat, objects easily stolen

Strategy: Bigger version of the once encountered earlier. This one also shoots
red balls to poison you, but not nearly as often as the smaller variants do. It
does however jump at you quite often. When the slime is about to jump, run away
and it will land where you were standing a moment ago, then shoot it. This one
can't be tranquilized.

Red spider
152 hp / 273 hp
20 xp
Sensitive to cold, objects easily stolen, gets confused easily

Strategy: No real strategy here as there is virtually no room to manouver (only
one appearance), so grit your teeth and squash this little spider.


The enemies in day five are found in China Town, the Sewers beneath China Town,
the Subway, Pier No. 3 Warehouse and the American Museum of Natural History.

135 hp / 242 hp
361 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: They can fire three semi-homing balls of fire from there tail, so once
they are coming, run away and make some turns to avoid them. They will also spin
around, hurting you when you are close. They also have a bite attack, again only
used when you are close to them. Wait for the balls of fire to dissipate, then
fire away at them.

Red snake
99 hp / 178 hp
287 xp
Sensitive to cold, objects easily stolen, gets confused easily

Strategy: Follow the same strategy as the Red snakes from day two. The ones in
day five are just a little tougher.

112 hp / 201 hp
301 xp
Sensitive to heat, objects easily stolen

Strategy: They can emit sound waves that will momentarily blind you, but the
sound waves can be avoided if there is some room to manouver. Just run away and
to the sides, keeping an eye out for other possible sound waves from other Bats.
If there is no room to manouver, just get away from the Bat as far as possible.
Once the sound wave is gone, close in and fire away, but back away after your
turn. The Bat is sometimes tranquilized, but only for a very short while.

Blue frog
153 hp 275 hp
425 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: Basically the same as the Frogs from day one, but they are tougher and
their tongue attack also causes a Def. Down so kill it as quickly as you can to
avoid a lot of damage. Try to keep your distance and never stay directly in
front of it if this can be avoided. Sometimes the Frog will jump high and after
a short while, land on top of you doing considerable damage. Keep track of it's
shadow, and go stand somewhere else if possible.

215 hp / 386 hp
522 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: These guys are the same as the Carnegie Hall Sewer boss, but it has
only one target (but there are two Crocodiles, one appearance only). The
strategy is roughly the same, that is try to stay to the back and sides of the

161 / 289 hp
462 xp
Sensitive to heat, sensitive to cold

Tends to burrow a lot, so time your shots well. Don't come to close ot it will
rake it's claws at you (twice in succession most of the time). Take a shot when
you see him coming to the surface, else the Mole will be burrowed again before
you can fire.

215 hp / 386 hp
135 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: This rat can really pack a puch with it's flame balls and it's bite.
try to stay to the back and to the sides, and the balls of fire can be dodged
with easy. Don't come to close or you will take a nast bite. It can be poisoned.

Yellow spider
242 hp / 435 hp
185 xp
Sensitive to heat

Strategy: Like the other spiders, it can fire webs that slow you down. Also has
a nast bite when you come to close. Try to stay away a distance and when it
starts to fire it's web, run sideways to avoid it. Just don't step in it later

280 hp / 503 hp
1530 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: Has only one attack, in which it lunges at you and tries to take a
bite out of you. Does moderate damage and can only be avoided if you are already
running to the sides when the attack comes out. At all times try to stay behind
and besides this one. It can be poisoned.

200 hp / 359 hp
896 xp
Susceptible to poison, objects easily stolen

Strategy: It jumps around a lot, and when it is near to you it flings it tongue
at you for some damage. Always keep running and keep your distance away, because
these critters are fairly quick.

430 hp / 773 hp
2036 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: The Scorpion has three attacks. The first two are close combat
attacks, one with the tail and one with it's pincers. To avoid the tail, just
stick to it's sides. To avoid the pincers, stay some distance away from him,
even from the sides. The third attack is a purple cloud of poison that swirls
around the room, and is a little harder to dodge (try to squeeze into the
furthest corner). Luckely, the damage is bearable. Try to keep to the sides, as
the purple stream can't reach there. The Scorpion can be poisoned.

240 hp / 431 hp
1202 xp
Sensitive to cold

Strategy: The main form of attack is rolling into you, damaging you and making
you loose your attack in the proces. When you see them jumping up, run sideways
to avoid being hit. They can be tranquilized and poisoned.

320 hp / 575 hp
1829 xp
No weaknesses

Strategy: You can walk right under it without getting hurt. This is a great way
of avoiding it's breath attacks, one of which can cause darkness. It will also
sometimes rake at you with it's claws, so don't stay right under it.


This is the end of this document. More updates coming in the (near) future.
Check my website for more information about Parasite
Eve, Breath Of Fire III, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII,
Final Fantasy VIII, Xenogears, Baldur's Gate, Day Of The Tentacle, Diablo,
Fallout, System Shock and System Shock II.

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Parasite Eve Story FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Japanese Version FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels

15.Oktober 2013
Alle Waffen beim letzten Kampf.

17.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: EX Modus freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Complete Guide FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Quick Access FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Secrets FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Last Boss FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Inventory FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
EX Survival FAQ

13.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
Hinweis zum EX-Game
engl. Hinweis
13.Mai 2008
10.Oktober 2008

Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020