Metal Gear Solid Integral

Metal Gear Solid Integral

11.10.2013 16:24:47
Metal Gear Solid Integral
VR Training Disc
Date: 8th July 1999
Done by Bernard "Dhampire" Ong
Version 2.5 updated on 15th July 1999

Disclaimer and Introduction

First of all, I would like to thank the Konami staff for another great
game (even though if it was a improvement on the training system).
Anyway, games like Suikoden and Vandal Hearts have a special place in
my heart and I was definitely looking forward to this great installment
from Konami. So why not I just cut the monkey crap and get right on
into business.

Before I say anything, I took the time to really wrote this thing
(considering the fact that I did all the freaking work to get to 99%) .
So I would really appreciate it if you guys out there ask my permission
if you want to copy this whole work or even plagiarize this whole FAQ
or even "borrow" some of pieces of work. This FAQ is also not for
profit, and I expect anyone who read this FAQ be on their best
behavior. I have FAQs that were ripped off by others, and I intend to
make this clear to everyone. So don't make me use drastic measures!!!!

I have already put in the gameshark codes and verify the matter about
the movies in the extra mode. Not only that I also tell about the other
modes in detail (sort of). I have also put up something on pockestation
under the miscellaneous section. Not only that I try to make the FAQ
as presentable as I can. (too bad the gamefaqs do not support fonts and
others, I got some cool fonts that will really make this FAQ to stand
out. ? )in the mean time, enjoy this faq and I will gladly answer any
questions you all might post to me.

VR Training Disc

/// Legend \\

First there are a lot of things to know about Metal Gear especially
their controls. I have people asking me how to execute a certain move
and I find it a bit tedious to tell the same thins all over again. So I
have put here a list of moves you can do below. And if you have any
more questions you can still email me.

| Wall/Corner View |
This view allows you to check who is around the corner. Very useful to
see who is coming. Just press the D-pad towards the wall and you will
be placing yourself flat to the wall. By moving the d-pad diagonally,
you will be able to move up and down the wall and when you reach to the
edge of the wall, your view will switch to a corner view.

| Choke hold and snap the neck |
All you need to do is move up to the fellow, and release your d-pad.
Then press and hold Square. By doing so you will grab the fellow by the
neck and hold him there. Keep pressing the Square button and you will
You can also drag the guard around while you are still doing the
chokehold. While holding down the Square button, hold down the X
button, and now you can drag the guard around. Remember to periodically
press the Square button to prevent the guard from escaping.

| Knock on the wall |
Press against the wall and hold it. Now press the action button
(CIRCLE) and you will knock the wall. When done correctly and near the
guard, the guard will turn around and investigate the situation. Useful
to drive the guards away.

| Shoot while running |
This only works for FAMAS and SOCOM. All you need to do is press Square
and X simultaneously. You can release the Square button, but you must
make sure that you are still holding the X button. By doing so, you can
still move freely and all you need to do is press Square to shoot.
Useful if you are in the time attack mode.

| Crawl |
Just press the X button and you can move around. Good to crawl into
tight places.

| Throw |
Just press any D-pad and Square to throw the guard. Must be near to do

// MODES \\
There are 4 modes introduced by Metal Gear Solid. They are as followed:

This mode is divided into 2 parts: N o Weapons and SOCOM

--- No weapons ---
There are 15 levels each for practice and time attack.
(any questions on how to get past them, just email me at

Only 5 stages that are unique to the training mode which cannot be
found in the previous version of Metal Gear which are 7, 9, 11, 13, 14.

Stage 7
There will be infra red sensors all over the place and you have to
avoid them, there is also one guard.

Stage 9
There is one long path leading to the check point but the path is being
guarded by a row of Cameras. Try to avoid them.

Stage 11
The first use of trap doors. Do not stop on any of them or you will
fall to your doom. There are 4 guards patrolling the area.

Stage 13
There will two guards on duty and two spot lights.

Stage 14
There will a lot of columns that are built with 1 or two boxes. There
are five guards constantly on the move sometimes stopping to survey the

+++ Time attack +++
Same stages except with the introduction of time ( DUH!!!! ? )

--- SOCOM ---
Basically you have to go through all the stages in the No weapon mode
but with a twist. You have to kill the guard in order to past the
level. Try not to waste unnecessary bullets in the time attack mode, it
will reduce the time thus giving you a better chance of getting 1st
ranking. (HINT: it takes 3 bullets to kill a guy, so count your

Now you get to use all the weapons to get through the training mode.
There are 10 levels for each weapon, 5 for practice and 5 for time

They are as follows:


There are ten levels for each weapon, five for practice and 5 for time
However, unlike the WEAPONS MODE, you have to fight guards instead of
holograms. You will not fail the mission if you get spotted so don't
worry. However if you do get spotted in the time attack mode, not only
will you lose precious time, you will also lose the 3 second bonus they
will give you for sneaking bonus, so play carefully.

The list for the weapons is the same as the WEAPONS MODE.

This perhaps the coolest mode that was ever created. There are a total
of 8 sections that can really get you going. They are as follows:

--- 1 MIN. BATTLE ---
--- VS 12 BATTLE ---
--- MYSTERY ---
--- PUZZLE ---
--- VARIETY ---
--- VR MISSION ---
--- NINJA ---


--- 1 MIN BATTLE ---
This section is divided into 2 parts: VS TARGET and VS ENEMY. These two
sections have the same weapons used in the WEAPONS and ADVANCED MODE
including no weapon. (yes you get to fight bare handed)

All you need to do is get the highest possible score in 1 minute using
the weapons accordingly. In the target mode, you will be fighting
against targets that will not fight back. But in the enemy mode, that
is a whole different story. You can actually get killed in the enemy
mode, and when you get spotted they will come after you.


--- VS 12 BATTLE ---
This mode allows you to kill 12 guards with the arsenal of weapons
given to you. The time limit is 5 minutes. And only 4 guards are let
out at once. So think fast and kill fast.
There are only 8 levels here, but as you progress each level, things
tend to get hot under the collar and less ammo is given.

I will be telling what kind of weapons you had been provided with
They are as follows:

Level 1
3 grenades, 3 nikita, 10 PSG1 bullets and 3 stingers

Level 2
1 C4, 1 Claymore, 1 Nikita, 1 grenade, and 30 Socom

Level 3
2 nikita, 2 claymore, 1 grenade, 1 C4 and 12 Socom

Level 4
2 C4, 2 Stinger, 3 grenades and 12 Socom

Level 5
1 C4, 1 Stinger, 1 Claymore, 8 Grenades and 2 PSG1

Level 6
2 C4, 4 PSG1, 12 Socom, 4 Grenade, and 2 stinger.
Note: this stage will not give you no bullets at all although you can
access the menu. The ammo is all the way to the north, so try to kill a
few guards or distract a few while you go all the way top the north.

Level 7
2 C4, 2 Claymore, 12 Socom and 6 grenades.

Level 8
1 C4, 2 PSG1, 12 Socom, 2 Grenades and 2 Claymore
note: this stage reminds me of the second encounter with raven. So be
wise with your bullets. ?


--- MYSTERY ---
This mode is damn freaking cool. Instead of using your fists, you have
to use your brain to figure this one out. There are 10 levels in this
mode, and basically you have to find out who is the murderer base on
the clues that are given. It is quite easy and obvious. In this
section, I will tell what are the clues in each stage and any questions
on them you have to email me. I don't want to take the fun out of it by
putting the solution on this FAQ. ?

Hint: you have to use the first person view to see the clues in order
to get a better look at them. Just hold down TRIANGLE and you are in

+++ Level 1 +++
Just look at the broken surveillance camera just located at the passage

+++ Level 2 +++
There is a ski mask being clutched by the dead man.

+++ Level 3 +++
There is an ice cream near the body

+++ Level 4 +++
There is a broken spectacle near the body

+++ Level 5 +++
There is a man looking over the body and all you need to do is chase
him and captured him before he escapes. Not so easy with all the other
guards running in from all over the place but you have to keep your
eyes sharp. ?

+++ Level 6 +++
There is a name written in blood spelling out JOHNNY

+++ Level 7 +++
You have to follow the correct set of foot prints that will lead to the

+++ Level 8 +++
No clue whatsoever, but here is a hint, try using the first person view
on each guy. ?

+++ Level 9 +++
There is a broken spectacle near the body. However, this is not the
same as the previous level. See whether you can solve this one.

+++ Level 10 +++
The grand finale of all mysteries. All you need to do is find the
murder weapon, but this is not so hard as it looks to be. HINT:
Patience is a Virtue.
--- PUZZLE ---
There are 10 levels to this and true to the namesake, they are all
puzzles. See whether you can solve them by yourselves.

Level 1
There are 7 guards you have to kill, and they are all standing on
separate columns all in a row. You only have 6 grenades.

Level 2
You are standing on top of the tallest column with a guard. There are 6
columns with a guard each. These 6 columns are divided into three
descending rows. What do you do???

Level 3
There is a guard all the way to the highest column and a camera. You
have a stinger. What do you do? Hint: do not destroy the camera!!! Time
is limited.

Level 4
There are 29 red cubes and you have 50 stingers. However as you destroy
the boxes you noticed that you have 6 boxes left and they are behind
the wall. Hmmmm

Level 5
You have 140 Famas bullets and you are standing on a "noisy" straight
path. You are between two walls and there is a guard on each side. As
you walk on the path, you noticed walls that can be destroyed. But if
you make a sound or fire the FAMAS too close to the guards, it is a
fail mission. Hint: you have just enough bullets to clear the area. So

Level 6
You have 50 Nikitas and there is 16 red boxes to be destroyed. This is
a maze and if you shoot the wrong box you can go any further.

Level 7
You have nothing in your inventory but there are two spotlights
hovering in the middle. The check point is being shielded by a
breakable wall. Hint: there is a mined detector all the way to the

Level 8
You have 30 grenades. As you walk all the way to the north you will see
12 red boxes on the ground. (long drop to the ground too). Objective:
try to make all 12 boxes pop up!!!

+++ Level 9 +++ ( By popular demand and popular frustration )
As you can see many people are asking me on how to clear this level.
This level (by popular demand, ? ) is perhaps the most tricky level
ever encountered. It involves one guard and two stationary cameras.
This is how to do it.
All you need to do is plant the c4 on the guard.
this is how I did it.
I knock on one of the shallow walls (preferably at the maximum
distance, :) ), and lure the guy over there.
Then as he turn around to walk back to his position. i walk up behind
hiim and plant the c4 (not too close, he will turn around). then i
wait. 1 minute later, he will make his rounds by walking through the 2
cameras. as he does so just detonate it and you would had completed the
stage already... :)

Level 10
You are in a snow area. One guard and a wall that is guarding the
checkpoint. There is a mine detector that you can see. Hint: after
getting the mine detector, try luring the guard with your foot prints.


--- VARIETY ---

There are 13 levels in this stage which is actually a mixture of all
the sections listed in the SPECIAL MODE.
I won't be detailing about the structure of the levels but will go
right into detail about the solution.

Level 1
Just drag the guard all the way to the south and break his neck. A
check point will pop up in the south.

Level 2
All you need to do is knock on the wall to lure the guard all the way
up to the hole, then use the punch-kick combo to get him down into the

Level 3
All you need to do is knock the guards into the hole below. Any hole
will do.

Level 4
What you can do here is you put a C4 on the nearest guard then
detonate. Quickly, put another C4 near the next guard. Do the same for
the rest. This will create some sort of domino effect.

Level 5
What I did was I went up to the guard who is moving on to the left (
first guard you see ) and do the punch-kick combo. He will then knock
the guy who is coming in from the north. Then I quickly move to the
check point while avoiding the other guards. I manage to get 00:06:66
time for it. ( a coincidence isn't it ? , sign of the devil )

Level 6
This is a tricky stage. All the guards here are invisible. And the only
way you could tell is knock on the walls. No definite amount of guards,
I think there are 6.

Level 7
This quite an easy stage, all you need to do is destroy 28 red boxes
that are floating towards you.

Level 8
You have to destroy 5 targets with a PSG1. What I did was I get one
diazepam and go to the lowest platform. I shoot accordingly until the
4th one. I wait until the target is at the left of the sleeping guard
and no guards are near the area. I shoot it and then quickly shoot the
one behind the sleeping guard before the others surround it.

Level 9
You have to destroy 74 targets using the Socom. Use the running while
shooting method. It saves a lot of time.

Level 10
Same thing with the socom except you are now using the FAMAS, use the
same strategy.

Level 11
First you have to destroy 20 red boxes to fight the UFO. Keep blasting
at it. A spoof of X-files is here. Before you start the stage you will
see the words "THE TRUTH IS OVER THERE"

Level 12
This stage reminds me of Ghostbusters. All you need to do is shoot at
the huge guard walking towards you. Here is a hint. Try shooting the
guard in the stomach. If that is not the target, then all the other
targets will disappear leaving the true target.

Level 13
Same thing as stage 12 but this time you have to fight two guards. Just
use the same trick as above and you will breeze thru' it .


--- VR MISSION ---
This section is like the previous Metal Gear Solid, except that the
whole thing had been "renovated". There are 10 levels in the mission,
and you have to find all sort of weapons to help in your mission. As
you get further into the game, you find that the mission will get
harder. The most useful weapon I know is RUN. However you need to get a
few weapons to help along the way especially the PSG1 and SOCOM. They
are really useful in the mission. As you can see from this solution
that I had found, I did not bother to get the other weapons as it might
consume a lot of time. As you also can see I did not kill all the
guards, as I have limited bullets and limited time. The aim here is to
finish the mission in the less time possible. So I only kill when
necessary. I did not put in the times that I had done as people can
make mistakes and I am trying to see whether I can find a better way to
do it. So far by using this method you are able to get less than 7

Stage 1
There is a Socom and a suppressor in the north-east. All I did was take
the right path making sure that I am behind the guards while I am
moving. Once I get past the two guards, I have to move a bit more to
the north to avoid the guard coming in from the right. After that he
will look down, and then you can go to the right. Once there, go and
get the Socom. Knock on the wall from which you had taken the Socom,
and quickly get the hell out of there. The guard will investigate the
sound and you can freely get the suppressor. Make your way back to
where you can see the guard (you are coming in from the left so you
should be abe to see the guard standing in the north) and flip him when
he is not seeing. Then make your way to the check point.

Stage 2
Just take the left route and walk into the place where there is a Box
A. now place yourself on the wall just south of the box, and knock on
the wall. After you do that walk into the hole from which you came in
from the trapdoor area. Wait until he investigates, and then break his
neck. Wait to get the 10 bullets from him (get the box if you want),
and move to the north. Just flip the guard over when he is not looking
and make your way to the checkpoint.

Stage 3
Walk slightly north and you will be able to see a hole. Crawl into the
space and out into the noisy footsteps. Arm your Socom, and keep
toggling upwards (just press the d-pad slightly, so that you can move
upwards without making a sound). Wait for the guard and kill him. Now
walk between the two pillars just behind the north pillar where there
are 2 guards. Wait until the guard on the left begin to look to the
west, then knock on the wall. The guard on the right will come down to
investigate. Now avoid this guard and you are able to get to the
checkpoint easily.

Stage 4
Walk to your left and walk three more space up from the hole in the
wall. Knock on the wall and then hide in the wall. Wait until the guard
moves back to his position, then quickly drag him and break his neck.
Now this is a crucial part. Wait until the two guards look away from
your position, and then quickly move into the check point area. Use
your Socom on the blue wall.

Stage 5
This will be a infra red room. So all you need to do is use your
cigarettes. Go into the room and start smoking. Make sure you are
crawling when you do this. There are claymores in this room. Best way
to crawl to safety is to stay in the middle path. However there is a
thermal goggles on the right but you must crawl to get because there
are 2 claymores guarding it. So crawl all the way to the top stopping
before each infra red. And then sprint away to the checkpoint. )if done
correctly, you will be able to avoid the guard who is patrolling as

Stage 6
Get the sniper rifle and the bullets on the right. Then avoid the
camera so you can go to the left of the platform that you are in. you
should be behind the camera. Equip the sniper rifle, and kill the guard
on the right. (there should be 2 in your scope if you have done it
correctly, and fast). Kill the guards one by one. Now after you kill
the 4th guard he will drop some bullets. Avoid the camera again and get
the bullets and make your way to the checkpoint.

Stage 7
This a killer stage because you can't use you radar. Not only that,
there is a guard who is patrolling on the platform and if you happene
to be near him he will see you even though you are on the lower
platform. Anyway, take the left route and quickly move north to avoid
the first guard (if you use your first person view you are able to see
him). Then carefully make your way to the north-west wall and hide.
Wait until the guard make his round south, then go into the junction in
the north. You should be able to see the guard there. Wait until he
fall asleep, then proceed to break his neck. From the guard's position,
go north to get some PSG1 bullets. Avoid the guard patrolling on the
platform and use the Socom on the blue wall.

Stage 8
This stage requires you to destroy 21 boxes in order to finish the
level. There are four guards that must be kill in order not to arouse
suspicion when you use your explosives. From your starting position use
the Socom to kill the guard at the south. Then move all the way to the
right of the platform and kill the guard over therewith the Socom. Go
and get the C4 at the north of the second guard that you killed. Now go
south and kill the guard with either your bare hands or the Socom. Move
to the south-west and kill the guard there as well. Put the c4 on the
west of the pillar that are housing the boxes and on the south of this
pillar. Now get the grenades in the south-west. Detonate the bombs. Go
to the south of the pillar and throw the grenade into the pillar. Now
move all the way to the south to the check point.
Note: how you kill the guards and which priority to get which weapon is
up to you. There are a lot of ways to do this, but the first two guards
are dealt with this way as they both block your path. However make sure
you have 3 or more bullets left for the next stage.

Stage 9
Take the left route. And hide at the second or third box from the
north. (kneel down, these boxes are the low ones) Wait until the guard
moves back to the north and flip him to the south of the wall. This way
he won't be able to see you when you hide at the north of the wall and
give you some time while waiting for the next guard to come down. There
will be a guard coming in from the north but will stop to look into the
hole on the left wall. At this time, you should sprint past the guy and
made it to the checkpoint. Did you save your bullets at stage 8? Well
you need to destroy the wall here. Don't say I did not warn you!! ?

Stage 10
Well did you take the PSG1? Well you need it here. This stage requires
you to kill all the guards before you can end the mission. This stage
is the easiest if you have the PSG1. Well all you need to do is equip
the weapon and kill the guard directly in front of you. Now aim your
gun to the right (use the radar to help you) and kill two more guards
here. Then unequipped the gun and place yourself just south of the two
pillars that is marking your path. Use the PSG1 to kill the guard and
you are home free. Congratulations !!! you had finish the mission!!!!

Note: this solution will guarantee your 1st ranking provided that you
follow these conditions
1) try not to get spotted!!! Once or twice is ok but not all the
2) Rehearse this method. Best you should complete the mission first to
get the general idea of the whole layout. Then use the method above
to get the 1st ranking.
3) Do not continue or restart as the timer still goes on.

--- NINJA ---
There is only 3 levels in this mode. You get to use the ninja or Grey
FOX/ DEEPTHROAT depending on your preference.

There are two ways of getting the ninja, of which I call the "hard way
/ tough guy's way" OR "the short way / if-you-got-a-pocketstation-and-
you-just-don't-want-to-go-through-the-whole-damn-freaking-trouble way"
OR "even better and shorter way / if-you-have-a-gameshark-and-feel-
that-why-go-through-all-the-nonsense-mentioned-above" . ? (no offense,
amigo!!!!! Just a bit of humor!!!!)

(all hints below had been cut and paste to preserve the originality of
the submitter of the hint, and also to show these guys some respect and
gratefulness of my behalf, Copying with permission is the best
flattery. Thanks again guys!!!)

+++ hard way / tough guy's way +++
To get Ninja in Metal Gear Solid Integral, just get the best ranking
In the main game in any difficulty except Very Easy (i.e get Hound in
Mode, or Doberman in Normal Mode, or Fox in Hard Mode or BigBoss in
Extreme Mode). To do so, you must...

1) Complete game in under 3 hours
2) Kill less than 25 people
3) Use at most 1 ration only
4) Be spotted only 4 times (this is the least number of times you HAVE
to be spotted. In other words, don't be spotted anywhere else in the
5) No continues

(you can save as many times as you wish)

Once you have the clear file, load up the VR Disc and you'll
see the
title screen have Ninja's mask open. And you'll have the Ninja levels
opened up (rather disappointing in my opinion).

Level 01: Find and slice 15 poles
Level 02: Kill 30 guards
Level 03: Find Solid Snake and kill him only without being

Moves: L1 - Cloaking device (reduces health)
R1 - Electric Field (reduces health)
Weapon Button - Grab and slice neck
Direction + Weapon - Rushing spin slice
Action Button - Sword Swing
Crouch/Stand Button - Jump

Once you get 100%, they'll show a picture labelled confidential
What looks like a new Metal Gear Rex.

Further note: on a safety side (and also to save time) try not to use
the stealth item to complete the mission, I think it had something to
do with the ranking system like resident evil. It might lower the rank
for using the stealth item. Thus is unadvisable to use the item at all.
About the gameshark there might be a possibility that it might work. No

- submitted by Gouki / Rolento (

+++ the short way / if-you-got-a-pocketstation-and-you-just-don't-want-
to-go-through-the-whole-damn-freaking-trouble way +++

To get Ninja mode you must do the following:

Finish the game on any level except "very easy"
Download your save data to a PocketStation
Exchange your save data with a total of 5 other players within 7
days. You can not use the PSX memory card manager to copy data for
this purpose. NG Selection are VR missions which did not fit into any
other category or were for some reason disqualified from the regular VR
missions. Famitsu PS suggests you play these "out takes" with an open

- submitted by Kevin (
PS: Kevin, I hope you don't mind the title I give for this hint, it was
a bit too irresistible. ? no offense meant!!!!

+++ even better and shorter way / if-you-have-a-gameshark-and-feel-
that-why-go-through-all-the-nonsense-mentioned-above +++

As you can see, I had decided to add this new section dedicated to all
gamesharkers (if there is a word for it). This code will get you the
ninja mode but if you do so, your percentage will rise considerably and
you won't get the picture of ninja unmasking. I guess this is the price
to pay. ?

*** Ninja mode code ***


enjoy the code!!!!

This is one of the hardest section I had ever played which involve a
lot of guts and wits. The guards here are really weird looking almost
like C-3PO. It is bit of a variety of weapons you can use and a lot of
thinking and patience needed to pass this level. This section involves
the time attack mode in each level which sometimes give you an
amazingly short time to do it. Not only that you have to contend with
robot guards that sometimes have amazing eye sight, making it difficult
to get to get past the guards. There are only 8 levels.

I am still trying to figure out what is the meaning of NG and what is
the significance of it.

Stage 1
Get all the claymores and the check point will pop up.

Stage 2
There is a robot guard constantly on the move and you have a few
grenades. Throw one just behind the box on the right, and then hide.
You should be able to kill the guard.

Stage 3
There is a guard on a long path, and you have a box. All you need to do
is wait until he turns around and walk near enough. With timing, you
are able to slip on the box before he turns around. Kill him when he
finished investigating the box.

Stage 4
You are equipped with a Socom, and you are surrounded by red boxes. The
trick here is to get a domino effect.

Stage 5
There are noisy platforms and three guards. This is where crawling is
put to use.

Stage 6
This is where you have to use PSG1. Here there are three targets, and
they are hiding at the back of a "chess board wall". Use your gun
carefully as the targets may seem to move freely on their own and they
disappear periodically.

Stage 7
There is a guard here that must be killed and you have to find the
stinger for it. Oh yeah, the place is encased in a noisy platform

Stage 8
Solve the murder mystery here. (quite simple if you look around)

/// Photography session \\

I have decided to add a new feature in this faq. I got people asking me
how to have camera sessions with both Mei Ling and Naomi. So here are
the ways that people had contributed to me. enjoy!!!!

+++ Hint A +++
To get Mei Ling, all you need to do is beat the game and you should
have the option of taking pictures of Mei Ling and get to edit them!!!!
Submitted by Kevin

+++ Hint 2 +++
If you complete the game and save Meryl, you get Naomi, and if you
complete it saving Otacon, you get Mei Ling. I have not proven this,
but I saved Meryl and got Naomi on the VR Disc.
Submitted by Michael Jackson (

+++ Hint 3 +++
On the camera sessions, you don't get Mei Ling by saving Otacon. Cause
I have the save file where I've already saved both Meryl and Otacon
(and Snake wearing tuxedo) and it still gives me Naomi. I'm not too
yet, but I think it's like this.
If you win either Easy or Normal (with radar), you'll have a
session with Naomi. Your ranking will determine how long you have and
how close you can get to them for the picture (if you obtain Ninja i.e.
get highest ranking), you can go up to nearly next to her.
If you win either Hard or Extreme (without radar), you'll get
Although, I haven't quite done this yet (since busy lately, and after
playing so much for Ninja, kinda got bored of going through the same
thing again), but if you watch the intro, Mei Ling's camera session is
in the area with the words Big Boss next to her (which is the best
ranking for Extreme Mode).

Submitted by Gouki/Rolento (

/// Miscellaneous \\

In the time attack mode, all you need to do is to do it fast. Stages
that do not require you to kill means that you do not have to kill in
order to complete the level. To get a good ranking, you have to
literally be a speed demon. So it is advisable, to just zip past those
guards rather than stop and break their necks. Don't forget that time
is against you.

If you have completed until 99%, you should be able to see three movies
in the extra mode of the training disc. The first on is the demo that
was sown in E3 when Metal Gear Solid first arrived, the second one was
the demo that was played in Japan before the product was sold. I wasn't
sure about the third one and I have to find out more about it!!! As you
can see this section is a bit messed up. You see, I did not bother
looking into the extra mode options when I played the training mode. So
when I finish the training mode, I looked into the extra mode and found
out that I had all three movies. So that is why I just put this known
little fact here. Sorry for the confusion guys!!!!! ? NB – (Jesus Zhu) said that with only about 79-80%
completion of the training mode you should be able to get the movies.
Mucho grasias for this note!!!!!

If you are wondering how to get a good score or ranking on the training
mode, you can actually watch the game demos (after the movie) to see
how the programmers play the game their way. I had watch some
interesting demos and they looked kinda amazing ?. Just wait and you
shall see.

How to get the pocketstation game.
Make sure that you have the pocketstation in the memory slot before you
finish the game.
Once you beat the game it will ask you if you want the save or the
Pocketstation game.
If you choose the save then you get the normal save for beating the
game. If you choose the Pocketstation game you lose the save but gain
the game. Whatever ranking you get will show up on the
- contributed by Bran Tlintarn

NB –try exchanging the data with 5 other people within 7 days, and then
you will get the ninja mode by putting in the pocketstation in the vr
training disc mode.

How to get the first person view mode
1. Go to "Special" from the main menu and load a game from the first
person mode option.
2. Once you are in the game, press Triangle twice quickly to move
in the first person. Press Triangle twice again to return to the
regular mode.

Remember that this is considered a new game, so you will not see the
bandanna or stealth gear until you earn them again in this mode.

Contributed by Khairuman Bin Lani

1) Azri Y.M. ( – for giving me the site on
helpful hints. (I appreciate it man!!!)

2) Gouki / Rolent ( )– for giving me the hint on
how to get the ninja mode (hard way / the tough guy's way, ? ). Man
you really must have taken a long time to figure this!!! I really
take my hat off to you!! Keep up the good work!!!!! I also like the
pictures you had sent me!!! And thanks again!!!!!

3) Kevin ( – thanks for telling me how to get Mei Ling
and the pockestation trick too !!! I am grateful for it!!!! No
offense for the title!!!

4) Michael Diaz ( – for also contributing the ninja
mode too, sorry!!! But someone else beaten you to it!!!! ?

5) Calene Ong ( – for giving me "moral support" in
the entire training mode, although I could really have done it
without her "expert coaching" ? sorry SIS!!!

6) Michael Jackson ( – for clarifying the
matter on the camera sessions on both Naomi and Mei Ling. Thanks a
lot, I appreciate this. I will see and try to get Mei Ling by saving
Otacon ? .

7) Bran Tlintarn ( )- for contributing the
pockestation game hint.

8) Khairuman Bin Lani – for contributing the
hint for the first person view mode

Your suggestions and hints are very helpful, and if you do know how to
improve the FAQ, I will be more than happy to post them onto the FAQ
with your name beside them. I for one am very appreciative for what
others do for me, and I intend to repay the favor by helping them in
the game. Thus any hints or suggestions are welcome to this FAQ.

Not only that, questions posted to me, I will try to answer them as
fast as I can. Just email, and maybe a few hours later you should get
your answer!!!

"When the bell tolls, my enemy's march to eternal hell begins!
Death's dark chariot strikes swift and hard
And their final thought will be the sound of damnation!

-Bernard "Dhampire" Ong of the Ministry

This FAQ is the Copyright of Bernard "Dhampire" Ong since 8th July 1999.
You mess with me and I will mess your life. Be forewarned!!!!!

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15.Oktober 2013
Mei Ling Photographie FAQ

29.September 2013

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engl. Hinweise
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engl. FAQ
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Beliebte Cheats
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24.März 2020