Grand Theft Auto 2

Grand Theft Auto 2

14.10.2013 16:55:01
VERSION 1.0908
8 September, 1999
Updates available at
Best viewed at 800x600 in Notepad with Word Wrap on


1. Introduction
1.1 What's New?
1.2 What have you done before?
1.4 Versions
1.5 Disclaimer/Copyright
1.6 Contact Information
1.7 Contributors

2. Game Information
2.1 What is Grand Theft Auto 2?
2.2 What type of game is GTA2?
2.3 What systems will GTA2 be available on?
2.4 Who are DMA Design?
2.5 Who are Rockstar Games?
2.6 Who are Take 2 Games?
2.7 Who are Gathering of Developers?
2.8 What are the minimum requirements?
2.9 Which 3D accelerators are supported?
2.10 What other peripherals are supported?
2.11 What's so special about the new game engine?
2.12 Will I be able to play multiplayer?

3. Gameplay
3.1 What is the general story behind GTA2?
3.2 What are the names of the seven gangs?
3.3 How many vehicles will there be?
3.4 Will the police return?
3.5 What weapons are available?
3.6 What other features of GTA will return in the sequel?
3.7 What other features will make their debut in GTA2?

4. General Questions
4.1 When will/was GTA2 released?
4.2 Where can I buy GTA2, and how much does it cost?
4.3 Are you doing to buy GTA2 this time?
4.4 Is there a demo I can try?
4.5 What other free stuff can I download?
4.6 Are there any cheats?
4.7 What are some good sites to go to?
4.8 Where can I find (p)reviews for GTA2?

5. The End
5.1 Coming Up Next

1.1 What's New?
* The entire FAQ :)

1.2 What have you done before?
This FAQ is the fourth one I have written. The other three FAQs are listed
below (in lovely chronological order) -

* Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit
* Cricket World Cup 99
* Need For Speed: High Stakes

These three FAQs, plus the one you are now reading, are available at various
sites around the Internet, including my website (see top of file). So far, all
the FAQs have not had any competition (although there was a PSX NFS3 FAQ).

1.4 Versions
This is the first version of the GTA2 FAQ. I have adopted the same numbering
system as the CWC99 & NFS:HS FAQs.
I have made up the version number using the following guidelines (1.0908 as
an example) -
1 - The year it was written (1999 is 1, 2000 is 2, 2001 is 3 etc.)
.09 - The month it was written in (eg. 09 is September)
08 - The date of the month it was written on.

1.5 Disclaimer/Copyright
Grand Theft Auto is copyright of DMA Design, Rockstar Games, and Gathering
of Developers. This FAQ has not been sanctioned by any of these companies.
Information in this FAQ is correct to the best of my knowledge. However,
errors occur. If you find something wrong in here, or have something to add,
please contact me at the address below.
This FAQ is the property of Nathan West. You may freely distribute this FAQ
as long as the content is not changed. Feel free to include this FAQ on your
website, although your URL would be nice. (C)1999

1.6 Contact Information
I can be contacted at . It may take a few days for
me to respond. You can find more information at FAQWorld, a site I created to
house my four FAQs. This can be found at
If possible, please use the subject GTA2, so I know which game you are
writing about without having to read the message.

1.7 Contributors
Nathan West ( - FAQ Author

2.1 What is Grand Theft Auto 2?
Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA2) is the sequel to the popular Grand Theft Auto,
released in 1997 on November 15. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) was a controversial gang
crime game which encouraged the player to highjack trains, murder innocent
people, commit Grand Theft Auto, and plan bank robberies as they completed the
mission based scenarios. There was a loud outcry, especially in the United
States/Kingdom when the game was first released. Recently, an addon mission pack
called Grand Theft Auto: London 1969, which, quite obviously, was based in
London instead of the previous American cities. A downloadable addon for this
mission pack was made available a few months ago.

2.2 What type of game is GTA2?
GTA2 is an arcade game played from a view directly above the player. You
must accept missions from the gang leaders, which can range from bank robberies
to making dropoffs from drug dealers. To get around the city (which is huge),
the game allows you to steal cars and take them for a joyride to your
destination. There are few restrictions on where you can drive, which is a
method used in Carmageddon and Midtown Madness. To protect yourself from fellow
gang members, weapons are also available, ranging from handguns to high powered
slaughter machines. More information related to this can be found later.
Although the gameplay is similar to GTA, Grand Theft Auto 2 offers so many
more features that it will feel like an entirely new game.

2.3 What systems will GTA2 be available on?
GTA2 will be released simultaneously on the PC and Sony Playstation. Due to
the limits on the ageing Playstation, the game will feature less cars and
pedestrians. The graphics will be of poorer quality, and this can be blamed on
the lower amount of memory and screen resolution. The PSX version will have the
same missions, large cities, and various gangs, along with other features found
in the PC version.
The simultaneous development is made possible by a program called
SourceSafe, which allows the PC code to be converted into the langauge required
by the Playstation.

2.4 Who are DMA Design?
DMA Design are the creators of Grand Theft Auto, and its siblings. Although
their other games are not as popular, DMA Design are well known throughout the
industry because of the success of GTA. Other DMA games include Space Station:
Silicon Valley,
The DMA Design website can be found at . At the time of
writing, the DMA Design website was being redesigned, but should be nearing
completion by the time you read this.

2.5 Who are Rockstar Games?
Rockstar Games, a label owned by Take 2 Games, are the publishers of Grand
Theft Auto 2 for the Sony Playstation. Rockstar Games published London 1969, and
will be publishing GTA2 in the United States, and possibly other countries. The
Rockstar Games website is currently under construction, and will be online soon
( Other games to be published by Rockstar include
Thrasher: Skate & Destroy, Earthworm Jim 3D, Wild Metal Country, and Monster
Truck Madness (N64 version, along with Microsoft).
At the moment, I have guessed that they are only publishing the Playstation
version, because the Take 2 Games website describes them as a "...high end,
console publishing label...". Correct me if I am wrong.

2.6 Who are Take 2 Games?
Take 2 Games own the publishing label Rockstar Games, the American
publishers of GTA2. Take 2 Games were the original publishers of Grand Theft
Auto. Along with the games released under the Rockstar label, Take 2 published
the recent Hidden & Dangerous, and also contributed to the Moto Racer series.
Visit their rather snazzy website at .

2.7 Who are Gathering of Developers?
Gathering of Developers (G.O.D. get it??) are the publishers of the PC
version of GTA2. As the name suggests, G.O.D. is a collabration of various game
studios around the world, including 3D Realms (creators of Duke3D) and Epic
games (Unreal). Once again, I am only guessing that they will be the PC
You can have a look at their work at .

2.8 What are the minimum requirements?
At the moment, there are no official minimum requirements for GTA2. It is
expected that they will be released the same time as the demo (more on that
later). Current estimates suggest a -

* Pentium 200 or Pentium 166 with 3D card (3D accelerator recommended)
* 32Mb RAM
* 4x CD-ROM
* Windows 95/98 (possibly 2000)
* Keyboard/Mouse/16-bit soundcard

Like all games, GTA2 may run on a computer with lower specs. This may be
possible due to the "overhead" style of gameplay. These types of games generally
do not require as much power as racing games with regular camera angles.

2.9 Which 3D accelerators are supported?
It is expected that Direct3D and/or Glide compatible 3D accelerators will be
supported by GTA2. More on this once I have more details.

2.10 What other peripherals are supported?
Like all good games, joysticks/gamepads and 3D sound cards should be
supported by Grand Theft Auto 2. At this stage, details are sketchy so the
answer to this question will more than likely change in the near future.

2.11 What's so special about the new game engine?
There are many features of the new game engine - improved graphics, smarter
AI, greater number of objects (pedestrians and cars) on the screen at the same
time, and an atmospheric sound system.
By todays standards, the graphics in GTA are shocking, although functional.
The game ran smoothly on most systems, and was adequate in relation to the style
of game. In the sequel, the graphics are much cleaner, and, with the addition of
a 3D card, will look superb. From real-time coloured lighting to realistic
shadows to pretty explosions, the graphics engine should satisfy those who crave
graphics before gameplay.
The AI was cunning in the original, although there were some aspects that
annoyed many. GTA2 boasts a revised AI with intelligent law inforcement,
innocent looking pedestrians who could be muggers or gang members, and decisive
The new game engine allows up to 200 pedestrians and 50 vehicles to appear
on screen at the same time. Although this situation will never occur, it shows
how capable the engine is of controlling so many objects at the same time.
However, having too many objects on the screen at once will probably degrade
An excellent sound system will be used by DMA, which was first featured in
Wild Metal Country. The sound engine allows for 3D sounc cards, so they will
probably be supported in the sequel. The engine incorporates line of sight,
which I won't go into too much detail just yet.

2.12 Will I be able to play multiplayer?
Yes. Although the multiplayer option in GTA wasn't that popular due to lag
problems and boring modes, it will return in GTA2. You will be able to play the
regular deathmatch option, where you must hunt down the opposition and eliminate
them. A new mode, tag, is similar to the game played in schools around the
world. The player who is "it" has to chase another car and shunt it. The player
who is on the other end of the shunting is "it" and the game continues. This
mode should be fun over a network or the Internet (if possible in the full

3.1 What is the general story behind GTA2?
You play the role of Claude Speed (hmm, nice and cheezy). Set in the future,
your character must survive the streets of the big smoke. Your life long dream
has been to be the King of the City, the leader of all the gangs. Now, just out
of prison, you have the opportunity to accomplish this. But first, you must make
your way up the ladder.
There are seven main gangs in the game, and during play, you have the chance
to swap loyality from gang to gang. To make your way up the ladder, you must
complete missions for these gangs. Do so, and your popularity and reputation
will rise. Both the rival gangs and law enforcements will be out for your blood
however, so you have to watch your back at all times. Those with previous
experience with GTA will feel quite at home.

3.2 What are the names of the seven gangs?
Seven gangs have been confirmed by DMA that will be found in GTA2. In no
particular order -

* The Looneys - The name says it all. Escapees from a funny farm.
* Rednecks - Yep, our favourite American people who are the butt of all jokes.
Redneck Rampage anyone??
* Zaibatzu - Shh, no one is supposed to mention the underground gang called the
Zaibatzu. =)
* Yakuza - What would GTA2 be without different races. This Japanese gang is
known for its dealing of illegal drugs.
* Hare Krishnas - Remember the orange guys who used to run around chanting in
the original? Well they have returned. A religious gang with beliefs slightly
different to most mainstream religions.
* Scientists - As mentioned, GTA2 is set in the future, and science has gone a
long way since the 1990's. Cloning is popular, and the Scientists are the
results of a mass cloning experiment.
* Zloty - The Russian equivalent of the Yakuza gang. They are experienced in the
weapons trade.

3.3 How many vehicles will there be?
There will be approximately 30 different vehicles present in GTA2, and will
include passenger cars, buses, motorcycles, lorries and semi-trailers.

3.4 Will the police return?
The police will make a come back in GTA2, and will get some help from fellow
law enforcers. If you manage to evade the police cars and road blocks (hope
there are spike traps), the SWAT team will be called upon to eliminate the
threat (ie. you). If your experience driving in GTA helps you defeat their high-
powered weaponry, then the FBI will be summoned. By this stage, only the true
GTA fan should remain standing. If the FBI's dirty tactics are ineffective, and
you have managed to escape from Mulder and Scully, then the big guns are called
in. The army will swarm to your location, and only those who cheat will be safe
from their firepower. As you can see, this is a big change from GTA, where the
police were the only law enforcers on the road.

3.5 What weapons are available?
The arsenal provided for your character has drastically increased since the
original. It is expected that there will be 15 weapons available in the game,
and will probably be hidden in the crate system that was found in GTA. Those
weapons that have been confirmed or will more than likely appear are -

* Handgun (in GTA)
* Machine Gun (in GTA)
* Flame Thrower
* Land Mines
* Grenades
* Molotov Cocktails/Petrol Bombs
* Tazers (electric weapon)
* Microwave Gun
* Water Cannon on the Fire Truck

Remember, GTA2 is set in the future, so that is why some of the weapons seem
a bit futuristic (ie. tazer).

3.6 What other features of GTA will return in the sequel?
The similarities continue. These will also be found in the sequel -

* Mission based scenarios - although this has been mentioned previously, the
mission based scenarios will return to GTA2. There will be approximately 75
missions in total, and should be more detailed than those found in the original.
* Spray shops - change the colour of your car, paint it a different colour, or
upgrade it with powerful arsenal.
* Three different zones - so far, it seems that there will be one city, made up
of three large zones. There were three different cities in GTA.
* Different radio stations - dependent on the car you are driving. There will
also be the ability to blow up the actual station if you don't like the music.
* Fire Engines & Ambulances - I haven't confirmed this, but I really hope they
return in the sequel. It was really fun driving an ambulance around with the
siren blaring.

3.7 What other features will make their debut in GTA2?
Apart from the new graphics, sound, music and AI in GTA2, there also new
features that will appear for the first time -

* Ability to jump from building top to building top
* Ability to shoot out of cars while driving
* Unnamed bonuses that you will be able to collect while playing
* Mini-games which will be activated at the end of a level
* Random crimes that occur in the city, unrelated to what you are doing
* Taxis will act like real ones. They will pick up and drop off others.
Pedestrians will try and flag you down if you steal a taxi and drive it around.
* A proper save game feature!! Hurray!!

4.1 When will/was GTA2 released?
GTA is scheduled to be released on October 22, 1999. At this stage, there
have no anouncements saying otherwise, so this is considered the official date.
It must be mentioned that this is probably the date that it will be released on
in the United States, and it may take some time before the game is released in
Europe and the greatest country of all, Australia.

4.2 Where can I buy GTA2, and how much does it cost?
As the game has not even been released yet, you can't buy it anywhere. But
once it has been released, it should be available at most good software
retailers, mail order companies, and Internet stores. In Australia, it is
expected that the game will retail for approximately $AU89.95, which is the
general price for most new games.

4.3 Are you doing to buy GTA2 this time?
Why you cheeky little monkey!! (if you are confused by this question, see
the NFS:HS FAQ). To answer the question, if I download the demo and find it runs
OK on my aging computer (P2-233), I will definitely go out and buy the game
(don't quote me on that). I was originally going to purchase Midtown Madness
until I tried the demo and saw it ran like a dog, so if the demo runs without
twitching every five seconds, then I will go and buy it.

4.4 Is there a demo I can try?
A demo will be released on the 22nd of September, exactly one month before
the official release of the game. Sources say that the demo will be based on a
mission(s) that is not found in the full version (kind of like the Half-Life
Uplink demo). I will add more details relating to the demo once it is released.

4.5 What other free stuff can I download?
A live action movie was created especially for the game, and illustrates
features found in GTA2. Set in New York, the movie features car chases, the
Yakuza, Russian and Krishna gangs, and a real cast. The movie was completed in
one week, editing included.
I have seen the movie yet, mainly because of its file size. It can be
downloaded in chunks at .
The Shockwave introduction found when you type in and press
enter is also available. You should be able to download it by right-clicking on
it, or having a look through your browser's cache. Those who subscribed to the
official newsletter also received a copy of the intro, bundled with the
Shockwave player for easy viewing. I have a copy of this file hanging around
here somewhere, so if you would like it, drop me an email with your address.

4.6 Are there any cheats?
Cheats will be added here once the game has been released.

4.7 What are some good sites to go to?
Here are some good sites to go to -

* GTA2 (
The official GTA2 website. Information on the game is slowly appearing here,
although navigation for first timers may prove puzzling. The Introduction
(mentioned earlier) is a parody on the reaction by the general public when the
original was first released. There are plenty of screenshots and links
available, and it is the official download site for the movie and upcoming demo.
Go here for the offical word.

* DMA Design (
The developers of GTA2. Currently under reconstruction, the new DMA site will
feature news on the development of GTA2. See question #2.4 for more information.

* Rockstar Games (
Currently under construction, Rockstar Games are the publishers of the
Playstation version of GTA2. See question #2.5 for more information.

* Take 2 Games (
Owners of the publishing label Rockstar, who will be one of the publishers of
GTA2. See question #2.6 for more information.

* Gathering of Developers (
Gathering of Developers (G.O.D.) are the PC publishers of GTA2. See question
#2.7 for more information.

A news site with information on all GTA games (GTA, GTA:L, GTA2). Updated daily,
this should be one of the first sites you go to for the latest info on GTA2.

* G! (
Made by the same guy who does GOURANGA!, G! features news not found on its
sister site. If you don't like the design of GOURANGA!, then have a look here if
you are mainly interested in GTA2 news.

* Crazy Bobs House of Guns (
A news site hosted by the Telefragged network. Although it is updated daily,
there is not much news here, mainly announcements related to the development of
the site. Hopefully things will pick up once the demo has been released.

* GTA2 More Extreme (
A news site based on the development of GTA2. Try here for news that might not
be found on the other sites.

* Want your site here? Send me an email at .

4.8 Where can I find (p)reviews for GTA2?
Previews for Grand Theft Auto are increasing every day. The following URLs
are online previews of GTA2. This list does not contain every preview ever done,
so if you see one not mentioned here, send me an email. Thanks to the various
sites around the net for this list (including


Reviews will be added here once the game has been released.

5.1 Coming Up Next
The next version of this FAQ will probably be released soon after the demo
is made public. So until then, happy reading.
ps. If you want to help write this FAQ, send me an email. I would appreciate
as much help as possible.

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Megatrainer (für v11.44)

12.August 2014

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v10.3)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v9.6)

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld und Leben (für v10.3 dt.)

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Karten für Stadt 1-3 (Im PDF-Format)

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17.Oktober 2013
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Dt. Geldtrainer

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Städte freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Mega Trainer - 26 Veränderungen möglich (für v9.6)

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Ziemlich gutes Savegame :-)

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Verändert Kontostand, Uzi-Munition und gibt 5 Leben

09.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Bitte gta2.txt lesen

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Medizinischer Notfall

15.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020