Digimon World 2

Digimon World 2

14.10.2013 08:43:20
A game from Bandai
from Playstation
Digimon World 2 strategy guide
By Tony See

I have played this game for many weeks and see many rumours about
this game. That influenced me to design this guide because many people are
confused about the evolution of the digimon and how to destroy the barrier.
Basically this guide is about the walkthrough and Mons that you should catch
in each cavern. All digimons real evolution will be revealed and you could
know about the secrets of what items you should eqquiqqed.
These Digimon FAQ Copyright (c)2000 Tony see and reproduction will
will not be allowed without my permission. These FAQ can be printed out
for private use. I allowed GameFAQS and some Digimon sites to post this
FAQ but if you want put my faq on my faq on your site you must ask me
sending a e-mail to seedongsheng@hotmail.com. Enjoy the game!!!
| |
| Content of my guide: |
| 1)Introduction |
| 2)Walkthrough |
| 3)Evolution of Digimons |
| 4)Training skills and levels |
| 5)Combinations of digimons |
| 6)How to equip and put back items |
| 7)Catching of digimons |
| 8)Secrets |
| 9)List of useful Items |
| 10)Maps |
| 11)Battle Arena |
| 12)Credits |

You will be walking arond in a maze with a car vehicle which could recruit
digimons called Digibitoru. This game is different from Digimon World 1
because you do not need to look after it. The digimons does not need to
go to toilets and when it die, it does not lose life. You will only need to
go back to your base so that your digimon will be resurrected. You do not
to worried about your Digimons'condition. You will only need to focused on
catching digimons during each mission using digiballs just like pokeballs.
You are able to fight battle with three digimons.

Triangle- To select menu
Square - To catch digimons during a mission
Circle - To accept and to destroy barriers
Cross - To cancel and to run
Start - pause

Directional pads - To move up, down, left and right

Maps of the digimon bases
Map of the Digital city
!------! ! !
! ! ! Patamon !
! Picolo ! ! Base !
! Base ! ! !
!------! ! !
! !
/ \ _____________ !
/ \ ! ! ! !
/ \ ! ! ! !
/ \ ! Battle ! ! !
/ Exchange \ ! Arena ! ! !
/ Centre \ ! ! ! Palmon !
/ \ !_____________! ! Dancing !
/________________\ ! Base !

_______________ ! !
! ! ! Agumon !
! ! ! Base !
! Car Park ! !__________!
! !

There are only three city that you could choose.

City A - You will get a Picodevimon if you talk to the black flying digimon
and the leader of this city. Picodevimon is a virus type digimon
and you must catch this type of digimon to combine with it to make
it stronger. This is the best place to increase the digimon's strength.

City G - You will get a Patamon if you talk to the cute yellow digimon and
the leader of this city. Patamon is a data type digimon and you
must catch this type of digimon to combine with it to make it
stronger. This is the best place to increase the digimon's speed.

City E - You will get a Agumon if you talk to the small dinosaur digimon
and the leader of this city. Agumon is a vaccine type digimon
and you must catch this type of digimon to combine with it to
make it stronger. This is the best place to increase the digimon's


City B - This is the place where you can exchange digimons with the lady.

City C - This is the place where you could exchange points with others.
You could fight competitions here but you have to register first
with money($500 or $1000). Each competition consists of three rounds.
When you win the competition, you will be given items.

City F - This is the place where you could watch a plant digimon called
singing on the stage and you could sometimes find new friends.

City D - This is the place where you could buy car parts and eqquipped them.
You could also talk to the lady if you want to come out of the
digital city and accomplished missions.

Menu when you press triangle

| Biodata | |
| of yourself | arranging |
| and digimons | digimons |
| in your car | |
| | |
| Uses and | Equip |
| Discarding | items and |
| of items | digimons |
| | |
| Biodata | save |
| of all your | your |
| digimons | file |

Biodata of yourself and digimons in your car:
The first option when pressed displayed the status of yourself and the
The second option when pressed displayed the parts in your car.
The third option displayed the important functions of your car.

Arranging digimons:
Choose which digimon you want to positioned it in the first place, second
or third place.

Uses and discarding of items:
The first option when pressed, You could use the items.
The second option when pressed, You could discard any items you do not want.

Equip items and digimons:
The first option when pressed, there are three more options appearing.
The 1st option has no uses.
The 2nd option is to put the items back
The 3rd option is to equip the items in your car.

The second option when pressed, there are three more options appearing.
The 1st option has no uses.
The 2nd option is to equip the digimons.
The 3rd option is to discard the digimons.

Biodatas of all your digimons:
It displayed the status of your digimons.

Save your file:
It takes only two blocks of memory card to save one file. You could also
on the world map.


The first Quest

You begin a first mission on saving the digimon world from been destroyed
by evil digimons. You just need to walk straight and you will fight Gazimon
Gizamon. You could choose to fight this battle or to escape. Walk further
and you
will see a Leomon. You will enter a battle with Leomon, Toy Agumon and
|Enemies: |
|Leomon(champion) - Lv11 to Lv20 |
|Toy Agumon(rookie) - Lv7 only |
|V-greymon(champion) - Lv11 to Lv20 |
|Your team's digimons: |
|Lilmon(Champion) - Lv11 to Lv20 |
|Megaseadramon(Super Ultimate) - Lv31|
|Triceramon(Ultimate) - Lv21 to Lv30 |

Hint: Use Megaseadramon's Water Splash to attack all three digimons.
Use lilmon's healing technique to heal any dieing digimons.

After the first quest, you will have a chance to choose your own team.
The team that I choose was Patamon's group. You will only need to look at
map section to know which city to choose. The real evolution of Patamon was
Angemon but you will be suprised that it will changed into ninjamon. This is
just a wrong evolution because Jp effects the evolution. Further details
be revealed in my section 8, Secrets. After you have choose your city, You
go on to your second quest.

Warning: You could not go into the other two citys because you does not have
their membership cards.

The 2nd Quest

You will only have a digimon in your group now and you will be able to
catch digimons after the 4th quest. The quest is a easy going maze except
have to trained your digimon to Lv6 in order to defeat the boss, Wheelmon.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Piyomon | 1 |
| Gabumon | 1 |
| Ganimon | 1 |
| Betamon | 1 |
| Toy Agumon | 7 |

Boss: Wheelmon = Lv 5

Hint: Equip yourself with two or more potions. Try attacking the boss with
attack. When your life was low, quickly heal your digimon.

After winning the battle, go back to your city and talk to your gaurd
and the leader. The second location will be revealed and You can go on to
third quest. Before going on, remember to buy lots of healing items that
in fighting bosses and save when completed a quest.

The 3rd Quest

You must trained your digimon up to Lv 13 in order to fight the boss
or else You must equip four potions and your level must be Lv 7. The boss
is very strong in his attacks. If you follow my instructions, you sure win
this battle.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | level |
| Piyomon | 2 |
| Bakumon | 2 |
| Tentomon | 2 |
| Toy Agumon | 7 |

Boss: Cockatrimon(champion) = Lv 10

The best place to trained is Level 2 and 3 of this maze because you
could fight Bakumon(elephantmon) and Tentomon together. Anyway after every
training, you will only need to teleport back and all your digimon's HP
will be healed fully.

Hint: When fighting boss, always heal your digimon when your Digimon's Hp
is too low.

After winning the battle with the chicky mon, go back to your city and you
must talk to your guard and your leader. Upgrade your car but you must first
buy the parts.

Some parts worth buying: *****EGL1 for 2500 bits
*******L1 for 1000 bits
****"*** for 3000 bits

Get ready for your fourth quest and be prepared.

The Fourth Quest

This maze is much more difficult and it need 100 - 200EP to find the
bosses. There are very few traps in this maze except that your digimon have
fight even stronger opponents. This maze have five levels and that is why I
want you to upgrade your car.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| ogamon | 3 |
| Gazimon | 5 |
| Gizamon | 5 |
| True Ogamon | 4 |

Bosses: Numemon(champion) = Lv 12
Sukamon(champion) = Lv 11
Picodevimon(rookie) = Lv 9

I recommended you not to fight the digimons here because it waste your
digimon's HP and you are using only one digimon VS three digimons. Try
to escape when get caught in a battle.

Recomended Level: Lv 13

Note: You could change into a champion When you are Lv 11.
* Remember to save the Angemon before exiting.

Steps in winning this bosses: Equip yourself with about five HP items
and one MP item. You should buy the HP items
which is sold for 900 bits per one. Because
this 900 bits HP item heal your digimon's
life fully. First defeat that flying black
mon because it take away your MP. Secondly,
kill the Numemon because it take away 30 HP
per hit. Thirdly, kill the Sukamon easily.

After winning the battle, You could now go to your leader and will get the
Catching digimon's device. You could catch digimons by going to City D and
installed this device in your car. Before catching digimons, you must first
buy the digiballs(****CD) for only 250 bits.

The 5th Quest

Now you have to go and catch digimons. You have at least three digimons
to go into battle with the bosses inside. If you talk to the leader and go
to the
City F, you will enter a scene and talk with a friend. After talking with
friend, go back to your city and talk with the leader again. You will now
get one
A3 item. If you want to get another A3 item, go the City B and talk to the
walking around. Let me explained the uses of the A3 item. A3 item is use to
any vaccine, data, virus types of digimon. I thinked you should catch the
Greymon" because it could help you to fight the bosses. The highest level it
could attained is Lv 27 and it is really strong. If you follow the
you should have two A3 items. Remember to equip it first before entering.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | level |
| Kanimon | 3 |
| Patamon | 7 |
| Candmon | 4 |
| Plantmon | 4 |
| Gabumon | 6 |
| Gotsumon | 6 |
| Metal Greymon | 21 |

Bosses: Starmon(champion) = Lv 19
Kentarumon(champion) = Lv 12
Gabumon(rookie) = Lv 8

Some digimons recomended catching if you are Patamon's group: Gabumon

I thinked that the best digimon to fight the bosses here easily are Gotsumon
(the stonemon) and Plantmon. Now You can not catch the Gabumon because it
first evolve into Kentarumon. But after winning the battle, you can catch
Gabumon. I thinked that you should have three champions first in order to
catch Metal Greymon.If you don't know how to catch digimon, see my section
7 on Catching of Digimons.

You could only find Metal Greymon in the fifth level on the other side
fighting the bosses. You should easily win the battle with the bosses using
normal attacks.

After winning the battle, go back to your city and your leader will give you
battle card to participate in the competition. You could go to the City C
ask the girls in the reception center and press yes to participate in the
competion for only 500 bits. After winning the competition, you will be
special items that could not be brought in your city.

You could decide to participate in the second competition if you have 1000
But this time, you will fight champions and rookies. I thinked that the
in the third round is hard to beat because its skills make the digimon
After winning the competition, you may get another A3 item because I get it
The sixth maze will appeared.

The 6th Quest

The Sixth quest's bosses is even harder to beat because they are all
champions. If you have Metal Greymon in your team, this battle is easy to
The maze is quite easy because it have only six level. If your car have
the item that I told you. You will easily completed this quest in less than
500 EP. You will be suprised that your digimons stop evolving at level 13
its experience was 999999999. But do not be worried about it. See my Section
on "Evolution of Digimons".

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Gazimon | 10 |
| Gizamon | 10 |
| Ogamon | 9 |
| True Ogamon | 9 |
| Picodevimon | 10 |
| Wheelmon | 10 |
| Vagimon | 10 |
| Treemon | 10 |
| Kunemon | 10 |
| True Kunemon | 10 |

Bosses: Kuwagamon(champion) = Lv 15
Octmon(champion) = Lv 16
Gesomon(champion) = Lv 17

Hint: Always put Metal Greymon in your team in the first position

This battle is very easy if you focused on one digimon first. Use the Metal
Greymon's Launching Missile skill against the Gesomon(the squid mon). Also
use other team members to attack the squid. Use the same battle tactics to
fight the Kuwagamon and the Octmon(the octopus mon).

After winning the battle, go back to your city and talk to your leader. Then
go to the City D and talk to the guy walking around. He will give you a hint
that you must buy or find a special device used for destroying barriers.
You also must buy items and equip it.

Items to buy: xx"///xxxL1 to destroy Yellow Energy Barriers
xx"///xxxL2 to destroy Green Energy Barriers
xxxxxxx a device to use L1 & L2

After you are prepared for the seventh quest, go to the dungeon.

The 7th Quest

The maze is a little bit difficult and there are seven levels. There are
traps and try to remember the exact place where you were hit. There are also
walking around the corrider. Do not try to run away. Just fight them and
then escape.
The maximun HP and EP for your car are 1200 and 1000 respectively. Your
car's Hp is
very abundant here and prevent your car from walking on the glowing floor.
It take
about 900 EP to reached Level 7.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Toy Agumon | 9 |
| Peaguinmon | 10 |
| Gomamon | 9 |
| Piyomon | 9 |
| Ice Agumon | 10 |
| Transparent toy | 10 |
| Agumon | |
| Tentomon | 10 |
| Unimon | 12 |

Bosses: Fire type dinosaur(champion) = Lv 13
Birdramon(champion) = Lv 16
Candmon(rookie) = Lv 10

You will go in the right way if there is a message speaking. You will see
lots of
digimons walking around in this place and it makes me really frustrating
trying to teleport to another Level of this place.

Hint: Try to use attacks which could attack three digimons in one time and
Metal Greymon in your team bacause it is a really a great digimon.

After winning the battle, remember to save. Go to your leader and to him.
I did not know what he is talking about, I knew that he is telling me to go
to the
Angemon base and talk to the Angemon. Go back to your base and talk to your
again. Go to the Angemon base again and talk to him. He will told you the
of the eighth dungeon.

Get ready for the eighth dungeon.

The 8th Quest

It is probally the most difficult maze I had ever seen. There are a total
of eight levels. There are many new digimons that you can find in this
Try catching them and they might become your worthy digimons that could help
in the battle against the bosses.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Kanimon | 9 |
| Patamon | 9 |
| Candmon | 9 |
| Plantmon | 9 |
| Drimogemon | 17 |
| Elecmon | 9 |

Bosses: Black Birdramon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Greymon(champion) = Lv 15
Toy Agumon(rookie) = Lv 10

When moving to level 8, you will see lots of crabs. It is a hint that you
follow the passageway that there are crab and you find the bosses. At Level
You will saw a female speaking to you in a pink colour car. After speaking
her, you follow her up to the eight level.

Some ways to fight the bosses: First attack the black bird using Metal
Use the other champions to attack that bird.
Heal the digimon's life if their HP is too low.
Keep attacking the bird until it dies.
Use the same battle tactics on the Greymon
then Toy Agumon.

After winning the battle with the bosses, You will fought the female in the
pink car. She have three champions in her hand. You does not have a chance
heal your digimons. It is an unfair battle.

Girl's team: Wirzamon(champion) = Lv 13
Seadramon(champion) = Lv 15
Cockatrimon(champion) = Lv 16

Hint: Have more high potions in your hand and recover your digimons

Go back to your city and speak to your leader. He will told you that there
is new super market and you could buy a lot of things there. Go to the
supermarket and talk to your Girlfriend. You will enter the car section and
to the woman captain. Buy something to equip in your car and go back to your
city and talk to your leader. He told you that the first, second and third
dungeon were invaded by monsters.

Move on to your nineth quest and see you in my next update!!!

The 9th Quest

The maze is surrounded with monsters and this maze is repeated in
the same place. Lots of traps awaits you and remember to bring lot of
items used to replenishes your hp if your digimons need it. By now, you
should use ultimates cos it is stronger than champions. Although there are
only seven levels but it will be more challenging when you go to other
places to other quests. It is much harder as the bad digimons keep
increasing and renew in their levels. This update is much bettter than the
other time because it teaches you to use what items to catch digimons. Here
is a list of bad and good digimons.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Gabumon | 3 |
| Gottsumon | 3 |
| Piyomon | 3 |
| Gomamon | 3 |
| Wheelmon | 3 |
| Picodevimon | 5 |
| Peaguinmon | 3 |
| Candmon | 5 |
| Plantmon | 4 |
| Kunemon | 3 |
| Gazimon | 3 |
| Betamon | 4 |
| Palmon | 5 |
| Ice Agumon | 4 |
| Toy Agumon | 4 |
| Transparent | |
| Toy Agumon | 4 |
| Branchmon | 4 |
| Unimon | 11 |
| Tentomon | 5 |
| Drimogemon | 11 |
| Sherimon | 5 |
| Angemon | 11 |
| Dark Patamon | 5 |
| Numemon | 11 |
| Raremon | 11 |
| Dragonfly | 12 |

Bosses: Bakemon(Champion) = LV 13
Black Dinosaur(champion) = LV 11
Deltamon(champion) = LV14

When you move to the seventh level, you will see lots of bad digimons
blocking your way and this is a hint that you walk the right way. If
your digimon's HP is not enough, just run away and follow the passageway.
You only need to find the long path.

Hint : If you have a metal greymon in your hand, remember to eqquiped it
before fighting the bosses. The Deltamon is good at attacking
three persons at a time. First use your digimons to beat three-
headed dinosaur cos it is stronger. After he is beaten, attack
bakemon and the black dinosaur. You find that this method is much

After winning the battle, go back to your base and prepared for the next
quest. Always upgrade your car when you have money. I thinked that all of
you should catch more gabumon and gottsumon if you are in the patamon team
cos you need more stonger digimons to win more battles. I don't recomended
you to catch evil digimons because there are good and evil. And good always
win evil.

The 10th quest

There are lots of champions in this quest and they are more powerful
than before. This digimons are worth catching. You could catch a peguinmon
before you go. There is a tip that peaguinmon changed to Ikkakumon(sealion)
when he have a JP of 0. There is no need to catch the champions here because
it is hard to catch.The champions here are much stronger than before and
When you meet the strongest team, then you will realised it. Do you know
which is the strongest team ? It is the greymon team and birdramon team.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Tentomon | 5 |
| Unimon | 11 |
| Angemon | 11 |
| Ikkakumon | 12 |
| Birdramon | 13 |
| Garurumon | 12 |
| Hanumon | 12 |
| Greymon | 13 |
| Striped Unimon | 12 |
| Peaguinmon | 3 |
| Ice Agumon | 4 |
| Toy Agumon | 4 |
| Transparent | |
| Toy Agumon | 4 |
| Mojyamon | 13 |
| Mushroomon | 5 |
| Numemon | 12 |
| Devidramon | 13 |

Bosses : Devimon(champion) = LV 14
Bakmon(champion) = LV 13
Raremon(champion) = LV 13

When you go in the right way, you will see a car moving towards you. Yeh,
this is demon from outer space that attack you. He will chat with you and
he always use evil digimons to beat you. Remember the last quest, you also
fight him once. But you will realise that the dark emperor in the space
always send their people to come and challenge you and to conquered the
digital world. This is the second time and there is also a third time.
Anyway this aliens never stop. Remember that there is a trap that steal
one of your digimons away.

Hint : This is much easier than the last time battle because Devimon could
only steal your MP and could not implict any damage on you. But I
recommended you to bring more potions as Bakemon are good at using
magic attacks. This is the only tip that I can provide. The rest
depends on what digimons you use.

Once you win this battle, remember to save and catch more digimons if you
needed more helpers in your hand. Remember to go to the battle arenas if
you want to test your endurance and ability. Each time you go to the battle
arena, you need to pay money first. there are only three rounds continuosly
without using items to replenishes your digimon's HP. When you win the
competition, you will have extra items and digimon badges. I have ten badges
in my hand.

The 11th Quest

At here, be prepared to eqquiped lots of potions needed to increase
your digimon's HP and it is really hard to fight two bosses at a time. First
You will experience much stronger digimons here but You must have two
first before you come in. The bosses'digimons are really strong and they
ultimates. Beware that champions can not win ultimates as they are much
stronger and implict stronger damage on champions. More methods of growing
ultimates will be revealed in the next updates if I found other evolutions
of digimons. At here, you could also catch the shakomon first because you
need it in the DNA reports. If you don't know what is shakomon, it is a

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Real Kunemon | 3 |
| Gazimon | 3 |
| Green Kunemon | 2 |
| Otamamon | 4 |
| Betamon | 4 |
| Shakomon | 4 |
| Branchmon | 11 |
| Vagimon | 11 |
| Raremon | 11 |
| Numemon | 12 |
| Dark Patamon | 5 |
| Scumon | 13 |
| Gekomon | 11 |
| Red Vagimon | 12 |
| Kuwagamon | 12 |
| robot | 12 |
| Blackmon | 12 |

Bosses: A moustahe guy in a blue car
Nanomon(champion) = LV 13
Metal Monzaemon = LV 23
Sukamon(champion) = LV 13

Your girlfriend
Garurumon(champion) = LV 12
Vagimon(champion) = LV 12
Gabumon(rookie) = LV 4

When you go up, you might see lot of numemons hindering in your way and you
could just escape. By now, you should have at least two ultimates and one
champions that I told you how to grow. This champion is the sealion cos it
is good to use and it has a higher attacking power. You should always use
good digimons against the bad digimons cos they are stronger. The other
ultimates is ultimate form of angemon.

Hints : Always remember that The moustahe guy always use evil digimons cos
he is one of the companions of the dark emperor. He has a ultimate
called metal monzaemon who is quite strong in using pup attacks and
using love attacks causing your digimons to lose some of their
temporily for example, attacks that attack three person. Nanomon and
Sukamon also uses pup attacks. The metal monzaemon looks like a
It does not look cute and it is badly thorned and have claws on his

Once you win this battle against the moustahe guy. Another person will come
and challenge you and she is your girlfriend. She has two champions and one
one rookie in her hand. Her digimons are not very strong and easy to win.
Here are some hints. Garurumon are good at ice attacks. Bejimon are good
at plant attacks and gabumon are good at fire blast. But they implict very
little damage on your ultimates. There are only one advice for all of my
daily fans that is you must train your digimons to LV11 and try to joggle
back to the digimon you want. Keep catching this digimon and joggle. Each
joggle give you an extra two levels.

But after you win this quest, your captain will tell you that the female
captain of the supermarket want to see you and tell you to see her. But
Before you see her, there is a person standing outside and asking for
1000 bits, if you want to know the locations of the digimons you need to
catch or grow. I already given you many hints and this three digimons
are shakomon, dragonfly and ikkakumon. Among this digimons, the hardest
digimons you want to catch is the sealion because birdramon move two steps
at a time. I recommended you to catch a peaguinmon instead and trained him
to ikkakamon. I hoped that you had already did it.

|Digimons you must catch in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Place |
| Dragonfly | The ninth quest |
| Shakomon |The eleventh quest |
| Ikkakumon | The tenth quest |

After you have this three digimons, go and see the professor at the other
side and he is checking a red car. If you could not see him, You probaly
did fight enough rounds in the battle arena. Speak to him and he will
congratulate you for catching the three digimons and he will suck out
their DNA and passed to you. He will not take the digimons away. You
only need to talk to your leader in your own base and a mechanic will
come in. Go back to the supermarket and talk to the professor in the
breeding room. Then go to the angemon's base and ask the angemon for
more. Go to the left side room and talk to the weregarurumon and press
"Yes". He will give you a key item. You must now eqquipped a XXXCD and
pass it to the clockmon and get another item. Go out of the angemon's
base and go in again. Talk to Clockmon, Weregarurumon and Angemon again.
They will mention something important. Talk to the blue hair girl in the
supermarket and got the last key item. Go back to your base and talk to
your leader. A soldier will come in and talk to you. Three more missions
will appeared.

The 12th Quest

The maze is much easier than the previous quest and the digmons
here is much taming than the other time. It contains lot of digimons
that you have seen many times. There are also new digimons here but you
better watch out cos they are stronger than before. Anyway, do you have
a candle? The candle can tranformed into tankmon and you did not catch it
in the 15th quest. This is another hint for you. It is quite incredible
that growing is much easier than catching. Do you know that when you fight
champions, The experience is higher than ever and sometimes you could earn
more than 200 EXP and more money also. Than also the new items sold will
also be more expensive.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Plantmon | 3 |
| Candmon | 3/5 |
| Palmon | 4 |
| Elecmon | 5 |
| Drimogemon | 11 |
| Cockatrimon | 13/12 |
| Red Cockatrimon | 12 |
| Pointmon | 12 |
| Ninjamon | 13 |
| Kentarumon | 12 |
| Dark Dragonfly | 12 |
| Wirzamon | 13 |
| Drimogemon | 11 |

Bosses: Clockmon(champion) = LV 13
Tankmon(champion) = LV 13
Drimogemon(champion) = LV 12

I have nothing to said for this maze accept for the eqquipment of items.
Remember to bring more potions for use when in need and eqquiped more
digimons to bring for battle. There are also some hints that you could
need. The clockmon is good at putting your first time player to be the
last player to attack. The tankmon is good at shooting the missile and
the Drillmon is good at drilling attacks. They are easy to defeat if
you have a ultimate. After you finished this round, go back to your base
and be prepared.

The 13th Quest

This quest is quite same as the digimons here is quite same to
the tenth quest. Did you remember the birdramon team and the greymon
team ? At here, you could see many new digmons such as the leomon team
and the Eskimo team.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Tentomon | 5 |
| Unimon | 11/12 |
| Ikkakumon | 12 |
| Birdramon | 13 |
| Garurumon | 12 |
| Hanumon | 12 |
| Greymon | 13 |
| Mojyamon | 13 |
| Yukidarumon | 13 |
| Tortamon | 14 |
| Rukamon | 13 |
| V-Greymon | 13 |
| Leomon | 13 |

Bosses: Garudamon(ultimate) = LV 21
Dragonfly(champion) = LV 13
Airdramon(champion) = LV 14

This is a fierce battle against the bad people. You could easily win this
battle if you know your enemies well. Remember that if you have two
ultimates, you must arranged it first before fighting the boss and this
are very important. Garudamon is good at counter attack and spliting fire
that attacks three people at one time. Dragonfly is not very strong and
Airdramon are good at air attacks. Champions tend to have a HP of 200 to
300. Ultimates tend to have a HP of 400 to 500. After this battle, go
back to your base and be prepared for the next round.

The 14th Quest

The maze is much harder before than because the levels keep
increasing and larger. There are also more bad digimons and they
become more stronger and difficult to fight. There are also more
traps. Remember to buy a important item in the supermarket and this
item is quite expensive. This item could be used to detect the traps
but it could not detect all of the traps and you must be beware of it.
Sometimes you must also buy items that increase your car's HP and EP.
This are the tips that I could provide you and It is really important
to bring more potions for your digimons.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Vajimon | 11 |
| Branchmon | 11 |
| Raremon | 11 |
| Numemon | 12 |
| Dark Patamon | 5 |
| Scumon | 13 |
| Gesomon | 11 |
| Red Vagimon | 12 |
| Robot | 12 |
| Kuwagamon | 12 |
| Blackmon | 12 |
| Mushroomon | 5 |
| Devidramon | 13 |
| Flymon | 13 |
| White Scumon | 12 |
| Ogamon | 13 |
| Devimon | 13 |
| Nanimon | 11 |
| Ice Ogamon | 14 |
| Ice Devimon | 13 |
| Bakemon | 13 |
| Meramon | 13 |
| Tankmon | 13 |
| Clockmon | 13 |

Bosses: Skullgreymon(ultimate) = LV 21
Devidramon(champion) = LV 13
Tyranomon(champion) = LV 13

When you arrived at the spot, you will see the alienship and this alien
will approached you and beat you. His digimons are very strong and bad.
He has a ultimate in his hand. I will give you some hints on how to defeat
him. Skullgreymon is good at bomb attacks same as the metal greymon and
they are equally equivalent. Devidramon are good at slashing attacks and
Tyranomon are good at spitting fire at three people. They are pretty strong
and good at attacking.

After you win this battle, Talk to the blue hair girl and you have two
that is you could either catch the tankmon in this quest or you grow it. If
you want to grow a tankmon, you could catch a candle and evolve it. When you
have a tankmon, go back to the supermarket and ask the blue hair girl. You
will get a EXP.breaker. Go back to your base and walk to the left room to
to the spectacled girl and then talk to the woman in the palmon dancing
Another quest will appeared.

The 15th Quest

This quest is quite hard and if you want to complete it at one time.
It is impossible and you will fight boss again and again. This really made
me frustrating and desperate to complete this game. This is the time where
you should made a choice whether to quit playing this game or to continue.
Here is a checklist of all the digimons that you will see here.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Dragonfly | 12 |
| Palmon | 5 |
| Ninjamon | 13 |
| Kentarumon | 12 |
| Dark Dragonfly | 12 |
| Cockatrimon | 13 |
| Red Cockatrimon | 12 |
| Wirzamon | 13 |
| Kentarumon | 13 |
| Drimogemon | 13 |
| Monochromon | 13 |
| Tyranomon | 13 |
| Dark Shellmon | 13 |
| Coelamon | 13 |
|Brown Yukidarimon| 13 |

Take the left path in the 10F and met Mei mei, the pink shirt girl.
She is one of the bosses and she has a ultimate. She come and challenge
you because she want to test you. If you beat her, She will go away
and you could continue your journey. Mei mei has the following digimons
Bosses: Raremon(champion) = LV 11
Monzaemon(ultimate) = LV 21
Ninjamon(champion) = LV 13

She will chat with you after you defeat her and you will see Mei mei's
sister, Mei kai. She will also test you to see you if you are strong
enough to defeat the final boss of this dungeon. Mei kai have the
folowing digimons below.

Bosses: Digitamamon(ultimate) = LV 21
Chicken King(ultimate) = LV 21
Tankmon(champion) = LV 13

After this battle, go forward and teleport to other level. This is last
level. This time it is the alien car again. This aliens never stop to
conquer this places. But there is only one person who could defeat them
and that is you. So don't give up till the last minute.

Bosses: Mamemon(ultimate) = LV 21
Metal Mamemon(ultimate) = LV 21
Robot(champion) = LV 12

Here are some hints. Mamemon are good at punch attacks. Metal Mamemon
are good at fire ball attacks and the robot are good at using missiles.
So you better use ultimates to beat them. After this battle, Talk to
the spectacled girl at your base and then go into the right hand side
room and talk to the two girls. They will give you the permission to
go to battle arena. Then go into the dancing room and talk to the woman
again. A teleport base will appeared but there is no key to activate it.
So you have to investigate it. At the same time, there is another mission
waiting for you. Walk an easiest maze of your life.

The 16th Quest

When you go in, you will realise that there are only one level. This alien
is quite strong because they were well trained. Each of them have a HP of
Bosses: Metal Mamemon(ultimate) = LV 21
Meramon(champion) = LV 13
Kentarumon(champion) = LV 13

After you defeated his digimons, go back to your base and remember to save.
You could now go to the teleport base. Then go back to your base and the
captain will speak to about the fat person in the teleport base. Another
quest will appeared. You need not worried about catching digimons because
in the second world map, You could buy lots of A3 items.

The 17th Quest

At here, you will see lot of ultimates and champions here, making
you more frustrating because they never stop following you and they just
keep increasing and more powerful. But some of them don't follows you and
run away from you. Let me give you some advices. Do not forget to earn
more money cos money is important in upgrading your car and buying items.
There is only one way to earn that is you either sell your items or fight
digimons to earn money.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Transparent | |
| Toy Agumon | 5 |
| Angemon | 11 |
| Dark Patamon | 5 |
| Numemon | 12 |
| Raremon | 11 |
| Dragonfly | 12 |
| Palmon | 5 |
| Birdramon | 12/13 |
| Mojyamon | 12 |
| Pointmon | 12 |
| Cockatrimon | 12 |
| Scumon | 13 |
| Gekomon | 11 |
| Vagimon | 12 |
| Garurumon | 12 |
| Ikkakumon | 12 |
| Greymon | 13 |
| Hanumon | 12 |
| Striped Unimon | 13 |
| Meramon | 13 |
| Tankmon | 13 |
| Clockmon | 13 |
| Kentarumon | 13 |
| Tyranomon | 13 |
| Monochromon | 13 |
| Shellmon | 13 |
| Bakemon | 13 |
| Deltamon | 13 |
| Cyclomon | 13 |
| Long hat Bakemon| 13 |
| Airdramon | 14 |
| Rukamon | 13 |
| Angemon | 13 |
| Picklemon | 21 |
| Cactusmon | 13 |
|Silver Gottsumon | 13 |
| Gesomon | 14 |
| Vademon | 21 |
| Octmon | 14 |

Bosses: Etemon(ultimate) = LV 21
Treemon(ultimate) = LV 21
Ogremon(champion) = LV 13

It is the moustahe guy in a blue car again. This time, He brings more
stronger digimon. Each of his digimons is very powerful and special
skills. Here is some hints. Etemon can use singing Karoake to stop
your digimons from using skills that attack three people. Treemon
uses cherry blosom to let your digimons having a status of love.
Etemon sometimes uses pup attack. Ogremon are good at using bursting
punch and pup attacks also. If you use ultimates, You will have a
better chance of winning.

After the battle, you could now go back to your base and let your
digimons rest. You will automatically talk to the soldier and
arrived in the supermarket. Talk to everyone in the supermarket.
Go back to your base again and you will see your leader talking
with the leader. You will then speak with them about the next
mission. Get ready for the next battle.

The 18th Quest

At here, you may think it is the last battle before going to
the second world map. But I don't think so. Because when you go to
the second world map, there will be eight more mission waiting for
you. I thinked that I should so much things. At here, you will beat
three bosses. The three bosses are really powerful. Here is a list
of digimons that you will find here.

|Digimons you will find in this quest|
| Digimon's name | Level |
| Numemon | 12 |
| Black Patamon | 5 |
| Raremon | 11 |
| Mushroomon | 5 |
| Numemon | 12 |
| Devidramon | 13 |
| Ikkakumon | 12 |
| Birdramon | 12 |
| Garurumon | 13 |
| Mojyamon | 12 |
| Cockatrimon | 13/12 |
| Red Cockatrimon | 12 |
| Pointmon | 12 |
| Hanumon | 12 |
| Greymon | 13 |
| Striped Unimon | 13 |
| Ninjamon | 13 |
| Kentarumon | 12 |
| Dark Dragonfly | 12 |
| Seadramon | 14 |
| Pink Shellmon | 13 |
| Firemon | 13 |
| Andromon | 21 |
| Garurumon | 13/14 |
| Bakemon | 13 |
| Deltamon | 13 |
| Cyclomon | 13 |
| Long hat Bakemon| 13 |
| Picklemon | 21 |
| Cactusmon | 13 |
|Silver Gottsumon | 13 |
| Dragonfly | 12 |
| Palmon | 5 |
| Tailmon | 12 |
| Yukidarumon | 13 |
| Tortamon | 14 |
| Rukamon | 13 |
| Gabumon | 5 |
| Dark Birdramon | 13 |

When you arrived at the 12th level, the moustahe guy is already waitng
for you and he is still in the blue car. He is pretty strong and have
two ultimates in his hand. So you better watch out. Here is some hints.
Atlurkabuterimon is good at counter attacks and claws attacks. Pinochio
is quite strong because he has a HP of 400. Vagimon has nothing special.

Bosses: Atlurkabuterimon(ultimate) = LV 21
Toymon(ultimate) = LV 21
Vagimon(champion) = LV 11

He will then tell you that the evil Queen is waiting for you at another
level and to told you to be beware of her because her digimons are very
strong. She have a mega ultimate, a ultimate and a champion. Deltamon
are good at using his three heads to attack three persons at a time.
Ex-Tyranomon are good at love attacks and Skull Mammon are good at using
horn attacks that attack three persons at the same time. Now I should
tell all of you that Mega Ultimates have a special skill that attacks
three persons.

Bosses: Ex-Tyranomon(ultimate) = LV 21
Skull Mammon(Mega Ultimate) = LV 31
Deltamon(champion) = LV 13

After defeating her, go to the next level and fight the last boss.
You will see a black alien car and this alien are send from the
outerspace to beat you. This alien are not stronger than the evil
Bosses: Cyclomon(champion) = LV 13
Vademon(ultimate) = LV 21
Tuskmon(champion) = LV 13

After you win this battle, go back to your base and talk to the captain
and the fat man. They will told to look for a agumon and told you that
he have the key. Look for agumon in the angemon's base after talking to
most of the people in the base and dancing room. Speak to Leomon in the
Batle arena. Then speak to agumon again in the exchange digimons' shop.
Agumon will tell you that if you want to see him, go to the starting
Street. He will then give you a key item. You can now go to the teleport
Base and speak to the fat man. You will now see a scenario of going to
the second world map.

Second World Map

At the second world map, I am not going to give you the list of digimons
cos it is too troublesome. Only if there are new digimons then I will
update. There are altogether ninth quests in this second world map.

The first quest - you will see a Black tyranomon who guarded the starting
street. He will stop you from going in. Then he will
challenge you in the first dungeon. There are only two

Bosses: Black tyranomon
This digimon have a HP of 500 and is quite powerful in attacks.

The second quest - Black Tyranomon will send you on a mission to the dark
dungeon. When you go in, the lights are off. You will
walking in the dark but did you realise that the music
is weird. This dungeon have eleven levels.

New digimons seen: Kabuterimon(champion) = Lv 15
Giromon(ultimate) = Lv 23
Were Garurumon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Metal Greymon(ultimate) = Lv 21

Bosses: Dark Alien King
Ikkakumon(champion) = Lv 13
Zudamon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Tortamon(champion) = Lv 14

Some tips: Zudamon can use his hammer to hit three persons at the same
time. Tortamon is throwing his spikes on all three perons.
Sea lion have a higher attack ranking.

The Third quest - This is another mission assigned by the Black Tyranomon.
But this time, the lights are on. There are also new
digimons seen in this dungeon.This dungeon is not easy
and there are total of 13 levels.

New digimons seen: Pumpmon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Starmon(champion) = Lv 15
Mamemon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Chicken King(ultimate) = Lv 21
Digitamamon(ultimate) = Lv 21

Bosses: Alien King
Meramon(champion) = Lv 13
Skull Meramon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Firemon(rookie) = Lv 7

Some tips: Skull meramon has a HP of 500 and his fire attacks can beat
persons at a time. Meramon and firemon are more easy to be
beaten. So you better bring more potions cos skull meramon
cause a lot of damage.

The fourth quest - There are lots of barriers stopping you from going up
and you should bring XXXXXXL4 Items used for breaking
pink barriers. Also bring more potions.

New digimons seen: Atlurkabuterimon(ultimate) = Lv 21
X-veemon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Megadramon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Skull Gryemon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Megabirdramon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Monzaemon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Rubbishbin(ultimate) = Lv 22
Etemon(ultimate) = Lv 21

Bosses: Pumpmon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Pointmon(champion) = Lv 13
Treemon(ultimate) = Lv 21

Some tips: Catch more ultimates at here such as X-veemon, Alturkabuterimon
and Megabirdramon. Use them against the bosses as you could buy
A3 items in the starting street.

The fifth quest - There are also many traps here. Just remember to go back
to the first world map and upgrade your car to a higher
version because the mechanic at your base is the best.
There are no new digimons here.

Bosses: Alien King
Bakemon(champion) = Lv 13
Phantomon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Devidramon(champion) = Lv 13

Some tips: After you defeat the alien king, go back to the first world map
and talk to the woman professor for a key item in the
Then go back to the dark dungeon and you will realise that this
time the light are on. Find Jijimon in the dark dungeon in the
last level near the place where you once fight a boss. Talk to
Jijimon in the Piyomon house two times and he will give you a
key item. Suddenly there is a earthquake when you try to leave
starting street. Three other quests will appeared.

The sixth quest - There are many violet and red walls here. Just remember
to bring more barriers breaker. At here, you may also
try to catch some ultimates at here. But I recomended
you to focus on fighting the boss here because they are
really very strong.

New digimons seen: Dark Megadramon(ultimate) = Lv 22
MegaKuwagamon(ultimate) = Lv 24
Metal tyranomon(ultimate) = Lv 24
Nanomon(ultimate) = Lv 24

Bosses: Silver Wargreymon(mega ultimate) = Lv 31
Triceramon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Anomalocarimon(ultimate) = Lv 22

Some tips: You will see a silver wargreymon walking towards you at the last
level. You will have a strong fight with him and his buddies.
This is not the real wargreymon and he is just the modified
version of wargreymon. He has a HP of 600. He also knows how
to fire missiles just like metal greymon.

The seventh quest - There are many violet ebarriers and violet walls. So
more of your items to break all these barriers. At
here, you will also see a lot of new digimons here.

New digimons seen: Seadramon(champion) = Lv 14
Cactusmon(champion) = Lv 13
Mamemon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Gold gottsumon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Ice meramon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Lilymon(ultimate) = Lv 23
Evil flower(ultimate) = Lv 23
Pink Monochromon(ultimate) = Lv 24
Megaseadrmon(ultimate) = Lv 23
Square robot(ultimate) = Lv 23

Bosses: Silver Metal Seadramon(mega ulitmate) = Lv 31
Megadramon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Dark Megadrmon(ultimate) = Lv 21

Some tips: This fade metal seadramon is not real one and is not as powerful
as the real one. The dark emperor has send many monsters to come
to confront you but if you try, you might defeat their evil army.
His HP is quite high also and this metal seadramon have a HP of
600. His buddies is also quite strong.

The eight quest - This is the second last mission in the second world map.
So try to buck up and complete this game. There are many
bad digimons here and good digimons here also.

New digimons seen: Zudamon(ultimate) = Lv 24
Whamon(ultimate) = Lv 24

You will met Mei kai at the eight floor and she is in a violet car. She is
quite strong because she have two ultimates and one champion. She come and
test you if you are good enough to defeat the king.

Bosses: oukuwamon(ultimate) = Lv 23
Digitamamon(ultimate) = Lv 23
Ninjamon(champion) = Lv 13

After you defeat her, Keep on going and you will see Mei mei in the later
part of the eight floor. She is also quite strong because she have one
ultimates only and two champion. She is send by the leader to spotcheck
this dungeon and come to test you also.

Bosses: Monzaemon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Cockatrimon(champion) = Lv 13
Starmon(champion) = Lv 15

After you defeat her, you will met another male friend in a blue magnetic
car and he have three ultimates. This ultimates you have seen many times
and they are also quite strong and difficult to defeat if you don't have

Bosses: Angewoman(ultimate) = Lv 24
Megangemon(ultimate) = Lv 25
Megabirdramon(ultimate) = Lv 22

After you defeat him, you will met another female friend in a brown
magnetic car. She has three ultimates also and each of them is quite
strong. Picklemon is good at singing songs.

Bosses: Picklemon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Lilymon(ulitmate) = Lv 23
Evil flower(ultimate) = Lv 23

After you defeat him, you will met another malay male friend in a black
magnetic car. He has three ultimates also and you might felt that they
keep coming to fight with you and this is quite stressful.

Bosses: Phantomon(ultimate) = Lv 23
Myotismon(ultimate) = Lv 25
Vademon(ultimate) = Lv 21

After you defeat him, move on and fight. You will see a Gekomon moving
towards you and they have a ultimate accompanying them. Their boss is
quite strong and have a maximum HP of 600. His frogs are all good at
singing songs.

Bosses: Gekomon(champion) = Lv 11
Tsunomon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Gekomon(champion) = Lv 11

There are countless traps in the fifthteen floor and this is the last
floor. Walk upwards to see the last boss , Piemon. And he is very
strong and have a HP of 700. Piemon is good at flying swords which
attacks three persons at a time. Giromon is good at throwing smag
bomb which attack three persons at the smae time also. Luckily
Andromon is not strong enough, he only knows slashing punch.

Bosses: Piemon(Mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Giromon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Andromon(ultimate) = Lv 21

After you defeat them, go back to your base and talk to Jijmon
automatically. Another Quest will come out and be prepares for
another fierce battle.

The ninth quest - This is the last quest fought in the second world
map. At here, you must prepared lots of ****EX items
which helped to replenishes 500 HP of the car. You
also need to have lot of mega-ultimates because the
bosses in there are very strong.

New digimons seen: Marinedevimon(ultimate) = Lv 25
Dagomon(ultimate) = Lv 25
Dark Megaseadramon(ultimate) = Lv 25
Metal Seadramon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 31
Pukamon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 31
Myotismon(ultimate) = Lv 25
Treemon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Tonosamagekomon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Evil Giromon(ultimate) = Lv 22
Grey Leomon(ultimate) = Lv 24
Angewoman(ultimate) = Lv 24

Bosses: Myotismon(ultimate) = Lv 25
Venon Myotismon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Pumpmon(ultimate) = Lv 21

Some tips: Venon Myotismon is very strong at his defence. Only two digimons
can defeat him and you should know it better than me. These two
digimons are war garurumon or wargreymon. But if you have angels,
they are also afraid of holy. Each of them have more than HP of
400. Myotismon are good at flying bombs and Venon Myotismon are
really good at flying bats bombs. Their skills can attack three
persons at the same time. After you defeat them, this is not the
end. Continue walking and you will find that the items I told you
you to bring are useful and you will find it needy.

Bosses: Red Machinedramon(Mega-ultimate) = Lv 32

Some tips: This is just like the old machinedramon which try to conquer
Digital World in the Digimon World. But this time this is the
improved version and this machinegreymon is much stronger than
before. Do you know how much HP he have ? He have maximum HP
of 723 and he is really good. After you have defeated him, go
back to the piyomon's base and speak to the Jijimon. Now teleport
back to the first world map and speak to your leader. Go and
speak to the mechanic and he will upgrade your car to version 3.


Are you surprised that we are again back to the first world map and your
leader told you that some places are attacked by evil digimons and he want
you to stop this bad people send by the dark emperor. There are altogether
three quests more at here for you to completed.

The first quest - The dungeon had been conquered by the alien king. This
time is the last time you will see him because if they
failed in defeating you, they will go back and will never
come to attack. There are no more new digimons here.

You will see the alien king and this time you will beat him three times.

The first time at the seventh level
Bosses: Ice Ogremon(champion) = Lv 14
Zudamon(ultimate) = Lv 24
Ice Gottsumon(champion) = Lv 21

The second time at the eleventh level
Bosses: Skull Meramon(ultimate) = Lv 25
Birdramon(champion) = Lv 13
Ice Meramon(champion) = Lv 14

The third time at the fifteen level
Bosses: Cactusmon(champion) = Lv 13
Atlurkabuterimon(ultimate) = Lv 24
Branchmon(champion) = Lv 13

Continue upstairs and you will met the moustahe guy again in the blue car
at the last floor. He have three ultimates and all his digimons you have
already fight before.

Bosses: Moisquito(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Ex-Tyranomon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Rubbish bin(ultimate) = Lv 24

After you defeated him, go back to your base and rest for a while. Remember
to save and continue on to the second dungeon.

The second quest - At here, you will also met the alien two times and you
will met the moustahe guy again at the last floor. There
are no more new digimons here.

The alien king at the seventh floor
Bosses: Silver Machinegreymon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Piemon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Digitamamon(ultimate) = Lv 21

The alien king at the 12th floor
Bosses: Boltmon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 31
Silver Tyranomon(ultimate) = Lv 21
Robot(champion) = Lv 14

The moustahe guy in the last floor
Bosses: Dark Monzaemon(ultimate) = Lv 23
Etemon(ultimate) = Lv 23
Rubbish bin(ultimate) = Lv 23

Some tips: Dark Monzaemon is good at making purple love which prevents all
digimons at battle from using skills which attack three digimons
at the same time. After you defeat them, go back to your base
and talk to captain and then to a policeman automatically. After
they go away, go to the Battle arena and talk to the policeman.
Then go to the Palmon dancing place and talk to the policeman
again. Another guy will talk to you. Then you will go to the
supermarket automatically. You will talk to an robot and a purple
hair girl. Then after talking, the robot and the purple hair girl
will dissappeared. Then go back to your base and talk to your
leader. A new dungeon will appeared.

The third quest - The is the quest that you have to completed before going
to the space.

New digimons seen: Boltmon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32

You will see the evil queen and due to DNA transformation, she turned into
the red machinegreymon. She is very powerful and have a maximum HP of 800.
If you try to decrease her strength, she will send out his mushrooms to
increase back his strength. She has two skills, slashing fist and yellow
blast power.

Bosses: Red machinedramon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32

A new base will appeared at top right corner of the map.
Go to the space shuttle and you will watch a scenario of going to space.
You are now in space and this is the last two battles before you watch the

The last second quest - This dungeon is quite high and have a total of 24
levels altogether. Climb up to the top of the
dungeon and the maze is quite easy. There are no
more new digimons.

Bosses: White flying king
HP: 900
Status: unknown
level: unknown
Skills: super kick
super power blast

The king is quite strong and his super power blast is very lethal. It could
kill a digimon at the first time if you forget to store your MP. It could
take away 483 HP at one time. After you defeat him, go back to your base
and let your digimons rest. Go to the space shuttle if you want to complete
the last quest.

The last quest - This is the last battle fought and you must be prepared
because the last boss is very difficult to defeat. There
are a total of 20 levels.

Some new digimons: White Dragon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Wargreymon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Holydramon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Phoenixmon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32
Heraklekabuterimon(mega-ultimate) = Lv 32

Bosses: Nova King(The last boss)
HP: 506
status: unknown
Level: unknown
Skills: Power Blast

After you defeat him, He will changed into a nova king with two big hands.
This time he is more powerful and he has two more big hands. Here is his

Bosses: Nova King(The last boss)
HP: 712
Status: unknown
Level: unknown
Skills: Power blue blast
Power Bomb shot

Left hand
HP: 300
Status: unknown
Level: unknown
Skills: Gamma Rays

Right hand
HP: 300
Status: unknown
Level: unknown
Skills: Silver Blue Gamma Rays Blast

After you defeated him, see a scenario and and travel to GAIA.
Yeh, this is the ending and now you had watch it.
Everything had returned to its normal look.
When you go out, there is a new quest.
This quest is just an extra quest.
There are 99 levels in this new dungeon.
So if you want to try this dungeon, you better don't try.
Because there are many monsters in it and I took about four hours
to climb up to the 99th level and there are 6 chests and this items
is very good to use.


Evolution of Digimons

Digimons stops growing when it is level 13. Its experience changes to
999999999. The only way is to combine two digimons together and the JP will
increase by one. Here is a chart of my Patamon.

Patamon + Gabumon = Patamon

| Combination | No. of JP | Level | Digmons evolved|
| 1st time | 1 | 15 | Ninjamon |
| 2nd time | 2 | 17 | Ninjamon |
| 3rd time | 3 | 19 | Starmon |
| 4th time | 4 | 21 | Mamemon |
| 5th time | 5 | 23 | Mamemon |
| 6th time | 6 | 25 | Triceramon |
| 7th time | 7 | 27 | Triceramon |
| 8th time | 8 | 29 | Angewoman |
| 9th time | 9 | 31 | Metal Angewomon|

The true evolution of Patamon was Angemon. Only you have 8 JP, then you will
the real evolution of Patamon. First You have to find a companion that can
you changed back to the same digimon. Here are some real evolution of some
digimons that I have catched.

Patamon = Angemon = Angewoman = Metal Angewomon

Gabumon = Garurumon = Weregarurumon = Metal Garurumon

Kanimon = Seadramon = Megaseadramon = Metal Seadramon

Plantmon = Starmon = Picklemon = Metal Cheetamon

Candmon = Clockmon = Dark Meramon = Boltmon

More evolution of digimons will be revealed in my next update. Wait for ....

Training Skills and Levels

Every time you combine, You will get extra skills and this skill come from
the digimon which you want to combine with. Skills can also be gained when
digimons' level is increased. When you evolved into a champion, skills will
gained. When you evolved into a ultimate, skills will also be gained. When u
evolve into a Mega Ultimate, you will gain the best skills which could
three digimons at a time.

Combination of Digimons

Combining digimons is very easy and you only need to go to your city.
Then go to your lab and talk to the male Professor. The first choice is to
evolve your digimon and the second choice is to combine your digimon. Just
choose the digimon that you want to increase its' JP first and then choose
the second digimon you want to combine with. Then select "Yes" .

How to equip and put back items

Sometimes You might felt surprised that the items that you buy are not
in your car, you must equip items first. To do that, you must be in the city
then go to the menu and then go to the middle right menu, press the second
option and again the second option then choose the item and press it.
Sometimes your items space are used up and you thought that discarding
the items is the only way to have more spaces to put in the items. There
is an another way and it is to put back the items. To do that , you must be
the city then go to the menu and then go to the middle right menu, press the
second option and to the third option then choose the item and press it.

Catching of digimons

To get a digimon, shoot the digimon with the item(xxxCD) by pressing
square and then choose the item you want to shoot and press circle. You
shoot the digimon three times if you like. When you shoot it once, there
be a small heart on his head. When you shoot it the second time, there will
be a middle heart on his head. When you shoot it the third time, there will
be a big heart on his head. Make yourself as far as possible from it and
sure its' head is facing you.(If there are two entrances, switch to another
entrance if it is very close to you.)


At the exchange digicenter, you could exchange digimons with the lady.
1)Ganimon(crab) to wizarmon(champion)
2)Numemon(green) to Megadramon(ultimate)
3)Garurumon(blue wolf) to (mega ultimate)

You can get many items when fighting in the battle arena in City C. I
once get an item which could increase my digimon's JP by one when I
participate in a competition worth 1500 bits.

List of useful Items

Note: I put "x" for each japanese letter and put alphabets as shown in the
game. I also put numbers in the description of the items. The more
expensive the items, the better the item is and you should buy it if
you need it.

Recovery Items:

Below is all the items that I thinked is really useful during battle and you
really buy it if you have the money. Here is a brief description of the
that can be to replenishes your digimon's HP and to revive the digimon if he
has no more HP left.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| HPx"xxxL1 | 200 | Cures 40 HP to |
| | | one digimon |
| HPx"xxxL2 | 400 | Cures 80 HP to |
| | | one digimon |
| HPx"xxxL3 | 800 | Cures 160 HP to |
| | | one digimon |
| MPx"xxxL1 | 300 | Cures 40 MP to |
| | | one digimon |
| MPx"xxxL2 | 600 | Cures 80 MP to |
| | | one digimon |
| MPx"xxxL3 | 1200 | Cures 160 MP to |
| | | one digimon |
| HPx"xxx"L1 | 500 | Cures 40 HP to |
| | | all digimons |
| HPx"xxx"L2 | 1000 | Cures 80 HP to |
| | | all digimons |
| HPx"xxx"L3 | 2000 | Cures 160 HP to |
| | | all digimons |
| MPx"xxx"L1 | 800 | Cures 40 MP to |
| | | all digimons |
| MPx"xxx"L2 | 1600 | Cures 80 MP to |
| | | all digimons |
| MPx"xxx"L3 | 2400 | Cures 160 MP to |
| | | all digimons |
| DT-HPxxx" | 300 | Revive the HP of|
| | | DT types digimon|
| DT-MPxxx" | 300 | Cures the full |
| | | MP of DT types |
| DTxx"xxxx" | 900 | Cures the HP of |
| | | the digimon full|
| | | during battle |
| | | and revive the |
| | | digimon when in |
| | | car.For DT types|
| VR-HPxxx" | 300 | Revive the HP of|
| | | VR types digimon|
| VR-MPxxx" | 300 | Cures the full |
| | | MP of VR types |
| VRxx"xxxx" | 900 | Cures the HP of |
| | | the digimon full|
| | | during battle |
| | | and revive the |
| | | digimon when in |
| | | car.For VR types|
| VC-HPxxx" | 300 | Revive the HP of|
| | | VC types digimon|
| VC-MPxxx" | 300 | Cures the full |
| | | MP of VC types |
| VCxx"xxxx" | 900 | Cures the HP of |
| | | the digimon full|
| | | during battle |
| | | and revive the |
| | | digimon when in |
| | | car.For VC types|

Items use for catching digimons:
Below is a list of items used for catching digimons and these items could
brought in the supermarket, digital city and in the starting street. So if
you want to buy some good items, you better go to the starting street and
the A3 items because it could catch all kinds of digimons.

If you want to catch a rookie, you only need a small heart.
If you want to catch a champion, you only need a medium heart.
If you want to catch a ultimate, you need a big heart.
As for catching a mega-ultimate, you also need a big heart also.

DT: Data
VC: Vaccine
VR: Virus

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| x"-xxxxx | 100 | Catch DT types |
| | | Range E |
| x"-xCD | 250 | Catch DT types |
| | | Range D |
| x"-xDVD | 700 | Catch DT types |
| | | Range C |
| x"xx"xx"xxx | 1600 | Catch DT types |
| | | Range B |
| xxxx | 3400 | Catch DT types |
| | | Range A |
| xxx"xxx"xx | 100 | Catch VR types |
| | | Range E |
| xx-x"-xx | 250 | Catch VR types |
| | | Range D |
| 4WDxx"xx | 700 | Catch VR types |
| | | Range C |
| xxxx"xx"xx | 1600 | Catch VR types |
| | | Range B |
| xxxx"xx"xx | 3400 | Catch VR types |
| | | Range A |
| xxx | 100 | Catch VC types |
| | | Range E |
| xxxx"xxCD | 250 | Catch VC types |
| | | Range D |
| xxxxx"xx | 700 | Catch VC types |
| | | Range C |
| x"x"xxxxx | 1600 | Catch VC types |
| | | Range B |
| x"xx"xxxx | 3400 | Catch VC types |
| | | Range A |
| xxxxxxx"x | 500 | Catch all types|
| | | Range E |
| xxxxx-x" | 1000 | Catch all types|
| | | Range D |
| xxxxx"-xx" | 2000 | Catch all types|
| | | Range C |
| xxxxxxxx | 4000 | Catch all types|
| | | Range B |
| xxxxxxx | 8000 | Catch all types|
| | | Range A |

Items for the car:
| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xxxxx | 500 | Cures 100 HP |
| xxxxxEX | 1000 | Cures 500 HP |
| x"xxx-xxL1 | 100 | Cures 100 EP |
| x"xxx-xxL2 | 500 | Cures 200 EP |
| x"xxx-xxL3 | 1000 | Cures 500 EP |

When you walk in the dungeons, there are several types of traps and this
traps could destroy the items eqquiped in your car, make your car beserk,
lose your EP, lose some amount of car HP and lose your digimons. So you
must buy items which could prevent all these things. Here are a list of
items is useful in breaking this traps. The traps can be anywhere so you
must discover the traps yourself and upgrade your car randomly. There are
five types of traps.

Bomb Traps: These traps could be found on the ground or in the chests.
If it is on the ground and you discover it and you have
eqquipped a picker in your car, immediately press the
circle button and throw the bomb away. But if it is in
the chests, you have no methods of disabled it.

E.barriers: Some of these barriers does not to be discovered but some
of them could not be seen and if you touches this barrier,
you will be electrocuated. You will lose some HP. You only
need to buy the breaker which costs 3000 bits in the car
shop. There are five types of E.barriers, Yellow, Green,
Blue, Violet, Red.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xx"xxxxxL1 | 300 | Destroy yellow |
| | | E.barriers |
| xx"xxxxxL2 | 600 | Destroy Green |
| | | E.barriers |
| xx"xxxxxL3 | 900 | Destroy Blue |
| | | E.barriers |
| xx"xxxxxL4 | 1200 | Destroy Violet |
| | | E.barriers |
| xx"xxxxxL5 | 1500 | Destroy red |
| | | E.barriers |

Walls: These are not really traps and only blocks your way and make
you waste your EP. They are also divided into five types and
these colours are yellow, green, blue, violet, red. you only
need the breaker to use the items below.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| x"xxxxxxL1 | 300 | Destroy yellow |
| | | wall |
| x"xxxxxxL2 | 600 | Destroy green |
| | | wall |
| x"xxxxxxL3 | 900 | Destroy blue |
| | | wall |
| x"xxxxxxL4 | 1200 | Destroy violet |
| | | wall |
| x"xxxxxxL5 | 1500 | Destroy red |
| | | wall |

Bugs: This traps comes from the roof top, this traps surprise you like the
E. Barriers, when you find one, some kind of bug fall on you from the
sky,the bug will not go after attacking you once and if you pass
through it a second time, he will attack you again. You can know
where the bugs are by using a detector.

There are four kind of bugs:
R-Bugs: This bug return some of your digimons to the base
H-Bugs: This takes your EP by the triple
B-Bugs: This takes 100 bits by one step
Z-Bugs: This bug Replace the free spaces for carry digimons

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| B-x"x"xxL1 | 300 | Destroy B-bugs |
| | | Range C |
| B-x"x"xxL2 | 600 | Destroy B-bugs |
| | | Range B |
| B-x"x"xxL3 | 1500 | Destroy B-bugs |
| | | Range A |
| H-x"x"xxL1 | 300 | Destroy H-bugs |
| | | Range C |
| H-x"x"xxL2 | 600 | Destroy H-bugs |
| | | Range B |
| H-x"x"xxL3 | 1500 | Destroy H-bugs |
| | | Range A |
| R-x"x"xxL1 | 300 | Destroy R-bugs |
| | | Range C |
| R-x"x"xxL2 | 600 | Destroy R-bugs |
| | | Range B |
| R-x"x"xxL3 | 1500 | Destroy R-bugs |
| | | Range A |
| Z-x"x"xxL1 | 300 | Destroy Z-bugs |
| | | Range C |
| Z-x"x"xxL2 | 600 | Destroy Z-bugs |
| | | Range B |
| Z-x"x"xxL3 | 1500 | Destroy Z-bugs |
| | | Range A |

Electric grounds: Sometimes you may notice that the ground is coloured and
shiny with different colours. You need to upgrade your
wheels so that you could on this coloured ground.
Of course you will be injured by the electricity unless
you use items to destroy it.There are also five types of

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xx"xxxxxL1 | 500 | Destroy yellow |
| | | E.grounds |
| xx"xxxxxL2 | 1000 | Destroy green |
| | | E.grounds |
| xx"xxxxxL3 | 1500 | Destroy blue |
| | | E.grounds |
| xx"xxxxxL4 | 2000 | Destroy violet |
| | | E.grounds |
| xx"xxxxxL5 | 2500 | Destroy red |
| | | E.grounds |

Parts sold in the car shop:
You will realise that car parts are very important in the digimon world 2.
So you better learn fast and know which parts to buy and what is the price.
Some parts are more expensive than 99999 Bits. At here, I will explained to
you that the parts are classified into nine types. Each types are very
important and they are the batterys, charger, pockets, pickers, breakers,
bug killer, digimon catching device, detector and DM devices. That are all
the parts that I know.

Battery: This is the part that defines the amount of HP in your car and
There are three types of batteries, small, medium and large. So
the more expensive the battery, the more HP you will have. You
could also upgrade your parts if you have the money.

S = small
M = Medium
A = Large
| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xxxEGL1 | 1000 | Provide 800 HP |
| | | S size |
| xxxxx"EGL1 | 2500 | Provide 1200 HP |
| | | S size |
| xxx"-EGL1 | 5000 | Provide 1600 HP |
| | | S size |
| xx"xxEGL1 | 20000 | Provide 2000 HP |
| | | S/M size |
| x"xxxxEGL1 | 30000 | Provide 2400 HP |
| | | M size |
| xxx"-xEGL1 | 40000 | Provide 2800 HP |
| | | M size |
| x"xx"-xEGL1 | 80000 | Provide 3200 HP |
| | | M/A size |
| x"x"xxEGL1 | 95000 | Provide 3600 HP |
| | | A size |
| x"xxx"EGL1 | 99000 | Provide 4000 HP |
| | | A size |

Charger: This is the part that defines MP in the car and there are a few
items that you buy the digital city's car shop. Here is a list
of items. Charger could also be upgrade if you have the money.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xxx"DxxL1 | 500 | Provide 500 EP |
| | | S/M/A size |
| x-xxDxxL1 | 1000 | Provide 1000 EP |
| | | S/M/A size |
| xxxDxxL1 | 10000 | Provide 3000 EP |
| | | A size |

Pockets: This is the part that give you the amount of spaces to put your
items and bring it during the quest. There are lots of items
that you can buy in the digital city. The mechanic there are
the best. Pockets can also be upgrade if you have the money.
Here is a list of pockets.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xxx-xVxx | 300 | Provide 4 spaces|
| | | S/M/A |
| x"xxxxVxx | 5000 | Provide 5 spaces|
| | | S/M/A |
| xxxx-Vxx | 7000 | Provide 6 spaces|
| | | S/M/A |
| xxx-xxxx | 500 | Provide 8 spaces|
| | | S/M/A |
| xxxx"xxx | 3000 | Provide 16 space|
| | | S/M/A |
| xxxxx"xxx | 6000 | Provide 24 space|
| | | S/M/A |
| xxxxx"xxx | 10000 | Provide 32 space|
| | | M/A |

Pickers: This is the part that can be use to throw the bomb on the ground
away and there are classified into three kinds, small, medium
and large. There are three types of bombs and that is why you
need buy better pickers.

A = green explosive bomb
B = grey explosive bomb
C = red light explosive bomb
| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xxx"xxx" | 2000 | Throw A bomb |
| | | S/M/A |
| xxxxxxx" | 4000 | Throw A bomb |
| | | S/M/A |
| xx-xxxx" | 8000 | Throw A/B bomb |
| | | S/M/A |
| xxxxxx" | 14000 | Throw A/B/C bomb|
| | | M/A |
| xxx"xx-x | 3000 | Throw A bomb |
| | | S/M/A |
| x"xxx-x | 5000 | Throw A/B bomb |
| | | S/M/A |
| x"xxxx-x | 9000 | Throw A/B bomb |
| | | S/M/A |
| x-x"-x-x | 15000 | Throw A/B/C bomb|
| | | M/A |

Breakers: This is the part that destroy the barriers such as E.barriers,
walls. It is very useful as there are many traps in the dungeon.
So this part could not be left out.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xxxxxxxx | 3000 |Breaking barriers|

Bug-killer: This is the part which destroy the bugs and it is not so
important. But if you have the money, try this item.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| x"x"xxx"x | 3000 | Killing Bugs |

Digimon Catching Device: This is the part which is use to catch the
all kinds of digimons. It is free after you
save angemon.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xx-x-x"x | 1000 | catching digimon|

Detector: There are many kind of detector and you could buy in the car

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| xxxxxxxx" | 1000 | S/M/A |
| | | L1 |
| xxxxx"xxx" | 2000 | S/M/A |
| | | L2 |
| xxxxx"xxx" | 4000 | S/M/A |
| | | L3 |

DM devices: This is device which help to upgrade the detector.

| Item | Price | What it is |
| | (Bits) | used for |
| DMxxxx- | 10000 | shown above |

That is the end of my item lists. I will not be updating this item list
because I had already stated almost all the items in the shops. So see
me if you have any problems with this game.

The First World Map

_____ _____
| | | | _____
| A | | B | ______ | |
|_____| |_____| _____ | | | E |
| | | | |_____|
| D | | |
______ _____ |_____| |______|
| | | | Teleport _____
| | | C | Base | |
| | |_____| _____ | G |
|______| | | |_____|
Space | F |
Shuttle |_____|

_____ _____
| | | |
| H | | I |
|_____| |_____|
| |
_____ _____ | L |
______ | | | | |_____|
| | | J | | K |
| | |_____| |_____|
| |
|______| ______
Supermarket | |
______ _____ | |
_____ | | | | | |
| | | | | N | |______|
| M | | | |_____| Angemon's Base
|_____| |______|
Digital City
| |
| O |

The Second World Map

| |
| 9 | _____
|_____| | |
_____ | 8 |
| | |_____|
_____ _____ | 7 |
| | | | |_____|
| 4 | | 6 |
|_____| |_____|

_____ _____
| | | | _____
| 3 | | 2 | ______ | |
|_____| |_____| | | | 5 |
| | |_____|
| |
______ _____ |______|
| | | | STARTING
| | | 1 | STREET
| | |_____|

The Starting Street

| ___________ |
| | | |
| | PIYOMON'S | |
| | | |
| | HOUSE | |
| |___________| |
| __________ __________ |
| | | | | |
| | SHOP | | SHOP | |
| | | | | |
| |__________| |__________| |
| |
| ___________ |
| | | |
| | ENTRANCE | |
| | AND EXIT | |
| |___________| |

Piyomon's House: This is the house piyomon walks around, waiting for the
coming back of the Jijimon.

Item Shop: Here you can buy items for the Digimons, digivolve or
fusion him.

Car Repair Shop: Here you can buy parts and items for the car and
upgrade it.

Entrance and Exit: Here is Tyrano Shisyo protecting Starting Street, He
lets you go in and out of the Street.

The Third Map

| |
___ The Final
| | Dungeon
The White
___ Dungeon
| |

Battle Arena

You could look at the map to know where the Battle Arena are and you
could go there to join competitions. There are a total of eight rounds.
Each round consists of three battles with different people challenging
you to a fight. They will try all their might to win you. In some part
of the story, you need to go to the battle arena to earn some badges.
These badges increase your ranking and let your leader trusts you that
you could do it. If you want to join these competitions, you have to
have the money and three digimons to meet the minimum requirements.
Here are a series of items that you will win after winning the rounds.

|The Competition| Price | What Item you |
| (no.) | (Bits) | will win |
| 1 | 500 | xxxxx"EGL1 |
| 2 | 1000 | xxxxxxxx" |
| 3 | 1500 | JP chip |
| 4 | 2000 | xxxxx"xxx" |
| 5 | 2500 | x"x"xxx-xL1 |
| 6 | 3000 | xxxxxxL1 |
| 7 | 3500 | Power chip |
| 8 | 4000 | EXP chip |

Here is a list of digimons that you will fight.

First competition - 1st round - Toy Agumon, Patamon, Gizamon
2nd round - Wheelmon, Ganimon, Kunemon
3rd round - Tentomon, Piyomon, Wheelmon

Second competition - 1st round - Elecmon, Gottsumon, Plantmon
2nd round - Otamamon, Devimon, Gazimon
3rd round - Raremon, Gabumon, Peaguinmon

Third competition - 1st round - Drimogemon, Unimon, Birdramon
2nd round - Airdramon, Garurumon, Unimon
3rd round - Angemon, Pointmon, Mushroomon

Fourth competition - 1st round - Shellmon, Mojyamon, Cactusmon
2nd round - Bakemon, Branchmon, Wiz-Bakemon
3rd round - Tyranomon, Kentarumon, Monochromon

Fifth competition - 1st round - Tailmon, Firemon, Devidramon
2nd round - Gesomon, Devimon, Robot
3rd round - Dark Birdramon, Garurumon, Stripunimon

Sixth Competition - 1st round - 3 Bomberman
2nd round - Angewoman, Lilymon, Etamon
3rd round - Phantomon, Myotismon, Megaseadramon

Seventh Competition - 1st round - Garudamon, X-Veemon, Mammon
2nd round - Megaseadramon, Dark Monzaemon, Giromon
3rd round - Evil Flower, Chicken King, Pumpmon

Eighth Competition - 1st round - Wheelmon, Pinochiomon, Picodevidramon
2nd round - Metal Mamemon, Bomberman, Bomberman King
3rd round - Jijimon, Holydramon, Marine Angemon

This is all the information that I can provide to all of you. So if you
have any doubts about the Battle Arena, you could email to me.


I would like to Thanks my brother for providing me the names of the
that I have forgotten and special thank to my friend Rayvin Goh for
me the information on the evolution of digimons. Thank to WWW.Gamefaqs.com
publishing my guide.

I will updated my guide in about a one month time.
This is the last time I update my guide so see you. Bye.
All websites that have already gain my permission can publish my guide.
Thanks all those who are watching my guide and special thanks to my
supporters. I will not be playing this game anymore and will be publishing
other guides.

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Digivolving FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Digimons, alle Gebiete offen, viele Bits und mehr.

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Patch für die US NTSC Version.

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020