Dino Crisis 2

Dino Crisis 2

17.10.2013 15:09:56
The Raptor Files

Unlocking the Ultra Raptor

Title: Dino Crisis 2
Producer: Capcom
For: Sony Playstation
font: Courier 10 and 12
Created: 03/08/01
By: Ghidrah
EMaul: Darn139@AOL.COM

My work can be viewed at these sites.


As for the other sites that have permission, I'm sorry, I didn't save
your addresses, If you come by and read this and would like your Addy
posted with the others, EMAUL me.

If anyone wishes to use this on their site, I would like to know. I
don't have a problem with it's use by others on Gaming forums or being
copied for personal use, etc. I would like to know if it's to be used on
a site, just so I could drop by and see it and get to know some of the
denizens who are lurking.


Table of contents

01. Crap
02. Introduction
03. Armor
04. Characters
05. Weapons
06. Tools
07. Definitions
08. Velociraptors
09. Oviraptors
10. Ultra Raptor
11. Insights
12. Dylan, North Jungle Route 1 to Military Facility
13. Regina, Ship to Research Facility
14. Dylan, Ship to Research Facility
15. Dylan, City Front Dock to Edward's City
16. Regina, South Jungle Route to Launch Site

01. CRAP

I prepaid for Dino Crisis 2 over the NET 2 months prior to it's retail
debut hoping to get a jump on the rest of the gamers, figuring I could
show off some advanced knowledge at the forums I go to. I may have
received it about a week before it hit the public shelves. I was hooked
on Dino Crisis for all the same reasons that every other DC monkey is,
(a game I didn't even want 'til I got it as a Christmas present along
with TRLR and RE3) so I had hoped DC2 would be it's equal or better. In
the ensuing months before it arrived, I began to catch bits of info on
the game in PSM and the NET. I became apprehensive; my fear that I
wouldn't like the game grew. The need to purchase weapons and supplies
bothered me, big time! It's apparently just a shooter game, EEWWWEE! I
was comfortable with the idea that Rick, Gail and Regina were a team,
and didn't like the idea of a whole new set of names without all the old
familiar ones. Lastly, what bothered me most (the wave of terror
completely consumed me now) was the rumor that DC2 wasn't Regina's game,
but this newbie upstart's - Dylan Mortan. ["GASP" ... can't ... breathe
... room ... getting ... dark ......spinning."] Then, to top it all off,
the company that I bought it from said, "We're sending it UPS or FedEx".
(Loud and obnoxious game show error noise). The twits sent it regular
mail, using our residential address and not our Post Office Box Addy.
(We don't have a residential Postal address - the GITS.) It was about to
be returned to sender when, by good fortune, a mail handler from OUR PO
was working overtime at the local distribution center. He happened to
be handling the returns for that part of town and saw our surname on the
container. Knowing the FAMBLY, he called the house and said come and get
it Hoss, oh, and BTW, we're closing in 30 minutes. So, I tied the kids
up, threw 'em in the closet and I beat feet to the PO distribution
center and brought Dino Crisis home.

What a biased old woosied brat, eh?

OK, the game grows on you. Not everyone will like it - so what!
One of the first of the not-so-many questions asked on the NET was, "How
do I get all the endings?" "Can Dylan be saved?" and "What the hell was
that all about?" Others were: "I can't understand the damn story. Is it
in the future or the past?" "Who was that hologram guy that Dylan was
talking to?" "Who's that blonde Swedish babage in the SCHWEET Dominatrix
get-up? Where can I find one of those outfits for my girlfriend/wife?"
Many people must have been:
A. Stupified through the game.
B. Didn't read the files as they collected them.
C. Didn't listen to the coversations as they transpired through the
D. All of the above.

Not to say that there aren't some holes in the story (lack of
information) that need be addressed in the sequel.



During game play, if you collect all the files, you learn of the never
seen but often suspected Gigantosaur (played by none other than the
great El Gigante) from the Edward's City folk. El shows up (the first of
three times,) just to eat Blinky in front of Regina. (Played by
Mr.Theodore Rex.)
The Ultra Raptors (played by Axe and Smash of Demolition, an old
Wrestling tag team) are also mentioned in a file but not seen throughout
the game. Miss or Myth? Play it again, Sam, maybe I missed a spot in the
game. Nope! Hmmm, maybe they only come out in HARD MODE? Nope! Well, at
least not the first few times I played through.
Somewhat naturally, one progresses in DC2 as in DC and the Resident
Evil games, to "The Speed Game", for which I have also written a
walkthrough. (shameless DC 1 & 2 promo) Maybe the Ultras are a bonus
object for achieving fast times? (like in RE 2, Launcher and Gattling)
NOPE AGAIN! I've certainly qualified in that regard on both NORMAL and
HARD MODES and they still didn't pop up. What to do, what to do? The
only clue to their existance at all is a short mention in file #17, the
VELOCIRAPTOR FILE, but no clue as to how to get them to come out and
play. The very FIRST time I ever saw them was in hard mode. As I went
through the big doors to Edward's City, I landed on City Front/Haul
Road. I certainly wasn't prepared to properly greet them. (No time to
shower, shave and change my underwear, even though I was in the habit of
carrying the ATR at the time.) I began firing at one just off screen
when the second one ran in from the side (which is tres difficult to do
when using the ATR on them) and grabbed Dylan's lily-white buttocks and
commenced to throttle him. Once released, I ran around for a while,
shooting and wasting Meds. I allowed Dylan to be killed and restarted
from the ship. I worked out a move that lined them up in a row and took
them out together which gives you an extra 1400 EPs on top of the 14000
for 15400 EPs. I have recieved 15500 EPs using the Solid Canon up-close
and personal-like. It took 25 rounds of ATR fire per raptor. When lined
up, that's a total of 27 rounds for the pair. When I completed the game,
I went on-line to tell everyone I had found them. The problem was, I
didn't kill 20 of anything. I didn't know you had to kill twenty raptors
to bring them out in NORMAL MODE let alone HARD MODE, so the confusion
continued on. A poster with the SN Carlos Oliveira (at then UBI) said he
read at IGN that you had to kill twenty raptors to unlock the Ultras. I
pointed out that I hadn't killed twenty of anything, and a debate on it
lasted for a couple of days. It gave me something to chew on. This was
around November 2000. Over the next couple of days I unlocked Ultras in
three cells on Dylan's march to the Military Facility. I shelved the
project at the time, because I wanted to see what I could do in speed-
gaming, plus I had just finished writing the DC2 in-depth walkthrough
and was considering writing the speed game version. I took a break and
went back to the speed game after a week or so. Ten games later, I had a
pretty good time of 1:15:52, which I later (after writing the DC2 Speed
Game Walkthrough) pared down to 1:14:24. One should have half way decent
times if one is going to stick ones neck out on the WWW. chopping block.
I don't own or use a GS so all my times are achievable.
Christmas arrived, and so did Metal Gear Solid and Syphon Filter 2,
so three months later and a bunch of other games played, I decided to
get back to the Raptor Files.
I like the sound of Raptor Files.

What I intend to do is give the location of all the cells where they
(ULTRA RAPTORS) can be unlocked, with the zones and "SWEET SPOTS" in
each of those cells and some technique into the process. I will also
supply the reader with a weapons list, which I'm convinced will bring
the most success and why I believe so.
I will give a description of each Raptor type - their strengths and
weaknesses. Also, a little insight into dealing with them, with
information on cells that generate Ultras.

A generator cell can generate Ultra Raptors up to two times. However,
there are cells that don't support Ultras on the first pass through, but
will on the second pass. There are cells that support the raptors that
spawn Ultras, but that particular cell doesn't spawn the Ultra, you must
travel further in the game to find them. Maybe the purpose of this is to
throw you off guard.



I don't purchase the offered armor in the TOOLS SERVICE. I've become
movement adept playing speed games (weaving in and out of the Dinos) to
avoid serious damage during game play. Concerning Ultra Raptor hunts,
wearing armor won't prevent a break in the Combo Counter. If and when
you are hit by a Dino, the count is reset. However, if you wish to wear
the armor, more power to you. You'll have more than enough EPs to cover
the bill. It will afford better protection for the trials between the
Ultra Generating cells, for those who need it.
Unfortunately, the inner and outer armor doesn't become available 'til
later on in the game. Consider this: there may be times when you wish to
punish Regina and/or Dylan for repeatedly screwing up! If they're
wearing armor, you will have to wait forever for them to die. THAT'S
JUST WRONG! I want them to die fast so I can get back to the game. I
hate having to go through all that button-pushing just to take another
hit and start over again. Having the characters at partial health gets
them to die faster, which means you can avoid some of the resetting to
get back into the game.
Sometimes I wonder, why I do this to myself? BrAiN daMAge!



There isn't an ability that one character has over the other, as far
as I can tell. Their agility is limited only by you, the player, and
your ability to maneuver in the game. Although, Regina doesn't get a
damaging weapon like Dylan does. Too bad they didn't include 'roll'.



I suggest these main weapons basically because they are the best for
the job. I'm sure, after I give my explanations, as such, I may win you
over to my tenet.
Initially, for the early part of your Ultra Raptor search, you don't
have a choice. You must play using the default weapons. (Excluding Game
Shark players, I think.) Not to worry, the default weapons work just
fine for what's going on at the beginning.
To maintain continuous combination counter quotas, (Ooh, I 'urt me
broin-tongue, it gots numb on 'at one) you have to be ferociously
mobile. You must be able to fire your weapon on the run, do a 180° and
book back in the opposite direction. You can only run and fire with the
Shotgun, Pistol, Machine Pistols (TWINS) and Solid Canon.
The other main weapons, as powerful as they are, will get you mouwed
on, nearly every stinking time. Nobody, I repeat, nobody wants stinking
raptor breath and spit on them. Youz don no wha demz mouwz been mouw'in
Regarding Regina and her dilema with Ultra Raptors, all her working
weapons don't have much of an effect on Axe and Smash. If you can't
maneuver well between the raptors, (close quarters, in and out weaving,
circles, figure eights) then I highly suggest using the "Missile Pod"
when it becomes availible. Re-enter the cell, move into the cell deep
enough to hear the pitter patter of Ultra feet, stop and begin firing.
It'll keep Regina safe. I don't use it on them because I'm always trying
to improve my maneuvering ability.


Default weapon - the only usable main weapon for Dylan until he can
afford to buy the Solid Canon. The shotgun is best for the job until
Dylan makes his way to the Passageway to Military Facility and the Marsh
Poison Plant areas, (North and South) where he can use the Solid Canon
more affectively. Even then, the shotgun holds it's own. The shotgun is
precious for three important reasons:

1. The shotgun has spread, which means it catches dinos off
to the side (collateral damage) - very important when in close

2. It has distance. It fires and contacts the enemy at a distance the
Canon can't match. Fro example: When you're at one end of a zone,
target has just spawned at the other end and you're near the end of
combo counter's stay on screen. What will you do? What will you do?
Why,use the Shotgun! It fits the bill nicely. Run and fire at the

3. In-your-face killing. The shotgun will chunk an early to mid-game
or an Ovi in one round. Much later in the game, the shotgun just
powerful enough to take out the end-game raptors in one or two rounds
reliably enough.

Later, about mid-game, the purchase of the Silver EPS Card extends the
combo counter's stay on screen. This is important because some of these
later cells force you to move between sweet spots and zones to maintain
a constant number of Dinos spawning. The shotgun still works well in
this respect but it's no longer powerful enough to take the dinos out
quickly. This raises the risk of being hit and forcing a break in the
counter. You no longer worry about getting to the next dino to maintain
the count. Instead, you now worry about getting hit. This is when the
Shotgun losses it's luster and the Solid Canon begins to glow red hot.


Default weapon. This is the only usable weapon for Regina until she can
afford the Machine Pistols (TWINS). Considering what Regina is firing
at, it holds it's own. The pistol is only slightly less damaging than
the shotgun. Three things help the pistol when in close quarters: the
backstep, the circle and the figure eight run. Your best tactic is to
keep moving. Never stop 'til you're sure the last dino is down. Running
at your targets helps you to move to the other end of the sweetspot.
This gives the area you're leaving a chance to generate new dinos. Mucho
importante in keeping the Counter alive.
Like the shotgun, the pistol becomes a liability later on in the game
when the Raptors and such become tougher. That's when the Twins come
into play. You'll acquire the Silver EPS Card a little later, so, no
worries in that department.


These babies will keep Regina healthy throughout the game. Their
greatest asset is their multiple targeting capability. To my mind,
Regina can have no better weapon for Ultra hunting, until she actually
finds the Ultras, of course. Pick the twins up at the Control Shack,
along with the Flame Launcher, and you're good to go. They aren't
devastating; it takes a few rounds to chunk a raptor and tons of lead to
take down an Ultra. The twins will stop the standard raptors in their
tracks. The Ultras, on the other hand, will not be slowed in the least.
This is where you must get creative with the running because
backstepping won't work here. Circles and figure eights will be your
movement weapons of choice. If you're a clusterer, you'll more than
likely still take some savage hits from these Badboys. Maneuver Regina
to a spot where she'll have some running room. "DO NOT" run in long
straight lines - you might as well stick an apple in your mouth and ring
the dinner bell. Short runs, (to add a little shooting distance) circles
and figure eights work best. Get creative and make up some different
patterns of your own if you like. I like these because they're simple
and get the job done.


This is a wonderful weapon. I consider it the all-round best weapon in
the game when playing normal game and speed games. When on an Ultra
Raptor hunt at the beginning of the game, the Solid Canon has two

1. It doesn't shoot up well. When you're trying to maintain the combo
and you're in an area full of rift faults, the Solid Canon is
lacking. It
can discharge down adequately enough, but there is always that one
here and there where it doesn't foot the bill.

2. It has lousy range! It will only chunk something about 10 feet in
front of
Dylan, which isn't bad when he's on the run and the Dinos are dying
to get
into the canon's discharge area.

The solid Canon is best utilized a bit later in the game in flat,
twisty- turny areas where level shots are required.
The Solid Canon will take out an Ultra Raptor in 5 rounds. I try to
position myself in front of them. The canon will hold them in place
while doing the job. For the Allosaur - if you feel the need to go after
him, you can catch him as he descends from a container or from an
elevated portion of a rift. The belly shot does the most damage. Of
course Al won't sit still, so the canon can do it's job quickly. I only
take out Al in the two ponds area, so it'll be full of raptors on the
way back from the Research Facility. I like to take him in the first
pond after he jumps through the break in the wall. I enjoy chasing his
butt around and watching him twitch with delight as I jolt his dino
hide. (The hunter has now become the hunted.) Aside from the forced
shoots (on the way to Edward's Allosaur nests) I leave the rest of them


This is the best weapon for taking out plesiosaurs in one shot. It
slaps the Dactyls around and calls them Susan in the open air, with room
to catch them at a distance. It's not so hot in close quarters, where
containers and walls get in the way of torching the blighters. It works
well on Inostrancevias too, especially when used in conjunction with the


This puppy carries a big wallop. I like using it on the Dactyls in the
3rd Energy Storage Space. I always get hammered by the Dactyls if I try
to fight them with anything other than the Missile Pod. Just in case I
didn't mention it anywhere else in this pile, "I hate Dactyls!" The
Missile Pod also works dandy on the Ultras. It's the only weapon that
Regina can possess that'll stop them in their tracks. It works wonders
on the Inostrancevias, too. I bought it a couple of times to see what it
would work on. Because you can't run and shoot with it, you must have
the room to shoot it. In the time it takes to raise and shoot the
Missile Pod, you could get moued on. Notice that when Regina has been
knocked down by a Inostrancevia while using the Missile Pod, that she
will whack the dino on the side of the head as she rises from the
ground. The weapon works well but I don't purchase it, mainly because
it's a stop-and-shoot weapon.


This is a tres cool sounding and looking weapon. Except for the Ultras,
it chunks all raptors and dactyls (when you can target them) in one
round and at long distance. It will chunk inostrancevias in three
rounds, if they've been flipped. The main problem with the ATR is that
it's a stop-and-shoot weapon, like the Missile Pod. This will put you at
a disadvantage when you're in close quarters, swamped by dinos. At the
end of the game at FACILITY AREA FRONT, even though it doesn't generate
Ultras, (as far as I've been able to tell) the ATR is valuable in that
it fires up and down and at extreme distances with deadly acuracy. So,
if you're in the mind-set to chunk these guys anyway, the ATR will come
in handy when those pesky varmints are at the other end of the cell or
up on one of the raised areas. Other than that, I don't use it.


The few times I have used the Launcher, it has been in the final
conflict with El Gigante. You would think it would rack up higher EPs
when firing it into El's mouth, but the best I ever did was 1800 EPs,
which I think came as a counter attack. 1200 EPs seems menial compared
to the job at hand. More often than not, I use nothing, and run Dylan's
lily-whites off. I have completed this run one time without the use of
meds. I was knocked down only one time and it also happened to be the
fastest time I ever had for the run.

The default weapons work fine for Dylan's first run to the Military
Facility. However, the Solid Canon becomes available in the Water Tower,
so take advantage of it. For Regina, she needs to get the twins as soon
as they are available. All the other weapons are walk and shoot, or
worse - stop and shoot. In a regular game, this isn't a problem. In an
Ultra Raptor hunt it is imperative that your character be as mobile as
possible, so as to continue removing raptors and keep the counter alive
and ticking. The heavy weapons just don't foot the bill.

Well, that's all I have to say on the weapons in the Raptor Files. I
hope I got you to see my angle on the weapons set. Feel free to
experiment with the OTHER weapons if you like; go ahead, see if I care!
You'll be back, though. You'll be back to my way of seeing things - oh
yeah, you'll be back!



The only tool needed in the game from the TOOL SERVICE is the Silver
EP Card. The Silver EP Card extends the Combo Counter's screen time,
giving you that extra second or two to take out the next Dino. It
becomes important in the long cells and the cells where the Dinos seem
to be reluctant to spawn fast enough, like North Jungle Route #4, on the
way to the Research Facility.
The Gold EP Card isn't needed, although it makes for higher EP counts
at the Ranking screen. The points generated by the Ultra Hunt are more
than adaquate to purchase any and all weapons, Tools and Meds.




An area containing one or more zones that generate dinos, confined
between an entry and an exit gate or ladder. All Extinction Points
acquired from eliminating dinos within this cell are calculated when
exiting said cell.


An area within a Cell that generates dinos. There can be one or more
Zones within a cell. Each zone has one or more generation points and a
sweet spot. The best zone is the one in the cell with the most
generation points. If you're lucky, you'll have a zone on either side of
the zone with the most generation points.


A place within a zone, where said zone generates it's Dinos. Some zones
will have one or more generation points. The reason being, when running
the zone from one generation point to another, you will come up against
the abutting zones which may generate and attract dinos from the
adjoining zone. This can keep an ample supply of dinos coming. Knowing
they all want to be on you, it can get exicting having them come from
all over the place. Be strong. Don't suffer from "Dino Overload Flake
Syndrome", known as DOFS, This happens when you keep getting hit by
dinos in the easiest places to defend from. It's burnout time. This is
when you need to put the game down for a while. It may prevent you from
breaking your cheap default or expensive Analog controller from repeated
VIOLENT contact with the floor. (I was amazed at the amount of abuse my
default controller took before it broke.) Unfortunately, the Analog/dual
shock controller doesn't fare as well as the defaults. The shock motors
make it too heavy - what a drag. I was able to put them back together
but they'll never be the same. Most of the damage was created playing
Metal Gear Solid. I have a blanket in front of me now, and a ball and
gag in my mouth to keep from getting it washed out with soap from the
Tourette Syndrome-like barks and swears that spew from my mouth when
playing unreasonable games.


Same as Generation Point


A spot within a zone, often centered between generation points. Moving
in and out of the sweet spot activates the generation points.


The game device that maintains the count of dinos eliminated within a


This is the group of Velociraptors and Oviraptors that you confront in
a cell to unlock Ultra Raptors. Not all groups support Ultra Raptors,
and not all cells that sport spawning groups (1st wave dinos that
produce the Ultra Raptor) actually produce the Ultras. As the game
progresses, certain cells increase the count of dinos necessary to
unlock Ultras. The counts start at 20, then gets upped to 25 and
finally, in a few cells, top off at 28 dinos.


Extra dinos that the game supplies you with to maintain the combination
count when trying to unlock the Ultras. All cells have reserve dinos -
however, not all cells allow Ultras to generate.


First wave dinos that produce Ultra Raptors


Cells that produce Ultra Raptors


There are three basic velociraptors in DC2. If they truly existed in
these color forms, surely they would have been wonderful to see. You can
catch them at different parts of the game.

At the beginning of the game there is a Gray Raptor with small black
blotches running the length of it's form and cream-colored on the

The second is the Green Raptor with the red splotches on the back, red
bands on the tail and legs, and a cream-colored underside (neck, belly
and tail). When you view the FMVs on an idle start screen, they don't
seem to have the bands, but they look like bands to me on my tube.

Later on in the game, a raptor, sporting a reddish-brown body
sprinkled with mottled tan spots, appears on the way to the Missile
Silo. They react like the earlier raptors but are a tad tougher. It can
take two hits from the Solid Canon and have a slightly different death
scream - much louder and piercing.

Except for the different body colors, I can't tell that there is any
measurable difference between them. They all are very aggressive and
exhibit the same types of attacks.

1. Leaps for take downs
2. Leaps on with violent rending action
3. Arm and leg grab with violent shaking action, (the rending and
actions are visceral down to the marrow)
4. Arm grab with violent toss
5. If your character is standing motionless, a velociraptor will step
and forth and take small, slightly damaging bites to the head
6. Tail slap
7. Last but not least, the up-and-over-the-head toss.

The violent rending and shaking actions are what cause the blood loss.
This is when you will need either a L.Medpak or a Hemostat and S.



I hate these guys, just not as much as Dactyls. There are two types,
as far as I can tell, The first appears to have a bluish gray body. Both
sport black blotch bands that span their entire length from back of head
to tip of tail and a pronounced, reddish-pink sagital crest topping the
head. The second type, seen after retrieving the "BATTERY" and leaving
the Research Facility Entrance, is reddish-brown. The Oviraptor is small
compared to the Velociraptor but no less aggressive, and they seem to
inflict damage at a faster rate than the velociraptors do - although,
they don't appear to beef up their defenses like the velociraptors
(become tougher) as the game progresses.
By now, I'm sure the seasoned player is familiar with the Ovi's attack
methods. This is for the new player, who wants to have a go at unlocking
the Ultras for the heck of it.
BE AWARE - you may very well end up just being overly frustrated, if
you don't posses the skills to avoid contact with any of the dinos, let
alone the Oviraptors. It's quite difficult for anyone, even those who
consider themselves experts.

1. Ovis are fast
2. Ovis spit poison
3. Ovis have flying drop kicks
4. Ovis leap on you and use their beaks to hack on you about the head
shoulders. (Their most damaging attack)

One thing of note - in the "Research Facility Entrance", while running
this area for attack and physical characteristics information, I noticed
that the game had generated four Oviraptors at one time. Aside from the
occasional three Plesiosaurs in the 3rd Energy Facilities' first
Plesiosaur cell, I haven't seen this phenomenom occur with the other
dinos. Has anyone else out there seen this happen? It must be a glitch.



The Ultra Raptor, aside from the color, for all intents and purposes
appears to be just another raptor. The main body color appears to be a
shade of purple with black blotches, much like the black blotches on
the Grey Velociraptor. (I know the file #17 says they are blue, but on
my tube they're purple.) The ultras have a long red smear on either side
of their head, traveling the the entire length of their neck and
terminating at the breast bone. The aggressive character is no different
than the standard raptor. However, the Ultra Raptor must get it's name
from it's unbelievable capacity to withstand damage. With the default
weapons this can produce some interesting counter moves. They are able
to walk through the barrage from the default weapons, the fire of the
Flame Launcher or Firewall and even the heavy machine gun. The only
other mobile weapon that has stopping power is the Solid Canon.



Save often! Save before you tackle an Ultra spawning cell, especially
if it is more than two cells away from your last save. You can never
predict the generation output for any cell or zone, save for after you
smoke the Ultras.

When in the midst of dealing with dinos, don't get too close to exit
doors or ladders, because you could accidently enter them by hitting
your fire (action) button before hitting the ready (R1) button. The game
is frustrating enough without accidently screwing it up. I've done it
enough times to think it's worth the warning.

I keep the sound effects on and remove the background effects. Usually
there's enough noise going on in the house that the BG makes it that
much harder to hear the pitter patter of little dino feet on the rug. To
each his (or her) own.

Always keep moving. This will keep you healthier and get you to the
other end of the sweet spot quicker, for some raptor killing.

If there is a dino on your tail, as long as you hold the ready button
(R1), you don't have to physically turn your character back. It'll be an
automatic turn to confront the oncoming dino.

Don't waste time climbing up and down ladders or containers within a
cell. You can't shoot when doing this and it eats into the Combo
Counter. Run to the edge of a rift. (I think this helps generate dinos
from an adjoining zone) If you must utilize containers and faults, like
in NJR4, do the climbing first, when at the top kill. Then run to the
opposite side and drop down. This may give you time to kill the newly
spawned raptor in the next zone. It can get very tricky, and in most
cases it isn't worth the effort.

Dancing with Dinos! It is the wise gamer that learns to embrace the
enemy, to become comfortable in close quarters. Who grocks it's demeaner
and can anticipate what the rotter will do? Knowing that Dinos can't
handle circles or figure eights well is a boon to the close quarters boy
and girl. There are times when you have no choice but to mingle with the
guests. Knowing "guest etiquette" will keep you healthy, wealthy and

Each cell has an initial set of Raptors. NJR#1 has 18, #2 has 15 and
#3 has 15. There is a secondary set that comes into play for one reason
or another. Mainly, I think, to give you another chance at the 20. Each
cell has a total of something like 29 to 31 raptors in two groups. Group
one is the group you contact first. Group two holds the raptors you
contact if you blow the combo counter. It will supply the needed dinos
required to meet the twenty kill. If you exit the cell and return, you
can kill 9 to 11 more. Now, if you're in the throws of battle (going for
the 20, you have killed 5 raptors and been hit to break the counter),
exit the room and return. If you do the math, you have removed 5 of the
20. That leaves 15, yes? Well, the surplus raptors in group #2 will add
5 to the 1st group and allow you another try, leaving 5 raptors
remaining in the 2nd group. In this scenario, it would allow you to
screw up one more time, giving you 3 attempts at the 20.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes, when entering a zone and you go
to weapons ready, Dylan or Regina will point at a building's wall,
fence, bushes or one of the elevated faults, instead of the raptor
beside or behind him/her? I'm thinking these spots "MAY" be generation
points in the stated zone.

There are occasions in the game while using the Solid Canon where, as
you are running and firing at a dino, it leaps at you, or a dino leaps
from the side or from off-screen. It has happened more than once where
said dino has leaped over the on-coming discharge from the Solid Canon
and made a hit on Dylan.

My discovery came on the morning of 3/27/01. I had time to kill; I
had to pick up Ma at Logan (international airport), so I wasn't going in
to work. I was running Dylan to Position NJR4. I was, as usual,
frustrated beyond telling. I would get to raptor 22, 23, and/or 24, and
the last one, two or three would hang 'til the clock ran down. Why I did
this next thing, I do not know. I killed the twenty-fifth raptor,
entered the Water Tower enclosure and exited. Can you guess what I found
running around out there in NJR4 when I returned? I expected to see the
second-wave raptors (replacement raptors). I was throttled to see
Ultras! Now I have another anomaly to deal with. How many licks does it
take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Ultra pop?


D'OH!!! I hate it when this happens. All this time working on the Combo
counter principle, believeing that it was necessary to unlock the
Ultras. Man, do I FEEEEEEEEL STUPEED!!! I better have a look in the
mirror to make sure there isn't a VEELAAGE EEDEEOT sign stuck to my
hairy back. (I could probably use an Epilate treatment. "MARGE! could
you epilady my backy, please?" "OH, Homey! You know that won't work.
Remember, your back hair wrecked the cutting blades on the push lawn
mower the last time we tried.")

So, here's the deal so far: on a cell with twentyfive raptors, you
must combo count at least twenty without a break in the counter. The
last five can be picked up and still get the ultras to show. It doesn't
matter what the order is, as long as there are 20 under the counter.
Someone might like to try killing, say, 3, then 20, and then 2, to see
if it works that way, too. Sorry to say, it doesn't work on the 20-count

RATS! This is going to mean a bleedin' partial rewrite of all the 25-
count cells to comply with this new data.



For starters, North Jungle Route 1 to North Jungle Route 3 will be
practice for North Jungle Route 4. Hence known as NJR 1, 2 and 3. If you
successfully eliminate all the raptors in the first three cells, you'll
have more than enough EPs to purchase the Solid Canon when you enter the
Water Tower. The first three cells are your reflex warm-up. There are 18
raptors in NJR1, 15 in NJR2 and 15 in NJR3.

NJR1. This is an easy cell. It has two zones and at least eight
generating points. The best sweet spot is at the upper level in the
cell, where the circle (or cul de sac) is, from the rift ladder to the
NJR2 entrance ladder. Basically, I run back and forth from rift ladder
to the little dog leg just before the entrance ladder to NJR2. I also
run around the circle counter clockwise. (I feel more secure running
counter-clockwise.) I have general success either way. You will receive
10,400 EPs for 18 raptors - more if you luck into a few Counter Attack

NJR2. This cell is a tad more difficult, having two zones and at least
five generating points. It's sweet spot is a little long. The sweet spot
starts just before the elevated rift on the left, (coming from NJR1) to
the rift drop near the end of the cell. This is about three-fourths the
length of the entire cell. Stay on the upper level of the cell and keep
moving back and forth to these two extremes. You get 9500 EPs for 15

NJR3. This cell is short, which is a double-edged sword. The whole cell
is a sweet spot. There is one rift fracture in the middle of the cell,
creating the two zones. You get 9500 EPs for 15 raptors.

NORTH JUNGLE ROUTE 4, 20 raptors

This is the first cell to generate 20 raptors and to spawn the Ultra
Raptors. This cell is very long and has three zones. Each zone in itself
is long and/or encompasses a wide area, not to mention the cell has
three elevations.
I suggest that you not touch a dino in this cell 'til you have saved in
the Water Tower. You should have, if you were successful in the prior
cells, 29400 EPs, or somewhere close to it - more than enough to
purchase the Solid Canon. I suggest staying with the shotgun in NJR4 if
you're adamant on tackling NJR4 at this time. This is going to be a
toughy - highly difficult and extremely frustrating. In four runs
through this cell, I have spent anywhere up to 15 attempts at getting
the Combo Count needed to spawn the Ultras, most often because it
doesn't generate the raptors fast enough. I haven't been successful
using the Solid Canon here on this leg of the journey. On the way back
from the Research Facility, on the other hand, with the Silver EPS Card
in posession, it's managable with either the shot gun or the solid
canon. If you save first you can give up after a number of tries and
proceed to the next cell without having to restart at NJR1 over and

If you do hang with the pitbulls, you can get Axe and Smash to come out
and play. If you're adventurous, stay with the shotgun. If you're not in
the mood, use the Solid Canon. Enter and exit the Water Tower. Run out
into the zone and wait for them to show, then maneuver yourself so that
they're on one side and fire away with the Canon, taking them out within
the counter's alloted time. The counter coughs up an extra 1400 to 1500
EPs. If you're still being the pitbull, be prepared for a drawn-out
confrontation. You might consider saving before reentering NJR4. In any
case, save when you're done with Demolition.


This is one of the easiest cells to run! It's short, with just one zone
and it has at least five generation points. The raptors come fast and
heavy. You'll be swarmed, but the odds are more likely that you'll be
hit harder than ever running the combo counter out. The Solid Canon
shows it's stuff in here and the shotgun's still dandy, more than
adaquate for the job at hand. Exit the cell. If you're staying with the
shotgun, save here. If not, return and smoke some Ultras and save.

Remember, you don't want to waste any more time than necessary
restarting, but if you take a chance and continue on without the save,
you risk getting dumped and having to do the 20 and Ultras all over
again, so to retain your count, save.
When you return, you'll see the RESERVES (extra dinos a cell provides
for retries). The game is set to give you a couple of chances to
maintain combo count without restarting from the last save.


This cell is relatively easy, albeit a tad long and has proved testy in
the past when using the Solid Canon. Re-arm with the shotgun. The
shotgun's range is what gives it the edge in this cell. PTMF2 has five
generation points like PTMF1 but they are spread out along the whole
length of this long cell. I spend all my time between the overhead door
at the Military Facility and just before the scene change showing the
rift fracture and ladder.

Once you have shredded all 20 dinos, return to PTMF1 and greet your
purple playmates. As I suggested earlier, the Solid Canon makes quick
hot meat of the two and will add the combo bonus to the EP count. Return
to the Water Tower and save. Now complete Dylan's mission to the
Military Facility.



Regina appears, climbing the dock ladder. Turn her cheeks around and
get her beauteous gluteus back to the ship and save.
Regina starts her first journey out like Dylan - default weapon only.
If you can keep your mind fixed on the dinos' movements, you will do
I wonder why the game Gods don't want us to kill the Pansies?

SOUTH JUNGLE ROUTE 1, 20 raptors

This cell isn't very long, but it's tricky and it arches like a big
question mark. A good portion of the cell is always hidden, so, you must
be careful of the off-screen leapers and the combo counter. Keep moving
from one end of the cell to the other. There are at least four
generating sites in this one and they're all pretty close together. I
run between the rock where the first raptor appears, to about twenty
feet short of the rift ladder exit.

Now, as you know, Regina won't have a weapon to stop the Ultras in
their tracks like lucky Dylan does. It almost makes me think that they
either don't want Regina to take on the Ultras, or that they want to
punish her for being one babe Wamma Jamma. Don't you think they made her
a little too cute for DC2? Of course, it's understandable that all the
dinos want to eat her - I do! Still, I prefer the DC1 version, SHE's the
muffin I fell in love with.
(But, I digress.) For this problem, you will need to put on your
fastest and sharpest running shoes, because there'll be some tight
cornering going down, (I'm down wit dat, are you down wit dat? I bet
Regina is down wit dat, come on everyone get down wit dat, OK, I'm done
wit down... wit dat!) If you're good, you can get out of this with one,
maybe two meds. Go back to the ship and save if you have any
reservations. Exit SJR1 and return to "PARTY!" Maybe it would help if
you play "Can't touch this" as background music? Done - OK. Now go save,
you animal, and meet me at the beginning of South Jungle Route 2.

SOUTH JUNGLE ROUTE 2, 25 raptors.

YIKES! Now this is a long cell! It has three zones and five, maybe six
generation points. I spend all my efforts between the gate to the
Research Facility and half way between the Marsh door and the beginning
of SJR2. It's not a difficult cell for getting hammered by dinos, but
you may have a problem keeping the counter going. I exit and return at
the door to Poison Marsh Plant South. I'm guessing that all exits work,
it just seems I'm always at or near this door when SJR2 dinos have been

I have two prefered places to fight off the Ultras. One is at the dog
leg near the Marsh door and the other is at the beginning of SJR2, where
the path opens up. It gives you some maneuvering room.
When you're finished dealing with the Ultras, I think it's faster to
head to the Research Facility and save in the Control Shack.


Head straight for the Control Shack and save. This is a difficult cell
to deal with in general. It has 4 generation points, but an elevated
walkway. The walkway poses a problem for wasting time in climbing. It's
hard to tell when to climb it for the dino triggering points along it.
If there is a raptor at the top of the ladder and there isn't one
running up your tail pipe, take it out and climb. Dropping down is
faster than climbing up so that isn't as much of a problem. I have only
been successful when using both zones. The odds here are on the counter
running down before you're able to kill the next dino. I suggest
purchasing the Twins and the Flame launcher after cuffing Paula.

Once you eliminate the fodder, enter the Control Shack, return to RFB
and dance with the Ultras. It doesn't seem to go any faster with the
twins blazing than it does with the pistol. I also like to run out away
from them, stop, turn and fire away for the couple of seconds it takes
them to relocate and advance. The circle and figure eight has a draw
back in that it throws lead in directions other than what you intend as
the target. You must maintain an angle of attack that allows the bullets
to hit the raptors. A little closer to real I suppose. Save before
leaving the RFB.

SOUTH JUNGLE ROUTE 2, 25 raptors.

"Kill them all, Hamarabi." Follow the instructions from the first run-


I mention these areas now, because all the poison plants must be
removed at this time so that PMP N & S can be filled with Ultra Raptor
spawning raptors later in the game. The Flame Launcher works wonderful
here, the Fire Wall works too, but it's range is shorter and you have a
greater chance of getting hit with the spores ejected from the plants.





Al must be removed from this cell to make room for raptors on Dylan's
return from the Research Facility. I prefer to take him out in the first
pond near the break in the wall. He has less room to maneuver. I have
taken him out in five shots with the Solid Canon, catching him as he
moves toward the edge of the rift ladder to jump down. I like to take
him down in the pond; he looks really funny trying to get away from the
discharge. Don't forget to get the Key on your way through.

NORTH JUNGLE ROUTE 1, 25 raptors

I suggest using the upper level of the fault line for your dino killing
pleasure. Follow the same proceedure as your first run-through here.
This time, though, there'll be some Ultra meat on the barbee!

NORTH JUNGLE ROUTE 4, 25 raptors

Follow the instructions from the original pass with Dylan. Remember,
this is a very difficult (frustrating) cell; save at the Water Tower
first. Also, if you can get the 20, you can let the counter run out.
Just make sure you get all 25.


This is a long, squiggly cell with enough nooks and crannies to make
Thomas's English muffins jealous. There are 5 trigger points in the cell
with 3 zones - an easy cell. I run the whole cell for dinos; they
readily spawn. Be careful of the off-screen leaper. The Solid Canon is
best. Exit the cell to the Water Tower and return. I like to take Axe
and Smash in the depression here because it confines them in the little
low pocket at the WT door. Save.


"OOOH-WEE, Deputy Dawg! This gots ta be duh longest cell in duh game!"
More or less a giant L, it has what I consider 4 zones, although some
might think that's a stretch. There are 7, possibly 8 generating points.
The problem will be in maintaining the combo count. The shotgun will do
as well or better than the Solid Canon here, because of it's range.

I tend to stay about 40 feet from the PMPNA door when looping on the
run, and about 25 yards from the SJR2 door. Any closer than these
distances can run the combo clock down before meeting up with another

I don't know - is it me, or is it the actual game noise? I swear,
Dylan's and Regina's running noise sound in the marsh area sounds like,
schmuck- schmuck-schmuck-schmuck!

Exit the SJR2 door and return. You may have to advance into the cell
some distance to call both of them out, to take advantage of the combo

SOUTH JUNGLE ROUTE 2, 25 raptors

Dylan will have to remove 25 raptors to unlock the Ultras. The timer
will tend to run down more often than Dylan being hit, but getting hit
is a pain, too. I like to have Dylan take a hit or two in PMPS before
entering SJR2. (It helps when I punish him for getting hit and use the
resuscitate to reset instead of the long run from Water Tower)

There will be 20 raptors in RFB - follow prior instructions.


In general, this should be more or less an easy cell to deal with on
both passes. I have had the counter run out on me more times than I care
to remember. Occassionally the Oviraptors somehow make it through the
Solid Canon's discharge. It appears to be a simple half-circle cell. It
can be a pain sometimes, so stay on your toes. Use the Solid Canon and
move back and forth between the two doors. You can use the last pillar
heading to the card locked door and the place where the railing ends
near the RFB door. If you don't see any dinos up ahead, stop running. If
there are any targets approaching from the rear, Dylan will auto-turn
and fire at the oncoming dinos.

Enter the Research Facility Passage and then the Lounge's Save Box,
after you have dealt with all the doors and cage. Pick up the SILVER EPS
CARD and complete this leg of the game. Before you leave this area, save
in the Lounge.


When you return to the RFE, you'll be barraged by at least 23 more
Oviraptors. "Kill them all, Hamarabi!" Exit RFE and head straight into
the Control Shack. SAVE! I could swear that when I played this last
time, there were 28 Ovis on the way back, too.


When you exit, even though you have the Silver EPS CARD, you may have a
job on your hands keeping the counter lit. I have been most successful
with a combination of Solid Canon and Shotgun. I have had to utilize
nearly the whole cell, excluding the entrance to the Facility, to scrape
all the Ovis together under the clock. I use the Solid Canon on the
ground, and the elevated walkway. I make a few passes back and forth
along the Control Shack to the bridge. On the way back to the walkway, I
switch to the Shotgun, just as I clear the Control shack to catch Ovis
on the walkway. I climb the ladder and switch back to the Solid Canon,
plow the field a few times up there and drop back down to the ground for
one more pass to get the stragglers.

SOUTH JUNGLE ROUTE 2, 2 Ultra Raptors

If you were successful in your endeavors, you'll have Demolition
waiting for you when you enter SJR2. I leave it up to you, but I'm not
having fun unless my eyes are bleeding from the stress, so I'm going
after them with the Shotgun this time. (I hope I can get to sleep
tonight, it's gonna take a while for the blood pressure to drop back
down below stroke level - OH, YEAH!)

This is another one of those Cells I mentioned earlier in the guide.
The Research Facility kind of like sponsored the Ultras in SJR2. This is
a little confusing, especially when the RFB spawned Ultras in the first
level of the game. That was 75-plus Oviraptors taken down. One of these
days I may find out whether one or all of the stated cells had to be
done to get the Ultras. If I were to guess, I might say the last 25.


This is the same as the earlier run through. This time, however, do not
exit and return, just continue to PMPNA and remove Ovis from there.


Here's something - I tried it out on the way back to the tower. Usually
I kill all Oviraptors in both Poison Marsh Plant Area North and South.
This time I only eliminated the Ovis in the South area and I still got
the 2 Ultras in NJR4. So, maybe it's optional, possibly. You only have
to do one area or the other.


This is a somewhat easy cell. I use the Solid Canon and make two
circular passes on the upper level, then drop down for the rest. It can
get a little hairy on the counter. (Amomaly) If you leave the raptors in
NJR1, the Ultras from NPJR will appear in NJR1. If you remove the
raptors in NJR1, the Ultras will appear in NPJR. Exit to NJR1 and return
for the Ultras. Most of the time, I catch them at the base of pond #2
and smoke 'em without moving a virtual muscle.
JEEZE, listening to all that babbling brook stuff makes me want to see
a man about a dino (nudge, nudge, you know what I mean?) Get back to the
ship and give Major Babeage the battery so we can get that tub underway.




This is my prefered way to deal with this cell: ignore the dinos and
run straight into the Containers and Materials Yard. Run to the back and
give Al what he's always wanted.
"Tell them, tell them Don Pardo, tell the audience what our pal Al has
won!" "A NEW POOP SHOOT! Yes, Bill, Al gets a completely new ANAL TRACT,
without HEMORRIODS and those PAINFUL BOWEL SCARS from all the undigested
What do you say Al, will you take it? Will you take it like a dinosaur,

Save, return to City Front Haul Road and deal with the 25 raptors. This
is kind of a long, L-shaped cell, worth at least 5 raptor trigger
points. but not very difficult to complete. Stay away from sharp corners
- you can get hung up and moued on. The solid Canon works best. Stay
mobile and tight - feel the pucker!

When completed, enter Containers and Materials Yard and return. Axe is
definitely in the mood to rumble; stick 'em with a fork to tell when
they're tender. Now return to Containers and Materials Yard and save.


When you complete the save, you'll have about twenty lizardy friends
waiting for you. The Containers and Materials Yard is kind of like
another question mark. There are 6 generating points in this cell and
the raptors appear freely. I make a complete run from one end to the
other the first time. From that point on I stay about forty feet from
either extreme in the cell. Exit to the City Front Haul Road and greet
two more Ultra Raptors.



As in her earlier run-through, chunk them babies like there's no
(I guess if as Dylan, he removed all the raptors on his way through to
the Research Facility, Regina would have an easier time.)


Follow the same procedure as the earlier run-throughs.

LAUNCH SITE, 25 raptors

We're at Launch Site, dealing with the site's raptor fodder. Launch
site is more or less a stubby C. There are four generator points, and
there should be no worries about the counter here. I've only ever been
hit - the clock's never run down on me. You must be able to maneuver
extremely well in this cell, and the twins are of key importance when it
comes to their multi-targeting ability. They'll help keep that tiny
hyney of hers from getting bit.

When you're done torching the Mutt and Jeff clones, return to the Waste
Disposal Chamber, not the Data Control Room, because it'll trigger El
Gigante and Blinky's confrontation. I've been feeling bad for Blinky
ever since the Tank Battle. He's the Rodney Dangerfield of the REX set;
he aint gettin' no respect, you know what I mean? (Whoa, tough crowd!)
You want to return to pick up the last set of Ultras in the game. At
this point in the story, Axe and Smash don' even wanna to play no mo'!
They be tired, you know? They just want to pick up their toys and go
home. So, punish them even more! Keep shooting even after they're dead.
Return to Waste Disposal Chamber. save, and continue on with the game.

This is the last place I have been able to bring out the Ultra Raptors.

When you've finished El Gigante, allow Regina to save for the last
time. As far as I've been able to test, there aren't any more Ultras in
the game.

From past experience, the Inostrancevias in the next two rooms don't
generate Ultras. However, the way they are set up in these rooms make
them formidable foes. I've been able to make it through here a few times
using the Heavy Machine Gun and Chainmine, but the Missile Pod makes it
much easier, not that it's a walk in the park, mind you. Consider, even
though they're slow and low, there is so much junk in the way that clear
shots are tres defacile. You'll spend much time getting moued on. There
are 10 Inos in Back Door Accessway 1 and 15 in Accessway 2. They may not
produce Ultra Raptors, but they give some big-time EPs.


I had high hopes for this cell. I prayed that Facility Area Front would
generate waves of Ultra raptors - it certainly has the potential for it.
I've killed them as I entered and I've killed them in so many different
ways and exited and/or saved in every way I can think of, still no

The walk up to the Facility Area front doesn't allow for an Ovi count
(protecting Paula) If the Water gate Raptor count is related to the
Ultras, then I have failed there. I haven't been able to get a final
count out of the cell. The best I've ever done was 23 raptors before the
timer ran out. There were still raptors coming as it dimmed out. Plus,
it's very hard to keep the raptors off Dave, sometimes they bunch up on
him and even though I'm firing directly into the pack, often, one of
them seems to get a bite in.

So, I'm really big-time bummed! I was expecting, hoping for a
blitzkrieg by the Ultras at the Facility Area front, but it never
transpired, Too bad!

My best time running for this game is 2:37. My worst,(when writing this
guide) 5:42. I would guess that a good 10 minutes of the time is in
running back to save points. I ignore all the raptors in the non-
generating cells, so it's much like a speed game. A hefty portion of the
"REAL TIME" playing this game is restarting in NJR4.

This guide took much longer to get out than the other DC guides I've
written. Certainly not because there is more information to transcribe
and/or digest. To the contrary, the Raptor Files was relatively easy to
write. I had a good idea where at least half of the Ultra-producing
cells were before I got started on the guide.
Here's the thing: when I started logging the info on my notepad for the
individual cells in the game, I may have accidently mixed some of the
files up. I thought I was keeping rather good notes. What I did, where I
did it, number of raptors, etc. Once I completed the game, I started to
type in the data on the computer. Once I had all the roughed-out data
logged, I started a new game to test the information. As Dylan was
returning to the landing site from his run to the Research Facility
area, my notes said, he was supposed to meet up with another group of 25
Ultra-producing raptors at NJR1. This did not happen. I got the raptors
and Ultras in the NJRP (two ponds area), but not in NJR1. An anomaly - I
love anomalies, unless I can't solve them. This one I hate! I've tried
every way I can think of to get the blasted things to come out in this
cell at this time, to no avail. So, if any of the sites I spoke to about
the Raptor Files are wondering, "What the hell happened to 'I'll have
the files done in about two weeks'?" This is the excuse: if anyone can
get 25 raptors to appear at NJR1 on Dylan's return from the Research
Facility, PUHLEEEZZZ E-mail me at the above address.

Oh, and you're all animals. I mean that, now get outta here!


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Div. Savegames

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Gegenstände, Munition und Extinct Points

16.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
The Raptor Files

17.Oktober 2013
Puzzles FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008

17.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Japanese FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Game is 3 times completed, all modes unlocked.

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European German PAL Version.

11.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European Spanish PAL Version.

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

14.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Weapons FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

12.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
27.August 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020